#if au welt was just a normal guy
siqeml · 16 days
hear me out chat (hsr elio theory)
I would like everyone to hear me out on my wonderful, totally accurate and not based in crack, copium or any other drug theory. (You will need basic knowledge on what the Honkai is and Welt’s background (though I explain a bit))
It sounds stupid on the surface, but entertain me for a moment. 
We are aware that in Honkai Star Rail there are many parallel characters to Honkai 3rd’s- as it is a parallel universe. So it began with a question- where is Welt’s parallel? Not only Welt Yang, but what about Welt Joyce? (If you don’t know who this is please look it up I’m lazy but basically Mr Yang took his name and identity and may or may not be a little obsessed. You will need to know about him for this to make sense.)
We know very little about Elio, aside from the fact he’s the “scriptwriter”, known as “destiny’s slave” and may or may not be a cat or at least use it as some proxy. There’s other theories, like he’s the aeon of finality and so on, but I’m not including those here.
The most basic connection I can possibly make is that Elio is possibly a name originating from Alias, otherwise could be spelt as Elias. Alias being an alternate name- which makes sense. The original basis of this theory came from me asking where alternate Welt is, and stupidly making a connection between this fact about the name and Welt’s father, whose name was Elias, went by several names, and was government spy (its complicated).
It’s entirely possible to turn this the other direction and say Elio is Elias’ parallel instead, but there’s more. 
I note that Welt Yang’s entire story is about being a slave to his name. He inherited Welt Joyce’s name, his power, his will, and he says himself that he died that day to become Welt (It’s in a manga panel somewhere maybe I’ll attach it later). Even after the war is over, he’s in a new goddamn dimension- he’s not fighting the Honkai anymore, he can start anew as himself again (still fighting, but not Welt anymore)- but he doesn’t. He could’ve given his name to Himeko, but instead he chose to continue being Welt.
(Kind of related but I’m not sure what it adds to the theory but in all the fake out endings where it’s presumably written by Elio, Welt’s real name gets doxxed in full)
“Destiny’s Slave” is such a vague (and menacing) title- is Elio a slave to his ability to seemingly predict the future? Is he a slave to something else- like a will passed down or imposed upon him?
(Additional notes include Elio being a “scriptwriter”. We know Welt Yang is an animator, writer and artist- it wouldn’t be too far a stretch to make a connection here right im not coping)
There are obvious parallels between Stellarons and the Honkai as well. And of course, Elio is a part of the Stellaron Hunters, collecting Stellarons and guiding the organization with his predictions. Welt was the leader of Anti-Entropy in his universe, an organization dedicated to stopping (fighting back and hopefully containing) the Honkai- all of which coming about because this was what Joyce wanted. And Welt would lead not just as a powerhouse as a Herrscher, but also in planning and guiding his group in winning fights that cannot be won with brute force.
While the parallels between Honkai 3 and Star Rail’s character’s aren’t identical, I note that many relationships seem to be the same, (Bronya and Seele are lesbians, Cocolia is a bitch towards Bronya, Raiden misses Kiana) and personalities are similar (though changed by the circumstances they live in).
(Bronya is Welt’s (kinda basically) adoptive daughter, and Silver Wolf is part of the Stellaron Hunters and the one who often recieves Elio's scripts..)
Elias and Welt Joyce die in Honkai 3. Upon his death, Joyce gives Welt his name and his powers.
Consider in this parallel, whatever Joyce is in this universe (if he exists at all), when he dies (or other incident), he gives Welt that power of foresight instead of the Core of Reason (as herrschers do not exist). And maybe, Welt would use his father’s name as his alias- because he’s a sucker for carrying names and wills. 
He wishes to stop the Stellarons- the will passed down to him from Joyce that he now feels obliged to dedicate his life to stopping it in any way he can, done so through his newfound power to write the future in the form of his beloved animation storyboards and scripts.
(Complete stretch but Elio sends Silver Wolf the scripts and she’s a parallel of Bronya who is Welt’s adoptive daughter in 3rd)
This will probably not be canon but let me hopeium (Also where is parallel Welt though, he’s either an NPC or a major character there’s no inbetween)
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
40. “You’re sneezing everywhere. Clearly, something’s up.”
Streamer AU with fetish Steve and sneezy Eddie. Eddie trying to hide that he's sick (or allergic to something scented that Steve finds soothing) and doesn't want Steve to feel like he needs to stop streaming for him
❤️ Bewitchedfeathers
Thank you, friend! This is such a cute prompt. Opted for knk!steve doing a GRWM stream and poor sick!Eddie trying to go about his morning as well without disrupting Steve. ❤️KB
“What’s up guys! This morning I’m doing a Get Ready With Me stream.”
Steve was standing next to the bed he shared with Eddie as he streamed with his phone.
Shame we didn’t get to see you waking up?
Aww bed head
Where’s Eddie?
“Usually Eddie is still sleeping when I get up for a jog, but since today is a lazy day around here, no run this morning. But uh… Eddie is up already? Think he went to sleep on the couch but not sure why. Maybe he couldn’t sleep?”
Steve used one hand to gesture.
“So first thing I like to do is make the bed. My mom always told me you should start the day by making your bed. Next thing I like to do is start the pot of coffee before I start everything else.”
Steve exited the bedroom and welt through to the living room/kitchen combo. Sure enough Eddie was laying on the couch looking tired. He was still in his pajamas as well, but also sporting a hoodie.
“Oh here he is! You want one or two cups of coffee?”
Steve pointed the camera at Eddie who waved.
“Umm just one today I think.”
Steve propped up the phone to point at him as he filled the pot with water.
What’s the go to coffee flavor?
I use that brand too!!
I’m a three cup kind of gal myself…
“Go to flavor right now is the Starbucks fall blend.” Steve held the bag up to the camera.
“H’etchUMPF! ikt’CHISH! TschEW!”
The sneezes came from Eddie in the background, muffled into the elbow of his hoodie.
Bless you Eddie!
Bless you!!
That was so cute??
Steve felt his cheeks get hot. He couldn’t just let the stream know that he thought sneezes were hot though, so he had to play it cool.
“B- bless you!” He called over his shoulder, trying to sound normal.
“Thanks.” Eddie sniffled.
After the pot of coffee was going, Steve retreated to the bathroom they shared. He started squirting some toothpaste on his toothbrush.
“I’m gonna brush my teeth now. Obviously.”
As Steve was brushing his teeth, there was another outburst from Eddie in the other room.
“iTSCHew! Hu’ktchiew! AesshIEW!”
Jesus Christ it was going to be hard to stream with that going on in the background…
“Bwesh oo!” Steve yelled past the toothbrush in his mouth, ducking down to rinse his mouth out.
“Now for the good stuff…” Steve mentioned, pulling a few things out from under the sink.
Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god
He’s gonna show us how to do the hair 😭😭
“You guessed it! I’m gonna do my hair now. So usually I like to shower first, but I’m clearly not going to show you that. So here’s what else I’ll do. I get a little bit of mousse and will sort of run that through my hair if it’s slightly damp….”
He wet his hair just slightly and then put a small dollop of mouse in his hands, running his fingers through his hair.
“Now I gotta blow dry it so it sort of styles correctly I guess… so headphone users might wanna unplug for a second.”
Steve turned on the hairdryer and started blow drying his hair, using his fingers and a brush to style it the way he wanted. He was looking at himself in the mirror to make sure he was doing it right when Eddie sulked up to the open door. Steve flicked off the hairdryer.
“Hey Eds, what’s up?
“SnFF Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt the stream…”
“No you didn’t. I’m done with the dryer anyways. Plus they love you.” He pointed to the phone comments flooding in.
It’s my birthday can you say hi?
I love you Eddie!
When’s Eddie’s next stream?
The older man smiled, “hey guys! Hoping to stream some stuff within the next week.” He turned back to Steve and pointed slightly past him, “can I just grab… I need to blow my nose.”
Steve turned around and grabbed the tissue box at the other end of the counter. When he turned around to hand it to Eddie, his eyes were fluttering shut as he brought his elbow up to his face.
“IxxxT! N’xxt!! H’eKSHh! snfsnff… excuse m’be.”
Steve was biting his bottom lip without realizing. He blinked a few times and brought himself back to reality, handing Eddie the tissue box.
“Bless you! Are you okay? Let me stop the stream for a sec.”
“No no! Don’t stop it. I’b fine…” he paused to blow his nose quietly.
Bless you again
He sounds sick
Bless you x3
“Well, you’re sneezing everywhere so clearly somethings up.”
Eddie rubbed at the back of his neck. “I guess I don’t feel great… it’s nothing. I’ll live.” He offered a smile.
Aww he is sick
I knew it!
Poor guy
“You’re more important than the stream Eddie. I get ready every morning anyways.” Steve laughed.
He reached over and ended the stream, putting his phone down. Moving closer, he pulled Eddie to him by the hips.
“Couldn’t focus on the stream anyways. You’re too cute when you’re sneezy.”
Eddie rolled his eyes with a short laugh. “You’re something else Steve…”
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iam-awake422 · 2 years
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Ich bin nicht gläubig
Aber ich glaub wir sind alle am Arsch,
Und wenn ich auch laufe durch's finstere Tal
Ich mein' was da draußen abgeht ist bestimmt nicht normal
Dieses Eis wird immer dünner, bis der nächste von uns einbricht
Einknickt, klein beigibt ich auch? Ich weiß nicht
Hier ist die Hölle los, der Himmel hat schon Feierabend
Einer kommt nach oben, die anderen müssen die Leiter tragen
Ihr Leid ertragen, den Leib voll Narben
Entweder in Geld schwimmen oder in Scheiße baden
Keine Ahnung, der eine arm, der andere fährt Ferrari
Auf der einen Seite Ali auf der andern Seite Charlie
Und sie kämpfen bis die Bombe platzt und die Erde schluckt
Ich will nach Hause denn hier draußen geht mein Herz kaputt
Und dann öffne ich diese Tür
Schau mich um und da seid ihr
Endlich bin ich wieder hier
Zuhause ist die Welt noch in Ordnung
Hier ist mein Unterschlupf im Krieg
Ihr holt mich runter wenn ich flieg
Ihr seid der Grund warum's mich gibt
Zuhause ist die Welt noch in Ordnung
Und wenn ich auch laufe durch's finstere Tal
Ich mein was da draußen abgeht ist bestimmt nicht normal
Es geht nicht mehr um die Menschen, nur Gewinne und Zahlen
Sie wollen Sido denen ist das Gesicht hinter dem Stahl egal, ah
Sie ziehen an mir, wollen ein Stück von meinem Kuchen
Keine Eier um ihr Glück allein zu suchen, scheiß Eunuchen
Ich bin kein Sklave trotzdem trag ich 'ne Kette
Und sag den Journalisten ich bin keine Marionette
Anstatt zu leben legen sie mir lieber Steine in den Weg
Doch haben selbst den ganzen Keller voll mit eigenen Problemen
Man wir streiten und reden bis die Bombe platzt und die Hoffnung schluckt
Ich will nach Hause denn hier draußen geht mein Kopf kaputt
Und dann öffne ich diese Tür
Schau mich um und da seid ihr
Endlich bin ich wieder hier
Zuhause ist die Welt noch in Ordnung
Hier ist mein Unterschlupf im Krieg
Ihr holt mich runter wenn ich flieg
Ihr seid der Grund warum's mich gibt
Zuhause ist die Welt noch in Ordnung
Und wenn ich schon laufe durch's finstere Tal
Dann in Jordan 3 an der Front ganz vorn dabei
Die da oben, ist doch latte was die machen
Wir stehen immer wieder auf und hauen die Asche von den Sachen
Durch ein Meer aus Hass und Neid quer durch Sodom und Gomorra
Wir wollen hoch auf diesen Gipfel ohne Kohle, ohne Koffer
Und wenn die Kälte draußen nicht mehr zu ertragen ist
Geh ich dahin wo's warm ist, zurück zu meiner Basis
In English:
Uh yeah,
I'm not a believer
But I believe we're all
And if I'm also walking through the valley of death
I mean what's going on out there isn't normal
This ice keeps getting thinner,
until the next one of us falls in, caves in, gives in - me
too? I don't know
Hell's broken loose here, heaven's clocked out for the night
One guy gets to the top, the
others gotta carry the ladder
Bear their misery, tattered and scarred
Either swimming in dough
or they're bathing in shit
No idea, one's poor, the
other drives a Ferrari
On one side there's Ali and on
the other side there's Charlie
And they fight until the bomb
blows and swallows the earth
I just want to go home cuz
out here my heart is breaking
And then I open this door
Look around and you all are there
Finally I'm back here
At home the world's still okay
This is my shelter from the war
You pull me back to earth when I fly
You're the reason why I exist
At home the world's still okay
And if I'm also walking through the valley of death
I mean what's going on out there isn't normal
It not about people anymore
Just gains and numbers
They want Sido, they don't care about the face behind the steel
Try to get close, get a piece of my cake
No balls to find their own happiness, fucking eunuchs
I'm not a slave but I bear a chain
I tell the journalists I'm not a puppet
Instead of living they throw rocks in my path
But have a whole cellar full of their own problems
Man, we fight and talk until the bomb blows and swallows up hope
I just want to go home cuz out here my head's gonna explode
And then I open this door
Look around and you all are there
Finally I'm back here
At home the world's still okay
This is my shelter from the war
You pull me back to earth when I fly
You're the reason why I exist
At home the world's still okay
And If I'm already walking through the valley of death
Then in Jordan up close on the front lines
The ones up there, could care less what they're doing
We keep standing back up,
Dust the ashes off the stuff
Through a sea of hate and envy straight through Sodom and Gomorrah
We want to climb to the very top, without money, without baggage
And then when I can't take the cold out there any longer
I'll go back to my base where is warmer
And then I open this door
Look around and you all are there
Finally I'm back here
At home the world's still okay
This is my shelter from the war
You pull me back to earth when I fly
You're the reason why I exist
At home the world's still okay
At home the world's still okay
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superbadassnatural · 4 years
So Close yet so Far
Summary: Since Y/N and Dean were kids they wanted to join the Men of Letters Organization. Years went by and they trained and studied together. Now it’s finally the time to take the trials. Square filled: Dystopia!Au Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 1,873 Warnings: show level of violence, mention of blood, mention of killing A/N: for the sake of this story, Men of Letters are nice and nothing like the ones on the show. Also, Dean and Y/N are in their early twenties. This story was inspired by this prompt (it contains spoilers so I highly recommend you to open it after you’ve read this.) This was written for @spntfwbingo. Hope y’all enjoy.
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Many generations ago, society was divided into three castes: Regulars, Hunters, and Men of Letters. Most of the population belonged to Regulars. They were ordinary people who lived normal lives. Hunters dedicated their lives to kill those who lurked into the shadows. Men of Letters were the elite. The most powerful people belonged there. They were similar to hunters, but they had more resources, more knowledge, and the most important: power. They even had the greatest life insurance. They were rich and most people wanted to become one of them.
Regulars knew about the existence of supernatural creatures, but still, they led their normal lives. They could attend self-defense classes ministered by hunters. Whilst hunters solved cases all over the country, Men of Letters did it world wide.
People were either born or entered into one of the classes. In order to ascend to any of the higher castes, you were supposed to take some tests and if you were qualified you’d become a member.
Your parents were hunters and they taught you everything they knew, but you wanted more. You wanted to ascend.
When you turned sixteen, you had your first official case. You and your parents hit the road to Alabama for a werewolf hunt. Though you had been joining them on quick salt and burns since you were fourteen. At eighteen, you went on your first solo hunt.
Back when you and your best friend Dean were kids, you made a promise to become members of the Men of Letters.  Both of you spent your entire childhood and adolescence planning on becoming part of the upper, elite class. You’ve been training together for a long time. Wrestling, sparring around, running in the park. Every now and then you’d go to a shooting range and practice even more. You have learned everything there is to learn about demons, monsters, and entities. You and Dean were ready for the tests.
“If you keep punching like this you’re gonna fail that test, sweetheart,” Dean teased.
It only made you angry. You lunged at him, sweeping him off his feet and his into back. He landed with a loud thud. His eyes clamping at the impact.
“Who’s gonna fail now, huh?” you smirked, pinning him to the ground.
You were only able to grab one of his wrists and before you knew it he hovered over you. Dean pinned you down, holding both of your hands above your head.
“You,” his lips curled into a smirk.
“You’re an ass, you know that?”
“Yeah, but you love me,” he leaned, pecking your lips.
“Argh, we’re disgusting,” you grumbled, wiping the sweat off your forehead.
“We could always go upstairs and take a shower,” he shrugged, sitting beside you.
“Yeah, but I promised my mom I’d be home by seven.”
“We have what? Fifteen, twenty minutes? We could make it quick,” he said, his voice carrying malice only it could carry.
“Since when do we take a quick shower?” you giggled.
“You’re right,” his lips pursed. “But if you go home and shower alone you’ll be wasting more water,” he tried to reason.
“You’re so full of crap,” a chuckle escaped your lips as you stood up, he doing the same.
“I’m worried about the environment,” he raised his hands. “Ya know, save water, shower with me,” he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I really have to go,” you half-smiled. “Last time I got home really late and now they are making me pay for it. ‘Sides my mom said she wanted to talk to me about something.”
“Okay,” he sighed, walking you to the door and pressing his lips to your temple. “Let me know when you get home. Drive safe.”
“Will do,” you pecked his lips and headed out of his house.
You were taking things a little slower now. The trials were next week and you couldn’t wear yourselves out. You already knew those three days of tests would be exhausting for both of you. You remember when your brother applied to become a member of Men of Letters. He was so tired during those tests. They made it difficult for only the best hunters to be qualified.
You and Dean had registered at the beginning of the year. You were finally old enough to apply. They had very few vacancies for your age range. Only fifteen for women and twelve for men. The trials weren’t easy either.
The first trial was on Monday, you had to race the women your age that had applied to become a member. The second was on Wednesday, you had to attend an exam about lore and all the creatures you hunted. The last one was Saturday, you had to fight against a female member around your age for about five minutes. You were evaluated in each of them. The better your results the more points you get. The ones who surpass their minimum score are in. If more than fifteen girls manage to do that, then the ones with the highests punctuations get to join the organization.
