#omnicron was all the elements
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tulipsnflowers · 2 months ago
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This is how the Omnisun form happens nobody can convince me otherwise.
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nayvwriter · 9 months ago
(nexomon spoilers?)
...Wait a minute.
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Look at the designs on his ribbons.
They're all the others! They're shaped like the other children of Omnicron, on the ribbon for their element! And then the black ribbon has the diamond pattern seen on Omnicron himself!
He's all of them, he's every one of the other Primordial Tyrants and more! And this is reflected in not only his design, but his moveset too - I figured out that one a while ago but I never noticed the pictures on the ribbons before!
And now I want to write some stuff about him. There's so much potential there.
Might follow up with sources and further explanation if I can be bothered (most of my sources are from the wiki).
@anacharafan this is your fault you got me thinking about him
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glitchven · 6 months ago
Ok so i finished extinction (i think?) finally and i have some headcanonz >:33 (Spoilerz for Nexomon Extinction)
Ross needs glasses
Deena actually used to visit Solus at the orphanage alot when they were younger but gradually stopped as time went on (cause 2 powerful tyrants in 1 place is just asking for trouble)
Seleena (N1 mc) WASNT actually forgotten after nexomon 1 and has an entire shrine that people visit often and leave gifts at
The reason why Seleena isnt at her shrine is cause its usually crowded with people
Deena visits Seleena often btw because theyre in looveeee❤️❤️❤️
After the events of persecuor mountain Ross finally gets promoted to a silver tamer
Its only because Solus felt bad for using him as soup (but not that bad)
Finn actually has a crush on Solus but its 1 sided
Nora actually becomes the Admins apprentice and later takes over as the next admin after she retires
Lobo isnt actually his name he just changed it after leaving the guild and started his cult
After the events of the game Coco actually (officially) becomes a translater for Solus since their mute but still work for the guild
Coco and Solus are so close that they become inseparable
The reason why trainers use cores in extinction is because after Omnicrons true defeat every nexomon actually got weaker
Speaking of cores whenever a tyrant uses its elemental power it actually seeps into the ground and makes those shards
Which can then be used to power up your nexomon, making them almost as strong as the ones from the past
after Grunda is revived he just goes back to the orphanage and his siblings are confused as to why because he was only there to look after Solus and he never tells them why but its because he likes taking care of those in need
Deena is the only one who knows this but keeps it a secret (at his request)
These are all the headcanons i can think of rn
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player-1 · 4 months ago
I know it's going to be a while for me to jump back to the Nexomon tag when the next chapter for my fic drops (and believe me, that's going to take a while), there's been a semi-crazy theory I've been going over since I was thinking of weaseling it into the fic (especially during the NexoLords Frozen Tundra arc) since it's something that doesn't seem to make sense in hindsight.
Namely with the NexoLords' attempt of reviving Omnicron, and even the earlier run-in with the goons holding a bunch of bomb-experts hostage and possibly planning to use the dynamite for their own plan...What if before the Guild stopped them in their tracks, what if they had a previous attempt to revive Omnicron, failed, and were trying to cover their tracks is the second time went bust? What if the NexoLords accidentally created a Tyrant that was nothing like the great King of Monsters but the heir of Omnicron's heir the first time around?
(Minor spoilers for Micromon, major spoilers for Nexomon 1, post-N1, Nexomon Extinction, and a bunch of rambling/theory crafting below)
TL;DR: Reverse doomsday cult in Frozen Tundra "accidentally" create a monster beyond their comprehension, abandoned it at Palmaya and perpetuate the cycle of neglect Omnicron started with his "weakest child" Metta, the one true heir to the King of Monsters...Then both their plans gets ruined by a blue-haired kid.
Like I made as a joke but already plausible theory, Omnicron's youngest kid Metta (the glass pinata with a titanium ego) would've been considered the king's heir due to his moveset following every bit of his power over all elements at once. But given Metta's (gestures wildly at everything) and not immediately putting the fear of Nexo-God onto humanity, he was ignored and cast aside as the lesser of Omnicron's children...Of course, until everything that happens before and after Nexomon 1. Apart from Metta being murked from Extinction's story due to the dev not wanting to develop his character further (or also from how congested the story is already with all the protags/antagonists); there are plenty of little easter eggs that still show Metta's influence on the world long into the Tyrant War and up until N:E's story. Like him previously making a resurrection machine to revive Omnicron and his siblings and his teacher/unofficial father-figure Malk having a database in a variety of "Nexomon" similar but unknown to the public (Micromon/Pixekai Project); ultimately leading to the NexoLords (and Lobo the ex-Guild Grandmaster) finding the machine's blueprint and Amelie and Logan finding the database and extracting the info to create a anti-Tyrant weapon to topple the war in their favor and end the mindless violence once and for all. And all of this was in the Frozen Tundra, mind you, and most likely in Metta's old home or in Omnicron's Tower/Tomb; though I'm all on the former being the case :).
Circling back to the NexoLords, obviously assuming they had a chance to revive Omnicron and "restore the world's order" with their new blueprints, jumped straight into building/testing out the machine in the tower where Omnicron was once slain long long ago. Maybe they used a Nexomon egg as the catalyst, maybe gathered some residual energy in the ancient site no sane person dared to venture to; but the Nexomon they got was nothing any of them had expected. It was something human-like but not, a Tyrant but not, and a Nexomon with stars in their eyes and a bright smile against the harsh and destructive world around them...
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-That's right, this was a Byeol theory rant all along! And there's nothing you can do to stop me now!! >:D To try and make a more long story short, it makes some sense to me if the NexoLords (and by extension Lobo) made Byeol in their first and only known attempt to revive the doggo dad himself (going heavy in the copium since Omnicron's soul was completely destroyed after N1), so they had to work with what they had even if they had no idea what kind of ancient/primordial Tyrant they're channeling to achieve "world peace". Besides, even if Lobo was the ex-Guild leader and had every chance to read up on Omnicron's history, who wants to bet he had no idea that Metta existed if he was never considered a threat in the first place in the past? After all, Omnicron was a Normal-type and had power over all the elements, so why would he have a Normal-type kid as well? All of his children were killed off by Ulzar, so they had to go for the source of all Nexomon, the Normal-type monster, that's the most obvious choice! (/s) If that then applies to Lobo accidentally making Metta's Tyrant, then why is Byeol found in Palmaya and not Omnicron's Tower and/or the Frozen Tundra? Simple, the NexoLords really didn't want their token Tyrant being a baby cherub bird-thing and totally not Omnicron, so they dumped him at the one place that's "Tyrant-free" and getting the little guy as far away from their base of operation as possible.
