#korean chilli powder
luckystorein22 · 7 months
What kind of red pepper chili powder can I substitute for Korean chili pepper Gochugaru when trying to make Kimchi?
Creating the perfect Kimchi requires the right spice, and Lucky Store has the answer to your flavor dilemma. Our specially crafted chili powder blend is not just a substitute – it's a culinary revelation.
Lucky Blend: Red Pepper Magic
At Lucky Store, we understand the essence of authentic Korean flavors. Our red pepper chili powder blend is a symphony of heat and depth, carefully curated to mirror the rich, smoky notes of traditional Gochugaru. Each pinch carries the legacy of Korean culinary excellence, ensuring your Kimchi reaches new heights of deliciousness.
Versatility Redefined: Beyond Substitution
Why settle for a mere substitute when you can upgrade? Lucky Store's chili powder doesn't just mimic Gochugaru; it enhances the flavor profile of your Kimchi, adding a unique zing that will leave your taste buds craving for more. It's the secret ingredient that transforms good Kimchi into exceptional Kimchi.
Ready to Spice Up Your Kimchi Adventure? Click here to explore Lucky Store's exclusive chili powder blend. Unleash the taste of authenticity – because at Lucky Store, we bring Korea to your kitchen!
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prompt: malec and the gang having korean bbq, everyone look in puzzled as magnus the one who do the grilling and then just put everything in alec plate
Anh? Actually sending a decent prompt for once? More likely than you think 😳
Read on ao3
Maybe it was the six glasses of soju, maybe it was the atmosphere - the restaurant lit like a 90’s bar, the blue aquariums lining the walls full of colourful fish (a sight that made Alec miss his children - Max and Rafael would’ve adored them), the music playing through the speakers of the restaurant and the smell of hot sizzling meat - but Alec was feeling especially smitten today.
Or maybe it was the love of his life looking particularly sexy today, wearing a powder blue silk shirt with the top few buttons left undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair was a little looser than usual, a few stray locks falling in front of his face. His eyeliner was sleek and sharp, and lips pursed in intense concentration as he flipped some shrimp on the grill.
Alec was just content to watch him for now, chin propped up on a palm, hearts in his eyes.
They had come out for Korean barbecue - him and Magnus, and Jace and Clary and Isabelle and Simon - because it was the weekend, and because Isabelle thought it’d be fun to go out on a ‘triple date’, and because Jace and Magnus had clashed on what kind of food they wanted and Korean barbecue ultimately met both their needs.
Alec could hear the chatter of conversation between the others, but his eyes were only on Magnus, who was now busy rolling a piece of shrimp and some pickled garlic in lettuce, which he then dipped in some chilli oil and held out to Alec.
“Say ahhh.”
Alec rolled his eyes but complied anyway, letting Magnus feed him. The taste of crisp lettuce hit him first, and then the chilli and the shrimp and everything else, the flavour while literally bursting into Alec’s mouth.
Magnus smiled, no doubt enjoying what he called Alec’s “foodgasm face”.
“Mmhmm,” Alec nodded, a hand coming up to cover his mouth as he chewed. Despite himself, he couldn’t help but smile a little.
Magnus feeding him had become something of a habit between them. It was a result of Alec’s long work days that blended into nights in an extra office Magnus had summoned up for him inside their apartment, plus Magnus’s persistent desire for himself and everyone around him to eat well, particularly a minimum of three meals a day minimum.
So, these days, when Alec tended to answer ‘you should eat something’ with some variation of ‘later’ more than three times in a row, Magnus would simply sigh and summon up a plate of food and a stool next to Alec’s chair. He’d feed Alec until the plate was left empty, sometimes with chopsticks, sometimes with a fork or spoon, sometimes with his fingers, carefully wiping away any excess left on Alec’s lips afterwards.
It was probably not something to get used to, and Alec might have to put a stop to it sooner or later, but screw him - he had a repressed childhood and loved being pampered.
Right now, Magnus was feeding him a second helping of a lettuce roll with shrimp, when someone cleared their throat from across the table.
“Are we going to get some, too, or are you just going to feed Alec everything?” Jace pouted.
Alec snorted, “I’m pretty sure you can assemble your own rolls, Jace.”
“Okay, one,” Jace protested, “you can assemble your own too, and two, I’d be doing it right now if Magnus hadn’t dumped all the cooked shrimp onto your plate.”
Alec looked down at his plate, and - yep, there was a heap of shrimp on there.
