#i personally think this turned out quite pretty but i also think i might've been staring at it for too long
hollis-art · 1 month
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elleloquently · 11 months
[ ellie still fucking hated coffee.
but she finished off the drink, just because you made it. ]
| a/n : this has genuinely been in the works for months and im so excited to finally be posting it, so please consider leaving a comment/reblogging! it took ages but im very happy with the end result. over time i had a bunch of requests for coffee shop/college barista au's so i kinda mashed them together. please enjoy! <3
| c/w : swearing
coffee talk - ellie williams
the late summer air might've subconsciously motivated ellie's walk that day, her relaxed demeanour acted as a foolish guise from her anxious thoughts. she usually waited until the last possible minute to leave for class, but something today was different.
maybe she hoped that if she walked around for awhile, her body and mind would tire themselves before class, leaving herself sleepy with concentration instead. maybe she hoped that her early start would somehow prompt a late arrival to class, giving her an excuse to just not go.
ellie sighed, squinting in the sun. it was too early in the semester to start that bad habit.
she came across a little campus cafe on her wander, quickly recognizing it as the one that dina had frequented. she hesitated briefly, trying to peer through the glass windows in a not obvious way. it looked relatively empty, compared to the usual crowd, so ellie dragged herself inside.
the air conditioning instantly hit her warm skin, causing goosebumps on her arms. a small group had claimed a table by a window, chattering away with laptops covering the table top. ellie wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for, and the line was pretty short, not allowing her much time to think. ellie lingered in the doorway, wondering how strange it may appear if she turned on her heel and immediately exited the establishment right after entering, until she heard possibly the sweetest voice to ever hit her ears.
"have a nice day," you regarded softly, handing someone their drink with a quick smile.
you were still relatively new at the job, fumbly and awkward with the interactions. your previous job had sucked. your co-workers were mean, you were paid basically nothing, and you were left with little time to complete assignments. your final straw was getting yelled at over the phone by your manager after calling off of work with the flu.
finally gathering the courage to quit, your friend had rallied you up to work at a campus cafe alongside her. the idea of that sort of work scared you, talking to customers, making drinks, but the pay was good and the hours were flexible. you put in an application and by the end of the week, you had started the training process. it was relatively comfortable, until your friend had suddenly decided to quit and left you alone.
"sorry," she had apologized weakly. "i think i might pick up doordashing or something instead."
you pushed out a quick sigh, drumming your fingers on the counter before plastering a smile on your face, moving to greet the next customer.
ellie craned her neck, trying to see the owner of the voice above the heads of the people that stood in line. once her eyes landed upon you, ellie sucked in a breath. she moved wordlessly into the line, no plan of action in mind.
she watched, dazed, as you entered orders and nodded. when you turned around to grab something and ellie spotted the bow that you were wearing in your hair, her palms began to feel warm. she strained her ears, desperate to hear your voice again above the sound of conversation and the typical coffee shop music.
ellie didn't even notice that there was another person, some guy, also behind the counter until he switched spots with you, greeting a different customer.
fuck, ellie thought, rapidly looking around to watch where you were going. you disappeared into the back, behind a set of secretive doors. ellie's heart sank. she would be up soon, and she didn't even know what she was doing. she didn't want to talk to some random guy.
she just... wanted to talk to some... random girl?
someone else wandered into the cafe. ellie contemplated making that person's day, wondering if she should just leave the line. of course she should, this was stupid, but then you reappeared. you were carrying a small brown box, and huffed at a strand of hair that had fallen into your face.
ellie was almost up, and she rapidly began praying to any type of higher power that would listen. please don't let it be the guy, please don't let it be the fucking guy-
"hi," you greeted automatically, restocking a small display of reward punch cards. "what can we get for-" you finally dragged your eyes upwards, freezing at the sight of ellie.
your gaze widened and you mentally cursed yourself for having a horrible poker face. the girl standing in front of you was extremely attractive, to say the very least. you felt trapped in her green-eyed gaze, hand hovering above the cards that you were previously toying with.
ellie cleared her throat, shifting awkwardly on her feet. if anyone's voice matched their appearance perfectly, it was yours. you looked doe-eyed, caught off guard, and ellie's face flushed.
you blinked at the slight cough, snapping back into customer service mode. "what can i get for you?" you asked, pointedly changing the we to i. she had freckles. the smile you offered wasn't forced, but genuine.
fuck. fuck fuck fuck. she had to actually order something, not just stand there and stare at you. it was ellie's turn to be wide eyed, as she scrambled to pinpoint something from the menu. god. she really didn't want to be that person. you had all that time waiting in line, just pick something for christ sake!
you stood awkwardly, smile wavering as you waited for a reply. at least while the cute stranger was distracted by the menu, you could use the opportunity to stare.
mentally, ellie was a mess. she had held the skill of reading for the majority of her life now, but ellie couldn't make sense of a single word that was displayed on the menu. everything blurred together and she could feel your eyes on her as she scrambled for something to say.
"uh, what do you recommend?" ellie questioned, meeting your gaze. her cheeks burned when she noticed that you had winced. ellie wasn't being cute or friendly, she was being annoying. the last thing that you probably wanted was to rattle off a list of seasonal beverages you had been asked to promote. ellie mentally cursed herself, but you were stuttering for an answer before she could take her inquiry back.
"oh! um, well there's the..." you glanced over your shoulder at the seasonal drink specials, and ellie held back a grimace. poor fucking girl, she thought.
your face burned. you were still pretty new to the job, and honestly, penny pinching. despite the few that you've snuck during your shift, you hadn't tried many of the drinks yet. you so badly wanted to have a quick answer, something to impress her with your amazing taste. instead, you faltered, taking too long to answer.
"sorry," you laughed, shaking your head sheepishly. "i'm pretty new to this," you explained, ignoring the stare that you were getting from your co-worker. please don't ask to help me, you silently pleaded. despite the awkwardness of the interaction, you didn't want it to be cut short. you wanted to know if her freckles were always that visible, or if they popped out more due to the summer sun.
"that's okay," ellie said, a little too quickly. she looked down at the nametag that you wore on your apron. your name was written neatly, in your own style with a mix of cursive and regular letters. you had drawn a little flower next to your name.
"that board has some of our summer features though," you explained, finally regaining your footing. you nodded in the direction of a display board. "they're super popular, people really like them. i've tried the lavender one actually, it's super good. uh, we unfortunately don't get the pumpkin spice stuff in for... two more weeks, i think? so... i'm sorry about that," you quietly rambled, wringing your hands.
"pumpkin spice? it's barely september," ellie commented, wrinkling her nose. her attention was drawn to your nails, painted perfectly and neat. she wondered how big of a fool she would be making herself out to be if she attempted to flirt with you.
you shrugged, grinningly bashfully. "it's good," you resigned.
noted, ellie thought. i like pumpkin spice now. ellie opened her mouth to ask about the lavender thing, but the girl behind her in line obnoxiously cleared her throat.
ellie's eyebrows raised and you glanced apologetically at the other girl, who was tapping her foot.
"i'll be right with you," you commented. the girl scoffed and ellie's lips twisted at the sound. you were so sweet, wasting one of your pretty smiles on someone who didn't deserve it.
"yeah, no big deal," the girl replied sarcastically. "it's not like i have a class to get to or anything." she looked around the room, trying to garner support for herself, but no one was paying attention.
"i'll be right with you," you reiterated with a harsher tone. ellie fully blushed, feeling guilty for delaying the interaction. now you were getting backlash and your co-worker was completely eyeing you up, and ellie felt at fault for it. you met her eyes again, apologizing with a sad smile. ellie's grip on the strap of her bag tightened.
"sorry," ellie mumbled as her cheeks burned. "i'll get, um-"
the girl in line sighed again and ellie lost her train of thought, noticing that you were holding back your frustration with a tight smile. finally, a good idea emerged in ellie's head. she knew dina's order by heart. dina was certainly a creature of habit, at least when it came to her food and drink orders. ellie had heard dina order a million times.
ellie confidently allowed dina's coffee order to roll off of her tongue. you blinked in surprise as she gave specific directions, a direct contrast to how clueless she had seemed just a moment ago.
you frantically entered the order into the system, scared of making a mistake and looking dumb. "hey," you called softly, gaining the attention of your co-worker. you recited the order to him, to which he nodded in understanding.
"what's your name?" you asked politely. you grabbed a sharpie, waiting.
ellie's heart skipped a beat and she thought maybe she would have stood a chance, until she realized that you were asking for the drink and not because you genuinely wanted to know.
except, really, you did want to know. having to ask was just a perk.
"ellie," you repeatedly warmly. it was the best thing that ellie had ever heard. "i like it," you mumbled, grabbing a cup from a stack.
"thank you," ellie mumbled, watching as you wrote her name on the cup. your teeth pulled at your bottom lip in concentration, determined to use your best writing. once you had gotten to the second L, you looked up.
"oh," you realized sheepishly. "you can go wait at the end," you gently instructed her. ellie could've facepalmed herself for her stupidity, but didn't want to drag herself away from your presence. ellie wanted to say something more, but failed. she did, however, feel as though she had caused you enough trouble for the day. ellie gave you an awkward smile, as genuine as she could manage, before moving to step away.
once ellie had turned away, you realized your mistake.
"oh! wait!" you called, your voice louder than it had been all day. ellie froze, wondering if she had done something wrong or maybe you wanted to ask for her number.
the girl who was supposed to be next groaned.
"i'm so sorry," you whispered once ellie's body was in front of you again. "i forgot to have you pay," you muttered your confession, humiliated as your co-worker made a tsssk sound.
ellie thought that after this, she might drop out of college and move somewhere, maybe the country. somewhere far away from civilization.
"fuck," ellie swore under her breath, quickly rummaging through her bag for her wallet. "sorry," she said. you gave her the total, eyes lingering on ellie's tattoo while she swiped her card.
"um, do you want a reward card?" you asked, your voice sounding more robotic compared to before.
ellie was ready to automatically say no, but she took in the sight of your rounded cheeks and bashful smile.
"i would love one," ellie replied, and she felt as though her body jolted when your fingers grazed hers, handing over the card.
"if you buy nine drinks, the tenth one is on us!" you chirped, clearly haven gave this spiel before.
"jesus, nine?" ellie grumbled, and to her horror, your smile dropped.
"that's a great number!" she exclaimed awkwardly, scrambling to fix her mistake.
you nodded. "have a good day," you dismissed, and ellie's stomach lurched.
as ellie made her way to the end of the counter, she heard an exasperated "finally!" before you began to mumble apologies. ellie rolled her eyes. asshole.
when her name was called and she was handed her drink, ellie froze. her name, written pretty in your handwriting, punctuated with a doodle of a smile. her pulse quicked, and ellie wondered if she had always been this pathetic or if she had just gotten soft.
before she left, she turned around to give you one last look. you saw her heading for the door, and strained your neck to look at ellie once more before she was gone. you made eye contact, and ellie almost did an awkward half wave that certainly would've kept her up at night, cringing.
you tore your eyes away from ellie, mentally cursing yourself. but god, she was cute.
ellie shook her head discouragingly, once again met with the warm breeze of the afternoon as she stepped outside. she stared down at the little smiley on her cup. ellie frowned. she didn't really like coffee, but she also didn't want to throw it away. she heaved a sigh, holding the beverage as she began her trudge to class.
the doodled smiley carried ellie on a high throughout the entire day.
ellie had come to find out that maybe, she wasn't particularly good at rationalizing with herself.
she figured that she would have a pretty good chance at seeing you again if she were to visit the cafe on the same day of the week and at the same time that she had previously seen you. she also figured that purposefully seeking out a stranger at their place of employment was pretty damn creepy.
when ellie passed by the cafe on her newly adjusted route to class, she craned her neck each time in hopes of catching a glimpse of you through the window. unfortunately for herself, ellie hadn't been so lucky.
if she had seen you, would she go inside?
mentally, ellie told herself no, but the answer was lousy.
maybe ellie would have, but only to try that lavender whatever drink that has been advertised on the chalkboard sign outside of the cafe. the flowers decorating the board looked a lot like the one doodled on your nametag and... did you draw them? was it your handwriting in purple, swooping letters that she saw now, nearly every day?
will power strong, but her delusion even stronger, ellie did not revisit the cafe and she did not have a crush on a barista that she met only once.
it was purely coincidental that exactly a week later, ellie left early for class again. she accidentally found herself walking the path to the cafe, and since she was so early anyway, ellie found no harm in stopping inside to get a break from the early september heat.
it was practically empty inside, so ellie's gaze quickly found its way to you.
you appreciated a slow day. the campus starbucks had finally staffed up enough to open for the semester, consequently stealing a lot of the little cafe's business. your coworkers complained and groaned about the matter, but you didn't mind. you sort of preferred it like this anyway.
the door chiming drew your attention instantly, and you were quick to recognize the auburn haired girl from the previous week. the sight of her made you grin, teeth on display before you had a moment to overthink it.
ellie's eyes were on you from the moment she stepped inside, and you noticeably faltered.
you weren't smiling right, so you straightened up your posture and dropped your eyes. you didn't want to smile too much, in a way that would be strange to greet a customer that you had only once before.
you pressed your lips into a tight smile. more formal, less i'm glad to see you again. i totally wasn't keeping an eye out for you during every single shift.
there was no line to restrain ellie today, and she sort of wished that there had been. a handful of seconds felt like ages as ellie shuffled to the counter. you were fidgeting, looking at ellie and then looking away.
ellie thought that she might be able to be confident today, swift and suave and just flirty enough to let you on to the idea that she could potentially be interested.
interested in what exactly, ellie wasn't so sure. she had girlfriends before, of course, and had admittedly flirted with her fair share of girls through time. obsessing over somebody random after one encounter though, that was new.
"uh, hey," ellie coughed. off to a fucking strong start, moron.
"hi!" you chirped, wringing your hands behind the counter. if you remembered her, and acted as such, would she think it was weird? what if you pretended not to remember her, but she did remember you, and then she thought that you were rude?
the sound of your voice filled a void that had been left within ellie since the previous week. the reaction it prompted within her was so fucking ridiculous that she deemed herself to be an idiot.
ellie did not have feelings for a barista that she saw once.
well, twice now, but still. no fucking thank you.
"what can i do for you?" you questioned, customer service manners causing your voice to raise in pitch.
there's a few things that you could- ellie scrunched her eyebrows with a pained expression, tearing herself away from the disgusting thought. jesus christ, what was actually wrong with her?
your smile never wavered as you waited, but your heart was racing. why on earth was it so awkward?
c'mon, fucking pull yourself together. if it goes wrong, you never have to show your face in here again, ellie thought.
"i actually wanted to try that drink you recommended last time," ellie said smoothly.
surprise registered clearly across your face, along with one blaring thought. she remembered you!
the second thought, the always displeasing afterthought, dropped like a weight in your chest. you were pretty sure the cafe didn't have the ingredients you would need.
you smiled anyway, (she remembered you!) giddy and nervous.
"the lavender one, right?" you questioned, and ellie was so in. you remembered the interaction, which might not mean anything at all, but it was better than being forgotten.
"right," ellie confirmed, nodding once with an easy smile.
"right," you repeated, and ellie instantly noticed the uncomfortable expression on your face. shit.
