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needofcuddles-tf · 3 days ago
FML: Break
It had only been a few weeks, but already I was over this. Three weeks to crush a dream. Honestly, the burnout had been bad but I thought summer would help. I would have more time to myself. Relax. Reset. But as the first deadlines started breathing down my neck, I was this close to snapping.
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The longer I stared, the more I couldn’t take it. I needed a break. Something to take my mind off things. Even if just for a few days. I needed Hypnodope.
I first came across their ads freshman year, and I dared my roommate to take the plunge. Their website had a few options, so I popped on a random one, and input one hour, the lowest it went. I just expect it to be a one hour loop of weird mumbling and graphics that we would turn off after a minute or two. But I watched in awe as in a few short minutes, a tan started creeping from his finger tips down his arms. He didn’t react then, nor when hair turned a dirty gold and his body hair vanished. But he certainly did as muscle began pumping into his thin frame, moaning as each pulse stretched his now golden skin taut to his muscular frame. He began to hump at the air as he ripped through his clothes, giving me a full view of his rod between his legs, though it was quickly covered by his thick fingers as he began jacking off to the video. By the time he finally came, my roommate was no longer sitting in front of me. Instead, a horny, golden boy was eying me up and down, as he assessed whether or not I was worthy to suck his perfect cock.
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He put in the work for that hour, no position off limits, no taste of his too bold as I submitted to him. But just after our second round, he trembled as his skin lost its hue. His muscles were sucked back into his frame, and my new roommate was back, blushing in front of me, as he rushed to put on some clothes.
I hadn’t been back to the site since then, a little too self conscious to explore the power I possessed. But after a night in the library from dusk to dawn, with no end in sight, I knew it may be the only way to force myself into a break. With caution I pulled up the site and scrolled the options.
I knew I didn’t want anything too serious. Certainly not the extent that my roommate had. But I wanted something that would take the edge off. And I think I found the perfect one: “Fucking Feral, Bro”. The name was a bit much, but it had basically everything I wanted. More muscle, boosted stamina, lowered inhibition and capacity for concern. I figured a few hours would be enough to try it out and have a great night out. So, I laid down, turned on the video, and prepared to be relaxed.
Almost immediately my brain felt fuzzy, like the static that was showing was in my head. Then, an image came into focus. It was some muscled up guy, stripped down to his speedo, not a care in the world as he posed for the camera. He looked like he was having fun. I wonder where he’s going? Must be relaxing…
I stretched out on my bed to get comfortable. For some reason I was just so tight. So uptight too. I didn’t need to be so stressed. A pressure I didn’t know I was holding was releasing from my head. It was so relaxing as I just lay back and stared deeper and deeper at the spiral now on screen. I could be just like the guy on the screen. No.
Like. My. Broooooo.
My hand drifted down to my cock at full attention. I didn’t even pause as I felt the heat radiating from it. My had just began gliding up and down. It was insanely sensitive. I bit my lip to keep the moans from escaping. As I stroked up and down, I felt it pulsing in my hand, swelling from five inches to six, then seven, growing more sensitive with each stroke. My toes were curling in my shoes, but soon felt constrained. I looked down to see the cheap leather straining to hold them in. With one flex of my foot, my size 12 soles ripped clean through. Meanwhile, my legs were getting some love, calves shredding while my thighs swole with muscles and fat. They squeezed against my heavy balls, increasing the raw animalistic pleasure I was devolving into as thick pre dribbled from my thick mushroom-tip and coated my monster.
By the time I started to worry a bit, it was too late. It was becoming hard to focus on my body, even as my gut sucked in and pushed out a perfect 6-pack and pecs chiseled from muscle and fat hung heavy on my chest. I could only focus on the changes rippling down my arms because the pump in my forearms was keeping me jacking and my thick fingers and calloused palms were much easier to wrap around my needy cock. I tried to stop myself, to will myself to turn off the now strobing screen. But the sensation was too much, and I could no longer hold back moans that were quickly deepening.
A fog of hormones was fully engulfing my brain now, dimming any reservations I could muster about my heightened state. I was moaning in heat at this point, ready to bury my cock in just about anyone. The video was edging me now, pushing as much change as it could before it released me. Every muscle in my body flexed, getting one last pump in. But as the video gave its command to cum, one pump was all I needed to coat the wall. I was left hot and panting, but somehow relaxed and insanely horny. As I checked myself out, dude I was sooo much hotter.
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I let my free hand trace my abs and grab at my meaty pecs. Playing with my nips was like a whole new level bro, sent me into overtime. I couldn’t stop imagining the holes I needed to split open with this monster, just as I couldn’t stop just flexing, feeling the power surging through my veins. It was almost impossible to pull my hands away, but I knew I needed to hit the bars and get a few drinks in me. Bro, what was old me thinking, setting this for only the night? He was always such a bore anyways. I threw on the tightest tee shirt I could find, and some grey sweatpants. Rocking the fuckboi special, I was on the prowl for some ass to plow.
The night wasn’t great. Naw, it was excellent. Climbing back into my dorm room, I was soaked in sweat and reeked of sweat, beer, and cum. I had lost track of how many men I’d made my bitch that night. I at least remembered ripping off my shirt before sliding into one in the alley outside. God, I was a fucking show dude. Should have seen the faces of some of the dudes, I don’t think they were expecting me to switch so easily from topping to bottoming. I was an animal, I was feral.
I was out of control.
I may have been fighting through that horny haze, but I knew one thing for certain. In just a few hours I would wake up in my bed and immediately worry. Worry about the night, the consequences, the danger. And I would never get to have that much fun again in my life. Bro, it was so damn boring being such a square. Someone had to make a decision.
I turned back to my laptop and began scrolling through options. I needed someone like me, someone who would make sure we had a good time. I needed someone to maintain this lifestyle for years. Maybe we could make some physique upgrades too. But above all, I needed someone who couldn’t ever find a way to set us back. And there it was, the perfect candidate. As I added more and more time, some stupid warnings tried to pop up, but I didn’t care. I was already hard at just the thought of the bro I was about to unleash. I hit play and braced for impact. I was going to be so fucking dumb, dude.
The effect was immediate. My eyes were blinded by a bright flash on screen as a dull ringing buzzed in my ears and rattled my head. The world around me felt heavy and slow. Every muscle was on edge, trembling beneath some unseen weight. The world was pushing in around me. I was frozen in a moment of pressure. But then, at the front of my brain bro, it was warm. And tingly. And soooo relaaaaxed. As it rippled through my head, I couldn’t help but relax my face, eyes half closed, tongue out, drool drip
With each drip, it felt easier to relax, easier to thaw. And as I let each IQ point drip slowly out of my brain, off my tongue, and roll down my chest, I felt the waves crashing down my body.
It started in my shoulders, rolling into mountains of muscle, absurd in size even against my muscular body. But quickly it moved deep in my chest, pushing out from deep within my pecs. The sensation was overwhelming as with each strained breath muscle and fat hung heavier from my frame. I could even feel it as my nips stretched, wide and hard as diamonds. My arms began to loosen and instinctively brought themselves to massage my fat muscle tits. But soon they had to pull away, locked in a double-bicep pose as they inflated to near absurd proportions. As I flexed my forearms in and out, I felt the resistance growing as my biceps rolled back and forth. I was starting to truly feel hot and sweaty as the waves of muscles continued to ripple downward.
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I could feel the heat as it started targeting my lower half. No longer toned muscle, it felt heavy against the bed even as I sat there. It throbbed as nearly any remaining fat on my body channeled into my ass, leaving it straining against the seams of my shorts. They were growing bigger by the minute. Though my cock and balls were certainly trying their best to compete. As my pouch was slowly becoming overstimulated by the pressure in their tight quarters, my cock was snaking down my leg to find space. I was ineptly pawing at my zipper, trying to find some release. But the final blow came as my thighs pushed out. The legs were busting through seams as I finally gave up and ripped through the remaining fabric, fervently stroking my heavy cock. Then it too started to drip…
As my cock began oozing, I felt like brain was slowly melting down. My thoughts felt heavy. I knew that the video was giving me commands, but I couldn’t even try to process them. I could only feel them slip deep in my brain bruh. I could feel him in there. Some version of me trying to keep it together. But he was getting real confused. And really horny. Heh, he was becoming just like the rest of me. Wasn’t it easier to just let my muscles talk? Wasn’t it easier to just feel out what to do? Wasn’t it easier to just give in and… and… be… duhhhh-
Can’t think. Gotta release. My balls are aching dude. I can’t hold onto these brains any more. I need it… I need… au… AUH… AUGHHHH
As the last of my brains shot out of me, I was left in a state of absolute happiness. No thoughts. No worries. Just heat and muscle. As the last of my brains shot out of me, I was left in a state of absolute happiness. No thoughts. No worries. Just heat and muscle.
I was perfect bro. The world came into focus as I sat up. I didn’t even realize my tongue was still hanging out.
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It was a beautiful day outside, bruh. I just needed to find a hole to start it off with.
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needofcuddles-tf · 3 days ago
The Story of a Slave
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“Flex for me,” I commanded my newest slave. I could see Nick still trying to resist, but within just a couple seconds, he was flashing a double biceps pose and flexing all over.