Erstwhile, in the last test you had to kill your opponent — who was competing for a spot in the order too. They decided to change it and now you only had to fight a member and show your abilities. If you get knocked out, you don’t punctuate. Your brother explained to you how this trial works. The more times you manage to hit your opponent, the more you score. The more you get hit, the more points you lose. If you knock out your opponent, you get the highest punctuation. It was, in fact, a violent test, but no one dies because of it anymore.
Days flew by and when you realized you were racing over thirty girls on Monday. You didn’t know exactly your placing, but you were among the first eight at least. On Wednesday, you took the time to finish the exam. You went through all the questions twice and in the end, you were really confident about your answers. Saturday arrived sooner than you were expecting. You were nervous. You knew you weren’t the strongest girl in town so there was a chance of you having to fight a girl stronger than you. It ended up the girl was just as strong as you. You managed to knock her out after three minutes.
“Hey you,” you answered your phone later that day.
“Hey,” Dean smiled. “How’d it go?”
“I did it! I knocked her out,” you beamed.
“That’s awesome,” you could hear how happy he was for you. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, me too,” you admitted. “How’d it go with you?”
“It wasn’t easy, but I think I did well.”
“Dean,” you scolded. “What are you not telling me?”
“The guy was bigger than me,” he sighed. “And stronger. I didn’t knock him out, but I didn’t get knocked out either. Let’s just say we both got out with some bruises.”
“That’s unfair!” you exclaimed. “You shouldn’t have to fight someone bigger than you. That’s not-“
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he interrupted you. “Monsters won’t care if I’m shorter than them or not. It was a fair fight.”
“I don’t like that,” you pouted. “Are you hurt?”
“Nah, I’m okay.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to stop by and take care of you? You know I love taking care of you.”
“I know you do,” he chuckled. “You don’t have to, sweetheart.”
“Okay,” you yawned. “I’m gonna have to call it a night. I’m really tired.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he hung up the phone.
Dean placed his phone on the nightstand before getting up and heading towards the bathroom. He took a look at his face in the mirror. His left cheek had a small cut and the right one had a purple stain. He lifted his shirt over his head, throwing it into the hamper. Purple welts were scattered over his abdomen. Dean didn’t want you to see him like this. He knew he had disappointed you. He was disappointed in himself.
Dean could swear he saw the guy’s eyes full of hatred. The man wanted to hurt him. Dean wasn’t stupid. He fought with the same hostility. Both of them wound up hurt. Whilst Dean spat blood in the ring, the guy had blood coming out of his nose. He wasn’t sure if he had won that fight.
He got rid of his clothes and stepped into the shower in hopes the water would wash away all his shame. In hopes it would heal all his bruises.
Five days passed and you grew nervous with each passing hour. You would get the letter at any given moment. You were trying so hard not to bite your nails or tap your feet but it was nearly impossible.
A knock on the door made you jump from your seat.
“Mail for Y/N Y/L/N,” the man held out an envelope as you opened the door.
“Thanks,” you took it from him and signed where you needed to.
Your trembling hands held the white envelope. An Aquarian Star on the bottom left. Your fingers traced the symbol. Taking a deep breath, you dialed Dean.
“Hey!” You beamed.
“Hey, you.”
“Did you get your letter?”
“Yeah, it came in this morning. D’you get yours?”
“I did,” you nearly exclaimed. “You didn’t open, right?”
“Of course not. I’m waiting for you.”
“Great,” you smiled. “Meet me at our spot in fifteen.”
“Okey-dokey,” he said, hanging up.
You got in your car in no time and drove to yours and Dean’s spot. You haven’t seen him since before the trials. Both of you caught up in hunts and work.
As you parked, you saw him leaned against his beloved impala. His lips curled into a smile once he laid his eyes on you.
“Argh, I’m so nervous,” you said before pecking his lips.
“Me too,” babbled.
“Okay,” you drew a deep breath. “We are doing this.”
He nodded. Both of you with the envelopes in hands. You opened it and unfolded the letter. Eyes searching for the words you were eager to read.
“Dear Ms. Y/L/N,” you read out loud with wide eyes, barely able to hide the excitement in your voice. “We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the Man of Letter Organization,” you squealed, jumping into Dean’s arms. Your legs wrapped around his waist.
Dean held you in his arms as you kept on reading the rest of the letter. He unfolded his with one hand. He stared blankly at the paper, his lips parted open as he read the words to himself.
Dear Mr. Winchester,
We regret to inform you that you were not selected to join the Men of Letters Organization. You came in eighteenth place in the final rank. Thank you for your application. We strongly suggest you reapply next year. 
Sincerely, Andrea Thompson. Human Resources Representative.
“Dean?” he could barely hear your voice calling for him. The blood had vanished from his face. Dean didn’t have it in him to tell you the news. “Dean, how’d you do?”
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I really enjoyed writing this one! What did you think of it? You can share your thoughts with me via reply, reblog or ask!
Dean Sweethearts:
@maya-craziness @akshi8278 @herfalsegod
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hbosscreations · 4 years
Us Ladies Have to Stick Together
It’s a little later than I’d hoped for, but here is my contribution to @redvsbluesecretsanta for @artesoterica! You asked for Southalina, with a general positive mood! This fic is an AU taking place on Season 15′s Chorus moon in a universe where the Reds and Blues actually get to rest and build a life for themselves. I hope you like it.
                                   Us Ladies Have to Stick Together
 When South heard Carolina’s coded message, left in such a way that any of her former people would find it if they were looking, she…didn’t really know what to expect. She wasn’t certain it was meant for her with the way South left things, what with her and Wash trying to kill one another, but it was so damn earnest that South couldn’t ignore it.
‘Wash and I are alive, we’ve shut down the Project and made a safe space for all of us to live. If you see this, come find us. Come home.’
She wasn’t keen at first on going to find anyone, let alone other members of Project Freelancer, but Carolina was good on her word Chorus’s moon wasn’t what she thought it would be. It sounded like isolation, like hiding in a long-abandoned base or in a tiny apartment sleeping in shifts, but Carolina and her people had turned it to something else entirely. The Reds and Blues regularly communicated with the planet below, a shuttle came up more than once to drop off and pick-up soldiers for no reason South could figure out aside from play dates with weapons.
Just like this one.
A shuttle had arrived earlier that day carrying a new face along with a few others that South recognized from the deliveries every other week. The Sim Troopers had quite the fan club, and it was very normal for the shuttle to arrive and stay overnight so the troops could hang out. This time, the newcomer seemed to get all of the attention. It was such a relief to not feel the pointed stares from both the Reds and Blues and the Chorus soldiers.
South blew up her bangs and retied the bandana around her head to keep her hair out of the way while she worked on Sarge’s warthog, the perfect vantage point to observe without staring and be present without having to actually interact with anyone. The Sim Troopers weren’t as bad as South expected them to be most days, Washington’s influence excluded, but that didn’t mean she was comfortable with them yet.
The strange woman who arrived in the shuttle, wearing bright yellow armor and a swagger that told everyone who saw her that she was hot shit and she knew it, immediately screamed for Grif to get his lazy butt outside and come help move her shit inside the base.
It didn’t take long for her to start chatting and then chasing the Sim Troopers around. She hooted and hollered and pelted the soldiers with paintballs from a gun that should not have been shooting paintballs in the first place, all the while crowing ‘GO BLUE!’.
Despite the fact she didn’t seem to care if she was hitting a Red or a Blue.
Judging by the yelling and giggles, they didn’t seem to mind it either.
South’s helmet was dropped next to her on the engine while she watched, contemplating if she had earned enough good will to join in considering practically everyone on the moon was playing already, and Carolina put a hand on South’s shoulder to draw her attention.
New Carolina was the day to Old Carolina’s night. More emotionally mature, more secure in herself, and more confident. The dark shadows had finally passed, but she was still the same woman South had served under.
“You should probably put that on. It would be horrible if Kai accidentally shot you in the eye; the only medical treatment you’re likely to get is CPR and orange juice.”
The hand shifted from her shoulder and brushed the back of her neck. South barely held in her shiver.
New Carolina was more tactile, taking the time to make contact outside of training. She always had time for a smile, something kind to say even if the comment was odd, and casual touching that felt out of place coming from her former leader.
South had to admit that it was nice to be appreciated, though.
“Which army is Kai from, Fed or New Republic? I don’t recognize her or the paint job.”
“She’s the youngest of our Sims, Grif’s little sister, not from Chorus.”
The Reds looked to have begun their retaliation, pulling out buckets of paint, paint balloons, and paint ball guns of their own. They ran around screaming with her instead of running from her, and South laughed a little.
“They’re like a bunch of goofy teenagers, aren’t they? I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep them all alive so long.”
She pulled her helmet on, ignoring the fact that most of her armor was on the ground. She could handle paintball welts and didn’t feel like trading the extra protection of the armor for the contact she got when Carolina watched her work. Standing just a little too close, with her hand on South’s lower back, it felt like things were actually right.
“She’s going to be staying.”
The warthog got regular work, practically daily maintenance and fine tuning, but for some reason it felt like everything South did to it was undone at the end of the day.
“She talks a lot, but you can’t be mean unless you want the Reds and Blues both mad at you. Grif is really protective of her; they all are.”
Knowing Sarge, it probably was. He probably came in as soon as she walked away and fiddled with it, bickering with Lopez as he used a wrench on the wrong pieces and broke screwdrivers inside.
“South? Are you listening to me?”
“Sure, Yellow is a wild child and I shouldn’t pick on her. The Sims don’t talk to me much, why would I bother with Grif’s little sister?”
Was Lopez doing this? Normally he fixed things, but maybe he resented her coming in and doing his job for him. It did prevent him from avoiding the rest of Red Team.
“South, will you stop for a second? Look at me?”
Shit. South must have missed a tone thing again, it happened sometimes. Between the military and being on her own for so long, South didn’t always know how to read casual conversation anymore. She preferred direct conversation any day.
“I’m worried about you.”
That flash of guilt that flared up any time Carolina wanted to take care of her was back.
“You don’t have to worry about me, I’m coping.”
“You’re stagnating. Soon you’re going to start tearing your hair out and alienating the guys because you’re bored and looking for stimulation. Trust me, antagonizing the Reds and Blues will only lead to problems and you do not want that. I care about you and I would hate for you to end up with mustard in your blankets or a bucket of snakes above your door. Let me introduce you to Kaikaina Grif.”
“I don’t understand what meeting her has got to do with antagonizing anybody or the strangely bizarre and specific pranks.”
“You’re bored, and Kai is definitely not boring. I think spending some time with her will be good for you.”
Carolina didn’t accept Wash and South tiptoeing around one another or South trying to sneak out in the middle of the night because of her insomnia, and she apparently wasn’t going to rest until South had made some friends, even if that meant flying friends in for her.
The hand on her neck started to massage gently, feeling the tension that had settled there. South let out a groan.
“You’re what? Assigning her to me?”
“Oh no, Kai’s been a Blue longer than you’ve been here, she outranks you. I’m assigning you to her.”
Carolina called out to Kai and waved her in before she firmly turned South to face the Sim Trooper charging at them. The moment the woman in yellow skidded to a stop in front of them, she took a beat to look South up and down before she turned and did the same to Carolina.
“Carolina, lookin’ fine-ah! Still bangin’ as always! How are the jam sessions with the band?”
“They have yet to comment on my being tone deaf and I’m not spoiling the game, so it’s been fun. Kai, this is South, she’s an old friend of mine in need of someone to teach her how to have a good time. Can you do that?”
“Ch, yeah! I am great at fun!”
“Fantastic. Kai, from now on, South follows your orders the way she used to follow mine. She won’t like it, she’ll bitch, but she’s a great soldier and a good friend to have at your back.”
“If you want a knife put in it.”
Washington came around the warthog, a large splash of red down his left side and a steady spattering of blue on the right. He must have gotten caught in the middle of the fight.
“Hey, Kai. What’s up?”
“Hey, Cop. You still being a cop? You have to tell me, you know!”
“That’s still not a law.”
That easy amused tone shook South. He sounded so much older; more world weary. It fit him.
“Washington,” Carolina bit out, “If you’re not going to play nice, go away.”
He saluted, patted Kai on the shoulder, and moved back into the fray. The soldiers cheered as he snagged a balloon and smashed it into the side of Tucker’s head.
“Anyway, Kai, South is my gift to you. Think of her like you’ve just been given a very angry puppy and you’ll be great.”
“Carolina, you cannot be serious.”
“I am very serious; you need someone to help you transition to our way of life and Kai is the best person to do that. Kai, her job is to do what you tell her, your job is to keep her from going off the deep end. Don’t order anything I wouldn’t approve of, but other than that, go nuts.”
South scowled at the thought of a woman at least ten years younger than her, a stranger, issuing orders. She didn’t exactly have a choice but to go on with it, where else was she going to go?
“This is ridiculous.”
And it’s not like she wanted to leave anyway. Not again. Not after everything she’d gone through to get there.
Not after finally getting her chance to be with Carolina again.
“I’m not your commanding officer anymore. You could always say no, but if that’s the case I’m giving you to the Reds, and their chaos is unbridled. Think of it this way, Donut will do your nails, but Kai excels at doing hair and your purple has been missing for too long.”
South shrugged and Kai immediately dragged her toward the base.
“You’re the one with purple tips, right? I’ve seen the pics. We’re doing your hair right now. I know that you haven’t had a dye job since you got here, there’s no one here that does hair even half as good as me!”
She jabbered endlessly while she set up a chair at the big sink on the base. Her steady stream of increasingly weird stories about herself and her sex life made South laugh, and the commentary about the guys on base made South sure she never wanted to get on this girl’s bad side.
Once they were gone, Carolina wheeled a large box into the room.
“Your portable salon, madame. Don’t scare her off, ok? It took forever to bring her home.”
“Pshaw! She likes me already! Don’t you, baby?”
Both women looked at South and she shrugged.
“You’re fine. Let’s get this over with so I can get back to work.”
“I’ll take that as a win for now! You’ll warm up.”
With that, Kai pushed South into the chair and threw a cape around her shoulders. Kai’s hands were sturdy and soothing as they carded through South’s hair and scratched at her scalp, talking about what she thought would look best for a minute before she realized South wasn’t listening in the slightest and switched back to talking about herself again. How she’d wanted to go to beauty school when she was younger, and that she used to do everyone’s hair at the circus. South only half listened.
God, her fingers were like magic.
South melted into the chair and decided to let the woman have her way with her hair. Worst case scenario, South would shave her head and let it grow back. And it was worth it to have her hair ruined if Kai would just keep working on her hair.
“She’s funny, right?”
South made a questioning noise.
“Carolina. She shows her love weird. She’s been trying for weeks now to get me out here, telling me Grif misses me, that the team is trying to set up a training center here. Didn’t fly, cause that sounds awful, so she talked to the freaking president of Chorus and got me a training gig putting together events and festivals on the planet’s surface. Someone decided they needed events for good public relations and off world traffic, and I’m pretty good at it!”
Carolina laughed a little from where she was pointedly not hovering.
“She got you a job, huh?”
“She got me a good paying job where my brother can keep an eye on me, so he’s happy. From there, it’s like a waterfall, making him happy makes Simmons happy, which makes Donut and Sarge happy, which makes Caboose happy, which makes Tucker happy, which makes Wash happy, which makes Carolina happy. Everyone here is sooooo codependent. You, I don’t know about, but that’s ok. We’re gonna party and I’ll learn all your secrets.”
God, the thought of going to the planet’s surface to ‘party’ made South’s whole body tense up. Way too much exposure, to high a risk of being seen.
“I don’t really party these days.”
“Yeah, I figured. I’ll fix that. Once I get you sorted, Carolina can finally stop worrying about her little circle and relax. Anything you want in particular? Because if you don’t, I’m gonna trim you up and give you crazy purple hair, it’s gonna take some time, but it’ll look fabulous.”
“I’m in your hands, gorgeous.”
“You’re a flirt! I like that.”
South did her best to keep up the chatting, thankful that Kai held the majority of the conversation herself, and when she might have lulled, Carolina stepped in and stoked the conversation back up.
She did the whole nine yards; washed South’s hair, massaged her scalp, trimmed her up to something more akin to her preferred style, bleached her hair for coloring and mixed colors. South honestly didn’t give a shit about what Kai did, so she gleefully went to town.
Once she started putting color on, Carolina frowned.
“You’re doing her whole head?”
“I have creative license here, so yeah, I’m doing her whole head! It’s gonna be fucking badass, just you wait!”
Carolina pulled up a chair and sat across from South with a nervous smile and stretched her leg out to brush ankles with South. South smiled back and tapped Carolina with the side of her boot. She didn’t pull away, she didn’t want or need to.
Kai wasn’t wrong, Carolina did show her love in weird ways. She never said it, but she showed it in a thousand different ways. South watched Carolina work with the Reds and Blues every day, watched her interact with the people from Chorus who flew up to the moon to ‘train’, how she took the time to touch and ground the people around her despite her own discomfort with the process.
How she understood that South needed help and care but was too angry and proud to ever ask for it.
“I trust you, Kai, just don’t make her look like a clown.”
“I would never! This gorgeous face can pull all kinds of looks, and I intend to make her look fucking sexy as fuck! Chill, Carolina, I’m not going to mess your other girlfriend’s look up.”
South tried to look up at Kai, confused, but Kai grabbed South’s head and held it in place.
“Don’t move, you’ll ruin my hard work.”
Carolina laughed a little and rubbed her ankle against South’s and asked Kai about her most recent exploits. South just closed her eyes and listened to the women talk.
The color was washed out, her hair blow dried and style, and with a cheeky grin, Kai shoved a mirror into South’s face.
It looked…good.
Her head was covered multiple tones of purples, blues, and reds, in a way that looked like it shouldn’t have worked, but it really did. Dark and bold, her hair felt soft and fell nicely. Honestly, it was too good for the life South lived. Between helmet time and working on trucks, she was sure she wouldn’t do it justice in the long run.
