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personal-reporter · 1 year ago
Come le nostre buone intenzioni per il nuovo anno diventino realtà
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Iniziare un nuovo anno è spesso sinonimo di nuove risoluzioni, ma spesso queste promesse a noi stessi possono essere difficili da mantenere nel lungo termine. Il 26 dicembre è il momento perfetto per riflettere su come possiamo fare in modo che le nostre intenzioni per il nuovo anno diventino realtà. In questo articolo, esploreremo le migliori strategie per mantenere salde le tue risoluzioni di Capodanno nel 2024, basate su ricerche e consigli da fonti attendibili. **1. ** Scegli Obiettivi Realistici: Un errore comune quando si fissano obiettivi per il nuovo anno è ambire a risultati irrealistici. Secondo uno studio condotto dall'American Psychological Association, impostare obiettivi più realistici e raggiungibili aumenta la probabilità di successo nel lungo termine. Ad esempio, se il tuo obiettivo è fare più esercizio fisico, inizia con una pianificazione realistica che possa essere integrata gradualmente nella tua routine quotidiana. **2. ** Sviluppa una Pianificazione Dettagliata: Una ricerca condotta dalla University of Scranton ha dimostrato che le persone che scrivono i propri obiettivi hanno più probabilità di raggiungerli. Prenditi del tempo per scrivere le tue risoluzioni in modo chiaro e dettagliato. Definisci passi specifici e misurabili che puoi intraprendere per raggiungere ogni obiettivo. Questo non solo ti fornirà una guida chiara, ma ti aiuterà anche a monitorare i tuoi progressi nel tempo. **3. ** Coinvolgi un Partner di Responsabilità: Un altro modo efficace per mantenere le tue risoluzioni è coinvolgere un amico o un familiare come partner di responsabilità. Uno studio pubblicato sulla rivista "Psychological Science" ha dimostrato che condividere gli obiettivi con qualcun altro e ricevere supporto sociale può aumentare significativamente le probabilità di successo. Condividere le tue risoluzioni con qualcuno di fiducia ti fornirà un sostegno emotivo e pratico nel tuo percorso. **4. ** Integra le Nuove Abitudini Gradualmente: Spesso le risoluzioni di Capodanno richiedono un cambiamento nelle abitudini quotidiane. Uno studio pubblicato sul "European Journal of Social Psychology" suggerisce che per formare nuove abitudini, è essenziale iniziare con piccoli cambiamenti e incrementarli gradualmente. Ad esempio, se il tuo obiettivo è mangiare più sano, inizia introducendo una nuova porzione di frutta o verdura al giorno e aumenta man mano. **5. ** Ricompensati per i Piccoli Successi: La psicologia positiva suggerisce che ricompensare te stesso per i piccoli successi può aumentare la motivazione e la perseveranza. Stabilisci delle ricompense per te stesso quando raggiungi obiettivi intermedi o compleanni di risoluzioni. Questo renderà il processo più piacevole e contribuirà a mantenere alta la tua motivazione nel lungo periodo. Foto di Gerd Altmann Read the full article
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kikker-oma · 1 year ago
Hii, do you take requests or not?
If so can I get Wars playing an electric guitar? This might seem random but it makes sense to me since his games soundtrack is mainly electric guitar, also sequence of drops enemy keep is a banger sooo, also your art is so good :)
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aerithkinfaker · 9 months ago
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fun activity to do when you're art blocked is to redraw scenes with your design headcanons and slowly take poison damage the entire time you work on it
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chimchiri · 8 months ago
May I request Nona grinning and laughing while being taught to slow dance by Palamedes? (I just had an adorable idea about this, so why not ask my favorite artist to doodle it?)
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That's such a cute idea <3 Though I feel Nona only has patience for a few seconds and then it's not slow at all anymore. Cam supports her anyway.
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rynnthefangirl · 8 months ago
“Rhaenyra saying Aemond should be sharply questioned was what showed Alicent that Rhaenrya was a threat to her sons and made the war inevitable.”