Magnus sighed, looking long-suffering. “I put on another batch for you guys, they’ll be cooked soon.”
“What if you’re too busy cooing over Alec and they burn?” Jace narrowed his eyes.
“I keep telling you I can grill-“ Isabelle butt in.
“Oh, it’s fine- I mean- Magnus has way more experience so-“ Clary interrupted, steering the evening clear of disaster. 
Isabelle sighed and leaned back in her chair. “When will the world appreciate my talent?”
“I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with any of this,” Simon muttered to no one in particular. The waitstaff had kindly procured pre-grilled vegetarian alternatives for him, which included grilled mushrooms, tofu and pineapple slices. 
Simon hadn’t touched the pineapples so far. Alec didn’t think he was planning on doing so either.
Magnus sighed, “I won’t let them burn. Also, you can have the first serving of brisket.”
Jace seemed satisfied with that offer, and busied himself with the glass noodles they had served as a side.
Magnus paused to flip the shrimp on the grill, and then turned his attention back to Alec, assembling another roll and holding it out for him.
Alec shook his head. “You should eat too, love.”
“You first, babygirl,” Magnus grinned.
Alec rolled his eyes again, but how could he ever refuse?
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takitafulily · 2 months
TWST Masterchef: Encounter with Rice Recipes
Credit: FuyuManju
Loco Moco Rice, Lettuce, Meat, Egg
Rice Croquettes Rice, Bread crumbs, Onion, Cheese
Rice Noodle Soup Rice, Shrimp
Cheese Topokki (Korean ricecakes) Rice, Cheese, Chilli powder
Masala Dosa (Indian rice crepes) Rice, Chilli powder, Beans
Rice Pudding Rice, Milk, Sugar
Katsudon (Japanese pork cutlet & egg rice bowl) Rice, Bread crumbs, Meat, Egg
Rice Salad Rice, Lettuce, Paprika, Beans
Paella (Spanish seafood rice) Rice, Paprika, Shrimp, Shellfish, Onion
I'm like so late with these recipe transcripts please forgive me 😭also this might be the most diverse menu we have ever seen on twst masterchef, probably rice is such a universal ingredient
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year
BTS MOMENTS: Taehyung & Grace - Jinny's Kitchen
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Taehyung was getting proud of his cooking and even if they were simple Korean dishes, he was getting more confident. The cooking lessons had clearly paid off as well as watching Seokjin in the kitchen and then his personal cooking lessons with Grace before he had left for Mexico. 
Right now he was making what Grace called an essential meal for everyone - a casserole. She had grown up in England and had lived on homemade food, including casseroles, and that followed her to South Korea where she would cook food for the rest of bangtan and sometimes their crew so now Taehyung was repaying the favour for Jinny’s kitchen.
She had made Mexican chicken casserole as a lesson before Taehyung had left and together they had followed the recipe, though she let Taehyung do most of it so he left confident enough to do it on his own. 
He glanced up from where he was cooking onion, jalapeno and garlic then added the already pre-cooked chicken with black beans, corn, a bit of salt, chilli powder, cumin and ground black pepper and he cooked that, stirring occasionally. 
Realising he had been quiet from what he was doing, Taehyung adjusted the mask he was wearing and leaned away from the skillet in which he was stirring. “Noona taught me how to make this to make for everyone while we were quiet and right now we’re not open yet so I wanted to make this casserole for everyone to enjoy,” he explained as he added tomatoes and a can of cream chicken soup. 
“It looks a bit odd right now, but it was amazing when I cooked this back home with noona. She made me do everything so I felt confident but she always there in case I was unsure. I’m going to ask her to teach me how to bake when I go back,” he added as he stirred before grabbing the dish Grace had sent along.
He spread half of the chicken mixture on the bottom, then he topped it with half of the crushed tortilla chips, cheddar cheese and another type of cheese. He then repeated it until he skillet was empty then popped the casserole in the oven. 
“I can’t wait to send Noona a photo of this,” he said as he turned to wash the dishes he had used. The camera soon cut to the casserole being pulled out of the oven and the subtitles over the screen read, ‘Thank you Grace-noona for your food. From everyone at Jinny’s kitchen. Please come out and feed us next season.’
In return, Grace uploaded the recipe to weverse for everyone to enjoy.
