#in my opinion: threats
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rivkae-winters · 10 months ago
Regarding lore.fm, an interaction with the creator through tiktok dm's
Apologies for potentially messy writing I was upset on receipt of this message and still am regarding the topic.
On the subject of lore.fm I was composing a post starting yesterday regarding the dm interaction below and their new TOS but the app is live far ahead of when I thought it would be. Since I feel I made good points regarding the TOS I’ll upload my post later tonight but I wanted to get this portion of the post up as soon as possible. Here’s the brief incident I had in direct messages with the official lore.fm account on TikTok.
I sent my initial message at 8:06pm CST on 5/10/24-
My initial post on tumblr was made on 5/10/24 at 11:01pm CST, I followed this up with a reblog later at
I apologize for the unsightly nature of the screenshots, they were left unedited for obvious reasons. I am aware of my phone's battery percentage in the clarifying screenshot I took just now- I know it's rough I need a new charger. Additionally my apologies for my screen reader square, it drives me nuts too, I just need to keep it at that opacity or I can't find it when my eyes start skipping around.
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Transcription of this conversation:
Me: Hi, I'm an author on ao3 and me and several of my fellow authors are highly wary of your product. Further more where can I provide my official email that I wish to retract my written works from this service.
[time: 5/11/24 4:40am CST
lore.fm: hello! The email address is team at lore dot fm. Also, I've been made aware by a follower that someone with a similar username as yours on tumblr may be falsely claiming that we are a phishing scam "because of info on who.is." We use namecheap which provides domain privacy protection services and hides the personal information of the buyer to protect them and instead shares an Icelandic address. See info here: https://www.namecheap.com/blog/domain-privacy-is-changing-at-namecheap/ Every person or organization who buys a domain on namecheap can buy that same privacy protection which is why there are thousands of sites registered with the same address. We aren't affiliated with any scams, cyber criminal activity, or phishing that also use namecheap to buy domains. When the app is out we'll let people know they can search it up if they feel unsafe clicking links as well. Hope that's helpful, and thank you for understanding and not sharing libelous information against us! 
To break from the seriousness for a second: Hi lore.fm- I hope you enjoy this post just as much as the last one!
In my opinion and to my limited knowledge this was in response to a reblog I made to my initial post calling for a warning that lore.fm had the warning signs of a phishing scheme (in my opinion) and as best I could recognize them. To give an insight into how I garnered this opinion purely email collection based websites, as well as entities with a very short history online (lore.fm's website was only established on May 3rd 2024) requesting your email is highly suspicious. Once again that is all in my opinion based on my own education and the background I have in Computer Science.
I am not going to be responding on the matter they direct messaged me on as that matter is best handled offline. I am stating my opinion on the matter that my initial message was asking about.
They still did not answer my question or provide me what I direct messaged about in the first place: the email written out fully in a way that is unambiguous and serviceable as an admittedly casual proof in writing. I had messaged initially with a desire to have a clear clarification of their policies on authors revoking their consent for their work to be used in writing rather than the much more ambiguous audio. I especially, as stated above, wanted the [email protected] email written out in the proper way you'd type it into an email address bar.
In my opinion this response to my question, just over two days after, was in bad faith.
I am sharing this direct message since they have no reasonable expectation of privacy. They've positioned themselves in a public manner as a public figure and as a inseparable part of the brand 'lore.fm'. Everything I have shared is associated with 'lore.fm' and not the individual behind it.
In this scenario I am a consumer and in my opinion lore.fm is a company or at least they should (in my opinion) have the legal registration as such. To my knowledge having your business registered prior to advertising to the public is helpful in cases of defamation. To my knowledge as well not having a registered entity as the subject of alleged defamatory speech would make for a difficult case.
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daemon-in-my-head · 1 month ago
Oh also cuz my obsession is truly back; here's some fun things I've noticed about Gortash's speech.
He only ever asks rhetorical questions. Presumably the one time he doesn't he's interrupted by the brain
He is a provocative, spiteful bitch. He will bring up what he deems to be the most painful failures of someone and he'll do it in a rather haughty, arrogant and mocking way. Always with a smile
However, when he's not downright vile and wants something from the person he's speaking too, congratulations! He will now proceed to absolutely exploit the fears and weaknesses he knows of in order to manipulate them into cooperation. Of course, to make it sound less like a threat, he feigns concern and slides in some 'well we are in trouble, not just you.'
