#it's basically human nature
person who have never entered any fandom spaces in their life : Why aren't artists making beautiful art anymore?
#the modern art suck crowd never cease to amaze me with how plain stupid and narrow minded they are#as all they look as is just abstract art which they don't seem to understand the meaning behind it#art is not always just about aesthetic and serve to please someone's eyes#they always serve to consist a meaning or a story the artist that made it wanted to convey#if you want a drawing that looks good to you and fit with your narrow narrative there's something call kitsch art where it please your eyes#and you don't have to complain about how "boring#and stupid they look#anyways back to my main topic#it still boggled me how there's a very good amount of art that are still being made today#yet many still acknowledged it and say art is dead#art isn't dead your discovery ability is dead actually#i have been in many fandom spaces and i have been following alots of famous artists on the internet ever since i was a in my early teen#and the amount of good art i have seen is basically endless#and sometimes i even saw artists in my fandom dropping the most beautiful art i have laid my eye into in a whim#now that's what i call art#my definition of art is something people create from their passion love belief anything and of course it's still exist#because without art how can human live#it's basically human nature#if you think art is dead then you are actually dead mentally#rant#this is also a shout out to all of my artists friends and mutuals#your art never cease to amaze me and i love how sometimes it gives me hope and make me feel happy when i look at it ahhh
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scruncheduppaper · 1 month
mv2 is crazy when you think abt the implications of v1 and mirage basically almost being the same people like yeah idk. like im not saying theyre the same people but do you think that when v2 looks at mirage they catch a glimpse of their previous rival and the thrill of the battle and their eventual defeat and death. do you think that v2’s shoulder socket aches a bit more every time they look into mirage’s lens. do you think that v2 would be imagining v1 in mirage’s place for a split second when theyre in bed and mirage doesnt have her clothes on. guys uh
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ranticore · 6 months
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i actually drew these last year for my own self-reference and today i wanted to draw something in sai, found that sai was having a rough day, so instead i dug these up in procreate and coloured them. some kings and their fun faces
the winglets/ear wings/whatevers are not lift generating surfaces they're mostly for communication. they can hide their whole face under those things.
some of these expressions are inborn but some must be taught (i.e flinching, hiding the face, etc probably looks the same no matter what, but the more complex expressions conveying social dominance are copied from older harpies). human-raised harpies struggle to express themselves and are considered (ironically) very dangerous to be around because they won't give proper warning when they're about to be violent. and they are often violent; a major struggle of working with an imprinted harpy is their food aggression and resource guarding behaviour. most falconers in the classic tradition [taking and raising eggs] are missing at least one fingertip.
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mammomlette · 26 days
People don’t talk about MC needing to wear a magical ring to not accidentally yk cause NATURAL DISASTERS with their powers??? Not only accidentally but without realising???
Diavolo or smthn is asking too much of MC or being a bit too annoying and their other hand slowly drifts towards the ring and they hold onto it while maintaining dead eye contact. Like continue to piss me off hoe I’ll blink and blow a hole in your castle idk
Obv they never do it (or do they?) but the threat is there and it’s a risk dia (or whoever but I’m using dia) can’t take
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knightforflowers · 26 days
turns out the best excuse to draw fun new outfit designs for ur blorbos is to put them into an au that only appeals to you & maybe two other people (Ethersea Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep au 👍)
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katyspersonal · 2 months
me before SoTE: Gehrman 🤝 Miquella on being seen as creeps and awful people by fandom over misinterpreting some bits!
me after SoTE: Gehrman 🤝 Miquella on not being able to accept the drastic change (mostly to the worse) of a person they held dear and latching onto their former, "nicer" version, attempting to resurrect that version even although the result is a bit of just a husk (.....AND being seen as creeps and awful people by fandom over misinterpreting some bits lololol)
I guess they're doomed to be friends no matter what gfjhjgv At least with Gehrman's crafting skills, he can make him many pretty dresses
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My John || Eleventh Doctor x gn!Reader
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Summary: At the news of an unknown distress call from the Tardis, the Doctor must go undercover. With the trust of thousands of years, he places himself (both watch and being) into your hands. Enter Dr. John Smith (not really a medical doctor just has his doctorate) your new roommate.
Inspired by: The Transmission by @fabulouspotatosister + 'ceilings' - Lizzy McAlpine
[[A/N: This was majorly based on the lyrics: 'But it's not real, and you don't exist'. So angst warning. But it has a happy ending, I swear. ]]
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"It won't be long."
You could remember the creases of his face as he said it to you, the smooth of the worry in his brow -just because he didn't want you to see it. Well, you felt it now, the ache of days and nights and the heaviness of the watch in your pocket -you couldn't let go of it or put it out of your sight.
"When the time comes, you'll know."
You'd asked more about that then, about the how and the what and the why, but he waved it all off. 'You're clever,' he spoke, and you couldn't help the flutter in your stomach, '-you'll know.' So, you had prepared yourself to the life you found eerie compared to the previous one. Seeing John was... a domestic look on the Doctor and you weren't sure if it was good or bad for you.
"Honey, I'm home," he loudly announced, sing-songy with a cheer you couldn't quite match.
You exhaled, shook your hands, and stood to your feet, peeking out your bedroom door to where the Doctor... John stood.
He dressed differently now, more casual sometimes with the early morning pajamas. Today, however, he was dressed with a white button up and slacks, familiar, but matched with a long brown coat that had the same vibe as a trench coat but not the same material. And on the tip of his nose sat a pair of glasses, that you'd seen on the Doctor, yes, but rarely.
"Oh, so we have pet names now, dear?" You teased, watching as the tips of his ears began to burn a bright red.
It was natural, whatever banter you'd acquired. It was rather flirty, sure, but natural. You didn't want to think about what that meant too much.
"Dear?" He shriveled up his nose, "-What are we, an old married couple? I'd at least like to be dearest."
You snorted, walking towards the kitchen -which was right across the entry way, where he slipped off his shoes and placed his coat on the hanger. You were surprised by his organization in this light, especially since seeing some of the TARDIS's rooms.
"Okay, John dearest," you spoke, nose upturned as if you were pompous, "-may I ask how your day went? Were the kids okay today?"
He was a librarian at the local school, and sometimes on Saturdays he'd have extra readings for town square -he was quite the hit. With the voices he'd put on and the enthusiasm of the stories he told, the kids were enraptured. They weren't the only one.
"Of course," he grinned, "-haven't I told you, Thursday class kids are the best! Always desperate to learn that lot."
