#crk crunchy chip
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dreamersdwell · 4 months ago
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Lil thang.....
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 2 months ago
The Awakening of White Apathy Rewrite // Chapter 2: Camaraderie in the Fog
Here's chapter 2!!
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The group ventures into the floury fog with Crunchy Chip Cookie leading the charge, his steps filled with confidence and triumph. Caramel Arrow Cookie, meanwhile, was not too far behind, annoyed with the commander's cockiness as the fog only got thicker. Dark Cacao Cookie squinted his violet eyes to better view his surroundings, only to stumble over a random rock with a loud thump. Caramel Arrow Cookie, the Swift and Cautious Dark Cacao warriors immediately stopped when the thump reached their ears, assisting their king as Crunchy Chip walked further away. As his steps suddenly stopped, Caramel Arrow looked up to see the commander was nowhere to be found.
"Crunchy Chip Cookie? Where are you?" Caramel Arrow shouted. "CRUNCHY CHIP COOKIE, ANSWER ME!! ACK- I knew it..! He was so confident just a moment ago!"
"Don't tell me, he got himself lost from the group?" The Swift Dark Cacao warrior sighed as Dark Cacao Cookie got back on his feet.
"Of course he did! That cookie's confidence makes up for his lack of a brain!" The Cautious Dark Cacao warrior replied with a hint of snark in his voice.
"Everyone, stay on your guard." Dark Cacao huffed. "Crunchy Chip Cookie should be close by..."
Caramel Arrow nods in agreement, "Yes, Your Majesty! I shall lead the way for now... Surely Crunchy Chip Cookie hasn't wandered too far away."
As the group ventures deeper and deeper into the fog, within a blink of an eye, Dark Cacao Cookie finds himself all alone... It was like his warriors disappeared into thin air! The king urgently looked around as he listened closely for a mutter, footstep, anything to know his warriors were still by his side. Every second felt like hours, the silence getting louder, as Dark Cacao's mind wandered in paranoia.
"Where is everyone...? I can't see a thing...! Caramel Arrow Cookie! Are you nearby?!" The king shouted, his voice bouncing off of the trees and rocks.
No response.
"CARAMEL ARROW COOKIE!" The king shouted again.
No response.
"DARK CACAO WARRIORS, ANSWER ME!" The king shouted once more as the reality began to settle in. He lost his warriors.
"It can't be...! I have lost sight of everyone already?!" Dark Cacao Cookie questioned himself as he walked, soon bumping into a tree with a loud thud. "Eugh...!" He groaned as he rubbed his nose, "This dense fog! Cover my eyes no more!"
The king lifted his sword, determination, and annoyance flowing through his dough as he prepared to strike.
"I shall blow it away with a slash of my sword!"
With a swift slash from his sword... the fog was still as dense as it was before. Dark Cacao's eyes widened in shock as his sword lowered, his eyebrow twitching slightly. He was dumbfounded! He was always able to cut through the thickest of fogs with only one slash of his sword without fail... but all of a sudden, he couldn't?! This was getting ridiculous... utterly ridiculous! Dark Cacao's patience began to quickly dwindle as he stormed through the fog with a huff.
"ANYONE?!" The king shouted once again, "This is getting ridiculous... IS THERE NO ONE HERE?! If you can hear me, answer!!" Dark Cacao huffed in annoyance, "IS THERE REALLY NO ONE HERE?!"
Before he could continue his screaming, the sound of rustling from the bushes quickly caught his attention. The king scanned his surroundings to find the source before his eyes landed on the ground, being met with a trail of fresh cookie tracks! Dark Cacao's eyes lit up with triumph as a slight smile appeared on his face.
"AHA!" Dark Cacao exclaimed with excitement, "Fresh cookie tracks! Those must belong to Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
Before he could follow the tracks, the same rustling sound in the bushes caught his ear once again, stopping him in his tracks as his triumphant smile faded. Dark Cacao's head snapped into place as he readied his sword for attack.
"Who goes there?!" He barked.
No response.
"Face my sword!!"
Dark Cacao stumbled back a little from the blow, baffled and shocked. He looked down at his sword, no one was ever able to block his attacks like that! Not his watchers, his commanders, warriors, maids, NO ONE! How was that even possible?! Whoever that was, they certainly were a skilled swordsman indeed! Almost as if... no, no that couldn't be right! Dark Cacao hasn't seen him in almost three years! There was no way he was here... no, couldn't be... right?
