#nexomon moonflower
chaos-era · 1 month
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finally got around to putting the final details on the girls redesigns yipppeeee
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chaos-era · 2 months
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had the misfortune of seeing some homophobic shit while scrolling insta so once i got home i doodled these silly sapphics
their canon ship name is moonflower for my AU cause yknow. Selena. moon. Deena's nature thing. Flower. Moonflower. aha im real clever
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chaos-era · 1 month
Moonflower [Deena/Selena]
So, I've been completely brain-rotting over these two for a while now (if it wasn't obvious given the sheer amount of art I've done and the fact that I plan on making a full fancomic off the premise). I was going to wait to implement and write all this out through the comic, but frankly, I'm a full-time student AND have a full-time retail job. Free time does not exist.
So, my solution is to word vomit all my ideas about these two, their story/relationship, etc. Things are subject to change as things progress but lord only knows I believe I will simply implode if I can't throw this all Somewhere.
So I present to the five of you active in the Nexomon fandom:
An ungodly long textpost about a relationship that an autistic 20 year old is very mentally ill about:
So, some basic questions out of the way:
Who the fuck is Selena?
Selena is the name I gave the female protagonist from the first Nexomon game. I've given her own character and backstory that follows the first game's plot and all that jazz with some added details relating to her family. Basically, I actually made the protagonist from the first game an actual character.
Why Deena/Selena?
This entire ship became an idea in my brain solely because of the canon appearance of Solus's human form. I saw blue hair and an unknown second parent, thought about the sheer angst of it all, and my brain went on a god damn spree. With some time, I thought even just first game Deena/Protag was cute, so thus, the brain rot continues.
I think having ship names be something more than just smashing their names together is better. The name itself is from Deena's whole plant/flower/life thing and Selena is because, y'know. Selena. Name relating to the moon. Moonflower. I'm real creative.
Why the name Selena for the protagonist?
Similar to the whole Moonflower name I just based it off another thing, that other thing being Solus/Omnisun. Sun and moon. Once again, I'm super creative.
How close to the canon plot is this AU/story?
So for most of the plot of the first game, it's pretty close. Some scenes would be expanded on, developed relationships more, etc., but otherwise the plot was fine. Soon as we hit the complete ending? Take the previous plot and go ahead and chuck it out the window.
There are similar elements, of course. Raging tyrants, Vados and Amelie, Solus (obviously), but the timeline and characters present is completely different and thus relationships between characters is also very different. Characters like Metta (James) and Ellie are not only still around but are active parts of the story instead of being swept under a rug.
So, the way I explain things best is through a QnA sort of format, wherein someone asks a question and I answer it, and go from there. So that's how this is going to be formatted. You can skip around and stuff easier that way too :)
Plot holes that I filled:
Why was Deena a similar age to the main protagonist of the first game?
So, the main protagonist is canonically a child, around 15. They're called a child, act like a child, very clearly a child. The Nexolord (Metta/James) is very clearly an adult. All seems fine there. The problem is:
How is Deena so much younger than all her family?
Deena is canonically kid number 4 out of 7, yet she looks and acts the same age as the main protagonist. And it's not like she just looks young, we see her in Nexomon: Extinction as a whole ass adult, same with the protagonist.
My "fix" for this is to make it that she was not in a place where time ticked by the same way. That place being the Netherworld.
In canon, time doesn't move the same way in the Netherworld that it does in the real world. It seems to either put a complete pause on it, or it moves really, really, slow in comparison to the real world. Which, given it's the Nexomon equivalent of the afterlife (not sure if it's just Hell so I'm just gonna stick with it being the afterlife), makes at least some sense. Time doesn't matter once your dead, whomp whomp.
So how/when did Deena get to the Netherworld?
In my AU, she flees there after being disowned by Omnicron. More specifically, she flees at the beginning of Ulzar's crusade against Omnicron. She knows he's hunting down the children of Omnicron, and after all the damage her siblings and father have done to humanity, she knows he's not going to listen to reason. Not wanting to be found by either her family OR Ulzar, she takes her chances in the Netherworld, where she hides out for a very, very long time. She watches her father and siblings be defeated and their souls are locked away in the Netherworld, and believes all will be fine. All of them are in a place they can't just get out of and do more damage, and she's also safe from them - separated.
That is, until a certain bowling ball with ribbons starts resurrecting them.
Deena catches on to what the Nexolord is doing, and, realizing she can't sit idle as her family tries to destroy the world again, decides to return to the real world. But, because she's been separated from her family for so long and time just doesn't work the same, she looks and acts like a fifteen year old girl. She doesn't know how things in the modern era work, she knows plenty about history, and so hides her lack of knowledge under the guise of being an explorer.
Now, onto the more fun part:
How the hell did that relationship become a thing.
On Selena's side, it's real simple - human emotions and all that. There's a joke somewhere about how in my AU Ellie was her childhood crush and something something green hair, light eyes, etc. but that joke comic was made already and go find it on my page /lh /j. Selena's just a simple girl who thinks the green-haired ditz is cute and will follow her around like a sad, lost puppy.
For Deena, however, tis a bit more complicated, but it can be summarized akin to meeting someone who's as passionate as you are, someone who matches your passion and drive and energy.
Selena and Deena both want both monsters and humans to live together happily. The one thing that made Selena "different" in comparison to other people with those ideals is that instead of wishing and waiting, she actually went out to try and do it. She chased down the Nexolord, she fought Omnicron's children, and she never once turned back.
That bravery is something Deena aspires to have. She fled from her father's wrath before, but now, here, was this mortal girl with no special powers facing off against demi-gods without a second thought because she believes in her cause. That, to Deena, is worth so much. That's what makes Selena so special.
All that to say, their relationship is complicated. It's impossible for it not to be. But that whole "fighting for what she believes in" comes in again for Selena - she does really, truly love Deena. She did before and after finding out about her true identity - that didn't change anything for her. And it's through Selena that Deena can really see the best humanity has to offer, and she doesn't want to lose that. Selena has devoted herself entirely to Deena, not as some godly figure or because she's a scary monster, but because she's just Deena, and it's the first time she's been appreciated as herself and not as a title.
They're not perfect. Deena hides her problems and bottles up her emotions while Selena doesn't know when to sit down and stay down when it comes to fighting for what she believes in. They get frustrated with each other, they argue here and there, but they work on things.
And that progress definitely gets accelerated by Solus being born. Hard to argue with one another about how they shouldn't bottle up their problems or should stop letting comments get under their skin about a dumb plan if your trying to keep a small, helpless creature destined to become a literal God in your care.
That's all for now from me but I am ALWAYS open to questions. Anon or not I do not care I am ill about them :3
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chaos-era · 12 hours
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moonflower piece. got an ipad second hand from my buddy and im still learning how to draw on it but im pretty happy with this :)
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chaos-era · 20 days
im getting back into actually using my sketchbook on my breaks/lunch at work, so gimmie nexomon doodle ideas gaymers
bonus points for moonflower
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