#jonathan davis fluff
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defnotv11 · 8 months ago
| 𐙚 Jonathan Davis x Fem reader dating head canons
warnings: Jealousy, nun else.
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𐙚 | Whenever you go shopping with Jon, he always makes it a point to follow you around the store. He pretends to browse different items, but his true motive is to stick close to you. He finds joy in watching you intently as you look at different things and try to make decisions. Whenever you pick up anything that piques your interest, he would make comments like "You want that?” or “That would look pretty on you.”
𐙚 | In public, Jon's hands would constantly find their way onto your body, whether it be gently holding your hand, or placing his hand on your waist. Whenever other men would stare at you or take a quick glance, His grip would tighten, a slight frown on his face as he would pull you a bit closer, as if claiming you as his. The jealousy and insecurity were almost always present, but he would never let you see it. He just loves you so much and wants to protect you.
𐙚 | he absolutely LOVES when you play with his dreads. Whenever you guys would cuddle, He would practically melt when your hands went up to his hair. A small smile playing on his lips as you would twirl his dreads with your fingers. he would lean into your touch, completely content.
𐙚 | Whenever Jon would be sitting on the sofa and writing lyrics in his notes, you would be laying in his lap just keeping him company. He would often find you snoozing in his lap while he was engrossed in writing lyrics in his notes. He would look down at you with a soft smile, his hand gently caressing your hair as he continued to work. He would try not to disturb you, letting you rest as he focused on his lyrics. Sometimes, he would even stop for a moment just to admire your peaceful expression and how cute you look when you sleep. ♡
𐙚 | Or he’d ditch his writing and snuggle with you as you both would end up taking a nap together
𐙚 | After shows backstage, Jon would immediately seek you out, greeting you with a passionate kiss and a tight hug. Despite the sweat, you didn't care, just happy to be with him again. You'd shower him with compliments, telling him how amazing he was and how proud you were of him and the band. Jon would blush a bit at your words, his heart swelling with love and appreciation for you.
𐙚 | he would call you his pretty girl, baby, love, sweetheart, honey etc
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memobread · 2 years ago
Jonathan Davis x transmasc! reader
TW: mentions of transphobia, mommy issues, etc. Contains heavy gore and r*pe using an electrode. Please proceed with caution
CONTAINS: Tons of fluff, smutty smut, and it takes place in the movie Goregasm
the C.L.A.M. is a group of radical feminist bitches who go around killing men for no reason and Cockface is literally a guy who beats people to death with a giant dildo.
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"I don't care what you'll do to the body I created, you're still my daughter."
You slumped over your mother's dining table, gripping the back of a chair in a fit of silent rage. You hated that word, "daughter" with all your being. You wished coming out as transmasculine didn't trigger your family as needlessly as it did.
"What happened to loving me unconditionally?" You spat, twenty-three years old with a mother who still picked fights with him.
"This isn't you. This isn't the 'way you are,'…you're just a tomboy."
Your mind seethed at the word. Your mother had angered you to the point where you were trembling, trying to hold yourself back. Attempting to control yourself, you decided to get up and get a beer from the fridge.
"Y/N, please take off your binder. It makes me uncomfortable."
It took a few moments to process the absolute bullshit spewing from your mother's mouth. She would talk to you like that all the time, but this time, you had enough of it.
"…the fuck did you just say?..."
"Don't swear at me, young lady!"
You violently slammed the fridge door shut, tears blurring your vision and streaming down your face. Your mother always made you feel stupid when you were upset, so the only way you could process anger was by holding it in until you cried. You felt so powerless with your mother; like you had no agency over your adult life. Even though you moved out, you felt like she still controlled you.
"…I needa go to work…" You choked out through tears.
"With a beer in your hand? Let's face it, Y/DN, you're pathetic. You insult ME by doing all this harm to the body I created, and now you're an alcoholic?"
You lost any means of control you had before.
"Oh, poor you! You make FUCKING EVERYTHING about yourself! When I tried FUCKING KILLING myself, you blamed me and said I 'hurt the body you created'! You didn't even ask if I was okay, let alone question why I did what I did!"
In an uncontrollable rage, you launched a powerful, adrenaline-filled punch at the drywall, your tough fist cracking through the hard material and leaving a crumbling crater in the infrastructure.
Your mother was in complete shock. You never spoke to her like that before until then. You finally let her know who she was.
…a cunt…
Sparing yourself the pain of listening to your mother retaliate, you grabbed your backpack and rushed out the door, slamming it behind you. Still crying, you ran to your car and hurriedly shut yourself inside, starting it up and leaving your mother's house for good.
You slammed your fist against the dashboard, tears sliding from your jaw down your neck and staining the hem of your X-large t-shirt. Various negative thoughts swarmed your head, nearly impairing your ability to drive.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, I need to go back…
Should I apologize?
No! She doesn't deserve an apology!
You talk to your mother like that, you piece of shit?
Your mother completely ignored your feelings and brushed them off as natural reactions, never apologized, cheated on your dad, and made sure he rarely got to see you, let your stepdad treat you like shit, and had no reaction when she saw you cutting yourself.
…the list goes on forever and ever…
Once you arrived at Filthy Frank's Fuck Flicks and Fake Dicks, you wiped your face with your sleeve and left the car, slamming the door behind you.
…pamela anderson, here I come…
You stepped inside, looking down to avoid any suspicion of you crying. Unfortunately, your coworker Mark caught sight of you.
"Hey, Y/N!"
You looked up and waved, trying to still yourself as much as possible.
"Hey, Mark. How's it goin'?"
You slid behind the counter after clocking in.
"I, uh…I'm good, you doin' alright?" Mark asked, concerned.
You broke down sobbing, Mark instantly coming to hug you.
"Dude, whaddid that fuckin' hag do now?" He asked, already knowing who made you cry.
You chuckled to yourself at how Mark already knew why you were crying.
"She said some stupid shit to me again and I just-…I fuckin' lost it, dude. I punched a hole in her wall and everything…"
Mark rubbed your back and pursed his lips.
"It was only a matter of time before one of that floppy-pussied fishy slut's kids stood up to her bullshit…" Mark snickered.
You laughed, slipping away to tend to a horny customer.
"The bitch got like, fuckin'-… seven kids, for chrissake!"
You chuckled while scanning a vcr of Jenna Jameson having sex with a goat and handing it to its rightful customer. He had a long, dark goatee and a shirt with a pentagram on it.
"I *sniff*…I like your shirt…" You sniffled.
"Thanks, man. Your slut mom gave it to me."
You, Mark, and the guy cracked up.
"Hey, uh…is the gloryhole open?"
You glanced over to the eerie curtain across the room.
"Uh…yeah! Have fun!"
You swear you could hear a guy crying and whimpering from behind the hole barrier, but you were too busy to investigate.
I'll check it out later…
You went through your shift as usual, selling obscenity, helping horny customers, and getting help kicking out the ones that were too horny. When your shift was almost over, you heard the bell at the door ring again, but it was different; it came with a comforting presence that you loved so much. Sure enough, it was your cute little love interest, Jonathan Davis.
           “Hey, Y/N!” He called in his cute voice.
You waved to him, completely intoxicated. His loose t-shirt sleeves hung loosely just above his toned, pale forearms, his burnt umber dreadlocks draping over different planes of his lean shoulders and back. Your eyes lazily swung in every direction he went, secretly raving over his toothy smile below a tiny two-piece mustache. Even his long, model-worthy legs caught your eye. Of course, you did not only value his looks. You cared about him so much and would do anything to protect him. He was so kind to you, more so than almost anyone else. But you were conflicted about how he would feel if he knew you liked men.
"'Scuse me?"
You snapped awake from your state of deep thought, meeting the face of another customer with frizzy hair and a chinstrap.
"Oh, sorry. What can I help you with?" You asked in your best porn-marketing tone.
"Yeah, hi. Uh…I'm just checking these out."
You took the tapes he gave you. They had weird age play shit in them. You made a mental note to steer clear of him.
"Take care, uh…enjoy the diaper sluts."
"Oh, I will…" The man smirked, taking the tapes and leaving.
Once the man left, you could clearly see Jon, who eyed the bondage section. You avoided contact with his sparkling inky eyes so he wouldn't notice you staring at him. He fished out his final tape and approached you. With all the composure you could muster up, you said,
"Hey, Jon, how you been?"
           “Oh, uh…I’m okay…You good?”
Jon had noticed your red, glossy eyes.
           “Oh yeah, it’s uh… just family stuff.”
Remembering who your mother was, Jon laughed.
           “Oh god, what’d that bitch do this time?”
You chuckled weakly, scanning the erotic tapes on the shelf behind you.
            “She said I ruined her life or some shit like that, so I got really mad and kinda lashed out at her.”
Jon nodded, familiar with this type of abuse.
"She does stuff, and gets mad at the consequences, so she blames them on me and tries to make herself seem like she's in the right."
You turned back to him with a few delivery tapes and a box.
"All and all, she's a cunt."
"Yeah, seems like it," Jon said, pursing his lips.
You and Jon chatted for a bit during the last moments of your shift. After the final customer left, Jon asked,
"Wanna go get a beer with me and Mark?"
You felt your heart race and your chest pound as soon as those words left Jon's mouth.
"Uh…yeah, sure!"
The three of you left the store after clocking out and locking up, heading towards the gas station next door. As you walked in, you heard a slight rustling in the bushes.
It could have been either of the two killers on the loose: the Cockface Killer or the C.L.A.M., and you weren't going to stand by and let your best friend and your love interest get killed.
"Um…hey Jon?"
You spoke quietly, afraid of being heard.
"Hm?" Jon turned around.
You awkwardly stood on your toes to reach his ear as he bent down.
"Um…I think I heard someone in the bushes outside. I'm not sayin' it's the C.L.A.M or Cockface, but um…the three of us should just go back to…to my…or your or Mark's place and lock the doors and windows while we hang out…"
Jon's expression suddenly changed from content to frightened once he realized what was happening.
"We need to leave. Now."
Before you could say anything, the front door slammed open, a gust of fishy wind flooding the tiny store.
"There you are, fucker!"
When you wheeled around to look, you saw Mil Dread, a tall, bearded brunette lady wearing a white leather V-neck crop top and booty shorts, donning another white leather captain cap. Next to her were her little hench-bitches wearing black fishnets and smeared makeup.
 …the C.L.A.M…
 Before you could get the guys and run, the blonde girl made a beeline for Jon, to which you responded by jumping in front of him and tackling her before she could reach him. In a fit of rage, you ripped violent blows to the blonde's stupid face, leaving not a second for her to breathe, let alone blink. While you beat her screaming face in, Jon grabbed the other girl and slammed her face into the wall repeatedly before throwing her on the ground and jumping elbow-first onto her stomach. Retching and shouting filled the room as Mark ran from Mil, throwing glass bottles of vinegar at her to slow her down.
“You little shit-munching whores…”
The blonde tried to throw you off, but you yanked her up by her hair and slammed her bloody face into the wall.
"YOU FUCKING CUNT!" You screamed, slamming her again twice as hard.
She cried out, trying to wrench out of your strong grip, but you slammed her down WWE-style onto a pile of broken glass, lacerating her bloody face tissue. You jerked her head up and rammed your fingers down her throat, holding a piece of glass between them.
"VOMIT, PIG!!" You barked, smacking her bruised face.
She sobbed loudly on your fingers and squirmed, trying to break free again, but you slammed her down harder, tightening your grip as you jerked your fingers in and out, blood oozing from the back of her raspy throat. She heaved up a thick pile of red vomit onto the dirty floor.
You couldn’t help but feel maniacal pleasure like everything horrible that ever happened to you shot right out of your fingers and out the girl’s throat.
“L-*cough* Let me go!!” The blonde cried, limply hitting you with flimsy fists.
You grabbed her wrists with one hand and snapped out your switchblade.
“Not until you stop working for that fucking hag.”
As soon as she opened her mouth, you drew your blade and swooped down upon her throat, slicing her white skin and bones like butter. You felt a wave of relief when her voice died down, and all you could hear from her was gasping and choking. You reveled in her blood, unaware of the tall bearded lady leering behind you.  
“She was my favorite…”
You swiveled around to meet the eyes of fury itself. Wide, furious, twitching eyeballs shoved between smoky flaps; thin, trembling red lips holding back all sorts of profanities. Even Mil’s breasts were flushed with anger, down to her bulging leg muscles, to her veiny feet tucked into white platform heels. While she was in shock, you tried to run away but she flung bulging arms around you and slammed you to the ground, ass up, face squished into the concrete.
“You will pay for this…”
“No!” Jon screamed, gripping the nearly-dead hooker by her bloody throat.
 You tried scrambling away, but she flung her legs over you to clamp your hand down, the hard material of her heels nearly breaking every bone in your hands. Before you could try to escape again, she undid your belt and yanked down your pants, bearing the phallic electrode strapped to her crotch. This was what she did to every man she could catch; pin them down and rape them with her stupid fucking electrode, then kill them in the most painful way she can think of, all for no real reason except their gender identity.
“Y…you fucking nazi…” you managed to choke out against the floor.
