#it definitely has me intriqued
wangxianficrecs · 8 months
Year of the Rabbit by SingingInTheRaiin
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Year of the Rabbit
by SingingInTheRaiin
T, WIP, 32k, Wangxian
Summary: After Wei Ying was kicked out of the Jiang household, he figured he could rough it on his own with a tent in the woods. He didn't realize that he was setting up so close to where the most popular boy in school, Lan Wangji, lived. Lan Wangji has always been something of a mystery, never saying much about himself. The last thing Wei Ying expects is to be invited to move in to the Lan house- but even more surprising is that it turns out that whenever a cursed Lan is hugged, they turn into a zodiac animal! Kay's comments: A modern Fruits Baskets AU! No prior knowledge of Fruits Baskets is required, I promise, because I had no idea what Fruits Basket was either when I started reading this fic. It's very cute. Basically, the members of the Lan family will get transformed into animals every time they are hugged and now, Wei Wuxian is thrown into the mix, because he gets to stay with them after being kicked out. It's cute, but there's also mystery and family intrique happening and it really left an impression on me. Excerpt: By the time he’d dragged himself back to his campsite, he kinda wanted to cry as he saw that even with most of the mud having been dug away, the tent itself was definitely too broken to provide any real shelter, and he’d left his stuff at the Lan house. He was just contemplating saying ‘fuck it’ and either curling up on the ground or walking all the way towards the nearest motel, which would take forever, when he heard a deep voice call out, “Wei Ying.” He turned and did his best to smile brightly even though it felt like everything was falling apart around him. “Lan Wangji! Did you come to bring me my stuff? I didn’t get the chance to thank you earlier for getting it all, so thank you.” “You cannot stay here.” Wei Ying’s stomach dropped. “Oh, right. I get it. It’s fine, I’ll figure something else out.” Lan Wangji frowned. “It’s not safe. We have a spare room, so you may as well stay there.”
pov wei wuxian, modern setting, modern with magic, fruits basket fusion, cursed lan wangji, rabbit lan wangji, homelessness, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, bad parents jiang fengmian & yu ziyuan, good sibling lan xichen, good friend wen qing, good friend wen ning, dysfunctional jiang family, families of choice, bad parenting, lan family feels
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(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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smilingperformer · 1 year
What makes Spinel an intriquing villain to follow in Pokémon Horizons is that, he's very cunning, clearly doesn't mind crossing lines in what is ethical and all, but... his main partner Pokémon is a Pokémon that evolves through FRIENDSHIP.
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He is SHOWN to care for Umbreon. His Umbreon is shown to care for him. There's no hint of ill will towards either side. Spinel clearly, absolute certainly, cares for his Pokémon, Umbreon being the number one partner. This has me very intriqued on his character and makes me wonder what is ultimate motive in helping Gibeon is.
He seems information-hungry in how he tried learning whatever he could of the pendant when stalling for time to leave. When he made a breakthrough in figuring out Liko is the key (note, Amethio did not say a word about it), he snaps. Like he unlocked some huge information that makes him unable to control his collective coolness :D Idk, he just seems super intriquing to me and I am definitely interested in learning more about him.
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korpikorppi · 1 year
Some thoughts on the origins of Jin Guangyao's sword, Hensheng, in the Untamed
Saw this excellent set of gifs from ep23 by @zelkam and went "Wait! Wait wait wait. That's a soft sword!"
So I went to check ep23 and indeed, Meng Yao kills Wen Ruohan with a soft sword:
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Then I recalled (been a while too long since I last rewatched these episodes 😅) that this is actually confirmed by Wei Wuxian and Jin Guangyao's discussion during the victory banquet (in ep23):
JGY: You seemed to want to say something to me as we were greeting rach other.
WWX: It's nothing. Just that the weapon you used to kill Wen Ruohan on that day of the Sunshot Campaign seemed to be a flexible blade. Why doesn't Young Master Jin carry it today?
JGY: Young Master Wei, sorry to have made (it) a show. It was just a random blade I picked up. Later, as I found out it had dark energy, I threw it away.
(As a side note, how observant Wei Wuxian is! He was exhausted from using the Tiger Seal, choked by Wen Ruohan, about to lose consciousness, and yet he noticed that!)
Yeah, right. We all believe you, Jin Guangyao 🙄. Soft swords (rare as they are) just tend to lie around. And that soft sword looks very - very - similar to Hensheng:
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In ep23, the blade has fittings that are clearly Wen, with dark-tarnished metal parts and a dark-red handle:
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And as we see in ep41, for example, Hensheng has white, gold and green fittings that are very clearly Jin, as befitting Jin Guangyao's status.
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But fittings can easily be changed, and the overall similarity is so great that it is quite clear (or at least I am convinced) that it is the same blade (and as already mentioned, soft swords are not that common). I am also quite convinced that it was not "just a random blade" he picked up.
If that is so, when did Meng Yao acquire the sword? Did he acquire it at some point after his banishment from Unclean Realm? Or did he acquire it during his time in Nightless City, a hidden sword for a last line of defence in an enemy stronghold? Or, was it a gift from Wen Ruohan?
As I mentioned, soft swords are not that common and high-class spiritual swords do not come cheap, so it is unlikely that Meng Yao would have been able to acquire one after his banisment, when his means must have been quite limited. It is more feasible that he could have acquired one sometime during his stay in the Nightless City, but I think I am most intriqued by the last possibility. Meng Yao seemed to have gained a high status and a position as some kind of advisor or right-hand man to Wen Ruohan, so it is feasible that he gifted the sword to his servant. This would be supported, firstly, by the custom made Wen fittings (no standard fittings for that type of blade!) and, secondly, by Jin Guangyao's mention that the sword had "dark energy" (translated sometimes as the sword being sinister) and by his eagerness to downplay the whole thing as "just a random sword I threw away" (can you just imagine Nie Mingjue's reaction to that piece of information in the aftermath of the Sunshot Campaign...).
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Also, I have always found Hensheng (恨生, Hènshēng), to hate/regret life, to be a bit peculiar name for a cultivator's blade (even for Jin Guangyao's blade), but if the origin of the blade would indeed lie here, it would add an entire new dimension to why Jin Guangyao chose to name it so. Or was the blade named for him?
So in the end, if what I am speculating here is right, Wen Ruohan had his own weapons turned against him, in more ways than one.
And as an end note, there is no mention about the origin of the blade in the MDZS wiki, so it is not mentioned in the novel? Anyone remember if there is anything implied? Also, Hensheng definitely is a soft sword in The Untamed, contrary to what is written in the wiki.
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Any creative juices flowing for a fic about vampire kakashi and werewolf gai!!!!! I can’t get that au out of my head 😭
My creatives juices are almost always flowing, but i’ll be honest this is a hard one for me because i personally would switch the roles (Kakashi is a dog man. Literally he summon’s hounds. He’d be the werewolf for sure)
Kakashi has been alive for around five hundred years. He was bitten at age 31, taking the hit for a friend who had originally been targeted. It took him one hundred and fifty years to adjust, and if you ask him he’ll still say that he hasn’t fully accepted what he is now.
On the opposite side, Gai is born a werewolf. His father was bitten in a fight when he was younger so when he had Gai the gene was passed on. There was no adjustment period for Gai because he has been learning about how to care for himself and act since he was born. Because of this he seems a lot more confident in his existence than Kakashi, even though Kakashi has a few hundred years on him.
Gai is 26 when the two of them meet, and it’s not the most friendly meeting. Kakashi goes on the defensive as soon as he realizes Gai is a werewolf (which doesn’t take long because Gai doesn’t really try to hide it) but Gai is immediately trying to make friends because something about Kakashi intriques him.
Kakashi’s not that keen on making friends after his long life. He has had to bury far too many precious people and doesn’t want to open himself up to more pain when he inevitably loses someone else again. The problem is, Gai doesn’t take no for an answer so easily.
He follow’s Kakashi. Talks to him. Tries to make friends, and although Kakashi is trying to keep his distance and put up a wall he finds it difficult because Gai is nice.
Gai doesn’t want anything from him. He’s not one of those people who see’s a vampire and goes ‘oh sexy’ (which Kakashi has definitely dealt with and is already so tired of). He doesn’t seem to want to Kill Kakashi (he checked for wooden stakes and garlic.) and most importantly he doesn’t seem to really care that Kakashi is standoffish. He’s just there to have a good time and has decided that Kakashi is someone who’s company he can enjoy.
Still, Kakashi keeps the wall up for a while and tries so hard not to let Gai in. He tells himself not to go when Gai invites him out places, yet always finds himself hanging out with Gai against his better judgement and having a blast.
He tries to tell himself that this will end horridly, just as it always does, but Gai’s smile is intoxicating and his laugh is so beautiful. Kakashi can’t help but seek them out. To try his best to make Gai smile in his direction, or laugh beside him so he can enjoy a few blissful moments of happiness.
Kakashi has dog’s that guard his home. Eight that keep watch to ensure no one unwelcome enters. The first time Kakashi brings Gai home all eight of those dogs are on high alert
The second time he brings Gai home, all eight of them are swarming the two begging for pets and treats. It’s at that moment that Kakashi finds out Gai always has dog treats on him and has already begun spoiling the dogs.
Within a year Kakashi can safely say that Gai has become one of his best friends in his lifetime. He’s not sure why it was so easy for Gai to squirm his way into his life, but it was and now Kakashi would do anything to protect him. To hold onto him and his kindness for as long as possible.
Gai introduces Kakashi to tue idea of a rivalry. It starts off small at first, with Gai wanting to see what strengths and weakness’ the two of them have. As time goes on though it becomes a game to both of them. Something that brings a smile to both of their faces, though it’s hard to see on Kakashi’s because he’s always wearing a mask.
The mask is weird to Gai. He doesn’t understand why a vampire would cover their face, especially since it would be hard to feed when one has to take a mask off to do it. Kakashi shows him how quickly he can remove and replace his mask, but Gai still thinks it’s a hinderance, he’s not one to judge though and he will admit, the mask makes it easier for him to remember who Kakashi is.
