#i'm on that fresh stan shit
badwaves · 11 months
well now i want to know your picks for the top 10 pjackk posts to read in jk simmons' voice.
the trick is that most pjackk posts are actually stanley posts so this is a very complicated process. with that said:
10. Felt heavy radiation close to gas station turkey sub at 0300 hours today
9. THE little squirt working the gas station said they arent doing the sweetwater IPPA 2 for $4 deal no more and yet the tags... are still there. Stop trying make me go crazy, okay ? (note: this is also a stan post. but it is also also a "ford having a paranoid episode trying to buy beer" post)
8. Wtf is the point of the tutty fruitty flavor when it just tastes like bubble gum wich btw there is already a fucking bibble gum flavored jellie bellie for your information i think the giys making these must be kind of fuckinf stupid from time to time
7. Shooting laser pointer in my eye is giving me steange sensation. Cant tell if good or bad. Who has info or data on this phanamena
6. My fucking puppy* just killed an elf
5. Did i just see a mutant malard with a green jead?or am i seeing thigns again
4. Ive circled the anomalieys....
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3. IDea for a game i had in my dream
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2. Amazing pull ruined by tutti frutti excess (obviously)
1. Im a freak in a fucked world 🌎🔫
Thank you for your inquiry hope this helps 👍
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rexcaliburechoes · 1 year
the lyrics to detect my love sound oddly ominous, not gonna lie...
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missuswalker · 1 year
Kyle dating hc's pleaaaaase 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
meow meow meow 🤭🤭
relationship headcannons || kyle broflovski x fem reader
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✮ summary: kyle as your boyfreind ✮ warnings: i was gonna do what i did for the clyde one but changed my mind, so nsfw content, reminder that characters are aged up (i'm too much of a kyle girl to pass up the oppurtunity)
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before ya'll started dating he did your homework for you as a rizz tactic
he thought it would make you want him
turns out you wanted him even before he started doing your homework, so he starts making you do it yourself
but kyle would do anything for you, so if you ask him with that pretty face of yours, he'll do it anyways
ya'll had a long "are we dating are we not phase"
he's been screwed over so many times that he wanted to make sure you were the one
you definitely were
after much convincing from stan and a couple hundred "no balls, you wont"s from cartman, kyle finally asks to be his gee-eff (girlfriend)
over text in your instagram dms
he did it very romantically though
loooooooong paragraph about how much he likes you and wants you to be all his
ends it with "And I know you piss me off sometimes, but I think I could really make us work."
as SOON as you say yes
"Come over. You have my address."
anyways, moving on, he acts like he thinks pet names are cringe, but he can't help but call you that goody goody shit like "angel"
do you hear purring? sorry
anyways, he spoils you to death, like what was in my love language hcs
"oh wow that's so cute" "what color do you want it in" "kyle 😟"
loooves when you wear his boxer shorts around his house, he thinks he's THE man when you do
his mom likes to talk to him about embarrassing things in front of you to mess with him
"hi boobala, your spiderman underwear is fresh out of the dryer 🥰" "ma, that's ikes, get out 😡😡😡😨😰"
when you guys cuddle, he puts his hand up your shirt and rubs your back
he has cold ass hands though
kisses the top of your head all the time
he's like 6'2 so if you're shorter than him he's all like "aww elf 😻😻" when in reality he's just tall
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first time he was suuuuuper sweet and gentle
after that he puts his temper into it
its like theres an earth quake from the bed rocking
ike ain't a snitch though 🤐
he is rough, hoowee
grunts, huffs, groans
all the good shit
probably says some good girl shit at some point
if he's actually upset, he rather you take control
lets you do whatever you want and whimpers
he whines yall
but if cartman pissed him off, its not the same
has you in doggy style and goes WILD
he don't care if you're screaming
yeah he does, when he's finished he STRESSES about sheila
"dude, you were fucking rabid, i'm so fucked 😰😰"
sheila side eyes him at breakfast but doesn't say anything
makes gerald give him the talk
gerald makes randy give him the talk
randy informs him of new positions
someone on wattpad said "jew in the streets, freak in the sheets"
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 6 months
House of the Dragon Hot Take except I don't care what number I'm on because this is a more important post than usual.
I feel like the majority of GOT/HOTD/ASOIAF fans see this post as "common sense" but a lot of you don't act on it so I'm just going to say it anyway. Stop threatening the actors. Stop bullying the actors. Stop threatening people that have different opinions then you (i'm SPECIFICALLY looking at toxic team green and team black stans right now.) I have seen people like Iwan Rheon, Carice van Houten, Jack Gleason, Sophie Turner, Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Tom Glynn-Carney, and Matt Smith get treated like absolute SHIT because of their characters, their appearance, their gender, and their acting. It is truly disgusting and dehumanizing to go on social media and see people sending death threats to actors and actresses because people don't like their character. I'll give examples on what I mean:
Iwan Rheon - Has been harassed for playing Ramsay.
Jack Gleason - Got sent death threats for playing Joffrey.
Kit Harington - Got sexually harassed in public numerous times and I believe threatened at least once for playing Jon. He also gets made fun of for wanting to be seen as more than a pretty face and body. He also got ridiculed for saying being randomly touched in public and having people practically harassing him about his appearance makes him reasonably upset.
Matt Smith - People bully him for his appearance, harassed him AND his MOTHER on twitter, and people accuse him of supporting abuse towards women because he plays Daemon.
Carice van Houten - Got sent death threats for playing Melisandre.
Sophie Turner - Got bullied off of almost every social media at some point for playing Sansa. She's also the victim of almost every misogynist GOT fan on the internet all for playing Sansa.
Emilia Clarke - Has been sexually harassed in public and gets bullied online for being a "terrible actress" for doing what the script and director tells her because she played Daenerys.
Tom Glynn-Carney - Got rape allegations put against him on twitter because of the episode where Aegon rapes Dyana. They said that because Aegon is a rapist Tom is too.
I have said this time and time again, you guys are fucking EMBARRASSING!! Get a god damn grip on yourselves and instead of acting like morons who can't separate character from actor/actress go outside and breathe in some fresh fucking air.
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askthestans · 2 months
Stanford, in a previous post you said you’ve ate way worse in the portal. May I ask what things you have ate that could’ve been horrible compared to the gorgon and eel meatloaf?
Ford: Having been drinking some Mabel Juice, he spits it out and coughs. Ford wipes his mouth properly on a napkin - unlike Stan who is sitting across the table just wiping his mouth on his sleeve while eating some fried chicken - and chuckles nervously.
