#james/nexolord nexomon
tulipsnflowers · 3 months
Another theory post boys
I can't be the only one to see the normal type like.. Physically fading, right?
Here's the thing, obviously, there is the possibility of James being like actually dead which is not helping, but like, here's how I see it:
.. Normal type is weaker in n2. But a long shot. It's no longer neutral, it has two weaknesses and no strengths to even it out, it's now out benefited by Psychic to be on that 6th team slot.
But, the more important thing, where the heck is the 'Normal' (I'll be referring to them as 'Energy' for the sake of not sounding silly,) shard?
Like, ok, it might seem unimportant, but we have the Phantom and Mind shards but no Energy shards. And before you say there's nobody to revive and that's why, I'd point to the Phantom and Mind shards yet again, heck one of those doesn't even have a primordial
And if you want to say Phantom shards are used in that one Ignitia mission, they are, but Mind shards are used absolutely no where and are there for flavor.
So there's nothing stopping JV from adding like, cores for speed and making them Electric and Energy shard based for a new core.
But there just aren't any Energy shards, which is really weird when Mind ones are a thing
Additionally, there is 0 Normal/Power/Energy Nexotraps.
There's a Nexotrap to boost your odds with each type.... Expept for Normal
From a development standpoint, this is very weird, I mean, why make one type of nexomon that much harder to catch? Normal Nexotraps (... Power Nexotraps from now on) are even in concert art!
Like, why do you not have like, Power Nexotraps and Energy shards, that's really fricking weird. Like, both of those sound like they should be there to complete the set, one of each
... But they're not. Granted, there is still the Drake of Power(because his Attribute is the Attribute of Power) but like, that's because Amelie was doing that herself.
What I'm getting is that, Normal as a type, is going thin. And if that's the case, I fear for James (aka the nexolord/elf), I truly do
Twice is still a coincidence, but once it ticks over to three...
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chaos-era · 3 months
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slight nsfw joke because i am of the opinion selena would wholeheartedly take advantage of the fact that James, having lived among people for so long, would be cursed with the knowledge of sexual innuendos.
its like psychological warefare.
also wowie first time doodling my james design should do that again the future.
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nayvwriter · 2 months
Hmmm... Now I'm getting to the point I don't know who to ask about that aren't the Omnikids.
I could ask for Metta I suppose? Though he is n1
Metta! (N1 spoilers)
I didn't think about him too much until you came along, but now I have too many thoughts.
Metta's a bit of a mystery. He doesn't have a title, he doesn't have a human name (apart from 'the Nexolord'), you never actually fight him if I recall correctly. I don't think you can see his Tyrant form until postgame either, and he just sort of disappears for N2, acknowledged only in a silly background detail calling him "a villain who just sort of disappeared".
But just by looking at his design, there's a lot you can find out. We already know he's the seventh and last child of Omnicron. He also knows moves of the type of every (at the time) element. And his ribbons of every element, with the images of the other Primordial Tyrants on them...
He's everything, every element in one, and it's shown so clearly in his design. I love it. I think he has all the powers of his siblings (and his father? given that his black ribbon portrays Omnicron?)
I also feel like I'm just reiterating my previous metta posts. He may be a bowling ball, but his Tyrant design is really interesting because of the ribbons, which are really the focal point of the design. I think it's a good design, actually, for what it does!
As a character? I don't remember him too well (don't know n1 too well). But he interests me. I think he's probably the furthest under his father's thumb of all of them... but I don't think this was always the case. I think when he was younger, Omnicron worried about his ambition.
I also think Omnicron tried to kill Nara and Metta saved her life (seeing as he has her power). Fun little headcanon I have that has 0 canon basis.
I think he's charismatic, including (especially) to people he doesn't care about. Like humans. Also ambitious, but hasn't quite worked out he can do things without his father. I don't think he cares about humanity at all - he's willing to play by their rules to further his goals, but Nexomon are always his priority.
I headcanon that he can shapeshift into whatever human form he likes and possibly shift his Tyrant form as well. Since I headcanon that their forms are subconscious, this has interesting implications - does this mean that who he is isn't that solid? This makes sense, I think.
