#Birds Of Prey AU
kosssich · 6 months
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papa Adam and his nestlings, they’re on a walk
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+ some baby exorcists
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feralwetcat · 6 days
(was gonna rb the other post but go off i guess)
boundsmp RRverse au
[RRverse: rick riordans universe of mythologies]
DISCLAIMER!: This is mainly based in CHB because to me it fits, the chaos of it all yk, though there will be mentions of Norse (Valhalla) and Roman (Camp Jupiter) mythology stuff
Im gomna avoid making characters kids of the big three unless it really makes sense so
(this is a long post, so info under the cut!)
Startinh with camps -
I think the Avicane would probably translate into Camp Jupiter somehow, so i definitely think Vast wnd Armor would be Roman demigods
Vast probably has friends in Valhalla, which is the magpies, maybe they're kids of a lesser known god, farther down the line of gods?
I can't exactly explain it but i wanna make Sylph norse? Maybe something like they're at CHB but are actually norse because she just doesnt like being norse and wants to be closer to xers friends? Possibly maybe
Rune is mortal, though that doesn't mean he won't be important:]
I think most everyone else is greek, though that may change
Now! Godly parents:] -
The one i mainly thought about was Sylph, who i think is Lokis kid, especially since its often known that they're genderfluid shapeshifters, which just fits them extremely well
Technically this isn't a godly *parent* but! I think Runes an oracle of delphi, maybe even vibing with the Hephaestus kids, but being fully mortal, it feels fitting to me, it gives him a good plot reason to be around everyone but also still being fully mortal and mostly unrelated to the gods. Probably goes and gets tea with Hestia every week though, yk
Nemo and Gavrin are probably both kids of Iris, i feel as if it fits well! The goddess of rainbows often being associated with creativity, which to me just kinda fits, though Nemo could be a kid of Apollo as well
I refuse to be basic and make every nerd a child of Athena BUT... Im sorry Elwood is an Athena kid, listen- you- yeah.
Mojave is an Apollo kid, send tweet
For Taliesin im tempted to say Hecate but i feel like with all the fraud stuff it doesn't fit well? But for now we'll sit with Hecate
Erin gives off either Athena or Demeter kid vibes, mostly leaning Demeter though, especially with the plant stuff, feels right
Marcel is an Apollo kid, send tweet
Avas probably a Ares kid who found some scruffy oracle on the side of fhe street, picked him up by the scruff of his neck and said "brother" and beat the shit out of everyone about it<3
I know making Virgil a kid of Athena is the best option, but im cool so *no* that bitch is just insanely smart, they're a kid of Mania the god of insanity because HEAR ME OUT. His powers come out through explinations, driving people to insanity by dumping mass amounts of information on them, probably hangs out at the Athena cabin a lot thoigh
Pietro (pieman) i honestly don't know, i was considering Athena (especially because owl), but i actually don't know? So Athena for now especially with the owl stuff, probably has a few owl friends
Vast *sighs* Mars, hear me out, he was forced to fight, become as strong as he could to please his father, at the same time competing herself to fight away any emotion thay would defy Mars. Hear me out. Though if you wanna bring in the big three i think Jupiter could work as well
Armor is a tough one for me personally, i was tempted to go with Apollo but that didn't sit with me right i guess? So Mercury for now i guess? Feels like the best option to me, plus god of trickery makes sense with an eventual betrayal of camp jupiter:]
Viviana as a kid of Hades, or Mania (making her and virgil technically siblings????) I'm thinking Mania because madness is just tasty, but Hades could work if you're dramatic, but Mania also because that girl is fuckin insane- (say hi to ur sister Virgil:>/j/j/j/j)
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knave-of-clubs · 7 days
fanfic guessing game: knife, leaf, tears
She feels like she's dying, it hurts so bad, and every syllable twists the imaginary knife in her heart until she's sure she'll fall unconscious.
