#kinda wanna say im genderfluid
feralwetcat · 6 days
(was gonna rb the other post but go off i guess)
boundsmp RRverse au
[RRverse: rick riordans universe of mythologies]
DISCLAIMER!: This is mainly based in CHB because to me it fits, the chaos of it all yk, though there will be mentions of Norse (Valhalla) and Roman (Camp Jupiter) mythology stuff
Im gomna avoid making characters kids of the big three unless it really makes sense so
(this is a long post, so info under the cut!)
Startinh with camps -
I think the Avicane would probably translate into Camp Jupiter somehow, so i definitely think Vast wnd Armor would be Roman demigods
Vast probably has friends in Valhalla, which is the magpies, maybe they're kids of a lesser known god, farther down the line of gods?
I can't exactly explain it but i wanna make Sylph norse? Maybe something like they're at CHB but are actually norse because she just doesnt like being norse and wants to be closer to xers friends? Possibly maybe
Rune is mortal, though that doesn't mean he won't be important:]
I think most everyone else is greek, though that may change
Now! Godly parents:] -
The one i mainly thought about was Sylph, who i think is Lokis kid, especially since its often known that they're genderfluid shapeshifters, which just fits them extremely well
Technically this isn't a godly *parent* but! I think Runes an oracle of delphi, maybe even vibing with the Hephaestus kids, but being fully mortal, it feels fitting to me, it gives him a good plot reason to be around everyone but also still being fully mortal and mostly unrelated to the gods. Probably goes and gets tea with Hestia every week though, yk
Nemo and Gavrin are probably both kids of Iris, i feel as if it fits well! The goddess of rainbows often being associated with creativity, which to me just kinda fits, though Nemo could be a kid of Apollo as well
I refuse to be basic and make every nerd a child of Athena BUT... Im sorry Elwood is an Athena kid, listen- you- yeah.
Mojave is an Apollo kid, send tweet
For Taliesin im tempted to say Hecate but i feel like with all the fraud stuff it doesn't fit well? But for now we'll sit with Hecate
Erin gives off either Athena or Demeter kid vibes, mostly leaning Demeter though, especially with the plant stuff, feels right
Marcel is an Apollo kid, send tweet
Avas probably a Ares kid who found some scruffy oracle on the side of fhe street, picked him up by the scruff of his neck and said "brother" and beat the shit out of everyone about it<3
I know making Virgil a kid of Athena is the best option, but im cool so *no* that bitch is just insanely smart, they're a kid of Mania the god of insanity because HEAR ME OUT. His powers come out through explinations, driving people to insanity by dumping mass amounts of information on them, probably hangs out at the Athena cabin a lot thoigh
Pietro (pieman) i honestly don't know, i was considering Athena (especially because owl), but i actually don't know? So Athena for now especially with the owl stuff, probably has a few owl friends
Vast *sighs* Mars, hear me out, he was forced to fight, become as strong as he could to please his father, at the same time competing herself to fight away any emotion thay would defy Mars. Hear me out. Though if you wanna bring in the big three i think Jupiter could work as well
Armor is a tough one for me personally, i was tempted to go with Apollo but that didn't sit with me right i guess? So Mercury for now i guess? Feels like the best option to me, plus god of trickery makes sense with an eventual betrayal of camp jupiter:]
Viviana as a kid of Hades, or Mania (making her and virgil technically siblings????) I'm thinking Mania because madness is just tasty, but Hades could work if you're dramatic, but Mania also because that girl is fuckin insane- (say hi to ur sister Virgil:>/j/j/j/j)
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i love my brother
but i feel like he’s a little black and white when it comes to gender identity- which is bizarre as he’s a trans guy
i’ve changed pronouns/gender identity/sexuality a lot because idk i’m younger and trying to figure out who i am and what feels right- and he calls me the most “inconsistent person he knows”
which kinda sucks
he told me he talked to my mom apparently about how i’d benefit from just calling myself genderfluid and i have two problems with that
1) i’m not out to my mom. i love my mom and she’s so supportive but i don’t want to come out until im sure because i don’t wanna change it up on her all the time. looks like he did that for me tho
2) genderfluid doesn’t feel right to me- at least right now. it’s not my label. i’m nonbinary/genderqueer atm and i don’t wanna change because of how he thinks i should identify
there’s also the added layer that he and his girlfriend are t4t- his partner was nonbinary for a long time and now they use they/she pronouns and identify as a fem nonbinary- WHICH IS SO COOL
but that means both of their gender experiences were a bit more binary- both leaning heavily away from their agab. i think because i still like feminine things (this convo arose last night because i showed him the swimsuit i was gonna get) and im not the more common “nonbinary androgynous” presenting person- or because i don’t lean fully away from more “feminine” things- he doesn’t really understand?
i think in his mind enby is either dressing masc if you’re afab or fem if you’re amab- or the like short hair, baggy clothes, genderless being aesthetic shown in media when it comes to enby people
and all the power to them! they’re valid and amazing as who they are, but when that becomes The Look for nonbinary people it can affect peoples acceptance of enbies who aren’t like that or can’t afford to be because of money, their home life, etc.
