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Current hyperfixations:Trigun, Nexomon series, Limbus Company, Jujutsu Kaisen and Reverse: 1999 :)
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player-1 · 7 hours ago
Me, immediately: Hell yeah, möth on the move! :D Also take all the time you need, devs, it will be a great potential Christmas gift if need be :)
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player-1 · 4 days ago
Just got another ISAT AU brainworm Yipee...
While it's mostly inspired by Literally just a written version of Jello's ISAT playthrough? (which good luck on transcribing it without the stream dialogue and take as much time as you need :), but I raise this AU-ish to this:
ISAT but Siffrin hears a weird voice/voices repeating his every thought, his party's/family's words, etc. and has to struggle with the mortifying ordeal of the "Universe" being way too eager to make the loops astronomically harder to perfect or making themselves feel incredibly stupid about himself if said-"Universe" reads his personality like a open book; the reason for his lack of self-esteem, obsession with being remembered and loved by the people who care about who he is, and retrograde amnesia from the consequences of the wish that erased that mysterious Island North of Vaguarde...Or nearly dying of cringe from the in-jokes or modern lingo, that too. (Aka. "The Universe" Seems To Really Like Improv AU).
It could apply to any stream or playthrough of course (not that it's self-aware in the player's case), but the Jello version got me some really funny ideas on Siffrin being super confuzzled about everything they indirectly tell him or joke about. What do you mean I have sleepy bitch disease? Why does my Universe voice have a better emotional range than I could ever think of? Why does Loop constantly sound like they're making fun of me? Aren't they supposed to help me? What do you mean Mirabelle forgets her own weird Universe voice sometimes? What do you mean Isabeau loves me? Likes loves loves me? What do you mean Bonnie has the same Universe voice as me? What in the world is Epithet Erased: Prison of Plastic? Is that a book I could find in the secret library? Why in the world does the Universe like Odile so much? What in the world are Jordans?? They're doing what with Odile???
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player-1 · 15 days ago
ISAT hot take:
Would that be so cool if (besides the Switch having a temper tantrum at just the right time) the forbidden color associated with Sadnesses is blue? But it's the specific kind of vivid saturation like the Universe breaking red, and invisible to the naked eye unless you blink or until the person is just at the brink? The Universe did take away all color at some point before the main story, so it’s not like it should connect one color to wishes, right? Who’s to say that people turned into Sadnesses either from the King’s own wish or the desperate wishes of their own before facing their certain doom??
Anyways, firm headcanon time that Mal Du Pays will be covered in vivid blue to the point it's almost indistinguishable to the shades people usually sees (cue insane migraines from prolonged exposure among other possible Wish Craft related things). The “drowned in a ocean/sea of sadness” metaphor is right there and it could also connect to Sif’s experience with the boat too…For fun, maybe :)
(And color hex below for future drawing references: 072be0)
(In Stars and Time Act 5 Spoilers!)
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(I played through the whole act without giving my Switch a break and apparently there's not supposed to be any of the glitches?? It's just from my Switch overheating?? It's getting a well-deserved break, and I'm getting absolutely cool somewhat terrifying screenies!)
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player-1 · 18 days ago
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Kroma the bunny that you are... Girloser queen 🖤
Me and the concept of drawing have been in a violent fistfight tht past couple of weeks so her sketch has been rotting in the folders for a while but‼️here she be‼️
What abyssal human ver would y'all like to see next 👀
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player-1 · 21 days ago
Me, trudging through the Malady Mania suddenly consuming the GGG fandom: Hm, I need to put something positive into it for a change (besides the other brave souls also trying to ignore the horrors)...
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Reasons below
Patapon 1-3's Megapon: -First introduced in mission 26 (Volcano Guardian) in Patapon after defeating the beast Ciokina, it is the tallest known unit (other than Dekapon) with a pension for AoE attacks but low hp.
-Different drum combo produce a variety of attacks; soundwaves, sonic balls that attack multiple enemies, and even a chance to create fire/burn damage during Fever Mode.
-Patapon 2 Megapons can be split into multiple classes, with one notable variant Babassa just so happening to have a medium chance to inflict 9999 fire damage to a boss enemy (from the wiki).
