#reader x trafalgar law
The Meet Cute - Law's Story - 4
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The Great Pretender 4
Word Count: 5946
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader; Law is a soft dom; you have bratty tendencies (not all the time); voice kink; praise kink; cursing; very suggestive behaviour and innuendo from the start; sexual tension; teasing; so much flirting; romance; slow-burn; fluff; slight angst; mature audiences (though explicit NSFW moments will be properly tagged on the chapter); possessive Law; protective Law; soft Law; teasing Law; manipulative Doflamingo; inappropriate Doflamingo; fake relationship trope; only one-bed trope; reader has some anxiety issues; reader is a control freak and perfectionist; modern day AU
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You and Law (your father's doctor) start to build a flirty friendship because of your father’s procedure. So much so that when he’s invited to Baby 5’s wedding (his cousin), he asks you to be his date. His uncle Doflamingo - who is filthy rich - is very adamant on finding a suitable wife for him. Seeing as he wants to avoid that, he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the weekend.
Notes: Oh... chapter 4 is so much fun... My favourite so far, please enjoy! Special shout-out to @jintaka-hane for showing me a fanart of Law with the cute Bepo pen! I HAD to add it to this chapter!
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil
|Chapter 3|
Law took you up on that promise for the second-best coffee in town, using the excuse that he had some free time and wanted to check on your father. It didn’t really matter that he barely took five minutes to assure your father was fine before you two talked for almost two hours over coffee about books. 
You also used your father as an excuse the same week, when you visited Law at the clinic saying that you weren’t sure about one of the pills he had to take, because it made him droopy and sleepy. You knew it didn’t matter and Law assured you his medication was fine but if he was uneasy about the side effects of that pill, he could take a different one - which he prescribed. And then he took you out to coffee - the best in town - and you talked for another hour before he had to get back. This time he shared a bit about his hobbies and you shared yours. 
Kaya had an insufferable dreamy look on her face when you went back to the clinic with Law because your car was parked there and you had forgotten to validate the parking ticket. You couldn’t help the creeping blush on your cheeks as she, Penguin and Shachi watched you both arrive at the clinic together, looking fresh out of a coffee date. 
Penguin and Shachi made smooching sounds at Law and you were pretty sure, based on Law’s pulsing jaw, that they would both be on the receiving end of his anger soon enough. Kaya, instead, decided to take all the fun out on you. “How was your date?”
“Not a date! Please, Kaya, validate the ticket. I need to get back to my dad.”
“Sure, sweetheart, sure. I’ll see you soon. I’m not sure the two of you can stay apart from each other until Monday.” Rolling your eyes to the back of your head, you tell her goodbye and turn to leave, but she doesn’t let you go easily. “I’ve never seen him this happy in years, honey!”
You don't turn back to her, but you can’t help the silliest grin ever from forming on your lips. 
About a month rolls by slowly. Your dad is perfectly fine now, though he’s still not allowed to lift heavy things; your part-time job has a fairly good chance of turning into a full-time one with more responsibilities and an increase in your salary; you haven’t thought about your dumb heartache in forever and…
Well you and Law keep having little coffee dates. The tension between both of you is becoming increasingly larger and much more charged. He was away for about a week at a medical conference, and you suffered from withdrawal. You both texted, but you didn’t want to bother him and he was pretty busy, being one of the main speakers - man’s a genius!
Kaya keeps pestering you about how perfect you both are for each other and now that you’ve met Usopp - her fiancé - he says the same. And the way he says it makes everything sound even more romantic and story-like than when Kaya does it. You’re confused about the way you feel about the doctor, but you can’t help the little jumps and pangs in your chest whenever you’re together. 
So today, as you stand in front of the mirror adjusting some of your cutest clothes, you can’t help but feel butterflies in your stomach. Law texted you saying he needs to speak with you urgently. You’re beyond curious as to what he means by that and your mind has already conjured about fifty different ideas of what it could be. Your anxiety is already building, making plan after plan about what he’s going to say, how you will respond and all the possible outcomes. About half of your thoughts end with you two making out. The others are terrible scenarios about complications with your father’s exams or the possibility that Law is moving to a different country. 
You’re not in control. And you hate it.
Sighing you grab your jacket and sunglasses and tell your dad you’re going out and don’t know when you’ll be back. You manage to ignore his smirk, but can’t ignore the ‘Tell Law I said hi!’ he sing-songs to you as you leave, though you never told Shanks who you were going to meet.  
Law told you to meet at Sanji’s, but when you arrive, he’s waiting by the door with two cups of coffee in his hands, and you realise he doesn’t want to hang around the café. Before you open your mouth, you have to swallow the hard lump that’s formed in your throat. A simple week of absence made the eyes grow fonder! You know that’s not the saying, but damn, the hot doctor looks even hotter now. He’s wearing his scrubs, but instead of the white doctor’s coat, he has a long black coat over them.
“Hi.” You whisper as he smirks at you, his eyes taking you in, making you realise you made the right choice of outfit.
“Hello, you look as gorgeous as ever.” You can’t hide the pink in your cheeks. It’s something you should’ve already grown accustomed to. Law always praises you, telling you how beautiful you look and what good taste you have. As if that weren’t enough, he pulls doors and chairs for you, he’s a gentleman. Though he doesn’t often show it, since, to almost everyone else, he’s just a moody, broody, stoic doctor. But he makes you feel special.
From your talks, you know he had etiquette lessons growing up with his uncles. Though he never cared for them, Law couldn’t help but absorb the lessons like a sponge. He told you that’s how he knows so many things. He just absorbs information, even useless stuff. 
And at least now, as he claims, he’s putting those etiquette lessons to good use, because you melt every time he treats you like you’re the only person in the world. And he seems to enjoy leaving you speechless in his presence.
“Thank you. So we’re walking?” You ask as Law hands you the coffee.
“Yes, I need to ask you something and I’d rather not be too exposed to do it.”
Oh? What does he want to ask you? You can’t help but make more silly little scenarios in your head and get overwhelmed by them, but then he softly nudges you with his shoulder.
“Relax. Let go. You don’t need to be in control all the time, we’ve been through this.” He smirks at you and you chuckle back at him. He can always read you so well. He’s teased about what he could do to make you surrender control to him. He’s never been too explicit and you were always too afraid to ask.
But you know what he means. He’s talking about intimate settings, where you can let him take charge. And you can’t deny that it’s an alluring thought, to just let go of being responsible, of always having to be in control, of constantly needing to know what happens next.
But is it a door you really want to open?
“You’re doing it again.” He states, deadpan, and you sigh.
“I can’t help it. It’s stronger than me.”
“Right, I’m aware of that.” He leads you to the park, to a more secluded bench, where you both sit down. You sip your coffee in silence, waiting for him to speak, and you’re grateful you grabbed your jacket, as the weather has turned chilly. 
He seems to be debating something in his head, opening his mouth and closing it again, perhaps unsure of how to approach the subject he wants to tell you about. 
Until he sighs and finally does it.
“Remember when I told you about my uncles?” You nod. “Well, my uncle Doffy has an adoptive daughter - Baby 5 - and she’s getting married next weekend.” He sighs and you nod. You already knew Doflamingo had a daughter and that she was beautiful - Ichiji had made sure you knew, trying to get a rise out of you while blatantly flirting with her.
“Doflamingo he… well he’s always taken a special interest in me. He made sure I went to the best schools, had the best teachers and received the best education possible. He polished me to follow in his footsteps, to take over his enterprise as an heir. I never showed any interest in it.”
Interesting. “Why not have his own daughter take over the company?” You blurted out before filtering the question through your brain. Maybe he didn’t want to share more details than he was willing to give.
“Ah, because my cousin is very fickle with her affections… she loves too hard, too fast. She’s always willing to accept any proposal from any man who dares to stare at her a moment too long. This is her third attempted marriage, actually - Doffy called off the other ones before they went through.” He chuckles, clearly understating his cousin, and you can’t help but be surprised. “So my uncle can’t risk some man telling Baby 5 she’s beautiful and getting her to sign a prenup that takes away the company.”
You nod in understanding and take another sip of coffee.
“Anyway, I never meant to take over his place and, for now, he doesn’t press the subject. He knows I want to practise medicine. Though he makes sure I know everything that happens in the company - which I do - and he keeps me on the board. Unfortunately, Doffy also thinks he has a say in who I date - or eventually marry - even going as far as setting me up on dates with ‘possible candidates’.”
“That seems a bit controlling…” You mumble.
“It is. Doffy is many things, and controlling and manipulative are some of them.” Law takes a long sip of his coffee until the crinkle between his eyebrows relaxes and disappears. It’s the second time you’ve seen him rattled beyond his mask of perfect control. And Doflamingo always seems to be behind it. “I’ve avoided bringing any girl back to his house because he can be very inconvenient. But I know that if I show up to my cousin’s wedding without a date, he’ll want to introduce me to every eligible young lady he deems fit to welcome into the family.”
Controlling seems like an understatement, then. 
“That sounds terrible, Law.”
He agrees with a nod and the crinkle is back. You feel the urge to smooth it out with your fingertips to help him relax. Or maybe by pressing your lips to it. 
You drink your coffee instead. 
“It is. That’s why I’ve been thinking and… well I’m going to bring a date to the wedding. A perfect date. Someone he can’t manipulate and someone he won’t be able to find fault with. She and I will seem so much in love that he’ll be forced to ease up on his agenda and let me be for the whole wedding weekend. Doesn’t that sound perfect?” He smirks at you, the crease disappearing when his eyes meet yours. 
You’re suddenly a bit jealous, though you really have no right to be. But who is this girl? Why is she so perfect? So much in love? Why haven’t you ever met her?
“Sure, seems perfect. Flawless plan.” You whisper, barely able to shake the frown from your lips.
“I’m glad you agree. Because you’re her.” His smirk turns into a grin as you cough and sputter coffee everywhere, barely avoiding staining your outfit.
“What do you mean?” You ask, accepting the tissue he hands you with a gruff ‘thanks’ and wiping your mouth. 
“We're friends, we get along well and… we can't deny this… tension between us.” He smirks as your cheeks warm. “I know we can pull off looking like a couple in love.”
The way your breath hitches in your throat has nothing to do with choking on your coffee, and everything to do with the implications of what he said. 
“I know we're capable of doing this. I've planned the outcome. It's flawless. The thing is…” He scratches the back of his neck, his amber gaze fixed somewhere far away. “I also know I'm being selfish. I want to do this for my reasons alone. But to do so, I'll have to drag you into this mess. I've considered the implications, and if you say yes, you'll need to be aware of some things, but…” His sigh comes from deep within, from a place he's not yet intent on showing you. “I don't want to do this with anyone else but you. And I can't miss this wedding. And I definitely can't be paraded around like a prized pig.”
A strained chuckle escapes his lips as he tousles his dark hair again. “It's a damned if I do, damned if I don't situation… what do you say?”
You've been quietly sipping the rest of your coffee, trying to ignore the tightening in your chest at his words. A fake relationship? It does sound simple. You know him well enough by now, he's right, you're friends. He's also right about the tension between you two, and you could pull off being completely enthralled by each other without much effort. You wouldn't even be faking the attraction. 
But what does he mean by the implications? Something about his family? Or the forced connection between the two of you? 
Maybe both?
“I'm considering it. I want to help you, you're my friend.”
“But?” He asks while raising an eyebrow. 
“What are the implications?”
The crinkle in the middle of his brow is back and before he even speaks, you already know it’s about his family. 
“Doffy isn’t easy to deal with. He'll be imposing, inappropriate and most likely, manipulative. He'll want to know all about you and will probably test you, push you, to see if you're really interested in me.” He lets out another one of those deep, soul-shaking sighs. “I really didn't want to drag you into this, but I can’t take another family function meeting women I don't care about and never will.”
You can handle some probing. Hell, you went through the same thing when you and Ichiji made things official. How different can Donquixote Doflamingo be from Vinsmoke Judge? Probably not too different - same cold, smug look, same indifference… probably! 
Seeing the slight distress in Law's eyes only strengthens your resolve. “I'll do it.” You give him a strained smile as he raises his eyebrows. 
“Are you sure?”
“I’d never let a friend down, Law. Besides, how bad could it really be? Free food, dancing, pretending to be your girlfriend… I can think of worse things! A girl can be spoiled sometimes.”
He chuckles at your silliness, but the tension in his brow remains. “My uncle can be a handful… he… there was…” He looks like he's about to tell you something important but quickly shakes his head. “Never mind. As long as you're sure.”
You nod, finishing your coffee, and take out your trusted notebook. “But I'm not going in blind, mister. We'll need to learn everything about each other. If we're doing this, we're going to be superstars at it!”
Finally the crease between his eyebrows softens as he watches you with a flicker of amusement, a slight easiness overpowering his usual scowl. “I knew you’d say that.”
You grumble through your teeth, too focused on trying to find a pen in the chaos that is your purse, but you must have misplaced it because there’s nothing there. “Do you have a pen?” You gesture to his pocket, seeing some sticking out.
Sighing, he reaches without looking and gives you the first thing he grabs. As the pen touches your hand, you raise your brow. What the heck? Your eyes go from the pen to Law and from Law to the pen, an amused smirk tugging at the corners of your lips. 
“What?” He asks, taking another sip of coffee.
“This is freaking adorable. I’m dying. Trafalgar Law, the moody, broody, humourless doctor has a teddy bear pen. I might need to take a photo of this.”