Note: recipe in question - https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a43390037/mexican-chicken-casserole-recipe/
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bts-trans · 1 year
230425 Weverse Translation
Jungkook's Post ❇️
- 꼬소한 불마요 들기름 막국수 - 들기름 4 (저온압착 생들기름100퍼센트) 참소스 2 불닭소스 1 불닭마요 소스 1 계란 노른자 1 (그 힘줄 같은 거 빼!) (간마늘 혹은 고춧가루 취향껏 하면 될 것 같은데 저는 안 해봄) 다 섞으면 소스 완성 더 많이 먹어야한다 하면 배로 하면 됩니당 메밀면 먹고 싶은 만큼 삶아주고 찬물에 챠챠챠챠챠해서 전분기 없애주고 면에 소스 취향껏 부어주고 그냥 김가루 말고 무조건 김자반!!! 취향껏 뿌려주면 끄으읕! 졸려요 안냥 ~.~ (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-118432677)
- Recipe for toasty savoury Buldak mayo perilla oil makguksu - Perilla oil 4 (cold pressed 100% pure perilla oil) Cham sauce* 2 Buldak sauce 1 Buldak mayo sauce 1 Egg yolk 1 (take out the stringy bits!) (You could probably add minced garlic or Korean red chilli powder according to your tastes but I haven't tried that) Mix it all up and the sauce is done If you need to make more you can just multiply the recipe*²
Boil a portion of buckwheat noodles according to how much you want to eat Washy washy washy washy under cold water to remove all the starch and add the sauce to the noodles according to taste Don't use just any seaweed flakes, you have to use Kim jaban*³!!! Sprinkle to taste and you're doonee!
I'm sleepy byeee ~.~
(T/N: *A kind of vegetable sauce. 2. Said cutely. 3. A kind of seasoned dried seaweed flakes.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Welp that was a failed ask on the thicc y/n, soooo.
What is the favorite instant noodles of every character (like Goo favorite is instant Yakisoba with Korean BBQ)
Hi anon! I'm so sorry I did have a think and I literally googled what ara ara means and I still don't know.
Oh my, this is specific though. I can't believe reading Lookism led me to researching ramen.
Before we jump into this.. erm why TF does Crystal need to calorie count and restrict for her second body but Daniel can eat whatever he wants with his second body and it stays the same!!
Lookism Fave... Ramen
Daniel: something like shin noodles with eggs. It reminds him of his momma cooking for him.
Jay: I know it's super popular in South Korea... But instant ramen? Sorry what's that? I always gets mine freshly prepared. But Daniel what instant ramen are you eating? Can I take a bite? (Waits for Daniel to feed him)
Zack: something with stronger flavours like cheese so he can mix in protein powder and it'll help to mask it. Man that sounds gross.
Vasco: this guy has the vibes of trying to cook and burning the house down so something as easy as possible. Instant tteokbokki in a cup.
Brekdak introduces him to some Thai flavours though, and he enjoys Tom Yum.
Johan: beggars can't be choosers. Whatever is on clearance
Crystal: The ottogi low calorie ramen for second body, full army stew in her original body
Mira: not really instant but she loves rose noodles
Zoe: one of those fancier nissin tonkotsu noodles type (piggy ♥️... Wait)
Vin Jin: he tells everyone that it's the 3x buldak noodle.. "yeah I like them... Bit bland though". This is a lie. He can't take heat at all
Mary Kim: legit the 3x buldak noodle with extra chillies on top
Jake: he hates noodles. He doesn't eat them all the time because he likes them, it's cheap and hits his calorie needs so it means more money for Big Deal. Bibimmen/cold noodles if he really has to pick though (cos the man's too hooooot ba-dum-tss)
Jerry: can't take spice at all either. Something like teriyaki soba with some fried eggs
Sinu: jjajangmyeon! With extra pickled radish
Samuel: also jjajangmyeon but he'll only eat it when he's feeling extra nostalgic and willing to open those floodgates
Gun: the fancy Japanese ones that are developed by Michelin star chefs - Nakiryu Dan Dan
Goo: keeping the instant yakisoba with Korean BBQ, this guy is obnoxious as fuck though. Yeah you're supposed to slurp your noodles, but he is the loudest messiest guy ever. Noodles flicking everywhere, soup or sauce getting all over his glasses and anyone within splattering range (Gun. It's always Gun)
Eugene: kimchi shin. He gives me huge kimchi vibes, not sure why. Eats more ramen than you'd expect with his crazy busy work
Eli: he didn't used to like these as much but something like instant tempura udon, non spicy cos Yenna would always want a bite. Otherwise he prefers to make a proper japchae so she will eat her veggies
DG: sorry but this man is soggy no flavoured noodles in room temperature water to me ☠️
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Prompt time 😌
Hwan and Tegan + cooking
Ahh, thank you for the request, Kly! I had fun writing this tidbit! This probably takes place off-screen.
