#nexomon protagonist/deena
chaos-era · 1 month
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finally got around to putting the final details on the girls redesigns yipppeeee
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nayvwriter · 1 month
N1 protagonist and Deena, since both are technically in n2
fair enough! Blue (n1 protagonist) and Deena!
for some reason the first part of this has turned out kinda fic-like.
(nexomon spoilers)
Deena was looking for - a pawn, to be negative, or a human champion, to be positive. It was the same thing, really. One of the humans that she could support, to stop her brother's plans.
And she found one. Blue was kind, stubborn, capable... and they had a sense for people. They always looked at her like they knew something, but they never said anything.
Blue was looking for friends. Their childhood friend. Some Nexomon friends. And some new human friends, too. They could tell Deena was hiding something, but she meant well, and that was enough for them.
They hadn't expected Deena to be Nara. But when she tried to leave, Blue told her well and firmly that she was their friend, and they wanted her to stay. So Deena stayed, just for a while that kept getting longer and longer because Blue doesn't let their friends go easily.
Even if (being immortal) she had to disappear from the rest of the world, fake her death or something, she'd still meet with them, they'd still know her.
Blue shows up in n2 as a ghost. And I can't help but think Deena had something to do with this. First off, because maybe they stayed for her, to help her. (Or Atlas.)
And secondly, because I don't think Blue would be able to remain in the mortal world as a ghost without help, because they... kinda pissed off Ziegler. And it was either Hilda or Deena that helped them, and they don't look like one of Hilda's wisps.
If it was Deena, that raises some very interesting things. Because I don't think Deena likes allowing herself to care for people. Because they'll leave her, or because she'll hurt them.
So why keep Blue? Maybe they asked her to. Maybe she thought she'd need them. Maybe, just once, she allowed herself to be selfish.
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months
nexomon character: Atlas!
Atlas! I promise this won't be nearly as long as my Deena one, spoiled just in case
(Welp, this might be an unpopular one)
So. Atlas is our 4th wall breaking protagonist in n1, and we all love him right?
He's definitely a lot more... I wouldn't say judgmental but judgemental than Coco is. While Coco also judges you sometimes (such as telling you to not spin pft), Atlas is worse in that regard
Cuz with Coco, you can tell he does care, with Atlas, you think he does, the game is never really clear on it
Especially with the jokes about Arqua eating you instead, and all the little "it's almost like someone thinks you're bad at this", which, I get is the game layer of telling a joke
But similar to Coco, as you mentioned, he does stick around, except here it's kinda unclear until way later if he does or doesn't do it for you, if it makes sense?
He first comes cuz he owes you for saving him, then he does to be in a race with Ellie and why not, then he's with you to save Ellie.
And I'm saying this as someone who loves Atlas, to clear. And I do truly think he does care but he could stand to show it more
He is a little bit better at the tower, iirc, I never focused on HIS dialogue for that place I had a bluer problem
But from what I recall there he is at least nicer, now that Ellie is a-ok
I do think the protag knows he cares too, but it's a bit blurry at a specific point, but it does clear up
Not that I think it's intentional from his side. He just likes being the Best Sidekick ™, and then wants to hurry and save Ellie and is a bit snarky, and it's obvious you don't necessarily feel offended by it too
I guess the difference between Coco and Atlas (and why Coco is the better sidekick sorry 'bot), is that Coco does seem to care more, sticks around, stuff like that. Atlas does care the same, but is more showing it through snark
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crystalelemental · 5 months
So here's a question. How much of the Netherworld section of Nexomon 1 is actually...real?
Even before we go in there, we're in the nightmare. You go talk to the scientists first, and they explain that they cannot get in touch with anyone, a problem repeatedly brought up in the nightmare itself. You're already in it before even taking the portal itself. Presumably, everything past that point is pretend.
But Glacia is, in fact, gone. Juliet comments on it after defeating Omnicron, that Glacia just disappeared and no one knows where she went.
The creation of the device to send you to the Netherworld was clearly real. You got there somehow, after all.