all this is sorta to say that you don’t have to listen to what the older queer people around you think you “should be” or what it “sounds like you are” even people who’ve been in the queer community longer have had different experiences than you- and shouldn’t dictate your interpretation of your own identity
also don’t feel bad about being inconsistent!! ever!!! i like telling myself:
maybe it is a phase but it’s not just a phase. it’s the phase i’m in and i deserve to explore it and have it be respected and feel valid, even if it changes
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agaypanic · 8 months
Can you make hcs of rory or Benny dating someone who’s gender fluid? 🫶🏻
Benny and Rory Dating Someone Who's Genderfluid Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: im also genderfluid so this was fun to write lol i hope this doesn’t read too much as an afab reader but if it does, that’s bc im afab and i imagine myself in the story/situation to make writing easier, so sorry if it reads that way!
I think it might take him a minute to fully understand
But no matter what, he’s supportive
Like, number one defender against assholes and haters
Will try to figure out a spell or potion to help with dysphoria
“Abracadabra, you have a dick” “Alacazam, you got titties”
Sometimes, his magic doesn’t work as planned tho
Today was one of those days where nothing really felt right. Whatever you threw on, however you did your hair or makeup, none of it made you feel the way you wanted to feel. It quickly made you irritable.
“You okay, babe?” Benny asked as you paced around in frustration.
“No.” You said a bit meanly. You didn’t mean to sound that way, but you couldn’t help it. “It’s just… Nothing looking right!” You sighed sadly, flopping on your bed and looking at your boyfriend. “But it’s not just the clothes. I… I don’t wanna be in this body right now, you know?”
Benny pursed his lips, wishing he could take your frustration away somehow. The two of you lay in silence for a bit before Benny sat up slightly, having an idea.
“I might know a spell that can help!”
“The last time you said that, you gave me a tail.”
“That was one time!” Benny flopped back down, laughing a little at the memory of you having to go to Grandma Weir with your tail between your legs. Literally. He held your hand, thumb sweeping over the back of it as he looked at you. “One day, I’ll figure it out. Then you’ll never have to feel like this again.” He kissed the back of your hand, making you smile. “I promise.”
Tbh i kinda headcanon that rory’s genderfluid
At the very least, that dude is not cis
I truly believe that
If you have a more feminine wardrobe but are feeling more masc or androgynous, he lets you take whatever you want from his closet
Just hope that you dont mind nerdy shirts bc that’s the majority of his tops
Always does a pronoun check, even if you’re presenting yourself in a certain way
When you’re at the mall looking at clothes and whatever, you’re mainly looking for things to share
“These jeans look cool.” You mutter, holding the pants up against your body to show Rory, who was going through a rack of shirts. 
“Ooh, what about this shirt?” Rory asked, holding up a blue dinosaur shirt, grin wide and bright.
You held the pants to Rory’s body, trying to imagine him in the outfit. It looked good in your head, so you nodded, and then Rory held the shirt up to you to do the same. He nodded, and you both decided to go to the fitting rooms.
Before you reached it, you got distracted by a rack of accessories.
“Should we get a belt?” You asked, and that was when Rory noticed that you weren’t next to him anymore. He sped back to your side, looking at all the options. “What about this one?” You held up a chain belt, and Rory nodded.
“Okay, now let’s go.” You say after grabbing the chain, pulling Rory off to the dressing rooms.
Benny Weir Taglist: @batmandallyboy
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stolasdearest · 10 months
Hey! Sorry if this is a bother, but I was wondering if you could do a headcannon of how Will, Gale, Astarion and Karlach would comfort you after top surgery? I’m getting mine soon, and baldurs is my comfort game, and this would be so incredible! Thank you for your time, really! Your work is incredible!!
Hi omg so like warning, I am a genderfluid afab so this writing might not be spot on for you but Im gonna try my absolute best pooks
Warnings: Not proofread! Talk of gender dysphoria, slight mentions of Transphobia
Transmasc!Tav x Bg3 chars
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She doesn't really understand but that by no means she's not supportive, Whatever you wanna do you do. You look sexy as hell anyways.
Would definitely wanna see your scars and depending on your approach of them would compliment them, say they "add character" and "show how badass you are" after confiding in her of the struggles of being Trans she admires you 100 times more because she couldn't imagine feeling like that and being the sunshine you are
will hold you, talk with you, listen to you during the entire process. And if anyone ever says anything negative about them OR you? Oh hold her back or she might upper cut someone, you learned that the hard way. Smothers you in affection and reassurance before and after the surgery telling you she doesn't find you less attractive and that you'll be absolutely breathtaking no matter what you look like.
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He listens to you all the time, if you go into a dark place about your identity and what you look like he will sit right at your side and tell you the sweetest things and you can tell he's 100% genuine
Like Karlach he will be there with you throughout the entire process, will help you apply creams and other remedies that'll help with scarring if you are uncomfortable with them, might even try and find a healer to try and get them completely removed.
But if you choose to just let your body heal naturally and whatever happens of the scars happens he will lay his chin on your chest while looking up at you. Just, looking at you
You are genuinely the most handsome man he's seen in his entire life and he would tell you till you lose your hearing.
