ashertickler · 1 month
asher and david.
credit: @ abels.lament on insta
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anexistingexistence · 6 months
I feel like Darlin' is a very animalistic person. And I don't just mean this as "they're very in touch with their wolf" - which they are, don't get me wrong - but they also fully have a wild animal brain in their skull. Like when they go running while shifted, they don't shift like how the Shaw Security wolves were taught, instead, they choose to rip their clothes or just straight up take them off before shifting. In addition to this, they also wear very few to no clothes around the house because they find them restrictive like how a dog or cat might yell at you for putting them in a sweater. Darlin's eating habits are also what a lot of people would call atrocious because they always eat like they're starving and sometimes they almost ignore the cutlery next to their plate. They also prefer cooking and buying their food themselves rather than having someone else do those things for them because they like feeling more connected to their food - that and their hasty as well as (literal) hands-on approach to eating comes from the same feeling a wolf might have after killing its prey and serving it to its pack.
All that is to say that Darlin' also always touches people. They don't like being touched for personal reasons, but they always have to touch the people who are dear to them; They have their hand on Sam's thigh or knees, a hand on Asher's shoulder, they lean against David's side, they lean on Milo's head, they hold Angel's hand, they sit back to back with Baabe, and their knee and leg are always touching Sweetheart's when they sit next to each other. And with Sam, it's not exactly limited to just keeping a relatively tight grip on his thigh, but they've come to know that kissing and licking and nosing at their mate's neck, face, and ears isn't something that is appropriate to do in public or in front of pack. But sometimes they still lean against him and take a deep breath with their head on his shoulder and on his neck they smell their own scent and that dumb, ravenous, prideful, and possessive animal brain goes mine and mate and smells like me all mine he's marked because he's mine mine mine and nobody will touch him my mate I want to touch I want to feel and he smells like me and I want more I want him to need a shower by the time I'm done with him my mate my darling mine mine mine
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potatoqueenpal · 1 month
Yall I'm SO SORRY for dipping on you I have no ideas and I'm still fighting to get my avior fic back.
Have filler till I think of more angst
I present to you: Shaw Pack and Mates: Incorrect quotes
Sam, filling out legal paperwork: Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB?
Sweetheart : Bold of you to assume I was born at all.
Baabe: I personally was created in a lab.
Angel: I just straight up spawned.
Sam: We call that a traumatic experience.
Sam, turning to Baabe: Not a "bruh moment".
Sam, turning to Angel: Not "sadge".
Sam, turning to Sweetheart : And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO".
Asher: Knock, knock.
Baabe: Who's there?
Asher: Boo!
Baabe: Boo who?
Asher: Why are you crying?
Baabe: I'm not crying.
Asher: Hello notcrying, I'm Asher.
Milo: Angel, you look deep in thought. What’s wrong?
Angel: Did you know you can look at any object and know what it’s like to lick it? Even if you’ve never touched it before?
Milo: I’m never asking you anything ever again.
David: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand.
Milo: I photosynthesize with this.
Sweetheart: I’m this close to falling in love with Milo.
Asher: Your fingertips are touching.
Sweetheart: Exactly.
Asher, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down.
Sweetheart : I actually just put the cutting board in the oven...
Baabe, visibly confused: Okay, so they decided to put the cutting board in the oven?
Asher, spraying Sweetheart : You FUCKING DUMBASS!
Sweetheart : Dude, I forgot-
Asher: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!?
Sam: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
Asher: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?
David, turning to Darlin': How tall are you?
Angel: Sam said its my turn with the brain cell.
Asher: Square up.
Sam: And what do we say when someone refuses your offer?
Sweetheart : Suck it, boomer!
Sam: I don't know who "Boomer" is, but no.
Asher: *spits mouthful of blood onto floor* You’ve become far more powerful since we last crossed paths.
Dentist: Please stop, there’s literally a sink right next to you.
Baabe: I think my guardian angel drinks.
David: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Milo: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Asher: I got distracted halfway through.
Darlin': Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Asher: Consider the fundraising over! Your hero has arrived!
Sam: Uhh… where did you get so much money from, Asher?
Asher: Well, you know, I’m pretty good at numbers. I just crunched them, I stretched them, I analyzed my accounts, I timed the market-
*police sirens start to wail in the background*
Asher: Oh, come on, Sam, do you really think so little of me? *opens the bag as purple dye explodes on their face*
Asher: …it was a credit union.
Angel: Tell them to eat shit, David.
David: Tell them yourself.
Angel: Eat shit, asshole. Fall of your horse.
Milo, gardening: Hey, can you bring me the hoe?
Darlin': Yeah, sure.
*A few minutes later*
Darlin': Here you go.
Baabe: Why am I here?
Angel: Guess what I'm about to get!
David: On my nerves.
Sweetheart : That's a nice arguement, Milo Why don't you back it up with a source?
Milo: My source is that I made it the fuck up!
Sam: Aww, what's your cat's name?
Milo: Aggro.
Sam, yelling to Baabe: TRY AGGRO!
Baabe, on the computer: DIDN'T WORK!
Sam: What's your favorite number?
Angel: I’m so jetlagged I can’t even regrender my chorf.
*Everyone stares at Angel*
Angel: I don’t even know what I was trying to say.
Angel: I've connected the two dots.
David: You didn't connect shit.
Angel: I've connected them.
And now, wholesome (amd flirty) ship incoreect quotes:
。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。。・
David : Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Angel: It was autocorrect.
David : Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Angel: Yes.
Angel: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
David : I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Angel: I said within reason, David . How about I murder that guy?
David : So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Angel: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
Angel: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
David : I have a gun on that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shoot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Angel: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?
David : Nope, there's 26.
Angel: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.
David : Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.
Angel: So give me the D.
Angel: Hey, I’m getting in the shower. Wanna help me out?
David : ...Have you never taken a shower before?
David, sweating: Angel, there’s something I need to ask you-
Angel: Finally! You’re proposing!
David: How’d you know?
Angel: David, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Angel: I even picked it up once.
David: I want to kiss you.
Angel, not paying attention: What?
David: I said if you die, I wont miss you.
Baabe: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a year now. No response.
Asher: Wow. They sound stupid.
Baabe: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Asher: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Baabe: I guess you’re right. Hey Asher, I love you.
Asher: See! Just say that!
Baabe: Holy fucking shit.
Asher: If that flies over their head then, sorry Baabe, but they're too dumb for you.
Baabe: Asher.
Baabe: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Asher: Seize the day, seize the night, what’s the last one?
Baabe: Seize the dick.
Asher: We have a problem.
Baabe: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Baabe: I'm trash.
Asher: As someone who's environmentally conscious, it's my duty to pick you up. Does 7 work for you?
Baabe: You smooth motherfucker.
Baabe: And yes it does.
Asher: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Baabe: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Asher: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Baabe: I wrote you a poem.
Asher, already crying: You did?
Milo: Being gay is a constant battle between "I wish to sit on a window bench with my lover, our legs tangling as we listen to the birds" and "Hey, let's go throw rocks at fascists" and I think that's very sexy of us.
Sweetheart : If the window's open and you time it right, you can do both.
Milo: I fell—
Sweetheart : From heaven?
Milo: No, I literally fell—
Sweetheart : In love with me the moment you saw me?
Sweetheart : Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Milo: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
Sweetheart : AS ENEMIES?!
Milo walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Sweetheart , I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Sweetheart , sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Sweetheart : I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you.
Milo: That's great, Sweetheart . Especially considering the fact we've been together for 6 fucking years.
Sweetheart : I’m in love with you.
Milo: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Sweetheart : I know.
Milo: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Sweetheart: I was going to suggest we do Marilyn Monroe and JFK roleplay, but I’d get way too into it.
Milo: What- how?
Sweetheart: You’d be like “come to bed … Mr. President” and I’d be like, “I need to increase the amount of American military advisors in South Vietnam by a factor of 18.”
Milo: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Sweetheart is? Because Sweetheart is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
Sam: The stars are so beautiful...
Darlin': They're just giant balls of gas.
Sam: You know what, if you're just going to ruin this, then-
Darlin': And yet none of them are as huge as my love for you.
Sam: Oh...
Darlin': Wow, Sam, you want to hold my hand before marriage? How awfully lewd of you.
Sam: We literally slept together yesterday.
Darlin': That's NOTHING compared to the lewdness of holding hands.
Sam: I love you.
Darlin', not paying attention: What was that?
Sam: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Darlin': Well, Sam and I finally did it!
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.*
Darlin': That's right... We kissed!
Darlin': What are you in the mood for?
Sam: World domination.
Darlin': That's a bit ambitious.
Sam: You are my world.
Darlin': Aww...
Darlin': OH.
Darlin': I have feelings for you.
Sam: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay?
Waiter: What would you like?
Darlin': Bring a milkshake with two straws.
Sam: *blushes*
Darlin': *puts both straws in their mouth* Watch how fast I can drink this!!
Darlin': You got a date yet Sam?
Sam: No...
Darlin': Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
Darlin': Are we fighting or flirting?
Sam: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Darlin': Your point?
Darlin': I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Sam: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.
Darlin': O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Sam: Is it working?
Sam: We should get you to a doctor for a check up immediately. What if it happens again, and there isn’t anyone around to help you? What if it’s congenital? Oh my God! Was it me? Did I hurt you?
