#it's feelings about zack hours
loisfreakinglane · 5 months
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wowa-bublord · 3 months
Does Cloud ever confront Zack about all the neglect he subjected himself to in favor of taking care of Cloud?
I think It'd be one of his first thoughts when he's awake again!
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initially I think he'd just think Zack was being a bit silly, and that he'd focus more on himself now that Cloud wasn't completely reliant on him. After a few weeks(?) he'd realize how much Zack prioritizes Cloud over himself, and he'd try to be more forceful with it
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....but neither of them are very good with their words, so it gets worse before it gets better.
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comical-icicle · 1 year
@exist101 I blame you for this idea
Basically a small story of Steamworks, mainly centered around Zack, Sprocket, and Sully before the events of the island. Under a keep reading because I got carried away
Sully’s Garage had strong metal pipes running through the place, transporting water and heat from the furnace- located in the corner of the building- around the place and to Sully’s Steam-Powered Paraphernalia, the pipes were kept separated, curving around one another whenever they intended to overlap in locations. Crates of mechanical parts were spread around the place and a few screws had fallen out, glinting against the light provided, while the tools were neatly hung up near a table with gears and a small can of oil. Since many of the machines the islanders have created were steam-powered, the oil was only used to make sure that the metal wouldn’t rust but it was also the strongest smell in the garage.
The sound of metal clanking against metal filled the air of the garage as a young man worked to adjust one part of the machine he was working on. The man had red hair and pale skin, though his face had freckles revealing the time in the sun he had spent previously. His brown gloves currently wielding a wrench as the suit was leaned down in front of him. Sighing he ran his fingers through his hair, the tangles getting caught and the man winced at the accidental tug. He attached the wrench to the toolbelt that hung loosely around his waist as he moved to grab the welding equipment, thankfully having enough sense to readjust his goggles - circular ones with a gold tint around the lenses- over his eyes. His brown welding jacket and heavy brown boots had already been put on over his light blue shirt and dark blue pants. There was only a moment of hesitation as he glanced over at the garage door, making sure no one was paying a surprise visit before having the device hum to life and he did brief segments to weld the two metal pieces together, making sure to look away right before each push of the button.
The machine itself was a maintenance mech, a mech suit that the young man had designed to be multi-functional. What the multi-functions were? He didn’t quite know yet, but that was the fun of being an inventor, trying out and designing new attachments. However, the suit itself wasn’t quite done yet. The young man huffed and went to the chalkboard, quickly scribbling down the two parts he still needed. The two parts would be easy to install and were all ready to go, the mech crank was currently in his room as he had pulled an all-nighter to finally get it done but had just forgotten it when it was time to head down to the garage and the steam motor were sold by Sully, another inventor that let him rent out her garage.
The sound of a propellor approaching suddenly filled the young man’s ears along with the faint sound of footsteps following behind. A loud squeak was heard as the mechanism he was standing on was lowered to the ground, followed up with an almost human but the electrical buzz giving away the machine, “Zaaaack!”
Zack turned to the two figures approaching with a smile and a small wave. The first that quickly approached, stopping just before crashing into him, was a robot he had built that he had named Sprocket. Sprocket was a smaller robot, at least compared to ones the other inventors have been building around town, but had more expressions that Zack had built in with a system where Sprocket would have his head blocked from view by metal plating, similar to a knight’s helmet movement, before coming back into view with the different emotion. Sprocket also had two spindly arms and was light in weight. Considering that his main way of moving was to use his propellor to fly, this was not a surprise. The second figure was another short haired red head with pale skin, Sully. Her goggles were adjusted to the top of her head and had a brown vest with a blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, wearing similar pants and boots to the ones Zack was wearing, and had a more peach-like color for the lipstick she wore. In her hand was a small bottle filled with water.
“Thanks for letting me borrow Sprocket for a bit. He’s been a lot of help and the customers love him.” Sully said, handing him the bottle of water, which Zack gladly accepted as he now realized just how thirsty he was. He shrugged as he struggled to open the bottle with gloved hands and responded, “It’s no trouble, Sprocket likes your shop so he never really gets bored there. Technically, I should be thanking you for watching him while I was busy.”
Sully glanced behind Zack and over at the Maintenance Mech with a raised brow. She commented, “Ah, still working on your latest project I see.”
“Yeah, it’s been-“ Zack was saying before being cut off by Sprocket saying, “Three months and fifteen days.”
A look over at the powered down machine had Sprocket add, “and counting.”
Zack laughed at that before finally managing to get the bottle open and taking a sip of the water before pulling the bottle away and stare at it for a moment. Tilting her head, Sully asked if something was wrong. Shaking his head, Zack responded that the water just tasted a little strange, but may have been from his lack of drinking anything all day. He pretended not to notice the disapproving stare down that Sully gave him as he awkwardly took another sip.
“Well, what else do you need to do before I finally get my garage back?” She asked, returning to her usual state with a playful jab of her elbow to Zack’s arm. It didn’t hurt, but he still rubbed the area that was hit. Zack responded that he just needed a steam motor from Sully’s store and the mech crank at his home and then he would have all the parts he would need to complete the device. His eyebrows raised as a low hiss of an inhale was heard and he asked if something was wrong. Sully’s face scrunched up slightly as she informed Zack, “I wish you told me earlier, I just sold the last one. They’re installing them into the bridges to help them raise and lower more smoothly.”
His face fell at the news and let out a small sigh. Not wanting to see Zack in such a sad state, Sprocket piped up, “Well, the factory should be making a fresh batch since they’re so popular right now. You could get one then!”
“Yeah, I’ll place an order and store one away. Shouldn’t be a problem.” Sully added with a small nod. Zack lifted his head and gave the two of them an excited smile, “Really? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course, you’re my best friend!” That came from Sprocket.
”Yeah, you’ve been stinking up my garage. Need to get you out before it’s permanent for future customers.” That came from Sully.
Zack let out a small laugh before setting his toolbelt on the table and suggesting, “Hey, why don’t we take a walk around town? I heard they were installing a new platform system.”
“That’s what you’re excited about? I’ve seen it and it looks like it’s gears would stop turning in… I give it about a year.” Sully responded, crossing her arms. Shrugging, Zack told her that he still wanted to see it, and maybe they could suggest improvements if it was really that bad which made her wave her hand in dismissal and say, “Well, you have fun, but I should head back to shop. Captain Ziggs is supposed to come by some time today and I don’t want to miss him.”
“I can go with you, Zack!” Sprocket offered, which made Zack smile and nod. After their plans were made, the three walked out of the garage, leaving behind the strong smell of oil and the faint smell of freshly cut grass behind.