"Right," you carefully mixed the food upon the stove top, it wasn't on anymore but it was still warm enough to heat it up, "-that's the one with Charlotte in it, yeah?"
"Oh, yes, lovely Charlotte," he smiled, "-she'll go places I tell you. Today, she was negotiating an escape plan during recess, had a route down to the times."
You laughed, before siphoning off two servings and continuing, "And the meeting afterward?"
His demeanor dropped, as he pouted with a groan, "Boring, you know I hate to sit still for too long. Plus, George was just spewing nonsense statistics the whole time -didn't grasp onto much."
"Naturally," you hummed, taking a seat across from him as you placed his plate in front of you. You were usually the one to cook, not for... John's lack of trying, but more for the whole apartment's safety.
"What about you?" He countered, eyes attentive on you, it was unusual for you -the Doctor was usually everywhere all at once but John was often just an observer, "How was yours?"
The attention was odd, sometimes, but you'd grown to like it -despite how flustered it could make you. Depending on the day, and if his hair was messy and collar fussed. Luckily, he seemed well-composed today -a perfect picture of John, not the Doctor.
"Boring," you answered, not finding anything of note in your day. It was quiet mostly here, and you couldn't often chance going out without knowing where the Doctor was or if the threat was even still active.
"Oh, come off it," he dragged, his tone playful, "-you can do better than that. Go on, tell me. Anything new?"
You shook your head with a smile, "Not much, I'm just in the early stages now jotting ideas down in whatever form I can. There's not... It's all drafts."
You stayed home, under the illusion of being a writer -waiting for their big break. You did write though, detailing your adventures with well... him. It helped you sometimes when you missed him, and worst case scenario, it reminded you of what you were doing this all for. Because John's familiar soft smile and gleaming eyes were something you knew you could get yourself lost in.
You wished you could keep this version of him somewhere within you (locked away tight, yours), but you could never wish the lack of the Doctor in the world. Or even with you for that matter.
"I imagine it's lovely," he spoke, tone soft and the blush on his cheeks rising high, "-anything you make will be."
And there it was. The suspicious, fond gaze you'd caught from him now. It was happening more often, between the shared hours of the day you and John were domestic -connected personally, even. And you knew it felt that way, with him coming home, and sharing the space so intricately.
Just looking around the kitchen, you could see John just about in every crevice. An apron there (that said kiss the cook), some themed salt and pepper shakers (they were shaped like little animals), and the book he kept by the counter -he often sat there as you cooked, and you well enjoyed the company.
And everywhere else, you'd find him too. Little trinkets on bookshelves he just "couldn't live without", a few snowglobes from different cities (you found he was invested in traveling), and notepads just about everywhere. He always had something new to remember afterall.
"Well, thank you," you hummed, cursing yourself for the flush that went up your own cheeks. This isn't him, and he's not even himself.
How is that fair.
"But," you continued, playfully, "-I doubt you're an unbiased critic."
He made a big dramatic gesture with his hands to himself before speaking in a high-pitched tone, "Me? What? Never."
"John," you hummed, "-you're really not a good liar."
"Not to you," He smiled, his eyes carrying a whimsical shine that made your stomach swirl with familiarity, "You see right through me. I'll have you know, some of my classes think I'm a trainer of wild lions over the summer."
"You remember you teach children, right? They're fairly gullible."
"Pish-posh," he tsked, scooping some of the food into his mouth with a grace you found mostly unknown to the Doctor -other than tactful speeches and addressing an enemy, "-children are rather smart, just don't know how to use it yet."
"Yes, right," you countered, "-and this is an unbiased look, coming from a children's teacher, then?"
He rolled his eyes, a playfulness giving him away on his face, "Alright, you win. I'm shelving this argument for now."
"Just shelving it?"
"Yes," he confirmed, smiling up at you from his plate, and you felt your heart do a little twist in its place, "-anyway, I meant to ask you something."
You pursed your eyebrows at the sudden topic change, but pressed further on, "Yes?"
"Well, there's a-" he fidgetted with his fork, eyes now looking anywhere but you, "-a work thing Saturday. A big party, music and food. It's a celebration for getting halfway through the year, I suppose. Anyway, I just... well-"
"John?" You interrupted, clear, and concise but a touch concerned -had he seen something? Was it time?
"I'd like for you to come," he spit out, quicker than what was previously said but you still caught it (a symptom of the Doctor’s long-winded rants you supposed), "-with me. If you're not... busy."
"John," you hummed, with a grin, "-as if I'm ever too busy for you."
John smiled, the kind of smile the Doctor got when you were 'bloody brilliant' or so he'd put it. It made you feel special, all of your limbs felt like they were fizzing. The difference was now... you hadn't done anything. He looked at you like the stars were merely rocks, just because you'd said you'd go to a work party with him.
The Doctor wouldn't have done that. And that fact made your stomach twist in guilt, this wasn't really him. John wasn't really a person, just a shell of who he was meant to be and you were the only person so close to him.
And here you were, feeling things that you shouldn't with a man who only had you within this world.
Sure, he was giving you signals. Signals that made your head spin because you had always wanted them from that face, but it wasn't him. It's not fair.
"Brilliant," he grinned in response, before taking the two of your plates away with the same enthusiasm. He wouldn't wash them, he never did directly after dinner. Always said he didn't want to waste a moment.
And maybe you didn't want to either.
The next few days were busy for you, more than usual, you'd been trying to trace who had been after him for the past year. It had been a year. You were getting nowhere, mostly because he hadn't told you anything -'he' being the Doctor.
So, you weren't exactly ready when Saturday crawled up on you. John had practically been bouncing off the walls, fidgeting with his tie. He hadn't looked at you once as he navigated the space, grabbing things he'd strewn about -he looked so natural here. Fit here, with you.
It'd been familiar. You missed him.
Every day you did.
The Doctor jumping around the space, eager to tell you about the hills that stars grew on, or the alien race that communicated through smell.
"Isn't it brilliant?" He'd always be grinning so bright it could blind you, and he'd twirl around the controls for good measure. Eyes looking to you for your reaction, beautiful green twinkling with wonder you thought you'd lost when you were six. You had lost when you were six, but he... he brought it back.
"Y/N?" he spoke, well not him... but him, "Everything alright?"
John was in your space, a few steps away -maybe afraid to bridge the gap, he extended a hand. You'd realized then you were crying, the tears silent against your cheeks -you didn't even realize...
