#i really do have a lot of people i am leaving out
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trashsuit · 1 day ago
Fuck y'all, I'm answering all of these right here, right now (if you want me to elaborate, put it in my asks)
1. River (I go by my middle name online)
2. 17, turning 18 in a few months
3. June 9 2007
4. Gemini
5. Light purple
6. 3 and 82
7. Yes, 3 cats. A calico (I think) named Millie, a light brown tortie named Marley, and a dark brown tortie named Mischief
8. Pennsylvania
9. 5'4
10. 9
11. Idk, 5-10 if I had to guess
12. I can't remember any of my dreams
13. Uh, I have talents in most of the arts, I think. I act, I sing, I play piano and guitar, and I draw and paint
14. I don't think so
15. Changes every week. Right now? Maybe Hug All Ur Friends by Cavetown
16. I don't really watch many movies, but probably Wicked
17. I'm aroace, but I'd love to live with a good friend who doesn't mind stuff like hugs and cuddles
18. Absolutely not
19. Even if I wasn't aroace, no
20. No
21. I got brain surgery when I was a few months old, but nothing since then
22. Not yet :3
23. Uh, does the actor who played The Wizard when I saw Wicked on Broadway count?
24. I prefer showers for actually cleaning myself, but I love a nice, relaxing bath
25. All of the above
26. No
27. Probably not, but I'd like to be the kind of celebrity who's only known by theatre kids and just about no one else
28. I listen to a lot of musical theatre and indie pop
29. No
30. 2, not counting stuffed animals
31. Yearner or free faller with one leg over my long stuffed animal
32. Medium, I think
33. Pillsbury strawberry cream cheese mini bagels that my school serves
34. No
35. No, but I want to
36. Skedaddle
37. Ass is one of my favorite insults
38. No clue, I usually take a lot of naps
39. Yes, across the top of my head
40. Yes I think, but his friend just tried to wingman for him, like, twice, then I was left alone
41. It depends on the lie and who I'm lying to
42. Fuck no, I don't realize people are hurting me until I'm bleeding out.
43. Yeah, I've learned through my acting class
44. I don't think so, but I've also never really left the area I grew up in enough to notice
45. I like doing a southern drawl
46. Idk what the personality types are and I don't feel like checking rn
47. By far my prom dress from last year. Most of my clothes are thrifted or from Walmart
48. Yes
49. What?
50. Right
51. Yes
52. My mom makes really good potato pancakes
53. Idk what it was called, but I had it in Japan. It was some meatballs with veggies and a really good sauce. Here's a picture (it's the stuff by the eggs)
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54. Definitely messy
55. You freak/y'all freaks
56. Either fuck or freak, tbh
57. 10-15 minutes most days (if that)
58. I don't think so
59. Suck
60. Yes
61. Yes
62. I'm alright, but I'm improving with the help of a teacher
63. Probably my best friend leaving me. She's the reason I've stuck around this long, idk what I would do without her
64. Yeah
65. I genuinely can't think of one
66. I like my hair nice and short
67. *sings the 50 states song*
68. Art or history (my favorite class I take is actually theatre, but I don't think it counts)
69. It feels like it depends on the day and who I'm around
70. No
71. Almost everything, if I'm being honest (except for acting, alone or in front of a crowd)
72. Not really
73. Not really, I don't even correct people on my pronouns (I probably should tho)
74. I don't think I am
75. I don't think so, usually if I say something, I genuinely believe it, so if I did, it wasn't intentional
76. No and I don't wanna be
77. Like one sip of wine and I thought it was disgusting
78. No
79. I'm aroace, so no one
80. I have both of my earlobes pierced once and nothing else
81. Yeah
82. Not very, I'm faster on my phone than on an actual keyboard tho
83. In short bursts, like 7 mph, but I can't run a mile, I have to walk
84. Naturally, dark brown, but right now it's blue with streaks of purple
85. Hazel
86. Bactrim and possibly the sticky stuff in bandaids (I think it's latex)
87. I've tried and failed multiple times
88. My dad's a truck driver
89. It's alright, I mostly like it for theatre stuff
90. Id have to think. I'm easily annoyed or frustrated, but it takes a lot to piss me off
91. Yeah, though I kinda regret choosing such a common name. I know, like, 6 other people with my name
92. No
93. Idk, probably just a happy, healthy kid if I ever had one. I don't really care about its sex
94. Seeing the good in people
95. How trusting I am and how I try to see the good in people (that's how I keep getting hurt)
96. I kept going through baby name sites and for some reason, I really liked this one
97. No
98. Yeah, from ear to ear on top of my head
99. All of the above
100. The walls are a very light purple, but you'll find every color in there
Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. What is your zodiac sign? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What’s your lucky number? 7. Do you have any pets? 8. Where are you from? 9. How tall are you? 10. What shoe size are you? 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 12. What was your last dream about? 13. What talents do you have? 14. Are you psychic in any way? 15. Favorite song? 16. Favorite movie? 17. Who would be your ideal partner? 18. Do you want children? 19. Do you want a church wedding? 20. Are you religious? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 24. Baths or showers? 25. What color socks are you wearing? 26. Have you ever been famous? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 28. What type of music do you like? 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 31. What position do you usually sleep in? 32. How big is your house? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 34. Have you ever fired a gun? 35. Have you ever tried archery? 36. Favorite clean word? 37. Favorite swear word? 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39. Do you have any scars? 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 41. Are you a good liar? 42. Are you a good judge of character? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 44. Do you have a strong accent? 45. What is your favorite accent? 46. What is your personality type? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 48. Can you curl your tongue? 49. Are you an innie or an outie? 50. Left or right handed? 51. Are you scared of spiders? 52. Favorite food? 53. Favorite foreign food? 54. Are you a clean or messy person? 55. Most used phrased? 56. Most used word? 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 58. Do you have much of an ego? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 60. Do you talk to yourself? 61. Do you sing to yourself? 62. Are you a good singer? 63. Biggest Fear? 64. Are you a gossip? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 66. Do you like long or short hair? 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 68. Favorite school subject? 69. Extrovert or Introvert? 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 71. What makes you nervous? 72. Are you scared of the dark? 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 74. Are you ticklish? 75. Have you ever started a rumor? 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 77. Have you ever drank underage? 78. Have you ever done drugs? 79. Who was your first real crush? 80. How many piercings do you have? 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 82. How fast can you type? 83. How fast can you run? 84. What color is your hair? 85. What color is your eyes? 86. What are you allergic to? 87. Do you keep a journal? 88. What do your parents do? 89. Do you like your age? 90. What makes you angry? 91. Do you like your own name? 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? 94. What are you strengths? 95. What are your weaknesses? 96. How did you get your name? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? 98. Do you have any scars? 99. Color of your bedspread? 100. Color of your room?
