#intersex gender
satellites-halo · 10 months
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made some flags for intersex cuspers
Left to right:
Cuspfem, cuspfemmasc, and cuspmasc intersex flags
Just when you're on the cusp of being trans fem/femmasc/masc but aren't quite due to being intersex (aka literally me). These technically fall under the intercusper umbrella but I didn't model them off that flag color wise (I instead used Vibes).
@interarchive for archiving purposes ,
this is NOT a mogai blog!! don't follow me if you want more mogai stuff!!!! this is a very rare occurrence where I post flags here, ok?!!!?!!!?!
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d-vewing · 9 months
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♡ Atlantidollic ♡
[pt: atlantidollic] [no spoons for id]
Atlantidollic is a genderdollic sublabel connected to being atlantifluid (link) and a doll, an atlantifluid (link) doll!
This gender is exclusive to intersex people, as atlantifluid is an intersex exclusive identity, do not try to recoin this to not be intersex exclusive /srs, i really love the atlantifluid flag, and I ID with it, so i combined it with my other main gender :D
Genderdollic by @chronoport , dividers by essthereal
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objectum-conceptum · 1 year
Not objectum but also a flag and term I made
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An intersex identity in which your gender is expressed or outwardly shown/feels cold, dull, lifeless, and freezing, while internally being fiery, passionate, warm, and full of life. This is specifically created for people whose outward sex characteristics appear perisex, but internally (hormonally, chromosomally) are intersex, but anyone can use this if you are intersex and relate to this.
Glac- From latin 'Glacies' meaning 'Ice'
-int- From latin 'Intus' meaning 'Internally' or 'Inside'
-ignis From latin 'Ignis' meaning 'Fire'
-erm From latin 'hermaphrodite'. Please note this is now a slur, but it's still ok for non-intersex people to say the name of this gender.
@interarchive ← for archiving purposes
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jerrycummblr · 2 months
It's really simple. If you're born with a vagina and you naturally have elevated testosterone levels, you're a man. If you have a vagina and you take testosterone, you're a woman. But also if you have a vagina, you'll never be a man. But also if you have higher testosterone then you were never a woman. Woman never yes man a vagina testosterone no was an elevated. Vagina man.
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I'm wishing a very Happy Pride Month to all the queer people who:
are disabled
are chronically ill
can't celebrate for health reasons
disability gets in the way of their gender representation
disability got in the way of a relationship
don't have anyone to celebrate with
have homophobic caretakers
Happy Pride Month to all disabled queer people
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minecraft · 1 year
Did y'all know that Elon Musk's Twitter recently added LGBTQ terms (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Transgender, Queer) to it's "offensive words" list - meaning that links to tweets with words containing them aren't previewed in twitter DMs and are generally de-boosted (shown to less people) by the website? Did you also know there exists a character called the zero-width non joiner that you can copy and paste in-between letters of any keyword so that the keyword visually looks the same but isn't automatically seen by the algorithm as containing a keyword?
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transsexual is not an old fashioned or outdated term. transsexual is not a term only used by transmedicalists, truscum and transphobic trans people. you do not have to like or use the term transsexual for yourself and no one is forcing you to, however you do have to be normal about other people using the term transsexual to describe themselves and their experiences.
people still use the term transsexual, transsexual is a term steeped in trans history and trans liberation because transness is not just about the gender binary but also about the sex binary. for many people transness is inherently related to their sex and they are trying to change their sex. sex is not an irrefutable, immutable fact and the sooner people accept that the sooner trans, nonbinary and intersex liberation becomes a possibility. I hate the sentiment that gender is a changeable social construct and sex is a biological fact because sex is also a changeable social construct.
stop buying into t_rf and transphobic rhetoric about sex.
