#Hyena!Danny AU
too-much-tma-stuff · 5 months
Flowers From One Bitch to Another (2.5)
Part 1 | part 2
I'm working on another serious part of my Hyena!Danny AU but @basementqueercock suggested Harley thanking Danny for killing the Joker so while this AU is eating my brain have a little one off.
No warnings apply to this one besides a mention of sex
All of Gotham was celebrating Joker's death, Red Hood and Hyena organized a street fair in Crime Alley, and Jason had never seen the place, His People, so happy. Hyena was by his side, pressing against him and purring up a storm as they enjoyed the celebration. They knew it was going on all across Gotham too, Jason was having fun imagining the ulcers Bruce was probably developing realizing he was the Only one who thought this was a tragedy. 
Jason has asked about the purring and Danny had admitted to not being entirely human but they hadn't gone into it more then that. There were tons of inhuman things, he could be part demon, or alien, or spirit, or god, or a dozen other things and he would talk about it when he was ready. Jason trusted Danny implicitly at this point, he had earned it, and they loved each other. Danny didn't have to tell him Everything, Jason didn't either, he wasn't ready to talk about the League of Shadows for instance. 
They had been enjoying the festival as well, dancing some to the live music, and constantly having food pushed onto them by just about ever vendor since it was known Danny was the one who killed the Joker. He had brought a bag with him and by the end it was full of trinkets and treats, and there were slightly wilted red flowers in his hair a child had given him. He looked incredibly happy, and Jason couldn't pull his gaze away from Danny.
Danny caught Jason looking at him and, impossibly, brightened even more, snuggling back against him. "Lets go find a place away from cameras and prying eyes to try some of these snacks hm?" Danny suggested, looking up at Jason, who chuckled softly and nodded. One thing he had learned well about Danny in the time they'd been together was the boy could Eat! He was always hungry.
The two of them extricated themselves from the celebrations, saying goodbyes and artfully dodging people who tried to draw them into conversation. They managed to escape and grappled up onto a nearby rooftop, putting a little distance between the festivities and themselves, though not so far they couldn't still hear the music and laughter.
Danny sat down on the ground and leaned against the outer wall so no one could see him and took off his muzzle, he took a deep breath of fresh air and tilted his head up towards the sun. Jason sat down next to him and took his own helmet off and took a deep breath as well. He reached out and cupped Danny's chin, turning his face back towards Jason so could lean in and kiss him. As always Danny submitted, plaint and willing in Jason's hands and under his lips, Danny closed his eyes and gave a soft sound of happiness and pleasure as they shared a long, lingering kiss.
When Jason pulled back Danny still seemed a little vague and blissed out, smiling stupidly at him. Jason chuckled and shook his head at Danny before pulling the bag from Danny's shoulder and digging around for the food in various take out boxes. He found a few beaded necklaces as well and draped them around Danny's neck making him snap out of his daze with a laugh. Jason grinned and used the necklaces to pull Danny in for another kiss.
Danny smiled at him and pulled gently at the white streak in Jason's bangs before beginning to help him set out the food on a blanket Danny must have brought with him. He must have planned this little picnic, he was always pretty far ahead on these things. Jason appreciated that about him, always looking out for people. People seemed to be looking out for them too as Jason looked at the veritable feast people had gifted them. Maybe he should have been more suspicious that it was poisoned but he didn't think any of their people would have, and Danny wouldn't have accepted food from anyone suspicious though, just in case...
"Would you heal from poison the way that you do from physical injuries?" He asked looking over at Danny who cocked his head with a crooked little smile, eyeing Jason.
"I'm immune to most poisons," He said with a little shrug. "But I can taste them. I'll be your taste tester, though I doubt anyone would poison us," He said, picking up some sort of meet kabab and nibbled it considerately, meanwhile Jason found a packaged snack without any signs of tampering and opened that. 
Danny tried a bunch of the prepared foods first and seemed to delight in feeding Jason by hand once he'd determined things were safe. Every now and then Jason took the chance to nibble or lick the tips of Danny's fingers making him giggle and blush. Food quickly became foreplay, feeding each other and occasionally tasting things on each other's lips, especially when they got in to the deserts. With sticky fingers and sugar on their lips it turned into making out, Danny laying on the hard roof and Jason over top of him, feeling the delightful rumbling of Danny's purr as he arched up against Jason. Fucking him while he purred was an experience.
A thump on the rooftop across from them had Jason pushing himself away from Danny and drawing his gun in one smooth motion, pointing it towards the noise while cursing himself for letting his guard down while they were in the open like this! He hesitated when he saw who it was though.
"Harley?" Danny asked worriedly, having scrambled to grab his muzzle and only looking up once it was back on.
"Hey there Sugar," She said giving Danny a tremulous smile, and ignoring Jason entirely. Harley was dressed in a bomber jacket and shorts, because weather didn't matter, she had a messenger bag over her shoulder and kept messing with the strap nervously. Still she looked better the way she had basically ever since calling it quits with the Joker for good. "I hear through the grapevine you were the one that killed the Joker."
"I did, because he hurt my Boo," Danny confirmed, shifting a little closer to Jason. They were both still wary, Harley was unpredictable and she had loved the Joker for a long time. Even if she didn't love him anymore there was a chance there was still some misplaced loyalty lingering in there somewhere.
"Ya, he hurt a lotta people, my Puddin," She said with a little laugh. "Hurt me too, a lot. I've been having a lot of big feelings since he died. I've been pretty damn sad, but I'm also pretty damn relieved. And Pam is thrilled, and that she's happy makes me happy. I brought you some stuff," She said slinging the bag off her shoulder and glanced up at them again, seeing them still tense and wary she rolled her eyes. "Yeesh I'm not gonna hurt you two! You did all of Gotham a favour, and he was never gonna change, I know that."
Danny nodded and wandered over to her, of course she couldn't actually hurt Danny, though they were still trying to keep his abilities under wraps. Jason stayed back with his hand on his gun just in case, though he wasn't pointing it at anyone anymore. "I brought you some flowers, though it looks like someone's already got that covered," She said gesturing to the ones wilting in Danny's hair, making him cackle. She pulled out what looked like more then a dozen roses in different colours and held them out to Danny. "They're from Ivy, they won't wilt, just get them in some water when you get home, if they start to look wilty add a bit of blood to the water. You two still kill enough for that huh?" She laughed too.
"No tricks? No poison?" Jason asked a little warily even as Danny reached for the flowers.
Harley glanced at him and shook her head; "Nope! None of that!" She promised with a cheeky little smile. "I don't think you two need any cuddle pollen either, the way ya were all over each other when I showed up."
Jason didn't have his helmet to hide his blush this time, but at least he wasn't alone, Danny's ears were turning pink as well as Harley cackled at them. "I brought some other stuff too," Harley told them, this time just handing the bag over to Danny. "Since you two seem to be jacking me 'n Puddin's old style. You don' have to keep any of it, throw out anything you don't want but hey, maybe there's a trophy in there, or something that would look good on you," She said elbowing Danny. "You're not that much bigger then me, think your man would like to see you in a corset?" She teased and Danny cackled his Hyena laugh snatching the bag.
"Thanks Harley, maybe we can go to Penguin's club to have a proper celebration some time soon," Red Hood said, finally holstering his gun and moving to wrap an arm around Danny's shoulders. "We can make it a double date."
"Is he even old enough to drink," Harley joked, gesturing to Danny who cackled.
Really neither he Nor Jason were technically old enough to drink, but who gave a shit about that with all the other stuff they'd done?
Part 3
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 10 months
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1: What was left behind. - Part 1 <- Part 2 (here) -> Part 3
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leafyeyes417 · 3 months
I decided to create a masterpost or two with all the reblogs that I like in hopes that when someone sends out the “help me find that post” I can find it faster. It will be added to slowly because I do not have the patience to do it all at once. Also in no particular order of preference.
Keep in mind none of these posts are my works and I do not claim them as such.
If you see *** they are really good prompts with lots of reblogs.
Will be edited later, last updated: 7-21-24
Multi-story masterlists
Specific Story lists
Jason is Catnip to Danny
Hyena Danny
Finally Getting Help
Wrong Robin
Badger Day
Man has needs
Take out for Dummies
Danny is just some guy
Changling AU (part 5, other part links at bottom of post)
Fast Car Driver Danny
Haunted Car
Harmless Series
Don’t eat anything
Hero Tweets
Just a Bite
Single posts
Ellie realizes how dangerous Danny’s home is
Danny’s Rescues from the Infinite Realms
Green Lanturn & crew stuck in IR
Dead on Main
Jason courting Danny with a casserole
Overprotective Fenton parents shovel talk
Danny courts Jason by giving him wine cups made from the Joker’s kneecaps
Jason becomes a Ghost Summoner after giving Danny food***
Dream Lover***
Soulmate summoning ring gone wrong
Dead Tired
Coffeeshop accident
Dead Serious
Dead Silent
Danny kills the joker with his thighs
Danny on the run from the GIW
Superman startles Danny and gets a concussion***
Danny In Gotham
Sleepwalker Danny who escapes all traps
Unknowing Fae Danny works at coffee shop
Danny pretends to be a Vampire***
Feral McGee
Danny only gets a Vacation from work in Gotham
Danny seems like an Oracle of Delphi***
The GAV affected by Fear Toxin
Tucker streams while Danny does what Danny does in the background***
Danny is kidnapped(?) by Batman***
Danny gets hired for a money laundering front***
Portal is built in Gotham, not Amity
Naga Danny
Villain Danny
Danny’s obsession is twisted, forcing him to be a villain
Danny teaches heroes their mistakes by being the villain***
Adopted Danny (as in not Bio Fenton)
Danny is Hal Jordan’s son
Harley asks Batman to take away her son
Harvey Dent is Danny’s bio parent
Danny adopted by Bruce Wayne
Danny distribution system
Danny makes a sales pitch to join the Batfam
Reincarnated Danny
They wake up as Talons
Clockwork reincarnated as Alfred
Misunderstanding’s that end in chaos
High Danny mistakes Batman for Jack
Summoning Danny
Number is not in service
Danny: Please get that stalker (Ra’s) away from me
Demon Twin/Brothers
Damian is normal by Amity standards
Maybe(?) his lost twin
Nyssa steals Danny
Danny undercover in Amity
Jazz decided she wanted a brother
Tim Twins/Brothers
Danny and Tim are half-siblings
Danny sleep teleports to another dimension
Jason and Danny are brothers
Jason is a Baby ghost, adopts babier ghost Danny***
Ghost King Danny
Danny needs to take care of the Lazarus pits
Danny finds out there is a Ghost LOA
Danny possesses the president
Danny takes Jason’s online cooking class
Danny forgot what is regular human
Jack was a hitman named Phantom
Ghost Calls
Danny & Jason have the same scars
Superman was supposed to wait for the JLD
Water Core Tim
Fenton Driving curse still applies
Danny asks Wonder Woman to make him a grave on Themyscria***
Kryptonite is actually trapped souls
Danny and self-fulfilling prophecy
Danny pretends to be a demigod son of Hades
Danny gifts Red Robin a jar with Ra’s eyes
Vlad Cloning Danny was actually a much worse offense, breaks oldest ghost law
Amity got put back in the wrong place after the Pariah Dark fight.
Jason involuntarily taken to the ghost hospital
Phantom Letters
Danny learns Astral magic
Miscellaneous Angst
GIW succeeds in shooting the portal
Loki falls through to the IR and is adopted by Danny
Pure DP (not crossover)
Danny was Eldritch the whole time
Danny gets sprayed with a chemical where he hallucinates the person he hates
Demon!AU (with Art)
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chintadraws · 5 years
Hi! I love your art special your Danny x Paulina art. I was wondering if maybe u can do them as king and queen of the ghost zone?
Aw, I’m so glad! They’re so underrated…I really love them so much. So sorry for the delay, but I hope this sketch makes up for it. ❤
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Au where Danny gets deaged by a magical artifact in the GZ and gets lost in a different dimension with Cujo. While exploring Gotham as Phantom he decides to play up the little kid routine and use his puppy friend to do it.
At this point Danny had finally trained the pup and he actually listened to him. Needless to say there's a certain flock of bats and birds who keep pestering him at night. All he's trying to do is explore the city and play with his dog. Is that so bad?
Danny doesnt usually bother hiding from them. Not much point considering he shines like a spotlight in Gothams gloom anytime he's in his phantom form. Plus Cujo is glowy and green, so that doesn't help matters.
Danny usually runs them on a wild goose chase in the name of "Tag" before disappearing. He stole Batmans cape by phasing it off of him and he now uses it as a blanket at night (its surprisingly warm), he stole another one at Red Hoods request and gave it to him, he's set up play dates between Cujo and Harleys hyenas, he's pied Joker in the face, he's pet Penguins pet penguins right in front of him, he's been trapped in an elevator with Brucie Wayne for two hours, he's had a tea party with Catwomans cats and may have broken into her apartment to do it, he's kidnapped Red Robin and made him go to the park and play on the swings with him, he's gotten into actual fights with Robin and last but not least, he came up with the Puppy Paw of Approval.
