#it was to make fun of it while my hair dye was processing
6-paris-6 · 1 year
okay you know i literally dropped off the face of the earth with my pjo and hoo fandom shit and there’s a will and nico book?!! wtf?! and apparently i lost my books from the pjo series so i only have the first two and the first one from hoo..but i’m going to the beach and bringing them with me which is very much a slay for me
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deadandphilgames · 5 months
A note from Daniel (new epilogue from You Will Get Through This Night)
Thank you for reading This Night. Writing this book in 2021, while sitting locked down in a lightless basement apartment for months, had a certain self-fulfilling irony that was not lost on me.
In many ways, I wrote this book for not only my past self that I wish could have known these things when I needed them most - but for the guy sitting in an incredibly uncomfortable, hunched, t-rex-esque position typing, that needed it right then. Like many of you, I thought those particularly fun couple of years were a temporary inconvenience, that I wouldn't have to age the book by diving into. And here we are. I hope you enjoyed that new chapter about resilience and whatever the hell a 'polycrisis' is. Turns out certain global events do have an additional effect on our mental health - it's understandable that you may try to power through it and pretend it never happened, but we all deserve to take whatever time we need to honestly process how life makes us feel. I hope you're doing alright. My journey of reflecting honestly on my own life experiences and lifestyle while writing was …like spontaneously punching yourself in the stomach. "Wow. I really live like this? That is apparently not conducive to a healthy mind. Oops. Guess I'll go touch some grass." I'm happy if that made this a more entertaining read occasionally.
Even now, I find myself continually re-reading the book in those small moments of first emotional reaction to situations where I now at least think "Wait - what was I supposed to do here? Right. Not catastrophise." If this is you - that is fine. You are not expected to perfectly memorise this book or retain all knowledge you hear in life. I know I don't. If you're ever sat next to me in the emergency exit aisle of a plane, know that you may be required to physically throw me out of the door in order to inflate the slide because I was busy during the briefing, imagining how my life would have been different if I actually had the nerve to dye my hair black that time in school. I am at peace with that.
It was honestly terrifying for me to try and mine the content of my life to try and actually illustrate advice for people that may really need it …for me to honestly look at the balance between joking about my mental health, and really getting real. Hey - if your attempt at opening up via some humour comes out a bit offensive, you still get points for at least putting it on the table. That's progress.
This is not a book about me. I am here just as an example of terrible behaviour that you have permission to have an inappropriate public transport snort at, and as a writer who has repeatedly not finished traditional 'self-help' or scientific study books for being dry, unrelatable and preachy. I just hope you found this moist, identifiable and accepting of all of your beautiful flaws. So many flaws. I often worried if any of the material was maybe obvious, or something you could stumble across on the second page of Google - then I had a small moment of honesty with myself contemplating my own ignorance, commitment to procrastination, attention span …and the fact that factually just 0.63% of all people searching online, ever bother clicking to the second page of results. If you already knew some of this, good for you. Honestly. You must literally be happy with yourself. I'm just looking in the mirror and trying to do something for the 99.37% of humanity that spend their lives never successfully researching how to not lay awake at night fantasising about their doom. Look forward to the upcoming pocket size book of 'offensively self-destructive jokes' by Dan - or 700-page memoir of my yet un-girthy, mostly unremarkable life so far if that's what you're really looking for.
Perhaps the most terrifying result of releasing this book into the world, has been coming face to face with those of you that have read it. For in these moments, all of my protective self-deprecating persona comes crashing down in an instant when someone says this book made them feel better. Hearing that this book was the first time they finished anything tangentially related to self-improvement, or that just one thing they read was a new perspective on a part of their life they needed, makes me feel my mission in life is already complete. Seeing it be recommended by bookstores amongst all the other choices, hearing that people have shared it with their therapists or had it suggested to them by a professional, is an unbelievable seal of approval that I appreciate. I am so inarticulably grateful to have been given the opportunity to do anything that could make your life easier, more peaceful, more enjoyable. I've met people who annotated this book with post-its, told me they listen to audiobook exercises on their commute - and even a few people that have had illustrations tattooed onto them as a symbolic reminder of a message.
All of this puts that year of typing like some kind of infinite monkey at a typewriter into perspective. I'd do it all again. Mostly. It has been the greatest privilege of my life to be the guy whose name is printed on this book, and I just hope that reading it helped you, as much as writing it helped me.
Love and good luck.
- Dan
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Hair Dye Extravaganza
(Hello, this may suck but bear with me as this is the first Tokio Hotel I have done so far! Please tell me if you would like more Bill or Tom in the comments!)
Requested: No
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"Hm?" Bill hummed as he heard his name, walking in the doorway to the bathroom to see you with boxes in your hand.
"Wanna help me dye my hair?" You asked, looking at him through the mirror as you got the bottles ready.
"Sure, what color?" Bill nodded with a smile, taking the bottle and shaking it as you showed him the box.
"Just fixing up my old one." You shrugged, Bill gesturing for you to sit down on the edge of the tub as he put on gloves.
"You made a great decision coming to me." Bill joked with a smile, pulling the glove band to make a slapping sound in his wrist.
"I regret this already." You sighed, Bill shushed you before he squirted the dye on your hair, his eyes widening as he put too much.
"Bill, what did you do?" You asked, trying to look back at him, moving your head as some dye slipped off your head and onto the floor.
"Trust the process." Bill grabbed your head, moving it to face away from the mirror and dye on the floor.
"Ow- Asshole, you're pulling my hair." You slapped his arm from where you could, the boy laughing as he dodged your attack as he ran his fingers through your hair to get the dye in.
"It'll look good after, trust me." Bill messed up your hair, styling it with the dye in it to make a mohawk as you sat there.
"You're making knots!" You yelled, laughing at Bill as he took off his gloves. 
"How long do we wait?" You asked, Bill looking on the back of the box as you put your head over his shoulder to see.
"Shit, that's cold." Bill jumped away from you, when you put your head on his shoulder the dye from your hair had touched his neck.
"It's in my hair, I know it is." You shook your head, Bill pushing your face away with his hand.
"It says thirty minutes. We can wait that long." Bill nodded, reading over the directions.
"Your hands are stained." You noticed, Bill looking at you confused before he looked down and saw his hands, despite being gloved, were now dyed to match your hair.
"How do I get this out?! My hands look like a goddamn explosion." Bill ran his hands under the water, trying to scrub off the dye as you laughed at him.
"Have fun." You waved over your shoulder, a towel around your shoulders as you walked over to your room to annoy Tom while the dye went through.
"You're drowning me!" 
"Shut up and let me do my job!" You and Bill bickered, you were leaning over the tub as he sprayed your hair with the hose-type shower head.
"It's cold! It's cold!" You yelled when the water suddenly turned cold, reaching for the knob to turn it hotter.
"You're gonna burn yourself and you'll be the one to drown." Bill grabbed your arm, practically wrestling with you to get the dye out.
"Close your eyes and hold your breath." Bill ordered, noticing as the dye seeped over to your eyes.
"What-" you tried to look at him before you were stopped as he sprayed your face with the shower head.
"You're trying to fucking murder me!"
"I'm not!" 
Tom walked by the bathroom, the door open so he could see inside.
He gave you both barely a glance, walking past before he abruptly did a double take at his brother water-boarding you.
"What did they do?" Tom asked, laughing as Bill tried to get the dye out of your hair, making the water turn colored as you almost entirely soaked.
"They won't stay still." Bill said as you guys looked up, Tom had to stop and try not to laugh at the sight of you completely soaked and sitting between his brother's legs.
"The dye! The dye!" Bill yelled as some dye got on his pants, panicking and spraying your hair, forgetting you weren't leaning over the tub.
"Yo! You'd suck as a hairstylist!" 
Tom closed the bathroom door on you guys, standing there for a moment and contemplating before ultimately deciding to leave you guys be.
"This better?" Bill asked as he stood beside you, your eyes closed as he blow dries your hair.
"Considering you almost killed me, it is." You shook your head at Bill, the oncoming headache about to be killer.
"I did great though. It looks nice." Bill smiled, kissing the side of your head as he ran a brush through your hair and dried it.
"It better, considering what I went through." You said, sitting there almost impatiently as he finished drying your hair.
"It looks nice. Look." Bill smiled at his work, helping you stand up and giving you a mirror he used to do his makeup with.
