#bound smp ashril
feralwetcat · 29 days
"Aw shit bro time to skiddadle" *dumb cartoon run*
-Ash at some point probably maybe after seeing Castrel somewhere
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m0rninglatte · 3 months
Ashril: Uh Bye bye now!
???:Running will get you nowhere!
Ashril: It's gotten me everywhere
It's literally all I've done
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xwiedzmax · 25 days
how i think the Sherbs would react to becoming Quixis, in no particular order (pt1):
-Krit: i think they would like it. they would be sad and scared at first, but theyd be curious and happy that they could help out others and watch their lives. Krit just would be curious about the other Sherbs, who they are, how they live etc. still, they would be sad to be away from their family again, but at least they could watch over them and make sure they're safe, even if it would be nerve wracking at first to have such power and such responsibility
-Sherbert: they would like it too. its not like they have people to miss and nothing significant in their world would change without them. altho they wouldnt be as happy as Krit. watching over the Sherbs would be fun and interesting, yes, but their life being drained again, them not being able to fully live, being lonely away from the things.. it would just be a little too much
-Cedar: Cedar wouldnt be particularly unhappy, but they wouldnt be happy either. they would miss their shop, miss Azalea, worry about them both. they would be interested in the others lives and exploring their worlds, different types of potions they have would be interesting, but theyd feel a little too homesick. plus theyd probably have a bad start, as Caine would be very much happy to go back
-Caine: speaking of the guy. Caine would not be happy as Quixis. why would they help people who they dont even know? why would they be taken away from a place where they are fine and comfortable and its their house, which they know, where they have power and stability?
-Ripley: theyd be happy to see new things. have a corporeal form again. seeing all the worlds, exploring different universes, getting to know different lives and places, it would be very fun for them. and helping people out, would also be fun. i think theyd just chill, be happy with a change of enviorement
-Ashril: she would be glad. it would be an escape for him, both literally: from Castrel and metaphorically: from the world, as a break from all their worries. they would be interested in finding out stuff about the multiverse, finally doing some good in the world, or, worlds
-Sherwood: they would be worried at first, about being seperated from Heyraen, being away from their home. but theyd be very curious about the others lives, eventually growing to be a great Quixis. altho.. the homesickness would be strong, theyd miss Heyraen a lot and would be relieved to go back home
-Helix: they would be curious about the other Sherbs lives but i dont think they would enjoy being Quixis. its too much responsibility outside of their expertise, its not what theyre skilled at. and its a lot of preassure to have everyones lives in their hands. plus, explaining this to Fuble would be a mess, missing a long time of their life when they were supposed to be training to be a good captain
-Ajax: they wouldnt be a fan. it would finally be a constant in their life, but.. it wouldnt be what theyd want. he'd start to miss his friends, the fun they have, the rain, lightning, thunder. theyd miss the weather so much. it would become almost claustrophobic after a while, of course the Worldport is a big place, but its *just* the worldport. its infinite but its *all the same* theres no change, no difference, nowhere to go, its just repeating over and over and over and over- just like the events
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hrts4starfell · 2 months
my first thought when i saw c!ash was “they have serious she/they energy.”
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vexedallay · 8 months
Me when I just realize the name ash has been on my list of possible sherbversion names for like a month now-
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sherbertquake56 · 1 month
about to be yelling and screaming about ash now btw—
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mmmmmmm . thinking about how angry castrel is . thinking about the tiktok sherb posted today . thinking about the comment about how trying to explain probably wouldn't go well for ashril's health . thinking about how castrel doesn't seem to want to let ash explain . thinking about how ash *wants to* - they don't want to keep doing this. thinking about how castrel just seems to want revenge . thinking about the scar . thinking about how many times he must've caught up to them - how many times ash has had to fight the person she should've been able to call family . thinking about how they must've been friends at one point . or at the least acquaintances . thinking about it . (thinking about the prey / predator idea . thinking about ashril hiding and running and going nearly silent and fidgeting and thinking about castrel stalking and chasing and hunting and sounding so angry and just wanting to revenge . thinking about it.)
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qaze · 1 month
///Spoilers for Ash and Vast BoundSMP lore
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emberunderscore · 1 day
also if castrel DOESNT show up in the rematch ( the event is ominous and says "a race rematch and... other things >:)" ) and if other things is NOT castrel then i will be waiting for him to show back up in every ash stream until he does show up
cause like . he's a good tracker . he's been tracking ash for three years and keeps finding them . he's gonna figure out pretty quickly that ash has not been in the direction he was pointed in . like three years of tracking someone and you suddenly lose their trail . you're gonna go back to the last place you confirmed they were seen . which is brightstep (because they're still there!!)
point is . he's gotta come back at some point .
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whosthere54 · 1 month
Do you think about how silly (messed up) it would be if Draeke was able to watch over Castrel and Ash?
He would have to watch two of the people he was closest with (maybe not at the end, but he names his child after Ash. That counts for something I think.) playing cat and mouse for the years after his death, trapped in similar cycles of grief and pain.
Would he be angry? Would he be sad? Would he be vengeful? (Though I doubt he would)
Do you think Draeke watches his sibling as they mourn him? As she holds on to so much grief and fear and so so so much regret. Watching as Ash tries goes to scrub the blood off of their hands- repeating the same motions after nightmares or certain days when it rains (though those times the blood isn’t there- they see it. They sees it every day after it happened. He can’t *stop seeing it*.)