I also headcanon that he never had a single human name, but rather changed with each appearance - it would make sense, if he could shapeshift. Also I... didn't want to call him James, but I didn't want to ignore the name entirely, so if I ever get an opportunity I might throw in a 'he went by James once' one-off joke.
Where is he in n2? Hiding, I think. Which has the fun little side effect that he might not get told about gestures at plot of the game until the rest of the world finds out.
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tulipsnflowers · 4 months
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I don't think you know what you just did @call-of-the-wayward-wolf
Obviously, we have to cover the gap between n1 and n3 because, he is for some freaking reason, not in n:e
So first things first, that one post JV made about him being the Landlorn in n:e when housing was a think. Or how he worded it, "It was supposed to be a Nexolord with a mustache". Considering I'm pretty sure he said something about housing in n3 I am keeping my fingers crossed. Please JV it'll be so fricking funny.
I don't want to derail this to be about where James is in n:e, ask that if need be, but that's not what this is. But if he's just casually the landlord that implies that either a) Sols revived him or b) he was alive from the start. Which. Press X to doubt on that one. I don't think he's the type to be all quiet n stuff who does he think he is.
Or, like I'm head cannoning, protag in n3. This has no base other than black hair with a blue streak = normal type with blue streak = James. Legit none. I think not even the eye color matches. But it would be really funny if he was tbh, he sucks at being a villain so bad he became the protagonist
Or, he's on the antagonist team. It's to nobody's shock I think Deena might be evil, and if they're on the same team that's very fun. Like cmon give it to me. Plus it might potentially be him against all of his siblings. JV be damned those guys care about him so I'll grab popcorn.
Or, a secret 4th thing, being that either the protagonist or the other girl character with a blue streak are somehow related to him but he isn't there. Which I doubt but hey, would be fun.
Or he's just not there at all. None would shock me but I would be shocked if it's none of those
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
so I found this post https://www.tumblr.com/anacharafan/740045529628721152/ok-scuse-me-op-jesstheespeon-somepunaboutspace?source=share and. Tulip. What rant about Metta maybe not even being a person explain your thought processes please.
(currently getting slowly drawn into the Metta Blorbo side of the fandom and very interested to hear your take)
(Blinks innocently) whatever do you mean?
... God, I haven't shared this one before? Insane rant time. Thought process is not good™
So. Let's start really simple, and I promise this will make sense later.
What's plant's element color? Oh easy, it's green
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See? Green, easy.
Wind? Teal. Mineral? Weird yellow.
Okay, now, please do tell me the color of Normal. "Oh it's blue, I mean, James' soul was blue, and his hair streak is-"
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Now, first of all, that's just, not how James dresses up. He has 1(one) singular black shirt that's under his jacket. The rest are quite literally colored like their element(even Deena has her hair in the correct color,) so, what the frick?
Number 2:
Move set, everyone noticed his gimmick is having everything. Man soloed the wardens on my play through. But.
Omnicron has that, too. Exact same order(except flipped). Electric last, Fire first. (Or Fire first, Electric last) ((this is also tower order btw, and the only one that rotates is Deena, being between Wind and Electric and Wind and Mineral, so I HC them as having been roomies (her and nadine I mean) ANYWAY DEENA GET OUT NOT YOUR POST))
Number 3:
What the hell is up with his soul, anyway?
And I don't mean in the sense he's not in the Netherworld or n2, which, I'll get to, but.
We just determined Normal is Black..... So why the hell is his soul -Energy. Being. Whatever you want to call it, blue?
That doesn't line up, Omnicron's soul makes sense to be blue, because he's fricking blue and red and white, but James' shouldn't. He only has one blue streak, he mostly has that red and white jacket---
Hang on a second.
Number 4: He doesn't have gold. He doesn't have gold! Even Grunda has gold.
That's the telltale thing to tell a design is a child of Omnicron. Gold. ("tulip, uh, the moving bits-" to which I say. Nara ruined that in n2, so..)
So then, what do I make of all of this is,
Omnicron was already an S++++ parent, no denying that, and at some point, cuz Ulzar didn't beat them all at once, he knew. That Ulzar is killing his children and that he's on the hit list, I mean. While I don't see him being too concerned, I do see him having a.. Back up plan.
Aka James. Aka, a child, existing to just hold his soul if that damned human does kill him. I mean, look at him! He's not even an animal, he's a fricking ORB (orbs of elemental energy, anyone?)