"Hey, it actually does." You nodded, smiling at yourself in the mirror as you ran your hand through your newly dyed hair.
"See? I do a great job." Bill smiled, hugging you from behind and kissing your cheek.
You smiled, pulling your head away from him as he tried to get you to come back, grabbing your sides to get you to laugh.
"Your methods are questionable, Bill." 
"But they get the job done."
You guys then stopped, freezing as you heard a yell come from the bathroom.
"What the fuck- who did this too the bathroom?!"
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allaboutnayeli · 6 months
stupid lil headcanons about mapi
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author notes: i'm pushing out more of these dumb posts than fics but i swear fics are coming 🙏🏾 just let my mind work it's magic y'all. anyways stupid headcanons about mapi that hold no value, enjoy!
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➜ mapi probably asks ingrid to talk to the waitress when she receives the wrong order. it's not really that she's scared to say something, it's just mapi doesn't want to say anything herself
➜ she probably sends ingrid stupid memes in spanish about the most irrelevant things that ingrid is always like "wtf? where did you get these from?" (she got them from twitter)
➜ doesn't care for tiktok that much but sometimes someone sends her an edit off of that app and she giggles
➜ this woman be low-key confused when the barca coach talks about the team's game plan. afterwards she always asks alexia to explain to her in simple terms
➜ we all know she had that emo phase. during that phase she still listened to a lot of spanish music (she couldn't get with the actual emo music) and used tumblr like it was god sent
➜ mapi be giggling and kicking her legs while stalking ingrid's instagram during international break. she has like a thousand photos of ingrid in her gallery, but the instagram posts just hit different
➜ double texts everything. never writes in paragraphs and she probably have many typos in her texts because she be typing at the speed of light
➜ mapi's favorite type of kisses are cheek kisses because she finds them really cute
➜ if the word clingy had a picture in the dictionary, mapi would be the photo. this woman is attached to ingrid so bad and just likes hanging off of her. half of the time she just annoys ingrid but refuses to move away when her when ingrid tells her off
➜ clumsy at the worse moments. could be holding a plate full of food and mapi is going to slip on thin air
➜ likes piggy back rides especially from ingrid
➜ mapi is the biggest cryer when it comes to movies. it could be the happiest movie ever but let one sad thing happen and she's bawling
➜ begs ingrid to do her hair in silly lil hairstyles and always talks cute selfies after
➜ a cuddle bug. not just with ingrid but also her cat
➜ mapi shall not be trusted with knives or any sharp objects, she always end up cutting herself. ingrid has to comfort her afterwards
➜ is so annoying to play against in a fifa game. she will do anything in her power to make you lose (pushing, saying the most out of pocket stuff, screaming at the top of her lungs, anything to her opponent to lose the game)
➜ dyes her hair when stressed (but don't tell anybody that)
➜ either a fun drunk or a sad drunk. depends on the day and if ingrid is around
➜ she randomly flexes in front of ingrid to try to impress her (ingrid doesn't give a fuck but gives many compliments)
➜ speaking of impressing ingrid, this woman will stop a car with her bare hands just to have ingrid give her a compliment. what can be said? #girlfriendvalidationisthebest
➜ 100% is a pouter, a whiner, a "but babeee:("
➜ the type to get a tattoo for her girlfriend and not even tell anyone until someone just notices
➜ mapi is surprisedly flexible, don't ask how she figured that out
➜ follows ingrid around like a lost puppy. she just loves her girl so bad
➜ her favorite season is summer and her favorite thing to do during summer is to go to the beach. for one, she loves to be in the water and for two, she gets to see ingrid in a bikini. a win is a win
➜ says the most random shit that pops up in her mind like "do you think dinosaurs are related to chickens? and if they are related to chickens then when someone eats chicken, are they eating dinosaur meat?" and ingrid would just be like "please just eat your food"
➜ not the best dancer in the world but no body can tell her that
➜ mapi sometimes just gets baby fever and pesters ingrid before forgetting about it then she sees a baby & the process happens all over again
➜ overall mapi is just so silly 😝
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© thinkingaboutjaedyn
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
hey bff
you should write the general creeps with a scene partner pretty pretty please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hey love! Gotchu covered! I hope you enjoy <3
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He would be upset it takes you FOREVER to get ready. Like why on earth should it take you so long?? He just gets out of bed in his crusty ass sweatshirt and calls it good so why can’t you too?
Eventually he’ll get used to it he just didn’t exactly understand the artistry behind it
He’d bring you bracelets and necklaces. But don’t you dare tell anyone he got it for you!!
You can get him stuff to wear but he’ll insist that he’s too good for it and it’ll ‘ruin his image’. Even though it’s literally just being disgusting. He’ll wear a necklace you give him under his sweater though
After a while he’ll get interested in your style and will let you do him up (IN PRIVATE).
If anyone makes fun of you he’d be the type to stand behind you and silently lift up his sweatshirt and show that he has a knife in his waistband or something. Absolutely no one fucks with you after that.
Loves it but pretends to be casual about it yk? Like when you show up in a new outfit his response would be “Damn you look good babe.” But inside he’d be freaking the absolute fuck out.
Eventually he lets it slip that he thinks your style is super awesome and hot.
The kind of guy to help you pick outfits, colors, jewelry, makeup, all of it. He loves giving you his input! If you take it or not doesn’t really matter to him, it’s just the fact you took the time to listen to his ideas
Let’s you make him playlists and listens to them 24/7. Please tell the man your favorite songs.
He online shops for you 100%. Oh you saw something cute you wanted? Done. Bought.
Gives snarky remarks to people that make fun of you. “Well at least they have style. You look like you just got out of bed.”
He’s neither here nor there about it. He’s happy as long as you’re happy. (And not wearing an obnoxious amount of perfume)
Watches you get ready every morning. He finds it very interesting the process and methods you have to get ready for the day.
He’ll proudly but silently wear whatever jewelry item you give him. Just make sure it’s not too obnoxious to the point it gets in the way of his work.
If you make him anything at all, it’s going on display in his room. No questions about it. Probably has a shrine of things you’ve made or accomplished. He’s so proud of you and he lets you know it.
Unfortunately he won’t let you dress him up or anything. He already doesn’t like how he looks and I think it would make him feel worse if you dressed him up.
But if someone makes fun of you? Ohhhh shiiiit. The whole room of creeps goes silent as they watch his fingers twitch as he decides what to do with them. Probably let’s it slide in the moment but he’ll find them later. He doesn’t want his precious darling to see him lose control.
Loves your style and shows you off to everyone. He’s eccentric himself so he loves when people have styles out of the ordinary.
Another one that finds you things to wear/ helps you get ready for the day.
He LOVES and absolutely wants to match with you every given chance he gets. You dyed your hair? Dye a piece of his too. You got new bracelets? Get him one too. Piercings? Get him fake ones he can glue on.
Not a huge fan of the music but he enjoys the lifestyle and the fashion. Would never ask you to change yourself in the slightest either
Probably asks Ben to buy him stuff to match with you for a surprise. Also loves surprising you with gifts!
If someone made fun of you I feel like he’d call them ‘boring’ and say something along the lines of “well that wasn’t very nice” :[
Thinks you’re cute. Compliments you all the time too.
“Gosh y-you look cute today” “D-did I s-say you look cute yet today?” “Hey cutie”
Another one to wear anything you gift him proudly. “Yeah my partner made t-this for m-me.”
Will probably try to make you kandi stuff. He’ll fail miserably but hey at least he tried!
Get so involved in the culture. He’ll listen to the music, make playlists, try the clothes (even though he doesn’t like them on him), and will let you do his hair. 100% let’s you pierce whatever you want on him. He can’t feel it anyway 😉
Yells at people who make fun of you. Makes a whole ass scene. (lol see what I did there?) They’ll be so embarrassed from the absolute fiasco he makes that they’ll never say shit again. Bonus points if he throws a hatchet at them!
Not a fan. Sorry guys, he’s not into all the edgy stuff.
He’ll probably try to convince you to tone it down a little bit if you’re going out together. I feel like he’s a little embarrassed when people stare at the both of you
He just gives me man from the south vibes, probably conservative so he’d rather live more modestly and domesticated.
Hopes it’s just a phase and you’ll grow out of it. He loves you though so no matter if you change or not he’ll stay with you. Personality over fashion!!
