#birthday wishes
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s-u-w-i · 7 months ago
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Once again collab with @chechula - birthday wish for our uncle (the white space's for signatures of course) 🌿
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foxybouquet · 25 days ago
Happy birthday, Tobias Forge! You have created a phenomenon that’s made a lot of people joyful in times of great global struggle, and you’ve touched a lot of lives and changed and inspired people with this “project.” Wishing you a fantastic celebration on your day with your loved ones, and an amazing year of sharing with everyone the new chapter of Ghost!
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ryanguzmansource · 6 months ago
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📸 • oliverstarkk: posted to stories (9.21.24)
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savejudyblog · 6 months ago
It's my BIRTHDAY and my only wish is to be SAFE‼️🎁
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Today is my birthday, but instead of celebrating with cake and laughter, I’m holding a silicone bar (yeah, I couldn't find a real candle) with only one wish in my heart: to be safe.
Safety has become the greatest gift I could ever ask for, something so many of us take for granted, but for me and my family, it's a daily struggle. We live in constant uncertainty.
I feel I lost much weight 💔 do you think so???
Every day, I hope for peace, not just for myself but for everyone affected by the hardships of c🥺nflict.
My family’s journey has been a difficult one, and we are reaching out to the world for help, for a chance to survive and rebuild.
Your support - whether by sharing our story, offering resources, or even the smallest d💖nation - means the world to us.
VETTED by the butterfly effect project 🦋 line #223.
Please help spread the word so that one day, this candle will represent a light of hope, peace, and safety.
Thank you for being with me on this day, and for standing with my family during this time of need.
@timetravellingkitty @deathlonging @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe @sar-soor @rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka @appsa @anneemay-blog @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @7bittersweet @tortiefrancis @ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchameleon @dykesbat @aristotel @komsomolk @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts @watermotif @stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @determinate-negation @deepspaceboytoy @paper-mario-wiki @kibumkim @neechees @socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @himejoshikaeya @rooh-afza
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jokerislandgirl32 · 3 months ago
Happy Birthday, Martin Kratt 🎊🎁🎉 !
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Happy 59th Birthday to the wonderful Martin Kratt! Our favorite blue loving Kratt brother! Sending the warmest birthday wishes to you today! The work you and Chris have done to help the animals and ecosystems of our planet, and to educate young (and not so young 😆) creature adventures is insurmountable. You both truly are such an inspiration and blessing! May this birthday and many more be filled with the greatest creature adventures to come.
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thestylesindependent · 2 months ago
bellv2: Happy Birthday 🎉miss you 🐕
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zzoro-yaa · 26 days ago
"who sent you, round again? moss" -S
(zoro's answer just : xoxo) 🎁
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chalamet-chalamet · 3 months ago
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You are welcome boo
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artsymeeshee · 8 months ago
Happy birthday Meeshee! I'm really lucky to have found such an amazing Gravity Falls artist like you!! Come on, make a wish and this is my gift to you!! ❤️✨️
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*gently holds* !!! 🥺🥺🥺 Ahhhhhh cuuuuute!! Look at my little boys and their little boat ;w; Thank you thank you! TwT ❤️
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careyakane · 2 months ago
Happy birthday, June Bug.
Fourteen minutes until your twenty-third. This time last year, I held you close on that couch up in Washington. The atlas, the snowstorm—hell, you even got me into a church, and the music was wonderful.
It was a beautiful time back then, the first time I felt comfortable with you, and for a moment, I forgot all the life we had waiting for us, I even forget her. I just let myself care for you. I’m not sure the feeling ever came back in all its strength after Washington, and for that, I really am sorry.
Now, just a year later, you have someone new (not that I ever let you call me yours), and I am driving back across the country west. I have someone I care for too, but she is like I was—unsure and teetering, like those wooden contraptions we had in the park growing up. Her weight is always shifting back and forth, and my resolve, while strong, is light as the wind and keeps getting tossed up and down carelessly.
Anyways… I’m glad you have Nick. I say I hate him, but I don’t. I guess I just grew protective over you and felt some unwarranted ownership that I, of course, don’t truly believe. You are your own. I was in grief; I was afraid. You were also pretty damn cruel from time to time, and with the world being the way it is already, I wanted someone a little kinder is all.
But yet tonight, I feel sadness for something I know I do not want. I love you dearly, and God, what a union we had, traversing this country through greenrooms and cafés. Well I should stop, I’m falling into places of the mind that keep me in my old ways. Best to just let you be.
Happy birthday my friend, and please kiss the mr for me. I’ll see you Monday.
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dd-is-my-guiltypleasure · 8 months ago
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Happy birthday David from Gillian
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princesscatherineblog · 3 months ago
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Happy Birthday, Catherine
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ryanguzmansource · 6 months ago
🎥 • ryanaguzman: reposted to stories (9.21.24)
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thepandaqueen · 5 months ago
Today is my birthday.My goal is to raise enough money to pay rent for November early. Please consider helping me reach my birthday wish. Rent is due on the 1st.
Rent 0/800
0/20 birthday cake
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heesterical · 3 months ago
Birthday wishes - Heeseung.
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Pairing : Heeseung x F!Reader.
Synopsis: It’s your birthday and you wanted to spend it with Heeseung but he's busy, so you hang out with your friends instead. However, when you reach home, there’s a surprise waiting for you.
Genre: Fluff. Hurt(?)-comfort.
Wc: 1.2k.
Note: rewrote this omg, the old one was hellish to read but it's cute
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Birthdays are special.  
To some, it’s the one day of the year they allow themselves to indulge, to feel truly seen and appreciated. To others, it’s just another day.
But when something — or someone — important is missing, it’s like your heart is searching, and even a special day feels a little less whole without it.