“Yes, Master,” Nick got out through clenched teeth afterwards. I could tell he still didn’t want to be my slave, and I enjoyed that. I loved controlling men, forcing them to do what I want, and for them to know that I own them, and they can’t do anything about it. Nick’s story started a few weeks ago. I had sent one of my scouts to a local gym, having just secured a membership for him. I would have stood out at the gym myself, being overweight and not in very good shape.
But one of my scouts, or one of my slaves, I should say, could easily infiltrate the gym. He took pictures of most of the men in the gym that day. I was about to throw the whole damn pile out, with picture of roid freak after roid freak, but Nick caught my eye. Of course, my scout didn’t get his name just yet, but I knew I wanted this man to be mine. “Focus on him,” I told my scout. “I want him under my complete control by the end of the month.”
“Yes, sir,” the scout said. Over the course of the next week, I got small status updates everyday from my gym slave. I learned that his name was Nick, and some facts about it that I collected in the notes app on my phone. They would help make the transition easier, or possibly even help the slavery process itself! My scout soon became good friends with Nick. They began working out every day. Thankfully, Nick was all natural, so my scout was able to lure Nick to a “farmer’s market” on one of his off days from the gym.
Of course, the farmer’s market was actually my house. “Uh, I don’t think we have the right place,” Nick told my slave.
“It’s in his backyard, man! It’s a bit strange, but let me tell you, his carrots are fuckin’ delicious!”
“Um, okay, I’ll take your word for it.” He followed my slave through the front door. I stood there waiting for him, and two of my most muscular slaves flanked Nick and held him steady. Nick was about as muscular as them, but I just needed to walk over and inject something into his shoulder. “What the fuck, dude!?” he was able to scream at my gym slave before falling unconscious.
Nick would wake up quickly, but when he did, he found himself in my basement, securely bound to one of those dentist chairs. He could barely move at all, not even able to shake side to side. Over his eyes was a VR device that blocked his vision entirely. Both that and the noise cancelling headphones meant that the hypnosis could take effect easily. I turned on the devices, and sat down across from Nick. I liked to be in the room as the hypnosis happened, see my slaves get lulled in complacency and then rudely taken out of it again.
As bright and flashing spirals filled Nick’s vision, a calming and smooth male voice came from the headphones. “Focus on the spirals and my voice. That’s all you can focus on, right? You can only focus on the spirals and my voice as you fall deeper and deeper under my control. You want to fall deeper and deeper under my control, don’t you? It feels good to obey someone else. In fact, it feels so good, it makes you hard. Obeying someone else makes you hard. Remember that, boy.
“In a couple minutes, my voice and the spirals will go away. But there will be another voice you have to obey: your new master. He will be the first person you see again. You will obey any and all of your master’s commands, without question. Obeying commands mindlessly makes you ever harder. However, you will also realize that you have been hypnotized, and that you are under your master’s control. You will still do any and all commands he asks of you, but you will respond normally. Is that understood, slave?”
“Yes, I understand,” Nick dreamily replied, as the hypnosis continued to go on for a few more minutes. Finally, the devices shut themselves off, and I walked over to Nick to take them off. He looked into my eyes, and I could see the two different emotions running through his head at the same time. One was of immense gratitude, knowing that I would be his master, now and forever. The other was of intense hatred, knowing that I would be his master, now and forever.
“Fucking get me out of here!” Nick whined.
“Shut up,” I ordered. Nick was a bit shocked when he opened his mouth again, but nothing came out. As I started to release his arms and legs from his bonds, I additionally commanded, “You are not to harm your master.” I could still see Nick trying to punch or kick me, but it was no use. I established some more ground rules for Nick by the time he was finally free.
And here he is now, flexing for me in my living room. He is naked, and I enjoy showing him off for my guests, just another one of my many slaves. I do allow him to work out to maintain his physique, but thanks to the strong hypnosis he endured, he knows only to go to the gym and go straight back here. He can’t tell anyone he’s been hypnotized by me into becoming another one of my slaves. But I’m thinking about having more fun with Nick. I wonder what he would be like as another one of my sex slaves?
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needofcuddles-tf · 3 days ago
This is such a creative way of brainwashing somebody! 🥵
Confidence is the Key
I've been watching him the whole day from a distance, here in the gym. Something about how his boyish look looks so insane in contrast to his huge, muscular body. Every time I hear him grunt or groan from doing a set of his workouts, I feel my heart pounding in my chest and my dick throbbing inside my sweatpants. If anyone would be my first subject, this guy is the best subject right here in the gym.
I maintain my distance from him, careful not to give him any reason to be suspicious of my presence. Anxiety, stress, and fear slows down the effect of my gift. Good thing that people tend to feel energized and pumped up after a good workout. So I bid my time, do some time with the treadmill and the Jacob's ladder step machine while keeping tabs on my target. After 2 hours of pushing his body to its limits, my man throws in the towel over his shoulder, high-fives his spotter, and goes into the locker room.
I give him a few minutes before I follow him into the locker as to not be suspicious. There are only a few men at the gym today so it's not hard for me to figure that my man is inside the stall where the shower is running. I place my hand over my crotch to hide my raging boner poking a hole through my sweatpants. If someone sees a short, skinny, and lightweight man like me, hanging around the locker room with a raging boner, people might figure out what I'm up to. But who am I kidding? Magic has become part of pop culture and people treat it as a fantasy rather than a lost art.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my man opening the stall door and coming out from his cold shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He hums a popular song about meeting up in an apartment as he light bangs his head in tune and walks past me. My man didn't even give a dime about how I looked at him as he got out of the shower until he reached his locker. As he casually puts his underwear, I slowly walk up behind him and extend my hand until I'm touching his muscular back.
Before my man can react, I shoot out my newly weaved spell into his spine. His whole body froze up as he dropped his underwear that he was holding. His arms fall to his side as I can feel him tensing his body, struggling to fight off the invading threads of my spell spreading its influence and control all over his body. I wait for a couple of minutes before removing my hand from his back. My man's posture adjusts as he slowly turns at me with a confused and angry look on his face.
If my formula is correct, my spell should be able to piggyback on the subject's confidence and pride to bring out their innate need for approval and validation of their magnificent self. My spell will then increase their agreeableness ten folds and direct it towards me. Every compliment I give will make them feel so good since they will genuinely believe me and slowly make them feel the constant need for my recognition. Before he could say anything, I introduced myself to my man, and gave him his first test.
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"We're cool, you like it when I touch you like that. In fact, you want to show off in front of me so that I'll touch your body even more." I calmly say to my man as he raises his left eye brow and pouts his lips just a little.
"Oh yeah, so how do you feel about this? Want to touch these guns?" He jokingly says as he raises both of his arms in front of me and mimics some bodybuilder poses that he knows will accentuate the triceps and biceps that he worked so hard for.
"Aren't they beautiful? You can touch them if you like, I won't mind." My man invites me as he gives me a sultry look while pouting his lips seductively.
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He looks so proud of himself right now, a good indicator that my spell is working as intended. I proceed to get closer to my man as I start touching his bulging arms, making him sigh proudly as I caress every curvature and depression of his arms like a piece of sculpted art. I look at my man's eyes as he stares confidently back at me.
"Tell me your full name, age, ethnicity, height, weight, foot size, sexual orientation, current romantic relationship, hobbies, and sports you play." I calmly ask my man as he chuckles at my sudden requests, enjoying the attention as I explore his torso nest.
"Name's Brad Thomas Thompson, but most people call me Big Brad. I'm 25 years old, Causasian. I stand at 6'8" and weigh around 260 pounds, mostly muscle. My shoe size is 14, if you were wondering," Brad says with a wink while his large hand finds your ass, giving it a firm squeeze as he continues.
"Sexually, I've always identified as straight, fucked a bunch of sluts, but not planning to be tied down for now. As for hobbies, I love football, working out, and... well, Football!" Brad finishes with a big grin on his face as I continue to let my hands wander all over his pillowy, meaty pecs.
"Oh, I'm also 25! I'm Cleto, by the way. Nice to meet you, Big Brad. You look so handsome and manly up close. And gosh, you smell so musky even after a shower. Such a man." I purr as I plan to stoke his ego even more, giving my spell inside his body a boost as it piggybacks on his confidence and pride.
"Oh Cleto... I'm a man, alright. I don't usually talk like this to fags like you, but damn twink, you just know how to catch my attention." Brad's grin grows widely as he towers over me, places his right hand on my shoulder, and flexes his left arm to let me get a whiff of his musk.
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I just smirk back at Brad. The first part of my spell is a success. The subject's usual inhibitions and reservations crumbles as my spell skyrockets their confidence to an insane degree, one where they will do anything that feels right in the moment without thinking too much about. Now that's done, let's see if Big Brad here will pass his second and last test.
"it's been nice talking to you, Big Brad. See you again some time." I just said my goodbye as I turned around and walked away.
I walk to my locker and gather my things as I can feel Big Brad doing the same. He would occasionally sneak a peak at me before he continues packing up with a smile. As I walk out of the locker and out of the gym. I can feel the presence of my spell close by, knowing that Big Brad is still checking me out. I get into my car and let out a sigh, smiling as this will be the hardest part of the test. I just hope that it will be as rewarding as I hoped it would be.
