#its an odd kind of night to be thinking about this stuff but idk
you know, we're taught about the horrors of war in school, but sometimes those lessons aren't when it sinks in. sometimes it's watching your friend sitting on the floor of your dorm remember he legally has to sign up for the draft. and he gives up and calls his mom instead, but then it hits you that if the government snaps and pushes the metaphorical big red button, it's your friend that's getting sent out there. your friend that doesn't like to be alone in social situations. your friend with the space themed bedspread and mickey mouse jacket and stuffed tiger and fluffy fold-up chair. and it hits you that these people that get sent out there if the government changes their mind one day aren't names without faces or vice versa. they're the kids you went to elementary school with. they're not just the boys that made fun of you; they're the kids that sat with you when no one else would; the kid that made you laugh because he wanted to. my english teacher senior year told us about this, when the military branches set up tables in the cafeteria the same month we read The Things They Carried. but in high school we were only focused on what came next. the military was just one of those options, and we were barely eighteen, and no one really talked about the draft. but now that we're adults, I'm sticking a poster to my dorm wall while my best friend drops his name into the world's deadliest raffle.
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fitgothgirl · 4 months
Ok so I feel like this might be one of my random crazy things I get super excited about that doesn't end up coming to fruition for one reason or another buuuuuut...
In terms of side gigs and the like to catch up on my debt, I've often been thinking about bartending. Now I've never done that at all and I don't know drinks so I'm fully aware I'd need to barback for a while, which I'm cool with. I'd just want to work at a place that pools its tips though lol.
Honestly I'm drawn to it because I really do like to go out and I like night life and the energy and all that. I feel like most people think this is common but idk, with what I hear from my circle of friends and people I'm friends with online, it seems like I'm kind of the odd one out haha (I feel like the MO of the current generation of young adults is a little different overall). And I definitely do appreciate being home more often the last few years, don't get me wrong; but I crave going out more often than anyone I know and sometimes I feel kinda like the party girl lol. But I can't always just go out because then I'd be drunk and even more broke all the time. 🙃 But I feel like this kind of job would help satisfy that aspect (even though I wouldn't be drinking, but just being in the vibes), while also satisfying the part of me that misses getting into the physical flow state of fast-paced food & drink service. Plus it's a different kind of relationship between employees and customers than your average food/drink service. Overall this just seems like it would be the best money for the most fun kind of work - I've been attracted to bartending for a while regardless of financials. I just want to soak up the liveliness and provide a fun environment.
Not only am I tired of being in debt and paying so much toward credit card bills etc., but what hurts the most is holding back my bf from fun stuff. We have so many trips we want to go on and music festivals we want to try out and stuff, but we never do these big ticket items because of me. I've realized he's been paying for things for me more and not asking me to Venmo him back and it can be such a major relief (and I'm not gonna lie it does make me swoon a bit lol), but I hate the fact that that it's such a major relief like that... I hate my how my stomach turns every time we want to do any little thing at all. But worse is the stuff that isn't even brought up, knowing he doesn't do so because he knows I can't.... This is his life too, and I'm making us both miss out.
Thinking about that stuff lights a fire under me more than any amount of debt would. Although with the way I'm lagging with side gigs/applying to second jobs, one might doubt that... But I want to be better. 😭 Brain is stupid.
(Anyone who has been a barback or a bartender before, please feel free to send me any tips on getting into the industry or about starting out at one's first job)
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wolfofartblock · 2 years
Trying to get some semblance of a story put together for the Researchers Au because I want to be consistent with what I draw, but I'm not a writer lol, so this is going to be long, it might run on and on, it'll probably be full of typos and errors because I'm also listening to music while typing it up, and more so please be patient >.> Things stil might change but for now I'm mostly satisfied with this.
Researches in the south pole find two creatures trapped in ice, as if they were frozen in the middle of a big fight. Both are cut and thawed out to be studied.
Dr. Mercer is such an important and world-renowned scientist that the (corporation/organization/government/idk) that the team works for lets him do whatever he wants when it comes to the research project. This includes him being the sole person allowed in the labratory containing the first creature's body (Alex).
Dr. Mercer was weirdly obsessed with Desmond, but also really hated him. Didn't think he deserved to be there, just like most of the scientists there, but to the extreme. While studying the creature he comes to theorize some of its abilities, including how it's able to consume and replace any organism, but of course this is just at theory and he needs a ginea (<- how do you spell that) pig.
Dr. Mercer then lures Desmond into the lab and attempts to get the creature to eat him. This backfires. Even while trapped in ice and subsequently the cyropod, the creature was aware of the presences and actions of each person at the station it came into contact with. It kind of liked Desmond and it was aware of what Dr. Mercer was trying to do. So it ate him instead. Easy.
Desmond obviously sees this, tries to tell the others but is not believed when "Dr. Mercer" appears behind him looking just fine and clearly not eaten. The real Dr. Mercer had never shared his theories with anyone, so no one suspected a thing.
Once everything is settled (for the night), Desmond goes to bed and the creature disguised as Dr. Mercer (Alex) goes to find the creature #2 to finish what they started however many thousands of years ago, but it's gone. No where to be seen. He thinks maybe it took advantage of the chaos Desmond caused running down the station's hallways screaming about Dr.Mercer's death. He swears and leaves the room.
For the next week Alex takes advantage of Dr.Mercer's refusal to allow anyone into the lab, pretending to hole up in there studying while actually crawling around through vents and pipes trying to find signs of the other creature so that he can take them down. Instead all he manages to do is give Desmond 20+ heart attacks a day and once again every time Desmond tries to tell someone he just saw something, he's brushed off, but at the same time some are worried. They think the isolation is getting to him, the way it did to his predecessor, Clay. They ask Alex to keep any eye on him because they've "noticed" the two getting closer recently anyways, but Alex was already watching him due to other reasons: already being 100% Desmond is a human since they were in the same room together when everything went down (or at the very least, that his locations can be checked and verified in some way or another the day of) (Thank you @teecupangel for that!)
At the start of the second week (as in week 2 since Dr. Mercer was eaten), one of the many sled dogs go missing. Desmond is distraught and some of the others at the station go from worried for him to scared of him. There's talk of sending him home or possibly getting him into some trouble. He's reprimanded and sent on his way. It's after this that him and Alex really do start to become a little close. There's still some odd behaviors from him here and there that weird Desmond out (stuff that Desmond would've easily connected to Alex being one of the creatures had the rest of the station not already convinced him he's being paranoid/crazy/needs help/etc.).
At the start of the third week, another dog goes missing. Desmond is once again pulled aside but this time with the promise that soon he will be returning home. He's either 1) incompetent and can't take care of them properly or 2) doing something to them and it's scaring the other station members (alongside his other recent actions). He finally goes to confront Alex about everything, because he knows that Alex knows something. Alex finally admits to being creature #1 and answers every question Desmond throws at him. He also admits he needs help finding creature #2 and Desmond is probably the only one who's able; Alex stating that he's noticed Desmond's abnormally keen senses for a human (or maybe that he might have a 6th sense altogether) and his knowledge of their environment and survival skills (thank you @twitcherpated-replies) would go a long way. Desmond says he wouldn't be able to because he leaves at the start of week 4. Alex says by then it might be too late. Creatures like them get stronger the more they eat, and the fresher the food they eat is. Alex being the good creature he is has been eating normal human food, and while it doesn't do much, it keeps him sustained. After some talking, Desmond of course agrees to help. They share whatever information they have with each other, anything and everything (turns out Desmond has way more information than Alex does because like he said, Desmond has something of a 6th sense and has noticed more wrong at the station than he's let on to others), and come up with a list of suspects that creature #2 could be: Daniel Cross, Elizabeth Greene, Lucy Stillman, etc. (thank you again @teecupangel for that one)
While carefully observing their suspects, Desmond questions how they're going to stop creature #2 if it's stronger than Alex. Alex brings up a drug Dr. Mercer had created called bloodtox, one that he was going to use on Alex had things actually gone according to his plans and Alex had eaten Desmond. They have three viles. Alex has one, Desmond has another and the last is back in the lab.
Finally, the day before Desmond is set to leave, they confront their #1 suspect, Lucy. While doing this, they're stopped by creature #2 revealing itself and the fact that it was just sticking close to Lucy because she was a really good scapegoat for them. A big fight ensues.
Alex's syringe is broken in the fight against creature #2. Desmond's syringe is broken while luring creature #2 away from Alex's unconcious body, letting himself get chased down multiple hallways and even thrown around a little. Rebecca runs into a security room and puts the building on lockdown (think of the doors closing in among us lolol), momentarily cutting creature #2 in half long enough for Desmond to get up and run and hide (2 doors closed in on it). The entire time it tries to go through the station, Rebecca is slamming doors in its face or turning on something or another to slow it down. It finally gets fed up, stares into the nearest camera at her, and flings itself into a vent. Desmond realizes creature #2 is no longer after him but after her and goes to stop it. Lucy and Shaun are left to find the last syringe. After some debate between each other they take the bloodtox out of the syringe because clearly these things aren't working. They find an empty spray bottle and decide that it'll just have to do. Desmond gets to the security room just in time to save Rebecca and Alex gets there just in time to save the both of them, but creature #2 is still stronger and the presence of Rebecca and Desmond is a little bit of a hinderance. Finally Shaun and Lucy show up and just start spraying creature #2. It's working, it's getting weaker and weaker. It tries to swat the spray bottle out of their hands but unlike the syringes, it can't shatter on impact with the ground or wall, so Alex just picks it right back up and keeps spraying them.
Finally the fight is over, Alex wins and consumes creature #2, to the horror of everyone but Desmond.
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bisluthq · 2 months
I saw people saying they remembered articles from February 2020 about Jason and Olivia separating but living together because of covid and the children, which disappeared around January. To me, the timeline doesn't make sense. Why was Jason perfectly happy with Olivia saying they split in February 2020 in the first article in November 2020 if he already knew about Harry? Also, Harry’s team putting an article out saying he wasn't to blame for this affair, and he was told they weren't together less than 12 hours later was funny.
Look, essentially you have three separate teams (Olivia’s, Jason’s and Harry’s) all doing separate things + the DWD promo team/the studio’s doing its own thing. Then you have the three of them also all doing their own separate things. I don’t think we’ll ever know exactly what happened because obviously they all have reasons to lie lol and did and will. Jason would obviously not want to have been publicly cucked - no man, let alone a Gen Xer man who’s very much a dude - would want that out there. It’s not imo that sympathetic to have had your BM fuck Harry Styles while living with you, it’s kind of deeply embarrassing. So I can see him also being invested in rewriting the timeline to look like he was less of a cuckold. Olivia obviously lies (we know this) so she likely was lying to both men. Harry wouldn’t want to be seen as splitting up a family tbh so whatever he knew or didn’t know like he also would’ve been invested in making the timeline like… more palatable lol so Jason and Olivia split up but were amicable co-parents and then he and Olivia started dating like that’s obviously a better version to put out than “Olivia cheated”? Especially since they still had the movie to put out so like 💀💀💀
idk man people who aren’t even famous lie and fudge timelines. My partner’s ex told people she met her AP the night he (my bf/her ex/her then husband) kicked her out and that they met on accident. She said she got kicked out after a big blowout fight, it was the middle of the night (this part is true) and she went to a friend’s house (unclear if this is true) because she was upset (probably true) etc and this new guy coincidentally happened to be staying there and that’s when they met. But like that’s not true lol. She got kicked out because her then husband saw messages on her phone from this other guy after she came home late and drunk after a meet up with this guy. Odds are she actually went to that guy’s house tbh and she def knew him - biblically - at that stage. But she tried to lie about it lol because saying “I got caught cheating and my husband told me to GTFO” isn’t a very sympathetic story. She also apparently then changed that story a bit when probed and like said my partner was distant and cold and shit and basically emotionally abusive which drove her to cheat/look for other guys lol. Again, more of a sympathetic story than “she cheated and got caught”. She also well likely believes some version of that second story idk she probably thinks if my bf/her ex was different then she wouldn’t have cheated. But also she stayed with the AP until he died in COVID because he was an anti vaxxer and anti masker and stuff but also recent tea I obtained through mutual friends because I’m xoxo gossip girl tbh heavily suggests that she cheated on that new/now dead guy too so maybe she should be asking herself why she keeps cheating lol idk.
Idk that lady’s thought processes like she’s just super fucking crazy imo and kinda a bad person. Not because she’s my bf’s ex because especially when I’ve been pissed at him I’ve investigated this and y’all know how much I like doing detective work and I really am a girls’ girl (pussies included and like he is not wrong in that she’s attractive so my drunk ass one time was like “how funny would it be if her and I got together” and then I truly FBI’d) and I’ve actively wanted to know like what he lied about (because everybody lies) or where the piping hot tea is being poured (I want to be there) but what I keep coming up with… is she is a crazy ass cunt lol who lies and cheats and has done so since she was a teenager (because a friend of hers from school is still mutuals with both her and my bf and I quizzed her - subtly - and like… bruh this lady is insane lol which actually at the time was an L for me because it was during our break and I was trying to prove he is always the problem).
my point is people involved in cheating generally speaking lie so idk why you’d expect to figure out exactly who knew what and when about complete strangers. I wouldn’t trust like friends’ versions of their cheating accounts 100% let alone the cheating accounts of total strangers. I assume Jason, Olivia and Harry all lied (to each other and to their teams and their teams lied too because it was a bad vibe situation???)
I’m not sure who the crazy ass cunt is in their situation. All or none idk. Could go either way.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 year
hey so i have a question and idk if this is an ask youre ok with answering, if not its fine- but so a week or so ago my mom offhandedly made a really weird really specific joke about me being fed balloons to traffic drugs as a child, and then immediately before i even said anything, started really aggressively saying she was joking and when i joked that it was a little suspicious that she was so aggressive about clarifying it was a joke, she said (slight paraphrasing) “well i thought i should say it because otherwise you’d be like ‘oh i don’t remember my childhood, did that actually happen?,,’” and then basically called me crazy by comparing me to a really notoriously eccentric friend i have, and when i called her out on it she accused me of being the one who was calling him (and myself) crazy, then when i said she was acting weird she started getting really flustered and it was super awkward and she was over explaining in a way she only does when she’s lying or trying to cover her ass, she kept giving me reasons that i wasn’t a drug mule as a child, and then she left extremely quickly and unnaturally after the whole interaction. I don’t have any memories of this, but the whole thing left me feeling extremely uneasy in a way i usually am not. I felt like I was in danger the rest of the night and even ended up sleeping with a weapon, which to be fair is a feeling i’ve had before but it’s never been exactly like this. I really felt like i found something out that i wasn’t supposed to, and that they would kill me for it. i do have ocd and this could’ve just been that, but it was weird. it felt more real and ive been very off balance since this, feeling very unsafe everywhere i go. i have a weapon by my bed at all times now just in case, but i have no idea why i am doing this because i have no memory of having any reason to. 
im very polyfragmented (dont know why or what caused it, know i experienced some kind of severe childhood abuse but generally don’t remember anything from childhood before age 10) and i’ve been splitting much more than usual since this, idk why.
