#johan seong
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koiiiji · 18 hours ago
we don’t talk enough about them😔😔
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trueebeauty · 10 months ago
“Are you afraid of me?”
Are you afraid of them? - lookism men
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“You wish.”
Honestly, they wished you were afraid of them sometimes. Then maybe you could see how they weren’t good for you. But then again, they were relieved you weren't afraid. It meant you trusted them, and that trust meant everything to them.
"Ouch, sorry to disappoint. I'll try to be more terrifying next time.”
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And could they even blame you for that? They scared themselves at times too. Their actions or words occasionally made them question their own intentions or motivations. They understand.
silence, an intense look
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“Why would I?”
The pure confusion on your face makes their heart flutter with joy. The thought that you can't fathom any reason to be afraid of them softens their features into a warm smile.
warm smile "You know me better than that." 
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“Should I be afraid?”
Good question... Should you be afraid of them? It's not an easy question to answer. They know they can be intimidating at times, even if they don't intend to be.
considers for a long moment "Sometimes I'm not sure myself."
“You should be.”
( + the ‘yOu ShOuLd bE’ : 𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 - 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐋 𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐊 )
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“Nah. You’re a big softie.”
You're absolutely right. They don't even know why they asked such a question. Despite their attempts to come across as tough or intimidating at times, deep down they're quite gentle and kind-hearted.
smiles tenderly "Only for you."
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“Yeah. I mean, kinda. No... Definitely.”
Definitely. You should run for the hills when it comes to them. Their words and actions are unpredictable and even dangerous at times. Being afraid of them is a completely understandable response. 
nods solemnly "Smart move. The real me is best avoided."
"I'm working on it, I swear. This isn't who I want to be..."
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months ago
Lookism Guys Listening to You Ramble
G/N. Just something light hearted. Masterlists
"Sorry," you say, looking sheepish.
You must have talked nonstop for the last ten minutes. Not that he's complained much about it. Nevertheless, when it's something you're particularly passionate about, you can't help yourself. It's a habit you're trying to break out of.
"I was rambling again, right?"
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Ryuhei continues looking at you like the lovestruck fool that he is.
Fact is, he tuned out when you were only a few sentences in, preferring to bathe in the melody of your voice, bask in the centre of your attention instead. He looks at your pretty face and your full lips and he's just grateful to be here.
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Goo grins, "Yep, but don't stop sweetheart."
He's self aware enough to know that he absolutely loves the sound of his own voice and you have done your own fair share of listening. It's the least he can do. Besides, seeing you light up when you talk about something you're passionate about is absolutely adorable.
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"Yes," Gun deadpans, face blank but eyes soft. "I don't mind."
He's never felt the urge to tell you to shut up. To be honest, ramblings that would have started a headache from anyone else, he can't get enough of when it's from you. He's so used to the silence when on his own that your voice is a welcome reminder of your company.
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Vin peeks at you over his sunglasses and shrugs. "I stopped listening ages ago."
You huff a little even if you did apologise, because what a rude asshole. And you don't hesitate to tell him so.
But beneath the facade, he has taken every word to heart and when he later asks a question so specific to a throwaway sentence during your ramble, you can't help smiling at how closely he was listening.
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"Yeah," Jake pulls you close and kisses you sweetly on the forehead, " but I like it."
He will happily listen to you talk about anything. It's a nice break from some of the troubles of Big Deal, reminding him that the world is bigger than his bubble and as a bonus, you're cute as hell especially talking about your latest interest.
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"It's fine," Johan mutters, tips of his ears pink.
He has no problem telling most people to shut the hell up but he can never bring himself to be mean to you. Besides, you know he's telling the truth. He listens, face soft and content, not even realising he's wearing a small smile for you.
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Samuel rolls his eyes and pulls you into his lap.
He's a great listener. Honed after years of working in the corporate world, listening to far more dull and boring people. Whatever you say is infinitely more interesting.
Samuel tells you this, arms wrapped around you and face nuzzling into your neck.
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oathbips · 5 months ago
I'm Sleeping On The Couch - Jake, Johan, Goo
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summary: how they’ll react to you saying you’ll sleep on the couch after an argument 
part 1, part 2
content: angst to fluff, reader x goo/jake/johan, slightly suggestive on goo’s 
author’s note: jake’s part is so short but I literally could not think of any argument plot for him cause honestly wtf is there to even argue about when dating him. you would also never catch me giving up my bed after some argument. it better be him sleeping on that couch ong
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This was going nowhere and the both of you have been going at it for the past hour already. You hated arguing with Jake. He never raises his voice at you nor even bat an angry glare towards you during arguments but that’s just what makes arguing with him even more frustrating sometimes. He’s so gentle but stubborn and you find yourself having to hold yourself back trying to convey your feelings with the same gentle energy when you’re really about to snap, feeling frustrated with how he’s not hearing you. 
“It’s getting late now, y/n. Let’s just go to sleep.” Jake sighed and pleaded. You stared blankly at him before looking at the time and gave a sigh yourself. You don’t want to just end the argument here but it was getting late. Still, no matter how much you did not want pettiness to cloud your judgment, the feelings of frustration were too strong at the moment to be ignored. You didn’t  want to take it out on him. You could never anyways. 
“I’m sleeping on the couch today.” You stated as your final solution to deal with this built up anger. You needed your own space and time alone to calm down. 
Jake’s eyes widened and shock formed his face, “What? Why?” He reached out and grabbed hold of your hand, scared, you’re about to walk away from him any second after saying that. “Y/n, wait. It doesn’t have to be that way.” 
“I know, Jake. I just want some space to cool down.” 
Hurt overtook his initial shock and the room fell silent for a minute until he finally broke the silence by pulling you closer towards him. He placed his hand on your cheek, gently stroking it before replying with, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you that angry to the point where you don’t even want to sleep next to me. Please, just sleep with me tonight and we can try to work it out tomorrow. I promise.” You felt yourself being pulled into his arms and his hug became more firm by the second, afraid you’ll pull away. You felt a small chaste kiss on your forehead as he soothingly caressed your back.
All the frustration and pettiness you just felt immediately dissipated. No matter how bad your fights get, you know you’ll regret pushing him away more. With how busy he already is, the two of you barely even have time together. Spending the times when you two are finally together being separated is not something you want to be taken for granted.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize.” He said before picking you up bridal style, carrying you into your shared bedroom.
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If there’s one thing you know so well like the back of your hand when it comes to Johan, it’s that he’s beyond stubborn than that of a toddler. His face turns pouty and he starts throwing small silent tantrums. You could even say he looks cute in this state if it wasn’t for him racking your absolute nerves right now. You knew what you were getting into when you both first started dating but as time passes in your relationship, he started becoming more reckless. He’s been acting too reckless lately and you’ve been scared for his safety. All you wanted was for him to finally listen for once. 
“Johan, please.”
“It’s not a big deal, y/n. It’ll heal.” He countered.
A heavy sigh left your lips. You were exasperated with this ongoing argument that’s going nowhere. “It cannot properly heal when you end up getting hurt even more with your fights.”
“I told you not to involve yourself in my business. I don’t want you involved.” He countered again. This time, actually hurting your feelings with what he just said. You know all too well that fighting is what he has to do. He has no other choice but to fight in the circumstances that he's in at the moment, but you just can’t stand seeing him come home everyday bloodied with new bruises each day taking over his body. You shouldn’t have to feel wronged for worrying about him but he was making you feel just that. Fighting the tears that were about to spill out of your eyes, you quickly turned yourself away from him. This was just getting nowhere.
“It’s getting late. Let’s just go to sleep.” You managed to softly let out. He let out a huff of breath before getting up and heading towards the bathroom to call it a day. You stayed back, heading your way into another room to cry while you waited for your turn. 
Opening the bathroom door, you headed out once you were finished with your night routine, tears still spilling down your face. On your way out, you caught a glimpse of Johan’s silhouette getting himself comfortable in your shared bed. Not wanting him to see you like this, you opted out on sleeping on the couch for tonight. 
