#internet stranger anon
Hi Cas! It's Internet Stranger anon, idk if you remember me, it's been a month since I haven't sent an ask
For a very (not) quick update on my bsf/crush, we're dating now! (yay) we went to see fireworks together at the very end of the summer vacations, we were holding hands during the fireworks and I was leaning my head against her shoulder and she had her arm around me (i'm not even making this shit up i was having an internal mental breakdown while that happened)(but it was so romantic)
After the fireworks we were both like "we have to adress this" so we did and we officially started dating through my notes app bcs we were in the car with my parents driving her back and we couldn't speak out loud (i'm closeted) so we just passed the phone to each other and now we're dating! and I'm so happy about it :)))
Tho we are a secret and none of our friends know which is kinda bothering me, but i respect her decision yk. It's not my place to out our relationship when she doesn't want to and it's so new, and she said she'd tell our close friend eventually. It just kinda hurts because sometimes I just want her attention sooo bad and she ignores me because she doesn't want to make it obvious that we're dating. And my mental health is the lowest it's been in a long time rn, but at the same time it's not her job to give me attention 24/7 like I'm a toddler so I feel bad for crying about stuff as stupid as her not sitting next to me in maths like she used to (it's so silly i'm so ashamed that i cried in class abt it) :((
Sorry that was a very long rant, I hope you have a great day/night and life in general ♡
Hi!!! Congratulations!!
I love that you recognize your girlfriend doesn’t own your emotions and I also love that you’re being patient with her. However, it’s completely valid for you to eventually want an out relationship and many queer people do have that as a boundary. It’s okay and valid for you to tell her that you don’t want to hide your relationship in front of safe people. IMO, that’s not forcing her to come out, it’s telling her that if she wants to date you, you want to be able to be open in front of people who accept you. She can then choose not to date you if she’s not comfortable with that. You could also decide that you would rather date her and not be out at all and that’s equally valid. Just know that you ARE allowed to share your emotions and needs, as long as you aren’t forcing anyone to do anything ❤️
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messiahzzz · 5 months
You’re one of the most annoying people on this site. And that really says A LOT because WOW! Shut the Fuck up about Gale wanting to be a father or not. He never says that he doesn’t want to be one. You projecting things onto him doesn’t make it Canon.
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on a serious note: i’m certainly not the one that continuously brings up this topic unprompted. i personally really don’t understand the entire controversy around the topic or why fandom feels the need to rehash this conversation almost weekly. i truly believe that there’s nothing more of value to learn from it, to address, or add to it… yet fandom won’t let it rest.
to once again clarify: what i mean by “gale wanting to be a father isn’t canon” is that there is no evidence/neither hints anywhere in any of the dialogue that support the contrary. characters like h*lsin, w*ll and la*’zel have entire adoption subplots. all of them mention their children explicitly during the epilogue:
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narrator: *your soul warms thinking of lily aurora ravengard, your adopted daughter. a treasure of a girl, found at the entrance of the open hand temple - one grey eye, one brown.* w*ll: ah, the girl could melt the staunchest heart. she might even have brought a smile to old withers' face! w*ll: but tonight is for us - and lily's only four months of age, besides. i promise, the temple will keep her in good care.
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player: and our little hatchling? is he safe? la*'zel: of course. i have complete trust in our newest allies. xan is in fine hands tonight. la*'zel: what a wonder he is. he will be a fine warrior, if he chooses. or a poet, or an explorer, or a scholar.
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h*lsin: being away from it... i cannot help but worry how they will fare in our absence. player: we'll be back before they know it. h*lsin: i hope so. the children shall miss their bedtime tale tonight - though perhaps i can glean a few new stories from our friends here, to make up for it.
even shad*wh*art has a line where she briefly mentions that children might be a possibility for her in the future.
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shad*wh*art: and i get to see my parents almost every day - i need to make every moment with them count, after so much was stolen from us. but they're doing well, [...] shad*wh*art: who knows? perhaps they'll have grandchildren before long.
gale in comparison? he has none of that. he remains childfree during the entirety of the game + epilogue. in fact, his line in the epilogue that addresses the topic of grandkids is this one:
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tara: this is why mrs. dekarios and i will be waiting an eternity more for grandchildren. nodecontext: self-pitying gale: psst! shoo, tara. nodecontext: shooing away tara like one would a naughty cat.