Nightwing stared at the kid they had been chasing every other night for the last three months now, confused. "Whats the Puppy Paw of Approval?"
The kid moved the puppy, Cujo (which Jason finds hilarious) up in front of his face, holding him there by his armpits.
The dog was making the "no thoughts head empty" face with his tongue sticking out just a smidge. Dick was tempted to coo. "The Puppy Paw of Approval is an award! Arf!" The kid said in a higher pitched pretend voice.
"Its awarded to people we really really like! Arf!"
Nightwing gasped dramatically, playing along with the boy, "You really like me that much?"
"Of course!" The boy floated over to Dick and places one of the dogs paws on the man's chest. "Da da da daaa!" The kid sang, "You now have the Puppy Paw of Approval!"
The vigilante sniffled, "I will always cherish this! Thank you!"
The kid giggled and Cujo barked at him. The little green rottweiler panted up at him with a giants smile and his little nub tail wagging a mile and minute.
God, Nightwing couldn't wait for his newest little brother to join the family.
Dick was dismayed to learn he was actually the second person to get the PPA. The first being Tim, the third being Harley and the forth being Catwoman. Ivy was apparently salty about not getting one but the kid was scared of her for some reason.
Danny makes friends with lots of people throughout the city. Scarecrow learns of the bats recruitment attempts on this boy and decides to use the fear toxin on him. This has the unexpected outcome of making the child cry.
And then the whole city was out for his head.
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inthememetime · 2 years
Fic Masterlist- I'll reblog every time I add a chapter or add a new WIP.
For all of these, feel free to interact with me about them! I may add/remove/change things based on your comments. Except maybe H(a)unted.
H(a)unted - AO3 link here. Summary: My most angsty/messed up fic ever! Are the Fentons Haunted? Or are the halfas Hunted?
Danny is shocked when he, his parents, and Jazz are taken to court by Vlad Masters in a custody battle. Ridiculous! Right?
Not as much as Danny would like to think. As the trial goes on, Danny discovers he and his sister aren't who or what they thought, that their parents are not as they seem, and Vlad, his enemy, may be their only shot at survival.
This story is told primarily through dialogue and epistolary storytelling as an experiment. Throughout the story, please expect body horror, illegal and nonconsensual experimentation on human beings, murder, and kidnapping. Mind the tags, please.
Darcy Lewis' Adventures Dating Dracula- AO3 link here. Summary: Follow Darcy Lewis and Vlad Masters as they start dating- and deal with everything from ghostly serial killers, the Things In Crybaby Creek, Politics, the Addams Family, and international spyassasins.
The Fantabulous Emancipation of Danny Phantom- AO3 link here. Summary: The Fenton family journeys to Gotham to get Jazz settled in her dorm at Gotham U. Things go a little sideways when Danny lets something ghostly slip, and his parents try to shoot the 'evil ghost' out of him.
Danny can't go home. But his sister's 18 and willing to rent a campus apartment, Gotham has a layer of ectoplasm so thick it's almost as good as Amity Park, and he's already made a new friend!
Harley was just going to get snacks for Bud & Lou, her hyenas. She did not mean to befriend a tourist, but the kid's almost as crazy as she is!
Join Danny and Harley in a journey of friendship, crime for good reasons, and kicking Vlad and the Joker's ass.
Jack, the DILF of Amity Park- AO3 link here. Summary: AU where Vlad doesn't lust over Maddie. No, he's obsessed with Jack, and since college (minus a 20 year gap), they've fought over the man's affections like two cats.
However, as Maddie would kill him in 2 seconds, tge shenanigans are more sitcom-esque competition, conolete with Danny begging for brain bleach multiple times, and Vlad realizing Jack isn't the only Fenton he's in love with.
Jack, of course, is completely oblivious to the fact his visiting very friendly people causes Vlad and Maddie to stalk him amd talk for once. Or is he?
Danny Phantom in Showghost!- AO3 link here. Summary: Tucker Foley was having a perfectly normal day- until he runs into Narrator, a ghost who is possibly as powerful as Clockwork or Ghostwriter. The problem isn't Narrator- they just want their book back.
No, the problem is the GIW. And the possibility that the town of Amity Park was sucked into a mini-universe outside of time. And, to add more problems to Tucker's day, he seems to be the only one who realises what's going on.
"We are on a timeline, though," Narrator said cheerfully.
"What?! When were you gonna tell me that?!"
They scowled. "Those idiots in white broke my book. If we don't wake everyone up before we run out of pages, everyone dies here."
Not Broken, Just Bent- AO3 link here. Summary: The sequel to Vlad & The Accidental Family Acquisition and Darcy Lewis' Adventures Dating Dracula, NBJB is a Jazz-centric fic about growing up asexual, and the trials and tribulations of being asexual in a very sexual culture. On hiatus until DLADD is complete.
Pending fics (planned, but not written yet, or in draft stage) will be added in reblogs.
Questions about the fics, suggestions, or just have aome ideas? Hit that ask button or ask me in the comments!
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ep-10 · 2 years
Danny Phantom Teacher AU
Chapter (1) , (2) , (3)
Link to AO3
Chapter 2: Trouble at School
On the second day, Danny arrived early at school. He stood outside the school gates to make sure that he had prepared everything.
Teaching materials in the bag? Check.
Presentable clothes? Check.
Hair combed? Check.
Clean, shiny shoes? Check.
Almost forgot. Belt on? Check.
Fully assured that nothing missed out, he stepped through the gates. Some students greeted him as he walked past them, but some stared at him with varying looks of unease and whispered among themselves. Danny was confused at their odd reaction toward him. Did he miss something else?
Perhaps I'm the only teacher here who teaches supernatural stuff, he thought to himself.
As he walked up the stairs towards the school entrance, something unexpected dropped onto him.
A bucket of ice-cold water splashed onto him from the top of the building without warning. He was stunned on the spot. His clothes were entirely drenched from head to toes. He rubbed off the water droplets from his face and snapped up his head to scan where it came from. What he saw were two heads propped behind the window sill on the sixth floor, with their faces and bodies shielded from his view.
"Oh shit, did he spot us?" whispered Elmer, still crouching nervously below the window.
"I don't think so," answered Denver. He was eager to see the reaction on his teacher's face but was too scared to lift up his head to check. All they could hear was a crowd of students chattering and gasping outside. There was one kid guffawing like a hyena at their teacher's unfortunate expense.
"DAMMIT!! Who did that?!" shouted Danny from below.
Well, that was enough clue for them. They had hit their target.
"Let's get outta here before somebody finds out!" said Elmer.
They grabbed the empty bucket, ran out of the room down the empty corridor, and chuckled at their "achievement".
Danny couldn't recognize who they were, but one of them was definitely a redhead. He knew there were only a few redheads in his classes.
If I ever catch you both, you're toast! Thought Danny as he peered at his still dripping pants and shirt.
He's more concerned about drying his clothes before starting the class, than figuring out who the rascals were. So, he squelched his way to the nearest washroom.
Ten minutes later, the school bell rang. Elmer and his friends were already in the classroom expecting their teacher to be arriving late and looking soaked.
"You did it?" whispered Jimmy excitedly.
"Yeah, we did," replied Elmer in a low voice, ensuring no other students in the class could overhear them. "I can't wait to see how he looks. He's gonna be a mess!"
Suddenly, the door swung open, and they saw Danny walking in, looking completely dry. There were no traces of a single water droplet on his hair or clothes.
Elmer and Denver couldn't believe their eyes. Had their plan actually failed? How was it possible? They swore they had heard the wild reactions of the students at the window 10 minutes ago. Or had they wrongly assumed that? All sorts of questions popped up in their heads.
Danny promptly placed his teaching materials on his desk, and his eyes narrowed as if he were gunning somebody in his class. There were a couple of redheads in this class. One of them was the chubby kid. Elmer felt anxious as he noticed his teacher staring at him after switching his glance at another kid.
"Morning class, sorry to be a bit late again. There was a slight inconvenience happening. Apparently, someone dumped a bucket of water out of the classroom window, and I hope no one here in this class did that," declared Danny. "If you're the ones who did it, or if you know of anyone who did it, please see me after class."
Elmer and Denver turned pale, but they stayed quiet in their seats.
There was an awkward pause of silence in class as the students looked at each other, wondering who did it.
Danny sighed in slight disappointment and picked up his teaching material. "Alright, let's continue our last lesson on ghost physiology."
Danny flipped to the page and asked, "Now, does anyone still recall what ghosts are?"
A few smart students lifted up their hands.
"Ghosts are apparitions of the dead manifested from ectoplasm."
"Very good."
Elmer raised an eyebrow at Jimmy, surprised by his friend's knowledgeable answer.
"Next question. Where do ghosts come from?"
More students raised their hands.
Another kid was picked and answered, "From the Ghost Zone."
"Good. And how are ghosts formed?"
Fewer students raised their hands. Danny picked another random kid.
"They're formed after they died."
"Correct, but that's not the complete answer," Danny responded. "When a living being has died, a natural ghost portal will appear for the soul to connect to the ghost zone. The soul gets pulled to enter the ghost zone like a magnet. Once the soul is in, it will start to gather the ectoplasmic energy from the ghost zone to form a ghost body. Hence, this is the reason why ghosts have an ectoplasmic body."
Jimmy raised his hand.
"Yes, Jimmy?"
"What would happen if a living person enters a ghost portal?"
"Under normal circumstances, nothing will happen to their body. A living being's soul is still strongly attached to the human body. So, for a living person to enter the ghost zone is just like a regular walk in the park."
"Then, under what abnormal circumstances will their body be affected by the ghost zone?"
Danny almost pursed his lips and pondered awhile with knitted eyebrows.
"Well, that could only happen when that person entering the portal is on the verge of dying."
"So, what would happen to that person?"
"Ectoplasm would enter into their DNA. It's... not a pleasant experience to have ectoplasm entering your body."
Jimmy nodded but couldn't help to notice his teacher's unusual reaction.
"So, any more questions? If not, let's proceed to our next lesson."
The bell rang. The students all packed their things, ready to leave the class.
"Remember to hand in your homework tomorrow!" declared Danny.
Elmer, Denver, and Jimmy walked out of their classroom together and headed to their lockers.
"Hey, I thought you guys... like did it?" Jimmy gripped each of his friends' shoulders on his sides.
"I thought we did!... We... we must've missed him, " answered Denver with a disappointing look on his face.
"I don't know how, but I swear I heard someone shout something about Mr. Fenton getting splashed, " said Elmer feeling a bit bummed out too.
"Then, did you see it with your own eyes?" Jimmy asked the two boys, and they both shook their heads. "Obviously, you guys must've likely missed your target. Better luck next time."
"Yeah, better luck next time," said Elmer. "Hey, Jimmy, I never expected that you're so good at answering Mr. Fenton's questions. I mean, you're excellent at science subjects, but I'm surprised to see you paying attention to a pseudo-science subject?"
"I know. I just find it pretty interesting too, even if it's not real science," Jimmy grinned. "I suppose I just treat it as science fiction."
"Eh, good for you."
"Hey, Denver!" Shouted a tall kid who was walking down the corridor. "I know what you guys did!"
"Aw crap, not Scott again," grumbled Denver.
Denver and Scott were two of the most athletic kids in school, and they considered each other as rivalry to an unhealthy level. In every sports competition that they participated in, they would always be at odds with each other. His friends could see the jealousy brimming amongst the two when either one of them lost their game. And now they're facing each other, bracing for another fight.
"Yeah, you guys gonna be in deep shit," Scott stated with a pugnacious smile.
"Where's your proof, Scott?" Spat Denver.
"Oh, me and Fred saw it. We'll report it to Mr. Fenton. So, prepare for detention, dipstick. Hahahaha!"
Scott turned around, and when he was about to walk off, Denver seized him by the collar and bashed him against the wall.
"Ow! Let me go!!" Scott landed multiple fists against Denver's face, but Denver wouldn't let go of his collar. Pulling all his strength with great force, he slammed Scott to the ground. Scott wailed and squirmed on the floor. As he was about to make a lunge on Scott, a leg thrust into his belly and knocked him backward, with his back crashed into the locker doors behind him.
"Stop it!" Elmer yelled at them, but they both got up and continued pounding angrily at each other with their fists.
All the kids scrambled over to watch the fight. Some shouted at the top of their lungs, and some cheered until Danny stepped in and pulled them apart. Danny's pull was so strong and cold that their wrists felt a sharp pain.
"Stop it, boys!" Danny shouted. "What's the matter with you?!"
"He started it!" Scott pointed at Denver.
"No, you liar!" snapped Denver.
"Enough! To the principal's office now!" Danny dragged them along with him toward the principal's office.
"Shit, shit, shit! We'll be exposed!" Whispered Elmer.
"Calm down, let's follow them, " said Jimmy. "Don't worry. I will take care of this."
Elmer and Jimmy followed their teacher quietly until they reached the door to the principal's office that closed behind them.
