Multifandom Showdown
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I write cool stories that you enjoy! Ships are currently closed! Requests are currently open! Riverdale, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, The Maze Runner, The 100, Harry Potter, Marvel, DC comics, Shawn Mendes, etc.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
sassysweetstories · 3 years ago
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TALKING BIRD Series Masterlist
Title: Talking Bird 
Summary: Sometimes when you stare into the dark, the darkness stares back in kind. You’ve been living in hell the past three years, so you’re familiar with the look of devils—so you think. They see darkness in you, and they’re determined to make you embrace it. As soon as your good-for-nothing husband is out of the way.
Pairing: Steve x Reader x Bucky
WARNINGS: DUBCON, Murder, violence, General criminal activity, Manipulation, Abuse (past abuse, but still), Abuse victim reader, Dubcon, Gaslighting, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Heyyyy! Can you do a Isaac x God’s daughter reader? Where God takes her wings and she comes to Isaac and she freaks out and just breaks down?
Hey! If you'd like to send this request to my Wattpad @ KillerThorn / periolousposter I would be more than willing to write this and post this amazing prompt 💕 thank you love!
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Hi!! Ik this is a huge stretch but is there a way you could do another fanfic about Daniel Sharman and Shawn Mendes? Like maybe Shawn cheated or something and the character fell in love with Daniel?
Hey! I have one already out but I can probably write another one on my Wattpad ♥️
@ Theperilousposter / KillerThorn
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Hi, would you consider doing a part 2/fic of "shadow" (Scott McCall a sister fic)?
If I were to do any fics, I will do them on my Wattpad most likely ♥️ so if you wish to request something there I will absolutely follow through with them. I appreciate you sending in a message.
Wattpad (KillerThorn250)
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Shutting Down
First off, I want to start this by saying thank you. Thank you to all of the people who have supported me in this journey from start to finish. Thank you to all the individuals who’ve liked, commented or reblogged anything from me and lifted my spirits on the fics I’ve put my heart and soul into. You all mean so fucking much to me you have no idea. I’ve been writing on this platform since middle school and I don’t want to leave.. However, I have lost myself. Time in and time again, I have begged and pleaded on multiple posts about commenting and receiving feedback along few other points. 
I LOVE writing more than anything. And all I’ve asked in return is more feedback or connecting with followers and have only gotten so much, if not nothing in return. It kills me knowing that I hand-wrote fics for long periods of time, some ranging from hours to months per fic only for me, at the end of the day to feel absolutely worthless. It feels, on my end, like I’m in a toxic relationship. I put all this effort in only to not get anything back in return. It’s suppose to be this happy platform where I can communicate with my followers, get feedback, etc but none of that has happened. 
And secondly, I would like to apologize to the people who sent in fics. I will not get to them because I have absolutely no motivation. When I go to write, I dread the process. The love I had feels like it’s draining and wilting away. From my P.O.V, I thought, “what’s the point in me pouring my blood, sweat and tears into this when nobody cares? Why put forth the energy when I don’t receive the same in return?” Of course, that may not be the case but I hope you see where I’m coming from. It’s not about the likes. I just want someone to care. I just wanted it to mean something to someone. 
Because right now, from my perspective, it doesn’t feel like anything. So, I will leave my fics up but I will no longer be posting on this platform. I will move to Wattpad and link that below as just a side thing because I do not want to lose my love for writing. 
Thank you again, 
My wattpad (KillerThorn250) 
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Writing is an art. Writing hurts you. Writing makes you cry and keeps you up at night and makes you grit your teeth in frustration at not finding the right words. It makes you take mental note of words you’ve never seen before in order to use them someday in your own stories. Writing is a passion that when a story takes you somewhere, that’s all you wanna do, that the characters are the only people you wanna spend time with. Writing is hard. And people need to learn to appreciate that.
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Abandoned Me
Request: “reader saying #56 (the who the hell abandons someone they love) to sam winchester?” 
Ship: Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: PURE ANGST, PURE FLUFF, swearing, yelling, fighting, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners.
Tagged: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw @anamcg317 @bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist @beingmadinwonderland @princessisabelle19@violence-and-velvet @lachicadelamanzana 
Third P.O.V
(Y/n) wasn’t mad, she was fucking livid, pissed even. How could this have happened? How could Sam have done something like that? And to her? The woman he loves. She hadn’t expected to actually see his face after so long. He still looks the same, that is except for his hair which is longer than it had been. Sam’s eyes seemed to have changed over time, as well. They look tired and worn down with exhaustion, like he hadn’t slept in months. Shifting from her face down to her toes, they almost jump and shift with scared uncertainty. He doesn’t believe that it’s her, looking nothing much strong and beautiful. “(Y/n)?” Sam croaks, voice torn and broken. Can’t bare for a second that she could potentially be an fixation of his imagination. He wants her to be real, to hold the only person that’s ever really been there for him. 
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But she’s livid with him, glaring the man down and her eye contact breaks his heart. “How could you leave me, Sam?” (Y/n) ask, voice cold but confident nonetheless. She wants to understand why he left her after Dean died and turned into a demon. She’d been with the boys for years, begun dating Sam for three of those only to lose both of them. After Dean had died, turned Demon, Sam up and left with no reason as to why he was leaving. He left her with no answers and she had to find out from another hunter that Sam was looking for a cure for Dean. The two people in her life that meant the world to her, and then some, left. It took everything in her to not collapse into Sam’s chest and weep for him, confess how much she missed his strong arms wrapped around her tiny frame comparison. “I-I left to help Dean.. I couldn’t not try to save him.." 
(Y/n), pulsating with anger screamed up at him. "BULLSHIT!-” Even though Sam is twice her height, he feels small next to her rage. “DEAN MEANT JUST AS MUCH TO ME AS HE DID FOR YOU! HE WAS THE BROTHER I NEVER HAD! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WOULDN’T WANT TO GO LOOKING FOR HIM?! THAT THERE COULD BE A CHANCE THAT HE’D BE ALIVE AND THERE WAS A CURE?! I HAD TO FIND ALL OF THIS OUT THROUGH A HUNTER!” Sam’s voice croaked as he attempted to explain. “I didn’t want you to get hurt! I couldn’t lose you, too!” She shook her head in disgust. “OH MY GOD, SO IT’S OKAY FOR YOU TO THROUGH YOUR LIFE AWAY WHEN YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH NO ANSWERS?! YOU DONT GET TO MAKE DECISIONS FOR ME! I WANTED TO BE THERE FOR YOU AND DEAN BUT YOU LEFT WITHOUT A WORD?! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT MADE ME FEEL?!” Her voice is hoarse from yelling but she’s just getting fired up, like a volcano ready to blow. “I was trying to get Dean back.. I-I knew you’d be okay-”
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That was the last straw, pushing the chair out of her way, she stormed up to him, slamming her pointer finger into his chest. “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I’D BE OKAY WITH THE LOVE OF MY LIFE RUNNING AWAY WITHOUT A WORD, TO FIND HIS DEAD BROTHER WHO’S NOT ACTUALLY DEAD, BUT ALIVE, WHOM, BY THE WAY, TURNED INTO A DEMON?!” The statement is ridiculous but truthful nonetheless. She mutters, faintly. “But it doesn’t matter… You didn’t love me, I guess. Because who abandons someone they love?” The question wakes Sam up and breaks his heart one last time. He really fucked up this time, probably won’t get back what he had with her again because of his choice. “Don’t follow me, Sam. I want nothing to do with you anymore.” Despite what she said, he stands from the table only to be glared back down. (Y/n) opens the bar door, intending to leave his life and what he’d done to her for good. But as she walks away, she swore a piece of her heart died that day. 
(I hope you guys liked it! PLEASE. FUCKING. COMMENT)
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
send me “if i were dating you” anons
be dirty, ya’ll
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Hey guys,
I won't be able to get to some of the fics. I'm gonna write as quick as I can but I am starting school again, moved into a new apartment and, with the lack of feedback, my motivation is low. I hope there is a change but I thought I'd let all of you know.