I have been badly triggered by mention of organized crime and drug rings in the past but i assumed it was just because it was a heavy topic. I also have symptoms and vague memories of csa, as well as csem/csam. some of my alters are intensely triggered by the word magazine, i dont know why.
i am having trouble getting this out, i feel like my mind is trying to stop me if that makes any sense,  i feel like im sealing. my fate by typing this. i dont think i am but its a very heavy feeling. i just want to know if this is something i should actually be concerned about, or if i am just crazy and an attention seeking liar making up false stories for pity. my parents dont seem capable of anything like this at all, and i know i at least had a regular side of my life as a child with friends and school and stuff, but for some reason I’m scared and have been scared since my mom mentioned it, and i just need to know if this anything i should be worried about, or look into, or anything. if theres a possibility i experienced something awful and don’t remember it at all. its been really bugging me and scaring me for a bit,
im sorry this is a really long confusing ask, youre free to delete it. my mind is quite jumbled. sorry
No worries about the length of the ask. I want to assure you that you can write as much as you feel comfortable with.
I agree with you, it is an odd joke that your mother made. There is a saying that behind a joke there is some truth in it. 
Ultimately you know your mother. Does she often turn things around on you when you have disagreements? From what you described it sounds like gas-lighting.
Feeling safe is so important. I understand the need/feeling/desire to sleep with a knife. Feels safe, I get it.  My question is, who are “ they”? Who would try to kill you?
Which leads me back to safety. If you are physically safe, which only you can answer, and have been then you are likely safe.  If not, what things do you feel you are able to do to work towards safety?
There are parts in your system who do remember the abuse and what occurred. With time perhaps they will share those things.
Take your time in deciding what you want to do. The choice is yours to make. There is something awful that occurred that led to you living with DID.
Take care,
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U dont have to respond to this if you feel its tmi or whatwver but ... I had an odd prophetic dream kind of moment recently , and its been makingme nervous. I had a dream that, Me, my father, and his girlfriend were being spied on/chased after by someone.. Something like that. It came completely out of the blue and i didnt think anything of it! then, that morning, i get a call from my father that hes in town , and that he has to tell me something urgently , and when we meet he tells me that .... For context, his girlfriend 's ex husband is a person with a lot of money and power. and tells me that He has been actively threatening them+has also been threatening my fathers daughter . And that I should be very careful because people like this are capable of everything. Just that night I was visiting the lost all hope website. Ive been in a very bad mental slum . This somehow really , idk, it felt real. It put my troubles aside , because what is happening is real and , there's something . Talking about my dream... I wish I could, and idk how to connect further with this side of myself. I wish i could somehow keep this spiritual feeling ? I really wish there was more things like this happwnign to me. and i know i need to seek them out. but idk how to do it. because im instead stuck in my own head... My father told me i should turn and talk to my spiritual teachers, and ask for them to guide me. I dont know how to go about it. I feel like I need something magical to happen. I really know very little about this stuff. On another note, and im rly sorry if this makes u nervous, ihad a dream tonight that something happened to pochita , and when I woke up i instantly went to ur blog to check on pochita .-.;; I know pochita will be ok though...
awh i am happy to answer this anon, i am happy u cld come to me about it. firstly i want to say i really hope you are ok, ill b praying for you and ur family anon. try to tell urself like a mantra, "no weapon formed against me shall prosper". try to create a feeling of safety in ur heart as u think/say it. envision your family being guarded by an angel army. people with money who use it for evil, they're the most doomed souls. they're living at the lowest frequency possible. you have power over them that u can utilize w your heartfelt prayers. now, as for the dreams: i believe that you may have experienced an ESP dream, picking up on the worries of ur father. its no coincidence, im telling you! from what u psychically were picking up, your dream may have provided a scenario thats priming u to handle this predicament. it shows great sensitivity to be able to not only facilitate an esp dream, but to recall it and apply it to real life. you're on your way anon 🤍 more things like this can happen the more u open urself up to them. however, you cant force it! the more u try to force it, the more it'll repel itself. its hard to explain but.. prayer and study will open up more avenues. listen to whats happening in the back of ur mind. for me, i actually have way more prophetic visions in waking life than in dreams. it took years to rly trust my intuition the way i do now, years of constantly having unusual hunches then being proven right. its a lifelong journey, look forward to it~ ur father is right, ask your guides or angels or whoever, ask them to show u the next step. the magic is all around u, its in the small things, try to notice them and dont ever write anything off as coincidence. thats my advice.. and as for your dream of pochita, i appreciate yr concern ;w; the thing w dream interpretation is, altho u get the occasional prophecy coming thru, most dreams are not meant to be taken too literally. i suspect it was a stress dream and since pochita's injury has been on people's minds lately, ur dream was using her to symbolize something in ur subconscious. she's doing just fine laying at my feet as i type this 🤍 thanku for caring her 🤍 u seem like a sweetheart and i pray for ur family's safety. dont give up hope anon. there are miracles in your future!!!!!!!!!
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I gotta ask... The symbol relationship asks... For Whiskers! 🥺
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1. What were their first impressions of one another?
Kisa found Lucille odd at first. Too inquisitive and curious. Too nice, even. He spent a good deal of time waiting to find an ulterior motive. But he did find her gorgeous, so there is that.
2 .What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
A classic man.. Expensive dinner and a nice walk in the Harbour. One of those dates where you don't want to separate at the end because it feels so right and warm.
3. It’s late at night and your characters want food, what do they order/find in the fridge?
DEFINITELY the two am chocolate chip cookies couple!!! tell me I'm wrong?! they are definitely baking and giggling and getting flour all over each other.
4. What’s a typical Sunday like for them?
With the assumption Kisa has no work; Either working on their own projects in comfortable silence, or resident kittyboy knitting while Luci naps on his lap.
5. What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
Kisa's giving are gifts and physical touch, his receiving is quality time and physical touch! I do not recall Lucille's but I think her entire personality is a love language in and of itself, and Kisa agrees with me so. Very compatible indeed.
6. Do they have any pet names/nicknames for eachother?
Kisa is.. a lover of petnames and nicknames.. SO MANY. but uhh; "My petal." "My flower." "Droplet." "Mi vida." "The thread to my needle." he lays 'em on thique.
7. What do they argue about?
They're more talk it out people but I can definitely see them getting into it over Kisa's work. Especially the.. shittier stuff?
8. Who does what chores, and why?
Okay idk about Luci, but I know that Kisa loves laundry and loves cooking. He HATES dishes though.
9. What’s the most difficult thing they’ve been through together?
we don't talk sad scenarios for them very often but honestly, just divulging each other's pasts and lost friends to each other and working through the pain of it together...
10. How do they make up after a fight?
Kisses and snuggles and Kisa WILL cook for her.
11. Who causes the most arguments?
Outsiders. idk how to explain it, again they're more likely to talk things through. But if somebody (like Decord or Galin or Zhongli) accidentally instigates an argument with a comment even unintentionally then well.
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
Kisa is afraid of Lucille's trusting nature. It isn't that its her worst quality, he doesn't think about that. But its the quality of hers that he fears the most.
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
He thinks shes so nurturing and loving. It makes him so happy. She's such a kind soul and he appreciates it so much, he wants to protect her even though he knows Luci doesn't need it.
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
"Lucille? Ah, mi vida.. She's such a kind person, isn't she? (laughs) yes, unique too.. Her laughter is like sunlight and her smile is like the moon reflecting on a beautiful pond. The keeper of my soul that one.. Oh and her hair is simply so soft!"
15. What names are they saved as on each other’s phone?
"Love of my life(pink)"
16. What would they consider quality time?
working on their own projects in the same room in quiet or with minimal talking! Kisa likes to just exist with her.
17. Who decides which movies to watch?
They take turns...
18. How are they like on a road trip together?
I'm 80% sure this happens in canon?? i forgor. anyways kisa mf napping half the time!!! boy!! get up!
19. It’s raining, did either of your OCs bring an umbrella? If so, who, and do they share it?
Kisa did, his tail is a bitch when its wet. And of course he shares!
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
cling machine 5000
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
Depends on the game? Lucille 100% strikes me as NOT a sore loser, but Kisa definitely is sometimes LMAO
22. Do they ever share clothes?
kisa u cannot tailor ur gfs clothes to fit you when you miss her, thats so strange of you. anyways yes they share clothes.
23. Your OCs are on a trip and there’s only one bed! What do they do?
sleep together?? nightly activities even?? SNUGGLE. (we cut to luci cuddling kisa's tail instead of him)
24. What do your characters think about marriage? Are they for or against it?
Kisa deffo never saw himself getting married. NAH NO WAY. but now he's like "okay maybe.. but only to her." like alr. simp.
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
HER SMILE!!!!! also her hair. he's j really into fluffing her hair.
26. Do any of them have bad habits that the other can’t stand?
omg kisa is the kind of person who puts his needle in his mouf and j leaves it there and that would annoy ME personally. that's so gross.
27. Who is more down to earth?
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
disgusting!!!!! they love each other and everyone knows. it is everyone's problem. (we cut to decord gagging while sandrone smacks him)
29. How are they affectionate in private?
(smirk emote) sooo many kisses... but also kisa will take his arm off around her and idk thats a big sign of trust for him because it makes him insanely more vulnerable. and then he'll j?? cuddle her!!
30. How does your OC react to being broken up with?
"Oh. okay. I understand. I wish you the best, Lucille." (he's going to go cry for DAYS now. even Galin can't cheer him up and they usually never fail)
31. Do they fall in love easily?
32. Your character is in love, do they confess? If not, how long do they wait?
okay deadass pretty sure Kisa waited so much longer than he should have. I don't recall if we ever talked about who confessed first?? but honestly Kisa waits longer than he should cause he's.. afraid! this is new. he's slept with people sure, had dates, toyed around. But real genuine feelings? yikes, bro.
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
Same as before, I am not sure if we discussed this??
34. Who is more stubborn?
Kisa lol..
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
Working on something for an upcoming mission and his arm malfunctioning and Lucille picking up the dropped needle without missing a beat in her story and handing it to him with a grin before she continues and Kisa can hear his heart in his ears and he can't help the swish of his tail and his arm is still twitching but gods she's gorgeous and her voice is so soothing and maybe he won't make the deadline if his arm needs to be repaired but it doesn't matter because THIS moment matters.
36. How long have they been friends? Would they consider each other best friends?
I like to think they're fast friends so sure maybe they aren't friends the longest before dating (looks at mors caeli with judgement) but they're good friends!!
37. How did they become friends?
ngl I highkey forgot how they met and we should visit that again!! but I think it was Sulien's fault.
38. Who’s more ticklish?
Kisa is not AT ALL ticklish, so maybe Luci?
39. If your OCs has/had a child, who would be the stricter parent?
Hmm they're both carefree but strict in their own ways, imo? On the surface you'd think Luci is the less strict parent, but with what they've both been through I think they have their own "things", yk?
40. What do they do when they miss one another? Is one more needy than the other/s?
Kisa is a bit of a weirdo and will sleep with something that smells like her. He has them cat senses. He's not a particularly needy person, but this is his first really real long term relationship so.. yk.
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
"She's a walking green flag. Literally. I love her so much."
42. Have they ever been jealous?
oh Kisa is MEGA jealous. he's just really good at hiding it. She's such a charismatic lovable person! hard not to be a little jealous of all the attention she gets.
43. Is one more introverted/extroverted than the other?
They are both extroverted and introverted enough.
44. Who’s the better cook?
gonna claim this spot for Kisa. he and Decord compete for best Razvedka chef.
45. Are they good at comforting one another? Does someone hide their feelings usually?
Kisa is bad at it at first. But once Luci tells him what she needs and how she likes to be comforted, he takes that to heart, and he's really good about being there for her. Kisa hides his feelings at first, but when/if she calls him out on it, it just comes out like a waterfall and he stops hiding them.
46. Would they have been friends with each other in school?
probably not ngl.
47. Who made the first move?
i forgor i have memory loss im SORRY.
48. Do they get on well with each other’s family? Is family important to them?
Luci DOES get on well with the Razvedka team and we know that that's Kisa's family! so yes.
49. Do they tease each other? What about?
BANTER LOVERS... anything and everything, but they both know not to go too far.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
I mean Kisa is mortal.. so..
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jackiedaytona · 2 years
okay idk much about horror stuff bc I am a pansy but I do know a lot about being very deadpanned and odd as a child so imagine its kind of like the scene with steve and dustin where they’re walking through the woods but instead of baiting an eldritch monster, hes getting dragged to a graveyard to dig up someone’s dead pet
hes awakened by the feeling of eyes on him.
sam is standing not too far from the end of his side of the bed, knocking his foot off the bed when he notices that steve is up.
“come on” sam harshly whispered , “i need you to take me to the graveyard”
“TO THE GRAVE-“ a shush from sam and groan from henry shuts him quickly. steve points to the door and sam understands immediately
“why do you need to go to a graveyard in the middle of the night!” steve whisper yells.
“he’s up” sam offers nothing else. nothing but a quick pace to the doorway sliding into his boots he never ties and picking up steve’s keys. looking between the bedroom door and the front door left open steve makes a decision to follow after sam and ask questions later. he doesnt need henry waking up panicking about his kid running off in the middle of the night, especially to a graveyard.
with a huff, begrudgingly stuffing his feet into his slippers (house shoes be damned).
sam already parked himself in the front passenger seat, his music playing way too loud, as if its a regular day and not the middle of the night.
“finally! hes probably dead again already”
it all feels like really weird dream. hes driving on a shitty dirt road through the woods to go to a graveyard because his boyfriend’s son told him to. steve’s waiting for the faceless monsters to come out to fully commit to the strangeness.
and sam… Sam is not saying a goddamn thing. no explanation, no slips of information. just telling steve where to turn.
“can i at least ask…” steve trailed off when fixed sam’s sharp gaze on him
“you get one question”
“who is ‘he’?”
“binx” he said it like it was common sense. ahh yeah we’re going to see binx at the graveyard @ 3am what else would we be doing
“you have your shovel right?”
“my shovel?”
“you used all your questions. yes or no?”
“i never had a shovel…i have a bat?”
“great steve! gonna beat a hole in the ground.”