Danny entered the room and pushed Denver and Scott forward to meet their principal. "Mr. Myers, I caught these boys fighting in school. Now, explain to us why you're fighting?"
Jimmy and Elmer placed their ears closely at the door to listen to the conversation.
"Sir, Denver started it. I saw him dumping water on Mr. Fenton this morning. and I told him I would report him, but he beat me up!"
"Denver, is this true?" Asked Danny.
"I did not dump water on Mr. Fenton! Stop accusing me of something I never did!!"
"Then who started the fight?" The principal asked.
"He did!" Scott hissed at Denver.
"That's enough! Mr. Fenton, send these kids to detention. I will call their parents over."
A knock was heard from the door.
Danny opened the door and saw Jimmy and Elmer standing outside. "Mr. Fenton, can we have a talk with you about Denver? We don't feel comfortable talking about this in front of the principal and them. We wish to talk to you privately."
Danny looked at Jimmy and recognized him as the smart kid in class. "Alright, let me send them to detention first."
Both Denver and Scott were locked in separate rooms. Danny then brought Jimmy and Elmer to a private meeting room. "Please be seated. What do you guys want to tell me?"
"Well, we saw what happened during the fight, and Denver started the fight."
Elmer's eyes widened at Jimmy's response. He never expected his friend would call Denver out.
"So, he really started the fight?"
Elmer wanted to defend Denver, but before he would open his mouth, Jimmy butted in, "Yes, but Scott taunted him first. He's falsely accused Denver of dumping the water out the window."
"Really?" Danny raised one of his brows. "Now, why would he do that?"
"They have been sports rivals since they attended this school. You can go ask any students here. Everybody knows they're never on good terms when it comes to competition."
"So, you're telling me that Scott made a false accusation, and Denver responded with punches? Well, he has no right to act so rash just because Scott said mean words against him. And how did you know that Denver wasn't the one who dumped the water out the window?"
"Yes, we know because Denver has been with us at the study corner. There's no way he would do such a thing."
Danny was unconvinced, but he felt that Jimmy seemed genuine since he had been a really bright student in his class. There was no way a smart kid like him would spout any lies.
"You see, Denver hasn't been feeling well after his beloved dog passed away recently. So, we can't really blame him for getting upset easily, especially when you have someone trying to make your days worse. Right, Elmer?" Jimmy continued as he elbowed his friend, who was sitting next to him.
Elmer looked at Jimmy dumbfounded and soon realized that he needed to respond to Jimmy's question. " Y-Yeah! That's right! Umm... Denver's pet did pass away recently."
Danny looked into Jimmy's sad eyes, and the recollection of his pet dog Cujo tugged his heartstrings. It's been over six months, and he missed his little Cujo very much.
"Alright, I'll explain this to the principal," sighed Danny. "Thanks for clearing up the situation."
"No biggie."
"So, is there anything else you want to talk about?"
"Nothing, Mr. Fenton."
"Okay, you may go back to your class."
"Thank you, Mr. Fenton," replied both kids as they left out the room.
After seeing their teacher go back to the principal's office, Elmer heaved, "Jimmy, you-are-GENIUS!"
"Well, at least he won't face any harsh punishment like getting expelled from school," said Jimmy while he adjusted his glasses.
"The way you talked about his pet dog, I mean... yeah, that was a year ago, and he had already gotten over his grief, but that was such a convincing story, even Mr. Fenton buys it!"
"When you know the right words to put it, yes."
"I'm so going to tell that to Lisa!"
"Come on, we'll be late for the next class. Let's hurry."
They both scampered off to their class.
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rosemaryblossoms · 2 years
So I made an au for Tokyo revengers and it is a crossover with the Walten files, I had much fun making this, also I would like to point out some things,
1. Shinichiro is alive and still works at his bike shop
2. Grandpa Sano past away and is in peace (fly high😔🕊)
3. Mucho is alive and works with sanzu at a cafe that is famous for their cheesecake
4. Sanzu has white hair faded with rosy pink
5. I added some oc’s to help with the story line
6. Time settings 1980’s-2000’s but the diner open somewhere in the 2000’s
7. (This one is important) the story line is like the Walten files but with a few twists
8. The plane incident with sanzu and Mikey did not happen but sanzu got into a car crash which caused him not only get a mouth injury (like ticci Toby from creepypasta) and sanzu feeling uneasy in cars also he is not a drug attic but don’t worry he still has crazy goblin energy.
So anyways here is the animatronics: Danny the dog, Becca the bunny, Taiga the tiger, Hyde the hyena, and Dolly the dog. I will give more post about them, other characters, and the au it’s self.
Main characters:
Kisaki Tetta/ Felix Kranken
Manjiro “Mikey” Sano/ Jack Walten
Suna “Sue”Jack (oc)/Rosemary Walten
Marco and Mirabelle (oc)/ Edd and Molly
Kazutora Hanemiya/ Susan Woodings
Hanma Shuji/ Charles
Emma Sano/ Ashly Parks
Sora Sano (oc)/ Sophie Walten
Chihiro “Hiro” Kakashi (oc)/Jenny
Chifuyu Matsuno/ Brian Stells
Takemichi Hanagaki
Naoto Tachibana
Iris Fey “Mrs Tetta”/ Linda Thompson “Kranken”
𝙼𝔦𝕔🅗🄰ℯ𝐋 ? ? ? /?????????
Once again I will post more About “Tokyo Files” aka the au more later on so you can learn more and if you want I can post requests about my au.
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kcsplace · 4 years
I blame @snorlaxishere for this
Added to the Endless List of McDanno Aus.
George of The Jungle McDanno AU
Danny finds Steve in the jungle, brings him home with him, tries to housebreak him, civilise him so he isn’t like the jackals and hyenas but in the end...
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anthropwashere · 4 years
For the writer asks 7, 20 and 24, please!
(writer asks!)
Thank you for asking! These were some fun ones to think about.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
FMA-wise, definitely Throw It Out to Sea because I managed to finish the damn thing. Sure it wasn’t technically an original idea but I feel like I gave it enough of my flavor that it stands solidly on its own. 
DP-wise I enjoy all of my older Danny and Co. fics that feel organic, the ones that feel like a natural progression of a teenager forced into a role he wasn’t  remotely prepared for, and his friends and reluctant allies dragged along with him.
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
I love a comment that makes me cackle like a hyena, so those shorter caps lock “WTF NOOOOO” ones are always fun. More seriously I love the ones the ones that tell me how they reacted in real life and the the ones that copy-paste bits of the fic that stood out to them, and why. It’s wonderful to hear the impact something I did had on someone.
24. Do you prefer AUs with the characters, or sticking to the original universe?
Ehhhh, middle ground? I am and will continue to be such a sucker for canon divergence fics. Like sure, I adore a wildly AU fic and will read all kinds of bananas concepts, but writing-wise I adore tackling the “what if X happened to this character instead?” or “what if X happened so Y never did?” and on and on. I love taking a good hard look at canon and then wondering why the fuck it flinched at some of the grimer ideas it presented, and then going ham on those ideas myself.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 month
Different Meanings (Part 18)
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Danny got Ellie her treat and then practically dragged himself home. As he got closer he could sense Jason and was relieved to feel he had gone back to their home and not a safe house, Danny needed the security of their nest and his lover. That fight had gone really well, and Danny was glad to think that Dan might start doing better after this, but he was exhausted. 
He didn't bother with the door and just slid through the outer wall invisibly with a sigh. He dropped his invisibility, and then his ghostly form, letting his feet hit the floor with a soft thump. 
“I'm home,” Danny called, exhaustion dripping from his voice. The apartment smelled like fresh bread and savoury garlic but no one came to greet Danny right away, so he waited. It was a few minutes before Jason practically slunk out of the kitchen to meet Danny. “Are you done being mad?” Danny asked, his tone shamefully bitter.
“I’m so sorry Danny,” Jason said softly, helping Danny out of his Hyena costume, Danny groaned as he pulled off the stiff material breathing deeply with the restriction gone. At least he wasn’t sweaty underneath since the entire fight had been in his ghost form. 
“You should be. The meeting turned into a fucking intervention! And Batman has been snooping, or our people have been talking, or both, because he knew this wasn’t the first time. It was fucking miserable to have your siblings pitying me. You should have seen the looks on their faces, I think you broke their hearts. You have to make this right,” Danny accused him, baring his teeth at Jason. He was too tired to figure out how to say any of this nicely, besides he was still pissed and Jason needed a wake up call.
Jason winced and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. So much for trying to be a good influence on Tim, he didn’t want to know how much trust he had lost with his little brother. More important right now was how much he’d upset Danny.
“I’ll talk to them soon, I promise. You must be hungry after using your powers so much right? I made ravioli and garlic bread,” Jason asked Danny, nearly pleading for him to accept the food.
Danny was almost too tired and angry to accept, he almost said he was just going to go to bed. But Jason’s eyes were pleading and Danny couldn’t say no. “Fine,” He sighed, a ringing endorsement to be sure.
Jason nodded eagerly. “You go put on something comfortable, I’ll set the table and fix you a plate,” He promised and vanished back into the kitchen.
Danny sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath before he went into the bedroom to pull on some sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt. He looked longingly at the bed for a moment before shaking his head and wandering back into the kitchen. A reluctant smile pulled at the corners of his lips when he saw that Jason had set the table with some fresh flowers and lit some candles. It was nice, Jason was pulling out all the stops to make Danny feel loved and say sorry with more than just words. Danny could already feel it soothing the ache in his core as he went to sit down at the table.
Jason was quick to bring over a plate for him, loaded with a generous helping of homemade stuffed pasta and sauce, with garlic bread on the side. He set it down in front of Danny and kissed his temple softly. Danny’s attempts not to smile failed and he leaned into it just a little. “I’m still mad at you,” He mumbled.
“I know,” Jason said with a rueful little chuckle before he went to grab a plate for himself, as well as a drink for Danny before sitting across from him. He was sitting on the edge of his seat like he was ready to take off again, if Danny mentioned anything else he needed or wanted Jason would be quick to get it for him. He was full of nervous energy and trying not to let his knee bouncing shake the table as Danny dutifully picked at his food.
“It's good Jason, I'm just so tired,” Danny groaned when he was about halfway done. He propped his elbows on the table and dropped his face into his hands. 
“Just finish your plate, I know you're hungry,” Jason encouraged gently. “Then you can go to bed, and if you want me to sleep on the couch tonight I completely understand.” If Danny agreed to that Jason knew he wouldn't sleep at all but he would understand, they needed to have a serious conversation and they couldn't do that while Danny was this tired and upset.
Danny gave a half hearted snarl but he lifted his head and started eating again. “I think you should take the couch tonight,” he agreed with a sigh.
Jason's stomach dropped but he just nodded, looking down at his plate and not arguing with giving Danny the space that he needed. Danny finally finished eating and Jason got up, sliding around the table and leaning down to kiss Danny’s forehead as Jason took his plate. “Do you want seconds, Beloved?” 
“No thank you,” Danny yawned, shaking himself a little to get energy back into his limbs before he pushed his chair back and stood. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow okay? I love you.” 
“Of course, I love you too.” Jason replied, some of the tension easing from his shoulders because they would work through this. He had fucked up, but Danny still loved him, he and Danny were still committed to each other and tomorrow was a new day. They would work through this.
The bats didn't know what happened after Danny had left with Ellie, but Dick in particular hated the idea of what might have happened to Danny when he went home. Bruce wanted to barge right in but both Dick and Tim absolutely refused to let him be involved. Danny and Jason both had intense and not unreasonable mistrust for Bruce, and they loved each other regardless of if that love was healthy, they would not respond well to Bruce being involved in this, they might not react well to any external interference at all. But they needed to do something, didn't they? So a brotherly intervention it was.
They went in the morning, about ten AM and let themselves in rather then knocking and risking Jason not letting them in. They were practiced enough to avoid Jason's traps anyway, if Danny was nearby he might lash out but he's stop as soon as he realized who it was breaking into their house. 
“That better be my siblings,” Jason called from the kitchen with a growl in his voice. 
“It is. Dick and Tim,” Dick called back, following Jason's voice into the kitchen where he was up to his elbows on flour and aggressively kneading a ball of dough. 
“What do you want?” He grumbled, barely glancing at the two of them. 
“Where's Danny?” Dick asked nervously.
“He's still asleep. The fight yesterday took a lot out of him so he needs the rest. I'm making fresh bread for the whole fucking neighborhood,” Jason scowled, driving his fist into the dough again making Tim and Dick flinch a little. 
“Ya, about that Jason, about what happened yesterday-” Dick started and was cut off when Jason snarled. “Please don't get defensive Jay, we just want to help,” Dick said, holding up his hands in a pacifying gesture.
“Did you already talk to Danny about this?” Jason asked without looking up from his kneading.
“Ya but he-”
“Let me guess, he blew up on you for bringing it up?” Jason asked with a wry expression.
“Ya,” Tim sighed.
