#i respected Velvette in the episode before this
whippedcloudsofcream · 8 months
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Velvette in Hazbin Hotel S1E3: Scrambled Eggs
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allastoredeer · 6 months
Just had a hilarious thought.
Yes, Alastor is attracted to power. But his coming to that realization was not prompted by Lucifer or even Vox.
It was seeing Zestial!
Imagine: He first arrives in Hell, and he's still building up for his big reveal, and then sees Zestial putting on some impressive power display and was like: Oh.
Z was his first aesthetic crush. Thankfully a passing one, but it explains why he respects him so much.
It puts a whole new spin on his reaction to Zestial appearing in front of him on the street in Episode 3. Then his immediate order for the EggBois to shush, despite barely tolerating them before. "Shut up, he needs to think I'm cool."
Okay, okay, okay, I got, like, 3 messages side by side the other day (including this one), that involves Vox as well, and I've been super sick the last few days, so I read this in my migraine, dehydrated addled state and cooked up an entire backstory with Alastor and Vox, which includes Alastor's attraction to power (and his previous attraction to Zestial), and his falling out with Vox, and why they are what they are, and Velvette was in there somewhere, but now that I'm not longer sick I only have fragments of that glorious, complex, multi-faceted, super emotionally charged relationship, and I'm pretty sure most of it spawned from this.
That's all to say, I am so so SO fucking on board with Alastor's first crush being Zestial because when I watched episode three when it aired, and saw them interact, my first thought was "I ship it."
Literally, I shipped Alastor/Zestial before StaticRadio or AppleRadio. Alestial was my first Hazbin ship 😂 So this is just dasdfjlnsaklfjna YESSSSSSSSSS
"Shut up, he needs to think I'm cool." It's okay, Alastor. Zestial thinks your the coolest. Your the most entertaining Overlord on the block. He told me himself.
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weebsinstash · 8 months
Now Im interested on the "What if the 3 Vs passed Reader around like a blunt"
I kind of meant it in like a "what if you were some weird shared friend/pet" but I've seen people HC that the 3Vs are poly, although we've never seen any canon confirmation of this and on the Instas it was always Vox who was Val's explicit partner
Although to be nasty I feel like Velvette would be fucked up enough to watch Reader get railed by Val and Vox. Like in some party scenario where you're with all 3 in their house and Valentino dopes you up or something, she's just like, recording you getting spitroasted on her phone
I usually imagine these sorts of scenarios as Reader meeting Val and then slowly drawing the attention of the others, although Vox really has grown on me and I hope we see more of him these last two episodes. Anyways i'm starting to like the idea of Reader meeting Vox first. Like can you imagine you get hired on as a coder or a programmer or a product developer, and he's patrolling the facilities or checking in on a specific project and that's when you meet. He either notices the quality of your work or your manager brings it up to him, or there's some massive metaphorical fire you put out (like that woman who saved toy story 2 from being completely erased because she had all the files backed up, something like that)
You and Vox get to talking, getting along, having similar tastes. He starts giving you different projects, ones he thinks are better suited to your skills (and also put you in closer proximity to him). Fucking liar is arranging shit like company calendars or company events where there are photoshoots JUST so he has an excuse to pose with you for a photo. I mean, it makes sense right? Why would you question your boss wanting to take a celebratory photo at the release of a huge product launch? And you're happy and feeling so respected and successful and being friendlier with him the more you settle into Hell and feel safer, and then I imagine Vox's way of being "obvious" is that he's like, easily nervous or a nervous laugher , I dunno. It's all preference but I like yandere/antagonists who keep their cool a little bit but then it's also cute when they fawn over you 🥰 like the people who know him see the way he laughs around you and they Instantly Know
But then, maybe Val is perceptive enough to notice, "hey why does my man keep taking photos with this one specific person". Like maybe Vox is trying to be slick with it and all the photos are group shots but Val notices that every single photo has you in it and some of the photos are for really minor events he knows Vox wouldn't normally care about. Vox slips up one day when you and him are "sharing a car to go to a company event" which totally isn't like a catered dinner that there are only going to be SO many people at, TOTALLY NOT an incognito date that you're complerely unaware of the intentions behind, and Vox has to stop in back home to grab something, or you get pulled inside for a moment just to wait, he's gotta grab a laptop or a flash drive and, suddenly here's Velvette, "Vox I'm borrowing your nerdy employee, I'm short someone and I need a model for something" and you're getting dragged away
Vox is freaking out thinking you got swiped by Val and he's zipping through the electrical lines in the house (the electro-teleportation shit really is SUCH a game changer), and he finds you trying on things with Velvette, "oh my gosh I've never worn something this nice before, thank you for giving me the opportunity to try it on ^^" and Velvette is so pompous that any praise goes right to her head, and now Vox gets to see you all styled in... whatever. Velvette waves a finger, "now you two match!" as she puts you in an outfit with Vox's aesthetic and color scheme, and she's doing it to tease the both of you but she IMMEDIATELY notices "oh hey Vox what's that look on your face >:3c does someone have a crush?"
SHE would be the fucking gossip who would tell Val honestly. Actually new headcanon lmao: the Vs rarely want to share you but will rat each other out for "having you" in a heart beat. Velvette and Vox hide you from Val, but any of them will gladly steal you from the other lmao. God, a yandere Vox who's lucid and tryna keep his behaviors under wraps, keep it to pictures, stalking and looking from afar, and then you have the other two Vs like SHOVING YOU at him as like, a joke to watch him squirm and blush. They'd be randomly bringing you along just to tease him and watch him sweat. Valentino hits Vox up for a date or a night out and the tv demon shows up and you're there too lmao
I feel like these three are the worst because they all have the capacity to be obsessed with your appearance. Velvette is an influencer, Vox is a TV mogul and tech CEO, and Valentino... obviously we don't need to comment on his penchant for having arm candy. All of them are obsessed with their appearance and their brand and one of them is literally a tailor with magical clothes changing powers. You could have something like the other two Vs show up while you're serving Val drinks and Velvette cocks her brow, "hey, why doesn't this one have a proper uniform?" And she just starts zapping you into different varying levels of exposed outfits that match the other employees at the strip club and Val's aesthetic just for kicks as the big man himself oogles you like a pervert and his boyfriend is pretending he's not interested but, his screen is totally turning red
Tbh I'm suddenly thinking of like, imagine thinking "your body is safe" because Val has never come onto you and, you aren't sleeping with anyone and, you get upset one night and do some self harming behaviors. Velvette or Valentino comes and demands you try something on or you get nonconsensually zapped into something and there are cuts hidden on your body. Velvette is furious because this affects how you look in her clothes and what she can dress you up in, Vox is you know concerned because idk I imagine he knows what it's like to be horribly insecure and feel like you aren't good enough, and Valentino probably loves having you constantly half naked and the self harm scabs? Not hot, babe. Obviously they're all upset over you hurting yourself but, these are occasional feelings on top of that
Ugh I dunno just. They all have power and influence and money and they're all crazy and I'm over here kicking my feet and twirling my hair with thoughts of being objectified in allllll the fun ways
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kaledya · 2 months
Hello, Hello !
So I will use this message to answers all your questions and talk about more 'important' writing from the fanfic, like that, all is in the same area !
(Also before thank you for your kind words for my healing, I'm feeling almost normal !🌸)
So first, I read you others responses and saw that you haven't really ideas for the rest of your SSAU and you see it more of a concept and I respect it, its normal. SSAU have a different ending in his first season than the main show, so to be a bit lost in how you want to direct the story, when you are not used to write, can be overwhelming. Don't worry, I've got you !
• So, what are my plans after the Overlords Meeting ARC ?
So technically, I was waiting for you to make more storyboards, you know, because that was the plan to write what you are imagining but as I said, its okay if you don't, we will talk about it and found something.
For the plans we already established in another message this order of things :
  - Overlords Meeting ARC   - Vox VS Alastor   - Valentino and Angel problem ARC   - Constantine arrives at the hotel
Season 2
- Serenity, Lucifer arrives too. - Charlie goes to Heaven - Ruthlessness by Azrael.
That is the base I keep.
So in my mind, what I'm preparing (without spoiler but still comprehensible)
- Episode 5 : Overlords Meetings ARC (more lore with the gangs) + flashback + Vox VS Alastor confrontation but not a real fight with powers. Just a song battle. Serenity and Alastor interaction.
- Episode 6 : ACTION. Secondary plot focus, Lolicia phase 2 showcase and emotional triggers + Lolicia and Alastor past flashback +   (Combat songs!)
The emotional triggers link to :
  - Episode 7 : Angel and Val + New OC entering (link to secondary plot) + unlocking more past for Lolicia. Husk conforting Angel (new song)
For Angel and Val, you already made some doodles and drawing about how it would happened with Charlie poison tail, (showcasing for the first time the Royal Autority ability - teasing more and more Constantine arrival) and Val suffering for some time as a punition.
