#ice idiot ship
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Oh you don't like cliches?
Can't relate. Gimme character A who is completely obvious, always pining, everyone in the entire plot knows they're in love with character B. And B is just so oblivious that they never even realise when the flirting hits them smack in the face. Until literally the entire plot is just everyone trying to spell it out that A is in fu*king love with them.
I love cliches. Gimme idiots in love.
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rum-inspector · 6 months ago
Why is my feed suddenly full of TERROR oh the tv show is on netflix YAY but what a good excuse to talk about one of my lesser known interests, polar explorations!!! And the racism that is integral part of any type of european "explorations" during the era. Or to this day too of course.
In short, The Terror TV show is a psychological horror (pretty good, I especially like the sound design it is haunting!) is based on a fictional book that is based on a real story of Franklin Expedition to finding the northwest passage (waterway through the arctic, from atlantic to pacific) in middle 19th century. They took two ship's poorly equipped for withstanding the elements, went missing and nobody really knows in detail what happened to it - other than getting defeated by the elements and the believe in the european supremacy to conquer those elements without ever bothering to ask the actual people living there for pointers (or, not trusting them when they said it can not be done, not with huge ships and heavy boats - the boats of the locals are build very different) because what do those savages know? Sentiment of europeans at the time, not mine.
When I say "Nobody knows what happened" that is a lie. Pretty sure the locals knew of the idiots with their big ships and their attitude of meeting offers of help with hostility.
Later on Amundsen achieved polar exploration with better results by actually listening and learning from the people who live there. But even he remained his racist beliefs even after everything he is known for was only made possible by the people he believed to be "inferior" - the whole idea of "exploring the unknown" or "being the first person to reach place x" is so silly when you remember people have been in many of these "uncharted places" on a regular Tuesday. And it is simply part of european supremacy (which to this day lives on unfortunately) why those people "don't count".
Now, you did not need to know any of this to enjoy the tv show which again, is fictional and great fun if you like eerie and survival - it is just extra layer of context to add to the horror - to further understand that the monster in this story is not physical.
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captainseamech · 18 days ago
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Looks like someone finally decided to take care of himself and actually polish his plating for once! Unfortunately (or fortunately) he has a small scent of blueberry now. Deal with it.
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queef-in-the-north · 27 days ago
The couple:
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The tropes:
sunshine x grumpy
she fell first x he fell harder
enemies?? kinda to best friends to lovers
best friends to lovers
(Sort of) childhood friends to lovers
idiots to lovers
forbidden love
annoying x enjoys it
found family
mutual pining
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months ago
qpp with a side of public beardery always vying for domance emotional and mental intimacy (and as much physical as each can tolerate) jasw1t. thank you for your time.
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lettersfrombeyondthegrave · 10 months ago
I'm sorry it makes me a bit mad when a shop gets my hopes up by saying they do milkshakes
And then it HAS to have boba in it???
Milkshakes are milk, ice cream and ice !!! If I want boba I'll ask for the boba tea like god intended!!! Tapioca balls in my milkshake are NOT canon
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fallenzangel · 11 months ago
“you look… never mind. i didn’t say shit!” ~ Surge
♡ * idiots to lovers romantic starters ♡
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"You sure? You don't have to hold back whatever you wish to say."
Though, she hadn't even really heard the first part too clearly. Was the tenrec about to say something about her? Oh, was something wrong with her outfit today? Doing a quick check on the frilly sundress she had chosen, trying to see if anything was amiss.
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kimoralov3 · 6 months ago
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
description: steve has had a lot of trouble in his love life. but he's also one of the biggest idiots known to man because the girl of his dreams is standing right in front of him
warnings: swearing, reader uses she/her pronouns, everyone is a lil mean to steve, mentions of stancy (not like that), like i said steve is an idiot, slight angst, fluff
word count: 3059
a/n: tagging @arkofblake because this technically was smth that she requested before i changed it. also shout out to her mom for the knowledge about phones from the 80s lol
“Steve, you can’t keep staring at her like some sort of lost puppy.” Robin says as she helps Steve put some beer and sodas in the cooler.
“What are you talking about?” He asks as he turns back to the fridge.
“Oh please, you’ve been staring at Nancy and Jonathan ever since they got here.” Robin comments as she opens the bag of ice and clumsily dumps it into the small cooler.
“Have not.” Steve mutters as he shuts the fridge door. Robin gives him a look, the look she seems to be giving him a lot these days. “Okay, fine. I have been staring at them, but not for the reason you’re thinking.”
“Oh really? What other reason is there for you to be staring at your ex and her new boyfriend?” She says suspiciously.
Steve pauses, trying to find the words to express the tangled mess that is his love life. He eventually gives up, shaking his head as he grabs the cooler off the counter and walks outside to the pool. “I can’t explain it.”
“Oh come on, you gotta give me something.” Robin pleads, giving Steve her best puppy dog eyes.
Steve glances over at his best friend before quickly looking away. “Those don’t work on me.” He says definitely, but quickly gives in when he spares another glance at Robin. “Seeing them together just makes me think about all the things I don’t have.”
“Wow, that’s really sad.” Robin says solemnly as she holds the back door open for Steve. “You sure you don’t still have feelings for Nancy?” She adds after another moment of silence. 
“Absolutely positive, Robin. That ship sailed a long time ago.” He explains as he sets the cooler by the pool.
And he wasn’t lying. Steve really was over Nancy. Sure, there had been a time when he thought the two of them would evolve into something more, but that was ages ago. 
But now Steve was alone for the first time in years, and he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He’d been on dates, but they’d turned more into a chore than something he was actually enjoying. They all left him feeling like a piece of him was missing, a piece of himself that he just knew was important. 
“Steve?” A voice called, pulling him from his well of self despair. 
“Yeah?” He says as he turns around, nearly falling over when he notices who’s in front of him.
“Can you move over so I can grab a soda?” Y/N asks politely as she gestures to the cooler behind Steve.
“Oh shit, yeah, of course.” Steve stutters as he moves out of the way, nearly falling into the pool. Y/N gives him an awkward smile as she grabs a soda before walking back over to sit with Jonathan and Nancy. 
“What was all of that about?” Dustin asks as he appears beside Steve, munching on some Goldfish.
“Jesus kid, you need to wear a bell or something!” Steve exclaims as he presses a hand to his fast beating heart. 
“Or maybe you just need to be more observant.” Dustin says mockingly as he flicks a Goldfish at Steve’s face, causing the older male to swat at him.
“Will you two quit it!” Robin says as she separates the two of them. Dustin flips Steve off before going to go sit back with the party and Suzie. 
“I swear that kid has no manners.” Steve mutters to himself as Robin walks away to go sit with Eddie and Chrissy. Steve is so busy mentally planning out his revenge against Henderson that he doesn’t notice a certain someone staring at him like he’s hung the moon and the stars.