“im sorry, i didnt know i would grave digging anytime soon. i’ll be better prepared for next time”
“see look a quick learner too! and they say youre just a pretty face” sam said with a sarcastic smile “it should be fine he doesnt feel that big so maybe hes not that deep in. nothing a big stick and rock cant do” he continued, mumbling mostly to himself
sam walks off on his own analyzing every stick and stonehenge, steve following close behind him (its one thing to take sam in the middle of the night but to lose him too, he might as well stay at the yard)
“what are we looking for?”
“i answered that already” walking closer to the end of the graveyard, where it started to bleed into the woods. steve was starting to regret not having a flashlight
it wasnt until sam stopped by some loose dirt that looked like it was breathing. “fuck fuck fuck i got you little buddy dont worry” it came out rushed a worried. the most empathetic steve has ever heard sam sound. it worried him the usually quiet and deadpanned teen sounded on the edge of tears. wordlessly, steve rushed off to help dig up the dirt with his bare hands.
they had dug until steve saw a small black paw. moving more frantically when a weak cry was heard, sam tried moving the dirt from around the animal to give more space to move around. few minutes of waiting and the cat was crawling its way up. slowly and gently, sam had coaxed the whimpering cat onto his laps, laying calming pets on its head.
the cat was small and all black, had a weird face; missing left eye and tattered ear, the left side of his face was furless in general. The cat was shaking but not frightened, “hey uh..” breaking the tense silence “i have a sweater in the backseat of the car, do you uh…do you think he’s cold” steve had offered, just wanting to help.
there was a beat of silence, before sam attempted to stand up without disturbing the the cat, “that’ll be great actually” he said softly, all of his attention focused on the cat.
a quiet walk back to the car, steve opens the front door to help sam in and then goes through the back to grab his hoodie from the backseat. “do you need anything else while we’re out?”
“i dont think anything is open right now… but binx will need some food soon” another duration of silence before steve piped up again.
“can i at least know what just happened?” before sam could respond steve interrupted with, “and no more evading answers. you woke me up to go get a dead cat. i at least should know what is happening”
“…binx wasnt on his last life. i felt him come back alive again and needed to make sure he was okay.” the cat was now asleep, bundled up in the sweater and in sam’s arms.
“does henry know about this…cat resurrection thing youre doing”
“of course. he usually helps nurse them back to health and we take them to shelters so they can find families again” the smallest but most genuine smile steve has ever seen flashed on sam’s face before it was back to his usual stony, impassive state. “do we have eggs at home binx will need some protein”
“yeah yeah sure…” steve was unsure how to take the answer. on one hand it still felt like a weird dream and the other he was still too tired to tired to question whether sam was bullshitting him or not. what truly outdid him for the night was when he heard sam start to coo at the cat.
sam softly baby talking to the cat, “and maybe some bread, you came back from the dead you deserve a little special treat” bewildered but not entirely sure hes surprised by the turn this night had taken steve pulled into his parking spot.
“im going to take him to my room, can you get started on boiling like 2 eggs” not taking his eyes off the cat he walked up to the door and waited for steve to open it.
steve went into the bathroom to wash the dirt off his hands before going back to the kitchen to grab a pot and eggs and got that started. the need for sleep started to settle in but if he stayed in the kitchen. sam came back looking in the cabinet for a bowl, choosing some tupperware and filling it with water, he wordlessly went back to his room
this turned out way longer than i thought it was going to be sorry and sorry for any mistakes.
oh my god anon i Love it thank you for sharing
bonding with your boyfriend's son through his hobby of resurrecting pets. also you mentioned sam just standing over them while they sleep, and i've always thought of that as a staple of the horror-ish aus, where steve wakes up to this creepy kid just Staring at him in the middle of the night and jumps a foot in the air while henry is like "aw. hey baby. you wanna sleep in here?"
the next morning, after their little impromptu fieldtrip, steve's pretty groggy, sipping what he knows will be the first of multiple coffees. sam isn't paying him any more attention than he usually does (which is none) and he'd be convinced it was all a strange dream if it weren't for the cat purring in his lap.
"good morning," henry says, rounding into the kitchen and immediately spotting the cat, "oh, binx is up. why didn't you get me last night?"
"you said you had a headache," sam mutters back and steve can see his boyfriend soften.
"sweet boy," he murmurs, wrapping his arms around sam and pressing his cheek against his hair (only person who's ever been allowed to do something like that), "but i don't want you going out by yourself in the middle of the night."
"i didn't," sam says, "steve was with me."
"oh, he was?" henry says, sparing a glance for his boyfriend before turning back to his son, "and did you tell him thank you?"
steve can see sam sigh a little before actually looking at him for the first time all morning.
"thank you, steve."
steve mutters back a soft welcome, more interested in watching henry smile and press a kiss against the crown of sam's head before pulling away. he's sort of convinced that he's actually still in a dream, that he never woke up and it's just ongoing, but when henry presses a kiss against his lips and murmurs his own thanks for taking care of his boy, he decides he doesn't mind.
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 month
friday - saturday
watched 2 movies today...
last night i asked my friend for a bunch of silent films to watch, one of the ones he suggested was the marriage circle, a lubitsch film, i decided to because it seemed kind of normal i suppose?? i dunno, but i ended up quite liking it, the more i think about it, the more i like it, it's just rather funny, it's not much more than rather funny as well, but i like the way it's funny, and i like how silent films thus far seem to handle guilty characters, the panic and the way others don't see it, the invisibility of the obvious guilt, the fact that you can't be so guilty something disappears, that it has to be about expressing it, coming to terms with it, making something pass, this feels different to what we see now. though that's hard to articulate because #sleepy so i'll try tomorrow. tomorrow i'll probably watch nosferatu.
the 2nd film i watched today was l'etoile de mer, by man ray, it's watchable on yt:
i love the shot that's here as the thumbnail, definitely a very beautiful short. the poem used in it has me curious about desnos, so i dled a book of his poetry, to see what that's like, has me very curious about man ray's other films, so maybe tomorrow i'll also do another one of those? or i might try the short artaud wrote. i'm very excited to uncover other surrealist films, hopefully i can find more stuff from the 20s, it feels odd to me that there's not a ton listed places but there must be more than i see, i suppose it's also a good idea to widen the search to also include dadaist films.
again i'd like to say more about the movie... there's a lot there about how it handles its procession of images, the grammar of that up against the lubitsch, for instance, here the presence of nudity, relaxed bodies, a greater sense of informality, subtlety in the acting, in lubitsch, and with most narrative films probably of the time, the actors had to do that to get themselves across, and create excitement, and it is also a meaningful and interesting way to express emotion, the actors in surrealist film, at least in man ray, they're not less weird, really, they are obviously of this time in some way, but there's more slackness, less cartoonish maybe. but in the editing and movement of the camera too, there are many differences, and then the ways all of this is organized, images fall back on themselves in man ray's film, at one point the explosion of all these simultaneous images, simultaneity in lubitsch does occur in ways, mostly for gags, and never with editing, so much as long sustained shots and then the consequences of whatever mishap. it's fascinating.
but i gotta sleep, we went out today and weren't out late just for a while, since 2 pm, and we're just so sleepy from out dumb schedules getting fixed. it was great to see our friend, and we saw our other friend at the book store she works at, we went out to eat after, i saw a kid unwrap his burrito at a restaurant and hold the tortilla over the plate, everything falling off, seeing him learn how things work wwas kind of awesome, and i made a stupid joke that inspired some writing. in the bookstore i read some books that i cannot buy... i read some of horse crazy by gary indiana, and some of the passion according to g.h. by clarice lispector, both are books i would really like to have and read all of... but cannot atm. i will pick through desnos' poetry book that i dled, i think, at least, and tomorrow try and get thru more of dennis coopers new book, and work on music. that might seem like a lot... but i can do it.
reading felt good today, it centers me a bit i think, especially gary indiana, idk why, his way of writing connects to me somewhere inside, some kind of thing to do with all the distance i feel, the ways i ruminate and all that...
gotta... sleep... i took selfies too today, i'll post them tomorrow also... promisszszsse
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popstarryeyed · 2 years
second impression of midnights (more favorable)
lavender haze - i think i would've liked this better as a track off reputation. like now taylor writing about her reputation is overdone but the idea of falling in love while the world hates you is actually compelling. i love "delicate". objectively it's not a bad concept for a song. it's also very jack antonoff-y production wise and i don't mind that but it is very noticable.
maroon - still can't get over "so scarlet it was maroon". not the same color! also one of the things i find fun about taylor swift is her continuity with imagery and theme, and in "daylight" she talks about how she used to think love was burning red (like the song and album red) but it's golden. i don't know how maroon fits into that established color imagery.
anti-hero - the first few lyrics are a bit too hashtag-relatable (saying the word depression directly instead of just describing the experience) but overall i really like the song. i feel like people might think the sexy baby/monster on the hill line is cringe but i actually really love it bc i can totally see tall 30-something taylor swift feeling odd and ungainly next to younger music industry girls. and as a fat woman in my late 20s, i definitely feel that way sometimes about college students on the train. the music video skit IS cringe though
snow on the beach - it's pretty, but saying it's featuring lana del rey is laughable. if i didn't know she was on there i wouldn't have noticed.
you're on your own, kid - kind of growing on me. i've certainly felt alone a lot of the time. i like that this album is giving some insight into taylor swift as a kid being kind of lonely and weird. when she first got famous, i saw her as a very normal popular girl but a) i don't know what she was like pre-fame and b) getting famous at a young age would make you weird.
midnight rain - i really want to love this bc the lyrics and concept are so good. taylor swift thinking back to someone who wanted a more stable life but she wanted to pursue her music career and how they just had such wildly different priorities. i love the imagery of sunshine and midnight rain to convey this distance, reminds me of that verse from "your best american girl" ("you're the sun / you've never seen the night / but you hear its song from the morning birds"). and i can totally imagine that she still thinks about it sometimes because pursuing her fame has also fucked her over. BUT that pitch-shifted voice. it's not the worst pitch-shifted voice i've heard but i don't like it and i think the song's lyrics would hit harder if delivered more directly.
question - this is good, asking a past fling for closure makes sense with the whole midnights thing. i like when taylor gets pointed
vigilante shit - it's so...revenge as aesthetic. like she does some interesting stuff on the song, revealing her ex's crimes, teaming up with his ex-wife, but the way it comes back to how she's dressed makes it so hollow. like it's not a story about her getting revenge, it's about the aesthetic of being a vengeful woman. like scary scary sexy lady from crazy ex-gf but not a joke. "mad woman" does the "aren't you tired of being nice? don't you want to just go apeshit?" theme better, and "no body no crime" has an actual revenge storyline. this does neither.
bejeweled - i like it. flex on that loser
labyrinth - not particularly memorable
karma - sounds lovely but i don't love the smugness
sweet nothing - i think this is about how the world expects so much of her but this partner expects nothing and it's so comfortable. but idk. something rubs me the wrong way about it. especially the bit about people asking her to do more but she's too soft for it. like obviously i get the appeal disconnecting from the world to be with your partner but that's not a solution to the world's problems
mastermind - i like this one. i get it, trying to orchestrate things because you don't get things if you don't.
the great war - i still like this one a lot. maybe my fave overall.
bigger than the whole sky - still good.
paris - again with the whole "i'm totally disconnected from the world with my boyfriend" thing. except paris is, in fact, a part of the world.
high infidelity - i like this one better on second listen. rolling eyes at a jealous lover like do i have to tell you every detail of my life? ugh!
glitch - i like it. the idea that falling in love is some flaw in the plan, some electronic glitch in your programming - i feel it.
would've could've should've - i totally understand why this relationship is still bothering her over a decade later. i still listen to dear john and feel homicidal.
dear reader - i don't like songs where the singer just gives you advice. it's always so trite.
overall i am far more positive on it than i was. still think there's some filler and weak songs, but hey, that's typical for a taylor swift album
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
So I was having a watching music videos but doing stuff around the house day today.. And one of my comfort/childhood Trace Adkins songs came on.. It was Swing ( I know I'm an odd one for it being a childhood song, my mom raised me on his music and just all around more adult music.. 😆 ) Anywaysssss! It made an idea pop into my head cause I subconsciously have been on the look out for ideas to send ya after you posted your last part to the wonderful Frankie story saying you were open to ideas and such. 🤗💞
Enough of my rambling, on to the actual idea.. 😆🤣🏃💨
So maybe since they are in full cuteness of being a relationship, that Frankie would want to teach reader how to do something he loves doing.. And or her doing the same with Frankie.. 🤔🤔 Since their lives are definitely officially merging together now ( in the cutest way cause they are couple goals,lol). 💞🤗
Idk why watching/listening to swing made that kind of idea pop into my head, but it did.. 🤣🤷‍♀️
You can have full ideas of all of it, whatever kinda active they wanna teach,etc.. 💞 I just had some of small baking ingredients to gift you if you wanted to make the meal.. 😆💞 idek where that analogy came from but oh well, lmao.
But I hope your day/week has been amazingggg! 💗🤗 And no worries whatsoever if this idea does not work with you, etc. Just wanted to pass an idea on if you wanted it. 💞😊
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Comfort hugs and extra sending of loveeee if you are in need of them. 💞🤗😘 ( Adorable handsome Mr. Pascal and Morales to make you smile maybe too) 💞🤗
You just unlocked a bunch of foundational memories with this ask! I grew up listening to a lot of Grateful Dead and bluegrass music (thanks Dad), so I know what you mean when your childhood songs don’t line up perfectly with when you were a kid.
Hmm, Frankie or Ms J teaching each other things…
I was trying to think of what might come up here. Frankie has a lot of interesting talents (that Ms J has definitely been privy to). But then I was contemplating your musical inspiration…and I remembered Pedro is going to play Joel in The Last of Us…and I figured out where this should go. If you’ve played The Last of Us 2, you’ll recognize a bit of where I’m pulling this from.
This one got away from me a little bit, I hope you enjoy!
Takes place after Something More.
Future Days
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish" Morales x F!Reader "Ms Jackson"
Summary: What have Frankie or Ms J taught each other?
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, past Sex Worker!Frankie, watch me make up shit about sex work, The TF boys being too fun for their own good, Santi singing needs its own warning, descriptions of male and female bodies, breast play, unprotected PiV sex (don’t be a fool, wrap your tool), some minor cum play if you squint, me only knowing the smallest amount about playing guitar.
Cross-posted on AO3
Sex Worker!Frankie AU Masterlist
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It was at another one of the Miller’s barbecues, much later in the summer when the oppressive heat of the day kept everyone in lightweight clothes and the night brought out camping blankets, that Frankie found out you still had your share of surprises.
The sun had set, leaving you around “another fuckin’ great bonfire” according to Benny, when Santi disappeared into the house. When he returned with a shit-eating grin and a guitar in one hand, everyone but you groaned.