Finally settling onto the couch, minutes passes by as you wait for the drowsiness to kick in, tossing and turning to soothe yourself to sleep. After about  an hour, you were finally in a comfortable position to fall asleep until you heard movements of shuffling from the bedroom. The sound of the bedroom door opening followed, and two pairs of footsteps sounded down the hallway. It was heading towards you. You could hear and feel it coming but your face is still messy with stained tears, and red puffy eyes from all the crying. Quickly shutting your eyes, you pretended to be asleep as the large figure finally made its way right in front of yours, towering over your sleeping body before crouching down to your level. 
“Y/n, what are you doing?” Johan asked, trying to see if you were really sleeping or not. You stayed silent not wanting to get into another argument about why you chose to sleep on the couch instead of with him. From where he was, he could spot the tear stains on your face and immediately felt guilty. He really didn’t mean to hurt you. He just wanted to keep you safe and away from his dangerous life, and if he could, he would’ve made it up to you for all the times he made you sad or worried by now. He just never got the chance to or even know how.
The silence dragged out for a good minute, leaving you nervously sweating wondering why he wasn’t leaving yet. You were about to give up and open your eyes to deal with whatever was about to come your way until he finally broke the silence. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered. “I’ll try to be more careful next time.” With that, you felt his presence getting up like he was about to leave until two pairs of arms reached under your figure and swiftly lifted you up. You held in the surprised yelp you were about to let out trying to not blow your cover before you felt a small kiss being planted on the side of your head as he carried you back into the bedroom.
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The two of you have been going back and forth for a while now ever since Goo came home. He came back with stashes of cash and fresh fighting bruises on his body. You knew what type of person Goo is and what his lifestyle consisted of but what you didn’t know was the deep shady businesses he has recently gotten himself into that he didn’t tell you about. You had your suspicions though. It rose a month ago when you started noticing his odd behaviors: checking his phone more often than ever around you, the expensive clothes and jewelries he was buying for the both of you, being away from home more often due to “errands” and coming home way later than usual, and of course the most concerning of them all is the amount of blood and bruises on his body increasing in numbers as each day passes. You tried confronting him about it many times and each time he would always brush it off lightly and change the topic. Tonight was the last straw however, and you finally stood your ground trying to get answers out of him. He chuckled and playfully laughed it off again like it was nothing, dodging the topic left and right until your temper was at its limit and you snapped. You wanted him to understand how serious this was. 
“Darling, come on. I told you it’s nothing to worry about.” He tried downplaying it. Goo was trying to sound serious after seeing your change of mood but you could tell a part of him is still not taking you seriously.
“Goo, isn’t this all too shady? Whatever you’re doing is going too far now, no?” You said and immediately regretted it as soon as those words left your mouth. The atmosphere around you suddenly shifts and the air around your boyfriend turns cold. His icy glare pierced through you as his next words sent chills down your spine. 
“Y/n. Know your boundaries, yea?” You stood frozen in place, shocked at what just transpired, not knowing how to react. He never looked or spoke to you like that before. Silence fell over the room as you’re left speechless trying to find something to say, anything. 
“I- Goo..” Was all you managed to let out before he turned his back to you, making his way to the bathroom to clean himself off. “We’re done. No more talking about this matter, y/n.” With that, you hear the bathroom door shut and the sound of the shower being turned on in the distance, leaving you to your thoughts alone. 
The both of you were now standing across each other from your shared bed after finishing your night routines, getting ready to finally get in bed and sleep the night away. Goo pulled the blanket on his side and laid down first. You on the other hand were fidgeting and stalling time to lay down. You felt uneasy getting into bed with him right now and going to sleep like nothing happened. You hate to admit it cause he has never made you feel this way before but what happened earlier scared you. It felt like being on the receiving end of all those who had the misfortune of running into him during fights before they met their doom. Of course, you know he would never hurt you but that doesn’t change the fact that you feel pretty shaken up from his glare and cold words. 
Maybe you should give him some time to himself, you thought. Finally making your decision, you went to pick the pillow from your side up and walk towards your bedroom door. “Goodnight, Goo.” You said, turning the doorknob.
“Huh? Y/n, where are you going?” His voice rang from behind you with confusion. Stopping in your tracks, you tried making it sound like everything was okay as you turned around to face him.“...I just thought that I should sleep on the couch tonight.”
“What? Why?” He asked with concern and quickly got up from the bed to walk towards you. Cupping your cheeks in his hands, he soothingly started stroking your cheeks with his thumbs before speaking up, “What’s wrong? Why do you want to sleep on the couch instead of with me?”
“Uh…” You didn’t know how to tell him. That you were scared and thought he was mad at you. That he would even speak to you like that. But honestly, how could he not know, acting like nothing just happened? 
“Is it because of what happened?” You didn’t answer and just let the silence speak for itself. 
“Y/n. I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“It sounded like you did mean it like that though.”
“No, you know that.”
“No, I don’t know that. Goo, I know whatever you’re trying to hide means a lot to you but do you know how worried I get seeing you come home like that everyday? You’re becoming so different, I’m scared.” 
He looked at you shocked, trying his best to take in what you just said. “I�� Baby, I’m sorry.” He finally managed and pulled you in, placing a meaningful kiss on your forehead. “I just want you to trust me. Please. I’m fine. You know me, no one could ever hurt me like that.” He chuckled saying that. “Sleep with me tonight. We can talk about it tomorrow. I promise.” He smirked and leaned in to steal your lips. Kissing you passionately before it quickly turned heated. His smirk became wider as he pulled away, dragging you towards the bed. “Let me make it up to you.”
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jkmc · 1 year ago
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are u ok kid?
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redninjaaaaa · 6 months ago
the yapper:
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the listener:
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anticapitalistclown · 2 months ago
clownie, lookism boys reacting to reader calling them husband!
Lookism boys reacting to reader calling them "husband"
You received a call from your friend asking to hang out for a few drinks "let me ask my husband and I'll call you back" he raised an eyebrow and asked you with a smile "husband?" you looked at him and answered "look at us" you were reading a book on the bed/sofa as he was reading the newspaper next to you, both wearing matching pajamas and old socks. He looked at the situation and left a slight smile "you can go out with your friend, wife".
Taesoo, Gun, Zack, Jichang
You were on a date with him and the entire time he was smiling at you lovingly "keep smiling at me like that and by the end of the day I'll end up calling you husband" you teased him, he stopped in his tracks and squeezed your hand, only to show you his blush and a wider smile "for real? I just can't stop smiling when I'm with you" now you're also blushing and smiling, such cute lovebirds.
Jake, Daniel, Eli, Seongji
You both were shopping in the market looking for the ingredients for tonight's cooking date, you were clung on his arm, when you bumped into that nosy aunt, you wanted to mess with her and him so you introduced him as your husband "auntie, this is my husband" he got dead silent for a second only to laugh inside and play along "aigoo nice to meet you auntie" he shook his hand with her, after making up your wedding and saying goodbye he tilted his head to you "so husband, huh?" you smiled at him "yeah you wish" "yeah I wish" "what?" "what?"
Goo, Jewoo, James, Jaegyeon, Mujin, Geongseob
You were shopping when a vendor recommended you a product "with this meat offer your husband will be happy to eat more at home!" you looked around for him "husband!" he didn't hesitate and rushed to you, a red tint decorating his cheeks "do you think it is a good bid?" he nodded "yes honey" he was screaming inside.
Hudson, Zack, Johan, Warren, Jason,
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firstaffiliatepatient · 2 years ago
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moonbyulsstuff · 6 months ago
Can you please write for gun, goo, johan, dg, samuel when they confess to their fem!crush she laughs cause she doesn't believe them (considering how they are) and tells them that they don't need to lie to her in order to use her/not to make fun of her. Thank you!!!
There's No Way.
Female Reader.
Request Rules.