“um so,” you winced as you started, really not in the mood to receive the lashings of an unhappy customer. “i believe we are actually out of the lavender, i can go check in the back just to make sure if you want…”
ellie wanted to say no, that’s totally fine, you’re beautiful and don’t even worry about it, but her mouth tended to work faster than her brain.
ideally, she wouldn’t be opposed to a moment alone to compose herself, so ellie mumbled a quick “sure, that’s fine,” and tried not to be a creep as you turned and quickly walked away, disappearing behind a set of doors into the back.
you already knew there was no possible way that you could make the drink, and you already knew that there were no extra ingredients hidden in the back. you wondered if you could stay hidden and just not go back out.
"i am so sorry," you began, voice high and apologetic as you made your way back to your standing place. "unfortunately we don't ha-"
"that's fine!" ellie squeaked, crimson patching its way onto her cheeks. ellie thought that maybe she should buy you a drink, since it seemed like she only showed up to cause extra trouble for you.
ellie pictured it so clearly in her mind, asking whatever your favorite drink was and ordering it, only to give it to you instead. was that smooth, or lame? she imagined telling jesse and dina about it later and pictured them giving her praise instead of wincing in second-hand embarrassment, so it was game on.
"is there anything else i could get you?" you questioned, tugging at your bottom lip with your teeth.
"hey, excuse me, can i get an ice water to go?"
ellie quickly snapped in the direction of the person who interrupted her. a guy stood near a table in which he was previously sat, packing up a laptop and notebook.
"of course!" you turned away from ellie and she would have sworn that she felt her heart burst. "what size?"
ellie watched intently, jealous as you prepared the simple water cup. why couldn't she be an easy customer like that? what the fuck was wrong with her?
"sorry about that," you muttered sheepishly. your hand hovered over the cash register, still waiting to take ellie's order.
your nails were painted the same color as last time, ellie noted, but they were starting to chip.
"it's all good," ellie breezed, and suddenly remembered that she actually had a class to get to. she recited the previous coffee order without a second thought, thanks dina, and you nodded along intently. you weren't really great at remembering faces and their orders, but something in you made you want to memorize ellie's.
ellie paid (you remembered this time, but no co-worker was around to see it) and she held back a snort when you pulled out a little pink stamp pad.
"do you have your reward card?" you questioned, leaving ellie to look dumbfounded.
"my what?"
"the reward card? buy nine drinks, the tenth is on us?"
"oh! oh, shit," ellie fumbled for her wallet, making a sound of recognition as she pulled out the card. "of course i do," ellie remarked. you swallowed a giggle.
you stamped her card with the pretty pink ink and then began to make the drink. ellie mentally cursed herself for once again ordering something that she didn't like, but it was too late now.
"here you go!" you presented. you had wrote ellie on the cup, even though you technically didn't need to since no one else was around. ellie appreciated it anyway.
"thanks," she murmured, failing to meet your gaze.
"have a good day, okay?"
"you too," ellie remarked, holding up her cup in parting.
when she was outside and the fresh air began to clear her mind, ellie forbid herself from ever going back to that cafe. it was painfully and unnecessarily awkward, especially considering that she didn't know you.
still, her heartstrings were tugged as she stared down at the drink in her hand. last time, your co-worker had actually been the one to make the drink, so ellie didn't feel any guilt about pouring it down the sink.
however, you were the one to make it today. and you were so sweet, and ellie couldn't bear to just throw it away.
ellie gulped, staring at the cup with a grimace. she took a fast, quick sip, and then coughed into her arm so she wouldn't gag.
ellie still fucking hated coffee. but she finished off the drink, just because you made it.
the next morning, ellie was up early with a mission. a study session with dina wasn't exactly the best thing to motivate ellie to wake up early, but an excuse to see if you were working definitely was.
ellie had no clue of your schedule except for the one day of the week that she had already seen you. it might have been a long shot, but fuck it, the least she could do was get dina a coffee on her way.
campus was quiet when it was early. ellie certainly preferred it that way. it was peaceful, the way the morning light projected a certain softness onto her surroundings. she knew the cafe was open this early, ellie had googled it about seven times the night prior and twice more in the morning to be safe.
to confirm the information once more, ellie could see the glowing lights through the window. it appeared empty, and ellie couldn't even tell who the person was inside until she entered.
"hi," you said almost instantly, and your tone made it clear that you were surprised.
"hi," ellie repeated, not being able to believe her luck.
you had been wiping a table, but you placed the rag down and moved to the counter as you continued to speak.
"you're really determined to burn through that reward card, huh?"
your joke caught ellie off guard, and her feet were carrying her before she told them to. ellie didn't even feel like a person yet, how were you making jokes so early?
"i'll be getting my free drink by noon," ellie retorted.
"ambitious, i like it," you laughed.
ellie was going to have a good day.
she didn't really give a fuck about the reward card, honestly, ellie would only use it if you were around. she was prepared on the off chance that you would be working, and caught you by surprise as she slapped it on the countertop.
"so what'll it be? your usual?" you questioned, tilting your head to the side.
ellie mentally cursed herself for hitting rock bottom, because receiving basic customer service shouldn't be having that effect on her.
"yeah, actually," ellie confirmed, looking flustered as her face dusted pink.
"perfect," you murmured, fingers dancing along the order screen. shit.
"um, shit," you laughed awkwardly, face burning. "i promise i know it but also could you like, remind me?"
ellie laughed because everything about you was so endearing and also because she didn't want you to feel embarrassed.
"for sure," ellie enthused, going through the steps of the order. as you tapped the screen, ellie noted that your nails were painted a different color today.
you were a little slower at making the drink today, not that ellie minded. it was peaceful, watching you hum as you did every step so delicately. ellie felt lucky to be the only person there with you, and then hoped she wasn't weird for having the thought.
the song playing quietly through the speakers above caught ellie's attention once she had noticed that it was the one that you were humming along to. the sound of the acoustic guitar got stuck in ellie's head like a daydream, your absent minded mutters filling the spaces of silence.
"oh man, i love this song," ellie gushed.
"yeah?" you looked up with a grin, pleased by ellie's comment. "me too."
perfect girl. ellie watched as you picked up a sharpie, turning your back to her.
"what other stuff do you guys play here?" ellie questioned, craning her neck to try and see what you were drawing on her cup.
"uh," you didn't think that you had ever been this concentrated on decorating someone's cup before. "anything, mostly. we play our own playlists, like, whoever's working, you know?"
ellie nodded, even though you couldn't see her. "this is yours?"
"my playlist?" you turned back around, immediately caught in ellie's green eyed gaze. "yeah! i don't play my own stuff much though, unless i'm here alone."
"i get that," ellie murmured, watching as you once again made yourself busy.
it was quiet just for a moment, until you handed ellie her drink. your fingers touched for just a moment but your pulse quickened. you hoped you weren't making things weird, but worried that you were by the way ellie dropped her eyes after the small touch.
ellie was silent while she payed, but only because she was trying to think of something more to say.
"hey," ellie said suddenly, causing your eyebrows to raise. "you didn't stamp my card," she complained.
"oops," you said, reaching for your stamp.
"i can't believe you're trying to cheat me out of a free drink," ellie stated, feigning fake shock.
"yeah, guess you'll just have to come back more," you responded through a laugh.
your joke sobered ellie's expression. the brief change made you freeze, and you couldn't decide whether or not the joke was incorrect. oh my god, you barely knew her. then again, it could have been passed off as just a joke about getting more business.
"guess i will," ellie agreed quietly, and your breath caught in your throat. was she joking or flirting? was there something, or were you sleep deprived and crushing on an extremely attractive girl that you barely even knew?
ellie felt satisfied with herself, though was determined to leave before she could manage to fuck anything up.
"thank you," she concluded, moving towards the door.
"anytime. see you soon for that free drink, right?"
ellie scanned your features and cracked a smile. "definitely. have a good one, okay?"
"okay," you sighed and then coughed awkwardly. "have a good day!"
after ellie had left, you slid down to the floor and covered your head in your hands. what the hell were you doing?
ellie quickened her pace to get to dina's, but after one glance at her cup she stopped short.
in black sharpie, you had drawn a flower and a little bee. and then, ellie's name in cursive.
ellie looked back towards the direction of the cafe, wondering how creepy she might come off as if she were to march back in there and ask you out.
the doodle on the cup quite literally made her heart ache, and she stood indecisively on the sidewalk.
ellie had gotten this coffee for dina to be a good friend.
ellie also could not fucking stand the idea of passing this cup off to dina and then seeing it be thrown in the trash.
"fuck," ellie muttered.
whatever, dina could use her own fucking cup.
ellie would explain, sort of. maybe.
"ellie, what the hell is wrong with you?"
dina's shoes slapped heavy against the pavement in a rushed attempt to keep up with her best friend. her hand reached for ellie's arm, a little aggressively, as ellie nearly shoulder checked some guy zooming past on a skateboard.
"huh? nothing," ellie dismissed, blinking around her surroundings as if she had never been on campus before.
"yeah? nothing? since when do you ever want to get a coffee," dina mocked the way ellie had proposed the plan earlier, earning a frustrated sigh from the auburn haired girl.
ellie shook her head, fixating her eyes on the little cafe that she was growing quite familiar (and fond) of.
"change of scenery would be nice," ellie grumbled. "come on, i'm being a good friend. you love this place."
"you're being so weird," dina muttered, stepping ahead of ellie to open the door.
the sudden chill of the air conditioning was a shock to ellie's warm skin. she tried not to look at you as she trailed in after dina.
"i'm gonna get-"
"let me," ellie interrupted, causing dina to raise an eyebrow. "how about you find us a seat and i'll order drinks, yeah?"
the environment was loud with orders and chatter, leaving little room to set up and study. ellie straightened her posture, appearing a lot more confident than she felt.
dina nodded, rolling her eyes with a grin. "i'll grab a table."
ellie waited until dina's back was turned to take a shaky breath as she pivoted to the ordering counter. there wasn't much of a line, only one person, though a gaggle of people waited off to the side for their names to be called.
you didn't notice ellie until she was in line, shifting on her feet and stealing glances that she probably assumed you wouldn't catch.
"hi," you chirped, gaining her attention.
ellie's gaze snapped upwards. she felt surprised to hear your voice, even though you were the sole reason for her even coming inside in the first place. the smile that graced your lips made her head spin, and she was suddenly all too aware that dina was probably watching her now.
"hi," ellie repeated, a little too meekly for her own liking.
"how are you?" you questioned, dropping any trace of your customer service voice.
"good now," ellie replied.
you raised a curious brow but smiled anyway, the presence of your ever growing favorite 'stranger' was exactly the type of break that you yearned for on a day like today.
there was no denying the silly way that ellie made you feel, no matter how much you argued it with yourself.
it wasn't typical of you to get butterflies while customers were ordering.
you relaxed your posture, grateful that there was a lack of impatient people lining up behind ellie. your co-worker was making drinks so you were free to chat, even just for a minute.
"what can i get for you?" you forced yourself to meet ellie's eyes, which you realized quickly was a difficult task.
looking in her eyes for too long made your head whirl. her gaze was so steady, so intentional, it honestly threw you for a loop.
when ellie began to recite the coffee order that you were expecting, you laughed a little and tapped away on the ordering screen and ellie's mouth felt dry with nerves.
"-and uh, a water. please," ellie finished, resting her hand and wallet on the counter.
"switching things up on me now?" you joked, shaking your head with a tsk. "just as i was starting to memorize it."
"gotta keep you on your toes," ellie quipped. if she leaned in closer, just a little, she could smell your perfume. "surely all your other customers don't give you enough of a hard time."
you smiled knowingly with a quick laugh, grabbing the card that ellie was now holding out to you. your fingers touched just briefly and ellie flushed instantly.
"you're totally the most difficult customer we've ever had," you deadpanned.
the humor was on ellie's caliber, and she had started it, yet your sarcastic remark instantly had her feeling guilty.
"right," ellie muttered, and she felt stupid because she knew it was a joke and you were only playing along and what did she expect, a fucking compliment?
"i'm kidding," you rushed, sliding ellie's card back to her. "you're like, the best one."
now ellie really felt like an idiot. she fumbled to return her card into her wallet and tried to ignore how warm she felt.
you smiled awkwardly and ellie wanted to believe that you were being sincere on a personal level, not just reciting some customer service bullshit. completely aware of the fact that she was overthinking it, ellie choked on a laugh. maybe she was just scarred from the trader joe's shopping experience.
"you say that to everyone," ellie recovered, her voice a lot smoother than she felt.
"oh," you disagreed, wide eyed. "pinkie promise. i like when you come in 'cause i don't have to worry about potentially being yelled at or like, verbally attacked."
ellie briefly contemplated making a stupid joke, but your twitchy smile made her heart ache and she wished that she could hang out in the cafe all day, ready to defend you from any asshole that comes in with an attitude.
"never," ellie responded, finally catching your eye. "i would never."
"i know," you replied softly, and immediately felt your face grow warm with embarrassment. why were you being so earnest? you didn't ACTUALLY know, anyway. but you wanted to trust those green eyes, so you did.
this is good, ellie thought. she wanted to say something else, maybe ask a question, but you pushed off the counter and clicked your tongue.
"i'll get you the water while you wait for your coffee," you said quickly, turning away and making yourself busy.
ellie's mouth snapped shut, her racing thoughts stopping dead in their tracks. she noticed that the bow you wore in your hair matched the color of your slouchy sweater and she had to get to know you.
pouring a water obviously didn't take as long as preparing a coffee, so ellie didn't understand why she seemed so caught off guard when you handed her the water.
"thanks..." ellie murmured. talking was usually pretty easy for ellie, considering how long she's been able to do it, so the fact that her mouth and words were drying up now had her about ready to tug at her hair in frustration.
"sorry," you smiled sheepishly. "i would totally make your coffee so you wouldn't have to wait, but i'm on register duty.. so..."
ellie noticed as you tapped your painted nails on the register and oh my fucking god, your nails matched your bow and sweater. how the fuck?
"that's okay, i don't mind waiting," ellie replied smoothly, and the words left her mouth before she could even process them. "as long as i can wait over here?"
here was referring to exactly where she was standing, at the counter with you. your cheeks burned and you nodded once, a silent reply.
"sure," you finally managed to choke out. "i don't blame you, it gets overwhelming waiting in crowds like that..."
fumbled. fumbled fumbled fumbled.
"uh, yeah."
as awkward as it was, you hoped it took a while longer for ellie's drink to be finished. she was cute, there was no sense in trying to deny yourself from acknowledging it. it's not like you were going to say anything, and if it made five minutes of your day more interesting, so what?
"don't tell me you forgot about the reward card," you teased, an easy fall back.
"never," ellie replied, but her eyes widened as she struggled to find it in her wallet. "shit."
you shook your head in disapproval. "and to think i just called you my best customer?"
"ouch," ellie mumbled. "i'll find it, i swear," ellie rushed, taking the idea of a stupid card much too seriously. she was well aware of the fact, but still. you were the one to give it to her after all.
you giggled at her strained expression and rose colored cheeks. "don't worry about it. hey, have you been to that coffee shop downtown?"
ellie's heartbeat quickened, and she wondered if you could tell based purely upon the look on her face. she was nearly ecstatic that you were genuinely talking to her, asking her something, and she wanted to deliver. it was a little deflating though. ellie didn't really love coffee shops, and she didn't want to provide you with an underwhelming answer.
"which one?" ellie inquired, loving the little smile that appeared on your lips before you answered her question.
"it's on the corner of main, on the inside it has this super cool v-"
"vinyl store?" ellie finished, beaming with excitement. "dude, i fucking love that place. i'm there like, every week."