“Santi, if we have to listen to your caterwauling one more time, I’m going to put that guitar right into the fire,” Will complained, though it sounds good-natured. Santi scoffs and sits in the chair next to yours, giving you his full attention since no one else seems to want it.
“Don’t listen to them, they’re just jealous I’ve got an instant in with the ladies,” he whispers, strumming a few chords and raising an eyebrow at you. You smirk and nod, feigning an impressed expression as he prepares to serenade all of the grimacing boys. Frankie is walking back to sit on your other side, placing a fresh Corona in your hand.
You push the lime through the tight neck of the bottle as Santi does a not-half-bad rendition of “Dancing in the Moonlight,” which despite their moans gets the boys’ toes tapping. Santi’s voice is clear and lifts on the breeze, a light vibrato on held notes and breathy exhales on the low dips. He’s all smiles and winking at everyone watching, just as engaging a performer as a singer. His energy is infectious; you even join in on the verses, Will adding an overly high falsetto at times that makes you all laugh. He’s warmed up to you more over time, growing from the silent brother to your favorite person to confide in when the party gets rowdy. Silent smiles and rolled eyes are your language.
Santi waves his hands for a smattering of applause, yours the loudest. He dips his head in mock modesty.
“I’m glad someone here appreciates my musical talent,” he jokes, and you try your hardest not to break into the silliest grin. “You enjoy the guitar too, Ms Jackson?” You nod, eyeing the mahogany curves and the onyx neck of his well-loved looking instrument. Santi notices with a sly smile.
“You ever play?” he asks, and he’s walked right into your not-so-subtle trap.
‘Yeah, I’ve dabbled,” you say, earning a surprised look from Santi and, you assume, Frankie behind your shoulder. Santi holds the guitar out to you.
“Care to grace us with a little tune?” Before you can answer Benny whoops and shouts, “Yeah Ms J, show him how it’s done!” You shake your head but take the guitar, scooting up to rest it on your knees. It’s a little bigger than the one you’re used to playing, but you adjust your position around it. Taking a peek over at Frankie, his eyes shining in the firelight, you catch a surprised smile gracing his face.
It’s exciting to think you can still surprise him.
“What would you like me to play?” you ask Santi sweetly, testing a few chords.
“Whatever inspires you, I’m beyond intrigued now,” he says, turning his chair to face you more fully. “Fish, you never told me Ms Jackson can jam.” Frankie huffs out a laugh and you beat him to an answer.
“Hasn’t come up before, Santi,” you reply coolly, looking back at Frankie and giving him a smile. He’s looking especially rumpled and adorable, barefooted in khaki shorts and a red jean jacket half hiding a tattered Fleetwood Mac t-shirt that definitely has a hole in the armpit.
“Anyway, here’s Wonderwall,” you joke, strumming the first few notes to a chorus of groans. “Ok jeez, tough crowd.” Instead you begin thumping your foot against the ground, plucking at the strings with the nimbleness of practice. You hear Will’s, “Oh shit!” from across the fire as you get through the intro and stop for two beats, all the boy’s faces breaking out in smiles as you jump into the first lines of “The Chain.”
Frankie’s bellowing cheer tells you this was a good pick. Benny and Santi start clapping along with the beat, Santi’s clear voice pairing with your airier one and adding strength to the melody. He even harmonizes with you, making your hair stand on end at the major chords. The chorus has all of the boys joining in, Frankie’s growly baritone speak-singing the lyrics next to you. Benny and Will air-drum through the interlude, you plucking through the bass section. The music peters off as you strum through the ending.
“Holy shit Ms Jackson! You’ve been holding out on me!” Santi cheers, taking the guitar from you and slapping you on the back.
“Anytime, as long as the boys don’t get tired of listening to me,” you reply. Santi slings the guitar strap over his shoulder and saunters to the other side of the fire, playing the beginning of another song that has Will and Benny practically running from him. You get up to toss out your bottle but Frankie snags you on the way by, pulling you down into his lap with a squeak. Warmth surrounds you, big arms wrapping you into Frankie’s body as he beams into your face.
“You trying to get me riled up?” he growls playfully, to which you tap him on his strong nose and weave your fingers into the base of his curls.
“I know your weaknesses, Frankie Morales,” you tease, scritching at the place on his scalp that makes his eyes close. He hums and squeezes your hips with his large hands.
“You’re gonna have to teach me that sometime,” he says, pressing a kiss at the hinge of your jaw. You sigh, giggling when you hear Will threaten, “If you sing that stupid hippo song one more time I’m going to shove that torture device so far up your ass.”
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A few days later, Frankie surprises you right back.
“I would actually like to learn,” he brings up out of the blue. He’s got your feet in his lap, tucked at the end of his couch as you lounge across it. His thumb makes circles in the pad of your foot, gentle but also…nervous?
“Learn what?” you ask, sitting up to see him better. His smile is a little sheepish.
“How to play guitar,” he says a little quieter. He’s keeping his eyes trained on your feet, which makes your nose crinkle. Does he think you’d laugh at him for that? When it might be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?
“Of course, Frankie. I can dig up my old one.” The smile that creeps onto Frankie’s face settles into your heart like so many of his other emotions.
“It’s okay? I don’t want it to be a hassle,” he concedes, but you’re shaking your head and scooting closer to him.
“I would love to teach you.” Frankie scoffs for a moment, lifting his cap to comb back his hair. You grab the brim and toss it over onto his coffee table, replacing it with your fingers instead. He melts below your touch, leaning back and looking at you with that strangely sheepish expression again.
“I, um…” he starts, pausing to look in your face before continuing, “I’m not always the most…patient learner. So if it gets to be too much you just…give me a slap or something.” You hum at this admission. Frankie could be impatient in some aspects, but most times it had been to your benefit.
“We’ll have to see how good of a teacher I am,” you settle on, and Frankie’s gentle eyes couldn’t be more adoring.
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Frankie was not kidding. For someone who could be so patient and take so much time in some aspects of his life, learning a new skill frustrated him to no end.
You’d started small, showing him how to hold a few major chords on the long neck of your old guitar. His hands dwarfed the wooden column, jaw clenching when his thick fingers pressed down on too many strings, dulling the note. He frequently shook his hand out, complaining of cramping. It reminded you of when you tried to learn piano, your hands too small to reach a full octave across the keys and how frustrated you were when you undershot a note that was so easy for others.
These lessons, spread out over several months and no more than a couple times a week, showed you a side of Frankie you’d never seen before. Your sweet, thoughtful boyfriend became more focused, serious as he tried to memorize progressions. His teeth clenched, mouth turned downward when he struggled, no matter how much encouragement you plied him with. Low curses lingered under his breath, and on more than one occasion you asked him if he wanted to stop.
“No,” he grunted out, dropping the guitar on the couch beside him and leaning back, hands coming up to scrub at his face. “I’m just feeling…slow. I hate feeling slow.” You took his hand in yours, massaging your thumb along the delicate muscles. It took a long time for your hand to feel comfortable on the strings too. You’re not Frankie’s therapist (his name is Ben), but when he gets quiet and tense like this you encourage him to speak those simmering feelings just to let them into the air.
“Want to tell me about it?” you ask. Sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn’t.
“Maybe I’m just an old dog who can’t learn a new trick,” he grumbled, head tilted towards the ceiling. Actively trying to relax his jaw, you continued working the tight muscles in his hand.
“If it’s not fun, you don’t have to do it,” you replied. Frankie brought his face back to yours. “It’s not a job. You’re supposed to enjoy it.” That granted you one of your favorite Frankie faces, sweet eyes and a gentle smile with a tilt of his head. It always bloomed warmth in your chest.
“How did you not give up on it?” he asked. You contemplated that, pulling your lower lip between your teeth before breaking out into a grin.
“I’ve got an idea.”
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The next time Frankie sits down to practice, the defeat already in his shoulders, you place a few pieces of paper down on your coffee table. They’re chord progressions written out in your hand, no musical notes or bars. Frankie’s forehead wrinkles as he looks at them.
“You have to guess,” you say, sitting in the armchair across from him. “You know the song, but you gotta figure it out. I’ll give you a hint when you’re getting close.”
Frankie’s face smooths, a smile coming to his lips. Your excitement is thrumming in your chest. This is what he needs, a puzzle to solve, a game to play that engages both his body and his mind. He was a pilot after all, you’re surprised you didn’t think of this sooner.
He studies the chord progression, full focus on the sheet and his fingering, as he gets through your written directions slowly but accurately.
“Okay, a little faster this time,” you say, and Frankie nods with a sharpness that looks like it would be followed by a, “yes ma’am.” That flash of obedience sparks something primal and deep in you, but you push it down for another day. He stumbles, puffing little annoyed breaths out when he makes a mistake, but soon he’s getting the hand placement right, moving through the eight bars with more fluidity. His grimace starts to morph into a smile, and you look at him expectantly.
“What song is it?” you press, waiting for him to work through the chords again before he beams up at you.
“Well I guess it would be nice…” he rasps out, more speaking than singing, but you point at him and nod, “If I could touch your body, ‘cause I know not everybody has got a body like you!” You clap at his rendition of “Faith” by George Michael, strumming becoming more confident as he recognizes the rhythm and melody of the song he was unwittingly playing.
This is what finally gets Frankie excited instead of the single-minded goal to “be good” at guitar. Every little lesson is a game now, ranging from practicing the songs he enjoys playing (Faith has become a favorite) to new ones you write out for him. From “Kokomo” to “I Wanna Know What Love Is,” he’s starting to really get into the groove. You pretend not to notice that he folds up all the scraps of paper into his pocket at the end of the lesson, or the little pile on his bureau that bears your messy handwriting. Instead you start adding a little heart to every sheet.
Your favorite session by far was one where Frankie got the chords quickly, but was puzzling through what song it was. After almost ten repetitions he shakes his head with a stumped expression.
“You finally got me babe, I’ve got no idea.” You try not to break out into laughter immediately, instead nodding to play it one more time. As the cue comes, you start making a loud exaggerated saxophone noise with your mouth, air-playing it as well. Frankie’s head shoots up in surprise, then the laughter bubbles up from a chuckle to raucous hyena shrieks, your own breaking through and making you gasp for air.
“You taught me Careless Whisper?!” Frankie tries to say between frantic sips of air, putting the guitar down and flopping back on the couch. His chest shakes violently with the force of his merriment, and you crumple onto the living room floor as you try to overcome your giggle fit. As you finally get control of your diaphragm, Frankie slides off the couch and hovers over you, a halo of curls that the light seeps through.
“I love you, you know that?” he says, placing a ticklish kiss in the crook of your neck. You release another delirious giggle, your head light from lack of oxygen, as Frankie crawls over and cages you in. Your hands come up to stroke along the tight muscles on his back, his curved nose bumping against yours.
“I love you too,” you reply, lifting your chin to give him a sweet kiss that is still punctuated by a few giggles. “Love you even more if you let me get off the dirty floor.”
“It’s vacuumed, you’re fine,” Frankie mumbles into your neck, the twin brushes of his lips on your skin making you dig your fingers into his back. “Let me love on you for a little bit,” he adds, chasing the paths his lips left.
“You can love on me all you want in a more comfortable spot,” you shoot back. Frankie’s head pops up, fake contemplation on his face, before he concedes and continues his gentle worship in the softer cushions of your couch.
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It was a cooler Friday afternoon, sunlight welcome on your back as you moved through your house, when Frankie surprises you yet again. He arrives at your doorstep per usual, but with two bags of groceries on a Friday afternoon. You’d both gotten out of work early, you because of a holiday, him because he asked his boss if he could leave when he was done working on his last car. Now, with a mountain of supplies you recognize but don’t understand in this context, Frankie is giving you a shy look.
“I thought I’d make you pernil for dinner,” he says, and while you’ve never heard of the dish you immediately agree to Frankie’s bashful request. He was a decent cook, whipping up quick tasty dishes when you stayed at his apartment. Your cuisines didn’t overlap at first, but you’d come to love many of the South American flavors he cooked with, and he’d treated you to many whispered, “oh shits,” at the French and Mediterranean food you were partial too.
As he chops and stirs at your kitchen island, letting you help with the prep but nothing more, he tells you this slow-roasted pork shoulder is something his mother makes only at Christmas due to the length of time it has to cook and the penchant that the young boys in the family had of barely letting it reach the table. You can understand why; the smell coming from the oven is savory, spicy, warming you all over.
“So what did you do to get the great honor of your mother’s recipe? I’m still trying to convince mine to give me a few of hers.” Frankie smirks, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow with his sleeve. He’s preparing rice and pigeon peas for a side dish, and the way his arms flex as he mixes, a tiny patch of sweat at the center of his chest, makes you want to abandon this meal for other activities.
“Came back alive,” he says simply. The words drag you into the moment. You hum in acknowledgement, your finger tracing the edge of your wine glass, rubbing away the lip print on one edge.
At first, Frankie’s matter-of-fact attitude had been a little jarring, a refusal to candy-coat his experiences or the dark moments of his life. You’ve come to understand it better as his way of removing emotion from those memories. It still makes you want to hold him when he says things like that, but Frankie carries a reserve of strength beneath his frame and you respect him too much to baby him. Instead you spread out those desires into the little moments you share every day.
The shoulder needs to roast for several hours, so you retire to the living room and move to pull up something on Netflix. Maybe you can binge a few episodes of some new show as the sun starts to inch towards the horizon.
“Uh, there’s another thing,” he says, still standing in the entryway. You put your hands on your waist and cock an eyebrow at him.
“Full of surprises today, Frankie,” you tease, getting your favorite nervous tic of his. He smiles and lifts his hat, combing the hair away from his forehead before resettling it. You teased him about wearing hats in the house but he looks so damn sexy in them it’s always half-hearted.
“I’ll just…go get it,” he says, turning to leave before spinning back. “Sit in the armchair. And…don’t look just yet, it’s kind of a surprise.” Then he’s out your door and ambling to his truck. You close your eyes, trying to fight a smile and failing. Your home smells wonderful, spiced and clean with hints of Frankie caught in the couch cushions, in your clothes.
The door creaks open and you make a show of covering your eyes with your hands, grinning at Frankie’s soft chuckle. His boots thump by the door, socked feet padding over to your couch and sitting across from you. You hear a twang, familiar but not quite identifiable when you’re in darkness. Then the strum of a guitar. Your eyes fly open.
Frankie is sitting on the edge of your couch, a new guitar more suited for his frame resting on his lap. The wood is dark walnut along the curves, lightening to amber around the strings. His head is turned down, brim of the cap hiding his eyes and nose, but his lips, those wonderful lips, are still visible as he plucks out the first few notes and chords.
“If I ever were to lose you, I'd surely lose myself. Everything I have found dear I've not found by myself. Try and sometimes you'll succeed To make this man of me. All my stolen missing parts I've no need for anymore.”
