This is just a blog made to express my likes and dislikes within the many fandoms that I'm in.
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CRK Crack Comics #02
I bring you another set of CRK Crack Comics because I (for some reason) was given free will. ____________
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CRK Crack Comics #01
I got back into playing CRK about two weeks ago and now this game, yet again, has me in a death grip so I made a set of miscellaneous comics on using Incorrect Quotes that loosely fit one of my teams dynamics. _______________
#crk comic#crk#cookie run kingdom#crk affogato#affogato cookie#clotted cream cookie#cotton cookie#financier cookie#cream unicorn cookie#incorrect quotes#i was bored#can i please get a waffle/ref
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One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion #09
With how they are now, I see no reason other than WLW/Yuri pandering as to how and why Charlie & Vaggie are still a couple. _______________________
Knowing how Hellaverse stans are, somebody is bound to accuse me of being a homophobe so let me clear some things up first. #01.) Not that it's really anyone's business but I'm a bi woman. #02.) I've been in a long term relationship with a woman before so I have personal experience on this. #03.) I'm well aware that people within the LGBT+ community can be homophobic whether they intend to or not however this is just an opinion on yet another poorly written relationship in the Hellaverse. #04.) If you're part of the LGBT+ community and you like the show or love it then good on you, dude. I still adore the Hazbin Hotel Pilot and enjoy most of Season #01 of Helluva Boss too.
With that all out of the way, FallenPrincess (Chaggie is a terrible ship name) isn't a good ship as it lacks so much chemistry that about half of Hazbin Hotel's new fans genuinely believed them to be friends until Episode #06 of Season #01 which is just two episodes shy of the finale. Mind you, it's not that Charlie & Vaggie didn't use pet names with each other throughout the season but the problem is that the pet names that they use for each other are generic. When Charlie isn't calling Vaggie by her name she calls her babe and when Vaggie isn't calling Charlie by her name she calls her either babe or hon. Both of these pet names can be applied to close friends and I know that sounds like a lie but it isn't as I've seen videos of straight people casually calling their other friends babe or honey. Hell, I've called my best friends babe before! So I can understand why some fans of the show would be confused when they realize that Charlie and Vaggie were not only dating the entire time but that they also had been dating for 3 YEARS. As someone who dated a girl for OVER 3 years they were written like they had only been dating for a year tops. Most of their screen time as a couple shows us that their top love languages are words of affirmation (i.e reassuring or attempting to reassure the other that everything is going to be alright) and physical contact which SOUNDS cute until you realize that... A.) They're normally reassuring each other about the same shit as they did the episode prior (with this being about Charlie's concerns regarding Heaven, the angels, and the Extermination.) B.) They don't interact with each other as much as you'd think/expect from the main couple of the series. C.) Further elaborating on point B, they probably have around 13 - 15 minutes of screen time where they're speaking directly to one another. D.) Vaggie is a character who solely exists to act as a cheerleader for Charlie as HH has not gone out of its way to show Vaggie caring about/for something else that isn't tied to Charlie and her dreams. I don't need Charlie & Vaggie to make sex jokes 24/7 and raunchy flirting like Viv has her gay male characters do. I just want to get to know what they do during their downtime when they don't have to worry about the hotel or about Heaven, when they could and should just be Charlie & Vaggie. When I was an avid fan of Hazbin Hotel fan during it's Pilot days I'd often imagine possible dates they'd go on like Charlie convincing Vaggie to go see a new musical together or Vaggie making Charlie a traditional Slavadoran dinner and excitedly telling her GF about how she made it and what went into it. Ironically, they had more chemistry in the Hazbin Hotel Pilot where Viv had ultimately decided to make FallenPrincess a canon couple at the last minute.

As shown in her intro card, Vaggie was originally going to be Charlie's best friend which would've made the most sense regarding the little bit of character we do know about Vaggie but I digress. Honestly, Viv probably can't attempt to even break up of FallenPrincess thanks to them being a major ship in the fandom (aka primary selling point) and because they are the ONLY MAIN GL/WLW RELATIONSHIP THAT THE HELLAVERSE HAS so if she does break them up she'll only make herself look EVEN MORE like a massive hypocritical fujoshi otaku (which means a woman who is obsessed with the BL/Yaoi genre) while also loosing out on making more money from her FallenPrincess fans.
I meant to get this out before Valentine's Day was over except I ended up getting back into playing CRK during that time so here I am releasing this now.
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HH & HB Worldbuilding Part #01
Worldbuilding, a beautiful and vital thing for all stories to have, is, for some reason, absent in the Hellaverse. Let’s change that.
“When was Hell created?” ‣ I’ve decided to base Hell’s creation on how long the Earth has been around for which would mean that Hell was made around 4.5 billion years ago. I went this route because it makes the most sense from a logical and theological standpoint as God only made the Earth after he found out that Adam & Eve had disobeyed him by eating The Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge.
“How many Rings of Hell are there?” ‣ Usually there are only Seven Rings of Hell but I’m taking a page out of Dante’s Inferno for this and having there be Nine Rings instead. However, the order of these Nine Rings is rather different. First and foremost, one of the only things staying from the canon Hellaverse is that the Pride Ring is the very first Ring of Hell as I see it as the only Ring meant to house Sinners on account of the majority of humanities crimes stemming from the sin of Pride by believing that they are better than something else whether it be their fellow man, machine, or beast. As far as the other big Six Rings of Hell go after Pride it would be Lust in 2nd, Gluttony in 3rd, Sloth in 4th, Greed in 5th, Wrath in 6th, and Envy in 7th.
