#i thought this was redacted fanart at first
ashertickler · 1 month
asher and david.
credit: @ abels.lament on insta
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hammerhead-jpg · 28 days
I have come back I know you guys have been starving
For the accession: revenge outfit Scorpius
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Idk if I like it but it does it's job for now
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sweatinghoneybee · 1 month
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FINALLY FINISHED THIS!!! oh my primus why did this took so long?!! Seriously my ibispaint timer is at 140 minutes and that’s at the fast forward speed?!! UGHHH!!! CURSE MY PERFECTIONIST EYE CATCHING EVERY SINGLE IMPERFECTION!!!
ok now time to ramble after letting out that steam! So this one i drew as a continuation for the first one i made of MC where she’s in the air floating while scheming her rebellious plans in blue and pink background, cause hey i think that there’s no way that girly gonna just stand around in her prison cell to rust when she has her shadow sister to help her break out, so YUP this is the art i drew for that thought process!
I don’t know if the pose made it obvious but they’re posing the Barbie and Ken jail photo pose, MC as Barbie and Nebula as Ken,
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tho i made them both smirking and being mischievous vixens cause hey when you don’t like the functionist government then you go out there to piss the ever loving pits out of them! (And cause i just wanna have an excuse to draw them with that pose) And i must say i love how i drew out how very smug MC is with the paint splatters that i gave her in the fanart i drew before, and Nebula being a proud older sister at seeing her dear sister breaking the rules! My thoughts on how they break out of prison is Nebula using her powers to destroy the systems that’s working the whole facility (the reason why the red force field bars shattered) and MC throwing paint bombs everywhere just to spite the pits out of the guards (which is why there are paints covering the walls). And the reason why i chose the colors red yellow and blue primarily in the drawing is cause i want it as a representation of how the whole situation is, red and yellow the colors that are associated with danger is either surrounding (the red force field) covering (the holograms of them with their data) or saying to “others” to keep away (the police tapes) but there’s blue coloring or lighting either surrounding or are outside of the red signifying that the reds and yellows are what the government are presenting them as (dangers) when in actually they are blue (kind or justice).
Also easter eggs from me from the chapter of MC’s database, with MC’s hologram data saying warning and her file having a danger symbol along with her datapad having 0.077 being marked over with the word MC cause she doesn’t like how the government experimented on her. And Nebula’s hologram data and database is just an error and redacted. I just wanted to add those things cause those are fun to add in!
Also a fun tidbit from me, if someone is asking what the words on the force field are saying, i used alphabets in transformers that i found in the wiki for it to spell out MC and Nebula’s personal message to the government when they’re investigating their jail cells.
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And it spells,
“F R A G Y O U”
X - X - X - X - X
If someone is wondering what i’m drawing above, it’s from a fanfic that my friend @springingsour made in Quotev, here’s the link
Please give them some love kay? They worked really hard to make their stories so give them some those good supportive motivations kay? And check out some of their other stuff to! They’re all real good! (Also Spring my friend i’m so sorry it tooked this long, my perfectionist side got the better of me. . .)
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erial-c · 2 months
hello redactednation, here are reasons why you should vote me for #1 guy fan ever
REDACTED AWARDS 2024 (hosted by @plaqying :3 )
1. i have loved this idiot loser ever since his first audio dropped (the preview , btw) and i thought i hallucinated that audio when i came back to the fandom in 2023
2. my favorite characters always shift around but guy will ALWAYS be in the top 5 no matter what
3. i have had his playlist on loop for months now + i've got most of the audios memorized at this point
4. i've cleared the entire ao3 guy/honey tag . ive read and bookmarked almost all of them i fear
5. even though it wasn't his audio, i was so locked in when i heard fool!guy's voice he was all i thought about for a solid week or two
6. i post about guy the most on here . wow that wasn't obvious
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7. i spent a CONCERNING number of time making cassette thumbnails for him to make them look as real as possible . i have accidentally fooled a few ppl into thinking they were real
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8. i have so much guy fanart saved in my gallery . if anyone saw it they would be worried
9. the only reason why i don't draw him that much is because i have put him up on a pedestal and if i can't get my hc appearance of him right ill burn my sketchbook
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(only drawing i have of him that i rlly like🤞🤞🤞)
10. honey is my favorite listener ‼️‼️‼️ i relate to them so much i love them
11. even though 70% of guy's references go over my head , i would gladly listen to that man yap no questions asked
12. i have made merch designs of guy . ones that we don't deserve i fear
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13. i have this loser idiot (affectionate) on the back of my phone ALWAYS🤞🤞🔥🔥🔥
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14. i have had a guy/honey fic in the works for months . if i win ill continue writing it (maybe🤞)
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Friendling!!! First off, *offers bouquet* and secondly, my (redacted) was PANICKINGGGGGG but then I got a hold of myself and that's why I'm here now.