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imiggytheartist · 1 month
LGBT in fighting is fucking dumb and I’m super tired of yall’s stupidity. The fascists who run the government do not care that you are “Not like the other queers”. The fascists do not care that you hates it when bisexual women are taking their straight boyfriends to pride. The fascists do not care that you are a gay person who hates trans people with a passion. The fascists do not care that you are a trans person who hates non-binary people with a passion. The fascists do not care that you are a queer person who bullies 12 year old kids on tik tok who use fox/foxself pronouns and identify as fox gender. Hating each other will not make the homophobes go away. I don’t care how many times you say “But these people in the community make everyone else in the community look bad.” Fascists think we are all the same they will not single any of us out just because some of us have the same opinions as the fascists/Alt right. They are not passing anti trans laws because some trans people are too loud and cringey they are doing it because they hate all trans people. They are not passing anti gay laws because some gay people are too loud and cringey they are doing it because they hate gay people. FASCISTS DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINIONS THEY WILL KILL YOU REGARDLESS! FASCISTS DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION THEY WILL KILL YOU REGARDLESS! FASCISTS DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION THEY WILL KILL YOU REGARDLESS! Do you understand me?
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daraoakwise · 1 year
150 years ago, a boy was born to my great-great grandmother. And that was the last time that happened anywhere on my maternal line until my son was born in 2016. This is a story about intersex people.
For 150 years, the women of my family kept having daughters, who either also had daughters, or they were oddly unable to have children. Strange quirk, we assumed. No boys.
In the late 1970s, my mother’s sister had a daughter with Down Syndrome. Genetic testing was done, and it was discovered that although she looked female, she actually possessed the male XY chromosome combination. Her sister was born three years later. And because of that genetic concern, her genes were checked. And she possessed … the XY chromosomes. A third daughter, born a few years later, possessed the usual XX.
Keeping in the tradition, my mother had two daughters. Because of our cousins’ genetic conditions, my sister and I were both checked. Both of us appeared typically XX. And so for more than thirty years, it was dismissed as a quirk, and no one said the word intersex because that wasn’t a thing in 1980.
In 2014 I had a son, breaking the chain of girls. It was an interesting story! I then had two daughters, and didn’t bother to do any genetic checking.
And then in 2020 my sister became pregnant. Early genetic testing said boy, XY. Twenty week anatomy scan said girl. Definitely 100% girl. Uhhh?! As expected, she*** was born genetically male, possessing only male gonads in the form of undescended testes, but female external genitalia.
It was Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, a genetic mutation carried on the X chromosome. See, all bodies start female. Then, when the hormonal influence of the Y chromosome kicks in, instructions on the X are supposed to detect the testosterone and create male genitalia. Except a person with AIS is non-reactive to testosterone, and the body stays, at least superficially, female. Genetic check would say boy. Presence of testes says boy. Pants check says girl. Making the question of sex (sex. Gender is something else, ok?) distinctly complicated.
If someone has a mother who is a carrier of AIS, there are 4 possibilities. Unaffected XY, and so genetically and structurally male. Affected XY, and so intersex. Affected XX, and so a female carrier. Unaffected XX female and entirely unaffected.
My grandmother was a carrier. My aunt and mother are carriers. My sister is a carrier. When my niece was born, my single non-intersex cousin and I did genetic testing. And we are both carriers as well. My son is an unaffected XY male. My niece is affected XY intersex. Both my cousin and I also have 2 daughters each. And, because it is medically and psychologically relevant, we had them tested. All XX.****
And I was ready to check one more thing: are my daughters carriers? There is a 50/50 chance. And then I stopped, because they are preschoolers, and that is their reproductive decision. They know three intersex people. And if they care, someday they can check their genes and the odds that my grandchildren will be intersex. The intersex people they know will, I hope, be able to talk to them about the beauty of their lives as one of the wonderful variations of humanity.
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canichangemyblogname · 2 months
Algerian boxer Imane Khelif is a cisgender woman, you absolute freaks. The International Boxing Association never did a karyotype test on her; they only tested her testosterone levels. She was disqualified from competing due to antiquated, misogynistic and patriarchal regulations that require women to present according a Platonic ideal (a perfect form) of Womanhood. She is a cis woman; she did not undergo “male puberty,” you genitalia-obsessed weirdos.
She grew up in a rural Algerian village and overcame numerous gender barriers to get where she is. Her father forbade her from boxing because he didn’t approve of girls playing the sport, and he actively prevented her from practicing. She would be actively prevented from boxing again in 2023 because a panel of men deemed her not “woman” enough because of arbitrary rules about how much testosterone a “true lady” should produce.
Imane Khelif’s life story is one of overcoming adversity put in place by the arbitrary rules the patriarchy imposes upon women to keep men as men and women down.