"They... read the movement of my sword..? What skill-"
"Your Majesty! It's me, Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
King Dark Cacao froze in place... he knew that voice!
"There he is! Look! We found His Majesty!"
Oh, thank goodness! It was only Caramel Arrow Cookie, Crunchy Chip Cookie, and the two other warriors, not too far behind! Dark Cacao took a sigh of relief as the floury fog began to clear. However, not enough for the king to see properly, that is... The group stopped in front of their king as he tried to make out who was who.
"What a relief that we found each other again!" Caramel Arrow chirped.
"Yes... eugh..." Dark Cacao groaned in annoyance, "This fog is obscuring my vision... I cannot see a thing!" The annoyed king quickly stood proud and tall as he called to his loyal warriors:
"Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
"Yes, Your Majesty! Forever loyal to you, it is I, First Watcher Caramel Arrow Cookie!"
"Crunchy Chip Cookie!"
"Yes, Your Majesty! I am Crunchy Chip Cookie, His Majesty's proud Commander of the Cream Wolves!"
"And my Dark Cacao Warriors!"
"Yes, Your Majesty! Glory to the Dark Cacao Kingdom!"
"Thank goodness... we are all together once again. Let us keep it that way as we continue forward."
Caramel Arrow Cookie crossed her arms, a sly smirk on her face as she eyed Crunchy Chip Cookie.
"Yes," She remarked, "Let us keep it that way as we continue forward, Mr. 'My senses are as good as the Cream Wolves themselves'...~"
"HEY!" Crunchy Chip barked, "As if you're any better, Miss 'I'm addicted to boba tea'! Why don't you stop acting all high and mighty while your forehead is bigger than a billboard!"
"And why should I listen to you?" Caramel Arrow snipped with a sneer, "I am the first watcher and you're nothing more than a mere commander! I can find my way through the thickest of fogs and fight the toughest of beasts! Why do you think His Majesty chose me to be his first watcher?~ Besides, your sense of direction is so bad, you couldn't find your reflection in a mirror!"
"YOU CRACK MIRRORS!!" Crunchy Chip snapped back, his words dripping with venom, "HONESTLY, I'm still left here wondering why His Majesty would ever choose YOU! If anything, he probably took pity on you after you lost your dear-"
"Enough!" Dark Cacao boomed, his voice bouncing off of the trees and rocks once more, "We have traveled here to eliminate the source of the pale ailment, NOT argue and fight with one another like children bickering over a toy! What has gotten into you two? I have trained you better than this!"
The commander and watcher ceased their childish banter as they stood still, listening to the king's angry words. Their eyes shot daggers at one another as the king lectured them like bratty children. Dark Cacao huffed and pinched his nose, wondering what had gotten into his best watcher and commander... He has seen them bicker and argue before, but never to this extent. Their bickering always felt like simple sibling banter with some slight name-calling here and there, but to hear Crunchy Chip Cookie pull out something so personal... something he knew would hurt Caramel Arrow Cookie deeply... was unacceptable! And to hear Caramel Arrow talk so highly of herself... was bizarre! Perhaps it was only nerves...?
"You're right, Your Majesty. I don't know what came over me!" Caramel Arrow sighed as she bowed.
"Yeah... you're right, Your Majesty. We shouldn't be arguing, especially when we need to stop the pale ailment from spreading!" Crunchy Chip added, bowing as well.
"Hmpf." Dark Cacao scoffed. That was a rather quick shift in tone... quicker than he expected, "Then I expect you both to focus on the task at hand from this point on. I better not hear such venomous words leave your mouths for the rest of our journey, understood."
"Yes, Your Majesty." The commander and watcher replied, their eyes staring at the ground.
"Good. Now, let us continue forward. I shall lead the way onward."
Dark Cacao Cookie marched forward, taking the lead as Caramel Arrow and Crunchy Chip sulked behind, staring at each other with an annoyed look in their eyes.
"Don't say such things in front of him..." Caramel Arrow whispered, "You could-"
"Relax...!" Crunchy Chip muttered under his breath, "He won't catch a thing...! That guy is as dense as a boulder!"
"But, extremely paranoid...! It's best if we keep our heads down for the time being... you know what will happen if we don't..."
"Fine, fine... but don't think I'm following your orders because I want to..."