“Ya he's like that, he hates anyone questioning our relationship. He gets really defensive, I just feel ashamed. I know it's not great, but it's also not as bad as you think it is. Danny agreed to this. I mean I'm in the dog house right now for hitting him in front of you but usually he really doesn't mind. It actually helps him too I think, and he asked for this.”
“Jay, that's not-” 
“No I don't mean “he asked for it,” in the shit way abusers do. I mean literally before we were even in a relationship he broke into my office while I was having a Pit episode and basically demanded I take my anger out on him so we could get back to work faster.” Jason interrupted, shaking his head and smiling a little at the memory. He finished kneading the dough and started to roll it out, planning to make this batch into cinnamon rolls. “Wouldn't take no for an answer.”
“Are you serious?” Tim broke in, sounding skeptical.
“Ya, you can ask him about it if you want to, though he’ll probably be pissed you’re interfering at all,” Jason said with a shrug. “He’s like that. We know that this… isn’t ideal and we’re working on it I promise but also, Danny is afraid of himself. He’s afraid of what he could become, how much damage he could do. Feeling controlled by me eases his fears of himself, and since I think he’s more scared of himself then just about anything, besides maybe being recaptured by the GIW, he still feels like he needs to be controlled. 
“I don’t know how long it’ll take him to trust himself again but until then I think he’s scared of things changing. I think that’s why he lashes out when people try to bring it up to him. When some of our employees tried to talk to him about it he blew up too. I’m glad you guys care about him, I’m glad they do too, but this is our relationship and we’re handling it in a way that works for both of us.”
“Jason, are you sure?” Dick asked worriedly. “You don’t exactly have a model of a healthy relationship, with how you grew up, and Bruce is not exactly a romantic. We love you, and Danny, and we just want what’s best for you I promise. We’re not here to accuse you of anything.”
“Ya, and I assume you had to bully Bruce out of coming and actually accusing,” Jason chuckled, glancing up to see Dick give a sheepish smile. Tim was still stone faced, Jason got the impression he was quite mad at him. “Thanks for that. I know the two of you mean well, and I know I fucked up yesterday.” A timer dinged and he turned to pull a couple loaves of bread that had just finished baking out of the oven and set them on the counter to cool. The next batch that had finished proofing went in.
“Babe? Who are you talking to?” Danny called from the hall and all three of them stiffened immediately. Looking like deer caught in headlights as Danny came around the corner and spotted them. “Oh,” He sounded, voice flat and face expressionless. “Is there coffee?” He asked Jason, firmly ignoring Dick and Tim.
“Ya there is,” Jason said, quickly pouring Danny a cup and passing it to him. Danny came forward and bullied Dick off of his barstool still without acknowledging him. 
“Hey-” Dick started indignantly only to shut up when Jason hissed at him.
Danny took a few long swallows from his coffee before he sighed and finally looked at Dick and Tim. “So what do you two want?” He said coolly. “You weren’t invited.”
“We were just worried about you-” Dick started and Danny hissed sharply, interrupting him. 
“We don’t want your worry. If you’re here because you’re concerned~ You can leave again,” He snarled at Dick.
“I’m not here because I’m worried,” Tim spoke up, though his expression was still blank. “I’m here because I’m hurt.” 
That made both Jason and Danny wince, Dick on the other hand looked betrayed. “Tim, this isn’t about us! This is about-”
“Shut up,” Danny snapped. “You should leave,” He told Dick before turning back towards Tim. “You can stay if you want to.”
Dick glanced back and forth between Danny and Tim, and seemed a little betrayed when Tim avoided eye contact and stayed on his stool. “Fine,” Dick sighed, sliding off his stool and resting a hand on Tim’s shoulder. “Text me okay?” He asked softly before looking up at Jason and Danny again. “You too, I’m just… worried about both of you, I care about both of you. However I can be there for you,” he said before slipping out of the room.
Danny watched him go and waited till he heard the door close before he let his shoulders drop with a sigh, taking another sip of his coffee. Jason shook his head and grabbed a plate, pulling the cinnamon buns out of the oven and putting a fresh one on the waiting plate, sliding it across the counter to Danny. He gave Jason a grateful smile and then bit into the burning hot bun, Jason could practically hear it sizzling on Danny’s cool pallet but Danny never minded.
 “It’s good, it’ll be better when it’s cooled enough to ice,” Danny mumbled through a full mouth. Jason rolled his eyes fondly. “Right,” Danny said, putting the bun back down and turning back towards Tim. “I think I can guess why, but can you tell me how what happened yesterday made you feel so we can talk about this properly?” He asked gently. 
Tim looked down, fidgeting with his hands as he tried to organize his thoughts. To give him something else to focus on Jason poured him a cup of coffee and handed it over, Tim gave a mumbled thanks. Jason nodded and grabbed a cup for himself before turning off the oven and sitting down, he still had more dough he could bake, but he could freeze it and go back to it later too and this was more important. 
“I guess I just… look up to you guys,” Tim muttered, clutching the mug in both hands. “My parents treated their marriage like a business exchange, and then there’s Bruce… Dick has pretty good relationships but we’ve never been that close. Your relationship is-” He paused, taking a sip of his coffee and wincing a little when he burned his mouth. “I guess I saw you both as a model of a good relationship, and now…”
“It’s okay Tim,” Danny said, giving him a patient smile. “I get why you feel that way, and I’m flattered you’ve seen us as role models-”
“Though it’s a horrible choice really,” Jason interrupted, earning a gentle smack on the arm from Danny, and a suppressed snort of laughter from Tim. 
“But we’re not perfect people, and sometimes we fuck up. Jason fucked up yesterday and he knows it,” He said, glancing over at Jason who sighed and nodded, looking down. “We’re going to talk about that and work through it, but I need you to understand that it’s not as big of an issue as it would be if someone hit you, for instance, or Dick. I’m preternatural, I’m much harder to hurt, and I heal very quickly, usually in seconds. 
“More then that I think I mentioned how violence is a culture for ghosts, it’s expected, it’s a bonding activity. What Batman was talking about that happens behind closed doors? I want that, I volunteered for that. I can’t really fight back because I’m so much stronger and I worry about hurting Jason, but the violence between us doesn’t have the same meaning that it would in a relationship between two humans. 
“What Jason did last night wasn’t wrong because he hit me, he’s allowed to hit me, we’ve discussed it and we have understandings and aftercare set up. What he did was wrong because he did it in front of others, which is against the rules we’ve set up for our relationship. But most of the time it’s like… you asking Kon to spar so you can really go all out without having to worry about hurting him because he’s a lot more durable then another human would be. Do you do that?” Danny asked for clarification and Tim nodded warily, Danny nodded back. “Right, and that’s probably fun for him too isn’t it? 
“It’s a bonding activity for the two of you, you get your frustration out, and I’m sure he enjoys getting to see how strong you are.” Danny smiled mischievously when Tim blushed and spluttered. 
“Jason and I have a relationship that works for us. It wouldn’t work for two humans, but we’re not fully human, either of us. I’m only half, and even though he’s mostly human he was dead long enough to keep some of those instincts. I get mad because I don’t want to have to explain our relationship to someone who has no business meddling in it! But you deserve an explanation, so I hope it’s helped you understand better now that you have one.”
Danny sat back in his seat and sipped his coffee, Tim drank too, mechanically as he processed all that information. Jason fidgeted in his seat and tried to take inspiration from Danny’s patience as he sat quietly waiting for Tim to finish processing and think of something to say. Jason almost wanted to jump in to break the silence just because of how awkward and uncomfortable he was feeling, but that wouldn’t help right now. To keep himself from speaking he got up to mix a frosting for the cinnamon buns and frost them before handing Danny a fresh one, now iced since they were cool enough. 
“What do you think about this, Jason? I know you mentioned him asking for this earlier, but you were quiet through all that?” Tim finally spoke up, making Jason startle. 
“Ya, I agree with it. Mostly anyway, I’m working on my anger, because sometimes I don’t like the energy that I bring to our interactions, you know? Sometimes I know I’m not doing things for the right reasons, and I don’t like how often I’ve let it take control and make me fuck up. So I sure as hell wouldn’t look up to me, but everything Danny said is true too,” Jason said a bit awkwardly. 
Tim nodded slowly and let out a long breath. “Okay, I think I understand, thank you for explaining. I’ll try and explain that to Dick too, and Bruce if you don’t mind?” He asked, glancing back and forth between Danny and Jason. Danny shrugged and looked at Jason, who hesitated and then nodded, mostly because he hoped that would get Batman off their backs some. “You should call Diana though, and soon.”
“Right, I’ll do that today,” Jason promised with a soft sigh, that was going to be a hard conversation. She was going to be disappointed in him and he hated that.
“Good,” Tim said, nodding before turning his attention back to Danny. “Okay, I’m not going to say this again after this because I know it upsets you. But if anything changes or it gets to be too much you can talk to any of us. I don’t want you to think that just because we’re Jason’s family we’ll take his side.”
“No, if anything it’s the opposite,” Danny said with a scoff. “You guys are always at each other's throats. You could really do with a family vacation or something.”
“You know that’s not a bad idea,” Tim said, a slow smile spreading across his face. 
“No,” Jason said with dawning horror. 
“I’ll tell Alfred to make sure Bruce doesn’t turn it into a team building exercise. Can I take some of those cinnamon buns to go?”
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if dannys a cat what are the rest of them?
Expansive meme au?
Susie would be a rabbit obviously
Julie would be a hyena, they’re matriarchal and their complex social structures and protective behavior really fit her
Joey would be a dog, probably either something super stereotypical like a doberman or some a bit different like an Irish deerhound
Frank is a hard one, because I could go super stereotypical and just do a wolf or I could go a bit different and go with a snake because snoots can be super food motivated, but also get super laid back with regular handling
Anna would obviously be a bear, it’s what her name means
Aldiris I’m thinkin probably a dove
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Reclaiming What Was Lost (Part 13)
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“Will you come up to the roof with me?” Dick asked softly, he’d pulled Jason aside once the Teen Titans filtered out to head home, Tim and Ellie had lingered a bit longer to hug their family members, but even they had left now. “There’s someone else who’d like to talk to you, if you’re up to it?”
Danny was there in a flash, sometimes Jason forgot about Danny’s enhanced hearing until moments like this when he leaned against Jason’s shoulder and half glared at Dick. “Who is it?” He demanded to know suspiciously, Dick looked startled. 
“Oh, it’s…” He glanced back and forth between the two of them. He’d probably wanted to talk to Jason alone and underestimated the extent to which the two of them didn’t do anything alone at this point. At least not without prior discussion and, usually, having a tracker on each other. “Diana was hoping to see you again.”
Jason’s breathing caught in his throat and stopped entirely for a long moment. Danny looked up at him worriedly, pressing impossibly closer and giving a questioning little trill. “Jason?” He prompted softly. Jason shook his head, trying to knock himself out of his stupor, it didn’t particularly work but at least he was breathing again. He had been both hoping for and dreading this, and now that it was happening he didn’t know what to do.
“Jay, I don’t think she’s mad,” Dick said softly, stepping a little closer and resting a hand on his arm, ignoring or not noticing Danny’s little growl when he stepped into their space. “She doesn’t have a no killing rule like B. She is… upset, but I think it’s because of what happened to you, not because of anything you did, or being disappointed in you.”
“I hope so, because I don’t think I could stand her being disappointed in me.” Jason meant it to be a joke, but it came out far too raw. He took a deep breath, rolled his shoulders, and nodded. “I’ll come,” He agreed, shaking out his arms and drawing on what determination he could.
“Can I come,” Danny asked softly, still tucked against Jason’s side, looking up at him with puppy-dog eyes Jason thought were probably unintentional. He didn’t mean to pressure Jason into letting him come, he just wanted to be there to help in any way he could.
“Yes, you can come. Just.. let me handle it okay? Unless she attacks me I guess-”
“She won’t!” Dick put in, shocked at the suggestion. 
“Right,” Jason said, nodding again. “But unless she does, just hang back and let us talk,” He told Danny gently. 
“Alright,” Danny said. It might be just a little bit of a struggle for him because he was used to jumping in when Jason was struggling to express his feelings, but Jason believed that he would do it. Unless Jason asked Danny to, so he’d just have to resist doing that impulsively if things got hard. Danny was good at expressing Jason’s feelings for him, but Jason didn’t want to rely on Danny for this, especially because he didn’t know the history between Jason and Diana.
“Alright, she’s waiting for us now. She has been for a bit but I didn’t want to break up the party and she said she’d wait as long as we needed. I know she was always your hero Jay, but she cared about you too,” Dick encouraged, before leading the way up to the roof. The stair to the roof access had never felt so long to Jason, he was glad to have Danny right behind him or he might have turned back.
Jason hesitated in the doorway when he saw Diana’s outline, sitting on the edge of the roof with her back to them, her long curly hair swishing slightly in the night breeze. She must have heard them though, because she turned to face them and smiled softly. Jason took a deep breath and stepped out of the doorway, walking across the roof towards her. She met him half way in a flash and he flinched as she reached out to him, and pulled him quickly into her arms. 