However, just know this also includes some mentions of a misunderstanding. . . in a comical manner. :p
send me a prompt? for any oc, dynamic, fandom characters, concepts.
Word Count: 788
T.W/C.W: food since it's a main topic
Packets and containers sprawled over a row of counters. Consisting of spices, some ingredients, vegetables, and some grains.
Hwan opens a cupboard, taking a pressure cooker and pan out. She puts them on an empty spot near the sink.
"I didn't think you'd also show up here," Tegan says while her pulse insists on racing.
Hwan adjusts her glasses, her expression slightly vacant. "Um, my sister invited me over, so yeah. She'll be too tired to cook anything after work. And I'm here to prepare some for her."
Ah. Great. Tegan nods, darting her eyes onto the ceiling.
Somehow, Nijiko managed to roped Tegan into visiting her place. Via a text message. Only to learn that her sister, Hwan, happened to be there instead. And she isn't even here.
So, she can probably help Hwan prepare dinner for Nijiko before she gets back.
But a little part of her had a sneaking suspicion that her best friend ditched her on purpose. With some intentions to nudge them into hanging out together.
Maybe it's to just keep her sister company.
After all, why would Nijiko have set Tegan up for that? Especially since she told her that Hwan's straight and wouldn't be into her.
Right? As a sister, Nijiko probably took it as a duty to encourage her little sister to get along with her best friend. No homo. Pure platonic reasons.   Nothing more, nothing less.
So, she clears her throat and braces herself.
"Well, I can help." Tegan tries smiling. "Considering there are some stuff I'm familiar with."
"Wait, you cook for her too?"
"Sometimes, whenever we both have a day off, we do that. Since we have utterly different culinary styles, I cook some Indian food that she hasn't tried. And she does the same for the Japanese and Korean food."
"Ah. Makes lotta sense."
"Hey, so, do you think you can tolerate spicy food?" Tegan asks, picking a moong dal packet.
Hwan arches a brow. "All have you know I've lived in Japan. And I can definitely handle anything with an abundance of spices. And I've eaten tons of kimchi soups and stews before I went there."
"Huh. Nijiko knows how to cook some mean kimchi soups."
"Yeah, wait until you try mine. In fact, I'm gonna prepare some while you cook your curry."
It might be her imagination yet Hwan's mouth quirks up at a corner. Just a fraction yet visible all the same. Kicking up her heart rate into high gear a little bit.
Tegan averts her eyes, rummaging through ingredients gathered at the counters.
Oww. She just had to be cute, huh?
"Okay then. I hope you can eat this Parippu curry. Once I'm done cooking it, of course."
Hwan just watches her, tracking her movements as she proceeds with the Parripu curry. Getting it's ingredients. Cumin seeds, asafoetida, turmeric powder, coconut oil, dry red chillies, chili powder, mustard seeds, mung dal, grated coconut, curry leaves, pearl onions, and garlic.
She rinses one cup of mung dal into a bowl, putting turmeric powder, asafoetida, and two cups of water into the mix.
After setting a pressure cooker on the stove, she lifts the lids. Then pours the moong dal from a bowl, filling it up. She switches it on at medium and steps back.
"You're gonna have to wait for it to boil," Tegan explains as Hwan raises her brows. "And I gotta make some coconut paste to add into it."
"Got it. I'll go ahead and start with my kimchi stew."
Hwan flips a chopping board then settles it onto a counter. She whips up a knife out of a drawer. She rolls a batch of napa cabbage over it.
Tegan's jaw slacks at how she chops it into bite-sized pieces within two minutes. Somewhat like a ninja, who's got mega fast reflexes.
As the pressure cooker goes off at it's first whistle, it sends a jolt into Tegan. Snapping her back to her current surroundings.  
Darn it. She can't get carried away by this. Her poor brain would be tricked into thinking it's some date or something. And she can't let that happen.  
With a grimace, she squeezes her eyes shut.   Maybe her best friend set out to torture her with this. Showing her on who she can't be with.  