- BETWEEN episode 7 and last episode,
[Second Interlude with short stories maybe with others characters ?]
details (no orders) : we have the activities for the japanese summer festival preparations, RadioSnare organisation (explaining how to gain influence probably), Pentious getting more confortable with the group as there is a new guest arriving (new OC of episode 7), inviting the Overlords one by one for the festival (songs), the Vees (Vox and Velvette) to deal with, Lolicia is changing because of the event in episode 6.
Now, do you have little arcs/exemple/archetypes of sceneries or interactions you would like to see in season 1 ? Something you wished happened in the main show fo exemple ? I could include it here ! Some Huskerdust, Chaggie (relationship things are okay of course)
Lolicia changing/breaking (time to be a writer and make my readers cry) :   - explaining about the showcase of power in episode 6   - her power is offensive (what will see in episode 6) and defensive (purple cords)   - offensive power (big rewrite song of the Underworld by epic the musical)
  [remember that Lolicia as a power that doesn't use souls and still slaps and Alastor wants to know why]
Constantine related things :   - Constantine arrives because something worrying happened close to the hotel and he wants to protect Charlie and see her 'progress'.   - Epic meeting between Constantine and Lolicia   - Constantine see something in Lolicia and wants to decipher it (that is why he will be more "relax" with her than others guests at the hotel, introducing his ways of interaction in season 2)  
  - Last Episode, Then at the last episode of the season, the japanese summer festival made by everyone with the Overlords invited (yukatas, fireworks, and realising that the people of the hotel are finally having something close to a friendship.) Developing trust is the main thing of this season.
Before the end of season 1 :   - Lolicia reason of death unlock
Because in the main show Season 1 : we know  HOW characters died (bullet in the head, alcool poisoning, drug/coma, probably abuse...) Season 2 : we learn WHY characters died we will probably have the past of Pentious and why is he redeemed, what happened in his life, perhaps Alastor's mother and past serial killer crimes, the mafia family of Angel ect.
And I will use the same pattern in my ff. HOW in first season and WHY in the second season. I hope it make sense !
[We need the coronation of Constantine somewhere in season 2 or 3 like in your short because it was amazing !!]
So yes, that is my plan, and remember, if you want to say/add anything, you can. We are both gods here as you said (no idea is stupid and can only be worked on) 🌸
• So Lucifer position in AA/SSAU ?
I'm based on what you said about him. He is more prideful and more serious (still depressed). I think, as we talk about, the bad blood between him and Charlie will be more difficult to cure. But he is a fallen angel, that guy is power, more than Constantine who is his son and already impressive. But Lucifer let his son deal with matter of the kingdom and live a bit on his own.
(I heard what you said about wanting Constantine to be more angelic, blonde and human and surprising Demons when they met him because its a contrast. And I like it a lot ! I'm excited to see how you will change the design!)
For Lucifer, I think a chill part of him and an important aura must be around him like Azrael and Abaddon that we already saw. Perhaps the corruption is around him and not inside him so he looks like a dark archangel ?  Shattering away and reconstructing always. A never ending circle of breaking and healing ?
Of course tell me what you think about it ! Because its a little bit different of your idea of Lucifer !
Like it could be the other way around, when he is "normal" Luci look dark, not mean, just what I said before and when he is "mad" or ready to fight there is something more holy/unholy impressive in his face/body ?
I don't know if it make sense. We can keep his obsession with ducks. He is also occupied with his humans followers/cultists.
Perhaps, because his idea of Hell didn't appeared as he wanted, (the circus thing), perhaps he is planning to create a new part in Hell ? A new ring ? And this project took all his attention (hyperfixation) and he will have interesting conversations with Abaddon (and others Archangels) leading to why this Hell is not based on military legions ect ? Just ideas !
• Where is Lilith in AA/SSAU ?
Good question! Again, I was waiting for your ideas but now let's talk about it.
Lilith is already a powerful character, a queen, someone who reigns on her husband heart without even being here. And in SSAU, creator of the Ars Goetia, mistress of the night and bird-like appearance, right?
But technically, what is she really ? A human trapped in eternity, corrupted by Abaddon insides.
We need weakness and things she can't have to make her relatable. Perhaps while searching for something she can't have, she met Roo (that we already saw we know she is clever and cruel) get trapped in a sunny cage (bird symbolism and day/night) and Roo found the possibility to do a metamorphosis of the queen herself and her plan to destroy the Morningstar Family (with Alastor focusing on Charlie).
Eve is the host of Roo so perhaps her own anger/fear about the fate of her own family (Adam, Cain, Abel, Seth and the unamed daughters) give power to Roo to indulge in chaos/destruction. And Roo is just a concept of corruption and not even realising that the host she despise and treat as a child (Eve) is actually the one that make her exist ?
She took Lilith down, something link to her plan and for that she also need that Alastor do something ? Tell me what you think !
So yes, Lilith is trapped.
Actually I think Constantine would try to do something to find his mother. Perhaps send a detective (an OC we could create?) (And we like Sherlock type of dynamics) to search for Lilith ? Could link the Hellaverse part more easily with the story (with your OCs) : the seven deadly sins and their children, Ars Goetia, the brothel with the succubuses, even Verdelet !
• What Abaddon thinks of the others true archangels ?
So my Abaddon is an special angel and a place/hell, so yes he is a bit different from the true archangels, his brothers and sisters. He loves them all overall but he doesn't have plenty of quality time. He is not in Heaven even if he can go freely there.
To have a metaphor, I don't know if you saw the Ghibli movie "Castle in the Sky" ? There is a robot soldier who is the guardian of the floating island Laputa. And he is alone because the other robots are just asleep or dead. And he takes care of little foxes who kind of lives on him and trees. He cares for them.
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Abaddon is like this robot and the little foxes are his brothers and sisters. That is how he thinks of them.
- Azrael, they are very close and work together from times to times.
- Michael, they don't talk too much, Abaddon sees Michael like something mixt between a heros and a gladiator. In term of strategy planning, they actually get along quite well.
- Uriel, is actually his favorite sibling but he can't talk to her face-to-face cause she is the Sun of God and he is the Abyss, so their power hurt eachother. So they write to themselves  letters each month.
- Gabriel, they would probably do shopping together and talk of wild subjects. It would be like listening to 2 ADHD people conversing with each other.
- Raphael, his duty is to tell to Abaddon what the hell is happening in the world, the big changes in humanity ect ect. So they see eachother each year for report. Abaddon mostly don't listen and just scultp his brother face because he thinks his face is very feminine and pretty. Raphael took it as an insult each time but still take the bust sculpture his brother carved for him back to his domain in Heaven.
- Jophiel, is like an annoying little sister. She is curious of her brother and wants to know him better. She chit-chat a lot and its overwhelming him. So Abaddon listen but not necessarily answer. He makes her dolls to make her understand he still cares.
- Lucifer, Abaddon knows Lucifer very well because he lives inside him, in Hell. He knows that Lucifer is depressed and doing his own thing. Most of the time he calls him Mael Still (for Samael). They are actually kind of alike in their personality, both inventors and they have a lot of interests in common. But for Lucifer its difficult to see his brother and just forget that he is imprisoned in him (and if Abaddon would have been in his side in the rebellion against Heaven, perhaps he would have win ?) That is what he thinks. So yes, they have things to work with to their relationship to be better!
I will answer Lolicia faq in another message because this is already too long ! 😭 Ahah but I'm curious to see what you think and ideas, its very interesting to talk about all of this !
Thanks to read it all and I hope I did answer well (because I can definitely loose myself)🌸
First of all, thank you for your understanding.
And seriously, you don't have to follow the plans I made or infos ı take etc, I prefer you to be free. I seriously think you are a creative person!
And yes, generating new ideas etc. by talking is a really good plan! Thank you
(up to episode 7) I think the way you set up the episodes and events is really excellent Character development is happening slowly, events don't feel rushed It is very nice that we can delve into the history of Lolicia rather than just presenting it to us.
And yes, Angel's salvation is Charlie killing Valentino.Angel seriously deserves freedom after so many years
And it is very nice to mention the past of Alastor and Lolicia again, the threads come together as if weaving a carpet.
I can't wait to meet the new OC who will come in Valentino's arc, I'm already curious what kind of character they are
As I said until this part, I think everything is great.You've really made a very logical arrangement and it doesn't feel like it's a replacement for anything.
(Intermediate chapters after 7)
There is nothing I want to happen. Frankly, you have already written the events that should happen, there is nothing I can add🛐. Allowing breathing after story arcs. And it's really smart of you to think of sections that allow us to see the consequences of those important arcs.
And your choices are really great because these arcs both strengthen the story and introduce the characters better.And I think that stories always need sections where the reader can breathe.And that's exactly what you're giving them.
Regarding the relationships (huskerdust, Chaggie), I think these relationships can be improved by including them in arcs without a separate arc.
Wait WHAT?? What will you do to her NOOOOO!!
As a writer, I know it's fun to make OCs suffer, but since I'm a reader right now, I don't want to see lolicia suffer.(⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠)
And what will happen in Ep6??? I know we will see the past and there will be a combat song but what will happen that will affect lolicia so much!!?!!