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x-nephophile-x · 1 year
16 year old me, you had zero fucking taste
''wah no one shuts up about ff7 and aerith and cloud and sephiroth wah its so popular therefore i hate it and ill never try any final fantasy game'
shut the fuck up, go watch Cloud ride a motorcycle and look at Aerith smile and maybe you'll feel better
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zackcollins · 2 years
If anyone wants to know how I’m doing:
This has caused me more emotional grief, heartbreak, and made me feel worse than I felt the last time I was broken up with. So, yeah. Safe to say I won’t be right for a little while because of how much Zack meant to me.
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icharchivist · 1 month
so one of my friends started ff7's og recently and he's been streaming to me how he advances inside the game (he played the remake, ended up hating it and thought the problem was that ff7 must suck, and then i started to ramble and it got him curious to try the OG instead. he's having much more fun so far)
i noticed a worrying pattern from watching him play, that he doesn't explore every houses or talk to every NPCs, and while in some places it's okay, in others well...... i get to worry.
so i told him "once you go to Gongaga take Aerith and Tifa with you as you explore the town" like i always do
and he laughed because "isn't Gongaga a meme" and once again i have to go :) yeah, anyway,
but so he went to Gongaga rn and he almost skipped all of the houses. And i had to go "no. you check all the houses. Please." and he was like yeah yeah
and so we reached Zack's parents' house and the moment they dropped "Do you know a guy in Soldier named Zack?" my friend audibly gasped like "no fucking way"
and meanwhile i was having emotions behind my screen as quiet as possible while my friend clearly was going through the motions like I See.
Friend in question has been nicknaming me "Zack Fair's most normal fan" so there were clearly dots connected
but man. I love doing that. Me making sure everyone who plays the OG gets the ultimate Zack Fair experience---
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myhappylittlesideblog · 2 months
Tell Me What To Do
A/N: okay you all convinced me. Daryl is inexperienced when it comes to sex. Bless.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader Prison Era
WC: 2.6K
Warnings: smut, masturbation (both), fingering, inexperienced Daryl, light voyeurism, premature ejaculation
Summary: when you need some help, Daryl is happy to offer his assistance and learn exactly what you need.
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It was bad. It was hot, sweaty, and torturous and it was driving her to tears. It was like her own body was against her, making her crazy for a release that was too stubborn to come.
Pun intended.
By now, she had shoved a rag between her teeth which she bit down on relentlessly in both frustration and an attempt to smother any whimpers that unwittingly left her. It took everything in her not to tear the cloth to shreds.
Everyone around her was asleep, she was sure of it. It was an ungodly hour, after all. She was on the top level of the block and the cell next to hers was empty- newly empty. But that didn’t cross her mind right now. The only thing in her head right now was please please please…
Carol slept in the next cell block over, but she had taken over the night watch shift from (Y/N), which made this an optimal time to take care of this… need. This feeling that swelled deep in her gut and needed to be expelled.
She just couldn’t reach.
Her entire body trembled and her legs downright shook in the bed as her heels dug in and held her up. The curve of her back ached all the way up to her neck from its perpetual arching. She’d been so close for so long now, why couldn’t she just let go?
Out of breath, she laid out flat for a moment and stared at the ceiling, trying to imagine what had brought her to this point in the first place. She pictured strong, dirty hands, a slim mouth, and narrowed eyes. Deep in her mind, she heard grunts and curses. She even imagined whimpers.
It was too much. She tried again.
He’d seen her like that before. He didn’t do it on purpose, he certainly didn’t go looking. It’s just that the privacy screens on the cell doors only did so much, even when she yanked the ends of the curtain all the way to each side. He could still see.
And his tracker’s ears- they could still hear even when she did everything in her power to stay quiet. Just her breathing- as ragged as it was hushed- tipped him off.
Once he had just been passing by, grabbing Zack for his watch shift in the middle of the night. Luckily the kid was passed out, deep in sleep, and had no idea what she was doing just next door to him. It made Daryl’s chest light up with a jealous, protective fire that fueled him to push Zack silently along the balcony and out to the watchtower, none the wiser.
Daryl, though, was wise to it. To her touching herself in the dark. He wasn’t completely daft, he knew everyone did it and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t wonder about you previously. While he didn’t return to peek again- he wouldn’t, he respected you too much- he did rush back to his own cell like a grounded teenager sneaking back into the house at midnight. With shaking hands, he slammed his curtain up against the walls of his cell and leaned his back against the pillar of his bed.
He didn’t want to. It made him feel like a sleaze. She was nothing like anyone he’s experienced before- in his old life, his other life. And he thanked fuck for that. But he knew this aching hard on, the one that had so quickly spurred to life at the sight of her- that one tiny peek of her- wouldn’t go away without a fight. He had to take care of it. Had to rub one out right there, standing just inside the door of his cell, fly open and boxers pulled down just enough to get his fist around the base of his cock.
It was quick and dirty and he tried not to include her in his fantasies, but he failed. He pictured what he had seen that night, which was so similar to what he saw this night when he finally got the courage to peek through the sliver sized gap between the privacy shield and the wall of her cell.
The top level of the cell block was empty except for Daryl and her. He’d just laid down for the night- later than usual after returning from a run that evening- and he heard a breath catch.
He stood immediately, grabbing his crossbow from its perch on the ground right beside his pillow. Exiting his cell, he viewed with block from above, assessing any threat but he quickly realized there wasn’t one. Well, nothing more than a threat to his own sanity, that is.
He followed the noise, though she was successful in being almost silent despite her activities. He leaned against the wall, needing the support as he listened. He was sure there was only one person in the cell, no one else joined you, no other threat imminent.
One mouth hanging open, one set of lungs gasping for air, two feet sliding against the sheet, one her begging for orgasm. Though it was clear she couldn’t find it.
Just the sound of her had him losing his breath. And when his head slowly swiveled to the doorway, that was it for him.
Standing there outside her cell, he could imagine what caused her to make those struggling sounds. He could picture what her hands might be doing, where they could be touching, how she may have been trembling. Or shining with slick.
Now, however, he could see it all exactly. The saliva dampening the rag stuck in her mouth, the tears tracking their way down her cheeks, her breasts squeezed together like two mounds under her shirt as her arms reached and reached down between her legs. A sharp crack busted open in his chest as he watched her struggle. While he stood there with two good, free hands.
She was too lost in desperation to notice him slide past the curtain and into her cell. The hunter, after all, was silent. He set his weapon down on her clean desk and knelt at her bedside, taking in her furrowed brow and tangled hair. A moment passed as he simply watched her up close.