But Carolina looked really happy, and judging by Kai’s bright smile, she was too.
“You like it, right?”
“Don’t push her.”
South smirked.
“She can push me if she wants, you’re the one who told her to boss me around. I like it.”
“Great!” Kai crowed. “We’re gonna get our nails done tonight, no fighting, I brought Donut a new gel kit and he’s dying to use it!”
Carolina stood up and pressed a kiss to Kai’s cheek and praised her for a job well done, before she kiss to South’s cheek as well.
“I’m glad you like it. Kai’s great, you to are going to get along like a house on fire.”
“Uh, I’m not lighting anything on fire.”
South hadn’t expected anything good when she came here, came home, but everything was genuinely better than she expected. Carolina took her hand and kissed the knuckles before idly telling Kai that she hoped they’d also brought decent alcohol because Donut’s wine and cheese hour was dreadful without actual wine to drink.
She hadn’t expected it, hadn’t known how badly she wanted it, but she was so glad she’d come.
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ninzied · 5 years
into the peace of wild things
a supernatural au for @carry-the-sky​. ever since you gave me a ‘kastle + the woods’ prompt i’ve been daydreaming about writing this fic. here’s how it all begins.
nyctophilia (n); love for darkness or night, finding relaxation and comfort in the darkness
mangata (n); the reflection of moon on water
Full moon tonight.
Frank’s felt it calling to him all day. A low thrum in his bones, his blood singing with the need to just – run. To get out of this life. To get out of his skin.
He feels the subtle shift in his breathing, shallowing out and growing more rapid as the sun makes its lazy descent in the sky. His heart rate kicks up a notch, and he feels simultaneously like his chest is too small and his body too large and too slow to contain it.
His muscles are tensing all over, like a spring just shy of some violent release the moment the smallest thing sets him off. He keeps to himself even more than usual, swinging his sledgehammer and hoping that the kid who usually tries to offer him a ride home doesn’t bother tonight.
It’s cold out. They’re at a demolition site, working their way through the interior walls, and the air this high up blows through in large gusts, unimpeded and unforgiving in its teeth-rattling chill.
Frank’s starting to sweat.
He shrugs off his jacket, swiping at the beads of moisture collecting at each temple. He can practically feel the minutes ticking their way into sunset now. He’s not even trying; it’s hard-wired into him, the countdown.
Fuck it, he can’t wait any longer.
He sets his tools down, leaving his jacket and the few other things he’d brought to his shift. Empty water bottle, a battered-up copy of Moby Dick that he knows the other guys wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. He’d tried reading a little during his lunch break, before his thoughts had gone all quiet and restless. It’ll still be there in the morning, after. He’s not going to need any of these things where he’s going.
“Dude, need a ride?”
Frank grunts his response without turning around. “Not today, kid.”
“You always say that,” says Donny with a laugh. “How do you get home, Castiglione? Don’t you live in the middle of nowhere?”
“Thought I’d go for a run,” says Frank.
Donny sounds dubious. “A run? Like, out there?” He gestures toward the large hole that comprises one outer wall of the building. They’re surrounded by trees on that side, glowing slightly around their brown, barren edges where the sun has touched down to give them a bit of color.
“There a problem?” asks Frank.
“Well, it’s just that—” and Donny’s voice lowers to conspiratorial levels. “There’s some shit that’s gone down in those woods. My grandmother said so. Well – not the shit part, she didn’t say that, but – hey, where are you going?”
“The woods,” says Frank.
No point in lying. On the other side of the building, there’s nothing but a single dirt road that leads back into town – when Donny doesn’t see him there on his drive home, he’ll know anyway. Besides, the kid’s got at least some sense of self-preservation; he’s not going to go traipsing into the woods after him.
“Just be careful, okay?”
“Sure,” Frank tells him, and starts to head out. He doesn’t have the patience to wait for the elevator – it stalls half the time anyway, which is always unpleasant – so he cuts across for the stairs, nodding a cursory goodbye to some of the other guys as he passes.
“Hey, wait,” he hears Donny yelling, “you forgot your—”
“Be back for it tomorrow,” Frank calls behind him.
As soon as he’s at the top step, he breaks into a light jog. It’s fifteen flights down, but his body’s been more than ready for the release. When he’s down to the last five flights, he glances around to ensure he’s alone before leaping them one by one, landing quietly on his feet each time.
He forces himself to resume a normal pace as soon as he’s outside. There are too many eyes in the building still – not that they’re looking, and it’s finally near-twilight – but Frank’s been too careful, after losing so much, to get found out by anyone now.
The moment he steps through the treeline, he feels like he can breathe again.
The woods close around him like the arms of an old friend, blocking out the sight of the building. The branches are still bare, recovering from the worst of the winter, but every so often, as Frank walks deeper into the trees, he spots a few budding green things here and there, and the trill of a lone bird tells him the rest of spring might not be so far off.
He walks for another hour, waiting for the sky to go as dark as it’s going to get for the night. It’s easier, now, to move slower, without any particular intent but to roam. His heart’s still beating twice as fast as usual, but he’s no longer caged in; there’s only space and more space out here, and soon enough nothing else is going to matter.
He eventually reaches the clearing and stops.
He toes off his boots and tugs his shirt over his head before heading toward the edge of the pond. The moon sits full and bright in the water, and a shiver of anticipation works its way up his spine as he stretches.
It always hurts, the transition, like each time is the very first; but it’s a pain that he’s not only learned to live with, but welcome.
He lets his gaze drift up to the small wooden bridge, just on the other side of the moon.
His chest clenches tight for a moment.
For a moment, he hears Lisa’s laughter as he swoops her up over the low rail, letting her feet dangle freely above the water. I’m going to let go, he says, blowing raspberry kisses into her belly as she laughs, and laughs. You ready? On the count of one…two…
No you’re not, Daddy, she tells him, like he’s just said the funniest thing in the world. No you’re not.
Frank blinks hard and turns away.
It’s time.
He takes a step back toward the trees, feeling the tingle of moonlight on his bare skin. He rolls his shoulders back, turning his neck from side to side, grunting with each telltale crack of bone.
He’s reaching to shuck off the rest of his clothes when he hears it.
Frank whips around, senses keening. He crouches down low and spider-crawls the rest of the way back into the relative dark of the forest. Peering out into the clearing again, he sees the bridge undisturbed, the full moon motionless in the water.
And then he goes still, and he waits.
He’s not sure what it was that he’d heard the first time – for all he knows, it could have just been some other critter, trying to live its life in the dark same way he is.
But when he gives the air a sniff, it doesn’t smell like any animal he’s known before.
The seconds stretch into long periods of silence. His knees are starting to ache a little from squatting, and this new spike of adrenaline in his blood has nowhere to go but in circles the longer he stays here unmoving.
He straightens himself, inch by inch.
And then he hears it again.
There’s a scrabbling noise, like something scratching into bark – a small but solid thudding sound, followed by a stifled cry of pain.
Frank takes off in a sprint without a second thought. Whatever else he might have heard, there was no question in his mind that that last sound had been unmistakably human.
He smells the blood first.
At least – he thinks it’s blood.
His first instinct tells him it’s something floral – roses, he thinks – which makes little sense. Roses don’t grow in these woods. But underneath its dewy sweetness, there’s a tang of something else in the air too, like the roses are made of metal.
He slows his steps, listening hard.
There’s another low, muffled whimper – it’s softer, now, but close enough for him to make out the shallowing breaths in between, the slowing of its movements against one of the trees up ahead.
The wind shifts, sweeping its chill past his bare shoulder. Whatever is there with him suddenly stills. Even its breathing seems to just – stop – for a moment as the breeze reaches it, and Frank tenses, realizing that it must have smelled him too.
What are you?
He stands there a moment longer, waiting for the air to resettle. His hands come down to his sides, and he holds himself still, ready to do whatever is going to be necessary. But this – other creature is badly injured, and even if it’s here to compromise him in some way, it would be poor form if he attacked first.
“Whoever you are,” says a woman’s voice, faint but firm in the darkness, “Just make it quick. I don’t have all night.”
Frank steps forward, into the moonlight.
She’s well-hidden, nothing more than a voice between shadows on the other side of the pale swath of grass that he finds himself standing in. It wasn’t for lack of his sharpened senses that he hadn’t been able to make out the rest of her until now.
She has the figure of a woman, but she’s no more just a woman than he is just a man.
As he approaches, she shifts back a little, but there’s a defiant square to her shoulders that tells him it’s not in her nature to go down without a fight.
Even though the fight’s already come to her.
Her skin is so white that she looks almost ghost-like. But there’s a spark in her eyes that’s the color of sky and steel, and it holds him back at a distance, just enough to take measure of her wounds as she takes measure of him.
She’s in a sleeveless dress of some light blue gauze, but she doesn’t appear to be shivering. Frank catalogues this information for later, his gaze drawn instead to the clustered red welts running jagged down the length of each arm. The fabric of her dress is shredded in places too, a deep bloom of red spreading slowly up one side of the hem where it’s plastered against her thigh.
He kneels down next to her, and she lashes back against the tree, hissing through her teeth.
“Hey. Hey, hey, hey, shhhh. It’s okay. Hey. I’m not going to hurt you.” He raises his hands in a gesture of goodwill, gaze steady on hers. He might have imagined it – it could have been the dark playing its usual tricks on the light – but for a split second, her blue eyes glow just as bright as the moon.
He knows he’s not imagining the two pearly white fangs peeking out when her lips part in a silent warning.
That answers one of things he’s been wondering about her.
“Just – let me take a look at it, yeah?”
She stares at him, like she doesn’t quite know what to do with the fact that he’s still trying to help.
“Fine,” she grits out at last.
Slowly, carefully, he peels back the hem of her dress. There, in the upper part of her thigh, are two crescent-shaped puncture wounds, going deep into the muscle. The bite is fresh, but the skin around it is already curling, blackening with the first signs of decay.
Frank’s vision tunnels dark for a moment. He feels his pulse up to his ears, drowning out all other sound.
He can sense her eyes on him as he works, tearing off a strip of her dress and wrapping it tight around her thigh. It might be enough to stop the bleeding, for now, but the bleeding itself is not what’s concerning to him.
“You’re one of them,” she says. It’s a question, and it’s not.
“It’s just me,” he tells her. “I’m alone.”
It’s a struggle, to keep himself steady. Her words have confirmed what he already knew.
He would recognize a wolf bite anywhere.
“Who did this to you?” he asks her, his voice low and terrible.
Her nostrils flare once. She raises her head, as if in challenge, and tells him, “He won’t be a problem anymore.”
“Good,” says Frank, and means it.
They can’t stay here, he thinks. He has to get her out. No other wolf he’s known has ever traveled alone. Whoever it was that bit her – the rest of them might not be far behind.
He reaches for her, and she bares her teeth at him again, though he thinks it’s more out of surprise than anything else.
“If this bite isn’t the thing that kills you,” he says, “something else will, I can promise you that.”
“You mean if you don’t get around to it first?” But her fangs have receded, and she’s looking at him with more curiosity than caution for now. “Why should I trust you?”
“Afraid I don’t have a good answer to that,” says Frank matter-of-factly. “But something tells me you’re not really looking that hard for one.”
For the first time, he thinks he sees a flicker of fear cross over her features.
“But you know what I am,” she says finally. There’s another question just under the surface, like she’s still trying to understand something about him.
“Maybe I do,” he tells her. “Never actually met one of your kind before.” He looks her directly in the eye. “Doesn’t mean I know who you are, any more’n you think you know me. But I am gonna do what I can to keep you safe, you got that?”
“Sounds like I don’t have much of a choice.”
He almost smiles at that. “Guess you don’t. C’mon.”
He lifts her up, one arm under her knees, the other braced around her shoulders. Her skin is blessedly cool pressed to his – he runs even hotter than normal, around this time of the month, and he still hasn’t had a chance to transition and let off some of that steam.
Later, he thinks. He hoists her closer, careful not to jostle her leg.
The scent of the roses grows stronger, and he becomes vaguely aware of the fact that her mouth is inches away from his pulse.
“So what do I call you?” Her breath feels like the mist off an icebox, but there’s a distant quality to it, and when he glances down her lids are fluttering closed.
“Frank,” he says. He’ll have to keep talking, to keep her awake. “Your turn.”
“Karen,” she tells him. “My name is Karen.”
“Okay, Karen.” He takes off in a jog, ignoring the burn of the uneven ground against his bare feet. “Karen, you’re safe with me, okay?” And he hopes to Christ that he’s not wrong.
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panickinganakin · 4 years
A/N An AU in which the Starkiller base runs DNA tests on every member checking for midi-chlorians. I’m thinking of making this a small series (maybe something larger if you guys like). It will be reader finding out she has the force in her, she will learn the dark side first, unlike the Jedi’s who struggle with darkness. Let me know what you guys think! 
word count: 1639
warnings: angst, blood being taken for tests, vomiting, passing out, nothing r rated except the f word
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Your head was spinning, how much more blood could they take from you before you faded away? The people who were taking your DNA in every way possible, were dressed in all red. You couldn’t see a single hint of humanity, your nerves were shot.
“It doesn’t make sense,” one hissed. Definitely a woman. “Try again, Commander is on his way back, a hurried return to check behind us, we mustn’t make a mistake with this, we will lose our lives for delaying a mission,” her voice was a whisper now. 
“No more, no more please,” you said tiredly as they approached you with another set of blood vials. “I haven’t ate a thing, you pulled four times today, please?” Your tone was as urgent as it could be with the lack of life left in you.
You felt the pinch, your arm turning cold for the fifth time today. You chest was warm now, your breath weak. The whole room was fuzzy and it started to spin, you couldn’t hold your eyes open any longer. 
“Impossible,” the voice was cold, you were scared to open your eyes. Where were you again? Oh yes, blood.
You turned your head quickly, eyes still squint shut. The bile in your stomach pressed up and you couldn’t help but throwing up. “How many did you say, again?” the same voice came through your ears again. You could place it now, and you were scared.
“Twenty-six thousand, Commander.” It was the same woman’s voice as before, the one who wouldn’t stop when you begged. 
“Impossible,” he mumbled. His footsteps were growing closer to you. 
Still terrified to open your eyes, you laid perfectly still. As if no one had seen you throw up, you wanted to believe you were dreaming. “We know, we tested five times.”
“Five times?” The commander’s voice sounded angry, “Are you so ignorant? No wonder she is sick. You will clean this mess up and you will bring her to the shuttle, I’m bringing her to Snoke.”
“That isn’t a good idea, she needs to rest and let her blood regenerate. We recommend at least three days. Flying could kill her, Commander.” The voice sounded urgent. You couldn’t pretend anymore, your eyes popped open.
“Don’t touch me!” Your voice was hurried but it was a beg. You didn’t think your stomach could handle moving again. 
“Look at her! If she does- if it is true, and this girl has the force in her... You will have almost killed her! Demoted. Every single one of you. Clean this up, and leave.” 
The bundle of black robes in front of you made you feel sick again. Commander Kylo Ren. This was as close as you two had ever been. He was just as scary as people had depicted him to be. “You’re scared.” His tone was flat, only a slight bit of curiosity. “What section do you come from?”
Did he have to ask? Of course, people didn’t know you, you were just a sanitation staff member. You opened your mouth, afraid of the sound that would escape. You felt very weak, “Sanitation.” To your surprise your voice was almost completely normal. “Living quarters, sir. I clean and make beds. Sir,” you made sure to add. 
“Interesting... What planet were you from?”
“I d-don’t remember. The first order,” you were carefully picking over your words, making sure not to disrespect the First Order, you needed to live, “they rescued me when I was a child. Hardly three.” Rescued? Not even close, but, it was a good lie. 
“Do you know what midi-chlorians are?” his voice returned to a flat tone, echoing off the walls because of his mask. Curious, what face lied beneath the dark metal. “I’m speaking to you.”
You weren’t sure how long you had been silent, long enough for him to notice. “N-no sir. I only know what they have taught us in the education sectors. I’ve lived my whole life on the Starkiller, sir.... Can I by chance.. Have some water? I’m not feeling very we-”
He held up his hand, cutting you off. Jeez, if he wanted to know information he could have been a little more kind. “No. Midi-chlorians are in your cells, the higher the number the more the force is with you- in- you. You have heard of Darth Vader?”
This was one lesson you did have. Sith Lord, power, Vader, power, blah blah blah. You didn’t want to give a vocal response, your throat was burning with terror, a lump welting in the center. Why did any of this matter? “Bring this girl water,” he said sharply to the two were cleaning up your mess off the floor. 
“Darth Vader had over twenty thousand midi-chlorians in a cell. And you? Over twenty-six, how is that possible?”
You were lost. Your whole life had been folding bed sheets and scrubbing toilets. You shook your head, not really following. He sighed, backing away, finally leaving a safe distance between the two of you. 
“We have a lot to talk about... I want her brought to my living quarters. You said three days until travel, she will not leave my sight. Double up on the guards outside of my room. No one in, and no one out. Hux will see to it that all missions are handled appropriately. I will not be bothered.” 
You were finally being given a glass of water, you gulped it down quickly. The commanders living quarters? This was a trap, you would be killed. “I promise sir,” you voice had finally made its way back to you. “I promise... I know nothing of these things, I have been a servant to the Starkiller my whole life, making beds and cleaning bathrooms. I’ve committed no acts of treason.”
“Silence. You will not be killed, you will be a very important piece to our strategy. You will be protected unless our Supreme Leader suggests otherwise. Now, someone get the fluids back into the girl.”
His cape flung behind him as he exited, your head spinning. He promised you safety, but it all felt like a trap. “Don’t let him kill me!” you were scared, sitting up, digging out the fresh IV. You jumped off the bed quickly, slipping on the floor that was still wet. 
“Listen, 8123, sit. You aren’t going to die,” the woman’s voice was now kind, understanding almost. She was pushing you back down on the bed, shoving the IV back in. “I don’t know what you know about all these things. Having that many midi-chlorians makes you valuable. You shut up and do what they say and you’ll live. That’s more than Commander Ren has himself. You can be trained in the force.” 