Rewrite of Underworld????? What will happen? For God's sake and I have always wondered where Lolicia's powers come from, I can't wait to find out.But I think I will be sad rather than happy when I learn this information?What kind of tragic story is behind their powers?
Constantine's reason for coming really made sense.Also, it makes sense why he is more interested in Lolicia. I'm seriously looking forward to the events after Constantine's arrival.
AND yes that encounter my god I seriously can't wait to see the dynamic and dialogue of these two!
Japanese festival? It's seriously a great idea to end the season, we see the character development of the characters clearly and before moving on to the next season.And I think it's a really enjoyable arc to read.
The HOW and WHY dynamic is really very logical, it creates expectation and curiosity on the part of the reader, and it allows the character stories to be told in a more orderly and logical way.It was truly a great choice!
I'm really glad you liked my short, but it was something I made for fun for that song.I don't know how it will be transferred into the story because in order for Constantine to be crowned king, Lucifer must either stop being king or die💀
Seriously, it was great to read your plan and I think you came up with a great plan, I don't have anything to add because it's already perfect!!
As a god, I take off my hat to you who are a god too 🎩
And thank you for your thoughts on the ideas, it really relieved me to hear that because I'm not very confident in my own ideas.But I still want to say that if something I said is not compatible with your story, you do not have to use it.And please feel free to tell me that I think criticism will improve me!
Definitely, Lucifer is a little more proud and serious than in the series, he is an energetic guy, but he is a really tired man, someone who was left alone after the loss of his wife and his estrangement with his daughter.While one side of him constantly wants to make things right with Charlie, the other proud side is too stubborn to admit his mistake.
And yes, the situation with Charlie is too serious to be fixed with a song and a hug. They haven't seen each other properly for 7 years and the last time they had a serious fight they never met again.Their bond isn't broken, but it needs repairing, and it's not something that can't be fixed with a long conversation and a willingness to listen to Lucifer on Charlie.They just need some daddy and daughter time, time will tell the rest.
((Lucifer's relationship with Constantine is very different from his relationship with Charlie. Since Constantine was raised as a king, he and Lucifer had a love for each other when Con was young , but they are not close now.And although Lucifer knows he can make things right with Charlie, he knows he can't(or don't know how) do that with Constantine.
Lucifer and Constantine have a relationship similar to Shifu and Tai lung, although it is not a form of hatred.
(Con still loves his father, but there isn't much intimacy between them, and after Lucifer's fight with Charlie, Constantine also had an argument with him about his attitude towards Charlie. V And since then they have seen each other much less. The last time they met was after Con arrived at the hotel and told Lucifer to go and meet Charlie.)
Lucifer's desire to make Constantine strong was for his own good, and little Con was someone who would do anything to make his father proud.But the way Lilith and Lucifer raised Constantine kind of killed the child in him.
""Kill the boy and let the man be born, Jon Snow"))
Long story short, Lucifer is currently alone in his palace, so it can be considered normal for him to be depressed.
THANK YOU!!! I can't say that I've changed him so much. In a way, he now wears his hair braided and open.And as an extra, I added an outfit with more dominant white+gold colors! + Golden scales make up under his eyes!
Here is The New ref sheet!
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A circle that constantly breaks and then heals again as a reflection of the black archangel corruption of Lucifer is a really interesting idea.In a way, it summarizes The hell, a place that hosts new lives after death and die again, again and again until eternity.A death circle that can never be broken, created from Lucifer's mistake.
As an extra, this idea reminded me of Oroboros (I'm not sure if I spelled the name correctly.I think it was a snake eating its tail that described the endless cycle.
And I really like the idea of Lucifer being corrupted. There's still a fire burning brightly inside him, but it's slowly starting to fade away because there's no one around to feed the fire.
And Lucifer's idea of trying to create a new ring because hell is not what he wants is also very interesting. Maybe even if he cannot do this in reality, but in his palace he can create miniature architects like a LEGO.(Not exactly LEGO but you get the idea) He still has a love for ducks (maybe it's Lilith's memory,Or it has a special place in his heart because it is something he created.)
On the one hand, he is trying to create the utopia at home that he has never had but wants to have.After all, Lucifer was a dreamer Or who knows, this hobby was a distraction he used to escape his missing wife or problems with his children.
I really liked all your ideas, they all fit with Lucifer's character.
Yes, Lilith is such a person in the story, and maybe Lucifer and Lilith may know about Roo's existence much earlier and try to prepare for this danger, but when will there be treat coming that they cannot see?
Regarding getting caught, Lilith may have finally found or encountered Roo, and after a conversation between them and a battle, Lilith may have lost.After all, Roo is evil and has become even stronger with the evil born over the past 10,000 years.
And Lilith is fighting with Eve here, maybe Lilith might feel guilty for what Eve went through, after all, Eve was once her younger sister. And this caused her to show a moment of weakness in battle.
I think of Roo as a kind of god. (Similar to those in Greek mythology) Roo only dies when she is forgotten or what she represents disappears.This is in a way impossible because what Lucifer did created evil and now evil has taken deep roots in the world.So I see Roo as a really difficult enemy to defeat.A kind of embodiment of evil
As for Eve's character, Eve is an intelligent woman, but she is filled with a lot of anger after being thrown out of Eden.The 'gift' that Lucifer gave her took a lot out of her, not only from her, but also caused a lot of damage to her loved ones.Their sons killed each other, all women in the next generation were cursed with the pain and risk of death brought by giving birth. Thousands of women suffered and.Eve was declared the scapegoat for all this pain
(I even thought of such a scene, but I don't know if it would fit the story.
Luci: Eve, I can understand the hate, but can you please just listen to me for a second-
Eve: HAH! Do you understand my anger?YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND MY ANGER.
IMAGINE LUCIFER CHARLIE AND CONSTANTINE KILLING EACH OTHER, AND YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. ALL YOU DO IS HOLD YOUR CHILD IN THE BLOOD.AND WATCHING THE FEAR IN YOUR OTHER CHILD' EYES AND THE CHILD TO RUN AWAY BEFORE YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING.Because he think that I hate him after what he did. Thousands of women and children suffered for that damn apple, Lucifer. While you were sitting in your palace and spending time with the family you built, I stood by these things.I have seen crimes that make me disgusted with humanity You're the one cursed for your so-called mistake but all you do is watch from your palace and I feel every sin.You can't understand me, Lucifer. (In this scene, between Eve and Roo's personalities, Eve is much more dominant.)
So, she wanted to change things, take revenge, and Roo, realizing this, decided to use her.
In a way, the combination affects Roo eve's personality, and eve affects her , but on the other hand, they're separate existence and under that accumulated anger, eve is still a good person at heart, I guess she just needs a light.
(I think I can give Darth Vader as an example. In the end, no matter how corrupt he was, Luke was able to save Anakin again)
So, in a way, Roo is a corruption as you say.This is something that could happen to anyone. Eve's current state is corrupt. Eve still has her memories, she is still someone who cares about her children, but she is far from her old self.
For example, when we meet Roo/Eve Cain, it happens when Eve shows him the compassion of a mother.
For example, in Swap Au, Michael becomes corrupt after what he went through, and this is evident in terms of both personality and appearance.
And yes, it makes sense to take Lilith out of the picture in terms of Roo's plan. Because if Lilith was still there, she wouldn't let Charlie and Lucifer's relationship get worse.
And Constantine is also very affected by the loss of his mother. Lilith was the person who brought him and Lucifer together and made them spend time together. Also, Lilith was Constantine's role model and the only person who understood him, and after that loss, Constantine was left alone.
Lucifer lost the love of his life and his best friend and confidant, and was left alone in that huge palace with his past regrets.
So Eve Roo's plan worked really well. The Morningstar family is not whole right now.
And yes, then we have alastor. Roo is probably the main reason why Alastor came to the hotel. Probably to get closer to Charlie. But Alastor probably has plans to get rid of his chains.
And yes, Constantine is looking for his mother. Actually, I recently thought of an idea about this concept.Because a new OC and plan was needed for such a job!!
(If you think the idea is incompatible with the story, please tell me!)
After Lilith's loss, Constantine tries to search for his mother himself, but can find almost no clue. Whether Lilith left by her own decision or He does not know whether she is captured by a higher being than himself. ( Roo's existence is not known for certain, Lilith and Lucifer have not told him this yet.)
So after his own searches, Con knows that for such a search he needs to get information down to the smallest alleys, he needs to know even the smallest crumbs, but no matter how powerful he is, he know can't do this.
Not at the same time in all 7 rings, especially after his father left Royal duties and he was just starting to rule the kingdom.He tries to take time to look for his mother, but when he has just ascended the throne. He needs to show the demons how he will rule hell and also show his authority.
That's why he needs to go to someone who can provide information from every corner of hell and control even the whispers in the most alley.And the most suitable option for this task is the Clan of Whispers itself.A network of knowledge spread throughout the 7 rings of hell and a clan known for the accuracy of that knowledge and the trustworty of the clan.
That's why Constantine goes to meet Misfortune 7 months after his mother's disappearance.
