#in all the aus theyre about the same age ofc!!!
yonpote · 5 months
sorry i dont have anyone to talk to this about lol so it's going in your inbox but i'm in my mid-20s and only now for the first time in my life have i changed my mind on rpf specifically because of phanfic. i'm a returning phannie but like.... the last time i watched them was all the way back in 2012. and was very ani-rpf then and have continued to be through the years. and i think in a lot of cases i maintain that position. but after falling back in love with dnp and the phandom and caving into the urge to read some phanfic knowing that dnp themselves encourage and respect it im kind of shocked to find it's actually a really beautiful, metatextual, interactive creative outlet. i think youve talked a bit about how phanfic isnt really rpf to you and i kind of agree, because dan and phil to me are like.... an idea, a mythology, a narrative, that theyre aware of and have built as well as being aware that we're aware of. like the idea of dan and phil has been constructed by them and their fans hand in hand for over a decade. and i find that phanfic itself is very aware of this and exists to expand upon those ideas. lol. yeah that's it sorry for this ramble. i just find it surprising that something could change my mind on that in this day and age but it's been a very cool experience.
hello welcome youve come to the right place for this yap because i COMPLETELY understand you. like genuinely i am not this attached to any other "rpf" content like this? ok i had an egobang phase but honestly arin and danny have grown to share a similar but not exact same connection as dnp BUT I DIGRESS
but yeah i think a lot of it is due to the contrastive relationships between the brand of Dan and Phil™, their separate individual brands Daniel Howell and AmazingPhil (particularly dan), the Phanon dnp, and the actual real people dan and phil. i always go back to the fanfiction segment of tatinof but its just such a perfect example of what i mean. like, the entire idea to have a fanfic scene was ofc the real people's idea, and they used tropes they would see in the phanon to convey the audience interactive story, but at the same time had to keep it at least Somewhat appropriate for the Brand™ at the time being very pre-teen and teen focused. honestly idk how much you've gone back and watched of what you missed, but i would suggest doing that not just cuz theres some incredible stuff from those eras, but also seeing the intersection of the brand, fanon, and real people and when they split apart. you see it a lot especially in gaming videos imo where theyre unscripted, and once they got more comfortable in the gaming channel roles the energy shifting away from Brand but never too far... until ofc now where what even is their brand anymore just Chaos and Queerness i guess
OH ALSO go read some old fic and compare to newer ones like its not just that writing styles changed or that dnp themselves have changed, but the like. energy and intent put into fic has changed. i would say in the past it was more exploratory, putting dnp in AU's and imagines, or exploring what Could have happened. whereas now, yes ofc there are au's and fic for the purpose of exploring a concept or world, but also its a lot more introspective. exploring the inner world a bit more. idk i just thijk dnp are funny lil guys and they accidentally created some freaky lil creatures in a lab somewhere...
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tubborucho · 1 year
[the tubburevil au thing]
okok so like. me personally im very very curious about qtubbo's past before the freeze and have Very many hc's abt it. in this specific au, he used to work for the federation, but like not very high level. most fed workers were actually like raised by the federation, unwanted children who were adopted by them at a young age. none of them were given names, just placeholder numbers until they were old/smart enough to work.
C-19 (fred) and C-13 (tubbo) were raised in one group, and (A-1) cucurucho, A-2 (cucurevil) and A-3 (osito bimbo) were raised in another. the A group were supposed to be like the leaders and representatives of the fed, whereas the C group were supposed to be lower-level but still important workers (think machinery, cleaning etc).
by the time they were in their pre-teens, they got to interact. the five of them kinda stuck together instantly. tubbo was really really good at create, but he was also a bit of a troublemaker so most of the caretakers did not like him. he was the most "individual" of them, assigned the rest of the gang names. tubbo for himself, fred for C-19, cloud for A-1, venus for A-2 and skye for A-3. (won't be using those names though, cause it would just cause confusion)
once they all turn 15, they start their actual work at the federation (look the feds are a little Terrible, and everyone wears masks so unless you're exceptionally short no one can actually tell). the 5 all get assigned to the same island, a relatively old one that's still popular enough. this is where tubbo meets phil, tommy, piso, becky, wilbur, and fit (but younger versions ofc, this isn't super relevant but shhhh.)
after meeting various islanders if they come and go, tubbo starts to get Ideas that the feds wouldn't like. he tells these ideas to his friends, who are all a little bit like "uhhh tubbo idk about that one chief". cucurevil and fred hear him out tho and they agree so they start to engage in Rule-breaking.
eventually they start to like, genuinely hate the federation and hatch a plan to run away together. at this point, they've started to grow distant from cucurucho and osito bc those two are like Rule Abiders and might snitch, but since theyre still friends, fred reaches out to them trying to convince the siblings to run away with them. they decline, but don't want to snitch.
fred, cucurevil and tubbo try to run away, but they get caught by guards barely an hour in. they change courses, try to get to this nearby portal to a new experimental island (qsmp) that the federation is working on.
they get to the portal--- cucurucho stands in their way. cucurevil shouts at him to let them pass, but it just stands there for a few moments. then, it turns and runs away.
cucurevil rushes through the portal, but as he jumps in the guards arrive and grab tubbo and fred. she wants to go back to get them but then the next second the guards are running after her, and in the panic she just looks ahead and keeps running.
cucurevil figures, he has to find a place to hide and so he goes underground, to this weird maze where the feds can't reach him. eventually the guards leave it be. at this point, cucurevil could just run on his own, but he doesn't want to leave tubbo and fred (and cucurucho and osito) behind. so he waits.
meanwhile, tubbo and fred have all their memories erased and get frozen for like ,, a year in some facility. they remove fred a little earlier than tubbo because they don't want the two to interact, but then the qsmp islanders find the facility on their own and get tubbo out themselves. at this point, the feds are like "ahh shit well we can't say anything now so uhhhhhhhhh let him go." (im aware the whole fed workers being frozen in the facility thing has Implications for the other new members but ill uhh. ill work on that. later)
is this ask too long fuck i was gonna add more
Oh wow. This is a really interesting idea, and if you ever decide to write a fic on it, pls let me know.
I want to know more:D
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wackoffwinter · 6 months
i wanna know about the entire cast for the swap au. how would ramona's dynamic with the exes act as?
Ok word vomit incoming. tldr at the end for basics just scroll till you see tldr in blue, the essay is for the real bitches who like lore
Obviously in my au knives takes gideons spot rather than a different ex of scotts like how other ppl do but i decided to make her the daughter of a rich business man (mr.chau) who is gonna pass the business down to her when shes 20 (in my au knives and scott “date” when she like 16/17 like in the books but a good chunk of the exes bullshit + everything before happens right when she turns 19 and she does like. a few chapters into the book and then at the end of the series around the canon gideon scott fight is when shes 20) ofc this also changes scotts age a bit but. lowk idgaf abt him rn hes like 26 at the start or so now instead of 24. roxie and wallace swap place unfortunately, i dont like wallace but i have to put him somewhere. roxie is a semi popular artist and ramona is a mooch who showed up to her apartment after a bad breakup and just never left but they actually have a nice apartment but theyre still in Canada(she drunkenly got on multiple buses and trains from nyc to Toronto at roxies place and survived dont ask how its that white girl swag).
todd takes kims place shocker i know. the twins,todd and ramona all have a band together they replace sex bob omb because they all attend the same college in this au
lucas lee and lisa switch. (yes todd,ramona and lucas beef still happens dont worry)
envy is the 3rd ex and is dating gideon. she has pyromancy psychic powers rather than vegan ones. kim is the first ex still hung up on how scott ditched her in highschool only to find out he was two timing her with lisa. the twins end up. Somewhere. Julie takes one of the twins spots (holly might take the other one. I dont know)
I hate it when ppl age down matthew patel to fit knives’ spot but its also kinda weird because of the whole age difference thing its Odd no shade to anyone who does but it icks me out so im not doing it. Matthew is this guy ramona dates but shes lowk using him for money and cheats on him multiple times (manipulating him to forgive her) before scott is even in the picture.
also in my edit we see she still dyes her hair but she only does highlights and streaks because shes too afraid of commitment in more ways than one.
tbh i need to develop this more but heres the skeleton of my idea also all the exes are friends and often hang out at roxies place but matthew is the last to join them but theyre all friends who dislike ramona lowkey but tolerate her.
if im missing anyone you wanna hear about send me another ask!
TLDR; all of ramonas exes r technically her friends but they do not actually fw like that until the end.
ramona(loser leech)<-->scott(manic pixie dream boy whos life i being tampered with by knives)
roxy->wallace (lesbian semi known artist roommate)
matthew->knives (not aged down,chump being used)
knives -> gideon (daughter of a business man whos passing it down)
todd->kim (whore drummer)
lucas lee->lisa (new actor. Whore)
twins-> stephen stills (in ramonas band)
kim->matthew (first ex)
lisa->lucas (second ex)
envy ->todd(third ex)
wallace->roxy (fourth ex)
julie + hollie-> twins (fifth and sixth ex)
knives doesn't want scott anymore but shes set on making sure he pays for what he did (cheated,lied, used her for money etc)
ty for being interested in my au! idk if im gonna keep doing stuff for it or yk have it as a little side project to keep me busy sometimes! also i did take inspo from other ppl to kinda Frankenstein this together
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tiodolma · 1 year
Previously, I sent an AU with time travel + the accidental acquisition of baby Mordred + season 5 Merlin and Morgana + divorced parents dynamics + UST. 🤔 I was thinking... What if the accidental acquisition is of baby Arthur instead? Morgana time travels back in time to kill Uther, but doesn't realize she brought Merlin along for the ride (he's linked to her, being both her destiny and her doom).