“You’ve grown so much, Little Bird,” She murmured into his hair. She was barely taller than him anymore, it had felt like she would tower over him forever, and now they were the same height. He was an adult, he was grown, he still felt small in her arms. 
He hugged her back and burst into tears, pressing his face into her shoulder. 
“Ohh, little warrior,” Diana soothed and lamented, cradling the back of his head and holding him close as he sobbed like he hadn’t since he was a child. “You’ve been so brave, I’m so sorry for everything you’ve been through.”
Why was he crying? He was crying for the child who he had been, the child who had to grow up far too fast and who had died. He had still been a teenager when he was resurrected, he was barely out of his teens now and he had missed those years he’d grown the most in a haze of glowing green rage. He wore a helmet so no one would know how young he was. Running his fucking empire of crime when he could have been in his second year of university if the Joker hadn’t killed him. Could have had a… not good, but maybe decent relationship with his adopted father. He grieved furiously for what might have been had the world been kinder.
“You’re still a warrior Jason. You’re protecting your people, as any good leader should. I’m proud of the man you’ve become,” Wonder Woman told him and Jason sobbed again, clinging to her hard enough that it would probably hurt an ordinary person but she was sturdy. 
“You- You have no idea how much that means to me,” He gasped brokenly. 
“I know, and I mean it. You will build a good life for yourself here, things will be better,” She cooed, rocking him gently. “You have your lover, you have your brothers, and your friends. And me, now that we know that you’re back you won’t be alone anymore. We won’t lose you again,” She promised him. “Just promise me that if you are ever in a situation like that again, you’ll call us this time.” 
“I promise,” Jason agreed and it felt like he was finally able to breathe, after so fucking long the weight on his chest lifted a little. Danny believed in him, Dick and Tim didn’t fight with him, but Danny would have followed Jason anywhere, and not fighting was not the same as believing. That Diana was proud of him, that someone else truly believed in him, meant more to him then he would have imagined. “Thank you.” 
A part of him wanted to pull away, pull himself together as quickly as possible to avoid the appearance of weakness. But he needed this, she had been like a parent to him and he had been so starved for parental love. He took a deep breath and tried to pull away, but she held him tighter.
“Take as much as time as you need to,” She told him softly, earnestly enough that he let himself believe it and relaxed back into her arms. She just held him as he cried out the years and the abandonment of his father, the death of both of his mothers, and all the shit he’d been put through with the League. “Never doubt that you are loved.”
Finally Jason pulled back and wiped the wetness from his eyes. They felt puffy and a little sore, but he felt much better anyway, if thirsty as hell! Jason glanced around and saw Danny hovering nearby, looking uncertain and worried. “I’m okay Beloved,” Jason said, opening his arms to his boyfriend who flitted into them immediately and held Jason fiercely, nuzzling into his chest. 
“Thank you for coming to see us, Diana. Um, this is Danny, Hyena. He’s been my partner since pretty soon after I came back, and my boyfriend a bit more recently.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Diana said warmly, reaching out to shake Danny’s hand waiting till Danny decided he was willing to let go of Jason with one hand at least. Jason could tell as they shook hands they were both squeezing too hard, testing each other. “Don’t you hurt him, he’s been through enough,” She warned Danny softly.
“I’m not planning on it,” Danny agreed, leaning against Jason’s chest lightly. “We’ll invite you over for dinner sometime soon, if you’d like to come. Won’t we Jason?” He asked, glancing up at Jason who nodded.
“Of course, just give us a heads up and you’re welcome to visit any time really,” Jason reiterated.
“Thank you, I would like to get to know the man you’ve become as well as I did the child you were,” Diana told him. “I will call you soon. I want to have another… chat with Bruce tonight.” She said grimly, she gave Jason one more hug, and nodded to Danny before she leapt off the roof and across half a block in one bound, carrying on out of sight quickly.
“I told you it would go well didn’t I Jay?” Dick said, and Jason had almost forgotten he was there. He’d been hanging back, watching the touching scene. As he walked forward he brushed some tears from his eyes even as he smiled, the sentimental bastard.
Jason stepped forward and scooped Dick up in a tight hug, lifting his feet off the ground as Dick wheezed. “Ya, you did, thanks Dick,” He said before putting Dick down just as quickly. “Now don’t overstay your welcome. I want to go home,” He muttered gruffly, he had had just about enough emotions for today. 
“Right, of course little brother, I’ll see you soon,” Dick agreed, patting Jason’s shoulder before he headed out as well.
Jason turned back into Danny’s waiting arms, drooping and letting his forehead rest on Danny’s shoulder, letting Danny hold him. God he was exhausted. What a fucking day. He let Danny guide him home using his powers to lower them through the roof so they could skip the stairs.
It seemed like after that disaster of a meeting the news that the second Robin was back was hot gossip in the hero community. It worked its way around the grapevine and Jason received calls from a few more heroes who found out who he was. Not all of them went well, some seemed downright disgusted by what he’d chosen to do with his life. But it was mostly fine, he didn’t really care what they thought about him anyway.
There was one call Jason still hadn’t gotten, and wouldn’t admit that he was waiting for, but he’d heard about what had happened to Roy. Kidnapped and cloned and kept unconscious for years by CADMUS. Ah the joys of being a child hero huh?
He went by Arsenal now apparently, and it seemed like what they’d been through, while not exactly similar… Well, they both had just about comparable levels of angst. Surely Roy wouldn’t judge him, surely Roy would reach out? Or was he too mad that Jason hadn’t reached out first, that he’d had to hear his friend was alive through the rumour mill? Jason would understand that honestly, he’d thought about reaching out, he really had! But somehow he just couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Danny could tell he was worried and was worried too in turn, hovering near him more often and watching as Jason compulsively checked his ‘work phone’. Danny had asked what was wrong, but when Jason had just shook his head he seemed to resign himself to waiting out whatever this was and supporting Jason as well as he could. Jason didn’t want to worry Danny, but he didn’t want to talk about his quiet yearning for his old best friend. Speaking about it would make it too real, and Danny would probably advise him to just call Roy. It wouldn’t be bad advice, but Jason just wasn’t ready to hear it.
Jason was just starting to resign himself to the fact that he was going to have to reach out himself when the phone call finally came. When it rang Jason snatched it up quickly and answered it before the ringing could disturb Danny’s sleep. Pausing the movie Danny had fallen asleep to so that he could focus on the call.
“Hey Fuckface, too good for your oldest friend now?” Roy’s voice came through the phone. It was deeper and rougher then Jason remembered but it was still familiar, it still had that slight, almost unplaceable accent that Roy had. 
“Course not, it’s good to hear from you,” Jason said, smiling despite the fear that Roy was mad at him. Fuck it was good to hear his voice again!
“Then why didn’t you call me?” Roy demanded, furious and hurt. Jason couldn’t blame him.
“I… I wasn’t ready to, after everything. I wasn’t ready to be Jason again for a really long time and then I was worried it was too long and you’d be mad. I’m really sorry, I should have reached out,” Jason said, ashamed of himself.
“No… I’m still mad but I do get that,” Roy admitted, the wind leaving his sails abruptly. “I couldn’t go back to being who I was after what happened to me either. That’s why I go by Arsonal now, you heard that right?”
“I did ya, and I heard what happened too. I’m sorry dude, we both got the shit end of this ‘hero’ stick huh?” Hood said with a bitter little chuckle.
“Yep. And everyone’s still pissy we want to be a little selfish with our skills now. But I just want to live a good life and have a little fun now! And provide for my little girl.”
“Your-” Jason cut off, his jaw dropping for a moment. “Holy shit, Roy do you have a kid?!”
“Ya I do. Her name is Lian and she’s the light of my life. Her mama’s in prison so it’s just the two of us, so I do what I gotta do to provide for her while spending the least amount of time away from her I can manage. The jobs I take have gotta be worth getting a nanny to take care of her too, and you would not believe how expensive childcare is!”
“Congratulations dude! I’m sure you’re a great dad,” Jason cheered softly. He was, though the Roy he’d known before he went missing would probably have been a shit father the way Roy talked about his daughter now left no doubt in Jason’s mind Roy was a good dad.
“Thanks dude, I certainly try. What about you? No kids but I’ve heard through the grapevine you’ve got a partner?” Roy asked with a teasing note to his voice. It was like no time had passed, it made Jason smile even as he blushed just a little.
“Ya, Hyena has been through a lot of the same shit as me. He understands me, you know? He’s… he’s really good to me, puts up with more of my shit then he should have to and I love him for it.” 
“Damn, I’d like to meet him. And see you. It’s been too long since I’ve had contact with… any of our old crowd you know? They just don’t understand anymore,” Roy sighed, Jason echoed the sound. 
“Ya, I do know. You should come visit, we’ll get some drinks and the three of us can bond. You’ll like him, maybe you’ll get two friends for the price of one,” Jason suggested hopefully. 
“Ya, maybe. That would be nice. How about.. Next Thursday? Weekends are always busiest for our ilk, eh?” 
“Ya, that sounds good.”
“You don’t have to ask Hyena first?” Roy questioned curiously. 
“No, he won’t mind. He’s pretty content to go wherever I go honestly,” Jason said with a little shrug. 
“He’s there with you right now?” Roy sounded amused. 
“Ya, he’s asleep with his head on my lap,” Jason chuffed, glancing down at Danny and stroking his hair, his presence barely registered to Jason anymore. He was always there, being with Danny was like being alone, but so, so much better. Being with Danny had all the comfort of being alone with none of the loneliness, coldness, or opportunities to spiral. He felt his heart flutter as under his hand Danny’s purr stuttered and then grew louder as he cuddled in closer. 
“Hmph, will you wake him up so I can give him a shovel talk?” Roy asked, and Jason got the impression he was only half joking. 
“No need, Nightwing already gave him one, and they’re all pretty performative anyway since he could beat up God in a Denny's parking lot… To be honest that’s something that’s bothered me. Not the power thing, I mean people want to give him a shovel talk about me, but no one’s given me one about him. And I’ve definitely hurt him worse than he’d ever hurt me, but there’s no one… left. Besides his little sister and I don’t think she will. She needs to believe he’s indestructible because he’s all she has left,” He sighed, letting his head fall back against the couch cushions.
“Holy shit dude,” Roy breathed on the other side of the phone, with a sigh that made Jason wince with the static. 
“Ya, sorry, I think I got a little too deep there. This is the first time I’ve talked to an… actual friend in a while you know? I’m back in contact with my brothers, and Diana came to visit. But I haven’t reconnected with any of the old crowd and I don’t really want to talk to my brothers about my relationship, you know?”
“No, I mean, Ya I get it, and no worries. We really should meet up for that drink, and maybe it’d actually be best if it’s just me and you first time? That way we can catch up and you can tell me all about your worries. Maybe I’ll even give You a shovel talk, stand in for whoever would have done it for him if they got the chance? But I was talking about him being able to beat up god.”
Jason let out a bark of a laugh, he’d forgotten Danny’s powers weren’t out in the open yet.“Ya, he’s powerful as hell, he just doesn’t use them much because it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of us.” Jason agreed, nodding even though Roy couldn’t see him. “Meeting alone first sounds like a good plan. I’ll get the Birds of Prey to kidnap him for the evening, Harley and Pam absolutely adore him, and not just cause he killed Joker.”
“I’m sure they do,” Roy said a bit absently. “Hey, Jay?”
“I really missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 month
A Proper Fight (part 17)
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Danny and Dan stood on air across from each other, above the clouds where the atmosphere would be too thin for anyone who actually needed to breath. Danny shifted, flexing his hands and waiting for Dan to come to him, though it was taking longer then he had expected it to. Dan had never been patient, and yet he was just standing there looking Danny up and down.
“What are you fucking looking at?” Danny demanded, glaring from behind his mask. 
“You’ve changed a lot, Pipsqueak, what happened to you?” Dan asked.
“Like you care,” Danny scoffed, rolling his eyes at his alternate-self. 
“You’re right, I really don’t. Where’s dear old mom and dad?” Dan asked with a wide smile that showed more teeth than emotion.
And that was too much, they were dead, they were all dead and Dan should keep their fucking names out of his mouth! Danny flew at him with a yowl that seemed to startle even Dan as Danny tackled him and they rolled through the air. Dan got his feet against Danny’s stomach and launched him back, shooting an ecto-blast at Danny who barely dodged it as he rushed back in, swiping at Dan with his claws. He didn’t want to be fighting at a distance, he wanted a fucking brawl! Dan dodged his first swipe but the second one connected and Danny made a triumphant sound as he felt the satisfying ripping of flesh under his claws, slightly more giving and squishing then living human flesh, but good enough!
Dan hissed and flew back, buying himself a second for the wounds to close before he came shooting back towards Danny. Last time they had fought his movements had been almost too fast for Danny to follow, but now he seemed almost slow. It was so fucking easy to meet Dan half way, grab his arm and toss him, chasing after him as he struggled to right himself Danny grabbed Dan from behind. He dug his claws in before opened the jaws of his mask, biting the back of Dan’s neck hard and shaking like a dog while he snarled and struggled.