The force was made up, wasn’t it? They were just scary stores people told of the rebellion, about the Commander and his cruel, handless, punishment. “I don’t want to go with him, he will kill me!” 
“Foolish, that’s exactly what you are. You are being given an opportunity to rise above your ranks. Straighten. Up. Your. Act.” she was wiping a cold wet towel across your forehead. “Now, be calm.” Another nurse crossed the room, handing her a needle with pink liquid in the tube. 
The needle pierced your skin and almost immediately your eyelids shut.
The room you woke up in was white, very sleek, full of different tables and technology. This wasn’t the room you had went to sleep in. Sleep. You hadn’t went to sleep at all. “Those motherfuckers,” you mumbled. That had drugged you, probably afraid you would retaliate. 
To your surprise, there were no longer any tubes hooked up to you. Your wrists were red, had they restrained you too? “What the?” you sighed looking around. 
Even though when you stood up and found your legs to be shaky. you pushed forward. Where had they taken you? You let your hands drag across a clean, smooth white table. Somehow you knew where you were, you could feel something shifting in you. 
The feeling had always been there, why was it now coming to life? Was it because you were told about it?
“It’s the force. The question you asked yourself... That’s the feeling. It keeps our whole world balanced. Why hadn’t they tested you before?” You turned quickly, eyes meeting who you knew to be the Commander. However instead of a helmet, you were met with long black locks and a fair skinned face. The man was beautiful. Had this been their scary Commander?
“What? Oh uhm, I don’t know. Maybe they thought a maid of quarters wouldn’t matter?” You were becoming more confused. Maybe when you passed out, you went in a coma. Maybe this whole situation was in your head. Yes, that would explain it. A comatose dream. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. This is real. What is your name?” He was incredibly still. If his mouth had not been moving you could have bet he was a statue, fake like everything else you had been hoping was imaginative. 
“No, not your number, your name.”
Your name? What was it? You had been given a number at such a young age. You closed your eyes, trying to picture your young self. You were running in sand, your mother behind you, yelling to run faster. The ships were at your heels, they were coming to take you. She screamed your name. You eyes flashed open, “Y/N,” you choked out. 
Commander Ren’s eyes were huge, he shook his head, “Well then, Y/N. We have a lot to talk of before you meet Snoke. You are feeling it now, the force, you need to know good from evil, power from weakness. Follow me.” He turned on his heal and disappeared into the next room. 
Despite every ounce of fear in you, your curiosity was stronger. A chance to rise above your ranks. You repeated in your head, finally following behind the commander. 
chapter two
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every1studio · 5 years
REQUESTED: “someone’s hero” [ateez: hongjoong]
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genre: ANGST + slight fluff + MENTIONS OF AN END 
ficstyle: bulletpoints
request: “ Hi!!! Can I get an angsty hananki disease au for hongjoong?? “ + “ Ur robbing us of a spiderman hongjoong😔💜🥺♥️♥️ “ 
note: trying to kill 2 birds with one stone here
"Hongjoong! you were almost late for class!” you smacked the arm of your best friend as he collapsed on his desk
Hongjoong was almost late because he was just doing small acts of good deeds 
you know, the usual
helping an elderly woman cross the crosswalk
picking up after people as they litter
saving a bank from a band of robbers
the usual
Hongjoong lived another life outside of being your typical high school student and helping others 
back in middle school, he got bit by a radioactive spider; giving him the abilities of a spider 
he honed his skills for the greater good and perform heroic deeds to help the neighborhood
but he knew he couldn’t juggle being a normal high school
so the only people that knew of his hidden identity are his parents 
you nudge at Hongjoong’s elbow as you show him your phone
“our friendly neighborhood hero strikes again. I really wanna know who this guy is..”
Hongjoong smirks at you as he rests his chin on his arm, “what would you say if you got a chance to talk to him?” 
you sat up a little straighter, “I would thank him for his services and..”
“and~?” Hongjoong’s ears perked up 
“I would ask to see his face.. I mean what if he’s this insanely good looking guy?!”
“he could be insanely ugly too..” he jeered 
you slapped him on the arm, “don’t talk about him like that! with that selfless heart and toned body? there’s no way that he’s ugly!”
Hongjoong blushed at your words but you couldn’t know his true identity, nobody could 
he ruffles the back of his head before clearing his throat, “so um.. are you gonna go to homecoming?”
you shrugged as you got out your physics textbook, “I don’t know... you know it’s not my thing...”
he dramatically hung his head down as he pouted at you, “it’s our senior year though...”
“I’ll let you know if I change my mind,” you said as you rolled your eyes
Hongjoong didn’t have the courage to ask you out; he was suppose to ask you out a long time ago 
it was easier was you two were younger 
but the older you two got, the harder it was for him to tell you all the feelings he had pent up inside for you
you could say he’s been in love with you when you two were 5 and finding ladybugs until the sunset
he made a daisy ring for you and announced that when you two are old enough, he’ll buy you a real shiny ring 
up until today, he doesn’t know if you liked him back or not 
but that fact that you didn’t push him away gave him hope 
Hongjoong was a pretty good student so he only had 3 classes; which were all the classes that you had with him 
it gave him enough time to spend with you AND go do his heroic deeds 
“do you want anything from Starbucks?” Hongjoong gets up to leave for the day 
you gave him a smile that he fell in love with, “the usual please~”
“with extra cinnamon on top?” he asked with a smile
“just the way I like it~”
Hongjoong was so giddy he didn’t notice Yunho walking passed him, with a bouquet of flowers behind his back
it was a long day for Hongjoong, he got caught up with a bunch of little hooligans but he made it back to school in time for your last class of the day
everyone was teasing and nudging at you and Yunho 
Hongjoong had a bad feeling about it 
he stopped someone who was recording the two of you, “what’s going on?”
“oh Yunho asked Y/N out to homecoming in the CUTEST way; they’ve got to hook up!” the girl squealed as she posted the video on her social media 
Hongjoong felt like it was hard to breath all of a sudden; he tried clearing his throat but the feeling didn’t go away 
he was going to turn away until-
“Joongie!!” it belong to your voice and upon hearing it, it made his chest hurt
“here’s your Starbucks..” he managed to choke up
you took the drink and placed it down
you moved his face so that he was only going to focus on your face, “Joongie... are you okay? what’s wrong?”
Hongjoong pushed through the excruciating pain with a smile, “I’m okay.. I’m just tired, I don’t think I can take you home today..”
you were genuinely concerned for him; he’s always taken care of you, just as you have with him 
but you thought maybe some space would be good for him 
“please call me when you get the chance...” you looked at him with worried eyes 
he pats your hair like he always did but he doesn’t say anything 
he made eye contact with Yunho and walked away 
there was nothing to hate about Yunho; he was tall, handsome, caring, and just a genuinely good person
would you have changed your mind if he asked you first?
would you have gone with homecoming with him?
would he have had a chance with you?
but was he ready for you to know the truth about him?
all these thoughts made his chest hurts 
he laid in bed, coughing and hacking up petals
daisy petals, to be exact; which took him back to his proposal to you back when you were kids 
homecoming was suppose to be the end of the week 
it was announced on the news that their neighborhood hero was nowhere to be seen 
Hongjoong’s condition made it hard for him to use any of abilities 
he thought that this was a passing sickness that will go away; he did his research on his condition
Hanakaki Disease: where the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from an one-sided love. when the person the victim loves returns the feelings, the condition will be lifted. or can be removed surgically but the feelings the victim has for the beloved will disappear
Hongjoong slouched in his chair when he read articles upon articles about this condition
he couldn’t go through with the surgery; he wanted to love you until the day he died
every time he thinks about you, he coughs up a bouquet of daisy petals 
the most he can do with his spidery abilities is use it to clean up the petals in his room 
despite of living so close, you two loved to exchange handwritten letter; he kept every single on that you wrote to him and would read it until he fell asleep 
he got excused from school for a week; which was probably for the best 
he wouldn’t have to seen you with Yunho 
he answered your texts and calls but other than that, he wouldn’t let you visit him
told you that he was scared that you would catch what he has 
this went on until the night of homecoming 
Hongjoong was getting ready for homecoming; it was his senior year after all 
you invited him to go with your group; he was your childhood friend and your best friend after all
“you look beautiful..” he murmurs into your ear after you all get into venue 
“you don’t look too bad yourself, Hongjoong~” you smirked
but your joking demeanor changed as you grabbed the sleeve of his tuxedo, “I missed you.. I know you were only gone for a week but it felt like more...” 
Hongjoong’s chest didn’t feel as heavy as it’s been for the whole week he was at home, “I missed you too..”
“Y/N! you ready?” Yunho put his arm out for you to take, “oh hey Hongjoong, you feeling better?”
Hongjoong had the urge to cough but he held it back, “better than ever”
you slipped away from Hongjoong and linked arms with Yunho 
when you walked away with Yunho, Hongjoong excused him to cough
he coughed up petals until he couldn’t breathe and asked himself was it worth it to even go to this dance
everyone in the group danced to the music but Hongjoong couldn’t help but watch the lights dancing off of your face 
you looked so beautiful, he could cry 
suddenly, the ground started to shake 
everyone was stumbling and falling 
the earthquake alarms came on 
everyone ran to the safety zones
Hongjoong knew that in a case of this kind of panic; he was needed the most
he slipped out of his tuxedo and started to help out anywhere that he could
there was still chaos even though the earthquake subsided
it seemed like only the building that the dance took place at was the only unstable building so evacuating everyone was a better idea than having them hide in the safety zone until authorities came
Hongjoong thought he got everyone out until Yunho came back into the building
“hey man.. I was with my date and I can’t seem to find them.. you gotta go find them! please...”
“you gotta get back outside.. I’ll look for them...” 
Hongjoong sprinted, swung at the speed of light trying to find you
he found you trapped in between two slabs of concrete; you were safe but you were unable to get out of it
he shot out webs that moved the slabs out of the way 
“oh my gosh... I’m a big fan of yours...” you were in awe that you were standing right in front of the neighborhood hero 
“look we gotta go.. it’s not safe here..” he tried to get you out to safety 
“wait look this is probably the only time I’ll even get to talk to you like this.. how can I thank you?” you fidgeted; the adrenaline was running in your veins, “could I kiss you?”
Hongjoong wasn’t able to say anything but he lifted his mask off
“surprise~ and I insanely handsome like you thought I was” he announced with a sense of sarcastically glum manner 
you grabbed his face and kissed him 
he was so shock and in that moment, he didn’t know he could breathe so clearly
he wrapped his arm around your waist
it was like time stopped for the two of you, “Joongie, I have sooo many questions..”
“let’s get out of here first..“ he reeled back into reality, “gotta get you back to Yunho..”
you couldn’t say anything to that
he dropped you off at the entrance
there was a moment of blissful silence until the entrance way was crumbling
he pushed you as hard as he could into Yunho’s arm and tried to keep the pillars up
but even at the extraordinary limits of his abilities, Hongjoong couldn’t keep them up
in front of your face, you saw them collapse onto him 
your eyes welt up with tears, you tried to run to him as you called his name but Yunho held you back
the authorities came too late
Hongjoong didn’t make it to the hospital 
his death was a tragedy; he was known as the infamous neighborhood hero
but he was your childhood friend
and your best friend 
and your first love
his mother let you into his room one last time before they were going to move away
the death of their son was too much for them to stay in the same house that they raised him in 
the TV was on in his room; there was a bed made of daisy petals 
“Kim Hongjoong, senior at KQ High School, died as our friendly neighborhood, hero. he was also known as Spider-Man. the hospital also diagnosed that he was suffering with Hanakaki disease. our hero died with an one-sided love disease..”
you switched off the TV and clenched your heart 
you convinced yourself that you didn’t have anything to do with his Hanakaki disease 
his mother knocked on the door before entering, “hey there sweetie... Hongjoong told me to give this to you if anything happened to him..”
she gave you a peck on the forehead, “let me know if you need anything..”
the letter was sealed with a spider web
Y/N.. hey.. remember all the letters we wrote each other? I have them all saved up still. I read them when I’m bored.. or when I miss you. if you’re getting this letter, something probably happened to me. and if you’re getting this letter, I probably haven’t told you everything about me. I’m Spider-Man. big surprise! but that’s not the main point of this letter. I was able to make this neighborhood safe but I wasn’t able to confess to you. the scariest thing was, knowing that another guy could make you happier than I could. and all of my efforts would just be a nuisance to you. I just want you to know if that no matter what, I love you. I’m sorry I didn’t keep my promise of proposing to you when we were kids.. childish I know, but that’s what keeps me going everyday. I want you to be the best version of yourself and be the happiest person in the world. Yunho is a great guy and I know that he’s going to treat you well. even if I’m not your hero, I hope someone out there will be..
your tears trickled over the letter
he wasn’t just someone’s hero
he was yours
you loved every part of him; he was your hero before he was anyone else’s hero 
but you convinced yourself that you were never going to be good enough for him 
but like the wishes he had for you in his letter
your brain convinced your heart that you were going to continue loving Yunho so that you wouldn’t have the Hanakaki disease 
you wished that there was more time for him to confess to you
you wished that there was more time for you to confess to him
and now you lost your childhood friend
your best friend
and your first, true love 
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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dieaprikose · 4 years
LESEN AUF DEUTSCH | books to read in German
If you are bored of Duolingo (which I personally dont’t find that useful, but it is just my personal opinion, if you like it, if you gain knowledge by using it, then it is awesome) and other learning apps and if you want to find other ways to encounter your target language, you should READ! It may seem hard at first, it may puzzle you or give you a headache, but I swear it is one the most useful methods when it comes to language learning.
I know it is because this is how I got my English knowledge on a more advanced level. I actually remember moments when the language have started to make sense in my head, when I started to develop a deeper and wider passive vocabulary. I remember when I was sitting in an English class in school, and I remembered words from my readings. If you read in your target language, you become familiar with phrases, idioms; it will give you an image of the correct usage of language: it is essential when it comes to different registers. Maybe you learn a phrase or a word in a learning app, but reading them in a book makes you understand that in what kind of situations you can use them, to whom you can tell them. In short: read.
(personally, I remember that in 2013, I started to read 5SOS fanfics on wattpad because there were no Hungarian fanfics that time, and it was truly a breaking point in my studies. So even if it is fanfictions, read them. They help).
There are some pretty good possibilities for beginners/lower-intermediate (A2) language learners.  Here are some suggestions:
1. André Klein - Learn German with Stories - Dino lernt Deutsch (A2) The Dino lernt Deutsch  series is a wonderful and extremely useful book series for language learners. It follows the life of a young guy called Dino, who moves to Germany to find a job. The problem is that he has to learn German because he is a beginner-level. So the book basically introduces Germany, the German language and culture from the point of view of an outsider. The series has 8 part, all of them take place in different cities from Berlin to Zürich. I have only read the first two (Café in Berlin and Ferien in Frankfurt) but I can tell you that they are kinda mandatory for your language studies. All the parts have 10 short stories, and at the end of each story, there is a vocabulary with the most important/mostly unknown words and phrases and then a little exercise which tests your understanding of the text. If you have a Kindle or another e-book reader with a built-in dictionary, I advise you to buy an ebook version as you can check other unknown words immediately. WEBSITE
Caf�� in Berlin
Ferien in Frankfurt
Karneval in Köln
Momente in München
Ahoi aus Hamburg
Plötzlich in Palermo
Walzer in Wien
Zurück in Zürich
2. Language Learning University - German Short Stories (9 Simple and Captivating Stories for Effective German Learning for Beginners) (A1-A2) I haven’t read this book yet, however, I plan to do so after finishing the Dino lernt Deutsch series. As the title already suggests, it includes 9 short stories in German. After every chapter, there is a short summary in English and a short, but useful list of unknown words in English; and then there is an exercise just like in the Dino series. 
3. Roald Dahl - Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik (A2-B1) Everyone knows the story of the little boy who gets a golden ticket to the Chocolate factory. The German translation of the book is surprisingly easy, maybe I wouldn’t recommend it to complete beginners, but if you are around an A2 level, you can try to read this book. I again suggest an ebook version because of the built-in dictionaries. I have started to read this book, however, I couldn’t finish it yet, but I have no problem with understanding. it. A short quote from the book just the examplify how easy it is:
“Das Haus war viel zu klein für so viele Leute, und so war das Leben darin für alle miteinander äußerst unbequem. Es gab nur zwei Zimmer und nur ein einziges Bett. In dem Bett durften die vier alten Großelten schlafen, weil sie so alt und müde waren” (Roald Dahl).
I don’t think I have to go into details, the quoted part is about how small the house Charlie’s family live in. To be honest, there was only one unknown word for me in that section (äußer). 
4. Mark Haddon - Supergute Tage oder Die sonderbare Welt des Christopher Boone (A2-B1) (rather B1) It is again a translated, originally English book, however, not hard to read for German learners. I have found out about it in a youtube video (just like about Charlie und die Schokoladenfabrik), and it is indeed seems to be a good choice. I haven’t started it yet, but it seems not hard to understand. Maybe it is a bit challenging text than the Roald Dahl’s book, but at least you can learn more words.
5. J. K. Rowling - Harry Potter (B1) This list wouldn’t be complete without Harry Potter. Years ago, my sister found the first part (Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen) in German in a thrift shop,  but I only started to read it this year. Not gonna lie, it is hard, I think, it is the hardest one in the list. I read the first chapter for at least a half an hour, then I got a pretty heavy headache, but I understood (!!!). It was the very first book I have ever read in English, I remember that the first time (summer of 2011 or 2012, not sure), I tried to check every single unknown word for like 100 page. Then I read it again in around 2013, and I loved how easier it became. Now, that I’m reading it in German, what makes it ‘easier”, and why I still recommend it is that all of us know the story. If you read the books a lot, you maybe even know what is coming in the text. I remember scenes, even sentences which makes it easier to comprehend it in German. A pretty lame example is coming:
“Mr und Mrs Dursley im Ligusterweg Nummer 4 waren stolz darauf, ganz und gar normal zu sein, sehr stolz sogar”
I don’t even have to say which sentence it is (the very first, obviously), but yeey, it made me understand phrases and words:  stolz sein auf - to be proud of ganz und gar normal - perfectly normal And I haven’t even had the need to check these words, partly because I already knew the first sentence, and partly because I have a basic knowledge of words and grammar in German. Let’s see another example, just because I love Harry Potter sooo much.