Darlin': …You realize any other person that made their partner pass out in bed would simply feel really proud of themselves, right?
Sam: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Darlin': Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Darlin': Come to dinner tonight. I can’t cook, but I’ll bring plenty of free wine.
Sam: Marry me.
Darlin': This date is boring!
Sam: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Darlin': Then why did you invite me?
Sam: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Sam I'll do whatever I want!
(This is long as fuuuuck and took me a good hour, but it was fun)
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sevnation · 5 months
my redacted top ten! (listener edition)
1. angel, all i post about on this account is angel. theyre just like me fr and i have so many plots and headcanons for them (theyre a stoner, theyre from a hunter family, blah blah blah) but i also love the way they interact with david, perfect match imo.
2. sweetheart, whats not to love about sweetheart. sassy, break in master, most powerful stealth in the redactive universe to date, and they’re dating milo!
3. fool!freelancer specifically. fool!freelancer is so attractive i was literally acting like gavin the whole video. if fool!freelander walked up to me in a cafe we’d be in the bathroom in 20 minutes
4. doc. i love doc. theyre so morgan coded its insane and they treat hush with such gentleness (hush, the serial murderer)
5. lovely. NOW DONT GER ME WRONG. i love lovely so much, theyre my baby and they deserve better. however, i cant listen to the vincent audios without crying. my baby gained powers after almost being killed, losing said powers and ACTUALLY DYING, and is now living life as a dead person. me and vincent wouldve been scrapped
6. darlin. same as lovely, cant listen to sam’s playlist beyond the ‘alpha and mate have a talk’ because it makes me break down into tears.
7. starlight. avior and starlight COME HOME ITS BEEN 2 MONTHS AND 1 WEEK. but anyway, theyre not low because i dont like them, theyre low because i like everyone else more. starlight my sassy king
8. baabe. NOW LISTEN PLEASE LISTEN DONT GRAB ME PLEASE. i love baabe sm theyre so sweet but ASHER HAS LITTLE TO NO AUDIOS. I DONT KNOW PLS. i love baabe and ash tho my bbs
10. asset / cutie. no explanation.
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starlitangels · 1 year
Some Redacted Characters Playing Phasmophobia Headcanons
For any of y’all who don’t know, Phasmo is a kinda glitchy ghost-hunting horror game where ya gotta gather evidence to figure out what kind of ghost is haunting the “map” go watch someone play it, I think it’s hilarious
I’m not gonna play that game myself but I can watch others play it no problem
Shaw Pack
David straight faces through everything. Never sounds scared over the voice chat
Angel is laughing right next to him because he does have a death grip on their leg
Asher never turns his radio off so everyone can hear him at all times
Is also 100% fearless and knows all the background lore hints by heart
He still screams if he gets got by the ghost though
Milo. Yelps. At. Everything. And jumps
Like seriously if Asher puts something down too close to Milo, he will jump
Sweetheart is sitting nearby laughing their head off
Darlin’ plays with their mic muted unless absolutely necessary so their packmates don’t hear them yelp when something startles them
However they are also very efficient and ridiculously lucky when it comes to hiding and surviving hunts. Even better than Asher and he’s totally not bitter about it
That said Darlin’s not afraid to let the ghost get them in order to mess with the others by leading the ghost right to the boys
Milo’s totally not holding a grudge over it
The mates also have nights where they play together but Sam is kinda grumbly so his mic and controls are co-piloted by Darlin’
When the mates play together Angel always charges in headfirst, bold as brass, and ends up somehow doing most of the work and not dying even when their sanity stat plummets. They ignore almost all of David’s advice sitting next to them because they’re better at the game than he is
But they also scream and jump a lot more (most of it for show to entertain their friends who always get a good laugh out of it)
Despite being almost as good as Asher, Baaabe almost always gets got by the ghost first
Usually because the ghost was chasing Sweetheart and true to their Stealth nature even in a video game, they broke its line of sight and hid and the ghost caught sight of Babe
Sam is usually… there. When it’s Mates Night Game Night he stays in the van/truck. Darlin’ is the loudest backseat gamer
Solaire Clan
Darlin’ drags Sam into this game
Vincent loves this game
Lovely takes a long time to come around on it because being hunted in the dark by an unseen force kinda reminds them of Adam
Sam doesn’t know how literally anything works to the point where Darlin’ and Vincent tease that he’s refusing to remember what all the items do on purpose. Vincent calls him an old man and Sam shoots back that Vincent was literally born one year after him and just turned younger and to shut his damn mouth
Which of course makes Vincent laugh harder
Lovely eventually tentatively starts playing the game because of how much Vincent is laughing with Sam and Darlin’
And over time Lovely gets really good at it. A lot of it seems like dumb luck but no. They’re just good
D.A.M.N. Fam
First of all, the four-person multiplayer limit means Gavin/Freelancer and Huxley/Damien take turns and eventually Lasko and his Water Elemental I presume
Sometimes Damien and Huxley are both on the game and Gav/Freelancer swap, sometimes vice versa, etc.
Lasko screams at everything at first, but as he slowly learns the game he actually becomes the best at recognizing the patterns of each ghost type’s quirks
Damien tries so hard to get good at the game and never seem scared but Huxley’s laughter over the mic always clues the others into when Damien got spooked by something
Huxley jumps occasionally but usually just does whatever Lasko instructs him to do with a “sure thing bro” and his usual chill attitude
Although when he does jump there is always an audible thump over his microphone of his knees hitting his desk
Gavin and Freelancer honestly spend the whole game night messing with each other. Trying to jumpscare one another
Or Gavin is pretending to try to seduce the ghost and the lewd noises he makes while talking to the ghost with the spirit box with the radio on totally don’t make Lasko turn as red as a tomato
To their credit, Freelancer does try on their turn. It’s not their fault they get super focused and then Gavin putting a hand on their shoulder to ask if they want a snack makes them shriek much to the amusement of their friends
Lasko’s Water Elemental is even more chill than Huxley and played this game for ages before meeting the group and does their own thing but always to the benefit of the group. Rarely uses the voice chat for more than a few words announcing their intentions. “Power has been turned on.”—“Freezing temperatures confirmed in the upstairs back bedroom. That’s where the ghost is.”—“The ghost is hunting.”—“Okay. Hunt’s over.”
Freelancer and Gavin refuse to show this game to Caelum
Freelancer occasionally announces a false hunt to freak out the others—and almost always a real hunt starts right as they admit they were messing around and they’re the first to get got
If Freelancer isn’t down first it’s Huxley, who will purposely draw the ghost’s attention to protect his friends
That said the whole group usually survives the whole expedition each round once they get good at it
Misc. Bois
Aaron doesn’t play but Smartass does. Aaron becomes a decent backseat driver for lore
Elliott and Sunshine actively sabotage each other and mess around more than they pay attention. They still get everything done correctly anyway
Starlight plays occasionally and Avior never does but he will watch and he is the absolute best pattern recognizer and the best backseat gamer
Guy loves this game to pieces. Sometimes it makes Honey jump. They do play with him a lot but Guy is better at it
Ollie is the Actual Best at this game but no matter how much he plays it and “Gits Gud” as it were, he still gets spooked. His partner will play but not necessarily understand everything they’re supposed to be doing
The Project Meridian bois don’t have time to play right now. Please leave a message and they’ll call you right back
Geordi gets so easily spooked by the noises but he loves the game anyway. When things are happy and fine Cutie gets a kick out of listening to his frantic thoughts
Morgan can’t See his own future so the mystery of what’s going to happen is quite enjoyable because it’s the opposite of meeting new people and immediately knowing them better than they know themselves by Seeing their entire future
Blake can See his own future so the game isn’t fun and he knows what it’s going to be every time
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deezbignutz · 4 months
Redacted characters as musical songs because I'm a sucker for musicals :))) + some lyrics cuz why not 🤷‍♀️
Guy abt Honey - "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" From Waitress. He is a simp and he makes sure they know it. Kinda yandere coded, but womp womp ig. (yandere Guy? 😳😏) "Such a stubborn man, you'll likely never meet another." "Oh, I'm gonna love you so." "I though it was hilarious to call a cat a kind of fish."
Damien abt Hux - "When He Sees Me" From Waitress. Damien just overthinking about going out Hux even before knowing him all that much. "I stick with real things, usually facts and figures. When information's in its place I minimize the guessing game. Guess what? (What?). I don't like guessing games or when I feel things before I know the feelings." "What scares me the most. Is what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? What if he runs the other way and I can't hide from it? What happens then?." "Or even worse, he could be very nice, have lovely eyes and make me laugh, come out of hiding. What do I do with that?" Also literally the entire song ngl. It's very Damien coded in my opinion.
David & Asher - "For Good" From Wicked. Just wholesome, very platonic love and friendship shared between two friends. (No, I'm not trying to be sarcastic. They're just very good friends) "I've heard it said, that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing something we must learn." "Who can say if I've been changed for the better? But because I knew you, I have been changed for good." :')) "You'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart."