Mil ignored you, too busy studying your boxers.
“You must have a tiny dick, eh?”
She yanked down your boxers, and her eyes slightly widened.
“You…you don’t-…you’re not a man?…”
Annoyed, you spat,
“Yeah, I am. Ever heard of being trans, you fucking bimbo?”
She grabbed your hair and slammed your face to the ground, your skull bursting with stinging pain.
“You betrayed the female race…”
She slammed into you, shooting excruciatingly painful jolts of electricity throughout your nether regions and up to your stomach, a rough scream belting from your bloody lips. Your hip bones stung the muscle clinging to them, sparking and trembling rapidly as a huge bolt blew straight through your bladder, shooting up every single nerve, and reaching your lungs.
“This is what you fucking get, traitor!”
Your vision clouded and your throat closed. You were gasping for air, blood peeking from your bottom eyelids and between your lips. In a white flash, you saw your life playing back and forth in intervals of seconds. You could faintly hear several more girls laughing maniacally while Mark and Jon struggled against their restraints. You were breaking out into a cold sweat and you were spitting up your lunch. Before you knew it, your body went limp, all you could hear was ringing and blurry screams, your vision blurred to the point of severe disorientation.
 …this is it…
Before you could accept your impending death, you heard a loud, guttural grunt and a blunt object knocking Mil off of you. Your thoughts incoherent, you lay motionless on the filthy aluminum floor, remnants of stinging vibrations jabbing your insides.
With all the strength you could muster, you heaved your weight into your elbows to get a better look at the two infamous serial killers. Mil lassoed her whip around Cockface’s giant dildo and yanked it down, sending him face-first onto the floor. Before she could follow up, he slid in between her legs and tried to jab the dildo up her saggy ass, but he severed her butt cheek instead, causing her to scream as the ugly piece of flesh splattered down to the floor. Cockface tackled Mil to the floor while her guard was down and flung dildo blows at her bitchy face, clipping her cheekbone and slicing it like salami.  
 …that thing must have some sort of acid on it…
Mil cracked her flogger hard on Cockface’s chest, drawing huge beads of deep red and making him cry out in pain. She then straddled him, clasping her hands around his thick neck and wringing hard.
“So long, scum…”
Suddenly, Cockface launched a brutal heave of his dildo up between her tits, completely lacerating the tissue, snapping her sternum, and impaling through her. Her grip on his neck instantly went limp, and saliva started dripping from her mouth onto Cockface’s dildo mask. Suddenly, you heard clapping coming from the front door.
“Goddamn, that was hot…”
You looked towards the source of the clapping, and there you found a short, stubby man with a short beard, receding hairline, and a detective badge hanging loosely from his belt.
“Detective Douglass Depschette, FPD, here to investigate whatever the fuck this is.”
Beside him stood a taller brunette woman donning a pair of round glasses and a typical office worker outfit. She looked like she would rather get a sulfuric acid enema than work with Depschette, understandably.
“You see, Depschette? The fetish killer and Cockface are the same!” She exclaimed, indicating the bloody scene with her arms.
Depschette groaned in frustration.
“Here we go again…”
He approached Mil’s mutilated corpse.
“You see…”
Your vagus nerve sparing you the ramble, you blacked out. Blurs and whisps of Jonathan appeared before you in your dream, and you could hear occasional bits of his pretty voice as he and Mark eventually hauled you out of the store, carrying you to your car.
“Gah, shit…”
“C’mon, lift his legs…”
When the two men finally crammed you in, Jon sat in the back with you, laying your head on his lap. When Mark hit a speed bump, your body jolted to the side, your face meeting Jon’s crotch. His eyes widened, and he blushed, squeezing his legs together. Mark snickered.
“You two queers doin’ alright back there?”
Jon let out an awkward chuckle.
“Shut up, man…”
When the three of you finally arrived at your trailer, you were carried inside and laid on your comfy mattress. Jon laid your head on his lap again, making sure you were in an elevated position.
"Oh shit, I gotta go," Mark said, scrambling to his feet.
"Lemme know how he's doing, okay?"
Jon nodded, smiling as he waved him goodbye. Just as he left, you started to wake up. Jon inadvertently ran his fingers through your soft, fluffy hair. When he heard you grunt, he snatched his fingers away and grabbed his water bottle.
"Shhh, shhh…it's okay, Y/N…Cockface killed Mil and you're back home."
You were confused, your head was pounding, and you were breaking out into a cold sweat. You were dizzy while trying to scramble to your feet and recognize your surroundings. Jon instantly went to calm you down, putting your head back on his lap and stroking your hair.
"Just take some deep breaths with me…deep breaths…"
Trembling and confused, you followed his slow, deep breaths nonetheless.
"Th….Thanks for taking care of me, Jon…"
He smiled his pretty smile and said,
"Sure, no biggie."
The realization that you were lying in your crush's lap was starting to show up, which gave you butterflies in your nauseous tummy.
"I-…Are you okay? Are you hurt?" You asked, pushing yourself up on your elbows.
Jon nodded, settling you back down to his lap with his soft hands.
"Don't worry, I'm fine. I was able to knock out the bitch who attacked me."
Jon laughed a little awkwardly, stroking your hair.
"Th-Those fucking whores killed my friend Max…All because he was a guy…"
Jon's breath became shaky, and his grip on your hair tightened.
"You…You're the only person I can tell because now I know you're trans…"
Your eyes widened.
…he saw…
He saw your reaction and immediately started backpedaling.
"Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry…I dunno why I said that or why I'm bringing up random shit in the first place…"
You were quick to comfort him.
"Oh no, no, no you're fine. I just…I'm glad you don't hate me because I'm trans."
Jon chuckled halfheartedly.
"I actually had no idea you were born female…You pass so well, with flying colors…"
He ran his pointer finger along your upper lip.
"That's a nice 'stache you got there too…"
You chuckled.
"You too, man."
His two-piece mustache curled with his lips into another pretty smile. Soon, you two delved into another deep conversation. It was so easy to talk to him like you could chat with him about mothballs for ten years and never get bored. The conversation gradually went deeper, turning into Jon's sexual identity crisis.
"Yeah, I think I might like men a little…but I can't publicly say it…I can only talk about this to you."
You and Jon talked more, then the topic transitioned to your gender identity.
"Yeah, I've been feeling like I'm not masculine enough, like I'm just never gonna really be a guy, and it's fucked me up big time."
Your head hung down as you pursed your lips and sighed.
"My mom keeps guilt tripping me for this shit and I don't wanna believe it, but she tells me it so much that-…
You were suddenly overcome with violent guilt and tears started to prick at your eyes. Jon noticed and immediately came to comfort you.
"Hey, hey, c'mere…"
Jon wrapped you in a warm bear hug, massaging your scalp and rubbing your back.
…his hugs feel like heaven…
Jon hugged you as if you were the most precious thing to him. He was warm and soft, fitting your body into his perfectly, like a therapeutic body pillow. You relaxed into his embrace, hugging him back tightly. He reached behind you with one arm and grabbed your fluffy blanket, wrapping it around the both of you as if you weren't relaxed enough already. The security and saturated warmth of the blanket and Jon nearly made you drift off to sleep like a baby. You took your time to enjoy the overwhelmingly comforting feeling, both of you staying in that position for a few minutes before Jon dragged one arm away and left the other draping over your shoulder.
"Yeah, I've been feeling the same way. Societal norms and shit…"
"Those rules are fucking stupid, but I can't help but to try to fit them."
You blushed when Jon put his arm around you.
"Listen, anyone who doesn't see you or me as men is a fucking idiot. You and I are both men, and we know it, that's all that matters." He said, looking into your glossy eyes.
"Shit, you even passed as a guy to Mil." Jon followed up, squeezing your shoulder.
You chuckled and smiled, your heartwarming with reassurance. As the conversation progressed, Jon became more comfortable, considering you two had known each other for a few years and were good friends. But you and Jon wanted something more.
"Hey Y/N…can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead."
Jon cleared his throat.
"When you attacked that blonde girl when she attacked me…All that rage you let out on her…where did that come from?"
You froze. He was giving an obvious hint that he suspected you liked him.
Jon stared, waiting for a response.
"I just…"
You couldn't lie to him. You knew Jon possibly had feelings for you, and he knew you did too, and you couldn't deny it any longer.
"It’s because I love you."
He froze, completely taken aback by how direct you were. You started to panic, regretting everything you said to him. The possibility he might not like you hit you that moment, plaguing your mind with horrible predictions.
"I….I'm sorry….I'll leave…"
You offered to leave even though it was your trailer, but Jon pulled you right back.
"I….I love you too…so much…"
This was your breaking point. All the awkward interactions and conversations that were more cringe-worthy than what happens in an episode of The Office didn't matter anymore.
"I just…I-…I-"
You had enough of the awkward stammering, and you took his face in both your hands. You looked deeply into his pretty eyes before connecting your lips to his, kissing him sweetly. He took the hint and let go of his stress, holding you around your upper torso and kissing you back. It didn't take long for the kiss to escalate. Jon straddling your lap and caressing your face, you wrapped your arms tightly around his skinny waist.
"I want this so bad, Y/N…"
Things were escalating quickly since you both acknowledged the constant romantic and sexual tension throughout your friendship, and this was the moment it would all be let go.
"I love you, Jon…"
Both of you were in disbelief, thinking what was happening was too good to be true, all while making out sweetly on your dirty mattress. Jon's kisses were soft and loving as if he was kissing your wounds better. His lips and hands were gentle as they touched you ever so gently. You felt all over his body, your hands sliding gracefully across the dips and mounds of his ethereal figure. The painfully awkward moments you had earlier melted away as your hands settled on Jon's slender waist, holding it and caressing it sweetly, feeling his warmth. It didn't take long for the kiss to escalate; Jon gripped your face tighter and began to eat at your lips, reveling in how you fell apart for him. It didn't take long for Jon to topple over on top of you, trapping you between his arms on the bed. You wrapped your legs around his waist to bring him closer, and he pressed down onto you harder, grunting into your mouth. Your hands raked up and down all over his body, making him moan at the mercy of your fingernails. You kissed him hard, pushing yourself up into him as much as possible as if to fuse your bodies. You could feel his erection pressed against your crotch, desperate for any friction. Biting Jon's bottom lip, you ground your crotch into his cock, a small whimper escaping your lips, and Jon gasping with a loud moan followed by his signature chuckle.
"Oh yeah?"
He slammed himself down between your legs, gasping and whining pathetically at the well-earned friction. Ducking his head under your jaw to plaster sloppy kisses and harsh bites all over your neck, he stayed between your legs and started to rock back and forth on your throbbing heat.
"Oh fuck, that feels so good…" Jon growled into your neck.
When his teeth bared into you, you bit your lip and arched your back, keening desperately for him. Your noises sent him into a horny frenzy, causing him to rip off his jeans, along with yours, and press against you again. With the most ruthless of intentions, you grabbed his dick, making him freeze.
Once you started squeezing a bit on his tip, rubbing slightly up and down, he leaned his head back and let out a breathy moan.
…he's so sensitive…
The friction of the fabric rutting so deliciously against Jon's needy tip made his eyes roll back and caused tremors to wrack throughout his entire beautiful body, leaving you room to bite at his neck a bit.
"Oh my god, Y/N….Jesus Christ….you-oh fuck!!"
Before he could finish his sentence, you slid your hand under his boxers, gripping his cock firmly. His pleasure face gazing down into your soul flashed a hint of a smirk before he slid his hand under your boxers.
"…oh god….jon…."
Jon started cupping your heat and rubbing it gently while you jerked him harder. His long, soft fingers caressing you down there sent tiny waves of pleasure racking your lower body as slick arousal coated his fingers. Breathing heavily and trying not to buck your hips up, you spat on your hand, squeezing it tighter around his girthy cock, stroking the shaft with your fingers as you rubbed him up to the tip at a medium pace, the new lubrication making his eyes roll back in his head and shaky whimpers fall from his lips. You used your other hand to reach down and cup his nuts, fondling them sweetly while his fingers made their way to your little nub, rubbing it in moderate circles with your slick on his fingers. Your bottom lip was trapped between your teeth as you picked up your pace, you and Jon whimpering to each other. Your two hands were making sweet love to Jon's member, one rubbing up and down and squeezing on the wet shaft, and the other smothering the tip with wet caresses and jerks. Jon's face was buried in your neck, moaning pathetically into your ear while rubbing your clit a little faster, your legs opening up, and your moans getting louder at the feeling.
"G-oh…God, Y/N you feel so good on my fingers…" Jon groaned, his voice two octaves lower than usual.
The sight of Jon's hand under your boxers drove you insane with arousal; Seeing his fingers work your sweet little nub so well and hearing your slick sliding his fingers around on it made you wetter than ever before. You rubbed and caressed him faster, reaching a swift pace as he trembled above you, crying and whimpering while you pumped away.
"Oh fuuuuuck, please, please Y/N-oh god, that feels so-oh god…." Jon babbled into your ear, his hand trembling as it started to flick across your clit, sliding down to tease your hole too.