-...While it's not entirely important for og Megapon, I thought it was funny to mention. Ah yes, that one band kid that just so happens to harness the power of the sun, and they look so happy about it too! :)
Great God Grove's Megapon: -Originally owned by King, the previous Godpoke before the main character (who's also called Godpoke by the Grove locals) and the soon-to-be God of Eloquence. The MC Godpoke found the Megapon after it fell into the boat they were riding to the Grove from the Spire, and believe me, it's a pretty long drop.
-Has a built-in feature of "taking the words out of people's mouths" via word bubbles, as well as ejecting items and said-word bubbles back at people (with varied results).
-Megapon was also called "the heavenly horn" by one of HobbyHoo's gods Thespius Green (the name hasn't caught on yet).
-The fandom theorized Megapon is sentient to some degree, either after years of work with King and/or from the accumulation of the messages they sent (sass is optional).
So if you're part of the GGG fandom, welcome to the funky world of 2008-2011 drum beats, a journey of holy guidance (ie. religious crusades) by the Mighty Patapon to IT, some tiny but persistent dust mites, and the now growing hype for its spiritual successor Ratatan.
If you're part of the Patapon fandom...Believe me, it's a wonderfully delightful puzzle game about communication, Gods, 1970-80's vibe of a soundtrack (courtesy of Louie Zong), and the coming A-pocky-lips. If you just so happen to stumble upon it cause of Click Clackstration, Inspekta cramps, Super Migraine Bauhazzo, and so much more to surely come... I would like to apologize on their behalf and happy Women’s History Month :')
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player-1 · 1 month ago
We are struggling every moment but who cares 😭🚨‼️
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🙌Verified by Butterfly effect project line 355 in spreadsheet🇵🇸🚨🦋 here
We need to raise total of $60,000. The evacuation costs for one adult are $5,000 and we are a family of 10 adults, so it's $50,000 and we have 5 children and each one costs $2,000 to evacuate.
Also I have put my new baby before 40 days and now i am  struggling to provide for my baby girl and her two other children. They urgently need warm clothes to protect them from the harsh weather and milk and other necessaities.
Every dollar you contribute will make a tangible difference in our lives. Your donations can ensure that this newborn baby has a chance at survival and that  can provide my children with the necessities they deserve.
Please do your best to save my family❤️❤️
You can donate here
Or via PayPal here
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player-1 · 2 months ago
Been thinking about the Abyssal Tyrants (shocking I know), but I love the implication that the main Tyrants are more of a threat to the Guild while they're basically 10-15 years old before the main story in Extinction. Of course, the Abyssals were still a threat for a variety of reasons and/or paranoia, it's kinda overshooting the fact that they were alive for a very long time; not as long as the Children of Omnicron of course, but still.
But going through the "family timeline" theory again, it's hilarious in hindsight to think that Braccus probably had the time of his life destroying what he can before becoming the hulky bulldozer he is (about 200 years before the main story) but Kroma had to suffer with the idea of wanting to destroy one specific person (ie. Eliza) around the same time and long before their real target was even born, only to get absolutely destroyed by Deena when she finally had the chance to fulfill her mission (also around 20-15 years before the main story so it's common knowledge for the Guild too)...