You can barely move, afraid to break the spell of Frankie’s large hands wrapped around the neck of the guitar, fingers that frustrated him before now plucking nimbly, if not a little messily, at the strings. His voice is far-off thunder, half still in his chest like he’s afraid to be louder. Your hands are clasped in your lap, eyes shining at your beautiful boyfriend showing you how hard he’s worked to play this for you.
The lyrics keep flowing, the melody pausing sometimes when a particularly tricky part comes. He pushes through it, his head still downturned. It’s probably for the best because you can feel tears starting to dampen your lashes.
“I believe And I believe 'cause I can see Our future days Days of you and me.”
You’re crying to Pearl Jam being sung by the most gorgeous man you’ve ever had the chance to love and he’s rumbling the lyrics out so softly but each digs into your chest and makes a home there.
“All the promises at sundown I've meant them like the rest. All the demons used to come 'round, I'm grateful now they've left.”
You hear Frankie’s throat bob with a swallow, taking an extra measure to get to the last verse.
“So persistent in my ways. Hey angel, I am here to stay. No resistance, no alarms. Please, this is just too good to be gone.”
You know there’s a final verse lingering behind Frankie’s lips, but you stand and wrap your hand around the neck of the guitar, pulling it from his hands as he finally turns his head to look up at you. Your hands fly with frenetic energy, placing the guitar by the end of the couch, knocking Frankie’s cap off his head, and putting both hands on his face to capture him in a kiss. He lets out a surprised grunt that you swallow, pushing him back as you straddle his lap. You card your fingers through his soft curls, stroke your thumb along his scruffy jaw, and devour his mouth. Arms wrapping around you, he pulls you tight as he returns your heated kiss, dragging his tongue against yours, licking into all the little places that make you moan. His hands fist into the fabric of your shirt as he pants below you.
“Love you,” you gasp out, letting your lips part just enough to say it. “Love you so much, Frankie.” You feel a tear slip out, curving down to the corner of your mouth where Frankie kisses it away.
“You liked it?” he whispers, making you nod furiously, your noses bumping. “I’m still a little slow but…” You silence him with another kiss, settling your body tight against Frankie’s lap as he shifts his hips up to slot between your thighs.
“It was perfect,” you say, pulling back enough to look at Frankie’s dazed face. You let your fingers dance over his lips, soft and wet from your frenzied advance. He sees the trail of the tear down your cheek and wipes it away, cupping the side of your face with his warm palm. Tracing the edge of his beard, the dark crescents of his eyebrows, the proud line of his nose, you press back against his mouth with sweeter, slower movements this time.
Frankie indulges you in languid slips against his tongue, one hand splayed on your lower back, the other cupping the back of your head. Suddenly your head is spinning, your back coming down on the couch as Frankie flips you. He sits back on his knees, fingers making quick work of the button-up you hadn’t changed out of yet. Once he’s popped every button open and bared your chest to his hungry eyes he folds over you, dragging his lips against the hardened bud of your nipple. Your back arches at the soft sensation, giving Frankie just enough leverage to drag your sleeves and straps down your arms.
“Oh, babe,” he chokes out. Those fingers that frustrated him now deftly unclasp your bra, baring you to his wandering mouth. Frankie’s hot breath fanning across your sternum is a precursor to the tip of his tongue gently tracing around your nipple. Sparks ignite where his mouth closes around your breast, his hand cupping the neglected one and stroking the rough edge of his thumb over it again and again.
“Frankie, fuck,” you gasp out as he swirls his tongue around and over, dragging his teeth softly against the flesh to make you bury your fingers in his hair. When you start keening less he lets your nipple fall from his lips, replacing it with your plush mouth. His cock is hard and straining against you, your work skirt rucked up your thighs and panties damp with your arousal.
“Wanna give you my cock, baby, wanna make you cum,” Frankie garbles into your chest as he moves his devious lips to your other breast.
“Yeah Frankie, want to cum with your mouth full?” you tease back, the groan against your skin making you lift your hips against him. The groan becomes a growl as one of Frankie’s large hands snakes between you and thumbs at your clit.
“Please can I fuck you, baby?” he all but begs and your hands join his in unbuckling his belt and unzipping his jeans. He pulls your panties to the side and swipes his thumb through your messy sex.
“Want me to…” he starts to say, but your legs wrapping behind his thighs, pulling his weeping cock flush with you, cut off his next thought.
“Now, Frankie, need you now,” you moan, rocking your hips to drag him through your folds. Frankie curses and grips the base of his cock, guiding the thick tip into your cunt and rolling his hips to fill you achingly slow. When he bottoms out with a snap you shout hoarsely, his eyes flashing concern for a moment before you follow it with a debauched groan and a thrust back.
“Fuck, baby, yeah. Your pussy is so fucking good,” he squeezes out, one hand palming your ass and the other propping himself up on his elbow. You take a hold of his face again and guide him back to your breast, your breath hitching when he teases your nipple with the same talented strokes he puts to use between your legs.
“Frankie, honey, you’re gonna make me cum on your cock,” you murmur, sneaking a hand between you to rub dizzying circles on your clit. Neither of you have the patience or the brainpower to draw this out. You just want skin and pleasure and mouths and love love love.
It’s almost too much to bear when Frankie curls down into you, gathering you in his arms and scraping his teeth and lips behind your ear as he slams into you. The couch groans comically at the debauched pounding you’re experiencing.
“Love you, sweet girl, love you so much. Love everything about you. Fuck, love this tight pussy, you’re gonna make me cum so fucking hard. I’m gonna…fuck, I didn’t…baby, where…?” Frankie’s pace is quick and deep now, barely pulling out before pressing hard inside your cunt, punching his hips up to angle his cock against your g-spot. He’s moaning long and loud and you love hearing him falling apart.
“Cum on my panties,” you purr, squeezing Frankie as his hips falter.
“Oh fuck, fuck, shit yes, baby-” he tries to say, pulling his cock out and stroking himself, quick wet passes aided by your slick coating him. He pulls your panties back over your cunt, your hand still working under the cotton. “Fuck. Fuck! Yes, fuck!” Frankie grits out as he cums hard, coating the fabric in his spend as he jolts against you over and over.
“That’s it baby, look at you, so fucking sexy,” you croon as you feel the fabric dampening over you. You’re almost at the peak yourself, Frankie’s fucked-out face and rapt attention pushing you there quickly.
“Fuck, baby, that’s so fucking hot. Let me make you cum,” he pleads, but it’s less of a request than a demand when he pulls your wrist out of your panties, yanks the fabric to the side and dives down to suck your clit into his mouth. His tongue is fast and merciless against you, and being so close to the edge it barely takes a moment for you to shatter on your boyfriend’s tongue, his own cum smearing against his cheek in his eagerness.
You lay half-naked on your couch for a few minutes, trying to catch your breath. Frankie slumps against the back of the couch, shirt rumpled up, cock softening in the V of his hastily undone jeans. A silvery smear of cum on his cheek glistens until Frankie lifts the hem of his shirt to wipe it away, treating you to a gorgeous view of his stomach.
Once you have enough wherewithal to pull your panties back over you, sliding your skirt down to cover them, you hold your hands out for Frankie. He smiles, that quick, amazed one that both lights up your chest and gives you a pang of heartache. One day you think he’ll realize he deserves all of the love you give him.
Frankie crawls down your body, snuggling down beside you and resting his head on your chest. One heavy arm drapes over your stomach, fingers lacing with yours. He slots his thigh between your legs, and with your free hand you stroke at his fluffy curls. Post-orgasmic bliss was dragging your eyelids closed, and you could feel Frankie’s breathing evening out against your collarbone.
“Thank you,” you murmur into the top of his head, pressing a kiss there. He sighs, and in it is all of the comfort and satisfaction he feels in your arms.
“For the sex or the song?” he slurs against your skin. You huff out a laugh that makes him smile into your skin.
“For being everything,” you answer. His fingers tightening in yours speak louder than anything he could possibly say.
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The pernil is delicious, and needed with both of your ravenous appetites. You thank Frankie, loudly and enthusiastically, as he blushes at your unabashed happiness. Conversation turns where it often does - work, plans, what you want to do this weekend - but towards the end of the meal Frankie just reaches over and takes your hand. It’s nothing new, but the way he holds it so tenderly makes your whole body feel full to bursting. You meet eyes, share smiles, and in Frankie’s brown ones you see all those future days perfectly promised.
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The story continues in Frankie Finds Your Fanfic
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thelibraryoferebor · 3 years
10 AU Fics For Readers Who Want To Escape Just A Little Bit More Than Usual
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For a fic to qualify for this list they have to take place entirely out of the canon Tolkien universe, meaning no fix it fics or change in canon fics. Tbh, most of these are modern aus… now, on with the fics.
The Ghost and Mr Baggins by perkynurples
|| teen - 76.7k - completed ||
They say that everything can be cured by saltwater - sweat, tears or the sea. Bilbo Baggins chooses the last option, taking his recently orphaned nephew and moving to the charming Oak Cottage, overlooking England’s grislier shores. The house charms him instantly, and though he knows nothing at all about the sea, or about making ends meet on his own so far from everything he’s known his whole life for that matter, he’s quite determined to stay, and see his nephew get better, odd sounds in the night be damned. He’s living in a modern world, after all, and the nonsense he’s been hearing about the house being haunted by its former owner, the mysterious Captain Durin, is just silly superstition… isn’t it?
Notes: This story tho... it doesn't delve particularly deep into romance, but the connection between Bilbo and Thorin is still wonderful. I love all the twists and turns and that it's set in the early 1900s gives it extra feels. I'm hoping and praying for a sequel everyday, like ugh... even though I know that the story isn't really built to have a sequel. Maybe like a prequel or something??? Idk, I just want more in this universe. Ghost!Thorin au. Definitely didn't cry at the ending...
The One With the Writers by Resacon1990
|| teen - 11k - completed ||
Bilbo is a fantasy and sci-fi author who likes a certain kind of genre of ghost stories, Thorin is a horror and suspense author who likes fantasy. Both use pseudonyms. Both go with their writer friends, Ori (also sci-fi and action) and Dwalin (surprisingly, romance). So when they meet each other, they don't realize it's their favorite author. Whether they like each other right away or not is up to the filler.
Gandalf is everyone's agent/editor.
Notes: Why is this so good. Like it's got classic tropes and stuff, but everywhere you look it's got something that'll definetly make you laugh. Just read it, you won't regret it. Writer au
The Tale of Two Canines by BrightStarling
|| not rated - 16.4k - completed ||
Thorin was smitten with Bilbo-- that Dwalin most definitely could tell.
But he didn't realize his own trouble until the Corgi's owner showed up with a shy smile.
Oh no, this is not going to be good at all.
Notes: Crack alert! While this story is complete crack it's also like lovely and well written and is very good for helping a depresso espresso bitch feel happy for half a sec. You're the depresso espresso bitch, so go feel happy. Do it for those of us (me) who've already read it a hundred times and are struggling to get any more serotonin out of it. Dwori and thilbo. Dog au???
You Want A What!? by airbellah
|| general - 2.7k - completed ||
When the stranger repeated the offensive word for the umpteenth time, with an added innuendo, Bilbo had had enough. Punching the man in the face may not have been the best solution, but Bilbo would later insist it was not his fault.
Or, a language barrier culminates in Bilbo thinking Thorin is making homophobic slurs, and Bilbo ends up assaulting the innocent foreigner.
Notes: Obviously trigger warning for the f-slur being used often. It's always in a nonoffensive way, but just in case. Personally I think this fic is hilarious and wonderful and it's just *chef's kiss* so well written. Thilbo pre-slash. Modern au!
Learning To Dance Again by LittleLynn
|| explicit - 11k - completed ||
The Greenwood Academy of Dance was run by the elusive Thranduil Oropherion.
Bard learnt quite a lot about the mysterious Thranduil Oropherion from the gossiping mothers with children at the school.
And the most interesting thing he learnt was that no one actually knew much of anything about him.
Thranduil, a legendary dancer, had opened up the Greenwood Academy of Dance, and people had flocked to it. He used to hold lessons personally, running master classes and beginners classes alike. But five years ago there had been a fire at the academy – a bad one, Bard remembered hearing about it. By some miracle there had been no fatalities and the school had been quickly rebuilt.
But no one had seen so much as a glimpse of Thranduil since.
Notes: This fic hurts so good. Like Sigrid and Legolas, just ugh, it's so good. I don't have a whole lot more to say, just go fucking read it and love it. Barduil. Modern au!
Winter Wish by Jezunya
|| general - 1.4k - completed ||
Frodo climbs up onto the stepstool, Bilbo’s hand on his back to steady him, and grasps the edge of the table in his little hands, carefully following the two DJs’ instructions of not too close and speak slowly and clearly and you’re doing great, kid, and then, when they nod and tell him to start, he says, right into the microphone:
“My Winter Wish is for my uncle to get a boyfriend.”
Notes: Lmaooooo, this fic is fucking hilarious. Just go read it. It's really short, but so much fun. I swear you won't regret it. Pre-slash Thilbo featuring helpful Kili, Fili, and Frodo. Modern au!
Un Unexpected Date by airbellah
|| general - 2.4k - completed ||
“Bad date?”
With a sardonic snort, Thorin snatched up the glass and took a few more gulps, smiling thankfully as Bilbo refilled it right away.
“Never agree to a blind date,” he advised.
Bilbo grimaced. “I don’t know what I would do, if it ever came to that.”
“I only wish I knew how to get out of this date sooner,” Thorin bemoaned.
“Family emergency?” Bilbo offered. “I’ve seen plenty of those.”
Nagged by his family members for too long, Thorin agrees to a blind date. Unsurprisingly, it goes terribly. But it seems not all hope is lost - in fact, the waiter catches Thorin's eye.
Notes: Featuring Thranduil... bet you can guess what role he plays. Pre-slash thilbo but it's still wonderful and ugh I need a sequel. Come one man! Can't just leave us hanging like that. Modern au!
Breaking Gundabad by The Feels Whale (miscellaneous)
|| teen - 3.3k - completed ||
Thorin is basically Batman.
Bilbo is basically done with this.
Notes: Why is this fic good. But it is and you must read it, that's why it's on this list. Superhero au. Wonderful thilbo. And I adore it. So be gone and read the fic... not just yet tho, I've got a couple more to throw at you. Sort of also a modern au... but really just a superhero au.
With Compliments by manic_intent
|| explicit - 4k - completed ||
“Would you stop staring,” Bilbo hissed, for the fifth time since service had started. “He’s not about to grow horns.”
Bofur looked guiltily away from the door, and scuttled back over to the tail end of appetiser prep. “Just checkin’ if he liked the amuse-bouche.”