Do you think Draeke watches his husband -the person he spent so much of his time with. The kind, loving, important, wonderful person he fell in love with- chase and chase (and *hunt* and *track*) and chase Ash down, overwhelmed with grief and so *so* much anger. But in the process watching him leave the child he is hunting Ashril down to protect in a way? (It feels so much to me like a dad who’s off at work all the time. Maybe one who travels for work, who’s not home often so you give him things to take with him so you know he thinks of you. That’s what the letter feels like in my bones.)
Yeah no me neither.
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willbee-1 · 1 month
Spoilers for the Vast and Ash lore today-
.....both of their siblings being dead at the hands of the other hurts me
And both of them to a point didn't even mean it or want to
Ash did it on accident
Vast had to bc she was forced to
So they're both being here sharing basically that survival guilt of living when the other had to fall at the hands of them-
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m0rninglatte · 6 days
Get goofy with it
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rima-niki · 6 months
Another Fable thought that could become fic, but nahhh
Just a silly what if Rae went into Icarus's mind to help them Characters: Icarus, Rae, Sherbert, Ashrill
Now imagine Rae going in their mind to try and save Ic, and it's either gold or a rainbow. There is no fully just Icarus, only the person that others made them.
There are different versions of ic in there, like how Rae had a different him, but at the same time, they're not Icarus. The first one Rae meets is a fully corrupted Sherb; it's how they, themselves, see them. They are corrupted, they are making the same mistakes no matter what, thats what they are. This corrupted version leads them to a patch of a rainbow, more specifically purple, where once Rae enters finds a version of ic that's an elf? They're kind, offering to help Rae with his journey, but Rae can tell the elf is lonely. There is no other building around outside if the sherb tm build style. The elf gives Rae a bead, then rae is back in the normal plain of gold and rainbow. The corrupted version of Icarus is there again, laughing at Rae, trying to actually help them; they're just like this, there's nothing you can help with. But Rae moves along, finding a new colour, one he hasn't seen before, a dark red; he goes in. The Icarus that Rae finds is another bird but very different, a roadrunner. She was admiralty put in alarm at the sudden appearance of Rae, someone who he thought they would never see again. Rae reassures her that he means no harm and is looking to help someone. The roadrunner says they'll help, and they look around the floating island that they've made a house on. Rae noticed something while they were talking this Icarus seemed to always be on edge, like they were ready to run or fly at any second. Was every version of their brother in some form of pain? They don't know. But after a moment of looking, the roadrunner found another bead and handed it to Rae with a goodbye. "Wowie, you're really trying this," The corrupted version spoke as Rae entered the field again. "Yes, I'm not giving up on you, Icarus." "You should, not like you'll find the last 2 that you need." "So there's two more."
"w-what no!" the corrupted one stuttered out as Rae continued to move forward, finding an almost fully broken part the gold on it was faded, but Rae entered. It's their childhood home, but it was a bit dirty it seemed like someone had just been baking. Rae walks around looking for Icarus. When they hear a thud coming from upstairs. He quickly makes his way over and finds a much younger Icarus on the floor, it seems they had fallen off. They quickly spot the much older Rae.
" Who are you! I'm real good with a sword" they say as they jump up to their feet. "I'm Rae. I don't mean you any harm. I just heard you fall and got worried." "Oh… you share the same name as my brother! That's cool. My brother is really small right now. Mom says I was that small once, too, but I don't believe her. Don't tell her I said that, tho." Icarus puts a finger to their mouth in a hushing motion. "I won't tell your mom, but are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine. I fall ALL the time, this new home, Mom allows me to go outside, and I can climb the trees, and Dad's not here to- To, I don't really know, but Dad wouldn't let me." "You fall a lot, you always do" Rae says a bit bittersweetly. "You're my brother, aren't you?" Rae just nods. " You're all big. You get such a cool horn? Do I get one? Is Mom still with us? Do we find Dad? Do I become real good at the alcemy?" Rae giggles softly." You don't get a horn, but you do get wings." "I GET WINGS!!!!!" "Yes, you do… um, Mom isn't with us right now, but I'm looking for her. You do become really good at making potions, and um, Fable is back, but he's done a lot of bad things, and he forced you to think some not-good things and a lot more." "Oh… Are we still brothers?" Icarus is saddened. "We are, and we always will be." "O-okay," Icarus nods. Icarus looks through their pocket and brings out another bead. " Then save me." "I will." Once Rae grabs it, they get brought to a different room, but one they are very familiar with, the cell that housed Icarus back in the endstone reset. "So, for some reason you still think I should be helped? Despite everything I had done to you, you really think that Icarus is worth saving?" "Despite everything you've done, you, Icarus, are still my brother. Even if you fall to Fable time and time again, I will still be there. I will still be your brother because I love you, Icarus and nothing you do will change that. You ARE my brother, that can sometimes be a bit rude and a bit harsh but you never failed to care for me. You could have left me there when you through that potion, but you didn't. You stayed and made sure I was okay. When I was turning into a beast, YOU were there. You were there when we had nothing but each other. I know Fable is promising you to bring them back, but Icarus, you'll lose so much more; please, I don't want to lose you too." When Rae looks up to Icarus, they aren't corrupted. Their ears and wings hugged close to them. "I-I don't want to lose you either, But Rae, I've gone too deep." "Then let me help you up." Icarus signs and walks over to Rae, and places the final bead in his head. "You win, Rae." -The end-
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flameishstudios · 29 days
Thinking about Bound!Prison duo
Also I desperately need to know who the pigeon Ash knows was and why they were so important that Castrel said pigeons were a lead to their location
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monarchburdi · 3 months
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Ash and their pidoves (+evolutions)
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shoes, perhaps
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