i already wrote a post about this entire discourse here [x] but to repeat myself once more: all of the dialogue that vaguely addresses the topic of children in any way in regards to gale are these snippets
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player: gale… how would you feel about having another person in our relationship? gale: what, like a child? i’m not quite sure i’d consider myself father material, plus our current lifestyle isn’t exactly what i’d call settled…
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gale, upon spotting oliver during their game of hide and seek: ah, i have you! just a shame i don’t want you.
gale treating the children the group comes across with respect isn’t an indicator either. this is a courtesy gale extends to everyone he meets. he’s a character that approves of a protagonist who systematically commits good deeds. whether it’s sparing animals, helping without compensation in mind, or aiding children. wanting children to be cared for… and you know… for them not to die is common etiquette that every adult should extend to a child in need. those are not “dad goals!!!” it’s quite literally just basic human decency. gale is genuinely kind and caring to everyone he meets, there is no reason why this also wouldn’t apply to children.
i often see fandom mention his encounter with mol at last light and how excited he is to talk to her. which i think greatly misinterprets the context of the scenario since he didn’t have much of a reaction to mol before either — gale is ecstatic about lanceboard. again evident by his reaction to the party finding the life-sized board during the wyrmway trials, and how he immediately offers to give tav pointers. explaining different approaches to them in enthusiastic detail if they allow him to. the man just really likes lanceboard… as well as being the smartest person in the room.
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gale: ah, lanceboard! why, this might just be the highlight of our misadventures to date.
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gale: lanceboard happens to be a game with which i have more than a passing familiarity. might i offer a suggestion? nodecontext: gale's a badass lanceboard player, anticipating showing off
if you want to headcanon your tav and gale raising a big family together that is more than fine and no one is stopping you. whatever you want to happen to these two after the storyline of the game is up to your respective fantasies. no one is policing you on what you should do with your own character. go wild and create whatever fan content you wish, no justification required.
yet once again, as there is no mention in canon anywhere — neither in the main game nor the epilogue — that this is something gale would ever want (whether that may mean immediately or somewhere down the line) gale wanting to be a father remains a headcanon. while gale being childfree is explicitly shown in the game, in strict comparison to other companions that either have children by the end of the game or voice the desire to (eventually) have them.
my personal preferences are of no relevance here whatsoever. i care about accurate and correct characterization and will point out inconsistencies/false information no matter the topic. i, for one, want to appreciate these characters in the way they're written, not how i ideally want them to be.
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skumhuu · 3 months
Why. . .
Gonna draw 50 more pgs of them fucking & dedicate it to u
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our-lesboy-experience · 6 months
hey shoutout to lesboys who identify as such for ANY reason
to lesboys who are tomboys
to lesboys who use the term as an expression of masculinity
to lesboys who enjoy being called terms like boy, man, etc. whose gender still isn't man
to lesboys who's system uses it as a collective identity
to lesboys who are butch and/or transmasc
to lesboys who are genderfluid, bigender, multigender, and loves using the term to express both their orientation and multigender identity
to lesboys who are ftm
to lesboys who are trans men and still feel connected to lesbian identity
to lesboys who are openly and unashamedly men
you shouldn't have to change yourself or become more palatable to people who only conditionally accept you. you deserve to present yourself however you like and it doesn't matter if other people feel offended by it. a bigoted person feeling hurt about you expressing yourself in a way they don't like is not a tangible form of hurt
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Psst this is just some advice from someone who grew up with the Wild West version of the internet but:
Just don't engage with mean spirited asks or people.
They want attention. Don't give it to them. Delete it, block em, scroll away, take a deep breath, and move on. They want to waste your time, so waste theirs instead.
They came into your house and tried to start shit in probably the most milquetoast way possible, so just block, delete, and move on. Don't even mention that you did. It'll be a fun little thing that you know and they know but no one else knows, and that's so much more satisfying.
Nothing you can say will "win" the conflict or change their mind. Just put them in time out by deleting their ask and you'll feel much better. :)
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Consider: live mothman reaction to someone actually going 'pspspspsps' to him
it depends on the person!!
if it's you, Foul Legacy tilts his head curiously and chirps, listening to the pspspspss sounds you make. after a few moments he bounds over to you, bumping his head against your outstretched hand with a happy trill. if you hold your hand palm side up he plonks his chin into it, craning his head back so you can scratch his neck. "pspspsps" becomes synonymous with your affection, and whenever Legacy hears your playful whispers his lilac fur ruffles in delight and anticipation. sometimes he even does his own version of pspspsps to you, low and soft and growling, his claws delicately holding your cheeks like a butterfly flitting over a flower
if it's anyone else, however, he gives them a questioning look and backs away. there are a couple people he'll spare a glance for- Zhongli, for example, or Baizhu- but strangers or mere acquaintances he simply glares at. very rarely does Foul Legacy allow himself to be touched by anyone other than you, and he's stubborn enough to keep it that way. no amount of pspspsps from strange, untrustworthy people can convince him to change his mind, and he'll quickly dart behind you and let out a quiet hiss until the person leaves, leaning his weight on you for comforting snuggles afterwards
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miodiodavinci · 2 months
i saw that you used to hint at oc stuff on twitter (don't ask me why im digging im looking for zola stuff lmao) why don't you post more about them?