But that's still a bit ironic, you know? Metta, abandoned by his father and siblings for not putting humanity under his thumb, eventually becomes the strongest Nexomon tamer in the world (aka the Nexolord) and putting together a plan to revive his dad to destroy humanity once and for all (and finally be his dad's special little boy :). Then there's Byeol, abandoned by a man with an Omnicron mask and his Children of Omnicron-styled lackeys for not being the true King of Monsters and ending the Tyrant War without anymore bloodshed; (fic-wise) becoming a beacon of hope in Palmaya and exploring the world helping those in need and avoiding Tyrant conflicts at all cost. Cause in Byeol's strangely starry eyes, his idea of world peace is for everyone to be nice and get along, human and Nexomon, simple as that.
Whether or not it if the NexoLords knew their "Tyrant" was being raised to be a goody-two-shoes is up to debate; but I really wanted to figure out someway to explain Byeol's existence other than "he's just a post-story legendary just because" or following the series' gimmick of using post-story 'mon for the next game, but the thought itself is pretty funny to me.
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crystalelemental · 11 months ago
Here's another fun thought: how do Nexomon reproduce?
Nexomon arrived with the advent of Omnicron, the king of monsters. He birthed seven children, the Primordial Tyrants, who in turn birthed the myriad Nexomon that humans would go on to domesticate. That's our origin story.
So where's mom?
Assuming that Nexomon reproduce similarly to humans, Omnicron should've had a mate. Yet he's the only Nexomon in the world, and birthed seven children. It could, in theory, be a human, which explains why his children can transform into a human form but he can't. But this also seems really unlikely. Even setting aside the issue of anti-human sentiments he holds, to the point of aiming for complete eradication...what's the cutoff? Other Nexomon can't turn human, but his direct kids can. But also so can Solus, but not any of their other children. So like. How's that supposed to work? There's also not an indication that Omnicron cannot turn human, perhaps he just won't.
Additionally, we have the issue of Solus. If we assume Nexomon have similar reproduction to humans, as far as mixing genes and all that, Nara's plan is...risky business. There's no guarantee her kid would come out strong enough to be the next sovereign. So either she has a lot of kids we don't know about that failed, or the act of reproduction is very different.
We do know there are eggs. Even outside of our fake one, Fenrir comments on giving power to Mulcimer as an egg to help him hatch. So egg laying is definitely part of the process. What's interesting about this comment is that it implies how something like Solus would be made. Mulcimer can't happen naturally. There's not a species marker for it, and that kind of variance doesn't seem to happen, given that every single instance of, say, Dinja, is exactly the same (Cosmic forms notwithstanding). For Nexomon to shift forms, something presumably has to make them do it.
The Primordial Tyrants can imbue power into something smaller to create a Tyrant, similar to the process of making Mulcimer. Presumably, they have to be aligned to the element already, or it wouldn't work, though this isn't necessarily the case. The form of the creature that hatches also changes dramatically. There isn't really anything else that looks like Mulcimer or Nivalis or the other Tyrants, that shares their type. There's also the tidbit they mention that giving imbuing power costs something of themselves, even as ghosts.
But, type change has to occur. How else do we go from the Normal Omnicron to a child of each element. And how do you get exactly one of each, if it worked like typical reproduction? There should be too much variance. To create his children, Omnicron likely shaped the powers each would wield. Which means there's control over what comes out, if you know how to manipulate it.
All that to say, it's not a 1:1 asexual reproduction either. It's not a copy offspring. It may start that way, but it can be changed somehow, likely by manipulating the powers within the egg. The question is how far that manipulation can be stretched. Which leads to the big twist:
In all these situations above, what is created is weaker. Omnicron was stronger than the Primordial Tyrants, the new Tyrants are weaker than the Primordial ones, and the general Nexomon are the weakest of all. None of them create something stronger from their egg. Except for Nara.
Solus goes against this entirely, and is not only stronger than her mother, but is an entirely new type. The Primordial Tyrants exist as manifestations of the world's features; Psychic and Ghost developed after the fact. Which...also implies some variance to the base Nexomon as well. To say nothing of Fane, a Ghost-type Tyrant that, as far as we know, never received any kind of power infusion from the Primordials. So how did all of that happen?
Interesting thing to note: we see older Nexomon again in Precursor Valley, but they're changed (Except Mandrass, who is thus implicitly the Pinnacle of Nexomon Evolution). Enough time took place that these species had small evolutionary changes, but Gemeen is still Gemeen. There's nothing that changes the species, but can change its looks for adaptation. None of them are Psychic or Ghost. Which implies that, grand scheme, those types are a more recent phenomenon.
To make it even more confusing, then there's Maraudin. Which is an entirely different species, and a descendant form of Hobyn. A weak little baby bird, who...evolved into a stronger thing. Somehow.
By and large this is positing questions with no answer. I don't know that they devs really thought all about this stuff. But I do have some thoughts to apply.
Small evolutionary changes are the result of natural causes. Big evolutionary changes happen because someone messed with an egg.
However, it may be possible for bigger changes to occur depending on what happened to the egg. If Nexomon do reproduce sexually, did Hobyn crossbreed with another Nexomon type to create Maraudin?
In that case, Psychic and Ghost could be manifestations of particular interactions. For example, Psychic, given its odd traits of "Strong against everything strong against it, resistant to everything resistant to it," could be due to complementary, non-interacting types. So for example, Plant and Mineral. They have no type interactions at all, and thus a blend of Plant and Mineral Nexomon could result in Psychic. Ghost would be the inverse; two types that do really poorly together, such as Fire and Water. The conflicting elements may result in an adaptation that causes them to not quite be aligned to the living when they pop out, resulting in Ghosts.
But there is another answer, that also explains the only odd type matchup Psychic has: its weakness to Plant.
Primordial Tyrants can imbue their power into an egg to ascend it beyond its original species, creating Tyrants. To create a being stronger than herself, Nara would have had to imbue her own power into that egg, but would likely need more than just her own strength, especially to account for the type change to something that didn't exist. But Solus also happens later than other Psychics. And without a Primordial of that type to create them, Psychic had to come from somewhere. Ghost too, but Ghost has Fane, whose origins are unknown. Maybe it was after, but maybe it was before.