Law’s ears turn slightly red and he purses his lips, but he tries to look unaffected. “So what?” He reaches, trying to take it back. 
A giggle escapes your lips before he can snatch the pen from your hands. “It’s too much to handle. I never thought you would have anything like this on you!” You keep deflecting his moves so he doesn’t grab the pen and you can almost see smoke coming out of his ears.
With a low grunt and a quick move, Law grabs your chin and moves his face closer to yours, a glint of amusement and impatience in his eyes. “I like cute things, obviously.” He says as his eyes give you an appreciative once-over and you blush. “Is that a problem?” You can barely think with his face in front of yours, so you don’t say anything. He smirks, tilting your head higher. “Didn’t think so.” Then he snatches the pen from your hand with a quick gesture. “Stop being a brat.” His tone is sharp but his gaze is playful. 
When he releases you, searching his pocket for another pen, you have to swallow hard and take a deep breath before you can remember why you needed the pen in the first place. As he hands you the other pen, he watches you with an insufferably smug look. “You were making notes about what we needed to learn…”
“Right!” You exclaim, feeling your cheeks flare up and start scribbling furiously. 
He tilts his head to spy what you're writing and can't hide another smirk from overcoming his lips. “Favourite music, colour, movie, place… is this fifty questions type of thing?”
You don't stop your furious scribbling and you don't need to meet his eyes to know he's staring at you with mild amusement. “I told you I'm not going in blind. We need to cover everything. You've got work today?” He nods and you hum in disappointment. 
“Tomorrow?” He says tentatively, not knowing where you're going with this. 
“Yes. Only in the afternoon, though. Can we meet at your place?” You've been at the door of his apartment but you've never crossed the threshold. Are you being too forward? 
Heck, nah! You're going to be his girlfriend for the weekend anyway! 
“Sure. What do you have in mind?” His voice deepens as he raises his hand, placing his arm on the bench behind your shoulders, his hand caressing your hair softly as if by accident. Your pen drills a hole in the notebook and you curse and clear your throat. 
“Studying. I'll compile this list and then we're going to answer these questions and learn everything about each other.”
His smirk only deepens as he hums even lower. No matter how much time passes between you two, his voice is something that always makes you shiver. “Studying each other sounds great.” You make another hole in the notebook and he chuckles again. “You're trying to be in control of everything again.” He says deadpan. 
“I know! Let me cope, Law. It's the only way I know how to do this.”
He hums and you can almost feel the way he's trapping more words behind his tongue. He wants to say something else, but he just raises his arms in the air. “Fair enough.”
And then, to indulge you, he throws in some more topics you should cover before heading back to work. 
After this interaction you're left thinking that this will either be the greatest time you've had in your life, or the worst. 
During your free afternoon, you compile the list on your laptop, complete with a spreadsheet so you can note down Law’s answers and your own. You’ll then share the list so you both can study and leave nothing to chance.
You arrive exactly on time and by the second knock, Law opens the door to his apartment to let you in. He must’ve come directly from the clinic - or the hospital - with barely time to change, because he’s still in jeans and a dress shirt - with half the buttons undone, showing off his amazing chest piece.
As you stare at him from outside his apartment, a definite blush on your cheeks, as you feel yourself burning up, he leans his arm against the threshold while the corner of his lips slowly curls up. “Hi.” That low timbre in his voice has you gulping in no time. His amber gaze shifts to your laptop and he lets out a low chuckle. “You came fully prepared, I see.”
Clearing your throat, you manage to let out a pathetic ‘yes’ to accompany your nod and his grin intensifies. “Come in.” He slurs, barely moving so you’re forced to brush against his body to enter his apartment. 
You immediately remove your jacket upon entering - the heat is already overwhelming. As you take a look around you notice he really is someone who’s always in control. His home is minimalist - at least the living room! Who knows if he has a hidden room where he hoards comics or coins or something like that - and everything’s in its rightful place. He has taste, the furniture is beautiful, but it doesn’t scream opulence. 
“Nice place.” You say genuinely while removing your shoes by the entrance.
“Thanks.” Law says as he closes the door and gestures towards the couch. The small end table has an assortment of cookies and two cups of steaming coffee ready for you. 
“Third-best?” You ask as you approach the refreshments, pointing at the coffee.
“I’m aiming for second. I bribed Sanji to point me to some tastier beans than the ones he showed you.” Your grin matches his.
“Competitive much?”
“You have no idea.” The intensity of his gaze doubles as you both sit on the couch. “So,” he starts while changing the subject, “what’s this all about? Fifty questions turned to one hundred?”
He’s joking, but he’s also right, so you give him a strained smile while you open your laptop and set it on your lap. “Something like that. Get comfortable.”
With a groan he picks up his coffee mug and lets himself slide down the couch while you giggle. 
“Okay, that about settles tattoos and marks!” You don’t really have any more clothes to remove, as you’ve already stripped down to your simple dress, yet the heat remains unbearable. Law’s torso is still bare, since he showed you all his tattoos, and, even though you already knew they were sexy as hell, you were still unprepared. “Now…”
“There’s more?” He interrupts, another muffled groan escaping his lips as he puts on his shirt but leaves it open. “I refuse.” He closes your laptop as he sits down near you, the gesture earning him an indignant gasp.
“You’re too much in control.” He says your name sternly. “This is looking like an interrogation. What happened to talking and doing this the normal way? Where’s the spontaneity?” He adds cheekily, his arms resting behind his neck as he leans back, his chest muscles rippling with the gesture. 
“There can’t be any. We need to be thorough, we need to sell this act! How can we do that if we don’t know everything there is to know about each other?” You spent hours on this list - even though you didn’t tell him that - this is the one thing, the only thing you can control because all the variables of the wedding in itself are daunting and terrifying.
You can’t control who will believe or doubt you, you can't control how Doflamingo will act with both of you, hell, Law doesn’t even know who all the guests are! What if any of the Vinsmokes are there? What if Ichiji is there?
Too many things can go wrong!
“We can very well sell this act on actions alone.” His voice promises more. Your heart hammers against your chest as your pulse quickens. The idea of not having control over the situation is still too overwhelming. 
“That’s impossible, Law.”
“It's not.” He leans forward, leaving just a breath of space between you, his amber gaze locking you in effortlessly. “If you think that knowing my favourite book or food is going to be the only thing that convinces people - especially my uncle - you’re dead wrong.” His soft breath tickles your eyelids, he’s that close. He might be trying to make you flinch, or pull back. To challenge you and see if you recoil from his proximity.
You don't.
You stand defiantly, your eyes never leaving his gaze. Even if you're burning up, heat pooling somewhere in your belly, turning into an ache between your legs. “It’s not completely about what we say or how we say it. It’s about how we act. But mostly…” His hand moves, brushing a strand of hair away from your face and you tremble slightly. “It’s about how you react to me.”
You fight to regain control of your breathing, but then you counter his gaze with a mocking grin. “You think a few light touches and a piercing gaze have any effect on me, Law?” You try to scoff but the sound comes out weird and high-pitched. “I think you’re underestimating my self-control.”
“Really?” The huskiness in his voice sends shivers down your spine.
“Hmm, hmm!” Is your clever reply. You’re bluffing and he knows it.
“Then why are you clutching your laptop so tightly?” He raises an eyebrow as your eyes dart downward to your hand. Your knuckles are already turning white from gripping the laptop and you curse, trying to play off your gesture with a slight shrug, but he’s seen through you.
His other hand grazes your bare leg, starting at the knee and climbing up, a phantom touch, a mere whisper of his fingers against your skin. Your breath hitches as he locks your eyes with his gaze again. “You don’t need to control everything, all the time. I’ve got this. I’ve got you. It’s not a list that will make us believable. It’s this.” He leans slowly forward, his lips brushing ever so lightly against the corner of your own as his fingers graze the inside of your thigh, leaving a trail of warmth behind. 
Your gasp turns into a soft moan-like sigh and you almost melt into his touch as your body gives in. How can something so trivial as a light touch feel so damn good?
“There. People will believe that.” He smirks, satisfied, as he leans back against the couch, leaving you breathing hard, trying to regain composure, as if he hasn’t completely aroused you with just a touch and a few words. “Is this enough for today?”
You get up, leaving your laptop on the couch and start pacing back and forth, hands wringing together, trying to regain feeling in your limbs. How could he affect you so much with a few touches? A few words? One glance?
What’s this hold he has on you?
“No.” You find your voice after clearing your throat and try again. “It’s not enough. We need to know how to behave as… as boyfriend and girlfriend. Like you said, we need to have knowledge about each other, but we need to get accustomed to each other’s touch.” A sigh escapes your lips. This is dangerous territory. “To… kissing…” His eyebrows raise but you pay it no mind as you continue, already rambling a bit. 
“I don’t have a lot of experience with boyfriends…” A crimson blush spreads across your cheeks. “My ex… well when we were out in public, at big events, he tended to ignore me. He liked to showcase me as a pretty thing dangling from his arm, but then he didn’t really care much about me, drinking with his acquaintances, not caring about where I was or what I was doing… He barely touched me. Just enough so people knew we were together, but that's not going to cut it if we want to fool your uncle. I don’t really know how we should act and-...”
“Okay.” Law stands up and takes a step closer to you, making you stop pacing. His presence becomes suddenly overwhelming and commanding. 
“Okay, what?” 
“Okay, I’ll show you how I would behave with you in public, so you get used to it. I would never, ever ignore you. You’re too special to be left alone.” A flicker of something primal touches his eyes. A sort of possession in his gaze. “And I wouldn’t barely touch you.” His smirk makes your breath hitch. There, this right here is dangerous territory. 
But it's necessary. 
As you nod, he steps even closer. His hand reaches as he places it in the small of your back, his fingers clinging to you as he pulls you nearer. His eyes never leave yours, though the amber is slowly giving way to a darker shade, his pupils dilating. “If this were real, I’d keep you close to me, so people would know we were together.” You swallow a lump as he pulls you even closer, showing you how he’d stake his claim on you, a bit possessive, but nothing aggressive, just a statement. 
“And if this were real, I’d steal light touches, to keep you focused on me.” His other hand traces the curve of your neck and shoulder, slowly trailing down your arm and stopping at your wrist, his thumb brushing small circles against the sensitive skin. You can feel your heart beating erratically against your chest, his voice enveloping you in a thick haze: commanding, seductive, enthralling. You try to focus and remain composed, but he’s making it so hard.
The fire in your belly stirs and ignites again. The embers turning bright and stoking the flames of desire within you. 
He tilts his face, his soft lips grazing your earlobe and his whisper creates goosebumps on your neck. “If this were real, I’d have you in my arms all night, to remind everyone that you’re mine.” His hand slides up your side, his thumb grazing the underside of your ribs, just barely brushing against the curve of your breast. A fleeting touch, a feather-like graze that sends a tingling sensation through you, making your breath catch in your throat as a hiss escapes your lips. 
The flame roars, grows and spreads its tendrils through you.
Law’s lips brush against your collarbone, sending heatwaves down your chest that pool in your stomach. Your hands clench, aching to touch him and pull him closer, but you remain firm, grasping the last bit of control you think you still have. “If this were real,” he whispers against the hollow of your throat, then pulls slightly back as his thumb brushes against your jaw, tilting your head upward so you can meet his gaze, “I’d make you beg for my kiss.”
You can barely breathe. Law’s presence is overwhelming, he commands all your senses, there’s nothing you can think about other than his voice, his lips, his touch. Every other thought, every other worry is erased from your mind. All you can think about is that you need his lips against yours; you need his touch. Now. 
Is this what he meant by helping you let go? Surrender? 
Somehow, you find a semblance of strength to speak. “I don’t beg.” Your voice comes out ragged and hoarse, charged with intensity, pure need and unbridled desire. 
Law’s smile widens, lending him a sort of unhinged - but still very much in control - look that makes you weak in the knees. “No?” He murmurs, his voice filled with amusement. “Are you sure?”
His lips graze against yours, not a kiss, barely even a touch - just a tease. His hand slides back down to your lower back and he pulls you impossibly close to him, his body heat radiating from his bare chest and pressing against you as you tremble and squirm under his touch. 
“Look at you,” his voice is tantalisingly low, slurred and full of promises, “I barely even touched you and you’re already a mess, sweetheart.” His fingers keep tracing your arms and neck, his lips taunting and teasing your most sensitive spots. You’re trembling and squirming under his caresses, hot, hard pants leaving your lips, your breath slipping away from you in ragged gasps. 
You are a mess. 
“I want to hear you ask for it. Beg. Tell me what you want.” He whispers in your ear, his thumb brushing against your lower lip and you close your eyes, whimpering involuntarily as your body responds to every touch, every teasing word. He’s right, he’s so right. 
He hasn’t even kissed you and you’re already falling apart. 
“Just say it.” He urges you.
You clench your fists, trying to regain control, trying so hard to win back something you never had to begin with. But it’s all too much. It’s too overwhelming and you need some sort of release.
“Please…” Your whisper is barely audible but you know he hears you. He tilts his head to lock his gaze into your eyes, his hand on your neck, holding you and tilting you towards him.
If you had any thoughts left in your mushed brain, you wouldn’t be able to hear it because the pounding of your heart reverberates against your ears. “Please.” You repeat, louder this time, your voice trembling as you succumb to that final loss of control. “Kiss me.” 
To the final surrender.
Law smirks, satisfied and pleased with your response, his teasing successful. “If this were real,” he starts again as his lips brush ever so slightly against yours, “you’d be begging like this all the time.”