‣ That just leaves me with the 8th & 9th Rings which cannot be accessed via regular means (for instance, Hell’s Metro system for Hellborn citizens) or standard irregular means (like The Marked Alleyways in Pride that’s used by normal Hellborn citizens and Sinners alike.) The 8th Ring is known as The Ring of Treachery and very few know of its existence and even fewer are aware of the evil it holds. On the other hand, the Final Ring is one that every demon knows and fears as that’s where those found guilty in The Serpent’s Courtroom are forced to serve capital punishment (yes, there are things far worse than the death penalty in Hell) and go to suffer for the rest of eternity, in the Ring fittingly named, The Abyss. “What are the laws of Hell?” ‣ Obviously, if Hell has some kind of courtroom then there are some type of rules set in place. How said rules work differ depending on four major factors: which Ring you’re in, your place in Hell’s hierarchy, your race, and whether you’re a Hellborn citizen or not. Which doesn’t sound as bad as it could be until you take into consideration that Hellborn groups like Imps have to constantly be updated on and follow the laws in ALL Seven Rings, be "reminded" about their place in Hell by basically everyone around them, and overall be treated less than a Sinner would be because, “at least Sinners EARNED their right to be here.” The only Hellborn groups to have it worse than Imps are Half-Breeds (like Blitzø, Barbie, and Striker) as they’re expected to memorize DOUBLE the set of rules compared to everybody else and Hellhounds who have the most amount of rules while also having the least amount of freedoms thanks to them being often seen as pets or servants and nothing more. “Will the entirety of Hell be some various shades of red?” ‣ Short answer, no. Long answer, each of the Rings will be various shades of their specific Sin’s corresponding color. For example, the entire Pride Ring is going to be some tint or shade of purple. The only Rings I can’t really do this for are Lust, Treachery, and The Abyss. For the latter two it’s because they don’t exist in the traditional sense and as far as the Lust Ring goes, I’ll have to change the color to pink as Lust’s true signature color is blue however Sloth is light blue which means one of them has to change and I don't know about you but a blue Lust Ring just doesn't sound or look right to me.
While I was doing this I hadn't realized just how much Vivziepop & Spindlehorse managed to accomplish NOT making Hell feel like Hell. Both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are solely set in Hell for the sake of being edgy and so that one show can do the done to death trope of, "angels are the real bad guys," while the other show devolved into a convoluted melodrama.
With a story setting like Hell you, as the writer/director, have to understand that you can't just visually show the readers/viewers that this story could only be set in Hell but you also have to make them FEEL like it could ONLY be set in Hell. Viv somewhat grasps the visual aesthetic of Hell but she's completely lost on how to appeal to an even wider audience due to her shows failing to convince people that FEEL like either show truly takes place in Hell. There's no real ongoing suffering happening to the Sinners in Hazbin Hotel (I'm not counting Angel Dust and his problems because they've opted for him to have rushed and off screen character development) as the Extermination only happens once a year and with Helluva Boss, it REFUSES to go all in on depicting high class Hellborn citizens taking advantage of those beneath them in Hell's society (gee, I wonder why/s.) That aside, I hope that you liked the worldbuilding that I've come up with so far and before the day is over I'll probably make a post dissecting Chaggie and why they should've stayed as best friends like they were originally planned to be in HH before Viv changed her mind last minute. Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
#vivziepop criticism#vivziepop critique#hazbin hotel critical#hellaverse critical#hellaverse critique#hazbin hotel critique#helluva boss critical#helluva boss criticism#hazbin hotel rewrite#helluva boss rewrite#anti vivziepop#anti spindlehorse#spindlehorse critique#spindlehorse criticism#spindlehorse critical
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HH Rewrite Related Post #05
Picking up where I left off with this series, the one who got 2nd place in the 2nd HH Rewrite Poll was in fact Vaggie who I have renamed to as Valoris because the fact she's still going by Vaggie in the actual series is heinous.
[CURRENT NAME] 🞂 VALORIS CARMINE. 🞂 Upon realizing that they were in Hell, Valoris and her mom started coming up with fake/new names as a way of protecting themselves from possibly encountering any familiar faces.
[FORMER NAME] 🞂 XIMENA CONSUELO PINEDA. 🞂 The name Ximena means, “the one who hears,” Consuelo either means, “solace,” or, “consolation,” and the surname Pineda translates to, “pine forest.”
[D.O.B + D.O.D] 🞂 BORN MARCH 1ST, 1992. 🞂 DIED JUNE 18TH, 2016.
[ETHNICITY & NATIONALITY] 🞂 A SALVADORAN AMERICAN. 🞂 Even though she was born in Mejicanos, El Salvador, her and her mother had to flee to America in the year 1996 due to life in El Salvador being unsafe.
[SOCIAL STATUS] 🞂 OVERLORD’S RIGHT HAND & DAUGHTER. 🞂 Being the daughter of an Overlord alone, lets other demons know not to mess with her but working directly alongside her mother, Hell's TOP ANGELIC ARMS DEALER??? They're staying far away from her the moment they see her do so much as walk out in the street. [CRIMES COMMITTED IN LIFE FROM LEAST OFFENSIVE TO MOST OFFENSIVE] 🞂 VANDALISM. 🞂 HACKING. 🞂 IDENTITY THEFT. 🞂 STALKING (Both Cyber & Regular Stalking.) 🞂 EXTORTION (Both Cyber Extortion & classic Blackmail.) 🞂 DOXING. 🞂 TORTURE. 🞂 MURDER.