(I'm thinking of writing their conversation here, but I'll summarize it for now)
No matter how much the Constsntine sees the Overlords as despicable Serenity is an exception, unlike the other lord, she is a lord who has become stronger with her silver tongue, intelligence and tactics, and has managed to spread her power to all the rings..While normally Overlords are limited to the pride ring, Serenity is someone who has access to all rings thanks to the hellhounds.
That's why Constantine already had a curiosity and interest in her.
Anyway, Constantine is meeting with Serenity. In the Serenity said that even if Lilith left by her own choice or was held back by someone greater than her,She says that in such a situation, finding a clue about Lilith may be almost impossible even with her resources, but she promise that she will do her best
Constantine then makes a small threat about what will happen to her clan if this information gets out of Serenity.
As a result, Constantine asks what he wants from Serenity. While Constantine was waiting for money, Power or something like that Serenity seeks protection. During her search for Lilith, she receives permanent protection when she manages to find Lilith.
The reason why Serenity wants this is that no matter how much other sinners or hell-born people stay away from her, she has no power of protection against nobles.But if she has the prince's protection, she no longer has to worry about her clan.(this is not a spell, just Constantine declaring immunity to Serenity and her Clan)
So, they make an agreement like this and while Constantine rules the kingdom, Serenity assigns her second most trusted man to this task.
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You can change this idea if you want, it's all your decision✨
The reason why I chose Giovanni was that he was someone who could go to all the rings of hell and that he had a lot of resources as he was the 2nd most authorized member of the clan.He's a very clever and cunning person.
I also think it's a really great idea to discover the other rings through a detective character!! It was really nice to see the characters we knew from other circles.
Giovanni brings the information he has acquired every month to Serenity, and Serenity informs Constantine about the developments.
I liked this idea because I wanted to build a friendship between Serenity and Constantine, and once a month, Constantine visits Serenity and talks for a long time, and this lasts for 7 years. That's why they had already known each other for a long time before coming to Serenity Hotel.
(Normally, these visits are purely for business purposes, but mostly there is no new information, just some whispers. And after months and years, Constantine begins to enjoy these conversations, because There's rarely a time when he's away from royalty There are also a lot of hellhound puppies in the mansion. 5 years later, Constantine had a little talk with someone and played a little game with them.And from then on, the cubs did not leave him easily and whenever they saw the Consntine, they asked him to tell a story or show a spell.(After all, puppies don't know what hierarchy is, they probably don't even know who Constantine is)
Do you think this idea makes sense? If not, please tell me! You can change it as you wish or remove this idea, everything is ok for me!)
The metaphor you used is really cute. I really liked the way you saw Abaddon's siblings. Even though he cannot spend time with them all the time, sometimes just seeing that they are good and safe is enough for him
-I really liked his relationship with Michael. It's a kind of big brother and little brother relationship. I'm glad they are on good terms even if they don't talk much!
-Her relationship with Uriel is really sweet, it's too bad that even though they love each other, they can't spend time together because of the way they are created, but their correspondence is really sweet.
-Lmao Absolutely yes,seriously it would be so fun to listen to these two talk they could probably talk for hours about a topic they love. But the topic they talk about is completely different every 5 minutes
-Lmao his relationship with Raphel was really fun and it would be really fun to see someone as serious and strict as Raphael talking to someone more relaxed and playful like Abdaddon.
-She would definitely be someone who talked so much that he would swell the head becouse of Jophiel, she would probably be jumping around him constantly, asking his opinion on every subject or constantly trying to get to know him better. And it's so cute that even though Adaddon couldn't spend much time with Jophiel, he gave her a doll to show that he cared about her.
-You explained Abaddon's relationship with Lucifer very well. Even though they are similar, what happened in the past is what is causing these two brothers to be alienated and separated now.Is Lucifer still stuck in what if scenarios about the past?I hope their relationship can improve So they say there's nothing time can't heal.
I saw the article the you Answer questions about Lolicia!! Thank you in advance and I will reply to you as soon as possible!!
And seriously, thank you very much for answering all my questions and explaining the plan in detail. It was really nice to read what you wrote. I really love your ideas.And it was so much fun talking about these with you. I seriously loved all your ideas, there is not even one that I didn't like o. Also, seriously, everything is in perfect order and there is nothing I want to add!
Thank you again for taking the time to respond. And I'm sorry for this long message in advance.
Have a nice day!! 🫂🫂❤️❤️❤️
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yurislilygarden · 7 months
hey!! I'm the anon who mentioned self aware vees? I'm here to give my thoughts
I think Val would literally have a mental breakdown. He values control (over his emloyees or otherwise) so he would struggle with that I think
Vox would definitely have negitive feelings towards watcher. I know that for certain. Again, he values control (over different things and different reasons than Val) He would def be irritated
Vel is a bit of an enigma to me as much as I love her but I think she would be pissed off (much less than Vox though.) I don't think she would try tell anyone?
The only thing is, would Vox and his technological side be able to effect Watcher in any way? I'm assuming they're watching this as any viewer would on some kind of device and it is shown in the pilot that Alastor can effect the 'camera' even if he doesn't realise it. How do their respective powers come into play?
Hi🗡anon, welcome back :D
Yes, I would say that Vox would have some sort of a mental breakdown after becoming self-aware due to realizing that he doesn't actually have as much control over things as he previously thought, which is the main reason for him being pissed off.
When it comes to feelings about reader, let's just say that if we were to place him on the list of who takes the longest to even get to the neutral zone, never mind the positive one, he would be in the top 3 easily.
We didn't get to see much of Velvette yet so it's a bit hard for me to tell, but I would say that while she would be pissed off a little more than a lot of the other characters, it could pass rather quickly (depending on if she realized her situation when a lot of characters weren't sentient yet and no one knew ANYTHING about you, or later on when she could be told some things soon after becoming self-aware) and be more in the neutral zone up until meeting reader or finding out way more about them.
I've been thinking about their powers actually, and thought that Vox's ability could be the reason why they can even know anything about the little watcher. Reader is implied to be just a viewer of the show (hence why they can't control anything like the characters are thinking or wondering about) so yes, they would be watching it on like a phone or on a computer etc., which is where Vox could come in technically. I think that there could be a chance of Vox managing (after many struggles) to get into whatever device reader is watching on, and while he can't control anything on it itself, he can for example look through the camera, which is how they would find out more about reader without meeting them (and before meeting them in the future, whether its by them going to reader's world or vice-versa).
As for the Alastor camera thing, reader sees everything the same as it plays out in the episodes (unless the characters find a way to break the code (?) and contact reader through the screen somehow, which is an interesting idea now that I think about it), so his ability to affect the camera (even without realizing it) doesn't do anything here.
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sstar-nerd · 8 months
Ok, I have risen from the dead because these two are hilarious to me in their entire concept.
So everyone is talking about the Vox and Alastor rivalry especially with the season finale with Vox’s commentary and the torn photo. Like, those two fucking HATE each other so comically. Everyone says it’s more on Vox’s side but I disagree cause on the very first episode Alastor HATES having to deal with video and being recorded. Maybe we didn’t pick up on it before but he’s very subtly INSULTING Vox that whole time.
But, could anyone discuss how funny it would be if they were still friends THIS ENTIRE TIME. Has anyone had those two friends who throw insults and fight with each other 24/7 but they’re actually super close? Like BFF levels of close? Just me?
Think about it: Alastor’s radio broadcasting things were still there after 7 years. You can’t tell me Vox wouldn’t have brought those down at some point even if someone else used them? Or just built some as his own version to display some sort of power grab? Like c’mon even if they were there for an important reason Vox would have found a way to take them over.
It would just be so funny for both sides to hear only insults about the other- constant slander and threats almost daily. Vox will not shut up about how much of a has-been Alistor is and about how he was gone for 7 years just RAGING. And the other half Alastor refuses to allow TVs into the hotel, constantly insults videos or any V products, and keeps making sly insults about Vox ANYTIME a video or TV is even referenced near him.
So it comes a time for the two groups to team up for one reason or another and they’re both dreading it. Val doesn’t want to deal with a grouchy and pissed Vox the entire partnership and Velvette knows she won’t get a moments peace. Charlie is coming up with plans on how to get the two to get along while Vaggie is simultaneously strategizing how to keep them away from each other. Everyone else in the hotel is all tensed and worried.
Than comes the meeting. They’re staring each other down for a good couple moments as the others around them make awkward small talk and then:
Vox: NO CALL!!!
Al: I don’t use-
Vox: Doing what? Being old?
Al: Regaining my sanity after our last brunch.
Vox: Oh I make ONE bland dish and you-
And then the two are arguing for HOURS. There’s not a soul in that room who has the bravado to get in between them or butt in. They’re all either terrified or seriously confused. Eventually the argument boils down to something akin to an actual conversation like two friends catching up.
Someone, I think Charlie, asks them about their rivalry and if they can work together now. Vox and Al share a confused look before they realize: they had never told anyone the status of their relationship. Vox is doubled over laughing while Alastor has his face in his hands trying not to do the same thing. Everyone is concerned.