Kakashi is a pretty well known dude around the area, though not everyone has clued into the fact that he is a vampire. He is surprisingly calm around human’s and can even keep himself calm and collected when he’s around an open wound. He has helped bandage people up before walking away to go scream at himself for wanting to bite someone while they are injured.
Kakashi has bitten people out of reflex to portect himself and it almost never ended well. All he wanted to do was get them to back off, but as soon as his teeth sank into their skin they were done for.
He keeps a collection of trinkets from each of the people he has killed. The majority of people are pretty shit excuses for human’s that almost no one misses, but some were just your regular joe who happened to upset Kakashi at a really bad time. Those people usually get the respect of a burial somewhere and their items returned to their family if Kakashi can find them. (He’s very sneaky so no one has ever seen him return the items)
Gai has bitten one person in his life and it was an accident. It was a kid (Lee) who he found being attacked by some bullies during a full moon. In an attempt to protect him, Gai placed himself over the kid and guarded him with his body. He was taking too many hits thought and knew he needed to make a run for it, so he tried to grab Lee by the scruff of the neck and carry him away
Human’s don’t have scruffs like pups or werewolves. Gai ended up biting him changing him into a werewolf. Once he’d realized ithis mistake he made a run for it and found a nice cave to hide in.
Lee has never held it against him and actually expresses gratitude to Gai for saving him. Something which Gai finds difficult to understand, but accepts regardless because he knows Lee is going to need to learn how to live his new life now and the person to teach him is Gai.
The first time Gai slept over at his place Kakashi tried to make a joke by putting one of the dog beds beside his bed. Problem was, Gai actually started to crawl into it. kakashi stopped him of course, but he never lived that mistake down.
Gai often expresses his regret of bitting Lee to Kakashi, and Kakashi is always there to listen. He doesn’t quite understand why Gai is so upset about it (he got a cool adopted son out of the deal and Lee survived. That’s a better track record than Kakashi has) but he can tell that Gai is genuinely upset and he wants to help him feel better in any ways that he can.
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dreamingkdrama · 1 year
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Black knight
Genre: Post-apocalyptic, action
Episodes: 6
Starring: Kim Woo-Bin, Kang You-Seok, Esom
Synopsis: Set in the year 2071, where the world has been decimated by toxic air pollution. Only about 1 percent of the population has survived and a strict social class now exists. People rarely leave their homes and, when they do, they wear gas masks due to the air pollution. Citizens rely heavily on parcel delivery service for their needs. Delivery drivers, known as knights, delivers the packages and also protect them from thieves.
Positives: Great idea, very good visuals, very charismatic male and female lead. Very engaging even though it is only 6 episodes. Oh...yes... and Kim Woo-Bin...love him :)
Negatives: It has only 6 episodes. It can be positive thing for someone, but for me it was too short, I really liked the characters and I want more. The story is simple but interesting and it would be so much better if it has 12 episodes or more and we could see all the intriques and plot twists. It was little bit rushed and the ending doesn't feel earned enough.
Conclusion: It was really good, I liked it a lot, especially the visuals and characters. I would prefer it to have more episodes, because the emotional impact wasn't that strong. I didn't have enough time to get attached to the characters and there is so much potential in the story. But it could be only my personal preference. It seems more like a very long movie and that isn't a bad thing, so I would definitely recommend it if you need something short to watch ;)
Action: 8/10 Romance: 0/10 Intriques: 5/10 Blood: 8/10 Whump: 7/10 Friendship: 5/10 Emotions: 7/10 Humor: 2/10
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cdelphiki · 3 years
For the fic writing questions, 1, 10, 30, and 'sun' for 29!
Thanks for asking!!!! I skipped #10 because I just answered that one!
1. What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
This one! I've written exactly One Half of a spiderman one shot. LOL Otherwise it's been allllll Batman stuff since I started in 2018.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
😭 There are so many. So many. One I started plotting out a few months ago but haven't done anything further with makes me a bit nervous, just because it can be difficult to get right, do respectfully, etc. But I got intriqued by the trope "Jason is deaf" and was like huh how would that change his story, ya know like I do. Making up new Jason-joins-the-family fics. But then I combined it with the "Jason and Cass street kids together" trope and 👀 Idk i just fell in love with it. I often argue that Cassandra in canon would not have found sign language easier than spoken language, because it's not a speech issue she has, it's a language in general issue. But Cass in this AU would definitely learn sign language, maybe even alongside English. I got the scene where Bruce takes them both home (cause they steal his tires, obviously) and she's trying to conince Jason it was okay, Bruce is 'good' and Jason's just flipping his shit via ASL at her and Bruce responds to what he's signing. 🥲
29. Send me a word. If it’s in your WIPs, include the sentence and a short summary of the fic.
But as the sun set, the storm only worsened. Visibility lessened to near zero, and Damian had grown bored.
This is from a Dick & Damian fic where they end up playing the Game of Life together during a stormy night, instead of patrol together as Batman & Robin, and they have a bit of a heart to heart, while Damian is introduced to the concept that he has control of his destiny. It was supposed to be a Dick & Dami week fic.... two years ago. 😬. It's seriously half done and fully drafted, just gotta finish it. But I always decide to work on other things instead.
ask game
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sims-half-crazy · 3 years
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October 10, 1893
To my dearest brother,
I am intriqued to hear about the woman who has you so entranced that you are your usual composed self. You are not as stoic as Father was, but you have moments where you definitely know your parentage. I'm sure that she is lovely and worthy of whatever attention you pay her.
Charles and I welcomed Leslie Baker Gaskill to the world about a month ago. He's a bit fussy and suffers from colic, but I love him all the same. Jane has been coming around the house to help and I'm ever so grateful that she has. She's been a godsend. I think she's accepting her role of doting and favored aunt. She's mentioned to me that she doesn't ever think she'll have children. I told her not to give up hope, but I don't know if that helped or not.
Julia described Gorham to me from your letter - it sounds like a completely different world. Still needing coats in the summer? That's so different from here. Of course where Mary lives now the heat is so oppressive. I'm so jealous that the company housing has running water and electricity. I think that Julia and Stetson might be seriously considering the career change. Their farm has hit even harder times. A blight has struck the whole of their crops. They lost almost everything and things were already tight. I worry for them.
Your dearest sister,
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revchainsaw · 3 years
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Audition (1999)
Greetings my dear followers, and welcome to today's service at the Cult Tent Revival! Today we have on offering a movie who's reputation precedes it. Please brace yourselves for the godmother of torture porn ... Audition.
The Message
When salary man Aoyoma loses his wife he is heart broken. As the years pass his son matures and begins to feel bad for his lonely father. Aoyomas son urges his father to move on and to find love. Spurred by this endorsement Aoyoma shares his lady troubles with close friends, one of whom comes up with a master plan. They will hold a film audition, under the presupposition that there is a major role in an upcoming move to play a wife, many eligible women will come forward and Aoyoma will have his pick of the candidates. When the time comes they will announce that the film lost it's financial backers and Aoyoma will be left with a long list of bachelorettes.
Against his better judgment a lonely Aoyoma agrees to the charade. Many quirky and interesting young ladies from the area show up for interviews and auditions, but the wistful and brooding Asami is the one who catches Aoyomas eye. Though hesitant to act on his deceit Aoyoma eventually caves and begins to see Asami. It is revealed that she is the survivor of quite a bit of loss and abuse, and a former ballerina. Aoyoma seems not to put a whole lot of thought into this and seduces Asami. The stricken Asami asks Aoyoma to promise her that he will love no one else but her. He agrees not making any caveats for his family or deceased relative.
After the relationship is consummated Asami disappears and thus Aoyoma begins a desperate hunt to find his new girlfriend. However, many of the leads Aoyoma trails down using the information he gathered from the audition lead nowhere and the few that do turn up are quite disturbing. Eventually upon returning home Aoyoma sits down and enjoys a nice glass of bourbon, only to find Asami had beat him home and drugged his glass.
Fact and Fiction blur as we are treated to a smorgasbord of graphic horror. Asami beheading her old dancing instructor, feeding vomit to a tortured soul she has been keeping in an old sack, and of course the brutal and horrific torture of Aoyomi himself. Asami is eventually discovered in the midst of brutalizing Aoyomi by his son and suffers a fall. She breaks her neck but not before she repeats her vows to the mutilated Aoyomi and our film ends.
Let's get to the Benediction
Best Aspect: Dead Meat Cute
if you were to remove some of the brutal imagery from the second half of the film, and were to ignore the downright misogyny of a plan that includes a faux audition to lure women into a relationship you would wind up with the formula for a pretty basic rom com. In fact, without the eery score it could be said that a large part of Audition actually plays like a by the numbers love story. It is this morbid inverstion of these roles that actually serves the horror of this movie far more than it's torture porn and graphic imagery. Many people have shyed away from this movie due to it's reputation for fear that it is nothing more than graphic and shocking violence, but this is far from the case. Audition is a good movie, and it's hero and villain are quite sympathetic.
Worst Aspect: It Was All a Dream
There is much debate online regarding what was "real" in this film. Things begin happening where logic is thrown out of the window. I was personally tempted to fall back on the traditional Japanese ghost story themes of wronged women, of which Asami is one, and accept that something supernatural was going on. This was unfortunately negated by the films own director confirming that everything we are seeing on screen is real, just in a jumbled way due to the protagonist's drug induced state. That still doesn't explain some things and it really feels like Takashi Miikie is channeling his inner David Lynch here. The debate rages on even after Miike's revelation, because if you are trying to give this film a logical timeline we are confronted with many logical errors that a drug trip just can't explain away. The Best you can do is just sit back and accept what you are seeing. Enjoy the ride, but don't try to create a timeline or you will have a bad time.
Best and Worst Character: Predators and Prey
Asami and Aoyomi share the first and last place for best and worst character. Asami is a victim, she is taking power back, and she is clearly an intriquing black widow of sorts. Once she dons her torture gear the film is all in on her. We want to see this poor child take the power back into her hands, but she is also misdirected and though Aoyomi is not innocent she is definitely going to irredeemable levels of mistreatment to make her point. She's very unsympathetic and it really downplays Aoyomis wrong doings to the point that many will disagree with me that he deserved any of this.