Leaf: N/A (couldn't find any with that word, might've described something as Leaf Green somewhere?)
The voice rang loud and clear like a church-bell, making Velvet flinch. "Don't you know that your tears make me mad?"
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bluiex · 2 years
you have awakened A Beast in wanting to hear about my Ranchers Win Au <3
official title is Birds of Prey
so here's the tea: Jimmy's resigned himself to his fate. He's always meant to die first, that's just how it is. He's not even a player in the death games. He just dies first, and then the games really begin.
Then he meets Tango. Tango, strangely, is the one who makes them lose their first life. But Jimmy's optimism doesn't last. Why should it? He knows how this goes. Everyone knows how this goes.
"We're probably going to be the first out..." He says one night to Tango when they're at the newly built ranch. "Just to let you know.. I'm sorry you got paired up with me."
"I'm not." Tango shrugs. And for the first time in his life, Jimmy finds someone who's proud to be with him.
"If you're the canary, then I'm your coalmine."
And once the teasing gets to be too much(Say after the ranch burning maybe), Jimmy decides that he's had enough. The canary is breaking free from the cage.
YEEEES love the name. Jimmy going all out in this au- i will love it already
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Things Are Changing (Part 14)
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Jason waited at the bar, tapping his fingers on a pint of beer he was too nervous to actually drink. Danny had gone out with the birds of prey tonight to either look after, or make a mess of, crime alley in his absence. He’d find out which one in the morning, though he trusted Danny to keep most of the Chaos under control since he loved their home almost as much as Jason did. 
He wasn’t nervous about what they were doing, he was nervous about meeting Roy again. Which was probably why he was early for the meeting, early enough to get a beer that was no longer as cold as it had been. He sighed at himself and took a sip. 
“Hey buddy,” Roy greeted, biting back a chuckle at the way Jason jumped. 
“Damn you and your light steps. You'd think after growing so much you'd make a little more noise,” Jason sighed, taking another sip from his beer before getting up and hugging Roy so tightly it made him wheeze. “It's good to see you too.”
“Damn, you got strong,” Roy gasped, patting Jason's back awkwardly. “You were such a scrawny kid too.”
“Ya,” Jason chuckled, putting Roy down again. He stepped back a little while Roy ordered a beer and glanced around for a more secluded table where they could talk a little more openly. Once Roy had his beer Jason jerked his chin towards the table, Roy nodded so Jason led the way over to it and they sat together. “It was from being malnourished as a kid, but a dunk in the pits seems to have repaired a bunch of that shit and I absolutely shot up! 
“It was kinda weird because for the first… year there I was barely conscious so when I finally came back to myself it was already to a body that was so much larger than the one I was used to. The LOA had been drilling me on techniques and shit so unconsciously I knew my new size and strength but anytime I tried to do something and thought even a little to hard about it I’d be so fucking clumsy! And you wouldn’t believe how many doorways I hit my head on before I got used to this height,” Jason chuckled, and Roy laughed along with him.
“Damn that's crazy, but also I totally get it. I was kept unconscious by Cadmus for years, when I finally got out of that fucking tube I’d lost my arm,” he held up his prosthetic, which was so good Jason had barely noticed it before. “And my muscles were so atrophied moving around felt nothing like it used to. I didn’t grow That much but it still… it was so fucking weird.” He sighed and took a bigger gulp of his beer, it clearly wasn’t easy to think about still.
“That’s fucked up,” Jason sighed, patting Roy’s shoulder. “Cadmus are a bunch of bastards. If you ever want help blowing up any of their shit let me know. I’m pretty good with explosives and guns now, and Danny would help too, and let me tell you,” Jason whistled softly and gave an almost feral grin. 
“Both you and Dick always go for the powerful ones huh?” Roy cackled, elbowing him.
“Hey! To be fair to me I didn’t know he was this powerful when we got together! I knew that he had a healing factor but that was all I knew until after we moved in together.” Jason said with a dramatic pout. 