He also immediately follows it up with a proposition and he makes sure to butter up while he does so. After all it's his honor to help such a marvellous individual
Overall, constant emotional blackmail. He prays on emotions rather than rationality and he does his absolute best in oder to get someone emotional
He's very easy going in a way. It may sound like he's inviting you to a peaceful stroll but what you actually just agreed to is becoming a weapon of mass destruction
His speech isn't all that frilly. His choice of words gives a very 'down to earth' kinda vibe. Which I'm just gonna assume is exactly what he wants
He has expectations for everyone and everything and he expresses them very openly, especially when failed
If his expectations are met however there's gonna be a mountain of self-serving praise a la 'I always believed in you'
'We made a mistake' rather than 'I made a mistake'. It's always our fault. He only admits to fucking up in a round about way while dragging everyone else down with him, but he does admit to fucking up
He is truthful. Not the whole truth obviously but you can't accuse him of lying cuz he's not doing that. Just hiding half of the truth. After all you do get to keep Ketheric's stone and he is protecting the city from enemies, just not all of em
Also not necessarily related, but he likes to do shit the right way and follow customs. Does he need an inauguration or official reign over the fists? No. Does he stick to that shit anyway? Yeah.
Combine all that and you have Gortashs approach at conversation. Sugar coating, honeyed words, lots of thinly veiled threats and a sense of dread whenever he opens his mouth because he knows what hurts people and he's absolutely willing to use it. In fact he's kind of enjoying it.
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thedeathwitchescats · 1 year ago
Okay, review time!! If you are one of the oddballs who thinks you cant be critical of something you love I suggest you stop reading now before I ruffle your feathers. Iron flame, second in the empyrean series. I am gonna start with what I was not a fan of and then go into the shit I adored.
1) what in the actual fuck was the pacing of this book?? I can tell you what, it was non existent. There was none. Where I thought there was a lot of filler in the last book there was none in this one. We got snap shots of conversations and then *boom* more plot flew at you. The timeline of this book greatly suffered for it i think bc we end only a couple weeks, if that, after threshing, which happens sometimes in October. This book was actually so wild with times.
2) while it was a spectacular cliff hanger, xaden becoming venin pisses me off. Especially if Rebecca yarros isnt going to have him tell violet. Like if that small tid bit of a conversation we got wasnt him telling vi that he was venin then the entire romantic conflict of this book was rendered pointless and their going to be having the same fucking fight for the rest of the series and at rhat point I give up.
3) I understand that the revolution is trying to take down basgaith and make the world better or whatever the fuck but can someone actually formulate a real plan for me?? Because I feel like their mission is just, giving violet and xaden something to be pissed at each other about.
4) the entirety of cats character. I get that she was set up as a spin on the typical jealous ex. Like having her be bitter about xaden picking violet over her but OH WAIT it wasnt actually about the man it was about the crown, oohh not like other girls. Im a writer too I see the point. I dont care. I think it was trashy. If you wanted her to be a bitter spiteful ex then have her be a bitter spiteful ex, the whole crown thing was shallow.
OKAY haters your time is up now onto the shit that made my heart hurt with joy and sadness
1) xadens arc in this book. I really liked that he went from "transparency is never gonna happen" to losing his fucking mind over violet and giving her everything. I love feral men and he qualifies. I think his arc was really well done and i liked it.
2) I appericiate that violet stuck to her guns for this book. She wouldnt let xaden off without a fight and I loved that. She made him bow and scrape and I was eating it up. It was spectacular.
3) the throne room scene. Violet on the throne. "Im making a temporary point not a lasting vow of maschocism" xaden being feral.
4) that gets its own point actually, just xaden being completely feral this entire book healed a part of my soul.