So. When someone (Deena), destroyed Omnicron's soul.... I mean, it also explains why he was gone in n:e.
Also. It explains his lack of a nightmare, as well. Why have a whole separate nightmare if they weren't separate beings to begin with?
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
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Per @zscyber 's forced request, cat cat cat cat cat-
More lynx like actually, but still. I will forever make him the shortest :)
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
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Metta, if he could change types/forms. There's everyone! Nice purple color scheme because I said so.
Good fricking luck Ulzar. Beat that, consider they also differ in size.
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tulipsnflowers · 4 months
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Contrary to popular belief I can't draw him that well
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tulipsnflowers · 8 months
Screw it, if I'm reblogging nexomon stuff I might as well:
Hot probably untrue take: I'm not... The only one who thinks Deena has to like..... At least briefly fight for the other side, right? Like good ol evil arc? As a treat?
Because in n1 she's an absolute honey I love her look at her we love her.
In n2 she's obviously more developed more depth, a few thousands of years go by, all that. She may not have handed things the best but... She tried even if it ended up with... *cough cough* Xanders *cough cough*. And she even tells us she's proud of us!
In n3...... Mmmmm. This is partially influenced by me data mining a bit(in n2, to be clear), but like. M. She is immortal , and while I would love her to be on the good side again, for me it's like... An inevitable thing?
Like she's such a trustworthy character I'd kill someone if she asked nicely.
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tulipsnflowers · 21 days
pair ask: Metta and Nara
Oh god you'd expect I'd have more to say
Nexomon spoilers
The issue is. These two. Share. Zero. Words.
It's a problem. In fact Deena shares 0 words with all of her siblings. And she was right there in the frozen tundra. All of them were standing with Glacia and she went over with us and 0 lines were shared between them.
But that's off topic. James and Deena.
So... Depending on how you structure Omnikids you could make Deena and James not know each other by simply making James a thing after Deena already switched sides. That one complicates things, I'll skip over it for now, but it's worth mentioning
So... Yay. All of this is headcanon because JV doesn't know how to write and he isn't in n2 for some godforsaken reason
You also have to wonder if any of them know Deena's human form, and how involved Deena even was before this. Because she seemed shocked Nadine was there. Deena. What do you-
I digress. Anyhow.
James is Omnicron's 7th child. Often interpreted as the golden Child and/or the heir.
Deena, is the traitor. Omnicron's 4th child.
James took a bit to get his plan of reviving his siblings going - and Malk said they knew each other for a while, so it's probably been rocky.
Maybe James didn't know where Deena was - not impossible, or maybe he just didn't want to talk to her because while yes, she'd come in useful (life powers and all,) she already betrayed them.
You can think or not think she helped Ulzar, but at the very least she stood against Omnicron and refused to attack humans. She chose them over her family (not that it was a proper one)
So I don't think James wants to talk. They wouldn't have anything to say. Not to her, not after everything. (Though I do think some part of him really wants to. Despite rough patches, you were born knowing your siblings. When you grow up with them, you carry a part of their personality whether you want it or not. ) Plus after Omnicron literally disowned her, I don't think he even wants to risk the same
Deena - I don't know what she's been doing for a bit. I know she was in the netherworld for a while after n1 and between n1 postgame, but I can just assume she was in the forest pre n1. Which, in hindsight, is pretty obvious. James wouldn't even need to look far. Perhaps that's why Khan stayed the Overseer, cuz he doesn't necessarily bother there
I would like to think Deena tried at least once to say something. To convince him otherwise. He was alive, and they were the only two living Omnikids at that point. I don't think it went well, but she probably tried.
Then n1 happens. Deena is only with us in Forest, Phantom, Lateria and bit of Frozen. Only in Lateria do they truly get to see each other, right as James revives Grunda. Deena doesn't say anything. Not to James, not in general.
What can she even try to say? She's about to help the hero fight her own older brother - who let's be honest was probably a better parental figure than Omnicron - and quite probably kill him. She can't even say anything for her case. She can't even say sorry because she knows it's probably worthless.
They then don't talk. Because James is at top of the tower and Deena is quietly in the shadows. I like to think with Deena healing you and stopping your nexomon from turning - he knew. He had to have knew. He said nothing, and neither did she.