“Well,” Bilbo scowled, “We have an entire restaurant to feed, not just Mister Durin, and Lobelia’s in a fine mood tonight, so if I don’t keep you at prep, she’ll light your tail with the blowtorch, I don’t wonder.”
Notes: Lmao, Thorin in this fic tho. He plays the role of haughty food critic way too well. And I hate Lobelia's guts just the right amount in this fic. Wonderfully written thilbo, modern au. Just go read it, I promise you have nothing better to do.
What We Once Had by Chamelaucium
|| not rated - 23.1k - completed ||
Thorin and Bilbo have been divorced for thirteen years, separated for fifteen and they can hardly have a civil conversation with each other without dissolving into an argument. But they manage.
Now their son Frodo is getting married, which would be fine if not for the fact that Thorin's sick father believes they've been happily married these last fifteen years, and now they have to get through these two weeks of celebrations without letting on that they're in fact divorced and living at opposite ends of the country.
But they'll get through it, eventually. Though how many tears and broken hearts and arguments there'll in the meantime, Mahal only knows.
And maybe, just maybe, they'll be closer at the end of it.
Notes: This fic is a classic. If you've been reading thilbo for a while I'd be surprised if you haven't already read this one, but in case you haven't you should be aware that this is probably my favorite modern au. It features Sam/Frodo and is just perfect in all the ways. I adore it so much and think it's more deserving of love and adoration then I am. Just read it.
If you want more au fics than this I’d recommend scrolling through the library’s page since most of the lists have Aus on them. There won’t be any repeats… I think. Sorry this list took so long to get out, life has been rushed. I'd really like to start getting helping you guys find fics, create lists that you guys want to see, and overall interact with you guys more. Let me know what you're interested in!
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matan4il · 3 years
So... am I the only one who feels like somehow simultaneously everything and nothing has happened this season? I know we got some BIG moments like The Breakup and Maddie leaving, but overall it feels like any individual or interpersonal relationship development (not just buddie) is happening slower than molasses. Like Hen, when was the last time they even acknowledged her med school storyline before last night? And specific to buddie, I would imagine the tiny steps they’re making this season are still likely imperceptible to the casual viewer when I had hoped/expected things would be at least a little bit more overt at this point. Lately I feel like so many important conversations or moments happen behind the scenes, and then we’re told about it instead of witnessing it ourselves OR they’re just never spoken about. Am I making sense??? I mean, it’s ultimately my fault that the reality of the episodes this season don’t meet my expectations because I get my hopes up too high with the teasers and speculation that comes from them. But the pacing is driving me nuts 😅 so I’m here because you always give me hope!!!! Do you think they’ll give us anything more overt before the winter hiatus? They’ll have to do something big to tide us over for 5 months, right? Especially since I noticed (on Wikipedia lol) that they‘ve had a decrease in US viewership this season. What do you think?
Hi Nonnie! Awwww, I'm so happy I manage to give you hope! *big hugs* I hope I can help this time, too.
I totally get what you're saying. I think at least a part of it is the fact that this is an ensemble show and the attempt to keep so many balls in the air, it results in part in the fact that this show has always something told its story by omission (such as moments when we gather Buck and Eddie fill each other in on stuff that happens to them, but we don't see it, or in 201, Eddie getting personal info about Buck, but only referred to, not shown on screen). That's why Hen's medical storyline wasn't addressed until 506, and we could only assume it's still happening in the background...
It's true that to the casual viewer, Buddie is still completely understated, but then I'm also sure that to the casual viewer, the break up between Eddie and Ana came out of left field. The show never spelled that there was actual trouble between the two of them, so viewers had to be very perceptive and/or very tuned into Eddie specifically (which most casual viewers wouldn't be) to gather that there was something off even before Carla had her say in ep 413. I actually think it's interesting that the show is more overt in telling us there's something off with Buck and Taylor than it was about showing that Eddie and Ana aren't working out, like... the signs are more explicit, you know? I do think we're headed for a B/T break up, just like during all of s4 I thought we were headed for a break up with E/A.
But will that cross over to showing us something more overt with Buck and Eddie that even a casual viewer would get? I find that hard to answer. I feel like a lot of things point towards YES, the storytelling most of all, but also the stuff you mentioned. 'Coz yeah, the logical moment to finally make Buddie happen is exactly when the ratings start dropping, but would they have realized the show wouldn't do as well when they were planning the Buddie story arc? IDK. After all, s4 has done poorer than s3 in ratings, but it did better in viewership ranks. I feel like everything since the shooting arc at the end of s4 is building towards something, IDK if it'll come to its natural fruition in 5A, but more than ever before, I feel like the odds are good and that the signs are all there... I've never been pessimistic, but I always tried to be very cautious and I am more optimistic than ever, so... I take that gut feelings as a positive sign, too. ;)
I really hope that helps, lovely! Have a great day! xoxox
(also, while I'm here, I hope the kind Nonnie who sent the ask about refreshing my blog saw the meta post! Please let me know?)
To anyone else who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I've replied to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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whump-a-la-mode · 3 years
🍳 - Breakfast in bed
Idk all you characters are great.
It took me a while to decide on a scenario for this-- there’s so many good ones for a prompt as cute as this one! I eventually decided on Villainsicle, kind of a spiritual successor to the Nurse Me prompt. Some prologue caretaking for our good good boy.
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry I haven’t been posting much these last few days, I have been stuck doing So Much Overtime. But my inbox is full of comfort prompts, so hopefully I’ll have some more cute stuff written soon!
For this ask game. 
CW//Past pet whump, dehumanization, low self esteem, speech difficulties
Villain didn’t understand beds.
For the Henchmen, that hadn’t been an immediate realization. Not quite as immediate as their confusion over plates and silverware and cups. When the drenched stranger had shown up, bedroom arrangements had been the last thing they’d thought about. They were far too busy frantically drying off their new ward and trying to get food down their throat.
After they were dry and had stopped their frenetic shaking on that first day, Henchman had laid them upon their own bed-- and they had been far too exhausted to refuse. Hell, they had been asleep before they hit the mattress.
Once Villain had recovered to the point of no longer needing constant attention, Henchmen had set up a spare room to accommodate them. With the difficulty involved in procuring a bed on such short notice, they had instead acquired a simple sleeping pad for their dependent. Villain had never seemed to use it, but that hadn’t proved to be too strange.
When they decided to continue sleeping on the floor instead of on their newly-arrived bed, however, that is when the two Henchmen took notice.
“They have to have used a bed before, right?” Henchman2 absentmindedly tore a napkin between their fingers, creating a small pile of the ripped paper. “They’re our age. There’s no way they haven’t.”
“Well, they’d never seen a cup before, either, to be fair.” Henchman nodded. “It does seem weird, though. They’re pretty clearly from Organization, like us. And our dorms had beds.”
“Shitty beds.”
“Yes, shitty beds. But still beds.”
Henchman2 nodded, arranging their pile of napkin scraps for a moment, before speaking:
“We should probably do something about it, right?”
“What do you mean?”
“If our goal is to, y’know, help them act like a person, sleeping in a bed is part of that, right?”
“I guess so. I didn’t even think about it.”
“Have you tried, like, talking to Villain about it?”
“Not really. I helped them into the bed once, and when I came back they were back on the floor.”
“Yeah... But, what can we really do about it?”
“If you want to help them act like a person, you’re going to have to talk to them like a person.”
“I don’t want to scare them.”
“You’re going to make food about it, aren’t you?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m gonna make food about it.”
The sun looked different when it wasn’t shining over the water.
On the water, the bright rays never allowed themselves to be ignored. They did not simply provide light, but bright glimmering spots on the black ocean surface, rippling on splashing drops, glistening on the ship’s wake.
On land... Sun was a source of light. Subtler. Not making itself known-- only being visible in the few dew drops where scattered liquid made its way onto dry ground.
Villain still hadn’t gotten used to that. Nor had they truly gotten used to the ground itself-- the world beneath was meant to be a fluid thing, shifting and rolling with the tides. The stillness felt as odd to them as the sea once had.
In a way, they missed the sea. The glare of the dawning sun threatened to make them flinch away, but they resisted, standing in front of the window, staring out over the rolling hills outside.
Were they near the sea? They searched the horizon, but saw not its whistling white waves.
The nice people-- Henchman and Henchman2, they had names, Villain reminded themself-- kept offering them activities. Books, board games. Things that perhaps they should have been interested in. Some of them were scattered across the room’s floor, even now.
But, they couldn’t bring themself to pay mind to those things. They were far more interested in simply looking out the window. Looking for the sea. They had yet to find it, but they could not help but feel that, if they looked for long enough, they would eventually spot it.
Soon. It was getting light, now. They’d tried staring out the window all night long, but had seen not the slightest glimpse of water-reflected moonlight.
Their legs shook, and their eyelids were terribly heavy. But they wanted so desperately to find the sea.
They perked up, though stayed in their position, not so much as averting their gaze. It sounded to be Henchman-- the more cautious of the nice people. The softer one. Perhaps they wanted to play another game, though Villain knew they would be far too confused by the rules and the little pieces to get anywhere.
“Villain, is it alright if I come in?”
“Come in yes okay.” They nodded. Words still felt so thick on their tongue, but they made the nice people so happy. It was more than worth it, to see the way they smiled when Villain stuttered out a few sounds.
The doorknob turned, door creaking on its hinges as Henchman walked in, backwards, hands seemingly occupied by something. Villain turned, looking back to the nice person.
“Oh-” Henchman looked up. “I didn’t think you’d be awake.”
“No, no, it’s fine. But... you look tired. Did you sleep at all?”
Henchman frowned. Villain could not help but do the same-- they had messed up. They had made the nice person sad.
“Were you looking out the window?”
“Well... I brought something for you. And I thought maybe we could talk.”
Villain looked to the item in Henchman’s hands as they sat on the bed. It had been shoved into the room a few days ago, even though they didn’t entirely understand why. There was no one here to use it.
Henchman patted the space beside them on the bed-- one of the new command signals for ‘Assido.’ Villain obeyed, sitting down beside the nice person.
“Want to talk about what?”
In response, Henchman picked up the platter they held, handing it to them. It was a plate-- they’d remembered that word yesterday. The food on it was familiar-- and it was food, if Henchman brought it, it was always food-- though the words escaped their mind’s grasp like eels. Something like bread, but with square holes, took up most of the platter, with something yellow and speckled with salt curled about the sides.
“About your bed.”
Villain blinked.
“This?” They pointed to the piece of furniture on which they sat.
“Yes.” Henchman’s brows raised in surprise. “You know about beds?”
“Yes?” It was a silly question to ask.
“Me and Henchman2 have been worried. You haven’t been sleeping on the bed. You’ve been sleeping on the floor. You can do what you want, of course, but... you don’t have to sleep on the floor.”
More confused blinking.
“No one here for sleep in bed.”
“You’re here. It’s your bed.”
What? Villain was certain they had heard right, but the words confused them nonetheless. They still struggled to make words with their own mouth, but other people’s words were easier. Fuzzy sometimes, but simple.
“I do not sleep on bed.”
“Oh. Do you not like it?”
Villain felt completely lost. They must have misheard something at some point.
“Beds for people.”
“Beds are for people?” Right. Verb. Need a verb.
They nodded. “Beds are for people.”
Henchman frowned, though the way their brow furrowed showed an emotion other than disappointment. It almost appeared as... fury.
“Villain, you are a person.”
“Asset.” They corrected.
“No.” Henchman laid a hand on their shoulder, making them shiver. “Villain, you are a person just as much as I am. Just as much as anyone else.”
“B-Because... Because you are? Because you’re a human being. And people sleep on beds. This is your bed, if you want it. Do you want it?”
Even just sitting on it made them comfortable enough that they felt, at any moment, about to fall into unconsciousness. The floor was fine, but...
“Okay.” Henchman smiled. “How about, you have some breakfast in bed, and then get some sleep, okay?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
For a reason beyond Villain’s comprehension, Henchman leaned forward, wrapping their arms around their body and squeezing.
What was that called again? A... A...
A hug.
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asmo-ds · 4 years
okay, last request i promise!! mc and asmo are having a sleepover and they're putting make up on each other and it's really cute and fluffy. like ik asmo is the avatar of lust and all but i headcanon him as one of the most fluffy characters in the game idk
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Slumber Party
Asmo x GN!MC Fluff
Word Count: 1408
Warnings: MC was bullied in the past :(, They also take a bath together but no funny business what so ever I pinky promise
Summary: Asmodeus finds out MC has never had a slumber party before and he refuses to let their life continue without experiencing a slumber party with the king of slumber parties himself
Ever since MC had arrived in the Devildom, Asmodeus had been inviting them to have a sleepover in his room. No matter how much he begged and pleaded with them to join him one night they said no every. Single. Time. 
The Avatar was beginning to grow worried that MC was scared to be alone with him due to his sin.
“MC, I promise I’m not planning anything naughty!” He gave his best puppy dog eyes as he asked for the nth time to have MC in his room for the night. “I pinky promise all I want to do is normal slumber party stuff! We can do face masks and play with makeup, or we can play truth or dare - or truth or truth if that makes you more comfortable,” he pouts.
“Asmo, don’t worry I know you wouldn’t try anything dirty without my consent, i-its more of a me problem I guess…” MC trails off. 
“Oh?” He cutely tilts his head in confusion, causing MC to sigh and finally tell him why they’d been denying him since day one.
“In the human world I never had many friends,” they start, “and I guess because of that I was never invited to an actual sleepover unless you count one time in middle school when the popular kids had me over and humiliated me all night for their entertainment,” MC clenches their fists at the memory of being taunted after showing up so excited for their first slumber party.
“EH?! Seriously? Did someone invite you just to tease you? What a douche. MC please have a slumber party with me, I promise I won’t mock you or taunt you and I’ll show you a nice sleepover where we both relax and chill together,” Asmo holds MC’s hand in his own gently against his chest in a comforting fashion.
MC stares into his eyes for a moment, searching for any sign of ingenuine intentions. They let out a soft sigh as they fail to find any ill intent inside the fifth eldest demon lord. “...Okay, your room or mine?”
At 7 pm sharp, MC makes their way through the house of Lamentation, a bag and pillow tucked under their arms before they knock on the door that is almost immediately ripped open with surprisingly strong yet feminine arms pulling them into the blush-colored room filled with the scent of roses.
They look around and see Asmo had a bunch of areas set up, ready for them to do a night of intense self-care and relaxing activities together. 
“Here, put your bag in the corner for now, and you can put the pillow on the bed! OH IM SO EXCITED!” the rose eyes male squeals. “Where should we start? Makeovers or dress up?”
“Um I suppose we could dress up first so we know the makeup will match our outfits,” MC says shyly.