Eventually when he realizes you’re not changing he might start wearing jewelry you give him. Hard maybe on that one though. But if he does, he’s so protective of your gifts. If he loses them he’d be so upset. Like you probably wouldn’t see him for a few days.
And if someone makes fun of you? Shit gets violent. Don’t you dare talk about his angel like that. I’d be surprised if the person didn’t walk away with a broken bone or two.
Another secret lover. Like Ben, he thinks it’s cute. He’s much more touchy than vocal about it though.
Loves touching all the different materials of clothes you wear, the textures of your bracelets, your hair, all of it.
Will wear jewelry if you make it for him but it’s out of sight. But just know if you give it to him, he’s wearing it. Don’t expect to see it though.
Might let you pierce his eyebrow or his ears. Not as crazy as Toby with that but if you do enough convincing he miiight let you do other more prominent or risky piercings.
Definitely touches/ feels you up in a more sexual way in your outfits too. On top of your style being cute he thinks it’s pretty hot too. This man will fuck you in your clothes.
If someone fucks with you they’re getting a pipe to the head. No warning at all either.
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rippleap · 15 days
into the wild kitties! #1
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since i have no clue what kind of art to post on here yet i decided to do something fun!!!
I'll be designing and drawing every single cat in the into the wild allegiances, hopefully uploading each day! yeah im only doing into the wild (for now) cause i would like to stay alive and breathing thanks!
(way more text below)
also designing ISNT WHAT IM BEST AT, these are just for fun!
im gonna start explaining and babbling about the designs now,,
firepaw is TECHNICALLY not the first cat in the allegiances but come on i have to do him first he's FIREPAW. I didn't have much of a thought process for him other than mmmmm yes fire. I really wanted to add some blue to his eyes cause like, blue fire haha but i couldn't find a way to do that without making the whole design look weird.
Next is bluestar! bluestar with long hair my beloved. i tried to make her as BLUE as possible without making your eyes burn off, but she is VERY BLUE
Now for redtail! this one was a bit more tricky to be honest, i wasn't too sure of what to do because, i sorta forgot how i perceived redtail lmao?? most of what i was thinking while designing him was.....hmm spottedleaf brother...... of course he has his signature red tail, and i wanted to give him that sort of calico kinda hair color, like how people dye their hair to be calico yeah i was going for that. like he dyed his hair but it's actually just like that.
And lastly, spottedleaf! i think you all can clearly see the neapolitan inspiration here lol. I was thinking of how i was gonna design her, and a lightbulb lit up above my head and went ICE CREAM ICE CREAAMMM so here's neapolitan spottedleaf! i also this these colors make her look like she smells good which is a trait of hers i guess, like look at that cat and tell me she doesnt look like she smells like vanilla and strawberries and chocolate. I also made an effort to have spottedleaf and redtail to resemble or mirror eachother! that'll probably become a pattern with the siblings I'll be designing.
also side note, literally i drew these with a pencil on paper, lined it with black paint and a stiff paintbrush and THEN transferred the drawing into ibispaint. just wanted to put it out there...heh... probably one of my new favorite ways of drawing ever.
I'm gonna be using the #into the wild allegiances to tag all of these in case you wanna find them all later.
umm idk how to end this, bye guys!!!
if you have any questions about using these designs orrr whatever feel free to ask!
i posted the higher quality individual versions of the designs on my instagram! same user as here!!
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dadsbongos · 11 months
can you make a Itadori x reader where reader is gyaru please? :]
yuuji with a gyaru honey headcanons :) hehe
tried to keep as gender neutral as possible!! but reader is kinda feminine-coded, reader is implied to be like early 20s or laaate teens (18-19), didn’t place this anywhere in canon - just that at some point you two meet when he goes to tokyo
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Knew of the subculture, obviously, but didn’t really know anybody who partook in it - especially since he grew up in a small town in the country where nobody was so bold (unlike in Tokyo, where you meet! omg)
Actually almost made you cry (dramatic) when you two first met because he referred to it as a trend 
Verbatim, his goofy ass said “Woah, I didn’t know people still followed that trend!” to your face
He likes how proud and confident you are though!! You don’t care if other people think it looks good because you think it looks good
The only reason you even cared what Yuuji had to say was because he implied your fashion was just another fad
He also likes how passionate you are, often pointing out your idols and collecting old magazines from the gyaru boom when you were little just to keep that early 2000s-ness thriving
“How do you have no idea who this is, Yuu?! That’s Na-chan!” and he thinks you’re so cute when you’re all flustered, giving him lil history lessons, “Helloooo? Suzuki, Nana! She was in Popteen!”
Whenever he has the extra cash, Yuuji also finds it fun to buy you accessories or clothes that fit your specific aesthetic of the gyaru umbrella
Even though he totally turns into a little mess when you end up loving what he gets and are grateful (which was the end goal btw lol, he just can’t handle it)
People who don’t know you two kinda assume that you made Yuuji dye his hair pink and just garner negative opinions about you corrupting some nice young man
Not that you care, and Yuuji knows that, but he still gets upset when people have poor impressions of his hottie partner
And you never tell Yuuji this, but you also assumed that he dabbled in a bit of hair bleaching when you both met - so you ask one day if he can help you with yours and he looks at you all “ :o ?”
“Me?” 🤨👈
As if bro doesn’t have bright pink hair
He does try to help if you decide to wear colored contacts though!! And by help I mean… he wants to be emotional support 
“You’re stronger than me, babe, I would’ve puked getting my finger that close to my eye.”
Hey he tries!!!!
He also likes sitting with you to do your makeup, he finds the process very hypnotizing
Like his own personal grwm video 🙂 wow
He can just blabber on and on and on about whatever while you hum and put your face on
Sometimes for no reason at all, he’ll go from staring at you to staring at the mirror and then back at you
Like if you asked he would actually have no answer as to WHY this mf does that, he just… does
Starts carrying special metal straws around for you so you don’t have to worry about ruining your lipstick if you get a drink in public that doesn’t have a straw (all WASHED and CLEAN and kept SECURELY, don’t worry babe✋ HE’S got you)
And just in case this dude’s green flags couldn’t be more apparent - he’s the type where if you wear thigh high, or generally long, socks/leg warmers then he makes sure they’re in place all day
He gets on a knee and fixes them up so you don’t have to sit or bend down <3
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loud-sound · 9 months
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(part 1 of part 2!!)
for shits n giggles, i tried my hand at redesigning dr stone characters (read: three)
i have too many emotions when it comes to this show's character design lmao. a vicious hate-love of the century
a couple of my process notes if anyone's interested: (vague spoilers up to season 3 of the anime)
there's a criminal lack of skin tones that i immediately wanted to take advantage of; and before Certain People start saying race-swapping; none is happening here, it's all just taking account of tanning and sunburns. sunscreen is a thing of the past here and a lot of time is spent outdoors in order to gather food
dramatic shifts in skin tones from what's given at birth happen pretty frequently in real life even with A/C and sunscreen; a huge missed opportunity to play with this in the color department methinks, but here we are (don't even get me started on the massive range of skin tones in east asian genetics alone)
so i played around a bit with contrast, nothing outlandish aside from giving Kohaku noticeable sunburns and freckles from (1) having caucasian blood in her to begin with and (2) not having access to any of the skin products our moderners would have
that being said, realism in the clothing color department was just about entirely thrown out the window. the blue dyes we know about are nowhere (naturally) near Japan, and here Ishigami village is in canon with deep navy on every villager; Inagaki and Boichi decided realism specifically here wasn't as important as color symbolism (which i personally think was a good creative decision), so cut me some slack-
so for colors it was just my personal taste on streamlining the palettes-
Gen in particular i thought would benefit from exposed shoulders without taking away how he needs bigger sleeves to hide shit up there. a lot of the guys have plain shirts and sleeves or just go shirtless entirely and i felt like it'd be fun to have him wear something in between to really push the magician/entertainer vibe
hairstyles were changed mostly to be easier to draw and to make their silhouettes just a bit easier to distinguish from each other. (hair colors were untouched except for Kohaku, purely because i have a personal preference for the more natural blonde color than any actual design significance lmao)
partial exception for Kohaku, cuz it annoyed me that the other characters say she has super thick, unruly hair...but then her hair is drawn no differently from everyone else's 💀
didn't wanna play into the stereotype of naturally curly hair being seen as something to be fixed (especially within the context of a makeover-), so i tried to imply chronically unbrushed hairdsjfsdf
can you tell from how many bullets are here about Kohaku how i feel about her design? last thing: body types.
