#i am not sane about this game~
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tulipsnflowers · 4 months ago
Tulip rambles: Moving parts
Spoilers for just about everything in nexomon. If you haven't completed the post game for both games(Netherworld n1, Abyssals n2) do that first
One might be incredibly confused by what the Frick I mean when I say moving bits. So, to explain myself
When I say moving bits, I mean the moving ribbon like things first appearing on the CoO(Children of Omnicron), in n1, you can see them the best with Metta
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Those guys. Moving parts. Elemental parts
It might not be obvious at first minus the mineral one, but they all have different little textures for their own elements
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If you zoom into her green, or encounter her in n1, you can see those are actually leaf shapes in there that are moving!
Same for everyone else, for the most part. (We are going over the conflicting info later, for now this is just information dumping)
In n1, only the children of Omnicron, and some of the wardens had it. Particularly, Titan, Darine, Krowr, Hexia, *Tikala.
Ogoon... Has fire? Which I'm half way on counting, half way to not. Ziegler has like a moving body but not quite the same feeling
*Tikala will be a ramble later
The only legendary without it in short is Luhava(and Ziegler if you count it). Who knows what Luhava's deal is, doesn't matter
Now n2 gets... Interesting. Because they don't quite follow rule sets as much as they should (cough cough Solus and Nara cough cough), but still, to go down the list
From the tyrants, only Mulcimer has magma. Granted, it's red and Ogoon and Fona have been using yellow, but more on that later. No other tyrant does.
For Drakes... The ones with official moving elemental parts are.. Dracon, Graloon, Volta. That's three out of 9
... Now, to be salty, the ones who DON'T have it but SHOULD in n2 are Solus, Nara.
And in abyssals we have... Helovolk(again,), Pluvian, Braccus. Three, again, though different three.
So now, without me checking every single nexomon I am fairy certain non legendarynexomon don't have this, save for the Drare line and some fire types
So it's clearly at least a little important, right? Right. Ramble time.
So now we go into the deep end by discussing by types, and then some theories in the end, but for now, opposite order, which means-
None. Seriously, no ghost PT(primordial tyrant), Krainull and Fane don't have it either. They have like, blue flames if you want to count that as their thing, but generally they don't have anything
I can hear someone going "what about Titan-"
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Titan still has his mineral things, for some reason, so he's disqualified (and also those aren't ghost shaped blobs, ya know? )
So as far as ghost goes... I'm guessing it's either purple or blue. I tend to lean purple because I like purple, but blue is a very valid leaning point (also doesn't create a bit of an overlap with Luxa, more on that later)
.. Also technically 0! Technically. Venefelis, Solus and Mystigon don't have anything, but you know who does?
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Now the issue with accepting Darine, is that she was a water type, so that helps her design stay the same, but also, if Titan didn't change it, who says she had do?
That still looks like water to me, but! We can at least safely assume it would be pink.
... Now, why the heck Solus doesn't have it? I don't know. It would've been easy to take the orange and make it pastel pink and make it move but no, can't have nice things.
... So, conflicting information a tad. Mostly because:
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And their souls are blue, which while helpful for my theory, I'm gonna try to be anti bias here.
I'm more included to believe Metta(even though, the fire being red complicates things,) so we're going to go with Black. And besides, red was already taken.
So normal is: Black (?)
Ho boy. Okay. This is a long one. So. First up we got the man himself, Luxa
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He has this pale purple, which is we go above, it technically shared with ghost. But it's whatever right? At least he is always purple and-
His necklace is yellow when he revives Omnicron.
Well, that's less ideal. But whatever it's just Luxa, let's see our favorite bumble bee dragon-
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So that's... Conflicting. Because that's just kinda... blue. Which is stealing from Water, and is also DRAWN like it's water, no I checked, Volta doesn't learn water moves
Okay Volcel is a no so maybe how about-
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That's... That's just orange, which is a third color and is technically fire's! (And that shading is very weird. It's too goo-y to be pure electric)
So electric is.. Just spin the wheel and pick at this point. Who's saying fricking pink is off the table?