Morgana kills Uther via poison and Merlin tries to stop her, but he's too late. Both proceed to argue about what she has done and throw spells to one another until baby Arthur makes an appearance. Gaius makes them responsible of Arthur (you killed the king, you deal with the consequences). In summary, prince Arthur grows up with passive aggressive foster parents with magic with a great ton of issues and maxed out UST. If and when that UST gets resolved, that's up to you. 😂
Arthur will be spoiled rotten by both of them lmaoo. They will make him read soooo many books. Morgana will teach him how to do politics and fight wars. At least MerMor will agree with each other on that aspect. There is increasing attraction and UST when their ideas match 😂. Bonus if by raising arthur they will both start to imagine what it would be like if they had a magical child aksjshjwsj (which brings them back to the mordred and aithusa question and then they fight again coz they’ll never get over it 😂). Then later cue teenage angst arthur coz he doesnt have 'gifts’ like his foster parents. I think Arthur will be a more okay king because of them at least XD
They’ll probably fall in bed while doing one of those heated fights about arthur, mordred and aithusa (they’re a mess). I can see that happening. Basically Merlin would be all 🥺🥺🥺🥺 when Morgana blurts out the truth about Aithusa in her frustration and rage and his whole attitude with her will shift 😏😏😏😏
But man the paradox this timeline will induce lmao
With Igrain and Uther dead and with the prince still a baby... that means the Purge will never start. Therefore, Nimueh and Balinor are still attending court. Magic is still alive and free in Camelot. The problem would be the civil unrest after the assasination of the monarch. So... who’s gonna show up and try to take the throne? I’m guessing Nimueh and Balinor would prolly fight it out? Morgana’s birth is probably secure coz the Duke of Cornwall wont have to go fight a war or smth. But the problem would be Merlin not being conceived if Balinor is a Camelotian courtier and his future mom is waaaay over farming in Ealdor. Unless Nimueh takes the throne and drives Balinor away (which is unlikely). Merlin would have to find a way to be conceived by his mother smh 😂... all the while raising a future prince with his sworn enemy from their own timeline 😂😂😂
This timeline also have the funny side effect of morgana and nimueh being in the same room as merlin. Imagine the bitchfights bruh. And Merlin, Morgana and Nimue would be of approx the same age. Morgana would be so insanely jealous of Nimueh’s confidence and merlin’s attraction to her and and vice versa. Maybe morgs will side with nimue bec ofc she will... or maybe not.. morgs cannot stand if anyone not her sits on the throne of camelot... she’s gonna bring nimueh down.. i just know it and... Omg yeah theyre gonna fight over merlin. All the while the Gaius x Alice storyline is happening in the background with a nice nimue x gaius x alice tension going on.
Arthur is gonna grow up with this political landscape and i shiver thinking abt it. Morgana would parade him around as hers and Merlin’s child in front of nimue and she’ll be extra flirty with merlin (holysht yep she’ll definitely seduce him to gain leverage over nimueh).
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deutoplasmic · 28 days
AWWW SHY SUKAI,,, i dont trust ruki with hot objects but maybe hes well practiced,,, and shion with a pencil scares me LMAODJDKDJS
yup we’ve got tons of languages!! i only know filipino though bc im from the capital city 😭 but yea we’ve been colonized by spain, the US, and japan its been rough for us. most of our precolonial history is gone and we’re still lowkey a US military asset so we’re real screwed if the US and china go to war
YEA CHINESE NETIZENS DID THE MATH ITS CRAZY the ones who allegedly got rigged in tend to differ depending on who does the math but pick i have who got rigged out is hiroto (who was in jo1’s season and also boys planet and will be debuting soon in nxd) but concerning age,,, cpop isnt too strict on that compared to kpop and jpop. theres still that age pressure ofc but cpop tends to praise people who actively go against the status quo (ie masculine female idols, lolita girls, idols like 胡烨韬 who are as androgynous as you can get) there was even a trainee in 创造营2019 who was born in 1985 and he made it to the finale. there was some criticism ofc but he was mostly praised for being brave enough to keep trying
PLSSS the only was i can justify kyosuke’s strength is that he used to sell wheelchairs lmao im sure lifting wheelchairs into cars takes some strength
junmin!! hes the oldest member of xikers (and one of the shortest lmao) hes so cute tbh hes a bit like a yorkie,,, yappy,,, tiny,,, agile,,, he sings the first chorus of do or die. his voice always sounds like that
yea unis is crazy lmao a lot of filipinos like them because they have filipinos but. other than hyeonju theyre all just so young to me
HFNDJDJDJ HONESTLY I GET YOU if i mess up that far down a project. thats between me and god now 😭 but thanks for the compliment hdnsjsjshsjs
and i gotchu if u ever need to either yap or listen!! i can do both 💪
LMAO our politicians do the same thing dw 😔
also unrelated but someone said rihi looks like wolfgang from animal crossing and now i cant unsee
listen. you can never know how old ruki actually is in this au. tbh he probably says he doesn't know but he damn well does, down to the day and all.... but ok fair :rofl: i cant remember can anyone in jo1 draw????? i can only think of rihito and hes not in jo1 LOL
that's still impressive as hell....!!!!!!!! not the colonising bit the knowing filipino bit :sweatdrop: i hear just about all that's left of old filipino mythos are just scraps which is super super sad.... and yeah no you guys are absolutely done for if that ever happens. prolly become cannon fodder or smth. yikes
DID THE MATHS LOOOOOOOL the one benefit to have been a victim of one of the world's most demanding academic systems :rofl: RIGHT i'm pretty sure china was all over 刘逸云 back in the day. but it's cool to see things like that! most of my knowledge with chinese girls in the entertainment industry are conventionally pretty feminine girls like angelababy and like 白鹿, so the more you know! also 胡烨韬 is SO PRETTY wOW??????? 1985 omg good for him :handshake: nice to see especially when the other parts of east asia think that youth is paramount lmfao.....
OFC and his history as a baseball club member. or hes just built like that. who knows. its his redemption for being in bottom 3 ini quiz score LOL
love a short king lmao and youre so right he DOES look like a mini dog. he's got a set of pipes LOL but i admit i can't really hear much about his voice bc of the distortion :sweatdrop:
wait omg i forgot about that LOL there's like 2 filipino members right. and speaking of the philippines. what is a jollibees ive heard of it but never known what it is
OFC if you cant tell its wrong that closely then theres nothing wrong at all full stop!!! average crocheting experience!!!!!
thank you !!!!!!!!!! multitalented fr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and wow i think its a trend to have incompetent politicians thats crazy :rofl:
oh my GOD actually theyre so right............. wait..................... no way.................. its actualyl him omg
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jrueships · 3 years
ok consider…. artist kawhi.
I'm gonna be honest anon... I tried. I TRIED drawing a whole punch of pg sketches in different angles... and being like 'oh kawhi drew this LOL' but then they all came out like crap and I was like 'kawhi would never draw this.' so... the best I can give u is this deranged pilot p sketch I made bcus I couldn't draw pg any other fuckin way. Kawhi DIDNT draw this. He would NEVER. I just felt bad for not making this answer as epic as I wanted it 2 be 😭
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BUT ANYWAYS.... Y E S. ARTIST KAWHI PLSSSSS YEAH!!! I personally am not like.. BIG into art??? I just doodle sometimes when I feel like it and do no research so I can't like... describe kawhi artist all that great 😭 BUT!!! I feel like kawhi would be like!!! A BIG scenery artist!!!! He's the kind of artist who'll go outside without even wanting to draw, find a beautiful tree standing in the middle of the forest, pull out a journal and just sketch the absolute FUCK outta that thing!!!! Like UHH like this!!
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I didn't draw this btw duh KANDJA pinterest
And he's really slow and methodical with his art. Every line has a purpose!!!! Everything that gets put down onto paper gets turned into something beautiful! He's like one of those artists on utube where they start off a drawing and it looks insane and crazy but then u skip to the end and it's MONA LISA BABY!!!and it's like wtf happened????
ALSO I think he'd like to draw animals A LOT!!
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Mainly he'll just draw whatever little creature he sees! Like mainly birds sitting on wires! Because he finds them so fascinating with their hollow bones and how they can sit on things that don't make sense!!!@! Sometimes he draws a more exotic animal just for fun tho!!! Like the elephant !!!! But YEAH I think he'd be a very detailed and realistic artist!!! Uh.... REALISM I think that's what's its called.... ANYWAYS yEah he's a God at shading and understands light and how there needs to be a bounce light and stuff??? But like... at the same time... he doesn't. Like he's just SO pulled into his own drawing he doesn't even realize what he's skilled at because he just doesn't care!!! He just likes to draw because it makes him feel happy!!! Somebody will look at his drawing and be like "oh that's really good insert technical complex art term here!!!' And kawhi would just be like "that's a stick. Yeah. Thanks."
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LOTSA WATER CUZ LA HAS LOTSA WATER I THINK????? ROCKS!! LOTSA ROCKS!!!! I think he'd just be a natural artist so when he's standing at a location painting some specific scenery, he doesn't like... tilt his head and strain himself to picture the perfect angle. He just plops himself down by the isle and gets to work!!!!
But with drawing objects and people I think kawhi gets VERY meticulous.... very VERY careful. I think he draws Cars a lot, especially as a kid.. wants to put the perfect frame on display in the drawing. Make it look shiny and spruced up!!!
And with people... I think he's very secretive with drawing people KANXJA he has the basil where he thinks he puts too much of himself in drawing people. He puts too much thought into what personality trait the drawing should exemplify and what features should be showcased more and its all very !!!! Dear to him! It's embarrassing and very telling if others see into what he thinks of them!!!!!
Especially paul george... I think kawhi has a lot of drawings of pg... not only because he may secretly like pg but also because pg DOES have a very interesting figure to draw!!!!! The facial features are very unique!!! The eyes are small yet different and detailed. Even his stupid line up is different!!! It's all very fascinating and drawing pg probably takes kawhi the longest!! He probably draws him in different angles and poses to see how the features appear from different sights and such. IDK!!!!
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helsknight · 3 years
okay. okay. okay. ive never done one of these before but i want to so badly because i do think about this so here we go. @betweenlands helped me out with a couple (read: a bunch) of these and i'll mention where exactly ofc but huge shoutout to solar just in general for being an amazing creative waterspout for what feels like everything.
- scp hermitcraft au...been done before? maybe. nihil novi sub sole. but that won't stop me. i think the thing that makes them all Correlated is that everyone works in the same One building, stationed...somewhere. i'm not gonna give them numbers because i don't want them to be confused with ACTUAL scps, and even if i choose a currently unused number it will likely get filled in the future. so i'll just use names <3
im putting the rest of this under a cut bcause it got LONG AS FUCK lmao but please give it a read i'd appreciate it <333 i will. probably make art for this soon. its really been spinning my brain around
- cub, zedaph, and welsknight are all scientists in the facility, with varying degrees of Normal, but all are slightly..."Hm". zed is probably the most normal, but it's hard to tell where/if he got any sort of science degree. he gives off the vibe like someone hired him without doing a whole lot of background checks (see mr. fantastic from fallout new vegas), but he takes his research projects in STRIDE and he makes up for it with a lot of passion in his work.
- cub is definitely educated, and it feels like he's the only one actually running the place. that doesn't mean he sticks to the protocol very often, though! but it seems like he knows what is and isn't against the rules, unlike zed, even if he cares just as little about what rules he circumvents. he claims to be more of a chemist than a researcher, so he lets zed do what he wants. it's also incredibly obvious to any trained eye that he's not human (or at least not entirely), but when you're surrounded by anomalies of all kinds, it's easy to explain aging backwards once in a while.