I had the Saddest Thoughts™ about the Disaster Triplets, yeah? I had the fluff/crack train going!! I promise I did but then while we were running through the meadows of peace Angst clotheslined me and choke-slammed me into the soil.
Here's what they left me with! Remember when Shelldon essentially got destroyed? Around the end of S2, I believe; noted, I haven't watched S2 but I've seen clips plus some tidbits and stuff through here and I've come to the knowledge that Shelldon did indeed get ... well, deconstructed. 😔
And this is also very much inspired by a TikTok I came across a while ago!! To cut clear, it was a comic strip/fanart video of Donnie's reaction to his brothers breaking the news to him. Of how Shelldon got caught in the crossfire and... didn't make it. :(((
Broke my heart, truly it did. But then I scrolled through the comments and one mentioned how angsty it would be if Donnie found out that Leo's the one who told Shelly to protect Karai (?? I think! Like I said, haven't watched it 😅)
And. It had me thinking.
Angst scenario. So, so angsty. Much hurt. The boys break the news to Donnie. Donnie, of course, devastated. Probably goes into denial for a bit until the evidence is presented right in front of him. But then, Donnie finds out that Leo's the one who told Shelldon to stay behind. (THIS BROKE MY HEART TOOO LIKE MY POOR BLUEBERRY HE DIDN'T KNAUR)
Can you imagine how Donnie would feel? How utterly heartbroken, nay, betrayed he'd probably feel? The heartbreak would be shattering. Then, past the shock, the anger would filter through.
Donnie and Leo are twins. In this case scenario, Donnie and Leo and you are triplets. You're the one who'd be closer to Donnie, hands up in a placating gesture despite feeling extremely delicate yourself. You were so sorry. You were so, so sorry Donnie.
It's okay. It'll all be okay. Just, just don't —
You're probably the one to separate your twins from each other. I can't figure out how Donnie would react precisely; whether he'd become violent or turn terrifyingly cold. Would Leo approach his brother, feeling a rush of emotions just as strongly upfront and reaches forward for both, repentance and reassurance? Or would he shrink back under Donnie's gaze, shoulders hunched over to protect himself from forces unseen, his own realization catching up to him. It was... his fault? Him? No.. no, no it couldn't be. Shelldon was like a son to Donnie — practically was his son. And Leo had...
I don't know how they'd completely react, but I do have an idea of how Reader would. Or rather, completely my headcanon ping-pong tournament. 🤩
I know you'd be caught in the middle. (Someone said Donnie wouldn't talk to Leo for months and it was my 13th reason, basically-) You'd feel so strung between your brothers. Caught between placating Donnie, who becomes even more withdrawn and has an edge to himself that he never did before.
Leo? Leo's... terrified. Leo's so, so sad. Leo's depressed and he doesn't know how to cope and he wishes things didn't happen the way they did but it did and he just wants his brother back. He's still the face man, and his coping skills are still crap. But he's not making as many jokes, his smile is glass, his eyebags are horrendous underneath his mask, which is streaked and stained with tears he cried in the privacy of his room. You should know. You'd walked in multiple times.
The first couple of times, you'd left at his beckoning. The next, you strode right in and pulled him into your arms. He didn't say much outside of a territorial growl and chirrup (an insult to you, really) embracing his animalistic nature for a spell and pushed at your shoulders. But then you wrenched him back and straight up snarled in his face, snout-to-snout, and he broke.
He fully expected you to storm out, maybe spit in his face (get this man some therapy pls), treat him with the hatred he believed he deserved. You called him a dumb-dumb, tone biting in the quiet of the night, and crushed him against you in a hug that washed over him entirely.
He'd begged you not to hate him too in the shelter of your neck. He clung to you, shaking, apologies spilling out from the depths of his broken heart, whimpers and chirps and words slurring together.