“Still, I bet you picked up on the vibe,” He said and Jason sighed because he couldn’t refute that.
“What about you though? You said Lian’s mom is in prison now but who was she?” Jason asked, he figured it was fair game after the teasing about his own relationship, though he second guessed himself when he saw Roy sigh and slump a little.
“Cheshire,” he murmured, tracing the lip of his glass with a finger. 
“No shit!” Jason breathed, shocked but at the same… she was an interesting character, Jason knew she wasn’t all bad, and she was pretty.
“Ya, and she’s a good mom. She adores Lian, but you know how she and Artemis grew up right? They never really had a chance. I tried for years to keep her with us, but I don’t think she can get out of the life for real when she doesn’t know anything else. I can’t keep waiting for her, me and Lian, we gotta move on and make the best of things you know?”
“Ya, I get that, Do you have anyone else in your life now though? Since I’m assuming you and Cheshire aren’t really a thing anymore?” Jason asked curiously. 
“No I haven’t,” Roy said with a little shrug. “I tried at first you know? Especially since people kept saying Lian would need a mom, but dating with a kid is hard. I’d rather just focus on her then try to chase any skirt. Artemiss lives with us off and on so it’s not like Lian doesn’t have a female role model, me and Artemiss just don’t fit together. We tried to kiss one and it felt so fucking wrong! She’s like my sister.”
“I’m glad you’ve got support, and you’re doing great. If you ever need any help I can give, just let me know okay? Maybe it’s kinda sad to say since we haven’t talked in years, but you’re still my best friend.” Jason admitted, shifting awkwardly in his seat.
“Nah, it’s not that weird, you might still be my best friend too,” Roy said with a wry little smile and a shrug. “Sad… maybe, but honestly I’d say we’re both pretty fucking sad already.”
“Well, you’re not wrong, so cheers to that,” Jason laughed and they clinked their glasses together, giving each other sardonic smiles. 
They were quiet for a moment, just drinking their beers before Roy put down his drink and cleared his throat. “So, I assume Danny is your boyfriend I’ve heard so much about?” 
“Ya, that’s him. He’s been with me a long time, even before we started dating. He’s… He’s absolutely amazing Roy, I’m not sure I deserve him,” Jason sighed.
“Oh come on now, of course you do, you-” Roy started but Jason was shaking his head and biting the inside of his cheek.
“There’s a real power imbalance Roy, and you wouldn’t think so given how physically powerful he is, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters more is he worked for me before we got together, and he’s so fucking broken after everything he’s been through. And I’m not kidding Roy, what he’s been through makes what happened to both of us look like a vacation. He sees me as his saviour, he’s said multiple times that he would do anything for me and he means it. 
“Roy…” Jason bit his lip, he hadn’t admitted this to anyone, hadn’t talked about it with anyone. Suddenly he was nervous as hell someone would overhear. “Do you mind if we go back to one of my safehouses to talk about this actually?”
“Sure, you got one nearby? We almost should have started there honestly,” Roy agreed, already pushing himself away from the table. 
“Ya, probably,” Jason chuckled awkwardly, putting down some money for their drinks and following Roy out. “There’s one in walking distance.” 
Neither of them spoke again until they were inside and settled on the beat up couch. “So, what were you going to say?” Roy prompted and Jason groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. 
“I’ve had some serious anger issues since coming back, the Lazarus pit really did a number on my temper and my self control. Danny never defends himself. He’ll defend other people if he thinks I’m going overboard. But I don’t know if he has any self worth beyond what he thinks he can do for me you know? I love him, and he loves me and I love how devoted he is, but he’s almost too devoted you know?” Jason said, having thought better of actually admitting to beating Danny.
“Oh shit man, ya, that’s… complicated,” Roy said with a sympathetic frown. “I’ve never had to deal with anything like that, I don’t really know what to tell you, except I guess, encouraging him to make his own friends and shit, and try to be worth his loyalty?” 