Oh, well. She's gotta manage, somehow. Especially when Hwan throws an expectant look at her.  
For whatever it has to be. . .  
Tegan blinks and smacks her forehead. She turns the stove down and the fire goes out. She removes the lid, instantly greeted by a waft of steam.  
Gee, right. She has to work on the coconut paste before she fully cooks the parripu curry. So, she gets a blender jar.
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petermorwood · 2 years
So in conversation with the housemates this evening, it came up that heat is not flavor. I was asked if I had that conversation with you and that you have a whole rant about it. Could you reprise that rant for tumblr?
Is this the rant in question?
I have definite opinions about any food made ridiculously hot for the sake of posturing, and even more definite notions about it being done secretly for “fun”.
Done properly is another matter. Here’s a link from that rant which reviews my encounter in Dublin with Thai food “spiced home style”. It was Serious Business, yes; and it was also absolutely delish.
Some cuisines come by their heat naturally - that Thai dish was one example - and as I found out, the blend of other spices will always hold their end up. Each mouthful will be fiery, but also fragrant, complex and worth savouring even as the sweat-beads pop out on forehead and upper lip.
The same applies to Sichuan (mapo dofu, yum!), Hunan, Korean (buldak, yes please!), Thai, Ethiopian (sik-sik wat, rowr!), Mexican and Indian (where proper Goan Vindaloo is nothing like the restaurant version, no potatoes for one thing and made with pork for another).
Hot-spiced dishes like those, with everything else in balance, is a long way from this lunatic laddish recipe found on the Internet about 20 years ago (I can’t remember where). So many onions suggest this might have started as a Dopiaza, but then it got into seriously bad company. 
Serves 1-4
2 lbs Chicken joints, or boneless breast meat roughly cubed
6 Medium Onions, sliced
4 Cloves Garlic, finely chopped
8 Tbsp Ghee or Vegetable Oil
2 Pints of water
24 fresh Habanero Chilies, finely chopped
30 dried red chilies, crushed, or an equivalent amount (about 5 Tbsp) of ready-crushed chilies
2 tsp Red food coloring
2 tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp ground coriander
5 tsp ground hot chili powder
1 tsp dried fenugreek leaves
A couple of capsicum pods
¼ bottle of Tabasco® sauce (Most likely the standard sauce since I don’t think the Habanero version was available in the UK at time of writing.)
¼ bottle Encona West Indian Hot Pepper sauce. (This is considerably hotter than regular Tabasco. Trust me.)
Stir enough water into the dry spices to make a stiff paste.  Heat half of the oil or ghee over medium heat, then add the spice paste.
Fry the paste for a few minutes until the water has evaporated and the mixture takes on a smooth, glossy, oily appearance
Now heat the other half of the oil in a large pot or casserole, and fry the onions and garlic until soft and golden.
Put the remaining ingredients into the pot and stir well to combine them, then put the lid on, reduce the heat, and let the whole thing simmer gently for about 90 minutes.
About 15 minutes before it’s done, add another 3 Tbsp chili powder and about a dozen more dried red chilies.
When it’s done, remove from the heat, sprinkle with 1 tsp garam masala, and allow to sit for a few minutes before serving on a bed of rice.
I have no idea if this was meant as a joke - 24 fresh Habs, 30 dried chillis? Really? - but if it’s serious, there’s no point in the coriander, cumin etc. because there’s no way anyone will taste them.
As for the day afterwards, make sure some loo roll is in the freezer because...
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rickchung · 2 years
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The Frying Pan x West End.
The popular Korean fried chicken eatery is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its original street food truck by moving to Denman Street from its first brick-and-mortar location in Gastown—officially opening on Sept. 24.
“Pa Dak” sando: chicken breast, soy sauce, mayo, pickle, slaw, green onion, and chilli powder on a toasted bun with waffle fries.
Classic double crunch sando: two fried boneless thighs, slaw, mayo, and lemonade.
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carltonlassie · 2 years
Korean food literally is like. We're chopping 20 cloves of garlic. Put 3 tablespoons of chili powder, 3 tablespoons of chili paste, and two whole spicy green chillies, chopped. Chop a whole stalk of green onions as garnish. Enjoy while piping hot.
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jjohn65293 · 7 days
Garlic Chili Noodles.