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Ah, well... that's... a fascinating question, Anon. Let's see... the weirdest thing I've eaten...
Ford gets a thousand yard stare of what must be decades of strange experiences, his eye occasionally twitching, looking a bit nauseous at some of the memories. Whatever he's remembering, it sure isn't anything Michelin 5 star. Or 1 star. Er... or 'questionable origin gas station sushi in the most disgusting reaches of the Multiverse' level edible, for that matter.
Realizing he's taking too long to answer, he chuckles nervously again.
Apologies, it's just... there were so many culinary delights that I-
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Stan: He spits out a bone from the chicken he's eating and, looking quite unimpressed, he answers for Ford. Well, there's the time he ate a literal planet. Oh, or the time he had to eat the thousands of years dead corpses of some aliens where the only thing left on 'em by that point was their, er... "bottom" ends. Somethin' about bein' made of different stuff than us that makes 'em decompose slower, he said. He shrugs. Said it tasted like roasted dust and, well... ass, go figure. But that's not even the worst thing he told me. Because one time-
Ford: Looking rather pissed and embarrassed. Stan, we probably should just leave it at that. It was pure survival, nothing more. There was nothing else in that dimension for me to eat.
Stan: With a grin. Oh, you're sayin' I shouldn't talk about the "secretions" meal you had once?
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Ford: Yes! That's precisely what we shouldn't talk about!
There's a long pause, where Ford looks ready to slaughter someone, and Stan is just smirking and chewing on his chicken without a care in the world. Then he shrugs and blurts it.
Stan: Long story short, it involved Ford, some starvation, and some fresh - what he called - "secretions" from-
Ford: Getting up from the table and ready to lunge. Can it, Stan! I was desperate! I'd have starved had I not-
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Stan: He interrupts. What's that? He turns the camera of the laptop towards Ford's face. Is that a shit-eating grin I see on your face, Sixer?
It is definitely not a shit-eating grin. It's an "I'm going to turn my brother into taxidermy" one. At that, Ford actually lunges, and Stan cackles as he gets up and starts running with the laptop in hand, finishing his reply over the video.
Ha! I'm gonna tell 'em all your secrets, and you can't stop me!
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Stan: Oh really? It came from the ass-end of somethin' weird. Sounds like shit to me!
Ford: SECRETIONS, Stanley! Like milk from cows!
Stan: What!? How is alien ass-udder juice any better!?
The view on the laptop from here on out is a mix of Stan cackling, Ford looking about ready to kill Stan, all set in a wobble of the camera bouncing as Stan runs with Ford in close pursuit behind him.
Stan: HE SAID HE LIKED IT, TOO! Ford: Incoherent rage noises.
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biggie-chcese · 1 month
concepts for kurumi wendy gumshoe gabs because why the fresh fuck did they not give her any like actually hey kodaka can we talk-
(rain code spoilers btw)(also gab will stop sounding like a word to you)
im gonna try to structure a kurumi gumshoe gab set but i will not be writing the conversations out bc im sorry girl but 1. im not obsessed with her enough to basically write a fic and 2. i think the conversations would still be comparatively dull due to yuma's function being "the normal one" to contrast the rest of the kooky cast and kurumi's function as essentially the same thing but also as a love interest and exposition dropper. but i still wanna at least give a model of what her conversations would be like for funsies. I'll be mixing what i think would realistically happen if they gave her gabs and also what i think should happen. alright let's get started
first off, obviously they shouldnt be available until after ch 2. maybe in ch 3 you get a new gab page and yuma can start finding new gabs out in the overworld (what sort of gem color would she have??? jade? is that too close to vivia's emerald? i dont wanna say some shit like rose gold). im not coming up with locations and hints sorry idc that much.
GAB #1
the first gab is them jumping over the hurdle of "wait we don't really have much interaction besides investigating murders and blushing dumbly" which is primarily what irks me in the game's efforts to push her as a love interest. at least let us watch yuma spend some god damn time with her holy shit WHYYY doesn't she have any fucking gumshoe gabs I'm going insa-
erm anyway let's make em have a casual talk abt something. yuma would probably start off like "this is the first time ive really been alone with kurumi ahh i dont know what to say this is awkward ahhhh" and shinigami gets rightfully annoyed with his cuckly behavior. but in an effort to save the awkwardness yuma asks her about her work as an informant. i think she'd enthusiastically spout off about it and how her grandfather inspired her (though keeping it vague because i think she could save more talk of missing family members for later). maybe she talks about her first forway into her informant work and a certain mishap that occured, yuma has to guess what happened bc she's a little embarrassed about it (this is whwre the dialogue options come in). but it's completely harmless. maybe she got spotted by the person she was tailing and then got a slap on the wrist and sent home. yuma finds it a little endearing, shinigami gives the bond level up message, and there. solid conversation. next
GAB #2
yuma asks her what exactly got her so interested in detectives. did she read heroic novels about them? did she see their noble efforts in the headlines? was she personally saved by one? the possibilities are endless and could all be answered here. actually lets have her teasingly make yuma guess here. poof, there's your dialogue options.