“Fast zehn Jahre waren vergangen, seit die Dursleys eines Morgens die Haustür geöffnet, und auf der Schwelle ihren Neffen gefunden hatten, doch der Ligusterweg hatte sich kaum verändert” (Chapter 2)
That is a bit harder sentence, but if you pay attention, it is not that problematic. I already knew some words from this sentence, but again, there were some which were new or at least I haven’t seen them in these forms yet. waren vergangen - have passed (I only know the word “Vergangenheit (past) from the series Dark).  die Schwelle - doorstep (! in the sentence it is used with der, but it is because of the auf, and the Dativ form of die is der).  sich verändern - to change
Oookay, that last part about Harry Potter was a bit long, but I just wanted to prove you that reading challenging texts can be fun and useful as well. You just pay extra attention if you are not on that level, but you can do that. 
If you have any German book recommendation, feel free to suggest me (and others) some. I love to read and I could only find these so far in German. 
Bis bald,
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marshmallow-phd · 6 years
Sins of the Father
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Genre: Mafia Au
Pairing: Junmyeon x Reader
Summary: Soon after your second birthday, your parents were killed and you were adopted by your father’s best friend, taken away to their home country where you lived your life in peaceful ignorance. As far a as you knew, your parents simply left you large fortune to be released to you once you reached your twenty-third birthday. At least, that’s all you thought you were inheriting. When a famously ruthless mafia boss discovers your existence, you are left at his mercy. While under his roof, you learn more about your father than you ever wished you had, including the part of your inheritance that made you the most valuable person in the underworld. Hidden in a bank in New York City were files that held the darkest secrets of the mafia families and everyone in their pocket. With another terrifying leader’s eyes trained on you, you’ll learn to watch your back… and guard your heart, before your father’s past becomes your doom.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I Final
It was hard, but you tried not to dwell on Junmyeon’s promise. Instead, you focused on appreciating the fact that he was around more and you actually had a chance to get to know the man behind the empire. Junmyeon was claiming that, in order to heal before facing “clients”, he needed to stay in the penthouse for the next week.
You’d gone back to sleeping in your own room, although each time you said good night for the evening, Junmyeon would open his mouth and then close it before saying good night as well. Your gut was telling you that he kept wanting to ask if you would stay with him, but you were glad that he didn’t. You couldn’t be sure if you could turn him down and, for now at least, it was best you didn’t repeat that night you patched him up.
However, spending the day with him was a luxury you were getting too used to. The boys didn’t really come over for those days, only Chen to drop off some new information or Sehun to get approval for a “merchandise purchase”. While you’d never been particularly close to the maknae, Chen still kept a noticeable distance, even though he did smile when he found the two of you sitting on the same couch without trying to strangle each other.
Junmyeon wasn’t much of a cook and you still hadn’t worked up the courage to ask him if you could go to the grocery store, so your meals tended to be anything that could be delivered. It was always delicious, but you liked a homemade meal just a little bit more.
The daily activities consisted of watching TV, telling embarrassing childhood stories, and Junmyeon beating you horribly at every single game they had packed in the rec room. He didn’t believe in just letting you win even once, but you found that you couldn’t complain. You were content in those days and you liked the person you were getting to know.
Inside, however, there was a constant battle. You were falling for him, piece by piece. Every little laugh or small gesture thrown your way broke down the barrier you’d built up to keep him out.
But those damn files wouldn’t leave you alone. It made you doubt the short seconds of skin on skin contact he initiated when your hands brushed up against each other or when he pushed your hair out of your face. You wanted to believe in him, but after finding out you’d been lied to your whole life, you knew you had to walk on the thin ice with light feet, not getting too settled or comfortable or else the freezing water underneath could consume you.
Though you weren’t looking exactly forward to it, you didn’t expect to be so disappointed when you woke up the Monday after that week to find Junmyeon dressed once again in a well-tailored suit. It was only a quick glimpse of him as he walked from his bedroom to his office, but you knew well enough he was not going to be around today. Not wanting to be caught pouting in the kitchen, you just made a cup of tea and retreated back to your room. You sat down at the desk and opened a random book, not really taking in any of the words, but trying to busy yourself anyway.
A soft knock interrupted your sulking and Junmyeon pushed the door open after you gave verbal permission.
“Good morning,” he greeted. The welts on his face were almost completely healed, just now a faded yellow that he covered up with a small amount of makeup. His movements were fluid again, no longer hindered by bruised muscles.
“Good morning.” You tried to appear upbeat, but you doubted that it actually worked.
Out of his pocket, Junmyeon pulled out a small black rectangle and tossed it on the desk, landing with a soft clank. You picked up it, unsure of how to react.
“What’s this?” you asked as you flipped the card over.
“A credit card that you’re an authorized user on,” he explained, making your eyes go wide. “There’s not really a limit on it, so you won’t have to worry about that.”
“I appreciate the gesture,” you said, trying to hand the card back to him, “but, I will spend my days developing a home shopping channel addiction if I keep this.”
He took a step back, not taking the card. “Actually, I thought you could go get some real food to cook for tonight.”
You blinked, not wanting to accidentally take his words the wrong way and get your hopes up. “Wait. ‘Go get some food.’ As in leave the penthouse? Do you have time to go grocery shopping with me?”
“No, I don’t,” he answered glumly. “But I thought you could take Kyungsoo and Chanyeol with you. And if you wanted to go shop at other places that would fine, too.”
“Y-you’re letting me out of the penthouse?” You must still be asleep. Your optimism about your situation was invading your dreams now.
“Yes, I am letting you have free reign of your day, save that you have at least one of the guys with you at all times. Oh, and here,” he fished another, slightly larger rectangle out of his breast pocket. A white cell phone. “You are to have that on you at all times. All our numbers are programmed in it, mine is speed dial number one. Those are the conditions for you to leave the apartment. Got it?”
You nodded enthusiastically as you jumped up from the chair, throwing your arms around his neck. “Thank you.”
He hugged you back, even rocking you a little with his arms around your waist. “You’re welcome. Having you locked up here was cruel of me. I know you won’t disappear.”
“I won’t. I promise.” Your smile was making your face ache as water pooled in your eyes. He was trusting you. What did you do to deserve this miracle?
He sighed, his breath tickling your neck. “I have to go now. The boys are waiting for you in the living room, whenever you’re ready.”
Junmyeon let you go, placing a small kiss on the top of your head before walking out.
Barely able to wait, you quickly got dressed and practically ran to the living room. Chanyeol was sitting lazily on the couch, slumped down as he scrolled through something on his phone. Kyungsoo was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed and the corners of his lips tense, like he was fighting back a smile.
“You guys ready?” The excitement was hard to keep out of your voice. It was just the grocery store, the most mundane place you could go and yet it was almost like getting Lotte World to yourself.
Chanyeol beamed with his puppy dog eyes, happy at your cheery attitude that hadn’t been fully present since you arrived here. Kyungsoo pushed off the wall, waving the keys in his hands.
“Do you need to make a list?” Chanyeol suggested.
You almost slapped your forehead. In your eagerness to leave, you hadn’t thought about actually having a game plan as to what to get. Hyunmin had done all the shopping and the few times you’d gone with her, you hadn’t really paid attention to what she was getting and how to put them together.
“Yeah, good idea.” You turned to the quiet member. “Kyungsoo, do you mind helping me out?”
That did it. No longer able to fight back the emotion, Kyungsoo’s mouth split into a big, heart-shaped grin as he nodded and followed you into the kitchen.
Finding a notepad and pen, you quickly wrote down the items you knew you wanted to buy before turning to the professional for advice. The list was long by the time you were both satisfied, making you thankful that the two helpers-slash-babysitters would be coming along.
You took one of the SUV’s, with the boys sitting up front. You buckled up in the middle seat just behind them and leaned forward, your chin resting on the shoulder of Chanyeol’s seat while he drove. Uncontrollably, your legs bounced up and down as you rounded your way out of the parking garage and out into the morning sun. It was still hard to believe that you were actually leaving the building. And not for some dumb, gambling event, but for a normal outing to the store. Or, as normal as it could be with two bodyguards.
What you would have expected to be a quick five or ten minute drive turned into a half hour journey. The store they picked was on the other side of Seoul in a small, nondescript neighborhood. When you gave Chanyeol a curious glance, he shrugged.
“It keeps anyone from knowing which neighborhood you’re located in and to keep others from following us.”
Once in the store, you were thankful that the boys acted somewhat normal. They didn’t stalk you like a bodyguard normally would, quiet and stoic, constantly eyeballing anyone who came within ten feet of you.
Instead, they were helpful, pointing out the ingredients you were searching for and recommending one brand over the other. Chanyeol would grab the items that were too far out of reach and Kyungsoo would inspect the fruits and vegetables for any discoloration or rotting edges. On occasion, a small noise or fellow patron would put them on high alert, but they quickly fell back into rhythm after deciding on the all clear.
At the end, the poor bagger was careful to stack the groceries into the plastic bags in order to not destroy any of the groceries as you checked out. Kyungsoo’s watchful glare probably wasn’t helping the kid’s nerves.
With your wares piled neatly into the back of the SUV, you headed back to the penthouse. At first it was a quiet ride, the radio at a reasonable volume while Chanyeol hummed along. Out of nowhere, he turned the sound off and met your eyes in the rearview mirror.
“Uh, (y/n)?” he cleared his throat. “Did something happen between you and Junmyeon?”
You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Like you know, did you two – ow!” Kyungsoo had punched Chanyeol in the shoulder, making the vehicle swerve just a bit. The look Kyungsoo was giving was frightening to say the least. “Hey, I was just wondering! At first, we weren’t supposed to let you leave the penthouse, then he takes a week off and now you’re able to go grocery shopping. He doesn’t usually flip on his decisions that easily.”
“He stayed behind last week to heal,” Kyungsoo reminded him.
Chanyeol rolled his eyes. “Have you ever seen Junmyeon just take a week off because of a few bruises?”
Kyungsoo didn’t answer.
“We’ve agreed to try and get along,” you explained. Your cheeks gave off a strong heat as you remembered Junmyeon’s face when he said that he thought about being more than just a piece of paper.
“Good,” Kyungsoo nodded.
Your eyes widened at his response. That was not a reaction you would have expected out of Kyungsoo. He always seemed to be more of an observer, never really taking part or commenting on what was going on around him.
“That also explains why he went off on Yixing last Friday night,” Chanyeol whispered.
You probably weren’t meant to hear that, but you slumped back in your seat, crossing your arms.
Why did Junmyeon get upset with Yixing that night?
The two you had simply been dancing, nothing more. Junmyeon had snapped so suddenly when you offered to call Yixing to check on him. Had Junmyeon gotten jealous?
Maybe. Just maybe.
At the thought of a possibly jealous Junmyeon, your face warmed up even more.
Back home, the boys refused to let you carry any of the bags. Chanyeol was showing off as he had four bags in each arm while Kyungsoo just took the remaining three. The latter helped you put away the groceries while Chanyeol dropped down on the couch and turned on the TV. Junmyeon, along with Xiumin and Chen, arrived a few minutes after you did. He grinned at the large number of bags resting on the counter and made eye contact with you before slipping into his office.
Once done with the groceries, you threw a quick snack together and excused yourself to your room. While eating, you pulled out your new phone, contemplating. Junmyeon never explicitly said that you couldn’t call anyone else besides the members, just that their numbers were already programmed in the contacts. And you needed to hear from your family. You needed to know that they were still safe.
The line rang several times, making you wonder if Hyunmin would even answer. Taegun never took calls from a number he didn’t know and he was always scolding Hyunmin for not doing the same. It’s how she once made a large donation to a humane society without knowing if they were even legitimate. Taegun had to change all their bank information to make sure the company didn’t try to pull even more money.
“Mom!” You rocketed up to a sitting position, almost in tears. “It’s me! It’s (y/n)!”
“(y/n)? (y/n), is it really you!”
“Yes! Hold on, let me switch it to the video.” You clicked on the camera button and laughed when you still saw Hyunmin’s ear rather than her face. “Mom, look at your phone.”
With a little bit of shuffling, she finally faced the camera, her eyes lighting up like stars. “(y/n)! Oh, sweetheart, are you okay? Did you run away? How are you calling us right now?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you promised. “No, I’m still with Junmyeon. He gave me a new phone and I just got back from grocery shopping.”
“New phone? Grocery shopping?” she repeated. Her face scrunched up, confused as if you were telling her you were getting a pet monkey. “You mean he lets you out of your room?”
You laughed again. “Yes, Mom. I’m not a hostage. I can leave as long as I have one of the guys to protect me. Everyone here’s been really sweet to me.” You didn’t feel the need to inform her that your extended freedom and the phone were recent developments. “They’re really not that bad of people.”
“Not that bad!” There was a scuffle and then Hyunmin’s face was replaced with Taegun.
He was barely recognizable. His left eye was swollen shut and there was a large gash on his forehead held together by too many stitches to count. His lip looked like it’d been stung by a bee and a large bruise covered his right cheek.
“Dad!” You wished that you could jump through the screen of the phone so you could inspect all the injuries yourself. Each one was like a punch to your stomach. “How did this happen to you?”
“I was walking down an alley after realizing I was being followed,” He coughed and Hyunmin appeared behind him, rubbing his back. “Two tall men ambushed me, kicking and beating me. When they were done, they said it was a warning to you and that you would understand when you found out.”
Junko. It had to be. “This wasn’t Junmyeon,” you insisted. “He’s supposed to be watching over you so things like this don’t happen.”
“How am I supposed to believe that)?” Taegun spat. He was right. He didn’t know the boys like you did or the run in with Junko that led to this.
You snuck a few screenshots of Taegun’s face, knowing he wouldn’t realize what you were doing. “I have to go, but I’ll call back soon. I love you both.”
Before either of them could protest, you ended the call. Marching out of your room, you made your way to Junmyeon’s office, not even bothering to knock as you shoved the door open. All nine of the inner circle were in there, the eight underlings surrounding Junmyeon’s desk as if in the middle of an intense meeting. Their eyes grew wide at your sudden intrusion. Knocking was one of the top rules and you’d never broken any of them before.
Junmyeon stood up, shocked as your seething expression. “(y/n), I’ve asked you before–”
“Save it!” you yelled. With the picture of Taegun still pulled up on the screen, you tossed the cell phone down on the desk. “You said you would protect them. Now, I know it had to be Junko’s men who did this and not yours, but it still happened. They told Taegun it was a message to me. You promised me he wouldn’t be able to touch them!”
Junmyeon clutched the phone in his hand with enough force to turn his knuckles white. His eyes, filled with fire, flashed to Chanyeol, who visibly shrunk back.
“(y/n), this wasn’t supposed to happen,” he said calmly, stepping around his desk. You took a step back to keep the distance between you.
“I trusted you,” you said barely above a murmur. “Junko’s men already got him once. I don’t even know how badly he’s hurt. They’re my family, Junmyeon. And they got hurt because of me. And he’ll go after them again. While I just sit here.” Unable to think of anything else to say, you stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind you. You shut yourself in your room, crying into your knees.
The light slowly faded in your room as the sun crossed over the sky and to other side of the where the rays couldn’t reach the window. Your head was pounding from the crying that had faded out about an hour ago. All you could do was stare at the wall, absentmindedly making patterns out of the paint strokes.
You had let yourself fall into a sense of safety. It hadn’t crossed your mind that Junko might get past the few watchers and to your family since Junmyeon promised that he would protect them. You knew he himself wasn’t invincible, but you’d put too much faith into his organization. The small bits you had witnessed were such a well-oiled machine, you forgot that they weren’t perfect robots or super powered bodyguards. Taegun had managed to lose whoever Chanyeol had ordered to follow him. If only you’d been able to call them sooner. If you’d just had the courage to ask to talk to them, give them an update on the situation, instead of walking on eggshells or arguing with Junmyeon about the stupidest things, this might not have happened. Once again, it was all your fault.
Your head snapped towards the door. You hadn’t locked it in your rush to not be seen crying and now it was too late as Junmyeon creaked the door open. From what you would see, he was holding a manila folder was in his left hand.
“Can I come in?” he asked stupidly.
You shrugged. “Technically, you’re already in here. Besides, you own the place.” There it was again, your sarcastic and mean defense. It hardly phased him anymore.
“I spoke with Chanyeol and we’re putting different men on your family.” He held the folder out to you. “This is a summary of your father’s injuries from when he went to the hospital.”
Like a maniac, you snatched the file out his hands and skimmed through the papers, trying to find anything that seemed life-threatening or irreversible.
You sighed in relief. “It’s all mostly superficial abrasions.”
That eased your anxiety just a bit. You still hated the thought of anyone touching him, but at least nothing was permanently damaged. The pictures in the file, however, were worse than how you’d seen Taegun just a few hours ago. With his face swollen and bloody, you wouldn’t have known it was him if his name wasn’t all over the reports.
“I’m so sorry that this happened,” Junmyeon said softly, crouching down in front of you on the floor. “Taegun managed to lose the men we had tailing him and they didn’t ever inform me or Chanyeol about it. They will be severely punished for it and reassigned. This will never happen again, (y/n). I swear.”
Shaking your head, you caressed the horrible evidence of what Junko could do and only saw one real option. “You should just hand me over to Junko. Just let him have me. Maybe I – I can find a way to get the information from the files to you that way you don’t lose out. But I can’t… I can’t keep risking everyone around me like this. First you and now–”
“No!” Junmyeon jumped to his feet, pulling you up with him and into his arms. “I refuse to hand you over to that… monster. I’m no angel or saint, but I know you are safer here than you ever would be with Junko. Just the thought of him anywhere near you again….” His vice on you tightened, threatening to never let go. With his cheek against your hair, he calmed down, rubbing circles on your back. “No. Just handing you over to him is not the way to deal with this. I know a better way.”
