#joint pain tips
wellnesseveryday · 3 months
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reality-detective · 8 months
Ginger, for joint pain relief - Barbara O'Neill 🤔
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
to my fellow hypermobile ppl, if you are turning while standing... do not simply rotate at the hips. it can fuck up your knees and hips.
instead... lift up the foot on the side you are turning towards. rotate that leg AND your torso towards the direction you want to go in. put foot down. bring your other foot in line with the first foot. make sure your feet point straight when you do this.
tada. you have turned more safely. if anyone knows a better way to turn please add on. may your joints not crumble.
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alxor-of-hellsite · 1 month
Does anyone have tips to help with subluxation? My hips especially have been refusing to stay put.
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sensible-tips · 6 months
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Testosterone Thursday
Testosterone plays a major role in maintaining healthy bones and joints. Read full article here: Joint Pain and Testosterone — The Link You Didn’t Know About
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angelpuns · 10 months
Urgghh my lower back pain is back and its so annoying why is my body being so ouched lately
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wollfling · 11 months
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Needlepoint choker I made that says "wolfling"!
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DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO RELIEVE JOINT PAIN IN FINGERS/HANDS? I’ve been having a nasty flare of joint issues in my hands (the worst it’s been in the last 4 years) and it’s making it hard to continue to do. Well. anything. All my friends live states away and typing is the main way I can communicate with any of them. I’m a digital artist and video editor so I’m ALWAYS on my computer for something and I just can’t do it recently. Pls pls pls if anyone has any suggestions let me know.
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beenovel · 2 years
sorry to hear about your diagnosis! here are some arthritis tips from a fellow chronic pain haver:
find a painkiller that works for you. i usually use naproxen 250/500. ask your doctor for specialized anti-inflammatory ones. don't be afraid to take them! they are literally made to help you!
heat packs are your Best Friend. literally treasure them cherish them etc. i have a nice electric one and a rubber hot water bottle just in case.
compression bandages!!!!!! i can't afford them so i use cheap crepe ones. also compression ankle and knee support (i felt the worst pain in my knees and i already had knee and ankle compression sleeves from previous incidents, so i just used those). look into buying compression gloves if it hurts more in your hands!
wear warm clothes! jackets hoodies socks! changing seasons are a Bitch to deal with. i live in a relatively warm area and i still had thin sweaters on in summer.
try keeping up some exercise. bob and brad on youtube are a pretty reliable resource for easy physiotherapy.
sit in different positions! after my diagnosis i basically abandoned my study desk and now use a laptop table and a bean bag lap desk.
don't be afraid to ask for help! - chronic pain anon (psst i'm actually one of your mutuals >:))))) best of luck though!!!!)
Nonnie how could you taunt me with "I'm actually one of your moots" like you're my new favorite person what. Also THANK YOU I LOVE YOU SM. I haven't actually been diagnosed yet, I get testing done on the 23rd so rn it's just extreme joint pain (the doc is thinking rheumatoid arthritis bc it runs in the family).
I have a heating pad my mom got me that's the size of my entire torso and it's my life's blood. Sometimes it's literally the only way I can sleep. I also have a smaller microwave like rice pack that I normally use on my hands and shoulders but have started to use on my knees.
Thank you so so much for all the tips, I've been absolutely drowning in articles on reducing joint pain for the last day and have been stressed
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k41tlyn8487 · 4 months
I’m bored so I’m on an Asking Spree
what’s one life hack that you know?
Oh wow ok
Not sure if this counts as a life hack but if i have a pot of dipping sauce ill put the sauce on my fork and then the food so that the food doesnt fall in the sauce the drown in it
Not sure if this counts though hahaha
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noctilionoidea · 21 days
I have a lot of free time today and I should be doing my homework but… legs hurtie… blankie warm…
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If you are suffering from joint, back and muscle pain, then you should give try to Balmorex Pro which is a no. 1 pain cream. It will help you to cure your chronic pain and even arthritis. Balmorex Pro™ is a fast-acting formula designed to support healthy joints, back, and muscles. It is a relief and recovery cream designed to relieve and manage joint discomfort, it's a safe and effective solution.