For the next few days, whenever I go to the gym, I would see Big Brad pumping the heaviest weight he can manage and letting out loud groans as he works out. I will just focus on doing my stretches and cardio since my goal is to stay slim and not build up heavy muscles. I like being petite so cardio will be fine. While doing my workouts, Big Brad will occasionally walk up to me, talk to me about how he's pushing his body to its limits, and how pumped up he was that day. I would smile and compliment him all the time, as we walked into the locker room and got changed.
After two weeks of repeated cycles, I notice that Big Brad is acting so differently today. The moment I walk into the gym, I just see him standing there at the front desk. I notice him fiddling with his wavy hair, checking his face on his phone, and even smelling his breath for some reason. I flash a smile on my face as I walk up to the front desk to sign in.
"Hey, Big Brad! Are you working for the gym now?" I ask as I write on the sign in form.
"Nah, just manning the fort while Jeeves take a leak. In for your daily cardio?" He asks as he immediately hovers in front of me while I write down my details.
"Yeah! I easily gain weight when I'm not moving around." I causally reply as I look up and see him brightly smiling at me.
"Oh yeah? I know a lot of weight loss exercises that you can do to lose weight and build mass at the same time." Brad offers, with a smirk plastered on his face.
"I like being petite, so I have to pass." I said as I walked away from the front desk and headed to the locker room to put my bag.
As I finish putting in my stuff, I pull out my Bluetooth headphones and start playing my favorite workout tunes. I check my phone for any notification before I lock my locker and turn around. I suddenly bumped into Brad as I didn't notice him standing behind me. He reached out to my headphones and yanked it off my ears. He's staring at me with a darkened gaze and with a smug smirk.
"Didn't know you're into harassing weaker men, Big Brad. I guess I just thought better from you." I chuckle, trying to dismiss his sudden assertiveness.
"Yeah, not harassing, more like taking what I deserve. You didn't even notice my haircut, Cleto. I was hurt you didn't compliment me. I thought that you of all people would notice if I change my hair since you see me everyday. I believe you owe me." Brad says, his voice deep and dripping with something else while his eyes are expecting.
I look around the locker room and it seems that Brad and I are alone. I just realized that I haven't seen anyone working out when I walked in. I look up to Brad as I fake a nervous laugh.
"Oh, right! Your hair looks a little different than usual, Big Brad. It looks good on you. Say, where's everyone, by the way?" I ask as I feel Brad getting closer to me.
"Jeeves wants to close the gym early because he has a party to go to. I asked him if I could stay for a little while since you haven't arrived yet. I know you always arrive at the same time so I said to Jeeves that I can hold the fort just until you come in. He actually teased me that I'm smitten, you know? I've never been like this with anyone else." Brad explains as he slowly inches closer to me, until he's so close that I can feel the heat coming out of his body. His eyes are looking down at me, hungry and expecting.
"Big Brad, are you saying that you like me?"
"Don't be naive, Cleto. I know what you're doing these past couple of days. I know you like me, and I mean, who wouldn't. It might have taken me this long to consider the possibility of being with a gay twink like you. Take it as a favor from me that I'm actually talking to you right now, alone, and I waited for you to come in." Brad placed his huge, calloused hand in my shoulder as he forced me to sit down on the beach behind me.
I smile at Brad. He just passed my second test. Since confidence is already high enough, he's willing to do anything he feels like doing at the moment. Right now, he craves my approval and willingly stays in the gym until I come in. But after everything didn't play out as he planned, he tossed aside his ego and talked to me, thinking that he could get my approval by approaching me like this. Now's the time to turn this around to my advantage.
"Well, it's true that I like you, Big Brad. But I don't think you're right for me. I don't think I'll be a great partner for you. Again, I appreciate your effort and gesture, but I have to reject your advances." I plainly say to Brad, which made his lips twitch and his eyebrow squint.
"Cleto, I don't think you understand what I'm offering here. You will be MY boyfriend. Look at me. Do you think I casually offer myself to any faggot beside you? I'm the whole package, baby, who wouldn't want to be with me?" Brad confidently states as he places his foot on the beach, trying to intimidate me.
"Well, apparently me. Look, Big Brad. You're a great guy. Like I said when I first saw you, you're so manly and handsome. Those are great attributes for a man to have. You can be with anyone who likes those types. But for me, I think my presence in your life will give you nothing new. You offer everything on the table and I don't have anything else to give in return." I look into Brad's eyes as I can see his confusion.
"What are you talking about? You like me, you should be over the moon that I'm being this close to you." Brad scoffs at my words.
"Well, I understand you're confused, Big Brad. What I'm saying is that, you're offering yourself to be my boyfriend, but what can I offer to you in return? You have everything you need with yourself. You don't need me after all."
Brad appears to be clearly taken by my question that he starts questioning his actions. My spells inside him body allowed me to hear his conflicting thoughts. Why does he like me? What do I have that makes him want me? What is so special about a short, weak twink like me? What compels him throw himself like this to a lowly faggot when he knows he's straight? In a flash, my spell inside his mind and body works its use and starts realigning his thoughts. Brad's mouth opens without him realizing it.
"You know how to make me feel good just by talking to me. I can push with my workouts so hard because I know you'll like my body. I want to look good for you. I want... I want to be good for you." Brad finds himself saying as his eyes widen and his breath hitches.
I smile as my spell completes its purpose. I slowly walk up to Brad as I look straight into his eyes. I reach up to touch his handsome face as he finds his head tilting sideways and rubbing on my palm. His eyes tell me that he has no idea what's happening right now, but he feels so good after saying all of that.
"I see. I think I get it now, Big Brad. You want to be mine, yes? You want to be my good boy." I softly say, the effect on Brad instantly becomes evident.
I see his Adam's apple going up and down as he swallows his spits. He exhales as the air coming out of his mouth vibrates intensely. His eyes are already telling me what I need to know. His head slowly nods as he closes his eyes and starts rubbing his face against my palm harder. I can feel his whole body trembling from the need that now becomes obviously hard to ignore.
"Very well, close the gym before we go. You have a car, right? Let's meet in the parking lot." I purr as I slowly walk away from Brad and let him do what he needs to do.
I view confidence as the driving force in humans. The feeling that pushes them forward and lets them accomplish almost everything. Pride, on the other hand, is how a person sees himself. The idea of who he is, how he thinks, how he acts, and how he interacts. My spell uses these two human concepts and floods the subject's mind and body with it until they snap. Once they do, my spell will override these concepts and replace them with one single thought, me.
It's a slow burn but the result is absolutely amazing. I turn my head to my right as I place my hand on his thigh. I can feel his magnificent body tensing as I glide my palm up to his thigh. I smirk as I give him a firm squeeze while he grunts in response.
"You're so manly and handsome, Brad. I love having a good boy like you around." I softly say as I see a smile forming on his face.
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needofcuddles-tf · 4 days ago
Hope I get recycled...
I watched as the next employee entered the chamber. He appeared a bit confused, probably having expected a conference room rather than the dark space with mirrored walls. By the look of it, he had no idea that any one of the panes were one-sided, hesitantly fidgeting with his tie as he announced his presence with a timid “Hello?”
I leaned into the microphone, “Good afternoon.” The nervous boy’s eyes dashed around the room, trying to identify the person speaking to him. His physical characteristics and mannerisms resembled a mouse, small and skittish.
“Am I supposed to be here?” he eventually replied, choosing the speaker above my viewpoint as his receptor.
“Yes, this is the meeting to discuss your annual review.” I replied. “You're in the right place, Mr. Donson. Would you like for me to refer to you by your given name?”
The boy shuffled anxiously, “Drayton is fine.”
Habitually, I continued. “I’m sure you're wondering why your annual review this year is different from those in the past. Don’t worry Drayton, you are still one of our top performers, and your review reflects your incredible performance.”
Feeling a delicate surge of confidence, Drayton let a smile sneak up onto his lips. Being clean shaven and still holding some baby fat, it frankly was quite endearing. Cute even.
“As you are already aware, our company has been having some financial issues recently. And as a high-ranking official in our accounting department, I am sure that you are more than knowledgeable on the details of this subject.”
Drayton’s youthful glee faltered for a moment.
“Unfortunately, we do not have the funds available to keep you on board and give you a raise,” I started. “The company would like to offer you a deal: in exchange for accepting a substandard review and a 19% decrease in pay, we will offer you external benefits.”
Shock emerged from Drayton’s face, “What benefits would be worth a fifth of my paycheck?”
“Unfortunately I am liable to disclose that information,” I robotically replied. “You can either accept or tender a resignation.” 
Drayton took a moment to decide, just like all the other employees typically did. But eventually, they all convinced themselves that losing employment at the company was the worse of the two options.
“I’ll accept.”
“Stand by.” I followed procedure, locking the exits and airways into the chamber. Once that was done, I began flipping the switches. Steam mechanisms, followed by audio machines, followed by visual projectors. I did not even pay attention to the squabbling accountant, panicking as his chamber was bombarded with smoke, abrasive phonics, and commands that flashed against the walls and reflected into every corner of the room. 