He’s still not kissing you. He’s a breath away and not giving you the release you crave, the one you so desperately need. “Please, Law!” You beg again, a muffled hiccup leaving your lips. His jaw clenches slightly and he grunts - that primal sound that makes you roll your eyes in anticipation - before he leans in and captures your lips with his, his hand pressing on your neck, tilting your jaw as he pulls you closer. 
He starts slow as you moan into the sensation, but soon his hands grip you tighter and he deepens the kiss, his mouth claiming yours with fierce intensity. He dominates the kiss, holding you against him as his tongue slides against yours in a wordless claim.
You whimper again as you dig your nails into his bare chest, holding on for your sanity and trying to ground yourself as your body and mind unravel for him, surrendering completely to his hold, to his control. He kisses you as if you are truly his. His touch, his scent, his presence: it’s all overwhelming and intense and you want to give all of yourself to him, because this sensation is freeing.
He pulls away too soon and you’re left trembling. Ragged breaths escape your swollen lips and you can feel your cheeks burning. You’ve never felt this way before. Your eyes widen as you stare at him, dazed and completely undone. 
You’re at his mercy.
“If this were real, I’d kiss you like this every time.” 
You can only nod, your head still dizzy as you try to regain control. Your mind is still too addled from the way he made you fall apart without breaking a sweat. His gaze softens somewhat as he pats you lightly in the head and gives you a smug smile. 
“Good girl.”
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vinnoa-articles · 1 year
The Cure from Sleep Insanity
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[Image by Winter Mohn]
Rating: +18, meaning if you are under this age, do not read. You have been told.
Word count: 3,352
Type: Smut
Characters: reader (female), Law, Chopper and mentions of other Strawhats, Heart Pirates and other pirates.
Trigger warnings/content: choking, consent, some anger, swearing, teasing, restraints, multiple orgasms, fatigue, aftercare, a little rough.
Info: Some of it will be in italics, it is thoughts by another character. If it is Bold and Italics, then it is an ability.
“Why can’t I suture the wound closed when it’s-”
“Because the bleeding might start again, and it may cause more pain!” The little horned reindeer claimed, pointing his hoof at the irritated doctor of the Heart Pirates. Their hats sat side-by-side, in contrast to how they were sitting. He pointed across the books sprawled table, with a single candle flickering in between. The bags of restlessness was prominent under Law’s eyes.  “Think about it, if we wait and let time go by, it may be better”. Law glanced at the furry creature, and usually he would have a soft spot for this creature, but when it comes to the right choice as to what to do in the heat of the moment; he fights it out. Whereas Chopper always thinks with his heart, trying to save people with his soul instead of fighting with his fists. “You could remove the bullet from their chest cavity with your abilities. Tra-guy”. The tired doctor grumbled and scratched his head, trying to comprehend this small creature. Chopper really does seem to go the more humane route, but then again, he typically doesn’t get his paws dirty out in the field in a fight, but rather helping those who need treatment. Where as for Law-
“Yes, but there are limitations to my abilities. Even your abilities have a limit, yes?” His right hand rested under his jaw now, glancing quickly at the fluff ball. “I just-”.
“You need to sleep Tra-guy. You haven’t slept. Thinking rationally is what you need right now, especially if you haven’t been spending a lot of time with your partner”. Sluggishly, Law’s eyes finally met Chopper’s. How long has it been? Granted, a lot of stuff was on his mind such as the Marines, Big Mom, Kaido, Don Flamingo, and many other rivals. Even Luffy and Eustass Kid kept his mind busy, but he even had to think about his pals Bepo and the rest of his crew. Shit, it has been a while hasn’t it. The more I have been fighting and been researching, the more I have been… He hates being wrong next to the reindeer. Rather, he hates more than ever that he is right, and that he does need more sleep and social interaction; over fighting and reading. Leaving an exasperated sigh, and an aggravated groan, he leans on his chair. His messy hair was now slowly being pushed into one direction with how many times his hands ran through his hair tonight.
“Ah! God dammit Chopper-ya. I hate it when you are right, but…” his voice trailed off. Law’s mind was in the clouds, it has been ages since he unwound, let alone rest on a soft surface. Sleeping in chairs, the wooden deck of Sunny, the metal floor of Polar Tang, heck the grass on Sunny was a little better, however a bed sounds divine. Maybe even some time with his partner, but the grogginess has been getting to him. Being up for forty-some hours, he did start seeing visions; Bepo in an Uta outfit, a cooked thing of meat with a straw-hat on top, and-
“Law?” There is no way he heard your voice. He stares at Chopper, whose head was turned to the entrance. Finally turning his head, he saw your figure. Standing against the doorframe. Your eyebrows raised, as you look at him up and down. “Up…again? I can at least tell you bathed today”. God, they really do give him little credit, but as a doctor, if duty calls he has to be somewhat clean right? His black and yellow robe adorned his body loosely, the belt nearly coming undone, with his bare feet propped up on the table, you just had to take in this sight.
“Well, I need to head to bed. I can’t be late to breakfast in the morning!” Chopper hops off the chair nearly twice his height. You can see he is wearing his cute little pig pajamas, and you couldn’t help but smile at his cuteness. Then again, who wouldn’t be chuckling at this cute little doctor. “Jya-na (Japanese: See Ya)”. As he is about to leave the room, you bend down and plant a small little kiss, then pat his head.
“Thanks Chopper. At least we have one responsible doctor that cares about both his patients and himself”. Chopper hopped past you and froze quick before turning to you and glancing up.
“W-w-well…that doesn’t make me happy, konoyaro! (Japanese: you idiot)”, as he did his little cute bashful dance. As his small feet carry him out of your sight, his cute little hooves pit-patting down the long hallway of Sunny-Go. Chuckling at his reaction, you look up to see Law still leaning back in his chair staring at you. His frown was still on his face. When it happened was not apparent since his resting-bitch-face is usually what his default is. However, you can tell he was annoyed by something. By what, you are not really sure. Sighing, you walk closer to him, the candle still flickering near the doctor’s headpieces. Law’s gaze did not falter as you got within a few paces in front of him. He looks irritated even. What could it have been? The lack of sleep? Or maybe…jealousy?
“Law, you do see me right?” He blinked once, then twice, then closed his eyes. A small exhale escaped his lips as he slicked his hair back again, as some hairs came back to place.
“I am surprised you came to see me, if you are really here to see me”. His words stung, yet you could understand why he said that. He hasn’t slept, he has been stuck in this room for a long time. Even Bepo and Chopper bring meals to the library here and there to make sure he isn’t starving himself. Sanji gave up because Law used to forget to eat and the fresh food almost would go wasted; until he force fed it to Law which caused him to do a personality-switch-operation with Zoro and Sanji. Which led to an all out fight that nearly had Nami, Robin, Bepo, Penguin and even Jimbei get involved in. It got resolved, but it nearly took a day for Franky to fix the ship, and a stern scolding from Nami and Luffy to get Law, Zoro and Sanji to get back on track.
“Law, it is me”, your outfit was a lot tighter on your body than you were used to, yet your skirt was flowing so not only would you look cute but at least elegant. You dressed up earlier and didn’t change yet because you were partying at the island before, and you were on nightwatch with Brook tonight. Brook knew that you needed your own version of romance, he has been alive long enough to know that. Brook knew what he was doing, well maybe. “Law, come on…listen to me. It is me, even Chopper talked to me today. Despite how busy he is too!” He was super confused now, he wasn’t sure if it was his dick was talking because he wanted your touch, your skin against his, the warmth of your flesh emanating close to his fingers, the scent of salt from the sea and your body penetrating the air, or if it was the sleepiness and the depravity of rest. “Please look at me when I talk to you”, as you raise your hands to touch his stubble and beard, He smelled so nice of cleaner, yet also musky. He always did smell nice, usually. You could feel his face rest slowly, softly into your palms. Basking in your touch, the soft skin that cradled his jaw, which his fingers were on calloused from using his knives, to his sword. His fingers crawled up to hold your right hand under his jaw, while massaging it gently. This is what he wanted, but God was he going crazy. A man of composure, even in battle, and even when Luffy tells him what to do irks him beyond belief. Right now though, he could smell your scent, his head was starting to get muddled with thoughts. He craved you, a drug that could cure his insanity at this moment.
“God, I need sleep. I can’t be going this dumb over you”, he gasped out. Now you were hurt, how could he say such a thing? He should be happy to see you, not disappointed. You snatch your hands back, but you couldn’t help and hesitate to almost reach back to grab him. He looked tired, yet hot. His sigh rang out into the quiet air, only the slight crackle of the candle could be heard. “Listen, y/n-ya”.
“Save your excuses, I guess if you didn’t want to see me, then you could have said it in the first place”. You were agitated now. There is no way he talked to you like that just now.
“Wait, y/n-ya, that’s not what I meant. You know what I meant-”, Law was fumbling with his words. His robe was withstanding the heat emanating from his body. He could feel his member twitch, but he put down his legs from the table and crossed his legs to hide his growth. “Please, look…you know I didn’t mean it like that dammit,” slicking his hair back again. It was irresistible when he did that normally, and yet you couldn’t care now. “Please listen to me, I just want to understand what else I can do to save those around me. If I can’t do that then…”
“Then what Law? You can’t neglect your social health for just your studies. Your connections are just as important!”
“I know that! God dammit!” He slammed his hand on the table, wishing that was you earlier. “Do you know how long I have wanted to get this done so I can focus on you? Just you?” You were upset, but you have heard enough talk from him; you wanted more action.
“Put your money where your mouth is. Your hands work well on patients, yet it seems you don’t know how to work them at all outside of a fight”. That did it for him. He got up and grabbed your shoulders, nearly slamming you down on the wooden table, snuffing out the candle as you landed. You could see his eyes darkening as he looked at you. His robe was hanging off his frame, his belt so loose you could poke it and it would come undone.
“Say it again. You don’t know how hard I have been working here” nearly shaking you on the table. God, you could feel his hands trembling, yet gripping your shoulders as he shook you.
“I said, you don’t know how to work your hands outside of a fight”, those words made him want to prove you wrong. He was told what to do by Luffy, Chopper was right earlier, and now he cannot let you be right too. Law was slipping more and more from who he was, becoming sloppy with his thoughts. His face gets super close to yours, while he puts his left hand under your head and lifts it up to crash his lips onto yours. Tugging your hair slightly so that he could get a response from you. He knows you love it when he tugs your hair. In this moment though, you were just as stubborn as he, and you tried to fight the urge; no matter how hard it was for you to not moan. His kisses got deeper, and deeper, his tongue was exploring yours and you let go fighting his tongue. Closing your eyes, his lips left yours. You open your eyes to see his eyebrows furrowed, perplexed that what he was doing wasn’t making you moan already “is that all you got?” This brat… Lips traveling down your jaw and to your neck, marking and sucking to make sure people know who you belonged to. Regardless of whether you were right or if he was by the end of this. He looks up, and takes a step back.
You knew what might happen now, and as you saw the space change-
You were now in the medical room, of course you were. He must have switched something with you two, and now here you were. His robe comes undone, and you just see him in his black boxers with a bulge that you have seen here and there. You didn’t realize your body was partially leaned back on the medical table, it was cold and yet the room was slightly lit due to the small emergency light plug-in, in case Chopper had to come in. Before you could take in everything, your body gets flipped over, your chest pressing on the cold table. 
“I’ll show you how a doctor works, if you allow me-”
“Of course, you have my consent. Unless you really can’t work with your hands then-” He had heard enough of your back-talk. Room…Shambles Feeling the retrains popping into his hands, tying your hands behind your back. He already has to deal with you talking back, he doesn’t want to give you that power too. His hands gripping your tied hands, he hiked up your skirt so he could see your panties. You tried to stand up properly, but his grip was pushing you down firmly on the table.
“Now now, I can’t have my patient move around while I have to figure out what is wrong, now can I?” You can tell he was smirking based off his tone. His right hand was still gripping onto your wrists and you could feel his rough fingers slowly touching the outside of your panties. “I can tell my patient is aroused. Yet, the only medicine can only be administered by me.” You wanted his fingers in you, and he knew that. Your core ached, this is what you two have missed out on for awhile now. Heck, even the empty space next to you, day-in and day-out was making you restless. Shaking your ass, you waited for your reward for a response, but it never came. “What? You want these?” You felt his right hand loosen, yet his hand went up and on your neck. Subtly choking you, sticking his long fingers into your mouth. God, you wanted it his fingers, and how you longed for it. Subtly sucking on his fingers, you wanted to show him you were serious.
“P-puwase, ah need” Your words a mess, incoherent even to you.
“Need what? I can’t understand my patient.” He removed his fingers from your mouth and back under your neck, choking you slightly but not enough to even hurt. You could feel his other fingers tracing the outside of your wetness on your panties. You knew what was coming, but when? You gasped as you felt his fingers on your neck choke, then release, choke then release. He was a doctor, he knew what it would do to people if he did that.
“I need your fingers, Law!” You felt his fingers leave, only to dive into your panties, into your core. This is what you wanted, and finally you could feel this knot coming undone. His digits were moving in and out, then curling one he went in. He really did do his homework. Your moans and gasps kept emanating in rhythm, as you were grinding into his fingers. “Law- Law I am going to-” before you could finish, you came right onto his fingers. Your moan so loud, you could feel it reverberate through the room. Trembling as you rode out your high, as it has been so long since you felt this.