Long story short the Abyssals had all the time in the world to wonder why they were made/created as they were, just waiting until the time was right for their goals to be fulfilled, until they figure about that they might've been created to be glorified cannon-fodder in the grand scheme of things (even if they would've gone through that existential crisis or not)...Also I refuse to believe that the Abyssals wouldn't have run into each other at some point and figured out that they have nothing better to do but wait to be killed after completing what’s literally their life mission. Maybe they avoid talking with or about each other at Precursor Mountain so it doesn't hurt them anymore than it should (or conflicting goals making them distance themselves despite their origins being the exact same). Also letting Venefelis/Salem figure out that she has "siblings" running around the place would definitely help with their cabin fever, I'm sure of it :)
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player-1 · 2 months ago
Rotating the idea in my brain like a microwave burrito cause I know I have the creative chops to explain it but barely a crumb of the artistic kind. So Caelesa, yeah? The anomaly of a deer zebra thing who's whole schtick is to run away from any and every sign of danger but could very easily throw hands if she's cornered (or when she’s not having her brain hardwired with the mission for a whole lotta decades or centuries until the main story). Now what if, and I mean what if-
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What if Caelesa's rings were supposed to be a wolf collar? While they are mainly used in Spain (Carlanca) and Italy (Roccale/Vreccale) for livestock dogs, it's also dated back to ancient Greece and Rome for war dogs (which could also connect to Caelesa being the Latin word for heavenly (like a heavenly "deer")). But even if they're not connected anymore, they still follow her like a phantom, a part of a goal that she can never run from until their inevitable death, to run from something or to chase something just out of reach. But the real question is how was it broken in the first place? The only other Abyssal with a similar kind of "injury" is Braccus, though I'm all for it being after his battle with Xanders and ripping the crystal out of his chest after his death for research (since only two scientists in the Abyssal story mention the crystals having the same-ish composition as Nexomite/Nexonium, though they didn't mention who/when/where they got the sample from). So I'm all for the idea of them breaking before or after her death, both instances being the reason why the rings couldn't be repaired after she got revived alongside the other Abyssals. And of course, since Caelesa is the only other Abyssal besides Helevolk that doesn't say anything about their goal and life before getting killed by the Guild or Lateria, the pre-canon potential is ripe for the picking here...
Something about a monster who's entire genetic code is built around the idea of run/flee/evade that was born with a bear trap of a collar wrapped around their throat all day every day. Like they're meant to be harmed by the ones hunting them down and going straight for the throat (figuratively and literally of course).
Something about said monster building a friendship with another that had the freedom to travel wherever they wanted, untethered by worry and responsibility from an unknown higher power.
Something about breaking apart those bonds to save the one they cared for the most when put against all odds, but the reminder of their dissention always trails behind them, the shattered brand still hanging loosely around their neck like a yoke collar. Meanwhile the shards of their chains become a source of awe and wonder for their closest friend, a ring of metal and feathers now protecting them against the ones that see them as an unwanted threat...
And yes, this is my headcanon on how Byeol got the ring-chariot thing since it easily dwarves the little guy, why the wings aren't exactly on the cherub birb if they somewhat match the fuzzy collar he has, and Caelesa matching that design scheme about 2-3 years after the main game. And something something about the real world parallel of one of many shock vids about a deer and/or horse eating an injured bird for protein deficiencies (Casual Geographic), something something about a seemingly innocent prey animal having the capacity to harm a weaker animal in order to survive harsher conditions-
On a unrelated note, I'm riding the fanfic potential high of Caelesa being friends with Byeol despite constantly calling anything and everything idiotic in every single sentence since the Greek translation of her name is "I called" (or "I loved you" from Google Translate). Even if she doesn't say it out loud, she was willing to destroy the one thing protecting her to save a kind innocent "angel" of a "Tyrant" and carry that symbol up until the present time.
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player-1 · 2 months ago
Honestly surprised that no one thought of a post-canon story where Siffrin go to watch a play with the family (and/or Loop too for funsies) to get some stress relief in normal non-timeloop society...Only for it to a Vaugardian retelling of Groundhog Day (1993). Or the 2017 musical, which is also a adaptation of the movie so that'll work too. Mira and Isa immediately clock in that it'll be a super-not-fun-time for Sif but are too nervous to say the quiet part out loud (and/or too embarrassed to leave since they're the Saviors and want to support the production in some way). Odile wants to watch to compare the loops Sif's been through and theorizes if the play was made sometime after they beat the King and got into the rumor mill on Siffrin's timeloops. Bonnie doesn't quite like the timelooping parts (especially the darker moments), but they absolutely love the groundhog prop they use and the idea of it being able to control the weather. Siffrin would not be having a fun time at first but slowly warms up to it watching a extremely dramatized version of the loops despite the drastically different circumstances (or you know...dying from embarrassment and self-hate on all the "mistakes" they made compared to the play version). He and Mira obviously don't like the romance subplot, but Sif also dreads the future questionnaire to compare/contrast the play with the loops.
Bonus points if Loop will not stop heckling the cast even if the Universe threatens to smite them down for their hubris :)
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player-1 · 4 months ago
I apologize for what I am going to say to you, but I have to. I am Ahmed from Gaza, married with two children. We live in the shadow of war and destruction. I lost my brother, my home, and most of my relatives. We have nothing left. I ask you to help, even a little, so that we can survive and protect my children. Any amount, even a small amount, will save our lives.