Wyll is your number.1 defender in anything but especially your identity. He never even mentions youre trans to others not even his family and if they ask he just shrugs and says "Tav is Tav, and I love Him very much"
Said with a "that's that" tone to ensure the others do not engage further, unless you feel comfortable sharing your experience obviously.
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He gets what it's like to feel out of place in your own body, he gets the disassociation and confusion of it— not in the way you do and he says that, telling you he wouldn't wanna compare your situation to his and that they are vastly different.
Would probably trace his fingers over your scars (with your consent ofc) whispering about how Gorgeous and Handsome you are, he tells you to not bat (ehe) them much mind they do not define you or your identity as a man.
He could go on about you and your greatness for hours if you ever felt upset before or after the surgery, grabbing your face and making you look at him while he admires the face of the love of his life.
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He can understand the out of body experience you might experience and sympathize with you
Definitely the kinda guy to say "get tattoos over em" if you say you don't like the look of them, I think he finds Tattoos very attractive and if they make you feel better that's even better!
If you needed to get your mind off it he would just nudge you with a few Magic facts and see if you bite so you can listen to his very non-coherent rambles
Probably the first person to see you after it, will literally fight his way through Doctors and nurses to see you holding your favorite things.
And you'll never forget how his eyes light up at seeing you, He sees you're so much happier now and you feel more comfortable and he's so extremely proud of you.
THIS MIGHT BE SHIT??? but congrats on getting your top surgery date and I hope you recover well and feel at ease with yourself. PLEASE STAY SAFE AND LOVE YOURSELF YOURE WONDERFUL💋
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xxsweetoothxx · 5 months
More people need to join me on the Genderfluid/Transfem LJ train. Deadass. Jack and Jill's stories are fucking NOTHING that shit is clay meant for molding.
It's time for rambling about nothing because I can never just stay on topic with shit so if you wanna read me ramble about Laughing Jack and Jill and my own version of them. HERE YOU GO! Enjoy Im gonna try and draw now and not rip my fucking brain out mummy style out of frustration.
Ive always had mixed opinions on Jill just because of WHY she was made. Like her whole thing of being made as a joke to poke fun people making OCs who were just [NAME] The killer. Was kinda Ick. Didn't care for it then don't care for it now. But the implications of another mf like Jack existing brings up implications of him not just being a one of a kind being and the potential for SO MUCH SHIT that could have been explored in cannon. But OH WELL!
the shit I have with Toyfolk may be a concept I use for original shit but because I made Toyfolk and the world they come from I can't see Jack or Jill existing in my universe of characters and shit and NOT being Toyfolk which DOES take away from big parts of their cannon that most people remove anyway (like how LJ in cannon eats fuckin children)
But yeah like Ragz isn't just LJ they're kinda just Ragz. They're a rewrite of Jill just as much as Jack I'd say. They present feminine more often than not. I have them go by Jackie because it's relatively gender neutral. But also because having them at some point going by Jill would be kinda fucked up of them I feel considering everything with Wilson. (That's a whole other post in itself)
I see people reblog my art of Ragz and ive noticed if they're wearing pants it's Laughing Jack if they're wearing a Skirt or dress then it's tagged as BOTH Laughing Jack and Laughing Jill. Which is interesting! I've noticed most Laughing Jill art is also tagged as Laughing Jack and I kinda get why but also like damn.
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personapilled · 3 months
hai, im hazard.. or personapilled
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I like persona, cherry crush, the summer hikaru died, chainsaw man, say i love you, jujustu kaisen, neon genesis evangelion, okegom, ranfren, project sekai, and many other things.. anime and manga in general.. 🐟
I use she/he, bisexual + asexual and genderfluid.
Im online alot, I dont really have a life.. so dm me if you wanna be friends or something Im cool i think.. Im also kinda socially awkward though lol.. 📱
this blog isnt really for anything in specific, just kinda shitposting and reblogging stuff Im interested in..
bai now..
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boy-gender · 3 months
hey love ur blog! idk if you have anything for this but im questioning my gender rn and i feel like some mix of a guy and agender or nonbinary (so im thinking demiboy maybe) (im afab) but i also kinda sorta feel like a girl sometimes but only like a tiny tiny bit. and only sometimes. and every time i feel like a girl i also feel like a guy at the same time. idk my gender crisis only started like a week ago (i’ve had others in the past but this is my worst so far) so i’m scared i’m faking it or it’s a phase and i just want the aesthetic of being a guy or something. idk totally fine if you don’t wanna answer this cuz ik you’re not an advice blog or anything but i js thought you might be a good place to ask
There's no such thing as faking a gender, unless you are doing it intentionally. If you arent purposely, knowingly, choosing to lie, then it's not fake. Gender is confusing and multifaceted and contradictory and not static. It changes throughout a life, and as quickly as hour to hour. Just because your gender shifts around and you dont always know how to keep track of it doesnt make it fake- it makes it what gender is. A qualia. A subjective experience. There are 8 billion people on this planet, so there are 8 billion unique genders, even if most people tend to use the same handful of words to approximate their feelings.