"If you're not-" he started, his fingers clenching in the air between the two of you like he'd wanted to touch you but wasn't sure, "If you don't want to go, we can stay."
We, he'd always said something like that -a package deal. Maybe you could live in your delusions for a bit, you could be selfish once.
With a breath, you closed the gap -connecting your hands and intertwining your fingers with his. His hand moved naturally... like it was meant for this... like his hand was meant to be in yours. It was intimate, something about you not being in direct danger and still holding him close.
You were safe, in your apartment; the two of you dressed dashingly, all for a party you were now bound to be late to.
"Wish I could," clearing your throat of the tears, you swung your hand and his between the two of you with the smallest of smiles, "-but my date is pretty handsome, couldn't bare to let him down."
John chuckled, you could still see the smear of concern in the pull of his brows but he could never really help it with you, "Handsome, really? This date seems very lucky then. From where I'm looking-"
You snorted, shaking your head and letting go of his hand -heading towards the apartment door, "We're going to be late, John."
"You started it," he pouted, before spinning around in a circle -eyes darting, "-wait, where's my coat?"
"John, darling," you hummed, pointing to the coat that was draped right across the back of the couch.
"Right, yes," he responded, grabbing it before freezing in place like your words had just now processed, "-did you say... darling?"
"Good observation."
"That's new, isn't it?" he asked, eyes intent on you for a moment -like you were a mystery he couldn't solve, "-I like it."
"Oh hush you," you snickered, not lingering on the slip any longer than you wanted to, "-we are so late."
John grinned bright and you saw him then -adventurous and wonderful, as he approached you -almost giddy, "I wouldn't have it any other way, darling."
The party was fuller than you'd expected, really. It wasn't just in some breakroom with dollar streamers and cupcakes with the kind of icing that stained your mouth. There were lights, music, and it was catered. With a mouthwatering buffet, mind you.
"John," you hush whispered, "-you didn't tell me it was fancy."
"How was I supposed to know?" he whispered back, defensive, "-This is my first one too!"
At that moment, two men walked up -each in a more dashing suit than the other, groomed to the nines. You truly doubted these guys were teachers, but based on the man that stood by your side... maybe it was true.
"Oh my," the taller one, who if you had to guess was the gym teacher spoke, eyes caught on you, "-John, is this the infamous Y/N?"
The other man straightened, eyes landing on yours, "No way!"
"Infamous?" You turned to John with a questioning brow, now this was interesting.
"It's not-"
"I'm Joseph," the taller one extended his hand to shake, before motioning to the man beside him, "-and this is my husband, Elliot."
"Not that I need to tell you," you smiled towards John, "-but I'm Y/N. It's wonderful to meet you."
"Gosh," Joseph began with a teasing smile toward John, who seemed like a branch in the wind, "-I feel like I know you already. John here's told me so much-"
"Alright," John erupted, the tips of his ears burning bright red -avoiding his eyes to yours, "-that's enough."
You added with a smile, playful, "Dearest, I'm not so sure. I'm quite interested in-"
He rolled his eyes, but you could see the quirk on his lips, "Yeah, yeah. You've had your fun. Now dance with me."
"You promised me a dance, silly," he reiterated, pulling you away from the two to a space with less people -the music soft and echoing across the space, "-don't you remember?"
You narrowed your eyes, resisting the pull, "I certainly did not."
"Okay, well, then..." he paused, thinking and still holding your hand between the two of you -loosely, "-I'm asking you now. Will you dance with me?"
You stared at him, his face dancing in the lighting of the space and that strand of his hair falling in front of his eyes like it always did -god, you'd gotten used to him. There was an urge to brush it away, to hold his face -his precious, precious face.
Instead, you squeezed his hand, "Of course."
He smiled, and pulled you to the floor -eyes intent and focused, the music was slow, melodic. You assumed it was requested, based on the nature of the tones, didn't feel quite party to you.
"John," you confessed, "-I really don't know how to dance to this."
He laughed to himself, before gently guiding you the rest of the way to floor, "Don't worry, follow my lead."
John moved your hand to his shoulder, placed his hand on your back, and intertwined your free hands together without a second thought. It felt personal, really to be a breath away from him -for his hands to holding you close. Not in a hug, where you couldn't see his eyes.
But now you could.
"See, watch," he hummed, moving to step in a square -you knew this part, "-you're a natural!"
"You're just saying that," you echoed with a smile, unused to the flattery so close. So tantalizingly close that you could feel the breath of it on your lips. This had never happened.
"Y/N," he spoke, hushed, just for you to hear, "-did you ever think... you could... we could, really-"
"Yes?" you asked, eyes caught in his as you desperately tried to not step on his toes.
"Well, if you-" he began, before frowning, "-if you wanted we could maybe-"
A scream interrupted his sentence, loud and brash, and something within you snapped. You tried to get eyes on the obstruction, but the crowds running just dragged your eyes elsewhere. '... you'll know.'
"We know he's here," a voice slithered, yes slithered, through the crowd -the tone, unnatural, "-give him to us. NOW."
"When the time comes, you'll know."
Your eyes darted to John's who were frantically looking to you, almost checking you over, "John, we have to go."
He seemed speechless, "O-Okay."
You'd kept the watch on you, you could hardly leave it out of your sight -so the cold tingle against your side was quite comforting now. The clothes you were wearing didn't have much pocket space, but it had... something, after all.
Where to, you stared out at the intricate hallways, where to?
There was a door down the way, space looked small, but it would have to work. You didn't have many options.
Pulling him into the space (a janitor's closet by the looks of it), you shut the door behind you two -making sure it wasn't an automatic lock. The darkness was all encompassing before you found the switch as you brushed your fingers along the wall.
"When you said out, I assumed you meant, well-" he spoke, tone shaky and it was moments like this where the difference was stark, "-out."
"John," you spoke, directly looking into his eyes, "-do you trust me?"
"What, yes-" he sputtered out, eyes lost and it would've been cute had you not been in the situation you were.
"Good," you spoke, before sticking your hand into his coat's pocket -the side he never used, and fished out what you were looking for. The sleek metal in your hand was unusual sure, but not... unwelcome, really.
John stared at it, eyes wide and breaths hollowing, "What... is that? I've never even seen that before! Was that in there the whole-"
"John, this is hard to explain," you exhaled, digging into your own pocket to pull out the watch -it was warm in your hands, "-but you are not John Smith."
"This," you pulled his hand over the watch in yours, you could almost feel it react, "-is you."