- wels plays the scientist role the straightest out of the three, mostly because he knows what happens to people who break the rules at the foundation and he's a lot more cautious and a lot less reckless. still, he busies himself most with upkeep and containment procedures, as well as filework and other things. before he was a scientist at the current foundation location, he had a very. strange. accident with SCP-914. he was moved offsite after that to his current location, but (according to official sources) he's very panicked that he's been followed. sounds fine though lol
- doc USED to be a scientist. unfortunately, according to some records which have been expunged several times (and rewritten by a very angry doc equally as many times), he 'got into a fight with a god and lost his arm, eye, and several teeth--but still won!' it's unsure when his skin started to change colors, but he was contained shortly after that. he keeps reapplying to be a scientist, citing other researchers who are 'definitely worse than he is', but there's been no plea deal just yet.
- solar helped me nail this one down a lot more (bless u solar)! iskall and xisuma are currently taskforce--employed as guards on most cases, but are occasionally sent on duty to corral SCP escapees, as well as collect new ones! ren USED to be on taskforce, but something went terribly wrong in the field and he was bit by a "werewolf". it's pretty obvious it wasn't JUST a werewolf, but don't tell ren that. we'll come back to that later. he's contained and prevented from going out on the force 'for his own safety', mostly, but his cell is under complete lockdown on full moon nights. iskall's eye was clawed out in the same fight where ren got decommissioned, but other than that, theyre fine! their arm hurts sometimes, but they never got bitten, so that means they're in the clear, right?
- xisuma is a funny one. he actually joined the taskforce with his twin brother, ex--you couldn't usually tell them apart, so they tended to color-code their underarmor. however, ex messed up at some point--really, really bad--and was demoted to d-class. xisuma (and most of the facility, actually) was devastated, so they were given amnesiacs so they Wouldn't Remember :). ex went missing (presumed dead) after an experiment with a particularly volatile scp with the codename "midas' minion". however, if he WERE still alive, perhaps with a few new abilities and more than a little mind-controlled, he'd probably be pretty angry that everyone forgot about him. that would suck. xisuma still doesn't remember why he wears green most of the time--or, more accurately, why he never wears red.
- and FINALLY we can move on to the actual SCPS!! first up is everyone's favorite grian. he's a mimic scp, and visually looks like a mix between a harpy and an overgrown parrot. his anomaly is that he can perfectly imitate another creature's voice, completely indistinguishably--but, additionally, he can also say ANYTHING that the creature would say, regardless of whether HE knows or not. for example, he could easily start spouting foundation secrets he should NOT have access to if he wanted to. the foundation does not like him! <3 his only restriction is that he has to hear the person speak before he can properly mimic them--otherwise he'd only be guessing.
- next is the beloved cleo, paired alongside the very joe hills himself! solar suggested this one again and i absolutely loved it so. cleo is the "werewolf" that bit ren, but of course. werewolf is a loose term. she can transform into anything that has a contagious bite. werewolf, vampire, zombie, you name it and she's there. currently she's a zombie, because vampires are VERY last century, but when she was captured she's a werewolf. solar also mentioned that she would definitely transform into an angel at some point, which has hilarious (if worrying) implications. joe is kind of different! he's a thaumiel-class scp, sort of, but the foundation is working very hard to figure out what his deal even...is. all thats obvious is that, without one or the other in each others immediate vicinity, they're basically uncontainable. joe likes to write poetry in his cell, and cleo enjoys threatening joe while he writes poetry.
- next up is our goodtimeswithscar <3 he's...less containable than any of the other scps in the location, but just as frequent a character. his arrival is usually preceded by a grey-white tabby cat appearing as well, lounging on paperwork and activating doc's allergies from miles away. when he does show up, it's kind of odd--he acts like he's meant to be there, entering containment cells and talking to the SCPs or drinking tea in the break room. they've tried to contain him as well--arrest, secure, pretty much anything--but as soon as the tabby cat (which scar calls, oh-so-affectionately, 'jellie-cat') is gone, scar usually leaves within a day.
- finally, the last one i have thought up pretty much at all, is our dear wormman <3 he's a shapeshifter mimic whose mimicry is much more complete than grians--he can transform almost entirely into a replica of another person, including their memories. however, when he chooses a form, it usually sticks for...a really long while. currently, he's at-a-glance indistinguishable from zedaph. of course, if you put them next to each other, you could probably start to notice some differences...but maybe not which was which. he enjoys 'playing', because he's lived far too long for this containment thing to really bother him, and his current choice of game is pretending to be a very incredible and powerful superhero who's been detained by the evil masterminds. because of course! when he copied zedaph's memories, however, he actually got the slightly better deal out of it...because zedaph, if you'll recall, was given amnesiacs to deal with a certain problem. wormman escapes his containment far too often for it to be a coincidence, or just on his own, but he's usually corralled back in fairly quickly--he's not subtle or very good at escaping. the only person who's ever SEEN one of his escapes claims that someone who looked a lot like xisuma, except with longer, white hair, broke him out, but that's frankly illogical because the person who saw it WAS xisuma, so there's probably another shapeshifter on the loose, or wormman has a secret gaggle of friends.
that's. all i have for the moment, and actually i wrote a whole lot more than i thought i'd have LMAOJSDHKJF but! i'm definitely still brainstorming more hermits as scps so pls go ahead and ask me about these id love to talk abt this au. am certainly going to draw these things very soon, again thank you solar for helping me w some of this and also for listening to my rough pass of some ideas <333
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Ive seen a lot of Dream (and usually Techno and Phil too) as gods au (i have one too dw) but all of you are sleeping on the funniest option.
Tommy is the god.
hes the only one in that galaxy (other than drista ofc)
Just imagine how fucking funny it is like 
it would be so fucking hilarious
and tommy just doesnt tell them
so techno is just there making all these blood god jokes and jokingly telling tommy to serve him and tommys just laughing
imagine a god in the form of a chaotic 16 year old racoon gremlin just walts into your land commits arson and gets banned, only to come back with another person who he helps start a nation for drugs?
imagine how fucking funny it is
imagine tubbo banning a literal god from his lands and he just doesnt come back? he just plays by the rules? then goes and like sits in the corner all sad because some humans/dreamons told him to leave
ranboo, just joining the server: hi-  a chaotic gremlin god: wanna commit arson with me?  ranboo, just trying to vibe and maybe not disturb this god: sure 
Phil and Ranboo recongnize Tommy as a god on sight.
Everyone else just refuses to believe it. hes Tommy. Tommyinnit. hes just weird lol
And Drista being a fucking chaotic blood god? 
drista is open about her godhood and does not hesitate to spawn blocks
Drista finds Dream and decides she likes this small human, and dream just has to deal with it lmao.
drista and tommy are both born at the same time.
Tommy is a god of music, chaos, war and theivery (the last one bc he is a BITCH)
Drista is the blood god, chaos, deception, and theatre
okay but imagine the sbi interactions... like ig in this au tommy joins at like 12/13 years of age (in their minds) so he doesnt really grow much 
and like tommy, a literal god, just claiming phil as his father???
phil, in his house making eggs, assuming one of his sons woke up and came to the kitchen, not looking: hey son  tommy, from their couch, already deciding hes phils son now: whats up dad? phil: looks up at tommy who are you tommy: idk dad, who am i  phil: *stares at tommy for a second* eh i made extra eggs you can stay 
everyone on the server: tommy is the youngest! tommy, as old as the universe: no im not!!!! im not a child!!!! he doesnt pout because pouting is for children and hes not a child but hes pouting tubbo: lol im older than you by a month tommy dont try to hide it tommy: im not a child!!!! techno: laughs
tommy doesn't try to hide that hes a god just its tommy
thats all the evedince anyone needs to think tommy isnt a god or powerful its like mcc hes good but only when he doesnt throw for content
quackity: sees drista written in bedrock lmao drista visited? tommy: yeah! i wrote that for her!  quackity: snorts yeahhhh sureee tommy
imagine like how fucking funny it is jsut like 
a fucking chaotic god breaks into your house androbs you makes a room under your house and decides to live in your floorboards
imagine dream like trying to manipulate tommy, and tommy a fucking anchient diety immeditly recongnizes what hes doing
but decides to play along for the angst and giggles and then actually gets mad when no one fucking cares for his theatrics
tommy, storming off to technos base to rob and build under: >:///// cant believe none of them acknoledged my  deppression 
i love that tommy stills robs everyone, he doesnt need to he can spawn in anything he wants
he just does it for the sport of robbery
dream: im god actually tommy: thats so fucking funny lets make a cult about that :)  dream: see! look! im god! and jesus!  tommy: wheezing
imagine tommy getting stressed and letting go of his mortal form
Tommy, his human form peeling away, showing his actual form a bit: WH̸͘A͠T̷ ̶̢T͞H͢E ̡͘F̴̵͘Ù̧C͜K҉ ̶T͘͜͞E͟CHǸ͏Ǫ  Techno: HAH?
tommy just saw tubbo and got emotionally attached
Tommy, a literal god: hello Tubbo: oh hi do you like my pet bee? Tommy: you’re mine now Tubbo: im okay with this
tommy, a bored god: gives techno shapeshifting powers  techno, not even caring: changes into more human to pig-ishg forms as he wishes this is my life now ig 
phil lets tommy do fuck all in exile bc he knows hes a god hes fine
phil: IDC IF YOURE A GOD! YOU WILL DO THE DISHES NOW YOUNG MAN! tommy: grumbles but does them
phil is the only one who can control tommy
god... tommy... with star freckles... on his human form... (as well as his god one)
tommy: f̷͛͠a̵̋t̵̒̑h̸̚e̶̓͝r̸͊ ̸̐̒i̴ ̸̅̿d̷̉͆o̵͂͋ ̵̛̆ñ̸̾ő̶́t̸̎́ w̶͆͘i̴͠s̵̓̈́h̸͗́ ̵̯͗f̶͋́ő̴͑r̷̐̌ ̶͝é̵̽g̸͊͂g̵̒s̷͂̃  phil: idc, eat your goddamn eggs tommy: pouts
tommy, despite being able to get supplies himself by fucking spawning them in: hey tubbo? we need supplies 
In this au ig like if a god claims you you get a mark on your skin showing that. Drista’s would be like a green crown, Tommys would be a red and white disk (white as the outer ring and red as the center) (its different enough that if you don’t realise tommy is a god you wouldnt realise whos it is) (schlatt is the only one who never had one which shoulda been a sign dude :/)
Dream has two from the beginning, everyone else has only one, well until they meet drista. (sbi have had one since they met tommy, though they dont remember the first time they met tommy)
wait what if tommy like found them all as children one by one and later kinda pulled some strings to get them all in one kingdom. (he still joined sbi through forcing phil to adopt him) 
tommy would hang out with baby techno and tell him stories
once he told him the story of a man named thesus
another time he told him the story of a blood god
like for example tommys first time meeting techno would be like
(for context techno lived in a shitty village and was an orphan and it was kinda a dog eat dog place, he learned how to be strong because of it)(he was young enough that he doesn’t remember this well, just like learning about the blood god and someone giving him gold)
baby techno: sighs tommy, appearing out of nowhere: oh heyyy whyre you sad? techno: jumps turning around with a knife up ready for a fight who are you tommy: im tommy! :) techno: what do you want from me! you dont scare me! tommy: whats your name! techno: i have a knife! i'll use it! tommy: of course, thats a given, but its rude not to tell people your name techno, confused: t-technoblade? tommy: smiles thats a nice name techno: so. tommy: hm? techno: why're you here tommy: i don't have a reason. im just a traveller! techno: then why hole to this terrible village! theres nothing nice here! everyone is terrible and so are you! tommy: hmmmm i dont agree techno: what are you? a child? i thought adults were supposed to know that everyone is mean tommy: mmhmm looks at the bruise on technos face where'd you get that? techno: fight. i won. i'll win against you too! so don't try anything. tommy: of course. i would never win in a fight against a blood god techno, putting down his knife a bit, stars in his eyes: blood god? tommy: grins blood. god. i think she'd like you. techno, muttering: maybe i can give the blood god some of your blood tommy: laughs yeah, she'd defenitly find you intresting tommy: here tosses techno a golden crown at techno, he spawned it in in the moment techno: whats this? tommy: a crown, thought it suit you screams in the distance tommy: huh. i need to go. have fun lil piglin. ruffles technos hair before running off towards the screaming unbeknownst to the pig the blood god was actually the one waiting for the god he met. techno: stares at the crown 
Techno found a pouch of gold in his ‘house’ later that day. he didnt know who left it but it helped him get food for that night. (he kept the crown)
okay but imagine tommy not taking the war seriously at all, and only seeing it as a squabble between mortals, Like toddlers fighting
tommy doesnt realise that theyre serious until wilbur dies
tommy would usually go apeshit against anyone who dares messes with his humans, but what is he supposed to do when his humans are fighting Eachother?