And what if it was before? If Ghost is the absence of life, then technically, it still falls under the jurisdiction of someone who commands life force. And considering Psychic's absurd overpowered status, having nothing that can beat it that it can't also beat, and nothing that stops it that it cannot also stop...wouldn't it make sense for that type to be created specifically for Solus? If Solus happens after the type, then possibly, the type was created as a test run. Make something that's stronger than the other types, that can bring them to heel with force as needed. You can't jump straight to the Tyrant, so you test it on something smaller first, blending those life energies inside an egg to see if you can produce something different. But in case that something goes rogue, you'd need to be able to keep it in check. And so its only real weakness...is your type. If nothing else, you'll be able to reign them in. And thus you get the Psychics.
But that energy has to come from somewhere. Imbuing power doesn't come from nothing. So you siphon away life energy from something else, and produce a ghost. Maybe Fane is what it is, because they were a Tyrant whose energies were fed to Solus' egg. What better to power the Sovereign of Tyrants than another Tyrant? What if these types were made as another part of Nara's plans?
The siphoning life energy out seems distinctly against Nara's typical way, given she's still upset by the Mandrass. But Ghosts are "alive" by some definition. They exist in physical space, and it's not like Plant, the associated essence of life, has no effect on them. So that could be dismissed as Nara not really doing anything but manipulating type and life state. It's not entirely outside the realm of possibility. Nara cherishes life, but she's willing to get her hands dirty when it comes to Solus and preventing the absolute extinction of her species.
"Do you believe, like, any of this?" I 'unno. I'm just vomiting ideas while under the Vaguely Sick condition.
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dogopower · 7 months ago
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Omnicron Lyrics
I told them of the Hale Bop comet 7 years ago...
It is running if you will notice on our sensors
We have picked up a ship beneath it... of great dimensions...
All we are trying to do, us humans, so that we shall not die so soon
Over the Earth I hover spinning whirlwinds in Wheatfields
While my force fields repel four winds from broken seals
Numbered seven
Embedding my brethren, breaking bread with Yeshua
In Bethlehem
The last tribal star soul the alien Seth Alam
The devil bears the pentagram, a horrible hologram
My body slams man with the heavy grams
Lay the beat down
Make big connections to the Son of Sam and Uncle Sam
So Sam-I-am keep ya fucking eggs and ham
Performing alien brain scans and spiritual exams
While the mothership lands on holy land
My mental expands with plans to span through the galaxy
I land in farmers crops spelling out the name 'Apathy'
Speaking my name is blasphemy, so call me your majesty
Majestic phonetics begin affecting reality
Religiously, I mystically chant and recite on mic's
At astronomical heights
Guided by the northern lights
Poltergeist, masquerade as Christ, entice like Heidi Fleiss
Trying to put the righteous on ice
You're a holographic device, and simply see through
Robotic like R2D2, I'm original like Hebrews
And 144,000 people
May the Lord bless you and keep you
Formin' gargoyles like Tin Foil they sit upon ya steeple!
Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue?
Biophysical Biosphere;
Witchdoctor unlocked the cobra spitting venom I adhere!
I stand here with the hearts of the Meek
I bring pain, camel clutch, Iron sheik
Order of the Golden Dawn
I have warned of biochemical implants
In heads of the unborn
Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David
Five Tibetan rites are rejuvenation
A sacred Master Yehi, All die under the staff
Or get burned like Betty Shabazz and I will laugh
Demons at dimensional doorways come through this
But I will have you hanging from a tree like you was Judas
Violent Buddhist
The hierarch decaton
Revelations of the Metatron
I form Voltron;
With elements of Tai Chi
Doing battle with seven heads and ten horns is me!
The hologram!
Travel I through space portals
My soul cannot be imprisoned or trapped by mere mortals
Torture them!
With the pain of scorpion stings
Spitting lightning
'Lord of the Rings', I brings
Diagrams, of hallways and pyramids of the pharaohs
Tribe Green
Mecca's warrior holding arrows
Contorting; polymorphing and aborting
The souls of the MC's who I've made ghosts to do my haunting
Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue?
Scientifical madness
Eliminating masses with mathematical tactics
Strategic, electronical, weaponry fucking up your anatomy
Insanity, inviting thee
Atomically bombing the fraudulent MC
Escorting he, with battle strategy
Confusion weaponry cause fatality
Intergalactic tactics shine like metallics
With mathematics, I leave your whole clique splattered
Pharaoh's a savage (The Verbal War)
Causing comatosis
Transporting dope shit through sleep way (hypnosis)
Try to approach this, I stalk-prey like vultures
And feast on the carcass of any lyrical artists
I'm sick with this, scientifical madness
Pharaoh the seventh sign causing word disaster
Cerebral master, Iron Killa Guerrila
Verbal Flames I spit them through your chest like Tequila
Constructing ya Art of War like Sun Tzu
Death becomes you as I run through
MC's like Battering rams, you overstand
Sun Pharaoh and the motherfucking Hologram!
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whatudottu · 3 years ago
Thinking aloud here but, originally in OS Ben 10 - thanks to the trio set up - there was already a present tri-colour theme of green (Ben, of course), blue (Gwen in both clothes and mana) and red (Grandpa Max, again with clothes but also to the plumber badge which appears as a red dot on a blue grey uniform). Over in UAF though, the red shifts to being a pink and instead of Kevin running along with the replacement colour, Gwen picks up pink and Kevin takes her blue. And over in OV, we no longer have a trio to make a tri-colour theme, and instead have green and blue for Ben and Rook.
Bringing this up, I want to kind of tie two ideas together, that being to keep Gwen blue and have Kevin be red, and for Omniverse to add on to the buddy cop duo with a red of their own, the ironically named Kai Green.
For a kids show - whether or not Ben 10 was revolutionary in doing this or was one of a few - having a female main character be coded as very specifically blue instead of pink, and not even contrasting with the main male character, was certainly very notable and actually pretty cool. UAF pivoting to return to the pink, even so much as turning Gwen’s style to be red in AF season 3 and the entirety of UA, essentially changed what she had been for 4 seasons of the original series. She didn’t even get pinned with the colour red, and while Ben kept up with the green - going... 10 fold if you ask me - Gwen got a new colour for this new trio.
Kevin, though lacking in clothing colour for quite a significant portion of his appearance pre-UAF, did very distinctly evoke the colour red thanks in due part to his amalgam Kevin 11 form. Even though a lot of his energy absorption powers were blue, more associated with electricity, the big red bruiser was very much the appearance of Kevin before UAF came around. Perhaps it would’ve been cool to have a carry over, a matter absorbing Kevin - just a tad afraid to fully commit to energy or DNA absorption especially - having the remaining heat and fire of a pyronite, coating himself in metals and rocks as if they were melting upon his form. Of course, Kevin 11 was more than just the hot red of Fourarms and Heatblast, but before blue jeans Kevin came along that was the colour I thought about.
