#kang hye yeon
lyrics365 · 2 years
천치 바보야
별하나 나 하나 별둘 당신 하나 별셋 자식셋을 헤아렸는데 하루 해가 저물어도 돌아오지 않는 사람 긴긴 하루 또 하루 천치같은 늙은이 눈물도 이제는 말랐는지 비시시 웃고만 있네 허허허 웃음도 아닌 바보처럼 이 가련한 천치 바보야 벌써 사월이 가고 칠월이 왔네 여든 더하기 여섯 곱하기 삼백육십오일 따뜻한 체온을 놓칠세라 꼭 꼭 붙잡고 자갈밭 길인데도 웃으며 별하나 나 하나 별둘 당신 하나 별셋 자식셋을 헤아렸는데 하루 해가 저물어도 돌아오지 않는 사람 긴긴 하루 또 하루 천치같은 늙은이 눈물도 이제는 말랐는지 비시시 웃고만 있네 허허허 웃음도 아닌 바보처럼 이 가련한 천치 바보야 벌써 사월이 가고 칠월이 왔네 여든 더하기 여섯 곱하기 삼백육십오일 따뜻한 체온을 놓칠세라 꼭 꼭 붙잡고 자갈밭 길인데도…
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survivalistghost · 8 months
watching my demon feels a lot like watching doom at your service - the themes seem repeated with the addition of jeong gu won and do do hee’s cuddliness.
but watching welcome to samdalri feels a lot like watching hometown cha cha cha - it’s a similar setting, and we all know what’s going to happen, but they both feel like coming home.
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heartofwolves · 2 years
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marril96 · 8 months
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The Glory 1.15
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My favorite friendgroup 🥰
they really are #Goals
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gulongming · 1 year
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이번 생도 잘 부탁해 SEE YOU IN MY 19th LIFE (2023)
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somanykdramas · 8 months
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GENRES: Supernatural, Romance
SUMMARY: A cold-hearted Demon remembers what it’s like to be human after falling in love with the one who stole his powers.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Supportive PR employees, diabolical chaebols, powerful skinship, sham marriages, best friend butlers, sword dancing, Joseon flashbacks, tattoos, cropped suit jackets, cakes, clocks, disguised deities, full moon transformations, and the joy of just letting go and listening to your heart.
HOT TAKE: I didn't really love the start of this show, but its themes of loss and love really pulled on my heartstrings throughout. I didn't really love the ending either, but hey, its a love story and you get what you get. I will say though, Song Kang and Kim Yoo Jung win the award for 'Couple with the Smoothest Skin I've Ever Seen in a Kdrama.'
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thedetectivessay · 11 months
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5 Kids, 3 Chairs chart: Season 1 Culprits edition
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stuff-diary · 8 months
My Demon
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
My Demon (2023/24, South Korea)
Director: Kim Jang Han
Writer: Choi Ah Il
Look, I'm not gonna lie. I started this drama for a very superficial reason: Kim Yoo Jung and Song Kang are one of the most gorgeous couples I've ever seen. And tbh, that's one of the things that kept me watching until the end. The first half was pretty fun, thanks to their will-they-won't-they dynamic and some really funny supporting characters and recurring gags. Unfortunately, it began to drag around the middle part, and then it got more and more boring with each passing episode. By the time the final episode came out, I no longer cared about the plot, the characters or anything else (although the ending itself was quite nice). With all that in mind, I can't help but think My Demon would have worked much better as a movie.
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afza147 · 19 hours
Ep1 Dear Hyeri short review
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Woah..daebak..I mean I was bored after seeing the second lead but my oh my when he do this he got my attention
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Let see if he can impress me in next ep.
Ok so we got 2 kiss in episode 1👍🏻
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And we got 2 different people kissing too
And they are not the main lead
But I'm fine with it..
I'm just curious is kissing the trigger ? And is the first kiss even real??
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What makes the change from eun ho to hyeri? And why the ex don't know about it??
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So many question and I'm hooked
So surprise as him after the kiss
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This part with the doctor ..what a twist..although i read the synopsis but still I'm suprised
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I love both character so far the fierce eun ho and bubbly weird hyeri
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youhavebeentraceyd · 2 years
My thoughts on The Glory
[Spoilers Below]
The editing style was hit and miss for me. See I do like the cutting away from a scene at the right moment, and then revealing the rest of the scene at a later time. It keeps things interesting. But the problem is they did it too often! To the point where I kinda want someone to edit the whole show into chronological order so that they can make it clear when something happened. I mean all I really know for sure is that Myeong-O was murdered on October 19th at around 11:20pm because they kept going back to it lol.