You don’t mean to sound ungrateful, of course. 
You had tried to push it aside, focusing on your friends, your laughter, and the small distractions that kept you moving. Yet, as the day wound down and you returned home, the emptiness returned with vengeance.
“It’s just a birthday,” You mutter, fumbling for your keys. “I’ll get to  spend time with him soon, and it won’t even matter.”
Being an idol meant dedicating your whole time and life to your career; which you understood.
You understood, but it still sucked. 
It sucked that whenever you were free, he wasn’t. 
It sucked when you text or call him, he’s usually busy enough to not be able to respond until later.
It sucked that you couldn't go on dates with each other freely, that you can’t flaunt your relationship openly. 
And it definitely sucked that you were standing in front of your door and sulking to yourself, when you should be going in and winding down for the night.
You had been putting up with your friends teasing all day about how you were ‘moping around because you missed your boyfriend.’ You roll your eyes at the memory, unlocking the door, and walking in.
And immediately get a sense that something is off.
You grope at the wall trying to locate the light switch, while trying not to trip over the welcome rug that, in hindsight, seems like a bad choice.
You scan the space in front of you-or whatever you can see of it anyway, from the dim hallway light streaming in through the glass pane above the door. Nothing seemed to be out of place, but the brief moment of feeling like someone else was inside makes you uneasy.
You weren’t exactly the bravest person. Especially so when you were alone. And in the dark. Which you were right now.
You feel your finger brush the switch and you slightly sigh in relief, flicking the light on, when you suddenly feel an arm around your waist and-
You shriek hearing the low voice in your ear, swinging your hand around, nailing the intruder right in the jaw amidst your freak out, not registering the familiar touch and voice.
“OW! Hey!”
You hear an all too familiar yelp and voice of protest as you swing around, looking up- only to see a frowning Heeseung rubbing at his face, his other hand held up in surrender as you gape at him.
“It’s me- it’s just me. Calm down.”
You continue staring at him, wondering what the fuck was going on.
“Calm down?” you demand in a breathy voice, your hand on your chest as you attempt to calm your raging heartbeat.
“You- you rascal! You nearly scared me to death!” You swat at him, chasing him inside as he desperately tries to get away from your flailing fists.
Heeseung bolts behind the couch, a mischievous grin plastered on his face as he shifts from side to side, evading your attempts to corner him. “I finally got you back for all of your jumpscares~” he teases, ducking as you swipe at him.
Then, with a dramatic flair, he adds, “I mean, you scream like you’re auditioning for a horror movie. Should I be worried?”
You pause for a moment to snatch up a pillow before turning to him. “Oh, you’re so done!”
Before he can dodge, you launch the pillow straight at his head. It lands with a satisfying thwack!, leaving him sputtering and laughing as he raises his hands in mock surrender. “I’m sorry! I just wanted to surprise you.”
He doesn’t really sound sorry, so you march forward instead, grabbing the fallen pillow and pounding him with it as he laughs, falling onto the couch and pulling you with him.
“I really don’t know whether I want to kiss you or to shove you off a bridge right now.” You glare at him, wiggling in an attempt to get away from his hold.
“Can I pick?” He asks, a cheeky smile on his face, as you try to struggle out of his embrace, but he chuckles, tightening his hold on you, just watching you put up a fight.
“What are they feeding you?”
“How are you so strong?” you grumble, visibly giving up and going limp in his arms. He laughs at your reaction, leaning down to whisper in your ear,
“Happy birthday, love.”
His hold on you gentles, and his eyes are so warm and fond that you can't stop the smile that tugs at your lips.
You know what you wanted to do with him now. 
You wanted to kiss him.
So you did - leaning up and pecking his lips once, twice and thrice; and pull away to look at him. But he pulls you back to him again, kissing you slowly, his hands sliding up your back and into your hair.
You sigh a little against his lips, the last of the emptiness ebbing away.
Slowly, you two pull away from each other, grinning. He presses a soft kiss to your chin before he shifts you to the couch, getting up. “Come on,” he says, taking your hand in his and pulling you up, even as you protest weakly.
He leads you to the kitchenette attached to the living area, an open cake box with unlit candles sitting on the counter, and you feel a nervous flutter in your heart. 
“You planned this, didn’t you?” There is no bite to your accusation, “you said you weren’t free today!”
He doesn’t answer, merely shrugging in response as he lights up the candles. 
“Happy birthday, Y/n.” He wishes you again, holding the cake up so you could make a wish and blow the candles.
You grin at him, happy that your wish came true even before without wishing it in front of a birthday candle.
You close your eyes, making another wish and blow out the candle, very much amused at how excited he looks.
You open your mouth to thank him for the cake, when he suddenly swipes his finger on your cheek. You immediately realise what he had done and gasp.
He cackles in response. He’s managed to get you twice within the last half hour, and he’s delighted.
You reach out to grab him but he ducks away as you take some cream yourself, ready to return the favour.
You two chase each other again, smearing cake over the other’s face when you grab him around the waist and rub your face against his cheek, laughing as the frosting gets on your clothes.
You two stop fooling around for a few moments, just laughing and holding each other, his arms around your waist and yours on his shoulders.
“Thank you for today.” You whisper, smiling goofily, very much happy compared to how you had returned home. He always managed to make you smile and now seeing the big grin he gave you warmed your heart. You lean in and kiss him again softly.
With frosting on your face and a smile stretching your cheeks, you realized that sometimes, it’s not the day itself that’s special—it’s the people who make it unforgettable.
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Can someone uber me my very own Heeseung, please?
Enhypen Masterlist.
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thestylesindependent · 2 months ago
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Via Kunichi_Nomura’s Instagram stories, 01February2025
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