If demiboy feels like a label that fits you, try it out! You can always change it again later. Maybe youre genderfluid. Maybe youre agender. Maybe youre genderqueer. There is no limit to how many times or how often you can change your understanding of yourself, or how you describe it.
Also, id like to throw this out there, not just for you but also because ive seen many newly trans or questioning people echo this: "im not really trans im fetishizing being trans" is straight up not a thing. Do you see trans people as people? Congrats, you have not dehumanized trans people the way negative fetishization requires. Thinking you want to relabel or explore your gender based on aesthetics is fine! a lot of gender IS aesthetic! Thats not a "lesser" or "wrong" or "shallow" reason. Aesthetics matter to people. Aesthetics influence gender presentation. Anyone accusing you of faking being trans or saying your reasons for calling yourself trans are bad/wrong/not enough? That's a transmedicalist scumbag and you go put their opinion in the garbage and then block them.
I cant tell you what you are. I cannot diagnose you with genders. Only you can tell you who you are, and it's okay to not know, or to change it. I would recommend instead of asking outsiders, ask yourself. Sit with it. Examine it from different angles. Rotate gender in your mind, if you will. What words are you drawn to? What kind of body would you want to have? What aesthetics matter to you? Amongst what groups of peers are you most comfortable, and why? What about gender makes you decidedly uncomfortable? You don't need to know all those answers now or soon or even ever, but they can be places to start.
Ultimately the opinion of anyone who *isnt you* isnt worth jack shit in this regard. You gotta spend some time with it and decide for yourself. And there is no wrong decision; there's only yourself in progress.
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our-lesboy-experience · 5 months
How does one know if one is a lesboy? Also how does one know if one is an mspec lesbian? Also can one be both? Also can one be both and also aroacespec? Sorry for the question spam I’m having my yearly sexuality crisis (stick around in six months for the yearly gender crisis)
so first it'll answer the question of "can you be this at the same time"- yes, absolutely. im an mspec lesboy (not really attracted to men, but am to genders under the nonbinary umbrella and pretty flexible when it comes to genderfluidity and if we had already been dating) who's both on the ace and aro spectrums (though I don't see myself under the label aro in any sense, I just say demirose). so technically that's me, the mspec aspec lesboy, so I can say for certain you can be all those things
as for how someone knows is they're an mspec lesbian or a lesboy, my response that is gonna be roughly the same for everyone that's asked me before, and that it's pretty hard for someone that isn't well, you, to know. with lesboy, it's really just if you feel it describes you accurately based off your own experience (like I've said before, similar to genderqueer). the only requirement really is being a lesbian, the best I can suggest to you is to try it and see how you like it. mspec lesbian is kinda similar, as someone can have their own person reasoning for calling themselves such, and im not in a place to tell anyone whether or not they're allowed to use that label. if you're attracted to more than one single gender, and experience sapphic or queer attraction to women, then yeah, go ahead with it.
ive been answering a few asks like these lately so I think I might wanna make a statement on what my advice is if you're figuring out if labels like lesboy are for you- use it. call yourself it, express yourself with it to others, try it out like a piece of clothing or a new name you're figuring out if you like or not. some "modifier" labels are not quite the same as asking if you might be trans or ace or bi. some rely on you exploring by using it, in order to figure out it fits you. I can't exactly help people in figuring out if they're actually a lesboy or not because it entirely relies on what means to the individual. again, similar to genderqueer. all I can suggest is to use it first, then see how you like it
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smarterthanyouthink · 2 months
what's up
Hey I'm steph you probably already know that but whatever. I just kinda made this blog. you can ask stuff I guess.
Im pan and genderfluid. I'm fine with any Pronouns
OOC: hi im jay/lunar aka @lunarmoonheart! I use any pronouns. I've been wanting to make an rp blog for a while so we shall see how this goes.
A few things first:
This blog has my steph headcannons (pan, genderfluid, ployamourous, dating Ruth and pete [maybe others in future depending on future rps])
I am a minor so while horny jokes are fine nothing explicitly sexual please
Usual dnis. Trans and homophobes. Pedo. Ect
Feel free to send asks I don't know how fast I'll be but I'm doing my best
Also feel free to rp with me dont know how good I'll be but I wanna have fun
Whatever I say will be purple and steph will be green or black
Special shoutout to @whoisinmyhousehelp for assisting me go check them out they are great
Ill probably come up with some tags in the future when I do I'll add them here
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bluegumballmf · 4 months
ngl i think about adamai so much like literally almost half of the time im thinking abt him so um i just wanna talk about my personal headcanons for him bc i rlly rlly like him he’s genuinely such an easy character to relate to for me because i relate to his trauma. Anyways, forgive me if you catch any spelling or grammar errors, i’m writing this with like 4 hours of sleep and dyslexia.
um so my main mental health hcs are that he has BPD, ADD (lololol fits with the name) and minor psychosis. For ADD, it’s moreseo that from what i’ve seen, adamai struggles in social cues and has a more quiet approach to his struggles, and that he acts similarly to me, and I am autistic. For psychosis, it’s sort of a baseless headcanon, I just feel like Adamai would get auditory/ tactile hallucinations.