Young David & Asher - "For Forever" From Dear Evan Hansen. Just two friends. On a perfect day. :'))) "All we see is sky forever. We let the world pass forever. Feels like we could go on for forever this way, two friends on a perfect day." "He looks around and says to me 'There's nowhere else I'd rather be.' And I say, 'Me too'." "And I see him come to get me. He's come to get me, and everything's okay." witerally the inversion
Imp!Lasko to Imp!Freelancer - "Meant to be Yours" From Heathers. I don't think I need to explain this one, it just speaks for itself. "You chucked me out like I was trash, for that you should be dead." "You were meant to be mine. I am all that you need. You carved open my heart. Can't just leave me to bleed. Veronica, open the, open the door, please. Veronica, open the door. Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please? Can we not fight-" yada yada yada, you know the audio
Freelancer (?) - "The Wizard And I" From Wicked. It's just them being pumped to go to DAMN and to get to learn more abt their weird and foreign powers. "This weird quirk I've tried to suppress or hide, is a talent?" "No father is not proud of you, no sister acts ashamed." 🙂 "And this gift or this curse I have inside. Maybe at last, I'll know why."
Asher + werewolf bois - "I Feel Pretty" From West Side Story. Broski is on cloud 9 after meeting Baaabe, and the others are just there to witness his delulu. "It's alarming how charming I feel. And so pretty, that I hardly can believe I'm real." "Have you met my good friend, Maria (Asher)? The craziest girl on the block." "I feel dizzy, I feel sunny, I feel fizzy, and funny, and fine. And so pretty, Miss America can just resign!"
Gavin - "Noel's Lament" From Ride the Cyclone. Just a gay little guy dreamin up his gay little fantasies during work because workin in 7-Eleven is too boring. 👍 "Good girls call me 'The Town Bicycle'. Don't knock it 'til you've tried my life of sin." "He said, 'I think I am in love with you' I've heard that lie a million times before." "'My chils, do you have any final words to the Lord you'd like to say?' 'Oui, tell him that, like him, I coose to burn out rather than fade away!'" get into it, queen.
Avior & Starlight - "What Is This Feeling?" From Wicked. This is how I feel like their first reaction to each other when they're in hell went. "For you see, my roommate is: Unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible to describe. Blonde!" "What is this feeling? Fervid as a flame. Does it have a name? Yes. Loathing. Unadulterated loathing." "Ev'ry little trait, however small, makes my very flesh begin to crawl."
Caelum to Freelancer - "Popular" From Wicked. Hear me out. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, he just wants to help Freelancer out in their new, scary school. "And even in your case, though it's the toughest case I've yet to face. Don't worry, I'm determined to succeed!" "So let's start, 'cause you've got an awfully long way to go..." "Now that I've chosen to become a pal, a sister and advisor. There's nobody wiser!" he's just way too excited to show the magical world to them
Shaw Pack - "Jet Song" From West Side Story. You could also debate that this is also kinda like the Solaire Clan, but the Shaw Pack suits it better cuz of how laidback and playful the song is. "When you're a Jet, if the spit hits the fan, you got brothers around, you're a family man." "When you're a Jet, you're the swingin'est thing. Little boy, you're a man; Little man, you're a king!" mmmm, Solaire Clan vibes "Someone gets in our way, someone don't feel so well!" Quinn? That u?
Any and all immigrants moving to Dahlia - "America" From West Side Story. Two perspective on how livin in Dahlia is like. "Buying on credit is so nice One look at us and they charge twice." ✨racism✨ "Life can be bright in America (Dahlia) If you can fight in America (Dahlia)" "Here you are free and you have pride Long as you stay on your own side."
Marcus - "Cool" From West Side Story. Anxious little technician anxious about being found out and fired. :)))) "Don't get hot, 'cause man, you've got some high times ahead." "Breeze it, buzz it. Easy does it. Turn off the juice boy. Go man, go. But not like a yo-yo schoolboy." idk with this one, it doesn't really have much lyrics anyways :\
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk :))))
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burgerkingussy · 1 year
My Favorite Thing’s From Milo’ New Audio
(spoilers under cut)
👁️‍🗨️ Sweetheart panicking when Milo came back injured
👁️‍🗨️ Milo’s soft “i promise i’m ok”
👁️‍🗨️ “it was from me, being a dumbass” (the way he said this was just so funny)
👁️‍🗨️ The pack boys go hiking together 🥺 precious beans
👁️‍🗨️ Milo trying to make SH asking to take off his shirt sexy (this man could rival Gavin istg)
👁️‍🗨️ “i did not mean literally poke you monster”
👁️‍🗨️ *SH kisses him* “that does not make it all better” (but then he asks for more kisses)
👁️‍🗨️ “i’m no stranger to a little physical fitness” oh we know
👁️‍🗨️ Milo calling Asher “the energizer bunny on a serotonin overdose”
👁️‍🗨️ Similarly, i just love how David and Milo refer to Ash even though they’re all the same age lol iconic king
👁️‍🗨️ Asher challenging Milo to race up a “damn near vertical” mountain
👁️‍🗨️ Milo calling Ash “happy-go-lucky” and then “a competitive prick”
👁️‍🗨️ “it’s a good time, right up until it wasn’t”
👁️‍🗨️ “damn, sweetheart” 👀
👁️‍🗨️ Milo kissing SH to reassure them while SH is healing him >>>
👁️‍🗨️ Milo confirming that running in wolf form feels good >>>>
👁️‍🗨️ “i’m not gonna be the first one to give up”
👁️‍🗨️ “and the energizer bunny, takes a tumble” WHY DID HE SOUND SO EVIL SAYING THAT???!!!?
👁️‍🗨️ Milo calling Asher one of him best friends and saying that he doesn’t want him to get hurt
👁️‍🗨️ “you’re not going to believe this next part, but as a wolf, i don’t have hands” (comedian Milo??)
👁️‍🗨️ Milo THROWING himself under Ash to BREAK HIS FALL DOWN A MOUNTAIN 😭😭 (when i tell you i love the relationships these boys have 🥹)
👁️‍🗨️ Milo calling himself Asher’s personal surf board >>>
👁️‍🗨️ Milo telling the most dramatic, terrifying story and then ending it with “it wasn’t that bad”
👁️‍🗨️ Milo not wanting Ash to feel bad
👁️‍🗨️ Milo endlessly flirting with SH while they try to heal him 😙🤌
👁️‍🗨️ Milo saying “i can get them” and then letting out with string of “ow’s” is peaky humor
👁️‍🗨️ Sweetheart practicing healing magic since (/because of) the inversion (/Milo’s core being injured)🩷
👁️‍🗨️ Milo insisting on showering even though he’s “covered in full body scratches”
👁️‍🗨️ Throwback Thursday to the first time Sweetheart healed Milo
👁️‍🗨️ “Asher used my shoulder blades as an impromptu pair of skis”
👁️‍🗨️ Sweetheart’s healing magic improving from “sledgehammer” to “barely hurt at all”/“god, that feels good” >>>>
👁️‍🗨️ “you don’t have to ask baby, i trust you. i know you’ll be gentle” THE SCREAM I JUST SCRUMPT 😭
👁️‍🗨️ Milo is such a little shit sometimes but i love him
👁️‍🗨️ “i felt bad about him feeling bad” Milo the Best Boy
👁️‍🗨️ Asher being able to see through Milo’s shit >>>
👁️‍🗨️ Also, Asher being an angel and offering to carry Milo because he was injured (they’re more than best friends, they’re brothers)
👁️‍🗨️ Milo STILL trying to make it sexy and sensual
👁️‍🗨️ Milo’s “come here come here” 💗
👁️‍🗨️ “I want to hold you for a bit,, and thank you properly”
👁️‍🗨️ “I love you so goddamn much” Milo and Sweetheart are thee couple. there, i said it.
👁️‍🗨️ “You feel like forever in my arms” MILO FUCKING GREER 😭😭
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blutomindpretzel · 2 years
Lasko with a shifter listener….HEAR ME OUT:
Lasko meets them through the Shaw pack (specifically Milo and Sweetheart) he gets invited to a pack party and meets a particularly attractive shifter
I’d imagine he’d be with someone a little like Gavin- in that they’d relentlessly flirt with him.
Speaking of which- KODY
They hate Kody, especially how he talks to Lasko; someone they value very highly and absolutely adore. And holy shit they scare him sobad, imagine Kody coming to class the next day with a black eye and broken arm after making fun of Lasko’s stutter.
They take him out on a date and pause- “is it inappropriate to take a professor out on a date where his students frequent? Even after you fu-“ “ITS FINE”
They’re super blunt to say the least.
He either calls them something ironic like: Sugar. Or by their pack Codename (I imagine they have code names for each other during security jobs) THE PACK CALLS THEM BEAR BECAUSE THEY LOOK LIKE A LITERAL BEAR WHEN SHIFTED.
HE CALLS THEM SUGAR BEAR IM A GENIUS (just kinda in my own little world at this point hush)
Bear works for Shaw Security and regularly works out with Ash and Christian (regrettably) it’s mostly just arguing though but that’s just pack for ya.
Lasko owns a bear hoodie
These two meeting were a pack event within itself, Angel and babe were watching them the entire time Bear and Lasko started talking Just ON THE EDGE OF THEIR SEATS
Bear leaning on the counter and crossing their arms: “a professor, huh? Whaddya teach?” WITH JUST THE MOST INTNSE AND INTERESTED GAZE
Imagine the DAMN crew meeting Bear- HUXLEY THINKS THEYRE SO DOPE and Damien’s just happy his friend found someone.