Because Omnicron was there, and because it's not worth it to say anything that could anger Omnicron on James' side (especially because while there's hatred I don't think it's all hatred. Not to his older sister), and not to blow her cover for Deena.
Because she has to do this. Her siblings may hate her, that she can handle, but she can do this for humanity. Just once more(if that wasn't a lie.)
And that was the last time the two saw each other in canon. In a way, I think if they just talked to each other - I don't know. Something different would have happened.
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
I said this before and I'll say it again
Absolutely 0 shade towards Remus he is an awesome dude through and through
But do you think James would've been maybe at least a little different if it was someone like Juliet(bad example but best I got) or Ira, as the Nexolord before he kicked their arse.
Reason being (insert rant about the CoO not at all understanding nexomon) , and obviously being disgusted towards them with the whole catching and bonding thing,
Cuz I love Remus, but he wouldn't fret or be worried about his nexomon going down n stuff like that.
I feel like if someone else had actually shown that at some point, well, nothing drastic would happen, but maybe..
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tulipsnflowers · 3 months
BTW, whenever I prefer to Omnicron and Malk in relation to James I always call em Dad and Step dad
Neither of them were a positive influence.
(also malk how young is a 'young adventurer' when did you meet James, really?)
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tulipsnflowers · 1 month
15. the character that always makes you smile
Deena<3. Obviously,
... And James but hush
Hm... Oh and Ellie^^
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chaos-era · 1 month
Moonflower [Deena/Selena]
So, I've been completely brain-rotting over these two for a while now (if it wasn't obvious given the sheer amount of art I've done and the fact that I plan on making a full fancomic off the premise). I was going to wait to implement and write all this out through the comic, but frankly, I'm a full-time student AND have a full-time retail job. Free time does not exist.
So, my solution is to word vomit all my ideas about these two, their story/relationship, etc. Things are subject to change as things progress but lord only knows I believe I will simply implode if I can't throw this all Somewhere.
So I present to the five of you active in the Nexomon fandom:
An ungodly long textpost about a relationship that an autistic 20 year old is very mentally ill about:
So, some basic questions out of the way:
Who the fuck is Selena?
Selena is the name I gave the female protagonist from the first Nexomon game. I've given her own character and backstory that follows the first game's plot and all that jazz with some added details relating to her family. Basically, I actually made the protagonist from the first game an actual character.
Why Deena/Selena?
This entire ship became an idea in my brain solely because of the canon appearance of Solus's human form. I saw blue hair and an unknown second parent, thought about the sheer angst of it all, and my brain went on a god damn spree. With some time, I thought even just first game Deena/Protag was cute, so thus, the brain rot continues.
I think having ship names be something more than just smashing their names together is better. The name itself is from Deena's whole plant/flower/life thing and Selena is because, y'know. Selena. Name relating to the moon. Moonflower. I'm real creative.
Why the name Selena for the protagonist?
Similar to the whole Moonflower name I just based it off another thing, that other thing being Solus/Omnisun. Sun and moon. Once again, I'm super creative.
How close to the canon plot is this AU/story?
So for most of the plot of the first game, it's pretty close. Some scenes would be expanded on, developed relationships more, etc., but otherwise the plot was fine. Soon as we hit the complete ending? Take the previous plot and go ahead and chuck it out the window.
There are similar elements, of course. Raging tyrants, Vados and Amelie, Solus (obviously), but the timeline and characters present is completely different and thus relationships between characters is also very different. Characters like Metta (James) and Ellie are not only still around but are active parts of the story instead of being swept under a rug.
So, the way I explain things best is through a QnA sort of format, wherein someone asks a question and I answer it, and go from there. So that's how this is going to be formatted. You can skip around and stuff easier that way too :)
Plot holes that I filled:
Why was Deena a similar age to the main protagonist of the first game?
So, the main protagonist is canonically a child, around 15. They're called a child, act like a child, very clearly a child. The Nexolord (Metta/James) is very clearly an adult. All seems fine there. The problem is:
How is Deena so much younger than all her family?
Deena is canonically kid number 4 out of 7, yet she looks and acts the same age as the main protagonist. And it's not like she just looks young, we see her in Nexomon: Extinction as a whole ass adult, same with the protagonist.