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
R u going to be opening ships again
If people would like them then sure. I've had a difficult time posting due to lack of feedback but if that's something people want then I will think about it
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Killing off characters: the shoulds and shouldn’ts
1. Why you should
The death is a major plot point
It reveals some shocking plot twist
It supports your themes/what you’re trying to say with your book
Your novel explores the afterlife
You are George R.R Martin and the selling point of your work is that everybody dies
It suits the genre/mood of your novel
2. Why you shouldn’t
The character isn’t serving any purpose (this isn’t the Sims)
You want your readers to be shocked for the sake of being shocked
You want to be edgy
You think your MG story needs more gore
You want to romanticise grieving/loss
3. How you should
This really depends on your genre and target audience
If you’re writing something that isn’t intended to be graphic/traumatic, you can stick to the impact the death has on the other characters. If your novel explores illness, focus on that rather than on the disturbing death scene itself. Perhaps you’re writing a drama/tragic romance - you might want to ease up on the gore here. For these genres, I would suggest focusing on the emotional aspect of the death - the sobbing, the last words, the bright white lights (whatever floats your boat). Think of Mufasa in The Lion King - the actions are suspenseful, but we don’t see him being trampled with his guts spilling everywhere. But it’s still one of the most impactful deaths in fictional history.
If you’re writing in a more mature and gritty genre (like thriller, dark fantasy or crime), you can go all out. If there’s blood and guts, you readers probably want to see it in vivid detail to get their violence fix for the day.
Whichever genre your novel falls into, you should also go with what feels comfortable to you. Even if you’re writing adult dark fantasy, you don’t have to write graphic violence to make a character death impactful.
4. How you shouldn’t
Please don’t let your character have a three-pages-long monologue after they’ve been stabbed in the throat. It’s not realistic and it’s often very boring. Yes, a few well-written last words can have a great impact. Just make sure that your character would realistically be able to speak at that point and that it doesn’t become a cheese fest.
Unless you’re aiming for very dark/nihilistic humour, afford your characters some dignity in the way they kick the bucket. (e.g. don’t use the phrase “kick the bucket”). Having someone slip on a banana peel and then choke on a pretzel is a little ridiculous and will make the entire story seem silly. Once again, this really depends on what you’re going for. If your genre is serious and your character is important and beloved, try for emotion rather than whimsy.
Don’t let your characters die only to be resurrected again and again and again. Look, I love Supernatural (long may they reign), but even I have to admit that the Winchester brothers’ luck with death has become a bit ridiculous. Doing this takes away from the impact of the death - it removes the fear and suspense, and will leave your readers emotionally stunted.
5. Who you shouldn’t
Your only female character in a bid to make the male hero feel something and become a better person
Your only LGBTQIA+ character, who is just too pure to live in this terrible world
Your only character of colour, who dies to save the white hero
Your only disabled character, who can now finally find release from life with disability
The one character who has never experienced a sliver of joy and bears the brunt of the tragedy, right when happiness is finally within their reach
The main character in the middle of the story - unless you have a REALLY good plan for what happens next
Reblog if you found these tips useful. Comment with your own thoughts on killing off characters. Follow me for similar content.
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Hey I was wondering if you could do a request I have about Scott from teenwolf I was wondering if the story could be based off of halseys music video colors but Scott and the reader end up together in the end
done and posted. it’s not like the music video, i hope you don’t mind. I did a little twist on it 
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Request: “Hey I was wondering if you could do a request I have about Scott from teenwolf I was wondering if the story could be based off of halseys music video colors but Scott and the reader end up together in the end” 
Ship: Scott x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: angst, mentions of smoking, death, yelling, fluff, minor kissing, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. This is my interpretation of the song and the lyrics, not the music video if that’s okay 
Third P.O.V 
Blood dripped down the stone wall, leaving a trail of footprints and severed limbs Gaping, (Y/N) fell back into Scott’s arms while Lydia choked back a sob. Nobody deserved this.. Scott thought to himself as tears trickled down his cheeks, flushing with a mix of pain and anger. They were so young.. His muscles tightened and in turn, pulled (Y/n) closer to his chest, stifling her shaking frame. 
Your little brother never tells you but he loves you so You said your mother only smiled on her tv show You're only happy when your sorry head is filled with dope I hope you make it to the day you're twenty-eight years old
Much had changed in Beacon Hills since the slaughter of innocents the pack could not save. Scott was nothing short from heartbroken, tormented by the thought that he wasn’t enough to help them You could have saved so many people.. He muttered to himself at night, far from prying ears. Each of the pack members were plague with anguish and self-hatred. Having held the weight of the world on their very fragile shoulders. 
The memory of such a tragedy made Scott rest the small blunt between his teeth, inhaling deeply as he’s taken away from the pain. Or at least that’s what (Y/n) and Stiles believed. As time passed the golden boy arrived school late or hungover from stealing his mothers alcohol from her liquor cabinet. After two weeks Stiles was surprised he was still showing up to classes. 
You're dripping like a saturated sunrise You're spilling like an overflowing sink You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece And now i'm tearing through the pages and the ink
Scott’s walls were not built well to begin with and his cracks were breaking. It took (Y/n) everything in her power to not outright smack him upside the head in class. The death of those innocents were not their fault. Though riddled with guilt, she was aware enough to realize that being in a world as dark as the supernatural, some people cannot be saved. What felt worse was the shame she felt inside herself. Gazing at the boy she’d fallen hopelessly in love with. Her heart ached to see him smile once more. 
Everything is blue His pills, his hands, his jeans And now i'm covered in the colors pull apart at the seams And it's blue And it's blue
A week later Scott stopped attending all his lectures. Upon hearing the news Melissa recruited Stiles to put a stop to this behavior. Being a nurse, Melissa understood the process of grief and self-hatred. But this was something she would never be able to wrap her head around. There was an emotional, animalistic connection so heightened and intrusive in a werewolf state that truly effected him to his core. She knew that her only help could be his best friend. 
Everything is grey His hair, his smoke, his dreams And now he's so devoid of color He don't know what it means And he's blue And he's blue
A gentle hand knocks against his door frame. Too soft and kind to be Stiles. For the first time that evening, he leaves his bed and pulls open the door to see her. A moment of distastes washes over him, appalled at the unclean circumstances. “M-May I come in?” Without hesitation, Scott pulls open the wood frame. He shifts from foot to foot, visibly uncomfortable at the pigsty he’d been living in. 
You were a vision in the morning when the light came through I know I've only felt religion when i've lied with you You said you'll never be forgiven till your boys are too And I'm still waking every morning but it's not with you
Before he could comprehend her quick movements, she pressed her lips onto his. Though shocked, Scott’s body moved naturally against hers. The sweet taste of cherry from her lips left him dizzy as she pulled away to preach, “Stop this. Scott, please. It’s not your fault. Stop blaming yourself for something we couldn’t change. I spoke with the high priestess from my coven.. I begged her for answers. Needed to know if we could have done something to change the fate.. But there wasn’t.. It was set in stone.” 
You're dripping like a saturated sunrise You're spilling like an overflowing sink You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece And now I'm tearing through the pages and the ink
In that moment in time, the young boy’s world shifted. The fog dissipated and for the first time in weeks he could finally see. Guilt would rear it’s ugly head, of course. But that evening, the two teens would embrace lovingly and cope tomorrow. 
(I hope you guys like it! PLEASE COMMENT!) 
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Empress Part 2
Summary: You’re apart of the one-hundred and you’re really bad ass. People you don’t agree with start to put themselves in charge. You, however, have a different set of plans. 
Ship: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, flirting, swearing, MENTIONS OF PHYSICAL ABUSE, etc. 
Tagging: @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw
Your P.O.V
I rest my hand on the dirt, muttering a prayer that Vera use to sing to me. Clarke stood over me, weeping. The moment we got here, Clarke and I became mutual friends. I was always there if she needed a shoulder to cry on. I stood up, glancing at her. “I’m sorry about Wells. I didn’t know him very well, but he was a good guy.” She cried, but smiled. “Yeah, he was a good guy. H-He took the blame for my father’s death.. He even forgave me for how I had treated him..” I put my arm out for her to take. She embraces me, whole heartedly before releasing.
Bellamy enters a few seconds later. Clarke wipes away her tears. “I’m sorry about Wells.” His voice came out as genuine. Which was odd to me? She thanked him and then walked back into the camp. I followed her, making eye contact with Bellamy. My heart skipped. It was a strange feeling. Not exactly unpleasant, just unusual. Maybe it was because his gaze was intimidating? Yeah, that had to be it.. I shake the thought out of my head. Clarke and I head back to the tents. I walk into mine, plopping down to sharpen my knives. After I’m done, I make my way out to hunt. Out of the corner of my eye, Bellamy seethed with anger. I could tell this bothered Bellamy greatly. But I didn’t care. We need food.