Perhaps round 2 of an RGB trio may have interfered with the red of Albedo, but consider that maybe pink is not a colour entirely abandoned. The Highbreed have very many purple design elements, that in their technology and even in their facial appearance, framed by the white of their bodies and the yellow of the DNAliens. And what colour, might one say, is akin to purple but can also be the complimentary colour of a darker green?
Am I making Albedo pink? Well fricking sure I am. And, as an added bonus, it matches with the idea - more explored in Omniverse - of albinism, like white rabbits with the distinct pink eyes, even if humans (not that Albedo is a human) would have blue or hazel eyes. Pink also serves as a contrast to purple, a notable colour in defining evil in Ben 10, in such a way that it is not as intense a colour; it is a warm colour and it is a lighter colour, but the relationship that red and purple have with magenta can’t help make me connect pink with violet.
That way, the cast can keep up the RGB throughout UAF, and maybe leave room for orange and yellow villains or allies to sneak their way in. Captain Nemesis after all is very orange and, considering that Kevin is now red, the warm coloured connection and red-based association between these characters has a lot more relation to ‘not appearing as they seem’.
Moving over to Omniverse, a lot of arguments (that aren’t racist and sexist takes that cracker omnicron and her pathetic little meow meow spread like a cancer) about BenKai is mostly how forced and relatively out of the blue the relationship seems, and whether or not you’re a fan of it or not, the easiest solution to this is by continuing the trend of trios into OV. Kai Green, daughter of Wes Green, is another plumber’s grandchild like Ben himself. Since I haven’t seen Omniverse in a hot while, it seems that between her and her grandfather, Kai’s relationship to the plumbers appears to be related to the mystical investigation and safe keeping side of the plumbers, connected directly to what was mentioned in OS and in that one episode with the underground molerat cows.
Aside from generally having a connection and reason to be working alongside Ben, hero of the galaxy and grandson of the greatest plumber alive, and Rook, rookie hah i see what they did there plumber assigned to Ben Tennyson as a partner, Kai stands as the replacement of Gwen in knowledge of legends and artifacts more closely related to tall tales told to children to keep them from wandering the night alone. And the funniest thing about this, with the adjustment made from UAF, Kai get’s the red of Kevin while Rook gets the blue of Gwen.
And here’s a little connection I made while writing this, the colours reflect the meaning of both the classic trio and the teen trio. Rook reflects the blue of the original Gwen, a character that Ben absolutely could not get along with in the slightest until trials and tribulations told him otherwise. And now with Kai, her red reflects the blue of the teen Kevin, a character that Ben has history with that was less than pleasant, and tying it back to the original trio, has connections with Grandpa Max himself through not only herself but through Max’s old partner Wes Green, her very own grandpa.
So, with the existence of a trio (and preferably writers that don’t treat it’s characters like shit) Rook is not the only braincell of the Ben dynamic, and now if there’s going to be any form of relationship that is formed between Kai and Ben, this is the situation to do it in. That’s also a big if, but whatever...
This has been me with disconnected thoughts about the RGB tri-colour and um... I talked about this a lot longer than I thought that I would to be perfectly honest with you.
Um, well... okay :)
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asknarashikari · 3 years ago
Huh... i did not think that id be dusting off this blog to ask something about tokusatsu.
How do Bugsters work in Ex-aid? I know they are an illness but nothing more. You mentioned they can manifest something within the video game to the real world?
I am just working off with what I have understood, are Bugsters the video game or video game character? Considering when I saw Pac Man as a villain.
Could a bugster emerge from a dress up game or simulation like the sims?
I’m not really sure I’m qualified to explain this in full, so I’ll link you to the KR Wikia page for it. Tread carefully though, as it does give away a lot of spoilers for the plot of Ex-Aid.
The long and short of it is, Bugsters are themselves computer data that can materialize in the real world, thanks to the Bugster Virus. When the Riders come to face them, they can manifest elements from their game, as well as foot soldiers, to help fight the Riders and possibly infect more people. They also have the very real effect of killing their human hosts if not defeated.
But they’re not necessarily the video game characters themselves. Their appearance and abilities are simply are based off whatever game their specific strain of the Bugster Virus came from. You can basically think of them as sort of like covid variants (like Delta, Omnicron, etc).
For example, in the Pacman example you mentioned, the Bugster and villain is Doctor Pacman, who is a Bugster based off Pacman. He can summon Pacmans to infect more people and also fight the Riders.
In theory, any game could give rise to a Bugster. There are Bugsters based on all kinds of games, from dating sims to fantasy MMORPGs. There’s even one based on Ganbarizing, the irl Kamen Rider arcade game, who could summon fakes of the past Riders to aid him.
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autotrust · 2 years ago
Nexomon vulazy
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Nexomon vulazy download#
Official subreddit for Nexomon One (Mobile/PC) and Nexomon Extinction. I’m really hyped for raamu, since I had like 2 in my team in both fights against Omnicron ) 11. It has high HP, STA, ATK, DEF and a slightly lower than normal SPD. (you can find it also in the East Home, Easy Ignitia) Blizo is a Mineral type Nexomon with great stats.
Nexomon vulazy download#
free download Vulazy Nexomon Wiki Fandom Powered By Wikia naked photos with high resolution on. What extinct nexomon are you excited about being added in(I think they’re extinct. Vulazy is a Normal type Nexomon with decent stats. In the mineral nightmare, all wild Nexomon are +/- level 60, regardless of whether you only. Search for: Nexomon: List of All Nexomon by Zone. Home Guides Codes Controls Locations Commands Cheats Tricks Recipes Advertise With US Toggle search form. Its one of the millions of unique, user-generated 3D experiences created on Qnnit. The entrance to this zone has an image of the element 'Mineral' on the access portal and the portal is surrounded on the left and right by large stones. Check out Nexomon: List of All Nexomon by Zone. Join the guild of tamers and begin an epic. The following encounter zones are located in the 'mineral elements nightmare' of the Netherworld. The world is on the brink of extinction as mighty Tyrant Nexomon fight for dominion over humans and monsters. I do want to catch them all so if there is a starter that is drastically harder to find or catch then that would probably be an idea of what starter to choose but I don't want to ignore other important factors either. Vulazy Nexomon Wiki Fandom Powered By Wikia is top nude porn. Nexomon: Extinction is a return to classic monster catching games, complete with a brand new story, eccentric characters and over 300 unique Nexomon to trap and tame. I'm really looking for what nexomon is hardest to find early game and/or be best for beating first major battles.įrom my limited experience on Mobile wind seemed to be most effective against most early enemies including first gem so I'm looking for your feedback, suggestions and advice. I got past the first gym leader but my saves don't seem to be working on Mobile so I just bought it on XboxOne and first thing aside from graphics is that I get to choose a starter from 7 different monsters. I don't think what system you're on will make much difference but when I played on my phone I don't remember having a starter option and had vulazy as my starter. What are the best starter decisions for nexomon 1 (not 2 extinction).