wilbur: fucking goes insane and dies  tommy: hey- hey can you guys let me talk to wil for a sec? everyone else leaves tommy, unsually somber: sorry i didnt help you i forgot how easily breakable mortals are tommy: this time you wont die, and i'll make it so that you dont break again, okay? tommy: brings wilburs soul out of its body and enters his mindscape ghostbur: wakes up what- where am i? tommy: hi there ghostbur: who are you tommy: i go by a lot of names all, one, you, the world, the universe, god, but you can just call me tommy ghostbur: oh okay. who am i? tommy: you're name was wilbur soot. you were the son of philza minecraft and brother to Technoblade, Tubbo and myself. ghostbur: was? tommy: well you see, you died. ghostbur: oh... well what am i then? tommy: a ghost! well actually its your choice. would you like to continue your existance or fade away with your body? ghostbur: i dont want to fade away! tommy: smiles thats what i thought you'd say stretches his hand to wilbur ghostbur: grabs tommy hand tommy: lets go home
ghostbur doesnt remember that though
he only remembers the good
tommy wont let him remember the bad, what if he breaks again? mortals are so fragile
phil realises what tommy did as soon as he sees ghostbur 
drista, painting tommys nails (there both in god form btw) (after wilburs death btw): tommy shouldn't you of all gods realise how fragile they are?  tommy: i know just... forgot  drista: sighs and nods i get what you mean, especially with the ones we found... they act a lot like gods sometimes i forgot they arent  tommy: ikr? wait- drista here gets drista's hair out of her face you were gonna get it on my nails, anyways, don't judge me. we all know if dream died you would turn him into a ghost too drista: smirks not if you do it first, we all know you would tommy: you say that as if you wouldn't fight me to do it first  drista: .... tommy: ... drista: both of us when he dies? tommy: nods tommy: anyways my turn to do your nails 
or like tommy with ghostbur like
ghostbur: i don't like this :( tommy, a worried brother and god: whats wrong? ghostbur: everyone is mad at me and i d-dont know why- why are they mad at me tommy: theyre mad at something alivebur did ghostbur: b-but im not alivebur sniffs it hurts. i dont like it. tommy: spawns in some blue here ghostbur: whats that? tommy: its some blue! it'll help you not hurt anymore! ghostbur: how does it work? tommy: see how its blue? ghostbur: nods tommy: well its blue because it sucks up all the bad feelings! it'll help ghostbur: !!!!! ghostbur: presses the blue into his chest ghostbur: !!!!its working!!!! :D tommy: smiles good
wilbur fucking died and tommy went from annoying little brother to caring older brother
tommy just wants to help his brother :) though he doesnt realise that not letting ghostbur remember bad memories isnt good
*at logsted shire btw* ghostbur: who are you? tommy, chuckling: did you forget me already ghostbur? ghostbur: i didnt forget you! i think! you're tommy! i just... you're different tommy, looks over at ghostbur: different how? ghostbur: you're not normal are you? tommy: grins whaaaaat? you think im weirdddd? how heartbreaking... my own brother thinks im weird, this is terrible ghostbur: giggles tommy: but really, don't worry about it bur. ghostbur: you sure? tommy: yeah, dont worry about me ghostbur: smiles okay! do you want some blue anyways? tommy: giggles sure! ghostbur: grins
ghostbur isnt worried about tommy
he knows hes strong
phil having to tell tommy that he cant just not let wilbur remember the bad memories
and tommys like "what if he breaks again!" and phil hugs him and tells him to at least ask ghostbur if he wants to remember and tommys like ‘fine’
tommy: hey bur? ghostbur: yeah? tommy: do you like you're memories? ghostbur: i mean, yeah its hard not to when you only remember the good tommy, quietly: would you want to remember the bad? ghostbur: w-what brought this question on tommy: answer the question ghostbur: no- alivebur was badi shouldn't want to- tommy: but what do you want bur? wilbur, silent for a moment: yeah- yeah i do. not that i like the bad memories! they hurt... but i wish i could remember tommy: ... ghostbur: hey tommy? tommy: yeah? ghostbur, with tears in his eyes: do you think they'd be less mad at me if i could remember, maybe then i could repair my relationships, what the hell am i supposed to do when i dont even remember hurting them? tommy: what if they dont? what if you break again? ghostbur, saltily: we'll maybe i'll be able at least be able to say i know why everyone hates me tommy: i know how to get all of your memories back ghostbur, looks towards tommy in shock: you do??? tommy: nods ghostbur, voice wavering: for how long tommy: since the beginning ghostbur: and you didnt tell me tommy: i did what i thought was best. i just didnt want you to hurt anymore. ghostbur, angrily: WELL THAT CLEARLY WORKED DIDNT IT? tommy: sorry wilbur, sometimes i forget how to handle humans ghostbur: what- tommy: sighs and taps ghostbur on the forehead and ghostbur does the ghost equivilent of passing out tommy: wont hide any memories this time
ghostbur doesnt wake up, instead wilbur wakes up weither thats good or bad we'll see
wilbur, waking up with all his memories: HOLY SHIT TOMMY WASN'T KIDDING phil, who was reading beside the bed tommy placed wilbur into, which was in technos house. yes he broke into technos house with a passed out wilbur. move on.: hm? wilbur: holy shit phil: huh? yeah. wilbur: wait you knew? phil: yeah i recongnized him as soon as i saw him about 5 years ago now? wilbur: excuse me while i freak out because my little brother is an actual god
it really hits wilbur that tommy is a god later
wilbur: hey tommy? tommy: yeah? wilbur: how fucking old are you? tommy: snorts of course thats the first thing you ask wilbur: well? tommy: i dont really know the exact years since years are kind of a human thing that were invented recently wilbur: they were invented thousands of years ago- tommy: but it was around the beginning of this galaxy wilbur, softly: what the fuck
tommy telling wilbur stories about different heros and villains and different humans he met during his life.
Adsjbffsg what if Tommy made himself blonde and blue eyed and white bc thats hyow the first human he met looked like asjfhsd
and just didnt change that, despite meeting new humans, its just his defult settings.
he would totally do this tho im crying.
drista just based her human form off dream because she is his sister now. he must deal with this. trying disowning me when i look like you BITCH.
thats my take anyways later might continue this
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pianjeong · 4 years
congressional debate zukka au
this is inspired by @owlsantuary‘s post i was a congressional debater in hs so here u go
sokka is captain of his school's debate team; he joined as a freshman bc he was like "a club that lets me expound on my opinions for five minutes straight? yes plz" and was good enough that he made captain as a sophomore when the previous one graduated
- the idea of "politicking" is really important in congressional bc it's how you get people to support your bills if you wrote them, or if you have a really good argument and want that bill to be higher on the docket (bc sometimes you run out of time)
- sokka absolutely OWNS at this bc he's that guy that everyone wants to be friends with and half the people he talks to don't even realize that he has an agenda
- he also makes actual friends with the people from rival schools bc that's just what he's like
- his assertiveness sometimes gets him into sticky situations bc ppl get offended by him cutting them off during question time, but it's usually bc theyre trying to run out the clock and he is NOT having that
- i always led tongue twister exercises at the start of every competition to get our voices warmed up and im imagining sokka and his team SHOUTING the "betty bought a bit of butter" one in the middle of the hallway and getting weird looks (if you haven't heard of it look it up it's HARD)
- he always gets full points for pathos (yes that's a real thing) bc he'll tell jokes abt his teacher dads or his sister but then he'll turn around and make his dumb joke into a big-picture argument about the value of education or something; sometimes it backfires though bc he makes a joke at the wrong time
- i think he’d struggle with arguing for opinions he doesn’t agree with…bc he has CONVICTIONS and is basically physically incapable of arguing against like. a climate change bill or something
- this means that he sometimes scores low bc he only argues what he agrees with
- zuko is research captain for his team, which happens to be no. 1 rivals with sokka's school
- he is the master of the rebuttal bc he loves nothing more than tearing holes in people's arguments
- he isn't the best at being adaptible if the debate takes a turn away from what he predicted/researched for, and he does have problems with looking down at his notes WAY too much (youre allowed notes but youre meant to make as much eye contact as possible), but he always shows up with exorbitant numbers of sources and flattens people with FACTS
- when he's not speaking he is the most awkward of the awkwards and he despises politicking bc it makes him feel self-conscious; this means that he honestly doesn't have v many friends besides his own team but at the same time everyone Knows Of him and the "oh SHIT zuko sozin is in my debate room im so screwed" whispers are real
- he's better at arguing whichever side of the debate is available instead of only sticking with his own beliefs, which allows him to rack up a ridiculous amount of points bc he's speaking every ten minutes
- he's also at least co-author, if not singular author, of like 80% of the bills his school submits for debate (which also contributes to everyone knowing his name)
- sokka and zuko had definitely heard of each other before they actually meet; sokka bc of zuko's Reputation (tm) and zuko bc ofc he'd know of the captain of their biggest rival
- also bc they're always getting called up at the awards ceremonies for best speaker awards (and best bill for zuko)
- they do NOT understand what's so great about the other...but also are Looking Respectfully bc debate requires formal wear and ofc zuko shows up in a tailored three-piece suit and sokka's probably wearing his dad's old suit but makes it look good anyway
- this changes the first time they're assigned to the same room and sokka bounds up to zuko to introduce himself and immediately stutters bc o god cute boy cuter up close and zuko thinks this is precious but also has no idea what to say and blurts out something dumb and then they both sit down and look Determinedly Away
- zuko is very surprised when he finds sokka is actually kinda funny and even tho he thinks that him only arguing one side is disadvantageous he's also v impressed by the strength of it (and oh my god a good family relationship what???)