Granted, at this point there's little colors left, but if we kept mineral to a pale brown, yellow could have worked!
It's.. I honestly don't know what's happening there.
Probably the clearest slam dunk ever is water and wind. It's just blue, that's it
.. Tumblr isn't letting me upload more images, but trust me on that one
Okay. I need to delete some image in the post I need y'all to just.. See n1 Tikala
So! Plant should be pretty clear, right? Nara in n1 has green moving bits, nothing else does, a slam dunk-
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N1 Tikala says hi.
... So. I think those gems are moving but I also can't tell as I'm not home yet. Point being, that's just blue again!
And you know the funny thing? N2 Deena's things FADE INTO BLUE! instead of having like a moving elemental ribbon thing, her thing just fades into blue. That's it.
It feels connected but I wouldn't even know where to start honestly.
Forever angry n2 Deena doesn't have moving bits, but moving on..
So.. You're just gonna trust me on this one my post is packed with images already
The thing is... Metta's ribbon and Mulcimer have red like magma. Ogoon, Helovolk and Fona in both games, have like yellow fire. That's... A bit contradictory.
As you probably saw in my redesigns, I just make fire red as a rule of thumb, but like, it can also be orange and yellow!!
I guess it makes sense because that's like the main colors of normal fires, but if everything could stick to a theme(excluding electric), you can too!
Just clear as day, use teal. That's it no drama no nothing, Ventra is the only one with it, anyway
Finally. Okay so, mineral is this pale brownish yellowish color. That seems to be the consensus between n1 Grunda, Titan and Graloon, but. N2 Grunda is way more just out right gold. So is Metta's mineral ribbon.
Granted, I think the ribbon is because they needed to give him some gold, and didn't know where to put it, but that's irrelevant.
So brownish gold range? But then.
Braccus. He has just out right Magma like Mulcimer does. He doesn't learn any fire moves either.
But an argument COULD be made that he just spent a long time in hot areas so his rocks just... Melted? But then that's just speculation. I'm. Hhhh. Abyssal person why do you hate me.
In conclusion everything made mostly sense in n1 and then they messed it up in n2.
Now as for ending notes..
I think these basically show how powerful they are, maybe? Or what power they have. So then it makes sense that Titan is still lingering on mineral because lack of Ghost PT
So there has to be something going on with Electric, it just kinda takes whatever color of whatever elemental, that can't be great. Granted I don't know what, but, ya know,
Fire is on wayyy too many things. Every legendary and even common nexomon have fire. Also like the fire starters always start out with Explosion irrc which is really powerful. Dunno, there's something about them being maybe a touch too strong that I'm glancing at Fenrir
Nadine, Merida, Ulrich, James, thank you for being mostly chill
Deena what the heck. I don't know why she loses her elemental thingies and I will go insane over it, but she does. And I've always been like "WHY BLUE? " but now that I've seen Tikala I'm like "... W... Why.. Blue? " ya know
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk, everyone
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chiricat · 2 years ago
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some p5r x vbs drafts 🎭
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frostgnawdraws · 3 months ago
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Messy sketches of gabbro, chert and riebeck in casual clothes bc I've been fighting for my life every time I draw one of these three and I decided to just sit down and fuck around with them until I figured out their vibes. They will probably still evolve as I draw them more but!!! I'm pretty happy with them now!!!
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zaahvi · 8 days ago
sorry to bother you but I've wondered for a while what elgar'nan would look in your art style. I'm not making a request, I just wondered if you've ever drawn him before. Your art style is just so pretty.
hi!!! thank you sm and it's not a bother at all!! <3
haha yeah you could say i've drawn elgar'nan before. ..in fact he's definitely the character i've drawn the most, ever 😭 the moment i saw him and ghilly come out of the fade during the first veilguard gameplay reveal i started drawing them and never stopped. fixating on those two got me back into doing more art and my skills have really improved quite a lot since then!
this is my fav art i've done of him :)
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i basically like to stick to the ingame version as close as possible but i really prefer his robe dark grey :)
anyway here are links to all my elgar'nan pieces:
pre-veilguard(when we didn't know what he looked like): risen gods, sketch, 6 fanarts (hey remember when we all thought he had dark hair....) post-veilguard: risen gods redraw (pic above), elgarook, elgarook doodle shitposts: elgarmythal, autism creature, elgarook 1, elgarook 2, elgarook 3
i haven't drawn him in a while (well, i have, but i didn't post it because i ended up not liking the result) but one of my current wips is a portrait of him which i do hope works out. his face is really hard to draw.