11 oz Dried Ribbon Noodles(300g) (Note1) For the Sauce 1½ Tbsp Cooking Oil (Note2) ½ Cup Scallion( white part) thinly sliced 1½ Tbsp Minced Garlic or 4 cloves (Note3) ¼ Cup Vegetable Broth(low-sodium) 2 Tbsp Light Soy Sauce (Note4) 1 Tbsp Dark Soy Sauce 1 Tbsp Chinese Black Vinegar (Note5) 1 Tbsp Korean Chilli Powder/Flakes (Note6) Garnish ¼ Cup Scallion(green part) thinly sliced 1…
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seoplassy · 2 months
10 Mouthwatering Recipes Featuring Red Chilli Powder
In the world of culinary adventures, few ingredients possess the transformative power of red chilli powder. From igniting taste buds with fiery intensity to infusing dishes with vibrant color and depth of flavor, this pantry staple is a beloved fixture in kitchens around the globe. At Garni Foods, we understand the allure of red chilli powder and its ability to elevate dishes to new heights of deliciousness. Join us on a journey as we explore 10 mouthwatering recipes that showcase the fiery essence of red chilli powder.
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Introduction to Red Chilli Powder
Red chilli powder, also known as "lal mirchi powder," is derived from dried red peppers and has been a culinary staple for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the Indian subcontinent, where it plays a central role in the vibrant tapestry of regional cuisines. Whether it's the smoky heat of Spanish paprika, the fiery kick of Korean gochugaru, or the complex flavor profile of Indian Kashmiri chilli powder, each variety brings its own unique character to dishes.
Health Benefits of Red Chilli Powder
Beyond its culinary appeal, red chilli powder boasts an array of health benefits. Rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and capsaicin, it has been linked to improved metabolism, enhanced immunity, and even pain relief. Incorporating red chilli powder into your diet can add a flavorful punch while nourishing your body from within.
Choosing the Right Red Chilli Powder
When selecting red chilli powder, quality is paramount. Look for vibrant color, intense aroma, and a consistent grind. At Garni Foods, our premium red chilli powder is sourced from the finest peppers and carefully ground to perfection, ensuring maximum flavor and freshness in every batch. With our competitive 500 gm chilli powder price, you can stock up on this essential spice without breaking the bank.
Basic Cooking Tips
Before diving into our recipes, here are some essential tips for cooking with red chilli powder:
Handle with care: Red chilli powder can stain surfaces and cause irritation if it comes into contact with skin or eyes. Use gloves when handling it, and wash hands thoroughly after use.
Adjust heat level: The intensity of red chilli powder can vary widely between different brands and types. Start with a small amount and adjust to taste to avoid overwhelming your dish with heat.
Store properly: To preserve its freshness and flavor, store red chilli powder in an airtight container in a cool, dark place away from moisture and heat sources.
Now, let's dive into our 10 mouthwatering recipes featuring red chilli powder:
Recipe 1: Spicy Red Chilli Chicken Wings
These finger-licking chicken wings are coated in a fiery blend of red chilli powder, garlic, and spices before being baked to crispy perfection.
Recipe 2: Red Chilli Paneer Tikka
Tender cubes of paneer are marinated in a spicy yogurt mixture infused with red chilli powder and grilled to smoky perfection.
Recipe 3: Fiery Red Chilli Pasta
Elevate your pasta game with this spicy dish featuring a rich tomato sauce spiked with red chilli powder and garlic.
Recipe 4: Spicy Red Chilli Hummus
Add a kick to your hummus with a generous sprinkle of red chilli powder, perfect for dipping veggies or spreading on toast.
Recipe 5: Red Chilli Chocolate Truffles
Indulge your sweet tooth with these decadent chocolate truffles infused with a hint of heat from red chilli powder.
Recipe 6: Red Chilli Powdered Popcorn
Take your popcorn to the next level with a zesty seasoning blend featuring red chilli powder, garlic powder, and nutritional yeast.
Recipe 7: Red Chilli Spiced Roasted Nuts
These savory roasted nuts are coated in a flavorful mixture of red chilli powder, cumin, and maple syrup for a deliciously addictive snack.
Recipe 8: Red Chilli Powdered BBQ Ribs
Fire up the grill for these mouthwatering BBQ ribs seasoned with a smoky blend of red chilli powder, paprika, and brown sugar.
Recipe 9: Red Chilli Powdered Cornbread
Add a spicy twist to your cornbread with a dash of red chilli powder, jalapenos, and sharp cheddar cheese.