i am simply terrified that if i post oc things online someone will steal the concept and run with it faster and better than i ever could have and then i will be devastated forever and ever
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more seriously i have very little to show for any of my oc things (adhd brain making life difficult as per usual awawawawawa) and every time i've shared oc things in the past i've ended up never following up on it and it makes me feel bad and guilty so i've just convinced myself i will Never talk about my ocs until i have something substantial i can put out there
#mio answers things#anon#i'm getting a little better with making things for my ocs#on account of having friends i can actively share my brain rot with#but i still dread the feeling of posting a character and being forever haunted about never doing anything with them ever again#(echoes of custard howling in my mind)#just like how i dread having a repeat of that time in middle school#where i talked about my werecrow oc in the comments of a bigger artist's works#and they ended up making their own werecrow oc immediately after#they very much directly aligned with mine#but it got wildly popular on their account and they made a ton of art for it and i just#ended up deleting any evidence of mine because i felt so bad about it skjdfhgkldhfkgj#like i have no problem with people taking inspiration from my designs#i think it's fun seeing people design vy2s with two toned hair and kyos with pink eyes and hair pins w#but like. the thought of posting my oc and having someone run them through a blender to make their own character makes me feel. bad.#i can't articulate the specific reason Why it makes me feel bad but it does skjfghdkjfgsdhkjf#like if i finally posted theater gang stuff and then saw someone else take those concepts and make them into their own characters#i might just collapse into a pile of beef trimmings and never get up sdfkjhglksjdfg#it's silly and i don't know why my brain's like this but because of this in combination with my fear of posted oc things haunting me foreve#i simply will not be posting <3333#(and also just that. i'm incapable of producing enough artwork to make my ocs matter in a public context i think.)#(like you breed affection for a character through familiarity)#(which you only really get by creating A Lot Of Art)#(and i cannot do that <333)#(so instead most times i post it's a few handfuls of likes)#(and that doesn't really feel worth it to my brain when i could just settle for going insane over them with my friends skjdfhgkjsdf)#i really think this last year has just taught me that i really. honestly truly prioritize the reactions and feelings of my friends#over strangers on the internet#and it feels a lot more comfortable that way w#AH
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meirimerens · 7 months
figured out how to make little victorian paper puzzles/purses after stalling on my first try just because i had folded my paper in a way where the folds would be clockwise instead of counterclockwise like the lady showed [i have a very poor folded-2D visualization skill] feeling like a genius rn. ready to enter my sweetiepie era
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hii ! It's Internet stranger anon!
In my last ask i talked abt my bsf (whom I am in love with) but there's updates (kinda?) and I need advice bcs idk what to do. (Beware, I'm a yapper, this is gonna be long)
So, for context, one night in April i had invited 3 of my friends for a sleepover for my birthday. She was there and one of the two others dared us to kiss. So we did. And then when we all went to sleep (me, my bsf who i'm gonna call L and one other friend were gonna sleep in one big bed and my guy friend in a lil one in the corner). When both my guyfriend and the one that was sleeping with us fell asleep, idk how but we ended up kissing. Like a lot. And we cuddled too and we joked and it wasn't even awkward it was just so amazing. And then in the morning she asked for it to stay a secret and like a taboo thing. Which literally broke my heart because I've had a crush on her since September, but I acted like it was fine.
Since then, even though she asked herself for it to be a taboo, she's joked about it several times (which made me go slightly crazy bcs wtf) She has always been very clear that she thinks dating while still in middle school was useless (we're both 15 btw). She makes fun of couples in school and stuff cuz she just thinks it's dumb to date, so I know very well that even if she liked me she'll never say yes to dating me, or at least not until high school.