Also, it is literally illegal to be trans in Algeria. Algeria does not allow people to change their sex on official documents or undergo medical or hormonal treatment to transition. Y’all are freaks who hate queer people and women. Leave Imane Khelif alone. Leave trans women alone. Leave women alone, period.
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renthony · 3 months
It's real fucked up how many queer people dread Pride season due to both systemic queerphobia and queer infighting. Pride season always rockets up my anxiety, and I know I'm not the only one.
This shit sucks, y'all. We gotta support each other more than the queerphobes hate us. I'm not saying we have to love each other, I'm not saying we even have to like each other, but we cannot keep subdividing communities, circulating callouts, and dogpiling each other over who has it worse. That shit will kill us all.
We cannot keep thinking of our individual experiences with bigotry as, "I know [xyz kind of queer] has it worse, but...", and we cannot keep looking at other experiences with bigotry as, "that's bad, but [abc kind of queer] still has it worse," when the reality is that we are all being targeted. It's all bad! It all deserves to be talked about and fought against without trying to put it in some kind of hierarchy! Hierarchies are not fucking helpful here!
Some fucking unity, please.
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 1 month
Very important question for my fellow rainbow people!!!
Why do queer people exist?
Wrong answers only, go!
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dusk-the-cat · 1 month
People will say they support queer people yet perpetuate the idea that you can only have one partner
People will say they support queer people yet perpetuate the idea of the gender binary.
People will say they support queer people yet perpetuate the idea of the sex binary.
People will say they support queer people yet perpetuate the idea that everyone feels some sort of attraction.
People will say they support queer people yet perpetuate the idea that you have to be a certain age to be trans.
You can’t do shit like this and still support queer people. You either support all of us, or you support none of us.
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intersexfairy · 1 year
there is no shame in being a queer man. there is no shame in being a femme, a butch, a bear, a twink, etc. there is no shame in doing drag. there is no shame in being an intersex, trans, gnc, or nonbinary man. there is no shame in having sex traits that are deemed "female" as a man, or lacking one's deemed "male." there is no shame in not feeling attraction as a man. there is no shame in having multiple partners as a man. there is no shame in being gay, lesbian, or multisexual as a man. the list goes on and on.
all queer manhood is beautiful. all queer manhood deserves celebrating and visibility and protecting. there is so much joy and freedom inside us, and our existence makes the world a better place. we are not shameful - not in the slightest.
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 4 months
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Spotted at my local market
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
honestly what people don't realize is that a lot of queer liberation will come from liberating cishet people from feeling like they can only identify in highly specific ways or else they're not cishet. if we encourage cishet men to wear makeup, dresses, skirts, "feminine" blouses, and other gendered that would make people question their gender or sexuality, and encourage cishet women to wear "masculine clothing, forgo shaving and makeup, and having "manly" hobbies, we open the doors for all kinds of trans people to present and express themselves freely without worry.
we break down hatred and misunderstanding when we allow folks of all identities to be and express themselves in ways that make sense without forcing arbitrary rules and identities on them. we would move toward a society where both effeminate trans and cis men who wear makeup and dresses would not run into having their gender questioned by total strangers, we would move toward a society where both masculine trans and cis women would not have to deal with being misgendered and having their womanhood questioned.
cis folks having their gender be questioned as trans, and trans folks having their gender be questioned as cis because of how they dress are being affected by the same principal: men only dress one way, and women only dress one way. this creates stress for not only trans people. cis folk feel trapped and isolated by this logic every single day, and they shouldn't have to feel obligated to completely changed their gender identity in order to just dress and express themselves.
whether or not we like to address it, there are in fact cisgender people who feel trapped and held down by how strict gender presentation rules are. we shouldn't assert that they deserve to feel that way, but rather that no one should have to feel this way. no one should have to feel like they cannot be who they feel they are on the inside, no one should have to feel like they can't wear clothing that makes them feel like who they are and looks good to them. no one should have to feel like they can't express themselves.
everyone deserves the freedom to dress how they want to, no matter what gender they are and what unnecessarily gendered pieces of clothing they wish to wear. we need to liberate everyone from this mentality, it only helps more people be free of this unnecessary restriction we've placed on ourselves.
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