Recipe 10: Red Chilli Powdered Margarita
Sip on this refreshing cocktail featuring a spicy rim of red chilli powder salt, tequila, lime juice, and agave nectar for a fiery kick.
In conclusion, red chilli powder is a versatile ingredient that adds depth, flavor, and heat to a wide range of dishes. Whether you're craving spicy chicken wings, indulgent chocolate truffles, or zesty margaritas, there's no limit to the culinary delights you can create with this fiery spice. So why wait? Head to Garni Foods and stock up on our premium red chilli powder today!
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Make Authentic Korean Food at Home Using Teriyaki Sauce
Korean cuisine is a tantalising fusion of flavours, where sweet and savoury flavours balance the spicy and create a dish that will dance on your palate. Usually, traditional Korean cooking involves the use of unique sauces and spices like gochujang (red chilli paste) and gochugaru (red chilli powder). They also incorporate teriyaki sauce, which will make your meals taste heavenly and enhance the flavour. This versatile, umami-rich sauce will add depth and character to various Korean dishes.
Let’s embark on a culinary journey and explore how you can infuse the essence of South Korea into your kitchen using teriyaki sauce from one of the top condiment brands, Veeba.
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Teriyaki Sauce: A Versatile Sauce
Teriyaki sauce is a staple in Japanese cuisine, and it has found its way into global kitchens because of its harmonious blend of soy sauce, mirin, sugar, and other ingredients. The sweet and tangy flavour profile of this sauce pairs well with Korean culinary elements, which offers a bridge between different flavour profiles. However, you can buy teriyaki sauce online in India from a leading FMCG brand.
Bibimbap with a Twist of Teriyaki
Bibimbap is a beloved Korean mixed rice dish, which traditionally comprises rice topped with various sauteed and well-seasoned veggies, beef, a fried egg, and a yummy gochujang sauce. You can substitute the gochujang sauce with a teriyaki glaze, which will infuse a unique sweetness and depth into this iconic dish. However, to add that umami-rich flavour, you can search for teriyaki sauce online at any grocery store.
Teriyaki Glazed Tofu or Chicken
You’ll find various proteins in Korean cuisine, be it chicken, meat, or tofu. To make these proteins taste more delicious, you can make teriyaki-glazed steak, chicken, or tofu. Marinating them in teriyaki sauce before grilling or stir-frying will add a glossy, flavorful coating that will balance the spicy and savoury notes that are usually found in Korean dishes.
Kimchi Fried Rice with a Twist
Kimchi fried rice is an easy-to-cook food that does not require a lot of ingredients; all you need is kimchi, boiled rice, and some veggies. However, you can also add a dash of teriyaki sauce to take this dish to a whole new level. This tangy, fermented flavour of kimchi will blend well with the sweetness of teriyaki, which will create a dish that is both familiar and refreshingly different.
Final Thoughts
You can elevate your home cooking with the authentic flavours of Korean cuisine by adding teriyaki sauce to any meal. This sauce is very versatile and can be used in various Asian cuisines, like Chinese, Indonesian, and so on. To experience this umami-rich flavour, you can buy teriyaki sauce online in India from Veeba, one of the leading sauce and condiment brands.
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bts-trans · 1 year
230426 Weverse Translations
Jungkook's Comments 💬 on Jungkook's Post ❇️
JK: (See 230425 Weverse Translations here)
JK: 양파 반의 반개 잘 다져서 소스에 같이 넣어요! 고춧가루도 1스뿐 넣고, 다진 마늘도 반의 반스푼 넣고 ! 더 맛있넹 !
JK: 아 볶음참깨도 추가로 갈아서 더 넣어요 ! (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-118432677/comment/3-206966818)
JK: Chop up a quarter of an onion and add it to the sauce! Then add a spoon of Korean red chilli powder, and a quarter spoon of minced garlic! It's even tastier like that!*
JK: Ah also add some ground toasted sesame!
(T/N: *Said cutely.)
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
Jungkook's Posts ❇️
오늘은 수육 해먹을 거얌 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/3-117748199)
I'm gonna make suyuk* today*²
(T/N: *Boiled pork belly. 2. Said cutely.)
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레시피 너무 감으로 해서 다음에 다시할 때 말해주께요 :D 맛 저 ~.~ (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/3-117759957)
I made this just by going with my intuition and doing what felt right so I'll tell you the exact recipe next time I make it :D It was yummyyy ~.~
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이건 그냥 잘 나와서 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-118532344)
Posting this just because it turned out well
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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artijaihind · 1 year
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foodtamira · 1 year
How TO Make Korean style fried chicken wings ?