[PROFESSIONS] 🞂 MAIN JOB: THE VICE PRESIDENT OF CARMINE INDUSTRIES. 🞂 SECONDARY JOB: MANAGER OF THE HAPPY/HAZBIN HOTEL. 🞂 Thanks to helping her run her mom’s business from the ground up, Valoris is more than capable to help her girlfriend in her newfound business endeavors concerning the Happy/Hazbin Hotel. [RELATIONSHIP STATUS] 🞂 CURRENTLY DATING LAVANYA MORNINGSTAR. 🞂 Speaking of her girlfriend, Lavanya is actually the first girlfriend she’s had since being in Hell. While Valoris can’t exactly grasp how kind Anya is thanks to her life and afterlife experiences, she appreciates her kindness much more than she lets on.
[CORE PERSONALITY TRAITS] 🞂 ADAPTABLE. 🞂 CONSISTENT. 🞂 FAIR. 🞂 MISANTHROPIC. 🞂 PUNCTUAL. 🞂 PRODUCTIVE. 🞂 PROFICIENT. 🞂 RESPONSIBLE. 🞂 SAVVY. 🞂 SHREW. 🞂 SKEPTICAL. 🞂 VIGILANT. [RELATIONS TO OTHER OVERLORDS] 🞂 MOSTLY NEUTRAL THOUGH THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS. 🞂 As the Vice President of Carmine Industries, Valoris knows that it’s important to not be too judgemental of the other Overlords as that could limit possible business opportunities and alliances for her mother’s business in the future however there are two Overlords that her and her mother refuse to align themselves with, these being Valentino and Velvette. On the flip side, there are two Overlords who Valoris and Carmilla will always align themselves with, these being Scylla and Zestial, with the latter being their primary ally whereas the former is their primary business partner thanks to some convincing on Zestial's end.
[THOUGHTS ON THE HAZBIN HOTEL & IT’S STAFF] 🞂 THINKS THAT THE HOTEL’S PLAN WILL FAIL BUT HOPES THAT IT’LL WORK. 🞂 SHE EITHER LIKES OR TOLERATES THE REST OF THE STAFF. 🞂 Valoris has acknowledged that most people are cruel and cannot be trusted. Though even after everything she’s gone through in her life and her afterlife, there’s a tiny part of her that hopes that redemption is achievable for those like her who wish to change and for those who were dealt with an unfair hand in life. Excluding Anya, her thoughts on the rest of the hotel staff range from liking to only tolerating them (*cough* Alastor *cough*) for the sake of keeping the peace. _______________
It was nice to do this again and it allowed me to expand on a few other characters and it helped me come up with some new ideas for both this rewrite and my rewrite for HB as well! I'll be honest, I never really liked Vaggie's character as she's always felt so lackluster in comparison to the rest of the cast. Even in the show, she's not terrible however she's also not someone who's worth paying attention to which is a problem considering how much of an impact her, "secret," being revealed in Season #01 is meant to have on the cast and the audience but everybody in universe and out of universe moved on from this so fast that it may as well not have even happened to begin with. So because of that I scrapped her being an angel as it serves no purpose other than for pure shock value. Instead, I made her a Sinner and the daughter to Carmilla Carmine since I like what little interaction they have with one another in the show, her actual daughters don't do anything worthwhile, and I'm already overhauling a lot of the original stuff as is so why not? Anyway, my next post related to my Hazbin Hotel rewrite will be about what I plan to do so far when it comes to the world building of Hell. Hopefully, that's something you guys are interested in seeing but regardless I'll see you around!
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HH & HB Related Post
Well, I didn't think that I would be making one of these again yet but here we are. Believe it or not a lot has happened since I made my last post in November of 2024 saying that rewriting HH or HB isn't worth it anymore but now that I've finally caught up on the rest of season #02 of HB, I've decided to redact that post I made back in early November of last year because the writers of Spindlehorse truly have proved to me that most of them never had a real grasp of media literacy to begin with. Now, I don't see myself as some brilliant writer who's on her way to becoming the next Shakespeare or some other arrogant BS like that but I know that without a single doubt in my mind, that I can write something better than the entirety of Helluva Boss Season #02 as well as everything I've seen from Hazbin Hotel. So I've decided that I will go back to rewriting HH & HB because I've realized that if the writers and creator at Spindlehorse can make their own characters look unrecognizable and derail who they were originally supposed to be/once were, that I have nothing to worry about as the worse that I'll be able to do is to make some lame ass fanfic to a show that already feels like an even worse fanfic of itself. TLDR: If Vivziepop and Spindlehorse can manage to make their own characters and narrative a million times worse then I'll just have to find a way to make it slightly better via rewrites.
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HH Rewrite Related Post #04
The final results from the 2nd poll are in and the winner was... 🥁 🥁 🥁
Hell's number one porn star, Angel Dust! While he was my favorite character during the pilot days of Hazbin Hotel, I wouldn't say he is now as a lot of what made him a like-able asshole character in the pilot isn't there in the series. My grievances aside, let's get to Angel's character sheet! ________________ [CURRENT NAME] 🞂 ANGEL DUST BUT DOES OCCASIONALLY GO BY ANTHONY & ANTONIA. 🞂 Has basically been going by this ever since he arrived in Hell as he refused to continue to being a mobster, quickly taking to sex work to make quick cash and get to live a more “exhilarating” life.