Third P.O.V
Clarke ran into Bellamy’s ten, huffing.”Where’s (Y/n)?!” He shrugged, even though he knew quite well. He worried about her. “Hunting, why?” She shoved a knife into his hand. “What is this?” Finn comes in seconds later. “That is the knife that killed Wells-” She turned it over to show him the embroidered side. Murphy. His eyes went wide. “Do you know for sure?” Clarke was too deep in her grieving state. Blaming. That’s all she wanted to do. And Murphy was the perfect target to direct her pain. She didn’t bother to listen to Bellamy’s reasoning. “He needs to pay for what he’s done-” Before Bellamy could intervene, Clarke stormed out of his tent, barreling towards Murphy. 
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She pushed him, hard. Tears threatening at her eyes as she cried out. “YOU KILLED HIM, YOU BASTARD!” He rolled his eyes, scoffing. “What’re you talking about princess?” She threw the knife at his feet. “This is your knife, found by Wells’ body!! With his blood on it!” People began to form up against him. “Woah, guys- I didn’t-” But before he could continue, they started to shout. “HANG HIM!” Another voice tags along as the crowd forms. “HANG HIM! HANG HIM!” They start to chant in terrifying unison. Murphy looked at Bellamy with a pleading expression. “Bell, I didn’t kill him-” All of a sudden, he was grabbed by a group of guys who already begun to bind his wrists. The poor boy kicked and screamed, practically begging for dear life. Clarke gasps and watches in horror. “BELLAMY! YOU HAVE TO STOP THEM!” 
He turns over his shoulder, gawking before glaring down at her. “THIS IS ON YOU, CLARKE! IF YOU HADN’T KEPT YOUR MOUTH SHUT, THIS WOULDN’T’VE HAPPENED!” He stalks away from her, looking up at Murphy, who begged from above. “Please, Bellamy! You have to believe me! I didn’t kill him!!” Before he could finish, Bellamy kicked the chair from under his feet. Murphy coughed and spurred, blood rushing to his face. The kids cheer, maliciously. All of a sudden, a dark mass jumped from the trees, causing the kids to gasp. As it reached the ground, an arrow ripped through Murphy’s binds. His body falls into the arms of the stranger. Murphy looked up to see.. “(Y/n)?” He questions. She unties his wrists, taking off the noose. When she stands up, the kids fall silent. “Are you okay, Murphy?” He nods his head. 
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She then turns her gaze back to the crowd. “What is the meaning of this?” The 100 kids can’t help but quiver and cower at her tone and stature. An unknown voice yelled from deep within the crowd. “Murphy killed Wells!” A few voices speak up in unison. “Justice!” She growls back at them. “Justice?! This is not justice?! It wasn’t Murphy. He wasn’t guarding last night.” Bellamy questions with a bite. “How do you know that?” She scoffs, looking him up and down. “A queen always keeps track of her people.” He rolls his eyes. Soon enough, tension began to rise. It was thick. Nobody knew of who’s identity of Wells’ killer. Then, a small voice spoke up.. Charlotte. “I did it! I killed Wells!” 
Everyone’s eyes went wide. With lightning like speed, Bellamy took Charlotte to his tent for interrogation. Finn, Clarke and (Y/N) followed his tail. “Why’d you kill him, Charlotte?!” He asked, kneeling down to face her. “You told me to slay my demons-” Clarke eyed him, suspiciously. “What does she mean, Bellamy?” His hair tousled as it shook. “She must’ve misunderstood. She was having nightmares and I told her to slay them. To be strong.” Muphy yelled from outside the tent. “HAND HER OVER BELLAMY!” Finn shook his head, pacing. “She’s just a kid.” (Y/n) glare down at her. “She’s old enough to know what she was straight up murder.” Clarke nodded, fuming at her. “You’re right. You killed a boy, Charlotte. You took his life! YOU KILLED HIM!” 
Your P.O.V
She choked back her tears, trying oh so desperately not to cry. Clarke continued to scowl down at her as she sniffled. Bellamy looked between the two of us with pleading eyes. I sigh. “She needs to be punished-” Bells eyes went wide, only to be silenced by my hand. “But I do not think death is the answer. Why spill more than we need to?” He breaths a sigh of relief. “We sneak her out of the camp.” Finn suggested, with hope in his eyes. I look to Bellamy and Clarke. “Take her and go.” Clarke looks back at me, with pleading eyes. “Come with us. You know the woods better than anyone.” I wait for Bellamy to speak up and stop me but I am not his concern right now. Our quarrel is not now. 
They need me and arrogance won’t help our case. Instead, Finn nudges my arm, nodding with determination. “Go, I’ll distract them.” I nod, sneaking out of the tent before we bolt away from the camp. Murphy and his followers trail not too far behind us, shouting tauntingly. “CHARLOTTE! WE’RE COMING FOR YOU!” All of a sudden, the little girl took off in the opposite direction, yelling out. “MURPHY! I’M OVER HERE!” Clarke’s eyes went wide. “Charlotte! Shut up!” She hissed as Bellamy bolted to catch her, covering her cries, now muffled. But being sneaky and small, she got out of his grasp and ran again. She stops at a drop off, tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry..” Bellamy stood in front to protect her from Murphy and his followers. 
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“Give us the girl, Bellamy.” Clarke and I stood in front, growling at them. “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Clarke tries to reason, quietly. Before either of us could comprehend the situation, one of Murphy’s guys wrapped a knife around her neck while Murphy put a knife to my neck. I watched Bellamy tense up, his guard still on Charlotte. She tried to push against his insanely strong grip. “Bellamy, let me go! I can’t let them kill Clarke and (Y/n)! I’m not worth it!” I growl back at Bellamy. “Don’t let her go, Bell.” He nodded, however, Charlotte looked between us, crying. “I’m sorry.” And then, she did something I wasn’t prepared for. She jumped. 
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Right off the cliff. Bellamy and Clarke cried out, lunging forward to grab her. But it was too late. I lean against the railing, shocked. She just jumped into the chasm. Bellamy got up faster than I thought humanly possible the stalked over to Murphy, who was just as shocked. He punched him, repetitively. After a minute, Clarke pulled Bellamy off him. “We can’t kill him!!” He looks at her with wide eyes, like she had grown a third head. “Are you serious, Clarke?! What do you suppose we do then?!” He shouted back at her. Before she could speak, I stood up, wrapping my hand around Murphy’s neck, slamming him against the tree. “We banish him.” I growl, lowly. I throw him to the ground, stalking back to camp. Bellamy, hot on my tale. “It’s not your fault..” I say to him before heading up to the drop-ship. Little did I know, his eyes followed me all the way. 
It had been a few days since the incident with Charlotte and everyone has been on edge. Murphy no longer lurks around the camp and it seems to calm them. Bellamy continues to bark orders at people, as if they were his dogs. But their real loyalties resided with me. I help as much as I can, which, to everyone, seems enough. Clarke and Finn left not too long ago to go get some more supplies. I sent the rest of evening restocking the medical bay. I don’t know what time it is before I head out but it must’ve been late considering that it was pitch black out. All of a sudden, a massive crash came a few miles ahead of the camp. Everyone got out of their tents to see what the ruckus was. 
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I look over my shoulder to find a girl, almost naked, latched onto Bellamy’s arm. For some reason, in that moment, I felt nauseous and mad. Why was I mad? Bellamy can do what he wants? However, I tear my gaze away, ignoring my emotions as I grabbed my weapons. On instinct, as if he knew, he chased after me. “No.” Still shirtless, he sticks his chiseled arm out in front of me. “We can wait until the morning.” I wanted to fight back but I just couldn’t. For some reason, I don’t know whether I was too tired or too mentally drained, in that moment, I couldn’t fight back. However, I didn’t trust his motives. “Fine.” I say, he eyes me, not trusting me either. A mutual distrust. I head back to my tent. That night, I didn’t sleep at all. But then again, I usually don’t. Considering my past. 
My nightmares were worse than ever. Though, I know I won’t see…him here, it doesn’t stop me from worrying me any less. In fact, it builds up my already horrible paranoia. The next morning, I got dressed, glancing over my scars and bruises that he left on me. I cover them up before heading out. I was happy to have the weather on my side, it not being too cold or too hot outside. As I headed out, Octavia stopped me, asking. “Have you seen, Bellamy?” That bastard. “No, but I think I know where he went.” She catches my drift, rolling her eyes. “He left, didn’t he?” I nodded. “I figured he’d pull a stunt like this.” Octavia and I have grown quite close since we arrived on earth. She’s great, funny and smart, a warrior. Though I met her a long time ago, well, she met my eyes, not me. It was nice to get to know her, face to face. I grab my equipment and head out to hunt. I make my way towards the water. 