“Ya, I’ve been trying,” Jason sighed, rubbing his face again and ruffling up his hair. “I can’t push him away, both because I love him and I don’t want to, and because he’s explicitly told me losing me would break him, like actually kill him.”
“That’s fucked up,” Roy agreed uncertainly. 
“Ya… But I mean other than that things are great. And He’s hot as hell,” Jason joked, trying to lighten the mood again after all that. It wasn’t fair to have Roy to have any actual advice, this situation was so far outside the realm of the normal.
“Ya? I believe you, the crazy ones usually are,” Roy joked back, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. “But pics or it didn’t happen.”
Jason laughed and pulled out his phone, swiping through the pictures he had of Danny, and of Danny and himself. Most of the pictures on the camera were of Danny honestly, and not all of them were fully appropriate. Danny liked to feel watched during sex and the camera would do.
“Damn, he is hot,” Roy agreed with a low whistle and punched Jason’s shoulder lightly. “Good for you dude.
“I can’t wait for you to meet him, you’re going to love him I’m sure. And hey, if you do like him, we like sharing,” Jason said with a meaningful little smirk that made Roy blush and choke. Jason laughed softly at him and switched apps to text Danny he was good to come join them now when he was ready too.
Danny was having fun running with the birds of Prey, they were busting up a trafficking ring Seline had found and doing a damn good job of it too he’d say! The girls were responding better to the ladies and Danny’s obviously queer self than they might have to the bats, and none of the traffickers had stood a chance against them!
Once it was done they went their separate ways, Harley and Salena wanted to make sure the girls got to a trusted shelter safely, and Ivy wasn’t really a people person so without her girlfriend there to help she left quickly too. Danny didn’t mind, he was just waiting for Jason to text him it was alright to come back, it shouldn’t be that much longer. He had already gotten a text that the visit was going well, which made him smile and eased his worry. 
He was just gazing up and the smog covered sky, considering going for a fly to see the stars when he heard a thump on the roof behind him. Danny had a bad feeling about who that was, since either of the brothers would have texted him before showing up. He sighed heavily and turned around seeing Batman looming on the other side of the rooftop. Though maybe it was Danny’s imagination that his posture was more uncertain then it had been before?
“What do you want?” Danny drawled, looking back up at the sky.
“I just want to talk,” Batman said, and Danny definitely wasn’t imagining that his voice sounded softer and less rough. “I… misjudged you at first, I couldn’t accept what Jason is capable of now and you were an easy scapegoat. I understand now that… Well, that it’s not your fault.”
“Huh,” Danny sounded, blinking in surprise and looking back at Batman consideringly. That hadn’t been what he expected. “Well, thanks I guess.”
“Constantine thinks he knows what you are.”
Danny barked a laugh and leaned back a little. “So what’s the old magician’s theory?” He asked, cocking his head to the side with a knowing little smirk. 
“He says you're a halfa, the first one in thousands of years,” Batman shared, and Danny froze for a moment. 
“Huh, I hadn’t expected him to get it right,” He sighed sitting down on the edge of the roof and propped his elbows on his knees. 
After a moment of hesitation Batman came closer and sat down next to Danny, still out of arm's reach, which he appreciated. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, truly. And I’m sorry about what my colleagues said, whether the beings of the Infinite Realms are threats or not, it was an incredibly inappropriate response.”  
“If you just came to apologize, then apology accepted, and you can go now,” Danny said, giving Bruce a suspicious look. 
“No, that’s not all,” Bruce said, steepling his fingers and leaning forward on his knees. “Constantine told me that according to legends Halfas were creatures of balance, guardians of sorts. Do you have any way to learn about your… cultural heritage?” 