"yeah?" you enthused, butterflies swirling your stomach. "me too! maybe we like... saw each other there before."
"i don't think so," ellie said instantly.
"i mean, you might've, maybe you just don't remember," you offered.
"i would've remembered," ellie replied seriously. she quickly wondered if her response was too cheesy, but you drew your eyes downward and tried to suppress a smile and ellie felt fine.
"fair enough," you mumbled, tracing shapes on the counter.
"so, do you collect vinyls or do you just-"
"did you forget my drink order or what?" dina joked, coming up behind ellie.
ellie shook her head, shifting awkwardly on her feet. shit.
"just waiting," ellie mumbled. she didn't know why she felt uncomfortable, maybe the idea of crushing on the barista at her friend's favorite coffee shop when she didn't even LIKE coffee but was suddenly spending all of her free minutes there, was, odd.
you recognized the girl next to ellie, dina. she came in pretty frequently.
ellie's name was called by your co-worker as her, no - dina's drink was placed on the counter.
"well, wait no longer," dina laughed, playfully shoving ellie away.
ellie glanced at you briefly before grabbing the drink, handing it off to dina with a cheesy grin.
the smile dropped from your face just as it felt as though your heart dropped into your stomach. you felt so stupid. especially considering all of the effort you had put into trying to make ellie's cups look cute, and they weren't even for ellie.
you watched as they sat down together and huffed out a sigh, startling as your co-worker tapped you on the shoulder to inform you that they were going on break.
ellie couldn't stop thinking about you. she had avoided the cafe for a few days following your last interaction. she didn't understand why, but it made her feel guilty.
it's not like she even had a reason to feel that way. but hey, she was a loyal girl. if she decidedly had a secret crush on a barista that she barely knew, it was sacred!
the way that your demeanor had changed was stuck in ellie's head, and honestly, maybe it was making her a little too hopeful. the look on your face had to have meant something.
on the other hand, this was coming from someone who's idea of flirting was smiling while somewhat remaining eye contact.
seriously. seriously? fuck it.
ellie didn't like coffee anyway.
if she completely humiliated herself and ultimately freaked you out forever, she just wouldn't go back to the cafe! easy!
the sunlight covering campus was soft. it would be dark soon, and ellie felt exhausted after a long day of classes. she was well aware that this was definitely a long shot, but she had to try. she had been buying a lot of coffee lately.
please, please let it be worth something.
the sky was fading blue when ellie appeared upon the cafe. the sign on the door said CLOSED! but the lights were on and ellie could've fallen to her knees and screamed thank you to the universe because she could see that you were inside.
you didn't flinch when the bell on the door chimed, signaling its opening.
"we're closed," you stated without looking up, powering off a small machine.
"i know," ellie breathed, standing in the doorway.
you blinked, suddenly feeling flushed. you straightened your posture and waited, unsure what to make of the situation.
surely she wasn't secretly one of those people who were like, i don't care if you're closed, give me my damn coffee now!
you silently pleaded to the universe for that to not be the case. you already had a rough day as is.
"what do you want?" you asked, a hint of exhaustion in your tone.
everything in ellie's body wanted to backpedal. maybe she really did misread everything.
"um, i wanted to say.. uh-"
oh for fuck's sake. just say it.
"i wanted to say sorry?" ellie offered, false confidence leading her to the counter.
"sorry for what?" you questioned, wrinkling your nose.
"i don't like coffee," ellie blurted out. the absurdity made you laugh.
"that's.. okay?" you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow at the green eyed girl.
"i've just been buying them for my friend," ellie continued, adding more emphasis than necessary to friend.
you pretended not to be delighted. "that's okay. it doesn't matter who customers buy their drinks for," you pointed out.
ellie swallowed a sigh. being referred to plainly as a customer (even though that's exactly what she was) was possibly the most devastating thing to ever happen in her life.
"i know," ellie replied, really amping it up. "i just wanted you to know. that i was buying them for a friend."
your heart was beating so quickly, you felt like a hummingbird.
"oh," you muttered, feeling stumped. "it doesn't matter what i think," you said quickly, looking at the floor.
"it does. i liked the bee. and the little flower. they were cute," ellie explained. her cheeks were completely red and yours were certainly warming up as well.
"thanks.. i thought they were cute too," you said softly, kicking your shoe at the ground.
"great. can i have your number?"
as the words left ellie she blinked heavily, startled by her own actions.
your brain turned to mush. you wanted to laugh but nothing came out so you just stared at ellie in silence.
ellie nodded.
"sure," you breathed, walking to pull out a pad of paper by the register. you retrieved a pen and wrote your number, followed by your name in cursive.
ellie waited in silence, holding her breath. you very easily could've just typed your number into her phone, but ellie found it incredibly endearing that you actually wrote it down instead.
"it's really nice of you to do stuff like that," you murmured, handing the paper to ellie. "buying coffee for a friend and all that."
"not entirely," ellie disagreed, forcing herself to meet your eyes.
you raised your eyebrows in question, and ellie shook her head.
"it wasn't exactly selfless."
"why?" you asked, a curious smile embellishing your features.
"i was only buying stuff so i had an excuse to come in."
you bit back a grin and leaned against the counter. "it's still nice of you to get something for someone else if you didn't like coffee... but why didn't you get like, a smoothie or tea or something?"
ellie didn't have an answer, you could tell by the look on her face and it made you laugh.
"what do you like?" you asked.
"i don't know? tea's fine. hot chocolate?"
you rolled your eyes, pointing to the menu above you that clearly had hot chocolate labeled as a menu item.
"so what? it's september." ellie wrinkled her nose in disgust.
"oh, you're one of those people," you observed, watching ellie's features contort into confusion.
"one of what people?"
"people who only drink seasonally appropriate drinks," you pointed out.
"i... guess?" ellie tried to hold a decent conversation, but she was still buzzing about getting your number and the way your perfume was the best thing that she had ever smelled.
"want me to make you something?" you questioned suddenly. "i bet that i can make you something that you'll actually like, and it won't be coffee."
ellie nodded immediately, but her words conflicted her. "aren't you closed?"
you shrugged, grinning at the girl standing opposite of you. "it's not a big deal. plus, it gets creepy at night. it'll be more fun closing up with some company."
ellie nodded once more, and she would absolutely stay for every single closing shift you ever had if you wanted her to.
you paced back and forth a bit, pulling out some supplies and flipping on some machines.
"what kind of tea do you like?" you inquired, peering over at ellie. "black? green? white? oolong?"
"the... fucking, brown kind?"
your eyebrows raised as you scanned her features, trying to determine whether or not she was joking.
ellie cracked an uneasy smile.
"do you like matcha, or do you think it tastes like grass and dirt?"
"right! i got it," you said decidedly, making yourself busy as ellie watched in confusion and wonder.
the tea that you made was simple, but not plain. it was earthy but not too bitter or dark, and it was a brighter flavor compared to coffee.
ellie chatted with you while you were busy, about majors and assholes on campus that drag their feet and take up entire walkways.
she was actually really easy to talk to, and funny too.
ellie was just glad that she didn't need an excuse to talk to you anymore.
"okay," you announced with bravado. "try this."
you placed the cup in front of ellie, and she hesitantly took a sip.
"it's totally fine if you hate it, there's zero pressure," you clarified.
ellie popped the lid off of the cup, smelling the tea before she took another drink. "it's actually really good," ellie enthused.
"really?" you beamed, feeling quite proud of yourself.
ellie frowned but her heart soared. it was, to ellie's taste, the perfect drink.
"really," ellie confirmed. "how much do i owe?"
you swatted her away, smiling slyly. "consider it your tenth."
ellie faked a gasp. "is that allowed?"
"for you, yeah." you thought for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip. "but will you please bring your reward card back sometime so that i can stamp it? i bought a bunch of cute stamps and i don't really get to use them 'cause no one ever-"
"absolutely," ellie replied seriously, eyes flicking over your face. this would possibly, definitely, be her best fucking semester yet. ever.
and her favorite cafe. and her favorite drink.
and her favorite barista.
ellie stayed with you while you finished closing, which was sweet.
together you made plans to go to the vinyl shop, after ellie asked if she could ever see you when you weren't on the clock.
you made ellie another tea for the road, but you spent extra time decorating the cup with frilly flowers, little animal characters, and ellie's name in your very best handwriting.
ellie would hold on to that cup, too.
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forgeofthenine · 8 months
If you're still interested in requests (feel free to ignore, since you've got a lot of 'em!)
How would everyone's favorite tieflings react to their Tav *not* being at the tiefling party, because they've ended up spending the night keeping the tiefling kids entertained in Mol's hideout? Celebrating with them, having fun and goofing off with the kids (and making sure Mol isn't trying to exhtort who she can, by selling firewine around the camp by doing so)
Bonus points if s/o is a bard class~
(2) Asfgghkkkl I was the ask for the s/o/Tav who spent the tiefling party just playing with the kids - I (maybe) forgot to mention that I had the idea of them doing it secretly, or like, getting stuck escorting Mol back because the kids!!! Want to see the hero too!!!
Hi Anon, thank you for the great request! This one was a blast to write and I really enjoyed it, I hope it's what you were after :)
For anyone wondering, this was the WIP referred to as 'adopting all the kids'
The bachelors finding you in the kids cave at the grove instead of at the party
The party was just starting to ramp up, making your rounds and catching up with everyone when you see it from the corner of your eye
A small tiefling with a cunning grin and an eye patch sitting on a rock at the edge of the clearing
Sneaking off to the edge of the firelight, with only a sideways glance from Halsin, you finally reach Mol
It really didn't take long for the girl to convince you to leave the party, her threat of upselling stolen firewine was almost enough convincing on its own
The two of you make your way back to the familiar cave that the children like to hide in, cheers being the first thing that meet your ears as Arabella and Mirkon happily rush up to you
The other children stay back but look excited in their own ways, Silfy peeking out behind a blanket wrapped around her, Mattis turning his attention towards you, and Doni letting out a small grunt in greeting
With some light begging from some of the kids (and some egging on from Mol and Mattis) it's not long before you pull out your instrument of choice and start your own party for the group of children
It might've been minutes or hours you were there, you're not sure until you're interrupted
Dammon had no intent on going to the party, not only is he not a particularly social person but he also has an entire makeshift forge to pack down
It's when he's stuffing his things into a pack that he sees you and Mol sneaking back through the grove and into your hidey hole
At first he chalks it up to the kids shenanigans but he grows curious at the sound of music emanating from the crack in the wall
Dammon is actually pretty quiet when he starts to make his way down the very tight, very craggy tunnel
That is until he slips and slides the rest of the way down, tumbling out covered in dust and letting out a small cough
The silence is absolutely deafening
"So this is where the real party is? Hope you don't mind me... Dropping in-"
The pun was bad enough for Mol and Mattis to want to kick the blacksmith out but you're quite happy to defend him
Soon he's joined your little group of rascals and you've scrounged him up a drum and the two of you are serenading the kids with a very one of a kind concert
It's only once all of the kids have finally fallen asleep that the two of you clamber your way back out of the cave, Dammon helping to dust you off afterwards
Dammon himself is stuck thinking about how good you were with the kids and how unexpectedly nice the night was, but he knows tomorrow they all get back on the road and he might never see you again
Zevlor, to no one's surprise, had been standing off to the side near Halsin when you left
Ever the wallflower in social situations, he'd seen you sneaking off with Mol
Knowing how much of a handful those kids are, Zevlor decides to go find you both soon after
He's spent this whole time letting the children believe he had absolutely no idea of their secret hiding place, but Zevlor isn't blind
Zevlors careful with making his way down the rocky tunnel, listening to the music that slowly fills the air
The paladin is so quiet in his descent that no one actually realises he's there until he claps at the end of your performance
The kids are all quick to scurry away, except for Mol and Mattis, and it's up to you to try and convince them to let Zevlor stay
It takes a fair bit of convincing but it ends with the two of you regaling the kids with stories of wild adventures
Those stories include musical interludes too at the kids instance
Once all the kids have fallen asleep, curled up around each other or lying on large stones, you and Zevlor make the rounds covering them all with blankets
It's when Zevlor is helping pull you back out of the cave afterwards, feeling the warmth of your hand against his, that he realises how alive you make him feel and how effortless it is to be around you
Rolan had spent most of the night drinking and putting on magic shows for his siblings
At some point in the night you'd come and given him applause but the next time he went to look for you, you'd already disappeared
It was Lia that pointed him in the right direction, mentioning you'd gone back to the grove
And so a tipsy, affection-starved wizard decides to stumble his way back to the grove to find you
It's both the sounds of music and the light bleeding through the cracks in the stone that draws him in
And if you think Dammons entrance was grand, Rolans is grander
Accidentally sliding down the last part like a surfer before quickly using his magic to make sure he doesn't fall flat on his face
Of the three bachelors, Rolan is the only one able to convince the kids to let him stay by himself
Showing off a little extra magic helped somewhat
It's then that the kids insist you both entertain them, putting on a join concert/magic show
For Rolan it was like Cal and Lia were little kids again, looking out at the little tiefling faces that are 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing at the magic firework displays
"Ah, my adoring crowd, if you think that was good then behold this-"
You two made a good duo, bantering between yourselves and some of the kids, and putting on a good show till the early hours of the morning
It's only when the two of you make your way back out of the cave, hauling Mols smuggled wine she was planning on upselling, that you sit at the beach and indulge in a shared bottle
It's then that Rolan looks in your eyes, smiling and fatigued, that he realises how much he wants to kiss you
Whether or not he does is something neither of you can remember in the morning
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heartsoji · 2 years
akaashi keiji x reader
summary: akaashi is kind. he's kind to you, but he's also kind to everyone. you need to make sure you don't misinterpret his kindness.
a/n: akaashi getting a quad bc he's abt to hang out with bokuto is so funny to me
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you'd always considered yourself an observant person.
you were good at watching people. you picked up on their habits, tendencies, movement style, and hidden traits. you picked up on how they responded to certain comments and the best way to be friends with them. you were on the quieter side, but you were well respected for being eternally considerate and kind.
also due to this nature, you were a very good judge of character. you found that the kindest and most interesting people were typically either very loud or very quiet, occasionally coming in the middle, though that wasn't often.
for example, take bokuto koutaro, the star pin on the team you co-managed. he was one of the loudest, bubbliest, people you had ever met, and also one of the kindest. he had a way of lighting up the room, and the way he cared for everyone you met was always heartwarming to see.
on the other hand, take someone like akaashi keiji, the setter on the same team. he was much like you. quiet, observant, yet one of the kindest, most tender-hearted people you'd ever met. he was a true gentlemen and was always considerate of other people's feelings and their boundaries. he was also in a few of your classes, and he was always so kind and warm. if you were being honest, you'd developed a small crush on him due to that.
you and akaashi were friends. being similar in nature, you two were quite compatible and got along well. you'd often study in the library together, and you took that as a chance to sneak glances at his stupidly handsome face every so often. however, his face wasn't the only part of him you loved. (though it was certainly an added bonus) there was something about him, aside from his kindness and good nature, that made you feel warm. welcomed. seen. you hadn't ever felt that way about anyone before, and you just knew that he was special.
"hey, l/n-san, uh, so for this part, do you think that the main idea of the passage is- l/n-san? l/n-san? are you alright? l/n-san?"
you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder bringing you out of your trance.
"sorry. yes?"