Miriam is real. She expresses you only met her fake self in the nightmare, but you never met her before then. The nightmare doesn't even operate off of what you, specifically, know. You met her false self first. This implies conjuration of real world elements you may not even be aware of, similar to Grunda's human form. Nexomon 2 pretty much confirms that is how Grunda looks as a human, so this isn't just made up.
And of course, Nexomon 2 has repeated jokes about the Mandrasses. Which weren't even real. And which Deena wasn't even around for, yet seems to remember. Which implies that at least some of the events are true, and Ziegler is commandeering them for this nightmare to prevent recognition of discrepancy. The setting is a little wonky, but some of it, at least, seems grounded in reality.
But other parts clearly aren't. Is the vortex real? We don't really know how Omnicron truly came here, nor if they can actually be sent back that way. If it were, and Ulzar had the power to banish them that way, why wouldn't he have? That one seems entirely made up.
Similarly, the netherworld almost certainly wasn't created by Ulzar as they initially claim, much less the wardens being his creation.
The rangers are likely not real, given they'd have no way to be there, similar to the iteration of Spencer and the bounty hunter we see. The children of Omnicron likely aren't real, but...did you meet them too? Like, in the actual run? Because it seems likely they'd defend their father, or need to be dealt with first considering they can supply him with their power.
Then there are the completely up in the air components. Like...is Merida actually the weakest sibling? That may not be a hard fact, but rather perception; but whose? Does the protagonist believe that, or Ziegler? If it's Ziegler's...that's an outside objective opinion, he might be right.
In all their fake nightmares, does that align to them? It feels right for each of them, but they weren't entirely real. Is that truly what their nightmare looked like, or is that again just perception? And yours, or Ziegler's?
For being effectively just a big dream sequence, it does raise a lot of questions about what truly did happen in the initial run we didn't see.
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pikatjejen · 6 months
Just some Nexomon Refracted stuff...
Ok, first things first. New designs:
I finally made a Refracted design for Omnicron. Yey!
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Worst dad ever! He both emotionally and physically abused all his kids! Yey! They all hate him (except for maybe the Nexolord) and he keeps them in line through fear. :) He even pulled a Belos on Metta.
He might get a human form later on... :p
Just as a treat for me. :)
I also redesigned Nadine.
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I made her more smoll and dismissable, like a child, cause in this AU. She's very much ignored by the rest of her family.
She pretty much left the planet and her siblings didn't notice her disappearance until the last fight before the post game. (When they really needed her)
Also I gave her a pet!
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She has more of these around. They are her friends. :]
Made these two background characters for Parum.
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The first one is Vahid and she is a standard guard, mainly stationed at the south gate of Parum. The second one is Nessa (short for Vanessa) who is an mechanic working on a very secret project (maintenance of Cadium). Nessa and Vahid are roommates along side ten other people in an apartment complex provided by the guild.
Decided to give Nuh (from my randomized run) a redesign and ad them to the AU.
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I also made this girl based off of the default female protagonist of Extinction.
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Her name is Alma which means diamond according to BehindTheName.com. In the story she becomes a tamer alongside Moss, Ross, Nora and Nuh. She becomes rivals with Atlanta and Nivalis (and Deena I guess) and then she becomes friends with Fenrir.
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She wouldn't take no for an answer.
I decided to rename and redesign Moss's friend (Nova). She's now Bo-go and looks like this. (Technicaly speaking, this is her previous design)
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Bo-go is short for B023-G078.
She's named after a black hole :)
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More of these things
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Tiny Tyrants (or the champions)
Nadine (pretty,,,)
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Fenrir (yo he on fire, quite literally.)
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Overseers are probably next if I can get Ira's hair right
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kitty8804 · 4 years
Without text:
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With text:
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Here’s a poster of the important characters of the first part of the game Nexomon Extinction! This was my first time doing a poster composition, and I’m really proud of it! I might do more posters in the future for the rest of the game, so let me know what you guys think.
