hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
It’s summertime and there are still a few left who didn’t get gifts.  They were given to several volunteers, on more than one occasion.   You can stop waiting now.  I apologize.  I cannot make it happen for you. -Mod G
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: @ghosting-stars From: anon
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To:  @killuz From:  @gonprohunter I tried my best for you buddy.  Thanks for being so generous and patient.
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: TaePika (https://taepika.tumblr.com) From: Pom(https://killuz.tumblr.com) Message: i wish i could have made you something a lot better to make up for the present you didn't get last christmas, still, hope you like it. <(` ^ ´ ")
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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Another late one for the @hxhsecretsanta exchange! This one’s for @neferpipou, “fashionable” Zoldyck sibs is also my fave :3c 
Killu would SO match with Allu once in a while. They always go shopping together!
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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Hisokaaaa for @xxseilxx!! Belated happy holidays, here’s your gift for the hxhsecretsanta exchange!
(he’s really fun to design clothes for omg i spent hours sketching various outfits haha)
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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SUPER BELATED HAPPY HOLIDAYS, @yuuga!! I’m your (backup) Secret Santa from hxhsecretsanta, here’s a Pitou for you~
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: Khal  From:  GonProHunter I hope you like it?  I do.  hahaha!
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: Beefy @3beef From: Message: I know this is late, even for a back up! but i hope it brings you some late xmas happiness!! :)
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: CeeCee @xionbooty From: @kuuuroo Message: hello!!!! I hope u like this leopika!!! *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: @greed-ling From: @gonprohunter Message:  Hope this is ok!  Pretty soon we will get to read a new chapter!
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hxhsecretsanta · 9 years
To: @christmascronus From: Mercedes Message: Happy Spring! I think I tried sending this to you back in December, but at least now I know you got it! :D 
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hxhsecretsanta · 9 years
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To: Tong (kuuuroo) From: 3beef Message: Happy march lmao hope you like this killugon!!
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hxhsecretsanta · 9 years
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To:  Ephona / @ephonajizabel From: Tanginello Message: I heard you liked Chrollo so, here's Chrollo + some fishies. Happy spring!
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hxhsecretsanta · 9 years
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To: Audi @meganebi From: Pom @killuz I hope this makes up for the gift you still haven't received! \( ´u `
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hxhsecretsanta · 9 years
HxH Secret Santa Gift
to: cjmaree from: ultxars message: I really, really hope you enjoy this little ficlet! I hope you have a lovely christmas and this was so much fun i loved doing this! HAPPY HOLIDAYS! xx
Killua arrives at Whale Island with no clue, but to follow Gon along to help him with Greed Island. He doesn’t think he ever wants to leave.
They go out away from Mito-san’s home and out towards the beach. “Killua,” Gon says with a big grin on his face. “Have you ever swam before?” Killua’s grin reflects Gon’s as he nods his head. “Yeah.” They change out of their regular clothes and go atop the cliff and jump from vine to vine, and then splash themselves n the water.
Killua’s never laughed harder in his life when he saw Gon’s vine break: “Oh no—” is all he could make out. Killua’s laugh echoes joyfully across the beach.
“Killua, have you ever wanted to see if there’s other cool stuff in the ocean; like sea creatures, or monsters or something?” Gon shifts hands as he lays back, looking up at the night sky, a million stars shining the brightest; the water reflecting the stars.
“I guess, it’d be fun, just to see what’s out there,” Killua agrees, taking a bite out of his chocolate robot.
“Hm, we should do that one day,”
“Yeah we should.” Killua speaks thoughtfully, looking at Gon while his eyes are trained across the ocean.
“Killua, have you ever fished before?” Gon asks one day while his stay at Mito-san’s; he’s munching away on some food, and he grins at Killua from across the table. “I’ll teach you how if you don’t know!” He says, excitement in his voice, and Killua grins back. “Let’s do it!” They race out the door in unison, going towards the forest, and Mito-san hollers at them.
“Be careful you two!”
They fish for about five hours that day, Gon teaching him how to use the fishing hook and grabbing a lot of game—Killua has done almost everything he’s dreamed of since meeting Gon—he has the freedom, the ability to do what he wants without a careful eye to his moves or having more kills on his count—he never really gets to do whatever he wants or has much of a choice, being raised in a family full of assassins.
“Hey, Killua—“ Gon says aloud in his singsong voice, smiling at Killua. “Do you like it here?” Killua eyes Gon carefully. He does, he really does love it here—Mito-san is incredibly nice and Abe, Gon’s grandmother, always tells them stories of how other young men embark on journeys at young ages like they did.
These young men apparently always try and go to make names for themselves—but for Killua, he just wants to become a Hunter in order to leave home, to prove that he can become something other than an assassin.
Meeting Gon is truly a chance encounter—he wouldn’t trade it for the world, so Killua’s answer is simple.
“Yeah—“ he glances towards the waves. “I do.”
“Killua,” Mito-san asks him one day; he’s finishing up his food and chewing slowly.
“I just wanted to tell you, thank you for befriending Gon. I’m glad he met someone like you—and also, you’re welcome here anytime, even if Gon’s not here.” She smiles kindly down at him and Abe gives him a nod. Killua smiles back at them, a strange feeling engulfing him.
“Thank you.”
Killua and Gon camp out near the cliff by the sea—they hope to catch some fishes and watch the stars together—letting Killua indulge in the nature around him. He’s seen lots of other cool things back at the Zoldyck Mansion, but they lack something. Killua doesn’t know exactly what he feels it is, but he knows it isn’t anything as good as Whale Island is.