"ah, i was just asking a question about this part."
"oh, i see. so, in my opinion, i think that.."
as you talked, it might've been your imagination, but you felt like he was gazing at you. however, if you glanced away to see if he was, you'd lose your train of thought, so you continued on, your cheeks becoming slightly rosy as you did so.
after you two finished studying, he cleared his throat.
"uhm, l/n-san, would you like to stop by the cafe on the way to the train station with me?"
your eyes widened before a happy smile spread across your face.
"i'd love to!"
you walked with him to the cafe, making lovely conversation along the way. akaashi was kind, patient, and a good listener, too. talking with him was like riding a bike for the first time in a while. you're a bit nervous before you start, but once you do, its easy, relaxing, and fun.
"the leaves are beginning to turn orange." you commented.
"indeed. it's quite beautiful." he replied, a gentle smile on his handsome features.
"right? it's so pretty! it's a shame they'll fall soon." you said, an excited look on your face present before slightly saddening at the thought of bare trees.
he chuckled. "is fall your favorite season?" he asked.
"hmm.. maybe! i like how pretty the leaves are, but i'm not fond of how chilly it can get." you replied. "it's actually pretty cold right now. i probably should've worn a thicker coat or a scarf."
"oh, are you cold?" he asked before quickly removing his scarf. "here, take my scarf."
you felt your cheeks warming up. "no, no, akaashi-san, keep it! i'm really fine." you protested. he really was kind. he immediately tried to offer what was keeping him comfortable to you in order to ensure your own comfort. that selfless nature of his might be one of the sweetest parts of him - the ability to love and care for others, even when at the expense of himself.
"please, l/n-san, i insist. it wouldn't be good if you caught a cold. i'd be worried." your eyes widened slightly. he'd be worried? however, almost immediately after saying that, he gave a small cough. "i mean, the team and i, of course."
of course. he was just being kind. your feelings for him were beginning to make you misinterpret his simple kindness.
you accepted the scarf. "thank you, akaashi-san. i really appreciate it."
he let out a sigh of relief as he handed you the scarf. "of course. also.. you, uhm, don't need to be so formal with me." he started slowly. "i'd... be much.. uh, happier, if you just called me akaashi. we're on the same team, after all. you're the only one who still uses an honorific with my name."
you smiled. "of course, akaashi. that goes for you, too. just l/n is fine."
he returned your smile. "got it. thank you, l/n."
your heart skipped a beat when his voice spoke just your name. akaashi was making you fall harder for him by the minute, but you felt a bit sad knowing that your chances of being with him or him at least slightly reciprocating your feelings were slim to none. after all, akaashi was an extraordinarily skilled athlete whose personality, height, and overall good looks attracted many girls, even ones from different schools. akaashi's a very kind person. don't misinterpret it.
when you arrived at the cafe, akaashi had you order first. you ordered your usual basic latte, but he ordered a quad, something you'd never tried before.
when your drinks came, you noticed that his had a nicer aroma than you were expecting. he noticed you staring at him as he took his first sip and commented on it. "is something the matter?"
"no, no. i was just wondering what four whole shots of espresso could possibly taste like. i've never heard of anyone with that drink order before. and also, why four shots?! isn't that like, a ton of caffeine? you're not gonna be able to sleep tonight!"
he chuckled. "i need the energy. i promised bokuto-san i would set him some balls today, since it's a friday, and i have a feeling that we'll be going for a while. as for the taste, i quite like it, though it's definitely an acquired taste. bokuto-san tried it once, and he spat it at the wall." he said, chuckling at the memory. "i really enjoy the bitterness of the espresso. i think that out of the five flavors, i think that bitterness very well may be the most underrated one. well, it's in my top two, anyways. additionally, espresso contains immune-boosting antioxidants and-" he then stopped himself short, seeming a bit embarrassed all of a sudden. "ah.. i'm sorry for rambling. uh.. would you like a sip?" he offered.
you smiled. "yes, please! i think it sounds very interesting."
you took the cup from his outstretched hand and took a careful sip. you then began trying to register the flavor. however, while you were doing so, although your face remained stoic, you were internally freaking out. you just shared an indirect kiss with your crush, and he had offered it to you without a second thought. you just shared an indirect kiss with the akaashi keiji. you just shared an indirect kiss with him, and you were trying your best not to start smiling and blushing at it.
stop. don't misinterpret it. don't misinterpret his charity, his kindness. you had asked what his drink tasted like and he was explaining it to you before doing the kind thing to do, offer you a taste. he probably wasn't aware of the fact that you two shared an indirect kiss anyway, and it was only you who was thinking about it-
you stopped that thought at the sight of akaashi. at the sight of akaashi clearly trying to avoid staring at the mouth hole of his cup, but failing miserably, a rosy blush dusting his cheeks, and his lips slightly upturned. at the sight of akaashi keiji, nervously trying to ask what you thought of it, clearly still flustered, and still staring at the mouth hole of his cup.
suddenly feeling a bit confident from his reaction, you licked your lips while holding eye contact. "it was good." you said. "it tasted a little like you, too."
you watched as his cheeks turned from rosy to red, averting his eyes nervously while stealing glances at the cup where you two shared your indirect kiss.
huh. you thought to yourself. maybe, just maybe, you weren't misinterpreting, after all.
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changbinsboobs · 28 days
i'm curious about the new dorms in pairs! leeknow said they all got to choose who they wanted to live with. is it true and are they satisfied with the member they are with? (i know its not been long since they moved in together). and how do they welcome that change on a personal level? thank you!!
Hi:) so i reformed the question a little bit, since before the reading i felt like the members theyre with was a mutual decision they're all content with. I don't feel like they really had much preferences either. So either way i think most of them would've been pretty content with whoever they ended up with. After all they have lived with everyone once, and more or less have learned to live with each member.
That being said i find the topic intriguing myself, especially after laying the cards so I've prepared a follow up reading going more into details like what was the overall reason the group decided to move. What was each members motivation to want/not want to move. What co-living in each dorm is like, like looks, vibes, routines, dynamic, personal relationship, individual relationship with oneself, changes of before, likes and dislikes etc. so stay tuned🥰✨🙌🏻
*For entertainment purposes only!
How do Skz feel about their new dorm arrangements?
Chan - 5 of Swords, The Fool, 2 of Cups
Out of all Chan seems to be the only one that didn't welcome the change with open hands. I feel he might've had some reservations and maybe feared that the bond between them might weaken or even break if they now spend less time with each other. U know you get used to someone when living together so u get a bit blind about stuff that would annoy you. And by moving out into pairs he might've feared that some members might once again start to bicker (im thinking of han and hyunjin😂) Despite that he kind if gave in or was overpowered by the majority when making that decision and is actually pretty content now with i.n as his roommate.
I.N - 3 of Wands, 2 of Wands
He was so in for the whole change. Very enthusiastic. I think him, hyunjin and leeknow are the most excited and happiest ones. He took a big part in planing and executing the move i feel like. He was definitely very involved. I think now he has way more (mental) space to indulge in things he might've not been able to before now that he has more peace and quite and more space. He's excited for the fruits of it all.
Lee Know - 4 of Wands, Page of Swords
He feels really happy, kind of like he hit the jackpot or something. This might've been something he has awaited for a while and now he finally has it. Other than that i don't see much tbh. I think he's just excited to start his living together with Han and build a closer relationship and create an intertwined life with each other(?).
Han - 9 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups
He feels the whole thing was a big success/jackpot too and is very happy with the move as well. I believe he's excited to have it easier. I see him finally being able to take care of his inner child, and also for his inner child to be taken care of by Leeknow specifically. He feels like he can relax and let himself be cared for and pampered - something he apparently couldn't do and didn't get while in the other dorms. Both of them are very compatiable as in ones needs automatically fulfills the others needs and vice versa. They really do each other good.
Changbin - Queen of Cups, The Empress
Changbin is also very content with the change and i feel like he wants to use this time and newfoudn space and peace to get to know himself better and grow. To care better for himself. To nurture himself more. I feel like he's kind of over the bachelor / youngster life and wants to slowly step into a more adult role and become more autonomous and mature when it comes to life and general. I feel like he kind of steps in a new era and is in a state of a metamorphosis or something, where he turns from a boy to a man, and other stuff begin to interest him slowly and for that he needs to change to. But he can't feel like a reliable man, capable to provide for his partner and eventually his family, if he has lived his whole life with his parents or his other bachelor friends. He wants to take this opportunity to become more "serious" and reliable - build himself and his confidence in his skills to "survive" on his own. Learn what it is to live by yourself (even if he still shares the apartment with hyunjin) and get used to, in advance, of what life with a partner would be like. Kind of like practice for the future and indirect manifesting.
Hyunjin - The Sun, 3 of Pentacles
Hyunjin feels amazing and is really, really happy about the move. He can finally flourish. I think he's that type of introvert where the more people there are around him, the more dampened his energy gets. Now when he shares an apartment just with changbin (who's also very focused on his own thins recently) he can unfold and flourish fully the way he wants to. I think he wants to learn new things and engage even more in his own hobbies and interest and he actually looks forward to when he actually misses the members or human contact. I think in the past years he's been so stifled continuously, feeling slightly suffocated by the amount if people around him that he has forgotten what it is to actually want to see people. To crave human contact. He's happy that now with his newfound peace and space he can enjoy his own company to the point where he will start actually craving other people himself.
Felix - Temperance
Felix's reading wasn't very detailed or colorful. Basically he's just content with the new living arrangements. He would've been fine either way tho:)
Seungmin - Justice, Knight of Pentacles
Fo him imnpt getting anything specific either, i guess he's just indifferent and will continue just living for himself and do his own thing, maybe a tad bit easier now that he shares his space only with one member.
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becauseimanicequeen · 3 months
Ming and Joe's Colors in My Stand-In, Part 1: Overview
Part 2: Black and Blue
Part 3: Red and Green
Part 4: Yellow/Gold
Part 5: Brown
Part 6: Random Color Moments
I received an ask a couple of days ago asking me about Joe and Ming's colors (which is something I've been thinking about for a while) and decided to answer that question in a separate post. So, here I am.
I have a feeling I'll have a lot to say about this (because looking at the colors in QLs I love (and I love My Stand-In) is such a nerdy thing for me), so I'm sure I'll break this up into parts. I'll start by looking into what color/colors Joe and Ming are (which I'll do in this post) and then, when I've come to my conclusion about that, I'll dive deeper into their symbolism and meanings in separate posts.
Let's dive in!
My first impression, without having looked very deeply into this, is that Joe is mostly green while Ming is surrounded by/wearing a lot of black.
However, I also feel like they are both bi-colored because I believe Joe is also yellow/gold or blue (or both?) while Ming is also red. And, if this turns out to be possible, then I have them in contrasting colors and I will be screaming about that when I get to it in another post.
Since this is such a nerdy thing for me that I love to explore, I will rewatch every episode we have available now (at double speed because I'm only focusing on the colors and Joe and Ming). So, I'll be back with images and thoughts in a couple of hours.
*speeding through 7 episodes of My Stand-In*
I'm back! That was an interesting experience. (It might've been a second for you, it's two days later for me, lol.) Anyway...
I feel like I got a better sense of Ming and Joe, and I was a bit surprised that my ideas were mainly pretty good.
Before I figure out my thoughts in this post (because writing them down is how I come to conclusions about things I'm unsure about), I want to mention the colors first.
Based on my rewatch:
Ming is black and red.
Joe is blue and green.
Yellow/gold is significant to both.
Brown also has some significance (and this is where I get into nerdy territory with color theory).
(Btw, artists can discuss pink into eternity, but for the sake of simplicity in my posts, I will treat pink as the lightened value of red. So, when I mention red-ish in my posts, this is what I'm referring to. Also, since secondary colors (like orange) sometimes are hard to separate from the primary colors they're created from, because they can include a lot more of one of them, I will sometimes use yellow-ish to refer to yellow hues that might verge towards orange.)
Also, I think it's important to note my approach to Joe before I dive in. I will treat Joe 1.0 and Joe 2.0 as the same person when it comes to the colors unless stated otherwise. I might get into a tangent if I notice that the colors are different depending on the different Joes. But, unless I do, Joe is just Joe (whether 1.0 or 2.0).
Now, let's start with Ming because I feel like he's the most straightforward out of the two.
Ming is definitely associated with black.
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He's often surrounded by/wearing black and it fits his moody brooder very well (I'll get into this more in another post in this series).
But Ming is also red.
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Red flag jokes aside, the red goes very well with his fiery, passionate, dominant personality.
When it comes to Joe, I feel like green is the most obvious one of his colors.
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Green is a color found in nature and it suits the more "grounded" parts of his personality (again, I will develop the symbolism and meanings of the colors in regards to Joe and Ming in other posts in this series).
(That Joe and Ming are green and red means that they use contrasting colors, which is also something I will yell about in another post in this series.)
Then we have blue, which I was a bit unsure about going into my rewatch. However, I feel like it has solidified a bit more since my rewatch, and I'll explain why.
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The blue is usually quite subtle around Joe even though it is there. The thing that solidified Joe being blue for me was that Ming is seen surrounded by it a lot the deeper he falls/has fallen for Joe (and let's not forget the blue watch Joe gave Ming).
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The blue fits Joe well as he's both caring, loyal, and sad.
I feel like this is pretty accurate and straightforward, so far. So, let's get into more complex territory.
Let's start with yellow/gold, which is a very prominent color in this series together with green and black.
I previously stated in this post that I feel like yellow/gold is significant to both Ming and Joe, and that's because they share this color.
Joe 1.0's home bathes in warm yellow/gold/yellow-ish light, which means he's constantly surrounded by it. It's part of his home, his color palette, his life.
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The same goes for Ming, as his family home includes golden details. Also, I feel like the light aspect of things (which I will write more about in a separate post) also has to do with this moment where he has his queer awakening seeing Joe's back on that billboard.
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Let's forget that Ming thought it was Tong and just look at those colors. Joe is surrounded by that warm yellow/gold/yellow-ish light, which latches onto Ming out of his devotion and desire for that back.
Ming and Joe both had some aspects of the yellow/gold color before they met, but it deepened the more time they spent together (especially for Ming).
In Ming's case, it started as that little light in the background when he met Tong, became more evident the moment he met Joe, until he's bathing in it every single day in his condo.
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That's how affected he was by Joe.
I will probably dive deeper into how Joe is the light in Ming's life and how Ming was the light in Joe's life in another post in this series, but I wanted to mention it here as well. And it's very evident in Ming's case considering how his new place looks so much like Joe's with all that yellow/gold light.
This is the color they share. The color Ming used to mend the broken mugs that represented their life together, their connection, and their relationship.
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Honestly, so far, these are the colors I'm most sure about because they show up all the time. And call me crazy if you want (I'm giving you permission to in this particular case), but I'm pretty sure this image sums it all up:
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Look at the blue-ish ferris wheel, the green plant, the black sky, the two dots of red light (right underneath the right lamp), and the yellow/gold lamp. That's Ming and Joe's individual colors plus the yellow/gold they both have. Both of their colors are summed up in this one image, which leads into a scene where Joe tells Ming that Ming has made his dream come true while Ming agrees to move in with Joe.
Go on, call me crazy.
And my crazy doesn't stop there. Because then we have brown, which can become a bit complex.
Since I've already used up the image limit (why tumblr, why do you only let me have 30 images per post? This visual artist needs visual aids in her posts, damn it!) I will have to do this part without visual aids. However, I will develop the use of brown in a separate post in this series, which will include images as well.