My "fix" for this is to make it that she was not in a place where time ticked by the same way. That place being the Netherworld.
In canon, time doesn't move the same way in the Netherworld that it does in the real world. It seems to either put a complete pause on it, or it moves really, really, slow in comparison to the real world. Which, given it's the Nexomon equivalent of the afterlife (not sure if it's just Hell so I'm just gonna stick with it being the afterlife), makes at least some sense. Time doesn't matter once your dead, whomp whomp.
So how/when did Deena get to the Netherworld?
In my AU, she flees there after being disowned by Omnicron. More specifically, she flees at the beginning of Ulzar's crusade against Omnicron. She knows he's hunting down the children of Omnicron, and after all the damage her siblings and father have done to humanity, she knows he's not going to listen to reason. Not wanting to be found by either her family OR Ulzar, she takes her chances in the Netherworld, where she hides out for a very, very long time. She watches her father and siblings be defeated and their souls are locked away in the Netherworld, and believes all will be fine. All of them are in a place they can't just get out of and do more damage, and she's also safe from them - separated.
That is, until a certain bowling ball with ribbons starts resurrecting them.
Deena catches on to what the Nexolord is doing, and, realizing she can't sit idle as her family tries to destroy the world again, decides to return to the real world. But, because she's been separated from her family for so long and time just doesn't work the same, she looks and acts like a fifteen year old girl. She doesn't know how things in the modern era work, she knows plenty about history, and so hides her lack of knowledge under the guise of being an explorer.
Now, onto the more fun part:
How the hell did that relationship become a thing.
On Selena's side, it's real simple - human emotions and all that. There's a joke somewhere about how in my AU Ellie was her childhood crush and something something green hair, light eyes, etc. but that joke comic was made already and go find it on my page /lh /j. Selena's just a simple girl who thinks the green-haired ditz is cute and will follow her around like a sad, lost puppy.
For Deena, however, tis a bit more complicated, but it can be summarized akin to meeting someone who's as passionate as you are, someone who matches your passion and drive and energy.
Selena and Deena both want both monsters and humans to live together happily. The one thing that made Selena "different" in comparison to other people with those ideals is that instead of wishing and waiting, she actually went out to try and do it. She chased down the Nexolord, she fought Omnicron's children, and she never once turned back.
That bravery is something Deena aspires to have. She fled from her father's wrath before, but now, here, was this mortal girl with no special powers facing off against demi-gods without a second thought because she believes in her cause. That, to Deena, is worth so much. That's what makes Selena so special.
All that to say, their relationship is complicated. It's impossible for it not to be. But that whole "fighting for what she believes in" comes in again for Selena - she does really, truly love Deena. She did before and after finding out about her true identity - that didn't change anything for her. And it's through Selena that Deena can really see the best humanity has to offer, and she doesn't want to lose that. Selena has devoted herself entirely to Deena, not as some godly figure or because she's a scary monster, but because she's just Deena, and it's the first time she's been appreciated as herself and not as a title.
They're not perfect. Deena hides her problems and bottles up her emotions while Selena doesn't know when to sit down and stay down when it comes to fighting for what she believes in. They get frustrated with each other, they argue here and there, but they work on things.
And that progress definitely gets accelerated by Solus being born. Hard to argue with one another about how they shouldn't bottle up their problems or should stop letting comments get under their skin about a dumb plan if your trying to keep a small, helpless creature destined to become a literal God in your care.
That's all for now from me but I am ALWAYS open to questions. Anon or not I do not care I am ill about them :3
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
n1 character: Overseer Ira (I think that was her name?)
Ira!! She's one of those characters I feel in love with while writing(I hope I answered the question I can't tell)
I didn't think of her much at first to be honest, but she grew on me Also I wanna say, as an elephant in the room, during her concert she uses fire, which, I made just one of her nexomon, but considering Fenrir does give it to us in the netherworld, I think it would be funny if she just annoyed him until he did or something. But otherwise! She DOES help us. She tells us to go for the other scientists first, because we came to her concert, also note how she only called the Nexolord after we kicked her butt (Ok I can't keep not calling him James it's a reflex)
So, I think she went easy on us with team one, I think.. I think listening to her concert really made us on her side pretty quickly. I mean Ignitia is a hot place, and you came regardless. Didn't fight her immediately, you let her finish. So I think she just genuienly liked us, we seemed like a good enough kid. I mean hey, she said she's waiting if we had the guts to fight her, that's an out I'd say. I think she fought us bc James would have probably killed her if she didn't (as the only way from Mountain to Jungle IS Ignitia), after that in Frozen I got the vibe she did it to just remove the grunts resonably, once she saw we got that far. Is this a proper answer? eh, who can tell.