It’s a little hard to explain why i think he has BPD cause it’s moreso things I can relate to, such as how he latches onto people rlly quick ; ie a BPD person’s “favorite person,” who is a support system and a sort of pillar/ anchor and typically end up being someone the person w/ BPD sometimes ends up changing themself for. I personally think that adamai’s had multiple favorite people, such as; grougal, qilby, phaeris, echo and oropo, and obviously, yugo. Its kinda hard for me to like. Phrase WHY i think these people are his fps, but i think it’s mostly how he values them and prioritizes them when it comes to his actions and thoughts and feelings, i mean, just take oropo for example. Adamai changed his entire body for oropo, taking the dofus in when he was still rlly young for eliatrope/dragon standards, even assuming a body he didn’t want to survive, which even then, he only did for approval and support from his FP. This actually leads me into my next headcanon,
I headcanon adamai as transfem. Specifically a trans woman. For a few reasons, which I’ve gone over in a twitter thread (same username as on here, you should go check it out, I’m WAY more active there haha) but i’ll put it here.
1. adamai doesnt feel comfortable in his body and it’s elaborated on in the show. When he’s talking to eliatrope about his body, eliatrope states that he’s “always been unique” and iirc you can see adamai’s face drop because its not exactly something he’s proud of.
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2: going off the last point, he’s shown to say that the body he now has in wakfu s3-4 is one he had to adapt to survive and not the one he chose, which is parallel to some trans people never transitioning because they dont feel safe enough to do so. this is kind of a stretch but bear with me, it’s more subconcious connections than anything else.
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3. (More of a joke point) BUT HE LITERALLY HAS THE SAME WAIST SIZE AS JESSICA RABBIT. WHAT. YES I’VE ACTUALLY COMPARED I AM NOT JOKING. Like here are the images (see below) for comparison. In all seriousness, while i feel like adamai’s design IS iconic and it does serve the purpose it meant to acheive, it doesn’t feel like him. Which again, is what it meant to acheive!! I’ll touch on this more in a second, but not.
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4: adamai has multiple issues regarding self perception, which in a way are all similar to dysphoria. He seems to have rejection dysphoria, body dysphoria, and maybe gender dysphoria. In my view, he seems to have all three subtypes of gender dysphoria (body, mind, and social) this actually ties in to the first point, because i feel like he’d develop a sort of body dysmorphia from shifting into a body he didn’t want, rather then a body that would be more comfortable for him; the human or the dragon. Which i’m choosing to see as a representation of the two genders; with him shifting in between being a sort of safe spot, like how many trans people identify as nonbinary or bigender before transition. (Not to say that these people are any less trans then any others, i’m just going off my own perception as a trans genderfluid person!!!)
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5: he’s always being forced into roles; from being raised for yugo, to being yugo’s mentor, to being grougal’s nanny, to being possessed, etc. Ad never has chances to choose any roles by himself, and it’s similar to transphobic parents stopping their trans kid from expressing themselves imo. Again, could be a stretch, but this is how i interpreted it. It’s actually kind of similar to my parents, so maybe that’s why. Though, this COULD also just be gifted kid burnout or autistic burnout OR strict parent parallels, which i also can see correspond with adamai.
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6: His mental image and self worth.
Adamai’s character is heavily influenced by a lack of self worth. He measures it with other people’s perceptions of him such as oropo’s or grougal’s, and when his body is perceived negatively by himself/others, he also starts hating it and himself, which ties into the headcanon i had about him having body dysmorphia AND into the BPD favorite people!!!
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7: ( sounds like a joke point but bear w me) estrogen could have saved him
And honestly, no, Im not joking. Imo, if Adamai was allowed access to an actual process to be able to feel comfortable in his own skin, it might help his mental illnesses a lot in the long run. I equate that to him getting estrogen + finally looking like himself. It could help him with the body dysmorphia and self esteem by helping him get to a place where he’s comfortable to be himself and maybe even shapeshift again. (I actually wrote a fic about this on Ao3, https://archiveofourown.org/works/55070686, if you want to read it!!)
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But um yeah, thats my reasoning for the trans headcanons, onto the less mental health involved ones, more miscellaneous. (But if you’re wondering why i’m using ‘male’ pronouns on Adamai, it’s because i feel like he would still like the he/him pronouns, but would simply use she/her more post transition.)
So, i have a few, mainly for adamai during winter vs summer.
In winter,
Silverish hair to blend with the snow
hair puffs up slightly to provide more insulation
lighter pigmentation everywhere,
much sleepier, tends to nap in the snow often
And then in the summer,
Blonde hair
more pigmentation
hair is less puffy, just curly (similar to chibi’s hair!!!)
less sleepier and more energetic.
Those are the basic ones for the seasons, but i also headcanon adamai to be an ice dragon, which means his tempurature is MUCH lower then the rest of the council’s save for maybe efrim. He needs to be in the sun much more, which could be part of the reason why grougal chose oma island to raise adamai. Another headcanon is that adamai and yugo both have heterochromia!! Yugo has central heterochromia, and Adamai has sectoral heterochromia; his eyes being blue and brown. I also headcanon that he has face markings similar to his mother, but they disappear in his dragon form because he’s closer to his father then.