As I pass a cave, I swear I hear a stick crack from behind me. Turning my head over my shoulder to see what it was. Nothing. I grip my knife tighter, wary. Then, someone put their hand over my mouth.The hand was big, meaty and calloused. Definitely male. My screams being only muffles now. Grabbing my shoulder with exceptional power, he turned me over to face him. I stop fighting against his grip, scanning him up and down, looking for a sign of weakness. A flaw to win in this fight. But then, everything goes still. It was as if his eyes spoke for me. Be quiet. We both look around the corner to see a group of men dressed just like the guy in front of me, run past us. They spoke in a harsh, unknown language before making their way past us and out of sight. My heart was thumping. I’d never seen people on the ground, and up so close. I knew we weren’t alone. But then it hit me. He was one of them as well. We look back at each other. Male. Definitely a guy. He’s tall, I would say 6′2. Toned with deep blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, tousled and messy. 
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He was gorgeous, beyond so. Sporting dark fur and wool, baggy pants and a few shirts with a big brown jacket. A mask covered the lower part of his face. He motioned to the hand that covered my mouth. It was as if he was non-verbally saying that he was going to remove it. Maybe hoping that I didn’t scream or cry for help. He let go of me, warily, waiting for me to attack. I don’t, which confuses him. “Why did you save me?” I ask, curiously. Though my heart beat is practically out of my chest, my voice is strong, steady. He doesn’t answer me. However, his eyes trial up and down my body, almost scanning me. His confused expression was as if I wasn’t what he expected. For some reason, I felt awkward- tense under his gaze. I have the pure audacity to pry once more. “What’s your name?” He continues to ignore me. My brows furrow as my gaze travels down to his stomach. Blood. 
“Woah! What happened?!” He follows my eyes trying to cover it up with his hand. I take a step forward, touching the outline. He jumps back, grabbing my hand, roughly. I flinch at the contact, it brought back a horrible memory that made my skin crawl. I grit my teeth. Suppress it, (Y/n). I think to myself before growling up at him. “Either you let me fix that, or I can hand your ass to you on a silver plater?! You’re choice.” He ponders my words for a second, though he knows he has no other choice. Letting go of my arm, we walk further into the cave to find a bed and casual homely attire. This was his home. He watches my eyes scan the room with curiosity. When I look back at him, I can’t help but think that he is just as intrigued and curious about me as I am about him. He groans in pain as he sits on the bed, I can’t help but flinch at the thought of what pain he could be in. I pull out my mobile nursing equipment before sitting on the bed next to him. His feet dangle at the edge as he props himself up with his elbows, groaning again. 
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With one hand, I push him down flat on the bed. He growls in discomfort, glaring up at me. “What?” I ask, innocently. It takes him a few seconds to realize that I he has to be shirtless for me to have enough access to the wound. He looked wary, not just because I could be a threat, but he looked almost nervous about the whole endeavor. As if this were the first taste of any sort of intimacy he’s ever had in his life. Slowly but surely, I help him out of his shirt to reveal his washboard abs and a stab wound. Though I was suppose to focus on his wound, my eyes subconsciously continued to travel to his pelvis. I’d also be lying if I said his grunts of pain weren’t sexy. After stitching him up, I clean the outside of the wound with a cold towel. I don’t feel his gaze on me until I’ve finished sealing it completely. His ocean blue eyes boring into the side of my head. I start to put the equipment away, hoping to distract myself with something other than his eyes. He grabs my arm, not as hard as last time but enough pressure to show me that he didn’t want to be left alone. “Dimitri..” He said, softly, almost inaudible. Almost. “What?” I questioned, knowing I’d heard it clearly but secretly egging him on to say it again. 
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“Dimitri. That tis my name.” Jaw tight as he sat up. Though he was only sitting, he was now towering over me. If I thought he was beautiful before, he sure looked gorgeous now, especially this close to me. “Dimitri.. It’s nice to meet you.” My voice came out a lot shaker than intended.Which was odd, considering I usually have a strong voice. I cough, clearing my throat. “I should get going-” I stand up, turning over my shoulder only to be held back. He tugged my wrist, gently. A feeling that I quite enjoyed. And, for some odd reason, when I looked into his eyes, not for a second did I doubt the inability to leave this place. “Will I see you again?” For some odd reason, I felt a pull, a strong tug, to see him again. I wanted to get to know more of him and I knew by the way he was acting, he wanted to get to know, or understand me as well. We were both aliens to one another, aching to understand one another. My mind ran with how sudden and wrong this was. I shouldn’t do this. He could be the enemy. I shouldn’t. But then again, when have I ever gone by the rules? My mouth was moving before my mind. “I’ll be here tomorrow.” A promise. One I had to keep. 
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He nodded, eyeing me with pure fascination. Something I did not too long ago. For some reason, I felt in my gut that he wouldn’t go after me. Not when I just saved his life. That would be stupid. As I head back to camp, I thought to myself. I shouldn’t be meeting with the enemy. Was he even the enemy? I just assumed. But then again, he did save my life. That has to count as something, right? I head back with half of the rashen’s I intended to catch. I drop the food off and almost run right into Octavia. “(Y/n)! Glad I found you. We need your help.” I pear over her shoulder to see Clarke and Finn holding someone up. Just when this day couldn’t get any weirder. “This is Raven, Finn’s-” Clarke pauses, pain in her eyes. Oh, fuck. I take Raven’s weight. “Go set up. I can carry her in.” I say to Clarke. She nods, thankful for the distraction. I smile down at Raven. “You’ll be fine, hun.” I help her into one of the medbays, glaring up at Finn. He looks down, ashamed. 
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I’m smart enough to know that Clarke and Finn had a thing. And here his girlfriend was, half dead in front of us. Finn held her hand, not daring to look up at my hard gaze, probably scared I’ll kill him where he stood, and he was right. When I look away, I swear I see him relax a little. “Raven, honey. I’m gonna stitch you up, okay? This is gonna hurt.” She nods, growling back with determination. “Do it.” I pour some alcohol on the wound, she hisses before biting her lip. The moment I finish stitching her up, she sighs in relief. Clarke comes in a few seconds later, avoiding Finn’s heavy gaze. She motioned for me to follow her, I do. I close the tarp, following her down the drop-ship steps. Clarke begins, her voice full of frustration. “Bellamy jacked Raven’s radio. It’s our only means of communication with the ark.” 
I nodded, hesitantly. I, like many others, wanted nothing to do with the Ark. But deep down, I knew we needed them. Their resources, anyway. “Okay, let’s get a search team and scout the area.” Bellamy came up to me as we left, trailing behind. He looked ashamed, sad. Though, I knew why he really threw the radio away. He killed Jaha in attempts to save his sister. I understood that desperation. The way he walked around me made me think I was ashamed or angry with him. The rest of our group scattered to look around. The second I’m in the clear, I talk lowly. “I know why you did it.” Bellamy looked at me with hope and confusion. “What?” I press on. “You killed Jaha to protect your sister. And getting rid of that radio means that you live another day.” 
He stopped dead in his tracks, petrified. “How’d you know about that?” He asks, threateningly. Bellamy towered over me, trying to be scary. It didn’t work, though his gaze made my heart race. I press my hand on his chest, smirking as I push past him. “I know everything, Bellamy Blake.” He looks at me over his shoulder, not satisfied with my answer. I continue. “I heard that it happened when they tried taking me from my cell.” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Don’t worry. Your secrets safe with me. But Octavia’s gonna know, eventually. You should start practicing your apology speech.” He looks like he wants to say something but before he can, a voice not too far away yells. 
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“I FOUND IT!!” We rush back to camp. I follow, going my own pace. As we make our way back, I can’t help but look for Dimitri. A small part of me wanted to see him again. Maybe because he was considered to be a bad boy and a bit of a mystery to me. I mean, he is a grounder. I’m not suppose to talk to them, or even know about them. But then again, when have I ever followed the rules. And truth be told, whether I saw him or not, I knew he was watching. I slow down, in no need to rush. “C’mon, hurry up, princess!” Bellamy yells from outside the gate. I walk past him, scoffing. “I’m an empress. Get it right.” Swiveling my hips as I walk past him. I could feel plenty of eyes on me, especially Bellamy’s. The next day, I head out at the same time to hunt, well, to meet Dimitri. I arrive early, hiding behind the cave wall. 