“Get the Fuck off of me!” Dan demanded as he thrashed in Danny’s grip, tearing at his own flesh, finally breaking free and leaving a chunk of his spine between Danny’s teeth which reformed as Danny spit out the quickly melting chunk of ectoplasmic flesh. “You’re fighting dirty now aren’t you?”
“You talk too much,” Danny snarled, already rushing back in. He saw Dan’s eyes widen in shock as he dodged, grabbing Danny’s ankle and swinging him around to send him back towards the ground which he did not want! He wanted this fight but nowhere near where other people could see, let alone get hurt!
He threw his arms out and increased his resistance, forcing himself to slow down before he pushed himself back up. He grabbed Dan along the way and dragged him back up, breaking through the atmosphere as his older ghost yowled indignantly. He got loose just outside the earth's atmosphere again and put some distance between the two of them, much to Danny’s annoyance. 
“What actually happened to you?” Dan demanded, pointing at Danny accusatory. “You were such a snarky little shit, where are all the quips? And where’s the rest of the nerd squad?!” 
“They’re dead!” Danny yelled back. He didn’t need to yell, not to be heard at least, but it felt like yelling was the only way he could get the words past the lump in his throat. 
“What?” Dan gasped, taken aback and… hurt?
“You don’t get to be hurt, you wanted to fucking kill them too! Aren’t you happy that I’ve suffered the way you suffered now, isn’t that what you wanted?”
“Well, yes, but-” Dan started but Danny didn’t let him finish, rushing at Dan and driving his fist into his alternate’s stomach hard enough he could feel the flesh giving beneath his fist. 
This time Dan didn’t back down and met Danny head on, giving him the fight he really wanted. It felt so good to be able to let loose, and honestly Danny didn’t even know why they were fighting. He didn’t have the thermos so he couldn’t contain Dan, and he didn’t want to kill Dan, not really so how was this fight going to end. To the pain probably, that seemed to be how Dan was treating it anyway, he wasn’t trying to get back to the earth, he hadn’t asked about anything else since he found out their family was dead. Maybe since Danny was the only one of their family left he was the only one left for Dan to kill, since he didn’t rely on Danny to exist anymore.
Anger and sadness raged inside Danny, finally given an outlet as he ripped into Dan. Even the pain when he lashed out back was welcome, it wasn’t grounding like it was when Jason hurt him. It pushed Danny back into his trauma, but unlike last time he wasn’t traumatized and bound, this time he could fight back! And he did, he channeled all that hurt and rage and fought Dan like he was the physical manifestation of all of the awful shit that happened in Danny’s life. 
The viciousness seemed to startle Dan, maybe even scare him, but he stood his ground and fought back though there was something different in the feeling of the fight. The way their cores responded to each other, they bounced off of each other, but they didn’t entirely reject each other. It wasn’t harmony by any means, but it wasn’t the screeching dissonance that had been present in their clashes before. Danny had become more like Dan in a way that made him hate and distrust himself, and he wondered if Dan hated himself too even though he didn’t want to give a shit what Dan thought and felt.
They weren’t quite evenly matched, and as the fight went on it was clear Danny was winning. He was pushing Dan further and further back but at the same time he was getting more and more tired, they both were. Ghosts didn’t have an unlimited amount of ectoplasm, especially out here in space where it was limited, and using it to attack and heal was starting to drain him, and he could tell by how slowly Dan was healing that he was feeling it too. Danny had no idea how long they’d been fighting by then, it had taken them halfway around the earth and further out into space till they were tossing space junk at each other along with blasts of ecto, ice, and fire.
Finally Dan groaned and collapsed on a passing bit of space debris, ecto still leaking from his side from Danny’s last blast. “Alright, I give up. You gonna kill me now?” Dan asked,sounding  skeptical more than angry.
Danny hesitated, he could, but… He groaned and flopped down next to Dan, propping his elbows on his knees and shaking his head. “Nah, I’m not going to. I could just so you know. I’ve killed before, and you’d probably deserve it but we’re kinda the same now aren’t we? We’re the only ones left. Well, and Ellie.”
“What about Vlad?” Dan asked, looking away from Danny and up at the stars.
“He’s dead too. It turns out when not nipped in the bud eventually the GIW becomes half way competent. They were the ones who killed our family.”
“Your family,” Dan corrected flatly. 
“Our family,” Danny countered, resting his chin on his folded arms. Dan heaved a dramatic sigh. “If you’re me from the future, they're our family. You’re not even from an alternate universe, just a timeline, they were the same people. They were our family.”
“How did they die?” Dan’s voice was softer than Danny was used to.
“Mom and Dad found out about me being a halfa and wanted to experiment on me. Jazz, Sam, and Tucker all came to try and help convince them I was still their son and they were wrong about ghosts. It just meant when the GIW found out where I was and they wanted to take me for themselves everyone was killed when they bombed the house. They killed Vlad too, when he tried to save me. Took me years to break out on my own.”
“I guess that’s why you’ve changed so much, and why you’re still such a pipsqueek! That shit must have stunted your growth.”
“Shut up,” Danny laughed, shoving Dan’s shoulder making him laugh. “I’m not that much smaller than you now! I’m a perfectly respectable height.”
“Sure thing buddy,” Dan chuckled, then sighed. “You know, I thought I’d feel better once I made you suffer like I did.”
“Did that work out for you?”
“Nah, I just miss them more now.”
“Ya, me too.” 
They sat in silence for a while. A buzzing whir interrupting the science and making Danny groan, he’d forgotten that the Justice League camera was following. “Go away,” He complained at the camera and shot a half hearted blast at it, missing as it rolled away. 
“What is that?” Dan asked, eyeing it suspiciously. 
“Justice League drone, they called me in to deal with you.” Danny said with a shrug. 
“They’re still alive then? You know I saw that the world was still green as we came up here but, you really didn’t do any damage?” Dan asked, turning his head to look at Danny properly.
“Other than destroying the GIW bases? No,” Danny agreed with a shrug. “With Vlad already dead I stayed all the way Danny, you’re not a halfa anymore. Still being half human changes things, and I’ve found new people to love.”
“Oh ya? Who?” 
“I’m not telling you! You might try to kill them too so I’m just as alone as you again!” Danny accused with a little growl that died when he saw the sadness on Dan’s face. 
“I don’t want to be alone anymore,” He admitted softly.
“Well you don’t have to be. Your timeline doesn’t exist anymore and the world never ended, everyone you killed before is alive again now. Technically in this timeline you haven’t done anything wrong.” Danny suggested, ever the optimist.
“That’s not how this works and you know it,” Dan scoffed, rolling his eyes at his younger self.
Danny sighed and nodded. “Ya, I know that. So what are you going to do?” 
Before Dan could answer Ellie came flying towards them at her top speed, rocketing towards Dan. Danny launched himself up and caught her before she could pick a fight with someone more than twice her size, even if Dan was tired out. 
“Hey Ellie it’s okay! It’s okay, the fight’s already over, it’s fine.” Danny assured her, drifting back down to the piece of space junk with her in his arms, still squirming and hissing. 
“Hey Dani, it’s good to see you alive and well,” Dan said with a flippant wave and without lifting his head.
“The fight’s really over? You’re not going to do anything?” Ellie asked him suspiciously. 
“The original kicked my ass pretty good, I’m not gonna do anything,” Dan said dryly, pointing at Danny, who rolled his eyes. 
Ellie looked back and forth between Dan and Danny suspiciously before she sighed and nodded. Danny let Ellie escape his grasp to sit between the two of them once Danny leaned back to look at the stars all around them, it was a beautiful view. 
“I guess I died in your future?” Ellie asked Dan curiously. “I mean, I’ve heard about you but never met you, but you know me?”
“Ya, after Jack and Maddie died you destabilized and I didn’t have access to any of their tech so I couldn’t stabilize you,” Dan sighed.
“Danny figured out how to stabilize me without tech,” Ellie pointed out, sounding suspicious as she narrowed her eyes at Dan. 
“Ya, but Dan and my powers don’t work the same way anymore, I got my wail almost a decade before him and he can’t use ice at all, and it’s my ecto-electricity that stabilized you.” Danny pointed out, looking over at Dan curiously. 
“Ya, I don’t have that either,” Dan said with a little shrug. 
“Damn, who knew the template was more powerful than,” Ellie said in an innocently mocking tone. 
“Oi! It’s not my fault he’s the freak!” Dan pointed out. 
“Hey don’t take that out on me! You’re the one who chose to kill your human half,” Danny pointed out, rolling his eyes.
“Ya but I didn’t know that killing my human half would make me weaker! I thought that it was holding me back,” Dan grumbled. 
“Well that was stupid,” Ellie sniffed at him.
Dan looked like he wanted to argue, but instead he heaved a sigh and nodded. “Ya… it was, and it was stupid to think it would take my pain away too. I mean ghosts are made of emotion, if anything killing my human half made it worse.” 
“Well, there’s no going back now is there? Which brings me back to the original question I guess. What are you going to do now?” Danny prompted gently.
“I don’t really know, but I have a lot of soul searching to do I guess. I’ve been alone for a long time, but I don’t think I’m ready to just fucking re-enter society on a dime!”
“Ya that makes sense,” Danny sighed, finally taking off his mask and running his hand back through his hair, pushing his head back as he fluffed up his soft white hair. “Do you want to go back to the ghost zone?”
“Nah I don’t think so. I remember before all that bullshit with Vlad and my obsession with power I really liked the stars,” Dan sighed, looking up at the sky. “I think maybe I’ll think better out there.” He pointed out towards space. 
“That makes sense, my dual obsessions are protection and space, clearly your obsession with protection broke, but maybe there’s still some of the space stuff in there you can lean into,” Danny said. Dan nodded and let his hand fall back to the metal beneath them. “You can’t just go out there and cause chaos though. You should check in with me, or the Green Lantern corp I guess, to make sure you’re on the right track okay? And if I hear about you hurting anyone I will be right there to kick your ass again,” Danny said pointing at Dan threateningly. 
“Ya ya I know,” Dan grumbled unhappily. “It’s still bullshit that you’re stronger than me now.” 
“Ya, well, cry about it,” Danny sighed unsympathetically and deflected Dan’s half hearted swipe at him and Ellie laughed at both of them. At least she was relaxed again. 
“I’ll come check in with you, or them what, every other month or so?” Dan relented resentfully. 
“Ya, that sounds fair. And let me know if you need anything okay? We’re the only ones left, the three of us, we should look out for each other if we can.” Danny told Dan, hating his own vulnerability, but he needed to say it. 
“Even after everything I’ve put you through?” 
“Ya, I mean not to rub it in but you were nowhere near the biggest thorn in my side. And I understood where you were coming from. How could I not, when you were me, before everything.” 
“Ya, that makes sense. Well, I guess I should head out before any of your hero buddies show up to try and take me in after all.” Dan sat up with a groan, and stretched with a breathy little snarl. 
“Ya, I need to get home anyway. My boyfriend will be missing me.” Danny said as he pushed himself up as well. 
“Damn, well, congratulations on finally figuring that out.” 
“Ya laugh it up, you could have given me a heads up you know!”
“I mean, I never dated anyone, you know that. Besides, if I had to have the sexuality crisis, so did you.”
“God you’re such an asshole. Is it too late to lock you up in some dungeon in the Realms?” Danny groaned and Dan laughed, pushing off the space junk and floating in front of them with a too wide smile.
“Then catch me if you can,” He laughed and took off towards the stars while Danny and Ellie watched him go.
“Are you going to chase him?” Ellie asked.
“Nah,” Danny sighed with a dismissive wave. “It’s not worth it and I’m tired, I want to go home. Thanks for coming out by the way, Batman refused to believe I could handle this on my own. I do want to get home, but want me to get you ice cream before I do?” 
“Ya but not ice cream, can we go to Japan and get red bean buns?” She asked, jumping up and hovering in front of him with an excited smile. 
“Sure we can,” Danny laughed, so happy to see her smile. “Let's go get you your treat for the JL being alarmists.” He looked around for the earth and which continent they needed to head to, spotting that stupid drone still watching them he grinned. “Oh has Bats told Constantine about owing me a favor yet?”
“Oh! Ya and he was totally freaking out when I stopped by for directions,” Ellie laughed. 
“Well if you're still watching you can calm down Magician,” Danny said, flying up to the drone and patting it playfully. “Since this was basically a family matter I'll only ask for a small favor later. I don't deal in souls or anything anyway.” He said before pushing the drone away. “Now show’s over we're going for post game snacks and we don't need supervision.” And this time they listened and didn't follow as the ghosts flew away. 
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
This Isn't the First Time (Part 16)
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By the time Danny got back everyone else was in uniform, he transformed back, already in his Hyena garb and pulled the weapons Jason had asked for out of his chest to hand them over. 
“What? How did you do that?” Nightwing asked, looking shocked and disturbed.