“Robin, you seriously need glasses or something. How could you put Ferris Bueller and Top Gun in the same section?” Steve complains as he removes the tapes from the shelf.
“Oh quit being a baby and move them, I’m busy here.” Robin calls from the back. Steve rolls his eyes, muttering something under his breath as he moves to the back of the store to grab his cart. 
“I’ll be with you in a minute!” He says when the front door rings. He sets the missorted tapes on a random shelf as he walks back up to the front counter.
“Welcome to Family Video, how can I help y— Y/N?” Steve asks, shocked to see her here.
“Oh, hey Steve. I forgot you worked here.” She says with a laugh as she adjusts her bag on her shoulder. Effortlessly, and beautifully to him, if anyone cared enough to ask what he thought. Which was a rarity. 
Steve gives her a small smile, silently cursing himself for not taking his normal amount of care when he was getting ready this morning. 
Robin really needs to learn some patience.
“Yeah, have been for a while.” He says as he rubs the nape of his neck. “So, what can I help you with today?” 
“Well, my parents are out of town so it’s just me at home. Figured I’d get some movies to keep myself occupied for a while they’re gone.” She explains as she looks around the store before her eyes land on Steve once again, causing a shiver to run down his spine. “Got any recommendations for me?”
“Of course, walk with me.” He says, shooting her his signature smile as he walks over to the staff picks shelf. 
“Is that Labyrinth?” Y/N asks with a chuckle as she picks it up and inspects the back.
Steve groans, rolling his eyes as he sees the movie. “Fucking Eddie. He must’ve snuck it onto the shelf when he was here earlier.”
“Well, he has good taste. Think I’ll be taking this one with me.” She says as she waves the box. Steve can’t explain it, but he feels a small tightness in his chest. 
“To each their own, I guess.” He says with a shrug, trying to ignore this strange feeling. “Anyways, I would definitely recommend these if you’re looking for a more calm night in.” 
Steve hands over The Goonies, The Muppets Take Manhattan, and Back to the Future, waiting patiently for a reaction. 
“Oh my god, is this a Muppets movie?” She asks with a laugh, inspecting the box. “My little cousin loves this movie.”
“Hm, I don’t know how I should feel about that. Are you calling my cinematic taste childish?” Steve asks with a chuckle as he leans against the shelf.
“I would definitely call it that.” Robin says, wheeling a cart as she walks past the two of them. Steve glares at her while Y/N snorts, hiding her smile behind her hand. 
“I wasn’t going to say that it was childish. I was going to say that it’s…interesting.” She explains, her voice pitching up on the last word. 
Steve scoffs at that, shaking his head. “Sure, we’ll go with that.” He says jokingly. “So, will this be all for you?”
“Uh, yeah. This should be good enough for the weekend.” She says as the two of them walk back to the front counter. 
“Glad to be of service.” Steve says as he takes a small bow, cursing himself for how stupid he probably looks. 
“You know, you’re really funny.” Y/N says as Steve rings up the movies. Steve smiles softly, more affected by her words than he would like to admit.
“Could you tell Robin that? She says I have the humor of an old man.” He jokes as he puts the tapes into a bag. Y/N snorts again, this time a little louder. 
“See what I mean? Very funny, Harrington. Very funny.” She says as he hands her the bag. There’s a brief moment of silence before Y/N speaks up again. “Do you wanna come over tomorrow? You know, watch a movie with me or something?” She asks nervously. 
Steve’s mouth hangs open a little, blinking slowly. There was no way he heard that correctly. “You want me to come over?” 
“Yeah. Only if you want to, of course.” She clarifies quickly. 
“Of course I wanna come. I’ll even bring some snacks.” He says as he leans his arms on the counter. 
Y/N smiles at that, nodding her head. “Perfect. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She says, giving Steve one final wave before leaving. 
“Man, you are such a doofus.” Robin says as she comes up behind him. 
“Can you not?” Steve says as he turns around to face her. Robin smirks, winking at him before walking away. 
“You did what?” Eddie asks with a laugh as he stops strumming on his guitar.
“Don’t laugh at me, I need your help here!” Steve says as he throws his soda can at Eddie.
“Hey, careful! This is my most prized possession.” Eddie says as he throws the can back at Steve, missing him entirely. “Now, tell me exactly what happened.”
“Y/N invited me over, and I went because of course I would, you know? And everything was going really well, at least to me.” Steve explains as he leans back against Eddie’s dresser. 
“Okay, doesn’t sound too bad so far. What happened after that?” Eddie says as he turns the knobs on his guitar. 
“Then I thanked her for inviting me and left.” Steve says simply. Eddie abruptly stops what he’s doing, setting his guitar down on his bed.
“You did what now?” Eddie exclaims as he stands from the bed, causing Steve to look up at him. 
“Left. Why, what’s wrong?” He asked, very confused by Eddie’s sudden outburst. 
“You’re a fucking idiot, that’s what’s wrong.” Eddie says as he grabs Steve’s arm and hauls him into the living room. “Stand right there.” 
Steve grumbles something under his breath as he rubs his arm where Eddie had grabbed it. “Since when are you strong?”
“Amps are heavy as shit man. Now shush.” He says as he dials a number on the phone. Steve mutters something about Eddie being rude as he watches him press the phone to his ear. 
“Who are you calling?” Steve asks, only to be shushed by Eddie. Steve rolls his eyes, watching as Eddie waits for the person on the other end to pick up. 
“Hey Y/N! Do you have a moment to talk?” Eddie says when the person on the other end picks up. Steve automatically stands up straighter, listening closely to try and hear what Y/N was saying. 
“— Not in the mood—” Is the only thing that Steve can make out from here, causing him to frown. Was Y/N really that upset with him that she didn’t want to talk to anyone?
“Just humor me, please? What exactly happened yesterday with Harrington?” Eddie asks as Steve gets closer to the phone.
“I did what you and Robin told me to and asked Steve out, and absolutely nothing happened. I even tried scooting closer to him to see if he would catch the hint, but he didn’t! And then when it was time for him to leave, I went to kiss his cheek and he hugged me, Eddie. He hugged me!” Y/N rants from the other end of the line. “So either everyone is bullshitting me and Steve Harrington actually isn’t into me, or he’s the most oblivious man on the face of the planet.” 
Eddie gives Steve a knowing look as he says his goodbyes before hanging up the phone. “See? Idiot.”
Steve bangs his head against the wall as Eddie pats him pitifully on the shoulder. “So you mean to tell me that yesterday was supposed to be a date?” He finally says when he’s done with his attempt to knock some sense into himself. 