Link in bio
Ask player-1 a question
Will do, I know for sure that every cent counts.
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player-1 · 4 months ago
(Evil) Mirror World Sancho: Fuck it, time to go sicko mode here. La Macha Land was always going to be a total bust and we really need to eat the humans and stop everyone from starving to death. And it’s not like that dumb Knight or Father is going to stop the Manager of this stupid amusement park…which is me, by the way. Besides, what is my dad gonna do about it, ground me!? >:(
Dante, sweating nervously: <…Thank you Sinclair for not letting us get turned into meat skewers back there, I really appreciate that.>
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player-1 · 4 months ago
On a totally unrelated note, guess who finally finished the Librivox version of Red Chamber's Book 1 (Ch. 1-16 pt 1) this week? Nevermind taking a month break between the first 4 hours (out of 11+) and taking in 3-4 sections for weeks at a time (and dreading the other 7 chapters to officially finish Book 1), I only now started putting together the family tree cause there are names/titles out the wazoo that the Limbus Daiyu-Baoyu theory does not make things anymore clearer for now (adding to the Wang, Xue, and Shi family significance too)…
And now if I figure out that the Limbus Jia family is connected to the Shi Association (since book Gran Jia married into the main family as Dowager Lady Shi) I’m gonna bang my head against a wall to get the sludge of detail manifestos, roundabout convos, and so many poems/limericks out of my brain.
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player-1 · 4 months ago
Just making a separate post on the Limbus Library for now, though looking through Project Gutenberg and LibriVox is pretty great too. So here's a full list in the order of the Cantos :)
-Metamorphosis (Book & Audiobook)
-Crime and Punishment (Book & Audiobook)
-Demian (Book & Audiobook)
-The Wings (Book & Audiobook)
-Moby Dick (Book & Audiobook)
-Wuthering Heights (Book & Audiobook)
-Don Quixote (Book & Audiobook)
-Dream of the Red Chamber (Book & Audiobook (& bonus drama series))
-Hell Screen (Book & Audiobook)
-The Stranger (Book & Audiobook)
-The Odyssey (Book & Audiobook)
-Faust (Goethe and Marlowe books & Audiobooks 1 and 2)
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player-1 · 4 months ago
Slight Nexomon 3 spoilers below (and my little version on the Orbs too)
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And updated N3 list too :)
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player-1 · 4 months ago
I know it's going to be a while for me to jump back to the Nexomon tag when the next chapter for my fic drops (and believe me, that's going to take a while), there's been a semi-crazy theory I've been going over since I was thinking of weaseling it into the fic (especially during the NexoLords Frozen Tundra arc) since it's something that doesn't seem to make sense in hindsight.
Namely with the NexoLords' attempt of reviving Omnicron, and even the earlier run-in with the goons holding a bunch of bomb-experts hostage and possibly planning to use the dynamite for their own plan...What if before the Guild stopped them in their tracks, what if they had a previous attempt to revive Omnicron, failed, and were trying to cover their tracks is the second time went bust? What if the NexoLords accidentally created a Tyrant that was nothing like the great King of Monsters but the heir of Omnicron's heir the first time around?
(Minor spoilers for Micromon, major spoilers for Nexomon 1, post-N1, Nexomon Extinction, and a bunch of rambling/theory crafting below)
TL;DR: Reverse doomsday cult in Frozen Tundra "accidentally" create a monster beyond their comprehension, abandoned it at Palmaya and perpetuate the cycle of neglect Omnicron started with his "weakest child" Metta, the one true heir to the King of Monsters...Then both their plans gets ruined by a blue-haired kid.