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drdemonprince · 14 hours ago
Imagine a world where we looked at having sex the same way we do going out dancing or grabbing dinner.
Some people really enjoy visiting dance clubs or restaurants, include their partners in these activities, and make them a cornerstone of their social calendar; other folks are quite indifferent, and can take or leave them. Some people might only like engaging in these activities when they are completely alone, and others among us have highly specific preferences for the ways we might participate in them, if at all.
We don’t tend to assume a person’s life is incomplete if they have never been to a rave, and if a new buddy recommends we take an invigorating walk instead of grabbing an order of tibs and injera, we probably don’t bat an eye. If a romantic partner doesn’t share our passion for darkwave it might cause us problems, but we could just as easily call up a buddy with a Boy Harsher shirt and still have a good time.
Most of us recognize there’s potential for trauma surrounding body movement and food, but we don’t consider a person fundamentally broken if their parents forced them to eat vegetables or take a ballet class. We’ll consider it wrong that their feelings weren’t respected, and understand if they never want to join us for Black Swan and cheese fondue.
We don’t clutch our pearls if a child finds out that people twerk or drink wine. Even when forms of these activities are firmly for adults-only, it’s evident to all of us that they can be openly discussed, that no one is harmed by acknowledging their existence. These parts of regular life are not seen as magical, or assumed to be always beneficial or always negative for a person. Sometimes you eat an incredible burger. Sometimes you trip over your feet and briefly look like an ass. Neither defines your life or brings you to ruin.
And in the bold, sex neutral world that I am proposing, we’d have much the same attitudes toward intimacy. If we could view sex neutrally, we wouldn’t necessarily consider it a deal-breaker if a romantic partner enjoyed floggings and we preferred Tantric massage. A person who eschewed all sex or only had sex alone would be a bit of a private type, not a fundamentally different or lacking type of being. If a person was forty-five years old when they made their sexual debut, we’d treat them like someone who found a new hobby later in life, not like they were carrying some major social defect.
When sex was used as a tool of abuse or exploitation, we’d focus a lot more on the facts of the mistreatment, rather than the lurid details of the sex. We wouldn’t treat sex as radioactive, imbuing all it ever touched with a kind of sinister energy. And because we wouldn’t have to push back against such a demonized view of sex, we wouldn’t have to claim that sex was some life-changing, sacred activity that possessed a special ability to cement marriages or alter bodies, either.
Sex would just be a blasé thing, like going to the grocery store, getting a foot massage, taking a shit, or rolling a joint: highly pleasurable to some, completely squicky and uncomfortable to others, varying in its importance over the course of our lifespan, and never fundamentally good nor evil, just a regular part of human life.
We could think dispassionately about sex if this were the case, not viewing gay men in puppy hoods as predators simply for existing in the open air, or penalizing librarians for giving kids resources about their own bodies. We could acknowledge, without flipping out, that fetuses masturbate in the womb, children sometimes tie their dolls up in proto-fetishistic ways, and teenagers have sex with one another.
We would not consider it pathological if a young person had no interest in any of this, or if any person enjoyed sex in ‘unusual’ ways — they’d be no more strange to us than a lover of peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
And if a child were sexually exploited, or an adult person coerced into sexual activity, sex neutrality would allow us to look to the power and access that made such an awful violation possible. We’d see the problem was that a child had no one but their parent to rely upon, and nowhere else to go when that parent blocked them from seeing friends, restricted their access to food, or used them for personal gratification. Rather than being blinded by our aversion to sex, we’d be able to name all three controlling behaviors as equally wrong, all potentially fraught and traumatic.
I wrote all about sex neutrality and how it helps us to better understand issues of consent, abuse, and desire. You can read it for free (or have it narrated to you by the Substack app) at drdevonprice.substack.com
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prlssprfctn · 8 hours ago
AU, where Priest!Jason Todd keeps receiving random quests from the alternative universe, who are very, very persistent on getting his advice.
At some point, Jason stops getting surprised by the absolute unexplainable events in his hometown. He died and came back — so, what are some guests from the other realities for him? Absolutely nothing. He already helped that girl once, Traci. She also appeared out of nowhere.
And Jason... well, Father Jason is all about helping people, not asking questions.
That's why, when he sees a strange flash of light outside the church and hears heavy steps, coming closer to the confessional, he makes sure not to be too curious. Curiousity leads people to wrong paths sometimes.
'Jason?' The low, rumbling voice asks.
It reminds him of Thomas Wayne's a little but softer.
Thomas is not necessarily his friend, but they smoke sometimes together since Jason once accidentally found bleeding out Batman at the stairs leading to his church. He is a nice man.
'You shall call me Father Todd,' Jason fixes the guest methodically. 'How can I help you, my child?'
The man lets out a soft, amused laughter, and Jason hears him dragging his heavy body inside the booth before plopping on the cold, wooden seat.
'I am not here to confess,' the man warns. 'But I might need an advice.'
'An ask for help is also a confession in a way; sometimes, a bolder one,' Jason replies. 'I will do my best to guide you, my child. Tell me more about the issue you are facing.'
'I... I have a son,' the man starts slowly. 'I hurt him a lot in the past. And I don't know how to fix this.'
Jason hums, encouraging him to continue. They talk for the rest of the night. The mysterious guest leaves pleased.