Let me first get into some brief color theory, because it matters to my view of how they use brown in My Stand-In.
There are two ways that I usually mix brown when painting. The first one (and the simplest) is to mix orange and black. This is pretty interesting considering some of the yellow/gold light that often surrounds both Joe and Ming sometimes verge into the orange (which is why I call it yellow-ish). Mixing that with Ming's black gives us brown.
The other way I usually mix brown hues is by mixing the primary colors: yellow, red, and blue. Does that sound familiar? Yellow is the color they share, red is Ming, and blue is Joe.
So, in my color-deranged mind, brown happens when Ming and Joe's colors are mixed together. And, in Joe and Ming's case, I've noticed that brown has two opposite effects. It either shows up when they feel the most grounded and relaxed or when things become "too much" between them. (I will develop this in a separate post.)
Some of their more explosive scenes actually include brown, but since my image limit is reached, I can't show examples of any of those right now, so I'll leave that for the post where I'll focus on the use of brown in My Stand-In.
Now that I've established all this (which will be the focus of my other posts in this series), it's time to move on to the next part.
Part 2: Black and Blue
Part 3: Red and Green
Part 4: Yellow/Gold
Part 5: Brown
Part 6: Random Color Moments
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leviadraws · 7 months
I'm terrible at using the English translator, but since these are questions and not requests, I wanted to see what HC you have for Kinji Uehara.
Oh sure, let's see what I can come up with, I might've mentioned some things before, and I previously wrote a short headcanon about the whole class visiting the orphanage here:
He's quite the morning person, up at the crack of dawn and all that. Likes coffee, but doesn't like canned coffee in Japan as that has a lot of sugar in it.
He's very quiet when he moves, like a ghost almost. It means he can get up without waking up the others in the dorm. There have been times where he's spooked classmates because they didn't hear him approach.
His dormmates always wake up to the smell of coffee and toasted croissants in the morning.
That said, his coffee is dangerous. Only Rei can handle it. Once Haru chugged a pot (he was dared to by Satsuki) and he was immediately sent to the infirmary for heart palpatations. Kanata gave them all a long lecture after that.
When he first arrived in Japan in middle school, it was a bit of a culture shock. Japan is very different to Italy, and he got homesick quite often in those early days.
He's pretty reserved towards his classmates, keeps a distance, speaks only in formal. This is partially because his Japanese isn't perfect, so he speaks formally all the time to keep things simpler. But it's also because he just likes to keep a little distance when he doesn't know people all that well.
He's also quite blunt in his speech, he says how he feels about something outright, this made him come across as a little rude before people got to know him.
That said, it means that when he encourages people it really cheers them up, since they all know he speaks truthfully. He's good at listening to other's problems, and doesn't judge people on what they'd previously done.
He really struggles with his kanji, he tried to ask Kanata for help once and borrowed her notebook, only to find that she writes in the most horrendous doctor's scrawl. He ended up going to Rei and Kakeru in the end and they're helping him memorise the most commonly used ones.
He's a good cook, and is great at cooking in big batches during his time at the orphanage. He likes to discuss recipes with Akane, who's more than happy to exchange local dishes for some of his ones from Italy.
He visits the orphanage every weekend while he's boarding at HPA, he tells stories of his classmates and his time there to the kids. Sometimes, his classmates join him and they'll all play games to tire out the kids. It gets to the point where the kids are all very excited to see the class.
There are a small collection of rescued animals (some hens, goats, cats and dogs) on the cathedral's grounds, and Kinji really enjoys spending some quiet time taking care of them.
He's not too good with all the lights and sounds of the city, so you'll sometimes just find him in the church, listening to the quiet and recharging.
I think I mentioned before that he's really fond on little charity shops/thrift stores. He likes seeing things that have been previously loved and occasionally gets little trinkets for the kids. A lot of his casual clothes are second hand, and so he really suits a smart-ish retro look.
He enjoys talking philosophy with his classmates, mainly with sceptics like Rei and Yamato, and then people on the more spiritual end like Mikako.
He truly believes that it's never too late for anyone to start turning their life around. This puts him at odds with Tsurugi.
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kylorengarbagedump · 3 months
hi!! i literally just created an account on here to send you a message 😭 lmao
I hope this message finds you well/hope you're doing good!<3
anyways i just had to let you know that your stories have always been a safe space for me & no matter how long i would need to wait, i'd LOVE to read more of DYA someday. Do you know if you'd ever continue the story or would you rather just let it be? Because there are still so so many people out there who love your stories as well. Your fics are literally the only ones i can't stop thinking about. No matter what i read, it just doesn't compare. Your writing style is unique and thats why i hope that someday you find the motivation to pick up DYA again because you ARE ICONIC. And please never ever delete your fics (i noticed FYA is gone from wattpad somehow) because i honestly don't know what i'd do without them. No writer gets Kylo like you do. Honestly. I may sound cheesy or pathetic or whatever but i'm just being honest. Others portray Kylo as this mildly "grumpy" guy who just needs to fall in love in order to be "fluffy" and then he suddenly turns into a completely different person. But only you manage to actually capture his anger, his rage, his turmoil. Your style is unmatched and you have no idea how much i miss reading new things by you! Also the fact that he can read the reader's mind in FYA/DYA.. ahhhh i could go on and on. just love your style and your ideas so much. Hopefully some day i can read a new chapter and until then i will re-read all of the existing chapters for a 10000th time 😭
sending lots of love!! <3
HIIII - really quickly - I actually had no idea FYA had been removed from Wattpad because I haven't logged on to that website in probably 2 years at this point. I assume it was deleted due to mass-reporting. I refuse to delete anything from the internet, pretty much, so anything that's gone now was removed against my will, haha. But, that's why I feel safe on AO3! All of my work is there and I plan to keep it there.
Now onto the rest - you're sincerely SO kind and thoughtful to send me this. I really really appreciate it, and I truly don't ever take any compliment I receive on my writing for granted, and I really do appreciate your encouragement and generosity. I love knowing people resonate with my interpretation of Kylo, because he's very near and dear to my heart and writing him feels very intimate to me.
That being said, regarding DYA... I'm not sure if I will continue it, tbh. I truly HATE to leave a project unfinished, it's very unlike me, but I've encountered something of a 'stuck' spell in my writing in general. It's very hard for me to produce anything nowadays - nothing seems good enough, interesting enough, I feel like I've run out of ideas. With DYA specifically, I feel like I've written myself into a corner and I've already ruined the story I might've told. Not saying ANY of that is true or for sympathy - it's just how I feel. That's not to say it's impossible, but I wouldn't hang your hopes on it. To be very honest, I feel quite down in the dumps and hopeless about my writing these days and I hope that will change in the future. I have considered taking it down or something just because I hate giving people false hope, but like I said, I'm loathe to delete anything from the internet so I haven't and I won't.
Regardless, comments and interactions like these always brighten my day and do make me feel a little bit hopeful, so I'm very grateful you sent it. Thank you so much <3
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jq37 · 5 months
VINDICATIOOOOOON! We were all completely within our rights to hate KP. Although, at this point the RG's seem to be victims that need help, maybe. Depends on how much getting Rage-vivified leaves your mind free or if they're all enthralled. Their personalities clearly took a turn for the shit end of the scale if Ruben's anything to go by. They could be Thralls that think they have agency. As much as I don't like them (Lucy being the obvious exception) they were just kids that got set up to die by an adult they trusted. Which is pretty fucked. That segues nicely into our new mystery, What is Jayce's deal? How long has he been a Rage acolyte/thrall/insert better word here? Did Ankarna's name getting released help his evil machinations?
Onto more lighthearted topics:
-Damn it, the gamer in me is salivating at what perks maxing out the other tracks gets you.
-Better late than never on those materials Arthur. I wonder if Adaine speaking up earlier might've gotten her this solution right from the start.
-Fabian apologizing to Gertie (the best new character this season) has fully redeemed his character and I now fully approve of his ship with Mazey (the second best new character this season). It can now sail with my blessing. Also, dude really needs to talk to the Kids about how lonely he's been this year. We're getting near the end and he really he needs to communicate his problems better. All of them do TBH.
-I hope Bobby Dawn gets his teeth kicked in before the season wraps up.
Anyway, shorter than expected episode. Hopefully next weeks will be a little meatier. Till then, Honor the Cock at Basrar's.
-I also hope Brennan puts the full downtime mechanics online or something at some point because I wanna know what they didn't get to cause they were too busy concentrating on other stuff.
-I understand why Adaine handled things the way she did--very in character for her--but the whole time I was like girl! Talk to someone! use your resources! Anyway, she's done with school but hopefully there are still some useful goodies in there (and something nice for Fig too).
-And yeah, ditto about Fabian. If Toxic Masculinity is dead and you dance now, tell your friends that you're lonely! But that's not an actual complaint of course. He's handled it in a very in character was as always.
-Bobby Dawn can go to hell. All my homies hate Bobby Dawn.
-We ended on the Jace reveal so hopefully we'll get into that pretty quickly and start to figure out exactly how much culpability we should assign to each party here. Even if I find Kipperlilly insufferable (in a narratively satisfying way), it doesn't mean it's her fault if a trusted adult led her into making a pact with a rage god that cranked all of her already intense personality traits up to 11.
-As I'm sure you know by now, the next ep is gonna be more than 3 hours long so you're getting your wish! And I think the moment that "almost made Brennan quit" is gonna be in this episode so I'm mega pumped!
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pb-dot · 6 months
Film Friday: A formal apology to Last Night In Soho
People who have followed me for a while, or done some serious backreading may remember an early essay I wrote about the Edgar Wright film Last Night In Soho and how I couldn't make myself to watch the thing again. I've been trying to dig the thing up again so I could do a good follow-up, but Tumblr's search function continues to be Like That, so I'll just have to go by my memory of the thing for now. Last Night In Soho spoilers and some dreaded nuance below the cut!
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In short, I struggled with how mean-spirited the film felt to me. Protagonist Eloise Turner gets chewed up and spitten out by a London that is sleazy, cruel and unforgiven even in the genre of "country mouse goes to the Big City and has a Terrible Time of Things" stories. It's a morally messy and gray kind of tale, where our hero narrowly evades a victim turned villain by the cruelty of the world around her by confronting her with the cruelties she herself indulged in. It's a real Bad Vs. Evil kind of situation, and just thinking of how much of an exhausting, terrifying experience the story would turn to for young Eloise made her early scrappy, if naive, enthusiasm turn to ash in my mouth.
The thing is, upon actually watching the thing again, and through explaining what's going on to my parents that, bless 'em, weren't quite following along on the plot, I came to realize something. All of the things mentioned above are true, that is what happens in the movie, and that's ok.
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Eloise gets the utter shit kicked out of her by the plot. She falls down the tree of Moving to the Big City and hits just about every branch on the way down. Her natural empathy gets hijacked by a tale more sordid and violent than she's ready for, and there's no pot of golden rectification at the end of that rainbow, just a sad, twisted murderous grandmother dying in a house fire surrounded by the ghosts of her murdered abusers. It didn't have to end this way, Sandie didn't have to try killing Eloise to cover everything up. If she wasn't so warped from the abuse she suffered she might've even understood that Eloise has a lot in common with her, even when you ignore that she has, through her paranormal powers, Eloise has literally BEEN her. Eloise has literally felt her pain, her fear, her desperation. There is nobody in the world, maybe not even Sandie herself that has as good of a reason to be charitable and kind fo Sadie. It's no good, though, Sandie is too far gone to even consider empathy a possibility.
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This is, of course, bleak as shit, and how bleak it is kind of blinded me to the point the movie was making. Upon a rewatch it seems almost absurd to me that I missed it in the first place, but the movie actually has a pretty clever thesis on Nostalgia built into it. Eloise goes to london, expecting it to be as magical of a place as she imagine it being in the late 60's. It is not, of course, even if the 60's was a stylish wonderland like she imagines it, the wear and tear of time and several generation-defining economic crisises (and entirely too many Tory governments if you permit me to talk politics for a hot second) have changed the place up. That is, however, just the starting conditions, the base camp from which Eloise's nostalgic dreams get confronted with the nastiness of reality.
Sadie is in many ways the perfect person for Eloise to project onto. She strides into the world of late 60's Soho with the effortless confidence of youth. She's not from around here, but she is going to make her dreams come true withher gumption and her beautfy and her unflinching confidence. Sounds a lot like Eloise, except Sadie is more of a girlboss than Ellie ever gets to. Of course, Sadie also falls out of the tree of moving to the Big City and hits a whole ton of branches on the way down, but that's not all there is to it. See, if the takeaway of the whole thing was "the protagonist thinks Before was better, but she learns that Before Was Pretty Terrible Actually," Last Night would truly be too cynical, full of pain and suffering, signifying nothing.
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That's not what's happening though, if it did, Eloise would take half a look at what Sadie's life turned into and gotten the fuck out of dodge. It'd be a tale of the depravity of the city that a good soul narrowly escaped. That's not the movie Last Night In Soho is, and it's not even close. If anything, Eloise's obsession with South London and the sad life and assumed death of Sadie only deepens as she learns of just how bad things get for the doomed starlet.
It's one of those plot things that effectively illustrates that the difference between a character strength and a character weakness is highly dependent on context. Eloise is an emphatetic person, mirroring her openness to ghostly visions by her openness to other living people. It does her no favors in most interractions with her new classmates, but Eloise can no more stop feeling sympathy and openness to experience and feelings any more than a tiger can change its stripes.
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So, Eloise is an admirable character because she can not stop being kind, even when it's a disadvantage. She could no more fire back at her queen bee bitchy roomate than she could walk on water, and so she choses to resolve the solution by moving out entirely. It's that kind of "too nice by half" personality that's mostly present in fictional characters to give them a place to grow out of, to learn to stand up to themselves and so on. That's not the angle Last Night goes for though, I'd argue what it does is a much more nuanced take on such a character.
I would argue, though, that throughout Last Night In Soho, Eloise's empathy is in fact her most grievous character flaw. She almost ruins her life and her future by actively seeking out Sadie's tragedy, soaking in it like she can redeem the time period she is so enamored by absorbing Sadie's misery and quote-unquote saving her from her ignoble end. The world does not require this of Eloise, she puts this unreasonably huge demand on herself because it's the only way her unquestioning love for the time and place of Sadie's life can remain unexamined. Sadie's tragedy can only be an emergent flaw in the system of that time and place. If late 60's Soho chewed up and spat out young ambitious women like her and Sadie as a matter of course, how could it be the magical place of the movies and music that Eloise loves so much?
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It's with this in mind that the ending scene where Eloise displays her new clothes designs goes from being a "oh, nice for her I guess" kind of denoument into a pretty powerful thesis statement. Eloise still loves the things she loved about the 60's, she still loves the music, the aesthetics of it, the style of the clothing, but it is tempered by a distinctive and conscious sense of anachronism. This isn't the 60's coming back, this is Eloise, a modern young woman, showing the world what she loved about those bygone times filtered through her own experiences. This is, the movie says, what Nostalgia should be, an ongoing conversation with and about the aesthetics of the past without attempting to restore some sort of prelapsarian way of things that never existed in the first place.