“It was a date. Could you honestly not tell?” Eddie asks as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“No! I just thought that she was trying to be nice!” Steve says as he slides down the wall. 
“Man, can’t believe this. Former king of Hawkins High is sitting on the floor of my trailer, having a crisis because he blew a date with a pretty girl.” Eddie says as he shakes his head. Steve doesn’t even bother responding, sitting there with his head in his hands. “So, are you going to try and fix it or not?”
“What do you mean?” Steve asks as he finally looks up.
“God, since when did I become the smart one here?” Eddie asks in mock disappointment. “You need to go back over to Y/N’s and make everything right.” 
“How am I supposed to do that? I think you of all people should know that I’m not good with this stuff.” Steve said as he stood up. Eddie groans, rubbing his hands over his face. 
“My god, Harrington. You’re hopeless.” He says. “Here, I’ll tell you exactly what to do.”
Under any other circumstance, those words would’ve sent fear straight into Steve’s heart. Especially coming from someone like Eddie. But he was desperate, and desperate people don’t always make the smartest decisions. 
Steve stands outside of Y/N’s door, her favorite flowers in hand. He stands there for a moment, mentally going over everything that Eddie told him to say. He takes a deep breath before giving up and knocking on the door.
It’s silent for a moment before Steve hears the sound of footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opens up to reveal Y/N standing there, arms over her chest.
“What do you want, Harrington?” She asks coldly. Steve gulps at that, rocking back and forth on his feet a little. Guess I deserve that a little.
“I just came here to apologize. For yesterday.” He says as he holds out the bouquet of flowers. Y/N hesitates before taking the flowers from him, smelling them quickly.
“What exactly are you apologizing for?” She asks after a moment.
“For being an idiot. If I had known that you wanted yesterday to be a date, I would’ve handled things a lot differently.” Steve explains as he nervously shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Different? Different how?” She asks as she leans against the doorframe. Steve pauses, trying to think of the best way to say what he wanted to say.
“Can I come in? I think it would be better.” He asks as he scratches his head. Y/N gives him a suspicious look before stepping aside and gesturing to the living room. Steve mutters a small thank you as the two of them walk into the living room and sit on the couch. 
“So, what exactly is it that you would’ve done differently?” She asks as she sets the flowers on the coffee table. 
“For starters, I wouldn’t have let our first date just be us watching a Muppets movie on your couch.” Steve says in a joking tone, fidgeting with his hands in his lap. “If I had known, I would have taken you out to dinner. Hell, if you really wanted I would’ve taken you to go see one but god I would not have gone to go see a freaking kids movie.”
“Why, what’s wrong with kids' movies?” Y/N asks teasingly, causing Steve to laugh for the first time since he got there. 
“I guess you’re right.” Steve says as he turns to face Y/N. “Can we get a do over date? I promise that this time I won’t act like a complete idiot.” He says sincerely. Y/N seems to mull it over for a moment before looking up at Steve.
“Promise?” She asks softly, as if she was still hurt and embarrassed from what happened the night before. 
“Swear on my life. And you know if I break it, I’ll have Nancy, Robin, and Eddie on my ass about it.” He adds jokingly, but it isn’t really a joke. He had seen first hand how scary Nancy could be when she was upset, and he did not want to be on the receiving end of her wrath. Again. 
“Fine. But I’ll need you to ask me properly.” She says after a longer moment of consideration, sitting up straight against the back of the couch.
“Fine by me.” Steve says as he stands up, pulling Y/N with him. They give each other small smiles before Steve clears his throat dramatically. “Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you for a while now. Longer than I would personally like to admit. So, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?” 
Y/N stands with their hand on their chin, looking off into space as she pretends to think long and hard about Steve’s offer. Steve starts to get nervous that she might actually reject him when she leans up, pressing a quick peck to his cheek. “Of course I’ll go out with you, Steve.” 
Steve feels the heat rush to his cheek at Y/N’s actions, looking down at them with the biggest grin in the world. “You know, technically we’ve already had our first date. So it wouldn’t be completely insane of me to kiss you, would it?” He asks as he steps closer to her. 
Y/N lets out a chuckle before responding, her hands behind her back. “No, no. I don’t think it would be completely insane, as you put it.” 
That’s all the permission Steve needs before he pulls Y/N closer by her hips, their lips slotting together perfectly. He feels more than hears her sigh into the kiss as she raises her arms to wrap them around his neck. 
When they both pull away for air, Steve swears he can see all the stars in her eyes. “That was…”
“Wow, how many girls can say that they took Steve Harrington’s breath away after a single kiss?” She asks teasingly, although it was easy to tell by the heat of her cheeks that she was just as — if not more — affected by the kiss as Steve was. 
Steve rolls his eyes, which was seeming to become a common practice for him these days. “Way to ruin the moment.”
Y/N shrugs, giving Steve one of her award winning smiles. At least they were in his mind. “What can I say, it’s one of my many special talents.”
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thagantm · 2 years ago
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@cperkinstm ; 🎲 34. A kiss after a bite ( x )
BITCH  ( AFFECTIONATELY ) ; the  way  Tommy  Hagan  would  describe  the  curly – haired  spitfire  he  calls  his  girlfriend  on  any  given  day . rain  or  sunshine , day  or  night , summer  or  winter , there’s  always  a  specific , comforting  air  around  Carol  that  tells  Tommy  he’s  home  the  very  moment  he  steps  into  her  vicinity . it’s  acidic  for  most  people , occasionally  making  it  hard  to  breathe , and  once  she’s  amped  herself  up  into  a  fit  it’s  best  to  get  out  of  the  blast  radius  unless  one  is  into  busted  eardrums , but  Tommy  isn’t  most  people .  .  .
the  summer  carnival  is  in  town ; throngs  of  people  moving  in  between  booths  and  food  stands , while  the  heat  blasts  down  on  anyone  daring  to  step  out  of  the  shade . sunshine  triples  the  amount  of  freckles  on  his  skin  until  barely  any  patch  on  his  body  is  spared , and  a  part  of  him  sure  as  shit  can’t  wait  to  get  someplace  cooler  and  find  something  to  drink , but  it’s  a  long  way  towards  one  of  only  two  beer  stands  on  the  grounds  -  and  it  unfortunately  is  the  only  one  that  doesn’t  check  for  ID . around  them , everyone’s  slow  as  molasses  in  the  heat , and  while  Tommy  doesn’t  seem  to  mind , there’s  Carol , happy  to  hiss  at  whomever  steps  into  the  little  bubble  she  has  curated  for  herself  to  fend  off  anyone  sweaty  and  smelly  ( one  can  only  accept  so  many  aesthetic  failures  in  one  day , after  all ) while  loudly  complaining  about  the  ‘ plebs  they  allow  in  public  these  days ’ . Tommy  loves  her . he  does . body  and  soul , attitude  and  loud  mouth , with  every  last  inch  of  her  glorious  bitchiness  -  but  his  mood  is  good , and  the  sun  is  shining , and  he  can  only  accept  so  much  nagging  in  a  day . so  when  he  sees  those  pretty  lips  part  again , he  does  what  only  he  has  the  privilege  to  do .