“I can turn intangible so I can turn my entire body into a pocket basically, it’s pretty handy. Now we should get going shouldn’t we? It sounded like there was a real emergency?” Hyena asked, looking around at the other costumed heroes and Tim nodded and started typing on his wrist computer. 
“Right, they have a threat from the Infinite Realms, a powerful one from the way Constantine is freaking out. There’s some uncertainty about how exactly the threat came about, the JLD tracks natural portals and there have been no energy signatures that would suggest anyone entering our world.
“The timing is a bit odd as well, since the JL just arranged a meeting with the leaders of the GIW. We suspect they might have already had this being captive and released them to try and garner sympathy or paint ghosts in a bad light to justify their actions. So far we have managed to contain the threat but we don’t have anything capable of actually defeating them, and it seems like neither do the GIW, not that we’d really let them try.
“More info will be provided on the Watchtower where I believe they have video footage. None of the younger teams have been called in as of yet.” Robin said, closing the holographic screen again and looking up at the gathered suits. “Are we ready?”
“Yep, let’s go,” Jason said, grabbing Danny’s hand. Tim nodded and led the way through the Zeta-tube, Nightwing bringing up the rear this time. Danny didn’t have to be dragged quite as much as last time, it seemed like going through twice already had helped break him out of his initial fear. 
The core members of the Justice league were already present, along with Zatana, Constantine again, and Deadman. Deadman stood when he saw Danny, and made an aborted gesture Jason couldn’t quite decipher, but thought might have been a bow, before Danny gave an inhuman chittering hiss and Deadman stopped. He looked startled and confused but he sat back down after staring at Danny for a moment. Hyena’s shoulders slumped a little and he gave the ghost an appreciative nod before all of them took the seats that had been left open for them on one side of the table. 
“Thank you for coming,” Batman rumbled at them, standing up from his seat. “I’m sure Robin already shared the info I sent him?” Hyena and Hood nodded. “Good, we don’t have much more information than that. We have some footage but it’s heavily corrupted, which Constantine says is fairly normal for ghosts?” He glanced at Hyena, who nodded. “They are contained for now, and aren’t trying as hard as expected to escape. They’re demanding someone come fight them and seem willing to wait for now.
“The plan is that-”
“No plan needed,” Hyena said with a dismissive little wave. “I’ll go in, engage them and lure them away from population centers and give them the fight they want. I have a feeling I know who it is anyway, he talks a big game but he’s not actually that much trouble. I’ve been dealing with these things since I was a teenager and for all Amity Park was scared of me there were no casualties under my watch, you can check. I can handle this.”
“Hmph,” Batman sounded, frowning at them. “That may be but I insist that-”
“Nope, I’m not used to fighting with anyone else. Anyone mortal would be a liability. If you insist you can call Phantasm.” Hyena rolled his eyes at Batman, who scowled back. 
“Fine,” He grumbled. “Robin would you mind-”
“Already doing it,” Tim interrupted, who was indeed already texting on a phone no one had seen him pull out. Batman sighed at them.
“Alright if that’s settled, what about our fee?” Red Hood spoke up. Everyone looked shocked, even Hyena, Jason hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to him about this because he hadn’t expected them to be called in so soon. Jason knew that Danny would have helped without any payment, he was that sort of person, but Jason didn’t fucking feel like helping these people. And he also knew that Danny would back him up regardless. 
“What do you mean?” Batman asked, eyes narrowed. 
“Well we’re not heroes are we? You can’t expect us to help just because it's the right thing to do,” Jason said with a smirk clear in his voice. 
Danny seemed to pick up what he was saying and grinned, he got up from his seat and draped himself across the back of Jason’s seat, showing he was behind Jason in this. He didn’t say anything, letting Jason handle the talking, but showing that he was there, and reminding everyone he wouldn’t actually help if Red Hood didn’t agree.
“Red Hood this is not appropriate behaviour. This is your world too,” Batman scolded and Jason rolled his eyes. 
“Ya, which is why we’re here, taking time outta our lives to help with this. But we have a skill set you don’t and I think since we’re not exactly part of your little club, and you’re going to get the credit for saving the world, we should get something out of this,” Jason said, leaning back in his chair. 
“We’re helping disband the GIW!” Superman pointed out indignantly. 
“And what? If we don’t help you you’ll let them keep torturing sentient beings? Nah, you’re the good guys,” Jason huffed. “I was thinking half a million would be reasonable, hm? I know that Brucie Wayne funds y’all so you must have the cash and for Hyena’s power-set I think that’s a pretty damn good deal!”
“Hood I know you’re upset with me right now but this is not how I raised you,” Batman said and Jason felt the pit roil within him at the mention. He stood up abruptly. “You don’t need the money, you can do the right thing.” 
“You did not raise me, I spent 3 years with you before I died in the line of duty at 16. I don’t owe you Shit.”
“I’m sorry about what happened to you but you went off on your own. It’s no one’s fault but-”
“Shut up! I didn’t blame you for not saving me, I know I went off on my own,” Jason’s fists were clenched and trembling, green was wavering at the edges of his vision. “That’s not what this is about and you know it!”
“Isn’t it?” Bruce asked, staring at Jason levelly. 
“You always think you know everything but you don’t fucking know me anymore. I’m doing this because I want to, it has nothing to do with you!” Jason insisted, blood already rushing in his ears. He needed to calm down, he needed- A familiar hand landed on his shoulder and before Jason could even think he was flinching away from the touch and lashing out. 
He struck Danny hard enough that he was sent stumbling back, catching himself on the chair again. Everything froze, and everything was quiet as Danny closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. He pushed himself away from the chair and approached Jason again, holding out his hands placatingly. “We don’t have time for your anger right now, Boo. Go for a walk and calm down, I’ll handle this, and we can handle your anger together in private.” 
Jason froze, staring at Danny and still breathing heavily, he hadn’t even been aware he was standing up, when had he stood up? What was going on. Guilt was already building in him, though it couldn’t quite overcome the anger the Pit was forcing into his mind. He nodded sharply and turned away, leaving the room. 
Danny took another deep breath and then sat down in Jason’s chair, ignoring the ache on his face. That one wouldn’t heal as quickly as usual he knew, the emotional wound of being struck in front of Jason’s family, his friends, would stop the physical injury from healing at first. He tried to ignore it and move on though, he understood and he didn’t blame Jason, if anything he blamed Batman for upsetting Jason so much. Especially since what he was asking for was reasonable, at least from multi billionaire Bruce Wayne.
“So, back to what we were talking about,” Hyena said, opening his eyes again.
“Absolutely not! We can’t just move past that!” Nightwing interrupted. Danny winced and glanced over at the other two he’d come with, Nightwing looked incensed, Tim looked like he was too shocked to speak.
“It’s not a big deal, he has a hard time controlling his anger and I’ll heal. The threat is more important right now,” Danny tried to deflect again.
“This is not the first time he’s hit you,” Batman stated, leaning forward and propping his elbows against the table. Danny looked back at him, unsure of how to respond. “I keep an ear out for the rumours in the underground, he’s only hit you in front of people a couple of times, but they say sometimes after he calls you into his office they can hear him beating you.”
“Our relationship is none of your business!” Hyena snarled at Batman. 
“None of our business! Hyena we’re your friends,” Nightwing cut in, holding both hands towards his chest. “If you’re being abused we want to help! It doesn’t matter that he’s our family, if he’s hurting you then-”
“Shut up! You don’t know anything about our relationship. He’s not abusing me, I can handle this myself,” Danny snapped at Dick. He could feel his own eyes starting to glow green, even though he had better control of his anger he had his limits too. He couldn’t give in to his own anger now though, he needed to handle this. 
Unnoticed, Deadman left the room, slipping out through the wall unseen. He wasn’t going to be here when Hyena snapped, he was not going to be part of this ill advised lecture. 
“Dick is right, it doesn’t matter how powerful you are, when someone you love hurts you, and you don’t want to hurt them back it’s easy to just let it happen. But that doesn’t mean it’s right,” Batman told him, calm and soft, so much differently than he had talked to Danny at first. Next to Batman Constantine was trying to distract him, making a cut it out gesture that everyone in the room was ignoring.
“Shut up! At first you were after me for controlling him, and now you’ve done a 180 and you think he’s abusing me? Why can’t we just have a good relationship that makes us both happy!” Danny insisted furiously. 
“Think he’s abusing you? Hyena, he hit you in front of us! Him abusing you isn’t in question, you shouldn’t defend him!” Superman cut in, looking horrified. 
“Enough!” Danny snarled and stood up, his humanity falling away from him as he slammed his now clawed hands down on the table, the metal ripping under his claws. The temperature in the room dropped and frost raced across the surface in unnatural geometric patterns. Green glowing pits replaced his eyes in the stark skull as he glared down at Batman and Superman. Next to them Constantine fainted as the power in the room overwhelmed his senses, crashing to the floor with an unimpressive little groan. 
“I will hear no more of this!If you don’t need my help I will go home with my lover. If you do need my help I will accept a favour in return from Batman or Superman, I don’t care which. Once you have agreed to my favour and told me the coordinates of the threat, I will deal with it,” Hyena hissed furiously.
“Fine, we do need your help, but this isn’t the end of this discussion Hyena,” Batman sighed and stood up. “A favour for a favour,” He agreed. He hesitated when Danny held out his hand, but Constantine wasn’t conscious enough to tell him no, so he shook Danny’s hand. Green flame erupted around their hands and Danny’s skeletal grin widened as he stared Batman down. 
“Good, now tell me where to go,” Hyena demanded, and as soon as learned the location he vanished, leaving a heavy silence behind him in the room.
“I’m very glad the rest of Young Justice wasn’t here to see that. No one tells Phantasm,” Tim broke the silence.
Danny flew towards the threat, he thought it was just Skulker, which was honestly a shame because it had been so long since he had a good fight. Jason was doing a good job helping him control his anger but he would like something to really take his aggression out on, and humans were just far too squishy. He just wanted to get this fight over with as quickly as possible so that he could go home, he was tired and he needed to be held.
As he got closer he didn’t need to pay attention to the coordinates, he could feel the nearby energy signature of a ghost shield and just follow that. On the way there he came across one of the JL’s camera drones, probably this far away because this was the closest it could get without the ecto fucking it up. 
He laughed to himself and dropped his invisibility, swooping around in front of it and grabbing the drone. He poured ecto into it while it shook and whirred. He didn’t stop until its mechanisms were covered in the stuff and the machine was gently glowing. 
“Heeey,” He said, waving his hand in front of the lens, knowing the JL was probably watching now. “I fixed this one so that it can properly see ghosts, and there’s a 50/50 chance it’s going to gain a little bit of sentience now. You’re welcome that you can be nosy, sorry if it starts getting the other cameras to unionize.” He patted the camera and then swooped away with the drone following quickly after him now.
The bubble of the ghost shield came into view, and when Danny first saw the hulking outline contained within he thought that he was right about it being Skulker. He sighed and swooped down closer he heard them shouting. 
“Come on out, pipsqueak!” A familiar voice roared. “We have a score to settle!”
Danny felt a hysterical laugh bubbling out of his throat and he let it out, cackling as he swooped down and hit the burrier with both fists, dispelling it with a crackling burst of energy. “Damn Dan I never thought I would be happy to see you!” Danny laughed as Dan spun to face him and rocketed up into the air to meet him. It seemed like he was going to be getting the fight he wanted after all! Danny barely recognized the excitement he felt about that but he did not want to examine it, especially not right now.
 “There you are!” Dan crowed before pausing for a moment, looking Danny up and down. “Damn you changed, grew some too. How long was I out?”
“Five years, why does it matter?” Danny asked, rolling his eyes.
“Because you locked me up, asshole!” Dan yelled. 
“And?! You deserved it! Now shut the fuck up and attack me, I have some anger to work out,” Danny snarled, slamming one fist into his opposite palm. 
“I’ll show you anger you Punk!” Dan flew at Danny, who didn’t bother to dodge, meeting Dan half way.
Ice met fire in a hiss of conflicting temperatures as Danny used the momentum to roll them both over and shoved Dan down into the ground with a muted thump and a fairly impressive crater. Danny pushed himself off and shot away, away from the ground and the human population. The atmosphere would probably be the safest place to have this fight. 
“Come back here you twerp!” Dan snarled and pushed off the ground as well, chasing after Danny just as quickly. Somewhere behind them Danny could hear whirring as the JL drone struggled to keep them in view. He hoped that they were enjoying the show, and he wondered if Constantine was awake again by now. It was too bad Danny wouldn’t get to see his face when he found out Batman had agreed to owe Danny a favour! He was going to blow a bloodvessel, a thought that made him laugh again.
“What’s so fucking funny!?” Dan demanded as he caught up and grabbed Danny’s ankle, swinging him around and threw him back. Well, they were far enough up that this would do just fine as an arena for their fight. 