In a world where an increasing amount of people start looking at the 50's with a worrying level of fondness, I think a movie like Last Night In Soho is important. It's ok to like rockabilly, it's ok to like stepford housewife chic, it's ok to like three-piece work suits, the movie all but says, but don't try to make today like the times when these styles arose. They weren't the Good Old Days the way it's tempting to think of them. They were Days, and depending on who you were they could be the farthest thing from good. Love the things and looks you love, but let the thoughts patterns and politics that informed them remain in the past where they belong.
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So in short, I fear that in my initial piece on this movie, I did the Classical Tumblr Mistake of reading ill, conservative, will into a nuanced work that deals with complex topics in a surprisingly elegant way. So, that's my bad, and I'm glad that actually getting off my ass and giving it a second look has opened up my eyes to a lot of beautifully shot, artfully presented nuance. Last Night In Soho is a great move y'all. Go see it. Hell, if you've only seen it once, maybe see it again?
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elleloquently · 1 year
sneak peek for coffee shop au/college!ellie x female!reader
please note - this is not the full completed part!!! this is just an extended sneak peek as an apology for it taking so long due to how busy i've been from uni ): when the entire fic is finished, i will tag those who asked to be added to the list
the late summer air might've subconsciously motivated ellie's walk that day, her relaxed demeanour acted as a foolish guise from her anxious thoughts. she usually waited until the last possible minute to leave for class, but something today was different.
maybe she hoped that if she walked around for awhile, her body and mind would tire themselves before class, leaving herself sleepy with concentration instead. maybe she hoped that her early start would somehow prompt a late arrival to class, giving her an excuse to just not go.
ellie sighed, squinting in the sun. it was too early in the semester to start that bad habit.
she came across a little campus cafe on her wander, quickly recognizing it as the one that dina had frequented. she hesitated briefly, trying to peer through the glass windows in a not obvious way. it looked relatively empty, compared to the usual crowd, so ellie dragged herself inside.
the air conditioning instantly hit her warm skin, causing goosebumps on her arms. a small group had claimed a table by a window, chattering away with laptops covering the table top. ellie wasn't exactly sure what she was looking for, and the line was pretty short, not allowing her much time to think. ellie lingered in the doorway, wondering how strange it may appear if she turned on her heel and immediately exited the establishment right after entering, until she heard possibly the sweetest voice to ever hit her ears.
"have a nice day," you regarded softly, handing someone their drink with a quick smile.
you were still relatively new at the job, fumbly and awkward with the interactions. your previous job had sucked. your co-workers were mean, you were paid basically nothing, and you were left with little time to complete assignments. your final straw was getting yelled at over the phone by your manager after calling off of work with the flu.
finally gathering the courage to quit, your friend had rallied you up to work at a campus cafe alongside her. the idea of that sort of work scared you, talking to customers, making drinks, but the pay was good and the hours were flexible. you put in an application and by the end of the week, you had started the training process. it was relatively comfortable, until your friend had suddenly decided to quit and left you alone.
"sorry," she had apologized weakly. "i think i might pick up doordashing or something instead."
you pushed out a quick sigh, drumming your fingers on the counter before plastering a smile on your face, moving to greet the next customer.
ellie craned her neck, trying to see the owner of the voice above the heads of the people that stood in line. once her eyes landed upon you, ellie sucked in a breath. she moved wordlessly into the line, no plan of action in mind.
she watched, dazed, as you entered orders and nodded. when you turned around to grab something and ellie spotted the bow that you were wearing in your hair, her palms began to feel warm. she strained her ears, desperate to hear your voice again above the sound of conversation and the typical coffee shop music.
ellie didn't even notice that there was another person, some guy, also behind the counter until he switched spots with you, greeting a different customer.
fuck, ellie thought, rapidly looking around to watch where you were going. you disappeared into the back, behind a set of secretive doors. ellie's heart sank. she would be up soon, and she didn't even know what she was doing. she didn't want to talk to some random guy.
she just... wanted to talk to some... random girl?
someone else wandered into the cafe. ellie contemplated making that person's day, wondering if she should just leave the line. of course she should, this was stupid, but then you reappeared. you were carrying a small brown box, and huffed at a strand of hair that had fallen into your face.
ellie was almost up, and she rapidly began praying to any type of higher power that would listen. please don't let it be the guy, please don't let it be the fucking guy-
"hi," you greeted automatically, restocking a small display of reward punch cards. "what can we get for-" you finally dragged your eyes upwards, freezing at the sight of ellie.
your gaze widened and you mentally cursed yourself for having a horrible poker face. the girl standing in front of you was extremely attractive, to say the very least. you felt trapped in her green-eyed gaze, hand hovering above the cards that you were previously toying with.
ellie cleared her throat, shifting awkwardly on her feet. if anyone's voice matched their appearance perfectly, it was yours. you looked doe-eyed, caught off guard, and ellie's face flushed.
you blinked at the slight cough, snapping back into customer service mode. "what can i get for you?" you asked, pointedly changing the we to i. she had freckles. the smile you offered wasn't forced, but genuine.
fuck. fuck fuck fuck. she had to actually order something, not just stand there and stare at you. it was ellie's turn to be wide eyed, as she scrambled to pinpoint something from the menu. god. she really didn't want to be that person. you had all that time waiting in line, just pick something for christ sake!
you stood awkwardly, smile wavering as you waited for a reply. at least while the cute stranger was distracted by the menu, you could use the opportunity to stare.
mentally, ellie was a mess. she had held the skill of reading for the majority of her life now, but ellie couldn't make sense of a single word that was displayed on the menu. everything blurred together and she could feel your eyes on her as she scrambled for something to say.
"uh, what do you recommend?" ellie questioned, meeting your gaze. her cheeks burned when she noticed that you had winced. ellie wasn't being cute or friendly, she was being annoying. the last thing that you probably wanted was to rattle off a list of seasonal beverages you had been asked to promote. ellie mentally cursed herself, but you were stuttering for an answer before she could take her inquiry back.
"oh! um, well there's the..." you glanced over your shoulder at the seasonal drink specials, and ellie held back a grimace. poor fucking girl, she thought.
your face burned. you were still pretty new to the job, and honestly, penny pinching. despite the few that you've snuck during your shift, you hadn't tried many of the drinks yet. you so badly wanted to have a quick answer, something to impress her with your amazing taste. instead, you faltered, taking too long to answer.
"sorry," you laughed, shaking your head sheepishly. "i'm pretty new to this," you explained, ignoring the stare that you were getting from your co-worker. please don't ask to help me, you silently pleaded. despite the awkwardness of the interaction, you didn't want it to be cut short. you wanted to know if her freckles were always that visible, or if they popped out more due to the summer sun.
"that's okay," ellie said, a little too quickly. she looked down at the nametag that you wore on your apron. your name was written neatly, in your own style with a mix of cursive and regular letters. you had drawn a little flower next to your name.
"that board has some of our summer features though," you explained, finally regaining your footing. you nodded in the direction of a display board. "they're super popular, people really like them. i've tried the lavender one actually, it's super good. uh, we unfortunately don't get the pumpkin spice stuff in for... two more weeks, i think? so... i'm sorry about that," you quietly rambled, wringing your hands.
"pumpkin spice? it's barely september," ellie commented, wrinkling her nose. her attention was drawn to your nails, painted perfectly and neat. she wondered how big of a fool she would be making herself out to be if she attempted to flirt with you.
you shrugged, grinningly bashfully. "it's good," you resigned.
noted, ellie thought. i like pumpkin spice now. ellie opened her mouth to ask about the lavender thing, but the girl behind her in line obnoxiously cleared her throat.
ellie's eyebrows raised and you glanced apologetically at the other girl, who was tapping her foot.
"i'll be right with you," you commented. the girl scoffed and ellie's lips twisted at the sound. you were so sweet, wasting one of your pretty smiles on someone who didn't deserve it.
"yeah, no big deal," the girl replied sarcastically. "it's not like i have a class to get to or anything." she looked around the room, trying to garner support for herself, but no one was paying attention.
"i'll be right with you," you reiterated with a harsher tone. ellie fully blushed, feeling guilty for delaying the interaction. now you were getting backlash and your co-worker was completely eyeing you up, and ellie felt at fault for it. you met her eyes again, apologizing with a sad smile. ellie's grip on the strap of her bag tightened.
"sorry," ellie mumbled as her cheeks burned. "i'll get, um-"
the girl in line sighed again and ellie lost her train of thought, noticing that you were holding back your frustration with a tight smile. finally, a good idea emerged in ellie's head. she knew dina's order by heart. dina was certainly a creature of habit, at least when it came to her food and drink orders. ellie had heard dina order a million times.
ellie confidently allowed dina's coffee order to roll off of her tongue. you blinked in surprise as she gave specific directions, a direct contrast to how clueless she had seemed just a moment ago.
you frantically entered the order into the system, scared of making a mistake and looking dumb. "hey," you called softly, gaining the attention of your co-worker. you recited the order to him, to which he nodded in understanding.
"what's your name?" you asked politely. you grabbed a sharpie, waiting.
ellie's heart skipped a beat and she thought maybe she would have stood a chance, until she realized that you were asking for the drink and not because you genuinely wanted to know.
except, really, you did want to know. having to ask was just a perk.
"ellie," you repeatedly warmly. it was the best thing that ellie had ever heard. "i like it," you mumbled, grabbing a cup from a stack.
"thank you," ellie mumbled, watching as you wrote her name on the cup. your teeth pulled at your bottom lip in concentration, determined to use your best writing. once you had gotten to the second L, you looked up.
"oh," you realized sheepishly. "you can go wait at the end," you gently instructed her. ellie could've facepalmed herself for her stupidity, but didn't want to drag herself away from your presence. ellie wanted to say something more, but failed. she did, however, feel as though she had caused you enough trouble for the day. ellie gave you an awkward smile, as genuine as she could manage, before moving to step away.
once ellie had turned away, you realized your mistake.
"oh! wait!" you called, your voice louder than it had been all day. ellie froze, wondering if she had done something wrong or maybe you wanted to ask for her number.
the girl who was supposed to be next groaned.
"i'm so sorry," you whispered once ellie's body was in front of you again. "i forgot to have you pay," you muttered your confession, humiliated as your co-worker made a tsssk sound.
ellie thought that after this, she might drop out of college and move somewhere, maybe the country. somewhere far away from civilization.
"fuck," ellie swore under her breath, quickly rummaging through her bag for her wallet. "sorry," she said. you gave her the total, eyes lingering on ellie's tattoo while she swiped her card.
"um, do you want a reward card?" you asked, your voice sounding more robotic compared to before.
ellie was ready to automatically say no, but she took in the sight of your rounded cheeks and bashful smile.
"i would love one," ellie replied, and she felt as though her body jolted when your fingers grazed hers, handing over the card.
"if you buy nine drinks, the tenth one is on us!" you chirped, clearly haven gave this spiel before.
"jesus, nine?" ellie grumbled, and to her horror, your smile dropped.
"that's a great number!" she exclaimed awkwardly, scrambling to fix her mistake.
you nodded. "have a good day," you dismissed, and ellie's stomach lurched.
as ellie made her way to the end of the counter, she heard an exasperated "finally!" before you began to mumble apologies. ellie rolled her eyes. asshole.
when her name was called and she was handed her drink, ellie froze. her name, written pretty in your handwriting, punctuated with a doodle of a smile. her pulse quicked, and ellie wondered if she had always been this pathetic or if she had just gotten soft.
before she left, she turned around to give you one last look. you saw her heading for the door, and strained your neck to look at ellie once more before she was gone. you made eye contact, and ellie almost did an awkward half wave that certainly would've kept her up at night, cringing.
you tore your eyes away from ellie, mentally cursing yourself. but god, she was cute.
ellie shook her head discouragingly, once again met with the warm breeze of the afternoon as she stepped outside. she stared down at the little smiley on her cup. ellie frowned. she didn't really like coffee, but she also didn't want to throw it away. she heaved a sigh, holding the beverage as she began her trudge to class.
the doodled smiley carried ellie on a high throughout the entire day.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
I have a couple of questions if you don’t mind!
How was liams route? Any things you particularly liked or disliked? Also how did you personally feel about his MC ^^
Thank you so much for translating his route and sharing it with us !
Hi anon!
Haha you're welcome, anon~
Personally, I really enjoyed Liam's route!! The pace of the story was comfortable, not too rushed. Liam and MC only professed their love pretty late in the story, so it's kind of a slow burn(?). The flow of the story was smooth too.
About the story:
I mainly liked the way the plot focused more on how MC and Liam's relationship gradually went from being strangers, to protectors of each other's hearts, and then lovers.
I also liked how the story gave us quite a lot of information on Liam's past – stuff like his childhood, his relationship with his parents, his parents' relationship etc. It also gave some details about his curse e.g. when it started being active, how he discovered that he was cursed etc.
While reading the story, I found myself becoming more and more fond of Liam, because I could understand why he's the way he is i.e. a people pleaser.
We could also see the how precious and heartwarming is the friendship between Harrison and Liam, as well as the kind of relationship Liam has with the other members of Crown. I feel that Roger's bond with Liam is a rather special one, because Roger acts like he doesn't care about Liam at all but I can sense that deep down he actually does. This can be seen in chapter 20 if I remember correctly.
My jaw DROPPED when I read chapters 14 to 15. Might've cried a little... ahaha.
Ok I'm talking too much.
There isn't anything I really dislike about the story, although I do feel that the crazy love ending could've been a little more dramatic. The climax of the story felt rather mild, but maybe that's just me.
About MC:
As for my thoughts on Liam's MC, hmmm... I actually don't have a habit of forming any impressions of the MC, so I don't have much to say about her. Liam's MC doesn't have the "I can fix him" mentality. After learning about Liam's past and realizing how it has shaped him to become who he is, she doesn't immediately expect him to change. She accepts that his trauma is a part of him, and all his flaws and shortcomings are what make Liam, Liam.
I personally also think that MC's a rather "real" person ? Sorry, my english is crappy uhhh in case you can read mandarin it's like 她是一个蛮现实的人 . She takes a rational approach to things. When Marie was hurting because of something Liam did in the past, MC told herself that using words to comfort Marie would be pointless because all that's happened has already happened and no amount of "it's okay" can turn back time, reverse everything, unbreak a heart, revive the dead etc. so she just kept quiet and hugged her, let her cry it out.
Overall, I loved how considerate MC is of other people's feelings and the way she respected Liam's boundaries by not deliberately trying to dig up his past because she's aware of how much pain it has caused him.
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
I feel like that bernie meme because I am, once again, thinking about Roy/Tim!!(and hoping you're okay with me asking you about them?)
I just can't shut up about these two and I love to hear all of your takes on them <3
what about something like a secret lovers au? where they met when Tim was really young (I'm imagining super early Robin days but if you have any pre-Robin ideas I'd be so fascinated). I feel like Roy would be somewhat skeptical of a third Robin but obviously our boy wins him over. they start a little tryst which maybe started off as just physical attraction but it grows into being even more when they take comfort from each other after long missions and bitch about JL together. I feel like they'd be kind of on and off through the years (ugh the reunion sex is >>>>)
and at some point they don't even bother to hide it. they go to each other's apartments and team up and maybe even fuck in the manor and at WE?
but no one catches on for an absurd amount of time after they decided they're really in this
maybe the others find out when Tim gets pregnant? or maybe it all gets out when they find the two necking in a closet or something idk the possibilities are endless and all so satisfying
hope you're doing well!! xx
YES YES YESYETS ETS YES YESYES!!!!1 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😩😩😩😩😩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
i would never turn away a roytim ask because I do truly love the ship!!! it's a shame there's so few fics about it and ive never been able to come up with a cohesive plot for them. outside of the bats roy is my favorite to pair tim with!!! (yes that includes kon they're really great together but roytim just carries that wonderful forbiddenness that makes it so much more interesting!)
