#it's borderline painful.
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bl0w-m3 · 9 months ago
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numberone-wifeguy · 10 months ago
sudden devaluing is agonizing.
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fatallyfaee · 13 days ago
It’s never going to go away.
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honeypleasejustkillme · 2 years ago
i just want to be held until i stop hurting. i want to feel safe, loved and protected. being alive hurts so much..
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onemashedbraincell · 19 days ago
the amount of censorship and ignorance regarding anything that isn't remotely 'normal' or seems 'realistic' to the average eye is absolutely disgusting and genuinely ableist. see someone who's visibly disabled? oh, no, you can never go up to them! come on! avoid them! they're too different from you. you would never be able to understand them. they would never be able to understand you. have a friend who has a stigmatized mental health condition? oh! they must be faking! nobody *actually* has that! it's too rare! we should stop being friends with them! they must be a monster! have someone tell you that you have an invisible disability? that doesn't exist! if i cant see it, then you don't have it! i know your body better than you do! prove you have your disability, then! and the funny thing is, these types of things are completely censored- viewed as 'wrong' or 'not something to be talked about'. when really, it's just an excuse to not talk about, spread awareness, or allow those who are troubled by these conditions to speak up. TALK ABOUT YOUR ILLNESS. TALK ABOUT YOUR DISABILITY. TALK ABOUT YOUR 'ABNORMALCY'. show the world that **you aren't weird or crazy or monstrous for not fitting the norm.**
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serpentface · 3 months ago
emense [ɛmɛnse] (eh-mehn-say)
Has meaning close to 'beloved' or 'darling'. "Ya emense" (meaning 'my beloved'/'my darling') is often contracted "y'mense".
bubuch [bubuk] (boo-bookh)
Somewhat of a nonsense word, basically ‘big-big’. Tends to either be used for small children or flirtatiously between adults (kind in between 'baby' and 'big boy' in functionality, though without gendered implications of the latter). Sometimes instead used as a form of intense condescension.
ya mache mes [ja mɑke mes] (yah mah-kay mace)
Functionally means "my other face", using the figurative word for face describing a concept of fundamental nature rather than anatomy. Very intense term of endearment, expresses the recipient as a core part of one's identity. Kind of equivalent to 'my other half' but not exclusively romantic.
ya tsitsima [ja ͡tsi͡tsimə] (yah tsee-tsee-muh)
Means "my blood". This term is used more broadly to denote familial relations, and is more of a term of endearment when used outside of actual biological relationship (calling your sister 'my blood' is just an intense way of saying 'my [relative]', calling a non-relative 'my blood' is VERY pointedly affectionate).
ya ungande [ja ungɑnde] (yah oon-gahn-day)
Often contracted to y'ungande, dead literally means "my liver" as in the organ. Ungande alone is also used as a food-based term of endearment, similar to 'honey' except instead with delicious organ meat.
anuje [ɑnudʒe] (ah-noo-jay)
Food based term of endearment, referring to a tree sap that is the most commonly used form of sweetener. Functionally identical to 'honey' in usage.
anu tlansekoma [ɑnu tlɑnsekoʊmə] (ah-noo tlahn-say-koh-muh)
This one actually means 'honey' (dead literally 'bee sweet'). Less common than 'anuje' as a term of endearment due to general cultural preference for anuje as a sweetener and the relative rarity of beekeeping.
inyagit [injəgit] (een-yah-geet)
Diminutive form of 'sun'. 'Ya inya' (my sun) occurs as well, but is less common.
y'mit agai [j'mit ɑgaɪ] (yuh-meet ah-gai)
Contraction of 'ya amit agai', 'my blue moon'. This specification is more common than a general 'my moon(s)' and is fairly loaded, given this particular moon is the site of the afterlife for the most honored dead. The phrase both suggests a sort of celestial beauty and a sense of being honored and finding rest in the recipient. This is a VERY intense and almost exclusively romantic term of endearment.