She only opened her eyes when he tugged the rag from her mouth. She jolted from him, shocked.
“Shh, s’alrigh’.” He wiped the tears from her face as he whispered to her.
“Is something- did I wake you? I’m sorry, I-“
He stopped her from shuffling the sheets closer to her body, but he himself tugged her shirt down to shield her from him. As if the image wasn’t burned in his mind already.
“I can help,” he said, taking her chin in his rough fingertips. “Yer workin’ so hard here,” he smirked.
“No,” she said.
His hands left her at the word. “Want me ta leave?”
“No.” She grabbed his arm, bringing his hand back to her face. “No, don’t leave.”
A grunt grumbled in his chest and left his throat. “Tell me what I can do. Tell me what ya want.”
She stared at him, taking in the face she’d been picturing all night and every other time she touched herself since meeting him. And now, he was right here. Offering to help. It sent a wave of slick down to her core.
Eyes falling into a lazy, needy haze, she moved his fingers from the tip of her chin to her lips. She sucked his middle two into her mouth, swirling her tongue around them and drenching them with her saliva.
“Shit,” Daryl groaned, feeling painfully hard in his filled out pants already. “Shit-cher such a pretty girl.”
She hummed around his digits, smiling at the praise. It was just as she imagined it might be.
With her feet, she kicked down the sheets and opened her legs for him so shyly. Just a bit.
“Tell me,” he said.
He’d fucked girls before, but it was just to get himself off. It was quick and sloppy and he barely used his hands, just his dick. He’d never worked for a woman’s pleasure before. He needed her to tell him what she wanted. He needed to feel her.
Her fingers never left him, wrapped tight around his wrist as she lowered his hand to the wet spot between her thighs. “I want your fingers in me,” she said.
The moment he touched her thigh, her knees fell wide open and he could have come right there and then, untouched. His cock jumped against the fly of his pants at the sight- at how wet she was for him.
“Jus-just one? Er-“
“Both. Please.”
The pads of his fingers rubbed at her entrance. He took a minute to explore her and she sighed happily, finally not needing to work so hard for her own pleasure. It was like a dream- he was like a dream to her.
Only when she nodded did his fingers slowly plunge into her. She was so warm and soft and spongy inside and when he pulled his fingers out, he felt her pussy suck him back in.
“Fuck,” he said.
She whined in answer, chasing his fingers and scooting her ass down the cot to be closer to him.
His fingers dove back in. “M’righ’ ‘ere,” he mumbled, leaning over her body as he knelt on the floor. He tucked his arm under her neck, his strong, round forearm acting as her pillow.
“M-fuck-yes,” she whined. “Yer fingers are so big, so long, yes-“
“Ya like tha’?”
“Yes, Daryl, please.”
He was drunk on her sounds. Drunk on the way her eyes squeezed shut and her teeth sunk into her lip and her back arched into him, curving to the side until it brushed against his chest. She wanted him so close.
She lifted her free hand- the hand that wasn’t practically tearing his shirt- and put her fingers in the air. She curled them up against her palm, showing him what she wanted him to do to her. Inside her.
“C-curl them, please, yes- like that.”
She was practically wrapping herself around him. After releasing these soft, high pitched whines, she moved into deep, guttural grunts and groans that had him falling over the cot, at her mercy.
“Fuck me, Daryl.”
“Whatever you want, baby. M’I doin’ good fer ya? Huh? Gotta be quiet now, good girl.”
She nodded, turning her head into him, kissing and sucking on his arm. He pulled her closer until the bulge of his bicep was flexed and right there for her to sink her teeth into.
It was all he could do to keep her on the bed. She was so sexy, so hot and pretty like this, he’d do anything for her. He already felt that way without this intimacy, but this night clinched it. He was hers.
He rested his cheek on her head and whispered to her, kissing her hair. “Ya gonna come fer me, baby? Huh?”
She nodded fiercely against his chest.
“Use yer words, girl.”
“Yes, Dare. Please, make me come.”
“Tell me wha’ I gotta do.”
She fell back on the cot, flat again like when they began this dance. “Don’t stop, please.”
He watched with hungry, black eyes as her hand trailed down her side to the little bundle right above the spot where his own fingers worked. His jaw dropped with a silent, knowing groan.
“Gonna rub yer clit fer me? Make yerself come ‘round my fat fingers, huh?”
She whined in confirmation. “Shit- please, please-“
“I gotcha, baby. Ya tell me, tell me what’cha want.”
Fuck. That was it for him. He ground against the side of the bed, letting the friction finally touch his hard, oozing cock as he watched her. His fingers disappeared deep in her and he worked so hard to curl them the way she liked, the way that made her whine for him. But as she got closer to her orgasm, he felt that spongy spot on the top of her walls grow bigger and harder and it became more difficult for him to move his fingers. His hand felt as if it would cramp up and his veins were popping through the underside of his sore and tired forearm, but he’d die before letting his girl down.
This girl. Maybe at least for this stolen moment in the night she was his.
He watched her expertly draw little circles into what he knew was her clit- yes, there it was- and again, his barely touched cock twitched hard against his jeans.
“Fuck,” he ground out in a low growl. “Fuck me, (Y/N), look at me.”
She so quickly obeyed. Her eyes popped open and she bit her lip hard, but he couldn’t stand to see it so abused. His mouth crashed down to hers, sucking her bottom lip away from her teeth and soothing it with his tongue. He didn’t want to kiss her tonight, he didn’t want to ruin it with his sloppy, untamed mouth, but he couldn’t help it.
She moaned deep into his mouth and he ground into the side of the cot and came, shooting his cum into his pants.
Just as he was about to beg for her, she followed him into oblivion, ripping her mouth from his to suck in a gasp. She came whining his name and it was the best sound he’d ever heard. He wanted it tattooed on his skin so it would never leave him. Just the sound of her blissed out, fuck drunk voice.
Her hand shot down to his, where his fingers were still working inside her. “Slow, slow, please,” she said, trembling.
“Fuck, m’sorry-“
She kissed him again, this time softer against his lips. Her hands on his face smelled of her cum and he felt his cock blooming to hardness again.
“Thank you,” she said, exhausted and timid.
He chuckled as he sucked on his pruned, salty fingers, enjoying the taste of her and what he helped her do. “No problem.”
“You know, I can help with that,” she said, eyeing the bulge in his jeans. He thanked fuck that his boxers formed a barrier between his cock and his pants so she couldn’t see he’d already come once just at the sight of her, practically untouched.
“Next time,” he said, standing. He could see she was already fading, tired from the exertion. “Git sum sleep, girl.”