“So I don’t know how to use my hands, yes?” You couldn’t help it, you wanted to give in, he was right. If you denied it, you don’t even know what would happen, but you are a person of your word.
“Yes, yes you are right. God, now untie me”, you gasp out. Feeling the restraints go undone, he flips you back around, now you are on your back. He looks you up and down. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. A tight shirt hugging your body, your skirt a mess, your underwear ajar. Whereas for you, what a sight to behold, his abs and tattoos. His hair was a mess from a little bit of sweat. It was as if you two were looking at each other for the first time again. Licking his fingers, he finally smiled. This was the smile you love, the one that makes you want to grab him and kiss him. To hug him and tell him that the One Piece is near for the taking.
“Y/n-ya…” he bends down to kiss your forehead, and smiles softly, “I don’t think my patient is fully done.” He grabbed a condom, and tore off the wrapper. Slowly pushing his boxers lower, and lower, seeing his v-line almost made you lose your mind. He knew what he was doing, and a doctor was observant.
“Please, Trafalgar…I love you,” you couldn’t help but laugh softly at his cute words. He was a doctor, and at moments you were his love patient. Your heart was robbed by this man, and yet it seemed you didn’t want it back. He pushes his boxers so it is off his waist and it falls to the floor. He peels off your underwear, and you could feel the cold air hit your pussy. Easily rolling the condom on, he lifts your legs up and onto his shoulders. 
“I missed this, y/n. I love you”. Hearing your name fall from his lips without his cute little accent, made your heart skip a beat.
“I missed this too Law. I love you”. Slowly pushing his cock into you, he watched as your mouth formed an “O” shape. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he knew you were ready. Your moans were slipping past your lewd lips, as he kept going in deeper and deeper until his abs nearly touched your stomach. Going slowly, then picking up the pace, the room was full of moans and grunts. “Fuck, Law, yes right there!” His groans and grunts were picking up the pace, you can feel his cock twitching inside you. The pit in your stomach started to form, it coming again. The slaps of skin, the smell of sweat, the creaking of the medical table was ringing in both your ears. He bent down to capture your lips with his, and finally he said his words.
“I am cumming”.
You were too, and with both your release, he slowed down his pace. Gasping for air as his high was running down. You, on the other hand, were shaking. Second orgasm in one night and it was intense due to your emotions of love becoming more than lust from the last orgasm. He slicked his hair back, which now was staying in place. Law tidied up himself so he didn’t look as dissolved from the fuck session. Taking off your clothes gently, he put his robe on your making sure despite being warm from what just happened, the room was still cold. Lifting you up, you could hear him gently say room…shambles. Feeling the plushness of a mattress and sheets on you. Was he here with you? Or was he in the room still? Suddenly, you felt a hand softly go on top of your side. He was here, next to you, by your side.
“Sorry Law for making you so upset”, you whispered not to wake up Zoro, Luffy, Chopper and Usopp from their slumber. Law chuckled slightly, and kissed your neck where there were his love bites slowly deepening in color.
“Its okay, I think I can finally get some good nights rest. Thank you for being my doctor in need.”
And yet, Brook had been wondering where you had been all night, no matter to him. He could sing his heart out tonight without a care in the world.
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signatureartsblug · 14 days
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-> This is from a scene from this AMAZING (18+ MDNI) AFAB! Reader x Trafalgar Law <-
It's such a good fucking read, I had to make art of it literally the next day-
Without Lightning:
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delulu-fr-2d-ppl · 1 year
Teasing me?
Warnings: Suggestive content
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you the moment he saw you. And when you joined his crew, his small interest grew. From the way you walked, to how you would lean over any flat surface, whether it be the dinner table, the railing, or the bar, his eyes followed you. They would trail over your body, all of your dips and curves.
Naturally, his crew noticed. I mean, who wouldn’t? When any of them tried talking to him, they noticed that he seemed distracted with something, or rather, someone in his view. Or when they got off on a new island, how his eyes would darken ever so slightly when you talked to someone who wasn’t him. They wondered if you ever noticed. Surely you might’ve right?
Of course you did. You could feel the intensity of his eyes follow you around the ship or on an island. At first it was unnerving, but then as time went on, you got used to it and even found joy in the fact that your captain couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Hell, you’ve even become more bold with your clothing choices, and actions. Someone dropped something? There you were folding your body in half to bend down and pick it up. You could practically feel his eyes trace over the curve of your ass, and you hid a knowing smile. Little did you know that the little things were starting to add up.
One night after the crew had gone to bed with full stomachs, you crept past their rooms and wandered onto the deck. The moon was bright and the sea waters were surprisingly calm enough to reflect the stars. You unknowingly cracked a smile as you leaned over the railing of the ship and stared out at the sea.
“So you have been teasing me all along~”
A sultry voice whispers against the shell of your ear. A surprised gasp leaves your lips as an arm snakes around your waist and presses you against his body. You couldn’t even hear him coming. A shudder trickles down your body as you feel a hardness press against the swell of your ass. You could feel his teasing smirk against the skin of your neck. A buzz of electric warmth sinks in your chest.
“Let’s fix this tonight~”
| Akagami Shanks | Monkey D. Luffy | Trafalgar Law | Eustass D. Kidd |
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mugiwaraboyyy1 · 9 months
One Piece - Trafalgar D. Law and Bepo
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12K notes · View notes
triceratops6 · 4 months
When people see you two in public, they can never guess that you are together. They prefer to keep things private and your friend always joke around asking you how you can date such a distant person. But they don't see them in the privacy of your home, without the pressure of all the people around. Then, they're always around you, always a hand on you when they listen to your rambling, giving you kisses and taking care of you.
TAMAKI AMAJIKI, Shota Aizawa, Hitoshi Shinsou, Jotaro Kujo, LEONE ABBACCHIO, Hot Pants, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Obanai Iguro, Kanao Tsuyuri, RYUNOSUKE AKUTAGAWA, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kei Tsukishima, Kiyoomi Sakusa, Trafalgar d Law, CHARLOTTE KATAKURI.
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pinyeti · 6 months
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4K notes · View notes
inquisitor-runa · 1 month
Who fell first and who fell harder - One Piece edition
Zoro: He fell first and harder
Law: You fell first, he fell harder
Kid: He fell first and harder
Luffy: You fell first and harder
Ace: He fell first and harder
Shanks: You fell first, he fell harder
Crocodile: You fell first and harder
Mihawk: You fell first and harder
Buggy: He fell first and harder
Sanji: He fell first and harder
Sabo: He fell first, you fell harder
Marco: You fell first, he fell harder
Doflamingo: You fell first and harder
Rob Lucci: You fell first and harder
Corazon: He fell first and harder (literally and figuratively)
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florasheart · 16 days
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The Meet Cute - Law's Story - 3
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Source for pic
The Great Pretender 3
Word Count: 3599
Tags For The Whole Story: Fem!Reader; Law is a soft dom; you have bratty tendencies (not all the time); voice kink; praise kink; cursing; very suggestive behaviour and innuendo from the start; sexual tension; teasing; so much flirting; romance; slow-burn; fluff; slight angst; mature audiences (though explicit NSFW moments will be properly tagged on the chapter); possessive Law; protective Law; soft Law; teasing Law; manipulative Doflamingo; inappropriate Doflamingo; fake relationship trope; only one-bed trope; reader has some anxiety issues; reader is a control freak and perfectionist; modern day AU
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: After moving away from the hustle and bustle of Grand Line City to help your father around the property following a horse-riding accident - and in the hopes of healing your broken heart after your asshole ex-fiancé cheated - you settle into the country calmness of the Calm Belt. You and Law (your father's doctor) start to build a flirty friendship because of your father’s procedure. So much so that when he’s invited to Baby 5’s wedding (his cousin), he asks you to be his date. His uncle Doflamingo - who is filthy rich - is very adamant on finding a suitable wife for him. Seeing as he wants to avoid that, he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend for the weekend.
Notes: Chapter 3 is now up! Let's enjoy these simple interactions before everything becomes fun complicated, shall we?
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06
|Chapter 2| | |Chapter 4|
You barely sleep all night. Every moan or noise coming from your father wakes you up. If he grunts in pain, you are by his side in a second. You keep checking to see if he’s feverish, cold, asleep or awake, struggling or sleeping soundly…
You are even more exhausted than yesterday.
When the morning nurse comes to check on him, you excuse yourself to get some breakfast and to go to the property to check on the animals or see if Ace needs any help. You gulp down a huge cup of coffee before leaving, though, hoping that it gives you enough energy to handle the rest of the day.
When you get home, Ace tells you he has everything under control and you should just go rest. You don’t rest, but you take a well-deserved shower, change clothes, have breakfast, drink another big cup of coffee and go back to the hospital. You have this day off work as well and then it���s the weekend so you can stay by your father’s side the whole day. 
As you reach the hospital, you have another coffee and this time you feel it kick in as exhaustion is pushed to the back of your mind and you feel a bit more ready to tackle the day. 
“Hey, dad. I’m back.” You say as you enter the room and sit by the chair. “How do you feel?”
He grins. “Much better. The nurse bathed me.”
Your smile quickly turns into a frown. “Are you serious?” 
“Yeah, bug. And then she gave me some more drugs because my back was throbbing like hell, and now I’m suuuuuper fine.”
You want to keep giving him an annoyed look, but you can’t help but chuckle at his silliness. “You’re incorrigible dad.”
He nods and grabs the remote, leaving it on some news channel. “Bug, you look like shit.”
The frown is back on your face in the blink of an eye. “Dad!”
“Sorry, but you do! Have you slept?” His gaze leaves the TV to settle on you again.
“I… I… a bit!” You stammer. “But I drank coffee, I’m fine!”
“Your eye bags say otherwise.” He shrugs. “Lean back, bug. Sleep a little bit. Or go home. I’m fine.”
You shake your head, cross your arms and stare at the uninteresting show with the highlights of some football game. “I’m not sleepy.”
“How many coffees have you had?” His voice is stern so you avoid his gaze.
“Three! I’m fine!” Then you fish a book from your purse and open it, clearly putting an end to the conversation. “Let me read.”
Shanks doesn’t press and you actually manage to read a few chapters uninterrupted. For about an hour before you’re overcome by yawns. Looking at the time, you decide to try and take a quick nap before Law comes over to check on your father. Just a quick shut-eye.
You close your book and are about to get comfortable when the door opens and Law comes in, effectively chasing away all semblance of sleep left. 
“Law!” Your dad exclaims, clearly still under the happy effect of the drugs. The doctor nods at him as he greets both of you and enters the room. His eyes linger on you, a slight crinkle between them as he takes in your state. 
Your dad said you look like shit and he's not the most attentive person on earth so… you really must be looking terrible. Dreadful enough for the handsome doctor to notice. 
“How are you both feeling today?” Shanks grins and gives him an enthusiastic thumbs up. Then Law says your name and you shrug, forcing a tired smile to form on your lips and mumbling a weak ‘fine’. “Maybe you should be resting. You know your father is fine and he's got the best care team looking out for him.”
Sighing, your smile turns real. “I know. But I need to be here for him. I need to know everything that’s going on and if I'm home alone, I'll just go crazy!”
That sly smirk tugs at his lips and he nods slowly. “It's a control thing, right? You just can't let go.” Your chest constricts and your breath hitches, the way he speaks those words… they bring such promises attached to them, it makes you want to let go, to surrender. But to what? 
To him? 
He keeps holding your stare. A piercing amber gaze that seems to bore straight into your soul, leaving your secrets bare and open for him to find and read them. 
“Let's check you out, shall we, Mr. S.?”
And as he examines your father, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and splash some water on your flaming cheeks. 
By the time you get back, Law is finished and the nurses are bringing lunch for your dad. Your stomach growls as it smells food - even though it's hospital food - and you wonder if you should eat a sandwich from the machine or at the hospital bar. 
Law says goodbye to your dad and intercepts you at the door. “Have lunch with me.” It's not a request. It's basically a command, the way he carries his low voice, a slight slur to the words. You want to say yes immediately, but you're frightened - and intrigued - by the hold this man has over you, so you shake your head. 
“I shouldn't.” But you don't elaborate. Because why shouldn't you? You like speaking with Law and he's not your doctor. He's your father's doctor, so there’s nothing inappropriate about a simple lunch. 
And he immediately sees through your facade. 
“You shouldn't, but you want to.” Fuck. “We'll just grab a quick bite. You need to eat. I'm alone, you're alone. It's perfect.”
It really is. 
“Go with him, bug!” Your dad sing-songs from his bed as the nurse helps him eat. 
“Butt out, dad! And eat the food by yourself! You're perfectly capable of doing it with one arm! You've been doing that practically my whole life.”
Law purses his lips but you can see the amusement in his eyes before he raises his eyebrows. “Come with me.” He says and you let out a big sigh. 
“Fine. Let me get my purse.” Entering the room, you glare at Shanks who keeps being fed by the nurse and tell him you won't be long. As you cross the mirror peeking at you from inside the bathroom, you frown and tell Law you'll meet him in five by the hospital entrance. Then you try your best to look presentable by combing your hair and fixing your clothes. It will have to do. 
“So you entered university two years earlier. You're a prodigy.” A smirk leaves your lips as you nibble your food. Conversation has been flowing smoothly between you both and you've learned that he lived with his uncles since he was ten until he entered university, because his parents passed - he didn't share how and you didn't press. He just added that information when you shared you were a child of divorce and were reconnecting with your father. 