You were a rock. Leo's used to you being so soft and warm, and over the time he had pushed you away, you grew cold. He'd misread the situation entirely (you had never left him, you were just waiting.) You didn't hate him, he comes to realize. It's a salve to his entire being. You nuzzle his shoulder, pet down his head and shell, press small caring kisses to his temple, assuring him that the bond between you all could never be broken. The world's big. This family is bigger. The love between you all transcends dimensions. It may seem small and suffocating right now, but it will all turn out to be okay.
And you weren't going anywhere. This is another obstacle- like the skate ramps when they first started out! It seemed big and scary then, hm? But then they conquered it, and now it's his favorite thing in the world. It's one of their favorite things in the entire world.
This is just another obstacle, you murmur as you press your forehead to his. Something you always do to calm either of your siblings down. Leo clung to you as you both settled and cuddled in his bed, and you held him close. Your brother. The color purple flashed through either of you guy's minds, and while it was an obstacle to overcome, you knew you'd all conquer it.
This wasn't like skateboarding at all — but the blueprint wasn't too far off. It'd just take time. This was a very delicate situation, and that's how you would handle it.
You squeeze Leo closer, let him cry it all out until he falls asleep. You'd get through this. Through the winding obstacle of thorns, you'd all get through this. But it was okay to not be okay, and you all were not okay right now.
One thing was for damn sure, and that was that you wouldn't give up on your family.
(The happy part of this is that once all's said and done, Donnie of course rebuilds him in the future because I said so and emailed so and texted so. I'm so spoiled by the au's and fanart on here of amazing artists and such giving Shelldon and Don-Bon their happy ending!! Also. Son™.)
You have RUINED me but I have been plauged by the thoughts... the thoughts...
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Summary: Being stuck in the middle of a conflict is never easy. Especially when it's family. Especially when it's your twins.
Warnings: Angsty angsty angsty
GN Reader!
How had things ended up this way? Your home was destroyed, your family was in shambles, and the relationship you held so tightly between you and your brothers was crumbling too fast to fix.
"That's not funny." Donnie had deadpanned when he'd first heard the news of Shelldon, "That is not a funny joke in any capacity."
"It's not a joke, Dee." You muttered, easing your hand onto his shoulder, "Shelly's... he's gone.. He's gone."
"That's not... it can't be.."
"He was supposed to be out of the way! How is he- He was out of the way!" Donnie shouts, his entire body tenses with an emotion he doesn't know how to express in the moment.
Leo however, seems to making himself smaller and smaller with every word from his brothers mouth, and the ever observant eyes of Donatello notice.
"Leonardo, what. did. you. do?" He asks lowly, shoving you away and stomping closer to Leo, glaring daggers.
"I told him to protect Gram-Gram. I didn't think he'd.. I didn't think this would happen!" Leo defends, trying to back away from Donnie, not daring to look his brother in the eyes.
"You... Shelldon..." Donnie seemed unable to put his thoughts into words, he balled his hands into fists, and you quickly stepped forward to put yourself between them.
"Donnie..." Leo started but Donnie shoved him away, causing Leo to fall back onto the ground.
"No, shut up, Leo! You... you .. Stay away from me! Don't you dare-" Donnie snarls, and you move to stand infront of him, your heart was pumping and tears pricked at your eyes.
"Donnie... please calm down.." you begged.
"Don't." Donnie mumbles, slowly backing up, "Don't." Then he ran off to some unknown hideaway, Mikey went to charge after him, but Raph caught his arm.
"Give him a minute. He'll... he'll come around." He muttered.
God if only he'd been right.
The hours turned to days, the days to weeks, and the weeks to months.
It was tearing you apart having to play the middle man, Donnie refused to even look at Leo, and Leo was heartbroken.
He never said so. But you could tell.
It felt like a thick fog was filling your lungs ans suffocating you slowly, you missed how close the three of you were.
You were triplets, the dynamic trio, the three musketeers- now it felt more like you were strangers, and you didn't know what to do.
The guilt was eating away at Leo, and Donnie spent most of his time cooped up and refusing to speak to anyone.
You quietly entered Leo's room, and he glanced up at you, but looked away quickly. At least he didn't tell you to go away..
You sat next to him, and he leaned over so his head was resting on your shoulder. Nothing was said, but no words were needed.