"Y/N," he echoed, "-I think you hit your head. You're acting-"
"Crazy," you finished, "-I know."
You could almost see the spandrels of gold connecting with his fingertips, twisting through the air to meet his skin. They were small though, delicate, easily cleared if he wanted them to be.
"Your name is the Doctor, you are an alien-"
"An alien?!"
"-the last one of your kind, Timelord," you continued, gently turning the watch to be in his hand, "-and the world needs you."
"This is-" he began, backing away -trying to push the watch back into your hands, "-ridiculous. My name is John Smith, I'm a librarian at Dexington Primary School. I have been for a year-"
"John-" you began -desperate.
"I got my degree, I met you on campus-" his tone was still fond somehow, "-you spilled your coffee on me, and wanted me to apologize-"
"John-" you interrupted, you couldn't hear this. Not now. Not when you were about to lose him.
"And I should've been mad. I should've been, but your smile was brilliant and I couldn't even think straight-"
"John, please." You echoed, tone gentle, soft.
"I thought you were the most beautiful person I'd ever seen," he looked up at you, eyes red and watery, "...How can that not be real?"
"Oh John," you hummed, tears of your own gathering -your hand coming to rest on his cheek, idly tracing the skin there, "-my darling John. It was."
John leaned into your palm, tears floating down his cheeks, and you wiped them away.
"This," you whispered, a bit breathless from the tears of your own and pointed between the two of you, "-was real. I know that."
"Then, why-" he began, eyes fluttering all over your face.
"You're-" you sighed, shakily and hesitant to let him go, "-you're not you, John. Not really."
"I want to be-" he started, reflecting his hand on your face -wiping at your tears, "-I just want to be your John. Why can't I?"
"Because you're the Doctor," you hummed, your heart breaking in your chest, "-and I can't take that away from the world."
He seemed to understand then, looking down at the watch with purpose -trying to see it for it was, you thought. His hands were shaking, and his eyes were heavy with a feeling you'd seen before in them, in the Doctor's eyes.
"I..." he whispered, looking back up into your eyes, "-I love you. Truly, I- I do. You have to know that, before I... Before I go."
"My John," you were crying now, the twist in your chest strong - an ache, a yearning, "-I love you too."
Without a second thought, you pushed forward, placing your other hand on his face -connecting your lips to his. You could be selfish twice, you decided, as you held his precious, precious face between your fingers.
It was bittersweet, the salt of your tears soiling your lips, but you really honestly couldn't change a thing. You wouldn't.
It was an ending you wouldn't forget.
With a breath, you pulled apart but let your fingers stay for a moment -eyes dancing around his face, to remember this. To remember John.
Because this... wasn't the Doctor, no matter how hard you wished it to be. It would be gone so very soon.
"You were lovely," you hummed, brushing his hair back and letting your fingers linger on his skin, "-I'll miss you."
With that, you stepped back.
"I'll miss you too."
He stared at you, green eyes so open, so vulnerable, he was hesitant -toying around with the watch in his fingers. You exhaled, shakily, and nodded.
John smiled, a brief one that you tried to commit to your brain, so fond... so loving. He didn't need to say anything else, so he flicked open the watch, and golden light burst into the room. It was so bright, you had to hide your eyes in the crook of your arm -the warmth biting up against your skin. It felt like a harsher version of the sun, searing across your skin, but it wasn't necessarily hurting.
And then, it stopped.
You looked up from behind your arm, and-
"Bloody hell," he spoke, gruff to himself, as he seemed to try to get something out of his ear, "-that was a rough one."
The joy you felt in your heart was immeasurable, but you still felt quite... broken open, splayed out like a puddle on the floor, and he was not.
He wiped at his eyes, noticing the tears -most likely, "What was I even-"
His eyes caught onto you, the eyes that you had missed -the extra heaviness, the extra wonder, and the infinite knowledge in that brain of his.
He lit up into a smile so bright that warmed you, "Y/N! Thank the stars, you look terrific."
The Doctor leaned forward, brushing a hand through your hair -it was longer now, "How long has it been?"
You paused, "About a year."
"Oh," he hummed, eyes everywhere but your face -thoughts quick and unraveling, "-that was a bit of miscalculation on my part... My bad. I didn’t think-"
His eyes finally landed on you, and he faltered. Moving quickly toward you, his hands unwittingly went to your face, wiping at the tears that had fled there. Your face was no doubt a wreck, sniffling nose and eyes scrubbed red.
"Have you been-" the Doctor paused, speaking softer, "Have you been crying?"
"I..." you began, but couldn't finish it.
"I was crying, too," he continued, "-well, not me but... me. What, so we were crying together that's-"
He fell silent, looking at you again -almost analyzing. There was a gleam, a shine of understanding, and you knew.
"You loved him," he concluded. The silence echoing loud after the words, bouncing around your head like a pinball machine, "-didn't you?"
You couldn't do this now, you really couldn't do this now, "Doctor, now is not the time."
Before he could say another word, you dug the screwdriver out of your pocket -it was shoved there when you... it didn't matter. Not now.
He narrowed his eyes at you, saying something you recognized to be 'we'll talk later', before accepting the tool with a grin, "Right then, duty calls, doesn't it?"
"As always," you quipped. He rewarded you with a grin that send your stomach into knots, one you'd missed so dearly.
The aliens who had come to him were fairly easy to handle, they were a bit too overconfident in their planning. The Doctor had simply slipped right in, and they hadn't been prepared for it. Hardly worth a year.
They underestimated him, you could tell. He was pouting about it. Had been for the last 10 minutes.
"What, they really thought I would fall for that?" He muttered to himself, as you both roamed the area -checking up on the masses, keeping an eye out for any injury that needed to be urgently dealt with.
And then you saw them, the men: Joseph and Elliot. They sat huddled together, comforting each other with what looked like some other teachers -their eyes widened in relief at the sight of the two of you, you assumed.
"Y/N, John!" Joseph exclaimed, the pull of his eyebrows lessening, "Thank god, you two are alright, are you hurt anywhere?"
He briefly scanned the two of you, seeming to come up with nothing, "-good."
"Joseph, right?" The Doctor asked, you knew he retained partial memories, so it made sense, "-Is everyone okay over here?"
"Yeah," Joseph answered, eyes flickering down the line, "-George sprained an ankle, but that seems to be the worst thing so far."
He was confused, you could tell by this new dynamic and the shift in... John. Your weren't sure how to even start in an explanation though, and the Doctor didn't seem too worried so you just waved it off.