Thanks to the padding in my control room, I absorbed none of it. I simply ignored Drayton’s screams and opened my laptop, getting back to my own duties as the process did its work. With all the vapors, I typically could not witness any of the changes that happened anyway–which also meant I could never attest to possible allegations if our company did ever come under some sort of legal fire in the future. But sometimes I did spot little things, flashes of commands that were being ingrained into the employee. MASCULINE, TRADITIONAL, ATTENTIVE. The small letters would pulse by an instant, although they were meaningless to me within my enclosed accommodations.
Eventually, my timer went off, and I closed out of the procedure. I exited the program and flipped the switches back over, shutting off all stimulatory mechanisms. It took a moment for the smoke to clear, presenting me with a new version of the employee. More muscular, more masculine, and more virile.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Donovan?”
"It’s Donson, boss." The man stood tall, stoic. His voice now held much more depth and presence.
"It’s Donovan, Drake Donovan,” I affirmed. “That's what's in our system."
I watched the man process this, the command’s installation literally visible behind his now less-intelligent eyes. 
“I see you were able to find part of your new uniform already.” I was referring to the briefs and sweatshorts that were covering the lower half of Drake’s much larger body. The remnants of the former business casual outfit were scattered across his large feet. “The closet behind you will contain the rest of your attire. Company fitness uniforms and approved footwear that will better fit your size and new position.”
“New position?” Drake inquired, his question curious rather than interrogative.
“The company has decided to reassign you as a security liaison, seeing as that will be a better fit for your paygrade.” I typed away at my reviewal report, adding in details of Drake’s benefits package. Increase in height, dramatic increase in musculature, increase in hair, increase in virility…
To save money, the company liked to recycle its employees. We would bring in fresh graduates to run our corporate operations, and then once they hit their pay ceiling, recycled them into more manual, less intellectually-driven roles. Naturally, no one ever filed any complaints about this procedure as no one realized it existed. And even if they did, they would no longer have the brains capable to file such a complaint.
“Sounds good, boss,” Drake replied, even though I had already known what his answer was going to be. With his dominating size and brutish stature, Drake had been remodeled into the standard male form that we needed for our team. And with this mind simplified to only focusing on traditional objectives (upholding masculinity, working out, fulfilling his role), Drake was now bound to solely focus on the company’s objectives. Thanks to the recycling process, our company would keep the profits high and the employee turnover low. And now, Drake would remain entertained without the extra money by merely following orders and enjoying the simpler things in life, like flexing his muscles.
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needofcuddles-tf · 4 days ago
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You Signed A Contract Part I
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I wish I never met Don Hughes and I wish I never signed that stupid contract!! It sucks because I can’t even talk about everything after signing that non-disclosure too.
The last couple of months have been awful. Ever since I met Don while on my shift.
I’m a college student so I wait tables part time. And one afternoon I met Don, who sat at my table.
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He was charismatic and you could tell that the guy has money. We chatted for a while, he asked me about my life.
By the end of his lunch, he said to me, “if you ever want to make a ridiculous amount of money—call me.”
He handed me his business card and went on with his day.
It took me about a day before I called Don’s number.
When I called he automatically knew it was me.
“Jeremy, I was hoping you would call.” 
“Yeah sorry it took me a little bit to get back to you.”
“Oh no! You’re perfectly fine!”
We talked for a few before he told me to meet him at an address.
When I arrived I was shocked to see that it was a McDonalds.
Don was waiting for me in a booth grinning.
“Well hello Jeremy.”
“Hi Don.”
“Come sit, you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
We grab food and Don basically laid everything out on the table.
“So I have an offer for you, let’s look at it as a short term form of employment.”
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“Okay, I’m listening,” I say taking a fry.
At first I thought Don was about to pimp me out. But what he said next shocked me even more.
“So over the years, my company has grown into high technology. We’ve created things that only appear in movies. You’d be surprised by how advanced this world could actually be…”
He pauses and takes a deep breath, “so what I’m offering is this— a short term body exchange. 3 months and you get $500,000.”
I nearly spit out my drink, “wait repeat that?!?”
“We basically swap bodies for 3 months, I have your body, you have mine. No one outside my company knows about it. I’ll have a very lavish apartment for you to live in, all expenses paid. And then after 3 months, you get your body back and $500,000.”
I was shocked, I wasn’t sure what to say. I mean $500,000 is a lot of money.
“Is it safe?”
“Yes, it’s safe. This isn’t the first time I’ve used this machine. In fact, my company regularly swaps bodies within our staff. It can be fun.”
“So no other rules? I have your body and you have mine. You won’t do anything crazy with it will you?”
“Good god no! I just prefer to be inside a more youthful body at times. And to be completely honest, I just found you to be very handsome. If anything, this swap could be more of a liability for me…. So what do you say? We got a deal?”
Don pushed over a contract to me and I hesitate for a second.
“I know this is a lot Jeremy but just think. It’s only 3 months.”
“Fine, let do it,” I say picking up the pin and signing the document over.
“Great! Now let’s head to my car. The swap begins immediately.”
A fancy all black car pulls up and we get inside. All I could think about on the ride over was that Don’s body was about to be mine for 90 days straight.
I look at his older hands and feel my stomach turn. I feel anxious and all of the what ifs start to fill my brain. What this guy has some terminal disease? What if he backs out?
Ugh… I try think about anything else. And then we pull up to what looks like an abandoned building.
A giant guy comes up and greets us.
“Jeremy, this is Rocky. He’s my body guard but he’ll be with you the next 3 months.”
I shake Rocky’s hand as Don heads inside. Rocky gives me a wide grin and says, “It’s a pleasure, don’t stress. This isn’t Don’s first rodeo.”
“Can you tell I’m nervous?,” I say to him.
“Of course, but it’s worth it. I promise. And I’ll be with you.”
Hearing Rocky’s words gave me a little assurance.
I head inside with him and walk into the biggest laboratory I’ve ever seen. Computers, machines are everywhere and multiple scientists.
I get directed to go down a hallway where I find Don again.
He’s sitting by a giant machine with two helmets attached to it.
They ask me sit down in one of the chairs. A scientist straps one of the helmets on me. And then Don’s sits and they do the same to him.
“Here we go Jeremy! 1…2…3..”
I tighten my eyes and then….
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Being a very wealthy businessman, I always get what I want. Even if it’s supposed to be unobtainable. Like this body for instance. Jeremy is just one of many bodies I’ve taken over.
And honestly I get tired of them after a couple of months. But what’s nice about having a younger body means, I can still run my board everyday.
All of the members are fully aware of my body swap shenanigans. But they don’t fuck with me, mainly because they know I’ll put them in a random body so quick…
Oops, I didn’t say that!
What I love about having a body like Jeremy here, is that I can get my work done and then have fun at night.
I’ll fuck whoever I want, party at any bar, and I especially love seeing a cute face in the morning.
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I have several fetishes— I like younger guys, feet, dominating people… but getting a new body to explore feels like my dirtiest fetish. Just touching someone else’s cock, licking a strangers feet while using there mouth, hooking up with another guy who has no clue who I really am… fuck! I’m getting hard just thinking about it!!
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What’s great about all of this is if I stay out all night, I know bodies like Jeremy here can handle it. All it takes is a little headache medicine and a Bloody Mary. And I’m back in business!!
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Now I think this time, I’m going to take things a step further… starting out, I’m going to have some of my selective staff swap bodies with some handsome guys. They’ll be my personal house boys.
Where I tell them how I want to be pleasured and they listen. God, just imagine— I say footjob and some handsome hunk comes in to just jerk me off with a sexy pair of feet…
It’s settled, “Henry, find me 3 handsome guys in there 20s. Offer them swap contracts.”
“Yes sir,” say my loyal assistant.
“Also, I want them swapped with 3 willing employees. I’ll pay them stupid just to suck my cock on demand.”
“Right away— and sir?”
“Yes, Henry…”
“May I be one of those employees?”
I grinned at my assistant who looks so eager.
“Ohhh have you taken a liking to this body?,” I say to him.
Henry blushes and says, “ for you sir, I’ll be anyone just to make sure you’re happy.”
“Great, well I want a handsome frat boy. You’ll need to suck this daily,” I say pulling out my cock.
“Yes sir!,” he says to me and then runs off to get to work.
Man, I love being this rich!
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needofcuddles-tf · 4 days ago
Homophobic gym teacher
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I hate PE. I hate it so freaking much that I’d rather have history with Mr. Douglas every day than to run in front of Mr. Mills every day. He hates me, ever since I came out as gay at school I received mostly good feedback from others. Even my bullies were kinda nice about it. Thank God I live in the twenty first century. But one person didn’t really take It well.
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I browsed through his instagram a few times. And while I looked for the perfect photo of him flexing his biceps, showing his abs or anything that would help me for my jerk off session, I found out that he was quite hardcore republican. How a person like this could get into education is beyond me.
As always I finished jerking off while looking at his regular bathroom gym photo. Man, what I would give to fuck him. Why do jerks always have the perfect body?