You've been sharing professional and educational experiences and turns out Kaya was right. The man is a freaking genius. And you realise that that fact just turns his sexy points up by one thousand. You're so doomed. 
As he's about to answer you, his phone rings. He excuses himself and takes a look, then a frown and a deep scowl etch upon his face but he quickly dismisses it and sets the phone aside. Just for it to start ringing again. 
He sighs. “Sorry, I can't mute it because of the hospital and the clinic, but this is a bothersome call that I would rather not take.” Another sigh as the caller tries one more time. He excuses himself but doesn't get up to answer it. “I'm busy.” It's all he says, but you can sense him tense up, the mask of perfect control he usually holds crumbling slightly as he clenches his jaw with stress and tension. “Yes, I RSVP'd, didn’t I?” His throat bobs up and down and you try to focus on something else because you don't want to pry. “I don't know yet. Bye.
Law locks the phone with a grunt and sighs. “Sorry about that. It was my uncle.” You smile and nod. Could it have been Doflamingo? You noticed the way he talked about his uncle Rosinante - Cora - with a fondness in his words and kindness in his eyes, but he didn't elaborate on his relationship with the eldest uncle so it strikes you as somewhat strained. “Where were we?” He continues where you left off and you keep talking and getting acquainted. 
Lunch went by in the blink of an eye and, once again, you realise how simple and nice it is to speak with Law. He's very profound in many subjects, intelligent, clever, witty and with an odd sense of humour. The only thing you barely got a read on, was his emotions. He seems to guard the way he feels about things behind a well-crafted mask of control and assertion. And you have yet to take a peek behind it. 
Though his uncle calling him certainly got a rise out of him and they barely exchanged three sentences. 
Law walks you to the hospital and stops. He had said earlier that he was returning to the clinic for some appointments and then had surgery to perform before dinnertime. He promised to visit your dad before heading home, to see how he was doing. 
You start to feel exhaustion settling into your bones again, so you sip your coffee while nodding. 
“You can't fight exhaustion with coffee for too long. Get some rest. Your father’s fine. This is an order. A doctor's order.” He adds with a slight smirk. 
“I told you I don't follow all manner of instructions, Law.” He hums low and your knees tremble.
“I can see that.” He uses your name sternly and your eyes glint with amusement and desire. “We're still getting to know each other, but I'm sure you'll soon find out that following my instructions can be quite… rewarding.”
You can feel your pulse quicken as his amber gaze pierces, once again, so deep that it almost reaches your soul. 
“I'll think about it.” You say meekly and the semblance of a smirk he had before transforms into a deep grin. 
“Good.” He drags the word and you're left craving for more. Good girl, that's all you wanted to hear from his lips. He said it once. It was meant as a joke but the sound still echoes in your brain. Fuck. 
You're so doomed. 
When the sun begins to set on the horizon, you try to fight sleep so you can be awake for Law's last check-up before he leaves. But he said he was going to be in surgery so maybe the surgery ran late because he should've appeared by now. 
Your dad is engrossed in another football match and you can't focus on the words of your book anymore. You try to browse through your socials but easily lose interest. Games don't help either, so you decide to just lay your weary head down for a moment. 
You cross your arms on your father's bed and lay your head on them, your back stretching a bit from your sitting position on the chair but you have been bent for a while so it's a welcome stretch. 
Closing your eyes, you sigh softly. You don't even notice when sleep claims you. 
Law removes his contaminated scrubs and washes his hands. His surgery took much longer than planned and he hated that. He should be used to it by now, surgeries very rarely take the time they were meant to. And he always adjusts his plans according to that. But this one ran three hours late. 
And he promised you he'd check on your dad before he left for the day. 
And as much as he likes being in control, he hates to break promises. 
So he rushed his after-surgery routine, hoping you'd still be there by your father's side, waiting for him. 
You have an inexplicable hold on him. He can, at the same time, understand you as if you were an open book and yet be left wanting to learn more about who you are. He suspects there are parts of yourself still hidden from your own knowledge. 
And Law thrives on knowledge so he's very eager to learn all there is to know about you.
By the time he reaches your father's room, the lights are already dim and dinner has been served. His own stomach grumbles to remind him he should eat something too, but he pushes his hunger to the back of his mind as he pushes the doors to the room open. 
He's about to start talking when Shanks shushes him with a finger to his lips and a whispered shh. His chest constricts as he sets his eyes on you. You're in a godawful position that is not doing your back any good, but you look adorable in your sleep. 
There's a strong feeling within him that urges him to protect and care for you and he doesn't really know how he can feel so strongly about someone he practically just met. 
Truth be told, you have spent some time together thanks to your father's appointments and exams, and you have claimed permanent residence in his brain, complete with zip code, mailbox, address, you name it! Still… 
He sighs as he sets down your father's patient chart. “That can't be comfortable. How long has she been in this position?” He whispers as he approaches. 
Shanks shrugs and pats your head softly. “Hours. She has been surviving on coffee for more than a day. She just blacked out.”
“Yeah, she didn't look her best earlier and I did tell her to rest. But her back is going to kill her tomorrow.” Law sighs once more as he removes your purse, book and jacket from the corner chair and presses the switch to recline it. Then he sets the pillow near the head and approaches you. 
This is the tricky part, how to move you without waking you up? 
Easily, it seems. You must've really been exhausted because he picks you up bridal style and lays you on the chair, setting you in the most comfortable way before using his doctor's coat to cover you up and you barely stir. 
He doesn't resist tucking your hair away from your face before turning to your father - who's watching him with slight amusement. 
“Well done, Law. She didn't even stir. Those surgeons' hands are very steady.”
Law chuckles as he begins his routine examination. “They have to be, Mr. S. People's lives depend on it. And your daughter is just a heavy sleeper.”
“Perhaps… but I've noticed the extra care.” He winks before a frown takes over his face. “She could really use the extra care…”
Law doesn't really want to press, though he's curious. He's pretty sure your father said that because of your cheating ex. And though he's itching to know what kind of special asshole is capable of cheating on you, he lets it slide, as he adjusts the drugs in the IV and checks if the incision in Shanks’ back is recovering nicely. 
Law and Shanks make small talk during the rest of the examination and Law can't resist tugging the coat a bit more snugly around you and making sure you're comfortable before heading towards the door. 
Shanks’ eyes are closed when he speaks, but the older man can't quite hide the grin that overcomes his face. “You know, having a doctor as a son-in-law is something I wouldn't mind.”
Law snickers as he says goodnight and closes the door. That's a thought that will wander through his mind tonight. 
You wake up to the sound of chatter in the room. The morning nurse is fussing over your father, giggling like a schoolgirl as Shanks cracks jokes filled with innuendo. You blink and take a while to adjust to your surroundings because you're quite sure you'd fallen asleep near your father's bed, in the uncomfortable chair. 
A familiar soothing scent overwhelms you and you smile, feeling relaxed and at peace. It's a musky scent with hints of pine and… disinfectant? 
Looking down you immediately find the source of the scent: it's Law's coat. The corner of your lips tugs upwards as you smile and remove the item from over you. He must've found you asleep when he came to see your father yesterday. Was he also the one who moved you? Couldn't have been Shanks. 
“Hey, sunshine! You're up.” Your father greets cheerily as the nurse tugs the sheets around his torso and gives him a sultry wave before leaving. 
“Dad. Stop flirting with the nurses.” You say sternly as you get up, stretch and fold the coat neatly before settling it back down on the chair. Then you saunter towards Shanks and give him a peck on the forehead. “How do you feel? What did Law say yesterday?”
“I don't flirt with the nurses, bug, they flirt with me. I'm irresistible.”
“Insufferable is the word you're looking for.” You correct him with a smirk. 
“Law said everything was recovering nicely and I might even go home earlier than expected.” You sigh in relief. You know there's still a fair amount of chance for infections or other problems to arise, but it seems your dad is on his way to recovery. At least he's in good spirits and that always helps. “You know what Law also did?”
The blush in your cheeks is faint but you still turn your face away. “I can put two and two together, dad.” You mumble as you fidget with your phone. 
Shanks smirks. “So can I, bug.” You stare at him deadpan as he raises his eyebrows suggestively. 
“Well, you seem to be feeling fine, so I'm heading home to check on the property.”
“Ace's got it, bug!”
“And to take a shower and change. Need anything?” You add as he shakes his head. So, gathering your stuff, you promise to come back later and repeat the routine from the day before. Except this time you pack a meagre lunch so you don't have to go out to eat. Law said he would visit your father but he had a very busy day at the clinic so he wasn't quite sure when he would appear. 
As you return to your father's side, you discover that Law had already come by - much to your chagrin. You weren't quite sure why you felt disappointed not seeing him for the whole day, so you brushed that thought aside as you made small talk with Shanks. 
The weekend ended pretty soon and Law said your father would be released by Monday at the end of the day, depending on how he was feeling by then. He had already been able to get up on his own, shower and use the bathroom without any help. His back was still swollen, as expected, but otherwise he was recovering fully. You had been sleeping at home since you really didn't see the need to be by his side all the time and you were fully rested. 
On Monday, almost at dinnertime, Law released your father from the hospital. He advised caution, rest, no heavy lifting or driving, and reminded him to take his pills. 
The follow-up consultation - back at the clinic instead of the hospital - was set for next week and you were already feeling a pang of longing from not seeing Law every day, like you've now grown accustomed to. 
“If you have any doubts, worries, or just want to talk about something,” Law's eyes glance at yours, “just call me. If I don't pick up immediately it is because I'm in surgery, but even then, if it's urgent just text, I usually have a nurse monitoring any urgent texts.”
“We would never disturb your surgery hours because of something small.” You mutter as his gaze rests on you again. 
“Fair enough. But if it's serious, just do that. Okay?” You nod and your dad thanks him. He walks you both to the hospital entrance and before you leave to get the car, he touches your arm. It's a very light touch, barely two fingers, but it manages to send a jolt of electricity up your arm, making you gasp as you turn to him, lips slightly parted at the intensity you just experienced. “Don't be a stranger.” He murmurs and you smile. 
“Well, remember I have the best coffee in town - second only to Sanji's - whenever you feel like drinking something other than hospital swill.” You smirk and he grins. 
“I might just take you up on that.”
“Please, do.” You notice how his pupils dilate and his lips purse as you say ‘please’. It nearly has the same effect on him as him saying ‘good girl’ to you. The tension between both of you is palpable. 
If only you were brave enough to glimpse inside the door you closed for yourself. No men. No relationships. No heartache. As simple as that. 
But it’s all so tempting.
“Bug, the car?”
“Right!” You answer, a bit dazed by the intensity of the situation. “See you soon, Law!” You exclaim before leaving to get the car so you and your father can both head home.
|Chapter 4|
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vinnoa-articles · 1 year
Undying Memory
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[Image by Eiichiro Oda]
Rating: Anyone
Word count: 3,611
Type: Angst
Characters: reader (anyone), Trafalgar Law, Bepo, Heart Pirates
Trigger warnings/content: Spoilers! Death, illness, mourning, a lot of swearing, trauma
Note: The Heart Pirates live on a submarine called the Polar Tang. The crewmates are Law (captain and doctor), Bepo, Penguin, Jean Bart, Clione, Shachi, Ikkaku, Uni and Hakugan. Everyone is a human, except Bepo. Bepo is Law's favorite, as Bepo is a huge white polar bear that talks. Law has a huge soft spot for him. Corazon, is a person that strongly influenced Law's life. He was an adult figure that helped Law survive when he was young. Something to note!
“I would hate being flung in the ocean and not being able to swim. That would be the worst death,” Penguin smiled as he chewed on a small bread roll. “Thinking of it makes my skin crawl, you know? Especially with all the creatures in the deep.”
“Hm, thinking about how I would die is too stressful. Would rather live in the now, and when I go, I go. Living happily till the very end is my dream! I would hate knowing how or even when I would die, ya know? I think I would rather never know, what do you think, cap? Cap?” There was snapping of fingers, that brought back Law’s attention as he could smell a roll of bread being placed under his nose. “Man, besides, even if I die, I would never want to get a do over. I want others to move on and be happy, and carry on my memories with them!”
“Ugh!” Law flinched as he nearly tumbled out of his chair. The whole crew laughed, some smacking their hands on the table. “God I fucking hate bread, don’t you ever do that again.”
“Sure captain, it seems you are about to take a bite out of it,” both Uni and Y/N laughed, almost force feeding the bread to the captain. Law glared, as he put his hand out in front of him.
“Did you two want to switch bodies for a day? I would gladly make that happen for you two.” Uni and Y/N switched up their tone very quickly, laughing nervously with the threat against their souls.
“No no!” Uni scrambled to find the words. “We were just joking! R-right Y/N?”
“Yeah yeah! Besides, we knew how to get your attention. We have been asking for your opinion for a while now.” Y/N smiled as they finished their statement. Law raised his eyebrow, trying to remember what they just said.
“Which was…?” Waiting for one of his crewmates to answer his question.
“What is your reaction to dying? Or if you knew you were going to die?” Y/N stated nonchalantly, yet the crew members looked a little tense. Law sighed and placed his arms on the table, propping up his head with his right arm as he drummed his right hand’s fingers on the wooden table.
“I almost died once,” he stated. Looking down almost as he remembered Corazon, maybe he was supporting him in spirit somewhere. The Heart Pirates looked uncomfortable, not knowing if the captain was going to snap or was going to do something brash. Law looked at Y/N, to see they looked a little ashamed for asking.