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gogovia · 10 months ago
i fw with a touchstarved mc that went through so much, held it together and got to their breaking point where they basically just lost their mind to the torment and burden they have to carry with all the different backstories and having to deal with the curse everyday desperate to find a cure 😜😜😜
bonus points if any (or all) lls are genuinely worried about mc because of how they basically lost it ❤️❤️❤️
EVEN MORE bonus points if the mc cant even process sadness or any negative emotions anymore and just feels numb staring down at their hands with tears running down their face—finally letting out years worth of the pain of the curse
like dude mcs a trooper for withstanding that burden of not even knowing if their human because of their curse dude imagine the bullying and harassment they were subjected to because of the curse and not even knowing if there is a cure
i am so sane about touchstarved mc angst with the lls worried about them (bonus if theyre all worried together and have to witness mc breakdown at some point preferably the end of the story 😘😘)
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possumkingluca · 2 years ago
so during one of my many rewatches of honor among thieves, during the scene with Marlamin I put something together that I didn't before
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fishyizm · 10 months ago
gwwuuughhhhh the upd8 was fucing insane when bgd pulled his glasses down (moment of intimacy) only to reveal jakes eyes back to him........... like a mirror........... its just been him all along.. auuuu..
"welcome to being a person jake english" goes fucking crazzzyy theyre really taking the way jake was written in the epilouges and running with it, giving him the agency that hes never had ever b4 fuuuckkkk auuauughghhhhhhh
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arcsin27 · 1 month ago
Rewatching rtgame ace attorney is just
Aa1: pretty fun, good case or two
Aa2: eh it’s alright, final case is actual peak fiction tho not even kidding
Aa3: I’m 3 minutes into episode 1 and thought I’d start crying just thinking about how fuckign good this game is.
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sneakyfox55 · 1 month ago
Mouthwashing spoilers below, as well as the usual triggers in game:
i haven't really seen anyone else talk about this in full detail (as far as i can personally see) but i think that like. the MAIN thing that makes Mouthwashing such a horrific and FANTASTIC horror game is the fact for the majority of the game you're playing as a fucked up protagonist. there's so many aspects to what make the game a psychological horror, but i think playing as Jimmy is what TRULY makes it that because i think, obviously, when we set out to play first person video games, we set out to actively imagine ourselves as the character themself, to get into their head as much as we can. and it makes the story all the more gripping that way.
but, with getting into the head of Jimmy, we see things from his perspective. how "normal" he seems until about halfway into the game makes you think characters like Curly or Swansea are the villain, but then, as you unravel the mystery more and more, you find out the difficult truth: you've been the real villain all along. and nobody wants to play a character like that (unless you're like me and enjoy torturing yourself). nobody wants to find Anya dead. nobody wants to see Daisuke get injured. nobody wants to put a bullet in Swansea's head. nobody wants to cut off Curly's leg. but we have to, we have to because we're Jimmy. it's what's "best" for everyone. we can't take responsibility because that would mean addressing the fact we did anything wrong at all. Jimmy is so delusional he thinks everything he's doing is right, no matter how heinous it is in reality, and we can only make him do those things and watch the aftermath, because we're the ones in control, we ARE Jimmy.
it's honestly almost painful to play Jimmy because of that. it's downright HORRIFIC. and i think that's what the best part of the game is. it's a psychological horror in all the right ways, but most of all, in the fact you, the player, are the very reason for it.
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sokacoke · 7 months ago
chat he got REALLLLL
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fumidorikai · 2 years ago
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snowfianna · 2 years ago
Been a while. I've just been busy with life, uni, and, more importantly, myself.