5) andarna's little speech at the end where she was like "I waited for you violet" made me ugly cry. That was just so hopelessly good I loved it. Andarna in general heals my heart but that part was just *chefs kiss*
6) tarin being completely and utterly ready to eat people this entire book. Just, at every turn "I want lunch their pissing me off " was spectacular
7) every scene their squad was in. Rihannon, violet, sawyer and ridoc are my roman empire. Their bond is so amazing. The fact that they launched a rescue mission for violet. Rihannon being ready to kill xaden at every turn. Ridoc being so platonically and adorably in love with violet. Just- augh happy cries happy cries. I love it all. Their so special tbh.
8) I love xaden actually, just, the whole book every scene hes in lives in my brain.
9) I liked that we saw a small bit of violet being feral this book too. I hope that we get more of that in future books. I want more of violet losing her fucking mind. Hot, badass women covered in blood
10) Liam. Fucking Liam. When violet was kidnapped and Liam was there. Now, do I logically understand that he was a hallucination, yes, do i care?? No. He was a gift from Maleck I will be hearing no critiques on that. It was so fucking sweet and amazing. I love violet and Liam and Liam being dead so horribly breaks my heart. I loved Liam. Liams death lives rent free in my skull.
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nikathesiren · 2 months ago
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Get to know my taste in Jojo ✨
I saw this template on Reddit and I wanted to participate. Some choices were tough because I love many characters equally in some Jojo parts, and in "deserved better", I would like to add a giant list of allies and a few minor antagonists, because it's really hard to choose just one there!
I know I have some unpopular opinions, but remember that's just what I think, and it's okay if you think differently! 🥰
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stealingyourbones · 1 year ago
I’m so tired with people continuing to tag me in posts with tags in the posts implying I’m attempting to gatekeep dpxdc.
I’m just asking folks to read some wikis or maybe watch a DC tv show to get more ideas because the content in DC is so expansive. I’ve been trying to push this since July of 2022.
I’m writing it like this so people just understand. I just want to show folks the cool thing I enjoy and That theres so much more content to play with when you either do (or don’t idk at this point bro) choose to look more into the greater fandoms of the Crossover.
You can write whatever you want, I would just think it would be cool to see the looking into cool DC stuff by the community.
I’m not gatekeeping or trying to prevent people from writing fanfic. I read all forms of dpxdc fics at every level of fanon to canon to AUs to Ghost AUs.
I’m just trying to push a cool thing I like to show other people the cool thing I like?
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years ago
12 Reasons Why 2012 Raph is The Best Raph
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He’s an artist (this was confrimed by the writers/producers)
He’s hilarious and his comebacks are clever
He’s voiced by Sean Astin
He’s very protective of his brothers and those he loves and are close to him and has admitted that he is willing to give up his life to keep his loved ones safe (those who say he’s abusive and a jerk can eat a brick!)
He acts tough and harsh because he’s the most sensitive and emotional, he’s scared that side of him will make him look weak. The producers have confirmed that Raph has the biggest and purest heart among the four.
His gorgeous and badass tall alien warrior girlfriend Mona Lisa (he got rizz and we stan our short king! He was the only one with a happy healthy relationship among his brothers)
He can play the drums (we’ve seen him do this in canon and in the ICK music video)
He took the responsibility of being leader when Leo was in a coma during the Farmhouse arc in S3 and continued to take care of everyone, help Leo recover and making sure his brothers plus April kept up with their training. He stepped up during a hard time in their lives.
He helped Donnie with his crush on April (both being his wingman, hyping him up in front of April, and also helping him get over her when he was heart broken)
He’s great with animals like Spike, Pigeons & Chompy, except horses. They hate him for some reason.
He may deny it at times but he’s a hugger. His actions speak louder than words, so Raph often hugs his brothers and girlfriend as his way to show he cares for them/is relieved that they are safe.
Hot take: He’s the only turtle who had an actual true arc and some sort of character development.
Feel free to reblog and add more reasons why 2012 Raph is the best Raph!
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forgotten-daydreamer · 10 months ago
"I hate how they're writing Damian in Batman #146, he can't be that dumb, he's so ooc."
I mean, they're writing him almost as if he were a literal child who wants, no, needs to believe that his father's ideals aren't as fucked up as his mother's, who blindly believes in the man whom he learnt to trust despite being raised with widely different beliefs and ideals for the majority of his so-far short life.