They carry Lasko around his apartment when he’s sick
Lasko relives stress by burying himself in their coat WHICH IS THICK AND BROWN AND SO FLUFFY
They aren’t the BIGGEST wolf like David is, but they’re about the same size as Asher. THEY ARE SO FUCKING FAST THOUGH MILO HATES IT
They used to fight Darlin for snacks
Huxley used to DJ for DAMN parties and Bear shared playlists with him
Bear’s aesthetic:
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recracktedd · 2 years
Milo n Sweetheart : They are STRICT. On sunscreen. Sweetheart is normally the one to pack the bags while Milo makes sure everyone is still coming so that Sweetheart doesn’t pack too much food. They also are very welcoming to anyone extra who is brought !! 10/10 beach buddies !!
David n Angel: David HATES the beach. Can’t stand having sand in the Jeep. Angel LOVES it at the beach. They love putting their feet in the water, and walking deep into the water so on very rare occasions, Dolphins will come up to them. David has to be in charge of making sure Angel AND ASHER put on sunscreen because without him, the two will look like burnt hotdogs. David does all the food packing and drink bringing.
Asher n Baaabe: Asher does not wear sunscreen. Baaabe wears an unreasonable amount. Asher will let Baaabe draw a smiley face with sunscreen on his back so when he gets sunburned the smile is still there. Asher surfs like the water is gonna be gone tomorrow. Baaabe sits back with everyone else, talking about “alot of nothing” as Ash calls it. THE TWO ARE SO FRIENDLY TO EVERYONE, THEY LITERALLY INVITE STRANGERS TO HANG OUT WITH THEM IF THEY HAVE THE ROOM.
Darlin n Sam: They have to get there when its still dark, and put up the tent super quick for Sam. Not because he can’t be in the sun (idk if he can or not) but because he hates the heat and will melt like a snowman at the slightest UV ray. Darling digs holes in the sand that are strangely human shaped. Darling can’t swim. The lifeguards at the beach have had to return them to Sam more times than either of them would like to admit. Vincent doesn’t normally like the beach, but he’ll go if him and Lovely are invited by Sam.
Lovely and Vincent: They don’t go to the beach unless asked. Neither of them like sand. If they wanna see sea animals they go to the aquarium. <3
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slightlystupidhun · 2 years
Skating Around Us
(Valentines Edition)
This is a Valentine’s Day special!! I’m giving gifts for my readers and also the ones who inspired each AU! I hope you like it! More will be coming out later this week. I caught COVID, literally tested positive after posting this so it may take longer to put out!! I’m so sorry!
PT. 1
Summary: An Asher x Baabe Fic. Asher is a hockey player and Baabe is a figure skater. @itsdaifuku is the reason for this fic!!!
It had been a long year for Asher and Baabe. Stanley Cup Winner, Asher, had recently begun the new hockey season. His partner, Babe, or Skates, depending on who you ask, had won the Winter Olympics gold metal and started competing again recently. They found themselves being pulled in every which direction, ones that often pulled them away from one another.
Tonight was Asher’s first night before a week off. He wanted to meet up with Babe, maybe catch a bite, and spend some… Quality time… together.
He took out his keys, turning them in the lock. He opened the door, expecting to be greeted by his wonderful partner, but was only met by silence.
“Babe? Baabe?!” He called out to them earning no response. He checked his phone only to see a message light up on his screen.
Hey!! Head to the kitchen and look in the front drawer, the one with the cookie cutters.
ASH 🐺❤️😘
What’s going on?
He gained no response so he decided to follow his partners directions. He dropped his bag in the doorway and walked over to the drawer opening it to find a small box and a note. He opened the box to find the watch that he had been looking at for weeks on it. He loved how perceptive Baabe was, he loved how well they knew him. He unfolded the note, written on hot pink paper.
‘I hope you like the gift! I hope it fits you well! Humor me and join the hunt. Where do we always build pillow forts?’ The note read out. Asher smiled to himself, ah it was a scavenger hunt. He decided he’d take the bait. He knew immediately where they were leading him. He walked into the living room and found a box full of his favorite snacks. This basket had a yellow note on it. He picked up the note and unfolded it, almost dropping it as he also opened the bag of one of his favorite snacks, stuffing some of its contents in his mouth.
‘I’m proud of you! You found the clue. Now this next one won’t be an easy target. It’s moving and living and breathing. They’re a bruiser, but not to worry they have a doctor on their side. With them your next clue does reside.’ Oh no. He had to track down Tanker? If they didn’t want to be found, it would be hell finding them. He quickly took out his phone and called them.
‘Ring Ring’
‘Ring Ring’
“Hello?” Tanks voice came from the other end of the line.
“Tank, Where might you be?” Asher asked innocently enough. He could hear Tank chuckle.
“I’m at Sam’s house. We have a dinner reservation at 6. You got 20 minutes before we head out. Good luck, oh and bring your skates.” They hung up and he grabbed his skates and keys before heading out. He quickly started his car and headed out. He arrived at Sam’s house with two minutes to spare. He walked over and knocked on the door.
“Hello Ash.” Sam said answering the door.
“Hey is Tank here?” Ash asked getting right to the point.
“I’m right here Ash.” They walked forward checking their bag. They reached into their pocket pulling out a note and handed it to him.
“Thank you!” He read the note.
‘I’m glad you made it in time, now if you don’t mind. Take a look back, at the leader of your pack.’ He finished the note.
“Good luck getting to David.” Sam said as him and Tanker got in the truck driving off.
Asher nodded and quickly took out his phone. He called David.
‘Ring ring’
‘Ring ring’
“Ash?” The voice rang across the line.
“Hey Buddy, where you at?” Asher asked cheerfully.
“My House.” He responded before hanging up.
Asher got in his car and drove over, pulling into David’s driveway and jumping out. He knocked on David’s door. This time David answered the door, before Angel pushed passed him and handed Asher the note.
‘Great Job on finding Davey,’ he began to read aloud, David groaning at the nickname. ‘Now find someone who skates with me. He is a literally a star, from David he lives, not far.’
“They mean Vincent right?” He looked over at Angel, who nodded in return. “Thank you!” He ran back to his car and drove off. He knocked on the door of Vincent’s home.
“Well Hello there,” Vincent said answering the door with lovely under his arm. He held out the note between two fingers.
“Hello.” Ash said as he took the paper, reading it aloud.
‘Great Job finding Vincent and Lovely, their a great pair. You have a final spot to clear the air. Your manager and their boyfriend hold the clue, that in the end will bring me to you.’
The pair bid him goodbye as he texted Stealth.
Wya?! 🤔🤔🤔
At my house. Hurry Up 🥱
He shoved his phone in his pocket before heading up to their house. He was still excited to participate but he was getting restless. He wanted to see them already. He walked up to their door but they already had it opened and were holding the note out to him. Milo was wrapped around them.
“Thanks!” Ash said taking the note.
‘Thanks for finding them. Now for your final clue, look back to where it all began.’ Where it all began? Where was that. He creased his brows how he always had when he was thinking. He suddenly popped up.
“RINK C!” He yelled out. He jumped up and ran to his car. “THANK YOU!!” He yelled out to them heading over to the rink. He carefully parked his car before grabbing his skates and heading inside. He made a bee line for rink C. He finally arrived and pushed open the large glass doors. He saw that the room was dimmed, save from the few candles outlining the rink. He walked over the the red bench where he had met his now partner.
On it he discovered a bouquet of carnations and red roses. Attached to them was one last note.
‘Skate up and get out on the ice.’ He did just that and quickly headed out onto the ice. Suddenly he heard the doors open and saw babe coming over to join him.
“Hey Baabe. Thank you for all of this.” He smiled as they came right up to him. “What’s this all been about huh?” He smiled as he rubbed their arms.
“Well,” they began as they got down on one knee.
“Why are we getting on our knees?” Asher said beginning to bend down. They quickly pushed him back up.
“No no! I’m supposed to be down here. You stay there.” They sighed as they looked up at him. “Asher. I love you so much. From the first date we had, I knew we were made for each other. You have taught me how to be firm in love. You taught me what genuine, true love feels like. And for this I am forever grateful.” They took a deep breath, choking back tears. “You are the one for me. We have stuck with each other through thick and thin and there is no one else I would rather do life with.” They reached into their pocket and pulled out a box, opening it to reveal a shiny silver ring. “I love you more than words can express. Will you do the honor of being my husband?” They looked up at him hopefully. He had tears in his eyes.
“Oh my- Yes! I love you so much!” He kissed them tenderly, lovingly. They could taste the tears running down his face. He pulled away looking at them and slightly giggling to himself.
“What?” They asked standing up with him as he patted his pockets. He reached in and pulled out another shiny silver ring.
“Yeah I was just waiting for the right time.” He smiled at them grateful they were his and he was theirs. They decided they would love to stay like this forever, in each others presence and completely in love.
“I was waiting for the right time.” He smiled at them and kissed them again. They slid on his ring and he slid on theirs. They held hands and just stood in the others presence.
“I love you Ash.”
“I love you Babe.”