Um yeah, that’s kind of it for right now, i might add onto these if more come up, but i hope you enjoyed reading!! I rwally love adamai, especially in s3 and up, he’s one of the most well written traumatized character’s i’ve seen, and i ADORE the nuance behind him.
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mysteriaqueen · 4 months
sunny omori is very boygirlenby to me
also kel is bigenderfluid
hero is transmasc
mari is ALSO transmasc
aubrey is xenogender
basil is genderflux
sunny omori is very boygirlenby to me
yeahhhh bro's too traumatized to give one singular fuck about the gender. bro will play whatever roll he wants to. he wants to be a princess? he's a princess. he wants to be a knight? he's a knight. he wants to be a trashcan? he's a trashcan. he's just a silly lil roleplayer. the role don't matter
also kel is bigenderfluid
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. he's so anything and everything. he probably doesn't even bother trying to find a label. i bet (post good ending and everyone gets back together) he's like "hey aubrey how does that make up stuff work?" and then like 30 minutes later bro's like "WOAHHH I LOOK SO PRETTY"
god i can see it soooo well i kinda wanna draw it
hero is transmasc
yknow I never thought about this but tbh it makes sense. he does kinda have those vibes with how he's a lil unsure sometimes or how he's also kind of a mom friend like Mari. he's also a silly lil guy. but yeah the more I think about it the more i accept the headcannon. yep. i'm thinking he's like ftm.
mari is ALSO transmasc
okay this one is interesting. i had not considered this either but at first i was like eh. but the more i think about it. im kinda on board with this. like yeah mom friend(mary) and dad friend(hero) but it's actually mom friend who's a dude(hero) and dad friend who's a girl(mari) but then mari's trans too and yeah i see this extremely well.
she defo has like slightly dude vibes so yeah transmasc fits her well. i'd say she's less ftm and more like "i don't give a fuck what my gender is but you're my child now :3 we're getting soft tacos later"
aubrey is xenogender
*googles xenogender* oh. yeah. yup. agreed. once again, she could not be bothered to actually figure it out. and when she does sit down for a bit she's like "..... oh god why is this so complicated? i don't even have the words for this! wait there's one for not having the words. great. I'm figure it out. i'm done. stop asking me about it."
basil is genderflux
is that not genderfluid? *googles* ohhhhhhhh yeah okay well i guess I found a new label for myself anywaysss
yeah that sounds about basil. i mean everything about my mans is constantly in flux. he is an unstable mess and i love him for it. everything about him constantly fluctuating in intensity. he's trying to hard to stay afloat and yet he cannot stop being pulled down into the depth. and at this point he can't tell whether he's breathing or holding his breath any more. poor guy.
anywaysssss thank you for the ask!!!! i so appreciate it man.
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cherrymf15 · 10 months
My thoughts on the toll which has made me wanna fight Mr Neal Shusterman in a Tesco
Greyson is new age jesus
Jeri my favourite genderfluid captain
and their crew is so supportive and the RESPECT
Faradays assisstant is not my favourite but that could be the self hate talking
my babies were deadish FOR 3 FUCKING YEARS
Goddard as always fight me sir
oh and Citra calling him out for some of the disasters that occured was fucking beautiful
i was like yes girl drag him
he'd kill me in seconds but i'd go down insulting him and take pride in it
Rand bringing back Tyger made me sob
Like thank you Rand for making Goddard die and stabbing him and everything
but that just made everything all the better cause I missed him and his bitch boy antics
and the fact she's been going to see like the simulation of him despite the fact he doesn't know her :(((((((((
"Where are you, my dear Marie?" IM SORRY
Can someone stop fucking seperating my babies please and thank you? Specifically you mr neal sir
Jeri and Greyson are so good together omg
both of them also kinda being in love with Citra. BIG MOOD
my boy faraday was severly depressed after finding out the love of his life and his children were probably dead and I wanted to hug him
The whole tonists in Africa section made me physically sick
however the reunion between my babies was great
i almost threw my book
the scythe who just wanted to be left alone to be beautiful is an icon
and Citra just being like OH YOU FUCKING UGLY GOD made me cackle
I do wish there was more Rowan POV it felt like it was a afterthought for the book
also Rowan just abdonding his family for space
which i only have a problem with cause he joined the lone star region is part to protect them but then just runs soooo
Thunderhead making another thunderhead sections were fucking fascinating
scythe morrison got so much better from the last book omg
loriana is a queen
ill say it again
I mean
its definetley better than people MURDERING OTHERS but still
faraday doing sympathy gleanings just magnificant
In conclusion, I wanna fight the dude who did this to me, in a Tesco, specifically in aisle 7. However, this series i think is probably in my top 5 series I've ever read. I thought the characters were extremely well developed. And it really just shows both the good and the bad in humantiy, especially with the fact that I'm not sure this future is entierly impossible with the way AI is probably gonna go
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rins-batcave · 18 days
ok so my school has a pride club that i'm a member of, our first meeting is soon and i'm brainstorming exactly what im gonan say so i dont panic during it. i dont wanna mention im ace cus idk its kinda weird to say to me teachers (?) but give me ur rating.