- sokka is floored by zuko bc his speeches literally sound like poetry with sources (insert that line from rwrb that's like "'see attached bibliography' is the single sexiest thing youve said to me")
- and THEN...they both get to go to the captains' lunches which is where they really sit and talk for the first time over pizza and sodas and maybe exchange numbers :0
- there is definitely "fraternization with the enemy" talk from their teams mostly joking but also sokka youre CAPTAIN you cant do that hes ZUKO SOZIN PLS STOP (spoiler: he doesnt care)
- it takes ages and ages for them to progress past being friends but they always sit together at captains' lunches and sometimes their teams....sit close at awards...and they trash talk and flirt across the bleacher dividers......
- it all comes to a head at the state competition which both teams make it to and they're both REAL nervous the night before and run into each other in the hotel lobby and it turns into them sitting up half the night talking and theyre both exhausted on competition day but it's ok bc coffee is a thing
- and then oh shit....sokka qualifies for nationals and zuko doesn't but someone else on his team does......and everyone expects zuko to be mad about it and sure he's disappointed but also hes just so happy for sokka that it kinda overshadows it
- they sneak away from the celebration dinner that both teams just Happened to be at the same restaurant for (actually, the sponsor squad aka iroh, hakoda, and piandao definitely planned this) and make out outside and tell their friends to fuck off when they come looking for them; they've both been dancing around this forever they deserve it
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sleevesareforlosers · 3 years
i would love to know about angie as an adult……..how does her relationship w the girl change over time & especially like. with sing?????? i love her i’m kissing her head
oh!!!! as an adult adult she's still racing (theres an attempt at a subtle face reveal postcomics that doesnt go as planned skdjfh) and lives with a bunch of the crashtrack medics in a communal house/polycule that they never really bother explaining to anyone. shes SUPER super bad with kids not in a mean way but just in the way that some people dont Get kids. vaya and helen would never ask her to babysit hell's kids. i think she gets top surgery a few years postcomics as well and gets a Few tattoos but only like. six or seven (no clue what they are yet). 7
in terms of the girl! they've got an interesting trajectory imo? like kind of until angie was five or six the age gap was enough that angie was like, yeah the girls little sister but the girl was ALSO a kid so angie was like. a bit of a pet? which sounds really bad but you know how kids like babies and dont always see them as people theyre just cute little things? yeah. and then the girl was like. twelve when sing happened in the closest-to-canon version of angies au so by then shes like. going thru puberty which is a Hard time for anyone and especially for a trans kid even when raised by like. 3.5 trans people.
so the situation going into sing was that the girl was getting a little antsy with the state of things and angie was a bit too young to get why so that was when they were probably the farthest apart? then ofc sing happened and they stayed at the radioshack for a few months before they BOTH just got too antsy to stay. like yes doc and pony were GREAT and doing their best but the girls were both super fucked up abt things (understandable) and the girls a motorbaby so she doesnt like staying still and they were doing a little 'no one knows what we went through' codependency thing (also a little understandable) so they ran together.
and they did that for like. 7 years. just wandering around the zones just the two of them, not necessarily looking for fights but not running from them either and then trading off what they could salvage to TCM for things like food and hairdye. angie started racing (again ? still working that out) when she was like 9 and that complicated their relationship for a bit bc the girl was SO used to moving around by then that having to stay in kinda one place so angie could be close to races uhhhh fuckin sucked. she came back eventually and then they settled into a routine of races and having their home base (garage/autoshop of a torched neutral settlement) and the girl going on drac hunts.
comics happened Roughly the same (with the addition of a fourteen year old who hates val so so much) and post-reforming and all my standard postcanon stuff angie decides not to go travelling with the girl and her mom. for racing reasons but also for it-hurts-seeing-the-girl-with-a-parent-when-mine-are-all-dead reasons. maybe a little bit of resentment there, she's fourteen, sue her. she gets over it pretty quick, all things considered, and they settle into a like. stableish relationship
like. all in all theyre very close but theyre also sisters and theyre also like. deeply traumatized lmao. so they'll fight and they'll run off on each other and they'll crawl into one another's beds when they have nightmares and they'll get in fights on each other's behalf. idk. they love each other
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oceanselevenism · 4 years
I've seen that most of the stories on ao3 about them are mostly canon-compliant (and I don't have anything against that tbh) but I was wondering if you have any aus that you think could fit them or that you'd like to see?
omg i have SO MANY aus!! (it got Very Long so its under a cut)
- college au! danny gets kicked out (hes on full scholarship and does Thiefly Things to cover his expenses so hes not endangered just fairly fucked up abt it) (does it count as kicked out if u only live w ur dad three months a year) in freshman year, he befriends rusty (1 year below him) in sophomore year, debbie also befriends rusty (she and danny dont talk much but shes 2 yrs below him at the same college), and when reuben comes calling for a job he thinks debbie has a boyfriend (thanks to debbie telling her dad that she does) so she fake dates rusty. who ends up joining the job. and danny is Very Jealous
- snl ripoff au! danny and rusty are the weekend-update-adjacent anchors and they get gay. i Would have this take place in la (reuben is taking A Risk producing a late night sketch comedy show on the west coast but the 11/12/however fuckin many are fantastic cast members so even though they lose revenue from the other timezones not watching as much as they watch snl or whatever, they still make BANK... but danny and rusty getting gay throws the equilibrium out of whack) BUT la sucks DICK so its happening in new york. also this way u get Ocean Sibling Banter (debbie and lou are the anchors for The Actual Weekend Update and when debbie/lou get together and also when danny/rusty get together there are so many ‘just switch out the blondes/brunettes nobody will be able to tell and we won’t have hr down our necks’ jokes)
- au where the caldwells, abt to go deep undercover on a Huge Fucking Case, have to give up custody of 6 year old linus to tess and danny. the case stretches on for twelve years and linus grows up w tess and danny (who get divorced like right after they adopt him bc tess finds out abt dannys Thiefly Activities-- he confesses to her bc he doesnt rly want to predispose the kid to said thiefly activities) and also isabel (she and rusty break up like Right Before tess and dannys wedding and its very funny; she then goes on to marry tess) parenting him (rusty isnt as much in the picture bc he doesnt feel bad at all abt stealing and tess doesnt want linus to pick up that mentality also rusty Feels Things abt danny)! then when linus is like 18 or 19 danny disappears (tess and isabel think its Thiefly Activities again and arent concerned, just disappointed, but linus is very concerned for his dad-slash-stepdad-slash-sort-of-uncle) and he tracks down rusty so they can find danny. they roadtrip across america and eventually catch up to danny, who is helping the caldwells, and the five of them take down whatever gang the caldwells were chasing. linus now has 6 parents
- au based on this post where some archaeologist finds a bunch of dannys [french person voice] Love Lettairs 2 rusty and so obviously the logical course of action is to rob the museum (which happens to be the museum that tess is curating. funny how things work out) without telling his team What Theyre Stealing. they successfully pull off the heist but turns out the letters were not among the items they stole!! danny is getting desperate. as a last-ditch attempt he calls tess and asks her to let them rob the museum. shes like Why The Fuck Would I Do That. he explains and she begrudgingly agrees. danny and livingston go break into the museum Again but rusty tails them bc dannys been acting Weird and he finds out abt the letters bc livingston sweats more whenever he tells a lie. they live happily ever after (literally, theyre immortal) the end. also even though dannys a werewolf the 11 all call him the new jersey devil (its not his fault that legend came to be ok!! he was very drunk!!)
- childhood friends au!! danny and rusty were best buds as very young kids and then the oceans had to move. flash forward 2 present day where danny and debbie r robbing a museum (theyre building a flower shop over the vault and tunneling in, the dudes in brazil who came up w it are very very clever) and guess which two people are the assistant curators (is that even a title?). guess. ill tell u its tess and rusty! danny recognizes rusty, rusty ‘does not recognize’ danny (which is valid. look at photos of child george clooney and tell me you would recognize him). the 11 demand that they use this to their advantage and so danny and rusty Sort Of Date while the rest set up for the robbery, and danny feels really bad abt it so on the day of (after everyone has gotten away, ofc, he might be a lovesick bitch but hes not a snitch) he confesses and rustys like lmao i was onto u from the start. what kind of a name is [insert alias here] anyway. then they go live a life of crime and its great
- @sanduschism came up w a fantastic au where danny pickpockets rusty and feels bad so he sends the wallet back and they strike up a Correspondence
- HOSPITAL AU!!! danny and rusty r er techs while theyre doing med school and nobody knows how they juggle their shifts w school but also rusty can do a tracheotomy in like 5 seconds and danny can tell when a person needs an mri before they even list their symptoms so nobody questions it and nobody splits them up Ever. when they eventually become surgeons, danny does cardio and rusty does neuro, and whenever they have to work together not only do they never have to say what theyre doing, they don't even have What Do U Want To Cook For Dinner convos fully out loud. tess is head nurse... she makes so many excel spreadsheets... they are ALL color coded. isabel is head er doc and nobody dares to halfass things on her watch. reuben is head hospital admin, saul is chief surgeon, basher is head of the burn unit, the malloys r the HUNKIEST nurses in town, frank does plastic surgery/ent (every patient loves him bc he is just So Calm), livingston is The IT Guy, yen does like orthopedics or physical therapy, and linus is their fav resident who they all lovingly tease 24/7. the ocean sibs r both Cardio Gods and each dominate their respective coasts. debbie is an nyc doctor and if she sees a mass gen doctor its on SIGHT. the few surgeries that she and danny collab on go so fast that the med students in the gallery Cannot tell whats happening. lou is also a plastic surgeon and she and frank r best buds. linus requests time off like 6 months in advance Every Time and everyone hates it bc then They have to be on call but he doesnt realize his Extreme Overachieverness is causing so much strife. whenever tess and danny get in an argument she colorcodes his rounds spreadsheet to be the most neon shit youve ever seen. can you tell i never fully progressed past my greys anatomy phase this one is like 93489302 lines long
- superpower au where rusty has midas touch and danny has corrosive touch and when theyre too young to have control over their powers (abilities develop throughout adolescence and the user gains control at the end of adolescence) they accidentally brush hands and are terrified they just killed each other but turns out their powers like. cancel out. so until they reach like 21 or 22 and can touch things without fucking them UP they just. hold hands all the time. bc otherwise they have to wear gloves to prevent Accidents and both of them “hate gloves” (and also love holding hands. gayasses)
- uhhh hallmark au where danny is a crime fiction writer out on some beach north of ocean city nj and rusty is his fancy nyc editor. everyone else is a thief including debbie who is just Very weirded out that her brother, who robbed boston’s institute of contemporary art at age 22 and got away with it, has decided to spend the rest of his life churning out books. he is very critically acclaimed and about half of the 11 are buds with him and use his published books as heist inspo. the other ~half of the 11 are buds with rusty, and they tell him if danny’s heists are feasible or not (they always are. scarily so.) anyway rusty and isabel break up 12 days before xmas and danny and tess break up 8 days before hanukkah so dannys heading to debbie’s place in upstate new york to mope for the holidays when A BLIZZARD HITS and he gets stranded in midtown. and he and rusty are buds but like. Email Buds. they dont hang out irl and therefore they dont let their Totally Bud-Like Feelings mess up their professional relationship. but danny is stranded and its hanukkah and he ends up crashing at rustys place for the duration of the blizzard. and then rusty ends up coming to debbies place for the rest of the holidays. and then they kiss on new years eve and debbie kicks them out bc theyre being gross
- And More! thanks for the ask, anon! sorry it got so long lol i just have Many Thoughts
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nonasidesstuff · 4 years
the dimension travel au
aka Virgil’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week
so this is like half bullet fic half outline half word vomit but here it is!