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chaos-era · 3 months
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deena and selena barely ever get a break so i drew them having one :3
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chaos-era · 18 days
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redraw of the opening scene thingy from nexo extinction but canon is cringe and i make the rules so now its Selena taking her daughter Solus to get her first nexomon
i have very. Mixed feelings about the illustrations in nexomon extinction 2. they're not bad, not at all, but they are very much not my taste and so i think the concepts are great but the final product just doesn't hit for me </3
i wanna do more redraws so if anyone wants to suggest some lemme know :3
also buff selena is growing stronger asstro has doomed me /lh /j
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chaos-era · 3 months
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rlly happy with how this came out. two girls so happy with each other :)) they dancin. living life. love them with my whole heart
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chaos-era · 2 months
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had the misfortune of seeing some homophobic shit while scrolling insta so once i got home i doodled these silly sapphics
their canon ship name is moonflower for my AU cause yknow. Selena. moon. Deena's nature thing. Flower. Moonflower. aha im real clever
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chaos-era · 1 month
Moonflower [Deena/Selena]
So, I've been completely brain-rotting over these two for a while now (if it wasn't obvious given the sheer amount of art I've done and the fact that I plan on making a full fancomic off the premise). I was going to wait to implement and write all this out through the comic, but frankly, I'm a full-time student AND have a full-time retail job. Free time does not exist.
So, my solution is to word vomit all my ideas about these two, their story/relationship, etc. Things are subject to change as things progress but lord only knows I believe I will simply implode if I can't throw this all Somewhere.
So I present to the five of you active in the Nexomon fandom:
An ungodly long textpost about a relationship that an autistic 20 year old is very mentally ill about:
So, some basic questions out of the way:
Who the fuck is Selena?
Selena is the name I gave the female protagonist from the first Nexomon game. I've given her own character and backstory that follows the first game's plot and all that jazz with some added details relating to her family. Basically, I actually made the protagonist from the first game an actual character.
Why Deena/Selena?
This entire ship became an idea in my brain solely because of the canon appearance of Solus's human form. I saw blue hair and an unknown second parent, thought about the sheer angst of it all, and my brain went on a god damn spree. With some time, I thought even just first game Deena/Protag was cute, so thus, the brain rot continues.
I think having ship names be something more than just smashing their names together is better. The name itself is from Deena's whole plant/flower/life thing and Selena is because, y'know. Selena. Name relating to the moon. Moonflower. I'm real creative.
Why the name Selena for the protagonist?
Similar to the whole Moonflower name I just based it off another thing, that other thing being Solus/Omnisun. Sun and moon. Once again, I'm super creative.
How close to the canon plot is this AU/story?
So for most of the plot of the first game, it's pretty close. Some scenes would be expanded on, developed relationships more, etc., but otherwise the plot was fine. Soon as we hit the complete ending? Take the previous plot and go ahead and chuck it out the window.
There are similar elements, of course. Raging tyrants, Vados and Amelie, Solus (obviously), but the timeline and characters present is completely different and thus relationships between characters is also very different. Characters like Metta (James) and Ellie are not only still around but are active parts of the story instead of being swept under a rug.
So, the way I explain things best is through a QnA sort of format, wherein someone asks a question and I answer it, and go from there. So that's how this is going to be formatted. You can skip around and stuff easier that way too :)
Plot holes that I filled:
Why was Deena a similar age to the main protagonist of the first game?
So, the main protagonist is canonically a child, around 15. They're called a child, act like a child, very clearly a child. The Nexolord (Metta/James) is very clearly an adult. All seems fine there. The problem is:
How is Deena so much younger than all her family?
Deena is canonically kid number 4 out of 7, yet she looks and acts the same age as the main protagonist. And it's not like she just looks young, we see her in Nexomon: Extinction as a whole ass adult, same with the protagonist.
My "fix" for this is to make it that she was not in a place where time ticked by the same way. That place being the Netherworld.