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sunwisher-blog · 6 years ago
Jedi Mind Tricks – Omnicron
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Jedi Mind Tricks – Omnicron
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Jedi Mind Tricks: Jedi Mind Tricks (JMT) is a hip hop duo with Vinnie Paz from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Jus Allah from Camden, New Jersey. The group was founded by two high school friends, rapper Vinnie Paz (Vincenzo Luvineri) and former producer/DJ Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind (Kevin Baldwin). Of the many songs they wrote, Omnicron has no information about it anywhere. “Before the Great Collapse” is a single by Hip Hop duo Jedi Mind Tricks, released in 2004 through Babygrande Records. The single was the lead-off for the group’s fourth album, Legacy of Blood. While “Before the Great Collapse” was the single’s official A-Side, the B-Side track “On the Eve of War” was Legacy of Blood’s lead single. Like their previous album’s lead single, “Animal Rap”, the single contains two mixes of the song, subtitled “On the Eve of War (Julio Cesar Chavez Mix)” and “On the Eve of War (Meldrick Taylor Mix)”, referencing the rivalry between the two boxers. “The Age of Sacred Terror” is a single by Hip Hop duo Jedi Mind Tricks, released in 2005 through Babygrande Records. The single was the second released from their fourth album, Legacy of Blood, following 2004’s “Before the Great Collapse”. The song’s title is taken from the book of the same name, written by Daniel Benjamin. No official music video was shot for the track, but a fan-made video circulated after the song’s release, and was featured on Babygrande’s website. The single’s B-Side features the track “Saviorself“, featuring Wu-Tang Clan affiliate Killah Priest. lyrics: I told them of the Hale Bop comet 7 years ago… It is running if you will notice on our sensors we have picked up a ship beneath it …of great dimensions… All we are trying to do, us humans, is that we shall not die so soon Over the earth I hover Spinning whirlwinds in Wheatfield’s While my force fields repel four winds for broken seals Numbered Sedative Bending my brethren, breaking bread with Yeshua In Bethlehem, The last tribal star soul the alien Seth Alam The devil bears the pentagram, a wormhole/ hologram My body slams man with the heavy grams Lay the beat down; Make big connections to the Son of Sam and Uncle Sam So SamIam keep ya fuckin eggs and ham! Performing alien brain scans and spiritual exams While the mother ship lands on holy land My mental expands with plans to span through the galaxy I land in farmers crops spelling out the name ���Apathy’ Speaking my name is blasphemy, so call me your majesty Majestic phonetics begin to affect your reality Religiously, I mystically chant and recite on mic’s At astronomical Heights Guided by the northern lights Poltergeist, masquerade as Christ, entice like Heidi Fleiss Trying ta put the righteous on ice You’re a holographic device, and simply see through Robotic like R2D2, I’m original like Hebrews And 144,000 people meant Allah’s blessing can keep you Form gargoyles like Tin Foil they sit upon ya steeple! Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Biophysical Biosphere; Witchdoctor unlocked the cobra spitting venom I adhere! I stand here with the hearts of the Meek I bring pain, camel clutch, Iron sheik Order of the Golden Dawn I have warned; Of biochemical implants in heads of the unborn! Lion of the tribe of Judah; The root of David Five Tibetan rites are rejuvenation A Sacred Master Yehi, All die under the staff; Or get burned like Betty Shabaz and I will laugh Demons at dimensional doorways come through this But I will have you hanging from a tree like you was Judas Violent Buddhist The Higher Arc decaton Revelations of the Megatron I form Voltron; With elements of Tai Chi Doing battle with seven heads and ten horns is me! The hologram! Travel I through space portals My soul cannot be imprisoned or trapped by mere mortals Torture them! With the pain of scorpion stings Spitting lightning ‘Lord of the Rings’, I brings Diagrams, of hallways and pyramids of the pharaohs Tribe Green Mecca’s warrior holding arrows Contorting; poly-wharfing and aborting The souls of the MC’s who I’ve made ghosts to do my haunting… Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Scientifical madness, eliminating masses with mathematical tactics Strategic, electronical Weaponry, fucking up your anatomy! Insanity- inviting me Atomically bombing thee, fraudulent MC’s Escorting he; With battle strategy Confusion weaponry, cause fatalities Intergalactic tactics, shine like metallics With mathematics I leave ya whole clique splattered Pharaoh’s the savage (Ikon the verbal Hologram) The Verbal Core (Sun Pharaoh) Causing Comatose It’s Transporting dope shit, through sleep way; (Ikon the Verbal Hologram) …Hypnosis! Try to approach this, I stalk prey like Vultures And feast on the carcass of any ‘lyrical artists’ I’m sick with, this Scientifical madness Pharaoh the seventh sign causing world disaster Cerebral master , Iron Killer Guerrilla Verbal Flames I spit them through your chest , Like Tequila Constructing ya Art of War like Sun Tzu Death becomes you, As I run through MC’s like Battering rams, you overstand; Sun Pharaoh- and the motherfucking Hologram! Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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nayvwriter · 8 months ago
Cool, ramble ask: Omnicron
Okay. Omnicron.
(nexomon series spoilers)
So as previously mentioned, Omnicron is the character in Nexomon series on my 'just blanket evil' list. Even Xanders is somewhat understandable and has his own morality.
That being said, his character can be an excellent plot device. Need a big bad for someone to beat up? Omnicron! Need a reasoning behind the actions of Omnicron's children? Omnicron!
I have a few back-of-the-pile AUs where one or more of (non-Nara) Omnicron's children gets to beat up Omnicron. They are very satisfying. They also mostly involve time travel, because gestures at the plot of N1 and the fact the redemption arcs happened after it. The alternative is either earlier redemption arcs or a serious amount of canon divergence.