Your back arched when he sped up, breathy moans escaping you as you felt a knot start to form in your stomach. Jon attempted to stifle his moans with your neck as you squeezed your thighs around his, whimpering pleads that could make even the purest of individuals cum in their pants. Jon's cock was red and pulsating in your hands, the feeling of you jerking him so good making his legs shake. Eventually, he couldn't handle it anymore.
"That's it. I need you. Now."
Jon pulled his hand out and yanked down his boxers, revealing a red, throbbing cock ready to cum. He effortlessly flipped you over and yanked up your ass to meet his hips. All you could do was bury your face in your pillows and brace yourself.
"You ready, baby?" Jon breathed, flicking his red tip up and down your slit.
You turned your head around and said,
"Yes…please…let's fuck…"
Jon pulled off his shirt and threw it to the side, revealing his soft, yet strong features and beautiful natural body. He was now completely naked for you and only you. You yanked off your shirt just to feel his skin better, leaving your binder on. With that, Jon positioned his tip at your entrance, pushing it a bit before being sucked into you, both of you awing at the feeling. His tip stretching your tight hole made your eyes roll back into your head as you begged him to go deeper.
"Ah…Already?...You're so needy…I love it…"
He pushed himself deeper into you, your slippery, gunny walls clenching so hard around him, trying so hard to stretch to his size. He could barely slide further because of your tightness, but he pushed himself even deeper. Clenching onto your love handles and choking out hot breathy moans, he started thrusting in and out of you, leaning forward to get a better angle.
"Oh Jesus Ch…Christ, Y/N…You're so f…fucking tight…"
You arched your back further, pushing back into him, the sudden contact with your g-spot making you cry out into the pillow. You could hear Jon chuckle through a heaved breath as he started fucking into you at a medium pace, moaning desperately as he did so. It was like his cock had been sucked up into a black hole, never to escape.
"Y-oh fuck…You okay, baby?"
You nodded, lightly grinding against him, making him grab you tighter and go deeper.
"Oh god, yes…so fucking big…" You keened, your eyes glossy from the pleasure.
The line of praise got you trapped in Jon's arms; He had toppled onto you and gripped the sheets on either side of your head.
"Oh ho ho ho, I'll show you big…"
He rammed into you, catching you off guard and causing you both to cry out in pleasure. His hips were like a piston pummeling into you faster as he moaned various praises in your ear. The repeated blows to your g-spot had you whimpering like a slut for him, begging him to use you however he wanted.
"Oh yeah?"
He went even faster, your eyes rolling back into your brain as your buttcheeks clapped violently against his pelvis, his nuts slapping against your clit.
"Oh fuc-oh yeah…! Take it! Take it like a dirty slut…!"
Jon snarled endless dirty talk in your ear as you both came close to your orgasms in a matter of minutes.
"I'm gonna fucking cum inside you so hard…"
Jon buried his face in your neck from behind, biting down on your pulse and gripping your hips with the strength to keep them still, using you however he wanted. With each thrust, the knot in your stomach came closer to unraveling while Jon cried out and held you still. He could already tell you were about to cum by your tightening, trembling walls and your cries becoming more desperate. Jon violently slammed in and out at the speed of light, nearing his orgasm by the tiniest bit. You were so close to releasing all over his cock,
"Oh my god, fuck!!!"
Seeing stars, your eyes rolled back into your head, and your insides twitched rapidly as you came undone, Jon's hot, milky sperm shooting deep inside you while he cried out incoherent praises and loud moans. With each spurt of cum he would thrust hard into you, draining himself in your body. Eventually, he quickly pulled out and collapsed on top of you, his hairy chest moving up and down against your back. Once he completely calmed down, he started feathering kisses along the back of your neck, drawing a cute smile from you while you held his hands.
"You alright?" Jon asked, kissing your shoulder.
You turned yourself around to face him, pulling him up with you to sit on your bed face-to-face.
"I've never been better…"
Jon gave a little toothy smile and pecked your lips, caressing the little marks on your hips.
"Sorry if the dirty talk got a little outta hand…I'm a horny bastard as you well know."
You chuckled and squeezed his hands.
"Oh no, it's fine. I liked it."
Jon smiled and pulled you under your covers, turning off your lamp.
"Let's just lay here the rest of the night…I'm so fuckin' tired."
"Me too…"
Jon pulled you into a big naked bear hug, holding you close to his chest while you caressed his back, pulling him into you.
"I love you, Jon."
"I love you too, Y/N…"
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caroljoky · 4 months ago
The making of Daddy, crying on the floor, and running away
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Jonathan Davis x reader (gender not specified!)
And a lot of Fluff!! I worked really hard on thisss. Based on an interesting interview I saw with John explaining the process of creating Daddy, it made me tear up and decide to write this.
No warnings, surprisingly.
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The last few months on tour with the infamous band Korn seemed like a fever dream. In your head, the lines between being accepted into the band, going on tour, coming back, suddenly starting to compose are blurred... All under the pressure of the public, the team of producers, managers, and finally yourself. You weren't popular at all, that's the point. You only had a demo on the record, in fact it was quite poor and fragile, it was supposed to be just a prologue to the great success of Korn. When “Neidermayer's Mind” was recorded, no one had any idea that in exactly a year you would release your debut album, the one that every great band has, the self-titled album. The pressure was automatically built around it. So here you were in a sweaty studio at 2 a.m., with the tape relentlessly running, refusing to stop, your head aching, your eyes squinting. Your fingers and strings became one, the headphones merged with your ears, and the piercing eyes of Ross Robinson (Yeah, that Ross, Ross the father of nu-metal) stuck into you like needles or sometimes even nails. He always sat there behind a glass window with his entire altar, with his cavalry of producers, and it seemed that all he needed was a whip to beat the ass of anyone who forced him to use the cursed words: Start over, this sucks. However, it wasn't self-pity when you felt sorry for those sleepless nights spent polishing the diamond, the self-titled album. The album, which should actually be called Jonathan Davis, like its writer, who was the one you felt sorry for.
That night, as usual, he was screaming his lungs out. It was one of those long ones when you met in the studio for 'official recordings'. But this night was haunted. Terrible. The worst you could remember. John was always non-obvious, from the moment you met him you were united by inhuman sensitivity and pain... Pain that was omnipresent in your lives. But you never looked at it that way, unlike him. John was a tormented soul, a broken soul, worthy of the greatest pity, a pity he despised. Whenever someone wanted to comfort him, he left, 'ran away'. The only thing he didn’t run from..was music. Was the studio. Here he let it all out. You didn't know if it was good or bad, if this was the right way to process trauma, but what could you do if it wasn't?
You were surprised when Head came to you one afternoon and showed you a crumpled piece of paper from John’s notebook with the words 'Daddy' almost engraved on it. You hated this song from start. Everything he was running away from, everything he never wanted to share with you was there. And he was going to sing it in clubs and bars. No, that wasn't the right way. But still, here you are, repeating a faint bass line, with everyone playing quietly, after all, it is the singer's story that plays the only role here.
You didn't repeat the song as many times as the others, it was your only triumph over Ross, he was too disgusted to make you overdub. You did it all in one terribly long, terribly awful take.
John was terrifyingly calm. As if unavailable. You didn't ask him about the song. You didn't even try. I guess you were more afraid of it than he was... The words came to him naturally, he didn't even hold the paper. And yet he never repeated the song. You had chills for the entire 8 minutes. Sometimes you thought you were too fragile for this band, even though John was as fragile as you. However, he affirmed it as if it was the essence or soul of the band. He affirmed this pain... You could feel it in his voice. You didn’t understand it. You were lost even thinking about it. But you preffered to do that than listen to his shaky, anxious voice. 6 minutes have passed, you thought it was over. You breathed a sigh of relief, you wanted to take the bass off. However, Ross' calm hand stopped you in your tracks with a gesture. It's not over yet... Jonathan fell to his knees. You didn't play anything anymore. Now there was only his voice, his pain and your fear. You stared at him, searching for his eyes. They hid behind the jungle of long dreadlocks, his head lowered, the microphone touching his dry lips. He started crying. For the first time, he really cried. You look at the others, finally at Ross. He makes this disgusting gesture. He twirls his finger around. You have to keep playing. He doesn’t want you to repeat it. He wants to get this over with. Fuck you Ross, we'll waste one tape. You take off the bass, open the glass door, John lying on the ground, the microphone is still touching his lips. Your tears fall to the ground, merging with his. You hug him. Just like that. For the first time, sincerely. You still can't see his eyes, but you don't want to. You've seen everything you needed to. 'Don't you run away from me ever again, okay?' you managed to whisper before the others entered. He hugged you back, so you knew he agreed. Then the rest joined in. Everyone was crying. Ross was sitting behind the window, probably not gesturing to us anything anymore.
Just like that, he stopped the tape. The album was finished.
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winterrrnight · 2 years ago
red carpets without you
PAIRING: drew starkey x gn!reader
SUMMARY: you and drew have been dating for quite some time now, but have not brought your relationship for the public to see yet. Drew has the outer banks season 3 premiere to attend, so he goes without you. He misses you a lot at the premiere, but is completely satisfied with everything when he comes back home and gets to sleep in your arms.
WARNINGS: small mentions of cyber bullying and anxiety
EDITH SPEAKS: one of the biggest things I want to bring light on is how fans at times make their faves relationships uncomfortable. Please don't interfere with their personal lives, it's no matter to you. It's their life and they choose how to live it, and if they wish to be public about it or not. Please don't make their partners feel unloved and unwanted, the world is already a very harsh place, and that doesn't make it any better. Don't make assumptions on their relationships without any proper proof. Spread love and only love 💌🌷
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It is the evening of the Outer Banks season 3 premiere, and your boyfriend Drew is definitely going to be one of the main attractions of the event. He has been gone since early afternoon to prepare for the premiere and get ready, and you have been with him long enough to know that premieres can take a lot of time and he will be coming extremely late at night.
You and Drew have been reluctant to publicise your relationship. The thought of being recognised scares you, and even though Drew does have many supportive fans who will love you, the haters are always present around. You're afraid they will get to your head and make you believe made up stories about your relationship, ruining everything you have with Drew.
Today was one of the moments where you actually wished you could've gone with him. You absolutely adore the entire Outer Banks cast, and it would be nothing short of a spectacular night with them. Sometimes you do like to fantasize about you and Drew being public, you're in the most beautiful outfit and both of you are walking down the red carpet together, your hands intertwined. But you are quick to come back to reality when your mind shows you a scenario of you finding horrifying comments regarding you on a picture of you both, saying how you aren't the one for him and he's better off with someone else.
You remind yourself that the best place you can be at the moment is actually where you are right now: your couch, with a massive bowl of popcorn with you as you start watching the live stream of the premiere. You see all of the cast members walk in, looking beautiful as ever. You watch their interviews with utter love. They really are some of the best people.
Suddenly the cameras are directed towards Drew. He's wearing a dark blue suit, and you can't help but gape at how gorgeous he looks in that color. The fit of the suit is just perfect and he's getting his pictures clicked, his grace coming so effortlessly.
As Drew walks ahead on the carpet he's stopped by an interviewer. "Hello Drew, how are you feeling today?" The interviewer asks him.
"I'm good, super excited for everyone to see season 3," he says in the mic, smiling.
"What is Rafe like in the season? What will we get to see of him?"
"My lips are sealed for any information," he chuckles, "but he has done some... things." The interviewer laughs at his reply.
"Well Drew, is there anything you would like to say to your loved ones and your fans?"
"Thank you for all your constant support," he says, a big smile now on his face. "It makes me so happy to think how much everyone has been loving the show. Nothing is more fulfilling than watching your own hard work reaping you the big results."
At that moment, the interviewer ends his small talk with Drew and he walks on ahead on the carpet. The Twinkie is on the red carpet and watching Drew pose with it makes you giggle, as he goes inside it and looks out the window and gives a cheeky smile. The livestream goes on to show the interactions of the rest of the cast members with the interviewers and among themselves.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You suddenly wake up from your nap on your couch which you hadn't realised you had started taking. It takes a few seconds for you to realise what's happening; the popcorn bowl is now empty and is lying on your carpet upturned, and the live stream has ended. You check the time on your phone to see it's nearing 1.30 am at night. You had initially thought of staying up until Drew comes home, but your sleepy mind has different plans for you. Giving in, you decide to head in to your bedroom to go to sleep.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
The gentle sounds of shoes being placed on the ground and the rustle of clothes wakes you up from your sleep. You open your eyes groggily and turn around in bed to see Drew's back towards you, as he is getting into comfortable clothes for the night.
"Hey bubs, you're home?" You ask gently. Drew turns around and you can visibly see the tiredness in his eyes.
"Oh, love, yeah I just came home," He walks up to you and bends down at your level. "I didn't expect you to wake up. Go back to sleep," he says, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"No it's okay, how was it?" You ask, your eyes not fully open from the heavy sleep lying on them.
"It was really amazing. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow okay?" He gets up from the floor and disappears in the washroom. After a few minutes he comes back out, and lies in the bed next to you.