Has the same energy as a kid harassing a dog, pulling its tail, climbing on top of it, the parents laughing and doing nothing at this clearly stressed and uncomfortable animal, and then when the dog finally turns and nips the kid it gets deemed an uncontrollably violent beast and put to death.
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Do you feel trapped in your job?
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kat-aa · 2 months ago
every time i open twitter i instantly regret it 😀 why is someone ALWAYS fighting???
thank you tumblr babes for being chill (and knowing what a block button is 🫶)
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shippingmyworld · 17 days ago
I know it’s unlikely given how they are in the show, but imagine if Maddie and Jack didn’t take Danny telling them he’s half ghost very well and long story short, gets adopted by Frostbite. So Manny goes to meet Danny’s dad (he knows Danny doesn’t have a mom, just a dad) and meets Frostbite, but instead of being scared of the giant ghost yeti like a normal person, he just shrugs and goes along with it. He probably knows Danny was once a normal human and that he died when he was younger, I mean he jokes about it all the time and it’s almost concerning, but imagine Manny asking Danny if he’s going to grow a tail and horns in the future. Or making another joke like “I can see where you get your tall genes from.”
Like imagine if Danny stayed in his ghost form almost 24/7, even outside the ghost zone, because he didn't take well to being rejected by his parents. The OG Unite group (SB, Timmy, & Jimmy) would of course all know, he'd shift back to human form around them on occasion, but when Jenny and Manny join the team, Danny automatically stays in ghost form so the two just assume that Danny's a full ghost.
And yeah, Manny would totally not bat an eye the first time meeting Frostbite, or the fact that Danny introduces the yeti as his dad. Manny grew up in Miracle City, all the parent/child duos he's met before all resemble each other so of course he'd ask when Danny's horns are supposed to grow in. Danny would laugh and change the subject without answering the question, but Manny's not (completely) stupid, he knows his question struck a nerve he wasn't expecting. He doesn't poke at it, because he wants to respect Danny's privacy, but he does start noticing and naturally picking up certain pieces of information; such as Walker making an off-handed comment to Danny about the "Good-for-nothing Humans" he tossed aside have some new project that's disrupting to peace of the Ghost Zone, or Timmy making a joke about them both knowing what it's like having shitty parents (which is definitely odd because with the way Frostbite was practically fawning over Danny's well-being the few times they visited the Far Frozen, Manny would not use the word 'shitty' to describe Danny's yeti-dad).
Like we know Danny can't keep ghost form when he loses consciousness or falls asleep, so now imagine a scenario in which the Unite Team has a mission that takes them into space in Jimmy's universe. For science/plot reason, they wouldn't be able to return until they got back to Earth, so inside Jimmy's spaceship they're all starting to nod off one by one until Danny and Manny are the only one's still awake. In his exhaustion, Danny rests his head on Manny's shoulder (Manny starts screaming 'FUCK YEAH' in his head), but then he falls asleep and accidentally shifts back to his human form for the first time, nearly freaking Manny out. Because now his totally cute teammate is no long a ghost but a full, flesh-and-blood, human that radiating actual body heat, is asleep on top of him and Manny does not know how he's supposed to process this information.
Danny wakes up when they get back to Earth, (Manny didn't sleep at all) realizes what he did, and will open up about everything. The next day, they'd need to restrain Manny from jumping to Danny's universe and razing Fentonworks to the ground.
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orykorioart · 2 years ago
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Guess who got to Cambria’s Call arc 😔✌️.
(Havent finished Ethersea yet so no spoilers pls 🥺)
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endiness · 4 months ago
can i just say how much it fucking annoys me when show haters bring up geralt punching jaskier — A COMPLETELY RANDOM STRANGER WHOM HE DID NOT FUCKING KNOW AT THE TIME (and with the circumstances under which he punched him being jaskier positively calling him "the butcher of blaviken") — as proof that the show didn't understand their friendship at all though. like what friendship. what the fuck are you talking about. they met like five fucking seconds ago! what friendship! (and how does this """logic""" work anyway when geralt was still willing to basically die for jaskier a few hours later anyway!?!?)