Like I made as a joke but already plausible theory, Omnicron's youngest kid Metta (the glass pinata with a titanium ego) would've been considered the king's heir due to his moveset following every bit of his power over all elements at once. But given Metta's (gestures wildly at everything) and not immediately putting the fear of Nexo-God onto humanity, he was ignored and cast aside as the lesser of Omnicron's children...Of course, until everything that happens before and after Nexomon 1. Apart from Metta being murked from Extinction's story due to the dev not wanting to develop his character further (or also from how congested the story is already with all the protags/antagonists); there are plenty of little easter eggs that still show Metta's influence on the world long into the Tyrant War and up until N:E's story. Like him previously making a resurrection machine to revive Omnicron and his siblings and his teacher/unofficial father-figure Malk having a database in a variety of "Nexomon" similar but unknown to the public (Micromon/Pixekai Project); ultimately leading to the NexoLords (and Lobo the ex-Guild Grandmaster) finding the machine's blueprint and Amelie and Logan finding the database and extracting the info to create a anti-Tyrant weapon to topple the war in their favor and end the mindless violence once and for all. And all of this was in the Frozen Tundra, mind you, and most likely in Metta's old home or in Omnicron's Tower/Tomb; though I'm all on the former being the case :).
Circling back to the NexoLords, obviously assuming they had a chance to revive Omnicron and "restore the world's order" with their new blueprints, jumped straight into building/testing out the machine in the tower where Omnicron was once slain long long ago. Maybe they used a Nexomon egg as the catalyst, maybe gathered some residual energy in the ancient site no sane person dared to venture to; but the Nexomon they got was nothing any of them had expected. It was something human-like but not, a Tyrant but not, and a Nexomon with stars in their eyes and a bright smile against the harsh and destructive world around them...
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-That's right, this was a Byeol theory rant all along! And there's nothing you can do to stop me now!! >:D To try and make a more long story short, it makes some sense to me if the NexoLords (and by extension Lobo) made Byeol in their first and only known attempt to revive the doggo dad himself (going heavy in the copium since Omnicron's soul was completely destroyed after N1), so they had to work with what they had even if they had no idea what kind of ancient/primordial Tyrant they're channeling to achieve "world peace". Besides, even if Lobo was the ex-Guild leader and had every chance to read up on Omnicron's history, who wants to bet he had no idea that Metta existed if he was never considered a threat in the first place in the past? After all, Omnicron was a Normal-type and had power over all the elements, so why would he have a Normal-type kid as well? All of his children were killed off by Ulzar, so they had to go for the source of all Nexomon, the Normal-type monster, that's the most obvious choice! (/s) If that then applies to Lobo accidentally making Metta's Tyrant, then why is Byeol found in Palmaya and not Omnicron's Tower and/or the Frozen Tundra? Simple, the NexoLords really didn't want their token Tyrant being a baby cherub bird-thing and totally not Omnicron, so they dumped him at the one place that's "Tyrant-free" and getting the little guy as far away from their base of operation as possible.
But that's still a bit ironic, you know? Metta, abandoned by his father and siblings for not putting humanity under his thumb, eventually becomes the strongest Nexomon tamer in the world (aka the Nexolord) and putting together a plan to revive his dad to destroy humanity once and for all (and finally be his dad's special little boy :). Then there's Byeol, abandoned by a man with an Omnicron mask and his Children of Omnicron-styled lackeys for not being the true King of Monsters and ending the Tyrant War without anymore bloodshed; (fic-wise) becoming a beacon of hope in Palmaya and exploring the world helping those in need and avoiding Tyrant conflicts at all cost. Cause in Byeol's strangely starry eyes, his idea of world peace is for everyone to be nice and get along, human and Nexomon, simple as that.
Whether or not it if the NexoLords knew their "Tyrant" was being raised to be a goody-two-shoes is up to debate; but I really wanted to figure out someway to explain Byeol's existence other than "he's just a post-story legendary just because" or following the series' gimmick of using post-story 'mon for the next game, but the thought itself is pretty funny to me.
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player-1 · 4 months ago
Smile for Me and Great God Grove spoiler below (in meme form, of course):
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They're both made by the same person :)
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player-1 · 4 months ago
Don Sancho Quixote: As much as I hate reminiscing on La Mancha Land after...everything, I'm surprised that none of you said anything overly incriminating about Dulcinea's Area. It is weird to think back on that I had to sing her song for the Parade, but she was always pretty quiet and Father wanted me to liven up the show in one way or another, so...yeah. Even if I have centuries of experience both in and out of the City, second-hand embarrassment seems like something I'll have to adjust to now that I have a clearer head.
The Sinners, whiplash so hard unlike Don's Bloodfiend reveal: -THAT WAS YOU!?!?
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