In a week after that, another guest drops by. This time, it is a young man who keeps tapping his feet nervously and persistently cracks jokes straight until Jason gently tells him to lay on him all his burdens. This makes him snap and break down crying. Richard — or so he calls himself — never asks for advice, but he confesses in all things he had done; and then for things he didn't. Jason hears him out, reassuring that half of those wasn't even his fault, and they pray together that night through the thin wall dividing them. Richard tells him that it was a while he felt himself this free before leaving. Jason never hears from him again.
A seemingly young boy visits next. He is amused for the most of the time, but Jason still patiently talks him through the casualties of ceremonies like this, deciding not to get mad at a teenager — he was no better at that age. Somewhere in between long pauses and questions, Timothy suddenly starts talking quietly about his parents; about how they were religious, but he never understood their faith. Not really.
He says he misses him, and he wishes he could turn time back to agree on following his mom in the church in these rare days they were not working. They sit together for a while, and Jason allows him to reminisce about his parents. Tim leaves, thanking him for being heard.
Jason accepts a few more strange quests. A kid with the vocabulary of an ancient creature that admits that he is not even Christian — Jason still offers him an ear telling him it doesn’t matter; not when a child of God needs advice — a silent girl that speaks in short sentences and asks how to get rid of regret and guilt following her around for years, and then, a total opposite one: a blabbering and giggling girl that ends up talking with him about her mom. He swears, at some point Duke, the kid from Narrows that he has over with his family on Sundays, visits him too; just, somehow, an older one. Even that doesn't cause Father Todd to ask questions.
...Not until someone enters the confessional with a strange, animal-like cautiousness.
'So, you are the one they visit all the time, huh?' The stranger comments, his voice... his voice surprisingly familiar. 'Father Todd.'
If there is a slight mocking intonation in the low voice, then Jason prefers to ignore it.
'That would be me, yes. How can I help you, my child?'
'Well, well, Father Todd... Riddle me this...'
The more the unknown boy speaks, the more nauseous Jason feels. He knows this story; he remembers finding Catherine dead, he remembers stealing tires — and even though the boy by the other side found a family, while he didn’t, the death and reborn he speaks about, is still something Jason relates to.
For the first time since he started to get strange visitors, Jason indulges himself — he allows curiosity to take over.
The visitor is in the middle of casually, almost intentionally so, retelling how he woke up in the casket, when Jason walks out of his part of booth, and unceremoniously opens the opposite side of it, facing a boy in the red armour. He hugs a big, intimidating helmet, and when their eyes meet, Jason freezes, despite knowing an answer all along.
It is him. Of course, it is him.
'Jesus fucking Christ, ruining the very little privacy this place has, in our Catholic house?' The other Jason mocks him, leaning slightly forward. 'I expected more from us. I am hurt.'
Father Todd just sighs.
Nothing could ever prepare him for needing to... accept a confession from himself. Yet, he is here, staring at the scruffy youth with a wolf-like smile who is so obviously lost behind all these fake bravado that it hurts.
'Behave,' he purses lips in a thin line before closing the door in his face again.
He doesn't need to see to know that a surprised expression touched his sharp features.
Jason makes his way back to his side of confessional, and clears up his throat again.
'I apologise. Please, you shall resume your story.'
The other Jason is silent for a while. He thinks the boy might leave — they had it in themselves, after all; leaving when being met with an unexpected touch of gentleness from others, instead of rage — but then, he doesn't.
His voice lacks all mockery and amusement when he speaks up again, the words lacing in a tale of sorrow and regrets.
And Father Todd... answers, of course. He is not here to ask questions, after all. He is all about helping people.
And who, if not Jason Todd, knows that there is no one but higher forces and themselves, who can help them through their toughest times?
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goomyloid · 7 hours ago
(looks around nervously) (speaking into an unplugged mic) one toby fox "quote" that has helped me a lot as an artist/creator is this one:
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(from the FAQ page for deltarune.)
i know i havent made anything particularly groundbreaking or amazing in my life so far, i still have a long long ways to go, but id just be acting stupid if i said there was nobody that liked my stuff... going anti-humble mode for a second here. There are goomyloid fans out there in the world....
but whenever i do make something i pour a lot of energy and heart into (mainly comics and videos) i sometimes get worried that This Is My Peak, i don't know if i can make anything better than this (at least as i am now)
but when i think of the (paraphrased) words "i don't think i can make something that made you feel 'that way' again, but maybe I can make something else." it reminds me of just how many different things i can create, and how many different things i WANT to create. this 'something else' could feel like less to some people, but it could also feel like so, so so much more for others.
(i think that's kind of how i feel about deltarune in general actually. of course undertale was great, but even with two chapters right now, i can tell deltarune is going to be something really special. truly, it is Something Else)
erm my TLDR here is that uhh Keep drawing and making forever. dont berate yourself for being unable to re-achieve something you've already done, and let yourself do Something Else. goodbye (i leave out your front door)
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swtt4hk · 3 days ago
Are we still lovers? || ex!Cho Sang-woo x fem!Reader (Oneshot)
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requested by: anonymous!
author’s note: this was inspired by the song “Are we still friends?” By Tyler , The Creator! It also contains some curse words…enjoy!
he’s here…again. Cho Sang-woo , your ex , is here to beg you to come back again. Everyday is the same shit. He comes over shouting and wakes up the whole neighbourhood just to beg you to come back. But of course you’re not going back to him , not after what he did to you.
You and Cho Sang-woo had been together for a few years now. You were both really happy with your relationship and were even planning to get married soon. Until one day , everything changed.
—I’m breaking up with you.
You freeze. Him wanting to break up with you was the last thing you expected to hear.
—w-what? No , you aren’t.
—yes , I am. I’ve already packed your things.
—what?! But why?! Is there anyone else? What happened? What about our plans? You were just telling me , a few days ago , about where you want us to get married!
You protest with tears in your eyes. The truth is , Sang-woo didn’t want to break up with you either. He loved you a lot. But he had just gotten an offer to go work in America and he couldn’t turn down such offer. Money was tough and he couldn’t take you with you , so he had to make a decision. It was either you or his career. But his ego took over him and he chose to go to America. He thought that if he stayed here , he wouldn’t achieve anything and would make your life harder. But let’s be real. Work was his top priority, you were his second choice.
