#Redacted Avior
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escapisttt · 2 days ago
go look at my fucking spotify people i also made a porter and avior one
i made playlists for the shaw pack boys (please give them a listen i think i did really good :) and also im gonna be updating them every time i find a new song that fits lol)
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ryoko-san · 2 months ago
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indigo-greer-collins · 1 month ago
giving you interactions between my listeners and the redacted characters because you deserve them
angel: david i think your boyfriend has a crush on me or something
david: …excuse me?
angel: yeah like asher keeps—
david: —no. shut up.
damien: have I ever told you i can’t stand you?
fl: i mean yeah but you lied
darlin: is it seriously that obvious that i’m autistic?
sweetheart: wait you didn’t know til now?
darlin: no ?? i just thought my soul was rotten and society was exiling me for the crimes they all secretly knew i committed
sweetheart: alright emo, jesus
darlin:..you’ve been spending too much time with milo, i don’t like you anymore
sweetheart: love you too puppy
gavin: i think i’m experiencing cuteness aggression
dear: they’ve been rambling at each other for hours… i might eat them
huxley: …haha yeah they’re sooo cute together!
gavin: huxley, my precious emerald, i think you’ve forgotten i’m an incubus
dear: i don’t even need to be a d(a)emon to know you’re a different kind of riled up right now
huxley: sorry :(
gavin: oh no huxley, we are too don’t worry
darlin: are you sure this is legal?
angel: and since when were you a law abiding citizen?
darlin: …okay well i don’t want you to get put in a cell—
angel: i know i’m way too pretty for jail… i’d have such a hot mugshot though wouldnt i? probably get a modelling contract on the way out
darlin: i respect the confidence
angel: you sound like davey!
darlin: that is the worst thing you could’ve ever said to me
treasure. telling stories about their old friend group
solaire clan: listening in sheer horror
treasure: but anyway i guess it was character building for me haha!
lovely: say the word and i will massacre every single one of them right now
darlin: do you have their locations? an address?
vincent: how did you put up with that for so long ???
treasure: …oh fuck is it that bad-?
sam: are you kiddin’? that’s horrible, no wonder you feel a little ‘out of place' with them?
starlight: sudden gasp oh my god I was being bullied!
avior: huh what—
starlight: they were making fun of me, they weren’t my friends…
avior: starlight are you okay??
david: how do you put up with him?
baabe: i mean you deal with your fallen angel pretty well don’t you? i thought you’d get it
david: asher’s social battery is way stronger, at least angel has recharge time
baabe: so does ash, i promise you mr shaw, we’re basically in the exact same situation.
david: i guess it doesn’t help that we… got married at the same time does it?
baabe: not one bit.
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righteous-r0de0 · 10 months ago
thinking about freelancer and gavin and avior and starlight and sam and darlin because it’s so unfair that all of them fought so hard to find the love they have with each other and none of them are going to get the time they deserve.
one day freelancer is going to be in a hospital bed, cupping gavin’s face, calling him their darling boy, telling him that everything’s going to be okay, pretending that they aren’t crying themselves. the rest of their friends are spread across the globe. the only one they wanted to see before they left was gavin. they’re going to die and there’s not a thing gavin can do about it.
one day, avior is going to be sitting in a cemetery on a hot summer day, until the sun sets, casting long shadows across the grass. he’s going to talk to starlight’s grave like they can hear him. he’s going to complain about frivolous things, tell them about his life without them. then he’ll grow quiet just as the sun dips below the horizon and confess that none of it actually bothers him. the only thing he can’t stand is not hearing their responses, or being able to hold their hand while he talks.
one day, sam is going to have a very good day. he’s going to visit the pack, laugh and joke with his aging friends. he’s going to eat an entire tub of butter pecan ice cream and not feel guilty about it. he’s going to spend comfortable, long hours having introspective talks with vincent. he’ll call alexis and tell her everything he never had the guts to say. then, somewhere around four am he’ll put his favorite flannel on, make himself a pot of coffee and climb to the roof and talk to the remaining stars like they’re his mate. he’ll wait for the sunrise, hoping that for a few brief seconds he’ll feel the warmth and not the burn.