When they’re done they have to tell the two groups how they knew each other for forever since their respective falls and had even heard about each other when they were alive. They became extremely close friends shortly after meeting and only became ‘rivals’ when they thought they were both becoming to arrogant and unchallenged.
Their friends are all horrified and confused.
Vox and Al think it’s hilarious.
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dallina17 · 6 months
Some Velvette headcanons
Velvette was not her name as a human. But she didn't like her real name, it made her feel week and powerless, so she started to introduce herself as Velvette once in hell.
The only one who knows her real name is Vox. Not even Valentino. Not because she doesn't trust Valentino, but because she didn't want anyone to know her name. Vox finding out was an accident, but he doesn't tell anyone. Not even Val.
Vox only calls her by her real name when she really messes up and he is really mad at her. But that doesn't happen often, is more common to find Velvette mad with Vox or Valentino.
Speaking of mad, Velvette is the only one capable of shutting Valentino up with a scream when she is really angry with him and make Valentino feel in #danger. Like if she screams "VALENTINO" very furious, Valentino knows he really fucked up this time, it's better to shut up, ask for forgiveness and do what she says before she gets angrier.
That is the reason why Angel likes Velvette a little more than the other two Vees. He says, quote "Anyone capable of shutting Valentino up with a scream has my respect". Still, Angel doesn't exactly trust her and wouldn't want to be around her that much, but it's not exactly rude to her.
On the other hand, Velvette thinks that Angel is cool, but she doesn't think too much about him. He is Valentino's business. They are friendly acquaintances.
Velvette is not only the youngest Overlord, but in all the history of Overlords (except maybe for Alastor, but Alastor is weird) she is the one who became an Overlord in the shortest time.
She is very perceptive and knows what to say to make people do as she says and convince them, that's why she got her first soul just 6 months after arriving in hell. The average is five years.
It only took her a year to have a good amount of followers, deals, and starting to have a reputation and getting sinners to know her name. She started to rise to power faster than anyone, but in a normal way, not like Alastor who one day appeared out of nothing and started to kill Overlords and become powerful. Velvette was more progressive and in the shadows. Her turning powerful was pure due to her hard work and easy way to influence others. Still, it was unusual enough so demons and Overlords were wary of her because they experienced Alastor's grab of power not so long ago. They weren't thrilling for an Alastor 2.0. But she is nothing like him.
Vox was the very first to notice her potential and approach her with a proposal to join his team (this was after Alastor refused the same proposal). Velvette wasn't so sure at first, but she knew that, even if she got to the position she wanted, it would take her more time to do it alone than it would with a team, so she said yes.
The first meeting with Valentino was very uncomfortable. Valentino, of course, being Valentino wanted to lick Velvette's arm as he did with Charlie. But Velvette doesn't take shit of anyone and using her weapon, she basically perfored Valentino's shoulder and made him back off.
"If you ever touch me again like that, I will fucking kill you"
But they have left that episode in the past and now they are like siblings who love to annoy each other. Valentino and Vox are his family and the ones she loves the most (for now). She would do anything for them.
She loves to express her love to her loved ones, especially with gifts and pet names.
Her primary love language is giving gifts. The second one is words of affirmation.
Her weapon is like a big needle that she can control with her mind and cross her enemies' chest, hearts, or any part she wants. Picture Yondu's weapon in Guardians of the Galaxy, something like that.
She knows so much about business, enterprises, making deals, being perceptive, and using psychology to convince others to do what she wants because her human family was rich, and made her get involved in the family's business.
Her role in her family's enterprise was marketing, principally through social media, another skill she learned due to her family, and that has helped her in her time in hell.
She is the youngest of three siblings. She had a bad and tense relationship with her sister. But she was very close with her brother (her brother was the member she was the most close with). Maybe that's the reason why she can connect more with Valentino and Vox than, let's say, Carmilla or Rosie. Val and Vox are her new big brothers.
Her sister is also the reason why she hates pussy people so much, especially if said people have power. Her sister had so much power, and she wasted it, being afraid and shy and kind. She hated it.
She is adopted. So she felt she had to earn her place in the family. That's why she got the most involved with the business.
The family business had to do with drugs, both "legal" (medicine that was addictive and killed you slowly but you couldn't stop buying it because of how addictive it was) and illegal (other types of drugs). Even if passively, she is responsible of the death of thousands so yes... That's one of the reasons she is in hell.
Her family had many enemies. One of them hired a hitman to kill them and he succeeded. His whole family is in hell, except his sister, but he only talks to his brother sometimes.
Even if she has some knowledge of drugs thanks to her family business, in hell is something she doesn't want to have anything to do with. Drugs are the business of her parents, she would get to power by her own means.
Her true passion is making clothes. Both design and stitch.
She has two notebooks with clothes designs. One with designs for the regular demons, and one with designs specially made for her loved ones. So Vox and Valentino (and later Emily).
She has a pretty good sleeping schedule, but when for A or B reasons she can't sleep, she doodles clothes designs.
She hates crying. Crying is a weakness.
She loves sweet food, but she loves even more sour ones.
She absolutely can't cook, wash clothes, clean the house. She always had people to do it for her. So yeah, esteriotypical rich kid.
That will be all for today! I hope you like it. I got a little carried away with this but is just because I love Velvette so much 😂♥️
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wishful-thinking64 · 17 days
One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion #08
Two out of the three Hispanic characters in Hazbin Hotel are deeply rooted damaging stereotypes within Spanish & Latin American cultures and the one that isn't a blatant stereotype is misused. ___________
With Spanish Heritage Month right around the corner and being a Latina myself, I think it's more than fair for me to give my thoughts on the Latinos (in Spanish, it doesn't matter if there's only one guy in a primarily female group, you have to put Latinos) in HH. Let's start off with the least offensive out of the group, Carmilla Carmine.
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We're introduced to her in Scrambled Eggs which is Episode #03 of HH. She invited each of the Overlords to a meeting to speak about how brutal this year's Extermination was and what they could do going forward. During said meeting, Velvette throws the head of a decapitated Exorcist on the table for her to try and take control of the conversation. Things before and during the song Respectless (why this song wasn't called Disrespect or Diss-respect is something I'll never understand) escalate as Velvette figures out that Carmilla is the one behind the dead Exorcist based on her body language and when she asks, "You know why this angel's headless? Do you have a disclosure?" Carmilla immediately ends the meeting thereafter, confirming her suspicions were correct. People have already criticized the mystery of the dead Exorcist being solved way too soon, though I haven't seen as many people criticize why the other Overlords didn't look or immediately question Carmilla the SECOND that Exorcist's head rolled on the table? Like, you guys know that she's Hell's top ANGELIC arms dealer, why wouldn't any of you suspect her from the start? Even if she had ended up being a red herring, I would've seen it as the Overlords using the process of elimination and common sense cause why wouldn't the ANGELIC arms dealer kill an Exorcist??? In any case, the reason behind Carmilla killing the Exorcist was to protect her daughters and thus someone we should sympathize with. Except that, we don't know anything about her daughters and we still don't know her. So why should I care? I have no attachment and therefore no proper reason to care for a character I JUST met. And don't get me started on her daughters as they're nothing more than minor plot devices who could've been replaced by Vaggie. Speaking of which...
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Vaggie is based on two harmful Latina tropes and one harmful LGBTQ+ trope with these being the "Feisty" Latina, the Crazed Latina, and the Man Hating Lesbian. Whenever the "feisty" Latina is done in media, she's almost never actually feisty but rather plain bitchy. The word feisty is used because the show runners tend to want the audience to like this character as, to them, she's (somehow), "a woman who knows what she wants and how to take charge." We see this several times when Vaggie isn't interacting with Charlie though I would say the times that this backfired the most was in Episode #01 and Episode #04. Back in Episode #01 when Vaggie was working on the hotel's commercial she wants Alastor to help out with it. Mind you, she previously slandered the advertisement he had originally made for the hotel so I don't know why she wants his help with making a new one in the first place but nonetheless Alastor basically says, "Yeah. No. I'm not gonna help you cause you already know I hate modern media and you clearly didn't like what I had planned so figure it out." Now, instead of ending the conversation and leaving the man who wants no part in this alone, she holds up the camera that she has in her hands and not only films him but actively mocks him too. This isn't a "bold move" like I've seen people claim it to be, it was simply moronic since she already knew he was an Overlord that's killed and fought people over MINOR INCONVENIENCES. After this the two strike a deal which is another plain stupid move on Vaggie's part as that's only going to come back and bite her in the ass later on in the series. Meanwhile, in Episode #04, she told Husk to go after Angel Dust even though... A.) Going after the residents isn't in his job description. B.) If ANYONE is going after the residents it should probably be THE MANAGER since it's their job to make sure that everything between the staff AND customers is good. C.) She KNOWS that Husk has been sexually and physically harassed by Angel in the past as not only has she SEEN it but she's TOLD Angel to stop harassing the staff. I guess the safety of your co-workers doesn't matter though if Charlie's sad. D.) Lastly, I swear that there was a rule that was established early on about NOT FORCING RESIDENTS TO STAY AT THE HOTEL. Like, am I tripping or did the series retcon that super fast??? Anyway, the point is that the series has Vaggie acting like a snide bitch when she's interacting with anyone other than Charlie. This "feisty" Latina stereotype goes hand in hand with the crazed Latina. The crazed Latina trope is when a Latina will throw hands for the dumbest of reasons or for little to no reason at all. It makes it seem that Latina's are overly aggressive which is how the series portrays Vaggie. She's always seen wielding an angelic spear 24/7 knowing that she can kill any resident or staff member who steps out of line with her, constantly seen threatening to hurt others with it. Out of the two racial stereotypes this one has been called out the most as it's paired with the man hating Lesbian trope because every time Vaggie's threatened to kill someone with said angelic spear, it has ALWAYS been a MALE character. Okay, now it's time to end this off by addressing the elephant in the room that is Valentino.