You wrap your arms around his neck and gently pull his head onto your chest. He wraps his arms around your waist, and you start to play with his hair with sleepy motions of your hands, as you both drift off to sleep.
Drew had missed you a lot on the premiere - a lot more than he thought he would. There were so many moments where he wished he was answering the interviewer's question with you on his side. Your presence calms his nerves down whenever he feels a bit anxious, and such massive premieres, especially for a show as famous as Outer Banks, tend to make him slightly nervous.
But he knows you both aren't ready to come out to the whole world. Not yet. The world can be harsh, and even the strongest soldiers fall on their faces from its adversities. What you have is something made for just the two of you, and even though at times it feels like it shouldn't be this way, you know that this is actually the best you can have. And you are completely satisfied with it.
Why wouldn't you be? Drew is yours, and you are his. And that's all that matters.
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pooknukem · 4 months ago
meeting niblet ⋆。𖦹°‧★
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korn-maze · 1 year ago
A W O O G A 😍
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r7diants · 2 months ago
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ִֶָ𓂃 im dida ּ ֶָ֢.
` I'll be writing for whoever im stanning at the time
-> obx characters (jj,rafe)
-> harry styles
-> matt sturniolo
───────────── ·𖥸· ─────────────
` masterlist
` tag list
` stan list
` edits
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pandora-writes-one-piece · 5 months ago
The Meet Cute - Law's Story - 5
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Source for pic
The Great Pretender 5 🔞
Word Count: 7361
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader; Law is a soft dom; you have bratty tendencies (not all the time); voice kink; praise kink; cursing; very suggestive behaviour and innuendo from the start; sexual tension; teasing; so much flirting; romance; slow-burn; fluff; slight angst; mature audiences (though explicit NSFW moments will be properly tagged on the chapter); possessive Law; protective Law; soft Law; teasing Law; manipulative Doflamingo; inappropriate Doflamingo; fake relationship trope; only one-bed trope; reader has some anxiety issues; reader is a control freak and perfectionist; modern day AU
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You and Law (your father's doctor) start to build a flirty friendship because of your father’s procedure. So much so that when he’s invited to Baby 5’s wedding (his cousin), he asks you to be his date. His uncle Doflamingo - who is filthy rich - is very adamant on finding a suitable wife for him. Seeing as he wants to avoid that, he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the weekend.
Notes: Guys this chapter is biiiig! I'm so sorry. But I didn't want to cut it short and remove such a fun interaction at the end... It has a lot of important information going on but it's a bit NSFW, k? Not too explicit, but still... 🔞
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil
|Chapter 4| | |Chapter 6🔞|
You barely see Law after that encounter because of your conflicting schedules. He texts you the details for the wedding, stressing the need to dress to impress and tries to offer you money to buy dresses but you refuse vehemently saying there’s no need. 
You have a friend with the classiest, sluttiest closet you've ever known: Nami. 
She, however, forces you to buy new lingerie to go with the dresses because there's no way you can wear satin with granny panties underneath. Only sultry lace. You almost think you got away with not telling her who your date for the wedding would be, but you bump into Kaya and Usopp, and learn that Law informed Kaya of his absence because of a wedding he's going to attend. 
Nami can add two and two. 
And she does it in front of Kaya and Usopp which renders the rest of your afternoon useless while you are teased relentlessly. 
On the plus side, Nami's dresses are really beautiful, fit you perfectly and you both find the perfect colours to complement your complexion. You pack extra dresses, just in case. 
And extra panties. 
Law tells you that you're to leave Friday morning because you have to be at the Donquixote household in the afternoon and the drive to the city still takes a while - you manage to do extra hours at work on Thursday to compensate for your absence. You'll sleep there for three nights, the rehearsal dinner is on Saturday, the wedding and reception are on Sunday, and then you’ll come back Monday morning - you'll compensate for those hours on Tuesday. 
That means you'll spend about four days pretending to be Law's girlfriend. 
After the heated moment you had while practising, you're feeling both apprehensive and excited about the prospect. You've had a taste of what he's been telling you, how rewarding it can be to let go of your control, to let someone else take over. It felt good, freeing and so pleasurable. 
And he barely even showed you the tip of the iceberg. 
You're aching for more of his relentless teasing, you're pretty sure you can kiss him faster this time. You just want to taste him again. 
Sighing, you decide to finish packing. It's going to be a long weekend. As you take the dresses out of the bag Nami put them in, your eyes widen at the unexpected surprise she left there. 
A box of condoms. 
Sneaky Nami. Does she think she's witty and funny? 
Joke's on her, you're taking them anyway! 
Deep down, you're hoping you get to use them.
Law greets you normally from inside the car, as if nothing happened and he wasn't probing your throat with his tongue earlier this week. 
You, on the other hand, immediately lose it at the sight of his smirk. 
Fuck. He knows exactly what kind of effect he has on you. He knows he's got you wrapped around his little finger. And that's why you're not going to make this easy on him. 
You exclaim tensely as you approach the car, already struggling to figure out how to open the door to his sleek, black Tesla. Yet, Law doesn't give you any time to make a fool of yourself as he gets out of the car and opens the door for you. You can't help but notice how casual and sexy he looks. Black jeans and a yellow t-shirt, paired with expensive sunglasses that fit him like he’s a movie star - that's the whole look, and it drives you crazy. 
He sees you checking him out, so he leans in and places a soft kiss on your cheek as his hand grips your waist, pulling you towards him. “Hi, sweetheart, you look gorgeous.”
Freezing in place, you feel your cheeks burning from the intimacy of his greeting. Your father watches you both from the porch, coffee mug in hand and a silly grin on his face. 
“How are you doing, Mr. S.?” Law's eyes barely leave yours, an amused glint making them twinkle and sparkle. 
“Oh, I'm mighty fine! I'm greatly enjoying the show!” Shanks replies, his shit-eating grin still in place and you already regret sharing with him what you were doing this weekend. Truth be told, you didn't exactly tell him you were going as Law's girlfriend, you just said you were going as his date, in a friendly manner, so Law could avoid his uncle. But after the way the doctor greeted you, you're sure your father now firmly believes there's more than friendship between you. 
You mumble curses at both men as Law lets go of you to place your bags in the trunk of the car. Then he lays your dresses neatly in the backseat, near his suits, so they don't wrinkle too much. 
“Bug, be careful!” Shanks admonishes from the porch. 
“Yes, yes, I will! Call if you need anything.” You say, mostly out of habit more than anything else, because your father would be much better off calling Ace or Beckman if he needed immediate assistance since you'll be far away. 
“I won't. Have fun!” You wave him goodbye as you enter the car and Law closes your door, but you watch as his grin widens. “Law, take care of my baby girl, will you?”
Law then closes the backdoor of the car and chuckles. “Sure will, Mr. S.” He waves and enters the car, taking his seat and burning you with his amber gaze and sexy smirk. His hand lands on your exposed thigh and he squeezes softly. “I'll take good care of her.” He whispers, earning a muffled gasp as you purse your lips to contain the incriminating sound. 
As he chuckles again, fastens his seat belt, and inputs the new destination into the GPS, you take a deep breath, steadying your heart rate. You're determined to not let him hold the same control over you as he did the other day. 
Very determined.
But as he backs the car away, completely disregarding the cameras on the dash and placing his tattooed bare arm behind your seat to look back - dark, tinted sunglasses in place and an unreadable expression - you sigh and close your eyes, your determination leaving you in a heartbeat. 
This is going to be a long ride. 
As soon as he enters the interstate, you fish out your tablet from your purse, turning it on and adjusting the brightness so you can read the screen. 
“You're really going to ignore me? Am I less interesting than all your book boyfriends?” He says, eyes fixed on the road since there's a bit of traffic. 
You try to hide a small blush by adjusting your sunglasses. He's not right. He's way more interesting than any book boyfriend. He's real. 
“I'm not going to read.” You ignore his comment, trying to steer away from every chance he gets to gain the upper hand. “I'm opening our list so we can cover the important questions that were left unanswered the other day. Since it's a long ride, we can study. And maybe make up a story about how we met and fell in love. A believable one.” You mumble. 
Law scoffs. “Again with that list. Fine, if we must.”
“We must.” You reinforce your statement. “We still haven't covered our personal stories… maybe that's important? It could come up.”
You glance at him and notice that familiar crease forming in the middle of his eyebrows. You know he moved in with his uncles at ten but you have no idea how his parents died, and that's something a girlfriend would know. You’ve shared everything about your parents and their divorce with him already, but there's still your story about Ichiji, which you're not so keen on sharing. 
He sighs deeply, his face falling into that stoic expression. “Later. Also, why do we need a love story? Isn't ours perfect?”
The tablet you're holding almost falls to the ground as your head whips to the side. “Ours? What do you mean?”
The smirk returns as his foot presses the gas and he passes two slow cars in the right lane. “You're the daughter of my surgery patient. As soon as I laid eyes on you, I knew you were special. When you passed out in my office while yelling at me, I was certain. When you fumbled and made a fool of yourself just because I was examining you, I knew there was no way out of it. When your expression intensified as I called you a ‘good girl’, I was deeply ensnared. The rest came naturally. I helped your father, we got close, we fell in love.”
You're staring at him, mouth hanging open and eyes wide. Is this how he feels? Or is this pretence? Because the way he told the story was really believable. The thrumming of your heart is slower and steadier than when he's teasing you, something much more grounding than the usual feeling, but no less intense. 
“What do you think? Is it believable enough or should I add more details?” 
Oh… It’s not real. 
“No,” You clear your throat, “it's perfect. Everyone will buy it.”
You did. 
“There's another important thing we still haven't discussed. I don't think you covered it in your professional-looking spreadsheet.” Law says when you're taking a break from asking him questions, trying to memorise some of his answers so you don't slip up when it really matters. 
He sounds serious, so you take your eyes off your tablet to look at him. “Oh? I covered everything.” You say with a slight edge. 
Law's low chuckle is not condescending. “Yes, you covered daily things, information, wants and hopes for the future.” He takes his eyes off the road for a second to look you in the eyes. “You didn't cover boundaries.”
Your mind instantly takes you to the heated moment you shared when he kissed you. If you had any boundaries set then, would he still have done it? You don't want to go without his touch. 
It's far too addictive. 
“Oh. That.” 
“Yeah, that. It's important. What are your boundaries? What is off the table? Besides sex, obviously. We don't need to do it to fool anyone.” You lock your tablet, fixing your eyes on the road ahead and pondering. He's right, sex is a big boundary. But what are your other boundaries? 
“Well… I… I don't mind doing what we did in your house.” Why does your voice sound so small? 
“Speak up, sweetheart, don't be afraid to tell me what you want.” He uses that commanding tone that sends shivers down your spine and twists your stomach. 
Taking a deep breath, you steady your voice, fixing your eyes on the licence plate of the car in front of you. “I think we should kiss… because of appearances… and I like all the teasing, and the touching… I don't mind having to beg for it.” You whisper again, cheeks ablaze and heart pounding. 
“It's nothing to be ashamed of. I also like it when you say please.” Fuck. 
“Is the AC on?” You stammer and he chuckles low, setting the AC higher. 
“What else?” You open your mouth and close it a few times. This one is a little harder to get out. Law takes a look at you and smirks. “You like it when I call you ‘good girl’, right?”
Fuuuuck! The voice! It's his voice! It makes everything - better! - worse! 
“Yes!” The words leave your lips in a hurry and you take a deep breath again. Why is this so hard? 
You never had to speak about these things with Ichiji, about what you want or like. You had ‘normal’ sex where he focused on getting himself off. He didn't especially chase your pleasure, not if he wasn't in the mood for foreplay. But this conversation isn't about sex, anyway, it's about boundaries so you should focus! 
“How about touching? Where can't I touch you?”
“Erm… Below the waist?” You try, tentatively. Thinking about his hands on your body is already leaving your brain in a puddle of mush. 
“So I can't touch your legs?”
“You can!” Another blush creeps in. “And you can touch my butt too…” That sentence comes out as a mumble but he hears it. 
“So it's just your vagina I can't touch, right?” He’s amused by your embarrassment and you know it. 
“Yes, doctor.” A loud sigh leaves your lips. “How about you? Where can't I touch?” Time to turn the tables! 
“Sweetheart, you can't touch me anywhere. I'm in control, remember?” His smirk is unbearable. And unbearably hot. 
“That's not fair, Law!” 
“You're right, it’s not. But you’ll only touch me if I allow you to, if you’re being good.” He lets out another chuckle, a low rumble. “The same rules as you, then.”
“So I can’t touch your vagina?” The smirk on your lips is teasing and you both share a laugh. 
“Yes, that’s what I meant.” A smirk of amusement still lingers on your lips when he asks you the next question. “So everything else is fine? What we did before? The teasing, the touching?” He asks one more time.
“Yes. All of that is fine.” It’s welcomed, even. “Should we… should we save these interactions for when we’re n public?”
“I don’t think we can very well do that in public.” He teases.
“You’re right. Maybe when we feel like it?” You have to admit you relished in the complete surrender of control you experienced the other day. You see yourself getting slowly addicted to that feeling. “I've been thinking and what you did the other day soothed me… I wouldn't mind exploring that… Besides, I think whatever interaction that serves to deepen our pretence is…” Needed, desired, wanted! “Beneficial to our act.”