Dimitri’s P.O.V
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I sneak out of the city, staying close to the walls. They’ve become my best friend during my secret excursions. Every step I take is with delicate meaning. Once I get to the outskirts of the city, I run to meet (Y/n). I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was strong, tough as nails. Beautiful, gorgeous even. Though I’ve only met her once, there was something enticing about her. I take off my scarf and head into the cave. I look around for her, almost desperate. Nothing. All of a sudden, I’m flipped around and tossed to the ground. Groaning in pain, I lifted my head up to see (Y/n) smirking down at me. Her waist sat right above my pelvis. I gulp, nervously. When she spoke, I swore I shivered. “You’re gonna have to be faster than that.” She pulls herself off me, giving me a hand up. 
I grab it, smirking. She pulls me up but I’m fast to slam her against the wall, placing her hands above her head. “You sure about that?” I ask, towering over her. I let go of her hands, walking away as I take off my jacket. It being suddenly very hot in the cave. She smiles, an action I’m sure she isn’t use to doing. “So, tell me about yourself, Dimitri?” I organize my bookshelf, nervously. “I live in a village not far from here. What about you, (Y/n) of Skikru?” She smiles again, I’m sure at the name. I could get use to seeing that smile. Dimitri, you’re flirting with the enemy. A voice in my head whispers. I ignore it and listen intently to (Y/n). “I”m from space.” I question, sitting down. “What is it like out there? In space, I mean?” She sits down next to me, pondering. She scrunches her nose in a cute way as she thinks before speaking. 
“Beautiful, but, extremely cold and lonely. We’ve been up in space for a long time. That’s all anyone knew. But the view of earth was extraordinary.” I watched her face as she spoke. And then, a thought hit me. My place. My secret place. She had to see it. I grab her hand, excitedly. “Come with me.” At first she wobbles on her feet before meeting my pace, tuning in like I thought she would. “Dimitri, where are we going?” Instead of answering, I smile down at her before nudging her to look up. She does so, gasping. Her face lit up. An image that would be etched within my brain forever. I lean into her, memorizing her facial features. “You saw everything from space. I wanted to show you my point of view.” She doesn’t say anything, all too captivated. (Y/n) then looked down before meeting my gaze. “Why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance? Why do you trust me?” I smirk, blushing slightly. “Why do you trust me?” 
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She scoffed, folding her arms, defiantly. “I asked you first.” I sigh, defeated. “I have been watching over you and your people since you have arrived. At first, I thought you to be potential enemies. But all I can see now is a bunch of delinquent kids, scared and unsure. In a world they do not understand. And then I saw you-” I hesitate but recover. “I saw you hunting, sacrificing yourself for- Charlotte, I believe.” She winces at the memory of her. Guilt washing over me, I knew what it was like for someone to pour salt into an open wound. “My apologies. But I noticed how protective you are with the kids and your clan. All you wanted to do was protect them. That’s why I didn’t kill you.” She fiddles with her hands, almost like she was nervous. An emotion, I could tell, she liked to suppress and rarely broadcast. 
(Y/n) stood up straighter, as if she was trying to compose herself. “Thank you.” I can’t help but laugh at her adorable discomfort. “You look like you’re going to hurl. Deep breaths. Nobody is watching you. You can relax. You always seem rather tense. Why is that?” I ponder. She stops, her smile completely wiped clean from her face, as if it was never there. “I have my reasons.-” (Y/n) pauses, moving her eyes back and forth, conflicted. There was a pull, a need to tell me, someone, anyone for that matter. I didn’t pry as she continued. “Maybe one day I’ll tell you about them.” I nod, understandingly. I was in no rush for her to learn about my secrets. And neither was she. Lord knows we both have things to hide. Things we’re probably not proud of. We chat for a little longer, well, I wouldn’t exactly call it chatting. It was more of witty remarks and quick playful banter. It was casual, very comfortable. 
But then, the worst part came. Saying goodbye. It was my least favorite part. I hold onto her arm, with a pleading expression. “Will I see you again?” She smirks, eyeing me happily. “Tomorrow, same time.” (Y/n) winked at me, leaving me speechless, flustered and on the tip of my toes, wanting more. What a tease. I thought to myself as I headed home, a smile plastered on my  face. There was something enticing about her. That pull made me want to see her all the time. She was strong, wise and beautiful. Not to mention a sarcastic smart-ass. (Y/n) gave me quite a hard time and I loved it. We met up at the same time and place for the next couple of days. We’d talk for an hour or two before heading back to our second lives. It was kind of like Romeo & Juliet, a story that (Y/n) told me about. We lived two completely different lives but when we were together, we were able to be ourselves, live freely. 
All those days (Y/n) and I spent together, we taught each other many incredible things. I learned about literature, stories, tales, and all sorts of things. I taught her more about the land and harmony between people and animals. When we are reincarnated, we transform and are reborn. I felt like I could really be myself around her. But deep down I knew my life and what I wanted were two very different worlds. I can’t help but think about what could happen with (Y/n). But it was all a lot bigger than the both of us. I had duties- responsibilities to live up to. And I was scared that (Y/n) wouldn’t be apart of that life. Of that world. But maybe, just maybe, that was a good thing. 
(I hope you liked it! If you want me to continue, please comment below or send me a message through my inbox!!) 
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
The Jersey
Request: “Hi I was wondering if you could write a teen wolf imagine where the reader is Scott’s sister and one morning she comes down stairs and forgets she is wearing Isaac’s jersey and Scott questions her. Just something cute. Hope this wasn’t confusing 💛”
Ship: Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader!MCcall x Scott MCcall (siblings) 
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, yelling, etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owner. 
Third P.O.V 
The morning sunlight seeped through (Y/n) Mccall’s glass windows. It’s brightness cascaded across her features. (Y/n) scrunched her face at the brightness of the light, shifting slightly due to the new found warmth. Groaning, she threw the pillow over her head with a huff. Hoping that sleep would take her again, she waited a few seconds, hoping too fall back into her prior comforting slumber. After a few minutes, (Y/n) sighed in defeat and threw her legs over the bed. She threw her hair up into a dirty bun, stretching and yawning as she made her way down-stairs. (Y/n) was quite a forgetful person. But this had to take the cake. As she walked down the steps, the only fabric covering her beautiful body, was her secret boyfriend’s jersey. Now, here’s the thing, Scott is very protective of his sister. Always have been, always will be.
That morning, Scott expected to see his sister, dressed properly and ready for the day. However, what he saw instead, was his baby sister wearing one of his friends jersey. There was a long rooted tradition in Beacon Hills. If a boy asked you to wear his jersey, it was a sign of good luck, a sign of affection. Most of the boys who had done it on the lacrosse team asked their girlfriends to wear their jerseys. The team had been doing this tradition for as long as time itself. Scott gave his jersey to his girlfriend, Kira. It was a symbol of luck and love for her. But for other guys, it was a sign to other boys, to show them that the girl they chose was theirs, as in, a one night-stand. His mind ran with horrible thoughts and pure terror, not to mention that Isaac was one of his good friends. “(Y/n)-” He said, wide eyed. “What the hell is this?!” (Y/n) hadn’t realized it until now. The second the words left her brothers mouth, her heart dropped. 
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Shit.. Not to Scott’s knowledge, but Isaac and (Y/n) had been sneaking around for a few months now. They were good at hiding it. It all started with the final game of the season, last year. The two lovers had been crushing on each other for as long as time itself. Isaac made a promise to himself that he would ask you out that night and take you out to dinner if he made the final goal. That was all the motivation that he needed, and before he knew it, the two kids were having dinner and laughing until the sun came up. Ever since then, the two of them were unconditional, absolutely inseparable. After that night, they’ve been happily together. (Y/n) was very good at lying, well, only to Scott. He was easy to trick, all she needed to do was change her perfume and he wouldn’t notice a thing. Scott never knew about the long nights they had spent together. Not until now. 
(Y/n) panicked, glancing at her outfit, which only consisted of her boyfriends jersey and a small pair of under-garments. She was going to tell Scott about it, but it was too late. The cat was out of the bag. (Y/n) stuttered, growing extremely red from embarrassment. “Scott- it’s not what it looks like, I can explain!!!” He puts his foot down, scoffing while he rests his hands on his hips. “Alright, go ahead then. I’m waiting.” Before, Scott rarely used his werewolf powers on his sister. He thought it was rude to pry in such a disgusting way. He thought that his sister, if she wanted to, had the free will to talk to him about whatever she wanted. But in this moment, he was more than obliged to pluck the secrets from her. She played with her fingers, heart beating faster as she tried to come up with a good excuse. “You see- I uh- Funny story actually, I- this isn’t- I’m borrowing-” Before she could finish however, the house doorbell went off. Oh, god! Isaac. (Y/n)’s eyes went wide. He planned on taking her out for breakfast around nine, the time Scott wasn’t suppose to be in the house. 