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carte-blanco · 1 year
HEY HEY HEYYYY!!!!!! I’m glad you decided to step out of your comfort zone to join the club!! (I was on tumblr for a while before opening my asks too)
Gimme all of your Sweetheart Hc’s please because i’m OBSESSED with them😫
HEYYYYY MS GREER. I SAID HEYYY MS GREER. Its a scary experience for me but I think I'll get used to it. So lets GET STARTED YUHH
So first on the Chart is for headcannons is.....
Detective Sweetheart🕶
1. So for Sweetheart. Her name is Violet Hakuja. Pronouns are she/her. Sir(My sweetheart to be exact I think) It has been a HEADCANNON for a while that sweetheart's parents, especially one of their parents is a detective but soon after retried due to an accident for them which lead to Sweetheart having the burden of carrying on the legacy of detectives in their family.
2.Sweetheart is Blackanease(So black and Japanese) she had studied Every art their is to fighting like their mother(whom was the detective) so they wouldn't have to depend on anyone to save them. While also studying the heritage and language of her family. (But y'know can't help but get swept off her feet by a city boy)
3.Has life 4 tattoos, her favorite is the one of a snake coiling around another snake that goes up to her hip and down to her calf. (Her parents don't know about it)
4. She has the habit of drinking a lot due to her stress to prove herself to her family and friends that she's more than her families prodigy. But since she can't drunk as much she turns to being a workaholic between her stressful days.
5. A deep love for Race car driving, kind of went through a rebellious stage growing up. Which led to illegal race car bets and driving past the speed limit... But one of the best drivers out the Shaw pack whom will take you on a spin throughout town if asked.
6. Ok last one last one lol. Her relationship with the pack was much more smoother than she would've thought upon also meeting Milo's mom.
Her and David have that like coworker type of relationship where they will literally talk about nothing but business(Although VI will crack a few inappropriate jokes about his Angel to him)
Asher and Her are troublemakers. Can't sit still for a moment without jumping up at thr thought "Hey lets leave the meeting early and get something eat?". If you can't leave Darlin and Ash alone you CAN'T LEAVE THEM ALONE EITHER
Now Darlin and VI. CERTIFIED BESTIES. That whole family issues crap on top of having a mate who has an accent on top of removing themselves from situations that end up with them in a jail on top asking Darlin for help on cases that are classified. Yeah.....Bestfriends. But don't be fooled they got off to a rough start at first.
Favorite Character for Jjk? GOD I HAVE SO MANY but im gonna have to choose my children so...
Megumi and Toge. Don't get me wrong I love Yuji and Nobara. I do. THATS why I stayed in a relationship with Gojo. For my kids but... Megumi and Toge<3 And Nanami
Favorite Character for Mha?
Midoriya and Kirishima. My children come first.
And fatgum
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copsecore · 1 year
My Thoughts About Hot Boi Summer ‘23:
CW/TW: i will be non-specifically AND specifically referencing at least semi-nsfw content so please dont read if that doesn’t fly with you in any way, please be responsible!
Holy shit what the fuck this was Amazing (im referencing the poll on this post because erik did the results on stream, so yeah). David was in my top three picks for the poll and I was gutted that he didn’t seem to get very high - but i think that’s coz it was the first video, so maybe people had forgotten about it/it wasn’t as much in the forefront of the majority’s minds by the time the poll was released. Pretty much no negative thoughts.
WE NEED MORE CUTE 7/11 DATES OKAY PLEASE ITS SO SWEET. Ofc the snack puns coming in Clutch ugh i loved those. My only issue (“issue”) was literally the same as why i wasn’t over the moon when sam was voted for the ba (sue me. i liked it anyway) and that was just that we had a vincent one a few months ago, and also a pretty pre-sexual vid after that. Also the fact that lovely literally grabbed his junk in semi-(hah, pun)public, but it’s the anti-PDA in me that disliked that part, so feel free to ignore it!
Also in my top picks!!! I was a tad gutted when we didn’t get his. Saw a lot of posts begging for people to vote for it because yk him n starlight have been in literal Hell for years and therefore they deserve some smut time. Super cute vid, “A Romantic Night” is totally the right descriptor for it and also AYO WHIMPERY AVIOR??? YES. sorry ahem it’s the demons.
It was so good. The premise of getting a more subby gavin? chef’s kiss, more please. everything about it was good and i WISH the ba had been how i expected it to go, but we aren’t here for my criticisms of That, so whatever. It links back to an old non-canon Huxley preview vid that was taken from us (RIP) when the channel lost loads of vids, or at least thats what it reminded me of, with the whole BBQ-and-somewhat-sexual-teasing aspect it was amazing and i would like to see more switch-esque gav in the future (*manifesting*)
Not too much to say considering I started this post as a way to lightly complain about the poll results, and Lasky wasn’t on the poll, obviously. Regardless, I’m glad this video went the way it did, I think we’ve seen a lot of lasko being quick to jump the proverbial gun in the last few years, with his non-canon vids, and hooking up with gavin, etc, so it was nice to see him break away from that and ask to move slower coz hell yeah dude, progress and growth!! and i think it shows how much he wants the relationship to be more natural, and not racing ahead, even if he does in part want that - it was sweet as hell.
ELLIOTT (ft. The Dragon):
I gotta say it right off the bat that i just found the video on the more boring end. *POLICE SIRENS BLARING IN THE BACKGROUND* AH FUCK-
I’m just not overly surprised that i think Eli got some of the lowest results on the poll, I enjoyed the video, and i liked it (this will be a recurring statement) but i just didn’t like it As Much. Lots of people (including me, ngl) wanted more of the dragon - but erik’s not about to do weird fantasy not-fully-bestiality-esque stuff guys - and i’m pretty sure I only liked it coz cmon it’s erik doing another hot voice, im gonna be down horrendous BUT NOT FOR AN ACTUAL DRAGON. i am Not donkey from Shrek. And yeah, i know Eli’s powers can be kinda limiting with what they can bring to the (pun not intended) sex-table, but does all of his spicy stuff have to be in a Dreamscape? idk.
My Second Favourite Hands Down. How people picked Sam over riding Ash in the front seat of a rental, i’ll never understand /lh the horn may make me jump every time, but it’s okay, there’s repentance in the tongue kissing, and i stand by that, it was the best bit (or one of the best bits), No Criticisms (except Ash please don’t have sex in a RENTAL. wait until you get to a bedroom at least PLEASE-)
Again, i liked it but not as much. I love Guy, he’s one of my favourites, i can’t really say why i didn’t like this video as much as I normally would, maybe the concept just wasn’t rolling with me as well - the whole idea of post-concert seemed vaguely random, but you could argue that about all of these, so it doesn’t count. did anyone else see this or was it just me, coz if it is then i will quietly wave my flag of solidarity from my hole in the ground where nobody can see it.
I voted Anton. It was the sadness with the feelings and the horniness spicyness towards the end, ugh I loved it, Anton come home from war soon please (im terrified he might die because despite everything, nothing Death Related had happened in project meridian yet, and let’s face it, it’s gonna.) - it was nice seeing a different but also soothing take on the “your lover is leaving for an indefinite amount of time” thing, and how it changed in comparison to James’ video on it. Anton deserved the continuation okay. No aggression though.
This is where I might get more argumentative because I was so disappointed that Sam won the poll, even though I love sammy. It seemed slightly out of character?? with everything we know about Sam, it just seems so unlikely that he would go to a club, let alone start getting, uh, “busy” n shit while at one. he’s not a big fan of PDA because of his past, in my opinion, and i think overall he’s very private, so the setting and stuff just seemed out of place, it would’ve made more sense for Milo’s or smth to be set there - but hell I can’t tell erik how to write his own characters lmao - and still, the ba was Great. with a capital G.
I fell asleep listening to this the first couple of times, which says a lot already. The sensual massage trope has been used as a gateway to presumably spicy off-screen things before (Aaron’s HBW ‘21, Asher’s HBS ‘22) but idky it wasn’t hitting as well as it normally does, maybe it’s wearing thin on my brain. ofc it’s redacted content so i’m gonna eat it up like it’s ass (crude but true) but i listened to it through without falling asleep and was like “yeah it’s good, i like it, but also eh,,,” - like i mentioned, it would’ve made more sense to me if Milo’s and Sam’s were swapped around - anyone agree?