The Formula is Easy To Take Each Day, and it Only Uses Natural Ingredients to get the desired effect. Read More:
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munamania · 1 year
also. this trip has been making me fully realize how much my hypermobility affects my life lmao and like. i guess just how connected my issues are it’s almost like my body is a whole interconnected unit
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lazyfox411 · 8 months
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dasal31 · 5 months
A Revelation of Serenity: JointEternal’s Triumph in Transforming My Life
Introduction: In a world where the pursuit of wellness often feels like an endless labyrinth, stumbling upon a product that not only promises but delivers transformative benefits is akin to discovering a hidden treasure. JointEternal, with its remarkable blend of natural ingredients and innovative formulation, has emerged as a beacon of hope amidst the sea of wellness solutions. My journey with JointEternal has been nothing short of revelatory, and herein lies the testament to its unparalleled efficacy.
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Embarking on the Journey: Upon embarking on my journey with JointEternal, I was initially sceptical, as many are when faced with the myriad of wellness products saturating the market. However, from the moment I incorporated it into my daily routine, I was greeted with a wave of subtle yet profound changes. The unique composition of JointEternal, carefully crafted to nurture both body and mind, soon became an indispensable part of my wellness regimen.
Click her to get the buy link :
The Symphony of Ingredients: At the heart of JointEternal lies a symphony of natural ingredients, meticulously selected for their potent healing properties. From the nourishing embrace of turmeric to the soothing essence of ginger, each component works in harmony to alleviate discomfort and promote vitality. What truly sets JointEternal apart is its commitment to purity; every ingredient is sourced ethically and processed with utmost care, ensuring optimal potency and efficacy.
A Triumph Over Discomfort: For those plagued by the persistent ache of joint discomfort, JointEternal is nothing short of a revelation. Gone are the days marred by stiffness and limited mobility; in their place, a newfound sense of freedom and agility. With each passing day, I found myself reclaiming activities once relegated to the realm of impossibility, thanks to the restorative power of JointEternal. Whether it be a leisurely stroll through the park or an invigorating yoga session, my joints no longer dictate the boundaries of my existence.
Empowering the Mind: Yet, JointEternal’s benefits extend far beyond the realm of physical wellness. Its holistic approach encompasses the nurturing of the mind, fostering a sense of tranquillity and equilibrium. In the midst of life’s tumultuous currents, I found solace in the serene refuge provided by JointEternal. With a calm mind and rejuvenated body, I navigated challenges with newfound clarity and resilience, emboldened by the unwavering support of this exceptional product.
A Beacon of Integrity: In an industry fraught with dubious claims and questionable practices, JointEternal stands as a beacon of integrity and transparency. Each bottle bears testament to a commitment to quality and efficacy, backed by rigorous testing and uncompromising standards. Beyond mere profit, JointEternal’s mission is rooted in a genuine desire to enrich lives and foster holistic wellness, a noble pursuit that resonates deeply with consumers seeking authenticity in an increasingly commodified landscape.
Conclusion: In the tapestry of my wellness journey, JointEternal occupies a place of unparalleled significance. From its humble beginnings as a mere supplement to its current status as a cornerstone of my daily routine, its impact reverberates far beyond the confines of physical wellness. With JointEternal by my side, I embark upon each day with renewed vigour and optimism, empowered to embrace life’s myriad joys and challenges with unwavering grace. Truly, JointEternal is more than a product—it is a testament to the transformative power of nature and the boundless potential of holistic wellness.
Click her to get the buy link :
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spidersonline · 2 years
So much goes on in the weed withdrawing brain. Been absolutely realizing things all day. For example I was just peacefully pecking at my supper when I was bodily struck by the epiphany that I’ve had the words to Son of a Preacher Man wrong my whole life. No clue where that came from but when I looked up the lyrics, sure enough.
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