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Diego Kang:
That's what [Name] feels right now.
Eyes wide, mouth agape, and her heart hammering against her chest.
There's no way the DIEGO KANG said those words to her, it has to be a joke, right? There's no way the stoic, nonchalant, and laid back Diego said those 3 words to her.
And she couldn't help but burst into laughter as a result.
"HAHAHAHAHA!! There's no way, right? You have to be joking right now, Diego!"
[Name] said as Diego just watched her laugh with a straight, serious face. He just watched her continue to laugh like what he said was a joke.
After awhile, she finally calmed down and looked at him seriously.
"You're joking, right?"
[Name] asked, looking Diego straight in the eyes. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair and looked at her with his usual expression, but she could see the hint of vulnerability, genuine and love behind those stoic eyes.
"You really think I would joke about something as love?"
He said, making [Name] serious, her expression one of caught of guard. She could hear the sincerity in his voice. [Name] was taken it back to be honest, she never thought in a million years Diego could be so vulnerable.
She bit her lip and Diego could see that she didn't know what to do or think, he sighed as he walked towards her and gently held her hand.
[Name] looked at him in surprise, feeling his rough, calloused hands intertwined with hers. She could feel her face burning up from the gesture, she bit her lower lip even more.
".. I'm not joking on what I said, I'm serious. You know I would never joke about something like that... especially to you.." Diego softly said as he leaned close to [Name] face, [Name] stared at his eyes and she could feel her knees getting weaker.
"Please believe me..." Thump. "I do.."
"Love you..."
Diego saw her face getting red even more, it made him chuckle as he softly caress her face. "Do you believe me now? Or do I need to kiss you to pr-" "Okay! Okay! I believe you!"
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Samuel Seo:
"What did you say?" Samuel kissed his teeth as he looked away and tiny red blushes on his cheek. "I said I love you idiot..." Samuel said while scratching the back of his neck.
[Name] stared at him before she let out a chuckle making Samuel looked at her in confusion, he raised an eyebrow looking at her. "What? Why did you chuckle?" Samuel asked as he crossed his arms.
She looked at him with a smile. "I don't believe you Samuel, if this is a joke. You got me there." [Name] said as Samuel went quiet.
He stared at her dumbfounded at her words before he fully realized on what she said, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not joking.." Samuel grumbled which only made [Name] chuckle once more which cause his irritation to grow.
"I'm not.." "C'mon Samuel..." [Name] said looking at him with a apologetic smile. "You were never the type to joke around..." She said as his irritation grew and a tick mark appeared on his forehead.
Her eyes widened as she looked at Samuel, her back pressed against the wall. Samuel had pinned her on the wall, though not harshly of course. His large hands gripping on her shoulders tightly but not too tight that it might cause a bruise.
"Samuel?" Samuel drew his face closer to [Name], their nose just an inch from touching each other.
"This is getting irritating..." He said pushing his hair back as [Name] looked at him, blinking profusely. "I am in love with you god damnit... I'm not joking... I wish I was... I don't know how or when, but all I know is that I am suddenly in love with you.." Samuel said with a serious tone as [Name] stood there.
Listening to his confessions.
"You and your stupid adorable face... your cute eyes... pouty lips... it's driving me crazy.." Samuel muttered, getting close to [Name] face who's breath hitched while making eye contact with Samuel.
"I am in love with you, and I am not joking." Samuel said before pulling away but not before [Name] grabbed his face and kissing him in the lips, it caught Samuel off guard at the feeling of her soft lips against his. But slowly he kissed her back, holding her close to him.
Pushing his body closer to hers as he wrapped his arms around [Name] body. After awhile, they both pulled away from the kiss and panted heavily. He chuckled and smirked, seeing [Name] face. "Damn, you look so cute right now."
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Goo Kim:
"I don't believe you." "Eh?" Goo stood there, eyes blinking profusely while staring at [Name]. His mind processing the words before he let out a loud scream. "EEEHHHH??!?!" He yelled as [Name] covered her ears from the scream that the blonde let out, she sighed as Goo started to pace around the room in shock at what she said to his confession.
Mumbling on how [Name] didn't believe his words while she watched, [Name] sighed and coughed catching Goo's attention.
Goo stopped pacing around and stood in front of her and held her shoulders. "Why don't you believe me? Is it something that I said? the way I said? My tone of voice? My facial expression?" Goo said, wanting to know on why the girl he loves didn't believe him.
[Name] sighed and stopped Goo from continuing shaking her back and forth. "C'mon... this has to be one of your pranks, right? There's no way you would... have feelings for me..." [Name] said as Goo took a step back.
It dawned on him on why she didn't believe him.
He was a prankster, he teased everyone and wasn't serious all the time. No wonder his beloved [Name] didn't believe him, it was his notorious reputation.
[Name] stood there, staring at the now quiet Goo.
"Goo? Is something wrong?" The blonde took a deep breath, [Name] tilted her head as she raised an eyebrow. "Goo?" She asked once more.
He then kneeled down on the ground shocking [Name] at the gesture. "Goo?" [Name] asked before he turned his head to look straight at her.
[Name] was surprised at the look on his face, it was serious. She has seen him being serious before and mostly it was during fights, and now here...
"[Name]... the love of my life... the girl who captured my heart... listen to what I have to say... I am not joking, I am serious. I love you. I love you truly from the bottom of my heart, I love you more than anything in the world! More than fighting, more than my swords and more than money. I love you so much."
Goo said so seriously that it made [Name] heart thump at his words, she blushed as she slapped his shoulder. "Idiot!" "Huh?! Did I do something wrong?" Goo watched as she stomped off but swore he could see her face was red as a tomato, it made him smile and chuckle and followed behind her.
"My love!" "Don't call me that!"
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Gun Park:
"Say what now?" [Name] said staring at Gun with wide eyes, he sighed and put his hands in his pocket. "Are you deaf? I said I love you idiot." Gun said as she blinked profusely.
"Yo-You're serious, right?" She asked as Gun nodded, [Name] didn't know if he was joking or not but Gun was not the type to joke about something or anything at all. And he looked serious when he said it.
But she didn't know if he was serious that he was feelings for her,
"... you're not... playing right?" Gun sighed and nodded, though it irritated him seeing her ask so questions like she doubted him, though she did, but he couldn't blame her. He was never the type to have feelings for anything except in fighting.
But [Name] was the one that showed him love, what love felt like. And it was a pleasant feeling he never wants to go away.
"I'm not joking, believe me.." He took a step forward and held her hand close to his chest, where his heart was.
[Name] could feel his heart beat and it was beating loudly, she blushed and looked at him as she could feel his thumbs caressing over her knuckles.
"You... you are the one making my heart beat faster than ever... you're the one making it beat faster outside of fighting and it's a pleasant feeling..." Gun said as he slowly brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed her knuckles.
[Name] blushed as she held his hand tighter, he looked at her through his sunglasses. "So... do you feel the same way?" Gun asked, his heart beating faster at her answer.
She smiled which caused Gun view to bright. "Of course!"
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Johan Seong:
"I love you.." "Eh?" [Name] blushed at Johan's sudden confession to her, her heart started to beat loudly but she quickly shook it off and looked at him. "Why are you saying that?" She asked, acting casual. He looked at her with his childlike eyes which she couldn't resist. "Because I love you..." Johan said tilting his head.
She gulped. "There's no way that you love me... you're just joking right?" [Name] said looking away from him, Johan's face deflated at her words. He sighed before he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, catching her off guard.
"Jo-Johan?!" [Name] stuttered as she felt her face burning up from his gesture, he snuggled his face against the crook of her neck which made her shivered.
"I do love you..." Johan mumbled, [Name] bit her lip as she listened. "Ever since we were kids... I never got the courage to tell 'till now... I've been coward... hiding and running away from my feelings for you.." Johan said as his arms around her shoulders tightened.