[FORMER NAME] 🞂 ANTHONY TARANTELLA. 🞂 The name Anthony means Priceless One and Praiseworthy whereas his last name is Italian for Tarantula and, yes, Tarantella is an actual last name that Italians can have albeit an uncommon one.
[D.O.B + D.O.D] 🞂 BORN APRIL 1ST, 1913. 🞂 DIED DECEMBER 24TH, 1947.
[ETHNICITY & NATIONALITY] 🞂 AN ITALIAN WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. 🞂 I’ve written for his parents and older brother to be Italian immigrants who came to America looking for safety as tensions between Turkey and Italy during this time were high due to the war and there was a lot of social outrage within their own country during the early 1910s. I imagine that Angel never got to visit his home country which is something that deeply upsets him as he knows that he’ll never be able to see Italy’s beauty outside of photographs.
[SOCIAL STATUS] 🞂 CONTRACTED SINNER. 🞂 I feel like Sinner’s who have signed soul contracts would be below regular Sinners as they aren’t seen as someone else's property and still have control of their own life. Cause let’s be real, Sinners who’ve sold their souls away are often treated as slaves.
[CRIMES COMMITTED IN LIFE FROM LEAST TO MOST OFFENSIVE] 🞂 TAX FRAUD. 🞂 THEFT. 🞂 B&E (Breaking and Entering.) 🞂 SMUGGLING. 🞂 MONEY LAUNDERING. 🞂 SUBSTANCE ABUSE OF BOTH ALCOHOL & DRUGS. 🞂 EXTORTION (mainly opted to use threats but would easily resort to using violence if threats didn’t work.) 🞂 INFILTRATING LEGIT/GENUINE BUSINESSES. 🞂 FRAUD IN GENERAL (specifically counterfeiting, check fraud, mail fraud, securities fraud, and loan sharking.) 🞂 TRAFFICKING (typically involved in drug trafficking though he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t involved in any type of human trafficking at all.) 🞂 KIDNAPPING. 🞂 TORTURE. 🞂 MURDER.
[SINS COMMITTED IN LIFE FROM LEAST TO GREATEST] 🞂 LUST. 🞂 WRATH. 🞂 GREED. 🞂 GLUTTONY (I put Gluttony as the number one sin since I’m still having Angel die from a drug overdose just not from PCP.)
[OWNER OF HIS SOUL] 🞂 THE DEPRAVED OVERLORD OF LUST, VALENTINO. 🞂 I’m unsure of how the show is going to explain the reason behind Angel Dust signing his soul away to Valentino but I’m having it be because he was ultimately promised protection from other demons as anyone who decided to mess with him would have to deal with Val. Alas, that doesn’t mean Angel is safe from Valentino.
[PROFESSIONS] 🞂 MAIN JOB: PORN STAR. 🞂 SECONDARY JOB: MODEL. 🞂 He does mainly work for Valentino as the man owns his soul although he does work for Velvette once in a while and is even regarded as one of her top models.
[RELATIONS TO THE VEES] 🞂 VARIES DEPENDING ON THE PERSON. 🞂 Angel’s relationship with the Vees truly is a mixed bag as he hates his boss but with Vox he’s on neutral ground. He likes Velvette as she acts as his (better) second boss and number one gossip buddy and the latest addition of the group, Vanitas, is the one he gets along with the most thanks to them being the most reasonable and level headed.
[REASON FOR CHECKING INTO THE HAZBIN HOTEL] 🞂 HIS LAST APARTMENT GOT DESTROYED IN THE MOST RECENT EXTERMINATION AND HE NEEDS THAT RENT FREE ROOM. 🞂 It totally isn't tied with him deeply missing his younger twin sister and secretly hoping that the hotel actually works so he can be reunited with her.
[THOUGHTS ON THE HAZBIN HOTEL & IT’S STAFF] 🞂 THINKS THE HOTEL’S PLAN WILL FAIL. 🞂 HAS VARYING THOUGHTS ON THE STAFF. 🞂 The staff member Angel Dust was the most positive/receptive towards upon his arrival at the hotel was Lavanya. It wasn’t because she was the Princess of Hell (though that certainly plays a factor into it) but because of her optimistic outlook for her people. She genuinely has hope that some of them can change their ways and ascend to the pearly gates. He thinks it's sweet despite it being foolish in nature. He’s pretty neutral on the rest of the staff minus Valoris. He does not like her and she does not like him one bit. _______________
That's the core information for Angel Dust and I used he/him pronouns for Angel throughout the character sheet because genderfluid people tend to use one set of pronouns at a time and not multiple pronouns at once like a lot of people seem to believe. Years before the pilot Angel Dust was going to be gender fluid until Vivziepop thought that information didn't fit anymore. Also the reason I said I wouldn't have Angel pass from PCP is because while PCP was discovered in the year 1926, it wasn't made aware of the public until the year 1956 under the name of Sernyl where it was marketed as a type of anesthetic. In short, there's no fucking way Angel died from a drug overdose on PCP. Another instance where Viv didn't do the bare minimum of research because that information about PCP took me all of two minutes to find and that was solely because I wanted the exact year from the 50s where it was introduced otherwise it was a twenty second Google search. In any case, next I'll do Valoris' character sheet since she got 2nd place in this poll. Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll and I hope you guys liked Angel's character sheet!