“Oh I’m just thinking about how much stronger I’ve gotten since the last time we fought. This is going to be fun,” Danny said before he shot towards Dan to bring the fight to him.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
You Stay Away From Her (part 11)
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It was decided that the Justice League’s official channel would work on the governmental side of the GIW, laws, and PR, leaving it to the less official channels like the younger group, and Hood and Hyena to raid the bases. It wouldn’t be the best look but they couldn’t leave them any longer knowing there might be other sentient beings suffering in there. As long as the JL’s core members tacitly condemned their actions and the teams involved were sneaky it shouldn’t hinder the repeal efforts too much. Besides, constantly having to repair damaged infrastructure and replace dead staff would make keeping the GIW running very expensive.
Danny felt much better by the end of the talk. The JL was taking this much more seriously then he had feared, and they hadn’t once brought up that he might technically be a villain since his panic attack. He felt better but he was still exhausted, and he leaned against Jason’s shoulder, taking strength from his partner as the meeting wound down. Things seemed settled and he was looking forward to going home, hopefully getting some junk food and candy, and maybe some alcohol because he needed a Drink.
“Alright, with that settled there is one more thing I’d like to discuss before we adjourn the meeting,” Batman said, leaning his elbows on the table and steepling his fingers. 
Danny bit back a groan. What more could Bruce possibly want to talk about? Danny wanted to go hooome. 
“I am under the impression that Phantasm is in need of a guardian-”
“No I’m not!” Phantasm interrupted Batman, glaring at him fiercely. 
“She’s not, not really,” Hyena chuckled, shaking his head and resting a hand on her shoulder. “She’s been on her own since just a few months after her creation.”
“And it’s not like Vlad was a good guardian before that,” Ellie added. Danny nodded. 
“But needing one or not, having one might be good for you.” Danny told her, squeezing her shoulder gently. “After everything you’ve been through, having a good guardian to help take care of you while you work through it?” She hesitated, but then she nodded, Danny was grateful for her trust.
“I would be willing too-” Batman started before Hyena interrupted him. 
“No! Not you, and not Superman!” Hyena insisted, pointing an accusing finger at their end of the table. 
“It’s not up to you-” Superman started this time, sounding offended. 
“He’s my template! My only family, I trust him and I’m not going with anyone he doesn’t like,” Ellie growled at the two of them.
Reminded of how much he loved her, Danny gave her a one armed hug. He'd forgotten how ride or die she could be. “If they’d be willing, Martian Manhunter or Wonder Woman would be best. You both have powers, and experiences in common with her. But I don’t trust you with a clone,” He said, glaring at Superman. “I speak Kryptonian, I know what Kon-El means. You’re a piece of shit!” At least he had the decency to look chagrined. “And you!” Hyena pointed at Batman. “I know how you fuck up your kids. I’m dating one of your fucked up kids! You stay the hell away from her.”
Danny saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. Nightwing had rested a hand on Jason’s arm and Robin and Superboy were behind them now, Tim supporting Jason and Danny, Kon supporting him and Ellie. It took Danny a moment to realize how heavy the silence had suddenly become and process what he had just said. He looked at Jason with regret and horror, seeing Jason shake his head subtly and grab Danny’s hand. At least he wasn’t mad.
“What do you mean you're dating one of Batman’s sons?” Wonder Woman asked, soft and dangerous. 
“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Jason was either genuinely startled or doing a good job faking it. Then he scoffed and shook his head. “What am I talking about, of course he didn’t. If he didn’t tell Nightwing I was back he wasn’t going to tell any of you. 
“Yes, I was the second Robin. About six months after Joker killed me some sort of reality altering event resurrected me and I woke up in my coffin. I dug myself out, calling for my father,” Jason said, glaring across the table at Batman from behind his mask. “But because he buried me on the other side of Gotham instead of with our family I never made it home. The league of Assassins found me first. 
“It took me years to make it back, but because bty then I was already a killer, and my own person instead of an obedient soldier, he wants nothing to do with me,” Red Hood scoffed with a dismissive motion. 
“Don’t misconstrue the facts. You returned as a crime lord! You took over the drug trade in Gotham and had a body count in the dozens before you revealed to me who you were. Which you did by demanding I let you kill the Joker,” Batman said, and yikes this meeting was now a family fight. 
“Ya? And how did you respond to that B? Did you respond well OR! Did you slit your own sons throat to save a fucked up clown?” Nightwing demanded of their father. B just barely fidgeted under their stare. 
“Besides I’m making Crime Alley a better place in a way you never even tried to. Even if you love Gotham more than any of us you’d basically given up on Crime Alley because of how deep the roots of organized crime go there, and don't you try to claim otherwise! But I’m an Ally kid, was before you pulled me out of there, will be till I die. So I’m making it safer in the way that works for them! Setting up safe injection sites and rehabs, making it against the rules to sell to, or use kids, setting up safe houses for the working girls. I’m making it a safer place for the people who have always lived there. Not trying to make it the sort of place people will set up fancy coffee shops.”
“It’s against the law. You are not above the law,” Batman hissed at him.
Jason clearly telegraphed rolling his eyes at B. “Then stop being a vigilante, because what you’re doing is against the law too.”
“We’ve gotten off topic again,” Martian Manhunter butted in again, giving Batman a warning look. “I will take on the role of mentoring Phantasm. It’s been a while since I took a young hero under my wing. It will be refreshing to do it again.”
“Thank you,” Hyena said genuinely, smiling at Martian Manhunter from behind his mask.
“Ya I bet you like that,” Ellie said, lightening the mood with her teasing tone. “MM has been your favourite hero since you were a kid, and now you have an excuse to talk to him more.”
Hyena blushed and hissed at her only for her to laugh in his face. If they weren’t in public he would have tackled her and started play-fighting. As it was he resigned himself to letting her get away with embarrassing him for now. 
Manhunter chuckled gently and give Danny a very small smile. “I’m flattered to have been your favourite hero. It is a rarer honour for me then some of the others.”
“Ya…” Danny breathed, a little starstruck before he shook himself out of it and stood up. “Well, if that’s all I think Hood and I are ready to go home,” He said, giving Jason a slightly pleading look. He nodded and stood up as well, wrapping an arm around Danny’s waist. 
“That was a good meeting. Remember, if you need help with anything from the Realms, call us. Or any apocalyptic threats I guess, call us,” He reminded before ushering Danny out. The Teen Titans and the present members of the Bat-family sort of formed ranks around Jason, Danny, and Ellie and escorted them out of the room.
The adults were quiet as they left, but as soon as the door closed behind them Danny heard a cacophony of voices, and had to duck his head to hide a grin. It seemed like what Jason had said had managed to start a fight, good, B deserved it! 
Danny snuggled against Jason’s side as Tim put in coordinates and verification in the Zeta-tube to get Jason and Danny back to the Bat Cave. Before they left Danny turned and hugged Ellie tightly again. “Go back with the Teen Titans okay? And come visit me.”
“You have to come visit me too!” Ellie insisted, his voice muffled as she pressed her face into Danny’s chest. 
Danny glanced a little nervously at the assembled members of Teen Titans, “Starlight I’m not sure that they’d want me to-”
“No, it’s alright. Unless anyone objects?” Tim asked, glancing over at his team, Cassie shrugged, Bart gave him a thumbs up and a grin, and Kon nodded. “You invited me into your home, you’re welcome in mine. Especially since it’ll be hers now too. Come whenever you want,” Tim promised. “Just give us a heads up first.”
“Thank you. In that case, yes I will visit you. I promise,” He swore to her. She sniffled and nodded, pulling away from him and wiping her eyes. 
“Good, I’ll hold you to it.” She grumbled at him.
Danny bit back a laugh and nodded before finally letting Nightwing and Hood guide him into the portal. It was less scary the second time at least, even though Danny was completely exhausted. 
“I’m going to take him home,” Jason told Dick as Danny leaned more heavily against him. Now that they were alone he was done holding it together.
“Of course. Is there anything I can do?” Dick asked worriedly. Danny closed his eyes tightly and resisted the urge to cover his ears too.
“No. You can order takeout to our place if you want to, but right now he just needs space. We both do,” Jason told Dick before gently pushing Danny over to his bike and on. Danny clung to Jason, hiding against his back as he drove them home, weaving in and out of traffic and pulled up to the curb, practically carrying Danny back inside. 
“I’m so sorry,” Danny muttered, his arms wrapped tightly around Jason’s shoulders, his face pressed against Jason’s chest. “I shouldn’t have brought up B adopting you, I shouldn’t have surprised you with the powerpoint, I’m sorry I had a panic attack there. I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
“Shhh, shh shh, it’s okay Danny, it’s okay Love. It was actually kind of fun getting to throw B under the bus like that. It’s not your fault for having a panic attack either. But yes, you should have warned me about the power-point. What do you want to do about it?” Jason asked softly, not because he was actually upset, but because the quickest way to snap Danny out of a self hating spiral like this was to ‘punish him for it’, and then talk about it after.
“Whatever you want, whatever will make it right,” Danny mumbled again, he sounded distracted and vague. Jason knew that tone of voice, Danny was having another panic attack, just a dissociative one this time. 
“Danny, none of that! You have to tell me,” Jason told him firmly. 
“Take me to bed, be rough with me,” Danny mumbled.
“Only if you use the safe word,” Jason told Danny, even though he was already carrying Danny towards the bedroom.
“I will if I need to,” Danny promised, and Jason sighed. He knew that meant Danny wouldn’t use it, but all he could do was insist Danny could and should. Trying to force Danny to would be counterproductive. 
The meeting had taken hours for Batman to get back under control as the rest of the Justice league went back and forth between berating him for the way he’d treated Jason and offering him parenting advice. He didn’t want any of it! They hadn’t read Jason’s file, they didn’t know just how high of a body count he had now, just how brutal he could be now. He didn’t want any of their advice, or any of their ridicule, it was ridiculous!
Constantine had tried to sneak out but Batman pinned him to his seat with a look, muttering to him that he needed to stay, Bruce wanted to talk to him alone after the meeting. Finally he managed to regain control enough to end the meeting, ‘at least till tempers had cooled and they could revisit this problem.’ He was planning to avoid that follow up meeting as long as humanly possible.
He convinced everyone else to leave and grabbed Constantine by the scruff when he tried to leave again too. Bruce had seen the look of realization on Constantine’s face while he was watching Danny before he could wipe it away. He had controlled it quickly, but not so quickly that Batman hadn’t noticed it.
“You know what he is now don’t you?” Batman growled at Constantine once they were alone. 
“What’re you talkin about?” Constantine deflected. 
Batman was not impressed.
“Hyena. What is he?” Batman demanded, glaring at the magician. 
Constantine hesitated, glancing around them and biting his lip, as if he was afraid Hyena might pop out from the shadows again. “I think so, but it’s weird and… Well, he’s right that if he had told me I wouldn’t have believed him.”
“Fine. Tell me,” Batman demanded again, he was getting impatient. 
“I think he’s a-” And then he made a series of sounds that made no sense to Batman. “It’s a bit clumsy to translate into English. Halfa, or ‘the perfect balance’, something like that. They’re… well they’re a fucking myth is what they are! The legend is that they were an immortal race of beings who were completely alive, and completely dead. Perfectly balanced between the two, incredibly powerful and almost indestructible. There were only ever a couple hundred because they had to be made not born and the way they’re made is very rare. But they were the keepers of the balance, ambassadors between worlds. 
“Everyone respected them. But that was before the king went mad, and there was this prophecy was discovered, that the True King of the Infinite Realms would be a halfa or somethin. He killed the entire race, complete genocide and no one’s heard anything from a halfa in… I genuinely don’t know, thousands of years probably,” Constantine shrugged again. “I’d heard about them. Ancient beings sometimes lament their loss, that things were better when they were around to keep the balance, but I thought it was just Boomer talk! Back in my day Bullshit! I didn’t think they were TRUE!” Constantine sounded almost hysterical. 
“If they’re keepers of the balance what’s one doing in Crime Alley serving Red Hood?” Batman said skeptically.
“Fuck if I know mate!” Constantine said. “He said he was fully human not that long ago so I’m guessing he’s a new halfa. Which… I guess it makes sense, just because all the previous were gone, the way they’re made can technically be naturally occurring. But he probably won’t have any idea about that cultural heritage, there’s no one left to teach him. 
“With what the GIW did, and he mentioned his haunt being taken, and no one to fall back on, he was a lost spirit. He probably would have latched on to anyone who gave him kindness and purpose,” Constantine explained to Batman with exaggerated patience. “It seems to have worked out pretty well for them, if not for you.
“And Bats, I know you’re not thrilled about this, but think about it. What if Hyena had latched on to someone else? Even a normal person given access to the sort of power Hyena offers, what would most people do with it? Or what if he had latched onto someone like Penguin, anyone without a good heart deep down. It could have gone a hell of a lot worse! And as it is, as long as you don’t piss them off too badly we have a powerful new alley and a counter to a type of threat the League wasn’t well set up to deal with.
“Maybe try untwisting those panties of yours about him dating your son,” Constantine accused, rolling his eyes. This time when he stormed out Batman didn’t stop him. He wasn’t sure how helpful the information Constantine had given him was, but he knew he’d gotten everything he was going to get out of the magician. 
He had his own research to do. 
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