"But now... I won't... I won't run away from these feelings anymore.." He said as he looked up his head to look at her flushing face, Johan smiled at the sight of her face.
"So... I'm not joking... you know I'm bad at telling jokes.." Johan said as he turned her around to face him, he watched as she averted her gaze away from him.
"Look at me.." Johan pleaded with puppy dog eyes before he gently gripped her chin, forcing him to look at her. [Name] heart welled at Johan's face.
It was so cute that it made her heart burst. "I love you to the bottom of my heart..." Johan said as [Name] flushed, steam was coming out of her head.
"I... I love you too.." Johan smiled brightly at her words and kissed her cheek which made her squeal and hid her face against his chest, he chuckled and hugged her.
"I love you so much.."
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okaysonny · 2 months ago
how would the crew heads confess to you? (lookism)
A/N: a follow up post to: how easy is it for the crew heads to crush on you? (lookism)
thanks for all the love on it :) takes place during the current story!
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✦ you're blissfully ignorant + their feelings are not reciprocated... (until you're aware of them anyway lol) because i like the #disbelief 👅
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1. ELI
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eli decides to take a leap of faith. he's not sure what to expect, but he's witnessed warren and sally's situation. he doesn't want his own love life to be a repeat 🫠
now that he's more sure of himself, more sure that he's allowed to feel someone's affections, he wants to know if his aimless pining for you really is aimless.
i think he'd confess to you in hostel's living room 🫡 (where warren + sally kissed) a simple but special place for him. it's where eli spends time with his family, and he wants you to be a part of that too.
he gets a pep talk from warren and sally first ofc! since they ended up together after all that tension, they remind him of their own experiences. warren would defo say something like: take it from me, gangdong's mighty...and romantic.
the gist of their speech is that: it'll be awkward, but better than waiting three years to properly confess. just be honest - if you don't try, you'll never know.
─ and if you get rejected? i'll be here with popcorn.
─ hush warren! don't listen to him eli. you've got this! (sally flashes a thumbs up 👍🏽)
he also gets motivation from amy and natalie <3 (you can do it uncle!)
eli can only smile bashfully. in the end, they're genuinely here supporting him, no matter what happens.
when the time actually comes, they all leave to give him privacy •ᴗ• (but they'd be listening through the door the whole time 😭)
his confession...is very cute and sweet 🥲 he doesn't have jake's guilt or johan's awkwardness, so he actually looks happy to be admitting his feelings, listing off all the things he admires about you.
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eli's daughter is the most important thing in the world - she's changed him for the better. so, seeing yenna so happy with you has made his heart flutter. (didn't mean for that to rhyme lmfaooo)
his feelings for you go beyond romantic attraction. it's also how well you've fit into his life, how it feels like you're meant to be there. bringing someone into his family's world is a big deal for him - but it would make him so happy to have you in it.
not that he doesn't love being a dad - he clearly does! but eli's life has been centered around taking care of yenna, handling hostel's issues, working hard to make ends meet...he's never really thought about who he is outside of that.
with you, eli feels like he can explore life more freely. he feels appreciated - maybe even a little carefree in a way that’s new for him. with you, even though the pressures and responsibilities are still there, he feels lighter. he remembers he has dreams and aspirations like anyone else. for the first time in ages, he feels like he can be just eli.
he hasn't properly liked anyone since heather - and even that's slightly different. this time, he actually knows what he's feeling. and if there's even a slight chance you'd want to be with him, he would do everything he can to make you happy - just as much as you make him.
eli acknowledges that it's a lot to ask, having a child in the picture. still, should that always prevent him from pursuing a relationship? if he gets that privilege, he would only want you. you would give him (and yenna) so much joy.
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eli's words are filled with quiet hope, his cheeks pink as his confessions spill out.
even if you don’t feel the same way, having you in his life, even as a friend, means the world to him. he doesn't want to lose that.
if eli can't be with you, he can live with it, but he doesn't want to wonder if he missed the chance to tell you.
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this man is filled with such angst and anguish 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
BTW - i think by this point, you'll know his job + past actions. you were unnerved when he admitted it...but jake has faced the repercussions (partly). he still has interests and hobbies like everyone else, he's still good company. you can't bring yourself to fully judge him, because you've never been in that position.
jake wasn't going to say anything. it's less messy, less selfish, if he keeps his feelings to himself.
that doesn't stop you from occupying his head though. he can't help but wonder what you're doing. are you safe? are you happy? if not, could he make you happy? ...possibly?
still, he pushes these thoughts away.
it's only when members of big deal notice his spacing out and lapses in concentration that he thinks: okay...i should probably do something.
he'd rather hear your rejection than keep wondering if there's a chance...+ to not have you (unknowingly) interfere with his duties.
first things first though, he needs some advice.
he'd totallyyy go to sinu. i can picture it so clearly 😂 jake is a smooth talker, but he's never actually liked someone. he can't talk his way though this. (he can try, but he'd fail miserably)
sinu would be so chuffed that his (practically) little brother is coming to him for relationship advice. (i never thought i'd see the day...you're all grown up. and he wipes a tear 😭) given jake's lack of interest in dating, he's pleasantly surprised at his change of heart! you must have had a big impact on him.
jake asks if sinu felt guilty liking yeonhui, considering his role in big deal. he was perceived as a gang leader back then...did sinu ever feel like she deserves better than that?
sinu gets nostalgic and starts reminiscing about his relationship 😅 jake zones out halfway through, wondering why he even bothered to ask in the first place.
EVENTUALLY THOUGH, he reels it back in and gets #serious 🙂‍↕️ something like: how long will you let your role and past define you?
the gist of sinu's speech: sure, jake has done bad things. (...worst than most people) but he shouldn't let that hold him back. jake can still try be something better, he's not some heartless monster. there's no harm in being honest, he'll never know what could happen.
jake is gobsmacked... a man of passion indeed.
i think he'd confess to you at the sea side! (where samuel found out who jake's dad was) he'd rather watch the waves than your confused face.
he tells big deal to stay away from that area, because he has important business there. (jake knows they'd be spying from a distance if he didn't 😭)
i think he'd practice in the mirror beforehand...but it does nothing to settle his nerves (-.-)
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jake likes you. he knows it's unexpected and out of the blue, but he has to tell you.
you don't realise how amazing you are, how smart, how caring. it's the little things...helping jerry with his homework (god knows no one else can) or paying for your meals even though it's not necessary - he'll always let you eat for free. + plus the food is lowkey shit anyway <3
...or how well you get along with the girls. (they constantly tell him to ask you out 😪)
he knows he's not worthy. there's people who can easily give you their undivided attention. you deserve only the best...and he's the furthest thing from that. but he wishes he could be.
he doesn't want you to think he's the same person as before. you deserve someone way better than an ex-convict. jake wishes he could change the past - so badly. he regrets not trying harder for a better solution back then, just for the opportunity to take you on a date...to be with you.
jake wants to be the best version of himself. you make him think that being a better person could change some of his past...and eventually make him worthy of someone like you.
and if there's even a sliver of hope you feel the same way, that you'd give him the honour of being his first...everything, he'll do everything in his power to be a boyfriend you can be proud of.
he doesn't need you to say anything, jake would never pressure you for a yes or no. he just needed to say the truth, to be honest with you - and himself.
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jake kim, who's always so sarcastic and sure of himself, is suddenly so nervous and quiet before you. it's a side you've never seen of him.
there's a lot to consider. sometimes you'd never see jake, he'll be in danger a lot, and if he really had to - he'd be ruthless again to protect big deal. he knows that too.
even so, he's pouring his heart out, trying so hard for you...and you don't even think you're that great, to be honest.
you find your cheeks flushing at his words, and the earnest way in which he utters them.