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Oh, God. Where do I start with this failure of a character? I suppose, I'll start with the Casanova aka the Enticing Latin Lover archetype. This involves a strong suave man who's tall, dark (or I guess light purple in Val's case), and handsome (I wouldn't call him that but that's how he's portrayed in the series) as well as being full of ulterior motives! He's the sultry hypersexual Hispanic seducer that everybody can't seem to get enough of. I wouldn't have nearly as much of an issue with this as he's the Overlord of Lust but with how the stans either absolve him of or make LIGHT of his crimes solely because they think how he looks, sounds, and acts is hot (brother eugh), with the show runners encouraging stuff like that on social media (yes, I'm referring to when people were comparing Val's personality to Karen Smith from Mean Girls with Viv agreeing with it cause he's so dumb), his sole purpose is being a plot device for Angel Dust and being fetish fuel. Which really bothers me considering that a good chunk of Hazbin Hotel stans are LITERAL CHILDREN! Continuing on, we have ill tempered and idiotic Machismo/Macho Man. The show can't seem to make up its mind whether or not they want us to take Valentino seriously or not. I get what they're trying to do by making Val intimidating and cunning at one point and a "charming" himbo the next but it's done in such a jarring way that could've been easily fixed had they shown him being more creepy towards lower class demons and Sinners but have him be "charming" towards Overlords and other members of Hell's high society. Like in the show, he's openly verbally violent towards Angel Dust while Charlie is in his presence (I also hate the fact that show Charlie didn't actually do anything when she noticed that Val had hit Angel cause pilot Charlie would've thrown hands regardless of what Angel told her) and doesn't give a flying fuck when she's turning into her demon form RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Then there's the fact that the Hellaverse doesn't take violence seriously until it HAS to and then these moments can come across as unintentionally comedic. Case and point, when I initially saw Valentino backhand Angel Dust in Episode #04, I AUDIBLY LAUGHED. That shit SHOULD NOT have been nearly as funny as it was! It was meant to be a serious moment where the show segues into how Angel is abused at his job but there I was laughing my ass off in my room for a solid thirty seconds before I was able to regain my composure. Next up is point three about the Cholo or gangster archetype in which a Latino will wear stylish street wear clothes (similar to the outfit Val wears in Episode #04) and commit violent crimes. My previous points indirectly had me go into depth about the violent crimes part so let's move onto point four which is Val being a drug addict and drug maker. Latin characters (specifically men) have been depicted as drug dealers and druggies since AT LEAST the 1970s (it only makes it worse that Valentino supposedly died in this time period.) It's been heavily implied that the smoke from his cigarettes acts as an aphrodisiac which is why he blows it in other peoples faces so much. We see him smoking cigarettes (which contain so much God damn chemicals in them but especially nicotine) throughout the show like its nothing meaning he's gotta have a high nicotine intake (logically, he would've gotten lung cancer by now.) The last racial stereotype that they gave him is the raging alcoholic and I know that anyone can become a raging alcoholic however alcoholism is actually a very common problem among Latinos as more than 33% of them suffer from issues related to an alcohol dependency. It's an ongoing problem that many Hispanics face and seeing how Val is already shown to be a violent individual WITHOUT alcohol in his system, that's only going to make him worse and we saw that in Episode #02 when Val got more irritable and threw his drink in Vox's direction upon knowing Angel Dust was staying at the HH.
___________ People of the jury, I rest my case and I hope you all liked reading my thoughts and I'll see you later!
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pandamoniumvibes-27 · 8 months
I been wanting to speak about my character Analysis of Velvette for a long time so I might as well put it here.
Please note that this has spoilers for all of season 1 of Hazbin Hotel.
Since I first saw Velvette i thought it was very Interesting the change they took with her character.
In the pilot she is young energetic and gives chaos energy but in the final product we see that they changed Velvette to be overall more mature.
Velvette in Hazbin Hotel’s first episode is shown as a master of fashion, overbearing, and she knows what she is good at. Velvette in episode 3 is way more interesting.
While it is ironic that Velvette doesn’t actually even fight against the angels in episode 8 I think this says a lot about Velvette’s character. It’s easy to write her off as a coward after this but if you look deeper into it it’s slightly surprising.
It’s no surprise Velvette is great at observing and great at manipulating (assuming that because she is overlord of social media) it’s shown so clearly in episode 3. Velvette’s goal when attending the overlord meet was to gather information and see who had power. Velvette is easily able to see Carmilla killed the Angel and immediately tries to manipulate her and the other overlords to fight the angels.
The Vees were hoping Carmilla or Alastor would pick a fight with the Angels. In the last song of episode 8 Vox and Valentino sing about how because of the extermination they can now gain more control. Velvette also isn’t dumb she heard what Carmilla said about how picking a fight with the Angels is a death sentence and I think this is what surprised me the most.
After looking back at it more it made sense to me why Velvette actually took Carmilla’s advice. Velvette like I said before knows what she is good at she knows that if someone like Carmilla who has more power than her says fighting the Angels is a bad idea then it’s true. Even though Velvette comes across like she doesn’t care about what any of the overlords say but while she might not respect them she understands they have more power.
Velvette is soo interesting because while so many take her saying she is the backbone of the Vees as her having knowledge of social media it’s actually the fact she can observe so well.
Also something I found cool was even though Velvette didn’t speak all of episode 8 you can see she is clearly listening. It’s a great way of showing how Velvette spends more of her time observing before acting unlike Vox and Val who don’t fully think before they act.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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My biggest problem with Staticmoth is that there's a LOT more evidence for Val being shitty to Vox then there is of Vox being shitty to Val. Like, Val throws shit at Vox, yells at him, breaks his stuff, and out right manipulates him on screen, while the best I can come up with for Vox treating Val poorly is like. The cameras in the club scene, Vox yelling "THIS IS BETTER THAN SEX" in the finale and the fact that I wouldn't put it past him, but those are all flimsy at best and just like, kind of nonsense at worst?(and before anybody brings it up, no Vox is not abusing Val during their interaction before Stayed Gone. He is having a reasonable reaction to somebody he cares about threatening to shoot up a building that literally contains the second most powerful being in Hell, putting both Val's life and their collective image on the line. I go into depth about it in this post if you still aren't convinced)
The camera thing is a weak argument because we don't know enough about Vox's watching habits of Val to really come to a solid conclusion on this, but based off of how Velvette had to alert Vox to Val's tantrum in episode 2, I think it's safe to say Vox isn't constantly watching him. The way the cameras follow Val's movements could also just mean that they. Detect motion. And follow the motion. To make sure they're recording anything that might be important? Which to be fair, we don't know for sure if that's the case, but we ALSO don't know for sure if they're locked onto Val specifically, so either way we're really just making assumptions.
As for "THIS IS BETTER THAN SEX", this may just be my inability to read social cues and asexuality coming through, but I don't really get how yelling "this is better than sex" would be an insult to the entire porn industry? Like, if I saw somebody saying that I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they are insulting the very concept of sex, unless they seemed genuinely unenthusiastic about the thing they were calling better than sex. Also, should be noted that even if Val took offense to the comment(which given his expression in the scene I think he did? And it's also not an entirely unreasonable thing to be a little insulted by), Vox wasn't TRYING to insult him. That comment was not directed at Valentino or his work. This is something that could be worked out with a very simple conversation. Which is more than I can say for how Val was acting before Stayed Gone, but I digress...
I think, of these, the best argument I have in favor of them being mutually toxic is just. I wouldn't put it past Vox. I could see him being a manipulative piece of shit partner, that feels in line with his characterization thus far. Hell, I've compared him to both Spike BtVS and Gideon Graves before, who are, for the record, pretty bad people to enter a relationship with for most of their time in their respective franchises. Like they both get better but still- not good. The thing is though, there just isn't any EVIDENCE that he's actually doing anything to Val! In fact, I'd argue there's more evidence against it, given how Vox seems to be generally detatched from the other Vees work as a whole. Like they advertise and work together, sure, but Vox is never in any of the Love Potion ads, and Vel and Val are never in any of the VoxTek ads. The only advertisements where Vox is with either of them are the ones that are just meant to build hype for the Vees as a collective(the big Vees poster we see in the background & the silly icecreams). Vox doesn't seem to be that controlling of the other Vees. He's also just- really good to Velvette? Like he stays out of her business and the two act genuinely affectionate towards eachother(I've also gone more into depth on this here). And like, as much as I want Poly Vees to be canon, it's not, so we can't use that as a direct point of reference for how he is in romantic relationships(or whatever the fuck he and Val have going on...), but it is still relevant because it's a good example of how Vox treats his equals. So, while it is DEFINITELY not a stretch to assume Vox is a Gideon Graves ass boyfriend, there just. Isn't anything to support it beyond vibes.