“S…sorry captain. I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright Y/N-ya,” his eyes trying to meet theirs to at least calm their nerves a little. Though it pained him to remember his past, it was something he should be able to talk about. “After the disease in my body nearly killed me, I ate this fruit. Seeing everyone die around me, made me lose hope.” His voice dipping a little lower, it stung, remembering his past. The amber lead poisoning on the island. Making everyone sick, his parents getting killed, his friends and people he was close to getting shot or dying in general. He wanted the whole world to burn. “I hated the world for its cruelness. The government hid that our island was mining something deadly, nearly and slowly killing everyone on the island. But…” Law glanced around at the crew to see what their reactions were. Bepo, Penguin, Jean Bart and Clione were on the brink of tears, as Shachi, Ikkaku, Uni and Hakugan glanced around at each other, unsure as to what to say or to do. Law sighed, and leaned back in his chair to ease the tension with his posture. “Guys, its fine. I am here right now aren’t I?” The crew slightly smiled, seeing as Law was usually tense, it seemed he was more relaxed. “Well, someone sacrificed their life for me, let's just say. And now, I have you guys. I don’t really want people to die if I can help it. If I am going to die though, I will fight with everything I got.”
“Captain!” Majority of his crew got up from the table to hug and pile on top of him. Ikkaku kind of shrugged but felt relieved. Why did he just reveal his feelings to everyone? It is not as if he doesn’t trust them, but rather it wasn’t really necessary.
“Ack, get off me!” Law squirming to get out of the hugs and rubbing up of his Heart Pirates, as he was trying to shove them off. “I was just saying my opinion god dammit!” The whole crew started to laugh, even the new recruit, Y/N.
Their smile was everything, the adventures that they went on with him was what made him chuckle. He had to admit, he didn’t want to show his vulnerable side with anyone, yet he somehow did with them. This warm aura emanated whenever they danced, talked with Bepo, and navigated the seas with Penguin. Nothing really could stop this crew, this feeling should never end.
“Captain!” Uni came up to salut, “I don’t really see a need to be on this island.” Law rolled his eyes, his sword slung over his shoulder. Bepo’s feet running far ahead of Law just to find the delicious fruit on the island.
“Don’t you see that we have to explore this place?” Law nearly shouted in his crewmate’s face. “Besides, Bepo, Y/N-ya and Jean Bart wanted to see if there are any supplies we could nab.” Y/N picked up a dainty blue flower, dragging their fingers across the stem and hissing from the texture. Law only saw their reaction and shook their head.
“Here ya go cap! It matches your pants!” Teasing them on their fashion, but Law gently held the flower by the sepal, seeing the stem having speckled yellow and black spots made him weary. However, it was from a crewmate and he had never seen this flower before so of course he tucked it in his back pocket.
“Woohoo! Fruit!” The fluffy white bear ran as far as everyone could see.
“No wait! Lemme come with!” Y/N grasping onto the bear to ride on Bepo’s back. A trail of dust following their pathway. “Come on guys!” Y/N was shouting with such excitement, it put the rest of the crew’s mind at ease. Law shook his head a little, but sighed as the whole crew had not had any fun in a very long time anyway. This little island of paradise was just what they needed.
“Well, I am going to get back on the ship to brush up on some research. If you see any herbs or roots, grab some for me will ya? I need to make some medicine anyway in case anything happens.” Law thinking that anything could happen on the seas. Other than pirates, there are animals, food, plants, alloys, and many more things that could come their way. 
“But captain, I don’t really know what to really grab,” Uni said, scratching his head to relieve the stress of the request he just heard. Law grumbled, but it was true, only he really knew what he truly needed at the end. He might as well grab it himself.
“Alright alright, keep an eye on the sub ‘aight? I’ll be back in about an hour,” he said, trying not to show a bit of annoyance in his voice. Law shook his head, this was his time to enjoy some time away from the loud crew. The weeds and brush were thick, the trunks of trees were a subdued brown, as the leaves rustled above his head, grazing his white leopard print hat. His backpack hanging off his left shoulder, gently hitting his back in rhythm as he continued to walk around the island. Plenty of herbs were found right near the shore, along with some poisonous ones that he made sure to use his abilities to transport them back onto the ship. Using his powers for something so small was a waste, but it was easier than walking back and forth to the ship. He knelt down to grab a flower similar to the one Y/N handed to him but it had orange petals instead of blue, it was small and thin, before he touched it there were fine spikes on the stem. Using his Ope-Ope fruit powers, he transported it quickly into his backpack as he was a little far to use his powers to bring them back onto the ship.
“Hm?” Law’s head turned to the direction of a huge boulder, there was something coming. What is that? Bringing his sword to his hip, he was ready to fight in case. It was big, it was coming towards him. It was-
“Captain! It’s…it’s-” Bepo was in severe distress, his eyes full of worry and tears running down his face. Within his paws, was something. He couldn’t see exactly what it was, but he had to make sure. “It’s Y/N…they are sick!”
“What?” Almost dropping his sword, he ran towards Bepo and Y/N in his arms. Their eyes were rolled into the back of their head, they were shaking and jerking around as if possessed. “We need to get onto the sub, now,” starting to run back to the shore. Bepo’s cries were loud, followed by a few sniffles.
“Captain, I am so sorry! I should have-”
“Don’t worry about that right now, we need to get them on the ship now!” There was no time, Y/N was just fine not even an hour ago and now they looked like they were on the brink of becoming a zombie. “Shit, stay with us.”
“Oi, oi, oi! Stay with us!” Law gently checks Y/N’s eyes for at least some response on his ship. Shaking them, then checking their pulse to see if there were any clear symptoms of what it could be. “What the hell happened?!” Panic set in, as Y/N was shaking violently, jerking around on the bed and fighting the restraints.
“I don’t know! We ran around, then we ate some fruit, then ate some fresh sea urchin, and then they fainted into the water,” the frantic polar bear helping Law strap in Y/N’s legs to prevent them from kicking around.
“Shit, Bepo, tell the rest of the crew to not step foot on that island until I say so. Understand? Tell them not to come in here either!” With hesitation and disappointment, Bepo nodded and ran out of the medical room to warn the others. “Dammit, stay with me here,” Law glanced around for his stethoscope, putting it on to hear Y/N’s heartbeat. It was beating insanely fast, then slow, then back up too fast. There was no way of knowing what happened, maybe he could guess, but there was no time. “Ugh fuck!” Law was sweating, there was no way he was going to let someone die on his watch, not this time.
“Boss!” Bepo bursted in, nearly making Law fall from stress and panic. “This was on my clothes right near where Y/N was grabbing onto!” Bepo showed in his big paw, a recognizable flower with orange petals with some spikes missing on one side of the stem. There were no allergies that Y/N had, that at least he knew of. Even when they had a reaction, Law was able to give them a quick antidote and they were full of smiles and laughter moments later. His eyes grew wide, pointing at a table nearby, if it was any other flower that he had made medicine from, this had to work.
“That has got to be it. It doesn’t seem to penetrate your skin or work on animals,” saying it quickly as his mind was turning gears. “Bepo, crush the flower and add the herb from the green vial, only 10 grams of it okay? Then the one with the purple and red label, put a small amount in, do 3 grams, it's very potent.” Commanding the poor bear with such a stressful task, as the animal trembled.
“But captain-”
“Please, I trust you. I know you’ll do it fine. Just breathe and focus. There are scales near there, and once you crush it up, add some water and hand it to me please,” nodding to instill some confidence in the bear. Bepo gritted his teeth and nodded, he understood and got to work. Carefully measured with his big paw as best he can, the sounds of the mortar and pestle crushing the herbs and the flower against the rock slowly become small rattles. On Law’s end, Y/N’s whites started to turn blue, it was nothing Law had ever seen before. “Shit…please,” pressing his palm against their forehead. It was getting hot, then icy cold, back to hot again. This was nothing he had ever witnessed. The image of his family and friends flashed before his eyes, along with Corazon. “Fuck, please stay awake for me.” There was a quick tap on his shoulder, and the bear presented a purple hued soup like liquid in the mortar. Law pried open Y/N’s blue lips to signal to his crewmate to force feed it to the sick patient. After nearly spilling it all over, they got the majority of it in their mouth, and Law forced their jaw close and held it. There was a gulp sound, then silence. Their movements were still violent, but their heartbeat he could feel through his fingertips were becoming more even. A minute or two later, the whites of their eyes slowly started to turn from blue to more of a gray tone, their movements slowing down until there was nothing. It was tense, the silence and the lack of movement. Their eyes fluttered shut, but back open again. Their pupils darted around to grasp the situation.
“Cap?” They gasped out. A sigh of relief was forced out of Law and Bepo’s throat. They had been holding their breath to see if it had worked. It had, so far. Law tried to get some of something out, a sentence, a word, a sound even. His hands grasped at air, leaning closer and closer. It felt like an eon passed, when did he feel this worried; this sad? When he rescued Bepo? Jean Bart? There was warmth in his arms, hugging Y/N, welcoming them back to the light. “Erm…I…well,” they were unsure. Patting Law’s arm, their tears welling up and spilling over their cheeks. They were scared of what happened, “fuck, Law. I was so scared.” Law buried his face into Y/N’s shoulder. It’s been awhile since he felt his heart ache towards someone, being unable to do anything when he couldn’t control the situation.
“It’s okay now. It’s okay, you are safe.” Bepo already knew how the captain was, he knew Law was hiding his tears. Trying to be strong himself. “Just rest for now, I can tell the others that you are alright.” The soft tickling of their hair tickled his nose, raising his head to look behind Y/N. He could not look at their face, their puffy faced scared look. “Stay right here okay? I’ll get you some tea from the kitchen personally. Your favorite aight, Y/N-ya?” Y/N lied down, but quickly grasped his shirt, so weakly that he could see the fabric slipping out of their fingers.
“Y…yeah, Law…I still feel weak, and as if I can’t breathe,” weakly smiling. “It doesn’t hurt as much though!” Coughing a little, their eyes still a grayish hue, their face still pink from their crying session they just had. “I was so scared to die, I really would not be ready to die right now. Ironic that we talked about that at the table, huh? Would hate for my last moments to be just crying right?” Everyone in the room chuckled, as Law ruffled Y/N’s hair. “I feel a little numb though, but other than that I don’t feel pain.”
“Alright, well Bepo will keep an eye on you as I grab the tea, alright?” There was a hum in understanding from the patient. Their eyes closed, as their breathing was labored. “Okay, Bepo,” turning to face Bepo, “keep an eye on them. ‘Alright?” The bear saluted, and stood up next to Y/N, making sure that he was following every little order since it was a special recovery. Law turned around on his heels and walked out of the room, gently closing the door. There was a lot on his mind, that stupid flower, the panic of his crewmate getting insanely sick, thinking of all those things as he grabbed the bag of tea and started to walk back. The door made small screeches from the hinges, his head hung low to hide his smile under his hat.
“Boss!” Bepo’s voice was loud, clear, shrill even. “They-...they…AH!” Looking up, to see that Y/N was no longer breathing, their cheeks shining from their tears. 
“Oi! What happened?”
“I- I don’t know! You left and they said something and I could smell that they passed. I don’t-” The bear was frantic. There was no way, just a mere seconds, they passed on the bed. No way in his mind. He had everything, he at least thought the remedy would work. Law could use his powers to revive this crewmate back in exchange for his own life. “Law don’t! They wouldn’t want you to do it!”
“Fuck! Fucking dammit! Why? Why is life so cruel?!” The doctor’s hands slamming down on the bed, then knocking over his equipment. There was anger, frustration, sadness, and hatred in his veins. “Please tell me I didn’t fuck up! Please…” There was the sound of sobs, metal clanging from the instruments hitting the floor. He felt something in his pocket, and he pulled it out, revealing the flower that was given to him. “Ouch!” His fingers were pricked by the stem, as he could feel his body jolt in pain. “Bepo!” Plucking two petals from the flower, “fuck, I need you to do the same shit that you just did-”
“Captain, what do you-”
“Listen to me!” Law’s voice started to get sharp, gasping for air in his lungs. His blood felt like needles in his limbs. “I…fuck,” Bepo could see what was going on. It was all too familiar, the sight of his captain falling into the same symptoms as someone else that met their demise in the room they were sitting in. Without hesitation, the bear got to work, feeling more comfortable with what he just did, making the soup but the color was different. The oil slick liquid looked like magic, a magical liquor almost. “Ack!” Fuck, he could feel himself withering away, the numbness, the pain, his thoughts were slowly turning into nothingness.
“Huh?” Law woke up, lying in his quarters, with a rag on his forehead. Moving his hands and feet, it must have been a dream. All of his crewmates around him, worried, hovering above his bed frame. They nearly all pounced him, until he said one thing. “Where is Y/N?” A hush, a sudden stop to all noise. “They are okay, right?”
“Captain, they passed away…” Jean Bart spoke up. There was no way it did happen.
“Shit! No!” Law getting up from his bed and running down the corridor, he did not care if he had to see their face. It was a crewmate that brought smiles upon the Polar Tang. There was something that needed to be said. Slamming open the door, he saw the body, yet there were flowers popping up from where their heart was. The room smelled fragrant of both death and yet floral. As if a funeral had happened on the ship. Grasping Y/N’s small wrist, he knew that they were long gone…two weeks in fact. He had been out for two weeks, the remedy worked on him, yet he fed a poison to someone else, rapidly speeding up the process of their end. His cries were heard all across the submarine. This was the only time he could show his weakness. The only time that he had wished he told them, deep down, admitting finally that he loved him. The joy they brought, the stupid arguments, the moments he was saved when he fell into the sea, when they force fed him bread, and many more moments.