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johan...i found him hard to write. i don't like this little mouse.
if you like someone, you should probably tell them. johan would rather die. but eventually, not saying anything has gotten more painful than the prospect of confessing.
he hasn't liked anyone since mira and that feels like...a lifetime ago. so, he (very reluctantly) goes to zack for help.
zack would be sooo annoying about it, he'll never let him live it down. johan seong coming to him for dating advice...another indicator that their worlds are healing ❤️ he shuts up though when johan threatens to beat his ass.
i think zack would give the same bs advice he gave to vasco in the blind date arc 😭😭
─ alright...you really wanna know? let me give you a piece of advice i told a certain knuckle head. Be gentle...but fast. Be manly...but kind.
─ wait...have you got together with mira yet?
─ all in good time johan...all in good time. (zack taps his noggin 🧏🏻)
so that was useless.
there is another person he can go to though...mother knows best, as they say 🫡 johan would invite you to have dinner at his place, just a causal meal...obviously 😁
─ so you're johan's friend! it's great to finally meet you. help yourself! (he got his cutie patootie genes from his mom)
johan's mom gives him playful nudges when your back is turned 💘 he silently pleads with her to cut it out.
now that he has his mother's seal of approval, he feels ready to...confess or whatever.
i think johan would confess to you while sitting at the river with eden + miro. (the one where lua pushed him in 💔)
unlike eli and jake, johan's confession isn't planned. he decides to tell you when it feels right. and this place feels right.
he'd be avoiding eye contact the WHOLEEE time 😭 his face would be so red too...a cutie patootie to the max.
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johan starts by talking about the little things, like how his dogs are always happy when they see you. eden and miro get so jumpy and excited when you come over, as if they can sense how much he cares about you. it's something he can speak about easily - they're a big part of his life.
and his mom - johan's mom is so important to him. her approval means a lot…and she definitely approves (of you). she really likes you, especially after that dinner at his house. his mom is his rock in so many ways, the fact that she sees what he sees, means the world to him.
johan hid behind a stoic facade for so long. he's grateful to zack and mira for showing him that having feelings for someone…it can be a beautiful thing. with you, he feels more okay stepping out of that shell. maybe it's the way you always listen when he talks…or how you're there for him without making a big deal out of it…or how you celebrate the small things with him. (aka…barely passing english)
the professions are still foreign to him. it’s not just about liking you, it’s about the vulnerability that comes with it. he’s afraid of how this might change things between you two. but, johan knows hiding it would only make things worse. he can’t keep pretending like nothing’s there. it’s been weighing on him for so long.
still, he’s ready to face that fear of vulnerability, to show you all the sides to him. he’s letting you in — not just with his feelings for you, but with his whole self, all the things he’s kept locked away. for johan, that’s a huge deal.
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the man who united all of gangbuk, who went toe to toe with gun park...is suddenly so shy and awkward right now. truly a rare sight.
he's mumbling almost every sentence and you have to scoot closer to hear him, which definitely doesn't help things.
johan is thankful for eden and miro's barking for once, it fills the silence that passes.
it's not the smoothest confession, but that’s exactly what makes it sweet - he's showing you a bit of his heart by saying nothing and everything at the same time.
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he'd confess you're his fav BOOTY CALL maybe!
an actual confession of his: when samuel sees cheap instant noodle packs in the store, he can't help but think of big deal.
If it means I can eat better food later...I don't mind eating here now.
but he's annoyed the lavish food he can buy now doesn't quite fill him up the same way.
✿ who would have you blushing the most?
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A/N: first date headcanons next?? 🤷🏽‍♀️ if ppl like this one too
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amphitriteswife · 4 months ago
Hey! Can you please write what would you do if i like someone else for gun, jake, johan and eli? Thank you ❤️
‘What would you do if i like someone else?’
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Jonggun rolled his eyes at you when you asked him that question, his lips wrapped around the cigarette in his mouth, held up by his index and middle finger. He took a long drag and closed his eyes before he let the smoke leave his mouth slowly, savoring the taste and tapping the ash off the cigarette. ‘You ask stupid questions.’ Jonggun said wiping the ash off his lips. He took a seat on the couch and invited you to sit next to him, it was weird. Most of the time he just said and did what was necessary. Perhaps he felt rather nostalgic today? It was rare to see him vulnerable or sentimental. So what was he getting at? ‘Answerrrrrr’ you told him impatiently but still sitting next to him. You wanted him to answer your questions, they’re fun and interesting. He needs to be quick! ‘I frankly don’t think you will.’ ‘Will what?’ ‘Like someone else. Not ever.’ ‘Why’s that? What if i find a new babe?’ ‘Impossible.’ ‘Whyy?’ Jonggun sighed and pushed your head so that it was laying on his shoulder. He pushed the almost done cigarette onto the ashtray and placed a kiss on your lips, he tasted very ashy-like which made you cough. ‘IEUW’ you pushed him off you and breath for fresh air which made him chuckle at you lightly. ‘You told me I’m the only man you’ll ever love. And i trust your word for it.’ The answer made you stop in your tracks which made him give you another kiss instead and going back to literally another cigarette.
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‘Well feelings are humane so…’ Jake said quietly, still contemplating your question. Perhaps you being sarcastic and asking a lot of questions was too much to handle for him? The question was supposed to be a joke and not that serious at all. ‘What would you do jakey?’ Jake pondered very hard, harder than he had when he was taking his exams last week, he needed a clear head to think. He thought long and hard before he answered. ‘Hmmm i would accept.’ He stated proudly. His eyes helt a certain type of twinkle in them. ‘Wrong! You’re supposed to say that i’m yours!’ ‘You are mine! And i am yours!’ ‘Then why are you accepting it if i liked someone else?’ ‘Because i love you.’ You gave him a confused look. Yeah he did love you, but that doesn’t explain what he’s saying?? Jake noticed your confused expression and smiled. ‘I love you, so even if you loved someone else. At the end of the day I want you to be happy.’ You looked at him and he looked back at you, his hands wrapping you in a tight hug with a wide grin on his face. Perhaps your joke was taken a little too serious…he was so sweet and selfless about it. It was a stereotypical Jake action, always thinking of others first. But what about Jakey himself? He was thinking of you first but what about his own heart, it almost made you emotional thinking about it. ‘If i ever leave you, hit me on the head.’ ‘What?’
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Johan was sitting outside by the lake. His dogs were busy woofing around and playing with each other. He felt tired, very tired. He couldn’t help but wonder if an adult’s life was also so tiresome, working for the White Tiger center did come with a lot of work and costs…Johan let out a sigh. That’s when you popped up, his lovely partner. He was so relieved to see you. For some reason he couldn’t help but hug you tightly, his mood instantly relaxing. He kissed your cheek and watched you sit next to him on the park bench, talking to him about numerus things before you finally asked the question. Johan just stared at you for a few seconds, you could see the him processing your words and the way his eyes narrowed at you. He clearly disliked the question you asked him. Johan isn’t someone who likes it when someone takes it something from him…or when he loses someone again…so for him this wasn’t just a question but a hypothetical situation that could be true. ‘You wouldn’t…..you wouldn’t, would you?’ ‘It’s a joke.’ ‘Right.’ It came out more sarcastic than it was meant to be and the both of you knew it. You made Johan angry….the way his jaw was clenched and the veins in his neck now visible didn’t go unnoticed but you. But because for amusement you pretended to now know and ask further. ‘What would you do dawg?’ You knew Johan didn’t like it when you called him that, yet you did it anyway. Are you making him angry on purpose? ‘I would steal his shoes so that i could sell them.’ ‘Are you poor?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Oh- uhm. I can lend you money?’ ‘Gladly.’ Normally you wouldn’t have doe that so quickly, but this time he was mad at you so you gave him your spare change. Which for some reason made him super happy and go back to normal again. What a cheapskate
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Eli gave you a deadpanned look when you asked him the question. Yenna, who was in his arms was pulling on his hair and trying to climb on top of his head made some brabbel sound. He didn’t know how to feel. Should he be angry or hurt? Maybe even insecure? What the hell was this question even supposed to mean? ‘What are you getting at Y/N?’ Eli asked you quite suspiciously, he doesn’t like this, not the question nor where you might go with this. ‘I want to know what you’ll do.’ You asked him casually, waiting for a response. He doesn’t know what to think. His hands grabbed Yenna gently and lifted her off his head and placed her on his lap instead. He was feeling conflicted, on one hand he didn’t want you to leave. He wanted to protect you and keep you with him. On the other hand he felt that it was selfish of him to make you stay if you didn’t want to. He pressed his lips in a thin line, Yenna was trying to get out of his lap and get onto yours instead. Yenna really has gotten attached to you in the times you spent here, sometimes she denied playing with him to play with you instead…he really doesn’t want you to leave. His hands softly scooted Yenna back to him which caused her to whine and crawl right from under his arm to you. ‘I don’t want you to leave…is that selfish?’ Eli asked you a little softer, watching Yenna crawl over to you and sit in your lap instead. You couldn’t help but feel bad. You didn’t make him insecure right? He sounded so sad. ‘I wouldn’t leave. It’s just a hypothetical question.’ ‘So no leaving me or yenna?’ ‘If i leave i’d take yenna with me.’ ‘Don’t steal my daughter. I don’t appreciate it.’ ‘Whoa sorry calm down-’
Thank you for the ask! 💕⭐️🙏
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sscarletvenus · 10 months ago
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lookism tweets to keep the populace entertained
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shintaru · 8 months ago
lookism | Cuddling head canons pt.3
Pt.1, pt.2, pt.4
Eli Jang
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Likes cuddling with you and Yenna
loves coming home seeing both you asleep with Yenna in your arms. He will lay beside you and cover you up with a blanket.