coutomara [koʊtoʊmɑrə] (koh-to-mahr-uh)
Means 'handsome' or 'beautiful', implies masculine attractiveness. (Dead literally closer to 'strong face'/'strong featured').
jaimara [dʒaɪmɑrə] (jaim-mahr-uh)
Means 'pretty' or 'beautiful', implies feminine attractiveness (dead literally close to 'beautiful face'/'beautifully featured').
katsuy [kɑtsui] [kaht-soo'ee]
Sexually charged description of physical attractiveness, basically calling someone 'sexy'.
ya katsuymen [ja kɑtsuimɛn] (yah koht-soo'ee-mehn)
Related and also sexually charged, close in meaning to 'my desire'.
at akmatse yachouy [ɑt ɑkmɑtse jɑtʃɔɪ] (aht ahk-mat-say yah-choi )
Sexually explicit term of endearment. The dead literal translation is "one who makes me flower". The word "flower" here is not as euphemistic in context and is rather the nicest sounding possible way to say "makes me cum (HARD)". Not considered vulgar, rather cloyingly romantic if anything.
gan(ne) ama [gɑn(e) ɑmə] (gah(-nay) ahm-uh)
Means 'bull'. When used affectionately, implies masculine strength. Usually used in conjunction with an adjective (ie 'handsome bull') or more teasingly gannit ama (little/baby bull))
jaimeti [dʒaɪmɛti] (jai-meh-tee)
Means 'gazelle' (the name for the animal itself is close in meaning to 'beautiful horn'), heavily associated with grace and beauty. Also tends to be used with adjectives ('lovely gazelle' 'handsome gazelle' etc) or with a diminutive.
ansiba [ɑnsibɑ] (ahn-see-bah) or ansibit [ɑnsibit] (ahn-see-beet)
Means 'duck' and 'duckling' respectively, specifically refers to the animal and implies cuteness. Ansibit is a very common term of endearment for children.
"Wannaukoma such datse anmo" [wɑnaʊkoʊmə suk dɑtse ɑnmoʊ] (wahn-now-koh-muh sookh daht-say ahn-moh)
Means 'an ant could swallow you', implies cuteness (ie the recipient is so small and tiny an Ant could devour them whole). Usually used on children, occasionally used on adult women (in a way that feels intensely patronizing to many). 'Datse' (you) may be replaced by the recipients surname or honorific in the rare case that someone would dare calling someone this without being on first name basis with them.
wannaukomit [wɑnaʊkoʊmit] (wahn-now-koh-meet)
Means 'little ant', a term of endearment that borders on insulting even to babies.
-it [it] (eet)
This is a diminutive modifier, which can be added to a name or other word/term of endearment to denote affection (can also be condescending). It lacks internal meaning in everyday use and is closer to the English -y or -ie (billy johnny rosie susie puppy kitty ducky etc).
hippe [hipɛ] (heep-peh) (some dialects drop the h sound entirely)
Means 'small' or 'little', can be spoken with other words/names as an affectionate diminutive.
Other epithets-
Various epithets used in the language are not exclusively used as terms of endearment, but can be contextually. Most commonly, this will be the -machen epithet of the recipients zodiac birthsign (particularly those considered auspicious). Someone with the lion birthsign could be respectfully and/or affectionately called 'odomachen', or VERY affectionately called 'ya odo' ('my lion'). There's also a good variety of poetic epithets that have worked their way into common language as affectionate compliments/descriptors- ie ganatoche (dead literally 'cow-eye', more prettily 'ox-eyed') is a complimentary descriptor for brown eyes, anaemaitsa (dead literally 'river-haired', more prettily 'flowing-haired') compliments wavy hair.
Given name basis-
In Wardi culture, full names are spoken with the family name preceding the given name. When respectfully speaking to a stranger, peer, or authority figure, you refer to them by their family name, title, and/or an honorific. Being on an accepted given name basis with someone is generally indicative of closeness and affection.
datse [dɑtse] (dah-tsay)
This is the word for "you". Similarly to the use of a given name, actually referring to someone as 'you' (rather than a surname, title, or honorific in place of the pronoun) expresses familiarity and intimacy.