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tulipsnflowers · 6 months
Okay, guys, you want me to go on about the most pointless things?
Let's go on about Byeol (and a bit about Fane, I suppose), because I am going insane
Alright everyone, for those unaware, this is Byeol:
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This is a tyrant in Nexomon: Extinction, his name is Byeol. The problem about this, however.
He isn't a story tyrant, and this... Makes me very interested in him.
Amelie calls Tyrants super powerful Nexomon, but here's the thing. According to Coco, Jin blocked off the entrance to Fenrir's tomb so that no more Tyrants may be hatched
Lydia also says to go bother Nadine because of the egg, and keep in mind, the grass Tyrant is Tikala. A warden. Probably because Deena didn't necessarily want to add fuel to the fire
So then we are already established that Tyrants are probably always hatched.
... So then what of Fane and especially Byeol?
(And there's no Psychic Tyrants because... Solus would be too lil to bonk an egg, and nobody would ask a random kid to do so.)
Well, let's go with the easier one, in which I ask yet again, what's up with the Ghost type? I've wanted to throw hands about it for a long time.
(Ulzar says that the reason Nexomon are, well, a thing is because of the Children of Omnicron. So it makes sense, right? 7 children, 7 elements)
Psychic is a bit trickier because of the fact Mystogen exists. And if we're going of the fact Solus made the psychic type...
Putting a pin in that, rant for another day.
So... What of Ghost?
Well. That's not the point of the post and that's my motivation for writing Doubts.
But! Moving on, Fane. Well, with the assumption they come from eggs, well frick. There's no ghost primordial.
... Which is why I can't speak much of it. We can surely just blame Hilda
... Do you know who we have more of?
Well. Let's see then.
Byeol is a normal type in Palmaya, first and foremost.... We are back to James everyone, anyone who's talked to me isn't surprised
Hi new people, James is how we call the Nexolord on this side of the fandom, moving on.
Assuming that James isn't dead and we take into account this from Nadine:
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Well, who am I to argue with Nadine? (Granted, she could mean Grunda or Deena , but.)
.. So, in today's rant. Byeol and Metta, woooo.
First of all, he is in Palmaya(and later around the Orphanage as of the Abyssals but we can put a pin in that because, Abyssals) , which, is definitely not the frozen tundra
But, Merida is in the frozen Tundra, and Atlanta's Tyrant is frosty enough to argue Merida bonked the egg there.
.. So then, Palmaya's free, ey?
Well. That's interesting, further on, I am going to need to grab Metta for a moment
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Hello bowling ball, I still think you should be an Armodillo.
Moving on, see this man? Until his siblings he is, unfortunately, not an animal
My only logic conclusion, looking at this man(if we don't take my other James theory into account), is that he's supposed to be a kind of biblically accurate angel, just, ribbons not wings (Thanks for the association Azzie, your hands are red too)
... HMMMM who ELSE has wings and is a normal type...
Additionally, I must point out, Metta has 7 ribbons. If we count the bottom pointy Byeol has he has 8.
... Well, it just happens an additional type is added this time, to bump it from 7 to 8(we already went over why I think Ghost might not count)
.. So then.
And. Well, let's look at it this way. Nivalis and Arqua, they don't look the same. Fona and Mulcimer, er. The closest we have is Ventra and Eurus.
... And, well, Solus and Nara, but surely not
... Byeol could've been a kangaroo or something, but instead-
They're both inanimate object things I can't make sense of. I know Ross said that he was just inspired to make a star thing, but-
... Hm.
What am I trying to say? Nothing really. At the end of the day these are coincidences, likely
Like, n3 protag and James both have a blue hair strand, but that doesn't mean they're like, immediately necessary related kind of thing
... Just makes you think.
(Also, this stated when I made a joking like toddler Byeol human version, and I saw the white hair and went like "...wait")
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