strong  arms  wrap  around  her  midriff  from  behind , pulling  her  back  without  warning ; her  body  much  smaller  compared  to  his , quickly  lost , almost , against  his  broad  chest . she  squeaks , wriggles  around  for  a  split  second , and  the  moment  she  realises  that  his  grip  around  her  only  grows  tighter  with  each  move , the  half – hearted  complaints  begin . Carol  wouldn’t  be  Carol  without  the  touch  of  drama  added  to  everything . the  look  on  her  face  is  beautifully�� pitiful , the  whine  in  her  voice  perfected , and  the  unmotivated  slap  on  his  arm  elicits  a  chuckle  from  him , before  he  leans  down  to  briefly , playfully , sink  his  teeth  into  the  crook  of  her  neck . he  hears  the  dramatic  gasp , followed  by  the  laughter  he  was  aiming  for  and , with  a  grin , presses  a  sweet , soothing  kiss  on  the  maltreated  skin .
people  around  them  look , some  shake  their  heads  when  they  hear  the  affectionate  ‘ jerk ’  coming  from  the  mouth  of  a  pretty  girl , but  neither  cares . the  world  is  perfectly  blended  out  when  she  turns  in  his  arms , hands  gently  slapping  his  chest , and  he  simply  pulls  her  close  again  for  another  kiss ; this  time  on  those  lips  to  finally  shut  her  up  for  good .
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iruludavare · 6 months ago
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     Had it been perhaps anyone else, the mere implication of seeing romance in her actions would have been met with withdrawal swift enough to leave burn marks in its wake. The spiriting away of a smile, as she resigns to yet another person so foolishly misconstruing the love in her steps as romantic or for their heart only, because it just so happens to be aimed their way. Another person living in the fantasy of being with the pretty, glittery, picturesque ballerina, but not the woman before them. Yet, with him, even if it gives pause, it is not of the same kind. And instead, Serena simply brushes it off with a series of light laughter.
          "...Oh please. Trying to 'court' you?"
     A hand, the free one, moves to gesture downwards to linked arms, fingers holding one of the limbs in question lifting for a second in exaggeration.
          "Says you, who offered me your arm? I think pointing that finger at me is pointing three back at yourself,"
     And yet, something pushes itself to the front of her mind: would it be okay if, even a little, he—
     Serena cuts her thoughts off there. Blue is just messing around, the heroine tells herself. Keeping up the banter she started. They are two people going to a world-renowned landmark because little else is open at such an hour. Nothing more, nothing less.
          "...Besides. Friends, acquaintances... they all come here, too. It just so happened that I wasn't free until tonight."
     The stairwell simply could not have come sooner. Or, at least, the vendor just beside them. She speaks nothing on payment, nothing on who will cover it. After all, had it not been her who proposed the place? Her, who asked him to wait outside the theatre? And while she does not release his arm, there is a brief departure from Blue's side, enough to let air rush past and for the blonde to consider the newfound emptiness by her own. Her venture is triumphant. Beneath the first of many stairs, she flashes tickets his way and makes a sweeping motion towards the first step. Smile girlish, and ember-like in light.
          "After you. Since, of course, you have never been here before. I wouldn't want to hog the view, would I?"
The man is silently grateful that she goes along with his joke, dry sarcasm hiding some feeling that Blue isn't ready to face. It always seems as if they're on the same wavelength, bouncing off what the other says every time they talk. After all he shouldn't be surprised. From the very first time that they met, its always been like that, hasn't it?
Jet-lagged, walking the empty streets, he is perfectly content to follow Serena anywhere. So long as the warmth of her arm through his, were promised to be there.
Blue's white lie is short lived, as he hums, idly looks around and then turns to guide the Sinnohian towards the proper stairwell.
"Pretty sure it's that one," he says, then turns his head to smile at her and wink. "Just a guess though. I've never been here before."
Not even trying to pretend he wasn't lying to her at this point, to Blue it's just another jest made in real time, a future inside joke in the moment. This time he takes the lead upwards, changing the topic just as quickly as he'd pointed out the proper direction.
"I'm really feeling quite special right now, you know. Kalos, late at night, Lumoise Tower, just the two of us... Kinda romantic, huh Serena?~ You better watch out or I'm gonna start thinking you're trying to court me."
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merakiui · 1 year ago
Helloooo! I’d like to order a flower bouquet + strawberry ice cream from the misc. menu as well as some lemon squares + custard donuts from the midnight menu for Scaramouche <3
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yandere!scaramouche x (gender neutral) reader cw: yandere, nsfw, dub-con, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, friends with benefits, forced pregnancy/baby-trapping (no pronouns; reader has a pussy), modern college au note - thank you for checking in, dearest guest! enjoy your order! [lunar love hotel]
You’re writing a paper.
Sitting at your desk, scrolling through clothes online, you wonder if your meager paycheck will cover the shipping costs. This is all research. Research that is very necessary in the paper-drafting process, of course! You click on an outfit just as Scaramouche looks up from his phone.
Correction. You’re trying to write a paper.
“Great progress. I can really see the thought you put into this.”
“I’m envisioning it as we speak.”
“Yeah? Doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere.” He sets his phone down and leans closer. “Last I checked you’re not writing about clothes.”
“Last I checked,” you say, mocking him, “I didn’t ask for commentary. Don’t you have anything better to do?” 
A smug smile sharpens on his face. “I can think of a few things.”
Groaning, you shove him away. “No way. Not today.”
“Why not? It didn’t seem to bother you that last time when we did it before your lecture. You were so out of it you didn’t want me to leave you alone. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“Not my fault I was tired! Don’t tell me you’ve never said and done stupid things when you’re running on three hours of sleep.”
“Not once,” he declares, looking quite proud. As if it’s some grand achievement. Does he want an award? “And even if I was, I wouldn’t be reduced to sugary, sappy putty.”
“I called you ‘sweetheart’ once by mistake. Get over it.”
Scaramouche rests his elbow on the desk, his cheek in his hand. “I don’t think I want to.”
Shutting your laptop, you turn in your chair to face him. “And I don’t think I want to fuck you today.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Oh, you’re gonna do all the work?”
“That’s the plan. Be grateful I’m so good to you,” he teases, leaning closer and closer until—
You block your lips before he can capture them. “I really can’t today. Paper aside, I don’t have any protection and I’m not on birth control right now.”
“It doesn’t have to be inside.” He sits back in his chair, exuding casual confidence. “Unless you want to risk it.”