“Oh.” He sounds surprised. “You want to be spontaneous? Where is your need to control every little situation?”
Your hands fidget with the hem of your dress, straightening it and then picking at a thread as your mind wanders. You’re trying to let go, like he said. Trying to surrender. Trying to let him help you do that. But you don’t quite know how to answer him. You want his help, but you don’t want to impose. You don’t want to force him to help you. Does that even make sense?
You feel it even before you see it. Law’s hand sits on your leg, a bit above the knee and he squeezes. “It’s alright. One step at a time. There’s no rush.”
The ride keeps going at a steady pace, you fill in the blanks of some seemingly unimportant questions like: ‘when was your first kiss, and with whom?’ or ‘do you want to have kids?’ Meaningless stuff normal couples would talk about. Law gets tired of the questions pretty quickly and just as the GPS indicates that you're about halfway to your destination, he drives the car to a rest area so he can stretch his legs and asks you if you want some coffee. 
You couldn't agree more. Your legs feel stiff and your butt aches. 
Law puts the car in the fast charger as you both head inside to grab some coffee and use the restroom. Neither of you wants to sit down again, but, conveniently, there are trees surrounding the whole rest area and there's a path connecting the entirety of it, so you both decide to walk it, to pass the time and stretch your legs. 
After a few moments, you try again. “About our pasts, Law, as my boyfriend I would have told you all about my ex…” You decide to start, since talking about his parents’ death must be very hard for him. 
He nods and glances at you so you know he's listening. “We were together for around four years, having moved in together after one year of dating. He proposed to me last year and we were already planning the wedding, it was pretty serious and I genuinely thought I was in love. He's the son of a very powerful man and I worked for his father at a very prestigious company.” Ichiji's name is at the tip of your tongue, you could just say it. But you're certain Law knows who he is and maybe that's a bit more information than you're willing to share right now. Talking about an anonymous asshole beats talking about someone he can picture doing terrible things to you. 
Taking a deep steadying breath after a small sip of coffee, grounds you as you continue, the soft crunch of gravel beneath your feet lending you some sort of comfort. “I found out he was cheating on me and a little research proved he had always been cheating on me, since the beginning, I was just too blind to see it. He was manipulative, controlling and a bit possessive - all in terrible, demeaning and very dangerous ways. He made me feel like it was my fault that he cheated, that I wasn't good enough for him, that I would never be good enough for anybody. Instead of feeling safe around him, I always felt on edge, it was… it was unbearable.”
You don't even realise that you’ve stopped on the path, your eyes fixed somewhere else, not focused on anything. The pain from the past still manages to hinder and hurt you. It's Law's touch that brings you back. His hand on your waist, pulling you to him helps you remove yourself from those hurtful events. He leans his head to your ear and whispers, his breath hot against your shivering skin. 
“If this were real, I would make you forget all about that asshole.” His fingers dip against your skin and he grits his teeth. “There's nothing I can do about him now, but I can help you overcome the pain.” You nod slowly, your mind hazy as to what's real or not. “If this were real, I would never make you feel like that. You'd be all I have ever wanted. I would make you see that you're more than enough, that you're everything.”
Your breath hitches in your throat at the intensity of his voice as you feel the familiar prickle of tears in your eyes. Your mind is reeling and your heart is racing again. This is too confusing. 
“Law,” you whisper, blinking and taking a small step back but not pulling away from his grasp. “We need some sort of signal, some way to know we're faking or being real. It's too much. I can't handle this, I need a semblance of control.”
He grunts, pulling away from you as his fingers tousle his black hair and you both resume your walk. “You're right.”
“Should it be verbal? Like a safe word? Or something physical?” 
“Verbal might be too obvious. Doflamingo is very sharp. We have to use something physical. Not too conspicuous, something of meaning to both of us.” Law looks at you, trying to come up with something. “Do you always wear earrings?” 
He eyes your ears, you currently have small hoops on - quite similar to the ones he's wearing. “Usually, yes. I can wear them all weekend, I have different ones to go with the dresses.”
“Okay.” He says as he stops, making you stop too. Then he takes a step closer to you, his hand raising near your ear. “When I'm faking it, I'll start with this.” His fingers touch your ear, twirling your earring as his lips curve upwards. “And then I'll do whatever action I was going to do to pretend. You can do the same to me, I won't take off my earrings either.”
You nod as he drops his hand and you raise yours, to give it a try. Your eyes pierce his and his amber gaze is quite soft. Softer than you've ever seen him. Could it be because of what you shared about Ichiji? Your fingers graze his ear and you notice the way his jaw clenches at the touch. 
You haven't touched him like this yet. He's the one who’s been doing all the touching. You just remember feeling his taut muscles against your palms as he was kissing you senseless. But no light touches, no teasing. How will he react further? 
Your digits circle the loop of one of his earrings and, as you drop your hand, you let the tip of your nails lightly scratch his neck. He hisses with a deep inhale as he grabs your hand mid-air, to stop you. “Yes, like that. It works.”
You got under his skin. 
It's not just you who gets affected by light touches, you can bend him to your will, though you doubt very much he'll ever let you do it. 
You resume your walk, but he doesn't let go of your hand. You're too afraid to ask if it's real or fake, but since you both used the signal now, it must be fake. 
It's his turn to speak but he doesn't seem willing at all. “Law you don't have to share. Maybe it's something you don't want to say to your girlfriend, it's okay. I'm sure your own family understands how hard it is for you. I would understand too, if this were real.” You give his hand a gentle squeeze and he lets out a deep breath and a slight nod. 
Your walk continues in peaceful silence for a while. 
“Both my parents were doctors. They were wonderful parents, full of life.” The crease in the middle of his brows is there again, but so is a very tender, longing smile. “I had a younger sister, too. She was very bright and happy.”
Had? Has she passed too? You feel your heart sinking as he continues his story. 
“There was a fire, a house fire, something completely accidental. They all died. I was with uncle Cora, he and Doffy were my mother's siblings.” He stops speaking, his jaw clenches and you can feel sweat in his hand. It's the most out of control you've seen him until now and yet, he still seems collected and cool. “That's the gist of it. I moved in with my uncles and the rest is history.”
He has shared the rest with you. About how kind and amiable Cora is and how ruthless and powerful Doffy is. He doesn't seem to fear Doflamingo, it's a lingering respect. But what you sense most when he speaks of him is disgust or resentment. So you realise that he hasn't told you the whole story. There's more to learn about Trafalgar Law. Maybe not about his parents or their death - that seems pretty straightforward - but perhaps some other interactions he's had with Doflamingo while growing up. 
He doesn't share and you don't press. If he doesn't feel the need for you to know, it's because it's something he wouldn't share lightly. 
“I'm so sorry.” You mutter as you squeeze his hand again. 
A few moments pass in silence again and you discard your empty coffee cups in a trash can along the path. The car is in sight and Law's phone tells him it's fully charged so you're ready to go. 
“Oh, Law?” He stops near the car to stare at you. “How long should we say we've been dating? It's a pretty important question we need to know. And if it's true, maddening love, we need to have had some time to let it mature and-...”
“Two months. I met you around two and a half months ago. I don't need much more time than that to realise you're special and you're someone I want to be with.” He shrugs as if he's said the most natural thing in the world and opens the car door for you, waiting for you to get inside before closing it. 
You can't help but notice that he didn't touch your earrings when he said that. 
Ever since you left the freeway and the GPS timer keeps getting smaller as you approach your destination, Law has been quieter. The flirtatious, teasing demeanour he uses with you has been completely replaced by his normal stoic expression. The crease in his forehead deepens as you approach Donquixote’s household. 
You try to engage in small talk, but the only response you get are grunts and nods, so you don't press further. He blasts his music and you don't complain. It might be his way of coping. If it were you in his shoes, you know you'd be close to a panic attack by now, but he's pretty composed, considering. 
Only someone who's spent time with him, getting to know him, learning his little tells, can realise he's upset, anxious and nervous. You know his uncle will pick it up immediately. 
Law takes a deep sigh as the GPS announces the destination and stops the car in front of a large gate, near the intercom, waiting to be buzzed inside. You look at him, placing your hand on his leg because he's gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles are almost white. 
“Hey, I've got you.” You mimic the words he used on you when he was operating on Shanks. His gaze softens and he breathes deeply, his shoulders relaxing a bit as the gates open wide. 
Your eyes dart around in awe. You see a grand mansion at the end of the road, but the way there is adorned with trees and flowers of all kinds. The gardens are immense and opulent. Just like the man who owns them. You peek at the top of a few tents on the back of the house, probably where the wedding reception will take place, and the gardens are buzzing with activity. Gardeners polish the last touches on the flowers, while servants make last minute preparations for the decorations. They all seem tense, as if nothing can be out of place. 
And if Doflamingo likes control as much as Law does, then there really can't be anything out of place. 
Law parks the car as you see two blonde men at the top of the steps leading to the mansion. They're huge. Law is tall, they're taller. He inhales deeply as his eyes meet yours, a glint in them, the crease still parting his brow, and then he touches your earring. “Are you ready?”
You nod and ignore the twists and turns in your stomach, the discomposed rhythm of your heart, the many scenarios in your head where everything goes wrong. Instead, you smile brightly, repeat his gesture and squeeze his hand. “Let's sell this, Law.”
He nods and gets out of the car, you're about to do the same but discover that your door has a child lock. As Law moves around the car to open the door for you, you realise that it serves this single purpose and you can't help but to blush. In four years of your relationship, not once has Ichiji held a door open for you. In less than a week of a fake relationship, Law does it constantly. 
He holds out his hand to help you out and you smile sweetly at him, unconsciously passing a hand through your hair to straighten it as you adjust your summer dress. Cora - you assume, since you know the other man is Doflamingo - runs down the steps to greet his nephew, but slips and falls spectacularly, bumping his butt on at least three steps before landing awkwardly on his knees. 
Your hands fly to your mouth to stifle a gasp and Law shakes his head as he approaches his uncle. 
“Cora… come on! Again?” He admonishes as the blonde man laughs and pats his butt. 
“I'm fine, I'm fine.” Law helps him up and both men embrace. It's a long hug during which Cora whispers something to Law, who clenches his teeth and nods, hugging him back. 
It's sweet. They really care for each other. 
Then Cora sets his eyes on you, they glimmer as he lets go of Law and with one stride, he's by your side, exclaiming your name and holding you in a tight embrace. “Welcome, welcome! It's so nice to meet you! It's been a while since Law brought a girl home!”
Oh… Interesting. He didn't mention any other important relationship, in fact, when you were covering past flings, he told you he doesn't really do the girlfriend thing. He just dates, sometimes. But he apparently had an interesting relationship before. 
However, you don't act surprised. You're pretty sure Doflamingo is watching you closely, even though he doesn't make a move to come down the steps. You'll go to him. It's as if he's the King of the mansion and you're just his loyal subjects, bowing to him. 
“I'm flattered.” You smile softly as Cora steps back. “What Law and I have is special.” This was a rehearsed phrase. But you deliver it perfectly, looking lovingly at Law, who smiles back at you, his hands in his pockets and sunglasses hanging on his shirt collar. 
“I believe you!” He grabs your arm to help you up the stairs, though you sense you'll be the one keeping him from falling, and then he turns to Law and mouths - in what he thinks is a veiled whisper but is anything but that - “She's breathtaking, Law! Well done!”
Law chuckles and shakes his head at his uncle but, as soon as you're all facing Doflamingo’s inquisitive gaze, Law tenses again. Cora leaves you to join his brother's side and Law is instantly connected to you, his hand on your waist, pulling you to him. You notice his fingers digging deeper and harder than any of the times he's grabbed you, but you don't acknowledge his discomfort. 
“Well, well, well…” Doflamingo’s voice is deep, commanding and imposing and you can't help the way your hairs bristle when he lets out a low chuckle. “Hello dearest nephew… and how interesting.”
What is supposed to be interesting? You hope he hasn't recognized you from any of the Vinsmokes’ events! Maybe you should have shared with Law who your ex was. It seems like it's something he should know. There’s no point in worrying about it now! You can't let your distress show, especially because Law keeps tensing up by your side, so you have to ground him. 
“Good to meet you, sir.” You drawl, a bit embarrassed at the way his piercing gaze hasn't left you since the moment you arrived. 
“Oh,” he chuckles again and this time looks at Law, a terrifying grin showing all his teeth. “Polite.” He nods and turns back to you, slightly raising his chin to emphasise your height difference. “Good girl.” He purrs and winks. 
You immediately tense up and Law squeezes your waist harder. 
“Uncle Doffy, we're really tired from the trip and the car ride. We'll retire and freshen up before dinner. Then we can get to know each other, how about that?” You can sense a slight change in the tone of Law's voice. What was commanding and assertive is now strained and measured. The crease in his forehead is deep and his scowl twists his expression. 
“But of course! Come on, come on kids! Let me take you to your room!” Cora takes over as some servants bring in your luggage. 