The final episode was a bit of a mess. They can cut out that flashback reveal of the old land lady and young Dong-Eun, and replace it with much needed final shots of the three still-living members of the shitheads. I want a where are they now scene! I needed a scene of Sa-Ra, in prison either sober from drugs finally feeling shit and regretful OR now in prison more drugged up than ever before! Hye-Jeong, now unable to talk, struggles to find work, to communicate, is unable to bag a rich man. And lastly Yeon-Jin...Don't call me sadistic but I kinda wanted to see a violent scene of Yeon-Jin in prison where a group of women (preferably five) gang up on her and force her hand into boiling hot cooking oil or something. Is that crazy? idk it just felt like the final scene of her in prison wasn't enough! I need to see her skin burn!! ....uh anyway.
What I find frustrating, is that I don't know where Dong-Eun's plans and machinations end and the on-the-fly choices of the shitheads begins. It's like...what actually was the point of her becoming a teacher? Why did she reveal herself to the shitheads at the school? Why did it feel like she barely did anything? I guess the answer is 'to keep her hands clean' but idk, it feels wishy washy. Like what would she have done if Jae-Joon actually didn't give a shit that Ye-Sol was his daughter? She told Sa-Ra to fill up a bag full of cash but didn't really give a threatening reason why, Sa-Ra doesn't reeeeaally give a shit about hiding her drug problem. And WHY didn't the shitheads just KILL Dong-Eun? They were monsters as kids they should act far worse now. They're rich enough to hire hitmen ya know? Problem solved. It frustrated me because she revealed herself, openly told them that she was going to destroy them, and they DIDN'T ban together to destroy her first? They're shitheads but do they really have shit for brains??
I did like the reveal of Dong-Eun specifically targeting Yeo-Jeong all those years back, because of his family connection to the hospital where So-Hee's body was. I liked it bc a lot of times during Part 2, his rich people privilege and family connection really helped and I kept thinking "well isnt this convenient" or "its pretty lucky that he's on your side", but as it turns out; it wasn't convenient! It wasn't luck! It was part of her far-fetched "plan". Though it's pretty dang lucky that he was so devoted to her, before she even really did anything.
Dong-Eun and Yeo-Jeong have zero chemistry idgaf. Her and Do-Yeong on the other hand! Now that was chemistry! Now regarding Do-Yeong, it didn't sit well with me that Do-Yeong was the one who murdered Jae-Joon. It makes sense to protect Ye-Sol but ultimately it wasn't really in his character to do that. I wish Ye-Sol all the best and that she seeks therapy.
Also Dong-Eun's mother? Tragic, very sad, but honestly she should've taken care of her mother years ago. She didn't need to do much to get her into an institution.
Despite all my critiques, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. It takes a lot for me to sit through k-dramas, and this one was top quality binge worthy
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passionforfiction · 5 months
My Demon
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Loved this series. It had a balance of cute, drama, and suspense. The characters for the most part were grayish and complex. The portrayal of God as female, homeless and gambler was interesting. The relationship between her and the demon was one complex too. It felt like ying and yang. Human emotions make the demon and god empathetic towards humans' pain. This story tackles domestic abuse and child abuse, and emphasizes on how silence and turning a blind-eye to these situations can hurt a loved one as well. It makes you reflect on these issues.
Again, it's a good drama to watch.
Poster from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Demon
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korelist · 6 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,9 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: Are You Human? (English title)
Hangul: 너도 인간이니
Director: Cha Young-Hoon
Writer: Jo Jung-Joo
Date: 2018
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Seo Kang-Joon, Gong Seung-Yeon, Lee Joon-Hyuk, Park Young-Gyu, Kim Hye-Eun, Kim Won-Hae
2018 KBS Drama Awards - December 31, 2018
Excellent Actor (medium-length drama) (Seo Kang-Joon)
Best Couple Award (Seo Kang-Joon & Gong Seung-Yeon)
Bir kez daha meşhur “Chebol ailesi” hikayesi kaleme alınmış. Nam Shin (Seo Kang-Joon) bilim insanı ebeveynlere sahip bir çocukken, babası şüpheli bir şekilde ölünce kötü adam rolüne yakışan bir isimle dedesi Nam Gun-Ho( Park Young-Gyu)  tarafından tutsak edilir. Anne ise aileden aforoz edilmek sureti ile uzaklaştırılır. Çocuk varis olarak annesinden uzakta büyür. Annesini araması durumunda ise anneyi öldürmek ile tehdit ederler. Böyle gereksiz bir gidişat söz konusu. Anlam veremediğim nokta burada ölen baba başkanın öz oğlu. Oğluma ne oldu diye sormaması çok garipti.