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rosesandthorns44 · 1 year ago
That chronic illness feeling where you don't want to die soon, but the idea of spending another 60 or so years in this body makes you want to scream.
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inoreuct · 1 year ago
thinking about zoro being the crew's main protector.
it’s quite literally his role amongst the straw hats; luffy's captain, usopp's their sniper, sanji cooks, nami navigates, chopper's their doctor, franky's their shipwright, jinbei's their helmsman and brook's their musician but zoro? zoro's their swordsman. zoro’s their guardian. his job is to be the first line of defense and protect everybody else so they can focus on doing their own thing and sure, none of them really need protecting— but they don't have to worry about defending themselves, either, because whoever they can't or don't want to handle zoro will finish up (if he hasn't gotten to them first).
like imagine a bunch of idiots cornering one of the crew (bad idea.) and picking nami because she's the woman without a devil fruit, as opposed to robin (BAD idea.). they've got her surrounded in the dead end of an alleyway and have somehow neutralised her clima-tact and she’s not worried, she’s not.
but against twelve men and with her weapon essentially now just a regular staff, she might be panicking. just a little. she’s gotten a couple of them good enough that they’re down for the count before a chain wrapped around her ankle trips her. it pulls at enough memories, faded but never forgotten, to bring up a sickening wave of fear and anger— and nami decides that she’s had enough of the bullshit.
she takes a deep breath and screams. “ZORO!”
the silence afterwards is deafening. the wind shifts, gently lifting the pieces of hair stuck to her sweaty face, and the men laugh uneasily. one of them yanks hard on the chain and she spits at him, heels scrabbling against the dusty ground even as he starts reeling her in like a fish on a hook. “he can’t hear you, little missy,” he snickers, grin widening the longer nobody shows up.
it’s still on his face when his head slides right off his neck.
blood sprays right before his body crumples like a doll. it takes a second for the others to realise and then the screaming starts— none of them get any farther than three steps before zoro’s cutting them down, swift swings of his sword and almost surgically precise slices rendering them incapacitated if not plain dead.
“sorry i’m late, witch.” the swordsman’s breathing hard, gore dripping off his blades even as he arcs one down and snaps the chain off nami’s leg with a growl. “did they hurt you?”
“no. no, i’m fine,” nami breathes, her smile quivering just a little— not because she’s shaken, no. because she’s pissed.
zoro’s voice is gruff as always, but his hands are careful if not outright gentle as he kneels to inspect her ankle before pulling her to her feet. “stay close,” he mutters, making sure that she’s nodded before cutting them a path through the fray. they bump into chopper next, and the doctor’s out cold over zoro’s shoulder in his regular form by the time sanji joins them to guard their flank. nami’s taken to just using her clima-tact as a bat for now, and it’s admittedly efficient.
she knew zoro would come. he always does. for all that they bicker and snip at each other, zoro has always protected his crew— even when said crew was just three people on what could barely be called a boat. he’d fought for her at arlong park and he fights for her now, his sword slicing over her head at an enemy she can’t see as she ducks low to jam her staff into another’s stomach.
they’ve moved closer to their ship when they find jinbei, then robin, then usopp, then brook and franky, and then zoro’s yelling luff, time to go! and their captain’s launching them all back onto the Sunny with a gleeful cackle that makes nami wheeze a laugh as they land in a mildly painful pile of limbs. somebody’s elbow digs into her ribs and she’s pretty sure that’s sanji’s bony kneecap pressed into her lower back. the swordsman swears as he sets about trying to pry them all apart and luffy seems to be actively fighting him, based on how his cursing’s getting more and more colourful.
behind them, their enemies burn, sliced to pieces. they debrief in the galley and zoro refuses to come away from the door until nami drags him by the ear and sanji threatens to personally shove dessert down his throat. they both know it’s because zoro’s still guarding them from a threat that doesn’t exist anymore.
they know he pretends not to care as much as he does. they know he keeps his words blunt and his swords sharp, but zoro lets luffy hang off him, unfazed, and makes a marginal effort to stick to nami’s budget even when he’s getting booze, and he eats his dessert. every last bit. he lets usopp fire moving targets to slice through so they can both practice. he keeps collateral damage when sparring with sanji to a minimum. he stitches whoever needs it up himself when chopper’s a little too tired.
and when his crew calls, he answers.