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Isaac expected to see his beautiful girlfriend to open the door to the Mccall house. Instead though, her brother, and Isaac’s good friend, swung the door open, growling up at Isaac. “Isaac. What are you doing here?” He says with a bit of a bite. The young boy, despite his height advantage, felt incredibly small against Scott. “Oh, nothing. I just-” He paused, looking over his shoulder to see his girlfriend, (Y/n), shaking her head, motioning to her body. The jersey. Isaac’s jersey. He gave it to her last night after they…oh.. His eyes went wide, glancing back at Scott, who practically growled back at him. “Isaac, I’m gonna ask this nicely. Did you fuck my sister?!” The young boy glanced over his friend’s shoulder, looking at his girlfriend for help, something, anything. However, the only thing he got, instead, was her, mouthing one word. Run. Glancing back at Scott, he laughed fakily before turning to bolt away. Far away. “ISAAC, I’M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH! THAT’S MY BABY SISTER, YOU BASTARD!” 
Scott chased after Isaac, for a few streets. After a few minutes, he finally lost him and made his way back to the Mccall house. There, he climbed up (Y/n)’s ladder, where she sat. She wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. “D’ya think he’ll be okay with it? With us, I mean?” He asks, slightly out of breath from running. (Y/n) sighs, grinning. “I’m sure he will. You better run though, lover boy. He’ll be back in no time.” Isaac giggled, kissing her again with passion. “You’re worth the chase.” She grabbed his arm. “Hey, I love you.” (Y/n) meant it, with every fiber in her being. She loved him. Isaac smiled from ear to ear, wrapping his long calloused hands around her waist before pulling her closer. “I love you too. By the way, you look sexy as hell in my jersey. You should wear that more often.” After that, he hopped off the ladder, running back to his house. He peered over his shoulder once or twice to look at his beautiful girlfriend. The love of his life. All of a sudden, a warm body tackled him to the ground. “ISAAC, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!” 
(I hope you liked it!!) 
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
combined thoughts // blurb
Request: “Stiles Soulmate AU: Where you can hear all the thoughts of your soulmate, but can’t communicate with them. The thoughts stop when you meet them.” college AU sort of 
Ship: Stiles Stilisnki x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, fighting, guilt, minor kissing, smut etc. 
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Tagged for all and AU’s: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317 @bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist@beingmadinwonderland @princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet @ordinarygirlmeetsfantasticworld @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone 
Third P.O.V
(Y/n) tossed and turned in her bed, hot sweat dripping down her back due to the unholy images that suddenly up-took up her thoughts. Large calloused hands, covered in veins wrapped around her waist, tugging and pulling. His moans, the identity of which were unknown to her, drew a chill down her spine as the image shifted to her on top of the chocolate brown eyed stranger. The rest of his features were blurred, relatively unknown to the eye as she grind against his lower region, moaning in unison with him. Stiles on the other hand, jerked his hips back and forth, matching the motion the dream girl gave him. She smelled of fresh peppermint and roses and when she pressed deep welts against his skin, he couldn’t help but moan louder for her. How someone could elicit such a reaction drove him absolutely crazy. 
As you can imagine, neither of them slept much that night. “Jesus Christ, (Y/n). You look like hell.” Vanessa, her friend and co-worker said, eyeing the woman with wide eyes. “Gee, thanks.” The shorter woman retorted, wiping the tables off. “Didn’t sleep much last night?” (Y/n) shook her head whist she begun to concoct her own morning wake up call. “Nope. I had a hot dream. Couldn’t sleep much. It’s so weird. Like all of a sudden, things will be fine and then I’ll be horny or have the most absurd thoughts. Except, none of them are mine, they don’t even sound like my voice. And if you say that it’s that stupid soulmate thing the government keeps talking about I will scream.” Vanessa scoffed, leaning against the counter to look at her friend. 
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“Oh come on! What other explanation could there be? That’s how Valerie and I ended up together! What makes you think it won’t happen to you?” (Y/n) furrowed her brows, leaning on the table to match her gaze. Challenged accepted. “Firstly, all of psychology and counselors can explain voices in your head. You forget I am one, right? Also, you and Valerie were just natural, like two pieces of a puzzle that matched. I don’t think that has to do with ourselves besides social behavior and the approaches we may face socially. It only makes sense to blame something on the supernatural, like zodiac signs to explain actual normal concepts. These ‘soulmates’ are just ways to help us cope with our love lives or lack of.” She shook her head, laughing. “You’re a hard-ass, ya know that.” 
Stiles shifted his hips back and forth, jotting down the notes from the seminar slides. The young man had caught the eyes of the some of the girls in the lecture hall, all of whom he had been oblivious to. They sighed when he ran his fingers through his hair and continued writing, a quite boring past time. All of a sudden a thought entered his mind, quiet but growing rapidly. Of course Freud was an idiot. His theories on psychoanalysis were relatively legitimate but his “theories” or whatever the fuck you wanna call them on suppressed sexual urges for our opposite sex parents were garbage. I mean, did he ignore all of Oedipus? The bastard gouged his eyes out after he found out he married his mother and had kids with her and murdered his father? I mean, god. Not to mention Freud probably never took homosexuality into consideration? That completely debunks his hypothesis. 
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He’s not sure where this heavy psych lecture comes in but he’s riled up about it nonetheless, learning of a topic in which he was previously uneducated in. Stiles doesn’t know from where this burst of energy comes from but it’s clearly not from anyone in the room. He’s in the criminal / law academy building on the west side of the campus. For a second, Stiles closes his eyes and listens with hard intent as the voice continues. Whoever she is, her voice isn’t quite as loud as she had been previously. He grabs his books and exits the class, a theory in mind. These transactions had been happening for quite some time and he believe that the louder the voices got the closer the voice was to you in proximity. Stiles was the most brilliant soul one could meet, and it was only a matter of time before he met his match. The voice faded away like the smooth bend of water on a beach, leaving the young man frustrated for more answers to his questions. 
(Y/n) sat on the patio of her dorm complex, thinking deeply about what her friend had said. Of course she believes in the possibilities of soulmates but she’d never utter the words to her. The young woman pulled out her computer and scout through the internet for answers to the hypothesis’ that only seemed to grow with time. The music from her speaker hummed softly out onto the terrace as the sun drifted off down the horizon. “And I can’t seem to get you off my mind,” She hummed John Mayer’s, Moving On and Getting Over. Stiles shot up from his bed, smiling at the sound of her voice. It sweet and smooth like honey, makes him dizzy with delight. He needs to know who it belongs to. With great diligence, Stiles grabbed his red flannel before leaving the dorms. Maybe if I think hard, she’ll hear me, too! He thought to himself as he ran up and down the halls, waiting for the sound to change it’s volume. 
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(Y/n) looked around her apartment for the warm husky voice that echoed her room. C’mon Princess Leia, talk to your Hon Solo. It speaks to her again. She giggles and absentmindedly responds. Bold of this guy to assume he’s Hon Solo. I myself, am a bona-fide bad-ass. I wonder if he can be the Batman to my Catwoman. Stiles chuckled at her quirk and the volume grew as (Y/n) left her dorm. Are you as quick as a whip, Catwoman? He asked, excitement coursing through his blood as he took each turn. Quick is a relative term. I’m faster than the flash. Hope you can keep up, Batsy. (Y/n) smirked at the flirty remarks, biting her lip to hide her smile. Maybe her friend was right, she might admit. But when he came into the room, she knew it was all true. 
Stiles heart soared at the sight of the beautiful girl. Sporting a simple sweatshirt and leggings, she looked like an absolute goddess. How someone could do such a thing was beyond him. (Y/n) gawked openly at Stiles broad shoulders. The fact that her soulmate was as handsome as he was, with striking hazel eyes and a body of a god. “Hi, I’m (Y/n).” She muttered softly. Stiles could barely walk, knees weak from gazing upon such a beauty. “I’m Stiles.” He takes his hand out for her to take. When they connect, it’s like the last puzzle coming into place. It’s just perfect. “Would you like to get to know one another? I have Star Wars in my dorm?” God, this woman’s gonna kill me. How is she so fucking perfect? He nods shyly, taking his hand in hers. 