Aoyomi is often interpreted as this innocent widower. His loss does make him sympathetic. He was genuinely looking for a connection and not just for sex, though if my interpretation of the "dream sequence" is correct, he did cave and have sex with a few of the auditioners besides Asami. That is however left up to your personal interpretation. He was still in the wrong however for his lies. He and his friend intentionally crafted a scenario that was inteded to trap young women so that he could choose from them. In a non horror movie this may have been a quirky object for a meet cute, but in both Audition and real life, it's fucking creepy and wrong. Asami saw this, and so should the audience. Of course I don't think that Aoyomi was evil, just misquided. He did however place himself in a position to do harm and Asami is an avenging Demon to punish the wicked.
What makes this film work however is this ambiguity. This is not a story of Good vs Evil, it's a story of Good and Evil. They both exist within and without one another and Audition is an important reminder of how easily our experiences and our loss can blind us to the moral implications of our actions.
Best Kill: Piano Wire
Within the dream sequence Asami is shown to approach her old dance instructor while he is playing on the Piano. She produces her weapon of choice, a piano wire, and the dance instructor gladly accepts his fate. We are greeted with flashes of several poignant images as she saws back and forth into the flesh of his neck before fully decapitating him, and his severed head lands with a satisfying and bloody thud onto the ground.
Most WTF Moment: In The Dog House
We are treated to an incredibly visceral scenario at one point in the film where Asami feeds her own vomit to a victim. Earlier on in the movie there is a writhing sack in Asami's home that we are left to ponder the contents of. Of course, we presume it is something living. In the dream sequence in the third act the bag is unbound and a man with several missing extremities slithers out. We can hear Asami of camera retching. She makes her way into focus and she produces a silver dog dish full of ... well, you guessed it. She places it before her pet, and the mutilated man gladly accepts his dinner.
I have stayed away from Audition for a very long time. I remember hearing rumours, though they may be just that, around the time that The Devil's Rejects was released, that there was only one movie that Rob Zombie was too afraid to watch a second time. That movie was Audition. That was enough of a negative endorsement for me. I am a fan of horror, of dread, of fear, but I think that in the pursuit of those experiences repulsion and gore can be excellent servants. but there are many films that think that disgust and gore are enough to inspire fear and that is just not the case. I was afraid that Audition was one of those movies. It is revolting, it is upsetting, and vile. But it is also terrifying and phantasmagoric. Audition walks the line of torture porn expertly and produces something better than a lazy gross out feature. It has layers, it has pathos, and more importantly it allows us to imagine our monsters more complexly.
Overall Grade: B
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Going Under Part Two
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
Summary: An accident during a routine adventure made your life spiraled out of control with only the Doctor as the anchor. Will you ever find your way back to your Doctor again?
Trigger Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, attempted suicide, dark!doctor, death, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
A/N: Yup, still a very disastrous story and I still have no idea how to wrap it up in a pretty bow. Hopefully, this story will be interesting enough to get a positive feedback? I guess I'm just going to be evil person and post it anyway regardless how cringe-worthy this is. But if you find this story interesting, kindly leave comment etc please.
 Part Three
"It's you..."
  I blinked at the young man before me.
  "It's Rory." He supplied when he realized I don't remember his name.
  "Right, you and your wife are with the Doctor."
  "You remembered me?"
  "Where did you go before?"
  "Honestly I have no control of where I'm going on. So, where is the Doctor?" I asked.
  If I'm going to be thrown away to every version of the Doctors, I might as well make them investigate the damn scientists so wherever I go next, maybe one of them could give me the answer or the cure.
  "Everyone teased me. They said you are my imaginary friend." Rory complained.
  "Well, now you can introduce your imaginary friend to them." I said with a small smile.
  He snorted at that. "I guess Amy is no longer the only one whose imaginary friend become real. What is your name again?"
  "(name)." I said.
  "Ook, (name), if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you?" He asked, gesturing to his own neck and mine.
  I realized I look like shit with the mark in my neck like I was some victim of a crime. I sighed and wonder if I could borrow some new clothing that can cover the mark.
  The mark serves well to gain their sympathy I suppose, makes them nicer to the victim in me but I'm not sure I want to play that card.
  "Had an accident." I replied.
  Rory stared at me in disbelief.
  I didn't expect to see Eleventh Doctor again. It seemed he was a different one from the one I met at Christmas because he didn't recognize me.
  There was two women with him. A red-haired young woman and an older curly-haired one. Amy and River, Rory said.
  "Everyone, meet (name)." Rory announced loudly.
  The Doctor, Amy and River stared in shock at me.
  "I told you she is real." Rory said a bit smug.
  I waved at them with a small smile as I braced myself for interrogation.
  "What? What? Who are you? How did you get into my Tardis?" The Doctor demanded.
  "Chill, bow tie, I came in peace...sort of." I said. "And I don't have much time before the next splinter...so listen up."
 I told them everything. Once I finished telling them, I sighed. "I really should start writing the explanation on a book to save more time for the next new Doctors I met." I said. "Could I borrow some notebook?" I asked and stopped to take a look at myself. "And some new clothes from the Tardis wardrobe?"
  The Doctor and River look intriqued with my predicament. He sonicked me and asked for blood sample which I gave.
  River pulled me and took me to the Tardis telepathic circuit for coordinates for the planet the scientists are. Hopefully, they did exist here. I need answers and I pray to God that someone give answers and the cure soon.
  Rory fetch me a blank notebook while Amy took me to change clothing. She is curious about the mark on my neck but I didn't say anything.
"So your doctor is a woman?" Amy asked as she waited outside the bathroom while I took a quick shower. 
  I was grateful that I wasn't ripped away from this reality during my quick shower, that would be embarrasing. I pick up a new set of comfortable clothing. I wore a hoodie jacket so I could hide the mark on my neck beneath it.
I grinned at Amy as I got out of the bathroom. "What do you want to know?"
  Amy grinned back at me. "What was she like? And what weird outfit she choose to wear this time?"
  I pulled out of my smartphone. "I can show you pictures."
  "Give me." She look so excited and it put a smile on my face.
  I showed her our group selfie. I told her about the Doctor and the fam. She led me to the kitchen for some snack.
  "Oh, I wish River is here to see this." Amy said with a laugh when she saw the pictures.
  I was surprised to learn that River is the Doctor's wife. If it was any normal day, I would be upset but after everything that happened to me, it just seemed beneath me to be upset about it. And it's not like the Doctor, my Doctor, is in relationship with me. So I have no right to be upset with her.
  Rory entered the room and gave me a blank notebook and a pen and a small bag to carry it. So very thoughtful of him.
  I smiled gratefully at him.
  "Are you really going to write it all in that book?" Amy asked.
  I stared at the notebook. If only the words I have in mind could magically appear on the pages that would be great.
"Err, do you mind if I take a look at your neck?" Rory asked. "I'm a nurse, you see, I might be able to help."
 I glanced at him and seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, I agreed. He gave me some balm for my neck. He also gave me some aspirin when I complained about having a headache from time to time. I was grateful as I kept the items on my pocket.
  "Thank you, Rory, Amy." I said as I grabbed the notebook and pen and put it inside the bag. "Tell everyone the same." I pulled the bag strap over my body as I stood up and smiled at them.
  Rory and Amy exchanged a confused look.
I blinked at the sudden change in my surrounding. I was not on board of the Tardis. I was in some kind of...meeting room?
"(name)..." A small hoarse voice greeted me out of nowhere.
I turned around and at first I didn't saw anyone and then I saw...it? There was a some kind of bird cage and inside there is some small creature in a suit? What?
"(name)..." The wide-eyed creature glanced up at me. "Run..." It said. "It's not safe...."
My jaw dropped. "What?" I took a step hesitantly toward it. "W-who are you? H-how do you know my name?"
"It's me..." It said. "Doc-tor."
"What?!" I yelled. "Did you...? W-what? Doctor?"
The Doctor nodded weakly.
"B-but what h-happened to you? Did you get cursed by a witch or something?"
The Doctor look annoyed. "Something like that. It isn't safe here, (name). You have to go."
"But what about you?"
"Leave before he come back."
"W-who? Who did this to you?"  I asked.
  "That would be me." Another voice said from behind me.
  I turned around and saw a man in a suit, staring at me curiously. 
  "Who are you? How did you get on board of the Valiant?" He asked.
  "Leave her alone, Master." The Doctor stood up weakly inside the cage.
  The Master smirked. "And why would I do that?"
  "You are the Master?!" I asked dumbly.
  "You know of me then?" The Master stared at me. "A companion of yours, Doctor?" He turned to glance at the Doctor. "A secret one, it seemed since I have no note about you at all from the investigation." He said as he smirked evilly at me.
  I gulped. I did met the Master before back when I was with my Doctor and the fam. I know he is evil. To think he would be so cruel to turn the Doctor into whatever creature he now is and put him on a cage for display? Despite my fear, I felt a surge of protectiveness. I wish I have a weapon of some kind now. I probably should have it from the beginning. I am really foolish, am I not? To keep leaving myself defenseless, how stupid I can be?
  "What have you done to the Doctor?" I demanded.
  The Master laughed at me. "Oh, him? That's just his age catching up on him. Isn't he look adorable though?" He asked with a mocking tone.
  I wanted to punch this bastard so much.
  "(name), don't." The Doctor reprimanded me. "Leave now."
  "Oh she's not going anywhere, Doctor." The Master said as he walked circling me like a predator. "I am getting bored and now we can have some more new fun with her."
  I shuddered at the chilling smile of the Master. I really do want to leave but where can I go? I have to wait for the splinter to happen. It was out of my control. 
  The Master suddenly grabbed one of my wrist firmly. "Now who are you then?"
  "Let go of me!" I screamed as I tried to get his hand off my wrist.
  "Leave her be, Master!" The Doctor demanded helplessly.
  The Master laughed at our demands. "Idiots the both of you!!" 
  "I'm nobody!" I yelled immediately.
  "You know the Doctor so you can't be just a nobody." The Master said. When he realized I would not tell him anything, he rolled his eyes. "Fine, the hard way it is." He suddenly grabbed both side of my head and smirked cruelly before he put his forehead over mine. 
  I could hear the Doctor yelled at the Master but all I could felt is pain, so much pain inside my head. I screamed as I struggled against his tight grip.