"You're..." Elliot began, observing, "... different, John. You sure you okay?"
The Doctor chuckled, "I'm quite alright, never been better really. I'm just... not quite John."
"If I hadn't seen snake people about 10 minutes ago," Joseph responded, "-I'd say that's weird... but now? Do you just... You're not John?"
"No, well yes," the Doctor scrambled, "-John is like a piece of me. Just a part of my whole self, really. I... felt all the things John felt, saw what he saw. It just wasn't fully me."
They nodded, and he took it as means to continue.
"The rest of me was locked away, kind of," he spoke, face trying to track what he'd say, "-does that make sense?"
"The most I've heard today," Joseph quipped, "-which is not very much."
"Well," he grinned -wide and bright, the knowledge of worlds blooming behind his eyes, "-that's all I can ask, really."
"Are you two okay?" You asked, eyeing the two with a sensitive eye.
"Yes," they smiled at you, both of them had such kind eyes, "-we came up unscathed, luckily."
You sighed in relief, "Okay, good."
"Right then," he hummed, eyeing you with an eye you found familiar, questioning concern, "-off we pop, keep in touch, will you?"
"Don't you know it... uh-"
"The Doctor," you clarified, "-world-saving alien."
"Doctor, okay," he laughed -despite looking quite in shock, it was almost just adding to the pile rather than well... being a new type of weird, "-try and stay safe, will you? I may not... know you, but I know John. I rather cared for that bloke."
"We will," you answered, your smile a little bittersweet -you couldn't think about it too much now. Later.
The plan originally had been to go to the Tardis, but this outfit had been one of your best -you wouldn't let it be lost deep in the hallways. You'd already lost at least 3 hoodies in there -limited edition ones, too. And the Doctor was like a lost puppy, so he'd be sure to follow behind.
John had been the same in that sense, showing you things, gravitating towards the same room, and practically pouting for entertainment when you sat still for too long.
The trip up the stairwell was unusually silent, you'd felt odd in the presence of the Doctor and well... silence. It felt like he was always talking, and if by some chance he wasn't, he was everywhere. Big motions filling up a space, he'd almost always have a spotlight shining on him -attention on him anywhere he went.
It was the curse of the companion to fall in love with the wonder, one you knew well.
But this part of the Doctor was rarely there, this part was the kind where he'd stay silent for days -thinking about something in particular. An anniversary of an event, he wouldn't say what; the only way you could tell was he wouldn't be jumping to go elsewhere. He'd stay right there.
You felt that same part here, following you to the apartment that you... that you used to share. Kind of. You weren't quite sure where his memories were, what he remembered about the year (or even the past few hours for that matter).
The door swung open, and the silence only intensified. Large and unmoveable, you were sure how to even approach it. Or if he even wanted you too.
"It's... blurry," he spoke, dusting his fingers along a snowglobe (one of his, technically) -you held back the twinge in your heart. John was everywhere in here.
"What is?" You questioned, absentmindedly playing the ends of one of the coats that hung there -it wasn't yours, but you thought you might keep it.
"The line between me and him," he answered, eyes scattering to different things littering across the space.
Looking at it, it looked very domestic.
The pairs of shoes by the door, the mugs paired by the stove -ready for tea, the pair of pillows decorating the couch -you'd both chosen one. It felt so... stuck together, you could barely breathe.
"There's things I know I..."
"Doctor," you shook your head, swallowing down the lump of tears in your throat -you were grieving... over someone right in front of you, "-you don't have to do this..."
He pursed his lips at you, furrowing his brow, "Do what?"
"This," you motioned to him, holding the snowglobe -close to his chest, "-I know John isn't you. You don't have to... I know."
"Y/N," he began, now placing the trinket back on the shelf, "-what are you talking about?"
"Doctor, it's embarrassing enough as it is."
"What is-" He questioned, roaming closer, "Y/N, you're making no sense."
"Stop," you rolled your eyes, walking further into the room, and of course he only followed you. What were you going to do with all this?
"Look at me," he held your biceps, guiding your eyes to his, "-does it look like I'm lying to you?"
You squinted at his, trying to closely analyze his face -you knew it, his tells, his existence was painted in the skull of your brain. Both Timelord and human now, you supposed.
"No," you decided -still not quite over the lump of emotion in your throat, would you ever be?
"Right then," he cleared his throat awkwardly and let go of your arms, "-good."
This was something starkly different, the Doctor fluttering away from affection so easily -stepping out of the space and not being aware anymore. John... He felt like he was looking at you, always looking at you. Maybe because he had nothing else to look at, but you liked to think it was because he wanted to. You hoped he did.
"Stop-" the Doctor interjected, the silence of the room breaking like glass -harsh and loud, "Stop thinking so loud."
You rolled your eyes, not wishing to deal with this side of him now -not when you felt like you were digging a grave for someone standing right in front of you. It was odd, the twisted feeling of watching what you knew to be the Doctor around the room. (The only real difference being the godforsaken bowtie. He'd stolen it at the party, the janitor -an older man with a kind smile, had easily given it away.)
He belonged here, you knew that. Hell, even before the last year, the Doctor would pop in for visits -movie nights, just to try something human he'd heard about, or his impatience on waiting for you. He had a spot then, sat on one of your wider windowsills -staring down at the streets below, or the lit up city, you weren't sure. The man just couldn't sit in a regular chair.
John hadn't done that. Sure, he'd made himself cozy in every space possible that he could, including the kitchen cabinets once (hell of a day), but never... never the windowsill. He hadn't wondered about what was outside, his whole world was right...
"Here," you hummed to yourself, tracing the tips of books on the shelves.
You saw that now, John had no need for adventure, no spark to see something new. He'd been content. Happy with just you.
The Doctor couldn't be like that, you knew that. He never could.
You weren't sure you'd ask him to.
"I wish I could," the Doctor spoke, a chuckle lost in the whisper of his words.
He seemed to pause, thinking about his next words -the Doctor thinking never really meant anything good. But, you still found you waited.
"Your John," he finished, "-I wish I could be him."
You froze in your place, your breath hitching in your lungs -so, he had remembered, "We really don't have to-"
He seemed to continue, as if your words hadn't even been spoke, "You have to understand, Y/N, John is a part of me. Sure, without the extra bits, but still me. Me in my most basic form, human."
You didn't know what to say.
"Well," the Doctor corrected, "-human...ish. Not really an exact science, just kind of takes the regeneration energy and-"
"Doctor," you exhaled, tired, "-what is this all about?"