(I hoped you guys liked it! PLEASE COMMENT I REALLY NEED FEEDBACK)
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sassysweetstories · 5 years ago
Diamond in the Rough // 4
Summary: you’re an androgynous woman who has a rather groggy voice. due to your social anxiety and shy nature, you refuse to let your beautiful, sexy voice free. that is until you do something that might lead you down a dangerous path.
Ship: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader, Harry Styles x Fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, vulgar words, fluff, fighting, smut etc.
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to the owners.
Tagged: @bailey-hoover @kiralivelove @thalia-prior-of-ravenclaw@anamcg317bellasett @queentiffanyyy @archer-whovian-violinist@beingmadinwonderland@princessisabelle19 @violence-and-velvet @lachicadelamanzana
Third P.O.V
Almost two weeks pass and Shawn has yet to give up much to (Y/n)’s dismay. She just wants him out of her life, away from her bubble and to just focus but once she thinks he’s gone, he pops out of no where with those big stupid chocolate brown eyes of his. That morning (Y/n) sat in the recording studio, jotting down notes and intonations when Shawn and Andrew walked in. She doesn’t even try to hide her disgust anymore, finally owning the voice she’d been given. “I thought we were meeting in private, Andrew. Don’t you know that children aren’t aloud to play in the studio.” 
Her comebacks are viscous at this point, not a care in the world and though Shawn should hate hit, it riles him up even more. Even turns him on when she’s so snarky. Andrew ignores their childlike bickering even though he takes pride in how much she’s grown and sits in the lounge chair with a fake huff. “He said he wanted to watch us go over some music stuff and he doesn’t have a meeting until later. I said he could check it out.” 
(Y/n) rolls her eyes again before picking up one of the guitars, strumming carefully until the rest of her crew walk in. She wasn’t going to be quiet anymore, a new kind of grit taking hold of her life all thanks to her anger towards Shawn, not that she’d ever admit it. Apart of her is not ready for him to listen. Not just because he’s a great artist with plenty of background in music but mostly because she can’t deal with his judgment anymore. She’s gotten too much of it in her life, too fed up. 
Especially when it came to dating. ‘Boys will never look at you romantically’, ‘you’re too masculine’, ‘you’re not feminine enough’, ‘who would date a woman who looks more like a man than her man?’ They all said. But she loved her voice, loved how unique it was compared to other musicians and didn’t mind male pronouns at all. She was done living by other peoples rules and expectations. “Let’s warm up with Lock Me Up.“ She says to the musicians, smiling as the drums start with a heavy cadence. For a fleeting moment, she forgets all about Shawn’s existence. 
“Time to listen, to my confession I’m much less than I wanted to be,  wanted to be.  You shine a light on my, dark side but you don’t care what you see. Overjoyed, Over you, Over night, That’s what you do Why don’t you lock me up  with joy and kisses Lock me up with love?” 
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She kicks the microphone holder up to her hand, quickly attaching it to the stand in one fail swoop. The action makes both Andrew and Shawn gape. He sees it now, the same fire and passion Andrew first saw the night of her performance. An untapped potential, an energy that’s just waiting to burst. Hurt and hidden behind a wall of bad memories. He watches her, almost spell-bound as Olive sways back and forth, guitar in hand as she watched her friend flourish. A face filled with pride. 
When the chorus hits, all the musicians sport wide smiles, completely enjoying the borderline musical that’s taken shape in the studio. Shawn pulls out his phone to record the moment, one he doesn’t want to forget despite the tension between the two of them. She just looks so good he can’t help himself. She is so independent and in touch with herself, it takes his breath away. He posts the story to his Instagram and then saves the video for later.
When the song ends she’s already sweating and the adrenaline never comes to a stop. Her smile is bright, beautiful beyond anything Shawn’s ever seen and it’s absolutely contagious. He can’t withhold his cheeks from tightening. When he posts the video to his story, he doesn’t think much of it. (Y/n) wanders off to grab water and her phone blows up. Shawn Mendes tagged you. The notification popped up. It’s a video of her singing, a damn good one at that. Apart of her wants to be mad he posted without her permission but it wasn’t a big deal, didn’t think much of it until she scrolled down the comment section. There are the cute ones that she adores, the compliments that make her heart flutter. All of a sudden, her joy vanishes. Almost instantaneously the good is gone, ripped right out of her grip. 
“Don’t worry, ladies. There’s no way Shawn would go for someone who looks like that.” 
“Me: *laughing because Shawn would never find her or whatever she is attractive*���
“Diamond is hot and all but she’s not feminine enough for me.” 
“That’s cool that they’re friends. He’d never date her though, not looking like that anyway.” 
It was never about him. Sure he was a pain, also strange with his personality but she’d never hate him. But automatically assuming he’d never find her attractive because of her androgynous features broke her heart. Nobody knew how many people who had told her that exact same thing. “Your shoulders are just too broad.” They’d say. Or, “My friends give me shit because you look more like a guy than I do.” Or, “Why don’t you dress more like a guy? You are a guy right?” She tosses her phone to the side, a tear escaping from the corner of her right eye. The liquid seems to burn against her skin as a different kind of tired pain churns in her heart. Grabbing her book, she does the only thing she knows what to do best. The lyrics come like a tsunami, crashing down on her and she willing caves in, letting it consume her lungs entirely. When she’s done, a voice catches her attention. 
“So (Y/n), we’ve got big news for you.” Andrew says from the other room and it forces the young woman to get up from off the dirty floor. Shawn is long gone by the looks of it and there’s a pang of sadness in her chest, not that (Y/n) will admit it. She didn’t mind him watching her sing. “The VMAs is coming up in two weeks and they want you to be the main performance!” He says with a wide grin. Derek and Olive pat her shoulder with pride while her stomach churns with worry, along with a jumble of other emotions. “So I was thinking we could do ‘Hold Me Back’-” She shakes her head, cutting the older man off with a growing smile. “No. I’ve got a better idea. We do that and then a cover of a song.” She pauses for a moment as they start to bubble up in her head. “And I’ve got just the song.” 
Shawn’s P.O.V
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When I got home, I hadn’t expected my sister to still be there. She said she had plans with some friends so it made me wonder as to why she was still present. “Hey Alliyah, whatcha still doin’ here? Thought you had plans?” She turned over her shoulder with a smile, one I knew all too well. “I’m hanging out with the girls later but until then I was catching up on some of Diamond’s feed.” Diamond? Oh no. She continued, “Oh my god, I can’t get over how pretty she is, I mean, she can pull it all off! And her VOICE! EEK! Have you listened to her music or talked to her much?! I saw her on your Instagram! Also, WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU MET HER, YOU JERK!” I grab a drink and listen to her ramble on and on. But the more she spoke, the more I realized that’s how my fans spoke of me, this connection to music to artist to fans. And my baby sister was apart of that as much as anyone else. “Gooodddd, I would do anything to meet her!” And in an instant she went back to her phone, watching (Y/n) with a wide smile. In that moment, I knew I’d have to ask a huge favor. 
Your P.O.V
I’d been practicing all week for my performance, doing interview after interview and getting a custom made suit for the VMAs. The more I thought of it, the more giddy I became. This was the performance of a lifetime, something I’ve only dreamed of. Everything had been moving along together nicely until I ran into the one person I was trying to avoid for the rest of my life. Shawn. “Hey, (Y/n). Look-” He says, shyly. Fiddling with his jacket nervously. “I know I’ve been an awful person to you and I have no right to ask you of anything but my baby sisters birthday is coming up and uh- she really loves you and your music. Like a lot. I was wondering if you could perform for her on her birthday. Look, I’ll pay nicely and-” I sigh, ready for the conversation to be over with. “Sure. I’ll do it. Your sister sounds very nice.” I hate to admit that the grin on his face was nothing but contagious. “Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! That means so much to me-” 
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I cut him off, accordingly. “I’m not doing this for you, Shawn. I’m doing this for your sister. And you don’t need to pay me. I don’t want your money. Just send me the details” I’m already up and out of the room before he can detest to any of the statements I’ve made. I won’t admit it, but it hurts. There’s a pang in my chest at the thought of us being friends and working together maybe. But after his awful first impression and continuous foul treatment, I didn’t see any point in putting effort in him. I get an email the next day about his house location and the plan for sneaking me and my team in unnoticed. The night comes sooner than I planned but I’m actually quite excited to meet Aaliyah and her friends. The more Geoff and Andrew talk about it, the easier it feels. It’s like a mini concert, a test run for the bigger thing down the line. This feels much more intimate though and I want this to be perfect. 