Gen is supposed to be significantly tall, Kohaku is one of the strongest characters while being one of the shortest; it is very hard to tell that from their designs alone. it's mostly just the limitations of Boichi's art style,,,proportions that's i'm aware is nitpicky, but i wanted to show it here anyway 💀💀💀
smth smth disclaimer about subjectivitydsfsdfsd-
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uhhhh, congrats for reading all that, have some silhouettes!
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fangirlies · 2 years
Raven- (x.t)
Pairing: xavier thorpe x fem!reader
Request: can I request Xavier Thorpe helping reader dye her hair purple?
Warning: suggestive. no smut tho. cursing. (Please let me know if I should be aware of anything else)
A.N: hi fangirlies!🧚🏼‍♀️ Here’s a small one shot based on a request I got. Thought it was cute and wouldn’t take too much time. Also.. I’ve never box dyed my hair so I might have had to search up detailed steps to it lol
also can we all stop lying and admit she was everyone’s girl crush at one point?
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“You're going to look so sexy, pumpkin" Xavier exclaims with excitement. "Raven was my childhood crush; I’m getting hard just thinking about you with purple hair."
“You had a crush on a cartoon character? You’re such a freak” you teased your boyfriend.
A new year meant a new you. What better way to update your appearance than to dye your hair? Your boyfriend's eyes lit up the moment you mentioned that you were considering dying it. “Purple, Purple, Purple!” Xavier shouted relentlessly. Even though you hadn't considered such a dramatic transformation, his 20 minute argument of why you should dye your hair purple had convinced you. Purple was a fun color, and you reasoned that it wouldn't clash terribly with your skin tone. So, he accompanied you to the store and you bought a box of purple dye. Now here you were, in your dorm room waiting for xavier to help you apply the dye to your hair. His one and only wish was to be present for the entire thing. You debated it for a while, picturing him squealing like a little girl the whole way through and taking forever to finish. Ultimately, you only caved because you reasoned that being the talented artist that he is would make him the best assistant.
You sat in your desk chair swinging side to side as you waited, he wouldn’t shut up about how this was actually happening.
"Hurry up and get started before I change my mind." He promptly tore open the box, pulled out the contents, and arranged them neatly on your desk. He carefully brushed your hair, removing any knots, with a hairbrush in hand. He always treated you so delicately. Not including those times you begged him to use you as his own personal toy in bed, of course. The latex gloves that were included in the box had been slipped on by Xavier, who secured the second one like a surgeon would before performing surgery.
“Let’s fucking do this!” He shouted enthusiastically.
He began by dividing your hair into small sections. Then, he dipped a small brush into the mixture and applied the mixture from roots to tips. Every time you'd try to start a conversation, you'd get sushed, then get a snappy "I can't focus with you talking to me" or "Shut up, I'm working" in response. He was taking this entirely too serious and that made you laugh. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his tongue was sticking out from the corner of his mouth. He could seriously do anything and the butterflies in your stomach would still flutter. I’m so madly in love with this idiot, you thought.
He completed your head and then started the timer for the indicated time the directions stated. He loved to take charge in anything he was working on, so you enjoyed that you could relax and not worry about the whole process. Aimlessly scrolling through your socials.
“Ok now what?” You asked, swinging your desk chair to face him as he slipped off the gloves.
“Now we wait”
After 30 minutes, the timer rang throughout your dorm, and Xavier jolted out of bed at the sound of it.
"Let’s take a shower," he instructed as he yanked you across the room and followed you into the bathroom.
"Nuh-uh, wait outside," you spoke as you gently pushed him out of the bathroom. He pouted at you, knowing you never refused his puppy eyes. But you shook your head before closing the bathroom door.
You spent an hour rinsing the hair dye, washing and blow drying your hair, styling it to impress your boyfriend. You took one last look in the mirror and knew exactly how Xavier would react. You couldn't deny that he did an amazing job. Your hair was a consistent shade of lavender and it complimented your eyes well. You could only imagine what Xavier would say as you smiled at your reflection in the mirror.
“Baby?” You called out. Wondering if he was awake after spending an eternity in the bathroom.
“Fucking finally! Bring your pretty ass out here, now”
"I don't think you're ready."
"For the love of God, y/n. Now is not the time to tease... get out here," you could hear the desperation in his voice.
"Alright alright, but close your eyes. . . Are they closed?"
"Yes they are, come out."
You carefully opened the door and peered into your room to see if he was truly closing his eyes. He was sitting on the edge of your bed, his hands over his eyes like a child. He’s such a good boy, you thought to yourself. You knew he’d follow your directions, he always did as you asked like a love sick puppy. You told him to open his eyes while stopping directly in front of his legs. His face was filled with shock and amusement.
“What do ya think?” You ask as you twirled, striking a pose as you faced him again.
"I- wow, I truly didn't believe you could get any hotter" adoration in his eyes. His face lit up with great pleasure as he gazed at your lilac-colored hair.
"Ya know- if the whole artist thing doesn't work out for you, a hair artist could be your calling," you joked as he reached for your waist and guided you to sit on his lap.
"Pumpkin..I warned you of what this purple hair would do to me," he pressed his lips against the crook of your neck, littering the space with wet kisses.
You let out a soft moan as you moved your gaze down to his lap and saw just how much he appreciated you in purple hair.
The name raven was added to the long list of nicknames he had for you, and you had to admit, it had to be your new favorite.
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if you sent in a request, I see you! waiting to get home to start working on them. writing from your phone is hard work.
For the bestie that sent in this request— I hope it was more or less what you had in mind! Wasn’t sure if you wanted fluff or smut so I kinda added a little of both. thank you for requesting 🤍🦋🪴🧚🏼‍♀️
As always— requests are always open! Share your thoughts! Talk to me! Get something off your mind! ✨
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shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
How would the ro's react if one day they woke up and their hair was a completely different color? would they be devastated/try to figure out what happened?
Blade: I think it would depend on what color! If it was something like close to his original color, like brown, he'd probably be like, "oh" and assume it was like...... a natural process of like aging or something... and be mostly indifferent and go about his day because he rarely looks into mirrors anyway, so it doesn't really matter to him. But if it was something ridiculous like pink or white, he'd probably, like, wear a hood up/attempt to hide it from everyone while trying to figure out how to reverse it discreetly lol
Trouble: I think he'd be so stoked that he wouldn't even question it lol he'd be like YEAHHH MY HAIR IS BLUE THAT'S AWESOME! He'd just carelessly operate under the assumption that it could be reversed in some way so he'd just be excited to enjoy it lmao
Tallys: I think she'd be intrigued, she's not that attached to her hair color so she'd probably like the change and end up embracing it, honestly!
Shery: I think she would panic, her hair is like one of the few things she's proud of appearance-wise so she'd just be like "???? what's happening to me??? 🥺" She wouldn't have a full-on meltdown or anything, she'd just be really confused and distressed!
Riel: UNACCEPTABLE. ABSOLUTELY NOT. he's not letting ANYONE see him like this and he's locking himself in his room and communicating through the door until he or someone else can figure out what's happened to him and how to reverse it... (and how to punish whoever is responsible!) the theatrics of it all would be quite intense! (can you imagine if he turned blonde lmao?)
Chase: I think he'd be like "...huh. That's new." and would spend about an hour checking himself out in the mirror lol then he'd be like, "damn, I'm kind of hot with [color] hair... should I have been born a redhead??" In other words, he'd be fairly nonchalant and just feeling himself... like always. If people asked him about the color change, I feel like he'd insinuate that he'd done it himself just to troll them lol!
Red: I think outwardly he'd be pretty calm, like "oh! that's unexpected..." and mild-mannered and good-humored about it, like making jokes about it along with everyone when they exclaimed over it, but inside he'd be panicking just a little, he's a tiny bit vain so inside he'd be like 'please change back 🥹 I can handle this only if it's not permanent 🥹' He wouldn't be super frantic about it, though! Can't have anyone suspecting he really cares about his hair (they all know anyway) LMAO
Ayla: I think she wouldn't really give a shit, she could either be indifferent like "😒... didn't ask for that..." or she'd be stoked if she liked the new look better. If it turned out to be permanent she probably wouldn't really care either, she's not very attached to her hair color!