—do I really need to explain this to you? Don’t make this any harder for me and leave.
—no! Sang-woo , I’m your girlfriend and I have every right to know why you want to break up with me!
His jaw clenched in frustration and sighs.
—you wanna know the truth so badly, huh? Here it is then. I’m leaving you. I’m going to America. I got offered a better position and I’ll make much more money than I do here.
your eyes soften as tears roll down your cheek.
—Sang-woo , that’s amazing…why can’t I come with you?
He can’t tell you. He can’t admit that he doesn’t have any money. He’ll seem weak and miserable , so he lies instead. He has to.
—I don’t need any distractions. Also , the work hours will be long.
Then it hits you. He doesn’t love you anymore? He finds you a distraction? That’s not the Sang-woo you know…there is more to it.
—Cho Sang-woo! Stop lying and tell me why you don’t want me to come with you!
—I can’t sit here and argue about something pointless. Just take your things and go!
You burst into tears , take your things and go. You don’t have any choice.
End of Flashback
Ding dong
Here we go again.
—y/n! I know you’re in there , please just open the door! How many times do I have to apologise?!
you walk to the door
—you think an apology can fix this? You’re such an asshole , you don’t know me at all.
—please , just please open the door…
his voice breaks and cries. You’re tired of this shit. It wouldn’t hurt if you finally opened the door , right?
the door unlocks , revealing Sang-woo on the floor , his shirt half unbuttoned and his cheeks red. He must be drunk.
—you better have a good explanation.
You say coldly , not even offering to help him get up.
—can…can I come in?
He says and looks at you like some desperate puppy. You sigh and gesture him to come in. You both sit on the couch and wait for him to speak.
—y/n…can you please come back? I’m sorry. I need you. I promise I’ll be a better man for you.
You scoff at his words.
—I didn’t let you in for you to tell me the same shit you’ve been telling me for the past month. I need to hear something new.
He looks down at his feet in embarrassment. He is ashamed for what he did. After he moved to America , everything was going well at first. Until everything started going downhill. It turned out that he owners of the company he was working in had committed a bunch of crimes , scammed people , including Sang-woo. He , then , realised how big of a mistake he had made. He had left the love of his life , the person who gave him courage and happiness just for money. He knew it wouldn’t be so easy to come back to you but he was determined to get you back.
—y/n…if I explain…will you accept me back?
—no promises.
He lets out a small chuckle. He knew that you would react like this and it’s funny how well he knows your reactions.
—alright then…
Sang-woo explains everything to you , detail by detail and you’re left stunned. That’s both stupid and sweet at the same time. You found it cute and sweet that he thought he would seem weak and wanted to provide you with more money but that fact that HE BROKE UP WITH YOU and moved away just for money was stupid asf.
—I know. I’m a dumbass.
You chuckle.
—yes , you are. But , first of all , why did you break up with me to move to America? I have a job , I could work some extra hours to get more money and I could come with you some months later. Second of all , you’re stupid for thinking I would find you ‘weak’ for not having enough money to take me with you. Third , you’re an asshole because you put work first and then me.
Sang-woo nods. He totally agrees with what you’re saying but he’s still surprised that you’re not screaming at him.
—I’m…I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?
—well…no. Not exactly. I’m glad that you finally confessed but I will not be accepting you back. It hurts. What you did hurts a lot and I don’t think I can ever forget what you did to me.
—I’d like you to move on. Please don’t contact me anymore. Thank you so much for everything , truly.
You say and get up. You open the door and gesture him to get out.
—goodbye , Sang-woo. I hope you find the right one.
Sang-woo , with tears in his eyes , gets up and leaves. He looks at you one more time before leaving , all the memories fading and a new chapter of both of your lives starting.
This isn’t the end. This is only the beginning of a new and better life.
Idk why but I think I made y/n a lil bit pick me , so I apologise 😭
Taglist: @sensationallysangwoo
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ghouljams · 16 hours ago
I really appreciate you reblogging that post about how difficult it is to quit an addiction. I myself am currently struggling with a sugar/caffeine addiction, and I drink way too much coke cola (and if I can't get my hands on some, energy drinks). It's nice to be reminded that it's not just me who is constantly thinking about how good it would feel to have juuust a little more, even if I said I would stop. I've tried to quit it multiple times, and each failed attempt disheartens me greatly and makes me feel weak willed, even if I rationally know everyone battling an addiction has those moments.
Sugar addictions often aren't treated as seriously as the "scary" drugs or smoking, but it's just as damaging to your health and difficult to quit, especially when the human brain is hardwired to want sugary, fatty foods. I hope one day to be strong enough to resist those cravings and get my health back on track.
You can become addicted to anything that makes you feel good. People are getting addicted to AI chat bots for god's sake, it doesn't even have to be quality stuff as long as it gives you that rush of dopamine it can reel you in. Now, some things are better designed to addict you, drugs and alcohol, sugar and caffeine, but that doesn't mean you aren't still getting that good feeling. Even if you don't get it every time, even if you only get that hit the first time, humans will chase that first high for the rest of their lives. It's the reason people stay in abusive relationships, things will never be as good as they were at the start but there's this silent promise that they might be.
Anyone can become addicted to anything. And I'm not saying that to scare anyone, but more to make the point that no one is above addiction. Addiction is not a moral failing, or a weakness, it's a human survival tactic. We want the thing that makes us feel good, that keeps the loneliness at bay, that stops us from feeling bad things even if they do that by keeping us from feeling anything at all. Our brains want that dopamine shot, even when reasonably we know whatever is giving us that shot is bad for us.
Getting past an addiction is hard no matter what that addiction is. I try to tell people that they need to find something to redirect that craving towards. For one of my loved ones we're working on finding a painting class and a book club because they've realized that a lot of their relapsing comes from feeling lonely. For you, maybe having a chew fidget would help, or keeping fruit on hand, or (if you're like me) purging your house of all sugary snacks. I can't keep sugar in my house or I'll eat it, so I don't buy it. It sucks, I want it, but I know myself and I know that the best way to keep myself from doing something is to try and remove as much temptation as possible.