will be the big spoon he loves holding onto you, he won’t admit it but he has a fear that if he lets go you’ll disappear
let’s you sleep in his clothes
Likes cuddling on the couch watching cartoons with you & Yenna
Johan Seong
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Likes cuddling with you and his dogs
loves eating and cuddling. Expect him to get crumbs everywhere and he doesn’t share his food. Anytime you reach for some chips he’ll snatch the bag and give you a side eye. That is if the bag isn’t already empty.
will let you play with his hair, it relaxes him
let’s you fall asleep on his chest. He likes seeing how peaceful you look while resting.
He will lay on you any chance he gets
Bonus : he will stare at you a lot and study your face because he’s afraid that he won’t remember what you look like if he loses his eye sight
Jong Gun
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Likes being in control
loves being an asshole. You’re cold and you want him to spare the blanket prepare for him to ignore you until he feels like sharing.
will hog the blankets when you sleep over it doesn’t matter if you bring extra blankets he somehow manages to have them all
let’s you sleep over because he doesn’t like having to wait on you to arrive at his house to cuddle
You have to initiate cuddling he won’t unless he is really sleepy
Joon Goo
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Likes when you snuggle up to him when you fall asleep first
Loves getting on your nerves in a playful way. He will do small things to annoy you like sticking his foot in your face, farting under the blanket and trapping you underneath it
will make a bunch of random dad jokes that make you shake your head and sigh while you’re both laying side by side
let’s you sleep in his clothes
Gets way too excited when he has time to cuddle with you
Jake Kim
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Likes when you cuddle on the couch and fall asleep on him. He will carry you to bed and sleep with you in his arms.
loves when you straddle his lap and wrap your arms around his neck
will alternate between being the big & small spoon
let’s you trace your fingers over his scars and tattoos if he’s comfortable with you he’ll tell you how he got the scars and why he got his tattoos
Doesn’t want to get out of bed and let you go when he has to go to work
dedicated to @vynnyll
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wannaeatramyeon · 4 months ago
Your Adventures as the Lookismverse Designer
G/N. Run-ins with Burn Knuckles, Goddog, Allied and Big Deal. Masterlists
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Being in the Fashion department, you had assumed your classmates had a passion for fashion. For god's sake, it's in the name.
But no, you're wrong.
Apart from using it as an excuse to wear designer brands from head to toe, no one really gave a shit.
No one cared about the history, about design, fabrication, construction.
No one... apart from you that is.
Your first client wasn't really someone you could say no to unless you had a death wish.
When the whole of the Architecture department shows up along with Vasco, their terrifying leader, you consider running off and screaming.
It was only Jace Park, who seemed to understand a more subtle approach and how intimidating they looked, that stopped you from wanting to flee to the teacher.
(Strange. You actually don't recall seeing your teacher for months.)
"Please," Jace murmurs to Vasco and he's practically begging. "You didn't need to turn up with everyone. Just leave this to me. Please."
If you didn't know better, you would think Vasco was giving him grateful puppy eyes. But that can't be right. He's a thug.
"Sorry," Jace turns to you, looking contrite and fiddling anxiously with his big ears when you're finally on your own. "Are you the Fashion Designer?"
It should have been a stupid question, considering you're in the Fashion Department.
Except you look around at the so-called boxer who pitifully simps after the brunette all day, the rich blonde kid who never talks to anyone, the other girl who is an aspiring streamer and you sigh to yourself.
"Yes, that's me."
All things considered, the Burn Knuckles are very easy to please.
It's a design printed on some pre-made boilersuits, not exactly avant garde.
You did touch up the logo though and provided some more clothing options than requested. Boilersuits in a small selection of colours, bomber and leather jackets.
When you hand over the boxes to Vasco and Jace, the latter shakes your hand and the former stares at you with tears in his eyes and asks how they can ever repay you.
You shrug. Because he did already pay you for your time and the materials.
"Don't worry about it." You say, giving him a polite grin.
Vasco beams and you think maybe this guy isn't so scary.
Somehow your reputation precedes you.
To be honest you didn't even realise you had any sort of reputation until a guy with a messy mop head and two dogs corners you in an alleyway.
"I heard you're the Designer," he grunts.
A part of you thinks of fleeing once again. A smaller part of you thinks damn, that nickname is kinda cool.
"I am?"
"Don't play dumb. I know who you are."
You would have found him rude and menacing if not for his dogs picking that exact moment to roll around on the floor belly-up, desperately wanting some attention.
"Fuck's sake," he mutters though he squats down anyway to pat them. "So?" he continues, trying to regain his previous threatening aura even as the pups wriggle around under his touch.
"So what?"  you ask, not able to stop the smile creeping over your face at this adorable sight.
"I need some clothing."
Perhaps the Burn Knuckles gave you a false sense of bravado, thinking everyone would be as easy as them. Unfortunately, this guy is a goddamn headache.
He wants hoodies, which isn't an issue but he wants matching dog-sized ones and he wants you to design the logo from scratch too.
"But I don't do graphic design," you cry and he pretends he can't hear you.
On your twelfth iteration, he doesn't glare at it and praise the heavens; he's finally happy.
Well, happy is an overstatement. He doesn't exactly look happy but he's no longer glaring at you, so you assume in Johan Seong's world, that means he's exhilarated.
The hoodies fit, both Johan and the dogs, and the logo looks good too.
You wave goodbye to the back of all three. Your bank balance is healthier except you hope they never darken your doorstep again.
(You have no such luck. He returns, months later, requesting tracksuits.)
It's a sorry state of affairs when three of the members of Allied are part of the Fashion Department, and come to you asking for help.
"Why don't you design it yourself?" you ask Daniel Park, Zack Lee and Jay Hong.
They look at you like you've grown two heads.
You will be eternally grateful that Jay Hong is mute, that Vasco is actually the sweetest cinnamon roll, and Daniel Park is pretty easy-going because having Vin Jin and Zack Lee constantly bickering and criticising your design is bad enough.
Apparently these men are very adept fighters. Caught up in some gang shit. It didn't matter. You still wanted to ram your pen through their skulls.
Then throw in someone else called Hudson Ahn who also seems to like giving rude, overly critical comments concealed as constructive criticism -
You threatened to quit more than once.
Eventually, after staying awake for 46 hours - you all agree on a logo.
"Here." You thrust the USB drive with the files at Daniel Park.
