#i really don't know
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ssametanass · 26 days ago
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does this count?
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gooddaydipshit · 21 days ago
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Seems ive got rats on the brain...
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kreepyveebs · 4 months ago
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Here's my badly done drawings of Furina, Tsukasa and the gang™
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 9 months ago
I freaking love that Echo is just straight up naked and nobody gives a single sh*# both in the show and the irl fans
But when there's fan art of Zane without a shirt or something people get all worked up. Like the existence of Echo Zane pretty much confirms there's nothing major to hide. Unless Echo is just built different, which he likely is, but still.
I find it rather funny
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goblinbeetle · 9 months ago
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lupiinist · 9 months ago
alright, so, i'm writing something and wanted to share my black sisters hcs because i like them so much (and also because i need to so i won't forget it)
first of all, bellatrix is a very good sister. she's a bit unhinged, sure, maybe can get a little violent, yes, but it's alright so long as you don't mess with cissa and andy (or regulus and sirius by extent, but she prenteds she doesn't like them)
they have a thing with nicknames. for everyone, they are bella, cissa, and andy. but for each other, they are trix/trixie, cissy/ciss, and an/mendy. the only other people who get to call them that are their loved ones (sirius, reggie, ted, alice and rita)
narcissa likes jewelry, she has rings, earrings, and necklaces to match with every single one of her clothes, and she can even make her own, she likes to chose gemstones and knows most of them by name (her favorite are emeralds and rubies)
bellatrix is a ballerina, she has so much strength in her body, like, she doesn't look like it, she looks scrawny at first, but she's very strong and flexible, ballet is a thing requires a lot of focus and determination, and for everything that she's chaotic, she has her moments of peace with dancing
andromeda tonks is bisexual. fight me on this one.
i feel like andromeda would also be a lot into fashion, like, just generally, she likes clothes and loves to push gender norms with her clothes, she rocks in dresses, and she rocks in suits, and sometimes she mixes both and guess what? she rocks!!!! (no, but seriously, andromeda tonks in a suit. please.)
the three of them like to gossip, like, a lot. they paint each others nails, bellatrix learned at a young age to do her sisters' hairs, so she does them whenever she gets the chance, and they talk about every bit of gossip they hear
narcissa painted her hair black once because she felt left out from her sisters. next thing she nows, once the paint fades, bella and andy have dyed their hair blond. now they all match
once they all have their lives apart, they still like to hang out when they can. cissa brings draco to his favorite aunts (although he likes pandora a lot too), sometimes bella brings rita when she's not working, and ted likes to pick andromeda up from their meet-ups so he can at least say hello to his in-laws
when they were young, their parents used to fight a lot, and it used to get really loud, so the three of them would get together in bella's room, and she would sing them a song until things got quieter. she's a surprisingly good singer (although narcissa is better)
when andromeda marries ted, bella and cissa walk her down the aisle, one on each side
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len7en · 9 months ago
John Doe John Doe John Doe
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also i have almost 300 followers here....HOW WHERE DID Y'ALL CAME FROM/pos
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tea-time-terrier · 1 year ago
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okay just because the school spirits instagram has said that churi is charley and yuri's official ship name now, does not mean that i will listen
if you need me, i will be on my little charri island and only @lyxchen can come with me
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myckicade · 8 months ago
Systems are down at work. That leaves me with two options (because I don't have access to my Rubble and Sin files at the moment):
Start a new Devil's Minion piece, the idea of which I've been toying with for the last few weeks. (This will not be a sunshine and rainbows bit).
Continue adding to the 45k+ Daniel/Lestat fic that has been eating away at my soul since the end of Season One. Slow burn, dark and gritty, but soft and heartfelt.
Decisions, decisions...
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cutepotatook · 1 year ago
How do you render? Like, what brushes/application do you use?
*scurries away like a raccoon*
Ah, I really don't know how to describe it Maybe one day I'll make a speedpaint and you'll see... But anyway, I use csp ex and these brushes
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mistchievous · 7 months ago
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You die a hero. Etc. Etc.
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sae-something · 27 days ago
I just played the piano for the first time in I literally don't know how long. A year? Longer? Probably longer. I don't know.
I've never been that great but sitting down I warmed up trying (and remembering!) stella del mattino (by einaudi), then I grabbed the sheets for another song of his (nuvole bianche) and I sadly stared at the sheets for a bit, feeling so lost. But once I started playing my hands remembered. I cried a bit. It probably sounded all chunky but I don't care. I'm not playing for anyone, just for me.
I hope I'll be able to pick this up again, maybe. It feels big. I don't know why. It feels like waking up, kinda like when spring finally comes, you know? Yet while the sun is shining and making my stained glass make pretty colors on the walls, spring is nowhere near yet, and still I feel like waking up.
I just want to sob. But the release kind of sobbing, not the heartbreak kind of sobbing. I'm holding back because when I try to go to these feelings on my own, I tend to get very, very lost in them. I can't wait til I see A on monday. I just want and want and want and want.
(I'm all over the place. I feel like I'm falling apart and coming together and accepting but refusing and denying and holding but losing and I don't know. I don't know what's happening for me but it feels significant.)
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dixidin · 1 year ago
My sincere reaction after finding out dream did a (really bad) cover of one day by Lovejoy at his OWN. CONCERT.
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xylofondue · 2 months ago
Don't get me wrong I love OM! SWD fic angst esp. dead aus but wouldn't MC just... go back down to the Devildom or the Celestial Realm? Or are they presumed to be in Purgatory or something?
I guess in lesson 16 the brothers were freaking out when MC got killed but... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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