Briony: she'd be DEVASTATEDDDD, her pink hair is like a part of her identity (and also one of the few things that she kept from her past) so she'd probably have some sort of existential crisis where she'd look into the mirror and not be able to recognize herself and would be like "WHO AM I??? AM I STILL THE SAME PERSON IF CHASE CAN NO LONGER REFER TO ME BY VARIOUS PINK-THEMED NICKNAMES?....... WHAT IF PEOPLE CAN'T RECOGNIZE ME IN THE STREET ANYMORE, HOW WILL PEOPLE FIND ME?" She'd be spiraling lol
Lavinet: I think it depends on the hair color, if it was unflattering she'd be PISSED and would be on a scorched-earth campaign to get it reversed, but if it was flattering she'd be preening, she was planning on dyeing her hair sometime in the future anyway so this is not a big deal!
Halek: I think he'd be low-key excited, his white hair draws a lot of attention so an excuse to not have it while no one can tease him about vanity and deliberately dyeing his hair would be fun... at least for a little while!
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theslvttysimp · 1 year
MC Dyes Their Hair
Just silly little head canons since I colored my hair again recently.
~ Doesn't mind that you color your hair, why would he? Just please try not to get color on the sink.
~ Will help you if you ask, will properly grab a tinting brush and comb and get the spots you missed.
~ Will get a rag and wipe away the color on your skin around your hairline, ears, and neck.
~ Will get slightly annoyed if you stain the tub. Just clean it up, MC.
~ Will always compliment your new hair color and how great it looks on you.
~Don't ask if you can color his hair because his answer will always be NO.
~ Will help if you ask him, but he'll make such a mess.
~Screw the tinting brush, he's using his bare hands to slap the color on for you.
~Will get so much color on your forehead and ears, but will have so much fun helping you.
~ Wants to match with you so he'll take some hair color and put some on the tips of his hair.
~ Will totally deny it though, The Great Mammon just wanted to try something new. Why would he want to match with a human? (He totally wanted to match he's lying.)
~ He asked you if he can help with your hair. He loves getting close to you and love anything beauty related. It's a win win!
~ Will color your hair flawlessly. He puts cream around your hairline and ears so no color stains, uses the best color safe shampoo and conditioner, and will even blow-dry and style your hair for you after!
~ I hope you're photo ready, because he's going to take hundreds of photos with you and your new color. His favorite human just looks So beautiful, how can he not?!
~Will make sure EVERYONE in the HOL knows you colored your hair, and will NOT leave the room until they complement you at least once.
~ Will constantly gawk over your new hair and play with it.
~ Will help if you ask but will have no idea what he's doing.
~If you have scented hair color, he will give one a taste, don't be surprised if his lips are stained a crazy color.
~ Definently didnt use gloves, hands will be stained for days.
~ His strong fingers feel so good massaging your scalp when shampooing your hair. <3
~ If there's color in the sink, he'll clean it for you. He'll try cleaning the stains he main on your forehead too.
~ Absolutely loves your new color, you got him blushing over here!
~ He'll help you but you need to wait until he finishes the level he's on.
~Will 100% try to convince you color your hair like Ruri-Chan.
~ He realizes he's going to hair to get close to your face, he becomes a nervous wreck. Blushing, shaking, sweating, be patient with him he's trying.
~ You have to wash your own hair though, he almost died when he accidentally brushed his finger against your cheek, give him a minuet to reboot from that.
~ When you're on your knees bent over the bathtub with your booty in the air this man is SWEATING. He turns around and looks the other way so he doesn't faint right then and there.
~ LOVES your new hair color and has you try on some cosplay outfits. With the hair color you look just like the one character from the anime That One Time My Dog Bit Me And I Became A Sexy Goblin Dog Succubus And Took Over The World! You need to try this cosplay on, MC!
~ May huff a little when you ask to help, but he can't say no to you.
~ Does the best out of all the other brothers tbh. He's neat, precise, get ZERO hair color on you anywhere. He uses gloves, the brush, hair clips. You start to question if he's a professional or not.
~ Will chat your ear off about a book he recently finished while doing your hair.
~ His slender fingers dance around your scalp when washing your hair, practically putting you to sleep.
~ Will towel dry your hair and brush it for you.
~ Will compliment you like a gentleman, and then go read a book on the hair coloring process so he's better prepared for next time.
~ Will 100000% bitch and moan when you ask him to help. When you tell him never mind and that you'll find someone else, he bitches some more saying he was only kidding. ( He wants to help, he's just smart ass we all know this.)
~ Kind of rough? Not enough to hurt you, but enough to raise an eyebrow at
~ Lowkey having the time of his life, but he wont show it.
~ Makes a little bit of a mess on your skin, he wont clean it though.
~ " accidentally" dropped a little dollop on your chest and conveniently that's the only mess he cleaned on your skin.
~ Wants to take a quick nap on your lap while the color is sitting on your hair. Wake him up when it's time to wash it.
~ Will compliment your new hair color with sleepy eyes. All this hard work made him tired, now to repay him you need to nap with him. ( Use your own pillow MC, please don't stain his)
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dizzystqrs · 2 years
personal h2o lore & mermaid rules explanation
disclaimer: h2o: just add water is by no means a scientific show, the creators even said that they didn't put much thought into the specifics of anything, but if you are like me and Upset that they didn't, this is for u <3
disclaimer 2: these are my personal best-of-my-ability explanations, but they r Not canon at all, and absolutely feel free to disagree!
here we go!!
1. are the girl's human forms and mermaid forms separate bodies?
short answer: no, they aren't--but the episode red herring does make it seem that way, when emma's red hair is only in one form. however, if they were separate bodies, emma's finger cut in season 1 and rikki's head injury in season 2 which they both got in mermaid form would not have stayed when they transformed back (but they did!) it's more of a bodily permanent-to-not-permanent basis on what stays and what leaves during a transformation.
long answer: opalsiren also has a detailed post on this if you're curious (and i do highly recommend giving it a read bc it changed my life, reshaped my reality, watered my crops, etc etc) but i'll try to explain it here too
if we look at what stays and what leaves during a transformation, we can sorta see a pattern
freckles, scars, wounds, hair texture/length, bodily proportions (mermaid forms age along with their human forms) and eye color all stay the same, meanwhile clothes, accessories, makeup, hair dye, etc, all disappear. furthermore, anything permanent, genetic, or breaking the skin keeps, and anything temporary or sitting on top of the skin disappears, and then reappears later. (ex: hair length stays consistent because hair follicles penetrate the skin and go beneath it, semi-permanent hair color doesn't cuz it inly sits around the hair follicles. would dying your hair fully & permanently transform too? mayhaps!)
a scientific way to explain this would be that the transformation process takes into account genetics and then the current state of your body before making the switch into either form. so, during the 30 seconds it takes to transform, the process involves reading the genetic code (eye color, skin color, face shape, etc, and also perhaps it only does this the first time, and saves the information for the future?) and then the state of the body (wounds, age, weight, hair length, etc) and then proceeds to alter the genetic makeup to the incoming body type with the new information. (and all of this needs to be read so that the transformation doesn't mess with anything integral or unnecessary, and doesn't cause unwanted changes!! for example i like to think a mermaid bleeding out would not transform back, in order to preserve the body's energy and resources)
2. how do the girls get clean?
this is by far the most common question i see and. u know what... it is a good one to ask LMAO
as i went into before, anything that doesn't permeate the skin will disappear when transforming. this includes dirt and grime!! it will just disappear, then come back like everything else. while they could wash their face and arms in mermaid form, their legs will still be grimy cuz theyre unaccessible!! so like,, how is no one complaining that the girls smell all the time?
so first, fun solution; i like to think that a good solution is that the transformative process is cleansing, as in they straight up Turn Into Water so every single impurity on their skin (such as dirt, oil, makeup maybe, etc) is washed away in both human form and mermaid form in the 30 seconds it takes for them to fully turn. this is a little hard to explain scientifically but i think it would make more sense when given the magic treatment--it just does it bc it can.