"What do I do with this?"
"You're in the Fashion Department too." You rub at your tired eyes, patience long gone with these morons. "Find a clothing printer yourself. Search for it on the internet. You know what that is right? The internet?"
Somewhere to your right, Vin Jin bursts into laughter.
You can't decide if this guy is trying to sell you something or if you're actually falling in love with him by the second.
Hell, he could sell you some snake-oil and you're so charmed you don't mind.
"So, you'll do it?" he asks, holding your hands in his larger gloved ones and you feel yourself simpering like an idiot at the contact.
"Sure thing, Mr. Kim."
"Jake," he says, giving you a toothy grin. "I'm Jake. And this is Jerry."
"Jerry Kwon," A large hulking man steps up besides Jake, offering you a handshake.
What? How did you miss him? You didn't notice him at all.
"Oh. Uh. Of course. Nice to meet you too Jerry."
"Come here, guys." Jake signals for the other men hanging back to come forth. "Ths is Brad and Jerry and Lineman."
Shit. Damnit, you've been so fixated on Jake Kim that you ignored everyone else.
Hell. You didn't even realise there was anyone else.
"Hi," you say, wanting the ground to swallow you up and blushing furiously.
Jake catches your eye and gives you a wink.
Being completely honest, the Big Deal tracksuits aren't your best work.
You're not too sure on the logo design (though hey - that's not really your handiwork). The placement is a little awkward and the design is sort of plain.
You added gold elements to at least make it a bit more cohesive, and sourced extra durable fabrics with lots of movement as apparently the guys have a tendency to damage clothing during fights.
"What do you think?" Jake says, modelling your finalised version.
From the smile on his face, you could tell he's very much satisfied with your work.
"Looks great," you say and you're telling the truth. Although it's not really the tracksuit that looks great, but the man wearing it. His broad shoulders and tight waist, long muscular legs and-
Oops. You silently apologise for objectifying him.
The way your eyes rake over his form isn't subtle, though it's definitely flattering. Jake playfully throws another wink your way.
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trueebeauty · 10 months ago
𝖣𝖠𝖭𝖢𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖨𝖭 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖢𝖫𝖴𝖡 - how they would react to you dancing.
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❒ They're completely smitten with you, leaning forward eagerly and just being completely mesmerized. Their eyes are glued to you with a wide smile, you might even hear a few enthusiastic claps.
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❒ Intrigued but unsure, they watch you intently, their brow furrowed like a confused puppy. You can almost see the question marks floating above their head as they try to figure out what on earth you're doing.
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❒ Your biggest fan is here, cheering you on with a surge of pride and excitement for you. They're clapping, whooping, and waving a homemade sign (where did they get that from?) Huge smiles and beaming with satisfaction they might just join you.
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❒ They just sit in the corner and pretend not to care, but you catch them stealing glances at you while trying to act all nonchalant, but you know they're secretly nosy. That is, until they've had enough and dragged you out of there once too many people start noticing you.
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❒ Disapproves with crossed arms and pursed lips. They avoid eye contact with you like you're the most embarrassing thing they've ever seen, and you might even hear a few disapproving tuts. Applause? Not a chance.
➻ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈 + 𝐄𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄 (are we really surprised?)
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❒ If unbothered was a person.
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laceymorganwrites · 3 months ago
First time calling you mommy - Lookism guys
A/N: why is it always delinquent guys that get me back into writing?
big dumb baby
never used to care about his dumbness and others calling him that because Jace takes care of most things for him
he always has others looking out for him and tells them regularly how grateful he is for that
once the two of you start dating Jace literally has a meeting session with you and gets you an actual fucking manual on Vasco
he doesn´t mean any harm, it´s just the way he does things
and it´s important to him to get to know you so he can know Vasco is in safe hands
approves of you immediately once he sees how much you baby his best friend and how much he enjoys it
teases Vasco about how clingy he is to you and that you´re more like his mommy than his girlfriend
´Is that bad?´
he loves it so much when you call him your big baby, is so soft for you
experiences subspace with you for the first time, he never felt that safe before, so taken care of
calls you mommy in public too, the Burn Knuckles and the others are already used to it but it´s still a bit awkward in convenience stores when he asks you to buy him snacks
the only actual sweet and wholesome one out of those oops-
you haven´t known each other for that long yet, just from school
you´re the only from your classmates who actually knows anything about him
he doesn´t know why he trusts you so much but you´re the only person who doesn´t make him feel like a complete failure
he can just ... be with you, without thinking about anything dark or sad
that´s why it´s so easy for him to introduce you to his family
Yenna loves you immediately and instantly attaches to you
Eli is so relieved that she loves you so much, it takes so much off his shoulder having you around taking care of her, someone he trusts, so he can go to work without having to worry too much
Sally and you grow really close, she always teases that you´re better suited for the role of mom than her since you care so much for everyone
but you always say that there can be two moms and that she´s doing a much better job than you ever could
she´s also the first one you tell about your feelings for Eli, you kept them hidden for a long time because you didn´t want to pressure him
you didn´t even want to get into a relationship with him, not wanting him to be tied down in any way
after everything that happened with Heather you didn´t want to remind him of any of that, you were happy co-parenting as his close friend
Warren is the one to get Eli to admit his own feelings for you, he already was vulnerable around you before, he trusts you immensely after all
but now that he knows why it all makes so much sense, but at the same time he´s so scared
comes to you immediately after the talk and just confesses right then, sharing all his fears with you
it´s only when he´s in your arms that he finally admits it out loud
´Can you be my mommy too?´
so fucking clueless
gives you such an awkward and unnecessarily long stare you think he´s actively judging every decision he made leading up to dating you
it was already so awkward and hard to get together with him because baby boy literally doesn´t know what he´s doing
the other boys had to set you two up on a date because he didn´t know how to ask you out
you gave him your number right when you met but he never called or texted because he didn´t know what to say so in the end the others just had to drag him out to meet you
granted he´s much better after that first date and getting over his initial nerves
still asks the boys about advice a lot, especially Sinu
and that´s how this whole mess started in the first place
him and Sinu live next door
one night he invited you over for dinner and to watch a movie and the two of you overheard Sinu and his girlfriend in bed
it´s hard to tell which one of you is more embarrassed (it´s Jake)
he won´t even meet your eyes after he hears Sinu moan ´mommy´
you two promise to never talk about this ever again, it´s the best kept secret, Sinu never finds out
still, Jake is curious about that kink now, he never really thought much about those power dynamics, he didn´t mind them but didn´t seek them out either
that´s when he notices that you take care of him a lot too and just how much he appreciates that
especially after a long day, you´re always there, to hear him out, to just be quiet with him, cuddle him, going out of your way to cook for him
´thanks, mommy´
it just slipped out, you will never forget how mortified he looked after he said those words
definitely needs baby steps to accept that side of him (and come to terms with having the same kink as Sinu)
´ooh you wanna call me mommy so bad´
´shut the fuck up´
okay so you´re either just fuckbuddies or enemies to lovers
since the second option is more fun I´ll go into a bit more detail here
you hated each other since you first met, you´re an older member of the Workers and responsible for showing him around at first
he´s a brat and not the fun kind, he´s unbearably annoying
he hates you because you´re not his type and he hates taking orders
you´re always at each other´s throats despite actively avoiding each other
it goes so far that Samuel asks Goo of all people for help
he tells him to just fuck it out in the most deadpan tone Samuel´s ever heard from him
one thing leads to the other and after you´re done he´s so mad about how good it was because to him you´re so ugly
´like you´re one to talk, sharpie boy´
you only keep sleeping with him because he has a big dick
not that he knows how to use it
you´re even more strict and harsh in bed which pisses him off, it pisses him off even more that it feels that much better when you do it in the way you want it