He turned his back to her, lifting his crossbow from her desk as quietly as he could, wincing at the uncomfortable, drying cum in his pants.
“Daryl,” she said from the bed. He expected her to fall asleep immediately, as he always did, but she’d sat up on the cot.
“Wha? Did I hurt ya?”
“No,” she said with a shy smile. “No, I’m good. But are we? Good?”
He shrugged, hiding his smile with a slanted smirk. “More n’ good.”
“Okay. Good. I’ll see ya in the morning, then.”
He nodded. “See ya.”
He ducked out the way he came in, silent with his crossbow on his back. His dick pressed stubbornly against his fly again and he knew he’d quickly take care of it by just closing his eyes and studying the image of her that was now burned into his eyelids. Sweet deal.
Maybe he’d actually be able to touch himself this time.
Before he made it to his cell, however, he passed Carol’s. She was already back from watch- how long had he been in (Y/N)’s cell?
Carol stood just inside her doorway leaning against it. “‘Bout damn time,” was all she said.
“Shut up,” Daryl said, as his whole body flushed red.
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shinrarisen · 2 years
cissnei and zack having a raiden and rose (if you've played mgs2) like relationship would be angsty
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Anons Always Welcome! <3 
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I haven’t played any of the MGS games, but I know exactly who you mean! And while sure, it’d definitely be angsty, I can’t see it happening. Part of Cissnei’s reasoning for saying no overall and turning down a relationship was to keep him safe and because she knew any kind of relationship would end badly for the both of them; Shinra would’ve used their relationship like Rose’s entire job was to use Raiden, but Cissnei didn’t have it in her to ‘invent’ a new person to trick him. He didn’t know her until Genesis left as it was, so there was no reason to do something like that, especially when they worked in two different departments?
Would be angsty af, but totally not in Cissnei to do <3
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c0smoshit · 1 month
Comfort headcanons!!
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⋆ ࣪. ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 ≫ Cloud, Zack and my bby Vincent
⋆ ࣪. 𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 ≫ none, just fluff
⋆ ࣪. 𝔸/ℕ ≫ First little fic after a while, hope you guys enjoy!!
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★ As we all know, he isn't the best comfort buddy
★ But, through all the years he had to slowly leave behind all his trauma, he definitely has softened up
★ Secretly loves the way you would fall asleep on him after bawling your eyes out
★ Obviously not much of a talker, he prefers to listen and just be there for you
★ I just love to think that it always ends up in a hours-lasting cuddling session, doesn't matter if he was the one who needed to be comforted or the other way around
"It´s fine, really" However, your puffy cheeks said otherwise as you adverted your gaze from him. Your arms hugging your body wearily, soft sniffles and of course, your ragged breathing was all you had let him see. His approach was sincere, walking slowly up to you just to place a hand on your shoulder, he sure had improved on how to just... listen over the years. "Talk to me" But still you wouldn't budge, turning your face from him, embarrassed he had to see you like this once again. So after huffing out a sigh he seemed to have been holding for quite a while now, he placed his left hand on your unoccupied shoulder and pulled you closer to him. Then you let go, ugly sobbing into his chest as you fisted his shirt. His hands trying the most soothing patterns he recalls you drawing on his back after a rough day. He would caress as tenderly as he could, not quite being used to touching a texture softer than the handle of his sword, to hear such pretty cries and not from death. "Sorry, I just-" You hiccuped after you had rambled your sorrows into the tension-filled air of your room. However, he didn't budge, muffling your priceless apologies into his chest as he opted to just hold you for however you needed him to. That was his way of showing you how much he appreciated you, everything you had done to soothe him, he will reciprocate too.
★ MAJOR comforter
★ I mean, he doesn't even have to do anything, his meere presence is just so comforting
★ He feels bad about it but he loves your face whenever you're grumpy or upset, he just finds your tear-stained cheeks so cute!
★ Oh and btw, you aren't crying more than 5 minutes when he's around
★ He would do anything to make you forget it, want some icecream? He's already bought like 10 of them. A massage? Face down lying on your mattress asap
"C'mon y/n" You felt his saddened voice ring through your ears, his hands holding your waist as you hid your face under your palms. Your cheekbones glistening and getting irritated from the saltiness of your tears, and the more he tried to sneak a peek out of the them, the worse he felt. "Look at me please" He whispered as he delicately placed his still gloved hands over yours, finally prying them off your gorgerous face. "There we go, as beautiful as I remember" You didn't know why, but at first glance, his dumb but somewhat anxious smile looking down at you made you mimic his own expression, earning a playful laugh from him. It really wasn't fair, you thought, you could never be upset around him. "What? Got something funny on my face?" He joked before swiftly moving his hands and reaching the sides of your waist, nagging your sides until he had to catch you from falling on your ass as you laughed. "You're such a dork" You giggled out after he lifted you into his arms, your feet dangling off the floor as your arms were trapped under a bear hug. Hearts beating shakily into each other the more he nuzzled into you. "Yeah, but you love it"
★ Tbh I think he's the most compressive of the three
★ Would and will listen to you ramble for hours of necessary, he's such a hopeless romantic
★ Not a fan of physical contact but if you are, he would not complain if you wanted to cuddle with him
★ (I mean this mf is always sleeping on his coffin)
★ Will do whatever you felt more comfortable with, if you just want him to listen and be there, he will, if you want to be alone, he will leave you be (but ofc he later would be looking for you to see if you were fine)
"Who was it?" A sudden deep voice rang through your ears, making you jolt up from the floor as you looked around to spot the source of it. And of course, it was your deary sneaky vampire. "Jesus" You choked out before turning your back to him, telling him that one, he really should stop sneaking on you like that and two, of course it was nothing. Either way, as soon as he heard your pained voice he knew you required some comfort, he's been there already. The more you stepped away, the more he tried to approach you, finally getting to wrap his cold arms on your waist as your back pressed against his chest. . . . You both stayed like that for a while, rocking back and forth as he lulled you, letting you cry out your last tears before you finally felt relief, slumping down on him as sleepiness took over your features.
He huffed out what seemed a quiet laugh before dragging you back into your bed, sitting on it first as he let you nestle on his lap, your cheek pressed against his shoulder as you slowly dozed off on him. His cloack sure was comforting.
"Don't let such a stupid thing get into your head dummy" "Yeah, she's right y/n" You swore you couldn't feel any warmer in that moment, the girl's you've always looked up to were sweeter than ever. And yeah, it was a stupid thing you were upset about too.
Then they both took you on one of the best improvised little dates ever, taking walks and admiring the (not-so-clean) streets of Midgar. Then Aerith took you to her house, Tifa following shortly behind you as they both giggled playfully.