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6-atlas-6 · 23 days ago
Uhh insert title here
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🎀Tag list: @capitalisticveins @vilf-lover @xanyiaz @plutobutartsy @morgansplace @kitheking @randomhoneybee @messenger-of-stupidity @samlizdavis @betta-phish @darlin-collins @puffin-smoke @cyc-chilla @themeridian @defnotayonna @pycth @wolfieisacat @shadow-collinss
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stupd000 · 2 months ago
Avior’s game is insane bc how do you get the same person to fall in love with you not once but TWICE
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empydoc · 9 months ago
handholding headcanons 🤲
slight insinuation of mature themes in milo & porter's sections, but nothing explicit!
— freelancer often holds hands with each person within the damn squad, including coworker/dear.
-> they find that huxley’s hand is the biggest and gentlest, damien’s hand is the warmest and most tense, lasko’s hand is often the one with the most prevalent veins, gavin’s hand is the smoothest, and coworker’s hand is, well, whatever you make of it <3
— elliott & sunshine would hold hands all the time, even before getting together. it added to their ‘will they won’t they’ experience very much (and both of them often thought about it in a totally platonic way).
— avior has a tendency to hold starlight’s hand with both hands when he’s telling them things that’re important to him.
— darlin’, asher, and angel have all held hands with david at some point. they all say it feels different ways.
-> darlin’ describes it as if a dad was holding your hand out of necessity instead of want. asher says it’s tense but sweet. angel says it’s nothing but gentle (if not a tiny bit clingy).
— sam has the tendency to run his fingers over darlin’s veins. he says it’s habit more than anything else.
— after the first time, hush now finds that the warmth of doc’s hand is preferred over the absence of sensation. he tells them it’s something he’s unused to, but fond of.
— blake’s handholding has never been gentle, even way back when. he holds with possession instead of guidance. he also always interlocks his fingers with bestie’s. -> even so, whenever they mention to him that his grip is too tight, he loosens it- but only just.
— geordi, after being physically away from cutie for certain amounts of time and then seeing them for checkups, tends to wonder if they might get the chance to hold hands during such checkups. they never do, but his gaze tends to linger at their fidgeting hands often.
— guy, even in his chaos and all, will always kiss honey’s knuckles without fail when they hold hands. every. single. time.
— milo never fails to hold sweetheart’s hand during private and/or intimate times, although as much as he insists to it, it’s mainly because he likes to know they’re there and they’re safe. sweetheart finds it quite, ironically, sweet.
— morgan wears jewelry on his fingers, and talks with his hands. there's been times where he'll softly grasp obscura's hands for emphasis on his talking points, and will only notice that they've been holding hands for longer than intended after it's pointed out to him. (he notices beforehand, actually. he simply likes holding their hands. not that he'd admit such)
— porter's touch is very restrained, with lack of better term. he'll brush fingers over treasure's knuckles and fingertips without holding. he teases their skin with intent to hold but without action to do so. treasure wonders if it's too intimate for him to bear.
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digitally-absent · 2 months ago
I haven’t listened to the newest audio but this is how it goes down, right??
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Like I’m not crazy??
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polydamnory · 4 months ago
PSA: All Redacted men like to be shut up via kisses.
Lasko of course is the most obvious but we have also seen this happen with others, just off the top of my head I can also remember Avior, Vincent and of course Guy enjoying this. Which leads me to the only conclusion possible: all of them think this is hot.