“Ah! Good thinking! You’re such a cute genius, MC,” Asmodeus giggles giving MC a soft boop on the nose before dragging them to his walk-in closet. 
“I knew you would look good in [fav color], MC!” Asmo praises, twirling them around and looking at the two of them in the mirror in their new outfits. “Now let’s get some makeup to match, then we can have a mini photoshoot!”
Asmodeus pulls two chairs in front of his vanity, digging through a drawer and pulling out the makeup he thinks will match their skin tone and outfit, placing them next time as he leans forward with a primer on his hands, rubbing it onto MC’s skin. He puts it to the side before grabbing the foundation and getting to work.
 MC and Asmo post in his mirror taking hundreds of photos. “Wait Asmo can we do duck lips!” MC asks excitedly giggling their head off.
“OMD YESSSS” He dramatically pushes out his lips and MC follows before he snaps a few photos. They laugh as they strike more poses and then perform like professional photographers for each other.
“Are you going to put these on Devilgram, Asmo?” MC smiles hoping he’d think they were good enough to feature on his perfectly aesthetic Devilgram page.
“Duh, who would be so cruel as to keep these pictures to themselves when they’re so stunning!” He smiles selecting a few photos to post. As he is scrolling through all the photos one of MC catches his eye. In the photo, they are smiling and laughing after Asmo had clearly done something to crack them up. He feels his heart flutter knowing he caused that smile and moves that picture to a special folder he keeps pictures of his family in (that he will never admit he actually has).
He tosses his D.D.D onto his soft bed and lets it bounce to a stop as he grabs MC’s hand to go to the bathroom. Once they are in there he pulls out some makeup removing wipes and skincare products.
“Wow I’ve never actually gotten a good look at your bath,” MC stares at the tub of constantly perfectly hot water with rose petals and all sorts of washing products lined along the sides of it.
“Did you wanna do all of the skincare and washing off in there? The bubbles will cover both of us for the most part and I promise not to touch your no-no zones,” Asmo giggles as he sees MC’s eyes widen. 
“Oh- uh- sure! As long as there’s no funny business Mr. Avatar of Lust!” They laugh giving his shoulder a playful shove.
“That’s LORD Mr. Avatar of Lust to you” he jokingly scoffs making MC laugh once more before he turns and faces the wall. “Go ahead and get in I’ll stay facing this way until you tell me to come in.”
After hearing clothes drop and the water move a bit as MC’s body descends into the steamy bubbles, he notices he isn’t actually filled with Lust at the moment, which is rare for him when someone else is in the room naked. He smiles when he realizes that he feels more adoration and relaxation in this situation than anything else.
“Wow MC, it’s kind of odd that I don’t feel lustful at the moment,” he voices his thoughts, “instead all I can think about is how excited I am to just chill out in the bath with you.” He shakes his head and lets out a chuckle.
“Well if you’re so excited then hurry up and get in here !” MC smiles at him as he turns. His eyes stay glued to their face with zero urge to wander elsewhere at that moment. He wishes he could burn that smile into his eyes and see it every second for the rest of his life.
He goes back to his room and grabs his D.D.D putting on his favorite playlist made by both of them and strips getting into the tub, bringing the face wash and makeup wipes with him before he moves through the water closer to MC, who closes their eyes as he raises a washcloth to their cheek.
MC and Asmo spend about a half-hour in the tub, relaxing and washing each other’s makeup off, then MC suddenly gets hyper and makes a mess of his bathroom. “Asmo look!” They excitedly say as they put bubbles on their chin forming a big bubbly beard making Asmo giggle.
“MC please let me take a picture of you right now you look so adorably stupid, sweetie.” Asmo grabs his D.D.D while laughing so hard he nearly snorts.
After he takes the picture and puts back his D.D.D, he gets hit in the face with water and opens his eyes to see MC laughing as they start a splash fight.
At the end of their bath, the floor is soaked with suds and water that had been splashed out by the pair and they cleaned it up before heading back into the bedroom.
“Are we sleeping on the bed together or do you want me to sleep on the floor?” Asmodeus asks.
“We can sleep in the bed together, just -”
“Yeah Yeah, no funny business I know, doll,” Asmo cuts MC off laughing.
After getting under the covers they both did that thing we all do at sleepovers where you can’t stop laughing for no reason and Lucifer came in to yell at them like the Mom he is.
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i love your works oh my god, the wait was so worth it. thank you for doing my requests!! they all turn out great :D despite my username, I’m glad I made an account just so that I could request more of your spider bro content.
okay so uh I’m sorry if I’m requesting this a bit early since you only posted your latest spider bro today but after reading it, a sudden wave of problems and curiosity hit me so I thought:
‘yo aren’t the village gonna question why spider bro and rui only come around during sunset to night time sooner or later? are they gonna make up some excuse about them having some condition where if they stay in the sun for just a little bit they get really bad sunburn?? like “yeah so our parents died because they went out in the sun for too long so newbie demon slayers noticed this and thought they were demons in disguise and killed them, haha runs in the family amiright” idk ?? (sorry that’s a weird death) I like to imagine they pretend to be albino so that they can have an excuse in case someone ever asks them or say that they have jobs in the day time to support each other so they just visit around night time.
but honestly, I think the village would be a little sus of them but then they’ll be like “ehh they can’t be demons, they would’ve ate us already! plus they’re just so kind!!” so yeah.. (unless the village doesn’t really know about demons, then you can just ignore this)
okay so imma just start putting my ideas and prompt in here yeahh ..
so what I imagine is that the village knows about demons, but most just chalk it up as some sort of folklore to keep kids from wondering at night by themselves. however some (mostly the elders) claim to actually experience demon attacks so despite practically everyone living these two, they have their eyes on them just a bit..
the elders there would usually gather some kids and tell stories about demons roaming the night hunting for humans, and there would be people who would be as strong or stronger than the demons and slay them by cutting their heads off with a special blade- they say that there’s a whole organization dedicated for these specific people! and that those people who would sometimes come to the village with an odd uniform on are part of them.
one day while spider bro and rui visit the village, ashai drags them to where his grandfather would tell stories about demons and how the grandfather’s father were part of that organization and was called a “hashira” who mastered the sun breathing.
after that ashai would be like “that’s just gramps being all weird again with his whole demon slayer stuff, but it’s pretty interesting! it’s only a folklore though so you have nothing to be scared of. honestly, there’ll be times where I think you’re both demons or something because you guys act like you don’t know how to function as a human being sometimes, haha” and the spider bros would just be like “aha.. yeah..”
some of the elders start noticing that they only came around night, and unfortunately, not everyone is friendly. they kind of start interrogating them to the point where the other villagers would politely step in and tell them that they’re just kids with a condition that runs in their family (and rui becoming fed up then almost slashing them into ribbons). of course, a small portion of them don’t stop and are.. quite positive of it and would be a bit passive aggressive towards the two.
alright so I’ve come up with some ways it could go but I have no idea, you can decide which is better or somehow merge them together or mismatch and combine things,,, :D
1: obviously, the spider siblings can’t survive on human food. they’ll need human blood, the human food is just for when they get bored of eating humans for a bit. but.. how are they gonna get some? they can’t eat the village, and as much as they found the elders annoying they couldn’t since 1, they were pretty much right about them, and 2, if they were to eat the elders/anyone who found them suspicious even more people would start growing sus of them.
maybe.. the demon slayers that came to the village every now and then?
(name) would usually just use his spiders and take at least a cup (or two if rui’s feeling hungry) of their blood and bandage them up to go.
it lasted for a few weeks, so he thought he could control it.
him and rui did their best to try and suppress the urge, they really did.
they vowed themselves to not eat innocent people after meeting the friendly village.
but whenever a demon slayer would come to the village and whenever they took one or two cups of their blood, the more they craved just devouring them right there and then.
it was true that the two had a dislike for demon slayers, but they can’t say that most of them aren’t innocent. (I mean.. they kind of aren’t too)
they can’t do that.
a few more cups won’t hurt, right?
a few days pass, and the butterfly mansion has been getting more and more demon slayers, most of them were from dangerously high blood loss, just enough for them to live and walk.. kind of.
and they all came from near the mountain.
but.. (I’m assuming this is after the fight between tanjiro and rui, but instead rui got away before tomioka could show up) didn’t tomioka, shinobu, and a few other demon slayers slay all of the demons there? unless there are a few hiding.. however they claim to not have entered the mountain, and instead went straight to a nearby village. they also claim to not have remembered anything about getting their blood taken, just waking up on a floor near the village with their arm bandaged up (it always happened at night time, too).
two or more days pass before they send some demon slayers to come investigate.
these demon slayers of course being tanjiro, inosuke, and zenitsu (plus nezuko).
when they arrived, it had been around 5 to 6, just before the spider siblings came to visit.
as they entered, tanjiro could smell a very faint scent of a demon almost everywhere (mainly around the shops and the people)- so faint that he could’ve missed it if he wasn’t searching for demons right now.
but before he could try to track it down, many young children from the village ran up to them and started excitedly asking about their uniform and their swords.
“are you guys demon slayers?”
“are grandpa’s weird demon stories are true?”
“can I touch the sword???”
it was no secret that they stood out from the crowd, and the villagers usually didn’t really question it because each demon slayer looked pretty normal and bland.
tanjiro smiled remembering his younger siblings all getting ready to eat and play during spring time.
zenitsu noticed tanjiro being confused and told them that demon slayers weren’t very well known, but it seems like it’s a folklore from around here.
and inosuke, of course was about taken aback by all of these mini humans running around them and was about to fight them until tanjiro reassured him.
ashai ran towards them thinking that rui and (name) was here a bit earlier than usual but was a bit disappointed when he got closer to clearly see their faces (and a boar head).
Anyway let's do this..
Ok so the Village are familiar with demons and demon slayers but they take it as a Folklore since the grandparents keep mentioning it to the kids.
And before [Name] brung Rui, Ashai did ask him why he only came when the sunsets. And [Name] told him he was really sensitive to the sunlight, like, to the point it would actually burn him really bad.
And Ashai looked at him saying, "You could've just said you get really bad sunburn.."
And yes, his mom did smack him for saying that.
"Hi Ashai! You seem happy today."
"[Name]! Rui!" Ashai called out, running towards the two boys. Rui immediately pouted when he noticed the voice calling up to them wasn't one of the kind ladies trying to offer him food. Meanwhile, [Name] smiled at the boy's presence and walked faster towards Ashai.
"Yeah! I want to bring you to my grandfather-”
“Why?- Wait was is that..” Rui interrupted causing Ashai to stop walking and face Rui. “You did not just ask what a grandfather is.”
“I did. Now I want an answer.” Rui demanded his facial expression not changing a bit. Ashai sighed before explaining what a grandfather was, later explaining what a grandmother was, then explaining what a great grandfather and grandmother was.
Before Rui could ask anymore questions about people’s parents, Ashai changed the subject to the reason why he wanted to take them to his grandfather. 
‘Demon slayers’ was the first thing that came out of Ashai’s mouth and it made the two spider sibling’s heart drop. Rui’s heart dropped even deeper once he heard the word ‘Hashira’. It was almost impossible to hide the fact that it bothered him greatly.
Ashai turned around to race the two, and met their petrified expressions. Thinking they were terrified about the demon folklore, he immediately stopped talking and cupped [Name]'s face to try and reassure him.
"Oh no don't worry! It's just some dumb folklore, there's nothing to worry about! The demons aren’t real, it’s just some dumb story to keep the little ones from going outside at night. Its just gramps being all weird again with his whole demon slayer stuff, but it’s pretty interesting! Again, it’s only a folklore though so you have nothing to be scared of.” Ashai says letting go of [Name]’s face and opens the door for the two siblings to walk through. “Honestly, there’ll be times where I think you’re both demons or something because you guys act like you don’t know how to function as a human being sometimes, haha” Ashai joked, hoping to lighten the mood a bit
[Name] nervously laughed back while Rui just glared.
As the 3 boys walked inside the minka, [Name] noticed no one else was there except for the old man and Madam Yui. Not only that, but there was some strange aura in the air, as if he wasn’t welcome here. Turning over to Rui, [Name] can see his uneasy expression as well. But before he got the chance to say anything, Yui spoke aloud.
“Oh! sorry boys grandpa needs to rest, I’m sure if you come back later he’ll tell you one of his stories.”
A quiet sigh of relief was emitted from Rui. “Aww, that sucks I really wanted to you guys to here some of his stories.” Ashai pouted slightly. 
“Don’t worry, he’ll be awake soon.. Ashai, go over to the bakery and get the box wrapped in blue, its for your grandfather, don’t take to long ok?”
“Ok.. [Name]! Come with me-”
“No, I need him for something, just go over to the bakery real quick, get the box and come back.”
“Nothing sweetie.. Hi Rui” Yui smiled, hugging the demon child who had just ran up to her. “How are you baby? Did you eat the food I sent you home with?”
“Go young man.”
Knowing he couldn’t argue any further, Ashai reluctantly went over to the bakery without [Name]. “That boy is obsessed with you, isn’t he?” Madam Yui joked. Unfortunately for [Name], he was too busy staring at the door Ashai just went through to hear what Yui said, causing him to answer a couple seconds late. “H-huh”
“The tempura and Sushi? Yeah we finished it.”
“Oh, you must still be hungry.. [Name] can you close all the blinds and sweep the floor?”
“Of course!”
“Thank you dear, I’ll be in the kitchen with your brother if you need me” Yui said, walking into the kitchen with Rui.
[Name] got straight to work, closing the blinds and sweeping isn’t anything hard...But the strange aura he felt before when he first entered, intensified. It almost felt like the air gotten thicker as well.
As [Name] swept closer to the sleeping grandfather, he noticed something right next to him. Taking a closer look, [Name]'s eyes at the sight of the samurai sword. Why does it look bigger than the usual than the swords I’ve seen.
After staring at the sword for a bit, [Name] finally looked away from the sword to finish sweeping. 
“I kill your kind with this exact sword”
“Is that what you tell the demons before you kill them?” [Name] questions, trying his best not to show the slightest amount of fear in his voice. “Every. single. one.” [Name] nodded, but refused to face the owner of the voice and the larger than normal sword. “Your kind disgusts me. Killing innocent souls just for your selfish needs.”
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘Your kind’ sir-”
“Demons.” He spat. “I mean Demons.” [Name] only nodded, no words, justs movements. Speaking of movements, the old man began to get up and slowly move closer to [Name]. Shit, what do I do now?
After hearing Ashai say that his grandfather was a Hashira, [Name] knew that his age didn’t affect the way he moved. The retired hashira can block his way to the door in the matter of seconds. He didn’t want to question how fast he was compared to a sun-breathing hashira. So he put the broom down and finally face the old man who was ten feet away from him. “Who many demons did you ki-”
“You may have fooled everyone in this village with your little story. But I’m not naive.” The sun breathing hashira was now walking towards [Name]. [Name] wasted no time walking towards the kitchen, he could probably notify madam Yui..