maybe she can even have a little kookiness as a treat and accidentally let the true nature of her admiration for detectives slip for a moment where it pretty much crosses the line of "that's a bit creepy". not towards yuma but still something a bit off putting like obsessively keeping track of her favorite detectives' activities or having information about their personal lives she absolutely shouldn't have (informant + proud participant in WDO stan culture is a dangerous combo) but she also misses doing that because now kanai ward is isolated. yuma could also be like "wait isnt what you were doing then a bit too much?" but it gets dismissed by shinigami telling him they levelled up their bond
this one should be about aiko methinks. yuma catches kurumi in a down mood and asks what's up and it goes from there. she gives us more detail into her friendship with aiko and maybe she could even actually acknowledge the deaths of those theatre club girls and mention how chillingly quiet the club has gotten. she tells yuma that she tries not to think about it, but the empty space they left behind is immense... yuma's dialogue choices may be to try to cheer up/comfort her. thank you, next
perhaps now she can talk about her grandpa (and also maybe drop how that home situation is cause girl where are your parents). she could talk about her mission in finding him cause he must be out there!!! somewhere!!!! this shit could be sentimental or smth. she could say something about kanai ward's nearly extinct species of people who are still fighting for the truth and how even when things are dangerous she remembers that no one else will do it so she's gotta step it up. she'd pivot that over to saying how glad she is that the master detectives are here bc of that, and yuma could have dialogue options where the correct choice is basically saying he admires her for that. idk. next
The Fiverrrrrrr
final gab. i was gonna be funny and say "probably another love confession like fubuki's and then yuma hits her with the nuh-uh" but due to the nature of the epilogue i actually dont think it does exactly that. maybe kurumi is stuck on a small, separate thing she's investigating and she summarizes what's up. i think it could potentially be a more personal problem or at least something she can connect to (another girl in school missing a family member? idk) so that it's a bit obvious she's more frustrated in not finding any leads. yuma helps her out a little in finding a lead (this is where the dialogue choices come in) and after thanking him, kurumi is like "y'know, we make a pretty great team" (flirting, but yuma doesnt read it that way.) shinigami groans and maybe even fusses about how she's yuma's partner but this goes ignored. and of course yuma's dense ass is like yeah i think you have the makings of a great informant and detective and he essentially coworker-zones her. kurumi then asks about how they could still maybe possibly work like this together perhaps maybe 👉 👈 🥹 after solving kanai ward's ultimate secret and yuma happily agrees. this will make his choice in the epilogue to fuck off to florida without much of a goodbye even funnier.
anyway thats it for my kurumi gumshoe gabs thanks for reading
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communistkenobi · 2 years
Do you think andor stans are pretentious? I'm seeing people calling them that more and more. I know some are annoying but every star wars fan is annoying imo.
the most beloved past time of star wars fans is bitching, and andor has provided us with an extremely productive frontier from which to do so. I’ll just agree and say that yeah sure it’s pretentious, because I don’t think trying to like logically refute that is a good use of time.
I think part of the reason why the “andor is better than the rest of star wars” sentiment is so popular (beyond the subjective enjoyment of it as a superior show) is that andor has a completely fresh take on star wars, one that is deeply connected with the “guts” of star wars canon, and its presence in the canon is making people go “wait we could have had this kind of Star Wars content all along?” and then rage at the rest of the franchise for not being andor.
It’s sort of hard to describe why it feels this way (at least in short form lol), but like I think the main difference between andor and the “traditional” star wars show is that andor is taking the canon extremely seriously. not in a strict factual manner, but in the sense of like, okay how does the empire operate? what is its internal structure like? How does it respond to rebel attacks? What impact does that have on civilian populations?
These of course are not new questions (I think SW Rebels for example does a decent job of exploring these things), but it feels different. To use the mandalorian as a counter example, take the tracking fobs the guild hands out. These are simple devices that provide location data for targets. They make the plot go forward. Easy and simple. But like, I don’t think that would fly in a show like andor. Not only on a technical sense (how tf do you get sub-metre accurate positional data on another person who is dozens of solar systems away, frequently on fringe planets that do not have global satellites?) but also in a sociological sense - if this technology is available, how else is it used? Who else uses it? What kind of society produces this kind of technology? I think andor pushes audiences to think of these silly little gadgets as technologies of power. It must always be considered in its ability to oppress people and its role in structuring society. The infrastructure required to make something as simple as those tracking fobs work is itself a commentary on the state of the galaxy. And these questions are multi-scalar - if something as simple as a tracking fob can provide extremely accurate, unrestricted data on virtually any person in the galaxy, where do those data come from? Where are those data being held? Who controls those datasets? Why are these data being collected?
I think andor most excels at attending to the bureaucratic and administrative elements of the empire. “The Empire” is not a literal physical thing that you can point to and say it exists, it’s a collection of people and equipment and buildings and processes and laws and ideas. You see proof of the state in andor every time a database is queried, every time a criminal record is made, every time a security contract for another planet is secured. a person could go their entire life without seeing a star destroyer and still know the empire is very much real. It’s literally doing “we live in a society” shit with star wars. It approaches star wars not at the level of individual characters but at the level of systems, as a process of history that you are watching unfold, and that history is being told through the lens of people experiencing it.
This is sort of drifting off topic, so to circle back - I think andor is demonstrating the power of star wars canon in a way previously unconsidered, and people are (i think understandably) irritated that, for all the money and brain power and talent behind a lot of the other shows, we aren’t getting the same level of curiosity for this incredibly expansive fictional universe. I don’t think star wars always has to be this way, or even be this serious, but I think the recent narrative failures of the other shows (the mandalorian, kenobi, book of boba fett) demonstrate that star wars does not have to be about itself - you can explore the canon seriously and create stories from what already exists. You do not need to treat characters as saints or action figures, you do not need to flinch away from them showing vulnerability or humility or flaws. People will disagree that the shows I mentioned do this in the first place, but then they’re the people who say “you’re pretentious” to begin with, so in the immortal words of sun tzu. who give a shit
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wildrosesayshigh3 · 24 days
This is just a rant post so if you don't want to read me rant about Snape scroll. Its long.
Now this is coming from a Shen Jiu Stan but they can never make me like you Severus Snape. The way I loathe this man is like saying hell is hot an understatement.
Severus 'one of my students greatest fear' Snape they could never make me like you.
Severus 'I can't tell a difference when one of students have been physically altered that a blind man could see it'' Snape please choke.
Severus 'Manhandle a curious student after leaving them alone with caludron full of your worst moments' Snape please meet a Basilisk or Medusa.
Severus 'Its okay for a random woman and her child to die but not Lily no mention of Lily's husband or child' Snape I hope an AK hits right in the balls.
Severus 'demeaning other houses is the reason why other kids don't want to get to know the snakes' Snape rot.
Severus 'I allowed students to be totured and allowed other students to toture. Thus making it so that the stigma towards the house of snakes so strong that it takes your most hated 'bully' grandchild to fix' Snape burn.
Severus 'I can't use my vaulted intelligence to help a single student not even those of my own house' Snape die.
Severus 'I choose to become a death eater of my own free will and ignored my childhood friends and obsession's advice' Snape I hope hell is comfortable.
Severus 'I could have left the goddamn country for a fresh start because I'm in the later half of the 20th century were travel is easily accessible' Snape why?
Severus 'It took a child who you have been teaching for 5 years to excel in potions within weeks of reading a book you wrote in as a teenager which means you could teach well or at least give good instructions but choose not to or your an idoit' Snape you are the human equivalent of a participation award.
Severus 'It just slipped out calling my 'crush' slur that undermines her very existence' Snape I hope you stub your pinky toe over and over in hell.