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HH Rewrite Poll #02
Alright everyone, I need your assistance again to help me decide what to do. In the first poll you helped me rename Charlie to Lavanya with Anya as her nickname but this time I need help for which character to write about. I didn't list any of the Overlords since the first character sheet I did was about an Overlord and Lavanya is demon royalty so as a way to balance that out the next two character sheets I do will either be about two lower class Sinners or one lower class Sinner and a Hellborn. Regardless, I can't wait to see who you guys pick!
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HH Rewrite Related Post #03
I've finally finished Lavanya's (renamed Charlie) key information for her character sheet! And with it comes a bit of lore for what I have in store. __________ [FULL NAME & NICKNAME] 🞂 LAVANYA MORNINGSTAR. 🞂 PREFERS TO BE CALLED ANYA. 🞂 With her first name meaning beauty and grace, Lucifer & Lilith thought it was the perfect name to give to their little princess. [D.O.B] 🞂 BORN DECEMBER 31ST, 2002. 🞂 Anya can't help but see her birthday as a bad omen due to having been born on the last day of the year when Hell's annual Extermination takes place. She'll put on a smile for her parents when in their presence but otherwise she'll be sulking in her room, silently wishing for the day to be over.
[EXTENDED FAMILY] 🞂 1 GRANDFATHER. 🞂 1 HALF UNCLE. 🞂 5 UNCLES & 3 AUNTS. 🞂 2 COUSINS. 🞂 Anya's never met most of her extended family thanks to two main reasons. The first being that most of them are in Heaven and the second but more important reason is that most of them have been and STILL are missing with the exception of her aunt, Adina Delacroix, and her daughters, Raquel & Amariel. In the absence of Elohim, Jesus (yes, he's the half uncle), and the 7 Heavenly Virtues, Adina was selected as Heaven's de jure leader as she is the only angel who both birthed and mothered an Archangel's children.
[FRIENDS] 🞂 ONLY 6. 🞂 As Princess of Hell and heir to the throne, her parents made sure that their daughter understood that she had to be careful choosing her friends as there’ll always be people who just want to use her money and her status. Her parents' words would lead to Anya's very seldom way of thinking when it comes to making friends as she would make her very first friend in the 3rd Grade. Over the years she’s amassed a tightly knit friend group consisting of six other demons excluding herself. Sometimes she jokes about them being the new Seven Deadly Sins.
[RELATIONSHIP STATUS] 🞂 FORMERLY DATED LAZARUS VON ELDRITCH. 🞂 CURRENTLY DATING VALORIS CARMINE. 🞂 Going from dating a fellow aristocrat in Hell’s hierarchy to dating the daughter of an Overlord isn’t too much of a leap in logic but it is still a noticeable difference. Thanks to her parents not many people publicly commented on their daughter’s romantic life (lest they wish to be publicly executed or suffer true torture for the rest of their damned afterlife) though people have always wondered what caused the end of her and Lazarus’ relationship along with the beginning of Anya’s relationship with Valoris. At the very least she seems to be happy with Valoris. [CORE PERSONALITY TRAITS] 🞂 AMIABLE. 🞂 AUTHENTIC. 🞂 AUTOCRATIC (you’ve gotta be a bit bossy if you’re going to be the future face of Hell.) 🞂 CLUMSY. 🞂 COMPASSIONATE. 🞂 CREATIVE. 🞂 DETERMINED. 🞂 INDECISIVE. 🞂 NAIVE. 🞂 OPTIMISTIC. 🞂 OVEREMOTIONAL. 🞂 SCATTERBRAINED.
[FEARS] 🞂 AUTOPHOBIA & KAKORRHAPHIOPHOBIA. 🞂 Autophobia is the polarizing fear of being abandoned and alone. If one day, the majority of Hell’s denizens suddenly decided to turn their backs on Anya, she wouldn’t care as long as her friends and family remained at her side. However, if her friends and family had ALL abandoned her, not only would she genuinely have a full blown mental breakdown and sob for months, she’d never be the same again. This does not bode well at all with her other biggest fear being Kakorrhaphiophobia which is the fear of failure. Anya does her best to follow the expectations set on her from her citizens, her parents, and even herself. So when she fails to meet this internal quota of hers, she’ll feel like shit but she’ll convince herself to do better in the future and focus on the Happy Hotel staff and its residents. [THOUGHTS ON HOTEL STAFF] 🞂 FAIRLY POSITIVE. 🞂 For the most part, Anya can see that everybody is trying their best to keep the hotel in business even if they don’t believe in the thought of redemption. She has faith in at least five out of her seven employees coming together to help her make the Hazbin Hotel work.
__________ I hope you guys liked reading Anya's character sheet and I'd like to know what character you'd like to see me write about next. I'll probably do this through a poll so keep your eyes peeled for that and I'll see you guys later!
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One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion #08
Two out of the three Hispanic characters in Hazbin Hotel are deeply rooted damaging stereotypes within Spanish & Latin American cultures and the one that isn't a blatant stereotype is misused. ___________
With Spanish Heritage Month right around the corner and being a Latina myself, I think it's more than fair for me to give my thoughts on the Latinos (in Spanish, it doesn't matter if there's only one guy in a primarily female group, you have to put Latinos) in HH. Let's start off with the least offensive out of the group, Carmilla Carmine.