It's much harder for me to justify leaving my house to go get candy than it is for me to get up and get a chocolate from the pantry. Or if I really want a sweetie, I have to figure out making it myself. Which means I can try and figure out a healthier option to make. Idk it's a long road, and something like sugar/caffeine/alcohol is so ingrained in our society that it feels impossible to avoid.
I have a friend who used heroin (now clean, I'm so proud of her) and she always said the hardest part of recovery was giving a shit about herself. She said there was always going to be part of her that wanted to use, so she had to make the rest of her louder, had to find reasons to care enough not to go back to her old habits. She got a lot of tattoos during her recovery, reconnected with her mom.
Not to say that addicts don't care about themselves, or that you don't care about yourself, I always thought she meant it more in the way of a parent caring for a child. You know, you don't let kids do something just because they want to because you care about keeping them safe. In the same way you sort of have to parent yourself. Say you've got sugar at home even though you don't, promise you'll make yourself donuts and then quit as soon as you get home because you don't want to boil oil. Learn to make croissants and then never make them again because they're such a fucking hassle. idk
You're not weak because you have trouble telling yourself no, people generally have trouble with that. You're just a person trying to listen to your body. It's just too bad your body isn't always a great judge of what's good for it.
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ladykailitha · 3 days ago
Heartbreak in Overdrive Part 2
I am absolutely loving the response to this fic. It is such a blast to write.
In this we have some Steve backstory. Like lots and lots. And featuring bisexual Steve, Jonathan, and Argyle.
Part 1
Steve got into photography as a way to pick up chicks. There was a photography club in his high school where ninety percent of the club was made up of girls. The only other boy in that club was Jonathan Byers.
They both went for the same girl and Steve lost the toss up. Nancy Wheeler was going places, and those places were big named news outlets.
They became a journalism duo, he’d take the pictures and she would write the stories. Only Nancy hadn’t wanted to be stuck in the gossip column while Jonathan found he liked taking pictures of the beautiful dresses and stunning suits, so they parted ways.
Jonathan was a top fashion photographer highly sought out by major labels the world over while Nancy had become the next Barbara Walters. She had her own hit show and everything after 20/20 on Sundays.
Steve on the other hand had fallen into profession by accident.
With his trust fund from his grandparents he decided to see the world from behind the lens of his camera. He was traveling through Egypt when the riots hit and took his first award winning shot of this little boy stepping out of the rubble, holding his sister’s hand in one hand and her doll in the other.
It being in black and white was accident. He had been taken pictures of monuments in black and white for that old-timey feel and had forgotten to take it off when he took the shot.
It was also where he met his best friend and platonic soulmate Robin Buckley. She was in the country working as an interpreter and all foreign nationals in the city were all corralled into the two major hotels in the area until their embassies could be contacted to get them out of the country. They were grouped by country and that’s how he met her.
She convinced him that the shots he took were worth sending in to magazines and shit. Then the National Geographic told him they wanted his photo on the cover of the issue that went into the riots.
He happily agreed to sell it to them.
Then it happened again. He was traveling with Robin and got into another pickle and Steve’s shots of the day were wanted for their tender takes on a sensitive topic.
It happened a couple more times before National Geographic asked him to be their war photographer. They would pay him to take pictures of the people and their plight to bring awareness to their struggles.
Steve made friends with the locals and they were always happy to see him.
Then it went to hell three years ago.
Robin and Steve were kidnapped by local thugs and tortured for information and accused as spies. Information they didn’t have.
They tore apart Steve’s equipment and cameras looking for god knows what and then after three days of Robin and Steve pleading that they didn’t know anything, they were dumped two miles from the airport and left to die.
They were saved by a trio of girls who were taking their gap year traveling Europe. Max Mayfield, Ellie Hopper, and Erica Sinclair. Well, technically Erica was sixteen, but had somehow managed to convince her parents for this to count as her sophomore year of high school, saying that she would learn more about world history seeing it then she would sitting a dusty school room.
“I want to be a fashion designer,” Ellie said on the way to the airport after they were cleared to leave from the hospital. “But I don’t draw well enough. But I really love putting clothes together for other people and making them look good.”
Steve tilted his head to the side. “That sounds more like a stylist then a designers. Designers do that for like fashion shows and shit, but if you want to dress people up then that’s a stylist.”
Ellie’s eyes lit up and she pulled out her phone, reading up about it.
“I already know what I’m going to do,” Max said brightly. “I’m going to be a hair stylist. I’ve already got the school lined up and everything. I just want to see the world first.”
Robin gave her a high five. “Hell yeah! I always wanted to do makeup, but my mom thought that because I was super talented with languages that I should do something with that.”
“How many languages can you speak?” Erica asked. “Like are they all related and that’s why you know so many?”
Max pinched her side and she squirmed to get away from her.
“I speak French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian fluently,” Robin said puffing up her chest in pride. “I also know conversational Arabic and Farsi with a smattering of specific words in Portuguese, German, and Welsh.”
“Welsh?” Max asked raising her eyebrow. “Why Welsh?”
Robin shrugged. “I was trying something new in Duolingo before the app went to hell. So I know some basic words.”
Steve looked over at Erica. “So what do you want to be when you grow up?” He winked at her and she giggled back.
“I’m going to be a lawyer like my mom,” Erica said with a big grin. “She’s already helping me take college classes along with my high school classes next year so I can graduate with a diploma and an associate degree so I can have a head start on bachelor degree.”
“Holy shit!” Robin said. “I didn’t know you could do that.”
“She’s super smart and dedicated,” Ellie said, “That’s why her parents let her come with us.”
“Yeah,” Max said with a snort and an eye roll, “there is no way that they would let Lucas do that at her age.”
“Who’s Lucas?” Steve asked as their cab slowed to a stop in front of the airport drop-off.
They all got out and then got their stuff from the trunk, Robin grabbing Steve’s stuff as he paid the driver. Once they were sure they got everything out Steve tapped on the roof and waved their driver off.
“Lucas is my older brother,” Erica said fondly. “He’s actually got a full ride to Duke on a basketball scholarship so that’s where he’s at right now.”