"You don't," he began, face furrowed into one of curious concern, "-You don't know?"
"Know what?"
He seemed to falter to a pause, like he was planning his next move. Or thinking of his next words again. You wondered what he had to be so careful about -you misinterpreting?
In a blink, he was in front of you -digging around through his pocket before he found what he was looking for -the watch, "Did I ever tell you how this works? The Chameleon Arch?"
"You mean the watch?" you questioned.
"I'll take that as a no, then," he started, fingers mindlessly tracing the Gallifreyan on the front, "-the technical part of it is called a Chameleon Arch, Gallifreyan tech. Original duty is to change an individual's species. Technically, it changes your biology -a very painful process, really, I'd know."
"Right," you flinched, remembering the brief moment he'd experienced it before, "-I... remember."
He frowned at you, seeming to not remember that you had seen that, "It's connected to the Tardis, gives me the backstory, but... it's never been an exact science."
You paused, looking at the Doctor with eyes of curiousity -he seemed to have a point to this ramble. He never had a point to his rambles.
"It takes bits and pieces from me," he hummed, demostrating with the air in front of his hands, "-the person it creates isn't entirely from the Tardis, not really."
"What do you mean?"
"Like a motivation," he hummed, debating on whether or not finish it -eyes looking your direction but not at you, "-or a hobby, or a..."
The Doctor froze in his place, eyes focused on his hands in front of him -slowly, his eyes rose up to meet yours, "A... feeling."
You were confused for a moment, watching him. He'd frozen in place, yet his eyes stayed trained on yours. You couldn't quite grasp it, what he was trying to convey to you. Until...
Until you truly looked at him.
There was something erry about him, something on his face that felt off, but at the same time, ever so natural. So right, yet so wrong.
And then it hit you, there it was. The suspicious, fond gaze.
"Doctor," you spoke, disbelieving.
"Y/N, you have to know," he continued, despite your plea, "-you really truly have to-"
"Doctor, please," you hadn't wanted to go through this again -the hope of loving the Doctor could only hurt you, "-you aren't thinking straight. Th-That's John, not you-"
He was confused, twisting memories together, you couldn't... you couldn't chance it.
"Y/N," he was getting closer to you now, voice steady and distinct, "-it started with me."
You froze in place, blinking as if he'd vanish right in front of your eyes. It was almost like a hallucination for a second, because he (the Doctor, not John) could not mean what you thought he meant.
"It took the bit of me that was..." he corrected, watching you as if you could break with slightest of touches, "-is in love with you."
"You do?" you began, sputtering -you weren't sure what to say, "...N-Not John?"
"Well, technically both," he grinned and you felt your stomach twist into a pretzel. God, what were you going to do with him?
"Oh, shut it," you huffed out.
You could definitely be selfish a third time afterall.
In a blink, you pulled his face towards yours -the steps towards him quick and brash but the way you touched his face was different. Gentle, you trailed your finger along his cheekbone for a second.
Your breath mixed with his, he was just looking at you. Like there was nothing else to look at.
Like he was... happy with just you.
God had he been hiding that look the whole time? -peeking over books as you read them, staring at you as you walked around the Tardis fitting in just like a missing puzzle piece.
"It was all me," he whispered, distracted, sure, but still answering you. Stupid Timelord telepathy and stupid handsome aliens.
And maybe you were a little stupid too, but he didn't need the ego boost, truly.
"Hey-" he pouted out, and the jut of his lip almost made your heart flatline -sure you were almost there but you hadn't worked up to it yet.
The Doctor paused, noticing your stiffening in place, the way your eyes darted to his mouth for a second -a split second, and he grinned.
And for a second you thought he might pull back, and make up some excuse, but instead, his hand came up to the side of your face. Surprisingly smooth fingertips detailing the dips and pulls of your face, you could barely breathe at the closeness.
"Wonderful," he spoke, so quiet you could barely hear him -made you wonder if was even for you to hear. Or if it was just... for him, "-You're wonderful."
"Doctor," you almost cried, the movement so soft, so careful. Like he never wanted to forget the face. You held his face close, a breath away from you and this burst of fondness flooding your chest you just couldn't even describe really.
So, you held his face, trailing your fingers along his jaw -showing it the only truest way you knew how, "My Doctor, my darling Doctor."
And you kissed him.
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luckthebard · 2 years
Genuinely confused as to how so much of the fandom watched the first 2 CR campaigns and Calamity and yet still ended up in a “Ludinus is right let’s kill all the gods” position. Like it’s baffling to me how much content/context people have just decided to completely forget? We had 2 full campaigns of very positive interactions with the gods and the moment there’s some hypothetical and interesting musing and speculation about their roles in the world from a more disconnected place we’re just throwing that out the window?*
Tbh the number of people who watched episode 4 of Calamity and still saw Asmodeus as sympathetic or having a legitimate point is unsettling to me, but while that’s a related issue it’s not quite the same conversation.
But like legitimately how did we so quickly make a hard turn from “The Stormlord teaches his barbarians to use the power of friendship, he’s a funny kindergarten teacher” memes to…this.
*(This is not, btw a comment on the characters having philosophical debates in-world because I think those are interesting and on-theme for the campaign and are also nearly always concluding with “our personal relationship to individual gods and feelings about them are irrelevant actually, the people trying to destroy them are doing wider harm and are in the wrong and must be stopped.” I’m actually loving the engagement with this by the characters in-universe but the fandom is exhausting me.)
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fictionadventurer · 7 months
The worst part about reading in a genre where you have low expectations (in this case, Christian historical fiction) is that when a book impresses you, you have no idea if it's actually good or if you're just overly impressed because it was a fraction of a degree better than the usual garbage.