We're introduced to her in Scrambled Eggs which is Episode #03 of HH. She invited each of the Overlords to a meeting to speak about how brutal this year's Extermination was and what they could do going forward. During said meeting, Velvette throws the head of a decapitated Exorcist on the table for her to try and take control of the conversation. Things before and during the song Respectless (why this song wasn't called Disrespect or Diss-respect is something I'll never understand) escalate as Velvette figures out that Carmilla is the one behind the dead Exorcist based on her body language and when she asks, "You know why this angel's headless? Do you have a disclosure?" Carmilla immediately ends the meeting thereafter, confirming her suspicions were correct. People have already criticized the mystery of the dead Exorcist being solved way too soon, though I haven't seen as many people criticize why the other Overlords didn't look or immediately question Carmilla the SECOND that Exorcist's head rolled on the table? Like, you guys know that she's Hell's top ANGELIC arms dealer, why wouldn't any of you suspect her from the start? Even if she had ended up being a red herring, I would've seen it as the Overlords using the process of elimination and common sense cause why wouldn't the ANGELIC arms dealer kill an Exorcist??? In any case, the reason behind Carmilla killing the Exorcist was to protect her daughters and thus someone we should sympathize with. Except that, we don't know anything about her daughters and we still don't know her. So why should I care? I have no attachment and therefore no proper reason to care for a character I JUST met. And don't get me started on her daughters as they're nothing more than minor plot devices who could've been replaced by Vaggie. Speaking of which...
Vaggie is based on two harmful Latina tropes and one harmful LGBTQ+ trope with these being the "Feisty" Latina, the Crazed Latina, and the Man Hating Lesbian. Whenever the "feisty" Latina is done in media, she's almost never actually feisty but rather plain bitchy. The word feisty is used because the show runners tend to want the audience to like this character as, to them, she's (somehow), "a woman who knows what she wants and how to take charge." We see this several times when Vaggie isn't interacting with Charlie though I would say the times that this backfired the most was in Episode #01 and Episode #04. Back in Episode #01 when Vaggie was working on the hotel's commercial she wants Alastor to help out with it. Mind you, she previously slandered the advertisement he had originally made for the hotel so I don't know why she wants his help with making a new one in the first place but nonetheless Alastor basically says, "Yeah. No. I'm not gonna help you cause you already know I hate modern media and you clearly didn't like what I had planned so figure it out." Now, instead of ending the conversation and leaving the man who wants no part in this alone, she holds up the camera that she has in her hands and not only films him but actively mocks him too. This isn't a "bold move" like I've seen people claim it to be, it was simply moronic since she already knew he was an Overlord that's killed and fought people over MINOR INCONVENIENCES. After this the two strike a deal which is another plain stupid move on Vaggie's part as that's only going to come back and bite her in the ass later on in the series. Meanwhile, in Episode #04, she told Husk to go after Angel Dust even though... A.) Going after the residents isn't in his job description. B.) If ANYONE is going after the residents it should probably be THE MANAGER since it's their job to make sure that everything between the staff AND customers is good. C.) She KNOWS that Husk has been sexually and physically harassed by Angel in the past as not only has she SEEN it but she's TOLD Angel to stop harassing the staff. I guess the safety of your co-workers doesn't matter though if Charlie's sad. D.) Lastly, I swear that there was a rule that was established early on about NOT FORCING RESIDENTS TO STAY AT THE HOTEL. Like, am I tripping or did the series retcon that super fast??? Anyway, the point is that the series has Vaggie acting like a snide bitch when she's interacting with anyone other than Charlie. This "feisty" Latina stereotype goes hand in hand with the crazed Latina. The crazed Latina trope is when a Latina will throw hands for the dumbest of reasons or for little to no reason at all. It makes it seem that Latina's are overly aggressive which is how the series portrays Vaggie. She's always seen wielding an angelic spear 24/7 knowing that she can kill any resident or staff member who steps out of line with her, constantly seen threatening to hurt others with it. Out of the two racial stereotypes this one has been called out the most as it's paired with the man hating Lesbian trope because every time Vaggie's threatened to kill someone with said angelic spear, it has ALWAYS been a MALE character. Okay, now it's time to end this off by addressing the elephant in the room that is Valentino.