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pycth · 1 year ago
Girls On Audio
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Put every Redacted character (that I’ve designed so far) in Wheel Decide and let it choose who was getting lady-fied~
I’ve been DYING to do this, and trust I’ll do it again 😏 Nobody’s safe
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deezbignutz · 8 months ago
Ages of Redacted characters cuz why not ig
Sam is 45 years old
Vincent is 44 years old
Avior is 37 years old (coalesced 37 years ago)
Gavin and Aaron are 34 years old
David, Asher and Milo are 31 years old
Lasko and Elliott (kinda) are 30 years old (Elliott was adopted 30 years ago)
Huxley is 27 years old
Caelum and Damien are 25 years old
More stuff under the cut
Sweetheart and Milo met when he was 23
Baaabe and Asher met when he was 25
Angel and David when he was 26
Freelancer met Caelum the he was 18
Lovely and Vincent met when he was 40
Elliott confesses to Sunshine at 26
Freelancer met Gavin when he was 30
William has been a Vampire for around 505 years
Elliott met Brachium when he was around 5 (? i think?)
Will turned Vincent when he was 20
Sam graduated from D.A.M.N. when he was 24
Sam got turned when he was 29
David was 24 when Gabe died
Freelancer met Lasko when he was 26
Freelancer met Damien when he was 21
Freelancer met Huxley when he was 23
Sam confessed to Darlin when he was 42
Inversion happened when Sam was 42, Vincent was 41, Avior was 34, Gavin and Aaron were 31, David, Asher, and Milo were 28, Lasko and Elliott(?) were 27, Huxley was 24, and Caelum and Damien were 22.
Elliott left CloseKnit and met up with Aaron when he was 28 (?) and Aaron was 32
Milo shifted back again when he was 29
Damien and Huxley confess their feelings for each other when Dames was 23 and Hux was 25
David proposed to Angel when he was 29
Baaabe proposed to Asher when he was 30
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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sheawritesstuff · 9 months ago
Redacted Tattoo Headcanons
✩ Elliott has a big abstract freehand tattoo that covers his shoulder and upper arm - one of the cool swirly line designs
✩ Ollie has a stick and poke smiley face on his ankle that one of his friends gave him in high school
✩ Aaron has some sort of quote tattooed on his ribs - probably a line from a song / movie that he associates with Elliott or his mom
✩ Caelum loves temporary tattoos and likes having matching ones with Gavin and Freelancer
✩ Geordi has something fandom related on his forearm - anything but Star Trek because he doesn't want to seem like that much of a nerd
✩ Asher has a patchwork leg sleeve with a bunch of different styles and a similar half sleeve on his opposite bicep
✩ Milo and Sweetheart have matching chest tattoos
✩ Ivan got original Baby’s name tattooed on his collar bone right before they broke up
✩ David has a tattoo commemorating Gabe and something for the whole Shaw pack
✩ Anton has a monstera leaf on his forearm to remind him of My Love
✩ Porter has an elaborate neck tattoo that spreads down his sternum and covers most of his chest
✩ Gavin has a backpiece consisting of the D.A.M.N. crew's favorite flowers
✩ Guy has doodles Honey drew for him on his thighs
✩ Morgan has some sort of lower rib / upper stomach tattoo of an hourglass with a skull
✩ Avior has stars and constellations all across his torso
✩ Brian has all of his kids’ birthdays on his chest
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shadow-collinss · 2 months ago
Girl dads: David, Milo, Sam, Aaron, Vincent, Damien, Huxley, Geordi
Boy dads: Asher, Guy, Porter, Lasko, Gavin, Vega, Avior
(probably incomplete but oh well 😀)
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indigo-greer-collins · 5 months ago
in my head, the d(a)emons in the redactedverse have freckles on their skin that look kinda like stardust! you might even be able to find their constellations in them
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vampierium · 7 months ago
Hello stranger, care for some redacted boys?
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Some silly drawings of some redacted characters I’ve listen to recently. I originally wanted to draw some of my redacted listener characters, but got sidetracked. I actually don’t really my Porter design, so maybe I’ll change my interpretation later, but for now I’m gonna just post this before I redraw him 100 times.
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venuslove-28 · 5 months ago
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redactober day 5: avior + adjusting
these r so rushed bc i have alot of projects going on atm but so fun
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