“He must be pretty good if he got into Duke,” Steve said with a low whistle.
Erica held out her hand and waved back and forth. “Eh...”
Max pinched her side again and she let out a shriek of laughter.
“Yes, he’s very good,” Max said.
“You’re just bias because you’re dating him,” Erica huffed.
Steve looked over at Ellie who shook her head.
“He is in fact good,” she said solemnly. “But Erica is being a typical little sister.”
Erica stuck her tongue out at her but didn’t refute the claim.
Once they got through security Steve handed each of them one of his business cards. “You guys need a reference letter or any of that shit for colleges or schools or whatever. Hit me up. I’ll be happy to recommend you to anyone.”
They all looked at their cards in curiosity as Steve and Robin made for their terminal they heard Max exclaim.
“Holy shit he’s that guy?!”
Steve and Robin giggled about it all the way back to America.
Once they were back in New York, they settled in Steve’s apartment to decide what they wanted to do with their lives.
“Yeah,” Steve said with a grimace. “Can’t go back to being a war photographer. I’m going to have nightmares for years.”
“Hard same,” Robin agreed. “I guess I could get into cosmetology school for the makeup. Do what I always wanted to do.”
Steve sighed.
He never really had a dream. He just kept falling into the next thing. He had taken the money from his trust fund and expanded on it so that he was independently wealthy. He didn’t have to work if he didn’t want to.
He also hadn’t spoken to his parents in years, them having long given up hope of him finding himself and coming home to work for his dad. And it really wasn’t that they didn’t approve his job, his mom was proud of him, especially. But with Steve traveling all over the world, they had merely drifted apart.
He did know that he was absolutely not cut out to be a financial consultant. He didn’t have a head for numbers and the sterile white of the corporate world was not for him.
Then Steve’s phone went off sounding a text message alert. He frowned and opened his phone. It was a text message from Jonathan. He was in New York too and wanted to see if Steve wanted to hang out.
“Hey,” he said looking up from his phone. “You want to meet Jonathan and his boyfriend, Argyle?”
Robin’s eyes lit up. “Hell yeah! I would love to meet your bisexual awakening and his super chill boyfriend.”
Steve laughed. It was the first time he had done so since their kidnapping. It felt nice to know he still could. It felt good.
“Just a bunch of chaotic bisexuals and a hyper lesbian,” he said with a grin. “What more do you need for a party?”
Robin cocked her head to the side and said with all sincerity, “More lesbians.”
Steve threw back his head and laughed. “God, I don’t think they know any.”
“Just what is this world coming to if they don’t know any lesbians?” she admonished as they got ready to go. “Don’t they take pictures of models? Surely there must be some lesbians there. They can’t all be straight.”
“Of course,” Steve said shaking his head. “Go straight for the models, not everyone else who makes the industry run. The photographers, stylists, cosmetologists, assistants, and managers.”
Robin just cackled.
When they got to the bar, Steve wasn’t sure to make of the place. It was teaming with super models, actors, actresses, and rock and pop stars of every stripe and color. The music was thumping and the alcohol was flowing freely.
Robin’s eyes bulged out of her head. Steve gently closed her mouth. He could name at least a dozen of big names.
“Act like they’re normal people and you’ll be fine,” he cautioned.
She rolled her eyes but entered the fray anyway, Steve close on her heels. He touched her elbow and pointed at the table where Argyle and Jonathan were waiting.
Jonathan raised his hand when he spotted them and waved them over. Steve trotted up the table and slid into a nearby chair, Robin sliding next him.
“Hey, guys!” he greeted them brightly. “Thanks for this, by the way. We were just going to sulk in my apartment eating ice cream and watching period dramas.”
Jonathan burst out laughing. “This is way more fun.”
“Sorry we had you come here,” Argyle said sheepishly. “This isn’t our usual watering hole, but we met up with a client earlier and figured we’d at least make the most of their hospitality and them allowing us to put all our drinks on their credit card.”
Robin raised an invisible glass. “I’ll drink to that!”
A waiter came by and took their actual drink orders and once they got them they settled into chat.
“So what are you plans?” Jonathan asked Steve between sips of his beer.
Steve snorted but Robin told him about getting into cosmetology school to learn how to do makeup.
“Dude,” Argyle said, shaking his head. “What I wouldn’t give for a set makeup artist. With whoever hires you providing their own, it’s always hit or miss. Usually miss these days.”
“Unless you get Eddie Munson,” Jonathan agreed, taking a long draft of his beer. “He comes with his own. Vickie Cameron.”
Argyle rolled his eyes. “Vickie Cameron is the only good thing about having to shoot Eddie fucking Munson.” He sipped on his mai tai and shook his head.
Steve tilted his head to the side. “Who’s Eddie Munson? I feel like I should know, but I’m really out of touch with my well... old job now.”
“He’s gorgeous!” Robin enthused. “And I’m a lesbian.” She pulled out her phone and began pulling up picture after picture of the guy.
“Yeah, okay,” Steve said. “He is familiar. And you know, hot.”
Argyle snorted, his drink almost to his lips. “He’s also the biggest diva and pain in the ass known to model kind.”
“God,” Jonathan agreed. “He absolutely is. Like he is so fucking demanding. His rider alone is longer than my arm. A specific kind of water. Having his manager Chrissy pick out his clothes, only Vickie doing his hair and makeup. No wool. Shit like that.”
“He’s probably allergic to the wool,” Robin said with a shrug. “My mom is. My dad can’t even wear his favorite sweater when she’s not around because it sheds and she can break out into hives just from sitting in the same place on the couch as he was.”
“Okay,” Jonathan said rolling his eyes. “I’ll give him a pass on the wool, but seriously, he’ll complain about everything.”
“You should join us on set next time we have a shoot,” Argyle said. “You like dropping into new professions? Drop into ours. We’ve got hot babes and hotter dudes.” He tilted his head toward Robin. “Hell, once she gets her license, make her your go to makeup artist. A lot photographers do it. In fact more of them should, if I’m honest.”
Robin and Steve looked at each other and then nodded.