(now with a part from nami’s pov!)
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snortoborto · 2 months ago
Hey! If you think people with BPD are inherently abusers, you're literally just an ableist piece of shit.
I actually love to break it to you, so here you go:
if you've been hurt by a person with a certain trait or an individual who belongs to a larger community, and you use your personal hurt to validate your bigotry against all other people who share that trait or also belong to that group, you're just that, a bigot.
I don't know why it's seemingly okay to vilianize, dehumanize, and abuse people with cluster B disorders, even in progressive spaces. Especially BPD.
As someone with borderline, I've been mistreated by a wide swath of people (obviously, considering this is the disorder you develop from being abused), but I've never harbored dehumanizing ideas or perpetuated harmful behaviors towards or about entire minority groups because of my individual expirences.
It's wild to me that so many people with BPD are so deeply empathetic and considerate, but people just choose to demonize us because that's easier than accepting the reality that all individuals from all walks of life are capable of doing harm.
I'm not responsible for the actions of someone with BPD who hurt you just because we share a diagnosis. Everyone with a cluster B disorder does not have to die on the cross for the sins of one individual. This is a very simple concept that people generally understand until they're looking for an excuse to be ableist.
And also FUCK pop psychology for instilling the general idea that anyone who does harm MUST be disordered (specifically cluster B) because normal, nice, safe neurotypical people are incapable of doing harm. The world and the people in it are a lot more complex and multifaceted than you think. I know everyone wants an easy way to deem individuals safe and kind and good, in contrast to those bad, evil, unsafe people, but ableism is not the answer. In fact, there is no answer because that's not how the world works. That's not how people work.
If your acceptance of and advocacy for neurodivergent people only includes woobified notions of people who are "too afraid to ask for no pickles," you are basically just virtue signaling.
If you actually care about mental health awareness and mentally ill people, you might have to be ready to feel uncomfortable in order to confront some deeply ingrained ableism. And you might have to, God forbid, engage with mentally ill people who have lost the ability to perform or mask, or who never could in the first place. You'll have to see and recognize pain that is not "tragically beautiful" or whatever. You'll have to see our reality, warts and all.
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Gyahahaha! No paternity test needed, the kid's ours alright!
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 9 months ago
Can we go ahead and normalize medicine? Taking pills in front of people? Taking pills in public and not getting weird looks? Using alternative medicines or anything other than pills and not being treated like a novelty? Fucking please because first of all literally everyone takes medicine of some kind at some point in life okay and second of all people need medicine to live it’s a thing it’s pretty common and people need to be in public for a lot of reasons actually so can we please
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honeypleasejustkillme · 2 years ago
i’ve talked about this before but a bpd symptom i absolutely HATE is the lack of emotional permanence.
no matter how many loving people i have in my life, the second they are gone it's like i was never loved and that it's all in my imagination but as soon as they come back, it's like i've never been sad
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aestheticofalifetime · 24 days ago
my soul is tired
how am I supposed to fix that?
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lifenconcepts · 8 months ago
Reminder that you have zero right to romanticise or joke about other people’s mental illnesses or disorders unless it is your own or the individual has condoned certain jokes.
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spookietrex · 28 days ago
Had my disability hearing today. Got to explain a "bed day" to the judge. Also got to explain why I want to punch my partner's mom in the face when she says she loves me to the judge as a sign of my irritability. My lawyer explaining to my partner later: "Everybody's mom came up."
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chronicsymptomsyndrome · 4 months ago
I don’t think trees feel guilt and shame when they can’t photosynthesize on a cloudy day? so why do I??
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