Severus 'I knowing didn't raise to much of a fuss when the greatest wizard since Merlin is sending a CHILD to be martyred for the greater good even though the CHILD is lily's' Snape I wish I knew less of you (and I know so little).
Severus 'I blame all the bad things on a 21 who matured and died for his family and never bother with self refection' Snape what is the point of you?
Severus 'I had over a decade of life without Lily Evans or James Potter and yet still didn't seem to grow past there shadow' Snape you are one of the most pathetic grown fictional men I've ever encountered and I've been onto anime and manga since I was 8 and I've read cultivation novels.
Severus 'I followed a suspend werewolf into a narrow cavern of my own free will and not being tricked at all and still blame Sirius Black like he held a wand to my head' Snape you are the smallest man to have ever lived.
There's more but this is just what was at the top of my head. This was prompted due to TikTok posts that raise the Marauder Era snakes like they made the fandom and are better that the Marauders. Not every bad person needs a shit backstory they can just be bad people. (Hint: Puberty is sucky)
Plus somehow blaming Sirius for leaving regulus behind. Like they forget a teenager is still a child. And then the hatred for lily by jegulus Stans and the hatred of James by Severus Stans who are convinced both snakes were angels from god in their school years just pissed me all the way off.
Cause it's not like we know more about Snape than we do any of the other adult characters baring maybe Dumbles the Manipulator himself. Oh......wait.
Also having a shit past does not give you an excuse to be a shit person. You can't change the past but the present and the future are yours to command.
So the "bullying" he received make him suffer. Thousands of people get bullied, thousands go through abuse by their parent or someone they trusted and they don't take it out on children or those around them continuously for years. What makes Severus Snape so damn special that he gets a pass?
Also I put the bullying in quotations because I don't for a single second bye that Snape didn't snap back. That he didn't give as good as he got. No for once I believe the Manipulator did what he did best when he called the tension between Snape and James a rivalry. It probably was just shy of violence and visceral hatred between the two. Though with both sides friends ganging up on the other after particularly bad moments. Also McGonagall showed no hesitance in taking 150 points from her 'favorite' students after she caught them cutting curfew. So no I don't think she'd allow bullying. And I don't Slughorn would allow a potential connection to be bullied without stepping in if only to get on his good side.
Also before someone gets into the comments and calls me a hypocrite about liking Shen Jiu. I am well fucking Shen Jiu is a child abusers. I'm not condoning or dismissing that. Hell I would be cheering Bingge on as he rose to the top just to spite Shen Jiu. And while I think what he did to Cang Qiong and Yue Qingyuan was harsh and what he did to Shen Jiu was excessive. Karma. Very child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth-esque. So no kicking Shen Jiu in the teeth would be satisfying.
But Shen Jiu showed potential to be good or at least improve, through yingye. Yingye who was close and loyal to him since day one. Yingye who he failed because he didn't/couldn't be better.
So what I love about Shen Jiu is his potential. The young Shen Jiu who pretended to break his leg so his stupid and too kind older brother could escape. The Shen Jiu who waited in an absuive situation because he promised. The Shen Jiu who hide the true reason for the Qiu massacre because one person showed him a once of kindness. The potential to be healed and to heal others in turn. To take in those he considers his with passion and feral-ness that was breathtakingly destructive. To become a protector. Or an explorer or anything really.
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demiaroacejadeharley · 10 months
This post contains some spoilers from The Amazing Digital Circus. This post also contains critiques in regard to Vivziepop, Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel. Vivziepop stans (as in the people who defend her work and her as a person) are not allowed to interact with me. Any Vivziepop fan who sends me asks (especially Anon asks) will be deleted. Any fans who DM me will have their message deleted and will be blocked. Finally, anyone who screenshots this post and makes a post tagging me in it to defending Vivziepop will be blocked.
I'm not trying to get people to harass Vivziepop and harass anyone who is a fan of her. And I'm not trying to stop people from supporting Vivziepop and not trying to make people feel bad about supporting her either. Watch whatever you want. Take this post with a grain of salt. And if you get somewhat upset with the criticisms I have for Vivziepop, then that's your problem.
Vivziepop antis and critical fans are allowed to interact.
Earlier today, I watched The Amazing Digital Circus, and these are my final thoughts.
Honestly, the pilot was really good, and I'm looking forward to it finally becoming a full-fledged series. And I'm looking forward to it expanding the Lore as well. I'm curious as to how Pomni got trapped there in the first place and other stuff like the void and the exit door thing.
What I appreciate it is that it didn't need copious amounts of swearing, unlike other comedy web series like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss. There were swears, but they were more spread out and brief on top of the swears being censored.
Even though Gooseworx has worked with Vivziepop in the past, I find TADC to be leagues better than HH and HB. I've seen a video about the drama surrounding Gooseworx, but from what I've seen,the stuff they have done is much more tame than the shit Vivziepop has pulled.
I hope to see more Amazing Digital Circus content to come out in the future. I'm interested as to see where the series will go. Unlike Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, it didn't feel like I was watching something that felt like it was created by an edgy middle schooler. The female characters had much more personality than the ones from HH and HB, despite it being just a pilot.
Another thing to point out is that the cast of TADC had a lot of fresh faces to the voice acting industry, unlike Hazbin and Helluva Boss, where Vivziepop relied on casting big name actors in order to garner more attention to her work. And I'm going to be fully honest, I find it really sus at the fact that the OG cast of HH couldn't return because they didn't unionize in order to get their roles back. A lot of them were fully new to the industry, too, which is the sad part. I wish that Vivziepop wouldn't rely on hiring big-name actors in her work and would hire people who are very new to the voice acting scene who are desperate to land a role as some of them rely on voice acting as their main source of income.
To end this post, I just want to point out that I'm not blaming Vivziepop for the fact that the original cast of Hazbin Hotel didn't get their roles back. But at the same time, that whole situation feels questionable to me. Until I hear the full story about it, then I'll decide if she should be held accountable or not. However, the whole hiring big actors thing has been a critique of mine for a while on top of the use of the r slur in Helluva Boss (even though it was only said once and was almost again, it shouldn't have been used at all as it's an ableist slur and I'm a disabled person who has been called the r slur many times in the past). I'm fully aware that HB takes place in hell, but using hell as a way to excuse the use of the r slur is ableist. It's still ableist to call someone the r slur regardless of the setting and the context. The r slur should never be used as a way to call someone stupid. I'm not sure if Vivziepop wrote the script herself, but whoever is in charge of the script should be careful of the type of language they use in the show. I'm fully aware that both Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are adult shows, but it doesn't mean it's an excuse to normalize offensive and bigoted language. It doesn't help that the shows poorly portray women (like how Millie is just reduced to being Moxxie's wife and likes killing) even though the creator of both shows is a woman.