semi-boring solution, probably the canon one: their mermaid skin IS their human skin, so cleaning a mermaid tail is just like cleaning their human legs. would make sense as to why they all take baths w their tails! this is also probably the canon explanation, because when dr. denman transforms a scale in her lab, it shifts right back into skin, meaning it is, essentially, the same material. this conflicts a teensy bit with previously established lore in my opinion but . yknow. it is a mermaid show for kids 💀
actual boring solution: there is a canon specific amount of water content that transforms them, which i believe is like above 32% or something. if a liquid contains 32% water, boom, tail. however, it wouldn't be too hard to find alcoholic wipes that contain less than that water content, which they could use to clean the parts of their body that the mermaid tail obscures. straight bars of soap are sometimes less water content than that too, so they could pretty easily just scrub then dry-wipe it off. is it... more sanitary/safe than just washing with water? probably not! but it's an option! and if you dont vibe with the above options, this is a p good alternative
3. hey, what the Fuck is the moonpool
fantastic question. literally no one knows. they are soooo vague with this piece of lore it actually makes me upset considering how COOOL it is that there is an ancient magic pool in a volcano on an abandoned island. they fumbled the bag so hard guys
heres like, pretty much everything we know canonly abt it (in h2o lore only, not mako mermaids, all my homies hate mako mermaids)
- it works hand-in-hand with the moon & planets
- it, or the water in it, is sentient, and is aware of any dangers to it
- it seems to have a connection to fate (as in, the 1950's mermaids & their connection to the 2000's girls)
- there are several of these (implied, but there could just be only one other in ireland)
- each one has a specific set of water-based powers to give out, evenly divided among each person that jumps in the moonpool in a full moon, and these powers can be amplified on specific nights. (this also seems to correspond with personality)
-it is magic. (this is a point because it is Very hard almost near impossible to explain it scientifically)
and yeah! i personally have a few headcanons for What the moonpool is and how it works, but i think it's a lot more fun to make your own so go crazy (and there is no way i could explain it cuz i have like 8000 thoughts abt it and None of them fit in a tumblr post) !! if youre curious u can read my fic about it tho B) xoxo
anyway that's all!! feel free to tack on any questions or answers slash disagreements about this silly little mermaid show as well !! <3
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obey-me-hoe · 2 months
In honor of achieving 100 followers (y'all are amazing and ily 🥹) here is some lore for my two MCs (Thank you @legglesscat for the suggestion 💛 They're not all goofy facts like you suggested but I did sprinkle some in especially for you)
My Twin MCs:
Melinda & Mikey
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Melinda and Mikey are twins
Mikey is 2 minutes older
Melinda is left handed while Mikey is right handed
Mikey is 5'10 while Melinda is only 5'3
Melinda's hair is naturally very dark brown while Mikey's is naturally black
Melinda wanted to get a split dye but was worried she'd be made fun of so Mikey got one with her
When Asmo learns that the twins dye their own hair he immediately begs to help them the next time they dye it
Both are pansexual
Mikey is very protective
Melinda cries a lot (sad, stressed, happy, angry, etc) and is rather emotional. This startled everyone at first but they got used to it. Beel, Mammon and Barbatos think it's endearing
Both have childhood trauma from their upbringing thus they show trauma responses in their daily lives (i.e. Melinda gets silent and ridged when someone starts yelling angrily near her, Mikey tends to not ask for help thus suffers in silence as he doesn't wanna be a burden to the others, Melinda has self esteem and body image issues, etc.) Both are in the process of healing with help from everyone and each other
Melinda is bff's with Levi and is dating Mammon
Mikey is bff's with Mammon and is dating Levi
Both wear a bow/bowtie that matches Mammon and Levi's ties
They wear matching socks because Melinda thought it'd be fun
Melinda was a ballerina in the human world while Mikey ran track
Only one of them was supposed to come to RAD but there was a mix-up and both ended up coming. Diavolo laughed about the mistake and said both could stay
Melinda's room is in Purgatory Hall while Mikey's is in the House of Lamentation. Mikey thought Melinda would be safer with the angels/Solomon. They slept in the same room for the first week in the devildom
It didn't take long for both Mikey and Melinda to trust Simeon
Lucifer thought it would be too much for Mammon to take care of both so he had Levi take care of Melinda while Mammon took care of Mikey (this is how they become so close)
After they started dating, Mammon would randomly go on tangents about Melinda while hanging out with Mikey. Mikey thought it was sweet but one time Mammon made the mistake of mentioning that he was surprised how flexible humans could be (he was referring to Melinda's dancing and didn't mean it in a sexual way) and ended up getting a boot to the face
Both get along well with Beel and Belphie. They are referred to as the B twins and the M twins
Melinda once drop kicked a demon for talking shit about Mammon (he and Mikey were shocked yet so proud)
Melinda and Levi often cosplay together and rope Mammon and Mikey into it (Mammon has definitely cosplayed Satoru Gojo for Melinda)
Both have 11 piercings (2 lobe and an industrial in each ear, tongue, and nipples) They didn't get them together they just both happened to like the same piercings
(Before Mammon and Melinda started dating) Mikey once walked in on Mammon on his knees begging Levi to help him get a date with Melinda since they were best friends (Mikey thought the sight was so funny that he didn't bother telling Mammon that Melinda definitely liked him back)
Both like cats but especially Melinda (her and Satan bond together over this)
Melinda sees Luke like a son and likes to co-parent him with Simeon and Barbatos
Mikey is usually pretty chill but will get mad and throw hands when necessary
Melinda is usually sweet and kind so when she does get mad it throws everyone off (it's like she's a completely different person when mad)
Both like to joke around and make others laugh
*cough* trauma jokes *cough*
Both like to talk in references and will riff off each other all the time (the others don't understand most of the references so it just sounds like they're speaking another language)
Melinda has at least 100 anime/video game husbands and loves to talk about them (she and Levi rant to each other about their fave characters all the time)
Mikey likes to draw but isn't very good at it (he's still learning)
Melinda is a Kpop stan (Mikey sometimes listens with her but doesn't participate in the stan culture)
Mikey likes to bake and will make sweets for Melinda on the condition that she cleans up from it since he hates cleaning (she doesn't mind)
Both like to teach Solomon the human slang they know as a way to bond. They have a group chat that Melinda named The Powerpuff Girls (Sol is Blossom, Melinda is Bubbles, Mikey is Buttercup)
Mikey and Asmo have a weekly gossip sesh and Mikey writes down all the tea so he can tell Melinda later
Melinda and Barbatos are surprisingly close and she sometimes keeps him company while he does various chores around the castle (that's when she'll tell him some of the tea she heard from Mikey) If Barbatos has to go somewhere Melinda isn't allowed then he'll escort her to wherever Diavolo is so Dia can take a break and chat with her
Melinda and Mammon got together because of a plan that Lucifer and Mikey came up with after growing tired of watching the two idiots pine after each other
Mikey asked Levi out while they were hanging out in Levi's room and he got so flustered that he kicked Mikey out of his room until he could recover. Mikey waited outside his room for 15 minutes before Levi opened the door and shyly agreed. During those 15 minutes Levi called his bff Melinda for advice (they ended up making a pros and cons list)
Lucifer has asked Melinda to keep him company while he works because he thinks she has a calming presence
Mikey, Melinda, Luke, Simeon, Solomon and Barbatos once went on a day trip to the human world to get ingredients and ended up going to a bunch of different bakerys together to sample different human world treats (originally it was just supposed to be Barbs going but they all tagged along)
Melinda has sleep issues. One time it got so bad that she walked all the way to HOL from PH in the middle of the night (in her pj's) just to cuddle with Mammon (he calms her and helps her sleep) When Lucifer found out he was beyond furious and lectured her for over an hour. When Mammon asked her why she didn't just call him she said she didn't want to wake him up. After this incident, Mammon makes sure to always be nearby when it's time for Melinda to sleep (they take turns on who's room they sleep in)
Anytime Levi has to leave the house he makes sure to bring Mikey if he's available as he is better at navigating social situations (Melinda does the same thing with anyone who's available at the time)
Satan once caught Melinda in the library balling her eyes out because someone's pet died in the manga she was reading (it reminded her of her childhood cat)
Mikey likes to workout with Beel on occasion but has to tame the workout down a bunch so he doesn't hurt himself
Mikey is an amateur photographer. Sometimes Asmo and Mammon pose for him to help him practice. He has pictures he's taken of everyone hanging on the wall in his room
Belphie once walked in on Melinda and Mammon showering together one night and proceeded to tell everyone about it at breakfast the next morning (both turned bright red)
Mamms: "We were tryin to save ya water! 😇"
Luci: 😐
Levi: 😱
Satan: 🤨
Asmo: 😆
Beel: 😶🍔
Belphie: 😗
Mikey: 🙄
Melinda: 😳
This is all I have for now but I had so much fun coming up with these so there'll probably be more in the future for anyone who's interested. Feel free to let me know if you wanna know anything specific about my MCs that I didn't state here!