“Some of the ancients lived when halfas were still around. Frostbite and Clockwork have told me some. I’m still very young, I’ve been dead less than 6 years-” He noticed Batman wince slightly but ignored it- “It’ll take me a long time to grow into whatever it is I’m supposed to be.  Don’t you hold your breath when I do though. Balance and Justice aren't the same things after all. If I do ascend I’ll be fighting against you as often as I’m on your side I expect,” he chuckled.
“Right,” Bruce sighed. The disappointment in his voice made Danny cackle, though he muffled it with a hand since Batman was playing nice. “Well, the Justice League have a few supernatural consultants on call if you need to talk to someone. And if you need any help, really, let me know.” He stood up and held out a card. “Not that you need it with how close you are with both my-... All of my sons, but if you need any help. Call me. Being alone isn’t easy.”
“I absolutely won’t, but thank you,” Danny said, but after a moment of hesitation he slid the card into one of his pants pockets. Batman seemed satisfied with that, nodded to him. “And I’m not alone, I have Jason.” 
Batman froze for a moment, looking at Danny with wide eyes before Danny realized how that had sounded. He shook his head with a laugh. “No, Jason isn’t a halfa. His resurrection was under completely different circumstances! He’s got a bit of the Realms in him, but it doesn’t flow through him like it does me. He’s still, like, 85% human.”
“That… That’s good,” Batman sighed, his shoulders slumping a little.
“Did you have any more questions?” Danny prompted, cocking his head. 
“You offered help with any Realms beings. Do you expect we’ll have any trouble?” Batman asked, cocking his head a little. 
“Maybe,” Danny said with a little shrug. “It depends if the GIW still has an active portal somewhere, and how good their security is on it. Must be better than my parents used to be or we’d already be up to our eyeballs in confused ghosts, but it’s always a possibility.” He noticed the considering look Batman was giving him and gave a crackling laugh; “I haven’t been back to the realms in years. If anything’s going on there I don’t know about it. Though I’m sure Clockwork knows where I am if they really need me.” 
“Right, thank you for the offer,” Batman sighed and stood up. “And just think about my offer alright? If you need help, or protection, call. Not just from the GIW.”
Batman hesitated, opened his mouth to say something else and then sighed and shook his head. Whatever it was he seemed to have thought better of it as he turned away with a swish of his cape and grappled away. Dramatic bastard. 
Danny chuckled and shook his head at the older hero’s behaviour and pulled his phone out again. He had a text from Jason, telling him which safe house he and Roy were hanging out at and that he should come. And maybe… if he wanted to, to bring lube and the three of them could have some fun. 
Danny grinned sharply and licked his lips beneath his muzzle, well he’d just swing by their nest on the way over then! He texted Jason he would be there soon, and asked if they’d need condoms too.
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boiledegghole · 4 months
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so called "free thinkers" when euphrasie pulls up with the "something's failing, ROTTING"
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doks-aux · 4 days
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Strix and Batgirl on patrol together!
Art by Kui for my donation to DC Gotcha for Gaza.
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ricky-mortis · 4 months
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Howdy hello- guess who made a wings au :)
More to come with this eventually- I’m working on my designs for other characters at the moment, but for now we’ve got Red-Tailed Hawk for Curt and Eagle Owl for Owen.
For DMA I had Barn Owl wings because a) Barn Owls are beautiful and I wanted to draw the wings for them, and more importantly, b) Owen would probably want to disguise his wings, and it would make sense if it was as a different type of owl. I just assume he’d dye his feathers in some way or another. Look- just don’t think about it too much.
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i-am-church-the-cat · 7 months
Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures
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lhislucas · 6 months
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❄️ Snow Angel ❄️
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ribbitsplayts · 2 months
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my fave gems as different furries because i can draw whatever i want
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kosssich · 7 months
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I like to think that vaggie is an owl, so now I think that all exorcists are birds of prey
Vaggie is a barn owl, and Lute is a golden eagle
Also I watched video about rivalry between eagles and owls and now it’s even funnier to me
I have so much thoughts and headcanons about exorcists it’s actually embarrassing but be cringe be free, right?