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sassysweetstories · 6 years
combined thoughts // blurb
Request: “Stiles Soulmate AU: Where you can hear all the thoughts of your soulmate, but can’t communicate with them. The thoughts stop when you meet them.” college AU sort of 
Ship: Stiles Stilisnki x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, fighting, guilt, minor kissing, smut etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Tagged for all and AU’s: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317 @bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist@beingmadinwonderland @princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet @ordinarygirlmeetsfantasticworld @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone 
Third P.O.V
(Y/n) tossed and turned in her bed, hot sweat dripping down her back due to the unholy images that suddenly up-took up her thoughts. Large calloused hands, covered in veins wrapped around her waist, tugging and pulling. His moans, the identity of which were unknown to her, drew a chill down her spine as the image shifted to her on top of the chocolate brown eyed stranger. The rest of his features were blurred, relatively unknown to the eye as she grind against his lower region, moaning in unison with him. Stiles on the other hand, jerked his hips back and forth, matching the motion the dream girl gave him. She smelled of fresh peppermint and roses and when she pressed deep welts against his skin, he couldn’t help but moan louder for her. How someone could elicit such a reaction drove him absolutely crazy. 
As you can imagine, neither of them slept much that night. “Jesus Christ, (Y/n). You look like hell.” Vanessa, her friend and co-worker said, eyeing the woman with wide eyes. “Gee, thanks.” The shorter woman retorted, wiping the tables off. “Didn’t sleep much last night?” (Y/n) shook her head whist she begun to concoct her own morning wake up call. “Nope. I had a hot dream. Couldn’t sleep much. It’s so weird. Like all of a sudden, things will be fine and then I’ll be horny or have the most absurd thoughts. Except, none of them are mine, they don’t even sound like my voice. And if you say that it’s that stupid soulmate thing the government keeps talking about I will scream.” Vanessa scoffed, leaning against the counter to look at her friend. 
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“Oh come on! What other explanation could there be? That’s how Valerie and I ended up together! What makes you think it won’t happen to you?” (Y/n) furrowed her brows, leaning on the table to match her gaze. Challenged accepted. “Firstly, all of psychology and counselors can explain voices in your head. You forget I am one, right? Also, you and Valerie were just natural, like two pieces of a puzzle that matched. I don’t think that has to do with ourselves besides social behavior and the approaches we may face socially. It only makes sense to blame something on the supernatural, like zodiac signs to explain actual normal concepts. These ‘soulmates’ are just ways to help us cope with our love lives or lack of.” She shook her head, laughing. “You’re a hard-ass, ya know that.” 
Stiles shifted his hips back and forth, jotting down the notes from the seminar slides. The young man had caught the eyes of the some of the girls in the lecture hall, all of whom he had been oblivious to. They sighed when he ran his fingers through his hair and continued writing, a quite boring past time. All of a sudden a thought entered his mind, quiet but growing rapidly. Of course Freud was an idiot. His theories on psychoanalysis were relatively legitimate but his “theories” or whatever the fuck you wanna call them on suppressed sexual urges for our opposite sex parents were garbage. I mean, did he ignore all of Oedipus? The bastard gouged his eyes out after he found out he married his mother and had kids with her and murdered his father? I mean, god. Not to mention Freud probably never took homosexuality into consideration? That completely debunks his hypothesis. 
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He’s not sure where this heavy psych lecture comes in but he’s riled up about it nonetheless, learning of a topic in which he was previously uneducated in. Stiles doesn’t know from where this burst of energy comes from but it’s clearly not from anyone in the room. He’s in the criminal / law academy building on the west side of the campus. For a second, Stiles closes his eyes and listens with hard intent as the voice continues. Whoever she is, her voice isn’t quite as loud as she had been previously. He grabs his books and exits the class, a theory in mind. These transactions had been happening for quite some time and he believe that the louder the voices got the closer the voice was to you in proximity. Stiles was the most brilliant soul one could meet, and it was only a matter of time before he met his match. The voice faded away like the smooth bend of water on a beach, leaving the young man frustrated for more answers to his questions. 
(Y/n) sat on the patio of her dorm complex, thinking deeply about what her friend had said. Of course she believes in the possibilities of soulmates but she’d never utter the words to her. The young woman pulled out her computer and scout through the internet for answers to the hypothesis’ that only seemed to grow with time. The music from her speaker hummed softly out onto the terrace as the sun drifted off down the horizon. “And I can’t seem to get you off my mind,” She hummed John Mayer’s, Moving On and Getting Over. Stiles shot up from his bed, smiling at the sound of her voice. It sweet and smooth like honey, makes him dizzy with delight. He needs to know who it belongs to. With great diligence, Stiles grabbed his red flannel before leaving the dorms. Maybe if I think hard, she’ll hear me, too! He thought to himself as he ran up and down the halls, waiting for the sound to change it’s volume. 
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(Y/n) looked around her apartment for the warm husky voice that echoed her room. C’mon Princess Leia, talk to your Hon Solo. It speaks to her again. She giggles and absentmindedly responds. Bold of this guy to assume he’s Hon Solo. I myself, am a bona-fide bad-ass. I wonder if he can be the Batman to my Catwoman. Stiles chuckled at her quirk and the volume grew as (Y/n) left her dorm. Are you as quick as a whip, Catwoman? He asked, excitement coursing through his blood as he took each turn. Quick is a relative term. I’m faster than the flash. Hope you can keep up, Batsy. (Y/n) smirked at the flirty remarks, biting her lip to hide her smile. Maybe her friend was right, she might admit. But when he came into the room, she knew it was all true. 
Stiles heart soared at the sight of the beautiful girl. Sporting a simple sweatshirt and leggings, she looked like an absolute goddess. How someone could do such a thing was beyond him. (Y/n) gawked openly at Stiles broad shoulders. The fact that her soulmate was as handsome as he was, with striking hazel eyes and a body of a god. “Hi, I’m (Y/n).” She muttered softly. Stiles could barely walk, knees weak from gazing upon such a beauty. “I’m Stiles.” He takes his hand out for her to take. When they connect, it’s like the last puzzle coming into place. It’s just perfect. “Would you like to get to know one another? I have Star Wars in my dorm?” God, this woman’s gonna kill me. How is she so fucking perfect? He nods shyly, taking his hand in hers. 
(I hoped you guys liked it! PLEASE COMMENT I REALLY NEED FEEDBACK)
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raendown · 6 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 2846 Soulmate au: The one where your soulmate's opinion of you shows up on your skin as bruises or marks when negative
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Chapter 142: Madara/Tobirama
When he first saw them Tobirama didn’t think much of it. What skin was visible beneath the flare of Madara’s robe looked covered in bruises but that made a lot of sense when they saw each other only in battle. Of course he had bruises after fighting Hashirama so often. Not many people could face the Mokuton and come away with unmarked skin. Tobirama’s eyes slid passed the marks as soon as he saw them, easily dismissing such an insignificant detail in favor of checking to make sure that Hashirama was fine before bringing all concentration back to his own battle.
The next time he saw them they were at peace and Madara hadn’t so much as sparred with Hashirama since the final battle between their clans. Still, there was little reason for Tobirama to suspect anything beyond the usual injuries picked up during the life of a shinobi. His own skin was marred so badly he hadn’t been seen without long sleeves since childhood. He could be forgiven for thinking such things were normal. Seeing Madara’s robe fall open ever so slightly as he slammed his hands down on the table to yell at the Senju elders was barely worth his notice at the time; more important was defending his clan mates and fighting to make sure the Senju came out as well as he could manage in these stupid peace negotiations.
After that he mostly forgot about the bruises. He’d never particularly cared to remember any unnecessary details about such an unwanted aberration in his life. Tobirama didn’t see them again until the village was built and he was standing uneasily to the side as Hashirama and Madara had their very first friendly spar in more than a decade, watching their every move with worry heavy in his chest. What if that cretin took advantage of this moment to finally show his true colors and no one was here to help poor naïve Hashirama? No matter that their match dragged on for more than an hour with no sign of foul play, still he continued to lurk on the edges with his eyes trained on Madara’s every twitch and shift. Just because nothing suspicious had happened yet didn’t mean nothing would if he let his guard down and left.
It was only when they finished, laughing and falling back on what looked more like play fighting than an actual spar, that Tobirama happened to see Madara’s robe slip and expose a large swath of what should have been pale chest. His skin was dark, mottled purple and back and red, welts upon bruises upon scabrous sores all hidden underneath his clothing – a mirror image of Tobirama’s own skin. Were it anyone else Tobirama knew he would have felt a rush of empathy for someone suffering the same fate as him, bearing the physical wounds of his own soulmate’s hatred without even know who they were, but this was Madara. This was the man who had stolen his brother’s affection and attention. This was an Uchiha monster barely worthy of human consideration. Someone like him didn’t deserve sympathy. No, Tobirama felt nothing but vindictive satisfaction, mentally applauding whoever the man’s soulmate was on their good sense. Who the hell would want to be matched to someone like that?
Even seeing the marks first hand didn’t truly make them stick in his mind, still. Tobirama slowly – grudgingly – admitted that it was fine to leave Madara and his brother alone in a room together. He still didn’t trust the Uchiha but whatever plans he had seemed to run in vein with Hashirama’s ideas of peace. For now, at least.  
Most of what little attention Tobirama could spare for those first few years went to Izuna and the strange shifting dynamic of their old rivalry. The two of them would never be great friends but they did learn to get along somewhat, enough so that they were able to refrain from screaming in each other’s faces when forced work together. It was about as much as could be asked of either man.
The rest of Tobirama’s attention was taken up by the distracting mystery of his own skin. He hadn’t really noticed at first, so subtle were the changes, but the wounds marring his body were slowly receding until he began to see patches of clear, unbroken skin. He could remember times in his youth when he had found open weeping sores with no physical cause, evidence of the incredible hatred his soulmate felt for him. Now, though he still had no idea who they were, he was treated to the privilege of watching that opinion change day by day. Somewhere in the world there existed a man or woman who was learning to forgive him for whatever he had done to earn their hatred.
With such an amazing thing happening to himself and still so busy trying to properly build the village of his brother’s dreams, Tobirama had no spare thoughts for Madara until – miraculously and almost without him noticing – they had been at peace for five solid years. Hashirama insisted on a festival to celebrate and Tobirama refused to be in the room with the two older men whenever they let their heads run away from them with planning. It was like herding two excitable children, though only Hashirama smiled like one.
Konohagakure’s five year anniversary celebration was the day when Tobirama’s world turned upside down completely. For the life of him he would never remember what Torifu had been talking about, chattering away in his ear and tugging on the sleeve of his tightly fastened yukata. His memory always focused on the moment someone bumped in to his student from behind and sent the boy tumbling backwards with his fingers still holding tightly on Tobirama’s clothing. The ripping sound of expensive cloth was only barely visible about the noise of the crowds but the swaths of clear pale skin suddenly on display certainly caught more than a few people’s attention; his insistence on staying covered at all times had led to him being called a prude in many corners. Showing a bit of skin was almost scandalous in that light.
Still, he wasn’t sure that warranted the look Madara gave his exposed chest, unadulterated hunger mixed with a deep, deep pain. It was one of the strangest looks he had ever been on the receiving end of. And being both an albino and one of the strongest shinobi alive, Tobirama had seen his fair share of odd expressions.
“Madara please,” Hashirama whined, pinching his nose. “I’m right here.”
“What? I’m not doing anything!”
“It’s okay if you have a crush on him, I’m fine with it! Just…tone down whatever gross thoughts you’ve got in your head right now, okay? I don’t want to see that. He is my brother after all.” Hashirama boomed out a laugh and whacked his friend on the back, completely ignoring the stunned reactions of everyone in earshot.
Tobirama stared at the man now blushing furiously and avoiding his eyes, feeling like the earth was titling out from underneath him as his mind made a few intuitive leaps that he wished it hadn’t. He could feel the blood thundering in his own ears when he stepped forward to grab Madara by the arm and drag him aside.
“Play nice, you guys!” Hashirama called after them. Both of them ignored their Hokage as Tobirama dragged them in to the shadows between two food stalls, shoving the older man up against a wooden beam.
“Are we soulmates?” he demanded.  
Even before Madara could scrounge up a reply the answer was obvious. The hesitant longing in his eyes, the way his throat bobbed with sudden nerves, the curl of his body  as though he wished for nothing more than to reach out for something yet dared not to. Drawing in a shaky breath, Tobirama reeled backwards a step and dragged both hands down his face.
“I didn’t expect you to figure it out,” Madara admitted quietly.
Dropping his hands again, Tobirama stared at the man, unable to answer. From the moment they met as young children on opposite sides of a generations-long war he had hated this person; he had hated Madara with the sort of passion which can only come from mindless devotion without reason. It had only gotten worse after that day on the banks of the Naka River when Madara had been solidified in his mind as the one who took his brother’s affections away from him. Hashirama had forgiven him years ago of course but things had never been quite the same between them after that.
Negative though it was, his hatred had been one of the very few constants in Tobirama’s life, something to fall back on when he needed a sense of normalcy. And he had thought Madara felt the same towards him. Never once had it occurred to him that any Uchiha besides his cute little student felt anything other than visceral dislike and perhaps a grudging respect for him.
Such assumptions were irrefutably disproved by the clear skin he saw every day in the mirror, the utter lack of bruises or scratches, the healing of any lingering scars. In fact, the smoothing over of even the scars he had earned himself in battle was what truly brought his mind to a screeching halt, the one thing that left him feeling like he suddenly recognized nothing in the world around him. If they truly were soulmates then Madara’s opinion of him would show in the condition of his skin: injuries that grew more severe the more the man hated him or cleared away the more the man grew to care for him. Scars, on the other hand, were their own indicator. Only love could heal scars – deep, true, unbending romantic love.
And Madara had not expected him to figure this out. Which, by extension, meant that he had figured it out and deliberately kept the secret. And also that Madara was in love with him by some wild twist of circumstances.
“I think I need to sit down,” he heard himself mumble. His companion twisted like he was trying to fold in on himself.
“Your opinion on the matter is clear enough without words. Rest assured, I expect nothing. I never have.”
“How long…” Tobirama trailed off, his eyes drawn to the wide collar of Madara’s formal robes, just that little bit lower than his usual clothing that allowed Tobirama a glimpse of the dark skin hidden beneath. It was easy to look at those marks and feel a spiteful satisfaction when he thought Madara felt only the same hatred between them. Seeing them and knowing it was himself who put such wounds on another person’s body made everything different even without knowing that his own skin was perfectly clear, soft and unmarked.
Madara shrugged and looked away, avoiding the question he hadn’t finished asking anyway. Nearly choking himself on all the conflicting emotions rising in his throat, Tobirama stumbled back a step.
Later he would be mortified that he hadn’t even had the courage to excuse himself, only bolted like a child frightened by a new concept too big to be fathomed, but at the moment all he could concentrate on was the panic overriding all other senses. He was reaching for the farthest hiraishin marker in the village before he could talk himself down. A moment later he was leaning back against the outer walls of the village with his hands over his eyes like they could block out the world and give him at least enough time to process the impossibility he had just uncovered.
He was gone by the time the next patrol came by, although they did stop to inspect the tuft of white strands where he had pulled out his own hair in frustration.
The two of them had never spent a great amount of time together that wasn’t forcibly necessary so it wasn’t exactly noticeable how much effort Tobirama put in to avoiding the other man for after that. At least, it wasn’t at first. He always seemed to forget how observant his older brother was under the usual veneer of childish exuberance. It was Hashirama who approached him with a wobbling chin little more than a month later and begged Tobirama to tell him what they had spoken about at the anniversary festival and what had been so bad about it that neither of them was willing to even talk about the other. Tobirama ignored him, of course, which turned out to be a mistake.
Something else he preferred to conveniently forget was his brother’s tendency to meddle. He should have been suspicious the moment Hashirama accepted his excuse of just another random argument, should have known that it was a little too easy. He had only his own inattention to blame when he found himself ushered in to Hashirama’s office to face a startled looking Madara while Hashirama cheerfully told them he expected them to talk things out and set aside whatever disagreement had them both ‘in a tizzy’ this time.
When the door shut the two of them inside with a gentle click he winced as though it had been slammed with all the violence of a closing cage. Against all expectations, Madara gave him no more than a single glance before dismissing him and wandering around to throw himself down in the massive chair behind Hashirama’s desk, pulling some of the paperwork towards himself and rifling through it, checking as they both often did to make sure their illustrious Hokage had actually filled his forms in correctly. Tobirama simply stood unmoving by the door, his eyes flitting around the room uncomfortably while he tried to decide if he was more upset that he would now have to murder his own sibling or that he had apparently been worried so much over nothing.
Madara didn’t even look angry.
“You can go.” He almost jumped at the sound of Madara’s voice. When he dared to peek over in that direction the man hadn’t even bothered to look up, focused on the papers in front of him with his lips quirked up ever so slightly on one side. “We can give him some vague bullshit about talking it out; you know he’ll swallow it down. So you can go if you like.”
“Why aren’t you…upset with me?” Tobirama forced himself to ask, more curious to know than he was afraid of the answer. Finally Madara looked up at him through dark lashes.
“Because you don’t hate me,” the man said quietly. “Not as much as you think you do.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Tobirama narrowed his eyes, fists clenching with instinctive anger. He knew perfectly well how he felt, thank you very much, and no Uchiha had any right to make assumptions about him – no matter how often his thoughts turned to them of late. It was only natural to be curious about his own soulmate, after all.
Now smiling openly, Madara leaned back in the massive chair and deliberately pushed his sleeves up. Then he simply went back to work as though he were perfectly alone in the room. Tobirama stared hard, trying to figure out what game the idiot was playing at, but when he figured it out he felt all the air in his lungs leave him in a great rush. Just like last time he found himself reaching out for one of his many hiraishin marks, running away in a blind panic, though this time he felt the shame of it burning his ears even as he landed in the safety of his own home and stumbled against his kitchen counter, fingers gripping the wood until it threatened to crack.