But here's the update (srry for the v v long context rant, I needed to get it out of my chest): yesterday we went out to the skate park to hang out, we had fun and stuff, and since we're not going to see each other for the rest of the summer break, she gifted me a fucking necklace. With a heart on it. And she said that it was for me to not forget her during the summer. She bought me a fucking heart necklace bcs she wanted me to think of her! And then I apologised for not having bought her anything and she said "it's fine I'll think abt you anyways" ! I'm going insane. Then I messaged her other best friend (who had known her for longer than I have and is closer to her) and L didn't gift her anything even though they're not going to see each other either!
You can ignore my rant if you want, I hope you have a good day/night anyway <3
Hi hon!
I think it's hard because she clearly has feelings, but she might not be ready to be open about them. Which isn't necessarily good, but it is what it is. She's not really being fair by still flirting with and kissing you, you know? She's got a right to her feelings, but it makes it hard for you to get mixed messages.
The thing is, at your age, some people are ready to be open about those things, and some aren't. Also, I forget your gender- if this is a queer relationship, there's that factor as well.
I'm sorry that she's putting you through those mixed signals, but maybe it makes you feel a bit busy to know that from an outsider perspective, it's definitely not YOU. She's got her own shit to work through.
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kentopedia · 7 months
it takes less effort to keep your mouth shut than it does to be a horrible person, and i hope people are aware that cruelty gets you nowhere.
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groenendaze · 1 year
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the unfortunate consequence of dog is that sometimes things just don't work out, no matter how much you want them to.
pando will be going back to his breeder here in the next coming weeks. i love this little dog, i wish the best for him in his life, and i want to see him succeed in a place where he can truly thrive. i think he's a great dog, but he needs a different lifestyle than the one that i currently have.
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etherealspacejelly · 8 months
Nonbinary people are fucking whiny, like why are you forcing people to call you with a certain word you like? That's compelled speech bitches.
im not forcing anyone to call me anything. its ultimately your choice whether you use my pronouns or not, thats freedom of speech. i cant force you to do anything. but using someones pronouns is basic respect. if you dont respect me, i sure as hell dont have to respect you.
if you dont want to use my pronouns, it is your right to do so. but it is also my right to call you an asshole and block you for it :)
seems to me like the only whiny bitch here is you, anon.
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persianflaw · 3 months
Different anon. Please don’t use genocide as a reasoning why you don’t speak the language when there are plenty of people who do speak the language and have made the effort to keep it alive
Pop quiz!
Why did tumblr user persianflaw's family leave Iran? (Hint: this question was on the study guide!)
Why would the answer to the previous question influence the way tumblr user persianflaw's family approached assimilation into American culture?
Am I familiar with the resources related to endangered, indigenous Afro-Asiatic language learning available to tumblr user persianflaw as a child and adolescent growing up with minimal internet access in rural post-9/11 USA?
Is this any of my business?
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dnpbeats · 24 days
whats your take on people saying the new video made them uncomfortable? i love your opinions! ❤️
im assuming by "them" you mean d&p not like people watching? bc that's the only take i've seen
like..... people are entitled to their own opinions and everyone perceives things differently so I'm not gonna tell someone they're wrong for saying that, for them personally, it came across that d&p were uncomfortable. but I would say that they weren't uncomfortable, and that's not my opinion, it's a fact that's coming from d&p. bc they've told us they say no to things they don't want to do now. we know that they used to be yes-men but now they only do projects/gigs/spons/etc that they feel like doing. so basically: dan being annoyed at spons is a shtick, they wouldn't make a video of them playing the game if they didn't want to, and people are welcome to express their opinions but at the end of the day we should trust what comes out of d&p's mouths in terms of their boundaries
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butchkaramazov · 5 months
Bro you're ugly as hell
& thriving <3
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
I do find it funny how people think celebrities should only post about things going on in the world or whatever instead of engaging with fans. The latter will make the former more likely to stick because people will legitimately like following them. (Also social media is for fun. Let celebs and everyone not be serious all the time).
I can't really get into it for a million reasons, but as a cringe millenial who's old enough to remember when celebs making any kind of political statement was the exception not the rule, I just find it fascinating that people except celebrities to be the paragon of online activism. Which is not to say they shouldn't express their opinions and support -- they certainly should and I would never say "they should shut up and look pretty" like the expectation was back in the day and am glad these topics are more widely discussed and disseminated now. I'm just saying, I would never take my political cues from wealthy, privileged, isolated (in terms of social standing/circles) people and for the most part whatever they do is a flash in the pan and forgotten in the next media cycle. IMO the people who can effect real change who should be pressured and looked to are political representatives, not celebrities.
So. Anyway. Expecting celebs to be All Serious All The Time is just... not it to me.
And that's all I'm going to say on the subject.
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