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Korean style fired chicken wings-Source Freepik.com
Introduction of Korean style chicken wings
Korean style chicken is called Chikin Korea in one word. It is a famous dish in South Korea. There are many variations in this dish.huraideu-chicken and and spicy yangnyeom chicken. In South Korea, chicken meal is eaten as a snack.Drinks are also served while eating or serving this food.This dish is very delicious to eat. It is spicy sweet.This food is available in all Chinese restaurants in the world. Making this recipe is not very difficult.Today's topic is how to make Korean fried chicken at home.
Ingredients needed step by step instructions
- * chicken wings > 500 gm - * salt > as per taste - * red chilli powder > 1 Tbsp - * Ginger garlic paste > 2 tbsp - * Flour > 3 tbsp - * corn flour > 3 tbsp - * oil > For frying - * Garlic chopped > 1 Tbsp - * Red chilli sauce > 2 tbsp - * Tomato sauce > 2 tbsp - * soya sauce > 1 tbsp - * sugar > 1 Tbsp - * spring onion Cooking Method - First, wash the chicken wings thoroughly. - Now add salt, chilli powder, ginger and garlic paste to the chicken wings and marinate for 30 minutes. - This time flour and corn flour should be mixed well. - Now mix the flour well in the marinated chicken. - This time, heat the oil in a pan. And when it gets hot, fry the chicken for 2-3 minutes. - Once fried, keep the chicken in a bowl and let it cool for 10 minutes. - After cooling for 10 minutes, fry the chicken again in a hot pan for 3-4 minutes. - Now put the fried chicken in a bowl and let it cool. - Now put 2 tbsp of oil in the pan and add chopped garlic when hot. - After frying for 10 to 20 seconds, add chili sauce, tomato sauce, soya sauce and mix well. - This time add sugar and mix well. - When all the spices are fried well, add the chicken pieces and mix well with the spices. - Now the chicken wings are looking good, add spring onion for garnish. - Pour into the bowl and your recipe is ready.
Cooking Time
Cooking time for this recipe is 40 minutes.
Tips and Tricks for Korean chicken Wings Variations and Substitutions Serve Suggestions Conclusion:
Korean fried chicken can be made in many ways. People of different countries make different processes.There are two varieties of Korean fried chicken. By seasoning 1.Huraideu- chicken This is basic process made fried chicken. 2.yangnyeom - chikin This is a Seasoning Chicken. Fried Chicken Coated with Gochujang Based Sweet and Spicy Sauce. 3.Ganjang-chikin( "soy sauce chicken") – fried chicken coated in ganjang-based sweet and savoury sauce, which is often also garlicky. 4.Padak fried chicken topped with or smothered with a large amount of thinly shredded scallions. 5.Honey-Chikin , honey sauce chicken- It is based on soy sauce like soy sauce chicken, but it is characterized by sweeter and more sticky with honey. By style Tongdak (whole chicken") – also called yennal-tongdak. this is a 1970s-style whole chicken deep-fried in oil. Sunsal-chikin (pure flesh chicken") – boneless chicken. Korean chicken fried is served with beer. It is served with fried rice, mixed rice in different restaurants.
History of Korean Style Fired chicken
Fried Chicken Already Start in 15 Centuries. The fried chicken trend started in Korea after 1960.In 1982, Yoon Jungyi opened Fired Chicken Restaurant and it became very famous. He understood the preferences of Korean customers and created sweet and spicy Korean style fired chicken.Now it's world famous dish.
Some Important Tips
- Eggs cannot be used while marinating this chicken. - Use chicken wings. Do not useboneless chicken as it will not test well . - Frying vat can be used instead of pan. Only for frying. - If you want, you can use Sachezwan sauce, it will be good to eat. - Use vegetable oil for frying.Not used mustard oil.
Hygeine Maintain
1. Maintaining hygiene in the kitchen is essential for cooking safe, healthy meals. 2. There are a few simple steps you can take to ensure your kitchen is clean and sanitary. 3. First, always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling any food. 4. Next, make sure to clean all surfaces, utensils, and equipment that come into contact with food. 5. Finally, cook food to the proper temperature to kill any harmful bacteria.By following these simple tips, you can help maintain a clean and safe kitchen environment.
* If you like my recipe then share and comment.
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