I love the concept of roy meeting tim when he's robin but can also see them meeting prerobin. tims the neighbor and all bug houses look alive so maybe roy stumbles through the gates the first time he's visiting dick's house and knocks on the door only to be greeted by a chubby cheeked little kid who tilts his head up at tim.
roy figures out pretty quickly he’s got the wrong house and scurries away while a baby closed the door.
years later roy catches wind of a new robin and well....roy's not sure what he feels. a lot of the original titans had all felt that there was no replacing the original when the second robin (the few times they met roy had the kid's back and the kid always shot him that grateful grin so it's not like roy was opposed to having him around) came on the scene but after the kid was murdered...
well it seemed in poor taste to hold on so ardently to a mantle that wasn't even theirs. plus roy has other shit going on, personal shit so he's not very concerned with a gotham newbie. so roy is fine with the kid. maybe a bit weary like he is about all new heroes because they have a tendency of coming on all cocky before getting pounded down to size pretty quickly.
roy hears a few things through the grapevine and rumor mill. the few times he and wally cross paths and meet they catch and wally tells him about dick's new kiddie brother.
"real sweet if a bit skittish" wally tells him and that's all roy tells him.
roy learns everything second hand about the third robin. the first time he talks to him is when he seeks him out. word on the street is the kid is quite the whiz at detective work. like a mini-batman.
that's the only thing that puts roy off form seeking him out immediatly. it's only when he's got nowhere else to turn that he goes to him.
he and ollie are on the outs.
dick is a dick.
no way is he fucking going to batman.
but he needs someone with a finger to the pulse of gotham crime because he has a few people he's looking for that might've fled to the famed city of the bat.
the third robin is...surprisingly easy to work with.
within the day roy has a location on his three targets and all he had to do was swear he wouldn't rough them up too badly.
roy knows he doesn't have the best reputation in the community. knows that some of the more 'straight-laced' heroes look down on him completely for the drugs and the having a kid and being a single dad thing.
he sure as shit knows ollie doesn't brag about him at parties.
he and dick haven't gotten on for awhile. they used to be so close with the whole 'only titans without powers' thing. but puberty and adulthood changed both of them and roy will admit the two of them are quite prideful so an apology is not visible on the horizon. but they can still work together even with the bit of tension between them.
roy knows for a fact the bat would never approve of him working or asking his robin for help so roy is grateful when the kid agrees to keep it under wraps in exchange for dinner.
roy buys the kid takeout and watches as he munches on an eggroll and prints out a stack of surveillance photos and the current location of his target.
it's nice company. roy hasn't had that in awhile. the kid doesn't talk down to roy or treat him like a moron. they had a pretty great conversation about some of the alien tech the bozos roy is hunting got their hands on.
roy lets the kid hold his bow. his swallows a mouthful of shrimp fried rice as small gloved hands delicately stroke the metal wire of his bow and the small, almost invisible bolts that hold it together.
he's a sweet kid. like wally said.
roy decides he likes him when the kid helps him tie up his guys and throw them in the back of a rented van.
maybe one meeting isn't enough to judge someone's character and roy doesn't have a history of good judgement. but he likes the kid.
he's earnest and honest and a bit of a do-gooder, the kind that isn't annoying.
so roy likes him.
the next time roy has a something that crosses close to gotham's borders he calls robin.
he needs a second opinion on some alien tech?
call robin. oh he can't help with that? that's fine robin knows some people, he'll call in a favor.
robin does that a lot. favors for roy.
roy almost feels bad, feels like he's taking advantage of the kid. he tries his best to repay it. food, and some little souvenirs when he has work overseas.
the kid grins and happily accepts it like it's anything compared to the time roy desperately needed a sitter and robin offered to stay a few hours in the city to watch the kid.
maybe it was a testament to how much robin had squirmed his way into roy's good graces since he didn't even hesitate to leave his sleeping daughter in the other vigilante's care.
something he didn't even do with people he's known for years.
roy's not quite sure when they transition to something more.
maybe its after roy's settling into a new apartment waiting for robin to come pick up some info about movements on the gotham mob roy had stumbled across. lian is at daycare and roy's just in some boxers with all the windows cracked open and his stereo blastic profanity-laced music he never plays when lian's little ears could hear it.
warm summer is wafting in along with a cool breeze when his doorbell rings and at first roy thinks its the pizza he ordered ten minutes ago.
but he opens the door to a civilian clad robin wearing thick sunglasses to obscure his eyes.
his shirt is one of the metal bands roy hasn't listened to in years and his pants are dark-washed jeans with white crew socks visible at the ankles.
it's such a casual encounter. it's one they've had multiple times before.
there's some traffic on the street and the sound of beeping car horns fill roy's eyes as a presents a flash drive of everything he collected.
roy is explaining what he saw and how he came across the info when he feels robin's eyes on him.
of course robin is listening to him speak and ergo looking at him but roy can just feel the weight of the stare on his bare chest scattered with red chest hairs and a nice thick happy trail that led into his boxers.
his scars are visible all along his torso along with the scattering of tattoos his uniform usually covers. lian's name is printed in gothic script right over his heart.
but that's not what robin's eyes are on.
roy feels a burning gaze locked on his prominent package. roy can see the shy blush that stretch to the kid's ears and trails off as a wide grin creeps across his face.
oh to be fourteen again and in the midst of puberty.
roy had just meant some honest ribbing, a bit of harmless flirting.
robin blushed so pretty. the vigilante who usually spoke so clearly and concisely with a slight undertone of demand was now stuttering as roy leaned in closer and trapped him against the countertop with his half naked body.
roy wasn't certain when the line blurred.
he always knew he was a scumbag. but he really solidified that by banging a teenager on the couch of his apartment.
roy at least had the mindset to use a condom as he fucked into a tight little pussy as robin scrambled to cling onto him.
gasped 'ahh hnnn mmnnn' sounds floated into roy's ears as he grunted with every thrust into that cunt.
roy gripped hips hard enough to bruise and tugged robin's sweet little cunt down onto his cock as he groaned.
his fingers mercilessly abused a little red throbbing clit, thumbing it and rubbing out a nice orgasm for the kid who ended up losing their virginity on a ratty couch in a ratty apartment to a scumbag hero who apparently now fucked teenagers.
roy has beaten the shit out of men who did what he did as he waved robin goodbye when he left his apartment, flash drive in hand.
a man in their twenties creeping on kids barely into highschool is a huge no-no. ask anyone with a cape and they'd tell you the same thing.
roy likes the kid, he really does. not enough to risk fucking jail time or getting the shit beat out of him by dick or batman or any horrifying combination of the two.
robin is lowkey. he promises to keep this a secret without roy having to ask even though he was working on it and it -whew- wow it makes him feel like a piece of shit.
roy pushes it out of his mind. tries to bury it alongside the mountain of mistakes that weigh on him because how fucking like him. to fuck up a perfectly decent burdgeoning partnership.
roy doesn't avoid robin. not exactly.
he just becomes more of a last resort. and roy would like to say he buried what they did that day in the back of his mind but it...rears up sometimes.
late at night when roy is alone and a little horny. he tries to use por as much as he can but the memory...fuck the memory of that hot vice of a cunt. the way robin had squirmed under him, little tits turning red with the abuse of roy sucking on them harshly.
robin had a sweet body and his fit perfectly in roy's arms as he pinned him down and fucked into him.
it's a few months later they get a repeat.
aliens. fucking aliens. it's always fucking aliens that property damage skyrockets.
roy's just at one of the reserve camps awaiting to be directed or deployed to clean up crew, med evac, civilian evac. the entire crew of YJ is there and one by one they all get called away until its just him and robin -now tim, roy now has a name for that face that greets him on lonely nights.
roy knows he's staring, eyes lingering. tim turns to look at him, eyes as heavy and interested as they were that night.
roy comforts himself with the fact that its not teenagers he has a thing for. just tim. tim and his tight body and hot cunt. and tim just so happens to be a teenager.
thankfully for roy tim happens to have a thing for roy too. roy and his big dick and happy trail that presses flush to tim's reddened cunt as roy's cock splits him over while bending him over a counter.
it's a fast fuck. just a quickie. ten minutes later while they're cleaning themselves up tim gets called away.
he turns, steps already marhcing him out the door before he stops for a moment turns and says-
"you have my number, right?"
roy swallows thickly and nods.
then he's back to marching and that's as much permission to be a full blown sleaze as roy needs.
roy will admit, with only some shame, that he is definitly the kind of guy to send dick pics without hesitation once asked.
and tim doesn't even have to ask.
it's been so long since roy's been so fucking horny for someone that reciprocated it. and tim, well tim is definitely getting some hot, stringless sex out of it too.
roy will be alone in a city on a job. he'll tug his cock out and jack it to hardness before snapping a pic and sending it to tim.
'miss u' he writes. like a fucking douchebag he's been told. 'do u miss me?'
tim replies back in the affirmative and roy instantly starts borderline begging, asking for tim to send him a little something his cock is fucking hard and it hurts pretty baby. it hurts so bad :/.
tim sends back a picture of his tank top pushed up with his cute little tits on display.
'Feel better now?' he replies and roy tightens his grip on his cock as he types with one hand.
'maybe a little more bby'
a minute later and roy groans as he's greeted by the sight of two of tim's fingers spreading open the lips of his cunt to expose his wonderfully wet pussy.
'thank u bby'
and roy pumps his cock until he's arching off and moaning into his empty hotel room.
tim's nude game is other worldly. it's almost artistic with the composition and the lighting. tim's cunt should be in a fucking art gallery.
sometimes he sends roy pictures of him in his underwear, some of him in bed groping his tit and fucking fingers into his hole.
one time he sends roy a one minute video of him fucking himself on a glass rob dildo, pumping it into his red little cunt while making the sweetest fucking moans in the world.
roy spends the day inside just jacking off until his cock sputtered pathetically.
the next time roy is in new jersey he makes a pit stop in gotham. tim's parents are out of town and for the first time roy sees his room. though he's not able to appreciate the blade runner posters, comic book collection, and mountain of laundry on a spare chair until the next morning.
tim is naked and half asleep even as he grinds his cunt onto roy's bare cock. and nope, roy's learnt his lesson from that.
" i am on birth control you know." tim tells him as roy stops nibbling on his tit to pull on a fresh condom.
roy just grins down at him and nuzzles his neck, kissing away his pout.
"baby if any boy ever tells you its okay if he doesn't use a condom just because you're on birth control i want you to turn his nutsack inside out."
tim lets out a half chocked laugh that turns into a moan as roy rubs a thumb against his clit and fucks into him.
it becomes habit for them to hook up.
roy's amazed they manage to get away with it. sometimes they meet in gotham. other times tim goes to meet roy wherever he is.
they don't always work out though. sometimes roy gets his life together and manages to get a steady girlfriend.
sometimes other people (better people) notice tim and he's taken off the market too.
but love is cruel to them and even to tim who roy honestly believe deserves better than to have rebound sex with him.
but tim loves it and so does roy. and being able to explore each other's bodies, and feel out new scars and new tattoos is just a different kind of intense.
roy misses the way tim's pussy parts for him when he slowly pushes in, misses his gasps and sweet coos as roy fucks him hard and fast.
tim makes a sight for sore eyes on his knees and pawing at roy's jock to get access to his cock to take into his mouth. and tim has the sweetest tasting pussy that roy's ever eaten. he moans between his spread thighs as he fucks his tongue into that well-loved hot little hole.
life sucks but there's always good sex to make you feel better.
roy's not saying their relationship is easy but it's one that they never stress over because they never define what they are.
but they get along. they like the same things, and dislike the same people. they wish each other the best and try to keep things from souring between them.
in many ways each other is the only one they can turn to. keeping a secret between them tends to draw them together and forage an odd bond between them.
roy and dick reconcile at some point and roy feels a little guilty at the fact that he's fucking the guy's baby brother behind his back. but not enough to actually tell him (roy would like to keep all his teeth thank you very much).
and roy likes tim so he's more than a little ticked off when he hears about things growing sour in gotham.
he and tim's physical relations have waned a bit. prometheus's bombs in star city landed lian in the hospital with a coma and roy hadn't been in the right place to be around...anyone.
in that time things go pretty shittily for tim too. roy wonders if its too late to send a card but then bludhaven explodes and the memory of star city and lian just send him right back to the bad place.
even if he could reach out. roy was sure tim wasn't doing well enough to support them both.
roy has beef the JL it's something that grows hot and fierce when he hears whispers about robin- now red robin- having gone off the deep end.
the source? his own brother, nightwing- now batman.
there's a new robin in gotham and roy is...fuck he's not sure what he feels. it's not his place. not his fight. not his family.
lian is out of her coma and in for a long recovery with having to relearn how to walk, how to read, how to fucking speak.
the next time roy raises his head out his ostrich hole, cheering lian on as she takes her first unassisted steps, it's to the sound of a newly reinstated batman.
roy's too far away to know the details and hear everything going on. but that doesn't stop the simmer of pride that erupts in his chest.
he always believed in the pretty baby.
lian starts making leaps in her recovery and roy is not about to depend on outside help for his daughter so starts taking high paying jobs to pay for all of lian's rehab.
oh there was a poor taste 'like father like daughter' joke in there somewhere and roy knew he was going to be drawing blood from the first person who made them.
roy crosses paths with a "reformed" jason todd aka red hood.
roy knows about him from titan's tower. his opinion would be lower of him if the two of them didn't get on like a house on fire. roy works some jobs with him, exchanges stories, and builds up a nice friendship. roy's daughter is a safe topic, jason's got a soft spot for kids. but with kids comes family talk and both roy and jason could find kindred spirits in being estranged.
they share similar grievances.
they even share simialr issues with dick's...dickishness.