A cuddling session followed closely and you were absolutely living it. Snacking on some homemade food Aerith's mom had worked on the day before and nuzzling your head onto Aerith's chest meanwhile Tifa had her arms around you for behind.
"You both are the best, really"
You sighed out, your eyes not puffy anymore as you glanced at both of them. Earning more sweet comments from the brunnete and nods from the bartender.
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ariseur · 2 months
I’m the sephiroth hc anon, yea I was referring to the sfw and nsfw, sorry for not specifying :0
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sephiroth (n)sfw hc’s 𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪
sephiroth (ffvii) x reader
┊ ˚➶ notes 。˚ 🎼
guys the motivation is coming back to me TRUST ME i’m slowly but surely working on it.. 🙏🙏
┊ ˚➶ warnings 。˚ 🎼
post nibelheim sephiroth being jealous, possessive, a little toxic and manipulative, mentions of sephiroths touch repulsion and touch starvation, nsfw will have a warning before it, intended lowercase, lmk if i missed anything!! 💕
. ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄ . ˚◞♡ ⃗ *ೃ༄
❥ soooo!!!1!1!1
❥ let me start off with pre-nibelheim headcanons because i miss a more domestic and ‘normal’ sephiroth rather than.. crazy seph lol
❥ so now let’s get into the actual thing!!
❥ i do not think that sephiroth is familiar with love whether it’s pre or post nibelheim, and if you read up on my angsty / comfort sephiroth fics you’ll see how i love the portrayal of where he’s so beloved by his fanclub and the public due to being a, “war hero” despite not feeling any close love like how you’d love him. the closest he’d get to developing emotional attachments would be his relationship with genesis and angeal (and maybe zack).
❥ it’ll take a while for sephiroth to fully trust and put his faith in you, but he’s actually very mature about romance. he doesn’t get very jealous and he’s very confident in your relationship and bond, if you read up on my jealousy hc’s i explain more there!!
❥ and when he really trusts you.. he’ll even let you perform his hair care routine on him when he’s too tired to do it himself. as you’ve seen, his hair is absolutely gorgeous and while he spends like an hour in the shower on just his hair— he spends more time when he’s out the shower as well with all the after product 😭.
❥ he enjoys having you brush his hair in the mornings and if you have long hair, he’ll return the favor. nothing’s better than sephiroth’s gentle hand cradling your head as he softly brushed through your strands, trying his hardest not to snag too hard on any tangles. if you’re comfortable with it, he’ll even hop in the shower with you and wash your hair for you. he’s not ashamed of nudity, he finds it a very normal and humanizing experience— knowing you can still be so vulnerable and not have it be sexual. he loves when you wash his hair for him too tho, it’s just super long so it’ll take a while lol.
❥ i cant see him as a morning person. i saw a post that he said, “sephiroths not a morning person, he’s a ‘im up because I have to be but if anyone talks to me, there will be murder’ person.” and i totally agree with that. you’ll wake him up, mentioning how he reminded you to wake up him bright and early tomorrow yet there you’d be, shaking his shoulder gently and he mutters a plea of five minutes more before pulling you closer.
❥ i definitely think that you guys would have to keep your love life private considering his job unless you’re like.. around angeal or maybe genesis. possibly zack, but you guys would have to make him promise that he wouldn’t tell anyone because he’d literally be so shocked. otherwise he’d go run to kunsel and brag about his knowledge or be so jaw dropped that he runs to angeal and is even more shocked when he already knows??? like, was he the only one who didn’t know about this whole thing??
❥ it’ll take a while for sephiroth to get comfortable with physical touch. although he secretly yearns for it, he’s also touch repulsed sometimes. it’s not that he’s appalled by you or your touch, it’s just that he’s gone so long without it that it’s foreign to him. once he gets used to it, he’ll eventually search for it and come looking for you in need of just some head massages or even just to rest his chin on your shoulder and view whatever you’re doing. he kinda does what cats do when they nuzzle the sides of their heads into your chest and like rub their noses into you.
❥ i’d like to think sephiroth’s very meticulous, so if you ever invite him in doing an activity such as baking or art or something, he WILL have to do it right or else he’ll get frustrated.
❥ as aforementioned, seph isn’t well versed in healthy love or adoration so if you even do a small task for him such as doing a chore he planned to do or cooking him pasta when he comes home— it will make him feel all gooey inside even if he won’t show it. he’s always calm and collected but, “even the coolest of people try their damndest to be alright,” as i mentioned in one of my headcanons for cloud lolol. he’s appreciative of even the small gestures, always making sure to thank you for your efforts as he knows they’re filled with love.
❥ for post nibelheim, though.. he’s lowkey manipulative. if you knew him before he found out about the jenova project, i’m assuming you’re only with him in hopes that he has some humanity within him that you can restore— well, that or you just like crazy men lol. he will definitely use that against you as a way of making you stay, always promising he’ll change after completing his plans with you by his side.
❥ if you met him post nibelheim though, he’ll be utterly fascinated with you as you’re basically his new toy. and he’ll follow you, regardless of when you met him. he’ll never let you leave his side after he’s gone crazy as he’s constantly reassuring you that his mothers legacy will be fulfilled, and that he can only do that when you’re beside him with support. it almost feels like it’s a shell of sephiroth. he never does any of the things he used to do before he was aware of who he really was, he’ll barely even let you touch him. he’s constantly on guard whenever you two are out, always keeping a hand around your waist or shoulder so that you don’t run off.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈ 。゚
❥ id like to think of pre-nibelheim sephiroth as a soft dom. always being gentle, even when you’re sucking him off so nicely that he can’t help but grip your hair— he always makes sure not to pull it too hard and instead bites on his hand until there’s marks. he’ll always cater to you too, treating you like a pillow prince(ss) and is literally at your beck and call. he will not tolerate brattiness though and will definitely punish you if needed!! he’s just so kind, it’s only fair that he reciprocates the same words you give him :(((
❥ i don’t think sephiroths that experienced, but i don’t think he’s a virgin either. he doesn’t have the time to pursue intimate relationships, but he’s definitely experimented with one or two of his fangirls or something. he sort of regrets it now, considering it wasn’t all that intimate.
❥ like i said, it’ll take a while for sephiroth to even get used to physical contact let alone initiate it, but once you guys do finally have sex, he is literally the sweetest. he’s probably a little rusty lol but he’s a very quick learner!! guide him and teach him how to make you feel good, it makes his chest swell with pride once he gets you making those cute little sounds :(((
❥ let me tell you this man is huge though. he’s around nine to ten inches in length and he’s a big girthier than average. he has like two prominent veins, one on the underside of his shaft and one on the left side. when he cums, it’s a pretty pearly translucent color and right before he blows it beads at the tip as he tries to hold it in.