this is based on a set of art drawn by @greenninjagal-blog that you can find here with the original version of this au
i dont mind if anyone wants to use any of these ideas just tag me/send me a link if you do!
this got SUPER LONG so its going under a cut
ok lets start with
his world is medieval-with-magic
the magic here tends to take on different elemental forms depending on the user
people who use magic are called witches
his is storm based (lightning, rain, wind, etc) and is good for both offense (shooting fucking LIGHTNING at someone is great in a fight) and gardening (the ability to call rain at will is pretty nice)
he can also make potions but in his world ANYONE with magic can make potions
the thing is,,,,, magic is illegal in the kingdom he lives in
so when he found out he had magic at like age 11 he fucked off in the middle of the night
he found another witch (a water witch) fairly soon after he left and they taught him how to control his powers and how to make potions
also how to hunt bc hed planned on living out of cities
5 years later hes 16 and has learned all he could and leaves to go to the woods in the middle of nowhere
his teacher had told him about a cottage they had built in a clearing in the woods and said he could go there bc they were leaving the kingdom
they left behind a lot of books on magic and he learned more reading those
the cottage was actually in pretty good shape? the roof was a little leaky but the furniture inside was fine
the outside was a nightmare though. overgrown plants all over
as the years went on he restored the area around the cottage and found a bunch of neat stuff
like a vegetable garden that had been overgrown and wild but still had healthy plants he could cultivate for food. there were also some spice plants that had gone out of control that he harvested and dried for later use
he found out the woods around his home were full of berries (wild strawberries and blackberries. shhhhhh idc if they dont grow in the same places this is a Magic World) and discovered that one of the trees in the clearing was actually an apple tree so yay fruit!!!!
so he was living the good life
cut to 3 years later
hes 19 now and a full-blown weather witch and potion maker
he has sectioned off his garden into 3 parts: spices, vegetables, and potions ingredients
unfortunately some ingredients just wont grow well in a garden and have to be harvested from the wild
virgil realizes hes running low on a couple of said ingredients and decides to make a run to the patches of potion herbs he knows of
he only gets halfway there
a swirling blue-and-yellow vortex opens up 20 feet in the air to the right of him and something falls out
something human shaped
holy shit its a PERSON
he rushes over to make sure this person is okay and.
they have reddish brown fox ears?????
and a reddish brown and grey tail????????
he pokes one of the ears and it twitches
holy shit theyre REAL????!!!!!!!!!
he gathers up this person and takes them home
he puts the strange person in his bed and tends to the minor injuries they obtained from falling 20 feet
this is when he realizes that this person is dressed,,,,,, very strangely
now, people in virgil’s world have some freedom in what they can wear. they can wear whatever the FUCK they want. virgil is partial to dresses and skirts himself
but what this person is wearing is different. the material was like nothing hed ever seen before and in a strange style
(it suits him. its really cute)
he slept for a little over 9 hours
(virgil slept on the floor)
and when he woke he was disoriented and woozy
so he ate a small meal and drank some water and fell back to sleep for another couple hours
when he wakes again, he feels much better and is able to introduce himself
“I’m Patton Baker! Where am I?”
his world is like if you took every single magical girl/boy anime out there and mashed it into one world.
so its chaotic
theres aliens/demons/monsters attacking every other week
this attracts magical creatures like a magnet and they start giving magical girls/boys powers. these are called magical guardians
these people are public figures and are treated the same way idols are in our world (not allowed boyfriends/girlfriends etc)
its a tough job
patton became a magical boy when he was 14 and has been for the past 3 years
the powers his magical guardian are able to give are based off of endangered or threatened animals (yes im sort of copying tokyo mew mew shhhhhhhhhh)
patton became infused with the dna of the island fox
his transformation is triggered by a small tattoo-like marking given to him by his guardian. it’s on the base of his neck
he Absolutely has a magical girl transformation
when he’s transformed, he has the ears and tail of an island fox as well as claw-like nails. his hair is the reddish-brown of the fox and his eyes are silver
his outfit is light blue with silver and white accents and dark blue sleeves
when detransformed he has blond hair and blue eyes
his magical boy weapon is a bow that he can shoot arrows of light from
his group was based out of florida and has been going strong for about 15 years. magical teens come and go as they gain their powers and retire or, tragically, lose their lives fighting
at the moment there are six people including patton
their most recent foe is a monster that has the ability to make people and things disappear, and they’re not sure what happens to them
theyre fighting this thing at night when it happens. the creature has already taken the streetlights out and the teens are fighting in heavy darkness. patton, who has better night vision due to his fox genes, sees the monster about to grab the leader, and strongest, of their group
and he makes a choice
he pushes her out of the way and gets grabbed by the monster instead.
there’s a single moment of searing pain and then the world dissolves into swirling lights and dizziness
when he wakes he’s in a strange house. he introduces himself and the person who’s taking care of him introduces himself
he’s told he fell out of some sort of portal and virgil tries to help him figure out where he is in relation to his home but. virgil doesnt recognize any of the places patton is talking about. and patton doesnt recognize any of the ones virgil says
virgil asks patton about the fact that He Is Part Fox and patton talks about the magical system back home and thats when they realize theyre dealing with dimension travel
patton stays in bed for the rest of the day and by the next hes feeling much better! so he helps virgil around the house and they get to know each other
the day after that, virgil remembers that he really needs those herbs, so he tells pat hes going out for a bit to gather them
he gets about a quarter of the way there when Another Portal Opens and dumps out a person. this time right in front of him
this person is also wearing odd
clothing, but in a different style than pattons
he checks to make sure theyre not injured (they knocked their head a bit but other than that seem fine) and carries them back home
the person is unconscious in virgil’s bed for a couple of hours longer than patton was, but he wakes up entirely coherent
he introduces himself as “logan croft”
his world is one full of magic
magical creatures of all sorts live there and magic is a welcome part of society
there’s elves, fairies, merfolk, unicorns, any you can think of
magical schools are also big parts of it
people who have mastered their magic to the highest degree are called mages
everyone else are called wizards
the way magic works in this world is with spells (think harry potter but without wands)
some people are born with more magic than others and as such have a harder time controlling it when it manifests at around 10
so theyre sent to magic schools where they learn how to safely do so
if they want to stay at these schools after they learn control then they move on to higher forms of magical education to continue learning
logan is one of these students
he was born with a MASSIVE amount of magic and when it manifested he. accidentally leveled his house
everyone was fine!!!!!!! but the poor boy had absolutely no control
so he stayed at a school for people with high amounts of magic and by the time he was 13 he had enough control to leave if he wanted to
of course this being logan he Absolutely wanted to keep learning so he moved on
he was so good actually that he ended up in the best magic academy in the world
he consistently learned magic at a faster rate than his peers and so by the time he was 18 (people normally didnt until they were like 21/22) he was a mage in all but name
so he was ready to take his mage exam
the mage exam is considered both easy and the hardest and most dangerous thing you could do
its easy in the fact that you only have to cast a spell correctly
its hard and dangerous bc its a spell that NO ONE outside of historians have ever seen before and you only have 10 minutes to memorize it. things go wrong Frequently
needless to say there arent many mages and people tend to either quit before reaching that stage or fail
and failure can be painful
so logan decides to take the mage exam
the spell they are given is a long string of words dug out of an ancient book of spells and historians arent entirely sure what it does
so ofc its given to the best in the academy
logan takes his ten minutes to memorize the spell and begins chanting
now in this world, when spells are used a runic circle made of light appears under the person casting
small spells have small circles and bigger spells have larger and brighter ones
the one this spell called forwards was massive and so bright that it blinded the exam practitioners (i think thats the word?)
when the light died down logan was gone
theyre unsure whether it went right or wrong but unfortunately theres no trace of where logan had gone so theres no way to see
when he wakes hes somewhere he doesnt recognize and is being taken care of by two people
they all introduce themselves and logan gets the story about what happened to him
and he realizes hes in a different dimension with different magical rules
naturally he wants to learn everything
so he and virgil have long discussions about the differences in their magic systems
(with patton chiming in every once in a while with how bonkers magical girl powers are)
after logan gets back on his feet virgil really REALLY needs those herbs and so he decides to go back out
logan tags along this time bc he wants to see the differences between the flora and fauna of this new world
they get about half way there and once again.
a portal opens
its light blue and yellow
virgil goes “jesus christ AGAIN??????? am i a MAGNET for these things??????????”
and a person falls out
theyre another animal person. this time with scales covering the side of their face and down their arms
virgil and logan carry this whole other person back home and as soon as they walk in
patton is like “janus????!!!!!”
turns out
janus is from pat’s world!!!! and the same mg group!!!!!
he became a magical boy about a year before pat did and was merged with the dna of a golden lancehead viper
so hes been a mg for like 4 years
his outfit is white with yellow bows and a black cape thing with a yellow inside. his scales are bright yellow and his eyes are heterochromatic. one is a normal eye (brown) and the other is a bright gold color with a snake-like pupil
his marking is on the inside of his left wrist
his weapon is a set of knives made of light that he can call at will and either slash with or throw
he and patton got along rather well in the current time
in the past, they,,,, didnt
it wasnt violent but they were kinda snippy at each other and janus was aggressively sarcastic which pat Did Not Appreciate
but after working together for a few years they got to know each other better and saw each other through low points in their lives and became close
janus was still a sarcastic little shit but now its more playful
he likes to suggest “pushing it down a flight of stairs” for any problem
“man i have a big math test tomorrow with a mean teacher that i didnt study for im screwed”
“push it down the stairs”
“the teacher or the test?”