You try to put enough ice in your glare, but it melts quickly. You really shouldn’t. It’s not a safe day. You really, really shouldn’t…
Scaramouche raises a brow, waiting for your reply.
Despite everything, you’re wheedled into it anyway. You’re not even sure what you want. Is it yes or no? It’s been months since you fell into this arrangement with him—the campus’s infamous lone wolf who goes out of his way to make himself unapproachable. Or, according to your friends, he’s more of a lonely stray cat in need of a friend. Scaramouche had scoffed when you told him that.
Your friends are idiots, he said with a scowl. It only made him look even more like a grumpy cat in need of companionship. Not that you’d ever tell him that. It would only serve to stoke the flames of his ire.
But right now, looking up at him while he ruts into you, sweat sticking in all the right places, his hair falling over his eyes, you’re inclined to agree with that observation. There’s a depth to his gaze that draws you in, a sad glimmer hiding behind the ardor. There’s never been any attachment outside of the bedroom. You’re not even sure if he considers you a friend.
Still, you wonder…
“Scara, do you—” You cut yourself off with a startled gasp, your nails curling into his shoulders. He’s holding you down by your hips, fucking into you like the world’s about to end. “S-Slow down. Wait, I—aah—oh!”
He sucks in a staggered breath through grit teeth, his jaw set firmly. “You’re never going to leave me.”
Your brain stalls out, and suddenly you’re not sure how to respond. He doesn’t lessen the brutal pace at which he thrusts, so you’re forced to piece together a half-coherent answer amidst your groans.
“N-Not anytime soon—mmh… Why? What’s up?”
Scaramouche lifts his head from your neck. A strange smile turns the corners of his lips up. “It’s not a question. I wasn’t giving you a choice.”
You blink back at him, lust-drunk and dazed. The horror edges in, slow and steady like invasive rot. It isn’t until he’s pinning your legs up by your ears to force you into another position that the implication finally catches up to you. You claw at his back with weak strokes, babbling futile protests against his mouth. In response, his cock throbs inside of you, pressed so deep in this position you fear the repercussions. He kisses you with much the same force, insistent on driving you into the mattress—on pinning you here until you finally submit. Until the last of your resolve withers away, stamped out and replaced with something agreeable.
“Even if you wanted to,” he says around a shaky laugh, seeming positively deranged, “you couldn’t.”
You think you should be worried, but you’re so stunned with this development that your brain can’t keep up. Embarrassingly, you cum with a strangled sort of cry, your pussy clenching tight. He hisses through his teeth, fucks you through the high of your orgasm, and then falls with you, his own climax fast like a flash.
You’re panting in the aftermath. What just happened?
Scaramouche keeps you plugged with his cock for as long as he possibly can before he’s sliding out, flaccid and spent. For now, you suspect, for there will certainly be more later if your wits aren’t about you by then.
“Pill,” you mumble, voice hoarse from crying. You shake him, hoping he’ll climb off of you and get to it. “Scaraaa…”
Oddly, for someone who never shows any vulnerability, he clings. “We’ve got time. I’ll get it. Don’t worry.”
You don’t believe him. Not when his hand strays to your stomach. His palm brushes over the area once. He sighs, wholly satisfied.
“We’ve got time…”
Nine months of it, in fact. But that goes unspoken. If not today, there’s always tomorrow. You know he won’t rest until then. Neither will you. Your heart is too big, too soft, for that lonely stray cat, and part of you wonders if he knows that.
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captainseamech · 3 months ago
once crimson was done with his beatdown on a certain pesky spider; he's rewarded with a little cheek kiss. " you're such a sweetie ~ "
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             “Hmmmrm... No need for that.” Was he grumpy because of Miguel? Or was he... embarrassed because of the kiss? We may never know.
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greentrickster · 11 months ago
Okay, so, been reading some good scumplane (OG!Shen Qingqiu/Airplane) lately, because in this house we support Airplane being loved by terrifying/terrifyingly hot men, but also, like... I do love Moshang just so so much as a ship.
And all this has awoken a mighty need in me.
A need for a Moshangjiu fic with scumplane getting established first and then bringing our favorite popsicle in on things.
Anyway, scenario! Shen Qingqiu starts noticing Shang Qinghua when they're disciples via the classic scenario of being smart enough to realize something is fishy about SQH being the only survivor of a demon attack, begins paying attention to his most anxious shidi, accidentally shows his most anxious shidi the simplest of Human Kindness, accidentally becomes shidi's favorite shixiong, accidentally becomes friends with shidi, accidentally catches feelings. Continues being a Sneaky Bastard in order to figure out what shidi is up to (and now also to confirm shidi is single).
Ah, shidi is entangled with an Ice Demon. This shixiong will make use of his scholarly peak's library to learn all and then decide to- wait. Wait, it's super violent by human standards, but is it- is this demon attempting to... court shidi?
Not if SQQ dates him first he's not!!!
There follows a whirlwind romance between SQQ and SQH where no one really knows what's going on, especially the two involved, it involves a lot of shit talking about everyone else in their lives, snacks, and accidental trauma bonding.
Also Airplane being Airplane and accidentally spilling that not only is he also kinda crushing (bad) on Mobei-jun, but also Mobei-jun's entire backstory and please, shixiong, I know it all looks bad but this shidi's house is literally the only place in the world it's completely safe for his king to sleep, everyone deserves to sleep without having to worry about their relatives murdering them for things that aren't their fault from time to time, right, shixiong???
Shen Qingqiu: ...goddammit, the demon's a fellow sad little meow meow. (only not in these exact words because he doesn't know these phrases, naturally)
In a wild, bold, and - dare I say it - shockingly sexy convolution of thought processes and ideas, SQQ manages to finagle SQH into letting him meet with MBJ (SQH nearly has a heart attack three times in the process but it's fine, it's cool, this is his life, this may as well happen, it's fine-).
SQQ: It has come to my attention that my shidi is spying for you on our sect.
MBJ: (glowering at SQH, who is cowering behind shixiong wondering how he got talked into all this)
SQQ: However it also appears that this is merely a cover story and the only thing you really do is use his room to nap. And also that you are quite fond of him.
SQH: (This is it, this is how I die. Again.)
MBJ: (...if I stare straight ahead and don't change my expression, no one will be able to tell that he's right)
SQQ: So anyway I think you should join Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.
MBJ: (gears grinding)
SQH: (squawking splutters of protest and confusion)
SQQ: (who speaks panicking!SQH at this point) Stop that, it's perfectly reasonable. He has the head disciple of our logistics peak under his thumb, it would be the simplest thing in the world for him to have you throw the sect into absolute chaos without even trying, then organize an attack, swoop in, and crush us all. He could have done it years ago, but he never has, he never even seems to initiate anything. I don't think he even cares about taking the Northern Throne, I think he's just incompetent about wanting to spend time with you. So he might as well just lie low until our shizuns ascend and then I'll take him on as a disciple on Qing Jing and you two can stop sneaking around like idiots.