It was only a pair of forearms, nothing to panic over if it had been anyone else. What made these ones so special was the yellow-green color of the bruises on his skin where before they been so deeply purple they could have been mistaken for black. It was the fact that they were healing, steadily and obviously, that had Tobirama slumping down at his kitchen table and burying his head in both arms. Perhaps it made him a coward but he wasn’t ready to deal with the fact that his feelings towards the other man were changing. And he rather resented the connection between them betraying his thoughts before he’d had time to come to terms with them himself.
Curling a little farther in to himself, Tobirama thought about the smile on Madara’s face, so content, so pleased, so unlike anything he would have expected. It was the smile of someone who realized they were winning a game before they had ever really begun to play it. It was, he realized, the smile of someone willing to be patient and allow him whatever time he needed to come to terms with things between them.
Loathe as he was to admit it, that smile terrified Tobirama. Not the least because he found it so intriguing.
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ao3feed-yuumikayuu · 6 years
I Fell from the Stars to Say "I Love You"
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PSZ0Qd
by SecretlyAMikayuuFan
Yuichiro and Akane Hyakuya have been enrolled in a rather prestigious school filled with only rich kids. Not caring to hide the fact they are poor compared to the rest of the students and staff, they spend their high school years in blissful content, knowing they don't need anyone else other than each other, and bullies will always be bullies. That is until Yuichiro and Akane's grades are taken into consideration by the school's number one student Mikaela Shindo, the richest, hottest, and smartest kid in the school, who is also a womanizer and a bit of an ass to anyone other than his friends and the girls (and guys) who fawn over him. Mikaela blackmails Yuichiro into becoming a "Star Student," but Yuichiro has a trick up his sleeve to allow Akane to join the club. High school drama has just doubled with Mikaela and Yuichiro butting heads, all while the two Hyakuya siblings have to keep a dirty little secret from a very nosy group of friends Mikaela has.
"Yeah, sure. I fell from the stars to say I love you. Can I go now?"
Words: 2200, Chapters: 1/32, Language: English
Fandoms: 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Mikaela Shindo, Lacus Welt, René Simm, Shinoa Hiragi, Mitsuba Sangu, Yoichi Saotome, Yuichiro Amane (Hyakuya), Akane Amane (Hyakuya), Shiho Kimizuki, /Teacher/ Guren Ichinose, /Teacher/ Shinya Hiragi, /Principal/ Krul Tepes, Other characters I have yet to tag, Original Characters included - Character
Relationships: Mikaela Shindo/Yuichiro Amane (Hyakuya), Shinoa Hiragi/Mitsuba Sangu, Shiho Kimizuki/Yoichi Saotome, Guren Ichinose/Shinya Hiragi (if you squint)
Additional Tags: Yuichiro and Akane aren't actually related, "Star Students" which will be explained in the first chapter, Prestigious school AU, No Vampires or war or anything related to the Owari no Seraph anime/manga, Everybody is rich in this school- 'cause how else are they here?, Yuichiro and Akane have secret identities as well-known pop-idols... if you will, Yuichiro and Akane are rather close for siblings and do pretty much everything together, Mikaela Shindo is a jerk and a womanizer and the number one student in the school, "Star Students" is... a club of sorts for the top students of the school, Akane has a crush on her brother Yuichiro, Yuichiro is blind to Akane's true feelings, Akane and Yuichiro flirt with each other like it's normal, Yuichiro doesn't give a shit about Mikaela because he thinks the blond is an ass, I won't write/don't know how to write smut, If you want smut write it for me because I've never done it, Otherwise there is no smut, Fluff though. We have fluff, Join the dark side 'cause we have both Mikayuu AND cookies, Guren wants a better job 'cause kids are a pain in the ass, mikayuu, Some Yuu x Akane moments, High School AU, Original Characters may or may not be included, There are more characters than the ones I have tagged above, Yes. I do believe the whole Shinoa Squad is gay no matter what fanfiction I write. Deal with it, There may be more relationships than the ones I have tagged above.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PSZ0Qd
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fantasyimmortal · 7 years
Satisfy Me
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 |  Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35
Saeran POV. MM Fantasy AU. Fic Rating: Explicit
Tags thus far: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Rough Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Explicit Language, Derogatory Language, Masturbation, Violence, Blood and Violence, Torture
               I groaned as I looked up at the intricately carved wooden doors of the mansion I brought _____ and myself to. I glanced over at her and saw her eyes widening in amazement. I didn’t want to bring her with me but the only other person I trusted with her was Ricward and I wasn’t sure how long I would be gone. I looked back at the doors a strange unease settling in the pit of my stomach. I’m going to have to pay extra attention here.
               “I’m so glad to be back! The air is so fresh compared to Hell.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “So why are we here? Doesn’t seem like the type of people you would want to be involved with.” Her said as she looked at me.
               Her attitude was slightly different, and I couldn’t tell if it was because she was happy to be back on Earth or if the choker had something to do with it. My eyes fell to the choker that wrapped around her throat. Ricward had explained to me everything about it but he didn’t mention any side-effects it might have on her. I cleared my throat and looked back at the doors. “There is someone here that is very knowledgeable, possibly the most knowledgeable demon, aside from Ricward.”
               “RiRi is rather smart.”
               I cringed as she called him that. “Don’t call him that! That isn’t his name!” I growled and pulled her against me while I rested a hand on her hip. “Just shut up and stay next to me.” I told her as she tried to pull away from me. With a sigh I raised my other hand and knocked it roughly against the door.
               “Why aren’t you just barging in? You must respect him if you aren’t walking in like you own the place. Just barged into my place.” She mumbled as she crossed her arms.
               “He’s a…friend.” My fingers twitched against her hip when I heard movement from inside.
               “A friend? You have a friend?” She held a hand up to her mouth as she chuckled. “I’ll believe this when I see it.”
               I cocked an eyebrow and looked down at her, my lips pressed into a thin line. I opened my mouth to snap at her when the doors suddenly opened. I looked up from her and the face of someone I hadn’t seen in centuries. “Dante. Long time no see.”
               He leaned against the opened door, shirtless as per his usual state of dress. His wings shimmered with dark blue hues and I could feel myself getting annoyed when I heard _____ gasp in awe. He was wearing his normal black jeans, the belt undone and hanging carelessly from the belt loops. His arms were crossed against his chest and he a whip in his right hand. “Saeran. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?” He said with a smile.
               My jaw clenched as he looked _____ up and down and he smile widened. Pushing himself away from the door, he beckoned us inside. He walked as if he belonged in the mansion, but I knew otherwise. I glanced down at _____ beside me, her gaze was glued to Dante’s back and her eyes trailed over his dark feathers. Her pupils were dilating as she continued to stare, and I could feel anger boiling inside me.
               “Saeran? What is it?” She looked up at me when I stopped walking.
               Turning to her I grabbed her chin and her eyes widened as I tilted her head up and leaning in. She gasped as I sucked on the delicate skin of her neck just above the choker, making sure that a noticeable mark would be left behind. When I pulled away I licked my lips and smiled as the mark began to darken.
               “What the fuck is your problem?” She screeched as she slapped a hand over her neck.
               “Just marking my territory.” I said flatly as I started to walk after Dante again. “Hurry up.” I called over my shoulder when she continued to stand frozen on the spot.
               We turned into a room and I heard ____ gasp beside me when she saw what was inside. “Wh-what is this?” She whispered as she looked at Dante in horror.
               Attached to the wall by leather shackles was a woman, naked and moaning. Welts, from what I assumed were from the whip he held, painted her body as if she was one of his masterpieces. He walked up to the woman and took a perked nipple into his mouth causing her to arch away from the wall and call out to him.
               _____ held up her hand and covered her eyes before turning around. Her shoulders jerked when she heard the whip connecting with the woman’s skin. Curiously glancing over her shoulder at the woman, she bit her lip as the whip slapped against her skin again.
               “P-Please Dante… Please!”
               I was slightly shocked when _____ suddenly lunged for Dante. She wrapped her arms around his arm as he raised it, ready to bring the whip down again. “Don’t! She said please! She wants you to stop.”
               ______ looked up at him in confusion as he threw his head back and laughed. She stepped away from him and her brow furrowed. I watched her swallow hard as Dante bent down so his eyes were level with hers. He glanced at the woman attached to the wall and smiled before looking back at ______.
               “She’s enjoying it. The ‘please’ is because she wants my cock deep inside her.” He took a step towards _____ when she took a step back. Chuckling he used the handle of the whip to tilt her chin up. “Unless, you’re wanting to take her place.”
               “That’s enough, Dante!” I growled as glared at him.
               With the handle of the whip still under her chin he looked over at me. “Bleach my feathers and send me back to Heaven. The rumors are fucking true! You’ve imprinted on a human.” He laughed once more.
               ______ stepped away from him and made sure he wasn’t going to stop her before she ran back to me. “He’s a fallen angel…? Like that guy before.” ____’s voice was oddly timid as she asked the question.
               “Yes. Though unlike our good old pall Zophie, Dante is much more dangerous” I pushed her behind me. Knowing that he wouldn’t hesitate to throw her down and fuck her right in front of me. “Don’t leave my side again.” I told her quietly as I kept my eyes on Dante.
               “You don’t trust your friend?” She asked as she gripped my clothes.
               “Not as far as I could throw him. He may be the closest thing I have to a friend, but he wouldn’t hesitate to fuck you and have me watch.”
               Dante shrugged as he put the whip down on a desk where other assorted sex toys were placed. “You make me sound like some monster.”
               “Wouldn’t that make you one though?” _____ spoke up, her voice shaking slightly.
               “Listen, sweetheart. I don’t give a fuck really how anyone sees me, all that matters in my life is I get what I want.” His fingers trailed over all the toys before landing on a dildo. “But I seem to have forgotten my manners.” He walked back over to the woman and began to insert it inside her. “Keep it inside or there will be hell to pay, love.”
               The woman’s legs began to shake when he turned a nob on the end of the dildo, a faint humming noise now able to be heard. She moaned and squirmed as the dildo began vibrating inside her. My cock twitched as I pictured _____ in the same situation and I glanced back at her. She had released my clothes and was now was peeking through her fingers at the woman. Hmm. That could be something to try.
               With a shrill whistle my attention was brought back to Dante. He held up his hand and beckoned us to follow him and he disappeared into an adjoining room. Following after him, I looked around the room that looked like it had been used as a study at one point. He walked behind a desk and sat down before propping up his feet. “So why exactly have you graced me with your presence, Saeran?”
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loveandturmoil87 · 7 years
Bang bang alley ~ Part five, series two
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 A/N ~ Again, everything written in italics is spoken in English. I feel like this chapter isn't as good as the others but it is essential to the story. I promise the next two will be full of action and suspense.
Theme ~ Mafia/Gangster AU
Pairing ~ Choi Seung hyun x Reader
Featuring ~ Bigbang x Bangtan x Block b
Rated ~ Action/Angst/Fluff
Warnings ~ Language/Violence
Series one
Series two | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
“Where's Jungkook?” Hoseok asked from his seat on the couch as he looked around.
“How should I know?” you replied in an irritated tone as you made your coffee.
“He's normally up by now following you around like a little duckling after its mother” Jin joked as he lent against the bench beside you.
“Jealous I give him more attention then you?” you asked, you stopped making your coffee to look at him.
“Trust me, you couldn't handle my attention”
“How do you know when you won't even let me try?” he asked as he lent in towards you.
“Because I know your type” you answered as you held up your pinky making the guys laugh.
“It's ok noona, I'll keep your secret” he said with a smirk.
“Please enlighten me as to what this secret that I supposedly have is” you asked folding your arms across your chest.
“The reason you tease me so much is because you really actually like me, you just want to save face in front of the others”
“Give it a rest hyung, she'll never go for a guy like you when she has one like me, right noona?” Jimin asked as he put his arm around your waist.
“With those eyes and that jaw line, any time your ready sweet heart” you said teasing Jin with a kiss on Jimin's cheek.
“Fuck you guys, I'm going to go check on the hostage and see if he's dead yet” Jin said in a huff as he walked off making you and Jimin break out in laughter but it was quickly replaced by fear when Jin came running back.
“He's gone?” Jin shouted.
“Who's gone?” Hoseok asked jumping up from his seat.
“Daesung, he's not there, the ropes have been cut”
“That little shit” Namjoon yelled as he kicked one of the chairs over.
“Who?” Jimin asked finally taking his arm away from you.
“Jungkook, that fucking coward let him go and went with him, I'm going to kill that little shit” Namjoon replied with a growl.
“We need to go” you announced in a panic as you ran for your room.
“Why?” Jin asked as he watched everyone begin to scatter like ants caught in the rain.
“Because if he did let him go, the Green dragons will be here soon you big fucking idiot” Namjoon shouted at him. “Now go get your shit”
“Daesung, are you ok?” Seungri asked as he aimed his gun at the young man with him.
“I'm fine and put that gun away, the kid helped me”
“Where have you been?” Seungri asked as he lowered his gun.
“There's no time for that, we have to go now, before they know I'm gone”
“Before noona is gone” Jungkook added.
By the time they got to the warehouse it was empty, the only things left behind was the furniture.
“This was noona's room” Jungkook told as he ushered Seung hyun in the room.
Seung hyun looked around, there wasn't much there and it seemed you had taken all of your things. He was about to leave when something caught his eye, a small corner of a piece of paper was protruding from under the blanket on your bed. He pulled it out, it was a note with his name on the front, he sat on the bed as he opened it to read.
“I'm sorry but please stop looking for me, you can't save me this time. Please take care of Jungkook, he's just a lost kid who needs guidance from a good hyung like you.”
Seung hyun almost broke down when he read the note, how could you say he couldn't save you? Even if he couldn't he would die trying, he would gladly exchange his life for yours just so you wouldn't have to go through this any more.
“I'm sorry, I tried to get her to come with me but she refused” Jungkook said as he looked at his own feet.
“It's not your fault, when she's made up her mind no one can persuade her otherwise”
“She still dreams of you” Jungkook said making Seung hyun look at him. “I could hear her at night calling out for you”
Seung hyun scrunched the note in his fist, you were such a liar, you told him to stop looking for you and that he couldn't save you. You were still dreaming of him, wanting him to come for you, to take you away from it all. The thoughts of the last night you spent together and the words you spoke ran through his mind.
“I love you Choi Seung hyun, I never stopped loving you and I don't think I ever could”
“I don't want to lose you”
“What if something happens to you? I couldn't live with myself if....”
Your words made him more determined then ever.
“I would fight death himself just to come home to you” Seung hyun whispered, recounting his words and realised just how true they were.
“What was that?” Jungkook asked breaking Seung hyun back to reality.
“Nothing, let's go dongsaeng” he said as he got off the bed.
“Dongsaeng?” Jungkook asked with a twinkle in his eyes.
“It seems your noona wants me to be your hyung” Seung hyun answered with a smile as he handed the young man the note you had left.
“You bunch of fucking idiot's” your father scolded as he paced back and forth in front of you.
“This is all her fault” Namjoon said pointing at you.
“How? Jungkook is the one that let him go not me” you answered looking away from them.
“I told you that you should have killed him” your father yelled still pacing before you.
“How do we know you didn't encourage it? We all know that kid would do anything for you” Namjoon said as he raised an eyebrow, you wanted to wipe that smug look right off his face.
“Did you?” your father asked as he stopped in front of you.
“Don't fucking lie to me” he yelled as he backhanded you.
“I had nothing to do with this” you bit back, staring him down.
“Liar” Namjoon said with a snarl, you knew he was just trying to get you out of the way so he could be your fathers right hand man, he envied you from the moment your father put you in charge.
“If I did, why would I be the first to say we had to go?” you questioned as you narrowed your eyes at Namjoon.
“If I find out you had anything to do with this...” your father said with a raised voice pointing a finger in your face.
“What? You'll kill me?” you asked with a smirk.
“No. I'll let you live, but not before I string up those dragons and make you kill every last one of them” he said before walking away, he stopped at the front door of the safe house. “And that little Jungkook too” he added before walking out the door.
“I know what you're up to” you said to Namjoon as you walked up to him.
“Whatever do you mean?” he asked with a smirk.
“You're just trying to get rid of me so you can take my place”
“This is no place for a princess” he said with a chuckle.
“Don't you fucking dare call me that” you yelled.
“Why, do you miss him?” he questioned, cocking his head to the side.
“You know why Taeyang took your fingers?” you asked as you got closer to his face, he shrugged. “Because you don't have any balls.... and that's why my father made me the leader”
“You little bitch” he snarled at you raising his hand to hit you.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you, my daddy wouldn't like it” you teased with a pout, Namjoon let out a frustrated scream in your face before heading upstairs, slamming his bedroom door behind him.
“He's such a baby sometimes” Yoongi said as the group started to separate, you noticed Jin hanging around, waiting until they were all gone.
“Are you ok?” he asked sweetly, you narrowed your eyes at him as you wondered what he was playing at.
“Why wouldn't I be?”
“Your cheek, he hit you pretty hard, it's already starting to welt up” he said as he cupped your face, you closed your eyes as the warmth of his large hand brushing your face reminded you of Seung hyun.
He pulled you in and wrapped his arms around you, you relaxed into his chest, his frame was similar to Seung hyun's. You couldn't help but melt into him, you missed Seung hyun so much, much more then you let yourself believe and you wanted to feel like you were still with him. You felt his hand lace under your chin pulling it up followed by his lips against yours, you got caught in the moment thinking of Seung hyun and you kissed him back, snaking your hands around his shoulders as you did so. He moaned into the kiss making you remember who it really was you were with, you snapped your eyes open just to make sure before pulling away and slapping him.
“I knew you liked me” he said with a grin as he rubbed his cheek.
“A moment of weakness, nothing more” you said before walking away.
“Well whenever you have another one of those make sure to let me know” he shouted after you followed by a chuckle.
“Don't worry, it will never happen again” you yelled back before closing your door.
“Tell us everything” Jiyong told Jungkook.