❥ sephiroth would like to think that there’s a possibility that you two could have kids, although his duties and reputation (and future events..) kind of prevent that. so i think there’s a breeding kink in there somewhere, but if you’re not okay with it then he’s totally fine!! it might sting a little if you don’t want kids, but in the end its your body, your choice— and he will respect that!!
❥ if you’re a virgin, he’d like to make your experience worth while and makes it very clear to you that he’s beyond honored to have been your first. he’ll even place you on the softest satin pillows while he gently thrusts into you, interlacing fingers and slowly pinning them against your head while he watches for your expressions. if you get shy or look away, he’ll always let go of one of your hands to redirect your chin back to him with a soft, “look at me, darling.”
❥ he relishes in the soft sounds of your giggles, watching as you look over the display he set up for you with roses and a meticulously made bed for you, a trick he had learned from genesis once when sephiroth had been too worried of not being able to satiate your need for intimacy. seph would lift you gently, giving you a small kiss and carefully maneuvering his way to the sheets before ceremoniously laying you down beneath him. he savors these lax moments during sex, not just the serious ones.
❥ post nibelheim is a little iffy, he’s definitely more possessive and aggressive when he’s having sex. he’s also very condescending with his words, i can sense a dumbification kink somewhere..
❥ as i’ve said before, post nibelheim seph won’t let you out of his sight most of the time. so he’s so possessive that if he sees you talking to someone else in public, once you find your way back to him, you’ll have wished you never greeted them. he’ll mercilessly press your face against the mattress or table or whatever you guys are on, and talks about how silly it was for you to talk to someone so casually when you clearly knew he was watching.
❥ i don’t think he’d let you top him that much, maybe once in a blue moon would he let you act like you have control over him— but the moment you get too cocky, he’ll remind you of who really has the most control once he grips your hip dips and flips you over, catlike, vindictive mako eyes glinting in the shadows of his body.
❥ again, i’m sorry but it’s the truth, also a little manipulative. post nibelheim sephiroth would accuse you of talking to other men or wanting them to satisfy you instead. he’d grit his teeth and roll his hips even harder— claiming he’d just have to show you how much he’s ruined you for other people. they are but boys but he, he is a man. and he’ll make sure you know that by the time the day ends and the sun seeps through curtains.
❥ pre sephiroth makes love, post sephiroth fucks. there’s a huge difference.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal, and Zack take Wired’s Most Searched for Questions interview
How does it go?
Is Sephiroth evil?
Sephiroth: Not yet.
Is Sephiroth gay?
*Sephiroth stares blankly at the camera with his mouth parted open*
Is Sephiroth left-handed?
Sephiroth: I'm ambidextrous, though I prefer using my left hand to write, eat and maneuver a sword.
Is Sephiroth part cat?
Sephiroth: Perhaps I would be happier if I were.
Why is Sephiroth shirtless?
Sephiroth: An excellent question.
Why is Sephiroth so attractive?
Sephiroth: I seem to have inherited my looks from my mother. She was very beautiful.
Where are Sephiroth's parents?
Sephiroth: Ah. I've tried looking this question up. It's ineffective and provides no answers.
Why does Sephiroth hate Genesis?
Sephiroth: That's absurd. I like Genesis very much. He's my best friend. He's a special person to me. If I were asked who my vest friend is, I would have to say Genesis.
Who is Sephiroth's best friend?
Sephiroth: Angeal! He's very dear to me. We have a good relationship and there is no one in the world who I like more than him.
Why does Sephiroth like pasta?
Sephiroth: I feel complete and whole when I eat it. I assume that's what being loved feels like.
Why is Sephiroth's hair long?
Sephiroth: Because it's not short.
How old is Genesis?
Genesis: How dare you insinuate that I'm old.
Is Genesis gay?
Genesis: Hm. About 50%, sometimes it's 75%. It depends on the day and my mood.
Is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Genesis, through gritted teeth. I am.
Why does Genesis like red?
Genesis: It's the most vibrant, eye-catching, attractive color of the rainbow. Like me.
Why does Genesis dye his hair red?
Genesis: Lies and falsehoods.
Why is Genesis obsessed with Loveless?
Genesis: And I'm expected to answer with one sentence? I need an hour at least to accurately describe how much it means to me.
Why is Genesis called Genesis?
Genesis: I'm sure Dr. Hollander was trying to be poetic.
Why is Genesis annoying?
Genesis: WHAT?
Why is Genesis shorter than Sephiroth?
Why does Genesis say his hair is red when it's brown?
Is Angeal related to Zack?
Angeal: Not blood related, but he's like my little brother. Don't tell him I said that though. He'll cry and hug me and then I'll be covered in Zack snot.
Is Angeal dating Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Simultaneously?? Dating one would be a nightmare on its own.
Why is Angeal so attractive?
*Angeal stares up at the camera blankly, blushing profusely*
Is Angeal single?
Angeal: Uhh...yeah.
Does Angeal have a girlfriend?
Angeal: No, I don't.
Why is Angeal single?
Angeal: Who's writing these? My mom??
Is Angeal dead?
Angeal: Only on the inside.
Is Angeal stronger than Sephiroth?
Angeal: I'm not sure. I can sit on him and he starts flailing and struggling though. That's very funny.
Is Angeal older than Sephiroth and Genesis?
Angeal: Believe it or not, I'm the middle child.
Does Angeal kill plants?
Angeal, tearing up: I—...No? Once...It was a sunflower. There's barely any sun in Midgard.... I learned that the hard way.
Is Zack alive?
Zack: Yeah I am! *finger guns*
Is Zack stronger than Sephiroth?
Zack: Not yet.
Why is Zack popular?
Zack: Uhhh.... because I'm a nice guy? At least I hope I am! I like to make friends, so maybe that's why.
Why is Zack called a puppy?
Zack: Because Angeal thought he was funny when he compared me to a puppy, so now the nickname stuck. I don't mind though! Although it'd be cool if I had a badass nickname like wolf. Or snake!
Why does Zack do squats?
Zack: Because it's fun! Plus, it's a great exercise. It strengthens your core and leg muscles. .....I also have a lot of energy and don't like being still for too long. It stresses me out.
Why is Zack so adorable?
Zack: Aww! Am I? That's just my natural charm.
Does Zack have ADHD?
Zack: The TV in my room is HD, yeah.
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Sephiroth and Female Reader: A Short Excerpt-Crisis Core Era.