as always, all the videos were really good, and despite whatever came across through this post, overall, i enjoyed all of them, so please don’t take this as a criticism towards erik or any of his work, trust me, i absolutely adore it - i say it every time, but every time it’s worth saying, and also please don’t cancel me. this was a really long post, so a lot of people probably won’t read it, so if you made it this far; well done! have a star 🌟- don’t be afraid to leave any agreements or disagreements in the notes, i love discussing stuff with people! thanks for reading
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diviinaee · 2 years
okokk enough angst I'll give you guys fluff (maybe a lil sad)hcs i have of the listeners bc its almost new years and then 10 days later its my birthday JDJDDJDKDK
warning bc when i say listeners i mean ALL OF THEM. as in starting from angel ALL THE WAY TO MORGANS LISTENER. i am determined to give everyone a piece bc everyone deserves to be seen. although these are just characters, behind each one is a story to be told and i hope i gave each one their own individual little facts
i tried my best to give them each a lil message from me and 4 personal hcs so that all's fair <33
Y O U S N O T. hehe lemme run before david kills me for taking his nickname
okokk my angel oc is Filipino so if that shines through in some of these thats why 🤭
as much as it may seem like they cant cook, they're actually really good. The main issue is time. Due to work, Angel relies on premade food to be ready to go. which is why when David offers to cook, Angel can't help but feel so grateful
This is canon i think but they have REALLY BAD insomnia. usually David's presence is a huge help but on the hard days, they do need meds
their family is H U G E. David was worried that the pack was gonna be alot for Angel but they were like, "lol you should see my family"
they remind me of my sister lol
is a squishmellow hoarder. oh theres a new one coming out? yea baaabe is the 1st person at the checkout line
their keys jingle. ITS LIKE A LITTLE DOG BELL. everyone hears the jingle and they're like "oh baaabes here"
asher and baaabe are volunteers are the local animal shelters. they spent 25% of their holiday savings for toys, food, and medicine for all the animals in need
i imagine baaabe works in graphic design so they are very much an organized person. THEYRE LIKE THOSE PEOPLE ON TIKTOK WHO HAVE LIKE CONTAINERS FOR EVERYTHING
ah my baby
dances in ballet. their tiktok is mostly them BANGING their pointes on the floor and milo and aggro starin in the background like 0_o. ballet helps with flexibility which is a MUST if they wanna KICK SOME ASS- i need to calm down dear god.
knows how to play chess and other strategy games. card games especially help simulate strategy for the field of investigating so they really enjoy these types of games
attempts to meet with Marie and Colm once a week. They preach for a healthy relationship with Milo's family
their new house: milo and sweetheart were given a pc by david and angel bc Y E S. now they can play scary games with a BIGGER MONITOR
S I G H this bitch (im kidding i love them)
has nicknames for E V E R Y O N E. oh david? boss baby. asher? pokemon. lovely? pikachu. vincent? whore. ANYWAY-
hates to admit it but they are SO good with kids. they will literally be a jungle gym for the kids and just t-pose
they take value in the small things. their jacket, sam's keys, little things like that. they would never loose anything you give them
back to the kids, theyre weak for sick kids, and overall kids who just have it rough in life. They always try to make it to pack meeting bc although david's lectures are never fun, a kid may need someone to talk to, and darlin would die before they let a kid fall the same way they did
Bright Eyes
this fiesty one (love you twin)
they love being alone. although fred and sam are working on being a lil nicer, bright loves taking in the silence. theres just something so calming about the wind that blows on the trees and the birds chirping at the air
is working with Darlin' on their atitude. they know they have some fault with their turning. they really hate admitting that. But they want to be better and it is a process.
loves girl scout cookies. Its like their lil flag of truce. You know Bright loves you when they share their cookies
they really like hanging out with vincent and lovely. although fred,sam, and darlin are cool, vinnie and lovely just have this sibling energy about them that makes them very approachable. bright always tries to warm vinnie before they go to his house but 8 times out of 10, bright is getting their hair done by lovely while they listen to vincent gush about his cars
awe lovely (these are some of @nichiuu 's hcs bc we share the same mind)
is a very calming presence to be around. they just love with so much of their heart and everyone agrees that they are a soul that should be protected
is friends with freelancer. they have nights here its just the two of them and they just gossip about their bfs. gavin and vincent are very happy that they have each other bc it brings a smile to their faces everytime
has a lil pomeranian name khoine (@nichiuu has more on her) and KHOINE DID NOT LIKE VINNIE AT FIRST. she would go out of her way to make sure that vincent knew that she was the queen of the house. he may be the vamp clan's prince, but that did not matter when she is there.
has a sweet tooth. ice cream truck? lovelys fighting the kids for the last tweedy bird ice cream? the restaurant has a dessert menu? lovely is ordering EVERYTHING on it
undiagnosed mental illnesses ill say that. they struggle with alot but they will always admit that their friends are the reason they keep pushing through.
they are anemic. they have weighted blankets and meds for it but they also will allow gavin to just.... lay on them +bonus is caelum lays on top of gavin (more weight THE BETTER)
is a S U C K E R for pixar movies. they joke about how jack-jack from the incredibles is actually their baby
they love giving gifts. almost every weekend is when the damn friendgroup gets together for dinner and 9 times outta 10 freelancer has gotten the boys a new gift
+1 bc theyre my child: they have a cat named Jewels (juju for short) she's spoiled to the max bc gavin just conjures up everything for her. her toy ripped? here's a new one. she wants another little sweater? it LITERALLY has her name on it.
YOU POOR INNOCENT SOUL (i didnt mean for that to quote ursula oops)
very dark academia. avior loves it. he loves everything about them . their sense of style, the way they carry themselves through a day, everything (sap)
they love dancing. not professionally but thy just love moving with their mind. its their little form of self expression. Avior is able to tell how their feeling without his ability to read emotions because Starlight is very expressive in their dances
has stims that they try to mask. whenever theyre excited they wave their hands in the air. when theyre proud, they do little claps and whistles. avior makes note of every last one of them to make sure if he should celebrate or help them with something
they love writing. next to the surface they use as a bed in the hellscape, hidden behind a delicate cloth, are little poems that describe a little human and their demon companion an their journey through hell
cottagecore w h o r e
they love thrifting with elliot. every weekend results in new clothes in their wardrobes that they 100% try to match everyday
they have a tiny shake in their hand due to nerve damage from the crash. they find it to be annoying but being with Elliot helps. When he holds their hand and brings it up to his lips, they're at peace.
loves painting. LIKE MURALS. they volenteer to the city to cover some unwanted graffiti that may have negative messages and replaces them with positive affirmations
they love the simple things. grocery shopping, walking to the park, hanging out with friends. It's all a reminder of life and their 2nd chance they were given. Sometimes life is unexpected, so you must love every second.
Bestie (Blake)
oh my bestie (lol get it- bestie- yea ok shutting up)
has an terminal illness (which is why Blake wants to meet a Deathwalker. he believes with a deathwalker's help, he can "cure" their ilness) although Blake is rowing his boat in DaNile, Bestie accepts this fate. Their happy with what they could do in this lifetime
hates mouse traps. their method is harmless traps that don't injure the mice. After allowing the mouse to calm down, they release them in safe areas far away so they have a smaller chance of getting stuck in a trap again
advocates for stuff they believe in. Every day that they live is NOT taken for granted and they are determined to fix some things before they leave this world and let the River's current win
volunteers at hospitals because they know what it's like to be stuck having to listen to machines say how sick you are. however they really try to avoid pediatrics. although they are determined to help, they can't help but admit it is extremely saddening to see parents not able to give their child a normal childhood.
Warden is a bookworm to THE MAX. they have bookshelf and have them labeled by human time period. they are very curious of humanity's development from their first years to now
Is roughly young. vega speaks of them in a way of an adult talking to a child. they find this very frustrating. They do their best to seem mature when in reality they are barely starting their journey
warden is one of the many demons who prefer aria over elegy. elegy has too many labels, too much noise. aria gives them a sense of belonging. a sense of peace.
caffine addict. this bitch will chug 6 cups of coffee and will be shaking and their coworkers are just like -_-
Baby (Ivan)
oh you poor child. im not rlly gonna talk about them under ivans grasp. ill talk about them after the whole incident
really loves making sundaes. they don't really have a favorite so they will literally take anything thats ice cream
they don't know why (bc memory modification) but they are really in love with being comfortable. Whether it's plushies or an extra blanket, they have to be comfortable or else they will be up at ungodly hours wondering what's wrong
they also have noise cancelling headphones due to paranoia. the headphones are all decorated and full of stickers of stuff they love
avid water drinker. THIS BITCH IS EVERYONES WATER ALARM CLOCK. oh it's been 2hrs since you've drank water? no shit, theyve LITERALLY BEEN OUTSIDE TELLING YOU TO RINK WATER FOR THE PAST HR ARE YOU DEAF
Baby (Ollie)
you sweet person. YOU MAKE ME TOO SOFT
ollie suffers with a lot of health problems but baby is always determined to help him. they take notes at the doctor's office on what remedies help, what coping strategies they can do for him, and his list of medications
the have a sensitive nose. GOD FORBID they walk past a bath and body works bc then theyre on the floor with ollie trying to regain their senses back
they really try to pay attention to star trek bc ollie loves it but they always fall asleep as ollie pets their hair and whispers in their ear.
they are very protective of their coworkers. they're like the staff's caretaker. Migraine? they got pain pills. Annoying supervisor won't let you take a break? fuck them go take a 20 min break.
this little snarky BITC- im kidding i love them.
aaron makes the pancakes, smartass makes waffles. they're just cute like that. aaron tries to roast them about their cooking but e all know he's lying. even he knows it lol
loves true crime podcasts. they joke with aaron about how he better not piss them off. but to aaron it's no joke. he's seen them taking notes. aaron: WHO THE HELL NEEDS TO KNOW WHAT DRUGS DONT SHOW UP IN DRUG TESTS-
i picture them as someone with lots of silblings. unfortunately they are the middle child so they're used to being overlooked. aaron's love was always so confusing bc they felt as if they didn't deserve it
throwback to aaron's confrontation audio: they never really learned about their own personal worth. they only saw worth in what they did aka their school, their job, etc. when aaron says he doesn't care about that and he wants to hear about the little things, they were so scared. he doesn't care? but thats what everyone cares about. right?