So my number one headcanon is that Omnicron is a terrible father. Probably physically and emotionally abusive too. He didn't want children - he wanted tools, he wanted weapons. That's what the Children of Omnicron are. They're living weapons.
But they're living, so they have their own opinions. Omnicron didn't like that. So how to solve this... simply make sure his weapons stayed sharp and loyal, using whatever he had to to do so. He didn't care about them at all.
I don't think Omnicron was cartoonishly, obviously evil. I think he had a scarier kind of malevolence - the kind that hides itself behind charisma, behind manipulation. Why else would his children follow him, despite everything?
I also think Omnicron deliberately tried to freak out Ulzar, and n1 protag too. A last revenge, or an ambition to someday return and leave the humans weakened? Who can tell. And it worked, too.
It's interesting to compare this to Metta. I think Metta was the most loyal of them all, and I also think he was the one Omnicron was most scared of. Because they're really similar. Both carrying all the elements. Both (in my headcanon) holding ambition and charisma.
I think Omnicron sees Metta as a threat, but doesn't want to act on this because at the moment he has Metta loyal to him and he doesn't want to jeopardise that. I want to do something fun with this someday (mostly make Metta realise this).
But the difference between them is that Metta actually cares. Not about humanity, but about Nexomon, about his siblings, about anyone other than himself. Omnicron doesn't.
Because the other thing about Omnicron is that he's dead. By the time of n2, he's well and truly gone, but the world will never forget his name. Never forget his terrible legacy. Even dead, even with his very soul eviscerated, he's still causing unrest and strife simply because people remember him. And they know how evil he was.
He's a mere object of scary stories, for some, dead and gone. For others, he's a reason to distrust Tyrants. For the Children of Omnicron, he's their traumatic backstory, who moulded them into weapons and they're still trying to erase the marks he made.
For Solus, he's a cautionary tale, a worry in the back of their mind. They're definitely not the only one to make the connection, but they do make the connection, and they'll do all they can to prevent another Omnicron situation. (As, possibly, will others.)
Though evil, Omnicron shaped this world in so many ways, for better or for worse.
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tulipsnflowers · 9 months ago
so I found this post https://www.tumblr.com/anacharafan/740045529628721152/ok-scuse-me-op-jesstheespeon-somepunaboutspace?source=share and. Tulip. What rant about Metta maybe not even being a person explain your thought processes please.
(currently getting slowly drawn into the Metta Blorbo side of the fandom and very interested to hear your take)
(Blinks innocently) whatever do you mean?
... God, I haven't shared this one before? Insane rant time. Thought process is not good™
So. Let's start really simple, and I promise this will make sense later.
What's plant's element color? Oh easy, it's green
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See? Green, easy.
Wind? Teal. Mineral? Weird yellow.
Okay, now, please do tell me the color of Normal. "Oh it's blue, I mean, James' soul was blue, and his hair streak is-"
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Now, first of all, that's just, not how James dresses up. He has 1(one) singular black shirt that's under his jacket. The rest are quite literally colored like their element(even Deena has her hair in the correct color,) so, what the frick?
Number 2:
Move set, everyone noticed his gimmick is having everything. Man soloed the wardens on my play through. But.
Omnicron has that, too. Exact same order(except flipped). Electric last, Fire first. (Or Fire first, Electric last) ((this is also tower order btw, and the only one that rotates is Deena, being between Wind and Electric and Wind and Mineral, so I HC them as having been roomies (her and nadine I mean) ANYWAY DEENA GET OUT NOT YOUR POST))
Number 3:
What the hell is up with his soul, anyway?
And I don't mean in the sense he's not in the Netherworld or n2, which, I'll get to, but.
We just determined Normal is Black..... So why the hell is his soul -Energy. Being. Whatever you want to call it, blue?
That doesn't line up, Omnicron's soul makes sense to be blue, because he's fricking blue and red and white, but James' shouldn't. He only has one blue streak, he mostly has that red and white jacket---
Hang on a second.
Number 4: He doesn't have gold. He doesn't have gold! Even Grunda has gold.
That's the telltale thing to tell a design is a child of Omnicron. Gold. ("tulip, uh, the moving bits-" to which I say. Nara ruined that in n2, so..)
So then, what do I make of all of this is,
Omnicron was already an S++++ parent, no denying that, and at some point, cuz Ulzar didn't beat them all at once, he knew. That Ulzar is killing his children and that he's on the hit list, I mean. While I don't see him being too concerned, I do see him having a.. Back up plan.
Aka James. Aka, a child, existing to just hold his soul if that damned human does kill him. I mean, look at him! He's not even an animal, he's a fricking ORB (orbs of elemental energy, anyone?)
So. When someone (Deena), destroyed Omnicron's soul.... I mean, it also explains why he was gone in n:e.
Also. It explains his lack of a nightmare, as well. Why have a whole separate nightmare if they weren't separate beings to begin with?
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tulipsnflowers · 9 months ago
AS our resident ghost type enthusiast, I ask you:
*holds out microphone
Ghost types. Tell us more. Your thoughts?
Well I'm very glad you asked
(takes the mic out of your hands)
.... Fricking. Ghost types.
Okay so let's start from the beginning, I fricking hate Ulzar but I have to at least half take it into consideration
Bastard said that each of the 7 had their own offspring being Nexomon and that's how they came to be.
How true this is is up to debate, but, still. CoO made nexomon that carry their element, checks out.
No 2 is actually Jin/Atlanta/Lydia. I forgot who says it but I know it's said Jin sealed Fen off so that no more tyrants can be born. And that when Lydia knows you have an egg she immediately tells you to go bother Nadine.
Therefore, I'm going to assume that one must need element powers to hatch tyrants, more specifically laylines. And this makes sense! (Not your post Byeol go to the corner.) I mean, the Plant type tyrant is literally Tikala, who was a warden, because Deena probably wouldn't have. And there's no Psychic because I mean, Solus was a child, nobody came up to them like "hey kid you wanna bless this egg with psychic powers"
... So then. Ghost. Fane.
Where did they come from, genuinely. It can't be Ziegler, he's a normal type. Even if he wasn't it'd still have weird implications.
We have this whole lore and world building about this being the case, and then ghost shows up.
It's the only type without a primordial! How did you exist if you had nothing to come from???
It even has shards and traps! Normal doesn't have shards and traps!!!
So where did you come from??
It has to be something, somehow. I just- it's do weird, AND it's gone in n3!!! It just stayed around a bit and then left, what the heck!!!!!