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My phone buzzed. I snapped back into reality. Jack, my friend who is also gay, but not out yet, texted me.
“Hey, are we gonna ditch school tomorrow? I can’t hear any more of that Mills bullshit while we climb the rope”
“We’re gonna be rope climbing? Ah fuck me. He’s gonna be insufferable.”
“My thoughts exactly. So? Are we skipping school?”
“I can’t man. I gotta keep up my attendance after missing so many days thanks to Mr. Mills”
Next day, 2:29 PM
I stood next to the rope, waiting for Jake to finish his turn. Mr. Mills stood below him, screaming. Jake couldn’t get to the top. Mr. Mills told him to get down and screamed at him some more. What an asshole. It was my turn. The bell rang. “Fuck yeah. No more rope climbing for me.” My classmates, me included, turned to head to the lockers.
Mr. Mills: ”González? Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
Me: ”Sir, the class is over and it’s Friday.”
Mr. Mills: ”The class is over when I say it is over. Get on the fucking rope and stop talking back at me. The rest of you can leave.”
I got close to the rope. I grabbed it and squeezed the rope between my feet. I started pulling myself up and immediately felt the pain of lifting myself. I knew I was weak, I didn’t really need some wannabe teacher slash gym freak to remind me and scream at me what a lazy piece of shit I am. I tried to ignore him. I gave myself a goal to just finish it and leave, but Mr. Mills stood directly below me to comment on my fat ass slowing me down.
I was almost at the top, a wave of happiness swept over me. “Shit, I’m gonna make it!”
And right then I slipped. And instead of locking my feet, I just let go off the rope.
“I survived. Fuck. I fell from the freaking rope. My head was hurting so hard. My head? But I thought that I fell on my back? Ahhh the pain.”
I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry from the fall. I tried blinking several times and my vision was slowly getting better. I lifted my arm to grab on my head, but as I did it didn’t feel right. I looked at my arm. It was bigger. As in full of muscles.
“What the hell?” I said out loud, but instead of my young squeaky almost too feminine voice a low baritone came out of my throat.
“How the fuck…?!” I looked to my left. There was my body getting up from the ground
Me: ”Mr. Mills?”
Mr. Mills: ”Ah you gotta be fucking kidding me?! Is that you González?”
Me: ”I… Yes. How… How did this happen?” Mr. Mills: ”Does it look like this happens to me a lot?”
Me: ”But… it’s scientifically impossible”
Mr. Mills: ”I bet this was caused by those covid vaccines to make you immigrant fags take over our lives.”
Me: ”Yeah… right. Cause everyone wants to be a stupid republican”
Mr. Mills: ”Shut your mouth or…” he was interrupted by the janitor telling us to leave so he can lock the school. Mr. Mills gave me his car keys and I gave him instructions how to find my locker. We decided to meet each other in his car and to figure out what to do after that.”
After many unsuccessful attempts I found his Chevrolet and entered the passenger’s seat. Few moments later, I realized that I’m gonna be the one driving so I switched seats and got behind the wheel for the first time in my life. His car was amazing, it smelt great and was clean. How should I even drive this thing? I don’t drive a car. I’ll get us into trouble.
I stopped overthinking about the car. “I am in my teachers body. The one who bullied me almost every day. I am an adult male.” I looked into the rearview mirror. “Fuck, I am in one of the hottest man’s body around. And I am wasting it just worrying here. I flexed and squeezed my new biceps. Fuuuck. It’s so huge. I checked if no one else was around and lifted up my shirt.
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“Oh my gooood” I slammed my head into the seat. “This is so hot!”
My new abs and pecs now uncovered were the most perfect ones I have ever seen. The ones I jerk off to every night before sleep. And now it’s here. All for me.
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I opened my eyes and saw Mr. Mills in my body approaching the car. And behind him ran Jake. They entered the car.
I tried to improvise: „Why is your friend here?”
Jake: „Holy shit. So it is true. Mr. Mills would never react so calm. Is that really you in there, Daniel?”
I turned at Mr. Mills who now had a very irritated face. “I didn’t say anything, he figured it out.”
Jake: „I didn’t believe it at first, but Daniel never swears like this. And your vocabulary isn’t exactly rich so I knew really quickly where I heard the phrases before. Damn, I’m good. So? What are we gonna do? We should test it out somehow. Shit, Daniel you should get drunk tonight!”
Mr. Mills: „No! There won’t be no drinking, touching or anything with my body. This is definitely temporary and we will be back by tomorrow morning.”
Me: „If you think so…”
I drove Jake and my body home. Mr. Mills had to give me a speed course of driving, but his muscle memory helped me out way more than I thought. We set up some ground rules. No drinking, no drugs, no permanent changes to our bodies, no photos and no sex. He left the car while saying something about a fag in his body, but I couldn’t care less anymore. I speeded to get to his house asap.
I didn’t really explore the house as much when I arrived. I went straight to where I thought was the bedroom and immediately started taking off my clothes. His black speedo was PACKING and getting tighter every minute, but I really wanted to make this first exploration as perfect as possible. I lifted up the shirt, touching my new hairless and fatless stomach. I flexed and sets of abs appeared. I touched every last one of them. My hand continued up to my new large pecs.
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“God damn, Mr. Mills. These are some perfect man titties.” I squeezed them. They looked so tight in all the photos, but when I wasn’t flexing them, they were quite soft. Must be amazing to lay on these. I played with them some more before taking off my shirt and releasing my new hairy pits. I took a long whiff off them. “I smell like a proper MAN now!” I licked it as well, enjoying the salty taste of Mr. Mills’s pits. I looked at myself in the mirror. My new dick was hard as a rock and waited for me to take care of it.
I headed to the shower and turned on a hot water. “Your body is probably not used to a hot water, am I right, Mr. Mills? I bet you are one of those cold water freaks who bathe in the icy waters.” I hated his voice before, but right now as I was controlling it, I began to like it so much.
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The water poured all over my large body, from the perfect face, over my massive pecs, hairless abs and right to my beautiful dick. “Nice dick, Mr. Mills!” I said and chuckled over the fact that I just said that.
I suddenly got a mischievous idea. I came out of the shower and texted Jake.
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Jake: „I can’t believe I’m doing this. I am just squeezing Mr. Mills’s pecs and touching his abs. Can you believe it, Daniel?”
Me: „It’s wild, right? But I got an idea. Wanna make it more interesting?”
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Jake: „Interesting how?”
Me: „Stop touching me you lazy fag” I said in an authoritative voice and Jake moved his hands away from me quickly.
Jake: „Why did you do that? I got scared.”
Me: „I bet you are scared, you little fag. I know you just came over so that you could jerk off you little dick and watch me enjoy myself.”
Jake: „Daniel?”
Me: „Daniel won’t save you right now. You will do as I say. Ok?”
Jake finally caught up to my roleplay scenario and started acting as well. And by the look of his face I knew that he was really into it.
Jake: „Yes, Mr. Mills. I will do whatever you say.”
I sat down on the couch watching. “I want you to admire my body and say how hot I am and how horny it makes you.”
Jake got his hands on MY body and got a bit nervous: „You have sexy abs, Mr. Mills.”
Me: „You think that’s enough? That they are just sexy?”
Jake: „I think they’re the hottest abs I have ever seen”
Me: „How about my biceps. You like them?”
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Jake: „They are SO big. I want you to squeeze my head in them. I want to lick your armpit hair. I want to kiss you.”
Me: „That’s a good boy. How about you show me how good you are, you fag?”
I moved his hands over to my new hard crotch.
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Jake smiled and licked his lips
I fucking love being in this body.
And I bet Jake’s ass is gonna love this body even more.
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needofcuddles-tf · 4 days ago
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Last thing you expected to come back from class to was my roommate laying in my bed like this. Sprawled on your bed practically naked. Normally the too serious homophobe douchebag would never put himself into a situation like this, like ever.
“Mike? What the hell are you doing?”
“Sup babe, like what ya see?” He says with a wink, and a seductive tone that sounded weird paired with his deep bro-ish voice.
“Babe?..what are you talking about? Is this some kinda joke??”
“What’s wrong? Don’t recognize me with this jock on?”
What was he talking about? Why was he talking about himself like that? Then it started to hit you. Your boyfriend had been going on and on about dark magic shit, and getting back at your roommate for being a dick. But there was no way.
“Wait..Joey? Is that you in there? But how, how is that possible?”
“Took you long enough. Found this possession spell, turns out it was fuckin’ legit, pretty sick right? I think I’m wearing the asshole pretty well” he says rubbing his abs
“No way! Is he still in there?”
“Yeah, he keeps screaming in the back of my mind, he’s got some colorful words for the both of us, but fuck him right”
“How about we test out the hunk, see how well he runs”
“I was waiting for you to ask”
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needofcuddles-tf · 4 days ago
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Damn I had no idea that when I took over this kid on my way to out run the cops, I didn’t know I’d hit the fuckin’ lottery.