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The moment Sephiroth himself brought you on board as a new recruit, a connection instantly tethered you two together. It was quite a mystery; because aside from Genesis, Angeal, and Zack, the silver soldier wasn't known to bond with others so quickly.
You rose through the ranks under Sephiroth's wing (no pun intended), spending hours training together, going on missions together, and chatting in your rare off time. So much so that fellow Soldiers started calling you Sephiroth's Girl.
"Hey there, fellow Cadet!" Zack, the Puppy Soldier, scampered up to you. "Hojo wants to see you in the lab."
You inwardly shiver hearing that name, but begrudgingly agree to see what that horrid scientist wants.
You despised Hojo. Mostly because you were able to see just how uncomfortable Sephiroth was in the doctor's presence, and you came to the conclusion that Hojo must've done some violating things to your friend. That and Sephiroth made sure that for any medical checkups, Hojo was allowed nowhere near you.
And the irony, on your way down, you passed by the silver soldier as he was headed in the same direction. And he immediately took notice of this.
"Don't tell me that Hojo requested your presence at the lab too?"
"...Yes." You slowly answer, suspicion creeping into your brain. "He has. What does he want you for?"
Alarm bells rang in Sephiroth's head. Hojo must've noticed how close he was getting with you. He grabbed your wrist rather hard and started leading you away from the elevator.
"Ouch! Sephiroth, hold your horses! What are you doing?"
He tugs you into a training room and taps in a code to lock the door before answering.
"Don't freak out, but there's only one reason why Hojo would call both of us into his office. That monster..."
You can see Sephiroth's body convulse as he struggles to get the words out. And it clicks. You start to feel rage simmer at the base of your gut.
"That lunatic wants to... breed us?! UGH! No, no, a million times no, I am not letting that quack use me to violate you!"
Sephiroth isn't surprised that you managed to piece it together, you were very clever when it came to figuring out problems.
"There you go again putting me first, Cadet. Your body matters too, you know, and I am not letting Hojo get his hands on you."
You notice something, something different, an intensity in those blue/green eyes that you've never seen before. Sephiroth was always protective of you, but now, of all times, you start to question why.
"Sephiroth? ...I have to ask, why me? I mean, I really appreciate everything you've done for me, but why? I'm just your average Soldier."
"...Cadet, you're more than that."
Sephiroth hesitated. He was scared. Scared that if he told you why he cared about you, that you would disappear just like Angeal and Genesis. But he had to, you wanted an answer.
"The day I selected you out of dozens of candidates for Shinra, I didn't know yet just how much you would mean to me. You treat me as a human, Cadet; not a hero to live up to, not a celebrity to admire, and not a test subject to poke and prod whenever you feel like it. I'm your equal, your friend... You help me feel normal."
You stare at your friend, unable to form words. But, your body moves on its own, your arms encircling Sephiroth and pulling him into a hug. And from the way you feel his arms grab onto you and his body relax, it seems he really needed this.
"Sephiroth... I promise... I'm gonna try my best to always be there for you. And if Hojo ever tries anything, can I borrow your sword to skewer him?"
The silver soldier chuckles softly.
"Sure you can. And... I promise to try to always be there for you in return. I won't let anything hurt you."
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dutchdread · 3 months
Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
Watching Cleriths celebrate NPTK these past weeks, knowing they'll, as always, be proven incorrect has been an exercise in patience. Sometimes it's just clear that you won't be able to convince people of a complex truth when so often discourse is limited to 280 characters. The reason Clerith exists is that people are unable to see the big picture, it survives by people squinting and not seeing the "but" that's located right after every piece of evidence they put forward. This means that you'll often be perceived to be arguing against what is to them the blatantly obvious. It's futile, nuanced argument never wins from emotion, so often you just have to take solace in the idea that "well, it will be fun to see their surprise 4 years from now". So when you get an interview like this, mere weeks after the game releases, which confirms everything that Clotis had been saying about, and had been mocked for, NPTK, you can't help feel a sense of schadenfreude.
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Man that's gotta hurt. This is the difference between Clotis and Cleriths. Cleriths don't really like Aerith, because they want to assassinate her character. Rather than a sad tragic tale of a lifetime of love and loss they want to reduce her character to a shallow cliche rom-com about a capricious girl whose fickle affections change by the hour. The fact that the first person Aerith starts developing feelings for after 5 years of pining after Zack is a man who is almost literally channeling Zack becomes a meaningless coincidence in the story. The fact that she knows Cloud for 2 weeks, most of which is also spent pining over Zack is viewed as confirmation of how special their love is. It doesn't matter that Aerith doesn't even know who Cloud is. It doesn't matter that Cloud is shown to very obviously be in love with another woman. It doesn't matter that Cloud is clearly losing his mind. It doesn't matter that Cloud is constantly show as being apathetic towards her advancements. Even them fighting is recontextualized as "good chemistry" just to avoid facing reality. Usually nonsensical romances are seen as bad-writing, but here the cope makes people excuse all the nonsense as "how brilliantly written is this story? They love each other despite it making no sense, now THAT is romance". Zack is called irrelevant, CC is a "ret-con" and can be ignored, ACC is about how romantic it is to want to die to be with someone. The reason Zack is so predominant in Rebirth is in no way connected to Aerith yearning for exactly the bond he's constantly showing to have with her. The contrast with Clouds apathy means nothing, he definitely isn't there to have some sort of pay-off with Aerith in part 3. Nah, he's just there to give Cloud and Aerith his blessing and to F-off. The reason Tifa is silent and heartbroken at the end has nothing to do with her best friend dying and the man she loves losing his mind. The distance between her and Cloud at that moment is totally not used to illustrate the severity of the situation, or to set-up Tifas importance in the events for part 3. Nah, she doesn't get lines because she's just a side character duh!. That is how they think, every single character and story is assassinated, everything happens only to service Cloud and Aeriths romance, even Cloud and Aerith themselves are pushed through the mud. Screw the death of Ifalna, screw the death of Zack, screw the complexity surrounding Clouds Zack shaped psychology, screw Aeriths childhood and desire for real bonds of friendship, screw even the story of Aerith dying and how maybe, JUST MAYBE, the scenes surrounding Aeriths death have SOMETHING to do with the strong emotions surrounding death rather than just being "a cute romance scene uwu". Never have I seen any story interpretation reveal such rampant hatred for a character as Cleriths reveal for Aerith. To them, Aerith is totally the kind of person who would bond with Tifa, hear the very personal and intimate story about the promise shared between her and Cloud, hear that Cloud thinks that Zack is dead, and not 5 minutes later write a story about how "she loves Cloud and they wouldn't need no promises like that other girl". But sure, I'm the one who hates Aerith, not the people who think this is who she is, but me, the person who assumed she'd be less vile than that and that any song she'd write would encompass more than that. I stand up for her character and get mocked, called an Aerith hater, and called "toxic"....and then you get an interview like this. God it feels good to always have all your positions validated by future content. One has to wonder if the people still arguing for Clerith ever sit back and think "wait, the last 100 times I dismissed these peoples arguments I was proven wrong almost immediately, I am constantly having to shift my goalposts while they're just happily sitting there laughing as they consume media about Cloud kissing Tifa, or proclaiming to become her special existence....maybe I am the delusional one...." God I can't wait for part 3, it will be hilarious.