  "Interesting. Alternate universe, huh? Oh, you did have met me before...." The Master grinned as he pushed his way inside my mind.
  "Please, stop, it hurts..." I pleaded. My nose started bleeding.
  The Master ignored me and pushes some more. "Ooh, Doctor, it seemed your alternate future-self has gone insane. My kind of Doctor..."
  "Stop it!" The Doctor pleaded. "You are killing her, Master!"
  "Hmm, that is one interesting weapon. I think you just made my day, girlie, you will be my next project." He said.
  I could feel the tingling as I realized I was about to be ripped away from this reality so I kneed him in the groin in retaliation. 
  The Master definitely didn't expecting that as he release me and fell to the ground, clutching his groin. "Bitch..." he whispered in pain.
  I fell to the floor.
  "Doctor!! It's her! She's back!" I heard Yaz called out to the Doctor.
  I groaned as I clutched my bleeding nose.
  The Doctor bend her knees and sat beside me, clutching my chin in her hand. "It's nice to see you again, (name)." She said with a small smile. "What happened to you?" She is checking me for injuries.
  "The Master." I replied weakly. "I was in...Valiant?"
  The Doctor frowned. "The year that never was... So, you are still crossing all over the alternate universe then?"
  I gave her an annoyed look.
  "Right, silly question." The Doctor said. "The Master forced his way inside your mind then? Do you mind if I go inside your mind too? I need to fix the damage inside you."
  I groaned. "Will it be painful?"
  "I promise you won't feel a thing." She said with a small smile.
  I nodded my consent.
  The Doctor gently caress my messy hair before putting her forehead over mine. And I fell into a bliss full darkness.
  I woke up in the Tardis med-bay. I remembered meeting the Doctor and Yaz but I knew they weren't my Doctor and my Yaz. I could feel the loneliness come back with vengeance. I wanted to cry.
  "You are awake."
  I snapped out of my trance and glanced up as I saw the Doctor. My heart yearned for her. I bit my lips as I tried not to cry in front of this Doctor. After all, this Doctor never know me. She is not my friend. She is just a stranger who happened to share the same face as the one that I love. 
  I tried to smile but failed. I shook my head to try to get myself to focus. But the tears keep falling on my cheeks against my wish. 
  The Doctor glanced at me with pity. She tried to comfort me but she is being very awkward about it which make me laugh.
  After I get my bearing, she asked me to tell her what happened to me since last we met.
  "Have you get a warning about the cyberman from Jack?" I asked suddenly.
  The Doctor frowned but nodded. "What do you know about the cyberman?"
  "Nothing. But I need to warn you about the fam. Be careful. When the time come for you to meet the cyberman, do take care to make sure nothing bad happened to them."
  "Of course." The Doctor nodded. "I wouldn't want to put them in danger."
  I sighed. "You don't get it, Doctor, of course, they will put themselves in danger, for you. All I asked is for you to watch each other back."
  "You know something?"
  I was silent, debating whether to tell her and I decided to tell her about the future I saw of my Doctor. About my dying in her arms and her losing the fam to her being somewhat insane.
  The Doctor look troubled. She glanced at me. "I'm so sorry."
  "Not your fault." I said.
  We descended into uncomfortable silence before the Doctor finally revealed that she had gotten her hands on the prototype weapon from her version of the scientist. She has been studying it and found a disturbing information. In order for the weapon to work as it is, it need a target DNA. The fact that I got shot instead of the Doctor and ended up splintering all over the alternate universe with the Doctor as my anchor meant the weapon works but not quite as intended and also the weapon must have been infused with the Doctor DNA in the first place which is way the Doctor ended up as my anchor. The target must be my Doctor all along.
  I was worried for my Doctor now. What if she is still in danger? How am I meant to warn her? And I have to also warn her about the danger to my version of the fam. I do not want my Doctor to change into a darker version of the Doctor I saw before. Maybe If I could warn her and save the fam, then the Doctor will be fine even if she loses me in the end. I'm not trying to be a martyr. I just want the Doctor to be safe and sane.
  "Did you...find a cure?" I asked the Doctor.
  She shook her head sadly. "I'm still working on it."
 "Thank you." I said numbly.
  "Hey." She shook me out of my trance. "Get a grip. You will be okay." She said as she put her hands over my cheeks.
  I smiled weakly at her but nodded. "See you around, Doctor..." I said softly.
  The Doctor, realizing I was about to disappear again, smiled encouragingly. "Hang in there, (name) (last name)."
  I landed inside the Tardis but there is no one inside. Then I heard a very loud electric guitar sound from the outside. Curiously, I walked out of the Tardis and regretted it as my eardrum is hurting. 
  I looked around, found myself in some posh office. Then I saw him. The Twelfth Doctor. I recognized him despite the change in appearance.
  He turned and almost drop his guitar when he saw me. "Well it's about time. I thought you already keel over in one of the alternate universe since you never show your face again."
  I sighed in relief. "I guess you know me then." I said as I stepped toward him. "Where are we?"
  I was surprised to learn that he is teaching in some university now. 
  A young woman and a bald man came into the room and the Doctor introduced them as Bill and Nardole. 
  I wonder what happened to Clara but I know better than to ask about it. She must have left or he lost her. Seemed like a theme for the Doctor from what I've seen so far.
  The Doctor told me to follow her into the Tardis and he started rummaging on his stuff in one of the room. He pulled a vial containing many red pill. He gave it to me.
  "Is this...?"
  "It's just temporary cure...for your internal bleeding."
  "My what?"
  "You have been couching blood, have you not?"
  I nodded. "How did you...?"
  "I did tell you that you are dying, right?"
  "Right, something about splintering tearing my atoms..." I said before I realized it wasn't him who said that. It was my Doctor, the somewhat insane one.
  The Doctor glanced at me.
  "Sorry, I'm trying to keep up with which version said what." I pulled a note from my bag. "I have been writing every encounters. There is no pattern. I just keep randomly jumping all over the alternate timeline."
  He grabbed the book from me. I glared at him in annoyance.
  "What? You are dying?" Bill asked.
  Ah, I forgot his companion are here too. We talked for a bit.
  The Doctor snapped his fingers to gain my attention. "Drink your medicine."
  I obeyed and pulled a pill from the vial and swallowed it. Nardole, helpfully, giving me a bottle of water. The medicine did do wonder, I felt a bit refreshed.
  I smiled at the Doctor. Out of all the Doctors I met so far, he is the one that has been make himself useful to me. I was very grateful and I told him that.
  "It was nothing. Like I said, it was just temporary cure. It will not stop you from splintering but it will delay it for a few hours, enough for you to get some rest and get some answers. Just be sure not to take it if you find yourself stranded in a dangerous place with one of the alternate doctors." He replied. "You are still dying, unfortunately, so you need to take a better care of yourself."
  I sighed in resignation and asked if I could borrow a room to rest.
  The Doctor nodded as he glanced at me with a bit of fondness. I think I grew on him and I must say I feel the same. He asked Bill to show me a room.
  Bill and I started to get to know each other on the way of the room.  She left me so I could get some rest.
  I laid on the bed tiredly. I didn't discard my bag for fear of splintering while I sleep. The notebook is still with the Doctor, though. Oh, well. I closed my eyes and feel into a blissful sleep immediately.
  I woke up after enough sleeping, feeling refreshed. I realized with delight that I'm still in the same place as before I went to sleep. I got out of the room to seek the Doctor. I walked out of the Tardis and saw the same office from earlier.
  The Doctor sat behind his desk, writing something on my notebook?
  "What are you doing?" I asked.
  "Ah, you're still here. It worked then." He said without looking at me. "I'm writing the formula of the medicine I gave you. In case you won't find your way back to me again, you can ask the other Doctors for when your medicine run out."
  I hummed in pleasant. "That's very thoughtful of you."
  "Just doing my part." He said as he finished writing and gave the notebook to me.
  I opened the page on his writing. I didn't understand a thing of what he wrote though. "What language is this?"
  "The other Doctors will know it, don't worry your pudding brain about it."
  I glared at him, annoyed. "You're still rude." I said as I put the notebook back on my back.
  "Really? I didn't notice."
  I stick out my tongue at him petulantly.
  "Anyway, I would like to ask about your assumption that the future Doctor you met is your Doctor."
  "How do you mean?"
  "What makes you think that version is directly your future instead of alternate one?"
  I hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose because she recognized me. The other version of...Thirteenth, was it? The other one didn't know me. I guess I jump into conclusion? It's just that I didn't meet any other version of my Doctor. Just those two."
  He started ranting about alternate universe being vast and so the alternate timeline with it. He also talk about alternate version of the Doctor and myself.
  I admitted I couldn't follow on his explanation which he noticed and being rude about it. It did give me a slight hope that it means my Doctor will be fine and won't lose her marble. I smiled in relief at the thought. My smile dropped immediately when I felt the tingling again. 
  I glanced up at the Doctor and quickly give him a hug much to his dismay. "Thank you and see you around."
  He look worried for me. "Good luck, (name)."
  I dropped unceremoniously on the floor. I was annoyed to keep finding myself on the floor every time.
  I glanced up at my surrounding and my jaw dropped when I saw the sight before me.
  The Doctors and companion from 9th-12th are there. They were trapped inside glass prisons, each doctor and their companion respectively had their own personal prison it seemed. And I was outside the glass prisons staring at them all.
  "About time." One of the Doctors said suddenly. "What do you want?"
  "W-what? Hold on, did you think I did this to you? I just arrived." I said, feeling a bit insulted.
  "So, you are not the one who imprison us?" One of the companion, I recognized as Rose asked.
  "I have no part in what happening to you guys. Where are we anyway?" I asked as I look around. "Where is your jailer?"
  "No idea. We just woke up a while ago." That was Jack.
  "Right, okay, how do I get you out then?" I asked them.
  "Who are you?" One of the Doctors asked again.
  "Not the bad guy, that's for sure." I replied. "Don't you think to save the question until after you got out of there?" I asked. "Don't know about you, but the prison is giving me a bad vibe." I said. "Oh shit is there a camera here watching us?"
  "Yeah, there is." One of the companion, Rory, pointed the camera on the wall behind me. 