I'm just gonna stop here for now. I'm going to go back to waiting for more Amazing Digital Circus content to come out.
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anris-resurrection · 2 months
Spoilers for thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com
I'm going to keep track of what I'm entering in the computer here :D (I'm trying to keep unique results on their own line) and I'll add as a go for fun
Edit: I think I'll put in what happens because I'm losing track lol
turning the knob, Playing static and then clicking the screen has a backwards message
Hectoring- Bill sings
any swear words- image telling you wash your mouth with soap
Cursed (the text on the candle)- Resist all drawings of triangles info
Vallis cineris- Why did you do it :(
Stanford / Ford / Sixer- Medical record
Stan Edit: click multiple times to get all the ebay links. get the hidden page, click how he beat me, a lot.
Giffany ( enter multiple times and she will download a zip file)
Bill- Triangle wiki
Cipher - Eye of providence wiki
Bill cipher-Video link
Triangle- "tri harder"
Alex- link to purchase flannel shirts
Dipper (enter multiple times for new notes)-note from bill probably
Mason- note from dipper
Gideon- voice message
Mable- puts stickers on the screen XD
Baby- I am pregnant lol
Pines- "a good family tree"
Euclidya- "dimension not found"
Blindeye (there's a color cipher I'm working on EUCLYDIAN ....)
Robbie- texts and a picture
Weird - weird al has a message
pacifica- A note
soos- note
Pinata- video lmao
Mystery- "?"
Tad strange- Erotic Bread
journal 1- " the journal of fun"
Journal 2- "the journal for you"
Journal 3- "the journal for me"
Book of bill- " hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance
Gun- "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both" lol
weirdmageddon- Newspaper
Theraprism- sign "in case of "the old one" do not use elevators"
gravity falls- "never heard of it"
Platinum paz- short story about pacifica
Blanchin- video link
Love- Bill romance audio book
Ducktective- "ducctetive stars in "love, quacktually..."
mat pat: cameo
blendin " agent is missing and assumed incompetent"
Math- note about greece
Skibidi- death
Tyrone/clone- Tyrone
Dippy fresh- Link to the hippest shit you will ever see
Dorito/Nacho- jumpscare
Help me- video of bill and his therapist
Toby determined- Link to restraining order instructions lol
History- "Geometry existed before the creation - Plato"
Cryptogram codex- Zip file with fonts
Mysteryshack- Location link
theyll all see- "Is seeing believing"
divorce- O'sadleys logo
ad astra per aspera- journal page
Babba- Dipper singing
Disney- " rat.gif censored for your protection"
Scientology- "Suppressive person detected"
season 3 - "season 2"
Season 2- "season 1"
Season 1 - "Season -1 anti gravity falls"
Life- "Life: 72% complete loading death"
death- "lifes goth cousin"
Abuelita - video link
tantrum: bill lore
hey nerd- call now ( 1-800-555-cipher9)
scary- Audio book
even his lies are lies- lore
shave your grandma
titans blood- log off hooty
curse wittebane- ouija board
love ya bro - note and code
kings of new jersey- answer key for code
one eyed king - I want to pledge my soul to bill cipher
just fit in- video
naitsuaf- sell your soul
wellwellwellbeing: (multiple)
black sheep
not a phase
burned inside
im still on your mind
creepy pasta
destruction is a form of creation
forget the past
tourist trap
when will i die
mountain dont
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bahja-blix · 7 months
😐💀 A Dumbass Appeared (Ask Edition) A post regarding Viv Stans (Part 2)
Before we begin I want to say that I will absolutely not be censoring the person in this for valid reasons. I'll however censor the people who are just regular visitors.
What brilliance unfolds in my ask box? They put themselves out there on purpose "because reason"... I guess?
Reminder This is the Internet, you put yourself out there, your out there forever and if you do something stupid or say something stupid, your idiocy might go viral enough where you get called out so don't expect people to cover you up when YOU did this To Yourself
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When I changed my bio to say "Bored ASF, Ask a Goth" I didn't mean be a god damn loser and make up shit on purpose for Bait reasons.
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Yes this is real and Yes these were sent by a Viv Stan and it's OBVIOUSLY Bait but I still wanted to review it just for fun because I was literally laughing my ass off and I ain't even high!! 🤣 that And the actual person was Serious about deleting their profile along with taking the time to remove one by one every like and post from their profile which is hilarious. I didn't even make a post at the time and they disappear Anyway 😂. So I had absolutely no option to respond regardless. Lol you didn't think I'd see that but I did LMAO. You took the time to send me this but couldn't take a couple seconds to block me right after so I don't see your profile disappear but I guess you're just that stupid. What stopped you from just deleting your account without going through lengths to type this shit up?
We start with Kona, a boot lickin Viv stan living in denial over the fact that their obviously a Viv Stan. I said I wasn't going to answer this but this is HORRIBLE 😂 How could I Not share!
I love how you literally sat here and took the time to go ""Anonymous"" on the first ask you sent me showing your name and profile only to turn around and send me Another ask and Then another begging to me down on your knees basically telling me to forget I saw your ass 🤣🤣🤣
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I absolutely applaud how you "went out of your way to ALL these critics" like your some kinda Big Dawg white knighting for Viv telling us to "Listen up" because God Damnit "This town ain't Big Enough for the two of us" only to completely disappear off the face of the earth because you knew I saw your ass and you got scared.
