#🌊 | inside the ship / ic
captainseamech · 25 days
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... why is everyone here so damn SHORT
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nahoney22 · 14 days
MA'AM *barges through the door and falls*
Biggest congrats on this milestone. May I humbly request some cuddling with Wrecker. Maybe the Marauder gets pretty chilly at night (and Tech doesn't bother fixing the A/C) so reader needs a big boy heater. much love <<3
Frozen Cuddles 🌊
🫧 Pairings: Wrecker X GN!Reader
word count: 760+
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When temperatures hits its lowest in the Marauder, Wrecker asks if you’d consider cuddling him. None surprisingly, you said yes.
warnings: Safe for Work, Cuddling for Warmth, Fluff, Mutual Pining.
authors note: sorry for the wait @cloned-eyes🤍🩵
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The Marauder had landed on Hoth for a mission, but the planet's harsh climate was definitely unwelcoming. The icy winds howled outside the Marauder, battering against the ship's hull and making the cold inside feel even more oppressive. Even with what felt like a million layers of clothes on, you were still absolutely freezing.
As you move through the ship with a blanket draped over your shoulders, you sink into a corner next to some crates in the hopes that being in a closed space would offer you some warmth but it doesn't. You sighed miserably, the metal beneath you felt like ice, and your breath came out in visible puffs at your annoyance.
"Hey, ya look like you're freezing," Wrecker said, his voice a deep rumble that somehow managed to sound gentle as he came over, rubbing his hands together to get some friction of warmth.
You looked up, your chattering teeth turning into a smile at the sight of him. "Just a bit," you replied, trying to downplay your discomfort.
Wrecker's brow furrowed with concern. "Tech's got the heating off again, huh? Trying to save power and all that." He rolled his eyes but then grinned, his expression brightening. "Ya know, I've got a lot of body heat to share. Want me to come over there and warm you up?"
You blink up in surprise at him, his offer not exactly surprising but one that made your heart flutter considerably. “S-Sure,”
You scooted to allow Wrecker to sit down, and without hesitation, he enveloped you in his strong arms.
"Come ‘ere," he said with a soft smile, pulling you close. His warmth was immediate and intense, a stark contrast to the coldness of the ship. You let out a contented sigh as you nestled against his chest, feeling his heartbeat through the fabric of his civvies.
"This is much better," you murmured, relaxing into his embrace as you drape the blanket over your shoulders around you and him more securely.
Wrecker chuckled "Told ya. I'm like a big furnace." He adjusted his position, making sure you were comfortable. "Y’know, we could always gang up on Tech and force him to turn the heater on."
You laughed softly, rolling your eyes. "I don't think that would go over too well. He'd probably give us a long lecture about energy consumption and efficiency."
"Yeah, you're righ’," Wrecker admits, his tone playful. "Still, I'm glad I can help ya out. I hate seeing ya cold."
You sat in comfortable silence for a while, the sound of the ship's systems humming softly around you. You felt a sense of peace, a rare commodity in your line of work. Being in Wrecker's arms, feeling his warmth, made the harsh realities of your life seem distant and insignificant. Did he feel the same way you felt for him? Was he just being nice?
"You know," Wrecker said after a few minutes, his voice softer than usual. You feel your skin tingle with a warmth as his hand falls onto yours, gently entangling your fingers with his."I've always liked having you around. You're, uh, different from the others. Special."
You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his sincere gaze. Sincere yet nervous.
“I've always felt the same about you, Wrecker. You seem to know how to make everything better."
His cheeks burn slightly, a flustered expression barely visible in the dim lighting of the ship. "I try," he said with a bashful grin. "It's easy when it's for someone like you."
Your heart swelled at his words. There was something incredibly endearing about Wrecker's honesty, his lack of pretense. He was straightforward in his affections, and it made you feel something you hadn’t felt for a long time - cherished.
As the minutes ticked by, you found yourself growing drowsy, the combined warmth and the steady rhythm of Wrecker's breathing lulling you towards sleep. You shifted slightly, resting your head more comfortably against his chest. "Is this okay?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
Wrecker tightened his hold on you slightly, a protective gesture to make sure you were as comfortable and warm as possible. "More than okay," he replied, his tone full of affection. "Get some sleep. I've got ya."
Feeling content, you allowed your eyes to close. The cold of the ship seemed like a distant memory as you drifted off, cocooned in Wrecker's arms. The last thing you heard before sleep claimed you was the soothing sound of his heartbeat.