“Captain, I know you miss them, but I think they still would be happy for you,” Uni stated as Law glanced out of the window. “Besides, we fulfilled their dream of just having a fun time, all the way till the end!”
“Yeah…I know,” thinking about this moment, this fuck up that had happened a year ago. Reminiscing on their words. “So, you want us to be happy, and carry on your memories with us, huh?” His crewmate looked at him confused, trying to understand what he just said. Seeing that his crewmate was lost, Law sighed then smiled a little. “Oi, we can’t be sulking around! We have to continue. Besides, Y/N would not want that for us right?” Getting up from the table, nearly knocking over a vase on his desk. “Shit”, his hand standing up the vase that held an all too familiar flower, the one that sprouted upon the crew’s heart. “We will be back, Y/N. Promise.”
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cloudzoro · 8 months
Kink Discovery | One Piece ♡
individual reaction/headcanon scenarios on kink discovery with op characters!
part 2 featuring more characters out now!
part 2 | masterlist
genre: smut (minors dni)
characters included: Ace, Law, Nami, Robin, Sanji & Zoro
cw: spitting, biting, rough sex, sub!sanji, squirting, high heels, lingerie, fem!reader, big dick!law, big dick!zoro, possessive behaviour
Ace - hair-pulling
Ace is such a giver. He loves eating you out. He works his tongue over your folds before lowering down and dipping his tongue into your hole. What he lacks in strategy he makes up for tenfold in passion. He's eager to please. You writhe around with pleasure and, with nowhere to hold onto, your hands naturally slide onto his hair.
You don't catch the first time he grunts at the way you grip his gorgeous hair but, when you give a particularly harsh tug, he can't stop the moan that leaves his mouth in response to the stinging of his scalp. He knows he's been caught so he pulls away from your cunt to look at you.
“do that again”
You oblige, gripping his locks tighter and pushing his head back between your legs.
Law - biting
“We gotta be quiet, baby”, he whispers, covering your mouth with his hand. He has you against the wall in his room and is trying to keep you as quiet as possible so you don't get caught by any of his crew. His cock thrusts in and out of you, and it has you going delirious. You're deliciously stretched out that you can't help but moan into his hand.
Law isn't faring much better; the warm walls of your cunt squeeze his cock in a way that has him gripping the wall behind you. His orgasm is so close he can practically taste it. In the heat of the moment, with nothing else to muffle the sounds he makes, he sinks his teeth into your shoulder. The pleasurable sting pushes you over the edge with him, and you all but scream into his palm.
When he finally catches his breath he leans back, keeping his arms out to steady you, and admires the red bite mark decorating your shoulder. The marks make a possessive fire ripple through his body.
“this looks so pretty"
Nami - lingerie
Nami loves shopping. She often ends up buying clothes she thinks you'll look pretty in, so it's no surprise to you when she returns to the sunny, waving a shopping bag around in front of your face. She leaves the room, wanting to be surprised when you put her gift on. You open the bag to see a pretty red lingerie set. It's beautiful, just the type of stuff you'd imagined Nami would be into. Delicate lace in a scorching red colour is right up her alley.
She walks into the room and it's as if she's seeing you for the first time. You look like a present, gift wrapped for her pleasure. She guides you to stand in front of her, between her legs, while she sits on the bed. She leans forward, pressing tender kisses to your stomach and hips as her hands trace the lace covering your most intimate areas. Her fingers slide under the back of the panties and she grabs two handfuls of ass to pull you on top of her.
Now that you're seated comfortably on her lap, she's at a prefect height to show some appreciation for your tits. She whispers sweet praises as she lines the edge of the pretty lace bra with kisses. She's never taken this long to undress you before and you already know she'll have you shaking and begging before she's ready to unwrap her pretty little present.
Robin - squirting
Robin has you seated on her lap, legs spread open by two of her ‘arms’. She has two more of her arms playing with your pussy; one hand slides in and out of your used cunt, which is sensitive from already cumming twice, and the other is rubbing your swollen clit. Her real hands are gripping your tits, squeezing them and rolling your nipples between her fingers.
You had mentioned off-handedly that you can squirt, and Robin was immediately fascinated. She quickly became obsessed with the idea of making you gush for her. Your body is thoroughly shaking, and her lips pressing messy, wet kisses to your neck and shoulders does little to soothe you. You can feel another orgasm buying, and you don't get the chance to warn her before you arch so hard you almost fall off of her lap. A gushing noise accompanies your heavy breaths.
She can't decide what captivates her more; the way your legs shake with overstimulation or the way you whine and whimper her name. Pleased with her results she brings her soaked hand up to her mouth and licks your release from her fingers.
Sanji - submission
Sanji has always had puppy-like qualities; he follows you around and is incredibly affectionate towards you at all times. His love for you borders on worship, and you're surprised it's taken this long for that dynamic to work itself into your relationship. He brings up the idea of dirty talk first, just simple degradation, but over time, he gets bolder and bolder.
He gets a collar so you can drag him around to where you want to be. He buys you shoes at every place so you can look the part when you step on him. He's happy to get on his knees and eat your perfect pussy until you're crying. He wants nothing more than to be at your service twenty-four-seven. He remembers the first time he submitted to you so clearly.
“Good boy,” you say, slipping two fingers under his collar and pulling him into a sloppy kiss. It's rare for him to hear the phrase without degrading words preceding it. He whines into your mouth, desperate to get some release after you've been teasing him all day. “you can let go now,” you say, pressing your heeled shoe against his crotch. Being the good boy he is, his body follows through, and he cums in his pants at the pressure under your shoe.
Zoro - spitting
“You like that?” Zoro asks as he drills into you. He likes to have you in missionary so he can watch your face while he fucks you. You grit a response out through your teeth, barely able to get the words out. Another deep thrust makes you moan wildly, throwing your head back against the pillows. Your open mouth looks so inviting to the swordsman who reaches one of his hands up to your face to grip your jaw. “keep that pretty mouth open for me”
Zoro doesn't know what comes over him but he spits into your mouth. It's gross and possessive, just like him. You whine at the feeling of his spit hitting your tongue and you feel his cock twitch at the sound. You thought he couldn't fuck you any harder but you're proved wrong when he readjusts his grip on your legs. He watches your throat as you swallow and the grin plastered on his face is demonic.
“that's so fucking hot, you're such a good girl” The image of you letting him corrupt and defile you with his spit spurs him on to his orgasm. He holds off the best he can until you cum and then he finally lets himself go, panting and leaving trails of saliva across your pretty skin.
thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed :)
likes and reblogs are massively appreciated
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eelnoise · 8 months
beset fixation (nsfw!)
trafalgar law x gn!strawhat!reader cw: smut, possessive law, law struggles w/ feelings, soft law, piv sex, implied situationship, emotional law an: so in my head this takes place in wano, and is kind of a heat of the moment emotional type thing. in my head law's stupid slutty kimono is draped around his shoulders btw hehe tagging: @bby-deerling @kaizokuniichan @themushroomofdeath @risenwrites
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Law is obsessed with you.
It eats at him, gnaws into his flesh like sharpened teeth. He feels childish, as if being played for a fool - but the fact of the matter is that you’ve clawed your way into his head. Law finds himself aching with an inexplicable pain that he cannot seem to mend on his own, one that snaps any strands of rationality in two and has him second, third, and fourth guessing his own words.
You’re a Strawhat. After this business is done and accounted for and the alliance ends, you’ll be enemies once again.
Yet Law can’t escape the deep-seated, profound, and frankly infuriating way you linger around in his mind. His inner thoughts speak in your voice, perfectly mimicking every single subtle nuance and tonal shift of the words you’ve spoken to him prior. He longs for your presence, even if he cannot reason with why. The only thing that Law has gleaned is that you are the root problem of it all - and he needs to let you go for his own sake.
Then why now does he have you upon hands and knees, back arched perfectly and covered in sweat while he buries himself as deep inside of you as he can?
Lithe fingers cup at your hips to keep you in place, tips digging into the pliant flesh with enough force to bruise twice over. Law’s pace is ruthless, pouring every single one of his feelings into you with every harsh thrust of his hips - and you still just don’t get it. Are you truly this oblivious to his behavior? How he craves the taste of your skin or the touch of your hands? He all but froths at the mouth when you’re with one of your crewmates, jaw clenching and fists balling at the thought of you leaving with them - leaving him behind.
Law grits his teeth in frustration, and takes it out with a rough smack to your ass. Your cry of ecstasy doesn’t go unnoticed, and his hold on you tightens further when your walls flutter against his cock. He can feel himself start to crumble, and with each salaciously delicious sound you spew he borders further and further off the edge of reality. 
What’s stopping him from keeping you, really?
He could have you whenever he wanted – your touch and body available at the drop of a coin. Nevermore would he need to feel the crushing burden of your absence, to mend the seams of woe that have frayed into his nerves. Try as he might to fight it, this burning desire is kindled when you're with him. 
And now, with you at his mercy beneath him, all thoughts feel like lies. Law feels his will breaking, and for a moment he casts logic aside. The smiles, the laughter, the vivid conversations you've shared – he wants them all to himself. It's selfish,and yet it can't be helped. 
Law's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of your voice. Pleas of finality reach his ears – soft, shaky cries of delirium emanating from your tongue. He knows what you want, and he isn’t about to give you what you want. Not yet.
He slips out of you then, giving you a much needed but very much unwanted moment of reprieve that's cut short before you can even turn your head up toward him in question. Law shifts his hold on your hips and flips you onto your back, hands curling against the undersides of your knees and pressing them toward your chest. Just as he’s realigning himself with you he pauses, unable to stop himself from raising his gaze to yours.
Law inhales sharply and can feel his gaze soften as he looks into your eyes. And in another bout of weakness does his heart leap, a warmth spreading within him that feels so unfamiliar but not unwelcome. He leans forward over your body to quickly capture your lips to his, simultaneously sheathing himself back within you. He swallows both the gasp from your throat as well as his own guilt, indulging himself in the wistful tangle of emotions and limbs that is this moment.
Your tongue eagerly twists into his, your arms coming to cross around his shoulders as if desperate to get as close to him as you can. Law obliges you, wrapping his own arms around your lower back and squeezing you to his chest – though he longs to melt into you entirely. He’s slower now, the rock of his hips beginning to move with more purpose and with an undeniable sense of not-so-hidden sentiment. 
It feels like his sense of self has vanished, and in its place stands someone he doesn’t know. As if the sums of his of attempts at reason had subtracted tenfold. His kiss doesn’t end - save for seconds of breath - slotting your lips together in a long sermon of implicit confessions that are long overdue.
The feeling overtakes him, and soon enough he’s muttering nonsense into your ear about how he needs you and how you make him feel. Telling you all the ways he craves your entire being, how much you’ve changed the way he thinks. It's more than he’s said to anyone at once before, and he doesn’t know – doesn’t care – where it’s coming from.
You reciprocate. It shocks him – the words falling from your tongue should sound foreign, but they don’t. They’re real and they’re raw and they bring Law a comfort he shouldn’t crave.
But he does, he craves it like no other. And hearing your revelation solidifies it.
Law isn’t leaving this country without you by his side.
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innerfare · 25 days
Going Down On You - Part 1 
Summary: how they go down on you
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
Genre: pure smut
CW: NSFW // oral sex, shameless dirty talk, Kid is a little mean
As soon as the two of you are alone, he’s pushing your legs apart. Often times, he doesn’t even take your clothes off, just pushes what he can to the side and buries his face in your pussy. He eats you out like an all you can eat buffet and comes back for multiple rounds. 
He slurps so loud- comically loud. 
“So tasty,” he’ll mutter. “I could eat this for hours.” Sometimes he does. He doesn’t stop when you cum, he stops when he’s had his fill, no matter what time it is. 
Sometimes, he’ll wake up in the middle of the night ravenous. If you’re wearing panties, he rips them off, so you’ve learned to sleep naked. Half asleep, he’ll bury his face between your legs until he’s had his fill, lapping tiredly at your folds, humming and groaning while he does it. If you try to squirm or get away, he gets super annoyed.
“Stop it,” he grumbles in that slight raspy voice of his, lips glistening with your juices. “I don’t care if you’re tired, I’m hungry.” 
What Luffy wants, Luffy gets. 
If the two of you were stranded on an island together, he probably wouldn’t even hunt for food. He’d just strip you down on the beach and pin you with his face between your legs until the two of you were rescued. At times, he even prefers eating you out to fucking you. 
When he’s hungry, he won’t ask. He’ll just pry your legs apart and go to town as casually as making a cup of tea, though he does it with such fervor you think he must be an addict. 
He usually drags you on top of him and makes you sit on his face so he can lap at your folds at his leisure. He prefers to sit with his hands behind his back while he does it, as if he’s a king and you’re servicing him by letting him tongue your poor, aching cunt (you are), but if you’re being naughty, he’ll wrap those massive hands around your thighs and hold you in place. He also gets super annoyed if you squeal or squirm. 
“Quiet, woman,” he’ll tell you, furrowing his brows. “You’re distracting me.” 