Law starts to walk, dragging you with him and he brushes his lips against your temple in what's supposed to be a loving gesture. His whisper is barely audible: “Relax.” You glance behind and catch Doflamingo still tilting his head. His grin is unsettling and disconcerting and, for the first time since you agreed to do this for Law, you start to doubt yourself. “Real or not, I won't let him hurt you.”
You don't know if he means physically or mentally. Either way, you're not prepared to suffer any attempt. And the way Law says that… It's like he already knows Doflamingo will do something. And that frightens you. 
Yet you take a deep breath and try to relax as Law guides you through large maze-like corridors, following Cora until you reach a big white door with golden handles. His uncle opens the door with a smile. “Ta-da!” He exclaims, opening both arms to show you the room. 
You stifle a gasp and turn it into a surprised expression. Law squeezes you tighter and smiles at his uncle. 
“It's the honeymoon suite for you two lovebirds!” He chuckles and scratches the back of his head. “Well, not quite, we're not a hotel, so it's not really a honeymoon suite, it's a room with some amenities like a jacuzzi in the bathroom and privacy from the other rooms so you can… you know,” He chuckles some more, “talk as loudly as you want without being heard.”
Law groans at his uncle but a tentative chuckle escapes your lips at his attempt to lighten the mood. Your amusement is short-lived, however, as you survey the room. It might be private and away from the other rooms, but it's not that big. There's a huge bed and two cushioned armchairs, a closet, a vanity and a desk. No couch. Just one bed. For both of you. 
At least it's a big bed. 
“Thank you, Cora. We've got it from here.” Law smiles softly at his uncle and thanks the staff who brought in your luggage. When everyone leaves, he closes the door softly, leaning against it and briefly closing his eyes. 
You take a deep breath and set your purse on one of the armchairs. “Well that was intense.” 
Law's chuckle starts low and quickly turns into a groan as he looks at you. “I'm sorry, but I can guarantee you he will be much more inconvenient.”
You snort and roll your eyes. “Is that even possible?”
“Trust me, it is.”
You both laugh away the tension of the meeting and, after a brief time, as you're hanging your dresses in the closet, you speak again. “Your uncle Cora is lovely.”
Law is in the bathroom emptying his bag of products on the counter. “He's amazing. He's like a father to me.”
“I could tell.” You mutter. “What are the plans for tonight?”
Law senses the slight tremble in your voice as his head peeks from the bathroom. “Oh? Why? Do you need to rehearse everything beforehand?”
A sigh escapes your lips as you close the closet door to face him. “Considering Doflamingo is breathing down our necks, perhaps it's not a bad idea?”
“It's just a family dinner. Baby 5 will come too, along with the groom. Possibly the groomsmen, bridesmaids and some of Doffy’s associates. I bailed on the last board meeting and I'm pretty sure he'll want to bore me to death with company issues. Also, I predict that Doffy will ask personal questions while Cora will want to know if and when we'll get married and if and when we're gonna have kids.”
Law joins you in the room and you smile at him. “Cora is really sweet.” 
Raising an eyebrow, an amused glint dances in his gaze. “Should I be jealous?” His voice drops lower and a snicker curls your lip as a consequence of that. You're feeling bratty. 
“Maybe. I do like blondes.” Law grunts, reading immediately into what you're trying to do. “And he's so tall and big. I'm sure he'd make me feel small and-...” Law takes two strides, pushing you gently and pinning you against the closet door. One of his hands rests on the closet beside your head, while the other grabs your chin tightly, tilting it up so you can meet his eyes. “Weak…” You finish your sentence, cheeks already flushed and ablaze. 
Law's eyes glint with mischief, but his lips are pursed tight. He uses the hand near your head to brush your earring. 
The signal. 
“Do I have to remind you of who you belong to?” His voice drawls from his lips, his face is so close that you can feel his hot breath against your skin. 
Your fingers graze his earring lightly to use the signal, but his low hum warns you to return your hand where it was. No teasing is allowed on your part. “I was just commenting on how handsome and charming he is. I have eyes.” You know you're playing a part, you know it's fake, but you have no audience. This is for yourselves only. And you can't help the tiny sliver of anxiety tugging at your brain, telling you to keep pushing. Push enough so you can let go. 
So you can surrender. You need to surrender.
Law's eyes darken as he presses his body closer to you. You can feel his heat  against you, but the fire in his eyes burns ten times hotter. 
“You do, but they have to be on me all the time. You don't want to misbehave, do you, sweetheart?” His lips brush the skin of your collarbone, the hand on your chin tilts your head to the side as he nibbles your jaw, his tongue wet and teasing. 
Fuck. This is what you wanted, right? Now you have to deal with it. 
“You know what happens to bad girls?” His hand lowers as he traces down the middle of your breasts, trailing to your belly, dropping down some more - so close to where you want him, but you know he won’t touch - and then settles on your hip. 
“What?” You whisper, dying to know, anticipation making you tremble and shiver. 
Or is it his touch that's doing that? 
“They don't get what they want.” His teeth graze your earlobe. “They don't get what they need.” His hand raises your dress, fingers curling the fabric as his palm settles against your thigh, eliciting a choked moan from your lips. “They don't get what they crave.” His lips hover yours and you lean forward to capture them but he moves his head back, tutting you in a disapproving manner. 
“No, no, sweetheart. No kiss for you. You're being a brat.”
You swallow the lump in your throat as you squirm and press your thighs together. There's a fire burning in your belly that needs to be put out; a devastating thirst that needs quenching. 
“I can beg, Law. I can be a good girl.”
Fuck, where did this come from? 
The sound he makes is half-grunt, half-growl and it reverberates through his chest, making you gasp as you grab his neck, trying to pull him in for a kiss, trying to erase what your mouth said that your brain doesn't want to acknowledge. However, Law is faster, and stronger. His hands grab yours, pinning them above your head. One big hand of his is enough to hold your wrists, and he's barely using his strength. 
He shows you that slightly unhinged grin of his and you mewl at the sight, biting your lower lip. That grin right there, you realise, it's your favourite. “You say one thing sweetheart, and then you do another. We can't have that, can we?”
You shake your head, your eyes pleading for your mouth. Law's free hand returns to your side, he lowers it tantalisingly slowly as his thumb brushes circles on your dress, but his fingers burn so much that it's like they're pressing directly on your skin. 
“I told you that bad girls don't get rewarded.” He practically purrs against your ear. He does something sinful with his tongue on your earlobe and you close your eyes in abandon, arching your back and giving way to a wanton moan. His hand clenches your wrists tighter as his unholy tongue continues to tease you. He licks your neck and collarbone, then goes lower towards your cleavage. You can't stop the pants and gasps that escape your lips, making you tremble. 
There's a pressing need in your core screaming to be filled, or touched, or teased. Something, anything! But he's adamant about not fulfilling that need. 
“I promise I'll be good, Law.” You whisper. “Just…” Touch me. “Kiss me. Please!”
His lips hover over yours as he slots his knee between your legs. You fight the urge to ride his thigh, to grind your core against his taut muscles. You're pretty sure you could come undone from just that. “Is this what you want?” His breath is hot against your lips, his lips barely grazing yours. 
But now you know better than to push your luck. You stay still, your eyes nearly watering from the throbbing need. 
“Yes! Please.” Your whisper sounds like a prayer, but he's a relentless deity and shows it by pulling back, a smirk curling his lips. 
“You don't deserve it, sweetheart. You misbehaved. I warned you.” How can he be this cool and collected while you're falling apart? A mess of quivering bones and frail muscles? His hand grabs the back of your thigh, lifting your leg easily and slotting himself against you, giving you a taste, a sliver of the friction you want - need! “Bad girls are left wanting more.”
He presses further, his hand still groping the back of your thigh, fingers spreading over it. Your mind goes blank. You can feel his length pressed against you, you didn't think he'd do it, is this pushing your boundaries? He’s not touching you. And you want him there! Besides, this is fake. 
But he's doing it. And you desperately want more. 
“Bad girls get teased until they can't take it any more.” He bites your lower lip, not hard enough to draw blood, but just enough to jolt you and shake your senses. “If this were real, sweetheart,” he begins, his voice huskier and raspier than ever, needier even, it seems. “I would bend you to my will and have you on the brink of exhaustion, pleads and prayers escaping your lips in mewls and moans, before I took you right here, against this closet, until you begged for release between screams and cries of desperation.”
The image he paints is so real that you almost feel yourself snap, the coil within you starts to unravel as he presses just a bit further, his lips hovering just above yours, his fingers digging into the plushness of your thighs. 
“But this is not real, and you've been a very good girl so far.” As his lips finally crash against yours, a soft thrust of his hip pushes him against your clothed clit. The friction of the seams on his jeans hits you just right, and you snap without any kind of warning.
Your back arches and you moan into his kiss like never before as your body clenches and squirms, your leg wrapping around his waist, pulling him deeper into you. A freeing, warm sensation fills you, building like a flame, higher and higher and he takes it all. His tongue slides against yours, swallowing your moans as if he needs them to breathe. His hands grip you tight and he's still pressed flush against you. 
It's all too much. 
It's not enough. 
And it's over too soon. 
He parts the kiss and you're both left panting. Law doesn't meet your gaze as he removes his hands and composes your dress, pulling back slightly, while ensuring you can stand on your own. Clearly he overdid what he meant to do. 
“Are you alright?” He asks, worry lacing his words as you struggle to catch your breath. You should feel embarrassed. You’re in a fake relationship and yet, here you stand, in post-orgasmic bliss wondering if he regrets what just happened. But you’re not ashamed, far from it. You feel free. 
“Yes.” Your voice still comes out in shaky gasps, but your legs - though wobbly - manage to sustain you. 
Law nods and clears his throat. “I'm… I'm going to take a shower, to get ready for dinner. Unless you want to go first?”
“No, no. You go. I… I need to choose what I’ll wear first and-... you go.”
He nods, turning away from you, walking towards the bathroom, his pace more erratic than usual. 
What just happened?
|Chapter 6🔞|
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dragubel · 9 months ago
🌹⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹🎸⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹❤️
Jonathan Davis x Fem Reader
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🌹⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹🎸⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹❤️
┃You finally meet Jonathan after eight months of not being able to see him for a long while, you were Jonathan's old friend, or.. that's what you thought until... Well, you'll see ;)
┃words: 1997
┃Physical sex: AFAB
┃Contains the following: Cussing, sex, cunnilingus, P in V, unprotected intercourse, drunk sex, praise, degradation, public area, Fluff, aftercare, and comfort.
🌹⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹🎸⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹❤️
as you step into the dimly lit bar, amidst the crowded people, you can point out Jonathan and the rest of his band. you and Jonathan have been good friends for a long time, and even had some intimate moments together in the past and even recently. you push yourself through the crowd of drunken people as you try to get to the front of the bar where you can see Jonathan and the rest of his band. you can see Jon pointing at the strongest drink on the menu, and thanking the bartender politely when they handed it to him, as he immediately started chugging it. Finally, after maneuvering through the crowd, you reach Jonathan’s side, his bandmates initially wearing expressions of confusion as they struggle to recall who you are amidst their intoxication. However, it doesn’t take long for recognition to dawn upon them, as they recall the countless encounters you shared back in the early 1990s. A warm smile spreads across your face as you embrace Jonathan, the familiarity and fondness between you are evident in that heartfelt hug. The reunion feels like coming home, even amidst the pulsing chaos of the bar, and it sparks a strong sense of intimacy between you and Jonathan for the night ahead.
“Hey! Where’ve you been for like eight months??” he questioned you with his words kinda slurred.
Your gaze met his, a mixture of amusement and affection in your eyes as you playfully nudged him.
“Well, life got a little crazy, but I’m here now,” you replied, a playful tone in your voice. “I’ve missed you, Jonathan. It’s been a while.”
Jonathan’s face lit up with a mixture of relief and excitement. “I Missed you too, ___,” he confessed, his voice tinged with genuine warmth.
As the hours slipped away and the bar thrived with energy, your conversations grew deeper, echoing the intimacy you once shared. Jonathan’s intoxicated and seductive gaze locked onto yours, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions - longing, curiosity, and perhaps a hint of something intimate, almost even hypnotic. The allure of the night entwined with the unimaginable amount of chemistry between you, igniting a magnetic pull that couldn’t be excused.
You were completely in love with him, as the feelings were mutual. His eyes, his smile, his personality, his voice, his hair…. everything about him just made you want him more than anything else in the world. “uh- I have to go to the bathroom.” you excused yourself as you pushed through the drunk crowd again, covering your face as it was bright red.
as you finally push yourself through the crowd and arrive in the dirty public bathroom, and you sit on the toilet in one of the stalls thinking about how Jonathan could genuinely love to be around a person like you. you never liked looking in the mirror every day, you think you’re annoying, you just don’t like yourself, but Jonathan does. you sat in the bathroom stall for over 30 minutes, completely zoning out and just staring at the badly drawn graffiti on the door of the stall, until you hear the door open and hear a familiar voice ask you, “Hey, you okay, ___?”
it was Jonathan, he unsteadily stepped closer to the small bathroom stall you were sitting in, you sat up correctly on the closed toilet and nervously answered 
“Yeah, I'm fine!” you unlock the bathroom stall door to see him standing in front of the door, staring down at the dirty floor until he realizes the door has opened to meet you standing there. His eyes slowly lift from the floor, and as they meet yours, a mixture of concern and tenderness washes over his face. Jonathan takes a step closer, his voice filled with genuine worry.