He just needed someone there so he wasn't alone, but you both knew he'd never ask for help. He didn't need too. You knew.
You rested your head atop his, the two of you sitting in silent comfort with the other. Time.
Fixing this was going to take so much time. But you were willing to take the time to fix it. You needed too...
Part two...? 👀 Maybe. Most likely. Hehehehe
I literally read this at like 2am last night and passed out right after. THE THOUGHTS PLAUGED MY DREAMS.
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darling-solaire · 4 months
Okay so initially I had just assumed he was white and ginger cause of that one really popular redacted fanart which I thought was actually canon when I first got into redacted BUT after seeing some designs on here… and thinking long and hard…. I maybe I see him like this…
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spongynova · 6 months
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NSFW mcspirk month - 27 - voyeurism
Is this how Bones and Spock finally get together? Can't wait to read the report on this away mission.
First officer's log / Stardate 5554.4 / Section 13 / Paragraph 12 / [redacted] While my clone was still penetrating the captain on the ground of Phylos, [note to self: we may have underestimated the resilience of a human body, ask for more data to the captain at a later date, 5555.6 would be satisfactory], Doctor McCoy took my hand in his, projecting a wave of stimulating thoughts in my mind despite my shields. We then reali- [END redacted]
Full version on AO3 & Pillowfort
Y'all drawing, writing and posting everyday is a marathon! I can see every mistakes (well not everyone but you see my point) in each drawing, but I don't have the time to go back and edit them. EURGH. See you tomorrow for a crack fanart and some pearls though <3
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blairwaldcrf · 10 months
20 questions game for fic writers
Tagged by @ssmtskw @vanderwoodlings & @terrainofheartfelt (i love you all!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
35 but I've orphaned a few. Probably not that much more than 45
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
173,549 (+ an orphaned fic that was 125k words itself)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
red white and royal blue, gossip girl, tvd (actively). dcu sometimes. formerly shadowhunters, the magicians, and roswell new mexico
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1st- it's a love story (baby just say yes) (firstprince / rwrb)
2nd- bring me your love tonight (firstprince / rwrb movie)
3rd- Bitter Banter (jimon / shadowhunters)
4th- Shut Up & Kiss (jimon / shadowhunters)
5th- Thank the Angel for Werewolves (jimon / shadowhunters)
5. Do you respond to comments?
of course????
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's probably a tie between Every Lie You Tell (chate / gossip girl) and a general Titans fics There's No Wonder in Grief
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
so it's not published yet, but it's the ending for my wip Set it Up (dair / gossip girl)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
it's rare but yeah once or twice
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I mean yeah, but that's recent lol. Just mlm & ot3 stuff, nothing super kinky
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
so... technically, but they'll never see the light of day. the only one i really started was a tvd/shadowhunters one that I quickly decided was cringey
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!!! to Romanian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
a longgggg time ago, like I think it's on fanfiction.net long time ago
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
not gonna choose
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh god. probably the magicians multichapter fic or shadowhunters multichapter
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I mean if the character canonically uses more than one native language it should be done BUT ONLY when not choosing mildly racist stereotypes with how/when you use it or with what you have the character say. also try and have a native speaker review it because Google is not one hundred percent effective
19. First fandom you ever wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
of my public facing ao3 fics probably The B Shouldn't Be Silenced simply because of how lovely and personal the comments were.
Otherwise it would be the book length fic I orphaned (i can no longer can stand the ship) mainly because I'm proud I finished a project that large, people translated it and made fanart, and it had the most comments I've ever received
tagging @purgeshubble @takaraphoenix @laufire @hydesjackiespuddinpop who I haven't seen be tagged and anyone else!
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raviposting · 3 months
✨ could be my gifs https://smoshidiot.tumblr.com/tagged/mine or my fanart if you'd prefer to look through those hehe https://smoshidiot.tumblr.com/tagged/ana%20draws congrats again!! <3
Bold of you to think I'm not doing both <3
This was the first gifset that immediately came to mind. I love a good parallel and that can be more-or-less easy to find for fictional things, but finding real life ones are so difficult, especially with something with so many years of history and content to search through. You blew my mind with this one lol fr
EVERYONE REBLOG THIS AND #3 IMMEDIATELY bc holy shit the fact that you made these physically blows my fucking mind. You're bonkers (affectionate) and so patient because I would have seen how much shit I needed to print and given up immediately. The fact that you physically put these together and scanned them and everything. Amazing. Showstopper. Incredible.