he will also aggressively remind you that Self Care Is Good And Needed
(“patton youve been patrolling for hours every night this week. go sleep”
“but i-“
“go 👏 to 👏 sleep 👏”
“go sleep or im going to knock you unconscious and THEN youll sleep”
“ok fine”)
anyways the dimension monster came back and despite the whole group being more careful, it got janus
luckily (to every one else) this time they managed to defeat it
once again, the pain of dimensional travel fucking SUCKED and janus was unconscious for about as long as patton was
he woke and ate a small meal and fell back asleep for like an hour
when he woke up that time he was shocked and happy to see patton
they reunite and everyone gets to know each other over the next couple days
and then virgil remembers that he STILL HASNT GOTTEN HIS HERBS and they all decide to tag along when he leaves to get them
virgil just like sighs and said “nothing better happen this time i swear to god-“
and they make it most of the way there!!!!! virgil feels a little hope!!!!
then another portal opens
its red and green
(virgil: “GODDAMMIT”)
this time TWO people fall out
the group gather up the two portal people and take them home to heal bc
holy shit they are in bad condition
theyre unconscious for a solid 2 days
Roman and remus
their world is BAD yall
the world is very scientifically advanced, and a group if scientists decided that they wanted to prove the existence of alternate universes
and they did!
but they accidentally opened a portal to a hell dimension and they couldnt close it
so the whole world became an apocalyptic nightmare
this happened when the twins were 15
theyve been surviving on their own in an apocalyptic hellscape for just over 4 years now
remus is the close range fighter with a variety of Large Sharp Knives and roman hangs back and snipes the ones going in for remus’ blind spots with a modified rifle. or if he has to fight closer range he has a modified pistol
roman also is the one to carry their medical supplies bc remus did Once and never will again
they travel together bc even though they cant stand each other some days (remus makes gross comments a Lot and roman likes to complain about the lack of conditioner)
(roman once found an old bottle of perfume and dumped it on remus’ head. in retaliation, when they were relatively safe remus found a dead squirrel and chased roman around with it for a solid 15 minutes)
theyre still twins and theyre all each other have left
currently, roman and remus are running from a creature that caught them off guard while they were sleeping
it had managed to get a few good hits on them before they managed to fight back so they both have a couple injuries
roman has a long slice down his arm and remus has some real bad claw marks down his back
the two of them find a building they can hide in while they wait for the creature to move on and discover that its some sort of science lab
they decide to explore for a bit bc they have 0 braincells between the two of them
what they dont realize is that this is one of the labs that the scientists were using to build their dimensional machines
what they do realize is that the monster found them and it starts chasing them through the facility
the two of them are in really bad shape
malnourished after living on just what they can find for 4 years, both bleeding profusely from open wounds and various injuries from other run-ins with the creatures
they arent able to run as fast as they usually are able and so they get cornered in a room with a large machine
they back up to it to stay away as long as they can and
one of them presses a button
the machine behind them whirrs to life and the two are sucked into a portal oh so similar to the one that ruined the lives of everyone on their world
roman wakes first
he wasnt hurt as badly as remus so the portal didnt take as much out of him as remus
everyone introduces themselves and roman has the his first full meal in. a long time
(he might cry a lil bit but shhhhhhh)
and now that hes awake, virgil can give him a potion to help speed up his healing
thats when romans like “holy shit MAGIC?????”
bc there was none on his world
and they all talk and get to know each other
(the other four are Horrified at how awful his world was
bc like, patton and janus’ wasnt very good either but it wasnt an apocalypse
the next day virgil leaves logan in charge and FINALLY goes and gets his GODDAMN HERBS
nothing happens this time :)
and when he gets back remus is awake
hes fed and virgil gets him a potion too
the two heal and just kind of marvel at the fact theyre safe for the first time in years
also that theres GODDAMN MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!
they still can’t believe theres actual magic
the five dimension hoppers eventually meet thomas, virgil’s talking magic cat
(virgil: “he can think and talk like a human hes not my cat”
thomas: “im totally your cat stop denying it”)
he decided to wander around the forest for a while (he does this often) and only got back after all of the portal shit ended
he is the only cat with magic and says he ALSO fell out of a portal but it was a few years before he met virgil
i dont really know what happens after this
maybe they go try to figure out how to get home?
maybe they decide to stay and live in the woods for the rest of their lives
 maybe they decide “you know what? FUCK the government” and stage a coup to make magic legal
 whichever it is definitely has a lot of found family goodness
can you tell i started running out of steam like 3/4 of the way through
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
tell us about the roller derby AU!! <3
(tysm anon bc this got me to get my ass in gear abt actually writing it all down fdskl;fjla ALSO shout out to zom for leaving a reply <3 ty both omg)
OKAY, first things first. This started bc I was thinking abt the Sirens doing Derby together (OBVIOUSLY Harleys idea) BUT 3 players isn’t enough for a team (you need 3 blockers, a pivot and a jammer afterall) so this team HINGES on the fact that GCS had that brief team-up with Talia and Zatanna and the pure Chaos of them permanently joining the sirens in the mainverse is something I want to explore sometime in the future but ANYWAYS they also need a team to play against and I’m Nothing if not Consistent so OFC this is Sirens vs Birds
cue Same Age-Range College Setting, Roller Derby Focus AU. Everyone’s attending Uni at Gotham State and yes I have majors in mind too, for the Sirens we got undergrads Harley: Psych, Ivy: Botany, Selina: Art History, Talia: Anthropology, Zatanna: Theater. For the Birds, (grad student she’s fast-tracking) Babs: library science, (undergrads) Dinah: Music, Helena: Undeclared, Zinda: doesn’t actually Go Here lmao
now u might be saying “wait a min randy, that’s only four birds. DIDNT u JUST say u need 5 players for a team?” And yes. Yes I did. The Birds is actually a BIGGER team than the Sirens and includes anyone who has ever been on the BoP team ever. They’re all here! And there’s a lot of them that rotate in and out of the roster but for the sake of simplicity we’ll focus on those four as Main members.
So let’s talk positions, play style & other stuff!
so Harley is the Jammer, don’t fix what isn’t broken. I like the idea of Talia being the Pivot bc ofc she’d want to be in charge. Which leaves Ivy, Selina & Zee as the blockers
 YES Selina plays damn near as dirty as Harley does lmao. In fact if we rank them by how often they play Renegade vs Regulation, you’ve got, Harley, Selina, Talia, Ivy (all at varying degrees of being FAR at the renegade-end of the spectrum) and Zee is more like just Right of center in favor of Regulation (but not above elbowing an opponent or ‘accidentally’ tripping them up if they’re REALLY close to winning) 
Derby names MOSTLY follow their costumed personas, like Poison Ivy and Catwoman, but then there’s also Gnarley Quinn (currently taking suggestions for Zee n Talia tho bc... well they DONT have names other than their own really lmao)
For the Birds, Zinda is the Jammer, Dinah is the pivot, Helena is a blocker, Babs is actually the team manager & former pivot. Harley gave her a BAD injury during an end-of-season bout and kicks off the rivalry btwn the teams at the start of the plot. (Other birds in the rotation play blockers and jammers as needed. Helena will step up as pivot if Dinah can’t make a bout)
All the Birds PRACTICE regulation derby but....  well, when you put on your skates and the ref blows the whistle, what happens next can’t be helped (but esp after babs’ injury if its a Sirens vs Birds bout they’re out for BLOOD)
Yes their derby names are the same as their hero names, and yes ppl still call Babs Oracle even tho she doesn’t put on the skates as much even after her knee heals
Outfits and Skates:
okay, so OBVSLY zee & dinah are still VERY much the Fishnet Queens™, but i can totally see Harley, Selina & Zinda joining them. can’t have derby w/o SOME ppl wearing fishnets after all fjldka;s
also i know that derby’s sometimes a bit more butch and some ppl take issue with Zinda’s miniskirt but listen i am GAY and a SUCKER for vintage inspired looks and really? skirts and skates go hand in hand BEAUTIFULLY. the skirt STAYS for zinda
actually im a sucker for bombshells!Ivy’s dresses too, i know the big fandom push has been towards making her more butch but LISTEN.
wait, do i actually just want to see Bombshells on skates is that what all this is about. im gonna scre-
everyone else’s looks im still trying to figure out in my own brain but tbh, any artists out there who feel like doing their own spin on superhero inspired looks for these guys im *eyes emojis* would LOVE to see that actually would love to see that A LOT
imagine everyone color-coding their wheels, though, omg i need that
outside of derby i think Harley & Dinah would be rlly into jam/rhythm skating, Zee, Selina & Talia would like artistic skating, and Helena & Zinda would be into speed skating. Ivy and Babs like supporting their friends & esp their gfs but actually they’re trying rlly hard not to show them up bc theyre both pretty good at jam/rhythm themselves fjdkls
Now for the Extra Relationship Stuff:
Obvsly almost all of the sirens have dated each other at some point. Whether in the past or over the course of going to uni together. Cue even More Drama when Talia and Selina break up and Both start pursuing soon-to-be-drop-out Bruce (the dropping out is unrelated to the drama itself but I just think it’s funny if even in an AU setting Bruce drops out of college aksjak)
also listen ever since i read those GCS issues with Talia and Zee I’ve NEEDED to see Selina/Talia/Zee so so so badly. its my AU and its happening some fucking how i’ll make it work shut uppppp
Also I’m gonna throw in some real slowburn HarlIvy bc once again it’s MY AU AND I DO WHAT I WANT.
Yes Dinah and Zee become star-crossed/rival-to-lovers in this. Havent actually decided which way I wanna go bc starcrossed is Fun, but rivals gives me DRAMA and with them both being diff arts majors could Add to that aksj
the Birds marginally have their dynamics together better than the Sirens, but every so often there’s some communication issues bc yes, we need all the Drama in this!!! I demand it!!!
So yeah, if/when I ever plot this out, it would be something with equal focus on changing relationship and team dynamics, and then focus on how well each of the teams are doing leading up to the Big Bout where the Birds are out to Avenge Oracle. And do they succeed? I guess you’d have to read to find out lmao
Coming to a fanfic site near you...... eventually.......
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hxseok-honee · 4 years
honee explains : soulmate stuff for peripeteia !
heyyy okay so i know this au is gonna be kinda confusing when it comes to the soulmate stuff so i thought id write an explanation post and put it in the masterlist for this au! and trust me, dont worry if this whole concept is confusing -- it took me an hour on the phone w my friend talking through potential ideas and a fully thought out concept for this au for me to even get it right and i still have to make adjustments as i go. so heres how it works ! there is some stuff i wont cover for the sake of the au and figuring stuff out with the characters as it goes along!