  "Whoever watching know you're here. If you are not one the bad guys, you should really should do something soon." Jack said.
  "Oh hell, we have no time for interrogation then." I said sarcastically. "Now, which one of you boys gonna help me figure out the way out here?" I asked all the Doctors.
  All the Doctor spoke at the same time which giving me headache which reminded me I have to take my med. But I was hesitating remembering the Twelfth Doctor telling me not to take it if I ever find myself stuck in dangerous place with the alternate Doctors. I glanced at the Doctors, all alternate version of the Doctors, but no alternate Thirteenth Doctor in sight. I sighed. I know I can't just abandon them, can I? I pulled the vial and pop one pill. I guess I resigned myself to get stuck here for a few hours. Let's hope I didn't get killed or get them killed.
  I followed the Doctors' instruction to check the box on the wall and cut some wire. I pulled my hair pin and tried to use it as the Doctors instructed. One of the prison cracked open. Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory got out. Rory and Amy helped me with the other boxes while 11th Doctor pulled his sonic screwdriver and point it at the door to stop the jailers from coming in just as the alarm sounded very loudly.
  After all the Doctors got out, they introduced themselves to me. I already knew some of them technically from my meeting with their alternate version before but I didn't tell them that. Rose, Jack, Donna, Martha, Amy, Rory and Clara. The only one I haven't met is Donna. She is very interesting loud person. It was funny seeing her treating the 10th Doctor like she is the boss.
  "Are you ill?" Rory asked suddenly. "You look a bit pale."
  Martha also come to check on me. I remembered that she is a doctor or learning to be a doctor.
  "I'm fine." I said as I wiped the cold sweat that covered my forehead. What's happening to me now? Shouldn't the med make me feel better? Why now I felt like I'm about to keel over?
  I heard the sound of sonic screwdriver. "You're dying." Eleventh Doctor said as he read the result of his scan. 
  The companion showed some concern for me while the Doctors are wary of me but they also staring at me with pity now that they knew I am dying.
  "Don't worry I will get out of your hairs soon enough maybe in a few hours." I said. "Rather than focusing on me, we should deal with whoever took you lot here in the first place."
  I followed them, more like the Doctors allowed me to tag along but I could feel their distrusts toward me, feel like they are chocking me...or maybe that was the effect of illness.
  When they finally confronted their jailers, I fainted. I tried to stay awake but I lost the fight.
  I woke up in the Tardis med-bay. I sighed. I jumped when I saw the shadow across the room. The room lightened up and I saw it was Twelfth Doctor. He has my notebook in his hand. "Hello, (name)."
  I stared at him. "You have read it then. So you know I'm not a threat."
  "It seemed so." He said. "It has my handwriting inside."
  I nodded. "You, I mean, alternate version of you just wrote it actually...just before I landed here." I said.
  He nodded.
  "Where are the other Doctors?" I asked.
  "Gone back to their rightful timeline."
  "I guess you won the lottery to deal with me then?" I joked.
  The Doctor glanced at me with a look I can't decipher. "More like because i'm the oldest incarnation so you become my responsibility especially after I saw my handwriting." he said. "But according to this book, you are travelling with the one after me."
  I nodded. "Thirteenth Doctor." At his look, I shrugged. "Your alternate-self told me of the numbers."
  He didn't say anything.
  "So, what now?"
  "There is a coordinate written here." He said.
  I nodded. "Right, that's probably coordinate of the planet where we stumble upon the scientists and the weapon."
  He hummed. "I suppose I will have to help you to find some answer for your predicament then."
  "That would be great." I said.
  "The other me seemed to be fond of you. He wrote here to trust you and help you."
  "He did?" I asked, surprised. I smiled fondly. "I knew I grew on him." I said. Suddenly I wish to come back and see him again and give him more hugs. I blinked suddenly when I felt the tingling. "Oh no... has it been a few hours since we met?" I asked.
  He frowned at me. "What's...?" he trailed and glanced at me. "You have to go, don't you?" He quickly throw me the notebook. "I will get you answers or the cure when next you returned." he said.
 I barely able to catch the notebook and grabbed my bag before I vanished. I didn't even get to say thanks.
  "ow." I landed on my butt on the ground. I took a glance around my surrounding. I was inside the Tardis but the Tardis is poorly lit. And then I saw her. The Doctor.
  "Doctor? Doctor!!" I called out as I scrambled on my feet to get to her.
  It was her. Thirteenth Doctor. But something is wrong. She looked weak and dare I say, dying.
  "Doctor!! Doctor, are you okay? What happened to you?" I tried to shook her awake.
  She weakly opened her eyes and she smiled upon seeing me. "(name)...Am I dead already? How are you here...?" she asked as her hand weakly reaches out to me.
  I grabbed her hands. "Doctor, what's wrong with you?"
  "Dying...got shot..."
  "No. But you can't be..."
  She smiled at me. "...is good to see you again, (name)...been so long..."
  "Doctor, what do I do? What can I do?"
  She shook her head weakly and coughed blood. "Nothing you can do. Weapon disable regeneration. They got me...finally."
  Tears started falling on my cheeks. "Who? Who did this to you? Doctor!"
  She smiled weakly at me. "I'm sorry, (name)..." she said as she caresses my cheek, wiping my tears.
  "Doctor...please...don't leave me..." I begged her. "Please just tell me, who did this? I can change it! I will change it!"
   "My (name)...always so..." She closed her eyes and never open them again.
  "Doctor?" I called out. "Doctor, no, please, open your eyes. Don't do this to me." I begged her. "Doctor!!" I screamed as I tried to shake her awake but it was futile. I cried as I hugged her body close. I started coughing blood too. I wonder if I'm going to die here. It wouldn't be so bad, would it? I hold her hand and cried again. I laid beside her body, still holding her hand, wishing I could just die already.
  I don't know how long it has been before I finally feel the tingling. It was then I wonder if this Doctor is my future or some alternate one. I selfishly prayed it was an alternate one because I don't think I could accept the universe without my Doctor. I let myself being ripped away once more and hope to God the next destination won't tear my heart like this.
  "Please let me see her again..." I pleaded as I closed my eyes.
  I found myself on the ground, curled on myself like a wounded animal. I didn't bother to look where I ended up this time. My heart still in so much pain from witnessing the Doctor's death. 
  "(name)? (name)!! Are you alright?" That was Rory.
  "Doctor! River! It's (name)!! She has returned!!" Amy yelled.
  I could hear the Doctor and River moved toward me in concern.
  Someone pulled me from the floor. But I have no energy to stand up on my own. They let me sat on the floor then.
  "(name), what's wrong, dear? Are you injured anywhere?" That was River.
  I turned to look at her. "The Doctor is dead." I said as burst into tears again.
  River looked like she was being slapped. I remembered she is the Doctor's wife, of course, that news would trouble her. She exchanged a look with Eleventh Doctor.
  I started coughing blood much to their horror. I fainted.
  I woke up from a nightmare of the memory when she died. I cried again. Rory and River rushed toward the bed where I am laid when I nearly fell from the bed in my rush to reach out to nothing.
  "Hey, easy there." Rory said.
  River stroke my hair almost lovingly. "Take it easy, my dear."
  I grabbed her and I started rambling. "It was the weapon! It disable regeneration!" I yelled. I didn't even know if the Doctor spoke of the same weapon that shot me. I didn't get to ask. But I have a feeling it might be. I don't remember what I said next but River is hushing me, trying to calm me down. But there is no consoling me. I kept telling her over and over that the Doctor is in danger.
  From the corner of my eyes, I saw Eleventh Doctor and Amy standing on the doorway. He looked like someone shot his puppy. He seemed almost afraid to approach me. 
  "Promise me you will find it." I pleaded.
  "I promise." River said.
  But that won't solve anything, will it? The one I wanted to warn and save is my Doctor. But I never get to see her. I know I still have to warn the other Doctors of a potential dangerous weapon a threat to their well-being. But what I wanted is my Doctor and my friends. I want them to be safe. 
  I could feel the sign I was about to splinter again. I screamed in frustration.
  "(name)? (name)!!"
  I was still screaming.
  Someone is holding on my faces as they tried to snap me out of my hysterical. "Look at me, (name) (last name)." Those words suddenly sounded loudly inside my mind.
  I opened my eyes and I saw the Doctor. Thirteenth Doctor.
  Without thinking, I hugged her tight. She loses her balance and we both fell on the floor. I cried in her arms. I called her name over and over again. She was surprised but she stroke my back, trying to comfort me and pulled me to a seating position.
  "It's okay, (name). It's okay." She whispered. "I'm here."
  That made me cry more. I hugged her more, not willing to let go.
  I could hear the fam approaching us in confusion.
  "Doctor? (name)? What's wrong?" Yaz asked as she sat beside us.
  I turned toward Yaz before whispering, "Am I home? Do you...know me?"
  "Not this again." She replied. "Of course we all know you, (name)." She turned toward the Doctor. "Doctor, what happened?"
  The Doctor hummed as she continue to stroke my back. "We were talking and then she just suddenly scream."
  I am home! They know me! I was too busy feeling relieved of being back at home with my Doctor and my friends. And then I realized what she said. I released her. "We were talking...?"
  She nodded. "And then you just suddenly scream..."
  "But I wasn't here, was I?" I asked.
  "What do you mean?" She asked.
  "I was back in the other alternate universes. I met alternate version of your past incarnations, you know, bow tie, sandshoes, big ear and sandshoes."
  She looked alarmed at that. "I don't understand what you are talking about, you have been here with me all this time. But...how do you know about my past regeneration?"
  "I told you!" I was frustrated. I grabbed around for my bag only to realize I didn't have them. "W-what? Where is my bag?"
  "(name), calm down." Yaz pleaded.
  "NO!" I shouted as I pushes her away. I stood up and nearly fell but the Doctor caught me. I pushes her away too.
  Ryan and Graham stared at me with concern.
  "What's happening to me? I want it to stop!!" I shouted as I burst into tears.
  "(name), tell me what you think happened." The Doctor requested. She tried to placate me, approaching me like I was some sort of wounded animal, which in a way, I guess I am.
  "You think I'm going insane." I said accusingly.
  She shook her head. "I think you are confused."