I only took him over cuz he was alone and I was desperate. And as the cops picked me up of the ground after my vessel collapsed from the possession and I pointed down the ally and gave a weak “he went that way” and they followed suit. I was able to fully check out my new body in a broken mirror, he was cute, a boyish look about him. Probably early 20s? Nothing like my former haggard sickly stick thin 50 year old body, this kid had some meat on him. Lifting up his shirt I was met with a set of washboard abs, holy shit. This body is a fuckin’ dream
Digging through my new memories I found my name was Luke McGulliver, 22, his family is fuckin’ loaded, and…a girlfriend, damn he’s straight, guess I gotta dump the poor girl. Can’t waist this ass on some chick. Sorry kid but with me runnin’ things your body’s only got an eye for dudes.
“Now let’s find somewhere private where I can see this bod in all its glory”
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needofcuddles-tf · 6 days ago
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After spending the weekend over at his girlfriend’s place, Charlie returned home to his personal hell - the college dorms. He pushed open the door to his room, and immediately, a wave of stale, gym-scented air hit him. A telltale sign: Jackson was home.
Sure enough, Jackson’s muscled frame was sprawled across Charlie’s chair, his big, bare feet propped up on Charlie’s desk, surrounded by an abandoned chocolate protein bar, an unopened assignment envelope, and a small box for what looked like a card game.
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“Yo,” Jackson greeted lazily, not even looking up. A slow grin spread across his face as he held up a card, reading it as though it were written in an alien dialect.
“Jar Lee Wheel… Oh Bay Knee?” he muttered, dragging out the syllables. “Ohhh. I think I got it.”
He flipped the card over, read the back, and smirked to himself. “Did you hear that Charlie?”
Charlie sighed, struggling to lock the door behind him. “What?”
Jackson grabbed another card and held it out. “Come over here and try this one. Sound it out.”
Charlie barely spared it a glance before dropping his backpack onto his bed. The text on the card was a mess of nonsense: "Yule Are Soup Ear Yore Two Knee."
He muttered it under his breath, frowning. “Yule Are Soup Ear Yore Two Knee…” His gaze drifted to the pile of cards now scattered all over the floor around his desk, and his fingers twitched with the urge to clean. “What is this? Some kind of—oh. It’s that stupid game you were talking about.”
“IncoHEARent, my dude,” Jackson corrected, flashing the box at him. “You read the gibberish out loud, and eventually, it sounds like a real phrase.”
Charlie glanced back at the card in Jackson’s meaty grip, his brain clicking through the syllables. Yule Are Soup Ear Yore Two Knee…
Suddenly, his eyes widened. “Oh. I think I know it.”
“The answer is…” Charlie puffed his chest out proudly, outsmarting his jock roommate once again.
“You are superior to me!”
“Good job, bro.” Jackson laughed, flicking the card onto the floor below him. “Isn’t that fun?”
“Um….” Charlie blushed, his proudness deflating. Instead a wave of admiration for Jackson replacing it. “Y-yeah. I guess it was Jackson. Thank you for letting me play.”
“We’re not done yet, Charlie boy.” Jackson holds up a new card “Eye Yam Pa The Tick.”
Charlie struggled to comprehend the bizarre phrase, before he hears it loud and clear in his head.
“I am pathetic?”
“You’re getting good, Charlie.” Jackson smirks as he sifts through the cards. Just hearing Jackson’s affirmation lights Charlie’s brain up light up like a Christmas tree. Charlie wonders what he can do to make Jackson say those words again. Charlie’s body absentmindedly slips from his bed to the floor as he rests on his knees. It feels more fitting to be looking up at Jackson rather than on equal level.
“Oh, this is a hard one.” Jackson holds up another card in his thick hand. “Eye Yam Anne M Tea Head Ed Cawk Suck Her”
Charlie’s eager brain clicks immediately.
“I am an empty headed cock sucker!”
Charlie’s mouth started to salivate as his throat began to feel empty. All thoughts about his girlfriend, women, boobs fading away as a yearning for a big thick juicy cock to be shoved down his greedy cocksucker throat appears. God, it made him feel like such a pathetic loser. But he couldn’t deny the truth.
Suddenly, his girlfriend flashed in his mind. What will she think? The old Charlie began to put up resistance. But suddenly all thoughts are brought to a standstill as he remembers one thing…
Jackson glances at Charlie on the floor - the poor boy on his knees, tongue drooling and eyes spaced out as images of cocks invaded his brain.
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“How about we do these last two cards and then we’ll call it a day, okay cocksucker?” He flicked one up in Charlie’s pleasure filled face. “Stray It Men R Soup Ear Yore Zo Eye War Ship Stray It Fete.”
Charlie’s eyes zone back in as the answer slips out of his cocksucking lips.
“Straight men are superior! So I worship straight feet!”
Before his mind catches up with his body, Jackson’s smelly straight toes are in his mouth. He sucks and licks their stench. The stench he used to resent so much, now becoming his reason to live. Jackson was superior. Jackson deserved this. He deserved everything.
“Once last card, cocksucker.” Jackson lets out an accomplished smirk. “Eye Yam Stuck Lick This Fur Ever.”
The empty headed Charlie struggled for a bit before it clicked. The old part of himself tried to stop him, but before he knew it, Charlie plopped Jackson’s toe right out of his mouth and said:

“I am stuck like this FOREVER!”
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needofcuddles-tf · 9 days ago
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You Signed A Contract Part I
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I wish I never met Don Hughes and I wish I never signed that stupid contract!! It sucks because I can’t even talk about everything after signing that non-disclosure too.
The last couple of months have been awful. Ever since I met Don while on my shift.
I’m a college student so I wait tables part time. And one afternoon I met Don, who sat at my table.
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He was charismatic and you could tell that the guy has money. We chatted for a while, he asked me about my life.
By the end of his lunch, he said to me, “if you ever want to make a ridiculous amount of money—call me.”
He handed me his business card and went on with his day.
It took me about a day before I called Don’s number.
When I called he automatically knew it was me.
“Jeremy, I was hoping you would call.” 
“Yeah sorry it took me a little bit to get back to you.”
“Oh no! You’re perfectly fine!”
We talked for a few before he told me to meet him at an address.
When I arrived I was shocked to see that it was a McDonalds.
Don was waiting for me in a booth grinning.
“Well hello Jeremy.”
“Hi Don.”
“Come sit, you hungry?”
“I could eat.”
We grab food and Don basically laid everything out on the table.
“So I have an offer for you, let’s look at it as a short term form of employment.”
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“Okay, I’m listening,” I say taking a fry.
At first I thought Don was about to pimp me out. But what he said next shocked me even more.
“So over the years, my company has grown into high technology. We’ve created things that only appear in movies. You’d be surprised by how advanced this world could actually be…”
He pauses and takes a deep breath, “so what I’m offering is this— a short term body exchange. 3 months and you get $500,000.”
I nearly spit out my drink, “wait repeat that?!?”
“We basically swap bodies for 3 months, I have your body, you have mine. No one outside my company knows about it. I’ll have a very lavish apartment for you to live in, all expenses paid. And then after 3 months, you get your body back and $500,000.”
I was shocked, I wasn’t sure what to say. I mean $500,000 is a lot of money.
“Is it safe?”
“Yes, it’s safe. This isn’t the first time I’ve used this machine. In fact, my company regularly swaps bodies within our staff. It can be fun.”
“So no other rules? I have your body and you have mine. You won’t do anything crazy with it will you?”
“Good god no! I just prefer to be inside a more youthful body at times. And to be completely honest, I just found you to be very handsome. If anything, this swap could be more of a liability for me…. So what do you say? We got a deal?”
Don pushed over a contract to me and I hesitate for a second.
“I know this is a lot Jeremy but just think. It’s only 3 months.”
“Fine, let do it,” I say picking up the pin and signing the document over.
“Great! Now let’s head to my car. The swap begins immediately.”
A fancy all black car pulls up and we get inside. All I could think about on the ride over was that Don’s body was about to be mine for 90 days straight.
I look at his older hands and feel my stomach turn. I feel anxious and all of the what ifs start to fill my brain. What this guy has some terminal disease? What if he backs out?
Ugh… I try think about anything else. And then we pull up to what looks like an abandoned building.
A giant guy comes up and greets us.
“Jeremy, this is Rocky. He’s my body guard but he’ll be with you the next 3 months.”
I shake Rocky’s hand as Don heads inside. Rocky gives me a wide grin and says, “It’s a pleasure, don’t stress. This isn’t Don’s first rodeo.”
“Can you tell I’m nervous?,” I say to him.
“Of course, but it’s worth it. I promise. And I’ll be with you.”
Hearing Rocky’s words gave me a little assurance.
I head inside with him and walk into the biggest laboratory I’ve ever seen. Computers, machines are everywhere and multiple scientists.
I get directed to go down a hallway where I find Don again.
He’s sitting by a giant machine with two helmets attached to it.
They ask me sit down in one of the chairs. A scientist straps one of the helmets on me. And then Don’s sits and they do the same to him.
“Here we go Jeremy! 1…2…3..”
I tighten my eyes and then….
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Being a very wealthy businessman, I always get what I want. Even if it’s supposed to be unobtainable. Like this body for instance. Jeremy is just one of many bodies I’ve taken over.
And honestly I get tired of them after a couple of months. But what’s nice about having a younger body means, I can still run my board everyday.