I'm assuming you saw my last post where I said "Stick it" when referring to someone else that didn't agree with the helluva boss and hazbin hotel critical community...so you took it to heart and used it in the ask!? Did my post offend you 🥺🥺🥺? Omg I'm terribly sorry that I'm not a boot licking Viv Stan... I truly am (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)
So... you attack Showtoonz for no reason other than *Double Checks Notes* ahh here we go "Having valid opinions" fresh off the table *chef kiss excuse* lol
LMAO they really said "Ass takes" omg no wayyy 😂
I also applaud how you basically said that the entirety of the helluva boss and hazbin hotel critical community an "embarrassment to our democracy" lol where that come from? and that the best argument you can come up with is that "*ughhh* your all "cOnSeRvAtIvEs" like did you travel across time and space through the Internet, see my page, and pretend to get triggered over the fact that I'm p***tically balanced in every direction?? Open minded if you will!? What does critiquing a show have to do with what's going on outside in the world? You do realize a lot of these people critiquing Viv Are in fact Democrats (me included in that spectrum) that Were fans of Viv and don't agree with Viv because she messes shit up on purpose 😂
Love how your one of those people that's obviously too far on the edge who are an actual embarrassment to society because this is the shit you put out there along with the
"YoUr NoT oNe Of Us" argument because what else would you pull out of your ass like legit your literally the type of person that likes to sniff your own fucking farts... Geez
I can't stop laughing 🤣
"One of Us! One of Us! Gooble gobble, Gooble gobble, One of Us! One of Us!" Like I can't. We Dems ain't gonna bow down to you and kiss your ass like your some kind of King so you might as well get over it buttercup
Regarding the last one for Bait reasons you decided to bring janky brained Joe into this... What a legend! You really showed us Dems the middle finger and went "Fuck ALL of You" 😂 Hey pal I'm NGL, but all I'm saying is that maybe you shouldn't be so into your own p***tical fart clouds so much because all that methane n shit will clog up your thinking.
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"OMG I've been exposed by my own "Brilliance" in taking down these critics, please don't expose me"
W H E E Z E !!!
this last bits my favorite part
"*Clears throat* "If you disagree with me I'm going to "delete my account"
(Welp I guess I disagree with you :D, have a nice day ^^ Adios!! 🤣) Wait? You were actually Serious??? 🤣🤣🤣
"run to Twitter" with all my problems (because of course your one of those losers) and "bitch" to my two followers that "Will raise all hell" down onto those "Antis" who are so Mean and Negative where my post is sure to go viral enough to take down the entire critical community and reap their rights away from them"
Without any proof, but instead your tail tucked between your legs as you run and hide.
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Managed to get this on the way out. A Viv Stan in denial who's also a hypocrite. Oh but we "anti Viv Stan critics" have "ass takes" and "no valid criticism" You blindly support woomy... The same person who attacked multiple people in our communities for having valid opinions!
Fucking Cringe dude
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zonaenthusiast · 8 months
Which kpop group do I think suit every mugiwara the best? And would they be a boy group or a girl group stan?
This is because yesterday I had a specific revelation and I started thinking about it in general, so here are my ideas:
Luffy as Seventeen
Luffy has been one of the ones I've had to think about the most but then it occurred to me that he would really like Seventeen. They have a very fresh and fun concept in general that really suits Luffy and they are one of the very few groups that, despite being together for almost ten years, have never lost members. And that's even stranger considering there are so many of them. They love each other as much as the mugiwara love each other and Luffy would adore them (get it?) for that.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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Zoro as The Boyz
For Zoro I have come up with several groups that could fit very well with him like Ateez or Stray Kids, but I have ended up opting for The Boyz because there is a very specific homoerotic component in their music that very few groups are able to replicate. The bisexual energy they give off reminds me too much of Zoro not to choose them.
Bg or gg stan? Both, but their concept has to be dark.
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Nami as (G)I-DLE
This is the revelation I had after listening to Gidle's new song, Nami would fucking love them. Just pure female representation and empowerment. Gidle's last three comebacks (Tomboy/Nxde/Queencard) are three different representations of how a woman can express her femininity and all are valid (Nami in particular is so Queencard coded and Robin would be more Nxde coded, I think).
Bg or gg stan? I think she would like some bgs but she would be mostly a gg stan.
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Usopp as EXO
NOW HEAR ME OUT because I know this one sounds weird, but I think Usopp would love Exo's storytelling. The clone lore? He would eat that shit up. Besides, I don't know why but I think Usopp wouldn't listen to just anything and Exo is one of the most talented groups there is, so...
I think Usopp would like groups that focus on storytelling or have very defined concepts, Vixx would be another option that I think fits him very well.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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Sanji as Girl's Generation
This one was also very clear to me. Sanji would listen to ggs exclusively and I feel that only the most iconic gg would be the right choice for him. He would be so Yoona biased. And he is one of those who would know her choreographies to perfection.
Bg or gg stan? As I said, gg stan exclusively.
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Chopper as GFRIEND
My main pick for Chopper is Gfriend because the powerful innocence concept they are known for reminds me a lot of him. I think StayC or fromis_9 concepts also fit him very well.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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Robin as Red Velvet
I don't know how to explain this but if you know about Red Velvet concepts you know I'm right. There's something so unique and peculiar about their music that matches every part of Robin's taste and personality. Red Velvet are the epitome of one of my favorite kpop concepts, which I call cute but murderous. Just watch their Russian Roulette mv and you will understand.
Robin would write a fucking essay on why everyone is wrong and Zimzalabim is actually the best kpop song ever.
Bg or gg stan? Both, as long as their music is the strangest succession of sounds you've ever heard in your life.
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Franky as Monsta X
Just himbos, I don't have anything else to say.
Bg or gg stan? I think he would tend to listen to bgs a little bit more, but both regardless.
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Brook as Dreamcatcher
Oh, I just know Brook would love Dreamcatcher. Women? Check. Rock style? Check. Horror concept? Check. They are perfect for him, it makes so much sense.
Bg or gg stan? Not as exclusively as Sanji because music is music, but gg stan.
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Jinbe as MAMAMOO
Jinbe would love every Mamamoo member's unhinged personality as much as he loves Luffy's. He would have so much fun with them and their concepts and their music, it's a strong feeling I have.