oh you poor robot.
anton is working with asset to give them more opportunities in life
they're like a lil kid, learning about the world and its functions. they have moments where they'll ask questions and anton is just stuck answering them. some are..... (asset: where do babies come from anton: -_-)
james wont admit it but he has a soft spot for them. they were wronged and he feels that dad protectiveness for them
favorite pastime is reading, especially happy books. its proof that marcus was just a bad apple of a bunch. there is more than just that stoic lab. there is color, adventure, mystery, and happiness
......my kinnie #givecutieabreakandletthemgototherapyinsteadofgettingmadatthem2023
self sabotages alot. somedays they really start believing that they don't deserve Geordi and his love but he's always there to reassure them that they deserve love.
is VERY impulsive. they aren't in bed? yea they're in the bathroom dying their hair. yea its the 3rd time this week.
collects plastic bags. istg they're like my mom. THAT LITTLE SPACE UNDER THE SINK? YEA GO OPEN IT. WHAT'D YOU FIND? PLASTIC BAGS.
you lil snarky asshat.
is actually very emotional. oh the titanics on? ya ik honey is already crying with a bowl of popcorn on the couch
theyre an overthinker. every once in a while guy will come home to honey hiding in their closet. once he asks what wrong he gets a quiet little "am i too...mean?" it breaks guy's heart everytime
collects seashells bc i see them as someone who loves the ocean. its their little thing that they only have ever told guy tbh. he treasures every seashell they give him bc he knows it's their ay of showing that they love him
streamer!honey is my SHIT. if they were asked "whos important after guy?" they would immediatly respond with "my followers". they fight through life struggles bc they find it important that among all their followers, they can at least put a smile on someone's face
Precious (Regulus)
you poor soul.
they're a very romantic person. if you love them, they will make love letters, gifts, all that. you know that you are loved with them
regulus kinda took advantage of their love for physical touch. they love the feeling of someone's skin. it proves that they're real. that they're here.
their favorite holiday is Valentine's Day. Even if that year they recieve nothing, the smell of love is in the air as everyone around them loves with all their hearts.
Morgan's Listener
they are a very closed off person. After living a life hidden away in order to avoid the spotlight, they really want to find a sense of normalcy in the chaos.
they have an Australian Shepard named Leo. he's very energetic and is a puppy still. He enjoys Morgan's presence and that's what makes his owner more accepting of Morgan
they have their own brand of hair products. I see them as Native American and to me and my people, hair is very important. They preach healthy hair and volunteer at the local homeless shelter and love giving haircuts and hair products out for free
they have Morgan as "the oracle" bc of their seer abilities. its a little inside joke between them and Morgan. they really love making jokes of big things to heal their inner child
if there is one thing you can learn from me in this post, it's that I love giving complexity to characters. Often times in real life, you can be minimized to one aspect of yourself. Sometimes it's a bad aspect. But it's important to know that as human beings, we are complex. Remember to give all life a chance. You all deserve love! And I hope I was able to distribute that today <3
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clover-46 · 1 year
Good morning! Hope you slept well!
May I present, David Shaw but as a daycare attendant.
David being a bright spot in every parent's day, either by being someone responsible they know they can trust their kid with. Or just by being someone who is VERY nice to look at.
Every kid who he cares for has decided that when they grow up they are going to marry David. He dreads the days where the kids get ring pops or gummy worms because every. single. time. the kids try to propose to him and he has to say very gently "I'll think about it" to not crush their impossible dreams and make them throw tantrums.
Asher who tries to give the kids ring pops and gummy worms as often as possible. Milo who condones the behavior because he films it and then sends the videos to the parents. The parents find it amusing.
David, the only one he allows in the kitchen to cook lunches and snacks for the daycare attenders. One or two kids always sneak in to cling to his leg because they know he'll never let anything bad happen to them. And they hope that maybe... just maybe today will be the day he accepts their marriage proposals. Or gives them extra tater tots and applesauce.
David making sure everyone is settled down for naptime before reading a story. He does his best to give each of the characters in the story a different voice. Asher and Milo help. Some kids fall asleep instantly, and other kids take this chance to attack him with their third proposal of the day. He's growing tired of it. (these children are me. I am going to propose to him every day of my life. I don't care if he already technically proposed.)
Angel, who comes to pick up a younger sibling because their parents were busy and David doesn't believe that they're the child's older sibling, demanding to see identification while he holds the child. The child isn't going to help Angel because David is holding them and they like it here. They don't want to go back home. (David calls their parents to triple check.)
Angel can't be upset because how sexy mr. daycare man looked standing there all fierce and protective. They are upset at their little sibling for being literally no help whatsoever.
Angel who promises their parents that they'll pick up their little sibling from daycare every day and to not worry about trying to rearrange work schedules and appointments. But they come in earlier than pick-up and Asher calls for David, wearing the same cheeky grin that's on Angel's face.
He comes out from the kiddie room, and frowns when he sees Angel. But that just makes it all better. So they do it again the next day... and the next... and the next.... and the next. Until David says, sarcastically, they should just apply for a job here if they like coming in before its time for pickup. Angel does. And they get in (with a lovely letter of recommendation from Ash.)
David trying not to pop a blood vessel as he stares at Angel tie an apron around them as they join him in the kitchen. (Some kids have left him to propose to Angel instead. He's relieved about that. And only a bit hurt that they would jump ship so fast for someone as annoying as Angel.) "Can you even cook?"
"I can make poptarts."
"Those take no skill. Get out before you poison somebody."
David having a long day, and watching gratefully as Angel takes on wrangling the more wild ones and letting him take care of the calm bunch. The ones who really only want to be near him because he feels like safety. They aren't trying to make him into a sentient jungle gym or a punching bag.
Angel who starts to bring coffee in for everyone in the morning, orders memorized (it's not difficult for David. Black coffee. Ash says it's because David likes his coffee to match his soul. The next day Angel brought him a vanilla bean frappe with a pump of mocha and a drizzle of chocolate sauce.)
David who slowly starts to appreciate Angel's presence at the daycare, even though he suggested working here as a sarcastic jab. Some of the kids have decided that Angel and David should marry because then they can adopt everyone and be their parents. Angel agrees, David says "I'll think about it." except now it's not so much as a carefully planned rejection.
Angel standing beside David, waving to the last kid that got picked up while the sun casts golden and orange rays across the sky. David is getting ready to lock up.
"Have a good night, Ange-" He's cut off by Angel going on their tip-toes to place a kiss to his cheek before waving goodbye to him and heading towards their car. He stands there, still processing what happened for several minutes afterwards.
good morning! or should i say afternoon in my case
when i saw daycare attendant my head immediately went to fnaf lol
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also if my younger sister was younger she would definitely be no help either that girl is a pain in my ass 💀💀 AND THESE TWO MENACES. LMAOOOO
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and lastly angel giving him a smooch on the cheek was sooooo sgszvudvnkjg(//($&8&@$(, 🥹💕 I WAS SMILING SO HARD
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hypnos21 · 2 years
Hello hello! Happy NYE!! Here is my contribution to the Redacted Winter Gift Exchange! My piece is written to @autisticempathydaemon !! I hope you enjoy it, please let me know! Happy holidays!! I got a little carried away with the prompt, but I hope it's to your liking!!
Prompt: Milo and Sweetheart’s second Christmas, and Milo is unsure of what present his partner truly wants. No gift seems good enough, and its christmas eve! Sweetheart, on the other hand, knows exactly what to get Milo. However, it can change the relationship. Sweetheart is scared of ruining what they have. How will the duo present their gifts, and how will the relationship take it?
“I feel like I’ve been here for hours.” Milo thought deeply, analyzing the note on his phone for what appeared to be the billionth time. He had every piece of information he could need about them. Shirt size, pant size, shoe size, favorite book and game genre, anything and everything he could need. Yet, it still didn’t seem that the list was enough. The annoyed sound that left his throat harbored a few looks, but he didn’t care. All he cared about was what to get for his sweetheart. He smiled softly. Sweetheart. The name still caused his heart to flutter in his chest, his core to sing at the very thought of their smile, their laugh. 
Wandering around the variety of shops had helped slightly, turning the cogs in his brain in the right direction, finally. He picked up a few other Christmas purchases, a new sweater for David, (black in color, but soft in texture, David couldn’t stand the feeling of rough wool), a new co-op game for Ash, (aka a new game to be better than Asher in), and a few small gifts for Sweetheart. Little things, items to store in the stocking above the mantle in their home. He smiled, the thought of their home, a safe place for them to be together, a small piece of what their future could look like. He absentmindedly shopped, new apartments on the brain when the thought, more literally than he expected, crashed into him. As he bent down to pick up the books, the recipe books, an idea came to him. One thing he knew about Sweetheart that wasn’t on his list, was their absolute love for cooking. Sweetheart often joked about it being their love language. He always felt the love and happiness they put into their cooking, it always sweetened the meals they made. The cogs in his brain turning faster, almost overwhelmingly, as he worked out the idea he had created. Taking a deep breath, he quickly got to work, picking up one of the fallen over recipe books with a smile. He hoped this present was enough. 