In canon, time doesn't move the same way in the Netherworld that it does in the real world. It seems to either put a complete pause on it, or it moves really, really, slow in comparison to the real world. Which, given it's the Nexomon equivalent of the afterlife (not sure if it's just Hell so I'm just gonna stick with it being the afterlife), makes at least some sense. Time doesn't matter once your dead, whomp whomp.
So how/when did Deena get to the Netherworld?
In my AU, she flees there after being disowned by Omnicron. More specifically, she flees at the beginning of Ulzar's crusade against Omnicron. She knows he's hunting down the children of Omnicron, and after all the damage her siblings and father have done to humanity, she knows he's not going to listen to reason. Not wanting to be found by either her family OR Ulzar, she takes her chances in the Netherworld, where she hides out for a very, very long time. She watches her father and siblings be defeated and their souls are locked away in the Netherworld, and believes all will be fine. All of them are in a place they can't just get out of and do more damage, and she's also safe from them - separated.
That is, until a certain bowling ball with ribbons starts resurrecting them.
Deena catches on to what the Nexolord is doing, and, realizing she can't sit idle as her family tries to destroy the world again, decides to return to the real world. But, because she's been separated from her family for so long and time just doesn't work the same, she looks and acts like a fifteen year old girl. She doesn't know how things in the modern era work, she knows plenty about history, and so hides her lack of knowledge under the guise of being an explorer.
Now, onto the more fun part:
How the hell did that relationship become a thing.
On Selena's side, it's real simple - human emotions and all that. There's a joke somewhere about how in my AU Ellie was her childhood crush and something something green hair, light eyes, etc. but that joke comic was made already and go find it on my page /lh /j. Selena's just a simple girl who thinks the green-haired ditz is cute and will follow her around like a sad, lost puppy.
For Deena, however, tis a bit more complicated, but it can be summarized akin to meeting someone who's as passionate as you are, someone who matches your passion and drive and energy.
Selena and Deena both want both monsters and humans to live together happily. The one thing that made Selena "different" in comparison to other people with those ideals is that instead of wishing and waiting, she actually went out to try and do it. She chased down the Nexolord, she fought Omnicron's children, and she never once turned back.
That bravery is something Deena aspires to have. She fled from her father's wrath before, but now, here, was this mortal girl with no special powers facing off against demi-gods without a second thought because she believes in her cause. That, to Deena, is worth so much. That's what makes Selena so special.
All that to say, their relationship is complicated. It's impossible for it not to be. But that whole "fighting for what she believes in" comes in again for Selena - she does really, truly love Deena. She did before and after finding out about her true identity - that didn't change anything for her. And it's through Selena that Deena can really see the best humanity has to offer, and she doesn't want to lose that. Selena has devoted herself entirely to Deena, not as some godly figure or because she's a scary monster, but because she's just Deena, and it's the first time she's been appreciated as herself and not as a title.
They're not perfect. Deena hides her problems and bottles up her emotions while Selena doesn't know when to sit down and stay down when it comes to fighting for what she believes in. They get frustrated with each other, they argue here and there, but they work on things.
And that progress definitely gets accelerated by Solus being born. Hard to argue with one another about how they shouldn't bottle up their problems or should stop letting comments get under their skin about a dumb plan if your trying to keep a small, helpless creature destined to become a literal God in your care.
That's all for now from me but I am ALWAYS open to questions. Anon or not I do not care I am ill about them :3
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chaos-era · 3 months
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pov: your friend picks you up to jokingly show you how strong she is and triggers a gay panic in u
deena casually picking up selena when they were younger like she weighed nothing >>>> everything.
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chaos-era · 3 months
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did one of those ship templates for the girls :))) i need more ideas to draw them in so if yall got em send em my way >:3 Template Used
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chaos-era · 3 months
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slight nsfw joke because i am of the opinion selena would wholeheartedly take advantage of the fact that James, having lived among people for so long, would be cursed with the knowledge of sexual innuendos.
its like psychological warefare.
also wowie first time doodling my james design should do that again the future.
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chaos-era · 12 hours
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moonflower piece. got an ipad second hand from my buddy and im still learning how to draw on it but im pretty happy with this :)
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