“One photography job is as good as another,” Steve said with a shrug. “And at least with this one, the chances of us being kidnapped goes down a hell of a lot.”
Argyle grimaced. “Sadly not zero.”
They all laughed.
1- @itsall-taken @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @sadisticaltarts @dolphincliffs
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @irregular-child @cryptid-system @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @dreamercec @blondie1006
5- @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @genderless-spoon @fearieshadow @thesecondfate
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @chaotic-waffle @steddieislife @oh-no-its-danger-gays @ollieolive @micheledawn1975
10- @little-birch-boy
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tornoleander · 5 hours ago
Finally Ironed out some ninja designs! I Usually don’t share references but with the behind the scenes stuff I’m doing on my Skybound project I don’t have much else I can share yet.
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There is a few headcanon/ Fic stuff in references and powers and the all ninja shot is for first part of Skybound project.
I can share Skybound project Updates! I’m making lots of progress! Trying to focus on p1 stuff so I can put full force into the p2 stuff!
P1 may be ready Summer? 2025
My Skybound talk Video:
* God I have so much to ramble about just when I think I covered something a new angle gets me
* How TF am I supposed to sanely transition from the wholesome reasons I love this season into the horribly problem stuff. Sigh*
* Actually studying videos covering serious topics to navigate how to word things.
* I have to stop drawing so much art for everything or no one will ever see this video.
* The desire to animate my character lipsinking to me is an evolutionary disadvantage I will resist.
Cannon compliant Animatic:
* Song is Ironed out fought a while adding voice lines and I’m way more excited than I thought I’d be for this animatic because I thought it would be overshadowed by how strongly I feel about the other 2. But damn.
* I’m storyboarding after like my life depends on it rn
* Really trying to capture Nya’s character Ark which sent me right back to the video script because I remembered that one reddit post calling her a bitch and rage wrote for 2 hours.
* I am determined to make people see how good her character arc actually is.
* Throwing Jay shade in this one lol he was kinda awful even with being manipulated.
* Trying to convey clear Ideas and story through art is pain but also addicting.
* This is meant as a leading to both part two animatics, but bbnb Kai is shorter than wytyaa Kai. The difference is significant everything else pre dinner with Nadakhan is the same. The other head cannons are almost aligned as far as I know. It’s JUST Kai. What do I do with him?!? Lmao Might just distance him from the other ninja so you can’t tell how tall he is. Thank goodness he is the most gullible and first to wish it all away
P2 out like December if I’M lucky TT
Even though I should focus on first things first, I can’t help myself. these fics have lived rent free in my brain for like 2 years and despite plans shifting the excitement of drawing the story I read and put to music in my head is a force of nature. Thanks Adhd
* I storyboarded about half the scenes I want to. Songs are decided but a few parts I’m waiting for the rest of the story for.
* I think I’m going to mess with color palette. I really want to capture the emotion and intensity. I’m learning the full potential of my art and
* I need Final ch released for maping out the second half.
* BUT I AM NOT READY TO READ IT @mondothebombo And from what you told me I don’t think I’ll be able to finish P1 by then. cries*
* I wanna capture the feeling reading wytyaa.
* May make my wytyaa specific refs so I can make animatic art I can post early.
* It’s all storyboarded and half animated
* Thinking about redoing most the earlier stuff, consistency has been a problem
* Also was to mess with colors, dark backgrounds and intense colors.
* I fought with my ref forever to find good enough lightning scar colors cause figuring out the right amount of contrast is pain.
* So now I want to redraw my bbnb scar references a third time.
* May draw other bbnb specific refs so I can make some art for the animatic I can post here early or on on my old A03 book
If you have Any questions feel free to leave an ask! I answer all eventually sometimes I do save em up though so if I didn’t answer something yet, Sorry I will get to you.
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Bojack Lays It Down Flat On Stolas
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I think a lot of people have made comparisons between Stolas and Bojack for good reasons because both are assholes who keep using their tragic backstories to absolve themselves of their actions and keep repeating the same mistake that makes people alienate themselves from them. The difference is the narrative knows Bojack is wrong and makes him pay for his mistakes, while Stolas is constantly babied and treated as tragic going through everything. I can imagine if Stolas befriended Bojack he would at first side with him and let him crash at whatever new place he managed to get but soon realizes what an ungrateful, whiny privileged asshole he is.
This would be post series Bojack where he's lost his reputation and had many friends distance him and just had Mr. Peanutbutter backing him. However, I could see him after a season worth of dealing with him telling him the ugly truth about what type of person he is and wouldn't sugarcoat it. It would also come out because Bojack realizes he's not so different from Stolas and hates it. He really doesn't want the bird in his life, especially if he can't admit he's a pos.
Bojack: You know when I first let you crash here I thought it was because life treated you like crap and you needed someone to help you, but now I realize that it's only because your actions led you to this.
Stolas: What are you saying? You can go blaming what that harpy of an ex-wife and her brother did to me on myself.
Bojack: I can say you allowed yourself to be stripped of your powers because you valued dying for your boy toy rather than living for your kid.
Stolas: But I had no choice he would have died if I hadn't of done anything.
Bojack: You still broke your promise to never leave her and caused her stay in your ex's and brother in law's clutches. And this all started because you had to get your dick wet instead of actually being man enough to divorce. Dude, if you really cared about your daughter you would have long left your wife instead of staying together so you can stroke your martyr complex.
Stolas: Don't judge me I tried the best I could for that girl all these years.
Bojack: If that's what you called trying I hate to see what you do when you don't give a damn.
Stolas: Shut up and give me more absinthe.
Bojack: Also dude get a job and buy your own groceries. I am tired of cooking and getting booze for a pompous brat like you. In fact, I just want you to get the fuck out of here and you can wallow in your own issues because it's not my responsibility to give a hoot about you.
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sincerelyrf · 5 months ago
me: *seeing people yell about how they did Glintshore & Percy's death in the show*
also me: ..................anyway
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moeblob · 9 days ago
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i have no idea where the compulsion to giver her a pokemon came from ??? but her and her minccino gotta go make sure her husband stays safe.