#basically lately anytime i read a christian fiction book that isn't romance-based i find myself surprised by the quality#i do think that some christian publishers are getting better#and trying to tell stories that dig deeper into real faith and messy issues#instead of making only vapid squeaky clean prayer-filled tropefests#but i'm not sure *how much* better#because anything above the low bar feels like great literature#the most recent is 'in a far-off land' by stephanie landsem#and let me tell you setting the prodigal son in 1930s hollywood is a genius concept#i have some issues with the history and the mystery#but the characters!#it has been a long time since i cried this hard over a book#several chapters of solid waterworks#(and i also have the issue of figuring out if it's actually that moving or if i'm just hormonal/sleep-deprived)#i keep thinking about this book but also i worry about recommending because what if it's actually terrible by normal book standards?#(also the author DOES NOT understand the seal of confession and i was SHOCKED to find that she's actually catholic)#but also looking at the reviews makes it clear that if most of christian fiction is vapid garbage it's these reviewers' fault#here you have something that's digging into sin and darkness and justice and mercy and these people are just#'how can it call itself christian fiction if it only mentions god at the end?'#are we reading the same book this WHOLE THING is about god! and humanity and our fallen nature and how this breaks relationships!#your pearl-clutching anytime someone tries to get even a tiny bit realistic is destroying this genre#i'm gonna run out of tags so i'll stop now
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mispelled · 11 months
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Ty I am saying it! He's also half demon . I present to you Hermie's full natural form
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phoenixcatch7 · 5 months
Okay but why haven't we had a time travel/fix it fic where after some shenanigans everyone decides to take down shinra, they split up to take out the important figures, sephiroth obviously takes hojo for any and all of a dozen good reasons.
And then hojo pulls a winter soldier sleeper code on him.
And then everyone is suddenly dealing with a brainwashed sephiroth.
Hojo has to have some way to control sephiroth as he grew into his monstrous strength and power, yes? And learned helplessness isn't enough of a reassurance your prized military leader powerhouse isn't going to wake up one day and realise just how easily he could paint the labs walls red with chunks of you. And because hojo is obsessed with total power and control, dealing with a murder machine with huge mental issues, it'd only be fitting he create his own emergency shutdown.
In the most needlessly traumatic and mentally violating way, of course. Would sephiroth even know, if he couldn't remember? Would he have long stretches of emptiness in his memories that never get explained to him, or would he wake up where he'd blacked out, just another day in the labs?
Imagine, his allies watching on the cameras, as sephiroth stalks into the labs, a predator sighting its prey, exchanging a few cold words with hojo, raising masamune... And then hojos mouth opening, sephiroth going stiff like an animatronic, rearranging himself on the floor where he stood, face hidden behind his hair. Hojo leaves the room and he doesn't move, doesn't respond to any comms or passing scientists accidentally rolling a cart over his coat and hair.
Hojo ordering sephiroth to reveal their plans, their allies, their resources. Sephiroth doing it. Hojo deciding to punish sephiroth for the rebellion with lab procedures, or hojo ordering him to hunt down his co conspirators and end the takeover. Sephiroth doing so, heavy in his steps, crashing through walls and doors, heedless now of morals or civilians, silent, unresponsive. So completely unlike the jenova malice they'd been prepared to fight, that sephiroth had been bracing against. No arrogance, no mocking, no dramatic battlefield or hungry glowing eyes.
The puppeteer becomes the puppet, and with it, every trace of holding back. The perfect soldier.
I imagine the first trigger word would be lucrecia.
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vimbry · 8 months
picking top 10 tmbg songs is still hard, but I do think "I love you for psychological reasons" Has to be up there. I loveee these descriptions of trying to rationalise the concept of attraction, I was completely into it from the opening lines of "lately I've taken to vacantly making repetitive movements, mistakenly seen as improvements," the rhymes in general are extremely satisfying, and I'm a hugeee sucker for love and romance and such being approached in this more subtle, slightly repressed, scientifically-minded manner.
I love that it's a take on the song "I love you for sentimental reasons" (nat king cole best version btw), which was written about the surface emotion of being in love, while this tries to dig into the chemical reasons of - why? why do our brains fall in love the way that they do? but at the same time, it seems as though narrator doesn't want to overanalyse the experience too much and almost spoil the magic of affection. that's why they don't want to get into the reasons. maybe they're afraid that if they pick it apart too much, they'll lose that attraction, so they pull back.
in some ways, it feels like a counterpart to the insecurity of "she's an angel," whose neurotic narrator sounds like they're in a perpetual state of waiting for the other shoe to drop in a good relationship, because their partner is just too damn perfect to the point of deifying them. like, how could she Possibly be with Me?? this woman's an angel?? is this a mistake, do they know she's missing? also god I just now realised as I was writing this - that song's entire theme is a deconstruction of sappy pick-up lines like "did it hurt when you fell from heaven / heaven must be missing an angel" isn't it. sorry, talking about "psychological reasons" kinda got away from me here.
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
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this could be kuwameshi if you guys would like. take my hand and trust me
#yyh spoilers in tags#like major spoilers ok#which ig i dont usually tag but whatever#the if i had to choose between the world and you it's you thing happened. and it was KUWABARA like hhhhgghh#yusuke makes him forget his honor code sometimes and i need you guys to see that with me#bc it makes me wanna fling myself into the ocean over and over again#kuwabara literally is like you need to be alive bc otherwise im nothing idek who i am. please let me punch you#and he wails this multiple times#and yusuke would burn down the world himself if he thought it'd help his friends we all know that#and doomed by the narrative? mmm with the ever escalating world ending nature of being a spirit detective thats kinda there#throw in the sudden demon-human age gap post yusuke death 2 and you've got some narrative dooming in a way#but not enough for me to well and truly call them doomed by the narrative#yyh#yu yu hakusho#kuwameshi#kazuma kuwabara#yusuke urameshi#ofc i can handle you at your worst thats basically you all the time is Very kuwa to yusuke#and maybe we can figure out what the hell ur problem is over dinner sometime is Very yusuke to kuwa#actually i should draw that. or make it a textpost or something#but like turning up the protectiveness/possessiveness thats already there with them in line with the whole#'ive watched you die' trauma they Both have means that like. i think they would Need to have each other around for a period of time#in the wake of sensui's bs perhaps. and then yusuke cuts it all off and they start to get a bit healthier about it. hm#i think about them all the time it's like if typicsl shonen rival/bestie homo-ness was kind of scary and painful#like they love each other but the ways they hurt each other and hurt over each other drive me fucking insane
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dhmis-autism · 10 months
well gosh if you're gonna be so enthusiastic about it sure. here's a drawing i did of him a while back. if you really want i'll show you the others but ah, im shy.
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dandelionsresilience · 4 months
Good News - June 1-7
Like these weekly compilations? Support me on Ko-fi or $Kaybarr1735! Also, if you tip me on Ko-fi or CashApp (and give me some way to contact you if it doesn’t automatically), at the end of the month I'll send you a link to all of the articles I found but didn't use each week!