MBJ: >8O
SQQ: Are you actually opposed?
MBJ: (folds arms and looks away sulkily, because like... it's true but you don't have to say it like that)
SQH: 8O ...reverse uno...
SQQ: What?
SQH: You're reverse unoing my blorbo!
SQQ: Quit making up word-
SQQ cannot continue because the System just presented the option to accept this potential new plot line (even if it does have the rather confusing title of 'Shidi Has Two Hands'), and holy shit, Mobei-jun seems to be potentially down for it, holy shit, apparently Mobei-jun actually likes me, holy shit, SQQ may have just solved all my problems-?!? This is great, this is fantastic, this is the best day of my life, this- is a long time I'm being allowed to be myself about all this, why is Shen shixiong not interrupting...?
It is because I am kissing him full on the lips.
Cool cool cool.
At least I'm gonna die on a high note.
SQQ: O///O o_o (ahem) Shidi's- shidi's a really bad kisser.
SQH: Ah-haha, I can explain-
SQQ: We should work on that. Later.
MBJ: (I... did not actually hate watching that. Hm.)
Anyway, he agrees to the plan, SQQ and SQH start dating, some more time passes, the previous generation of peak lords ascend, the new generation take their places, and a week later Mobei-jun is an outer disciple of Qing Jing Peak.
The other peak lords are not amused, Qingqiu that is a demon, no.
SQQ: So what I'm hearing is that whole 'Cang Qiong will accept anyone from anywhere' philosophy was a lie then?
He's a demon!
SQQ: Children can't help where they're born. Now if you'll excuse me, I have classes to teach.
First lesson of the day is SQH and SQQ are a package deal, take it or leave it. Second lesson is no canoodling with Shang Shibo until you've finished with lessons and chores for the day. Third lesson is if you see any Bai Zhan disciples hassling our peak's disciples you can break their swords. Just snap 'em in half. Throw them off the peak. Don't kill them, but do make them cry.
SQH, meanwhile, has now seen MBJ in an outer disciple uniform and had a whole bunch of new awakenings on top of all the other things he already knew about himself.
And, in a twist of dramatic irony... Qing Jing's first disciple to ever have demonic heritage decides the dorms are a no-go after one night because, to him, they are broiling hot, how can anyone sleep in this heat, and chooses to go sleep in the wood shed instead.
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year ago
hello!!! i saw your that your requests were open so i was wondering if you were able to write a hurt/comfort zoro x reader story about how the reader gets injured from a fight, but they don’t wanna be a burden so they hide it until they collapse on deck :)))
tell me that we’ll be just fine (opla!zoro x you)
wc: 1.74k
cw/tags: hurt/comfort with happy sappy ending, swearing, canon-typical violence, descriptions of blood and injury, mentions of drinking and alcohol, zoro just loves you and you worry the shit out of him
note: yassss i love hurt/comfort injury prompts (it's the innate desire to just be carried and be vulnerable and have someone care in my weakest hour and and and and) hope you like this, thank you for your request !!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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“Guys, I am about to get so wasted.”
“We still have that good shit from Baratie, yeah?”
“Hiding in the back of the cellar, baby!” A loud smack rings out into the harbor as Usopp and Sanji’s hands clap together, deliriously excited after winning a scrimmage with a rival crew. Their proud vocalizations are added to by their captain and devolve into giddy skipping down the remainder of the dock as you make your way back to the ship. Zoro walks just ahead of you, glancing back every so often like he was worried you would collapse. You were planning to, but not now. Just get to the ship. Get to the ship and we’ll be fine.
“I vote Zoro for vomit duty tomorrow morning,” Nami mutters next to you, nudging your arm with her elbow. It’s a light touch but it feels like the world tilts sharply and you pray she can’t see the panic in your eyes when you try to remain upright. Despite her best efforts to remain mature and indifferent, her eyes were sparkling with self-assurance that you only saw from her when she felt a mission went well. She carries the folder of coveted Marine intelligence under one arm, her other hand holds up a bag of goodies you’d snatched from the base that would make good money down the line. “Plus, it gives us some time to take our share of this stuff. Nice finds, by the way. I’m impressed.” 
“Thanks. I learned from the best,” you reply, relief flooding you when she turns back to watch her idiot crewmates and not further inspect the limp in your step. Zoro’s eyes meet yours over his shoulder and you give him a strained smile, well aware that you probably looked like you’d crawled out of hell. When he turns away again, you exhale with great difficulty, fighting off another wave of nausea that threatens to send you stumbling into the water. It’s just a flesh wound, you figure. No need to halt their celebration just because you got a silly cut. “What’s your first pick out of the bag?”
“There’s a pretty little jeweled chalice I was looking at,” she says casually. The waning afternoon sun makes her hair look like a fire, bright and warm. “We could scrape off the rubies and pawn them at the next island.”
“Or, you could drink water from it and look like a pompous asshole.” Just keep it casual. Be normal. The pulse in your ears becomes slightly faster when you notice the foggy spots in your vision. “Freeze some of the diamonds from that candlestick and use them as ice cubes.”
“Very true,” she laughs and you force out a chuckle to mirror her, wincing at the aching pain in your side. Her eyebrows furrow and her mouth falls into a frown. Your attempts to seem fine were starting to fall through. “Hey, are you okay? You’ve been walking a little slower than usual.” 
“I’m fine, I promise. I just got punched in the gut a little harder than I anticipated,” you lie straight through your teeth, well aware that it wasn’t just a fist that had you losing enough blood to fill the galley sink. To be fair, the guy’s second blade appeared out of nowhere. You were outnumbered five to one but still held your own; only when there was a single fighter left did he resort to cutthroat tricks. One minute, you’re parrying with ease; the next, a small dagger pops out from the fighter’s left sleeve, cutting a deep wound into your side before you can block it with the saber in your right hand. It was a dirty move and you mentally kicked yourself for not anticipating foul play much sooner. To make matters worse, you were only able to staunch the blood so much before Zoro found you in the courtyard. Though you sufficiently covered your injury, he was still eyeing you like he knew that something was off. Like clockwork, every minute he was checking on you. It was wordless, but you still knew he was inspecting you, waiting for you to reveal that something happened and that you needed help.
That moment came the instant your boots met the wood of the deck. 