If it wasn’t for the sun breather grabbing [Name] by the neck. "Like I said before... your kind disgust me. And don't get me started on your excuse of a leader 'Muzan kibutsuji' (I hate his last name. I've spent about five minutes trying to figure out if the first half was 'kitbust' or 'kibust'). You don't happen to have any information on him do you?" With every word, the hashira tighten his grip on [Name]'s neck. Making it harder and harder for [Name] to breathe. "And don't worry about him finding you after you tell me, I'll kill you the second I get the information I need."
"A-and...wh..if...don't..?" [Name] was barely audible and on the verge of blacking out with the insane grip on his neck. He could taste own blood at this point, but he wasn't concerned about the blood trickling out of his mouth, he was more concerned about how no one was here to save him. Madam Yui told Ashai not to take long, and the bakery isn't far away from here. So what the hell?
Without waiting another second, [Name] unleashed a tiny spider to go and kill the hashira. Sure he was Ashai's grandpa but, it was either this old man or him.
"Have nothing to say? Well that's disappointing.." [Name] could feel his eyes threatening to shut as he Choked on his own blood. "P-plea....sto..p" he tried to plead. "If it wasn't for you disgusting demons.. my wife would've still been alive. I swear, I will defeat your leader, and kill every single one of you good for nothing demons-"
"GRANDPA NO HE ISN'T A DEMON! LET HIM GO" Ashai yelled, alerting Madam Yui who came rushing out of the Kitchen, Rui not to far behind. "Put him down Grandpa! He isn't a demon!" Ashai pleaded, gripping onto his grandfather's hamari, tears threathing to spill from his eyes. "PLEASE STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!"
"Oh Ashai, this isn't what you call a friend. This is a human eating demon, that killed your- OW DAMMIT" The hashira yelled in pain, thus letting go of [Name].
Once [Name] hit the floor, he immediately sucked in as much air as he could before choking again.
"[NAME] are you ok?!" Ashai called, rushing over to help [Name]. Rui would've done the same if it wasn't for Yui protectively holding on to him.
"When was the last time you took your medicine? You almost killed him! He's only a child" Yui quickly scolded the elder. " Oh sweetheart.. that kick was so powerful it almost broke my arm. You should-"
"I'm not and won't become a demon slayer. Go back to your room and take your medicine. You almost killed him!"
"He isn't a kid. That thing is a demon.. And so is the smaller one your holding."
"They aren't demons-"
"They how come they only come out when the sun goes down?" To that Madam Yui didn't have an answer. She never really thought about why they did come when the sun isn't out. Thankfully Ashai spoke up just before the elder could prove his point. "Their both sensitive to sun the sunlight. Both their parents died because of that."
Madam Yui held Rui even tighter as she looked back at the elder. "Ashai go take [Name] to Ms. Reiki." She demanded. Without thinking Ashai immediately picked up [Name] and proceeded to carry him to whoever Ms. Reiki was.
"I know you wanna check on [Name], Rui, don't worry we'll go there in a minute." Yui reassures, while cupping Rui's left cheek. "Yui, your not this naive."
"You should be ashamed of yourself, hurting a defenseless child-"
"He isn't a child.. You know that demons basically have a unlimited lifespan? That 'kid' is most likely 40 years old"
"Your just delusional, you haven't taken your medicine all day have you?"
"I do not need that Goddamn Medi...cine.. What the hell are you staring at?!" The elder quickly spat at the small spider boy who stared at the two adults.
"Nothing.. I didn't know older people quarreled.. I thought only children quarreled." Rui said with pure innocence. "I thought when hu- people got older they learned how to settle their arguments maturely, rather than idiotic children that need someone superior than them to settle it for them"
The two adults stared at Rui, both with different intentions of what to do next. "Oh, Rui, It's-"
"Don't explain anything to that thing." The elder spat. Rui watched as the two adults argued with each other. For some strange reason Rui was invested slightly uncomfortable but couldn't help but listen to what they had to say.
Throughout this argument, Rui learned some new words..
"I'm so sorry about my Grandfather, [Name], my mom said he's been having some illusions lately.. I didn't expect it to get this worse." Ashai apologized for the 26th time. "Like... I said for 26th...time Ashai, its ok! I'm fine really.."
"I know but he choked you and called you a demon! Why are you so calm about it?! You could've died!"
".....But I didn't..So..Yay?..." [Name] jazzed-hand. Ashai just sighed in response.
"That's odd.." Ms. Reiki said to herself, but the boys were interested anyway. "What's is it Reiki-san?" Ashai asked, his voice full of concern. "You said your grandfather choked him right?..Oh nevermind it's probably nothing.." She dismisses. "How's your throat? Is it feeling sore?"
"Don't speak. Just nod or shake your head." Reiki quickly spoke. [Name] nodded slightly before smiling at Reiki. "Your welcome sweetie.. Oh! Yui, is everything.."
"Everything's ok.." The two boys turned their heads to face Yui, who had just walked in with a sleeping Rui. "[Name] I am terribly sorry for what occurred and your injuries."
"What did I say about speaking?"
Not wanting to know the punishment for disobeying a nurse, [Name] nodded again with a smile, hoping Madam Yui will see that he forgives her. Thankfully she understood and returned a smile. " [Name] you can go, just remember to take it easy on your throat and take the medication I gave you." [Name] obeyed and made note to throw out the medication, since it had no use to him.
Both Reiki and Madam Yui watched the [Name] walk out with his admirer, Ashai.
As they left, the two women looked at each other with worry some expressions. "How did it even happened?" Reiki asked immediately. "I'm not sure.." Yui answered in disappointment. "I was in the kitchen with Rui because he wanted a snack. Then all of a sudden I hear Ashai yelling something about a demon so I ran out to see him choking [Name]"
"Did he take his medicine? Or did he continue to rant about how he doesn't need it?"
"That exactly" Yui sighed. She looked down at the sleeping Rui she had in her hands. The only thing she could think about was how the situation would have happened if she didn't come out sooner.. Rui would've lost the only member of his family.. he would've been traumatized for the rest of his life.. "The nerve of him to call him a demon.." Yui spoke through her teeth in anger.
Taking a second to rid off any dark thoughts she turned back to Reiki. "I'm leaving now. I want the kids to eat something before they leave, have a nice night."
"Same to you as well"
"You need to eat a human"
"I'm aware of that.. But who am I going to eat?" [Name] questioned. It has passed a few weeks ever since the two spider siblings ate a human body. Sure, the human's food is tasty and gives them energy for a couple hours, but it doesn't give them the nutrients they need. Day by day they can feel their bodies growing weaker do to the lack of human blood in their system. [Name] could care less about his own health, he was more concerned about Rui and what he was gonna eat. Every couple minutes or so, he could here Rui's stomach growl from hunger.
It pained him to see Rui in this state. Yet he's been in this state for weeks now and [Name] still doesn't know what to do or who to eat.
"We can eat that old sun-breather" Rui suggested. [Name]'s eyes widen in response. "Or" Rui continued, "We can eat everyone else who called us a demon! We'll make them regret-"
"We can't do that.."[Name] sighed. [Name] knows that Rui's way smarter than this, but after weeks of being around humans and not being able to take a even a bite out of them, is bond to do something to the way he thinks.
"They've been accusing us for being demons, if they suddenly go missing, we would have a lot of suspicion towards us."
"If we can't eat any of the old people or anyone else at the village who can we eat?" Rui asked, completely annoyed. "It's already a problem that we can't go out during the day when the sun's out, so how can we- uhh... [Name] what- what are you doing?" Rui questioned as he watched [Name] create a small spider and send it out to go in the opposite direction towards the deeper part of the woods.
"[Name], What are you?- huh?" Rui stopped talking as he sees a demon slayer slowly walk towards him like a mindless zombie.
"You did so well sweetie~" [Name] cooed to his spider, gently petting the spiders head. "uhh.."
"mh? Oh! I heard footsteps coming while you were talking.. I don't think we can devour the body this time though.. they'll probably send in more demon slayers complaining about a demon."
Rui stared at the demon slayer who had no control over their body. It's right there in front of him, he has every right to devour the vulnerable human, but then at the same time he doesn't. Just because people don't know he's a bloodthirsty demon who needs human blood to survive.
"Cut the skin open, you can suck the blood off of that. Take as much as you want but don't take too much so they can't walk, ok?" [Name] said. "Wait what about you? You need to-"
"It's fine, you need it more than me, I'll just fine another-"
"No. Take some as well, we don't know the next time you'll get choked like that.. or be threaten with wisteria.. we might not be able to regenerate as fast as we used too. I won't take a lot.. A cup or two should be enough to last a week or so." Rui demanded. [Name] only nodded in response.
Rui examined the slayer standing in front of him, figuring out where to suck the blood out of. "Cut open wherever chubbiest and take some blood. I'll send out a couple of my spiders to grab some bandages so we can patch them up. Then we'll leave them here and continue with our day." [Name] said, already making bigger than normal sized spiders to send out to the village to steal some bandages.
"How often are we gonna do this?" Rui asked while using his threads make a 'X' formation around the slayers hips. "I guess every couple weeks? or when your feeling hungry..."
It was surprising how well they managed to control themselves for so long. After taking a little more than one cup of blood, they soon decided to reward themselves with another two cups. After being satisfied, they cleaned and bandaged the body. Later leaving it mindless on the ground waiting for sunrise to come and free it from it's curse.
The spider siblings decided to do this every week or two. Find a slayer, drain most of its blood, patch it up, and pretend like nothing happened. It was hard trying not to devour the human, but the managed. Sure they had to hold each other back every now an then but the really are trying..
Meanwhile the butterfly mansion was trying to solve the mystery of the barely walking slayers with bandaged arms, legs, neck, and or stomach with a dangerously high amount of blood loss.
"Shinobu! We got another one!" Aoi called from the door frame leading to the medical room. "And Yes! Its the same bandaging pattern!" Shinobu sighed, yet kept the smile that was always on her face. This is the 5th one this month, the last person was barely alive.. if this keeps going...
"Oh! Another one?" Kanae (Yes she's alive here, I really miss her) said walking into the same room as Shinobu. "Your back so soon?" Shinobu questioned. "Only for a bit... I do have to get going soon. But since it is still day, I thought I would be able to get some more information on why some of our people are coming back with a terrible amount of blood loss. You care to join me?" Kanae offered, signaling Shinobu to follow her. Without a doubt, Shinobu followed her sister to medical room Aoi was in.
"Wait, The mountain that's a couple miles from here?" Shinobu asked, interrupting the story the only stable slayer was telling. "Y-Yeah actually.." The slayer answered.
"That's odd.." Kanae remarked, putting her index finger to her on her chin. "Shinobu, didn't you and tomioka slayed all the demons near the mountain?"
"Yes. Indeed we did.. We even raided the shed near the mountain."
"Act-actually.." The slayer spoke up "I never went to the mountain.. I went straight to the village near the woods."
"Why go straight to the village?"
"I was going to ask the people there if they had experince any suspicious activity. But before I got to the village, I felt something bite me. That's when I passed out. I wasn't sure how long I was out for, but when I woke up.. I was all bandaged up."
"Sorry to interrupt" Aoi interrupted "But, did you ever did get the chance to go to the village?"
"uuh no." The slayer concluded.
" Why'd you asked that Aoi?" Kanae asked. "Oh I wanted to know where the bandages came from. Anyway I should get back to work." Aoi claimed as she quickly walked off.
Aww she want to contribute but got nervous.. Kanae smiled to herself before getting up with a small stretch.
"Well!" Kanae clapped. "We'll send a couple demon slayers to investigate the area... Aoi said the patients claimed that it happened at night correct?"
"Uhh Yeah.."
"Then it's settled we'll send slayers right away to the area.. please get as much rest as you can and stay healthy, we will get to work immediately. Thank you!" And with that Kanae signaled her sister to follow her once more before leaving.
"Are you going to ask any of the Hashira to help?" Shinobu asked. "Well no that's not who I had in mind.."
"Then who?"
"We could've got here earlier if SOMEONE DIDN'T MAKE US STOP FOR TEMPURA!" Yelled a very pissed Zenitsu. Inosuke paid no attention to Zenitsu and instead enjoyed the last bite of Tempura he had in his mouth underneath his mask.
"Well it's only 5:48 so we have plenty of time to investigate the area" Tanjiro said trying his best to cause not another fight between Zenitsu and Inosuke for the fifth time today.
Zenitsu sighed. "Well? Do you smell anything?"
"Oh um.." Tanjiro took a second to sniff the air.
The village smelled friendly. Happy kids, happy adults, happy pets, demons, baked goods, fresh food, healthy environment..
"Huh?" Tanjiro said quietly to himself. He took another sniff around, taking him about a minute to finally, fully grab the demon scent.
"It's very faint." He unintentionally reported to Zenitsu. "It's on almost everything..and everyone.."
"Wait.. on the people too?! Dose that mean it's hiding as a human!?" Zenitsu began to panic. "It seems like it... how else would the scent get on the people."
"Start tracking it down gompochiro!!" Inosuke demanded.
"Right I should-"
"Is that a real sword?" A little girl asked. "Oh uh- where did you-"
"Are you a demon slayer?"
"Are grandpa's weird stories true?"
"Why do you have a boar hat?"
"Can I touch the sword?"
"Can I wear the boar hat?"
"Is that a bird on your head?"
A whole bunch of little kids ran up to the three strange looking people and asked them all the questions that came to mind. Not giving them the chance to answer.
Tanjiro smiled at all the kids who surrounded them, they reminded him of his siblings when it was time to eat or going out to play.
"Are Grandpa's weird stories true?"
Tanjiro's eyebrows furrowed. "I thought demon slayers weren't that well known.." Tanjiro questioned Zenitsu.
"INOSUKE STOP TRYING TO FIGHT THE KIDS- huh? Oh uhh I guess it's a folklore around here.. maybe to keep the kids from walking out at night or- INOSUKE NO"
"No! No Inosuke these are kids, you know? The ones we don't fight!" Tanjiro quickly reassured. "Huh? Why not?? Their just like us but smaller! They can fight!!"
"Oh you got to be kidding me-"
"[Name]! I didn't know you were coming this early- oh hi! Sorry.. I thought you were someone else.." Ashai apologized, he thought [Name] and Ashai came earlier due to the ruckus outside in front. Instead he ran up to a couple of strangers in weird clothes and a shirtless boy in a boar hat.
So why did this take me a month to post? It's not even that long..
I'll edit this in the morning and answer the other asks in the morning as well.
Remember that requests are still open and have a nice night/day/afternoon/universe
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