  "Confused enough to suddenly have information on your past regeneration?!!" I shouted angrily.
  The fam exchanged a look with each other.
  "Let me help you, (name)." The Doctor said. "Please. Trust me."
  "Just trust the Doctor?" I asked. "That's what you said before."
  "I did say that." She said. She raised her hand toward me. "Trust me, (name)."
  "Then tell me what do you think is happening to me? I know you know something. You said not to worry. But I'm so tired, Doctor. I just watched you die. Are you telling me I've been dreaming all of that?"
  "Tell me! Was it the weapon? It did something to me, right? What? It drive me insane? Making me conjuring some form of nightmare and of my fear? Tell me!!"
  I blinked and I realized the Doctor and the fam is gone. "Nooo..." I broke down in tears. "What is happening to me?" I fell on my knees and that's when I noticed my bag is back strapped on my body again. I pulled out my notebook and opened to the last page of my writing. "No. No. No." I screamed and I tore the pages off the book in my rage. And then I cried.
  I finally glanced around my surrounding. I was in the Tardis but no one seemed to be around. I went to the kitchen and pulled a knife from the drawer and a wine from the Doctor's stash. I drank the wine, regardless of the taste, working up on the courage to do what I have to do. 
  "I have to wake up." I whispered. Then I slit my wrist, putting a cut so deep. I hissed in pain as more tears falling from my cheeks. I watched numbly at the blood flowing from the cut. I felt weak and passed out.
  I woke up in a med-bay. Someone has bandaged my wrist. I sighed in disappointment. "Why can't I wake up?" I whispered in desperation.
  "I must admit this is not the first time we have a stowaway but you are actually the first that tried to kill yourself on my Tardis." Someone said, jolting you out of your trance.
  I glanced up to see...Ruth clayton? My jaw dropped in shock. I remembered my Doctor telling me and the fam that Ruth actually is the Doctor but that she didn't remember being her.
  She raised my torn notebook at me. "Just read it all. Quite the days you've had it seemed."
   "You read it...? You believe it...?" I asked. I discreetly take a look at my bandaged wrist. She must have been the one who did it.  She saved my life. Don't know exactly what she did but I felt fine for someone who just survive attempted suicide. I wonder what she thought of me when she found me before. She looked so chill for someone who just find some random stranger. I guess the notebook did help. Can't believe she actually fix the notebook. But then again I should not be surprised that the Doctor did that. And as I look at her, I can almost believe that she is the Doctor but a slightly more mature one?
  She hummed. "I scanned you. The result is that you did indeed come from alternate universe."
   I snorted at that. "Well, we are all got it wrong it seemed. I am dreaming this. I am dreaming of you! Nothing here is real! I'm just having some elaborate hallucination!" Even as I said that, I knew I was wrong because I only knew Ruth Clayton, I never saw the appearance of Ruth!Doctor before. My mind should not be able to conjure any version of the Doctors but the one that I knew. But when I remembered what happened last, I just don't know anymore. I admitted it was stupid of me to try and off myself. But well, i guess I’m well on my way of being insane. Can you blame me?
"Dreaming of me? My, have we met before for you to dream of me like this?  Also I have been hallucination before, wasn't fun. I can tell you I am not a hallucination, dear."
"Of course you are! We've met! You told my Doctor that you are the Doctor but she said she didn't remember being you!" I said.
"A-ah, I know I have met you before, you are with that other Doctor then? Her companion, is it?"
 "You don't understand." I said petulantly.
  "You are right, I don't."
  I was annoyed with this Ruth!Doctor. She is being dismissive of me, like i'm some child throwing tantrum, which in a way I suppose I do. I coughed harsh and I covered my mouth, knowing full well I'm coughing up blood again.
  "Would you like your medicine?" She asked, showing me the vial the alternate Twelfth Doctor gave me.
  I shook my head. "No thanks. I don't want to intrude you any longer."
  She sighed. "You seemed to have give up on staying alive..."
  I snorted. "I'm not dying. I'm just going insane, it seemed." I said sarcastically. 
  Suddenly I heard the wheezing sound of a Tardis. I glanced up at her in confusion.
  "I called the other Doctor here." She said.
  I frowned. "You...you called her here?" I asked.
  "Well, you are an alternate version of her companion." She said.
  I stared at her blankly before I registered what she said. "There is another me here? With...the other Doctor?"
  "Would you like to see her?" She asked.
  I nodded. I was a bit curious of the other me.
  It was really weird seeing an alternate version of yourself, I have got to say. The Doctor and the other me stared at me in shock. I felt suddenly self-conscious. I did just tried to off myself. I tried to hide my bandaged wrist behind me.
  They invited me to their Tardis. Ruth!Doctor clearly wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I can't blame her. Who would want a damage good like me anyway? And I did dirtying her Tardis by trying to kill myself over there. She gave my torn notebook and medicine to the other Doctor. They talked for a bit.
  The other me is staring at me curiously. I was at first curious but now I just want the other me to go away. She made me felt like a strange alien.
  The Doctor smiled at me. "Hello, (name), it's good to meet you."
  I didn't smile back. 
  Her smile faltered. "I'm so sorry to hear what has been happening to you. I promise I will help you get home." She said as she grabbed one of my hands and it happened to be the bandaged one. She looked like someone kicked her puppy as she noticed the bandaged wrist. "Please don't give up, (name), your Doctor wouldn't want you to."
  I pulled my hand off her. I wanted to hurt her with words but I can't think of anything despite my sudden anger at her. "You don't know me." I finally lashes out. "I'm not her. And you are not the Doctor." 
  She looked hurt. I saw the other me bristled and about to shout at me but her Doctor stopped her. She whispered something to her and the other me left us behind.
  I scoffed. "Don't worry, I won't be here for long anyway."
  "Let me help you, (name)."
  I could felt myself about to cry again and I hated myself. "No one can help me. Not anymore. I just want to wake up from this nightmare." I whispered to myself.
  The Doctor looked so sad, I almost wanted to comfort her, but I didn't. She wasn't mine. 
  I was surprised when she suddenly hugged me close. "I know it's hard, (name), but you have to have some faith. Just trust the Doctor."
  I cried when she said that. I hugged her back. And then I could feel myself being ripped away again. But I already resigned to my fate so I let her go.
   tags : @thatsonezesty13 , @0castergirl0
(ok, first time someone ask to be tagged but i’m kinda worried that you will be disappointed with how this turn out.)
  A/N: Alright, so this is the end of part two. I still have no idea how to end this story. As you can probably tell, the plotline is messy and probably ended up repetitive. At the rate this is going, this story might not get a part three at all. Maybe the Reader truly lost in time after all. I tried to write a dark!doctor but I think I failed. I really wanted to write for dark!doctor. Maybe I would have better luck next time, whenever next time is and if there ever be another next time.
I would like to take this chance to say thank you for those who follow my blog and leaving likes/comment/reblog on my past stories. Thank you all and I hope you didn't finally come to your sense and realize how bad I truly am at writing. Stay cool, everyone!
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sylvari-bouquet · 4 years
Shadows remain: Chapter 2 - Reflections
Previous chapter: [click here] Next chapter: [to be updated]
Nettle’s visit to Papaver’s does not go as planned, as ze witnesses a tense meeting with Papaver and another sylvari, Dinadan. However, Nettle is discovered, and abducted by Dinadan and his allies. Papaver reaches out to the allies they know they can trust, while Nettle wakes up in an unknown location...
"So, to recap the situation, you were forced to work for this sylvari, Nettle found out about it and followed you, and got kidnapped by them?"
Marjory paced across the workshop in a true detective fashion. The room felt smaller and smaller each round she walked, but she kept going. Kasmeer stood still, she had placed herself next to Papaver.
"Yes, that's the gist of it", Papaver replied, leaning to their workdesk and looking more miserable than either of the duo had seen them before, "I'm...not in control of myself or my actions around him. It's not like possession or freezing. I get taken off from the wheel of the ship and it's outside of my control, but I can still witness that I'm heading straight into the storm."
"Let me see", Kasmeer said and placed her hand gently upon Papaver, and looked into their eyes, like she was peering deep into them. "Breathe with me", she instructed, and Papaver followed her lead. After an exhale, inhale and an exhale, she took her hand away, and said: " I do sense a mesmer curse, an old, but still active one. That would explain the mind control."
"Can you get rid of it?" Papaver asked her.
Kasmeer shook her head and answered: "Sorry boss, I can't. Since it has been in you so long, the removal could have terrible after-effects. Plus, you'd need a mesmer as powerful as the queen..."
"Why didn't you come  to us earlier?" Marjory jumped in. Although she was few steps away from being furious, not all of that ire were towards the boss.
"I don't know, I thought it was something I could deal on my own. We've won against dragons and terrible creatures plenty of times now, one ex shouldn't have been this much", Papaver answered with a sigh.
"It changes things when the ex is also part of nightmare court", Marjory remarked, scoring a "not helping" look from Kasmeer, who continued to ask: "Did he tell you what he was planning?"
"I don't have the details, I only know what he asked me to do", Papaver told, motioning towards their worktable.
"And that was?" Kasmeer continued.
Papaver hesitated for a moment, and then told: "He wanted me to make a sword that could pierce the Dream."
** ** ** Nettle
The poison must have made me lose consciousness, since as I came to, I found myself alone in an unfamiliar room. I could feel the dull ache of the wound, and I had my hands tied in front of me with magical bindings, but otherwise I seemed unharmed. I surveyed my surroundings. For a prison cell, the room was nicer than whatever Tree-forsaken pits I imagined Nightmare cells were usually like, as the few furniture did fill up the small space. Quickly enough I also realized how the room controlled its prisoners - I couldn't access my magical abilities. No teleport, illusions, or even healing, evident by the throbbing of the stab wound. However, I did not have time to muse on about my surroundings, as the door parted its vines and the pink sylvari stepped in.
"Greetings, commander. I hope you find your room suitable for your needs. You are not here as a prisoner, but we cannot let you leave."
His voice was pleasant, but that was like how a snake's hiss was pleasant before a strike.
"You say that, yet I am kidnapped, bound and held against my will", I replied, "isn't that the definition of a prisoner?"
"Oh, believe me, your fate would be lot worse if you were one. But let's not dwell on the unpleasant manners, yes?"