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angstlovernumer1 · 9 days
gunntechs Au oc >:3
I love gunntechs au by @elmushterri .It inspired me to make this oc.also from front i wanna apologize for my english but i have dyslexica and i don't use autocorrect since it change my words sometimes even tho i didn't want to say it
They are genderfluid(but mostly they refer to themselfs as they/them but less she/him) and their name is marc(they shorten their og name aka marceline)
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Their costume is fox.And their "hero" name is foxaine.I decide to put their age at 17 max. since i imagine they got put into their first company at age 12-14.Oh yeah now i think i should tell their story.
Marceline is transfer from europe company.(i still didnt pick country so jsut choosing to say europe).Theu were 15 at time.they got transfer since their company shot down... becouse of some issues with kids.
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When marc met the villan kids and the hero kids,they immidetly show that they clearly have some bipolar symptoms but clearly not enough to diagnose too.Marc mostly like to spend time alone sitting or reading.If not alone suprisly company let her watch experiments on other not bc he was special but becouse in papers of transfer they readed that they are already used to do that since thier og company let their "kids" watch other expirements so kinda her running to watch and smile at pther pain was normal. oh yeah she is sadistic as f-(thats why ppl didnt know if her sympones are being bipolar or just over sadisitc.In). at that time she met with romeo they didnt become friend but more like she was annoying him like all time.Like he was trying to do something but she was just playing around or make him things disappeard.She also got inrested in luna girl before she left but they didn't talk since marc was kinda afraid of moths(what i kinda imagine company gave luna to control or smth).Marc than also had some fun with little ninjas before they left with nina(if i remember thats how nightninja was called in this au).Since later on marc become more and more agressive towards scientists they decide to escape.And they did they met up later on with nightninja and stay with them for while but left soon after and live alone in some part of park and spy on pj mask and watch their every move.
Thats all im gonna add more later on but that's it for all.
but also her powers are something i liek to call:mist of fox
Basically she can turn fluff on her tail to mist what makes everyone who get into it laugh maniacly.
and Also here is sneak peak what happens to marc when her uh... ✨Gem✨ got broken
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They will become hyperexcited and not like other turn evil but more they will become no-control.She will start attacking firts perosnnext to her till she sees blood.all time laughing like maniac.and her ears like on pic going up and down and same for tail.
I imagine that her suit is more like lark fro yaolarke (idk if i spell it right) colored themed.She is also redheaded but more dark in end making it look like she has top of head she is bright an dirty end.
Now i think thats all i hope you like it >:3
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splatoon-edits · 1 year
I'm of the assumption that you're a Shiver fan do you wanna explain some HCs or reasons you like her?👂👂 I'm interested (I like her too 😋)
oh boy. do you even know what you've done? I am going to talk about this blue creature SO MUCH!!!!! (no but fr thank you for enabling me to talk about one of my fav characters!!!)
I'm just gonna be rambling with no general direction, so i apologize if this gets a smidge confusing..... Everything else will be under a read more since i don't want this post to make it hard to scroll through my blog if it gets too long.
so.. Splat 3 was my first game in the series. I knew about the other splatoon games obviously, and i was eagerly awaiting splatoon 3 since by the time i got a switch it would have been a waste to buy splat 2. So i went into splatoon 3 with very minimal knowledge of the characters/setting.
But when i saw Shiver in the Deep Cut announcement trailer??? It was love at first sight. Blue is my favorite color and the swag Shiver has is off the charts. Plus the hype around a potentially nonbinary character?? And imma be honest, i'm a sucker for smug characters. Especially the ones who are secretly failures. It's just one of my fav tropes.
So in short: Shiver was a character who had a lot of appeal for me in the beginning. But slowly over time as i came to learn more about her and the rest of Deep Cut, i came to appreciate them even more in new ways. Shiver is smug, sarcastic, and can come off as mean or over the top. But she is also silly, quirky, and has a lot of love in her heart for others. She cares about Frye, Bug Man, and all of Splatsville. She says silly things that don't make sense. She likes puns. She takes the time to listen to Sheldon's rambles. She is so much more than what you see on the surface. And it can be so easy to see her teasing her bandmates and assume she is mean or cold hearted. But she genuinely is such a fun character!!!!
Her grace, her gnc swag, her cringefail aura, everything about her makes her an amazing character.
And now, for some headcanons in no particular order:
I kinda see Shivers gender as "whatever is funniest/best in the moment. Commit to the bit of genders. But if i had to pick one thing to headcanon them as it would be pangender or maybe genderfluid. Uses all pronouns plus some shark themed neos like bite/biteself and fin/finself and anything else like that. Im gonna be mostly sticking to she/her and they/them for this post just cuz i think that's what people will be most used to. But really any gender hc for Shiver is correct in my head. MTF? Correct. Nonbinary? Correct. FTM? Correct. Genderfluid? Correct/ Bigender? Correct. Anything and anything goes an i love seeing everyone's takes on it!
I'm gonna go ahead and say trans woman Shiver has a special place in my heart. I just feel like i never see anyone hc this but i also feel like it works?? Idk... The same can be said for genderfluid Shiver. I myself am genderfluid so i rlly like that hc!