All of the members are fully aware of my body swap shenanigans. But they don’t fuck with me, mainly because they know I’ll put them in a random body so quick…
Oops, I didn’t say that!
What I love about having a body like Jeremy here, is that I can get my work done and then have fun at night.
I’ll fuck whoever I want, party at any bar, and I especially love seeing a cute face in the morning.
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I have several fetishes— I like younger guys, feet, dominating people… but getting a new body to explore feels like my dirtiest fetish. Just touching someone else’s cock, licking a strangers feet while using there mouth, hooking up with another guy who has no clue who I really am… fuck! I’m getting hard just thinking about it!!
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What’s great about all of this is if I stay out all night, I know bodies like Jeremy here can handle it. All it takes is a little headache medicine and a Bloody Mary. And I’m back in business!!
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Now I think this time, I’m going to take things a step further… starting out, I’m going to have some of my selective staff swap bodies with some handsome guys. They’ll be my personal house boys.
Where I tell them how I want to be pleasured and they listen. God, just imagine— I say footjob and some handsome hunk comes in to just jerk me off with a sexy pair of feet…
It’s settled, “Henry, find me 3 handsome guys in there 20s. Offer them swap contracts.”
“Yes sir,” say my loyal assistant.
“Also, I want them swapped with 3 willing employees. I’ll pay them stupid just to suck my cock on demand.”
“Right away— and sir?”
“Yes, Henry…”
“May I be one of those employees?”
I grinned at my assistant who looks so eager.
“Ohhh have you taken a liking to this body?,” I say to him.
Henry blushes and says, “ for you sir, I’ll be anyone just to make sure you’re happy.”
“Great, well I want a handsome frat boy. You’ll need to suck this daily,” I say pulling out my cock.
“Yes sir!,” he says to me and then runs off to get to work.
Man, I love being this rich!
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needofcuddles-tf · 9 days ago
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needofcuddles-tf · 9 days ago
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needofcuddles-tf · 10 days ago
A Better Marcus Than Marcus
It all started when my sister’s boyfriend, Marcus, did a complete 180. The guy used to be your textbook finance bro—straight-laced, all about stocks, cryptos, and protein shakes. He was also the type who’d casually flex his "intellectual superiority" at family dinners like he was the human embodiment of a TED Talk nobody asked for.
Then, out of nowhere, he turned into this fun, carefree dude. He started to grow his hair and beard and constantly walk shirtless, showcasing his unfairly perfect pair of pecs and set of abs. He even tattooed his arm—something I would never expect from him. It wasn’t just a change in style; it was like he had become a totally different person.
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I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Then it hit me—my sister’s ex, Dylan, a scrawny hippie who could’ve been the poster child for essential oils and “love, man” vibes. Dylan and I had gotten along great back in the day, mostly because he shared a little secret with me: a drug. No, not this kind of drug. This stuff could turn anyone into a bodysuit. Yeah, you heard me. One hit of this thing, and you could empty someone out, leaving behind a perfectly usable, skin-tight vessel. Thanks to him, I solved my bullying problem at school by wearing the jock leader's body.
Then, one day, Dylan disappeared from our lives after my sister dumped him. No warning, no goodbye, nothing. I thought that was the end of it. Turns out, it wasn’t.
Fast-forward to tonight. We’re having a family dinner at my parents’ house, and Marcus is here, all smiles and carefree vibes, making dumb jokes with my parents. It was the perfect chance to test my theory. I waited until everyone was distracted with dessert and pulled Marcus aside to a quiet corner of the house.
“I need to talk to you,” I whispered, trying to keep my voice low.
He cocked an eyebrow but followed me. Once we were out of earshot, I didn’t waste any time.
“I know you’re not really Marcus,” I said, crossing my arms. “I know it’s you, Dylan.”
For a moment, he just stared at me, then a wide grin spread across his face. “Took you long enough, bro,"
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He opened his robe even more to show me his muscular body, looking like he was showing me an outfit and not another man's skin, “Yeah, it’s me. Poor Marcus never saw it coming. Injected this asshole with the stuff after he dropped your sister at your house, and bam! Marcus went to bodysuit city.” He chuckled darkly. “I’ve been living my best life ever since and with the love of my life."
I’ll admit, I wasn’t surprised. But hearing it confirmed still left my mouth agape.
"So, what now? You gonna rat me out to your sister? You wouldn't do that to good old Dylan here, would you? Not after I helped you turn your jock bully into a bodysuit. I even helped you out at faking his disappearance, I had to drive to another state to get rid of that bodysuit."
I smirked. “That depends. What’s in it for me?”
Dylan—or Marcus, I guess—laughed. “Alright, how about this: I let you enjoy Marcus’s body anytime you want, as long as you keep your mouth shut.”
It was a twisted offer, but let’s be real—I’d had a thing for Marcus since day one. The chance to have him, even under these bizarre circumstances, was too good to pass up.
“Deal,” I said, extending a hand.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, bro,” he replied, shaking my hand. Before we could head upstairs, my sister caught us in the hallway.
“Where are you two going?” she asked.
Thinking quickly, Dylan—Marcus—flashed his charming smile. “Your brother wanted to show me his collectible…uh…vinyl record collection. Said he’s got some rare finds.”
She bought it. “Wow, bonding over music. Finally. I’m proud of you two. Don't take too long, we're going to have karaoke." She leaned forward to give Marcus a kiss and walked away.
As soon as we were in my room, the facade dropped. I locked the door, and he turned to me, that sly grin back on his face. “Alright, bro,” he said, taking off his already unbuttoned white shirt and letting it fall to the floor. “Let’s see what you’ve been fantasizing about.”
I immediately pushed him down onto his knees, grabbing a handful of his long hair to assert control. “You’re going to start by sucking me off like a good slut,” I whispered.
His grin widened as he complied, reaching for my pants and pulling them down. His warm mouth quickly wrapped around me, and I let out a satisfied groan as he worked his tongue expertly. Once my cock was slick and throbbing, I pulled him back by his hair, forcing him to look up at me.
“Get on the bed, on all fours, now! You're my secret boyfriend slut now,” I ordered. He obeyed, taking off his pants and crawling onto the bed completely naked with his huge ass waiting for me. It was the sight I've been dreaming of ever since my sister introduced Marcus.
I walked over to my desk and turned on some rock music to muffle what was about to happen.
Climbing onto the bed behind him, I gripped his long hair tightly as I positioned myself. Without hesitation, I thrust into him hard, using his hair as leverage. Dylan moaned as I filled Marcus' ass. This wasn't our first time together. When Dylan was wearing my hot bully's body, he let me fuck him as a final revenge before he dumped the bodysuit in another state.
Marcus' back arched, and he let out a muffled moan, the sound drowned out by the loud music. I didn’t let up, pulling his hair like reins as I pounded into him mercilessly.
I leaned down on his back as I filled Dylan's—Marcus' ass with my cum. “You make a better Marcus."
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needofcuddles-tf · 10 days ago
oh to be carried around by a mindless jock...
Alien Score
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We walked into an abandoned building away from the park, where I found this handsome young man playing basketball with his team. He was the captain of the team and also the hottest jock. He was quite popular around the neighborhood. I didn't know his name, but I would always see him playing basketball at the park.
He dominated the court like it was his personal playground. Now, he was an alien's personal playground.
I stared at the dumb, sweaty young basketball player standing in front of me. He was frozen, his mind completely wiped, his strong, muscular body completely under our command. His basketball shorts pooled around his ankles. Displaying his throbbing cock that bobbed as my slimy alien buddy slithered around his cock, his tiny tentacles coiling tighter around the shaft, feeding on his essence. I grinned.
"Alright, hotshot. Pose for me. Arms up. Show me those pits."
The basketball player obeyed instantly, raising his arms and flexing like he was about to snap a thirst trap for his followers. The sight was divine. His sleeveless blue jersey was tight on his body. And those pits? Hairy and drenched in the sweet, musky perfume of a hardworking jock who'd just spent hours running up and down the court.
I stepped closer, inhaling deep. "Damn. Smells like pure testosterone in here."
I buried my face into his left armpit first, pressing my nose against the damp hairs, breathing him in like he was the last source of oxygen on Earth. My tongue darted out, lapping at the sweat-slicked skin. Salty, rich, absolutely addicting. My cock twitched in my pants as I slathered my tongue up and down, licking him like a starving man, my hands gripping his thick biceps for support.
"Mmm, you taste so fucking good," I moaned against his pits. His scent filled my lungs, his sweat coated my lips, and I switched over to his right pit, nuzzling in deep, dragging my tongue through the damp forest of hair. The jock didn't react. He stood there like a perfect, mindless toy, his face blank, his body only useful for pleasure and consumption.
"You enjoying the meal?" I asked, pulling away just long enough to glance down.
The alien slime pulsed in response, his small tendrils wrapped snugly around his cock, milking him slowly, coaxing every drop of his essence. The cock twitched as the jock let out a soft, brainless groan as the slime fed on his seed.
"That's enough, buddy. You already drained everything out of him," I said, reaching up to stroke the jock's handsome face.