With a flick of Dinadan's hand, the magical bindings around my wrists shimmered and vanished. It did ease my discomfort , but such a simply gesture didn't sway me. I decided to push for some answers, as I had little else I could do in my state.
"Who are you and what do you want with Papaver?" I began to investigate him.
"They never talked about me? And here I thought I'd left a lasting impression." Dinadan replied, and I tried to gauge his personality and intentions as he spoke. There was an undercurrent of danger about him, that he masked with shallow pleasantries and niceties, that much was clear to me. But he did not seem like the members of the court I had seen and fought before, either, many of them were devoted to causing pain and grief for the sake of it, yet he seemed to have a goal above that.
"We were lovers, dearhearts even. However, when they realized that the various ties I had to the court and the errands I run, they accused me of lying to them. This saddened me, as I had not been technically lying, just leaving unpleasant things out, and so, I sought comfort deeper in the nightmare. Invited them too, but they did not stay. But I must say, that worked well enough for me, at least until the court became...fragmented due to Mordemoth and the unsightly defeat of our dear Grand Duchess", Dinadan told, "but that's water under the Pale Tree's roots, as you dreamers tend to say, hmm?"
"So, is this all about revenge?" I asked, "since I was the one who finished her in her corrupted form."
Dinadan shook his head, and replied: "Far more than something simple as that. In fact, it was indeed a catalyst that you removed the Queen from the chessboard. You see, my plan is a revolution, and monarchs, they don't tend to take those well."
Seeing my apparent confusion, he continued: "I plan to show every fool in the Grove that there is no hierarchy between us, the Dreamers and Nightmares. We are the one and the same, and our Mother won't be able to cover this truth any longer."
"And what exactly you plan to do with me?" A note of frustation slipped in my question, as I was getting tired of his games.
"Ooh, you're intriqued! I like that!" Dinadan clapped his hands together as if he was excited, but continued: "I can't reveal it all just yet, my apologies. Rest assured, I do mean no harm. As long as I have your cooperation, that is, when it's time."
I was about to ask again what he meant with his cryptid speech, but before I could begin, he stepped outside of room, and the vines closed in front of him. Last thing I could see was the smile on his face, a smile that hold no
With that, I was left alone in my cell-room with even more questions than I had had before, and very few answers.
** ** **
"Pierce the Dream? Is that even possible?" Marjory asked.
Papaver gave a small shrug, saying: "I honestly don't know. To him, it will be."
"I don't know how familiar you two are with the Dream, but.. to us sylvari, it's the place where we begin and end.  Most of us have a connection to it that lasts our lifetime. The experiences and memories we have, they are recorded in to the Dream as well. It's like a huge library of experiences. Both the ones that are joyous, and the ones that are terrible. They all exist in the Dream in some form, and that's how sylvari who have not yet woken learn about our world, drawing information from the experiences who awoke before them.  It also gives us our ability to use magic, and grants us what you humans might call a sixth sense, but only towards others connected to the Dream. It's like, reading others emotions? I don't know a lot about it myself, truth to be told."
"Do you have that connection too?" Kasmeer asked.
Papaver shook their head, saying: "No, I...I awoke without that connection, and I couldn't recall my Dream, even though I did know things. The menders said it must have been some sort of accident, a strange and rare mutation or something. As you know, I don't use magic - simply because I cannot use it, at all."
"If this Dinadan gets his hands on this sword and does succeed piercing the Dream, what would happen?" Marjory continued asking.
"The dream will collapse." A new voice joined in by the door, and the three were greeted by a strange pair: Caithe, who had just spoken, and next to her, a sylvari warden the humans we unfamiliar with, but whom Papaver had seen before.
"Found her trying to get a peek inside. She says she has information about this Dinadan", Caithe replied.
"That doesn't answer the question of what you are doing here, Caithe", Marjory had her hand on the grip of her sword, eyes fixed on Caithe. She had not yet forgiven or forgotten the events of the jungle.
"I'm here to protect the Dream. And to help Nettle, I owe hir that", while Caithe kept her arms crossed, Marjory knew that she could pull out those daggers faster than she could blink.
"Stop it, both of you. We have enough to deal with without turning in to each other", Papaver halted the bubbling tension. They turn to address the warden: "I remember you. You're the one that was working for Dinadan, right?"
"Yes, but no more. I thought that if I did what he told me to, he'd eventually leave me alone. But at what happened last night, I simply cannot ignore him anymore. I want to make things right", the emerald-green warden with pale skin spoke up, "I'm Sylvia, and I want to do anything I can to help."
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smilingperformer · 2 years
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Second day of playing Scarlet and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I am in love. The co-op is fantastic, as it DOES let you progress the story while synced with your friend, and my gosh do I love it. One gripe I have is with it not allowing semi-puging Tera Raids when in groups, but oh well. We should still have loads of fun together, as we now start diverging to our own journeys with sis.
So yeh. Some photos I took of my Paldean trainer Amber, cameo from sis' Paldean trainer. I ADORE Amber's design so much, and I came to love sis' trainer look too, we both look so good AAAH!
I've now activated all three (four?) paths of the storyline and I am already overwhelmed with the amount of choices. What do I do now, haha. I did end up checking out the west gate first, hehe.
Maybe I'll play a bit more later today in handheld mode too, but so far, I only notice distanced intentional low framerate (doesn't look good but it IS an optimisation trick), and some framerate stutter. So far nothing huge and game-breaking has happened thou! So I am very happy with the game so far! Area Zero definitely intriques me the most right now, oh man. And I'm honestly not seeing any black and white villains either so, I'm looking forward to seeing how the story goes on!
Met one new 'mon today, hoping to find one new 'mon I got happily spoiled on because I am VERY motivated to find that one, haha.
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reaperkaneki · 4 years
finished the finale ending and [redacted]’s ending which means that, aside from a couple bad ends and the best epilogues (saved thise for after), i’ve finished all the guys’ routes :)
i have to say, i really liked this game. it has pretty much every feature i ask for in an otome (except a flowchart, i guess, im very lazy so i prefer flowcharts to chapter select, but that’s strictly a personal preference):
- 5+ routes (i maintain that the absolute minimum for an otome is 4 plus a secret/true end), which piofiore hits almost exactly
- characters are adults who... uh, fanservice, thanks. i am looking disrespectfully. i can’t relate to teenagers anymore and it makes more sense for everyone to be an adult seeing as they’re established, distinguished, competent mafioso. it makes the setting more realistic and yeah maybe i wanna see ikemen flirting in adult ways, i have the right!
- i would say this game hits a good ground between character and romance and plot. it’s not as gripping and well paced and full of suspense as, say, cxm, but it has its moments. the plot is more there to prop up the romance than it is for itself, bht there’s a fair bit of interesting political/economic intrique and power struggles. it has a semi-enforced route order for a reason. i still think it was an odd choice to put dante as one of the first routes and gil as the last, seeing as dante’s the lore heaviest and gil is comparatively lighter and softer with very little conflict, but the last route directly branches off of his, i guess, specifically because of that.
- all characters change roles depending on what route you play. this is a good thing, as it means we see sides to them we wouldn’t see if they were, friendly or vice versa, but it also means that they can seem weirdly ooc if they’re an antagonist. (orlok’s route comes to mind, everyone was holding the conflict ball in that one...) still, everyone has the capacity to be reasonable in certain circumstances, and that helps to humanize even the side characters who sometimes seem to only be there to stir up conflict (like the twins, who as antagonists are creepy twin children who see murder as play, except actually they’re super cute and fun children who take a liking to lili... who also see murder as play).
- a wrap-up during each ending that tells us what happened to most of the major characters. sure, it’s all very well to end the route on a kiss or whatever, but, like, what happened, how did they finish resolving the situation? piofiore gives that for all of its full endings—best, normal, and bad, which i definitely appreciate. it also makes it more obvious the difference between the normal and best endings: it can all come down to a single choice (or two, or more if you’re shitty at games like me).
- short stories in gallery, which is extremely typical and also bare minimum but nonetheless appreciated. pretty much every otome has this or an epilogue, because, like, c’mon, gotta give the fans some sugar after the end of the route!
- speaking of sugar, post-best end epilogues! i haven’t played any yet because i’m Savoring them, but there’s nothing wrong with more fanservice and more detail on What Happened Next. if you’re counting, that means three pieces of post-best end content (the wrap-up after the credits, the short story, and the epilogue).
- actual, fleshed out bad ends that aren’t afraid to get Real Fucked Up—and bad end epilogues! the tragedy is real and it is palpable and maybe even delicious. or just plain horrible, take your pick. i wish more games had continuations of their bad ends! it’s so good!
- one big thing that pissed me off is how to get endings. the status indicator isn’t very helpful at all—it will pretty much only show differences once you’re locked into an ending :/ plus there are two stats for each guy, your typical affection stat and then a stat unique to each character. once again, no distinct indicator that this second stat even exists. the choices can also get oblique and counterintuitive; i must’ve gotten nicola’s bad ending like five times :/ this might be a bonus to some people, since it’s not just (click) oh that one didnt give me a heart icon, i’m gonna reload (rinse and repeat), it actually requires a little effort.
- [big spoiler territory] a secret character. i love secret characters. they’re great. their routes do vary wildly in execution—they’re usually either super rushed and short, and disappointing, or they’re the final true route—and i think piofiore hits in the middle. on the one hand, they made the antagonist a route, every otome game should make the antagonist a route if he’s a hot ikemen with an a-list voice actor. i love love love that (and honestly, most of the characters become antagonists in any route but their own, especially yang, who is by definition a card-carrying villain and once again, thank you oiofiore for this trash man’s route).
on the other hand, by virtue of splitting from chapter five of another guy’s route, and being a secret character who doesn’t show up as himself in any other route, he doesn’t get a ton of time to get development. he also falls victim to a lot of “traumatic past excuses murder” kind of tropes that are tired and gratuitous. (but seeing as the rest of the cast has probably killed even more people than him, i’m willing to let that slide.) i still genuinely enjoyed his romantic ending (helps that he’s, like, phantom of the opera meets count of monte cristo ughhh) and am looking forward to his epilogue :) [/end major spoiler]
all in all, good game! enjoyed, would recommend, has plenty of content for what it is. the darker themes are there, and it doesnt shy away from things like torture, character death, and such, especially in bad endings, but it wasn’t suuuuper dark (aside from the bad endings). it was pretty fun.