Anywho, I love y'all dearly and really appreciate you following me and interacting with my posts!
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sliceoflifeshepard · 1 month
Writeblr Interview Tag!
Thank you to @dearunreliablenarrator for the tag
I tag @waltzshouldbewriting @violetcancerian @watermeezer @cherrybombfangirlwrites and anyone who wants to do this
Short stories, novels, or poems?
All of them. Its fun and good to practise having a variety
What genre do you prefer reading?
I love fantasy as my main, but my second favourite is crime/ true crime and things like Agatha Christie
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Both. I like to have a variety so I can get stuff done and not stress about some fun projects whilst outlining the serious ones that need a lot of work
What music do you listen to while writing?
Mostly musicals, right now its Wait For Me/Reprise from Hadestown, and then there's things like Linkin Park New Divide and Numb
Favorite books/movies?
Favourite books: Any Agatha Christie, Skulduggery Pleasant or A Good Girls Guide To Murder the trilogy
Favourite movies: Lilo and Stitch, Monsters Inc, Pirates of the Carribbean, Inside Out 1 and 2, Shrek 1 and 2
Any current WIPs?
Keep The Peace is part of my series Amongst The Chaos, an adult fantasy slice-of-life supernatural series where its a bunch of characters living in the city of Nottingham, and meeting up at various places to get together and talk about events that have happened in their lives as they live amongst the supernatural - e.g Angels. Demons, Ghosts and the like and their reactions to the chaos.
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
jogging bottoms and a lilo and stitch t-shirt or a game of thrones t-shirt, stich trainers, a stitch handbag and a sunflower lanyard.
Create a character description of yourself: 
Fat non-binary person really into eating and crafting and loves to dye hair different colours, cannot see for shit without glasses and cannot drive.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Yes and no. All my characters are original, but sometimes my mother will suggest 'oh, write about our family, your nephews, the cats' ect and to be honest with you, ive never figured out how to fit them in, so i dont.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
Oh yeah, absolutely. I will kill whoever I want to, whenever I want to. I'm not afraid to get violent with the deaths, but I gotta do it justice
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Tea, Hot Chocolate or different juices, depending what's in my reach and i'm interested in.
Slow or fast writer?
It depends on how motivated i am, when im not in writers block i can write 2k within like 2 hours
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
Everything - the books i read, the games i play, the music i listen to.Bad writing pisses me off real bad and I know I can do better
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
A librarian or writer completely done wih the city being destroyed by the supernatural but being really intrigued and trying not to die.
Most fav book cliche:
I cannot answer.
Least favorite cliche:
curing disabilities. like fuck off with that shit, give them their aids back and we dont need to cure autism, we're fine the way we are
Favorite scene to write?
all of them, i just cannot pick one thing i love. Its just... the whole process of writing that I love and I wouldn't change it fot the world
Reason for writing?
Because its a part of what makes me, me and i wouldnt have it any other way. I am a writer, its in my blood. I enjoy the creation, the creativity, the uniqueness of my own voice
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isadollie · 3 months
I’ve never requested anything on tumblr before so lmk if I’m doin this wrong but I saw you’re doing matchups and would like to request a haikyuu matchup :)
Sexuality- some type of queer
Probably male matchup :)
Likes- cats, music, coffee, movies and video games, naps
Dislikes- small talk 🤢 (I literally can’t think of anything else atm. I would consider myself a fairly open and laid back person when it comes to dislikes)
Free time- I work in the funeral industry so I have very limited free time but I like to catch up on sleep in my free time, go to coffee shops, play games, do sfx makeup, cosplay, and go out to dive bars with friends!
Aesthetic- I would say my aesthetic would be closest to a cross between pastel goth and grunge but typically I dress pretty comfy. It’s rare for me to actually dress aesthetic these days
Appearance- I dye my hair pretty often but for a while it’s been red and black and I’m currently in the process of growing it out. I keep it pretty fluffed out. I’d say I’m about average height. Blue eyes and I draw on fun eyebrows!
Personality- I can be pretty quiet at first but I adapt very quickly. It’s extremely rare for me not to get along with people. I find it pretty easy to relate to people. I would consider myself a pretty impulsive person when I’m comfortable and I have a pretty fun and dark sense of humor. Despite this, I have been told I am fairly calm and low key.
Dream birthday present- reptiles! I already have a few reptiles so another one would be fun :) also any sort of trip. I prefer activities over objects
Zodiac- funny enough I have the same birthday as Hinata so I am on the cusp of Gemini and cancer.
Tysm! No rush and good luck!
— matchup —
if you'd want a matchup too, make sure to read this! link
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i match you with...
Kozume Kenma!
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★ cats, naps, video games = kenma, i'm sorry.. or not sorry. also did you mention you dislike small talk? well.. kenma.
★ the fact that you get along with people matches very well here in my opinion, cause kenma isn't the type of person to approach first, and he's quiet too, most of the time
★ he'd love that you're calm! it makes him comfortable. and i also have a feeling he'd be a fan of dark humor. oh i can see that.. plus Kuroo's terrified expression when he hears a dark joke from either of you
★ his perfect way to spend time with you would obviosuly be playing games together, but i think he'd like to cosplay with you too! however, you will have to do his hair and makeup for the cosplay. he'll just sit there and wait lmao
★ but when you two are not playing games or cosplaying, once in a while obviously, you'd dye your hair! together :3 you'll dye his, and he'll do yours. isn't that a cute date idea?
★ he understands why you dress comfy most of the time, and he doesn't mind it at all. but he also loves those times when you go for something in your style (i hope yk what i mean 😭) would definitely take some pics of you
★ i don't think he'd like to go on trips.. i mean, it's Kenma we're talking about. but if you really want to, he's willing to try for you. (just don't expect it to happen very often)
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hello, i hope you like it!:3 thank you for requesting! <3
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deadcool14 · 10 months
I wanna talk about this show (btw pls watch it, it's so fucking good, the characters are peak and the animation is fucking amazing!):
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Episode 1:
-I can't believe they foreshadowed the final boss with fucking Sonic trivia
-Ngl if I asked out a girl and she didn't know anything about neither Sonic or X-Men, I'm dipping the first chance I get
-I was wondering why Scott had the star t-shirt at the beginning, since he only got that at the finale battle with Gideon, to signify his love for Ramona, but with the added context it's not supposed to matter, it's there because it's his most recognizable look
-Matthew's entrance doesn't have the same umph as the movie's. His actor really went all out in that scene, XD
-Sucks that Scott wasn't very involved in this, since he is the title character, but I still loved everything about this. Hope we get to see his arc in the next season
Episode 2:
-Why is Ramona dyeing her hair so damn satisfying?
-Edit: The fact that STEPHEN of all people was the one that gave Scott a euology and was the only one that actually gave a damn XD
And it's pretty sweet that he would have been ok to find out if they sucked, if they found out they sucked together
-"Mommy!" yeah
-I can fucking believe she actually sang that fucking song XD
-Brie Larston is so talented; if I didn't already know she played Envy, I honestly could not tell that was her, but then again I only know her as Captain Marvel, where she has a deeper and much cooler voice
-So, if in the Scott Pilgrim world people just re-spawn at home after being defeated, does that mean that there no one can be murdered or manslaughtered? And if so, how do people actually get a "permanent game over"? Does everyone just die of old age? Also if people bury the coins dropped after someone dies, would that make grave-robbing the most common crime in the world?
-The fact that all Matthew needed to defeat Gideon was confidence is actually very inspiring. The probable reason why he's so extra (besides being a theater kid) is because Ramona dumped him, which really hurt his self-esteem. And while it's kinda sad and pathetic to let a middle school break-up bring down your self-worth, that doesn't mean it didn't suck for Matthew; and after realizing that Ramona wouldn't take him back just because he beat Scott, he finally got a reality check and decided that their goal was pointless, so he moved on from Ramona and decided to make something out of himself, and using the confidence he got from "beating" Scott, he unleashed his true power and was able to defeat Gideon, take his company, and then became successful Broadway actor
-"Et tu, eat me." Roxie is a fucking queen
Episode 3:
-Hey, I didn't asked to be fucking attacked about my writting process, Scott Pilgrim!