1. everyone has a soulmate. i considered making it so that some people didnt but that would have opened up a whole dark side of this that i didnt want to do for this au -- its a cool concept though! evil witches and wizards without soulmates ? thats wicked stuff
2. however, you dont HAVE to end up wth your soulmate -- it’s not guaranteed , and thats to allow for some bit of freedom in life, right? its not all left up to fate and its not binding -- but that could bring up some problems,,, like the emotions thing. additionally, this is such a rare case that not everyone knows this.
3. at age 11, when you first arrive at hogwarts, you start to be able to feel your soulmates emotions . it’s kind of like just having a second set of emotions that youre aware of in the back of your mind, but when theyre strong emotions you feel them much more intensely. they never take over your emotions, but you are kind of always aware of them. and if you both are feeling the same thing at the same time,,, that could be a cool thing to think about :))
4. the Clock Day! thats not the official name for it (that shits in latin, its too hard to remember), but its basically what everyone calls it. essentially, the same day you start feeling your soulmates emotions, a kind of countdown begins for you, and it appears as a marking on your body somewhere. like a stop watch on your body. no one else can see it , and you ARE allowed to tell people what it says but most like to keep it personal. or the most theyll say is that it’s “soon” or “next year”, that kind of thing. its not rude to refer to someone else’s day or talk about someone else’s soulmate, but it is kind of rude to push and demand information from other people about something very personal. so, what happens when this countdown reaches 0:00:00? you are kind of hit with this clouded vision that reveals to you the face of your soulmate and memories of them that match up to some of the most powerful emotions theyve ever felt that, ofc, you have also felt. its kind of like matching up the other side of the story with what youve been feeling from them up until that point.
5. you dont have the same clock day as your soulmate. there is nothing stopping you from telling them once you figure out who they are, but in doing so you are essentially ruining their own clock day and the once in a lifetime experience that everyone talks about, which makes this very bad luck and kind of a taboo. hogwarts students believe that if you ruin your soulmates clock day, you wont end up with them because they will never forgive you and choose to find someone else to love. no one can confirm this, but some say you will eventually lose their emotions because youve severed the bond in breaking their trust. however, as traditions and taboos go, the story gets lost in being passed down and things just become scary stories and no one knows what the truth is anymore, so a lot of students dont know WHY theyre not supposed to tell, they just know its bad luck.
6. this whole soulmate thing can definitely cause some rifts in different groups of students -- ex : purebloods would know all about the practices and traditions and rules, but muggleborns would have to learn it and are more likely to be overwhelmed by the whole thing. you can see how this can get messy based on the beliefs a student holds about secrecy and privacy and asking questions, which is completely natural when you dont know what the etiquette is and you’re trying to learn.
so all of this is kind of to say -- the only confirmed soulmates as of this moment in the au are tae and jimin. that DOES NOT mean other members of the group havent had their clock days. it just means they havent said anything if they have. :))) 
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Small headcanon
Okay so what if Roman and Remus were orphans?
Like, a human au where they're orphans and orphaned at a young age(like three or something) and have been there ever since.
And every other month or so they have interviews with parents that might want to adopt(like in meet the Robinson's) and they always go together ofc because they're twins.
But they're never wanted.
Well, okay no, only one is wanted.
Every. Single. Time. They always want Roman but not Remus cus Roman is creative and energetic and gentlemanly and Remus is..... different.
So, every single time they always call Roman in and ask him if he'd like to be adopted by them but he always refuses cus he refuses to be away from his brother.
The caregivers always try and tell Remus that they just didn't want to adopt but Remus always listens outside of the room and always watches as Roman rejects family after family. Even if they're perfect. All for him.
And he feels horrible about it everytime.
So one day(they're like twelve) another family comes and they are absolutely perfect. Except they only want one. Roman. Ofc Roman declines there offer because he doesn't wanna be separated from his twin but Remus is begging him to go with them. They're perfect.
They end up having a huge argument about it cus Roman is all like "what? You don't want me? We're brothers!" And Remus is all like "that's not true! I just want what's best for you and what's best is you leaving!"
They decided to split up and calm down but what Roman doesn't know is that Remus pulled the old switcheroonie and dressed up as Roman. He then went to the people right as they were about to leave and told them that he actually wanted to go with them and he was fine with leaving his brother.
The people were happy to hear about this and told him that they'd be back in two weeks after they got all the paperwork ready.
In those two weeks, Remus never told Roman cus he was too busy spending as much time as possible with his brother cus he knows he may never see him again.
The day finally comes and Roman is extremely confused but Remus just tells him that the people had told him that they decided they wanted both of them and they'd come and get him next week.
Roman believes him and waves to his brother goodbye as they drive away. Remus stares at him go until he can't see them anymore.
The next week, Roman asks his parents when theyre going to get Remus. They tell him that they never wanted Remus and that he said he was okay with leaving his brother. Roman doesn't remember doing that and realizes that Remus pulled a switcheroonie.
Remus got rid of him.
Then, years later, they're in the same highschool.
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
Todomomo Childhood-friends-to-best-friends-to-roommates-to-FWB-to-lovers Quirkless AU [Part 1]
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Since it’s forever buried in the server now, this is a copy-paste from the chat. 
Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Originally posted: May 2018.
Part 1 (sfw) || Part 2 (nsfw) || Part 3 (nsfw)
Ok. Heres some garbage childhood-friends-to-best-friends-to-roomates-to-fwb-to-lovers quirkless AU that wont leave me alone for some few nights:
BASICALLY todo and momo knew each other since they were 5, coming from rich families as rich families do
(their moms were college friends or smth but then todo's mom got an arrange marriage w endeavor but idk lets just make enji's not as shitty of a father in this AU and doesnt abuse his family aghshcjfjsl)
BUT ANYWAY ye todo and momo grew up as childhood friends and their moms always arranged play dates for them
and momo's a super curious girl since day 1, and todo's his usual smol shy boy self
so during these playdates all the cute 5 year old shenangians happen like momo taking todo outside to explore her 20 acre backyard and them going on imaginary adventures, going through momo's mountain of books in their mansion's library, accidentally fall asleep together on the couch after a fun day n stuff
and todo slowly opens up from being shy but only to momo bc she's his first friend and a beautiful ray of sunshine and honestly who wouldnt love her
so with their families being so close they basically grow up together; todo and momo spending their summers together, always attending the same rich people balls and stuff that adults do but are boring for kids etc etc
they dont go to the same school so whenever todo visits momo she listens to him talk abt the weird stuff fuyumi and touya (dabi) get into bc theyre teenagers and honestly he doesnt understand
and at some point when theyre like 8 he talks abt how fuyumi is gushing over teenage shoujo romances and how kissing and all that lovey dovey stuff has gotta be weird and whats so special about it she wont shut up?
and momo listens intently but after todo's rant, momo, being curious as she is, is like "I wanna know what its like!!" "wat" "what its like to kiss someone!" "momo youre crazy" "No no seriously i wanna know! Can we try?" "WAT" "please :( kiss me :(" "..." "Pleaaaseeeee" "... ok fine one time"
he really cant say no to her
and so like, they have a little quick peck on the lips while theyre sitting outside in momo's garden on the swings
and a second later theyre like "..." "..." "... ew das weird lets not do that again" "yeah"
(Rmbr theyre 8)
so thats that until later.. 👀
when they reach middle school age momo moves with her family to america for a couple years bc of her dad's company
their moms still tried to let them telephone call or write letters to each other while apart
most of the letters exchanged were todo asking what momo's life was like in america, and momo rambling abt a new book or learning english or why on earth do american toilets suck (todo replies with a bunch of smug remarks and tells her to come home then)
momo checks up on todo to make sure hes making friends in middle school but ofc he tells her not to worry but really hes lonely orz
but then one day he gets a letter saying she'll be returning to Japan for high school n everything bc she and her mom are moving back but her dad is staying in the states. And she'll be attending the same high school as him!! 👀
and ya. That..  happens. LOL they meet each other on the first day at UA (prestigous school not for heroing) and theyre in the same class and they sit next to each other and wow this is too perfect
but also like, lets not forget, its been 3 years since theyve seen each other and well.
Puberty hit both of them like a train.
Welp. 👀
thankfully they havent lost their chemistry and (mostly) everything is the same.... but also different.
its like the aomine and momoi thing in knb; todo tells momo to call him "todoroki-san" instead of shouto and he goes back to (trying to) call her Yaoyorozu bc its gonna look weird to the rest of their class if theyre overly familiar w each other (especially with a wretched pervert sitting in front of momo)
but really they still call each other by name when theyre alone
(and also todo slips up calling her Momo a lot unconsciously still even tho it was him that suggested it in the first place)
and so, high school flies by with both of them being hyper aware of differences from when they were kids
shouto becomes more shoujo every passing year with fangirls and cherry blossom petals and everything and momo makes fun of him bc it was the exact thing he couldnt understand as a kid
they have a few moments of their own awkward suggestively shoujo moments too like in the home ec room on valentines day when momo tries to make chocolates but makes a mess out of the kitchen and todo passes by and helps clean up but they end up making a bigger mess and oops. Momo slipped onto the floor and todo tried to catch her but oops he slipped too and now theyre in a compromising position as aizawa walks in 😳
but does anything come out of it?... not really.
university applications come around the corner in their senior year and guess what. Their programs of choice are offered by the same university. And they both get accepted. Woohoooooo
and guess double what. Touya (dabi) suggests they rent a flat together bc why the hell not it kills two birds w one stone on their living situation (since dorms are offered to less.. wealthy.. students first or smth)
so they do. Theyre adults now. They've know each other for all their lives. Its good to have someone you trust nearby. It'll be fine, right? right?!?
neither of them expected to experience just how domestic they could be
ie. Momo walking into the kitchen in the morning to find todo, making breakfast, shirtless in just his pajama pants, hair still ruffled with bed head, offering her a cup of coffee
..... fuck since when did he get so hot. Wait what? Snap out of it Momo!! "three creams no sugar, here" "How did you know?" "Momo i've known you since we were 5. You like your coffee sickeningly pale that it shouldnt even be classified as coffee anymore" "..... thanks"
ie #2. Todo hearing momo calling him from the inside of the bathroom, while she's showering?!??!?!, like it was an emergency "momo what is it?" "Ummm i ran out of soap and forgot to bring a new one on the way in. Can you grab it for me?" "Wat?!" "Hand me the soap shouto. I bought a new one today, its in the kitchen. I left the door unlocked so just come in. Please!!" "... you trust me too much" he mumbles under his breath.
the ending of this is probably along the lines of oooo they realize some feelings happen and is it okay to fall in love with your best friend/childhood friend/roomate?!?!? and yes, the answer is yes
todo still does become friends w the deku squad while in UA
Theyve dated other people before the whole -to-lovers part (bc ya bet Imma throw in iidamomo or smth but it didnt work out) (gonna get reaaal awks when the fwb kick in)
somehow i'll throw in eri as dadzawa's daughter, some how
dabi knows
shouto doesnt even know what he knows, he just knows
> archives masterpost
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