In seconds, your vision violently careens to the right and you’re conscious just enough to expect the thud of your head against the floor. But, the crash never comes. When you fall, your mind registers another body that you fall into, strong and stable. One arm slips effortlessly under your exhausted legs, lifting you from the ground while the other supports your upper back. Your eyes blur the image of your panicked crew like an oil painting, smearing it every which way until the colors are bleeding together more uncontrollably than the blood dripping from your side. Everything sounds like you’re drowning, rising above the water for a moment only to be pulled back down into murky disorientation. 
“Idiot,” a low voice says. It’s wrought with worry, even though you can tell they’re trying not to hide it. It’s clear enough that you know it’s coming from whoever is holding you. “Why the hell did you wait?” You’re barely able to distinguish far-off shouting from Sanji, ordering Luffy and Usopp to grab his knives. But, if all three of them were over there and Nami was throwing open cabinets looking for the med kit, that means the person holding you was… “Fuck. I knew something was wrong.” You have half the mind to articulate a weak response, but it comes out as nothing more than a groan when you’re placed onto what feels like the galley counter. The pounding in your forehead starts to become airy, like when you’re walking down the sidewalk after a night of drinking until you were on the verge of passing out. Zoro doesn’t let you go, though. His calloused fingers gently brush the dirt from your face, quietly pleading for you to stay with me, stay with me, stay with me. “You’re okay. We’re okay. Just stay with me.” 
“They’re losing a lot of blood and I can’t find the damn med kit.” 
“Where’s everyone else?”
“Above deck, having a collective panic attack.” Nami’s voice sounds like it’s coming from miles away. 
“Figures.” Zoro’s, on the other hand, is the only thing keeping you rooted and stopping you from drifting off. It’s sharp and strained, nothing like you’d ever heard from him before. Sanji’s lanky steps enter the kitchen and you hear the zip of his knife bag somewhere close to your ear.
“This is bad; I need to stop that bleeding or they might–” Zoro’s grip on your hand is tight, physically holding you down to reality. Whether you laced your fingers in his or the other way around, you didn’t remember.
“Well, let’s fucking do something about it then, waiter,” is the last thing you hear before darkness wipes your vision. 
Your eyes blink open after what feels like seconds, but the starry sky outside the window tells you it had been hours. It takes a moment for the details to come back to you, as does the soreness where they must have patched up your wound. The hard stone of the counter has been replaced by your bed and the comforting sway of the ship tells you Luffy ordered the ship to depart. It’s healing, in a way, the rocking back and forth motion of the ship that reminds you how close you were to slipping away. After a minute, you muster up enough energy to look at the rest of your room and you can’t help smiling when you see Zoro sitting at your bedside, tensely sleeping with the Wado Ichimonji laid across his lap. His eyes fly open when you whisper his name, delicately setting his blade on the floor before crouching at your side. 
“You’re okay,” he breathes and it sounds more like a reassurance for himself than for you.
“I’m okay,” you confirm just as softly, threading your fingers between his and squeezing lightly. He squeezes back, looking at you like you painted the constellations outside your window. “How long have you been here?”
“Since Sanji and Nami fixed you up, about six hours ago.”
“You’ve been sitting there for six hours?”
“I would have sat longer. I’d wait for you, no matter how long you slept,” he says and it sounds like a vow. “You scared the shit out of me, you know that?”
“Sorry,” you apologize weakly, giving him as much of a shy smile as you could. He rolls his eyes in exasperation but can’t help the corner of his mouth quirking too. “I didn’t want to bother you all while you were celebrating.”
“You really think I’m going to give alcohol priority over you?”
“Depends on the alcohol,” you point out and he shakes his head at your teasing. Your hand fits in his like a puzzle piece and you’re struck by the overwhelming feeling of safety you have whenever Zoro’s around. “But, really. I’m sorry for worrying you.” 
His eyes darted to the side like you’d said something that embarrassed him. The only thing he could think to do in that moment was bring your hand to his lips and press the lightest kiss to it. A promise that he’d always take care of you. He never was the best with words, you realized in your friendship-borderline-relationship with him. The things you said tended to short-circuit his brain and it was fascinating to watch him try and think of a coherent response. In times like these, however, when he’s simply unable to find the words for how much he feels for you, his actions are infinitely louder. 
“You should go back to sleep. I’ll still be here when you wake up. Do you need anything before you rest? Water or blankets or something?”
“No, just you. If you got in here with me, I wouldn’t mind,” you suggest nonchalantly and you giggle when his face becomes pinker. He obliges, though, slipping into the covers with you and carefully pulling you into him until you’re pressed against his chest like your own personal heater. His breathing is slow and steady, but you swear you can hear his heartbeat racing. “You’re the only one I’ll ever need, I think.”
“Feeling’s mutual, sweetheart. Just don’t do stupid shit like get stabbed again.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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wisegirl25 · 3 months ago
Arcane High School AU Headcannons-Ship Edition!!
-Jinx drags Ekko out of the school to skip class with her
-Jinx will randomly jump onto his back in the hallways when he’s talking to other people and just expects him to carry her around like that (he does because he’s down bad)
-Jinx almost never brings a bag to school so Ekko will go out of his way to carry things he knows she’ll need in his bag (such as hair ties, little contraptions for her to play with, extra pens and pencils, etc.
-When they’re bored they draw on each other, more so Jinx than Ekko, but he walks around with little monkeys and her name drawn on him in bright pink paint marker half the time with no complaints
-They got together in their freshman year but hid their relationship until they got caught
-Ekko liked her since they were kids but was too afraid to say anything, Jinx started liking him around middle school and had to make the first move
-One time they pulled the fire alarm and got the whole school evacuated but somehow never got caught
-When they’re not around each other their teachers will ask “where’s the other one”
-Whenever Ekko accidentally blows something up in chemistry he blames it on Jinx and everyone believes him because she always does stuff like that
-Silco absolutely HATES Ekko and likewise so whenever Jinx invites him over they just glare at each other but don’t say anything for her sake
-Vander however LOVES that Ekko and Jinx are dating and always claims he knew it would happen eventually (also I hc that Silco is Jinx’s full time guardian but she also stays with Vi and Vander a lot since he raised her)
-When Caitlyn and Vi first met, Vi was so nervous to talk to her that she accidentally insulted her
-Consequently, Caitlyn hated her for a full year until Vi found out why and apologized
-They started to get closer because Vi would make excuses to talk to Caitlyn
-Their first date was at an amusement park and Vi pretended to be tough but she and Caitlyn were both screaming on the biggest ride and ended up holding hands, they just didn’t let go afterwards
-Before they dated, nobody knew Caitlyn was even into girls (or anyone at all)
-Vi constantly copies off of Caitlyn’s work when she isn’t looking and thinks she doesn’t know about it (she does)
-Vi started calling Caitlyn cupcake because she sold cupcakes at their schools bake sale to raise money for student activities as part of the school council
-Vi bought ten of said cupcakes claiming it was for her family
-The one time Vi convinced Caitlyn to skip class with her they ran into Ekko and Jinx and they all ended up getting caught because Jinx tried to fight Caitlyn
-Vi spams Caitlyn with messages and memes 24/7 but Caitlyn texts like a grandma and replies every 3 hours
-They met in elementary and have been inseparable ever since
-Viktor was INSANELY jealous when Jayce and Mel were dating but didn’t let it effect his relationship with her
-These idiots didn’t start dating until the end of high school because it took Jayce that long to get his head out of his ass and realize Viktor was his soulmate
-Jayce constantly worries about Viktor and asks him if he needs help which Viktor always denies but is secretly giddy about it
-Viktor has to get Jayce out of trouble all the time and it only works because the teachers love him
-It’s Viktor who gets them into those situations in the first place but he doesn’t get caught
-For their first official date they went back to the playground near their old elementary school after getting ice cream
-Viktor is a Mastermind ™ and Jayce is a Mastermind but Stupider ™
-Viktor became really close with Jayce’s mom through the years and she was always gunning for their relationship
Bonus: Jaymel (is that what they’re called?)