“___, are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, his slurred words laced with a sincere desire to understand. A thousand thoughts swirl in your mind as you take in the sight of him, the one person who has always seen through your insecurities. With a deep breath, you gather the courage to open up, to let him see the vulnerability that lies within.
“I… I just needed a moment,” you reply softly, your voice trembling slightly. “Sometimes, I struggle with my self-worth, and being around you, it’s both exhilarating and terrifying.”
Jonathan’s gaze softens, his eyes reflecting a depth of understanding that goes beyond words. He reaches out, his hand gently cupping your cheek, a gesture of comfort and reassurance.
“___, you are so much more than you give yourself credit for,” he says, his voice filled with sincerity. “To me, you’re the only person who was able to make me feel this way.”
without hesitation, you immediately kissed him deeply. his eyes widened in surprise, but you could tell he wasn't gonna do it sooner or later out of nervousness. you guys immediately start making out drunkenly, completely unaware of what else is going on, you two didn't have a care in the world. As the makeout session quickly starts to get more and more heated, before you know it, you are pinned up to the wall by Jonathan. he breaks off the kiss and looks at you deeply in the eyes seductively, as he starts to undo his belt with a drunken smirk on his face. his jeans fall to his ankles quickly, and he pulls down his boxers to reveal his boner. Your head is completely foggy, but you go along with it as you start to undo the zipper on your pants and uncover your soaked pussy. he grabs you by the thighs to pin you up to the wall in a more comfortable position and sticks his bulging fuzzy cock into your drenched intimate area. the bouncing between Jonathan's thighs and yours become wetter and louder by the second, along with drunken moans coming from both of you. the pace picks up instantly as he heard you whimper and moan, making you scream with the unexpected change of speed of his dick sliding abruptly in and out of your wet tunnel. the two of you start to moan into each other's mouth as the moment continues to go on for what feels like forever, which you couldn't complain about. as time goes on, Jonathan finally orgasms inside of your moist vaginal insides as he exits, leaving a white sticky substance behind. after a little bit of heavy breathing from Jonathan, he decided he wanted to change positions. he picks you off from you propped on the wall and sets you down carefully on the toilet seat, spreading your legs along with looking up at you while biting his lip seductively, preparing to give you even more pleasure, as you didn't think it was possible. he leans closer to your wet vagina lips and carefully slides his tongue inside, wiggling it around as a way of teasing you. you whimper at this act, and he smiles alluringly and starts tongue fucking you faster, sliding in and out faster and faster after each second passes. your eyes roll back as you bite your lip, your head is a foggy mess, but you are enjoying every second of what is happening outside of it. jonathan lightly sucks on your clit, along with sliding his already moist fingers into your other hole. you moan loudly as he picks up the pace and proceeds to suck your clit, harder and sloppier this time, along with giving occasional nibbles at times. his tongue slides out slowly along with his fingers. he looks up at you seductively as he's licking his fingers, now drenched in moisture. 
“you taste so good, my dirty little slut~” he praised. you get more and more aroused just looking at him, and you can't take it anymore. As he stands up, you lightly stroke his cock, letting him get to be pleasured as well. he whimpers as you do this, as of he wasn't expecting it. you start stimulating his moist tip and stroking his long lightly trimmed cock. you speed up the pace as well as rubbing around his anus to get him equal pleasure to what he gave to you. his head tips back as you start to full-on deepthroat him faster along with fingering his asshole. he grips your hair and pushes your head down on his cock as he moans loudly. you proceed to deepthroat him faster and faster, still caressing his dick. finally, once again, he cums as he lets out a long, relieved moan. you lick the leftover cum from your lips while making loving eye contact with each other. you get up to have another makeout session with each other, but then you two realize that the rest of Jonathan's band is still in the bar.
“Don't worry, I'll tell them that you're fine and that we just got… ‘carried away’ I guess.”
jonathan announced so you won't get stressed out. he opens the door and steps out of the bathroom, but forgets to look at himself in the mirror to find out that he's all sweaty and red. Jonathan walks out to the less crowded bar to find the rest of his band members sitting in a booth eating. they looked up at him in relief to find out that everything was fine, but they were still concerned as to why he was all red.
“what took so long?” munky asked Jonathan, looking up at him in confusion. “well, everything is fine, we just got carried away.” Jon responded as he scratched the back of his head. “go grab ___ and ask if they want anything on the go cuz we gotta head out soon” Head announced as he finished the rest of his food. “wait, they can stay?” Jon asks in confusion but also excitement. “I mean, if they can and if they want to, we don't care.” head explains.
jonathan steps back into the bathroom and opens the stall door to find you sitting on the toilet seat, picking at the skin on your fingers.
“Hey, do you want anything on the go?” Jonathan asks you sweetly, being aware that you were stressed out they would find out and possibly be upset. “uh, what do they have?” you ask, but then cut yourself off. “wait, I can come with you guys???” you ask excitedly as jon nods his head.
you get food to go and eat in the tour bus, completely forgetting about the fact that you guys had sex in the bathroom about 30 minutes ago.
it's now around 12:30 AM and you are all getting tired, so you go to ask Jonathan something. “where do I sleep?” you ask curiously. “you can sleep in my bunk. ill sleep on the sofa” he exclaims. you nod OK and go to take a nap but then realize Jonathan has to sleep on the sofa, so you feel bad for taking his bunk.
“Hey Jon? you can have your bunk. I feel bad for taking it.” you apologized. Jonathan nods. “well why don't we just share?” he responds asking in curiosity. your face goes bright red thinking about sleeping in the same bunk as him, snuggling up against each other, stroking each other's hair, etc.
“___?” he asks in a worried tone, as your eyes are wide open and your face is completely red. “uh- yeah that's fine,” you say quickly, without hesitation.
when everyone got tired, Jonathan decided to stay up a little late doing who knows what. maybe writing songs. but he then also got tired and decided to climb into his bunk but was met with something else.
you were snuggled up inside of jonathans bunk, dead asleep. jonathan smiles softly at the cute sight and climbs into his bunk, along with wrapping his arms around you and getting cozy.
after a while, he as well falls asleep, while hugging you tightly, to make sure you feel safe and secure.
🌹⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹🎸⊹。⋆✧。˚⭒ ⋆ ✦ ⋆⭒˚。✧⋆。⊹❤️
i found this in the drafts when i was in the hospital, made this on my phone lmao and i am so sorry if i used y/n or fucked up in any type of way, i was put on sum heavy medication while i was in there so sorry if its fucky lmao i had so much fun making this though!
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defnotv11 · 6 months ago
JD fic where you work with Korn (sorta like a manager I guess) and he starts crushing on you ;)
| 𐙚 Jonathan Davis x Reader
authors note-FINALLY. deeply wanna apologize for taking so damn long, tysm for waiting and be patient! I had a shit tone of things to do but finally here it is🙏🙏💯
Warnings: none!
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Being the manager for Korn wasn’t as easy. The stress and tour planning felt overwhelming, but over time, you learned to handle the demands of the job. Just like right now, you were currently trying to find a suitable venue for their upcoming show.
The chair creaked as I slumped back, the movement sending it wobbling unsteadily. My hands dropped to the arms, A frustrated sigh escaped my lips, the sound loud in the otherwise silent room. I hung there for a moment, suspended between the chair and the floor but the sound of someone’s voice made me snap out of my thoughts.
"Hey," the speaker said and from the sound of his raspy voice, I could tell it was Jonathan. He appeared to be in a much happier mood than he had been this morning. I sat up again and we made eye contact. “Oh hello,“ I said, cracking a little smile at him. “You look stressed.” He said. “Is it that obvious?” I joked. He chuckled and sat down on the stool beside me with a beer in his hand, playing with his dreads like he always does. There’s not one interview I’ve seen where he’s not playing with them. “Mind if I hang here?” He said as he took a sip from his beer. I smiled and leaned back against the chair, the fabric brushing against my neck. “yeah, kinda needed some company anyways…” I say my eyes looking down at the floor.
I always liked having Jon around. I love how he just goes on and on talking about all the things that he does and stuff that happens in his life here and there. It was kinda cute to be honest. I also noticed how he’s more open to me then others, he even tells me about his issues and personal things. At the corner of my eye, I could see him just staring at me. Almost out of admiration and watching every tiny movement I made. The room was silent as I continued to be lost in my own thoughts and being somewhat completely relaxed.
“um…I was wondering if you would like to come outside with me?” —— I snapped out of my thoughts at the sudden sound of his voice. His tone was sweet and had a hint of hope. I looked back at him and smiled. He was always so shy and awkward. Despite how rough and aggressive he is on stage, he is actually a just a shy guy. Honestly I did need to go out. I’ve been rotting inside since morning and it wasn’t gonna get any better if I stayed inside working. “Sure, why not” I say as I got up from my seat and fixed my shirt a little. Jon’s eyes darted up to my upper body and his eyes lingered a little on my chest and I could tell he was slightly blushing but he immediately brushed it off by getting up as well, now holding his empty beer.
The weather was warm and felt nice to be out in this nice weather. I listened to the trees rustle together and continued to walk with Jonathan as we stood in silence taking in the peacefulness. I always notice how he always wants to be near me and oftentimes gets a little jealous when I’m with someone else. The thought of that made me think of more things. Like when I’m on the phone or discussing things with others. He always seemed to be worried and jealous. I didn’t wanna think too much about it because I could be getting the wrong idea or assuming things. “uh….I made this for you..” He suddenly stopped walking and hands out a rock that had some sort of design. I could tell he put a lot of effort into it because of how he tried to make it perfect. I felt my heart flutter and I was slightly surprised. “For me?” I mumbled gently taking it from his hand and running my thumb over the design. “mhm….It’s nice right?” He said chuckling slightly and smiling at me with at goofy smile of his.
I felt a wave of affection and I found it so heartwarming. “Beautiful..” I said looking up at him. “Your really sweet, you know that?” I spoke softly and genuinely, I noticed he got a little flustered and red when I said “sweet”. He was though, very. “haha…I’m glad you like it…” he mumbled happily and I knew he was absolutely going insane inside.
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memobread · 2 years ago
open ur mouth bc daddy bread's gonna spread his cheeks and pour u a nice hot cup of jon fluff while he writes the big dic fic
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POV: jonathan davis comforts u after a nightmare <3
"Watch them burn..."
You could vividly hear the high-pitched, sobbing painful shrieks of your mom and brother as you were tied to a wooden cross, nails hammered through each of your palms.
"Help me, Y/N!! Why won't you help me?! Do you not love me?!"
You tried to scream, but you physically couldn't.
"HELP ME!!! HELP!!!"
"You're not helping him? After all he's done for you?"
"...why should he even die for you, anyway?"
When one of the indistinct figures below you lit the straw on fire at the base of the cross, it immediately combusted into violent flames. You could suddenly feel your legs part by themselves; wider and wider until your muscles stretched nearly to the point of snapping. You felt a weird sharp sensation when your legs went farther apart, your nerves and muscles had snapped. You were startled by a rattling of the cross. When you looked down, you saw a mutilated figure with an unhinged jaw and severed eyelids scrambling up to your snapped body. Before it could reach you, though, everything went black and you felt a sudden change in your environment feel.
The dream was so vivid and real that it took you several seconds to register what dimension you were in. You were somewhere; most likely safer than whatever hellscape you were in just a few seconds ago, although, you were afraid to open your eyes. When you gained a little more consciousness, you recognized that the comforting sensation surrounding your trembling body was a pair of firm, yet comfy arms. The comforting musk that came with the embrace was the one of your boyfriend, Jonathan. You let out a quiet sigh of relief when you realized what happened was only a dream. however, you were still shaken and close to having a panic attack. Tears pricked at your eyes and you struggled to breathe. You tried to wriggle out of Jon's embrace to get some fresh air, but he woke up, noticing his human pillow was trying to escape his cuddly grasp.
Jon whined and pulled you back in, not seeing your tears just yet. The inability to get fresh air and calm down made your sobs more audible, catching Jon's attention.
"...mmh...mnaww....baby, what's wrong...?"
Jon let you go so you could sit up and you buried your head into your knees and cried like you needed to.
"...baby....baby what's wrong?"
You could only sob into your knees, giving Jon the hint that you needed a minute or two. He gladly took it, willing to do anything to make you comfy <3. When you were ready, you crawled back up into Jon's comfy arms and nestled in his chest, wrapping your arms around his thin waist.
"What's going on, hon?" Jon asked worriedly, playing with your hair.
You told him everything; about the creature, the traumatic memories, and your family members.
"...aww, baby..."
Jon pulled you back to the bed, rolling on top of you lightly and feathering kisses all over your face and hands, his tickling mustache making you giggle through a few tears.