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shyshva · 11 months
"P2, baby" Lando Norris x Fem Reader
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This season wasn't easy on him or the team. But now, when you see his smile on the podium, spraying champagne at Max, every hour of worrying and feeling like shit was worth it. You take few pictures for the McLaren account to post after all celebrating. You were so proud of him.
His home race and podium, something amazing. You take last glance at happy scene in front of you and you’re going back to the McLaren garage. Your body screams from all that adrenaline, but works first.
Going through paddock you’re locked in your head, reliving the race over and over again. Suddenly you feel someone hands around your body and second later you float in the air with screams of joy in your ears.
"WE DID IT BABY!!!” You turn and see the biggest smile in the world on your boyfriend face.
"I’m so proud of you Lan, you deserved it. You worked hard for this” You say and kiss him with all today's feelings. His hands travel over your body. When your hands reach his sticky from champagne hair he purrs with pleasure. God, you loved this sound. And you loved the man in front of you.
“Hey guys, find a room. People want to walks here without being disgusted” Pierre yell when he walks by you.
"I will kill him one day. He just had to ruin the moment.” Lando whines in your ear and then screams at Pierre. “Fuck off. You’re just jealous.”
It makes you laugh in his race suit.
“Let’s get home, we need to celebrate in different way than we celebrate with Zack.”
“Oh you don’t want to invite him to our bedroom? How weird.” You said sarcastically and laughed when when he squirmed.
"I will think about this to the rest of my life” You laughed and grabbed his hand. You two walked to the garage with big smiles and plans in your head this evening.
its short but cute, i needed to share my happiness from lando p2 with you
if something is wrong with grammar or spelling - im sorry,
either way, love you guys
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unicornsacorn · 1 month
wild kratts headcanons
feeling very drained so I'm gonna just ramble off some headcanons I think are funny
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*Martin was in charge of picking up Chis from school and once he knew Chris wasn't paying attention he'd blast any and all music at top volume just to mess with him
*During a team sleepover Jimmy had been accidentally left outside and was locked out for 5 minutes, he still hasn't forgive everyone yet
*Martin was often left in charge of Chris when his parents had to go out of town, They would spend all night watch TV and nothing but junk food
*Jimmy does smoke weed but because the others don't like the smell he smokes outside or waits till everyone is asleep
*Chris did try smoking weed with Jimmy, but he found it made him over think to the point where he was trying to redesign the CPS, Martin wasn't happy about that
*Koki is so good at sewing and embroidery to the point the boys always bring they're gear to her specifically, so she can make little animal embroidery on the inside of they're gear
*Zack is so close to his mother he makes it a point to call her every Sunday around noon, everyone knows this and doesn't plan or do anything in those hours
*Aviva has a bit of a sweet tooth when ever Jimmy does some baking she's always the first to try his recipes
*Zach does have a crush on Chris but denys it, but he's not exactly subtle about it so Chris takes every opportunity to flirt with Zach just so he can see him get flustered, Martin just wants to go home during these times
*The ability for Chris being able to sleep anywhere is something he kept from his college years during cram weeks, the team gets very concerned when they caught him sleeping in a tree
*The reason the team sleeps in hammocks is because they're easier to clean and take less space than an actual bed
*During flu seasons Both Jimmy and Martin will fight tooth and nail not to get shots, it'll take an hour and bribery just to get then to sit down. It takes Chris has to hold both their hands to get them to calm enough to get the shot.
*The Tortuga gang can drink and often have drinks together during peaceful nights or after very stressful nights. Martin would always joke that Chris and koki were too much to drink, earning him a quick shoulder punch or an eye roll
*After the Chris bot incident the brothers joked that with the CPS they could be actually power house villans if they wanted too, Aviva knowing they were joking but not taking the chance locked the CPS for a week while she worked on fails safes in case that happened
*The Kratts have been sued by many poachers after either interfering with they're hurting or for the brothers attacking them after they've been shot at. In actual court the poachers always lost when the judges sided with the kratts for way reasons including, they were poaching on government protected land and it's very clean to tell actual animals from those that look blue and green and can talk
*Mama Kratt makes it a her responsibility to call her boys every week and for them to visit her every mother's day. When they visit she always has they're favorites ready and showers them in so many kisses the lipstick wouldn't wash off for a month.
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strayheartless · 6 months
Random body headcanons for AGSZC:
Zacks hyper mobile. His elbows do the thing where they bend to far out when he sticks them up. He can also touch his thumb completely to his wrist and crack his hips. Down side of this is so many broken bones.
Cloud has got little scars on the back of his hands and calf’s from various canings.
However the stupidest scar he has is the one on the inside of his lip where zack bit him as a joke… they were not dating at the time.
Angeal has a couple of scars on his right forearm and elbow from the time he had to get the bone pinned because Genesis pushed him out of a tree when they were eight.
Sephiroth doesn’t really scar unless it’s a deep deep wound. He’s got a few surgery scars but the dumbest one is the one on his wrist that is a suspicious match for Genesis’s dental records (it’s exactly what you think.)
Cloud and Genesis and both incredibly flexible people.
Angeal is about as stiff as a board. Genesis has tried to loosen him up with yoga. It did not work.
Zacks not inflexible, however he overestimates how bendy he actually is and usually hurts himself.
Zack can dance he just chooses to be bad at it. The only time you’ll catch him dancing properly is when he’s trying to wooh his partners.
While Cloud and Genesis are very flexible, Sephiroth has mastered the ability of being able to fit all six foot five of himself in the gap behind the boiler in the airing closet. Many hours have been lost to that place.
Zack runs hotter than the sun.
Genesis runs surprisingly cold for someone who favours fire materia.
Cloud frequently does not recognise that he feels cold. He will walk around with blue lips until Angeal wrestles him into a jumper.
Angeals shoulders have been known to be wider than some door frames.
Don’t ask me where this came from. I do not have the answer.
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