he refuses to submit to you no matter how much he likes it, just because his pride won´t let him
´come on, it´s not like we´re dating´
he´s so fed up with you telling him to call you mommy that he just gives in
he mumbles it to an extent he hopes you don´t hear it
but you don´t let him cum until he says it properly
´fucking fine! mommy....you happy now?´
he´ll never forget the smirk you gave him after that, the way you called him a good boy
he doesn´t know if he just has a praise kink or actually wants to date you
you´re the one to bring it up first
so fucking irritated by it too at first
it was hard enough for him to admit his feelings and get into a relationship with you, let alone have sex with you
he´s discovering a lot of new things about himself with you which he´s grateful for but also it still scares him sometimes, how overwhelming it all feels
especially with his eyes he feels so weak and there´s nothing he hates more
you used to fight a lot whenever you wanted to take care of him
it took him a long time to understand that you don´t do it out of pity or because you think he´s useless, but it´s because you love him and that´s just the way you show it
he´s gotten into being blindfolded lately, at first he was against it because he still has a hard time letting go of control
but it´s easier on his eyes, the blurry vision gives him a headache most of the time
´shh, it´s okay, I´ve got you´
´it´s okay...I´m okay now, you know I trust you´
kissing you feels so much more intense whenever you blindfold him, this man is addicted to your lips anyway
always kisses you to the point he´s completely out of breath
you´re the only one to ever see him smile
´mommy, come back´
he whines as he still feels your breath on his face, he always teases you like that when he´s needy, missing your lips even one second after they left his
´I´m right here, baby´
sweet baby boy
he is such a poster boy, like the best example of mdlb
it was love at first sight
you were new on the street, opening a new shop for sweets and snacks
needless to say it becomes his favorite within seconds
has the sweetest smile around you
he´s so easy to fall in love with
he´s a gentleman but also never afraid to lean more into your touch and keep looking up at you whatever chance he gets
he´s submissive in the small ways, melts whenever you praise him
especially when you tell him you´re proud of him
you boost his confidence so much every time you tell him he´s attractive
he actually loves being called cute and being able to make you laugh
he´s still so happy to be dating you, he never thought he´d actually stand a chance with you
just kept annoying Jake and the girls about how to ask you out and afterwards how amazing you were
literally updates them on everything after you two were official, first time holding hands, saying I love you
you said it first and he cried on the spot from happiness
´I love you too, mommy, so, so much´
he is so SHY with it
doesn´t know how to bring up the topic at all
he´s home alone thinking about how to tell you he loves you, you´ve been dating for so long now but you never actually said you were boyfriend and girlfriend yet
Eli always told him to get to know someone first, to date properly before making any serious decisions like that
he´s in the kitchen when he hears something
he forgot Hudson is home, or rather Hudson forgot Warren´s home since that guy is just listening to porn on full volume
in this moment Warren is just glad that nobody else is home (and he also pretends he never heard anything not to embarrass Hudson)
he´s cooking dinner for everyone but keeps getting distracted by the sounds, it intrigues him
he always lets you take the lead in bed simply because he enjoys it the most, seeing you in charge, how good it makes you feel to make him feel good
and he´s so proud whenever you show him that expression only reserved for him
he´s more of a service dom with sub vibes in every day life
when you come home that night he asks you to be his girlfriend and when you agree he just decides to ask you the other thing directly too
´can I call you mommy too?´
it happened on accident
he´s always been very quiet about his own needs because he feels like he doesn´t deserve to be taken care of the way he always wanted to
you´re also a part of Workers, but used to work at Vivi´s club before switching over to his division
you´re pretty much the mom of the whole team and get along with everyone
he doesn´t mind you seeing him without his mask on, he does respect you and your reputation in the organisation but he doesn´t allow himself any more than that
he´s completely inexperienced after all so he doesn´t know what to do with the feelings he has once they appear
he doesn´t understand why you find him so attractive, but he also doesn´t complain when you keep telling him how handsome he is
you´re the only person who´s allowed to touch him
doesn´t like how easily he blushes with you and how his skin seems to be on fire everywhere you touch
he loves it the most when you hold his face in his hands like it´s the most precious thing in the world
he doesn´t understand at all
only reluctantly agrees to be your boyfriend and tells you immediately to not expect anything from him
he doesn´t think that you´re actually serious about him
kind of panics when he realizes you actually like him
keeps asking you why
´do I need a reason? I just like you, that´s not gonna change, you know?´
he´s extremely insecure about his abilities overall but he´s just clueless when it comes to romance so he actually doesn´t know what to do at all
he´s relieved when you take the lead, feels safe in your presence, like he actually matters and means something
you help him gain confidence and find his own self worth
he´s such a good kisser
one night he comes home exhausted from a job and just falls into bed, immediately asleep
you take the time to get some work around the house done
when you come back to the bedroom and sit down at the edge of the bed you can´t help but smile
Kenta´s having a wet dream about you, he looks so cute and small like that
´mommy...feels good...´
oh boy, he made the biggest mistake of all
he´s more on the sadistic dom side himself
he doesn´t mind having others take the lead in bed but it mostly ends up boring him
he has trouble feeling overall, he has to learn how to feel in a healthy way again
you´re...not the right person for that
in fact you´re much much more worse than him
you don´t give a shit about anything, you don´t do relationships, you only fuck with guys who shut up when you tell them to
Gun and you are friends, you´re very similar so you get along immediately
especially because it´s so very clear to both of you that you´ll never be compatible so you don´t even have to bother trying
it´s easier that way, working together, hanging out, no responsibilities or fear of getting hurt or hurting the other person
it should´ve remained like that
´you´d be the perfect mommy, you know?´
´fuck off, I don´t do that shit´
you´re not nice like a mommy´s supposed to be, you´re more of a mistress or goddess type but since you don´t care for the sexual partners you have there´s no power dynamic, there´s just you fulfilling your needs and wants
´that´s a shame, you´d be good at it, you´re a natural, trust me´
´and why would I do that?´
´cause I wanna see it for myself´
´fine. but we do it my way, asshole´
your arrangement is...strange to say the least
it´s not a relationship, it´s not even fuckbuddies either
Gun and you don´t even sleep together that much
you just clash too much
and Gun already is spoiled in every way of his life
still, he´s intrigued by the concept, it´s so...dull to him but somehow that just makes him all the more curious, the domestic part of it
it´s new to you both, even cuddling is weird, he´s touchstarved and becomes extremely clingy towards you, you hate showing affection in any way, you both hate being touched
but somehow...it´s not that bad
you become hyperaware of him and his needs, it´s hard to be soft, that´s just not how you are
but it gets easier over time, Gun doesn´t even realize it but he stops teasing you eventually, he didn´t think he´d enjoy it this much, not being in control
this bitchass wouldn´t hesitate to call you mommy the second he lays eyes on you
he knows what he likes and he isn´t afraid to show and express it
doesn´t understand why he should be ashamed of it either, he´s always been open with his interests and kinks (much to Gun´s dismay)
he always wanted someone to take care of him, not just because he´s a lazy and spoilt bastard but mostly because he´s a hopeless romantic (but refuses to admit it)
when Goo had his first date ever he over prepared with a bunch of flowers and chocolate and even had a bluetooth box with some cheesy songs playing and Gun laughed at him so much he never recovered from it
Gun still teases him about it so much so that Goo has to actively hide his romantic side so he can spare himself the humiliation
in private he just goes all out because of that
people think he´s just a joke but what they don´t get is that he´s brutally honest all the time
you´re the only one who got him from the start which is why he knows you´re the one instantly and full on fucking courts you, taking it slow, a good pre-dating phase, the most beautifully planned dates ever
´please be my mommy, I´m begging you´
´sure, why not´
´wait, that worked?´
he´s exactly your type, he doesn´t fuck around, both of you know what you want
he´s funny but honest to a fault
he doesn´t play games or anything of the sort, he´s just hopelessly in love with you
does so many things to impress you
shows you his sword collection and talks about it for two hours straight
tells you he loves you right after he notices you actually listened and were interested
´mommy´s proud of you, baby´
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