#islam terror
cavalierzee · 4 months
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hamdosana · 6 months
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cooloilcloth · 17 days
This is actually a great day to clean up my feed, I'm blocking everyone who even implies 9/11 was a good thing
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tryingto-survivethis · 2 months
Y’all are showing that it was never about hUmAn RiGHts with the fact that no one here has an issue with Iran being in the olympics.
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thashining · 23 days
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 6 months
It is almost Purim
It is almost Purim, a time to be happy and eat hamantashen. It is a holiday where we celebrate our friendship with the Persian and Iranian people.
But before were all use this opportunity to be happy, I'd like to raise awareness for the Iranian people and their occupation by the IR. Iran and the Iranian people have always been great allies of the Jewish people and Israel, so I think it would be best to try return the favour.
Iran is currently under a brutal dictatorial and theocratic regime who oppresses its people and gives them no rights. It is the main hub and sponsor of terrorism in the middle east.
Don't forget Iran, and don't forget the Iranian people and all they've done for us.
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indicamshaa · 2 months
Bangladeshi Hindoos Protesting
Jai Maa Kaali🔱🔱
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Of all the countries in the world, the Iranian people and the Iranian regime might be the most divergent. You have the barbarous, murderous, genocidal regime on the one hand, and you have the Iranian people cheering on Israel on the other hand.
This is the flag of the Iranian people.
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The flag of the Islamic regime is not.
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cavalierzee · 4 months
A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
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A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
A Palestinian Child vs An Adult Israeli Trained To Kill
A Palestinian Rock vs An Israeli Assault Rifle
A Palestinian Original Land Owner vs A Zionist Invader
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“The attack by Hamas is just revenge for the years of oppression that Israel has inflicted upon Palestine because Israel is occupying their land.”
Okay. If it’s a territorial conflict, then tell me why across the worlds, protestors are literally chanting “F**k the Jews” and “G*s the Jews”.
Tell me why pro-Palestine students from university campuses across the world are attacking Jewish students.
If it’s a purely territorial dispute, why target the Jewish people across the world?
Stop trying to spin the terrorist attack by Hamas into something justifiable when Hamas themselves have called for the eradication of Israel and the Jewish people themselves.
Call it what it is. Antisemitism.
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panimoonchild · 6 months
Ukraine is diverse and embraces it
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Let the light overshadow darkness. Only with the good of our world united. 
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secular-jew · 7 months
The Iranian-backed Houthi Islamists, attacked and sunk a Belize-flagged commercial ship in the Red Sea. The ship was carrying 21,000 metric tons of Ammonium Phosphate Sulfate, and untold quantities of heavy fuel oil, which is now polluting and destroying the diverse ocean and coral life.
This cynical Iranian Islamic attack on global shipping increases all our costs, and is an affront to our natural environment.
The Islamists could care less who they kill, hurt, or how they damage our fragile ecosystems.
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ace-hell · 8 months
People who think the palestinians are a minority in the levant region just bc there are 2 million people in gaza are the pinnacle of idiocy. Yes there are 2 million "palestinians" in gaza, but there are also 3 million in the west bank and 2 million who are israeli citizens, not to mention the 3 millions in jordan, around 400,000 in lebanon and 270,000 in egypt(that have a lot of segregation laws that for some reason no one talks about).
In conclusion there are more than 10 million "palestinians" in the region, while there are around 6.6 million jews in israel.
The world's view on jews, israel, canaan and levant is just so... American. Their white guilt is SO heavy they want to paint the WHOLE world with THEIR problems to the point they rewrite history and the lives in the middle east, worsening the situations here and then blame USA.
No, you are part of the problem, not only the government
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 6 months
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In case you needed more reason to suspect that islamism and jihadist terrorists don’t cate about human life, let alone their own children, this picture was released.
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indicamshaa · 2 months
While Hindoos are facing an open genocide, Islamists are rejoicing and encouraging the mass killing and r@pe of Hindoo women. A Sheikh says that Hindoos only have two options
>to convert
>to die
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This video is for everyone who supports Palestine. If you don't support Palestine, you can scroll.