Bg or gg stan? Both.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 3 months
I was scrolling through your tags and links last night and i will never stop being SHOOKT of the way you right Steve and Bucky JAHFOWJDORJEI
So I present to you- fresh faced Steve x twunk Sebastian x WS!Bucky
During endgame, they made a joke about the hot tub time machine movie and that implies the existence of one Sebastian Stan in the marvel universe and I'm reminded of that discovery when I read your selfcest drabbles/fics Nghhhhhh
So like, imagine a movie night with the avengers and Steve's all chilling when he suddenly sees the younger face of his dead best friend (ehem lover ehem) on the screen. He loses his shit, quietly, and Steve's captivated, he can't take his eyes off the man in front of the screen, animatedly talking and playing his character
Natasha's the first to notice of course and she quietly tells him that he's just an actor that happened to have an uncanny resemblance with the late sergeant. Steve nods along, heart aching behind where he's squeezing the pillow to his chest. When the movie ends, he returns to his floor and googles Sebastian Stan and basically spends the rest of the night stalking him
Do you see the potential angst!? The 'he doesn't want me as me but because I look like someone he loved' trope on Sebby who falls in love with Steve but can't really act on his feelings bcs he knows he only reminds Steve of his lost love???? Or.... STALKER STEVE AJDBWKRBWOHFIE
as an actor, being stalked is nothing new for Seb but good lord he's never been stalked by a 6'2, blonde man built like a brick houseeeeeeeeee; and his stalkers' weirdly polite and charming too, flowers and chocolate and lots of other gifts-
Then we get the events of the winter soldier and maybe instead of leaving, Bucky stays around stalking Steve and he discovers Steve's massive obsession with this actor who looks exactly like him. Another identity crisis for Bucky because is he even real? Or just another version? What if he was just modelled after this man? He needs to know more about this man
It ends with the two of them stalking Seb, watching from afar, leading to possible dub-con EHEM AHSIWHEUWHIEJRJF
I WANT TO WRITE THE PORN PART BUT I FEEL LIKE IVE GONE LONG ENOUGH ABIUT THIS UGHHHHHH bcs can you imagine poor regular Human Sebastian trying to keep up with two ravenous super soldiers who are nearly twice his size!!? Overstimulation and marathon sex would go crazy!!!!
That's all 😘 hope u have a good day Sir S!!
Aw, thank you!! I'm touched 😘
Oh yeah, I always forget about that. Timeline shenanigans are fun, aren't they?
Oh. Oh. But that's devastating. Can you imagine how wrecked fresh-from-the-ice Steve would be? Seeing his lover's face on another man? It would be like being jostled from his sleep by an explosion on TV--his heart races the same. Shit.
The stalking that would go down. Holy fuck. Yeah. Stalking and pining. I can only imagine the hours Steve would spent staring at his laptop screen, longing to reach out and touch his face. He looks so, so similar!
OH I FEEL THE ANGST. But I wasn't thinking about it like that! Oh my fucking god, Sebastian falling for Steve--who wouldn't?--but knowing the whole time that it's not him that Steve wants. Oof. And while Steve's heart is big, maybe he could learn to love Sebastian for Sebastian... that's not going to happen when he's so locked up with grief. He can't move on from Bucky by being with someone who is his twin. All he can do is yearn for Sebastian, who looks so much like Bucky that he can't resist, but doesn't act like him. He isn't Bucky. It hurts. But it's all he has.
Oh my GOD, there's something darkly comedic about Steve becoming a stalker because while my immediate inclination is a stalker in the traditional dangerous, threatening way and not an unwanted, too-intensely-earnest infatuation. Huh. That would be so interesting! And how would Sebastian react to that because Steve is very handsome and sweet but... boundaries. Jesus Christ. They need to establish boundaries.
Oof. A stalking triangle? A love triangle? We're getting wild, lmao. The identity crisis would fucking TAKE BUCKY OUT. Yeah. What the fuck. Who is he? Who is this man? Has Steve entirely replaced him with this lookalike? Does Steve not want him? Does he not need him? Who is that, and what's happening? I feel like it would probably make Bucky crazy jealous, right? He's unsteady at that time, and so I feel more than stalking he would turn to threatening poor Sebastian.
And maybe it all ends up with Steve explaining himself, standing between them, physically buffering them with his arms spread and his hands up. Then, well... why turn down an opportunity like this? Steve has forced his way into their lives (back into Bucky's life), so, he deserves what he gets--two lookalikes, two loves of his life, taking it out on him. Using him. 😏
This would go hard as a long form fic!! You're so fucking right 💥 💳💥💳
And thank you so, so much for sharing!! I enjoyed reading and thinking about this!
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layuhsblog · 6 months
lucas x male reader?
story: m/n gets kidnapped by a mafia group, and their leader, yukhei, wants the money that the former's family owes him - it doesn't come, as they don't care about m/n.
this makes yukhei have a change of heart.
(lucas is not really a jerk, he's just trying to do his job)
Hii, I made it into a chaebol m!reader x mafia leader! lucas fic,
hope you don't mind. I've never written mafia au. So this is pure shit I'm really sorry. I'll rewrite it and make it better once I have more experience.
Thankyou for requesting and reading it. ALSO- this was an amazing request. Renegade is such a bop and he LOOKS SO FUCKING HOT I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Thankgod there are still Lucas stans on Tumblr.
Anyway hope you tolerate this fic T-T
dk the word limit prolly 1k words
warnings: kidnapping, stockholm syndrome???, soft boy mafia lucas, angst, fluff?, small mention of religious trauma, family's a bitch, drugging, panic attack, hyperventilating, thoughts about death, mentions murder, daddy issues?, death, swearing, badly written threats, winwin is a dick but he loves you :), Lucas being HOTTIE MAFIA LEADER OOF, kissing.
To myself- Lucas x M!reader
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Coming out to your orthodox religious family was not easy. On the surface the media thinks you're this wholesome rich family but the truth was much deeper and darker than it appeared.
You were sitting in a bar drinking away your problems when you were approached by a cute gentleman.
"Hi, rough day? May I buy you a drink?" he smiled at you
you tiredly sighed,
"If you're trying to get me into your bed, not happening."
He chuckled,
"Let me just buy you a drink, I'll walk away if you're not interested." You scanned his face, not so discreetly.
He looked cute and shy..you didn't see anything shady about him. You cautiously eyed his again and nodded. He showed a toothy grin at that.
"I'm Winwin by the way!"
"___" you replied and for the first time that night showed a slight smile.
A few hours had passed and Winwin started to grow on you, a couple of drinks more and your eyes started getting droopy.
Before you could call your driver to pick you; you passed out.
When you woke up, you had no idea where you where. Immediately you sat up and met with a throbbing headache. When you tried to get up, you realised your hands were tied. Panicked you screamed and screamed for someone to help you. You screamed till you lost your voice, and burst out crying. You had no idea what happened to you, what they'll do to you or if you'll even get out of here alive. All those thoughts became too mouth and you felt a bitter metallic taste in your mouth as your throat ran dry. You couldn't breathe. The worst of all, the room was empty except for a clock in it, it had been a long time since you were here and you were almost sure no one was looking for you.