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Anyway, Reaver based on something Stephen Fry said as a guest on The Kumars At Number 42.
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yumiiyummech · 9 months ago
Woah hey its me !
HIIII I'm yumii and i am in total omori brainrot! I have the time of my life hyperfixating on other peoples OC's (truly, its an issue but I love it) and couldn't help but make one myself! Feel free to ask me anything either about my ocs or whatever you feel like! im kinda like a boomer when it comes to tumblr,, ANYWAYS HERES MY PRECIOUS WENDY !!!
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I wouldn't particularly say im IN fandoms but I really REAALLYY enjoy OMORI and Genshin as games and stories. I would like to create a deep dive into my omori oc WENDY like making a cute little soundtrack for her and sprites and whatnot ! ABOUT SHIPPING ART : i don't mind shipping art as a whole but im not really sure about shipping WENDY with anyone just yet. I know a lot of omori artists in the fandom have ships (canonxcanon or ocxcanon) to canon characters and I absolutely thrive when i see them so either way it doesn't bother me! Disclaimer though, incase i do draw WENDY with a canon character, keep unsavory comments to yourself or be crazy and send them to my ask inbox! thanks.
But seriously if u have any questions at all, my ask box titled "hiya !" is open!!! I would be delighted to answer questions about WENDY. or myself :p
(you can even ask WENDY some questions too, if ur curious)
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Same ass person. I keep staring at these and wanting to say things and then nothing. Static silence. You open the tab on your computer and it gets stuck on loading and a pop-up appears saying it can't load and you should close it. That. Do not be surprised if I wave these around again in future occasions.
#I've been staring at that gif for so long now#i have like. so mant several things i want to say here about all of these things that my brain just short circuts.#and then cant say anytging#overwhelmed with all the lovely thoughts. but. in a good way.#sometimes they give his coat six buttons and sometimes they dont.#in the movie he has six buttons but i think in a lot of the game stuff it is just three. i dont know what the change is for..#he's evil and sinister and evil and villianous and a complete ass and has a whole backstory.#but also. however. stares at my screen and blinks.#there is something there deep down inside of him. Movie ending confessed that if nothing else did.#I dont know. it is getting late for me and so I'm having a mix of some dumb thoughts filter into my head.#both good and bad. I mean not BAD bad but obligatory. “oh gosh i hope he likes me” sort of thoughts.#Obligatory new. not calling him an F/O even if I have a tag for him.#“I hope he likes me” I say while being a complete nuance when it comes to admitting my own feelings about him.#Hypocrite say what.#but also. it is late for me and that is slightly why I am spilling a little here. coming out of my shell. a bit more.#waving pictures of him around and saying that i have lovey thoughts about him and.care. about. what his.#viewing of me might be. and not. blasting him with insults or threats or. hatred.#see mayhapd. mayhaps this is a me thing. maybe i should nottttt be hypocritical(mindboggling moment i know).#i say nice things about him and crawl further out my shell and in turn. recirpocatio- *I proceed to bite my phone in half#before I can finish my thought. I am completely unharmed but i bit through the battery of my phone and it exploded.*#Strangeglove💜💙#sometimes they capitalize the G in his name and sometimes not as well..#bwahdg. it's late i dont care im putting this in main tags.#sorry I've been so. i have posts to read and asks to answer which might have to come tomorrow on my free day.#I wont say he's been keeping me sane or straight because thst isn't true but. something. he's been doing something.#Most villianous scheme of his yet or something.#self ship#selfship#selfshipping#self shipping
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nyankojin · 10 months ago
Happy one year anniversary to this anon I've had sitting in the back of my drafts. Yeah sorry I needed all of it to figure out how to draw Pierre.
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There isn’t enough art of Warlock and Pierre being cuddly and affectionate out there.
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put-them-thangs-away · 2 months ago
lmao i see we have unearthed the kpts spongebob meme again,,,,,,, how we doin vegaspete nation
(bad, i’m guessing)
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