The alien gave a satisfied purr as his tendrils unwrapped from the thick shaft, slithering up the jock’s body before slipping into his ear with a slurping sound. Every time after eating, the alien had to take three hours of rest so his slimy body could digest all the cum he consumed, leaving me alone with an empty vessel for hours.
I glanced at the jock's cock, still hard and glistening with the alien's slimy spit. A grin formed on my face, and I pulled down my pants. I could as well have some fun, he was already even lubed for me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, he just stared back at me with a blank face.
"Hold me in your arms and gently insert your dick in my ass."
Without delay, he lifted me effortlessly, his hands gripping my ass. I wrapped my legs around him, and he slowly impaled me with his big cock. I rested my face on his shoulder and let out a long moan. He filled me so good.
I suddenly remembered spotting an abandoned isolated basketball court behind the building, and an idea struck me...
Moments later, the jock was playing basketball alone on the abandoned court. He was now completely naked except for his black socks and sneakers. I was still naked and wrapped around him, my arms hugging his neck and my legs around his waist, while his cock remained lodged deep inside me. Yet he played basketball as if I wasn’t there, just as he had been ordered.
He bounced the ball with the skill of a professional player and then jumped, effortlessly making the shot inside the basket. His cock sank deeper into me as he jumped, making me moan loudly. But as he came down, I bounced slightly, causing his cock to slip out of my ass. But that wasn’t a problem—I had ordered him to put his cock back inside me every time he slipped out.
After fixing his cock inside me, he went back to playing.
He was panting hard and covered in sweat by then. His muscles were tense and straining. He was exhausted from supporting my weight for so long. I wasn't too heavy, but even the strongest bodybuilder couldn't hold someone up for an extended period. But he wasn't human anymore. He was now a brain-dead puppet, and he would keep playing, carrying me around the court, until his body finally gave out.
Feeling his warm and sweaty fit body pressing against mine was so comforting, I wasn't going to order him to stop any time soon.
With the ball in hand, he jumped again and threw the ball, making another score.
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needofcuddles-tf · 11 days ago
Becoming What You Want
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“This isn’t happening.” Jake’s pecs shoot forwards with jiggling suckable meat. “Please stop! I don’t want to be a dumb piece of fuckmeat!”
In his local club, Jake drunkenly pulled a girl towards him, grinding up on her from behind. Her face broke into disgust as she freed herself from his grasp. “What’s your problem, bitch?” he yelled over the music. “You’re fucking mid anyway! Just a dumb bitch with big tits.”
And so, the girl cursed him to become what he wanted so bad.
“Please! It’s controlling my dick sucking lips! I don’t want to say these things! I want to suck cock. I’m a hole, I’m don’t want to be straight! That’s all I’m good for now… sucking cock and letting big men suck on my juicy tits!”
There he goes. Lost to his new instincts. A straight man trapped inside a gay boy body. At least he got wanted he wanted, a dumb bitch with big tits.
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needofcuddles-tf · 12 days ago
Siblings rivalry
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Lyle was nervously grasping the wheel, side eyeing the man next to him while driving: „Could you, please, put some shirt on?”
“Why? Is it distracting you? It’s just a body, Lyle, and you’re not a faggot. Shouldn’t bother you. Am I right?” the shirtless man sitting on the passenger’s seat responded with a smirk and subtle disdain in his voice.
“Of course I’m not… It’s because of the sweat. The car is borrowed and I don’t want to clean it.” Lyle quickly responded and tried to change the subject
“The car is an old piece of shit. We’ll be lucky if we even make it to the beach in time.”
The engine started making weird noises and the car slowed down. “See, told you.”
Lyle stormed out of the car and screamed:”Can you shut the fuck up already?! I can’t take this anymore. I want my girlfriend back.”
“I didn’t choose this either. And I still am your girlfriend!”
Maybe I should explain a bit.
My girlfriend Nicole has a twin brother, Nicholas. Their family is one of the most weirdest ones you’ll ever meet in your entire life. And I had the pleasure, or maybe misfortune, to find out the hard way. They got their hands on some magical shrooms or something. Some made you see the future, some gave you a really great time and there were also ones that swapped your body. Trippy right? Yeah… Naturally the parents used it for orgies and other experimenting.
But occasionally they used it as a method of punishment. Nicole told me that she had to be her mum for two weeks last summer, just because she lied about her school results. I didn’t believe the whole swap thing until the parents found out that Nicholas and Nicole didn’t share the same morals about feminism and male value. Nicole was obviously a feminist, but she was belittling her brother. On the other hand, her brother didn’t even stop to consider how different a life is for a woman. The whole family had an argument about this and the parents decided to swap Nicole and Nicholas for the ENTIRE summer before university. Yep, insane.
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Nicole responded to her body quite well to be honest. She was in a male body before, but never in her brother’s. Them being twins might have helped a bit. I have to say that Nicholas is an attractive male. He has a great physique, handsome face and generally is a great guy. We often joke together about women, watch football or play videogames together. But having my girlfriend in his body? Way different.
I caught her staring at herself many times. She seemed completely unphased, maybe even excited to be in male body now. Which can’t be said for me. Sex was obviously a no go. I didn’t even want to touch her without feeling like a fag. But I knew something bad was about to happen sooner or later. Maybe this would be a test for our relationship. Maybe it will uncover that I am a superficial asshole and that I love her only for her body.
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She keeps staring at me sometimes and tried to even seduce me, but I just can’t like this. Not while she is in Nicholas’s body.
Which brings us back to the present, currently on the coast far from the beach party where we were supposed to be hours ago. Unfortunately I had to borrow my grandparent’s car and it just broke down. Nicole smiled after being right again and seeing me snap.
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She had her shirt off and leaned against the hood of the car. “So what now Sherlock?”
Lyle: „I don’t know. We’re in the middle of nowhere. And the cur is busted.”
Nicole: ”Jesus, Lyle. Be a man and call Jake. He can at least come get us.”
Lyle nervously nodded and took out the phone. He went behind the car and waited for someone to answer. Meanwhile Nicole moved from the front and went to the back of the car, adjusting herself for Lyle.
Lyle finished the call and before he looked up he said: „They’re all drunk already, so Daniel is going to wait a bit before he’s sober and will come get us.”
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Nicole: „Good. More time for us to have fun” Lyle looked up and saw Nicole in her shorts, slowly lowering them.
Lyle quickly turned around. “Jesus fuck, what are you doing? What if someone sees you?”
Nicole:”Who? You mean the nearest guy miles away from us? Yeah, right. I wanna get Nicholas a good tan for the summer. We agreed to treat each other’s body properly.”
Lyle knew Nicole had different intentions, but he wouldn’t succumb to her. He isn’t gay for fuck’s sake.
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Nicole took the folding chair they had in their trunk and positioned herself in front of the car, enjoying the sun.
Nicole: „When was the last time that the two of us had some proper free time to just stop? Did we ever? Feels like the first time. Maybe we should use it properly.”
Lyle: „What are you suggesting?”
Nicole: „I think we should fuck. You haven’t touched me in weeks.”
Lyle: „Because you are a man now!!! And your brother, Jesus fuck.”
Nicole:”Cut the crap, Lyle. Do. You. Love. Me?”
Lyle:”… I… of course I love you.”
Nicole: „Do you love me for me, or my body?”
Lyle: „I… I love YOU.”
Nicole: „So come and prove it.” Her daring voice made Lyle feel uneasy. But he felt as if something was pulling him towards Nicole, towards Nicholas.
Nicole got up, uncovering her hairy manhood. This was the first time that Lyle looked at it. It wasn’t hard, but even now it was still pretty impressive. Nicole headed to the car, going past Lyle and whispering in his ear: „I haven’t sucked your dick in weeks. I need to have your dick as much as you want me.”
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Lyle looked as Nicole laid down on the car seats, waiting for Lyle to make his move. Her dick was getting hard and getting bigger. Maybe even bigger than his own. Lyle couldn’t keep his eyes off of that thing.
Nicole spoke up: „Lyle, I need you. I need your dick!”
Lyle’s dick was hard as well. He felt himself throwing his clothes off as if he was just a passenger. He thought about Nicole giving him that great blow job of hers once again. He could see in his memory, his dick disappearing in her mouth.
He got close to Nicole, lowering himself on top of her, HIM. And was ready to push his dick closer to her, but he was so horny, that he didn’t even realize that he was now the one holding HER dick in his hands. Jerking it furiously. Lick it from top to base. Swallowing it fully. He didn’t even realize he didn’t have much trouble swallowing her cum. Even after SHE pushed HER dick in his ass, he didn’t find it that weird.
They laid on top of each other, breathing out loud, enjoying each other’s company, making out. Nicole gave Lyle a sign that she need to go out and piss. Lyle stayed in the car, still struck for what just happened. Nicole’s phone vibrated. Lyle thought that maybe someone was ready to pick them up, but instead it was Nicole’s friend Stacy texting her. The text said: „Hey, Stacy. Thanks again for swapping with me. I really needed to be fucked and not as a man, haha. Hope you’re enjoying it. Luv U”
Lyle:”What. The. Fuck?!”
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needofcuddles-tf · 24 days ago
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