Read everything I said for #2 and look at and reblog this amazing set as well. Once again. Your mind!! Your patience!!!
What can I say I am a bitch who is a sucker for Ian & Anthony's friendship and this is a serotonin booster of a set
A bit of a tie bc I'm stuck between this game boy one and this one of the smosh site. I love fun creative layout ideas and you did so well in both!!!
Fan Art:
Once again, a fan art that I thought of immediately as my favorite. You got so many wonderful details and references in here and it's just so good. I remember telling you it felt like a coloring book in genuinely the best way, that's the highest compliment I can give any art that I want to take it and color it in asdfjkl I can't better verbalize this but I love it so much
I am not immune to Alex Tran. A recent one and what a fantastic one at that.
The CD wall. <3 This made me so nostalgic, and it's so beautifully drawn.
This one. I love the vibes in it -- it very much matches the vibe/aesthetic of his painting stories and I think it's a fantastic color scheme!
I am NOT immune to [REDACTED] my favorite Ian character fr
Seriously if you're a Smosh fan everyone look at Ana's art because it's so wonderfully done and there's far more in her art tag that should be appreciated and boosted.
✨Janie's 8k Celebration✨
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thesmutalorian · 9 months
Oh bro, scarlex #4evaaa 😤😤 (the ART for that pairing bro lmao, I love women for their weird passions so much). I am considering an AO3 account purely to do a chapter by chapter review/commentary for you lololol. I probably should just do it, the whole reason I haven’t is some teenage-born fear of the cops somehow interrogating me for some unrelated shit (????) and this sort of tomfoolery comes up bc they’ve seen my phone shit and next thing you know, dateline has me on blast for my risqué reading tastes smh 😔 it does not make sense in any way (like gorl it’s too late for your online trail, you’re already ruined) and I need to get over myself lmao
and no need to apologize for not writing his POV, you gotta do what you gotta do, bro. But I share the sentiment of “oh this absolute biTCH BOI” when I read his thoughts Lmfao. Friggy’s lack of a part 2 was devastating. I am unwell over it. I need Allison to have some goddamn agency. I have since branched out in my search and looked at ffn for content 🙂 which brings me to my next questiooooon, have you read a story called Cold Hands? It’s the first of a 3 part series, and although the premise had me kinda like ehhhh, I think it’s pretty good! I’m only just in the second part, but it’s a good time. 
I would actually die if I had to interact with murder crab men tbh. It couldn’t be me, would simply perish of fright, so I’m glad you understand LOL. 
Bro the space pond- that shit was delightful. I ENJOYED that, like Charlie needed a win and now she has a little spa/swimming pool/ oasis situation she’ll hopefully get more access to 😎 the tail, shit, I’m about here like 👀what that tail do👀👀
You should definitely feel free to post from that board of ta’kesh 👀 I am curious. also, finding out you are into mando is so funny when seeing the similarities between mandalorians and Yautjas 💀💀💀that shit killed me, I was like this woman knows what she’s about! 
I look forward to more good soup 😊
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me reading your play by play if you do (but also I understand cause I’ll cry if I’m ever traditionally published and someone’s like ‘hey did you write about fcking the predator’)
I haven’t heard of cold hands but now I wanna check it out!!
the tail do {redacted} ☺️ and yes mando (read masked men) in general really do it for me — probably has to do w years of trying to decipher and cater to others’ emotional swings and loving the idea of Not that🤪 and then them being absolutely ruled by a strict code that they then twist or break for the sake of affection????? BROOOO SIGN ME TF UPPPPP 😤👏🏼 💳💳💥💥
(I forgot to drop fanart, none of it is mine just Pinterest sourced and I’d tag them if I knew)
*update* wonderful @predatorperspective said these are from
creature13, xenogardian and crispy-ghee 🫡
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star-ar512 · 3 months
if you don't mind tell me about this signalis i know nothing but your reblogs have me fascinated
hell yeah, for sure i don't mind. SIGNALIS is definitely a game that deserves recognition and i'll be perfectly happy to spread the word.
took my sweet time with this because i was debating whether include spoilers or not, and ultimately decided to not include them for the sake of new players.
not like they'd immediately ruin the whole story, as it is remarkably complex and many people who completed the game more than once claim to have needed to look up information to properly understand it.
so, i have not quite 100%'d the game yet, even if we're approaching that status; still, this game makes you want to play it again.
reasons why SIGNALIS is worthy of praise:
- stunning visuals. from the "basic" isometric 2.5D gameplay to the carefully crafted cutscenes; not to talk about the animations and the other scenes in the game that aren't 2.5D. there's a level of detail which is surprising.
the art is so "appropriate"? i can't convey properly how much i love the art.