This is why I have Aster (I promise I'm working on this) and Sasha(This kangaroo won't leave me be istg-) among others. I need reason as to why Ghost is a thing.
I obviously don't think Aster is a thing that canonically happened, so, here's some:
1. Ghost came from Hilda screwing on about, and her curse effecting Nexomon, I'm only willing to accept this if there's 0 ghosts in n3
2. Ghost came from Amelie trying to stop Tyrants. Because imagine pre Solus for a second. Normal was an unstoppable force as far as elements went. No counters, no nothing. So maybe she just fucked about (her or Malk, because James' steppdad would probably have his blood or something from being a scientist and making sure that glass ball has his rabbies shots) making Ghost on accident. If anyone's doing this I expect a Ghost type primordial design on my desk by 5. Because they existed for at least a moment
3. Deena's scrapped plotline of having a different kid first. This fucks up her characterization just a little bit (a lot) though so thread carefully I guess.
4. The abyssal person did it because we still don't know what they are. Seer? Probably. But maybe they're related to Omnicron or something who fricking knows, not me. Also no I don't think it's James sorry other theory person. So maybe it's Kroma? Like the first real Ghost type, I mean I even have a human design, she'd just need some gold...
5. It's Normal decaying at different speeds. Ghost is sometimes described by Decay after all. This one I might have to take in n3, considering I don't think it'd ever get resolved
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nayvwriter · 8 months ago
Hmmm... Now I'm getting to the point I don't know who to ask about that aren't the Omnikids.
I could ask for Metta I suppose? Though he is n1
Metta! (N1 spoilers)
I didn't think about him too much until you came along, but now I have too many thoughts.
Metta's a bit of a mystery. He doesn't have a title, he doesn't have a human name (apart from 'the Nexolord'), you never actually fight him if I recall correctly. I don't think you can see his Tyrant form until postgame either, and he just sort of disappears for N2, acknowledged only in a silly background detail calling him "a villain who just sort of disappeared".
But just by looking at his design, there's a lot you can find out. We already know he's the seventh and last child of Omnicron. He also knows moves of the type of every (at the time) element. And his ribbons of every element, with the images of the other Primordial Tyrants on them...
He's everything, every element in one, and it's shown so clearly in his design. I love it. I think he has all the powers of his siblings (and his father? given that his black ribbon portrays Omnicron?)
I also feel like I'm just reiterating my previous metta posts. He may be a bowling ball, but his Tyrant design is really interesting because of the ribbons, which are really the focal point of the design. I think it's a good design, actually, for what it does!
As a character? I don't remember him too well (don't know n1 too well). But he interests me. I think he's probably the furthest under his father's thumb of all of them... but I don't think this was always the case. I think when he was younger, Omnicron worried about his ambition.
I also think Omnicron tried to kill Nara and Metta saved her life (seeing as he has her power). Fun little headcanon I have that has 0 canon basis.
I think he's charismatic, including (especially) to people he doesn't care about. Like humans. Also ambitious, but hasn't quite worked out he can do things without his father. I don't think he cares about humanity at all - he's willing to play by their rules to further his goals, but Nexomon are always his priority.
I headcanon that he can shapeshift into whatever human form he likes and possibly shift his Tyrant form as well. Since I headcanon that their forms are subconscious, this has interesting implications - does this mean that who he is isn't that solid? This makes sense, I think.
I also headcanon that he never had a single human name, but rather changed with each appearance - it would make sense, if he could shapeshift. Also I... didn't want to call him James, but I didn't want to ignore the name entirely, so if I ever get an opportunity I might throw in a 'he went by James once' one-off joke.
Where is he in n2? Hiding, I think. Which has the fun little side effect that he might not get told about gestures at plot of the game until the rest of the world finds out.
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tulipsnflowers · 4 months ago
Tulip rambles: Moving parts
Spoilers for just about everything in nexomon. If you haven't completed the post game for both games(Netherworld n1, Abyssals n2) do that first
One might be incredibly confused by what the Frick I mean when I say moving bits. So, to explain myself
When I say moving bits, I mean the moving ribbon like things first appearing on the CoO(Children of Omnicron), in n1, you can see them the best with Metta
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Those guys. Moving parts. Elemental parts
It might not be obvious at first minus the mineral one, but they all have different little textures for their own elements
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If you zoom into her green, or encounter her in n1, you can see those are actually leaf shapes in there that are moving!
Same for everyone else, for the most part. (We are going over the conflicting info later, for now this is just information dumping)
In n1, only the children of Omnicron, and some of the wardens had it. Particularly, Titan, Darine, Krowr, Hexia, *Tikala.
Ogoon... Has fire? Which I'm half way on counting, half way to not. Ziegler has like a moving body but not quite the same feeling
*Tikala will be a ramble later
The only legendary without it in short is Luhava(and Ziegler if you count it). Who knows what Luhava's deal is, doesn't matter
Now n2 gets... Interesting. Because they don't quite follow rule sets as much as they should (cough cough Solus and Nara cough cough), but still, to go down the list
From the tyrants, only Mulcimer has magma. Granted, it's red and Ogoon and Fona have been using yellow, but more on that later. No other tyrant does.
For Drakes... The ones with official moving elemental parts are.. Dracon, Graloon, Volta. That's three out of 9
... Now, to be salty, the ones who DON'T have it but SHOULD in n2 are Solus, Nara.
And in abyssals we have... Helovolk(again,), Pluvian, Braccus. Three, again, though different three.
So now, without me checking every single nexomon I am fairy certain non legendarynexomon don't have this, save for the Drare line and some fire types
So it's clearly at least a little important, right? Right. Ramble time.
So now we go into the deep end by discussing by types, and then some theories in the end, but for now, opposite order, which means-
None. Seriously, no ghost PT(primordial tyrant), Krainull and Fane don't have it either. They have like, blue flames if you want to count that as their thing, but generally they don't have anything
I can hear someone going "what about Titan-"
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Titan still has his mineral things, for some reason, so he's disqualified (and also those aren't ghost shaped blobs, ya know? )
So as far as ghost goes... I'm guessing it's either purple or blue. I tend to lean purple because I like purple, but blue is a very valid leaning point (also doesn't create a bit of an overlap with Luxa, more on that later)
.. Also technically 0! Technically. Venefelis, Solus and Mystigon don't have anything, but you know who does?
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Now the issue with accepting Darine, is that she was a water type, so that helps her design stay the same, but also, if Titan didn't change it, who says she had do?