Mayhaps has a touch of the tism. (me too) I just feel like she doesn't read social cues well. Can mask really well but doesn't do it around Frye and Big Man for the most part. I think all of Deep Cut is autistic tbh. With Frye having ADHD as well. (ME TOO)
I'm caught between the headcanons of "secretly rlly strong cuz of archery" and "lowkey weak cuz it would be funny to contrast w Frye being strong". But i lean more on the side of both of them being strong. Just Frye having more obvious muscles. But if you look at Shiver she def if strong. And graceful. Like a predator built for ambush or stalking. She moves with purpose. Ya know what i mean? Like she seems very graceful and delicate at first but that is NOT the case.
I gotta be careful or this will turn into general Deep Cut hcs cuz i wanna talk about Big Man and Frye as well lol
Loses her temper easily. Can be petty when things don't go her way.
Master Mega is very special to them. She spent a lot of time with him when she was younger and her parents were busy.
Shiver whistles a lot as a stim/just for fun.
Big Man and Frye are the best hype men ever for Shiver. There are certain points in the game where she says absolute nonsense but those two are right there to back her up. They also don't understand what he's saying, but they are gonna act as if it's the smartest thing ever. Shiver thinks she is the coolest thing ever and those two only enable her. (dw. every once in a while they knock her down a peg by returning her teasing)
Shiver is the type of person to spend 30 minutes making her food look pretty before she serves it. It has to look good or else.
Is a decent cook. Frye likes to steal bits of food from whatever she is working on so Shiver will playfully smack her with her fan and shoo her out of the kitchen.
Is very proud of her singing. She worked very hard to get it as perfect as it is.
Probably used to have a violent streak in middle school, would bite people. Has since learned to control her anger better.
Very confident. Isn't afraid of things like public speaking.
Gets annoyed easily when overstimulated. Sometimes snaps at people when the environment is too noisy/bright or if she is tired. Tries to apologizes afterwards.
Speaking of apologies, she is the type of person to do something nice for you or get you food/a present for you rather tha admit she is wrong. Is embarrassed easily and instead prefers wordless apologies.
Is flustered easily. One of the ways to easily make her lose her cool is to do anything remotely flirty or to bring up something embarrassing she did in the past.
I could probably ramble more but it's LATE and i should head to bed. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! I had a fun time talking about my favorite blue goofball. <3
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chipsonthemenu · 1 year
tell me about your headcanons!!
okay so basic list stuff:
chip: he/him transmasc greyaroace bi and has. some sort of back problems. also his pinkie that i keep forgetting about! also adhd too bro has 0 attention span /pos
jay: she/they transfem bisexual and BBBAD KNEE....thought she had this in canon but i might be mixing them up with mari omori.....occasional mobility aids that ollie helped her decorate :3
gil: any pronouns agender aroace but is very down for qprs. autism as hell <3 also probably other stuff i cant think of rn OH GLASSES GIL FR
drey: they/them nb unlebelled nblm. gots their arms yk 👍 also kinda strikes me at nd in some way fight me on this
gryffon: okay. hear me out. they/he/she nb panromantic asexual. please. do you see my vision. also their arm and autism. gryffon is autism do you hear me.
finn: he/she genderfluid pansexual bro is a whore. also love the idea of fully mute finn and she is autism as FUCK DO YOU HEAR MEEEE
earl: nobody escapes from my queerness beam not even earl. he/him cismasc bisexual. bad back bad knees uses a cane. old man shit but also he hits people with the cane and uses it when making juice sometimes. ollie put fruit stickers all over it once and he actually kinda likes it but will never say that
lizzie: she/her transfem lesbian. shit vision not jusy due to her eye but just in general. refuses to wear glasses
caspian: they/he libramasc achillean demisexual :) sssooooo many jrwi characters strike me as mobility aid users despite me not being one and caspian is no exceptionnnnnnn to this
niklaus: throwing in motherfucker too because i do have stuff. she/they/lun/he transfem genderfluid bisexual. thats it
i thibk thats everyone i wanted to yell about lmk OH FUCK ALPHONSE
alphonse: dont care. doing the silly. it/they/he agender aroace i do not care if they are the boat now it deserved better and he gets my headcanons
okay thats everyone i think thank you for letting me scream <3
jaz: JASMINE DRAAAAKE <3 he/they transmasc gay with autism and why do i see him having a prosthetic arm. no idea why okay i think thats ACTUALLY everyone now
edyn: she/e cisfem sapphic HOW DID I ALMOST FORGET HERRRRR
ensa: omg her. they/she transfem nb lesbain asexual. got her prosthetic leg and probably adhd
okay. goodbye fr this time i promise
wait no i wanna do the apoth crew too as an apotheosis enjoyer
peter: they/he transmasc demiboy with so much autism that likes men. also probably post-campaign cane user the shit they went through can fuck someone up
rumi: any pronouns genderfluid pansexual. there is some sort of thing i think they have (i dont think its imposter syndrome) but its something about never actually seeing herself because changeling shit yk idk
thanatos: it/they unlabelled :) doesnt need labels doesnt want em :)
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