Oh, God. Where do I start with this failure of a character? I suppose, I'll start with the Casanova aka the Enticing Latin Lover archetype. This involves a strong suave man who's tall, dark (or I guess light purple in Val's case), and handsome (I wouldn't call him that but that's how he's portrayed in the series) as well as being full of ulterior motives! He's the sultry hypersexual Hispanic seducer that everybody can't seem to get enough of. I wouldn't have nearly as much of an issue with this as he's the Overlord of Lust but with how the stans either absolve him of or make LIGHT of his crimes solely because they think how he looks, sounds, and acts is hot (brother eugh), with the show runners encouraging stuff like that on social media (yes, I'm referring to when people were comparing Val's personality to Karen Smith from Mean Girls with Viv agreeing with it cause he's so dumb), his sole purpose is being a plot device for Angel Dust and being fetish fuel. Which really bothers me considering that a good chunk of Hazbin Hotel stans are LITERAL CHILDREN! Continuing on, we have ill tempered and idiotic Machismo/Macho Man. The show can't seem to make up its mind whether or not they want us to take Valentino seriously or not. I get what they're trying to do by making Val intimidating and cunning at one point and a "charming" himbo the next but it's done in such a jarring way that could've been easily fixed had they shown him being more creepy towards lower class demons and Sinners but have him be "charming" towards Overlords and other members of Hell's high society. Like in the show, he's openly verbally violent towards Angel Dust while Charlie is in his presence (I also hate the fact that show Charlie didn't actually do anything when she noticed that Val had hit Angel cause pilot Charlie would've thrown hands regardless of what Angel told her) and doesn't give a flying fuck when she's turning into her demon form RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! Then there's the fact that the Hellaverse doesn't take violence seriously until it HAS to and then these moments can come across as unintentionally comedic. Case and point, when I initially saw Valentino backhand Angel Dust in Episode #04, I AUDIBLY LAUGHED. That shit SHOULD NOT have been nearly as funny as it was! It was meant to be a serious moment where the show segues into how Angel is abused at his job but there I was laughing my ass off in my room for a solid thirty seconds before I was able to regain my composure. Next up is point three about the Cholo or gangster archetype in which a Latino will wear stylish street wear clothes (similar to the outfit Val wears in Episode #04) and commit violent crimes. My previous points indirectly had me go into depth about the violent crimes part so let's move onto point four which is Val being a drug addict and drug maker. Latin characters (specifically men) have been depicted as drug dealers and druggies since AT LEAST the 1970s (it only makes it worse that Valentino supposedly died in this time period.) It's been heavily implied that the smoke from his cigarettes acts as an aphrodisiac which is why he blows it in other peoples faces so much. We see him smoking cigarettes (which contain so much God damn chemicals in them but especially nicotine) throughout the show like its nothing meaning he's gotta have a high nicotine intake (logically, he would've gotten lung cancer by now.) The last racial stereotype that they gave him is the raging alcoholic and I know that anyone can become a raging alcoholic however alcoholism is actually a very common problem among Latinos as more than 33% of them suffer from issues related to an alcohol dependency. It's an ongoing problem that many Hispanics face and seeing how Val is already shown to be a violent individual WITHOUT alcohol in his system, that's only going to make him worse and we saw that in Episode #02 when Val got more irritable and threw his drink in Vox's direction upon knowing Angel Dust was staying at the HH.
___________ People of the jury, I rest my case and I hope you all liked reading my thoughts and I'll see you later!
#vivziepop criticism#vivziepop critique#hazbin hotel critical#hazbin hotel criticism#hazbin hotel critique#hellaverse critical#hellaverse critique#hellaverse criticism
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Pilot Alastor will forever be the superior version of Alastor from his charming Transatlantic and radio filtered yapping to the way he carried himself and was never power hungry.
I'm kinda pissed about Alastor… like he turned out to be a major disappointment for me for a number of reasons. The pilot had promise for him to be quirky and silly which happened to have a darker side to him; and he could have been a mannered but not snarky character- but instead we get another snark fest character like the rest of the cast. Seriously? How many characters does Viv have that aren't “witty” (oh that's generous) and sarcastic all the fucking time?
#vivziepop critical#vivziepop criticism#hazbin critical#hazbin hotel critical#hellaverse critique#hellaverse critical
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To quote pilot Moxxie, "Excuse me, WHAT!?" I'm sorry, what do you mean CENTIPEDE!? He has this whole spider motif with all of his constant webs and she's saying he was supposed to be a centipede!? What reverse gymnastics is Viv trying to do here??? While I'm not exactly happy at the thought of Mammon being another spider character, that makes way more sense than him being a god damn centipede!
Okay, so I just learned that Mammon's full demon form is based on a centipede... A centipede.... A centipede.
If he was suppose to be a centipede, why doesn't he have a long, multisegmented body? Why the web motive in the theme park? Jesus Christ Vi' is just pulling shit outa her ass again.
#vivziepop critical#bad character design#helluva boss critical#what do centipedes have anything to do with greed btw?#what centipede makes webs?#hellaverse critique#literally how is anyone who doesn't have an HB Patreon supposed to know that?#also no centipede makes webs
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This most recent short was basically Vivziepop’s unofficial motto of “It’s only bad when a woman does it”
Fixed it.
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HH Rewrite Related Post #02
My poll about renaming Charlie has officially finished and the winning name from the poll is... 🥁 🥁
🥁 🥁
🥁 🥁
Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll and the next time I make an HH Rewrite Related Post will likely be regarding the key information I've written for Lavanya's character.
#hazbin hotel rewrite#vivziepop criticism#vivziepop critique#the criticism is there if you go to the original poll#thanks again to everyone who participated
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One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion #07
I think how the Seven Deadly Sins are respected should vary depending on how sinful they are. _________
I'm going to be completely honest here. I think the Hellaverse's version of the Seven Deadly Sins are jokes due to how far off they are from their Demonolgy & Theology counterparts. With that being said, something the Hellaverse did get right is how Lust and Gluttony are often considered to be the two weakest sins out of the seven.
Lust is depicted as the weakest of the Sins because it's TYPICALLY the least malicious. As when people hear about a crime related to lust the majority will think of an infidelity having been committed. Does infidelity suck? Absolutely, you were cheated on by your partner with someone who either knew of the situation or with someone who’s in the same boat as you and didn’t know until it was too late. However, I would hope that most of us would rather hear/learn about one of our friends or family members having a partner who cheated on them over other lust filled crimes.