Andrew takes me and my team through the back, going completely unnoticed from the crowd. We pass a slit and I attempt to get a good view of what I’m working with. Maybe six girls, one of them wearing a birthday crown. They chat happily while the adults take their time to their chairs or stand off leisurely. My heart thumps in hopes to make Aalliyah happy and I ignore the fear that thumps lowly in the bottom of my stomach. This is for her. I watch as Shawn takes the microphone, catching everyone’s attention. My team is already set up behind the curtain, awaiting for his signal. “Hey everyone! I’m so happy you all could come to celebrate my baby sisters birthday. You’re getting so old, Liyah. Now it’s my time to give my present to you. Happy Birthday, sis. Hit it guys!” 
Third P.O.V
Shawn steps off the stage and (Y/n) takes the reigns. When he looks back at her, he nearly falls over from her beauty. Aalliyah and her friends scream louder than anyone would have predicted and Shawn couldn’t help but chuckle. The guitar begins and Shawn can’t keep his eyes off her. “Happy Birthday, Aalliyah. This is for you.” She says softly and his sister giggles along with her friends. The young man doesn’t notice when she stops playing, too entranced by her voice to focus on much of anything that’s not her. She puts down her guitar and makes her way over to the young girls, greeting them first before the rest of the room that only seems to gravitate towards her. “Who’s that, sweetheart? She has a lovely voice.” Shawn’s mother says to him, pulling his attention away from her for the first time that night. 
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“Oh! That’s (Y/n) (Y/L/N), also known as Diamond. She’s a new up and coming singer that Aalliyah loves. Andrew’s her new manger so we see each other often.” The woman taps her head, eyes wide. “Oh! I heard her on the radio the other day! I thought it was a man singing but goodness gracious she has the voice of an angel. That’s very sweet of you to get your sisters favorite singer to perform for her birthday.” He smiled down at her before glancing back at the long androgynous figure that’s captured everyone’s attention. The girls get together for a group photo and Shawn’s heart flutters at the sight of Aalliyah almost crying with happiness while her idol grins down at her. “Are you gonna introduce us or do you think Alliyah will beat you to it?” His dad asks him and before he could answer, his little sister ran up to their parents with a smile that seemed to outstretch her face. 
“Mom, Dad, this is (Y/n) (Y/L/N), also known as the one and only Diamond.” (Y/n) blushed crimson as she shook their hands. Her voice was enchanting, smooth and warm like honey. “It’s an honor to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Mendes. I thank you both for giving me the opportunity to perform for you guys, especially for such a momentous occasion.” The young woman towers both his parents and yet she makes them feel warm and comfortable. “You have an incredible voice, my dear.” Shawn’s dad says with a smile that (Y/n) know’s is genuine. They chat for a while and his mom seems to have latched onto the younger woman, refusing to let go as they down wine and laugh. Everyone migrates to her and Shawn feels a pang of jealousy, not wanting to share her to the world. Their eyes catch across the room and (Y/n) excuses herself from the group to meet him. 
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Before they reach one another Harry Styles grazes her elbow catching her attention. (Y/n) can’t help but smile up at the gorgeous man. “Hello love, names Harry.” She introduces herself and she can’t seem to pull herself away from his intoxicating nature and suave. “You didn’t! Oh my god!” He laughed as she grazed his shoulder, continuing the story. “I did! Oh my gosh, she was so pissed the rest of the night..” Harry giggled loudly, scooting closer to her frame until they were inches apart. “I have to head out but I’d love to continue this conversation sometime. Maybe in a more comfortable setting.” The young woman smiled before exchanging numbers with the handsome singer. He pressed his plump lips to her cheeks and (Y/n) couldn’t help but swoon before meeting up with Shawn. 
“Thank you for tonight. My sister is gonna remember this for the rest of her life.” He says quietly, leaning against the railing as he glanced back at her flushed cheeks. Shawn noticed her third glass of wine had made her a little soft. The action is distinct since their love / hate relationship. She actually looks at ease. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity. She’s a very good kid. I enjoyed it a lot and your parents seem lovely. I uh- I came to say goodbye. My team and I are leaving for the night since I need to be up early for interviews and such. See you later, Shawn.” He watches her almost in a trance, bidding his family farewell. That night he only thought of her. 
Things felt different. Maybe they always were different. (Y/n) couldn’t stop thinking about how Shawn looked last night. How pink his cheeks were and how plump his lips became the longer she drank. Must be the alcohol.. She thought stupidly to herself. She knew it wasn’t anything she had that night to make her think such unholy thoughts. The way his shirt was almost too tight for his toned body. He looked like a god and his chocolate brown eyes made her knees weak, not that she’d ever tell him. That morning she grabbed her lyric book and followed Andrew out to the car, listening intently to her schedule for the day. In between the car rides, she jotted new lyrics and hummed different ideas to her crew who nodded along happily. Five interviews back to back, they had finally returned back to the hotel, taking picture after picture with fans. 
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The young woman was more than thrilled to be alone for a little while before her phone buzzed. Groaning, she answered it with a fake tone. “Hello?” A honey like chuckle respond on the other line, a voice that was so distinct it made her shiver. “Hello love, miss me? I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight if you were free?” (Y/n) grinned from cheek to cheek before replying calmly despite the fact her heart was beating out of her chest. “Uh- yeah! I’d love to! Dinner at your place or what were you thinking?” He chuckled lowly, eliciting a shiver of anticipation. “You’re brilliant ya know that. That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’ll pick you up at eight, love. And sweetheart, dress like yourself.” He hung up swiftly and the young woman pondered before smiling. 
Your P.O.V
I had tried on ten different outfits, one looking worst than the last. “Ughhh, I don’t know what to do!” I huffed, obviously anxious and worried for the date, which is in an hour.. Olive ransacks my closet, cussing. “Damn girl, you’ve got clothes for days! We can find something that’ll work.” Before I know, she pulls out a button up, jeans and a bad-ass brown leather jacket. I nod in approval before changing, heart thumping out of my chest. And before I knew it, his car pulled up with a loud brake screech. “Go get ‘em tiger.” Olive said to me with two thumbs up. “You look gorgeous, love” He says smoothly and I can’t help but rake my eyes up and down his body. He looks absolutely sinful and I want a bite. “So what did you concoct tonight, darling.” I watch as the hairs on his arms raise, all because of me. 
We get back to his apartment which is beautifully lit with candles and there’s a strong aroma of pizza and vanilla candles. A strange but inviting scent that only pulls me further into his humble abode. “Make yourself comfortable, love. I’ll grab the food. You pick a movie.” I take off my jacket and scroll through a few movies until I settle on one that satisfies us both. After a few minutes, he lowers the volume so we can talk. “So what exactly are you looking for? You’re a performer. You understand how hard it is for people to communicate and make relationships so what are you looking for?” He sighs, leaning into me and I feel myself tense with excitement as he mutters, eyes bright and entrancing. “I’m just looking for someone who could keep me warm at night though something down the line would be lovely.” 
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I gulp and take a leap of faith. “What are you doing tonight then?” I expect him to pull away in disgust or react negatively as most usually do but when he pulls in closer, resting his hands between my thighs, my breath hitches. “You, hopefully.” Our eyes connect again and I do the unthinkable. I press my lips to his roughly and moan when he does the same for me. His large hands are everywhere, tugging and pulling me closer to him. “How ‘bout we take this to the bedroom, baby-girl?” I nod against his lips before kissing down his neck. The lower I go, the louder he groans. “Fuck, (Y/n)..” He grabs my hand, tugging me into the other room. We giggle and kiss one another on the way, easing whatever nervousness I possessed before. I rip open his shirt and press thick kisses along his skin, smirking as he moans. All of a sudden he turns me over grinding his lower region against mine and I can’t help but cuss lowly against his ear. “You like that, baby-girl. Fuck, I can’t wait to ravish you..” 
The next morning I awake before him and leave a note on the table. Had a great time. Hope we can do this again. Sorry I had to dip. My manager called last minute. Until next time, love ;) I slip out of his apartment like a spy, attempting to be as incognito as possible. My whole face is covered and my movements are precise as I slip into the studio completely unnoticed. Olive, Derek, Andrew and a few of my other friends are there. And.. unfortunately Shawn. Olive and Derek are looking down and nobody makes eye contact with me except for Andrew and Shawn who both look pissed. “W-What’s wrong guys?” Shawn’s gaze drifts down to my neck before turning away, almost in disgust. “This is what’s wrong..” Andrew says with an exhausted sigh before showing me pictures on Twitter. They’re of last night.. Clear pictures of Harry and I kissing.. 
(I hope you guys liked it! PLEASE COMMENT!) 
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