1. Hundreds of Mayors, City Leaders Commit to Protecting Monarch Butterflies in Annual Pledge
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“The 300 participating communities are taking a record number of actions to advance monarch conservation by planting or maintaining pollinator gardens at prominent locations, supporting native plant sales and giveaways, and partnering with local gardening organizations and experts to advance monarch conservation and community engagement.”
2. Basic income can double global GDP while reducing carbon emissions, analysis suggests
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“Researchers suggest that charging carbon emitters with an emission tax could help fund such basic income programs while reducing environmental degradation. [… G]iving basic income to the entire world population could boost the global GDP by $163 trillion, which is about 130% of the current GDP. Every dollar spent on implementing basic income can generate as much as $7 in economic impacts, the analysis shows.”
3. Los Angeles-area wildlife crossing over freeway expected to be ready in 2026
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“The crossing will be a vegetated overpass that will help isolated animals safely cross U.S. 101. […] Officials said the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing will "reconnect habitats and improve the health of the environment for many species in Southern California." They added that currently, U.S. 101 is a huge barrier that disconnects Southern California wildlife. […] “We need to move beyond mere conservation, toward a kind of environmental rejuvenation," [Annenberg] said in a statement. "Wildlife crossings are powerfully effective at doing just that — restoring ecosystems that have been fractured and disrupted.””
4. ‘Many waterfowl are very gay’: Elliot Page set to narrate LGBTQ+ animal documentary Second Nature
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“According to Deadline, Second Nature will be executive produced by Page, who will also narrate the documentary set to explore instances of same-sex attraction in species other than humans. And, spoiler alert, they’re everywhere. [… Page said,] “Second Nature reveals the full spectrum of life and how when it comes to gender and sexuality in nature, the diversity is endless. I learned so much and am thrilled others will too.””
5. McKenzie River Restoration Benefiting Threatened Upper Willamette River Chinook
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“Salmon have successfully reproduced at the Finn Rock restoration site in Oregon’s McKenzie River watershed. Another project aims to bring salmon back to lower Quartz Creek. […] Historical accounts document the presence of Chinook salmon and bull trout in Quartz Creek, but neither species has been seen there for decades. Project partners have replaced an aging bridge that constricted Quartz Creek. Previously, the stream constriction forced the water to gush like a fire hose, blasting salmon and sediment downriver. […] The restoration work will increase groundwater and expand the amount of wetlands, which can reduce the impact of forest fires.”
6. Leading Scholars Call for Global Treaty on Free Education
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“According to the experts, well-established scientific evidence shows “unequivocally” that education is foundational to children’s healthy development and lifelong prospects[…. Seventy scholars from thirty countries] call on all governments to support a new optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child to ensure recognition of the right to free early childhood education and free secondary education, alongside the existing explicit right to free and compulsory primary education.”
7. Water is key as study shows restoration of drained tropical peat is possible
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“Rewetting of tropical peatland that was drained for agriculture can lead to the recovery of the native ecosystem, a long-term study of a former pulpwood plantation in Indonesia shows. Researchers studying the 4,800-hectare (11,900-acre) plot that was retired in 2015 by Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) found the water table had risen, soil carbon emissions had gone down, and native trees were springing up and replacing the planted acacia pulpwoods.”
8. Antioxidant gel preserves islet function after pancreas removal: New approach could reduce diabetes complications
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“Before surgeons remove the pancreas from patients with severe, painful chronic pancreatitis, they first harvest insulin-producing tissue clusters, called islets, and transplant them into the vasculature of the liver. […] Unfortunately, the process inadvertently destroys 50–80% of islets, and one-third of patients become diabetic after surgery. [… To] create a healthier microenvironment for the islets, the researchers adhered the islets to the omentum with an inherently antioxidant and anti-inflammatory biomaterial[…,] significantly improving survival and preserving function of transplanted islets.”
9. Restoring Indigenous aquaculture heals both ecosystems and communities in Hawai‘i
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“The loko i’a system of native fishponds in Hawai‘i has for generations provided sustenance to Indigenous communities[….] Unlike commercial fish farms, loko i‘a thrive without feed input and need little management once established[….] “We are using science to translate ‘ike kupuna, or Indigenous knowledge, into policy,” said study co-author Kawika Winter […] “Loko i’a are really built to work with the ecosystem, whereas not all forms of aquaculture are made to do that.””
10. Meet Neo Px: the super plant that attacks air pollution
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“Neo Px is a bioengineered plant capable of purifying indoor air at an unprecedented scale[….] "It's the equivalent of up to 30 regular houseplants in terms of air purification," said Lionel Mora, co-founder of startup Neoplants. "It will not only capture, but also remove and recycle, some of the most harmful pollutants you can find indoors." [… The plant comes] with packets of powder that contain a microbiome, essentially a bacterial strain. "This bacteria colonizes the plant's roots, soil and leaves [… and] absorbs the VOCs to grow and reproduce. The plant is there to create this ecosystem for the bacteria. So we have a symbiotic system between plants and bacteria.””
May 22-28 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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mister13eyond · 4 months
I think people in general would be less weird about gender and trans people if it were just made more clear how incredibly artificial the idea of a human sexual dichotomy really is
External genitalia is the same basic structures configured in slightly different ways, and it's less of a binary set of options than a spectrum between two poles as intersex people fully prove
Secondary sex characteristics are entirely dependent on hormones, which means they a.) already have a wide variety of natal presentations across genders (ex cis women capable of growing facial hair, cis men with breast tissue etc are all completely normal (if slightly uncommon) outcomes) and b.) Are extremely easy to change with HRT
Hormones can affect PHYSICAL reactions to emotions (higher testosterone making anger an easier physical reaction to stress than tears, and higher estrogen vice versa) but it doesn't actually affect the ways you think about or react to things, just what your body does with that emotion.
Social and behavioral differences are EXTREMELY affected by nurture more so than nature and there are no inherent neurological differences between men and women's brains.
Our bodies are so similar to one another that transition- while socially and financially potentially difficult- is MEDICALLY incredibly fucking easy. The fact that we can just alter our secondary sex characteristics with medications and our external genitalia with fairly simple surgeries should be a clue how incredibly close all human bodies are? We Have the possibility to change so easily because there are not inherent, hardwired unmovable differences. The only real difference at this point is the capability to carry and birth children, and with the way science is going that doesn't seem like an impossible breakthrough at this point.
Idk, I'm so tired of seeing discourse from other trans people that upholds that there are fundamental differences between men and women. Until we all start agreeing that these categories are artificially enforced and that they aren't really biologically inherent whatsoever we're never going to get anywhere
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