
The Patience of Ordinary Things (2005) by Pat Schneider
In Episode 293, Rachel shares a patient and spectacularly ordinary poem!
Rachel: [...] And I think she really became aware of the challenges of... What she called “traditionally silenced populations.” So she founded Amhurst Artists and Writers, which was a non-profit that focused on low-income women and children. Sponsoring writers workshops and retreats. Because I think, and I read an interview with her where she talked about the fact that just even putting content on a page is a barrier in itself.
Rachel mentions that this poem reminds her of a previous rec she'd brought to the Corner, and that is Naomi Shihab Nye's Famous. Both the similarities and the differences between them are fascinating; this idea of an assigned purpose that objects/things are destined to follow, and they do (they commit to the bit)!
If you’d like to hear more, you can do so here: Towels Drink the Wet from the Skin of the Back, from 3:30 - 11:48
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"every possible kind of content can be found on the internet" yeah sure except for the One fucking thing I'm looking for. why does no one want to talk about the One Singular thing I'm looking for. but yeah other than that everything is on here.
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Going to the zoo today perhaps I'll treat myself with a flattened penny... Perhaps I'll indulge myself, andget a flattened penny
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i love the word "ostensibly", you can write some mean ass sentences with it
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I don't think it's necessarily plastic to learn how to fake laugh at bad or corny jokes I think it's legitimately a skill worth developing to make life a little nicer at work like last night my older coworkers were all doing the "Alright see you guys next year!" joke and I don't want the last thing they saw that year to be someone rolling their eyes
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top five most important things you can give a character. 1. bisexuality. 2. autism. 3. so much negative rizz it loops around into irresistibility. 4. so many bad events. 5. a coping mechanism that’s cute and silly provided you don’t think about it too hard
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women’s bodies weren’t “made” to do anything, nature didn’t “intend” anything, no human action is “unnatural” and there is no inherent “purpose” to a human life
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