That still looks like water to me, but! We can at least safely assume it would be pink.
... Now, why the heck Solus doesn't have it? I don't know. It would've been easy to take the orange and make it pastel pink and make it move but no, can't have nice things.
... So, conflicting information a tad. Mostly because:
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And their souls are blue, which while helpful for my theory, I'm gonna try to be anti bias here.
I'm more included to believe Metta(even though, the fire being red complicates things,) so we're going to go with Black. And besides, red was already taken.
So normal is: Black (?)
Ho boy. Okay. This is a long one. So. First up we got the man himself, Luxa
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He has this pale purple, which is we go above, it technically shared with ghost. But it's whatever right? At least he is always purple and-
His necklace is yellow when he revives Omnicron.
Well, that's less ideal. But whatever it's just Luxa, let's see our favorite bumble bee dragon-
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So that's... Conflicting. Because that's just kinda... blue. Which is stealing from Water, and is also DRAWN like it's water, no I checked, Volta doesn't learn water moves
Okay Volcel is a no so maybe how about-
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That's... That's just orange, which is a third color and is technically fire's! (And that shading is very weird. It's too goo-y to be pure electric)
So electric is.. Just spin the wheel and pick at this point. Who's saying fricking pink is off the table?
Granted, at this point there's little colors left, but if we kept mineral to a pale brown, yellow could have worked!
It's.. I honestly don't know what's happening there.
Probably the clearest slam dunk ever is water and wind. It's just blue, that's it
.. Tumblr isn't letting me upload more images, but trust me on that one
Okay. I need to delete some image in the post I need y'all to just.. See n1 Tikala
So! Plant should be pretty clear, right? Nara in n1 has green moving bits, nothing else does, a slam dunk-
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N1 Tikala says hi.
... So. I think those gems are moving but I also can't tell as I'm not home yet. Point being, that's just blue again!
And you know the funny thing? N2 Deena's things FADE INTO BLUE! instead of having like a moving elemental ribbon thing, her thing just fades into blue. That's it.
It feels connected but I wouldn't even know where to start honestly.
Forever angry n2 Deena doesn't have moving bits, but moving on..
So.. You're just gonna trust me on this one my post is packed with images already
The thing is... Metta's ribbon and Mulcimer have red like magma. Ogoon, Helovolk and Fona in both games, have like yellow fire. That's... A bit contradictory.
As you probably saw in my redesigns, I just make fire red as a rule of thumb, but like, it can also be orange and yellow!!
I guess it makes sense because that's like the main colors of normal fires, but if everything could stick to a theme(excluding electric), you can too!
Just clear as day, use teal. That's it no drama no nothing, Ventra is the only one with it, anyway
Finally. Okay so, mineral is this pale brownish yellowish color. That seems to be the consensus between n1 Grunda, Titan and Graloon, but. N2 Grunda is way more just out right gold. So is Metta's mineral ribbon.
Granted, I think the ribbon is because they needed to give him some gold, and didn't know where to put it, but that's irrelevant.
So brownish gold range? But then.
Braccus. He has just out right Magma like Mulcimer does. He doesn't learn any fire moves either.
But an argument COULD be made that he just spent a long time in hot areas so his rocks just... Melted? But then that's just speculation. I'm. Hhhh. Abyssal person why do you hate me.
In conclusion everything made mostly sense in n1 and then they messed it up in n2.
Now as for ending notes..
I think these basically show how powerful they are, maybe? Or what power they have. So then it makes sense that Titan is still lingering on mineral because lack of Ghost PT
So there has to be something going on with Electric, it just kinda takes whatever color of whatever elemental, that can't be great. Granted I don't know what, but, ya know,
Fire is on wayyy too many things. Every legendary and even common nexomon have fire. Also like the fire starters always start out with Explosion irrc which is really powerful. Dunno, there's something about them being maybe a touch too strong that I'm glancing at Fenrir
Nadine, Merida, Ulrich, James, thank you for being mostly chill
Deena what the heck. I don't know why she loses her elemental thingies and I will go insane over it, but she does. And I've always been like "WHY BLUE? " but now that I've seen Tikala I'm like "... W... Why.. Blue? " ya know
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk, everyone
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crystalelemental · 11 months ago
So here's a question. How much of the Netherworld section of Nexomon 1 is actually...real?
Even before we go in there, we're in the nightmare. You go talk to the scientists first, and they explain that they cannot get in touch with anyone, a problem repeatedly brought up in the nightmare itself. You're already in it before even taking the portal itself. Presumably, everything past that point is pretend.
But Glacia is, in fact, gone. Juliet comments on it after defeating Omnicron, that Glacia just disappeared and no one knows where she went.
The creation of the device to send you to the Netherworld was clearly real. You got there somehow, after all.
Miriam is real. She expresses you only met her fake self in the nightmare, but you never met her before then. The nightmare doesn't even operate off of what you, specifically, know. You met her false self first. This implies conjuration of real world elements you may not even be aware of, similar to Grunda's human form. Nexomon 2 pretty much confirms that is how Grunda looks as a human, so this isn't just made up.
And of course, Nexomon 2 has repeated jokes about the Mandrasses. Which weren't even real. And which Deena wasn't even around for, yet seems to remember. Which implies that at least some of the events are true, and Ziegler is commandeering them for this nightmare to prevent recognition of discrepancy. The setting is a little wonky, but some of it, at least, seems grounded in reality.
But other parts clearly aren't. Is the vortex real? We don't really know how Omnicron truly came here, nor if they can actually be sent back that way. If it were, and Ulzar had the power to banish them that way, why wouldn't he have? That one seems entirely made up.
Similarly, the netherworld almost certainly wasn't created by Ulzar as they initially claim, much less the wardens being his creation.
The rangers are likely not real, given they'd have no way to be there, similar to the iteration of Spencer and the bounty hunter we see. The children of Omnicron likely aren't real, but...did you meet them too? Like, in the actual run? Because it seems likely they'd defend their father, or need to be dealt with first considering they can supply him with their power.
Then there are the completely up in the air components. Like...is Merida actually the weakest sibling? That may not be a hard fact, but rather perception; but whose? Does the protagonist believe that, or Ziegler? If it's Ziegler's...that's an outside objective opinion, he might be right.
In all their fake nightmares, does that align to them? It feels right for each of them, but they weren't entirely real. Is that truly what their nightmare looked like, or is that again just perception? And yours, or Ziegler's?
For being effectively just a big dream sequence, it does raise a lot of questions about what truly did happen in the initial run we didn't see.
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