-That one cringe ass couple you see in the halls
-Mel would ignore anyone who brought up Jayce around her when he wasn’t around
-Had insta story highlights of each other
-Mel dumped Jayce because he “didn’t spend enough time with her” (guess who he was spending that time with)
-Power couple
-They had everyone drooling over them
-They would fight over the stupidest things and then get over it five minutes later
-When they broke up like 10 different guys tried to get w/ Mel
If you liked this, check out my original post->
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balteredsworld · 10 months ago
my mistake. gregory house
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🩺🥼 | you should've known better, but you don't. you were pathetically in love with house.
masterlist: greg house n all
warnings! age gap, office (?) romance, angst, fellow!reader, doc!reader, stageplay style format, lyrics sprinkled
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you bite back tears.
house. (mockingly) are you gonna cry?
you. no, something counterfeit's dead. nothing to cry about.
he's staring at you with half squinted eyes, scoffing without reprieve, somehow colder than ice.
house. right... the fact that you have to say that proves there's something to cry about. so, what is it? what did you think it was?
you look away, blinking like you were guilty. a patronizing look's settled on house's face now. gears turning in eyes when he realizes you were stupid enough to get lovestruck in between casual banter and sex, and nights spent in the nook of this godforsaken office talking; tittering about more and less.
he drawls out in theatrical mortification.
house. oh god. i must really be that good. never realized i could dick you down into being lovestruck. oops!
his voice echoes in your head.
idiot, it's just sex.
house doesn't need to spell it out for you. you gave into an illusion that isn't, that wouldn't, and that couldn't. it was a girlish fantasy to think you could have it with him. yet, you clung onto some sliver of hope that he could transter his aptitude to his feelings and articulate those gentlemanly gestures into spoken words, and not fleeting silent declarations that were destined for the abyss. you suppose that the two of you will follow that fate. must be the law of entropy, or some other law of physics that house had mentioned in passing in your briefings.
you nod numbly, tongue retaliating without second thought. you could match him if he wanted. house isn't the be-all and end-all he pretends to be.
you. yeah, you fucked me so good i almost said three words.
house throws his head back, dissatisfied.
house. that's not an answer.
your brow shoots up, accusingly.
you. oh! you want an answer! i thought you'd already come up with that on your own minutes ago.
you know he wants a definite answer, unsatisfied being kept in the unknown. only, you know he only wants you to say what he already knows. he just wants the confirmation like a stupid autopsy.
you. what do you want me to say house? i don't know what you want me to say.
he barks.
house. you caught feelings! i don't know what you want me to do with that!
you. acknowledge them, house! like a normal fucking human being!
house sighs, licking his lips in careful consideration.
house. i'm too old for you. baseline feelings are just baseline. what you want is all the domestic crap that you know i can't give you. you're a doctor. i'd be a mistake.
you. then be my mistake! if you're so convinced you'll break my heart, break my heart. prove your hypothesis.
he blinks. your words hang heavy, waiting for something to come out of his lips. anything to put you out of your misery, but he doesn't.
you. (barely in a whisper) i'm offering my heart to you.
house. you...
you. be my mistake, house.
you eye him desperately, slowly faltering.
you. please.
but again, he doesn't say anything, merely standing with gaping eyes. you stay a moment longer, before you resign yourself pathetically.
house. you'll make me worse.
your brows crinkle.
you. what?
house. (slowly) you'll make me worse. you'll make me care, caring's for idiots. it's ordinary.
you blink, looking at him incredulously.
house. i can't be worse, l/n. i'm already bad. if i start caring, i'll be making myself a worse doctor. i can't be worse. i need to diagnose.
you. you're scared to jump ship because you'll do a bad job?
your words and tone are like his. you echo him down to the furrow of your brow. house sees that alarmingly.
you. you think that caring makes you ordinary? house, there's nothing ordinary about you! you're this god-like hotshot doctor who's always right, even if you're a jerk, you're right.
his eyes soften.
house. (musing) all the more reason to listen to me.
you. take a chance, house. otherwise tell me you don't care. say that i'm pathetic and we can forget about this.
house doesn't say anything, eyes steeling in contemplation. you wait, but he doesn't move. they were right. house isn't willing to sacrifice and compromise his objectivity for you. you'd read him wrong.
you swallow.
you. i understand.
you turn to leave, swallowing your nerve for the sake of your dignity. you'd thought that all those looks meant something, that sex wasn't just sex. but you're an idiot. you could say that for him.
it doesn't take a medical license to know that. even one of the fools in the er would know.
house leans on his table. the lamp casts a handsome shadow on his face, making his grey stubble glitter slightly. there's a totally grave look on his face. it's easier to be mean, but he holds his tongue for you.
house. i can't give you what you want.
you spare him a look, already by the door.
you. i don't want anything. just you.
somehow, you find the strength to chuckle, albeit weakly. it does nothing to lift the discomfort between the two of you.
you. but hey, it's just sex, right?
you try to appreciate his effort. he's never just mean, it's a shiny veneer he designed to shoo people away. underneath that, he's the most considerate man you've ever met.
but you can't. it would be easier if he was just plain mean, because at least you didn't have to know that he was lying to himself.
house. i... i'm sorry.
you. (solemnly) don't be. see you tomorrow.
instead of a silly apology, you rather him just call you pathetic. but you can't always get what you want, just like how house can't let himself say the words he's been saying to you with those infuriating eyes of his. but the two of you were destined to the same abyss those silent declarations vanished to.
it was never nothing, but the pain in his leg would never let him say that. he's convinced himself that he'll drag you to misery, so he watches you leave to see you in the morning like you'd been nothing more.
you end up his mistake either way.
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