Hours later, when Tech finally relented after being nagged at by the others and turned on the heating system, it barely mattered. You and Wrecker were already lost in a galaxy of dreams and warmth. Maybe Tech should keep the heating off more often.
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Tags: @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @jesseeka
@theroguesully @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 7 @staycalmandhugaclone
@ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog
@pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87
@ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi
@greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur r @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420
@ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @imalovernotahater @sithstrings @the-bad-batch-baroness @lulalovez @green-alm0nd
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moonandblossoms · 11 months
Summer ship ask 🌴☀️
My friend @black-eilla sent an ask on the summer shipping ask for Kane and Salima. However, the draft got deleted despite the fact that I saved it. All thanks to Tumblr's bugs. And the best irony is it's monsoon in my region.
🌼Who likes to go outdoors and who prefers to stay inside?
It depends on their moods and circumstances. But, I think Kane likes to go outdoors in summer. He would go get some groceries and ice cream for their family. His dad will chase him out and be active during summers. Meanwhile Salima loves headbaths and staying under the A/C. However, she too goes out, but mostly in evenings.
👙Who got a new swimsuit that the other can’t stop looking at?
Of course, it is Salima who gets a new swimsuit. And Kane won't stop admiring her.
🩴Who breaks their flip flops?
Salima breaks it. Kane is a little careful while walking with them.
🐚Who likes collecting shells?
Kane. He loves being a bit informative, but he also makes a shell chain for Salima from his shells collection.
🌞Who handles the heat better?
I'd say Kane. I headcanon Salima having more body heat than Kane does. But he'd frequently help her deal with it by buying her water bottles. She would also lay herself on Kane's body to feel a little cooler.
It's unrelated but Kane would be confined into Salima's arms during the winters.
⛈Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
Salima. Kane isn't afraid much and helps her deal with this too.
🌈Who enjoys the longer days the most?
Kane. One day isn't enough to explore stuffs. For Salima, she doesn't mind if she can't explore much. She gets a bit disoriented if she feels the days are longer.
⭐️Who likes to look at stars?
Both of them! Kane looks for constellations and for scientific aspects, whereas Salima does as she enjoys the dazzling beauty of them.
🌊Freshwater or saltwater?
Any water is fine for them, as long as they enjoy it.
🍉Which one loves watermelon? Who spits the seeds like it’s a sport? Or who hates the seeds?
Salima loves watermelons more, because I headcanon her having more body heat compared to Kane. But Kane too loves watermelons. However, both of them quite hate those seeds.
🫐Do they like to go berry picking? Who picks the most berries? Who eats more than they pick?
It's not a major thing they do, but they do it occasionally. They don't pick berries separately, but they do them together. They have an equal share based on how much both of them have collected together.
🥩Who’s grilling? What are they grilling?
Despite Salima loves to cook more, Kane will love to arrange for the grilling apparatus and grills! They often grill basic meat, what else? I don't have much knowledge on it, so yeah any meat they favour.
🛶Who’s never been on a kayak/canon? Do they tip over?
Both have been! They are travellers and thankfully they have never tipped on too much, if slightly.
✈️Do they travel over the summer? Where to?
They always travel during the summers. Either, they like going to high altitudes, hill stations and snowy places (what are they actually called? Tundra or idk)
🎢Are they amusement park people? If so, what’s their favorite ride?
Both aren't much of an amusement park people, and prefer adventure activities more. but they love going on water rides.
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encirclet · 2 years
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⟨ anya taylor joy. cis woman. she/her. 23. ⟩ we welcome maery greyjoy to king’s landing , the princess of the iron islands. keep an eye out for their feeble nature, they tend to cover it up by acting haughty. rumor has it they are against the peace treaty, and their loyalties lie with house greyjoy. you’ll know it’s them when you get flashes of the pinch of pain as the cold hits your face upon exiting your home in the dead of winter, the breath being forced out of your lungs as you ease into an ice bath, and the sharp, antiseptic scent of tea tree oil.
🌊    »    basics​  :
name:  maery greyjoy title: princess of the iron islands nickname(s):  maer, used primarily by the members of her house and those who knew her growing up. alias(es):  princess pestilence, behind her back. age:  twenty three traits:  boastful, reticent, steadfast, fierce, contradictory, feeble, reckless height:  5 foot 9 notable features:  eyes so dark they’re almost black & long, white blonde hair that is  uncharacteristic of her house.