*ahem* Anyways yeah. I wanna get behind Staticmoth, I really do. Most of the people that ship it are super chill and the fan content for it is really cute. But I just can't. Because, as of right now, most of the evidence points towards Vox being in an abusive situation with Val. The fact that there is a very high chance of that is troubling to me. I'm down to be proven wrong next season, I love me some good ol' toxic bs that's just fun to watch crash and burn, but for now I'm just kinda. U n c o m f y.
EDIT: Okay, this is another one of those "in the light of day I don't actually agree with everything I said" edits, and this time it's about saying the evidence pointed towards Staticmoth out right abusive at the end. While I do still think that's a possibility, I've been trying not to throw that word around as much, especially in the context of fandom? Abuse is a VERY strong word, and it ends up getting misused a LOT because people are labeling things that just. Aren't abuse as abuse because it's a buzzword. All the evidence really points to is that Val treats Vox worse then Vox treats Val, and while that could very, VERY easily become abuse, we haven't seen enough of their dynamic to be completely sure. Just thought I should make that clear.
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krystal-kade · 8 months
What's your opinion on the hazbin hotel songs?
(I've heard a few and i think they're okay..)
I'm so glad you asked bc I have some OPINIONS
(I'm not gonna talk about the pilot, just the episodes)
I've watched the first four episodes and they're better than I expected, but my expectations were on the floor
The first song is "Happy Day in Hell" from "Overture." Although this song/plotpoint should have been WAY later in the series, I like it. It feels like "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow" from the pilot, however both songs are on my playlist. It's a good song that serves as a recap of the pilot, showing Charlie's personality, motives, and her relationship with Vaggie (a little). It's a nice song with little substance, and feels like a Disney Princess' "i dream of something more" song. 7/10
In the same episode, we get "Hell is forever" sung by Adam. THE Adam. The first man Adam. Charlie meets with the Angels (just Adam and Lute, a girlboss exterminator who I think is in love with Adam?) and discusses her plan to redeem sinners. Adam laughs her off, singing "Hell is Forever," trying to convince Charlie that sinners can't change. Adam is such a dickbag that it's hard to like any part of this scene. He is really disrespectful towards women, grossly sexual, swears more than most characters in the show, and talks about being the "original dick." It wasn't unbearable, but it's probably the most forgettable song so far. 2/10
Next is "Stayed Gone" from the episode "Radio Killed the Video Star." It feels like a rap battle. It's a competitive song between Alastor and Vox that takes place over the radio and on TV respectively. A basic rundown is that Vox is kind of horny and down bad for Alastor, won't admit it. Vox is really pissed that Alastor came back (he was gone for 7 years) and is basically going on TV to shit on him. However, before he left, Vox had asked Alastor to join the Vees, (an influential group of overlords with names that start with 'V'; it's giving middle school popular girls) and Alastor refused. Vox is mad that Alastor didn't join, which leads Alastor to drop the iconic line "I said no and now he's pissy, that's the tea." This is probably one of my favorite songs in HH. It's catchy and unproblematic (which seems to be difficult for Viv). 8/10
"It starts with Sorry" is a song Charlie sings to Sir Pentious, telling him she'll accept him into the hotel if he owns up to his mistakes. It's an okay and forgettable song, but it's super ironic. A song about acknowledging you've hurt people, apologizing, and becoming a better person? In Vivienne fucking Medrano's show? Absolutely hilarious to listen to, if you go at it with a different perspective. Viv should take her own advice. 3/10
The episode "Scrambled Eggs" is based more around women (shocker, it wasn't written by Viv or Adam). The first song in this episode is "Respectless." It's sung by Velvette, one of the Vees, and Carmilla Carmine, an overlord. Velvette brings a decapitated angel head to an overlord meeting, and announces that angels CAN be killed, contrary to their previous belief. Velvette suggests they fight back against the angels and the exterminations, while Carmilla is adamant against it. The song's fine, but I especially love Velvette's lines. She has an English accent (Essex? I think?) and basically says "I'm not just a bitch. I'm THE bitch" and I love her for it. 5/10
Right after that, we find out that Carmilla killed the angel, which would have been shocking, but we only knew her for like, 5 minutes. The meeting's over, and it's just her and a few others. She says that she killed the angel to protect her daughters, and that going to war would endanger them again (basically "going to war endangers the people we started killing for"). She sings "Whatever it Takes" about protecting those she loves? I think, the song wasn't good enough to pay attention. This song's got a side-by-side with Vaggie, who's singing about wanting to protect Charlie. It's a sweet and nice song, but was just kinda mid. There's also a problem with Vaggie's singing, in which her voice is deep and monotonous, but her singing is light and high-pitched. 4/10
Oh boy. The next episode. "Masquerade." The first song is "Poison," sung by Angel Dust. It was released early, and got lots of hype and controversy. Similar to "Addict," it's a song where Angel talks about his struggles with addiction and his sexual abuse at the hands of his pimp, Valentino. Both of these songs are also on my playlist. It's catchy and fun to listen to, while also tackling deeper topics. Angel feels like his sexual abuse is his fault, and although he absolutely hates it, he feels like he has no choice but to stay. The song on its own? 9/10. Then the episode came out. The song shows Angel dancing and singing this song while graphic images flash behind him. Images of his rape and sexual assault. This episode had ZERO trigger warnings. The creators of this song were Viv and Raph (I can't find his last name right now). We can only speculate for Viv, but Raph 100% has a Rape kink. He ships Angel x Valentino, posts cosplay and art shipping them, publicly sexually harassed (asked for the nudes of?) a 15 year old, and essentially has admitted he finds rape and SA hot. He also lied about being an SA victim. Neither Viv nor Raph are SA victims. This song is just to fuel their rape kinks. Viv and Raph have yet to apologize for sexualizing SA, and have since doubled down on why this is "good representation." Truly disgusting, I have no choice but to say 0/10
"Loser, Baby" is similar to "Poison" in the sense that's it's fine until you REALLY think about it. In this song, Husk tells Angel that he used to be an overlord, but lost his power to Alastor. He says that he understands how Angel feels, since both their souls belong to overlords. The song is supposed to portray a "you're not alone, I understand what you're going through" message, but instead feels victim blame-y, with Husk kinda telling Angel that he should just try to ignore and move past it because everyone struggles. 6/10 song, 0/10 message
The songs were kinda disappointing, especially the last two. Fuck Vivienne Medrano
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phoenixlionme · 7 months
Carmilla and Vaggie Related Theories
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I've seen a popular fan theory that Vaggie and Carmilla might actually be related, specifically a long-lost mother-daughter. And I'm here for it. I mean this seems like an obvious hint like with Vaggie being a former Exorcist Angel. And I'm here to share my own reasons for why I think them being related is a strong possibility. Though, if it happens to be a mislead, I still think they're best bros.
Their distant duet together when Carmilla makes her first appearance hints at a connection and I don't mean their future mentor/mentee bond in the 7th episode. For all the duets we've seen, they've been between people who have some sort of personal connection with each other - Vox and Alastor are bitter rivals; Charlie and Lucifer are an estranged father and daughter now rebuilding their bond; Charlie and Vaggie are committed and loving girlfriends. So, why does Vaggie and Carmilla get a duet before even meeting one another? Because their bond is going to be explored in Season 2.
Following from my last point, their bond being explored more makes sense. We saw Carmilla smile in pride when she heard of the Hotel's victory, clearly thinking of Vaggie. Plus, the Vees are going to be bigger antagonists, and their targets are Charlie, Lucifer, Alastor, and Carmilla (at least, the ones I remember), and Velvette especially dislikes Carmilla. So, I think a Velvette/Vaggie rivalry (maybe even Velvette developing a villainous and possessive romantic interest in the latter as it parallels Vox's one-sided crush on Alastor and Valentino's abusiveness to Angel Dust). And what better way for them to interact than through Carmilla.
They have similar personalities - Both are serious, emotionally guarded woman who are very protective over their respective loved ones. They both manage, at different times, to check Alastor's ego. And both show a softer side towards the people they love. And another subtle thing I've noticed - both speak in Spanish when angry (Vaggie with Alastor; Carmilla with Velvette).
Just how similar their designs are with similar grey skin, similar (though not completely identical) eyes, and long hair. And throughout "Out for Love", whenever Vaggie matches Carmilla's pose, their resemblance gets even stronger. It's almost like Ms. Viv is saying, "Look. Look. They're mother and daughter".