- the intro. SIGNALIS' intro has to be the raddest and most breathtaking intro a game can have. it managed to overwhelm me even before the game properly began.
- this game includes a fuckton of secrets, only one playthrough is not enough to find them all.
also playing it more than once makes you appreciate what you thought was not worthy of attention or only caused you confusion.
- the game fucks with you. more than once. not elaborating on this, or it'll ruin the surprise(s)
- the game fucks you up and changes your brain chemistry!!! try to not cry every day after completing SIGNALIS challenge (failed).
- the soundtrack is incredible. definitely worth the $8 on bandcamp (hours and hours of your brain getting wrecked and repeatedly hit with an active stun prod. worth the exchange)
jokes aside, each single piece is extraordinarily fitting to each instance it is used in.
- the story is packed with raw fucking emotion. it can and will leave you bewildered more than once, especially during the first time you'll play it. then you'll just cry the next times
- the gameplay is so good??? like holy shit. it is rightfully challenging, but not impossible without a guide. i'd advise against using one, because you can progress fairly easily with your own brainpower; also it feels way more satisfying once you get what you have to do.
if you're familiar with these kinda horror games, they often make you feel like you're perfectly alone and that adds to the spooky ambiance. in this case, i felt like we were a little less alone, thanks to [this space intentionally left blank].
i got so "nostalgic" at like halfway i wanted to begin the game anew. this has never happened with any other game
- the care about every detail. at first, you'll probably think "yeah this is all disconnected"; but then...everything pieces together perfectly
- the intentionally left to interpretation story. some things are clear, many others aren't. that's the charm of the story, so many theories can be made about it.
when i first finished the game i was like "what? what the fuck? h huh??? bruuhhhhh"
it was clear everything wasn't. i didn't understand shit and it was so beautiful -> brings you to play the game again (2)
- women. robot women everywhere. robot women with abs and neck armor. robot women with guns. (also no feet!!!! for some reason that makes me feel comfortable)
robot women with deep voices and big hands.
extremely tall robot women.
robot women with broad shoulders and red eyeliner.
robot women with an undercut.
do you really have to wish for anything else?
- the protagonist is fucking crazyyyy?????? i love elster so much she's so hot and handsome and gay and sillyyy and done for. definitely one of the best main characters ever. no backing away until [redacted]
- as you probably could notice from all the fanart, this game relies heavily on lesbians. not saying anything else about this
i think this is enough. i don't think i can say more without entering the spoiler zone.
treat yourself and spend $10-15 (no, don't wait for a sale. this game is worth every single penny and more) on one of the best games on the steam/ps/xbox/nintendo store.
oh, also the physical release has a surprise, so if you come across one, definitely grab it
hope this was enough to introduce you to SIGNALIS! and hopefully made you want to try the game because it messed with my brain soooo bad (in a good way) ouughfhghhhhh
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mel-addams · 1 year
Aevum's SOLe Braincell
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[Image ID: a greyscale illustrated two-panel comic, fanart for the game Redfall. In the first panel, Devinder is holding a tape recorder, making a skeptical expression as he listens to the recording, which is saying (with names redacted with static for spoilers): "I am E K and I think P A was SO SMART about covering his tracks by forgetting everything and instead keeping recordings and evidence of his misdeeds and medical malpractice so now I am also recording all my thoughts on"
In the second panel, Dev can be seen standing in a ravine, surrounded by multiple other highlighted tape recorders, all lying near corpses of cultists and Bellwether mercenaries. Dev is staring up toward the eclipse, talking to the Black Sun: D: "But I just had to stop the folks K hired to burn—" BS: "I know." D: "And you told A NOT to reco—" BS: "I KNOW." D: "But then why did you also start to—" BS: "SHUT UP"
End Image ID]
Dev, muttering as he walks away: "This is why I work digital; one press of a button and all the embarrassing bits disappear."