What's Palestine? I am dead ass requesting you to tell me what's Palestine. Do you know who you're chanting for, and what you're chanting?
When you say "free Palestine" you are not talking about Gaza. Do you know that? Gaza is not Palestine.
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." It is calling to end the existence of Israel. From the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and the entire state of Israel. The only Jewish state in the entire world.
7 million Jews and 2 million Arabs live here in peace. With your "free Palestine" idea, where do you want us to go? Where do you want us all to go? What do you think is gonna happen the day Israel stops existing? Do you not think that if Hamas takes over, if the damage they are already doing, having full control, full complete control over the tiny area that is Gaza, what do you think is gonna happen the day they have full complete control over the state of Israel?
What do you think is gonna happen to you? Chanting "free Palestine" in the streets right now. If you want freedom for the people of Gaza who, by the way, you guys are categorizing together as Palestinians, you have no idea who lives there. If you want freedom for these people, you stand with Israel to end whoever is actually occupying them.
Israel has never attacked Gaza unprovoked. Israel has never, ever, ever targeted the Gazan civilians during any war or any attack that we have inflicted upon Hamas and their terror targets, the places they hide their rockets and guns and ammunition, which are civilian homes, hospitals, schools.
The people of Gaza can't speak themselves against Hamas cause they know they'll be killed. You, from the comfort of your home in your Western country think that you can speak for the people of Gaza about who is inflicting terror on them.
500,000 Gazans cross to Israel every single day to work. Let me make something very, very clear. Since Israel left Gaza in 2005, Israel does not owe shit to Gaza. "The electricity, the water..." Why isn't Hamas providing those things to Gaza? Where is all the billions of dollars they are being sent constantly? We don't have to let Gazans come and work here. We don't have to give them food, electricity and water. We don't have to warn them to go out of their houses when we attack Hamas targets. We don't have to do anything. And somehow we are held to the standard that we do?
Hamas kills their political opponents. They have not held elections since they've been elected in 2006. Even after they have GoPro'ed a massacre of 1,300 people, not people killed by rockets - massacre by hand - you still don't know who they are. You still don't realize they do the same thing to the people of Gaza. You still support these people.
If you want Gaza to be free, you support Israel annihilating Hamas and freeing them of the people of Gaza. Once Gaza is free of Hamas, there will be peace.
Don't you think that if Israel was truly controlling Gaza and occupying Gaza, this wouldn't have happened. We would know what was going on there.
Wake up already. These terrorists are using your values against you. They are hiding in their terror tunnels right now alongside 199 hostages. These are not freedom fighters, these are bloodthirsty monsters.
Stop chanting these empty, empty slogans and wake up to see what is right in front of you.
"The siege, they have a fence around Gaza..." Have you seen what happens when they make one hole in the fence? Have you seen what happens in less than five hours to 1,300 people when they break through this fence?
This will never fail to amaze me. "Gaza's under siege! The fence around Gaza!" Do you mean the border? Somewhere that is not our territory? Same border that 500,000 Palestinians cross to make money here in Israel? The same border they can easily cross if they don't affiliate with Hamas or carry any weapon? The same border they have with their Egyptian brothers who do not allow them anywhere near their country?
And if after everything I said, you still support Hamas, there is no other way to say it: your values align with Hamas. And I'm being very, very gentle.
If you truly want peace, you stand with Israel.
Hamas is Gaza's Taliban. Hamas is Gaza's ISIS. Hamas is Gaza's Boko Haram. Hamas is Gaza's Iranian Regime.
Oct 7 was Israel's Mahsa Amini moment. Israel is doing this not just for the Israelis, but for the Gazans, who live in a terrorist regime.
If you rooted for the collapse of the Iranian Regime with #WomanLifeFreedom, then you root for the extermination of Hamas. Because they are the same exact problem.
How have people gotten so confused after only one year?
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