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howlkyatt · 5 months ago
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Got into the cookie grind and crunchy chip is my absolute fave hes so goofy <333 honestly reminds me of wolverine LMAO
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brineoffire · 5 months ago
Aaaaand day 6 is a full drawing, so I’m going to start posting the cookie run pieces I’ve drawn. They’re a little old but I still love the game and these pieces! First up is Crunch Chip because he’s hot? Like I said these are older, so I have them posted to redbubble
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wishful-thinking64 · 2 days ago
CRK Crack Comics #03
Today's comics are brought to you by my rapidly declining sanity because the US is one big cruel joke. Enjoy! __________________
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PS: The reason why Cream Unicorn Cookie is usually the one in the least amount of comics isn't because I dislike them or anything, it's because even though they're in like three CR games (CROB, CRK, and CR:WT I think I don't play the last one so correct me if I'm wrong) they're still the one I know about the least as a character.
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cornkernelle · 8 months ago
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During an intense art block I took a stab at a couple of canon characters from crk!
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purrpl-png · 4 months ago
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puppy trio and their silly little ancients
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deadshadowcreature · 4 months ago
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Some Stormcacao (and a hollytaya ig)
Also another attempted animation
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azurbee · 10 months ago
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My prediction for the new update
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cryptidcanid19 · 1 month ago
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got bored again
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cuppajj · 10 months ago
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Some characters as they appear within Beast Ancients AU (Info below)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie witnessed the rise of the Beast of Penance, and saw something so horrible that they could do nothing but run for their life. In the chaos, they left something very important to them behind; but the Saint is a kind one. He will return what was lost, and deliver his witness to the peace that was torn from them so long ago.
Pitaya Dragon Cookie sits chained underneath the Hollyberry Palace, studied day in and day out by the royal scientists on the Beast of Pride’s orders. They are hardly in cookie form anymore, only able to shapeshift if the monarch allows. Sometimes they feel like freedom is obtainable, but they often learn it’s only because Dragonberry likes to play games.
Princess Cookie can’t sit idly by as her kingdom falls into darkness. Her grandmother has put her entire family in her pocket, keeping them under strict control, but the princess hates control! She can't believe how complacent everyone is! Against all odds, on one fateful night, she donned an unrecognizable disguise and disappeared in search of help. She knows she's leaving everything and everyone behind, but she'll do anything to get her kingdom back. It's hers as much as it is her family's!
Silverbell Cookie has faithfully served his queen even before she rose to the throne, and watched as she strengthened their kingdom into a formidable force in Beast-Yeast. But he can't help but wonder why she seems so distant and unlike herself... in fact, something about the kingdom he swore to protect feels different. They swear to protect the tree, but now they eye the lands around them, swear to destroy an evil enchantress who prevents their queen from regaining her full self... as Silverbell Cookie continues to dutifully stand at her side, he asks himself, what has the Beast of Sovereignty done to his kingdom?
Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie swore an oath to stand by their king's side to the bitter end. They fought with him as he protected his kingdom from internal collapse. They watched with elation as he brought the Licorice Sea to kneel before them and never threaten the kingdom again. However, when the Beast of Solitude replaced their steadfast leader, their vows were put to the test as the kingdom was soon claimed by permafrost. While Crunchy Chip cookie had seen the writing on the wall, Caramel Arrow Cookie remained steadfast even as everyone froze around her. In her desperation to get through to the king, Caramel Arrow Cookie made the mistake of stepping out of line, her arm consumed by ice the moment she reached out to him. Crunchy Chip Cookie was quick to pull her away before she could be frozen entirely, and the two fled into the mountains. Crunchy Chip Cookie is looking for someone to help bring his confidant back to good health before the frost completely engulfs her.
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ammifanart · 19 days ago
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A kofi request! https://ko-fi.com/ammidemonica heres my kofi if you want one too!
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lexi-the-demon-69 · 1 month ago
Hello! I love your sprite edits for Caramel Arrow!
I was wondering, do you happen to have any edits for Crunchy Chip as well?
Yes! I have made some sprite edits for Crunchy Chip, but they're all Flour Sprites, unfortunately. I might make some blushy sprite edits for him at some point in time, but I gotta focus on completing the next comic page so that'll be placed on hold for a while.
Anyway, here are the sprites if you're wondering what they look like!
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God I hate episode 3 so much. Can't even look at these sprites without getting pissed-
If you wanna use them, go ahead! Just be sure to credit me!
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howlkyatt · 5 months ago
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justn0t · 3 months ago
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kriscantspeakgerman · 10 months ago
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Take my hand...
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