#illegal market
bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
These scientists are on a mission to save the endangered Cuban crocodile 🐊
#Earth #Environment #ClimateCrisis #NowThis
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tetheredbysin · 21 days
just saw someone defend their favorite f1 driver with "well, the rules are the same for everyone".
my sweet summer child, no. it's the exact opposite. f1 is notorious for the rules not being the same for everyone.
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soft5ku11 · 9 months
i know this isnt what i usually post, "shut up fat kink blog" i dont fucking care sit the hell down and listen.
You're aware of the Huion New Year AIGI Tweet, right?
LEST WE FORGET, back in november last year:
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If you want to buy a Wacom, Huion or Gaumon device, I'd recommend either looking into an alternative or buying secondhand/refurbished from 3rd party sellers on Ebay or something. Avoid Amazon for all the obvious reasons.
This is fucking disgusting. This is embarrassing. This is unacceptable.
most importantly,
They won't stop.
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barksbog · 4 months
i know i don't talk much about my pets (who aren't leon) here but after keeping reptiles and amphibians for a decade i might finally get into breeding them and i'm so excited!!
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fallen-goldfishcracker · 11 months
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Yeeess cower before the child. Be afraid. You should be shaking in your boots that's a man on a mission. He's there's, he's square, he's terrifying, he's gotten two hours of sleep in the last week. Cower before him.
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hadesoftheladies · 4 months
palestine is a wake up call to all the people in the global south and all countries and peoples that have experienced colonialism by western empires. especially following the western world's response to ukraine.
when you're flooded with footage of children starving, their bodies shredded by missiles, shrapnel and collapsed buildings, when you see once vibrant, beautiful lands reduced in seconds to rubble . . . you realize how easy it is to provoke a white man. all you have to do is a be a person of colour on your land with all its natural resources. that's it. all you have to do is exist on the same soil as your ancestors. and if a white man says you're in the way of his expansion, it doesn't matter what moral ethics you think white people have. it really doesn't matter what you expect of a human being. what conscience you think they have.
you will die. no one will rescue you. they will murder you. torture you. they will justify it. they will make jokes about it. and years later, when it's not too inconvenient for their people to feel guilt, they will feel sorry and still make what they did to you about them. about their "human complexity" and their "nuance." your people will be dead for thousands of years before they "apologize" (not to you but) to their descendants. and even then they'll lie. they'll blame the "internal conflicts of the region." conveniently leaving out who supplies the guns and military gangs. why. what they get in return.
what's happening in congo, tigray, palestine, haiti, iran, afghanistan, etc is not an isolated event. you cannot afford to think so. it's literally what they did from the 17th-20th centuries. the exact same tactics. the exact same propaganda. these are millions of people dying and set up to die within this year alone.
white man sees resource, white man cuts a bloody path toward it. he is superior, so it's his right. it's that simple.
if you are self-righteous about politics (especially toward western empires like france, britain, russia, canada and the u.s., etc.) please understand that the only thing between your "peaceful" or stable country and all-out war is how agreeable you are to the demands of these empires. please don't think these people have evolved or will consider you in any way. they will nuke you, too, if you resist. that isn't peace. we don't have peace with them. they aren't peaceful. complying under threat of war isn't peace. coercion is not consent.
if these insane people can hear from the mouths of their own scientists that their wars are killing their own people and accelerating the death of life on this planet, i don't know why you'd think they have a shred of humanity left in them. that there's anyone in this life they could possibly care for.
reject that lie. that you can appeal to their humanity. how many fucking "peace talks" have we had since hitler? for fucks sake. begin to build your community and focus your aid and efforts on each other. be aware, but also think smaller. focus on local businesses and markets rather than imports. let's change the way we consume (this is hugely important). wherever you are, whichever people concern you, take care of your own communities. give back. even if you're part of the diaspora. just find a way to give back and strengthen your communities. don't let "the drain" empty out in the west. i'm not claiming its simple work, or that i have all the answers. i'm just saying increase your awareness of how these empires and their propaganda function and don't give into them however you can afford to. you know what you can do. you know your own communities and countries better than i do. and we all know that one of the prime ways the empires keep us weak is by destroying or own intracommunity solidarity.
because there is no UN we can appeal to. there is no western "mediator" we can rely on.
they'd kill us all if it wouldn't tank their economy.
internalize that. don't ever let them coax any trust out of you. there is no "international unity" we can have with them because their prosperity will always require our suffering. resist, at least, by reclaiming your mind from them. see them outside of how they have conditioned you to see them. every time your president shakes one of their hands, see the blood smearing them.
don't trust a single word out of their dirty, lying mouths.
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what-even-is-sleep · 3 months
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clotpolesonly · 1 year
i wonder what kind of money laundering scheme the Lynches had set up, cuz ain't nobody nowhere believed that that cattle farm would make them multi millions of dollars
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femmesandhoney · 7 months
it should honestly just be illegal to have ads on platforms children are on
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hollowsart · 7 months
I miss the days before ai.
it was a more peaceful and happy time.
searching for images was less clogged with spam. you could find artists and artwork and concept art easier.
prank channels would hire voice actors to imitate voices or they'd use audio clips from movies or whatever. (still terrible, but far less so than it is today. people were less likely to create artificial hate crimes or artificial crimes in general)
I wish we could go back to that. pretend this whole ai thing never existed. that it never happened at all.
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starbuck · 1 month
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this is getting out of hand…
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Ive applied my soulmate au concept to Merlin for the first time and it is interacting in a fascinating way with the preexisting magic system and magic ban (Uther can not stop the existence of soulmates/soulmarks, but he sure can make everyone fucking miserable and hunt down sorcerers through their soulmates!)
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Really hate how I can't even apply to jobs in, like, half the US because of anti-trans shit
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 10 months
Jolinar Aren: *smuggling the 11th Random Small Animal™ into her room that week* *knocks something over*
Savos Aren: Jolinar What’s going on in there!?
Jolinar: I — drugs!
Jolinar: *whispered hiss* Azura*s saggy—
Savos: Okay.
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aturnoftheearth · 8 months
woughhhh i’m so frustrated right now i need to lie in the grass or something
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
the FOMO thing in sso is also like, i feel its been getting worse and worse? every event theres now like 5-6 new sets of clothing+tack, or is it more than that?
having to make the emotional and economical decision "do i want to get this limited item before its gone?" can be hard even for just 1 item. like, deciding if youre getting the event horses or not.
but theres like 5 new shirts. 5 new saddles. etc for every type. and you have to make so many decisions, do i want this one, do i want that one, before theyre gone until next year (at which time there will be 5 new sets alongside those 5 previous sets).
it would be different if they added this many new items to the permanent shop bc then there's no FOMO, no real stress. you can look and go "oh cute! i want to get that thing!" without feeling bad and stressed and pressured about it. you can take your time and buy sc for it if you want, but on your terms, when its a good time for you to do that (or for your parents).
many other games like animal crossing pocket camp are also full of really predatory FOMO marketing in the exact same way. its hard for adults to withstand, and its even harder for kids. this isnt something we should just say "oh well" to. its created specifically to manipulate you. its not created in a fair way.
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