Almost as if Damian were a pre-teen, or young teen at most (because how old can he be here, 13? 14?) who desperately clings onto the belief, onto the hope that his father hasn't really abandoned him, because his father is Batman, and Batman always has a plan, doesn't he? Obscure, complex, but a plan nonetheless, and it (almost) always turns out fine, so Damian needs to trust him, he knows he can, he knows that Batman is safe.
Logically, everyone else is older; I think the one whose age he's closest to might be Tim here, who's about 18 as usual, I guess. But Damian is a child, he's a child who's overall relatively new to Batman's antics, and he's a child who (unfortunately) rarely saw the difference between Batman and Bruce Wayne, a child who rarely got to meet Bruce Wayne at all, if you think of it.
You (you readers, not the characters in the story - because it makes sense for them to be so lost in the plot of their world that they lose sight of things) cannot blame a child for being delusional for believing with his whole heart that his father is not an evil bastard who's attacking everyone, allies included, family included. Because again, Damian doesn't really have a clear idea of how Batman and Bruce Wayne differ, he rarely got the priviledge to be with his father, Bruce Wayne, and not with his work partner, Batman.
You (readers) cannot really tell me that you're putting the blame on a child for 'snapping out of it' so late.
Of course, everyone is free to have their opinions, and if you think that this version of Damian is ooc or whatever, it's a valid, let's agree to disagree. But from a narrative pov, you can't possibly deny that it makes sense for Damian to be acting like this. He's a child, a literal child.
Expecting him to regulate his emotions as well as his sibs do is messed up. Which, by the way, they don't. Dick is a mess but keeping it together - except for the whole "punching your father senseless" thing, but good for him, I'd have done the same there. Jason is a mess and doesn't try to hide it, Steph is baffled and Babs is exhausted. The others are nowhere to be seen (and I'd have done the same pt2). Tim's the only one with a plan that's actually somewhat good - hope he makes Bruce snap out of his fear-induced little gateaway once and for all.
I know not many are fans of this run, but honestly? I'm digging it, it's possibly one of my faves. I love the drama, love the angst, love the plot-twists, like Damian snapping out of it just for Zur to silence him? Backup Robin who grins suspiciously like Jason? Tim ditching his phone - which is ossibly the most shocking thing? I'm hyped as hell.
All of this endless yapping to say that, okay, feel free to hate this or whatever, but please be humble enough to admit that Damian is being written exactly like he should be. I get it, DCAU gave us "Damian who talks like an old man, who never smiles and doesn't understand his peers" and it's cool. He's a bit like that in the comics too. But newer comics have a (very welcome, imho) tendency to write him as 'awkward' while simultaneously keeping in mind that he's a teen. And it's the best thing ever.
I, for one, needed reassurance at Damian's age. I needed an anchor and that anchor were my parents - growing up, the dynamics shifted but it's not the point. At 13, 14, or whatever Damian's age is, you're just a child who needs reassurance, because you're changing, the world around you is changing, and you're disoriented as if lost at sea. Writing Damian like that makes sense, it's not even up for debate.
He's not ooc, and he's not dumb either.
He's just a child.
Feel free to dislike how they're writing him, feel free to dislike literally every single detail about everything, this is a free world. But please don't tell me that needing a parental figure to be there for you, and that siding with said parental figure no matter what because they're essentially all you got left (rip batfam I guess?) - is ooc for a child. Damian is a child, don't forget that.
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dang-dood · 9 months ago
i think the thing that gets me so bad with this last episode is that there was no consequences. everyone came back unharmed. like they fought a god of death and he was gone in like thirty minutes and everyone is vibing while eating pizza??
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hplonesomeart · 5 months ago
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(lots of writing under the ‘read more’ btw incase you want my personal thoughts on things!)