Whale Island is an experience on its own—with the air you could breathe and the sea wind that licks at your skin with its cool breeze.
It’s definitely not like the air back at the Mansion that makes you feel like you could suffocate at any moment.
Killua is glad that he is free from the reigns of his mother.
Killua glances back at Gon, who is looking up at the stars and he catches him off guard by what he says next.
“In my next life, I want to be me and meet you again.” Killua’s face flares a shade of crimson and he looks away. “Idiot,” is all he grumbles out.
Killua wishes he could stay here forever, the sun kissing his skin and the push and pull of the waves—the blue hues of the ocean constantly changing. Whale Island will be hard to leave, and he doesn’t think he could ever truly let it go. He wants to stay here forever with his best friend at his side.
Perhaps if Killua was born here instead of being born back at the Mansion, would he had grown up to be more like Gon? Would he be carefree with careless smiles, laughing away with a childlike splendor just as easily? The only time he ever feels this way is when he’s with Gon and Gon alone.
He scrunches his nose and goes back to the fire pit.
“What do you want to do today?” Gon asks him.
Killua shrugs. “It’s an island, what else is there to do?” Gon’s eyes light up immediately.
“We can go to the Harbor and see the market! I’ll go ask Mito-san if she wants anything from their for dinner!” He chirps, racing back to the small cottage.
Killua follows after him and is glad that Gon keeps him on his toes.
They go to the farmers’ market and seek out all types of different food; seafood, bread, pastries—every type of food Killua could think of is there. Pottery and crafts are sold there as well—he goes near a small booth at the back, and picks up a seashell. It’s small and pale, but with a tinge of blue gently painted over. Gon peers over to see what Killua is holding and smiles broadly.
“That reminds me of you, Killua!” Killua’s cheeks paint a nice shade of pink after Gon’s sudden statement. Must he always be so outspoken?
“You should get it and keep it with you! Here, I’ll buy you it,” Gon readies out his jenny, but Killua stops him. “Gon, you don’t have to do that—“ Gon cuts him off and is already handing his jenny over to the register. Killua splutters. They walk back to Mito-san’s, chattering away. “I want you to keep the seashell so you can always remember Whale Island,” says Gon. Killua blinks owlishly and smooths his hand over the small seashell.
“Yeah,” he whispers. “I’ll always remember.”
He departs Whale Island with Gon and waves goodbyes to Mito-san, committing his experience to memory. He clutches the seashell tightly in his pocket.
He doesn’t know when he’ll return to Whale Island with Gon, but he does hope to return when the time is right.
“Come on, Killua!” Gon hollers at him to hurry up. Killua’s grin widens and he races up to where Gon is, Gon hoots at Killua while he chases after him. Killua’s seashell clinks against his leg; the lightness of it being barely felt.
Years later, after the departure between Killua and Gon back at the World Tree, Killua takes Alluka to where Whale Island is. She howls with laughter at the miles the sea stretches across and the bustling of the people at the busy markets.
He sees the small booth that was once there when Gon had gotten him the seashell—he still carries it with him in his backpack, and he goes to the man that seems to recognize him after all this time.
“It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” He tells him. Killua nods. “Yeah, long time no see.” A vibrant pink catches Killua’s eyes and his eyes fall on a seashell that’s almost similar to the blue one he has. “That one was found this morning—it’s only 20 jenny for each,” Killua eyes it along with a pale green one next to it.
“I’ll buy them both.” He pulls out his money and hands it over to the man, and he hands the pink seashell to Alluka. She smiles gleefully and hugs him tightly.  
“It reminds me of you,” Killua tells her.
He visits Mito-san that afternoon, and she is stunned to see him. She has received a letter from Gon who is away on adventures. Mito-san is surprised that Killua didn’t go with him. He introduces Alluka to her and they eat dinner together, reminiscing the time they visited the World Tree together, with Alluka easily warming her way into the hearts of Mito-san and Abe.
Killua leaves that evening. Just as he’s ready to exit, he stops at the door. “Killua?” Mito-san sounds concerned, and Killua hands her the green seashell. “Oh? What’s this for?” She questions, eyebrows scrunching in interest. “It’s for you and Gon, it reminds me of you two.” He has his head hung low in an attempt to hide the forlorn expression he wears upon the mention of Gon as well as the small blush spreading across his cheeks, Alluka notices and giggles softly, clutching her brother’s hand. Mito-san smiles kindly at the both of them and she embraces them tightly.
“Thank you, Killua, Alluka. Thank you.” Mito-san sniffles lightly, and wipes a tear that escapes an eye. Killua nods and waves at him from behind, Alluka is at his side jumping and shouting ‘thank you’ and ‘it was a pleasure to meet you, Mito-san, Abe-san!’. Mito waves them a final goodbye.
Killua leaves Whale Island, with an intention to return one day, but maybe with Gon by his side again when that time comes.
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hxhsecretsanta · 9 years
Next year, if you guys are still planing on doing the hxh secret santa again even after all this, shouldn't you all at least keep track of who submits and who doesn't instead of having to be asking people 'who still hasn't gotten a gift' after 3 months later?? Specially since you guys made people send the gifts directly to you guys.
The problem here is that neither Mod G nor I have the complete list of who was supposed to gift to who. And like Mod G said, the main mod (M) has been out of contact for a period of time, and only they have the entire list. However, we will keep this in mind! Thank you for your suggestion.
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