#my characters#pkmn#honestly very shocked she got so many notes yesterday and yes she has a white cat#why did i feel the need to give her a pokemon ?? idk!#but also fun fact i cant recall if i mentioned in tags yet#is she really does just worry about how nice her husband is bc while hes recovering#she has to say mmmm maybe we DONT call an electrician over while im at work and cant be here for you#and hes like well why not ?? do you think the electrician is going to kidnap me????#and shes like not really but you ARE really gullible and suffering a head injury where you space out at times and i dont want#to leave you here with a stranger ok#and the husband is just like you know what thats actually so valid i am really gullible i might be tricked into something#and just accepts it ! hes like YEAH ! i AM easy to convince of things! my wife is so cool and smart and looking out for us#but its also why he realizes while hes at home recovering there are ONLINE COURSES he can take#and so he starts to look online and figures out how to fix the flickering himself and gets a couple online courses under his belt#and he uses his engineering and construction knowledge to help him figure out how to build death contraptions#and so his wife is like sweetheart why dont you try to do something with that as a job? you have the ability#and hes like yeah but what do i put on a resume?#i used free online lectures to fix lights in my bathroom and build really cool ways to die? trust me? ive died a lot?#and shes just yeah ok fair that is a bit hard to convince people you know what youre doing when you do it to die#loving wife loves her loving husband and together they go die a lot now ft a cute lil pokeman
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beesorcery · 11 months ago
hello it's part 3 of 3 for my cool fun graphic design adventure!! part 1 and part 2 got too long. to recap i am recreating this t-shirt design but with the magic 8 ball songs instead of city names:
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here is the current draft, updated through 3/27 (pittsburgh) (!!!!)
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loderlied · 13 days ago
sharing some thoughts about deactivating here because it’s been difficult pondering idk.
#god i really really don’t want to do this. but i have to but i don’t want to but i have to but i don’t want to. and so on. you get the gist#though i guess i am more not wanting to let go of an idea or fantasy rather than reality#like i always wanted to be an active participant in fun oc art fandom writing etc etc communities#but all i really did was make way too many people uncomfortable with my worthless stuff.#like it and me are just not built for interacting with people lmao. especially when it comes to stuff like my characters or uh.#i don’t know you can’t call it art or writing just uh. creations i guess.#and like i knew that before i made this blog but then people started interacting with me and i thought hey maybe this’ll work out maybe i#can be better and then i so wasn’t. and for that i am very sorry.#(and i mean this is not the main reason why i feel like i have to do this but i can’t just go back like nothing happened on here lmao.#i deleted 90% of my shana posts i had/am having a crashout i gotta at least follow through after being so embarrassing#after being even more insufferable than usual haha. and if i stayed there would be even more people who feel obligated to stay around#i feel. and i so don’t want that. so just one more reason why i gotta be brave and just fucking do it.)#also i do realise that there’s the possibility of not deactivating and just logging off and leaving but every time i took a break like that#i always like felt a bit ‘better’/delusional & thought it’d be ok to return. sure that’ll happen again.which is why i have to be so drastic#like even if i made a new blog i know myself well enough to know that i’ll be too embarrassed to reach out to anyone again.#so it would really be a working solution to this problem. i really should just do it.#romeo’s wretched rambles#also a message to everyone telling me that they like shana and that he’s not a shit character to obsess over & more importantly share#with folks: appreciate the sentiment but there’s a lot of his evil you don’t know about.#i was implying some stuff here and there and some people i’ve told more privately but even they are missing like 25% of the shana.#those being the absolute worst parts of him. i am still absolutely obsessed with him but that’s my error to fix and i can’t subject#people to that anymore in good conscience. seeing people say they like him actively feels like i’m pulling a shana myself and deceiving#people with lies of omission sometimes. remember that lol. obviously ik that there r big differences but sometimes it just feels awful stil#so maybe he’s better contained in a separate private blog that i can torch once i get over this rot and just be done with this fucking char#again i don’t mean to say that i don’t appreciate the support but i’m sure many of your guys’ opinions would change If You Knew. you know.#(god. with the lies of omission thing. every day i learn more abt how i subconsciously write things that make me deeply uncomfortable lol)#(and that i fear. like. that wasn’t even intentional when i gave him that trait. i just realised that while typing this pointless mess lmao#anyways. thanks for readin if you made it this far. send me anon hate or something. hit me with an anvil and spit on my corpse if you will#i hope that at least by the end of this week i will have put my brave pants on and decided on what to do. sorry for being so annoying.
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joyridingmp3 · 4 months ago
2 years to the date that all of my hard work paid off and i was able to buy a home for myself and finally, at long long long long last, able to escape my abusive parents house. not just a house, but a home, and that difference has always been important to me. i feel mostly astounded by how quickly the years have passed since then, but also proud. not just of the achievement but also the way that i've been able to get to know myself, develop my identity, and figure out who i am in that short period of time. it's amazing the way you get to flourish in a world with stability (and not just in the material sense but that too!) when you're not spending every second running from and avoiding life altering trauma. i have some really exciting opportunities coming up to better help me work towards that very soon and hopefully the trajectory continues. it was such a difficult 24 years in getting there a couple of years ago and i really didn't think i'd even make it at times but my god it was so worth waiting for.
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jestiamy · 1 year ago
qsmp makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist almost constantly. I see someone go "yeah bad almost exclusively chooses tophats in games when given the option" and I immediately run back to my conspiracy board and pin that next to the photo of q!slime and q!mariana saying they'll adopt juanaflippa because she has glasses like q!slime/q!mariana respectively under a sticky note captioned "??? the original spanish-english egg pairs were designed in a way meant to attract certain parents to adopting them???", that's connected by red string to a note pad page stating "how random was the parent pairing REALLY?" with nothing under it - which is then connected to a string that leads to several polaroids containing the ending(s) of the wall and the wreckage of the button, captioned "why build a wall that big only to have it end at a certain point?" followed by a string connected to a notebook page in the middle of the board reading "the illusion of choice?" - connected to several other seemingly dead-end questions and theories, as well as some slight stragglers only connected to eachother and not the middle. and then I look over my board covered in feverish notes and I go. yeah okay so I may just have like a slight problem
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