"Ya done screaming or should I give you more of a reason to cry about?" You did not realise someone else was in the room with you. It was Winwin. Your heart sank.
"Y-you! What have you done to me!? Let me out! P-please." The last word came out as a weak plea and he laughed at your pathetic state,
"Can't, boss' orders. Yknow if he hadn't told me to bring you to him, I'd might as well taken you out on that little date." He winked at you and you were filled with disgust as fresh tears threatened to spill out from your eyes.
Your chest, throat, stomach everything hurt. You felt like you could throw up any minute.
It took you 15 minutes to calm yourself down all the while Winwin was looking at you with an amused look on his face, watching your every move like a hawk.
You were just blankly staring at a wall. The worst that can happen is they'll kill you. Who cares if you die?
Five hours had passed since then and you were doing nothing, feeling nothing so you closed your eyes and tried to sleep on the dirty floor. Winwin stepped out of the room to call someone, he did not realise the door is not soundproof. It sounded like he was threatening someone, probably your family you presumed.
"We have your son motherfucker. If you don't fucking pay us back you'll find his body in your front gate. Have fun when the headlines say 'L/n Family's Youngest son found dead on their door. It'll be fun seeing police raid your family seeing all the black money you have." he laughed
"Do what you want with him. You can't hurt my business. You're a nobody." and he heard the beeping of the phone.
The door, half broken and rusty slowly creaked opened and the fear you felt when you first came here returned. Winwin stood up straight and greeted the man. He had long black hair, his gaze cold, almost predatory.
"Did you hear back from those bastards?" he spat out, glaring at Winwin.
There was an awkward silence from his side and he eyed him and looked back at you. Immediately understanding what it meant, you weakly laughed.
The whole situation was so funny to you when it finally clicked.
You came from a famous family full of businessmen. People so influential that every move you made had to be absolutely perfect- however to them, you were far from it. The first shock came to your father when you were fifteen years old and told him you wanted to be an artist, that you had no interest in the business. Second and the final straw was 2 days ago when you came out to him and he disowned you.
To think such educated men could have such shallow ideals.
You remembered your mother, how loving she was. If she were here she'd definitely accepted you. You remembered how she told you crying how all this success was a lie and she wanted you to stay as far away from it as possible, afterall you weren't like your father and brothers. You remembered how you saw her that night for the last time. You remembered how you heard them fight in the other room, your brothers had left the country to pursue their studies. You remembered how you heard her scream but your door was locked from the outside. You remembered vaguely seeing a blood stain in the carpet which magically disappeared the next day. You remembered the police labelling the case as a suicide, how there was literally no evidence found- how each and every corner of the house was checked except the locker your father held the keys to.
The realisation made your blood run cold.
Your father had borrowed a large sum of money from someone years ago to start his business. He always assured your mother he'd paid them back. The situation in front of you made it clear that your father has always been a selfish bastard.
The thoughts, the questions, the suspicions hit you like a train wreck and you started laughing loudly. Both men looked at you puzzled.
"I cannot, that fucker- no one's coming for me, he killed her and he'll kill me too. I'm gonna die here anyway. That's so funny. Its always been fucking money. It's more important to him than fucking accepting his son and supporting his wife." You said between your laughs as tears spilled through your eyes
The man knelt down, his eyes softened a bit, voice comforting yet distanced, he motioned Winwin to get out of the room and spoke,
"Hey, calm down. You're not gonna die here. I'll take care of him. I'm sorry I involved you into this. I'll let you go. Just an advice, don't go back there. Get your own place, you have a chance to disappear from his life. Take it. I'm Yukhei by the way, you can call me Lucas." he smiled a bit.
You blinked in confusion, looking for any signs of humour in his words but there were none. He sounded genuine. It puzzled you how he could switch up so quickly. It made you curious to know more about him. Lord have you gone insane.
"What if I don't wanna leave. What if I want to help you get rid of him?"
And he only smiled.
"I'm not alien to murderer, rich heartless fathers." he joked,
"And I thought I was unique." he laughed at your comment. He has a nice laugh. You thought. You wanted to hear it more. Its funny to you how you feel safer with a literal mafia leader than you've ever felt with your father.
You talked some more, growing fonder of him each passing second. You realised he's not as cold as he appears. He was just doing his job and truthfully your father was just a huge dick. He has such a bright smile. His eyes had this spark when he was talking about the people he works with. He was making your heart beat faster.
He took you to his room, gave you clean clothes to change into and made you eat.
"You know, Winwin likes you- he felt bad about whatever he did." you nodded as he continued, the room suddenly felt hotter than it was as he leaned closer,
"Too bad, I want to keep you to myself" He whispered in your ear before he held your chin and connected your lips together.
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waywardsou2 · 21 days
Dudes have any of you seen Fresh? The horror movie with Sebastian Stan in it?
It's my first time watching a horror movie and I have two very distinct opinions
From a viewer pov: I am absolutely shitting myself here. I cried twice already. I'm only 30 minutes in and I knew from the start Steve was a creep. Horror romances are clearly the bar for me now
For a creator standpoint: it's so well written and the actors have done an incredible job at playing these characters so far. They are doing it so well I actually fear for their mental health. It's quite inspiring how well done this movie is
But guys this movie is fucking with me. It's 11:30 and I don't know if I have big enough balls to deal with this.
It's so hard to watch coz I know Seb is such a teddy bear in real life and I know him best from the Martian and as Bucky. It breaks my heart to see him like this.
Lemme know your thoughts (minus spoilers)
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minijenn · 17 days
Why I pictured this?
Stan: "How you could confuse me with him? Don't you see the difference?"
Ford: "We have the same face Stanley! That's why we're twins."
Stan: "C'mon Stanford, everybody knows that between you and me, I'm the hottest twin!" (trademark shit-eating grin.)
Ford: "Between him and me, when will you learn grammar, Stanley?"
Stan: "That's why you're the nerdy one Sixer."
Unnamed Gem: "Wait! Your names are really Stanley and Stanford?"
Stan: "Yeah! Our old man wasn't a very imaginative man, by the way."
When the gem learns that Stan and Ford are twin brothers.
Tbh I think the Gem would just think they're the same cut of Gem, not understanding the concept of human twins very well since she's fresh off of homeworld. After all, all Rubies and Peridots and Lapises and every other type of Gem out there share the same face basically, so why can't humans too? (I believe there's a joke in old UF of Peridot assuming the same thing about Dipper and Mabel lol)
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