🌊    »    ties​  :
alliances:  house greyjoy & the houses of the iron islands mother:  queen ? greyjoy née blacktyde father:  king ? greyjoy siblings:  crown princess kaelys greyjoy, prince daegon greyjoy (triplet) & prince aeron greyjoy (triplet) marital status:  unmarried & unbetrothed
🌊    »    into the deep  :
i definitely have to do some plotting & discussing, but i’ll give you the bare bones here if you’re interested!
tw: illness
born on the deck of a ship, the last of a trio, the youngest of house greyjoy, as a young child maery wholeheartedly believed that she had angry grey sea water coursing through her veins instead of blood — after all, why were the veins that lined the inside of her arms so blue?
as much as she worshipped the roiling sea, as much as she took pride in being ironborn — in being renowned as the pinnacle of a hardened, unmovable people — the iron islands were as relentless as those that were born there, and maery had the misfortune of being born slightly malleable.
during the summers, dropped on the decks of great ships with each rising sun, maery was plagued with sea sickness — an illness entirely uncharacteristic of her blood. each winter, the harsh winds of the isles would rattle her bones inside her skin, bestowing upon her a seasonal illness that kept her energy depleted. 
despite this, maery refused to be the odd man out — to be the greyjoy made of sea glass rather than iron. it was not enough to her to be a fair-haired maiden, she wanted to be fearsome, to grit her teeth and bear it, to be truly ironborn — to carry out the legacy of her house. even as a child, her love for the ocean trumped her feeble nature. she would be sick over the railing of a great longship, only to come back up grinning, salt spray dampening rosy cheeks. she was a contradiction of a weak constitution and a stronger determination. nobody could say that maery greyjoy didn’t love to be onboard a ship. nobody could say that she wasn’t tough as nails, for all that she suffered was done with a smile.
as she aged, she’s grown into herself. the seasickness is still felt, but never shown, beaten into submission by maery’s own sheer will. during the winters, she’s known to hole up in pyke, but never could she be accused of being any less gregarious, any less contradictory than the summer version of herself. she’s hardened herself against odds, not adverse to taking up room, to making herself known. her frequent maladies have only made her stronger, more like iron than she would have been had they not visited her in intervals year round — and she’ll be the first to say it. 
maery is very outspoken, tending to overcompensate for her physical ailments with cutting or blatantly shit stirring (for lack of a better term) statements. although she’s not particularly cerebral, she has a stellar memory — which allows her to recite facts off the top of her head, more of a recalling of words rather than an actual understanding of the subject matter. 
this skill makes her a perfect cartographer aboard any of her house’s warships — a position she’s oft coveted for, because her presence indicates a lesser need to bring multiple maps.  
she will only ever show weakness in the company of her family, and even then it would be a dulled down version of how she’s feeling. otherwise, she walks around wearing the mask of the perfect, hardened ironborn woman. whispers of her ailments still make their rounds amongst the iron islands, but never brought up to her face.
she has no interest in the mainland’s quest for peace — the iron islands are doing just fine on their own, as far as she’s concerned. however, physically — the south has been good for her, despite how she pines for the sound of the crashing waves and whistling gales of the iron islands.
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captainseamech · 15 days
Hey big man. Show us your tits :>
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"I- excuse me???"
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captainseamech · 22 days
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             “..... Do I dare ask what is going on with the kidnapping tonight?”
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captainseamech · 6 months
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             “Hey hey, bein’ smaller than me ain’t a bad thing. It just means I can lift the lot of ye up into my arms like I’m holdin’ a couple o’ grapes.”
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captainseamech · 20 days
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             Collecting one-ups out of that ‘shell’, since he was there.
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captainseamech · 20 days
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             ... Yep. Still going.
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captainseamech · 6 months
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... Wait, why are war crimes and being kissed in the same topic?
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captainseamech · 1 month
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... free hugs?
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captainseamech · 5 months
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.... Nope. As a H.asbro character, he refuses.
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captainseamech · 5 months
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"... What's self care?"
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captainseamech · 6 months
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"What's with these humans and wantin' me to snap them like a twig?!"
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"... not that it's hard though..."
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captainseamech · 6 months
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             It’s always the shorter ones that gets him going keetle mode. Always the shorter ones, he swears!
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captainseamech · 8 days
@gazelessmenagerie: " Oh he totally grabbed em alright. " - Mauga
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             “I didn’t and ye fraggin’ know it.”
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