As for why Gluttony is seen as the second weakest out of the Sins would probably be how common it is to commit it and, again, it’s less malicious especially compared to sins like Wrath, Envy, and Pride. Think about it, you probably know at least one person in your family with a really bad habit related to overindulgence whether it be a raging alcoholic, a chainsmoker, a drug addict, or someone with Binge Eating Disorder aka BED (yes, Binge Eating Disorder is an actual diagnosis that many people have and struggle with in their day to day lives as it can cause them to eat excessive amounts of food even when they’re not hungry.) The point is, you likely know someone who has some kind of bad habit that they need to break and should get help so that they don’t end up digging themselves an early grave.
Now, back to my original point, having the Seven Deadly Sins be respected by least sinful to most sinful would make it to where we can not only get a good idea of what the Sins are like before we meet them but more importantly it establishes order and coherent world building which is what the Hellaverse’s hierarchy lacks the most. If I were to order and rewrite the Hellaverse’s Seven Deadly Sins it would be Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon, Satan, Leviathan, and Lucifer.
That way lower class demons could be shown being less tense around Ozzie and Bee as they’re more approachable and sociable compared to other Sins like Satan and Leviathan. From the one image we’ve seen from the Hellaverse’s Satan, I can only assume he’s a tough bastard who would rather settle things in a good old fashioned brawl compared to negotiation.
As for why I think a lot of demons would fear Leviathan more so than Satan is because of most how religious texts describe him as being some kind of giant sea monster (depending on the religion some say he’s a hydra, water dragon, or a water serpent) that could only be slain by God as there used to be several Leviathans but when God realized how destructive they were, he killed all of them except one. If God hadn’t interfered, the many Leviathans would’ve destroyed all of creation.
So why did I place Leviathan lower than Lucifer when he sounds more evil than he does? Well, the answer lies within their intended purpose. Leviathan’s intended purpose was to destroy all who cross his path whereas SAMAEL’S intended purpose was to HELP not to HINDER. Leviathan was released into the ocean and was told, “Annihilate anything and everything.” Meanwhile, Samael was created and lived in Heaven as an Archangel who was instructed to assist God’s creations by watching over them, teaching them, disciplining them, and protecting them. That’s all he had to do but he threw away his title, his dignity, and LITERAL HEAVEN by letting his own hubris get the better of him. Truly, pride goeth before a fall (and apparently before a future name change.) _________
I thought that it'd only be fitting for my 7th opinion to be about the Hellaverse's Seven Deadly Sins. Also I don't hate the Hellaverse's canon Lucifer but I do think his character is a massive disappointment. There are ways to make a dastardly character likable without infantilizing or woobifiying them.
#vivziepop criticism#vivziepop critique#hellaverse critical#hellaverse criticism#hellaverse critique#spindlehorse criticism#spindlehorse critique#hazbin hotel criticism#helluva boss critical#hazbin hotel critical#helluva boss criticism#helluva boss critique#anti vivziepop
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Stolas being an ass truly unites us all.
Pov HH/HB community:
#anti vivziepop#vivziepop criticism#vivziepop critique#helluva boss critique#helluva boss criticism#helluva boss critical#hellaverse critical#hazbin hotel critique#hazbin hotel criticism#hazbin hotel critical#vivziepop critical#anti stolas#anti stolitz#only mentioned Hazbin Hotel here cause its in the original post
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One Hell of an Unpopular Opinion #06
There's no point in the Hellaverse having eleven confirmed Overlords when only seven (really six) of them are going to be prominent in Hazbin Hotel's narrative.
The more I think about the Overlords, the more confused I become. We only know six out of the confirmed eleven Overlords do while we know next to nothing about the others. - Alastor is a radio host. - Carmilla is Hell's top arms dealer. - Rosie is a matchmaker. - Valentino runs most of the porn industry in the Pride Ring. - Vox controls the majority of social media. - Velvette is a fashionista who capitalizes on fast fashion.
The only other Overlord we have any kind of relevant information about is Zestial, a character who I don't think should've been introduced to the audience THIS early on within the series. All we really know about Zestial is that he's the oldest and longest reigning Overlord in all of Hell as he died sometime in the 16th century. Sure, there's also his friendship with Carmilla but that doesn't really tell us anything about who he is or what he does. Other than Zestial, there are four other Overlords we either know very little about or we know nothing about. These four Overlords are Fredrick & Bethesda Von Elderitch who are supposedly friends with Lucifer & Lilith, Zeezi who had all of one line in the entire show, and then there's that burning skull Overlord that none of us know the name of.
The Vees are going to be our primary antagonists in Season #02 of Hazbin Hotel and while I really think that's a terrible idea, I know that two of them are relevant to two other characters of our main cast. We all know that Vox is Alastor's foil and Valentino is the bane of Angel Dust's existence. I have no idea what the hell they'll have Velvette do although I hope she'll at least get some good moments in this season as the writers at Spindlehorse are, more than likely, going to heavily sideline her character yet again.
In any case, Rosie is Alastor's bestie so she's bound to come back and I'm confident that we'll eventually see Carmilla and Zestial return as well. As to when the other Overlords will ever be relevant... Who knows? But also will we really care when and if they do matter later on??? ________ This opinion is much shorter than my HB opinion from yesterday but that's just how it is sometimes. I hope you had fun reading my thoughts and I'll see you later!
#vivziepop criticism#vivziepop critique#hellaverse critical#hellaverse criticism#hellaverse critique#spindlehorse critique#spindlehorse criticism#spindlehorse critical#hazbin hotel critical#hazbin hotel criticism#hazbin hotel critique
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