“Like what?” he asked looking back at the rest of them sitting on the couch across from him.
“Why is she willing to help them?” Taeyang asked.
“She wasn't at first, she put up a fight, she even knocked me out” he said with a chuckle. “But they locked her up in the room they kept Daesung in, they kept her alone in the dark for a whole month before they let her out. I brought her water and food, I even kept her company when I could but they caught me and beat me up for it. When they finally let her out she was..... different, her eyes had gone cold, when she would look at you it was as if she was looking through you”
“I can't listen to this” Seung hyun said as he got up and walked to the window, he ran his hand through his hair as he looked out of it.
“The only contact she had with anyone for the first two weeks she was out was her father, he said it was the best time to bond with her” Jungkook continued.
“He meant mould her” Daesung corrected, Seung hyun grasped the window frame with his finger tips at Daesung's truth ridden words.
“After that she trained, mostly by herself, she said she already knew what to do. She kept to herself most of the time but she would stick up for me whenever the others were picking on me. After a month her father said she was the new leader and that we had to follow her orders, Namjoon tried to protest so she left that mark on his face as a reminder of who was in charge. The night you guys ambushed us at the warehouse was our first time out with her, that's why the guys were reluctant to follow her orders, she had already warned us if you were to show up to hide her and use who she was at the right moment to make you vulnerable”
“Clever, she knew we would be stunned by seeing her helping them” Jiyong said with a scoff.
“But she told us we couldn't shoot you, if we had to it would only be to slow you down not to kill”
“She saved me, she manipulated her father into keeping me alive” Daesung said leaning back.
“She is her dad's weakness, he'll do anything she asks but if she does the wrong thing or disobeys him.....” Jungkook trailed off as he looked down at his hands, Seung hyun clenched his jaw so tight at the thought of your father hurting you that he thought his teeth would shatter.
“She's playing a role, to keep both herself and us alive, she told me he would kill us if she didn't”
“Do you know all their hide outs?” Jiyong asked Jungkook.
“Yes but I know they wouldn't risk going to any of them”
“Do you know where they might go?” Seung hyun asked, finally adding to the conversation.
“Maybe.... they just started business with another group called Block b, they're planning to take them over”
“They own a club in the next district” Seungri announced.
“Let's go then” Seung hyun shouted as he went for the door.
“No, Daesung needs rest, we'll pay them a visit in a few days when he is back to good health” Jiyong said, Seung hyun didn't protest, he knew he was right. There was no use starting something when they were a man down, you had lasted this long, a few more days wouldn't hurt would it?
“You look beautiful” Zico said as you walked in the office, the Bangtan boys following close behind.
“Thank you, I wore it just for you” you said as you sat down in front of his desk, it was well know that Zico had a weakness for pretty women, especially when they were in as tight a dress as you were.
“Really? Well then I wish Jungkook had betrayed you sooner” he said with a chuckle as he eyed you up and down.
“Let's talk business first and leave the pleasure for later” you said with a wink, you heard Jin scoff behind you.
“Alright then, what can I do for you?” Zico asked licking his lips as he rested back in his chair.
“Access to a few of your safe houses and a warehouse or two” you said cutting to the chase.
“That's a tall order, we did lend you use of one of each of those already. What will I get in return?” he asked, a gleam in his eye as he lent on his desk.
“I hear you need guns, we just happened to have come into quite a few, more then we could possibly need”
“I can buy guns” he said with a chuckle, you got up and placed your hands on his desk, leaning over so he could get a good look at the dress you were wearing.
“How about you and I go dance while we talk about what you would like from me?” you asked, you bit your bottom lip for extra effect.
“I thought you would never ask” Zico replied as he got up and held out his hand, you took it and let him lead you out.
As soon as you hit the dance floor you backed into him and began to grind your ass against him, his hands laced around your waist as he lent into your ear.
“You're making this too easy for me baby girl” his voice sounded like a purr in you ear.
You turned to face him, his arms still around your waist, you snaked yours around his neck and played with the hair at the back of his neck.
“Would you rather me play hard to get?” you asked raising your eyebrows.
“Where's the fun if I know I can have you?” his eyes dipped down to your lips as he asked the question.
“Who said I would let you fuck me? Besides by the look on Jin's face I would say you would have to kill him before you could” you said nodding over at the man stood to the side keeping a close eye on you, his nose scrunched in clear disgust and jealousy.
“That could be arranged” he replied glancing over at him.
“Really? You would kill someone just to have me?” you asked letting one of your hands run down the front of his chest.
“Baby girl, I would kill a hundred men just to have you” he answered with another purr as his eyes dipped to your lips once again.
“We need to talk” a deep voice boomed from behind you making you freeze, you knew that voice.
“Not now Seung hyun, I'm busy” Zico replied waving him off.
“Yes now” Seung hyun growled.
“Get me out of here” you whispered in Zico's ear, you panicked, you didn't know what else to do.
“Don't tell me you're scared, I thought you were supposed to be tough?” he asked you with a chuckle.
“Don't fuck around, we need to talk, now” Seung hyun shouted as he grabbed your arm and pulled you away from Zico.
“I told you I don't know shit about your girl, now get the fuck out of my club and let me go back to trying to get laid” he shouted as he pointed at you making Seung hyun glance in your direction.
Seung hyun had to do a double take, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, but when they landed on you the second time he knew it wasn't in his head.
“Come on” he said as he tried to pull you away, you couldn't offer up much resistance in the heels you were wearing.
“Get your fucking hands off her” Zico yelled as he grabbed Seung hyun in an attempt to get him to let you go.
“Zico baby help me” your words making Seung hyun stop and turn to you, he looked back at you as he furrowed his brow.
“Baby?” Seung hyun questioned, his eyes full were full of the same hurt as when you pulled your gun on him.
“Please he's trying to kill me Zico, you have to help me” you begged grabbing at Zico, you didn't know what else to do, you knew it was dangerous to do this to Seung hyun but it was more dangerous to let him take you.
“Let go of her” Zico said as he held a gun to Seung hyun's chest, Seung hyun immediately released his grip.
As soon as you were free you rushed off as quick as you could, it was impossible to run in your heels, you still weren't used to them yet. You could see the others already making their escape and you thanked god none of them tried to go back for Seung hyun.
“Drop the fucking gun” Jiyong said as he cocked his gun and held it against Zico's temple.
Seung hyun could still see you, your frame only just slipping through a back door, he took off after you. He knew Zico was too much of a coward to shoot him when he had a gun to his own head, he rushed out the door and could see you halfway down the alley. He didn't bother to yell after you, he caught up and grabbed you, wrapping you tightly into his arms. You were thrashing around, hitting him, trying to get him to let you go.
“I'm not letting you go” he said with a strained voice, he was trying to hold back his tears, he finally had you in his arms again.
“You have to, there's no other way” you yelled as you continued to thrash against him.
“There has to be, we'll work something out”
“I had a plan but you just fucked that up” you yelled as you hit him in the chest.
“What are you talking about?” he asked as he held you out from him.
“I was going to use Zico to kill them, why else do you think I was all over him like that?” your voice went croaky as you finally gave up fighting him.
“Just come with me and we'll figure something out” he said trying to pull you away.
“No, he'll kill you, I can't let you die because of me” you yelled grasping on to his suit and pulling him back to you.
“If it means you'll be free from this then I will gladly offer my life to him” he replied as he furrowed his brow, the tears that he was holding back now broke.
“I already lost you once, I won't let it happen again” you said shaking your head.
“I would rather die then let you keep living like this, I love you too much” he said cupping your face, you crashed your lips against his. You knew you shouldn't, but you missed him so much, you had been dreaming about being this close to him again and now you were you couldn't hold back. “Please come with me” he begged as he broke away from the kiss.
“I can't, I have to go before they come looking for me” you said with your eyes still closed, you couldn't look at him out of fear he would convince you to go with him.
“No” he growled making you finally look at him so you could show the sincerity of your words.
“Oppa please, I will work something out but for now you have to let me go”
You could see he was going through a war internally, trying to decide what he should do.
“Be careful” he said as he released you.
“I promise” you replied before running off and out of the alley.
“I thought we fucking agreed to go there tomorrow?” Jiyong shouted, swerving the car slightly as he lost concentration. “If I didn't know you so fucking well, you would be fucked right now”
“I know, I fucked up” Seung hyun said as he watched the city lights zipping past.
“I gather you didn't catch her then?” Jiyong asked focusing on the road.
“I did” he replied as he continued to look out the passenger window.
“Then where the fuck is she?” he asked as he glanced over at Seung hyun.
“Gone” he said as his eyes dipped down to his hands.
“What happened?”
“I let her go” Seung hyun said quietly.
“Why the fuck would you do that?” he yelled, the car swerving slightly again as he did.
“Because I don't know if there's any other way out of this” Seung hyun said as he finally looked at Jiyong, he was looking at the road but he could tell his mind was racing, trying to come up with a way out.
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Darcy Lewis Masterlist *updated 7/20/18*
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NONE OF THESE ARE MINE!!! I did NOT write any of these! I believe they are amazing fanfics, written by insanely talented people, and deserve to be shared. ALL CREDIT GOES TO THE AUTHORS!!!
Marvel Masterlist  Marvel Smut Masterlist 
Darcy x Steve
Dearly Beloved by Hollyspacey (Steve Rogers x Darcy Lewis) Darcy has 99 problems, and her first assignment for SHIELD is, like, 98 of them. As if going back home to deal with all of the people who made her childhood miserable wasn’t bad enough, she’s also stuck in holy matrimony with a surly supersoldier who can’t even deal with her under normal circumstances. 
Darcy x Bucky
Markings Made On My Skin by Gryffindancer (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis)(Soulmate AU) All he ever remembered was the cold and the pain of being wiped. Her whole life she had never understood the welts that would appear on her skin for no reason, or the painful migraines that would come on without warning. The story of how they both found something to fight for.
Wee Little Stark [part one, part two] by orphan_account (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis)(Parent Tony Stark) James Rhodes was confident in his ability to remain calm in high stress situations. Being best friends with Tony Stark will do that to a guy. What he is NOT prepared for is a toddler standing on the mansion's doorstep with a letter addressed to Tony. Rhodey, Tony, Happy, Pepper and JARVIS learn together to care for and love the little Darcy, and together they navigate rougher waters when it's made clear that the baby girl is even more special than they could have guessed.
The Avenger and the “Civilian” [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven] by aForgottenWeasley (Uncle Clint Barton) (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis) Clint Barton is not too happy to learn that his brother’s girlfriend is having a baby, and that his brother wants nothing to do with them. So wanting to do the right thing, Clint takes care of his soon to be niece’s/nephew’s mother only to have the mother abandon his niece at the hospital. He follows his niece around to get to know her in secret, loses touch when SHIELD recruits him, and then marvels at how Fate brings them back together.
If I Were the One [part one, part two, part three] by LaTessitrice (Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes)(Soulmate AU) Sometimes the universe has a cruel sense of humor. Darcy tends to be the butt of the joke.
To Live Without the Sun [part one, part two] by Rainne (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis)(Soulmate Identifying Marks) Darcy Lewis is thirteen years old when she meets her soul mate. It turns out that he's a brainwashed assassin working for HYDRA. And it further turns out that HYDRA thinks it might be useful to have their assassin's soul mate on hand.
Coping [part one, part two] by Tori_Scribbles (Darcy Lewis & Protective Bucky Barnes) Kidnapped by Hydra. Saved by the Avengers. Darcy isn’t coping. 
I Want You To Want Me (And There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do) bythatblondefulloflight (Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes)(Father Figure Tony Stark)Bucky always wondered why Darcy never talked about her family, now he knows why.    
Loki x Darcy
Make Your Move by concavepatterns (Loki x Darcy Lewis) (Soulmate AU) Darcy always thought that soulmate bonds were a gigantic load of garbage, until fate drops an injured trickster God in her lap. Now they have seven days to decide whether this bond will make them or break them. 
T is for Trouble by morna(Loki x Darcy Lewis) She had gone to a rich artsy-fartsy high school. She needed someone sauve with class who could be both charming and a grade-A asshole in the same turn of phrase. Someone who wasn’t instantly recognizable. He had to be hot too. Abso-fucking-lutely smoking. Her fingers went still as a thought occurred to her. That really only left one person. Goddammit. Darcy goes to her high school reunion but not without dragging along a certain demigod to stir up some trouble.
Darcy x Clint
Secret Agent Soulmate by CatrinaSL and Stella_Malodi (Darcy Lewis x Clint Barton) (Soulmate AU) Clint and Darcy (probably) (eventually) fall in love after Clint (probably) pushes a bad guy out a window and Darcy (eventually) gets his number.
The Space Between Feathers by thegirlgrey (Darcy Lewis x Clint Barton) All Darcy wanted was 6 college credits and her iPod back.
Not What I Expected by RogueWitch (Darcy Lewis x Clint Barton) Darcy and Clint get snatched, things go a bit down hill from there.
The Avenger and the “Civilian” [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven] by aForgottenWeasley (Uncle Clint Barton) (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis) Clint Barton is not too happy to learn that his brother’s girlfriend is having a baby, and that his brother wants nothing to do with them. So wanting to do the right thing, Clint takes care of his soon to be niece’s/nephew’s mother only to have the mother abandon his niece at the hospital. He follows his niece around to get to know her in secret, loses touch when SHIELD recruits him, and then marvels at how Fate brings them back together.
Darcy x Logan
Darcy Gets Adopted by InkStainedHands1177 (Darcy Lewis x Big Brother Logan)
I Should Ink My Skin With Your Name by Griffindancer (Logan x Darcy Lewis) (Soulmate-Identifying Mark) Darcy knew she’d find her soulmate someday. She just didn’t expect him to look like the Brawny paper towel guy with muttonchops.
Hey Neighbor by Lady_Layla (Logan x Darcy Lewis) Prompt: “No time to explain, but could you pretend to be my S.O when my ex arrives?”
Darcy x Remy LeBeau
The Princess and The White Devil by G_the_G (pre-Darcy Lewis x Remy LeBeau) Itty bitty Darcy can’t sleep when she’s at her father’s mansion. A secret trip to the kitchen brings a new friend into her life.
Down In New Orleans by G_the_G  (Darcy Lewis x Remy LeBeau) The question of whether a person’s life reflected their soulmark, or vice versa, had been a recurring one for Darcy Lewis. She just didn’t expect it to suddenly come into focus on a trip down to New Orleans. When trying to do a favor for Jane, she finds herself some trouble, a Cajun charmer of a soulmate, and just possibly, the beginning of a new adventure. Too bad she’s always been too stubborn to just go along with things. But her soulmate’s willing to convince her he’s worth it.
Have I Told You Lately That I Love You? (No, Because You’re a Pair of Idiots) by JadelynTate (Clint Barton x Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes) Darcy has been claimed across the Nine Realms as the future King of Asgard’s little sister. This has come with some unexpected and unwanted side effects…
Darcy x Steve x Bucky
My Name On Your Skin byI_Mushi (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers)(Soulmate AU) There were two names down Darcy’s back; unclear scribbles that were supposed to sharpen into clarity when her soulmates were born. When Jane hit Thor with the truck and solved the mystery of Jane’s runes, Darcy wouldn’t admit it, even under extreme amounts of tequila, but that made her hope. And Tony is a meddlesome meddler who meddles.
Upon A Hill, Across A Blue Lake by I_Mushi (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers)(Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics)  Darcy has a few run-ins with the police and a couple Alpha Avengers show up to help. She /really/ should have specified to Jane not to send her crushes when she called for help.
Everything She Didn’t Know She Wanted by bluecurls (Steve x Darcy x Bucky) Knowing she had two soulmates comforted Darcy Lewis during the toughest moments of her life. Then she met them.
Ice and Fire [part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten, part eleven, part twelve] by SteeleHoltingOn (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis x Steve Rogers) Girl Meets Boy; Boy Meets Girl. They fall in love. Then it gets complicated. Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark’s daughter. This is a story about family, the Stark Legacy, Darcy and Steve falling in love, and bringing Bucky Barnes home. Loving one person isn’t easy. Loving two? Much harder.
Darcy & Tony
My Heart Unfolding by mudpuddledemon (Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark) "Lewis. You're in my lab. Why are you in my lab when I'm not in my lab?" He could see her in the corner, behind the shelves of spare parts. It was a weird place to be. She was crying.-Darcy falls apart, and Tony helps collect the pieces.
I Want You To Want Me (And There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do) bythatblondefulloflight (Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes)(Father Figure Tony Stark) Bucky always wondered why Darcy never talked about her family, now he knows why.
Wee Little Stark [part one, part two] by orphan_account (Bucky Barnes x Darcy Lewis)(Parent Tony Stark) James Rhodes was confident in his ability to remain calm in high stress situations. Being best friends with Tony Stark will do that to a guy. What he is NOT prepared for is a toddler standing on the mansion’s doorstep with a letter addressed to Tony. Rhodey, Tony, Happy, Pepper and JARVIS learn together to care for and love the little Darcy, and together they navigate rougher waters when it’s made clear that the baby girl is even more special than they could have guessed.
Me, Too by Kali588 (Badass Marvel Women)(Darcy Lewis & Pepper Potts)(Darcy is Tony Stark’s Daughter) The women of/around The Avengers find out about the #MeToo campaign and respond. ***Please note that there is nothing graphic, with no details about what was specifically experienced by the characters, but the Archive Warning is used out of consideration for possible triggering material.***
Darcy & Avengers Team
Avengers Means Family (a cautionary tale) by moontyrant (Darcy Lewis x Avengers) (Big Brother Thor) Darcy’s cheating (ex)boyfriend won’t give her stuff back after she leaves him, and it’s up to the Avengers to make it right.
Darcy is Done! by Caiti (Darcy Lewis x Avengers) Darcy is the all-around gofer for these people, and she’s sick and tired of not getting thanked. She is going on strike.
Coping [part one, part two] by Tori_Scribbles (Darcy Lewis & Protective Bucky Barnes) Kidnapped by Hydra. Saved by the Avengers. Darcy isn’t coping. 
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