    Sweetheart, exhausted after work, their long and demanding day finally over. Everything had gone wrong during this day. First, they literally rolled out of bed onto the floor. Milo, working an early morning, hadn’t been their to witness the tumble from the soft sheets. Milo. Sweetheart smiled, the mere thought of him holding them in the morning was temporary relief, (and one of the many thoughts sweetheart visited throughout the rough day for a little joy), from the pain the fall had brought their lower back and tailbone. Then, they burned their breakfast, and their coffee order had gotten messed up. But, running behind on the schedule didn’t give them a chance to have their order fixed. Reluctantly, they rolled into their office with a sore back, empty stomach, and an incorrect coffee order. Already a rough day. What they walked into, however, almost made them turn around and go home right there. Their boss had decided to allow students from the academy to come and shadow some of the employees. Normally, this was no problem with Sweetheart, who loved the students they worked with, having a connection made it easier for them to be taught about the Department. However, with the morning they’d had, they were in no mood to deal with teens who were very clearly excited about Christmas Eve. Oh, did they mention they were called in on Christmas Eve? The day they were supposed to have off? However, the increase hourly pay for the day was too tempting to resist. Secretly, they had been looking to upgrade their apartment, a bigger place for them, Milo and Agro. They smiled, their home. A new, bigger, safe space. A place of love, comfort, and utter tranquility. But, with a bigger place comes a bigger pricetag. The building Sweetheart had been eyeing just had a new opening, and for Milo’s big present, they wanted to give him the keys to the new apartment. However, that meant a hefty safety deposit. Luckily, they were picking up the keys on their way home to him. A smile twitching their lips upward for a fleeting moment. Him. Their love, best friend, and sense of home, all wrapped up in one big, beautiful Shifter. The rest of the day breezed by, the thought of their love waiting at home to celebrate keeping them sane. 
Flinging the door open, Sweetheart collapsed on the comfy green couch in their living room. While the idea of a new apartment (which the keys to were wrapped up in a little box with a bow under the tree) was nice, the living room was the highlight of the current apartment. Soft greens and white coloring the room, plants sitting in the windowsill, all adorned with names. The cactus was Sweetheart’s favorite, cute and prickly all in one. The green furniture was something Sweetheart searched for for months. Finally, a lucky trip to the thrift store, it was like a fairy godmother had just dropped off a full set of green velvet furniture, a couch, a chair and a loveseat. Sweetheart had cried when seeing it, and bought it on the spot. The gentle memory was disturbed by the door blowing open, and a rather sweaty Milo standing in the middle. A variety of bags hanging from his arms, covering the logo of his Shaw Security uniform. Sweetheart often told him how much they adored the uniform, and were currently having those exact thoughts, eyeing how absolutely delectable he was in that uniform. Milo placed the gift bags under the tree, but kept one wrapped present under his arm. They had created the tradition that they exchanged one gift on Christmas Eve, and left the rest for the morning to celebrate with the rest of the pack. Sweetheart leapt up, snatching the small box containing the keys. Smiling, Sweetheart led Milo to the bedroom, where they perched across from each other, eager to present the gifts to their beloved partner. 
“Milo, I’d like to open your present first. Mine requires a little work.” Sweetheart spoke softly, hoping to convince him. 
“Sure thing Sweetheart, anything for you.” Milo grinned a toothy smile, a smug look in his eyes. Handing them the present he worked so hard on. Sweetheart gently worked on removing the green and white paper, little trees patterning the delicate paper. A colorful book sat underneath the paper, words leaping out at them, desperate to be read. Recipes of love; dishes of family, friends and comfort. Sweetheart gasped softly, but not at the words on the front, rather what was written inside. Various recipes from their family, a famous treat recipe here, a spicy dish there. But a certain page drew tears in their eyes. Written on the top of the page, Our first dish together. The words written on the page spoke of the first recipe ever created by Milo and Sweetheart in the apartment they sat in, in the tiny kitchen that barely fit one, let alone both of them together. Cooking that dish had been a pain, but it was worth every single struggle when they sat down and ate their meal together. 
“Oh Milo, it’s perfect. I love it, I absolutely love it!” Sweetheart gasped out, tears streaming down their cheeks. Milo felt himself tearing up, pulling Sweetheart into his lap, holding them as close as he could. Kissing their forehead, he held their face in his hands. “Only the best gift for you, Sweetheart, it’s what you deserve and more.” Milo breathed out his words, trying the restrain the tears that started to drip down his face. The two sat for a few minutes like that, simply basking in the love. Eventually, Sweetheart pulled away and offered the tiny box to Milo.
“This isn’t an engagement ring is it? Sweetheart, I love you, but I thought we agreed to move to a bigger apartment first.” Milo laughed, half hoping it to be a ring, but logic got the better side of him. It isn’t the right time for that. Sweetheart laughed, assuring him no wedding or engagement band laid within the tiny box. Milo untied the bow that held the box together, and removed the glimmering set of two keys. Simple in shape, almost like keys to a front door. Small and silver, they fit in the palm of his hand. They felt oddly belonging, settled perfectly in his hand. He looked up, confused. 
“New house keys? Sweetheart, these don’t go to our locks,” Milo mentioned, pulling out the old keys. Sweetheart smiled. “Come with me.” Tying a blindfold on, they led him out the door and to the car. 
    15 minutes later, (Milo claimed it was 30), they had parked and Sweetheart pulled him out of the car. Walking up the stairs, they finally removed his blindfold. Taking a moment to regain his vision, he stared at the door in bewilderment. Finally, the lightbulb clicked, and he inserted the key into the lock. The heavy click of the lock moving made Milo’s heart stop. The apartment was beautiful. Open floorplan, windows, a bigger kitchen, bedroom and living room, it was perfection. He turned to face Sweetheart, who was grinning ear to ear. 
“Do you like it?” They asked innocently, bouncing on their toes. 
“Sweetheart, I absolutely adore it, but why are we here? Are we thinking about a new apartment?”
“Well, the thinking part is over. I put the deposit down for it about 2 weeks ago. It’s officially ours. But, I told the landlord it was a surprise, so we have a week to decide whether or not we stay in it. If you don’t like it, we can keep look-!”
Milo cut off his beloved’s words with a hug, sweeping them off their feet with a shriek. 
“Yes Sweetheart, I’ll live here with you, its perfect for us. The home of our dreams.” 
When Sweetheart was released, Milo was in full blown tears, sobbing about how perfect it was. Sweetheart, in turn, began to cry as well. The duo stood in their new home, perfect and warm and already full of so much love, and neither could wait to start filling it with more love and creating new memories there. 
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bagelbucket · 2 years
*sigh* one hyperfixated mutual has the power of 1000 ad campaigns huh?
Kay, I'll bite, what's redacted asmr/ where can I find it?
ok so for whatever reason i literally cant find my old lists explaining what to listen to in what order, so ill make you a new one!
hi! and welcome to redacted asmr, now known as redacted audio!
redacted audio is a asmr-like channel that uses multiple character povs to tell a high quality and engaging storyline! each pov has their own "listener" which can be you or any oc you imagine!
it's pretty much a M4A boyfriend roleplay story, but with multiple bfs, and you're a different person for each character. a lot of us dont listen for that though, and stay just for the plot! (yeah...the plot mhm.../lhj)
sounds kinda cringe, yes, i know. but i promise you its worth your while. the voice acting is all done by Erik, the channel owner, and he voices dozens of characters perfectly. the plots are well thought-out and its never a dull moment. there's comfort audios and fluff mixed in with it all, and its just an amazing experience that i highly recommend! :D
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To start: freelancer 1, vincent, milo, david, sam, asher,
Then: freelancer s2, the balance (and any other audios in blake, elliot, and brachiums playlists that you didnt get to in the balance playlist), then inversion
Make sure you listen to the tws in the video descriptions, some of the content gets heavy.
Theres also: ivan (which partly comes up in fs2) (and then his endings which dont really matter but you can watch them for some easter eggs), camelopardalis (his videos talk about events throughout the whole prime universe story), and vega <- all of these playlists have something to do with eachother, but dont really effect the main plot and can easily be avoided
Then: avior, project meridian, (we arent sure of either of these timelines, but its side stories you can follow, and they have a bit to do with eachother)
then: ollie, aaron, geordi (these all have basically nothing to do with the main plot. They are side stories)
theres non-canon romances, which are mostly for freelancer and can be listened to for fun Id recommend not listening to the individual playlists (lasko..huxley..etc.) for freelancer because it can get confusing and all you need is in the Freelancer playlists, but its your choice!
Theres also imperium, which currently has two seasons (Imperium s1 and Cataclysm s2) and its like a “what if it was worse” au. there are a lot of trigger warnings for this one. so be careful and treat it as dead dove.
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there are a handful of removed audios from that youtube policy ban-thing that happened a few months ago too, but those can be found for free on the redacted audio patreon! only a couple of those are actually plot-relevant, like some of gavins audios and adams audio (they were removed because of mild sexual content and heavy abuse. again, mind the tws). the rest are teasers for more explicit audios.
here are some links to some of my older posts for more!
thats about it! i have a lot more posts ab this on my blog archive. tumblr hates me and eats all my old posts on my blog, so if you wanna see any anything else for warnings or smth go there! also block #redacted spoilers if you dont want uh. yeah spoilers.
<33 have fun! and my asks are open if you need anything. if you're from my dsmp mutuals, i think you'll find this pretty easy to traverse.
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