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bestjeanistmonster · 7 months
about ur dc au, who is alfred? or is there an alfred
Alfred is Vanilla! She’s been serving the Wayne family since she was 15, taking over her mother’s position
She wasn’t particularly close with the family at first on an emotional level, her job to mostly being to take care if matters and essentially be a part of the furniture but she did manage to bond a bit with lil knuckles.
She was actually planning on quitting to find a less tiring job but then his parents died in crime alley when he was 6.
She had to pick the little guy up from the station and she hugged him as he cried in her arms
For the next 2 years she took care of him, cheered him up, took him to school, fed him, and tried her best to give him a childhood he would enjoy, to be that comforting presence in his life to help him heal from his loss and incredible trauma (his late father hadn’t rlly approved of letting his son goof off and had him focus on his studies and physical training). They both grew terribly close to each other in that time.
But then when Knuckles turned 8, Vanilla informed that Knuckles was to be moved someplace else as the request of his father in his will.
Knuckles didn’t want to leave and Vanilla didn’t want to let him go but she knew she didn’t have a say, so she assured him that she’ll still be here, attending to the manor until he returned. She was not allowed to know where he would be taken so she had to hope that he’d be alright, any letters she sent had to sent through a third party for Knuckles to receive them.
During those 7 years Vanilla ended up having a daughter but due to a city wide accident they were separated and the police couldn’t find her, Vanilla was devastated
When Knuckles returned at age 15 after receiving a letter from his dad’s lawyers that he can now return and receive his inheritance, Vanilla was 24 years old. She could hardly believe the young master had grown so much but she was very horrified to learn that his father had asked for his son to be dropped in the middle of the woods a few cities away so he can have ‘experience in the real world and put what he’d learnt to good use’
Vanilla thinks Knuckles’s father is a piece of shit. (This lady is the best and i love her sm)
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knave-of-clubs · 11 months
Random Story Ideas I'll probably write Soon #4
I realized I made a mistake when describing aMfS (Grimm!Blake au), so I'll fix it by describing this au! This au is the Birds of Prey au, affectionately nicknamed the Asshole!Taiyang au
The mistake was mentioning a Gay and Faunus rights movement for world-building in aMfS, since that's actually from this au. Whoops? 😅
Well, anyways, this story makes Taiyang an asshole, obviously, but more specifically explores the idea of "What if I projected a lot onto Yang Taiyang was emotionally abusive, and slept with three separate women in an overlapping span of time, producing three lovely daughters
Also, Taiyang's biological dad similarly can't keep it in its pants, and this all results in a very... Fun family tree-
The aforementioned Gay and Faunus rights movement started with Weiss' granddads, Nicholas Schnee and Valent Terni-Schnee, but the rest of that'll be revealed later ;)
I'm keeping this one vague because I'm working on it now, and I'm excited to write this stuff out instead of just revealing everything here and now-
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msfcatlover · 1 month
Trying to come up with a hero name for Babs in my Reverse!Robins AU. She’s not a batkid in this verse, she’s with the Birds of Prey. Who, in this verse, are founded by Maps.
EDIT: I have decided that since Olive was "Calamity," Maps would be "Harmony" as her counterpart, and Babs would be "Clarity" as Maps' apprentice.
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oddogoblino · 4 months
Imagine a sort of Sonic exe au but instead of Sonic being the villain as per usual, it's other characters?
Not in the "they just suddenly became evil" sense, but in the sense of
"What if mobians suddenly began becoming more animalistic? Giving into instinct despite their better mind telling them no?"
Foxes hunt hedgehogs.
Crocodiles? We already know.
Albatross and hawks? Wave, you okay?
So on and so on...
Sonic at least gets the benefit of being the fastest thing alive at least...But tails could always keep up, he's smart too. Smarter than anyone pretty much.
A glitch in their code, a refresh to simpler minds.
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