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furfurfrou · 2 years ago
Miscellaneous assortment of submas headcanons
• They're always wearing some sort of hat with whatever outfit they're wearing. They are rarely, if not never, seen hatless in public.
• Ingo and Emmet are terrible liars; Ingo is the type of bad liar who hesitates and stutters over his words while trying to think of something plausible while Emmet would blurt out something batshit on the spot without giving much thought on what he's saying. Both of them are sweating profusely as they do this.
• Both of the twins are workaholics, but Emmet has the greatest tendancy to overwork himself to an unhealthy degree. Sometimes it's out of stubbornness and other times he's so engrossed in the task at hand that he loses track of time. Ingo always had to be the one to keep him grounded and remind him to eat or convince him to sleep, even if he has to forcibly drag him away from it.
• Undeniably, Emmet does feel a tinge of frustration whenever he's called out on this behaviour as he feels he is being babied by everyone around him, plus he always has the feeling that he has to do more as a subway boss, especially as the youngest. With that said, this makes Emmet a massive hypocrite as he still expresses great concern over anyone else who exhibits similar behaviour (i.e. his employees) and discourages them from doing what he does.
• It's not always intentional, but sometimes Ingo's big brother instincts does seep out that he ends up doting on his gear station employees. He does feel embarrassed for himself and apologises whenever he catches himself doing this.
• Compliments from Emmet hit different. This isn't to say that compliments or words of affirmation from Ingo are disingenuous but, as Emmet has a reputation for being honest to a fault, anyone would know that when he says something good about you he means it.
• While Emmet likes to eavesdrop on conversations he thinks are interesting in the gear station, Ingo likes to people watch. No matter how much time he spends at the gear station for, he's never not fascinated by the many kinds of people he sees come and go across the platforms or the challengers that face him on his single lines.
• Ingo is not naive but, being the idealistic man he is who tries to see the good in everyone, he is more trusting of others to a point he could be taken advantage of. It also doesn't help that he has difficulty in saying no sometimes. Thankfully Emmet is far better in seeing through people's BS and will help Ingo out if he feels it's going to get to that point
• The twins are really social and have an affinity for accommodating people. Because of this they love having guests over and being hosts.
• Ingo has more of a knack for catering and taking care of people's needs, while Emmet is one for entertaining and making sure they have a good time; there is a part of him that feels a sense of pride whenever he manages to make someone laugh with his no filter takes and exaggerated movements.
• They also love the idea of tutoring trainers in competitive battling if they had the time, especially Emmet; ask him for any advice or tips and he will enthusiastically talk your ear off with stars in his eyes and flapping his hands.
• Both twins are under the impression one brother is favoured over the other; Ingo is so self-conscious about his inability to smile properly and coming across as too stiff that he envies how Emmet can easily express himself physically and believes he is favoured among passengers for it, while Emmet is aware how he can come off as rude or too forward when he didn't mean to be and envies Ingo for being better at thinking over his words carefully and not scaring people off before it's too late. Neither twin would ever admit this to each other though, and at the end of the day they both balance each other out and help one another through their weaknesses.
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celestialdandy · 4 months ago
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neighbours!au for my lovely selfship <3
celestialtoaster for the win!!!! (๑>ᴗ<๑)
went a bit experimental with a color sceme, but i like it :)
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roxirinart · 3 months ago
feeling like now's a great time to publish this
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rogdona · 1 year ago
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my part of an art trade with @sharkyy599 !! i hope u like it!!❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕
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fiona-fififi · 9 months ago
You know what would have been more interesting than bringing Gerrard back?
Making Tommy Captain of the 118 going into next season.
Would it make sense? Probably not.
But it doesn't make sense that Gerrard still has a job, much less that the LAFD would risk sending him back to the 118 when at least two of the people who filed complaints against him are still working there, either, but here we are.
So fuck it, they should have put Tommy in charge, and then maybe they could have done something more interesting with the character that would bring him into the story at a deeper level.
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multifandommenace · 10 months ago
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"You know, in 100 years, when I finally die. I only hope I go to hell. So I can kill you all over again you piece of shit."
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