I was gonna try to wait until I finish the game before I doodled anything (and I'm still only halfway through), but this tape was too funny. What the hell "tracks" did you think were "covered," sir??
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oddberryshortcake · 1 year
For the character ask meme!
The floaty blue lava lamp, from that stupid silly card game anime spinoff show! <3
What I love about them: SO much!! Gorgeous character design, I think about just how effective his design is all the damn time, he’s the perfect example of ‘ethereal beauty.’ I can only imagine how much more effective his design would be had his hair been more ‘flowy’ with better animation. But Ygo thrives on detailed still images and just look up one picture of Astral and you’ll just see- here, I’ll do it for you
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Also a nonbinary legend. He/she/they take the crown.
I’ve always loved the trope of inhuman being discovering humanity for the first time, I love how well Zexal was able to execute how he changed over the course of the series- From a frankly emotionless brat who always had some snarky condescending comment say, to a genuinely kind person with some agency of his own (some, we’ll get into that.) I loved seeing each emotion he experienced, and he’s just great and underutilized despite being the most important person in the series (we’ll get into that)
What I hate about them: He was not utilized enough! It’s not his fault, it's the executives and such, but rewatching when Astral (spoilers) was genuinely disagreeing with Yuma and finding it hard to see himself going down the same path as him and trusting him again (which is huge because Astral got to a point where he trusted Yuma unconditionally and it blew up in his face bad,) what could’ve been used to voice their differences and speak up for himself more just…Did not happen. All of Astral’s thoughts stay within his head. 
He gets shoved to the side a LOT for someone who is a floating plot devise and the entire reason the story is even happening. It’s been about 12 years and Astral is still viewed as an extension of Yuma in a lot of the official ygo merchandise. I love their relationship, but Astral needed to be more independent! Narratively and just in general. 
Favorite Moment/Quote: I had to go back and get it, subbed episode 48- “I have no idea when I will vanish, but you have a future and infinite possibilities. Thus, I wish to leave behind the proof of my existence in your mind” (I believe dub said ‘heart’ instead of ‘mind’, both work beautifully)
Astral completely excluding himself from having a future, resigning to disappearing without a trace and no one will remember him but Yuma…and that’s all he wants out of his life. It is so damn sad that he just sort of resigns to his existence being a fickle and meaningless thing (once his mission is over) but his innocent hope of at least one person remembering him cementing itself in his friend’s grief-addled mind just aaaa! He’s just got this air of sadness that’s so !! 
What I would like to see more focus on: Astral was created for one purpose only, and when that he succeeded in his mission, it’s implied that there’s just nothing after that. That he’d just be used up, dead and gone. He carries this sort of instinctual desire to self-sacrifice because that is what he’s made to do and I’m always screaming at the TV screen, just begging him to think about himself and gain a desire to live!! Screw these people who made you to fix their own mistakes! You deserve to live, Astral!
What I would like to see less focus on: Uhhh not sure really, maybe less of him just living and breathing through Yuma and more of him being his own person. 
Favorite pairing with: Oh that’s easy, It’s [REDACTED] But on something I can talk about, I genuinely really enjoyed writing Goldenshipping (Jey x Astral) when you commissioned me and whenever I see the fanart I go 👀👀
Favorite friendship: Astral and Yuma are iconic (and obvious.) For a more unconventional one, the little friendship Astral and Haruto had was so genuinely wholesome (too bad those characters both aren’t really focused on at all) 
Astral teaching this traumatized child how to eat with chopsticks and smiling fondly at him when his instruction works?? Fucking beautiful. I cried. 
The fact that Astral was willing to give all of his numbers, his MEMORIES, to Kaito in order to save Haruto should Yuma find that the better solution. Amazing.
NOTP: Literally cannot think of any except maybe Eliphas because as much as that man denies it, that IS HIS SON 
Favorite headcanon: Should Astral become human or just be able to live on Earth (away from his planet that used him and also away from toxic amounts of chaos energy that wE KNOW GENUINELY HURTS HIM TO THE POINT OF PASSING OUT?? MAYBE HE SHOULDN’T BE AROUND THAT??) I genuinely believe he’d make an amazing dueling teacher 
He already taught Yuma how to duel and it’s something he’s good at and still likes. I can picture him getting tons of students and, more than half of them are there because they have a lil crush on him. 