He likes to spread your lips apart and take a good look at you first. He’ll bury his face in your folds and inhale as deeply as he can several times, taking his sweet time before he begins poking and prodding. He’ll mutter to himself as he does it. 
“Mmm, that’s good. Yeah, just like that. That’s a sweet pussy. So sensitive. I bet I can make it cream.” 
He’ll stop in the middle of what he’s doing to place some warm, lingering kisses on your folds before ramming his tongue back inside you. Really loves spitting in your hole and pushing it in deeper with his fingers. Will literally drool in your cunt because he enjoys seeing it spill out. 
Literally so loud when he does it, makes the most over the top, dramatic noises, moaning as if you’re sucking him off. He especially loves to suck on your labia (no hate to innies but he definitely prefers outies, if you know what I mean). This man would carry a picture of your wet pussy around in his wallet if you let him. He takes the opportunity to taste you very seriously, a little too seriously. Has spent so much time perfecting his technique it’s unreal. 
He’s so sweet about it, too, and so grateful. 
“My precious babygirl, thank you so much for letting me taste this sweet pussy.” 
Such a giver he would happily give up his own pleasure for yours, but that doesn’t mean 69-ing isn’t his absolute favorite thing in the entire world. He especially likes it when he’s sitting up with his back against the headboard, your ass in the air and your face buried down in his lap (helps with the height difference, too). He’ll hold you open and massage your ass while he laps at your folds. 
Always wants to finger you in this position but can’t bring himself to do it, doesn’t want to waste a single drop of your juices; also just can’t keep his face out of your cunt long enough to manage. If hickies on your clit were possible, yours would be covered constantly. He also wants to eat his cum out of you after you two fuck.
All of those manners he worked so hard to learn go right out the window when he gets your panties off and his face between your legs. Is especially obsessed with the smell of you; as soon as he catches the scent, he’s on you like a beast. He wants it all over his face and hands. He wants to fall into bed and smell you on his sheets and pillows. 
“The best smell in the fucking world,” he’ll groan, dragging his nose up your slit. 
His favorite is to put you on your back and push your bottom half up so your bare cunt is high in the air, completely exposed and vulnerable for him to eat at his leisure. He’ll put his big, strong hands behind your knees and hold your legs in an impossible position while he buries his face in your juicy cunt, the knowledge it’s all his enough to make him hard. 
“Fucking delicious. And it’s all fucking mine.” 
Like his brother, he has quite the appetite, but unlike Luffy, he’s never just content to devour you. He’ll lap at your folds until you’re overstimulated, and then he’ll pull out his thick, veiny cock. He’ll shush you as he pushes it into your quivering cunt and fuck you until he’s as spent as you are, and then he’ll fuck you a little more.   
Another ravenous appetite. Sabo is so messy when he eats you out. He’ll have your juices and his saliva running down his chin and smeared all over his cheeks. He’s even gotten it in his hair before. He doesn’t care, though. When he gets his face between your legs, he gets pussy drunk and completely spaces out. Time stands still, and the only thing that matters is pushing his tongue into your quivering little hole. 
It’s his favorite way to wind down after a long day, and if he’s been away on a mission, he’ll most certainly return with a new mission: to suck your soul out through your clit.  
He’s especially good with his tongue. He’ll stuff it into your hole and massage your most sensitive areas, working it in and out of you while his thumb kneads your sensitive clit. He likes to change positions a lot, putting you on your back then flipping you on all fours before dragging you down to sit on his face, and he’ll have a wicked grin on his face the entire time. The most important thing is that your fingers are tangled in his hair while he works. 
His possessive side really comes out while he’s going down on you. With Sabo, there’s no such thing as your pussy, only his pussy. He'll spit on your folds and leave hickies on your inner thighs to mark you as his.
“Nobody else gets to taste you. Not now, not ever.” 
Most definitely uses it as a punishment. He’ll chastise you while he fingers you slowly, his lips mere inches from your leaking cunt. He’ll scold you for being so wet for him or for whining/being impatient. 
"Poor thing, you're aching for it."
When he does finally go down, he’s meticulous about it, tonguing every crevice and licking up every last drop. He’ll make you hold your own legs up and wide open so he can have easier access, and so he can busy his own hands with your breasts. 
On the occasions he does let you lower your legs, he really enjoys your fingers in his hair and your feet resting on his back. Especially likes it when you use your feet to push him away so he can wrestle with you a little; he pulls rank, too, telling you that you have to listen because he’s your captain or a doctor. 
“Y/n-ah, stay still. Doctor’s orders.” 
He’s a spanker and if you get too loud, his hand will come down on your breasts or ass until you grab a pillow to muffle your cries, never mind that the sound of him spanking you is louder than your moans. Also, he has a habit of falling into bed at 2am and waking you up with his head between your legs. 
Prefers to eat you out from behind. There’s no division between eating ass and eating pussy as far as this man is concerned, either. He does both or neither, and putting you on all fours or bending you over something is the easiest way for him to get what he wants. 
He’s so mean about it, too. “Poor little thing. You can’t function properly until you’ve been tongue fucked by your man, can you?” 
He’ll chew your nipples raw and snap at you to stop whining about it, you brat. He’ll pull back to spit directly onto your folds, doing it quite loudly because he knows it embarrasses you and makes your hole clench, you adorable fuck bunny. He’ll flick your clit and laugh when you squeal, and he’ll make fun of you when you cum, you needy slut. If you cream or squirt, you’ll never live it down, you pathetic whore. He’ll hold it over your head, but don’t take that to mean he doesn’t like it- he’s obsessed with your cream. 
He’ll spank you, but he prefers to bite. Your ass will be covered in bite marks and hickeys before he ever plunges his tongue into one of your holes. He’s feral when he does, growling and grunting the entire time. And when he’s finished, he’ll place a few sweet kisses on your cunt and ass, give you a light spank, and tell you to get yourself cleaned up. Unless, of course, he wants to fuck you after, in which case you’re in for a long night. If he eats his cum out of you, he'll most definitely be fucking another load into you.
Hope you enjoyed it! If you want more, you can check out my masterlist here!
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sanjisprincesswifey · 9 months
pros and cons
summary: the good, the bad, the ugly, perfectly curated into a pros and cons list
♡: reupload (but better now), some nsfw content is listed; MDNI, includes all characters with indications of a female reader!
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black leg sanji
constantly wants to color coordinate your outfits together
let’s you pick meals at minimum once a week
very good kisser (he practiced with his pillow a lot before your first date)
he wants you to walk him like a dog
sanji never lets you forget how much you mean to him
always remembers important dates, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. 
remembers the little things and notices your absence (will often go to try and find you)
adapts to whatever love language you respond to 
the nicotine smell embeds into your sheets and clothes and is a pain in the ass to get out
yells for any minor inconvenience
occasionally too handsy
always finishes before you
major jealousy issues
is constantly horny
says he’s fine but he’s dying inside
doesn’t understand the concept of alone time and takes it personally if you ask to be by yourself
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roronoa zoro
the best napping partner
is a softie but only with you
very emotionally intelligent 
gym trainer boyfriend
let’s you take the relationship at your own pace because he can’t be bothered 
loves to mark you and give you hickies
always makes sure you finish first 
stinky (bro smells like sweat and steel)
does not have a single romantic bone in his body; you’ll literally have to teach him how to be a boyfriend
is extremely blunt 
snores super loud 
might fall asleep while you’re talking
you can no longer be friends with sanji 
doesn’t ask you to date him, just assumes you are together
gets upset when you can’t keep up with his drinking
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monkey d luffy
the best hugger 
extremely loyal to you
hides midnight snacks for both of you
lets you sit on the ship’s figurehead with him
king of silly sentimental gifts (hand-picked flower, cool rock, pretty seashell, that sort of thing)
always makes sure you’re included in conversations
shares his favorite foods with you
can always make you feel better
doesn’t know how to be quiet or whisper
never lets you win arguments
throws himself at you with no regard to his strength
no concept of personal space
rubs his boogers on you
accidentally makes fun of the noises you make during sex
will steal blankets from you while you’re asleep  
points out your pimples or zits 
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always finds a way to make you laugh
grows flowers for you
comforts you if you’re insecure
handmade gifts!!!!!!
brags about you to everyone
loves to show you off and tell stories about your adventures together
names special attacks after you
always lets you in on the pranks he pulls 
is insecure
would sacrifice you to an enemy to protect himself
shows you bugs even if you��re afraid of them
incredibly awkward with all your firsts 
clammy hands
make jokes during arguments (it makes you madder and the cycle continues)
never tops
sometimes pranks you too 
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cyborg franky
is always telling you how hot you are
can literally build/make you anything you desire
romantic (can be corny sometimes though)
so flirty with you
human refrigerator; occasionally lets you store things in there
introduces you like this: “and this is my super smokin’ hot girlfriend, OW” to anyone who will listen
protects you during fights
king of reassurance
never wears pants
slaps your ass too hard since he’s half metal
dad jokes 24/7
you can’t compliment him without him doing a montage of poses
difficult to cuddle with (again he’s made of parts)
always busy fixing something on the ship
is constantly asking you if he can make you a cyborg too
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lets you take a few of her tangerines
immune to her reprimanding when something bad happens (most times)
extremely thoughtful gift giver
shares her money with you
cares deeply about you (don’t point it out though because then she’ll stop)
is always telling you how pretty you are
very good in bed
is more lenient with your allowance
pawns gifts you get her
bad communicator
critiques everything about you
can and will distance herself from you
charges you if you piss her off
talks about vivi way too much for having a whole other girlfriend
doesn’t apologize after fights even if she caused them
bullies you (with love)
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nico robin
leaves you notes in books to find later
the voice of reason in your relationship
notices and compliments you on every little change you make (haircuts, style change, etc.)
extremely good listener
literally a human search engine; so smart you can ask her almost any question and she knows the answer
passionate lover; treats you like a god in bed
soft lips
spoils you in every way that she can
can make you feel dumb with her endless knowledge
will never say ‘i love you’ first
always tops (a possible pro depending on your preferences tbh)
has nightmares almost every night ):
closed off in the beginning of your relationship
franky hits on her (and you) all the time
rather be reading than with you
takes your relationship extremely slow
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portgas d ace
can heat food up for you at any time day or night
loves pda
plans fun dates
probably says ‘i love you’ a million times a day
into body worship (both ways)
kills bugs for you
walk him like a dog, sis !
never says no to you
sweaty and greasy in the summer
farts and gives you a dutch oven
doesn’t take anything seriously
adhd moments
mommy AND daddy issues
likes to lay on top of you even though he’s huge and basically crushes you
talks with his mouth full
is loud in bed (because he enjoys it so much) and everyone can hear when you two have sex
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another body worshipper
dragon claw fist. need i say more?
the best secret keeper
praises you
would actually bow down to you
very respectful, asked you to kiss on your first date
awkward but sensual lover
a loyal puppy
loves being right
sore winner & loser
cocky ass mf
talks about luffy and ace 24/7
never on time
bad temper
might catch on fire if he’s mad
loves to tease you (again, could be a pro depending on your preferences)
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buys you anything you could ever want
good kisser
always showing you off
treats you like a queen
calls you his wife
very affectionate in public
another worshipper; does that thing where his kisses lead up from your hand to your shoulder
when he gets drunk and you try to kiss him, he pushes you away and says “get off me, i have a wife”
gets you riled up during the day
teases you all the time
can be unreliable
bad at flirting
drunk all the time
still makes jokes about his arm even though it’s been YEARS
lingering alcohol smell
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trafalgar law
rarely cooks but always does for you when you’re sick
smells amazing all of the time
lets you do this eyeliner in the morning (based off this fanart)
is a victim of the ‘she fell first, he fell harder’ trope
gives you sound solutions to your problems
literally becomes addicted to you and can’t live without you
flusters easily, very shy
would shave his facial hair if you asked him to (please tell him to shave off that godforsaken beard)
very blunt
never talks about his feelings
grammar police
a virgin; he doesn’t know what to do but fakes confidence like he does (it makes your first time a bit awkward but just talk him through it, babe)
humbles you without meaning to
over explains if you broach a subject he likes
just stares at you when you try to flirt with him
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eustass kid
scary boyfriend privilege
an absolute beast in bed
insanely good kisser
raspy morning voice
you get to use his boobies as a pillow
is very smart but kinda dumb
eats pussy like a starved man
will always save you some food (it’s how he shows he cares)
hangs out with killer more than you
will put the milk carton back in the fridge even if it’s empty
you can never be mad at him or make him mad because he’s the biggest asshole ever
ignores you if you’re fighting
zones out while you’re talking
if you send him a long, thoughtful text, he’ll respond back with ‘k’
what’s his is his and what’s yours is his
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donquixote rosinante
walk. him. like. a. dog.
possessive over you, especially around his brother
would protect you with his last dying breath
absolute romantic
probably writes you poems
gentle giant, is so careful and soft with you
amazing cook despite accidentally setting himself on fire
has the patience of a god, once again, because of his brother
you have to keep a fire extinguisher with you at all times
you can’t get the smoke smell out of his clothes
he’s so tall you can’t kiss normally, he has to pick you up
silent treatment
covers up his farts with his devil fruit and you don’t realize it until it stinks
has really bad resting bitch face (literally goes from :| to :) in .03 seconds)
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated (✿◠‿◠)
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portgasdbru · 1 month
feat: luffy, zoro, sanji, ace, sabo, law, kid x f!reader
cw: strong language, crack, suggestive content
minors and ageless blog dni
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