Oh Ro-Ra (Kim Sung-Ryoung) yani annemiz aslında çok zeki ve başarılı bir bilim insanı. Bütün bunlar yaşanmadan önce insan görünümlü robotlar üzerinde çalışıyor. Hatta oğlunu modelleyerek bir prototipe ürünün sunumunu gerçekleştiriyor. Kocası öldürülüp, oğlu elinden alınca bir miktar kafayı kırıp kayıplara karışmış. 20 yıl kadar sonra ( tam net hatırlamıyorum geçen yılı ), küçük çocuk büyüyor. Tam olarak alternatifi olmayan şımarık, vurdum duymaz, kendini beğenmiş, küstah Chebol varisine dönüşüyor. Anne ise kendini yurtdışında küçük bir kasabaya kapatmış, şato gibi bir evde 20 yıl boyunca modellediği robotu oğlunun büyümesine paralel değiştirerek robot ile yaşıyor.
Erkeğimiz bu çirkin karakterinin arkasında aslında öyle değilmiş demeyi istesem de dümdüz öyle bir karakter. Ama gizli saklı bir şekilde annesini aramayı hiç bırakmamış. Bir iş ziyareti görünümlü kaçamağında, 20 yıldır onu takip eden korumaları atlatıp anasının izinden gider. Tam onu bulacakken kendisini görünce yolun ortasında mal gibi şoka girer, araba çarpar. Çünkü kadının robot oğlu, özgür ve normal insan gibi yaşamaktadır. Tam o sırada anasını bulmaya giden adamı anası bulur. Bunu böyle geri gönderemeyiz, yerine robotu gönderelim, bizde iyileşirken kazanın sorumlusunu bulalım diye dâhine bir fikir atarlar ortaya.
Ve şirket hayatı… Robot analitik bir varlık olduğu için şirkette tabi ki doğal olarak alır yürür. Gerçek sümüklü Nam Shin’in yapamadığı ne varsa şirket içinde gerçekleştirir. Bu konunun yanı sıra, bir de koruma olarak orada işe başlayan bir hanım kızımızın hikayesini izliyoruz. Kang So-Bong ( Gong Seung-Yeon) gerçek Nam Shin ile davalık olmuşken, yerine gelen robot ile en iyi arkadaş olurlar. Dizinin bir diğer mevzusu da yapay zeka ile insan aşık olabilir mi, yapay zekanın sınırı var mı gibi konular etrafında dönüyor.
Sanırım dizinin en güzel yanı Kang So-Bong karakterinin babasıydı. Bana, Kang Jae-Sik karakteri ile tanıdığımız sevdiğimiz bir yüz olan Kim Won-Hae’u görmek bile kafi geldi. Bunun dışında dizinin birazcık pembe dizi havası vardı. Oyunculuklar abartılı, senaryo yer yer saçmaydı. Işık ve ses kullanımları da bunu destekler nitelikteydi. İzlenemeyecek kadar başarısız bulmadım ama hatırda kalıcılığı çok yoktu. Farklı bir konuydu.
2BiC - Heart
Raven Melus
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jiaminying · 8 months
Korean Drama Review My Demon
Hello everyone! It has been a long time since I wrote a review. I have finished “Let’s fight ghost, Goblin, Lawless Lawyer(Dropped), The Secret Life of My Secretary(scanned through), Mystic Pop-up Bar, Forest, Flower of Evil(scanned through), 18 again, More than friends (scanned through), True Beauty, Sell Your Haunted House, The Devil Judge(scanned through), The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim,…
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asian-cine-phile · 2 years
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NEW YEAR BLUES 새해전야 (2021) dir. hong ji young
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Later I will make a couple predictions for what is going to happen! But rn, just look at how great these look!
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