Following from #4, how can they look so similar but still be distinct. Two possibilities - One, if they're related, Vaggie took more after the father but still gained a few things from Carmilla; Two, since Vaggie is an Angel, it wouldn't be so out there that her Angelic qualities made her look slightly different than her supposed family who ended up in Hell, thus gaining demonic qualities.
Also, Vaggie share a subtle indicator of being related to Carmilla - Vaggie's shoulder sleeves (?; I don't know what they're called) are similar to Carmilla's literal white arms.
When Carmilla is first introduced, she has a similar role to Vaggie's - leading a group on how to make sure their respective business doesn't fail.
We still don't know the FULL extent of Vaggie's past. Yes, we know she's an exorcist but it's still ambiguous if she's Heaven born or a mortal who died, went to heaven, and recruited into being an Exorcist. Some things may have changed since the pilot, but I strongly believe that the crew is leaving Vaggie's full origins a secret until season 2 comes.
Both songs that Carmilla is in features Vaggie. And both songs speak directly or indirectly about her parental love to her daughters.
If this bit of info is still true, according to Fautisse (?), Vaggie is a great dance. And Carmilla has a ballet motif and uses dance as a fighting technique. Possible connection.
Similar to Lucifer and Charlie, where we see the former's wings when with his daughter during both of the songs from "Dad Beat Dad", Carmilla is able to help Vaggie regrow her wings during her song in "Hello, Rosie!"
Another thematic connection between the two - the use of angelic weapons. Carmilla has an entire business of procuring and making them while Vaggie is the only Hazbin resident to use an angelic weapon from the start (which largely hinted at her past Angel Exorcist past).
Something funnier but during a cast interview, both the VAs of Vaggie and Carmilla describe their respective characters the same way - "Bad Ass Bitch". See here.
And those are my thoughts. If anyone has other thoughts, please add on but be respectful.
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royalvelvette · 7 months
Alastor, Zestial, and Hubris - Preamble
(Ao3 Link)
Okay, so. I don't know how many of you have seen this meme by @the-nerd-beast about Alastor & Zestial, but i saw it the night it was posted. It articulated something I had wondered about offhandedly during episode 5 but ultimately decided was probably not important; and got me thinking about it again, in more detail.
Namely - why was Zestial spared? What made him different from the other Overlords Alastor killed? What reason would Alastor (power hungry, chip on his shoulder) have to let one of the oldest Overlords live when he targeted the rest with impunity?
The obvious answer is that Zestial was kind (or at least polite) to Alastor, even before he had a lot of power to his name. I think this is supported by canon - Alastor and Zestial have a pretty friendly acquaintanceship, Zestial in general is respectful (he's one of the only Overlords to not demean Charlie, even if he doesn't believe in her ideas); and he's polite even when criticizing Velvette's suggestion of taking the fight to the exorcists.
However, that's boring. Instead, I would like to propose a theory that's feasible, if not likely:
Alastor did, in fact, target Zestial during his rise to power. However, unlike other Overlords, Zestial came out on top - and Alastor was forced to make a deal with him to escape a worse fate.
This theory will be broken up into multiple parts, listed below:
Analyzing Alastor - Breaking Down Alastor's Deal (ETA Wednesday 06/03); How Powerful Is Alastor; Alastor, Emotions & Emoting; Unfair Fighting: Alastor vs. Overlords
Analyzing Zestial - What We Know About Zestial; Zestial & Relationships (feat. Carmilla); How Powerful Is Zestial
Alastor and Zestial: Making a Cordial Relationship About Fear and Irony Because I Am Incapable Of Being "Normal" About Characters (The Actual Theory)
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Summary of the episode: The episode follows the hotel as they do trust exercises, Charlie puts vaggie in changes. In plot B, we follow Alastor as he goes to an overlord meeting.
My problems short formed:
● so much was going on, but it was still boring
● Some things should be saved for another episode
● cut back on characters
My problems long formed:
● this episode was really boring. It just was a miss for me, I mean, we knew about the angel head. I was surprised when Velvette had the angel head, and Camille was the one that did it, but the shock was over because after that episode, we got nothing on angel head at all.
So I suggest separating Vaggie plot for her own episode, then leave this episode to Camille and velvette as a whole. Before I forget, I suggested in my earlier reviews, keeping the audience from knowing about the angel head, and then when the angel head is thrown, I just know all the audience would be completely focus.
● like I said, vaggie should have an episode focused on her. And who she is without charlie, all the people I seen who like vaggie only like her because she with Charlie.
And I personally feel like you should like the characters for who they are, not who they are with. And for vaggie without or with Charlie, she basically summed up to be angry, doesn't trust anyone, and without a second thought, and pull out her spear.
(I just find it funny that vaggie doesn't do anything with her spear fighting wise until the last couple of episodes)
● I suggest, to cut back on characters, and the overlords could be those characters. I mean, none of them even really spoke except maybe 6.
I think the episode should've the overlords meeting being canceled because everyone was busy or made up excuses on why they didn't show up.
My rewrite:
So we see Camila working, then velvette kick the door open.
Velvette is demanding for Camila use the information she knows. Camila doesn't want to be part of it.
Then velvette talk about how in recent years Camila has been losing more respect form the overlords. Then respectless happens, and then velvette is kicked out. As Camila starts to be more tense, her shadow starts to stretch out, becoming alastor shadow.
Over all 6/10
Wow, it has been a hot minute since I did a review post. But life has been kicking me hard by keeping me busy. I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting.
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marvelgirl123 · 7 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel songs
So a friend of mine recently got me into Hazbin Hotel and while I haven’t watched the whole series I love it. I love the designs of the characters, the voice acting is incredible, and the little theater kid in me loves the music. I think the soundtrack is filled with absolute BANGERS that had no reason to be as good as they are. I’ve seen a lot of people rating the songs so I thought I’d do the same and before I get started these are just my opinions that you are welcome to disagree with. As long as you respect my opinions I’ll respect yours. Anyway let’s get into it
Hell’s Greatest Dad - This is actually the first Hazbin song I listened to and I love it. I think the banter and fighting between Lucifer and Alastor is hilarious and I can’t hold back a smile whenever I hear it. The song really makes them look like two divorced dads who are fighting over their daughter who doesn’t want them to fight
Respectless - I won’t deny that Velvette is a bitch but she’s fun to watch and I love her song. I think her voice actor did an amazing job with it and Velvette actually is one of my favorite character designs. She kind of reminds me of Cersei from Game of Thrones in the aspect of she’s a bitch but she’s a great and entertaining character
Stayed Gone - I love the back and forth between Vox and Alastor here and I once again think the vocal talent is great. Vox makes me think of a teenage girl who’s obsessed with the boy that turned her down at prom. The song also makes me wonder what could have possibly happened between Vox and Alastor to make them absolutely hate each other now so I hope we get some insight on that in season two
You Didn’t Know - I love the part when Emily and Charlie sing together. That harmony just scratches my brain the right way and I love it. I was also definitely not expecting Vaggie to be a fallen angel and seeing Charlie’s reaction to it broke my heart. I also loved hearing Lute sing and even though she’s a bitch I think her voice actor is really talented
More Than Anything - I love Charlie and Lucifer’s relationship and kind of envy it (daddy issues if you can’t tell). I love the “I’m grateful you’re my father/daughter” part and it always hits close to home. I also really do think that Lucifer does his best to be a good dad to Charlie and I hope we get more of him in season two
Poison - Angel Dust is one of my favorite characters so hearing this song makes me feel so bad for him and makes me hate Valentino even more. I want to hug Angel so badly whenever this song finishes and I was definitely not ready for that episode
Loser Baby - I love Husk and Angel’s relationship so much and I need to see Husk battling Valentino for Angel is some way in season two
Hell is Forever - I hate Adam and his song had no right to be so good but it was. I also love Alex Brightman and think he did an amazing job throughout the entire show even though his character is an asshole
Out for Love - This one is usually higher on people’s lists but there are just songs I’d prefer to listen to before listening to this one but still think it’s really good
Happy Day in Hell - I think Charlie is adorable and I think this one is usually further down on people’s lists but I really like it. No hate pls 🥺
Ready for This - Honestly I think Alastor and Rosie carried this whole song. I adore their friendship and hope that we get a lot more of it in season two. I need to see them hanging out and talking shit about other demons and overlords
More Than Anything (reprise) - Really cute song and I love Charlie and Vaggie together
Finale - It was a nice way to end the show but there are just other ones I like better than it. Also someone please go help Alastor, my boy needs it
Whatever it Takes - It’s a good song but it’s not really my cup of tea but I do love Carmila’s voice actor and I think we need more of Vaggie singing because I love her singing voice
It Starts With Sorry - I think this song is cute but that’s about it. Other than that I don’t have much to say on it
Welcome to Heaven - I hate this song and I think it’s pretty much just the angels flexing the whole time
And there you have it, my ratings and opinions on the songs from Hazbin Hotel. Like I said before, if you disagree that’s totally fine all I ask is that you respect my opinions. Have a great day or night and hopefully I’ll post again soon (it’s the middle of the night for me and this is what I’m doing)
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