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mandareeboo · 5 years
One of these days Ya'll're gonna get a full review of this, just because I’m desperate to drum up notoriety, but there’s this little game on steam called Knights and Bikes that ya’ll are sleeping on hard
Made by Doublefine, aka the ppl who made Psychonauts 
Hardcore 80s asthethic 
A lot of intrique! There's a lot you don't know about the characters, but it doesn't feel like it's forced, either. It just feels like ppl. 
That said you definitely get the feeling smth is going on behind that scenes that you just. Don't KnowTM. 
Lowkey got some gay shit in it? (One of the mcs, Nessa, has a thing for a rebel she meets during your journey. It's really cute) 
Has a lot of charm??? You're doing magic and stuff but you also stop and have races??? Like it feels so Real World in how it treats kids 
Tackles things like grief and loss and fearing adulthood 
I'm not kidding about intrique guys, I Have A Lot of Questions 
You get to pet a goose. Like. A lot.
It's actually got a confirmed TV show in the works which surprised me?? Bc I've seen no one talking about it?? 
Two strong female leads who have their own personalities and issues 
It's set on a windswept island in England 
Questions??? I have????
Srsly if you like little indie games with tons of personality and have twenty bucks to spare I highly recommend it
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tylerfritsch13-blog · 5 years
Love-making Advice from Relationship Consultants
Are you searching for best sex tips ever? Will you regret having sex so soon? Will you wish which you could have a very do finished him? You'd forgo the first intimacy and instead concentrate on building an emotional bond with him, right? Unfortunately, life doesn't offer many second chances but with this particular issue all hope isn't lost. If you are a who slept having a man too quickly, it is easy to undo the damage and purchase the flailing relationship back on track. Stop beating yourself up and commence repairing the mess you've made. The main reason that girls regret having sex early inside of a relationship is afterwards the guy's demeanor and attitude, completely changes. He pulls back and she or he concluded on feeling used and discarded. If this is just what is occurring within your relationship you almost certainly are a loss. That you do not get sound advice and every time you find him, he pulls back more. Eventhough it sounds like the partnership between the couple shouldn't be salvaged, it will be. Before you'll take appropriate measures else, stop speaking about what happened. Every time you talk about the intimacy, you could be shining a massive, unwanted, spotlight against your mistake. You've likely realized that he's completely uncomfortable at the time you converse about it. 100 % danger-free it reminds him that you really slept with him very at the start of the relationship and that it will manifest as a pattern of behavior for you. Perhaps up to we all that men want us to become sexually open and able to explore, they merely want us to be doing by purchasing them. Today, your guy is liable believing that whatever took action now with him, you have done with any guy you've dated in once frame. So stop bringing it up.
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Love-making Advice from Relationship Advisors
In lieu, you'll want to shift all the dynamic from the relationship with him. It is extremely centered on intimacy around the moment. You will need to change that. That can be done by focusing more to the learning you take into account a standard sense compared with the intimate sense. Invite him out and initiate dating him again. Stop by fun places and show him there's even more back than he's experienced up to this point. Let him notice that you're a dynamic, intriquing,notable and well rounded woman. For the present time, keep intimacy to your minimum. You don't want him to see you as someone he can turn to when his desires are pressing. It's alot more great the two of you if you ever connect on a difficult level prior to when you revisit greater intimate side of things. It's really something to affix a dating site and quite another correctly to receive active members. Without a large number of active members, it can be very hard for you to identify what you're looking for. The more often the sheer numbers of active members, the higher your chances is to find the sort of singles you could be searching for. When dating online, you requirements not limit you to ultimately only one potential partner simply because they may well not grow to be what you would like them to be. Test the waters subsequently focus your search.
How to Get a Girl to Have Sex With You
When a girl has sex ahead of time within the relationship, it make a difference to her guy's feelings for her. If you have done anything that is responsible for your man to download back, you will find there's way for you to get his interest back. Ever ponder tips to get a girl to get sex with you. If you wish to become a person who attracts females and has got the girl, you may need a powerful tool: Seduction. If you want to capture a lady home you should find out the best way to seduce a woman. Seduction will attract women! Soon Acompanhantes em patos de minas will definitely date women all of the time and friends and family ask you for methods to attract females and sex advice because you may have sex with women every one of the time. Before you can stay with me! Know this! There exists bad dating advice you can get! Some dating suggestions about how to possess a girl to have sex in your wallet tells you know you must have visual appearance, or must trick women, or maybe us cheesy purchase lines. This really all wrong. You must understand that the easiest way to get unique to get sex in your wallet can be to attract her on a psychological level. As soon as you build appreciable link with your girlfriend, she gets good about you for the reason that positive emotions she gets are connected with you. Soon that woman might be chasing you. Workout which may make it easy to plan a woman home with you. You should be aware of First work on your own physical attraction. While natural looks might be out of your control, you can alter the way present yourself so its important that they are both well groomed and well-dressed. Women are fascinated by anyone with style who attends to himself. A lady also wants a substantial man. She would like to feel safe to you by her side. She wants to feel at ease surrounding you, plus protected from others. Always be the strong man which has had a presence that will certainly make her feel secure and comfy around you. You should show your charm. Being nice in arsenic intoxication strength can be quite attractive for a woman. Yourrrre able to playfully tease her, protect her from others, and as well be chivalrous and keep the door on her, and escort her down the street. Any time you tease her find a smile so she knows you secretly care. If you're able to pull that off you'll but not only be her prince but you'll be getting little trouble recognizing the way to get that girl of having sex with you. Most vital of their, be in keeping with yourself. If ladies feels that you'll be being fake or want too much she is going to reject you. Getting women into bed with you concerns bringing increase protein intake best self. You always envy a guy that she will trust. This'll build feeling of comfort with your ex wife in addition to a stronger relationship with her. She's going to know that you've got straightforward and honest intentions all of which will feel comfortable having sex with you. If you the strategies presented you possibly can ask her to get home on you and she will say yes. Should you bring her home arouse her and offer her most of the pleasure that she desires. You ought not even be a selfish lover. Certainly be a man that fulfills her needs. She could remember that. Women appreciate a male that looks after them within the bed. This is sex advice that you must always remember in your bedroom. Woman will want to help you again when using these tips. So start using these powerful seduction techniques to secure a girl to acquire sex at hand and he or she might be coming to your bedroom every night. So you can visit this website garotasdepatos.com.br to have best sexual advice for better life.
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yabookers · 5 years
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Descendant of the Crane by Joan He
Princess Hesina of Yan has always been eager to shirk the responsibilities of the crown, dreaming of an unremarkable life. But when her beloved father is found dead, she’s thrust into power, suddenly the queen of a surprisingly unstable kingdom. What’s more, Hesina believes that her father was murdered—and that the killer is someone close to her. Hesina’s court is packed full of dissemblers and deceivers eager to use the king’s death for political gain, each as plausibly guilty as the next. Her advisers would like her to blame the neighboring kingdom of Kendi’a, whose ruler has been mustering for war. Determined to find her father’s actual killer, Hesina does something desperate: she enlists the aid of a soothsayer—a treasonous act, punishable by death, since magic was outlawed centuries ago. Using the information provided by the sooth, and uncertain if she can trust her family, Hesina turns to Akira—a brilliant investigator who’s also a convicted criminal with secrets of his own. With the future of Yan at stake, can Hesina find justice for her father? Or will the cost be too high?
Disclaimer: I received a copy free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
When Princess Hesina’s father dies, she is suddenly thrust into power. She is now the ruler of an unstable country, nearly at war with its neighbouring country, full of political corruption, and a country that has outlawed and oppressed soothsayers, magic users, for centuries. While others think her father died of natural causes, Hesina believes he was murdered. A trial ensues but her entire court is filled with deceivers and those using her father’s death for political gain. In order to find out the truth, Hesina commits a treasonous act, punishable by death – she enlists the help of a soothsayer.
Descendant of the Crane is a Chinese-inspired fantasy that is by far one my favourite reads so far of 2019 – and will probably stay as one of my favourite books, especially fantasy, of all time. If I could, this would get far more than five stars from me. It has everything you would want in a fantasy – an immersive and descriptive world, a thrilling court of politics, lots of betrayal and deception, and intense mystery, a masterfully crafted story, and a brilliantly complex and flawed protagonist.
It is a slow-paced book, which doesn’t always work for me but Joan He managed to create such a turbulent atmosphere where one wrong move by our characters could have drastic consequences which made this a thrilling and suspenseful read.
What I loved most about this is that finally, we have a ruler that really understands power and rule. Hesina also truly grapples with what it really means to be a good ruler too. Placate the majority and continue with the status quo in order to protect your own rule or commit to change and progress and challenge that oppression and hatred despite the consequences? She questions everything she does and, frankly, it is refreshing.
“What is power? Hesina had thought it was wielding the knife, or getting someone to wield it for her. Now she realized it was neither of those things. Power was yielding. It was taking the bloodstained knife out of a thousand frenzied hands and making it her alone.”
The political intrigue in this book is masterfully done. I adore books that feature political intrique, it is a surefire way to make me love a book. I loved how Hesina handled the politics, the deception, and the dangers of court. It was truly invigorating and kept me fully invested despite the slow pace. Descendant of the Crane featured so many twists and turns, morally ambiguous characters, betrayal and deception, and so much conflict. You think she’s done with the reveals and THEN YOU READ THE EPILOGUE. shit.
Hesina is right up there with some of my all-time favourite characters. She is a brilliantly complex and flawed character. She is a ruler but also an oppressor. She makes hard and sometimes wrong decisions that tend to have disastrous consequences. While she wants to change her country for the better, she fears her own people’s resistance to change – she feeds their hatred and prejudice because she is scared to confront them and their prejudice. I loved watching her learn and grow throughout the book.
Also, the romance is so lovely.
Overall, Descendant of the Crane is an impressive and powerful debut, and I will read ANYTHING Joan He writes. Listen to the hype, this book definitely delivers.
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