-Knives getting more character development besides being obsessed with Scott is everything I didn't know I ever wanted
-I feel you Stephen, I do 😞
-Omg I ship Knives and Kim so much!
-Since Roxie predates Toga, then should be saying that Toga gives off Roxie vibes?
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-I'm in lesbians with all of them
-Roxie is so fucking horny lol. Tho I can't blame her, I would go rent to that video store everyday to talk to Kim or Hollie... and immediately choke and explode before a word comes out my mouth
-Also, fun fact: Hollie looks like a milf, but she's actually 26!
-Nice of that lady to apologize to Robot-01. He doesn't deserve all the mistreatment he gets, he's a good boi
Episode 4:
-Holy fuck this animation
-Bro, what is that song? XD
-'Edgar Wrong' XD XD XD
-Young Neil is a fucking treasure
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💚 :3
-Straight Wallace is an anomaly that should not be allowed to exist
-Notorious heterosexual
-People are 100% saying some bullshit like, Lucas is only going out with her because he's secretly a pedo is only likes her because she's PLAYING a 17-year-old and that feeds his fetish
-Already saw a meme of the "My God!" clip, keep those coming people!
-Holy fuck this animation!!
-The paparazzi looking like cockroaches, nice
-I feel really bad for Lucas, he's actually a nice guy
-And then he fucking yeets a kid and steals his skateboard XD
-"Watch out guys, Vegan comin' through!"
Episode 5:
-I feel a little bad for Todd, but it's also so satisfying seeing this jackass, who thinks he can get away with anything because he's a rock star, get wrecked
-Weird the Vegan Police didn't show up to take away his powers tho; maybe they were informed of the situation and decided to give him a pass this time.
I really hope they expand on the whole concept of being Vegan in season 2
Envy: Hey, ask them what it feels like to always get his sloppy seconds?
Ramona: How does it feel-?
-I love how they expanded on the Stephen & Knives friendship :3
-I did not recognize Simon Pegg and Nick Frost until the end where they had the cornettos XD
Episode 6:
-Honestly, surprised they didn't bring up that Julie had a crush on Scott, and that's why she's always a bitch to him, specially because this is an anime, they can actually call her a tsundere!
And while we're on that, anyone think it's weird that nearly single girl in the comic had or still has a crush on Scott? Like, seriously? This asshole, really? And you just know that if it was a manga made in Japan, Stacie would have a goddamn bro-con complex with him
-Idk how I feel about them just glossing over Gideon just being an absolute monster; like yeah, Ramona was a bitch with most of her relationships and she does tend to run away from her problems, but Gideon was a manipulative, ego-centric, abusive piece of shit. I mean, the guy kept his 6 ex-girlfriends frozen in stasis for appearences or for whatever else he wanted, and he wanted to do the same to Ramona. I like him and Julie being assholes together, but seriously, I hope they touch on that in season 2
-Dude fuck those kids, I would give Gordon so much respect for actually trying that; I wish I had a third of his confidence
-I never knew I needed to see Captain America and The Spot being goofy friends until now
-I headcanon that one of the reasons why they had Matthew take over Gideon's company was so they could finally give him a job XD, tho it was always insinuated that he was in the army, because of the Private Rank patch on his jacket, which they removed in this version and that really sucka because I liked that little detail; it was also another reference to him being the 1st Evil Ex, because Private is the 1st rank in the military
-At least Ramona does recognize that what she did was messed up, even if the Twins were also being dicks, she should have just called them both out and be done with them
-Those fucking Vegan Robots man, I swear to God
Episode 7:
-When Old Scott spoke, I thought it was Ben Schwartz at first lol
-I love how the world isn't the cliché "terrible post apocalyptic world caused by something that happened to the main character", it just looks really crappy, which... yeah, accurate; the look everyone has just seems to be the current fad, they just embraced the post-apocalyptic looking world they live in.
Also that tech is not that advanced, they have hover vehicles and board, and holo-phones, that does seem like they kind of tech we could have in a few decades, maybe
-The fucking Virtual Boy XD XD XD, surprised Scott's eyes weren't on fire after staring into that thing
-Old Wallace is a fucking GILF
-That lucky motherfucker! He probably got the Switch for free!! 😬😬😬
-Nice Death Stranding reference
-Ramona changing her hair color every week was symbolic of her always running away from her problems, but I like that she keeps doing it in the future, just because she likes it
-Of course Future Ramona has fucking Back To The Future roller blades XD
-Both Ramonas are the same fucking size XD
-At first it felt that they just speedran Scott and Knives, but then again Scott probably read a little of Old Young Neil's auto-biography and figured things out. And since Knives wasn't as obsessed with Scott at this point it makes sense that she'd take this a lot better, Kim and Stephen probably helped her out too
-But at least she catharsis by seeing Scott and Ramona not being able to kiss XD
-Oh! And I just realized that she didn't waste her first kiss on Scott! 😃
Good for her!!
Episode 8:
-I think it's dumb they gave Knives her look from the comics without any reason. She only changed her look to look more appealing to Scott in the comics, and in the epilogue she's back to her normal look, like, at least have people mention the look and her saying that she's trying something new
Edit: I rewatched the whole thing and I just realized that Even Older Scott punched the highlights out of Knives' hair XD
-It's basically a meme at this point, but pls have the Katayanagi Twins do something! They had such a bigger role in the comics. At least I wanted to see their combo moves animated!
It's nice that the Exes are actually cheering for them to kiss, or maybe they're just teasing because they can't; either way it's nice
-Even Older Scott is Ramona's 8th evil ex. He debuts in the 8th episode and has studied the powers of all the other 7 Evil Exes along with his own, which adds up to 8.
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Sucks he didn't actually use their powers, I would have loved it if he used Vegan Powers combined with mystical powers, maybe instead of Demon Hipster Chicks he summons little Nega Scotts, he has stronger skateboard tricks than Lucas, he some robot arms that can shoot lasers and can help him do the Twins' combo moves, but doubled
-Edit: The fact that Knives went for Ramona instead of Scott. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!
-Even Older (Nega) Scott is just Evil Ryu and I fucking love it!!
-Even Older Scott's color scheme not only signifyes just how jaded and lost he's become, but also that Nega Scott has completely taken him over is just *chef's kiss*
-Edit: Todd still has the Wallace tattoo XD also his was my favorite attack, he just teleports and slams down, simple, but awesome
Also Even Older Scott defeated him with a headbutt
-Edit: It would've been funny if he had also punched Roxie in the boob again
-Every future character has "Old" in their name, but Ramona is just "Future Ramona", she will cut you if you call her old. Real missed opportunity to not call the oldest Ramona "Future Future Ramona".
"MILF" and "GILF Ramona" also would have been acceptable
-Sex Bob-Bomb became the new Crash and the Boys, except that instead of having an 8-year-old, they have a 17-year-old.
And Scott now has his actual girlfriend watching him perform
-Looks like Ramona actually enjoyed the stunt double gig. Good for her, tho honestly, she should have stuck with Netflix, Idk why, but I feel like they're gonna blow up at somepoint
-I like the idea of Lucas x Kim, but I would still prefer Knives x Kim, and my personal made-up ship: Lucas x Stacie. I just love big bois with cute smol gfs
-At first, it didn't make sense to see Todd and Roxie hanging out, but then I realized that just like Roxie, Todd was hurt by someone who treated their relationship like an un-important after-thought, a phase; and just broke it up like it was nothing, without any consideration for the other's feelings. And now that Roxie got closure with Ramona she's helping him to move on from this in a way healthier way than she did. (That and they're both gay) That is so fucking wholesome, I need to see them being friends in season 2 pls!! Also sucks she didn't interact much with Matthew, because Satya Bhabha said that he thinks Matthew and Roxie would be friends.
Also this was kinda foreshadowed in episode 2, at the end of Matthew and Gideon's fight, where she mentions wanting to get Vegan Powers after seeing how convinient they are. I need Half-Ninja, Vegan, Lesbian, now!!!!
-Wallace: Holy shit! True love does exist!?
-Ramona is finally gonna stop running away, so she keeps most of her hair as her natural color with a little green at the end to not forget her past and where she came from
-Get wait to see what Goose's game, but it must be in pretty early development, probably untitled even
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