Before the episode started I has been bracing myself for the genocide route, but it seem like what we ended up getting was the pacifist route because NEVER would I have anticipated such an empathetic twist??? I was dead convinced that my hopes/dreams of Puzzle redemption were squandered and left to rot (they probably still are to some degree actually lol but oh well I can accept that he’s a lovable psycho). And yet this episode does the impossible….giving us an unfathomably wholesome scene that helps heal his dejected inner child, even just a little. PLEASE this wasn’t something I was prepared for and it’s gotten such a strong grip on my heartstrings right now. I love themmmmm holy shittttt <33
I didn’t think Meggy would step up and try to connect with him like that especially since she was so aggressively defensive when he initially reached out. And I like that even when she gets to speak to Little/Kid Puzzles her behavior is very stern at first lol. Kinda like a disappointed older sister who can’t be bothered to put up with him for too long. But using Leggy as a way to build that bridge again was so clever of her—and hey it helped lure him into false sense of security so he’d get jailed up jskjsksp. Everyone wins I guess!! ALSO can I just say whoever composed the soundtrack (Zach Preciado for the rap segment specifically) deserves just as much praise as the voice actors because DAYM the layering of all those instruments and the seamless transitions into different emotional tones was superb :))
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assiraphales · 1 year ago
it's so funny that i have you on one side shipping zolu and a mutual on the other shipping sanlu. feels like i'm in the middle of a war i don't know anything about and everyone is winning
you are walking down the streets of a very peaceful verona
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thepunkmuppet · 1 month ago
right so I don’t ship samifer in any way, as in I don’t like it I would never seek it out I hate lucifer and what he does to sam in every conceivable way, but guys…. can we please bffr, in a sort of one-sided way their dynamic is EXTREMELY homoerotic 😭😭 like I don’t LIKE it but the subtext is quite literally RIGHT there just bc it’s fucked up and toxic as shit doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist
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astrofinnie · 4 months ago
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daintydoilypon · 9 months ago
What are your flags?
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"But I only have pennant flags."
((I'll like what I like, if and when, it shows up! Live in the moment vibe. Go with the flow gang. I grew up in the "I'm not a can of soup, so don't label me" era and I've returned to that in recent years, though I know it's not for everyone! You do you, I do me. Do Re Mi, Fa So La Ti, ya feel me?))
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ialwaysknewyouwerepunk · 4 days ago
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quibbs126 · 11 days ago
You know honestly the Cyberverse Quintessons were so good, probably my favorite versions of them (though I still haven’t seen g1, but I don’t think that’ll change things much)
I don’t entirely know how to describe why I like them, there’s just something about them. Them being a multiversal force that travels universes to judge them, making their targeting of Cybertron basically unrelated to any sort of beef with these Transformers, they’re just here because it’s their job. It’s entirely impersonal to them and it just adds to their atmosphere. And also them just having more knowledge and power that our bots just don’t understand; I think they reach a level of cosmic horror that actually makes them as such to the Transformers. If that makes sense. Like they’d probably need a level higher than us human considering their power and knowledge of space already for something to be cosmic horror for them
But also how they put everyone basically into the Matrix and how in reality, they’ve basically got face huggers on them as they’re being drained as living batteries to some creature we don’t see until the finale. How when a bot’s finally drained and dead, they just drop onto the floor unceremoniously like flies. Again it’s the impersonal and unceremonious nature of it all. Same with the way the bots are laid out, there’s no importance placed to anyone’s spot in the place they’re being kept, like Optimus and Megatron are just in random places amongst everyone else. The Quintessons just don’t care
And also their plot line itself was just peak; Season 3a of Cyberverse was just genuinely amazing, the finale maybe being the only eh, if only because of all the interjections from Kup or Starscream not being that threatening and some other things, but overall good. I do wonder how the Quintessons even took over Cybertron in the first place, because we never see how we got from the Season 3 premiere to this, but oh well, I suppose not that important. Cyberverse kind of likes to throw you in sometimes with little context
Or the Scientist and his episode. Don’t know how to describe what I mean, but his vibes were immaculate, truly terrifying and embodies a lot of what I like about the Quintessons in this show
While I may be a fan of how One has them all organic and weird looking, honestly I don’t think they can top the Cyberverse depiction, and it’ll take a lot to top it
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mortimermcmirestinks · 9 months ago
hey kids let's sing our silly little song!
♪ this is our silly little song ♪ ♪ I'm scared of donald trump winning another election ♪ ♪ doot doot doot doot doot ♪
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