I’d be his student lmao
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soup-du-silence · 5 months
🎨, 🦅 and 🥺 for the ask meme?
🎨 How do you feel about fan art of your stories?
getting fanart is like the ultimate compliment imo. it hasnt happened to me often, but once I spent a lot of time and energy writing what I still think is one of my best, most ambitious projects ever and I honestly dont think more than 20 people would have ever read it if one of those 20 hadn't liked it enough to do fanart of it. I'm grateful to them for it (even though they ultimately decided I was too Problematique and ended up redacting the fanart lol) because it went on to be my best received work to date and yeah yeah numbers dont matter but listen.... they do. feedback is enormously validating. i write first and foremost to get the demons out of my head and never just to Make Content or for the attention but when you put your whole heart and soul out there for other people to see its nice to know its appreciated.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
usually i fly by the seat of my pants, unless its a big one, then an outline helps. BUT......Theres a project Im working on now that I think the outline is actually a detriment because I've got like, three acts (three meals being cooked (guess the paring lmaoooo)) but having this plan laid out and the thought of having to actually do the hard work to follow through is mentally petrifying. I think i could ditch the outline and pare the work down to just one act/meal, and it might actually get finished that way, but it would come at the cost of the bits i think might be good if ONLY i could actually write them, you know? idk. idk. i have some nice bits jotted down and it would be so nice and BALANCED if i could do it the way i wanted but it. Its like wanting to do a 5+1 fic and only being able to come up with two of the five and beating your head against a wall about it. is it better to keep pushing or to ditch the 5+1 format and just write what you can?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
uhmmmmMMMmmm i dont really know! aaaaa sorryyy
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taelonsamada · 2 years
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Saw @dominimoonbeam do this and thought it was a fantastic idea, not only to remind myself how much I’ve accomplished this year, but also set goals for myself for 2023!!
2022 was an INSANE year for me lol I had discovered redacted late November/early December 2021, but REALLY sank into the fandom around March 2022, and the people I met in that fandom were all amazing and wonderful and insanely supportive. Thanks to that support, I finally delved back into the world of fanfiction for the first time in almost twenty years, and the response has been…. Well, I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve cried several times when seeing how people have responded to my silly little stories lol On top of the fanfiction, the fanart and the response people have given it have not only had me drawing more and thereby increasing my drawing skills, but my commissions have skyrocketed, which has allowed me to tame some bills that were hanging over my head (AND YES I AM AWARE THAT I STILL HAVE SEVERAL COMMISSIONS WAITING, I HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN THEM, I PROMISE 😭) And as if the craziness weren’t enough there, I even got to travel to Boston and meet one of the amazing friends I’ve made in person, and while there I achieved a decade long dream of getting to see the Final Fantasy concert Distant Worlds!! 🥰
Progress was made here at the camp, too!! We finally got new batteries, which means we’re able to operate more solely on solar, which allows us to consume less gas and thereby save money AND be less dependant on outdated resources! Frustratingly, the mine got a 3 year extension, but that just means three more years of telling the government where they can stick it, so more chances to stir up some drama lol
And of course, this year I’ve also finally achieved the dream I’ve had since I was 9 and published my first book!!!! What. WHAT. And on top of that, you all have been wonderful about that book, and very supportive 😭 I am a legit different person in an entirely different place than I was in December 2021, and I just cannot believe it. And I have every intention of making sure 2023 is just as wonderful lol
Goals for 2023:
Finish writing Tarnished Truths, the sequel to Silvered Scars
Edit and polish Tarnished Truths
POSSIBLY publish Tarnished Truths (depends on how long editing and polishing takes)
Write the third book in the series (which will be following Reid, the Alpha of the pack from Silvered Scars)
Finish writing Between You, Me & The Fence Post
Finish Return to Shore
Put a dent into my Redacted WIP file
Make more art (definitely been more focused on writing the last few months)
Save up enough money to begin building my own cabin out here in the woods
Again, I wanna thank each and every one of you who’s been along with me for this insane ride, and I hope you’ve had fun on this journey! It’s far from over, and 2023 is definitely gonna be an interesting year!!
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darling-solaire · 5 months
Me biggest regret was that when I first got into redacted I thought that one really popular redacted fanart was like canon interpretation of the characters so my first redacted fanart of lasko was in that design and I hate it 😔
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