"...it's okay...you're here now with me...you're safe..."
And you WERE safe. Nothing was safer than Jon's arms rubbing your scalp and back, his soft lips pressing to the top of your head while he whispers sweet nothings into your hair. Returning the favor, you gave Jon several loving kisses on his sweet face, making him blush. He hugged you tighter than before and rolled on top of you, laughing as he pinned your arms to the bed. He dove down with an evil grin and started attacking you with frantic kisses, making you giggle like a little gremlin as you tried to beat him at his little game while he was on top.
"...ngh...ah! Stoooop! You're gonna make me lose my balance and fall!"
Jon rolled off you and pulled you to his chest again, giggling to himself.
"It's all gonna be okay now...I'm here...I'm here..."
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emma23 · 8 months ago
This masterlist will be about Oscar Isaac characters. I will maybe do some Pedro pascal characters too but it will be mainly about Oscar Isaac.
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U can know tips if u like my fics. Those will help me paying my school. Thanks all 💕
Link: https://ko-fi.com/settings?tab=profile
The most recent fic:
28/02: trapped with you 🌹🔥 (Jake lockley x reader)
27/02: by your side 🥰🌹 (Jonathan levy x reader)
27/02: turning the strings of trust 🌹 (llewyn davis x reader)
26/02: when the world took you 😔💔 (Peter Parker x reader)
25/02: behind closed doors 🌹🔥 (nathan Bateman x reader)
Fluff: 🥰
Romance: 🌹
Angst: 😔
Hurt: 💔
Confort: 🤗
Smut: 🔥
Magic: 💫
Dark: 🖤
Mystery: 🕵🏻‍♂️
Oscar Isaac character:
Masterlist Poe dameron:
Masterlist Steven grant:
Masterlist Jonathan Levy:
Masterlist Nathan Bateman:
Masterlist santiago Garcia:
Masterlist marc Spector:
Masterlist Jake Lockley:
Masterlist Llewyn Davis:
Masterlist duke Leto astreides:
Masterlist Blue jones:
Masterlist moon knight:
Miguel o’hara:
Dark Miguel 🖤
Maybe the tests aren't quite right 🤗
It’s just a dare 🌹
Boss Miguel 🖤
Caught in the web of love 🌹
Chasing ghosts 💔🖤
The taste of cherry 🌹
Rydal keener:
The honeymoon 💔
The worst tour guide ever 🌹
Cats confusion and a charmer named Rydal 💔
Orestes x reader 🌹
The fall of Alexandria 😔
The sun and the moon 🤗
The astronomer and the prefect 🌹
Kane x reader 😔
In the shadow of the Shimmer 😔
Bud Cooper:
Unmasking Suburbicon 🕵🏻‍♂️
Unexpected encounters 🌹
Basil Stitt:
The Lightning connection 🤗
Lightning in a bottle 🔥:
Cecil Denis:
Melting point 🔥
Chaotic rhythms 🔥
Beneath the surface 🤗
Wait, I don’t get it, please explain 🥰
Waiting for something special 🌹
William Tell:
Rolling the dice on us 😔
The odds of us 🔥🌹
A house of his own making 🖤🌹
Two hands one heart 🌹
Playing with fire 🔥🌹
A flutter of choices 🥰🌹🔥
Richard Munoz:
Muffled confessions 💔
Boundaries and bullies 🔥
King John:
Falling for the villain 🔥🌹
A royal misstep 🔥
A fragile crown 😔🤗
The king’s proposition 🔥
Between a crown and a hard place 🌹
The Royal game 😔🌹
Anselm Vogelweide:
The crumbling brick 💔
The translation game🌹
Laurent leclert:
The art of deception 🌹
Kiss and run 🥰
A deal too personal 🔥
Pedro Pascal charecter:
Masterlist Joel miller
Tom holland characters:
Masterlist Peter Parker
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eternalslover · 2 years ago
He's so pretty
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korn-dogz · 2 years ago
Can you do a Jonathan davis x reader where the reader is the manager of korn and has to book the band into a hotel but it turns into a one bed trope where jon and the reader has to sleep in the same bed then confess their love for each other. (Feel free to add smut idc😌)
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Summary: you and Jonathan have to share a bed in a hotel room
WARNING: fluff, Jonathan being a shy little guy
You had to book a hotel for Korns next city, it was a pain in the ass because everywhere korn went they kinda destroyed the place. You tried to talk to them about not ruining the place but they didn’t care, in fieldys words “were rockstars!”
Before you got to the hotel, everyone in the tour bus was deciding who shared a room with who, you heard giggling behind you and Jonathan scrambling to stop munky “hey Y/N!” Munky called over to you, you turned around “are you ok with sharing a room with Jonathan?" You had liked Jonathan for a while now so this was a dream come true “sure” you said casually but inside you were so excited. You finally arrived to your hotel and the guys were unpacking their stuff, you went over to the front desk and got the keys to the room “ok guys here’s your keys, bring your stuff up to your room and get some rest, I’ll be at your door by 8:00 am tomorrow” you finished saying your things and helped Jonathan up to your guys room “I hope it’s ok that we are sharing a room” Jonathan said nervously “oh yeah, it’s fine don’t worry about it” the elevator got to your floor and you walked to your room number
You opened the door and held it open for Jonathan to put all his stuff on a bed, you heard all his stuff go on a bed before he spoke “um, there’s only one bed” your head shot up as you looked to see if he was joking… he wasn’t, there really only was one bed “oh um, that’s fine, I’ll sleep on the chair” you said, even though you really wanted to sleep with him “no no, it’s ok, we can share the bed” you thought he was just being humble and offering to share a bed but you didnt know is hat he had a crush on you
“Ok sure” you said casually, you helped Jonathan set down everything and hopped into bed with him “do you wanna watch anything before we sleep?” You ask him with the remote in your hand “sure” you turn on the tv and flip through channels before you stop on scream “oh I love this movie!” You said as you put aside the remote and scooted upwards so you can sit up. Jonathan moved closer to you, hoping you didn’t notice “uh can I lay my head on your shoulder?” Jonathan asked shyly “sure go ahead” your heart was racing when we leaned against you. Adding onto laying his head on your shoulder he curled up next to you. You felt him jump at a jump scare in the movie and you giggled “wanna hold my hand?” You asked slyly “yes…” he grabbed your hand and held it tight, halfway in the movie he interlocked your fingers. You couldn’t believe what was going on, you could feel his heart beating faster and faster every time you or him did something. When the movie ended you looked over at Jonathan who was half awake “you tired Jon? We should get some sleep” Jonathan nodded and laid the two of you down, not letting go of you
“Oh! Um…. Is it ok if I hold you like this” you loved the way Jonathan was so considerate “yeah it’s ok” you smiled as Jonathan came even closer and hugged your side, you realized that he was cuddling you so you put an arm over him. You knew that Jonathan was kinda touch starved, he loved hugging you, and butting you…. Which wasn’t your favourite but you put up with it “hey Y/N?” Jonathan perked up “yeah?” You replied “um…. I really like you, like I like you a lot. More then just friends, you’re so kind to me and I don’t know why, you’re so sweet and beautiful” Jonathan buried his head into your side as he confessed his feelings for you, you stared at him in disbelief “really?” Was the only thing you could mutter out “yeah… it’s ok if you don’t feel the same”before he could finish you cut him off “no! I feel the same, I was just shocked that you liked me back after all these years…” Jonathan looked up, his pretty eyes were sparking “I really do like you Jonathan, I never thought you’d like me back” you stroked his hair and looked the offer way before you felt him move up closer to kiss your cheek “you don’t know how much that means to me” he hugged you tighter and nuzzled his head into your neck and fell asleep
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year ago
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My Masterlist
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
THANK YOU for every single follow and interaction! Every single reply, comment and rb makes my heart explode! I'm a bit overdue for a 1k so I thought I would combine it with a ✨Holiday Celebration✨
There will be 2 parts to this party:
Celebration Part One✨
Based on this poll, 400 of you voted, and the Moon Dads/Hanukkah idea won.
However, the Miguel/Christmas idea was such a close second, I decided to make a holiday event. LET'S DO THEM ALL!
Here's the schedule for Nov. 26-Dec. 30: (I will try to post on Saturdays or Sundays)
UPDATE: They have titles now! Each one is a holiday song title
WEEK 1: 🫂💖 "Jingle Bells" - Santiago Garcia comfort/cheer-you-up ficlet for this busy, sometimes lonely time of year. Occurs during the holidays, but is not holiday-specific. Fun fact: Jingle Bells is actually a Thanksgiving song. Thanks to the moots who helped me pick Santi
WEEK 2: 🌙🕎 "Eight Nights (in December)"* Moon Knight System as dads/Hanukkah short story. Thanks for voting! This story is your winner! 🏆
WEEK 3: 🕷️🎄"(Everybody's Waitin' for) The Man With the Bag" Miguel O'Hara/Christmas one-shot
WEEK 4: 🎅🏼🐶 “Fairytale of New York” 18+ Pathetic Puppy Llewyn Davis on Christmas Eve one-shot ^ This occurs on Christmas Eve, but doesn't necessarily mean characters celebrate Christmas
WEEK 5: 💫🌳 "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" Poe Dameron/Life Day one-shot *"Eight Nights" is a gorgeous Hanukkah song by Rosi Golan if you're not familiar
Celebration Part Two✨
And here's how you can get involved in the celebration:
I will be taking specific requests for the following characters. Please read this entire post before requesting:
🌙Moon Knight - Marc Spector, Steven Grant and/or Jake Lockley 🕸️Across the Spiderverse - Miguel O'Hara 💫Star Wars - Poe Dameron 🤖Ex Machina - Nathan Bateman 💵Triple Frontier - Santiago Garcia 🎬Scenes From a Marriage - Jonathan Levy
There are a few other Oscar Isaac characters I might attempt, if asked.
— rules: • must be following me & must be 18+ • No request limit at this time, but let me know your top priority request if you have more than one. • requests don't have to be holiday based, but they can be!
Pick a character (above) and request:
1.🖼️- a moodboard - you can tell me the scenario or vibe, or I can pick for you! Telling me a little about yourself will help 2. 🦸🏽- a character blurb from one of my stories My Masterlist 3. 🤔- headcanons for blorbos. Requests for stories/ficlets/one shots, etc. are not open for this event
Ideas below if you need them:
here - romantic confession dialogue prompts here - married life prompts here - tender prompts here - affectionate prompts here - protective prompts here - variety prompts: angst, fluff, smut, bittersweet
4. 🎮 - games - "Would You Rather?" or "FMK" (I'll probably answer you with kiss rather than kill) 5. 📚- fic recs - Recommend a fic for me to read - can be yours or someone else's, OR ask me for recommendations because I've been reading for FOREVER and I have some writer moots who are rad af 6. ❓- questions about me, my stories or anything at all 7. 📸- send me your favorite pic or thoughts about your blorbo 8. 🤍- get-to-know-you questions here or Top 3's here - ask me to get to know me, I'll answer and ask you one back! 9. ➡️⬅️- follow backs - I need more blogs to follow. Tell me why I should follow you. What are you into?
1000 Follower/Holiday Celebration Masterlist
My Masterlist
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blue-sadie · 1 year ago
Request Page
Platonic = 🌼 Fluff = 🌺 Smut =🌹 Lime =⚘️ Angst = 🥀 Yandere =🍁
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Temptation - Bucky 🌹
Khonsu's Turn - Khonsu 🌹
Gentle Touch - Loki 🌺
Sit Upon The Throne - Loki 🌹
Praises - Marc 🌹
Five Stars - Peter 🌺
After Class Punishments - Moon System 🌹
Reflections - Moon System 🌹
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Incorrect Quotes
Crusty... What? - Bucky, Natasha
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Drive On - Jake 🌹
Take A Breather - Miguel 🌹
Blood Flood - Peter 🌺
Save Him - Moon System 🥀🌺
Bloody Hands - Moon System 🥀🌺
Three For The Price Of One - Moon System 🌹
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Different Versions Oscar Isaac Characters: Moon System, Marcus, Shiv, Basil Stitt, Jonathan Levy, Llewyn Davis, William Tell, Cecil Dennis, Robbie Paulson, Outcome 3 (David), Santiago Gracia, Kane, Nathan Bateman, Leto Atreides, Poe Dameron, Peter Malkin, Bassam, Prince John, Orestes, Laurent Leclaire, Oscar Isaac
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Modern Day
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Flashing Lights - Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes 🌺
Beach Sun - Bucky Barnes Petro Maximoff,Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Thor, Tony Stark 🌹
Bubbling Heat - Jake Lockley, Tony Stark, Steven Rogers, Bruce Banner, Loki, Stephan Strange 🌹
Kiss The Cook - Peter Parker, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Thor, Bucky Barnes 🌹
Movie Marathon - Jake Lockley, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Bucky Barnes 🌹
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NSFW and SFW Alphabet
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Apologizing After A Fight - Moon System
Dating An Artist - Moon System
they accidentally hurt you when having a nightmare - Moon System
Them when Your On Your Period - Stephen Strange, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker
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