"you lucked out with tim at least though."
and roy feels the tension before he sees it. it's a dangerous path to treat, talking about tim who is a stand up guy because he is to the guy who sees him as a replacement but jason surprises both of them when he says-
"i haven't exactly been the...best guy to the kid."
roy knows its not his place. knows that he has no right to interfere with anything relating to tim's family and personal life because that's crossing a pretty firm boundary but then he thinks of tim. of that new robin and the fact that he spent a year being ostracized by nearly every hero.
so roy...just tells jason the truth. about how tim's understanding. how he's all 'do no harm but take no shit'. he's straight-laced but surprisingly bendy (in more than one way but roy doesn't say that) willing to work with you. i mean he helped roy out a tight spot a few times.
roy doesn't mention the sex. probably not a good idea to tell that to somone who'd probably blast his dick off if he found out that grown man roy harper fucked a pink-cheeked fourteen-year-old robin.
roy and tim's reunion is...a nice one. roy's in gotham to take lian to a specialist appointment. he meets tim in the cafeteria. they both stumble to a stop at the sight of each other.
roy tells him why he's there and tim's there for outreach purposes, WE work.
they have coffee. chat a little. nudge smiles and small laughs out of each other. speak in code so they can bitch about and roll their eyes about the justice league.
roy is in gotham for the week. he meets up with jason a handful of time and jason takes lian to some new park constructed in crime alley for the kids.
roy texts tim while he's gone, keeping the conversation they had at the hospital going.
roy's emotions have been rubbed raw for awhile. he hasn't been intimate with anyone for over a year.
tim is in the same boat.
the sex they have is different then the rushed frantic fucking where they sought their own pleasure.
he and tim spend quite a few minutes kissing on roy's hotel room bed. roy feels out tim's body, groping and squeezing and feeling his flesh as tim does the same.
they don't peel their clothes off in some sexy little strip tease like the ones roy jokingly did for tim.
their clothes stay mostly on aside from roy unzipping and pushing down his pants and tim doing the same with his slacks. they hold each other, wrapping hands around each other's backs in a deep hug while they softly kiss and roy fucks tim slowly.
tim rocks on his cock, occasionally pulling away from the kiss to let out a soft moan and rock his hips back in time with roy's thrusts.
they both cum quietly just two silent gasps and tensed shoulders followed by some trembling as they went slack.
they've both had a...hell of a time.
it felt nice, felt safe to go back to something they knew. to something they liked.
a half an hour later and its like a switch has flipped and roy doesn't know what to grab or fondle first as tim desperately moans on top of him, whipping his hips back and forth as he rides roy. tim sinks down on him with thick, wet, 'squelches', gasping and moaning as roy holds ontol his hips and tugs him down onto his cock.
it's desperate, it's hot, it's so fucking good.
roy almost limps on his way to pick up lian, his cock is fucking spent because tim's pussy could knock a god out.
jason stares at him with a raised brow before rolling his eyes and handing a giggling lian back over to him.
lian waves good bye with a happy 'bye uncle jason!'.
lian goes to her appointments, tim stops by for coffee and then roy takes them both out for ice cream afterwards.
the night roy is leaving the city tim texts him to meet on the hotel roof where red robin gives him a wonderful goodbye present.
roy has no idea who taught tim how to do that thing with his tongue but he will forever be grateful.
he and tim start texting agian. not as much photo exchange goes on like it did in the beginning. tim directs him to high-paying jobs that will keep him close to lian. tim asks about lian, about her recovery and how she's doing. what she liked.
a few days later packages with lian's favorite candies and flowers show up along with a little stuffed bird robin which accompanies her on her phsical therapy.
roy is probably toeing a very dangerous line. maybe for everyone else it would've been better if it was just sex. but now roy feels something.
he feels happy when he sees a text from tim. is excited to see him because he wants to know how he is.
a physical affair is one thing. roy gets the shit beat out of him for having one with tim and everyone moves on.
an emotional affair is a whole different ball park.
roy's hardly had a healthy relationship before in his life. he has...baggage. he has a kid. and tim is...fuck tim is still so young.
he has a whole life ahead of him and roy and...whatever they are would just be dead wight.
tim disagrees.
it's one of the first arguments they both have. tim insisting that he can make his own choices and mistakes and he whole heartedly believes that roy is nothing close to resembling a mistake.
roy tells him about the issues with all of this. how they started this when tim was just a kid and that was wrong, he knows that was wrong and out of everything he does regret doing that. but tim doesn't yield.
he tells roy what he feels. and they're all the things that roy feels. that happiness at the mention of him, that fluttery feeling in his gut when he sees him, that excitement when he talks to him.
tim likes roy just as he is. wants roys just as he is.
does roy want him too?
and maybe roy is selfish to snatch tim up when someone so much better could come along but....dammit roy wants to be selfish.
they don't sneak around like they used to.
tim refuses to sneak around with roy. he says it makes him feel like he should be ashamed of roy.
and he'd never be ashamed of being with roy.
they don't...explicitly tell anyone.
really everyone else kind of just assumes stuff about them.
if anyone sees them in gotham together they just assume roy is present for some jason related reason. when tim is seen in star city its gotta be for a case, right?
lian has her own room in tim's penthouse apartment. roy keeps his favorite brand of coffee beans and his toothbrush is in a cup beside tim's in his bathroom.
on christmas, a part is held at wayne manor and roy, pretty clearly, kisses tim under the mistletoe in front of several heroes.
more than a dozen people see tim lead roy up the stairs to his old bedroom.
tim is...fuck tim is roy's best relationship he's had so far. it's like a light of realization fills him and he thinks 'oh. this is what this is supposed to be like!'
roy and tim build something together. a nice little life. one with peace and support and love.
tim is one of the emergency contacts on lian's medical and school forms.
roy and red robin frequently team up outside of their respective cities. they have each other's backs. always.
both jason and dick tell roy they it's nice he gets along so well with their brother and part of roy burns to tell them that it's not just that.
roy's not sure how they could be more obvious.
they're definitely not hiding it or subverting it or trying to frame it as something with plausible deniability.
it's pretty obvious he and tim are together. even more obvious that they're fucking.
roy once read something about people being willfully blind or dense about things they didn't want to learn and honestly thinks that must be the case.
however not a single shred of doubt remains when tim tells his family and friends that he's pregnant.
at some point he and tim had stopped using condoms. they weren't exactly looking to get pregnant but wouldn't be against it if they did.
it's several months of roy fucking tim raw before it manages takes.
bruce stares at tim who is cutting up grapes for lian.
dick choked on the bite of a pear he took and is trying to clear his throat.
alfred is frozen where he's drying a plate.
damian is staring and jason shares his incredulous expresson.
the only one absolutely bursting with joy is lian.
"i'm gunna be a big sister?!"
that's when eyes fill with something. dots are connected, realizations are had, situations they'd walked in on now have new context.
"you fucked tim?" dick asked dangerously. "you got my little brother pregnant?"
roy is strategically placed beside tim who would absolutely never let anything happen to his sweet love and baby daddy.
"been fucking for years dick, keep up."
tim is newly 18. newly legal. now it's not just dick's eyes that are locked on roy like they're homing missiles.
okay so maybe his baby mama would let something happen to him.
in the end tim does protect him even with eyes and glares narrowed on him.
dick is muttering and glaring somehow stuck between a weird in between of celebratory for tim's pregnancy, indignance at the father, and indignance at tim being pregnant at 18.
jason, because he's roy's dearest friend and wants him to be happy, contents himself with a deep punch to the gut that leaves roy dry heaving over the toilet for half an hour.
bruce is not so easily swayed. roy knows bat are nosy but he learns exactly how much when batman posts enlarged photos of the nudes he and tim exchanged years ago, but some are more recent.
"how old were you here?" batman asks tensely.
tim raises a brow and asks if bruce really looked at his nudes and chat history with roy.
the rest of the family is staring up at the photos with gapes mouthes.
batman and tim get into an argument and the minute the word 'fourteen' slips out, jason is cocking his gun and pointing it at roy.
"well it really was nice knowing you, i don't say that to a lot of people just so you know."
tim slaps jason's arm but doesn't manage to stop the punch that dick threw that broke roy's nose.
the bats glare at roy as tim fusses over him in the medbay and throws occasional glares over his shoulder at dick who looks like he's wilting further with every look.
tim is a good talker. a better one than roy and within the hour roy's nose is splinted and bandaged and hazy with the fresh apologies from tim's brother's ringing in his ears.
now tim is a genuinely nice person. that doesn't mean he's not petty.
no one looks at them during breakfast after a night of being forced to listen to tim's cries as roy 'disrespected' tim in every possible way tim could think of.
now tim was a very smart person. so there were a lot.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
Granted, I don't know when Cozy Glow was made, so this might've been impossible- but I truly think whether she is her own character, or simply a disguise of Queen Chrysalis, she would have had more impact had she been introduced in season seven, or even as early as season six if you take the route of her being separate from Chryssie. As it stands in canon, we barely see much of her before her villainous turn- but you could easily build up her friendship with the CMC by having her first meet them through feigning a problem with her cutiemark and gaining their trust- and later having her use them to get into the School of Friendship like canon. By giving her the spotlight as a new "friend" of the CMC or even a new member, we could see her personality and even signs that something isn't quite right with Cozy. Since we know the CMC were personally tutored by Twilight sometimes, this would also be a great reason as to how Cozy Glow became aware of such rare magic draining artifacts- simply have her pretend she's only curious because a pegasi could never wield such power. Hell, you could even have a reformed Starlight think something is wrong, but perhaps she worries that she's projecting her past behavior when she catches sight of Cozy Glow being especially persuasive and brushes it off, not wanting to jump to the wrong conclusion- especially since a filly surely wouldn't have any ulterior motives like she did running Our Town, right? And if she was Chrysalis, you could have the horror of everyone realize she knows even more about them on top of the betrayal. But nope, gotta phone it in for bronies I guess. Although, I've even seen bronies be unhappy about her lack of a backstory, being turned to stone and sent to Tartarus without even an attempt to reform her or figure out what led to everything she did, or motive beyond "I'M EVIL" soooooo
I think the season did do some over the top foreshadowing with her to show that something wasn't quite right, i think her joining the cmc would've been cute too and added to the betrayal. Go with the Chrysalis disguise idea, it makes sense she'd stick to them to get closer to their big sisters and all that.
a pretty lazy character concept altogether, i am glad that her getting turned to stone definitely got some backlash. It just feels like....idk a very weird two-parter choice for the friendship cartoon.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
Okay, so I've been thinking nonstop about Ashley having a crush on one Chris Hackett ever since you joked about it, and I think (hope) that I reached the same plane of existance that you did because I'm obsessed now. Cause while the rest of the hacketteers are confused, you know poor Caleb and Kaylee are downright horrified because 'oh my god, that's our dad what is WRONG with you??????' dhdjskshsks
And, just because I think it just makes things even funnier for me, I also like to think that while og Chris is still completely oblivious to the crush she has on him, he manages to clock the one on Mr H in *seconds*. You know that he would spend the entire summer sulking and wondering wtf chackett has that he doesn't and resenting him even more for it. Which makes the whole being terrified that Mr. H is a vision of his future even more confusing cause apparently Ashley is into that? And what the hell does he have Chris doesn't?
Basically it's the most confusing and insane summer that they've ever had. Ashley with the weirdest and most confusing crushes (to anyone else), and Chris with the weirdest and most confusing identity crisis (to himself). Meanwhile, Josh spends the entire summer face planted onto a picnic table wondering what on earth he did to deserve having these two complete absolute morons are his best friends AHDJDLSNSHD
"This is the weirdest fuckin' thing that's ever happened around here," Kaylee said, and without bothering to check whether anyone else was looking her way, she turned and very pointedly caught her brother's eye before adding, "and I'm countin'...everything."
"Oh come on, don't be such a fuddy-duddy," Emma laughed, giving Kaylee's hair a tousle. Her smile faded when she turned back towards the general store, though, turning into something a little closer to a grimace as she continued, "I'm sure...lots of people have crushed on Mr. H in the past! He's..." She tilted her head to the side, trying to get a better (or at least different angle on him), "...non-threatening."
Emily made a noise at that, her eyes coming distressingly close to rolling all the way back into her skull. "That's definitely a word, I'll give you that."
"Yeah!" agreed Abi, nodding maybe less enthusiastically as she might've, had they been talking about...literally anything else. "And I mean, um...I mean...it makes sense, doesn't it? Because...him and Chris are like..."
"The same person?" Echoing Abi's nod, Sam smiled. It didn't quite come off as friendly as she'd meant for it to be, not when she already sensed Josh plotting. "Yeah. Yeah, they are. Sort of. I get the feeling Mr. H wouldn't lie down and die if he found himself lost in the middle of the woods, though. Or, y'know. A public park. Chris might."
"I think you mean would," said Jess. "Chris would die in the middle of the woods. Pretty sure we all freaking saw the proof of that." She held her hands out and, as she'd known they would, the rest of the Blackwood kids nodded and made sounds of agreement, remembering exactly how miserable he'd been during their ill-fated night on the mountain. "But at least he's not always wearing khaki, blech. Like, the 1950s called, Mr. H. They want their whole deal back."
"No one," Kaylee interrupted amid a full-body shudder, pulling her legs up onto the picnic table bench with the rest of her, "not a single person on Earth has ever liked Dad. Ever."
"Bad news, pipsqueak. Guy's got two kids. That means someone liked him once. Someone liked him a whole l - ow!" Jacob whirled around with an indignant "Dude!" but Matt just shook his head, chopping one of his hands across the air in front of his throat to get him to cut it out. "I'm just saying."
It wasn't often Caleb said much, not around the rest of them anyway, but when he did, it usually packed a hell of a punch. This was no exception. "Nah, Kay's right. This is...I don't know what it is, but nah, no one's ever had a crush on Dad. No one except Ryan, maybe."
Kaitlyn choked on her drink, giving Sierra Mist a whole new meaning as she sprayed Jacob with a mouthful of soda. Dylan wasn't much better off, rocking on his seat as though someone had hauled off and slapped him across the face. He recovered quicker than she did, his usual mask of nonchalance slipping back over his face as he snickered, "Uh huh. Sure. Riiight. Because Mr. H is totally Ryan's type."
The laughter that overtook the table - the perplexed, uncertain, uncomfortable, strained laughter - fell to perfect silence when Ryan opened his mouth.
"I mean..." was all he got out.
The table erupted again, though that time, uh, not in laughter. You'd've thought someone had whipped a dead chipmunk out onto the table, so impassioned were the "Oh God!"s and the "No way!"s and the "Holy shit!"s as arms were flung into the air and people stood from where they'd been sitting and hell just sort of genuinely broke loose.
The only one who didn't seem to react much (if at all) was Josh, who continued to sit with his chin in his hand and a glower on his face. He was getting too old for this shit.
(please don't count, this is definitely JUST) six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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theninthdoor · 1 year
Hello. Can I ask for love reading for exo members? It could be fun as they're all mostly out of military and parents must put pressure on them for grandchildren 😀 thanks
Xiumin || the high priestess, the hanged man: I believe he's single as of right now. Either that or he's taking a break from a relationship. The energy is very calm, so I don't see him worrying or being too sad either way. It's a necessary pause in order for him to connect with himself once more.
Suho || six of pentacles, ten of cups: He's with someone who makes him extremely happy! This feels cosy, very loving, stable and harmonious. Suho might actually be considering them as a potential life-long partner or simply someone with whom he could see himself building a family with.
Lay (I'm pretty sure he's still an EXO member even though he hasn't been promoting with the group, so I'm adding him in anyway.) || the hermit, two of pentacles: Single. He's got plenty of other things to worry about right now; love isn't a priority nor a strong need at the moment.
Baekhyun || death, four of cups: Single as well. He might've been in a short-term relationship/situationship recently, but it just wasn't what he wanted at all. He's quite tired of being single, though, lol.
Chen || justice, the tower rx: There have been some issues in his relationship as of late, but they have managed to work things out just fine. I feel like some rules or boundaries had to be established, and now both parties know what to expect + what they need to provide for the other going forward, so it's truly fair for everyone involved.
Chanyeol || seven of swords, ace of cups, seven of cups: This reads as a fling that he wants to turn into an actual relationship, if they can. However, although he's been pursuing this person for a while now, he has kept his options open in case it doesn't work out.
D.O. || queen of wands, temperance: Dating (a potential fire sign/Sagittarius). The relationship is doing great; there's lots of passion and excitement, but also comfort and great care.
Kai || queen of wands, three of cups: He has been going out with a friend or someone he met just recently through friends. I don't see an actual relationship yet; they're likely still getting to know each other + hanging out casually.
Sehun || wheel of fortune, eight of wands: He's been dating around, just having fun. I don't think he's really looking for a serious relationship right now. He's more focused on the physical aspect of things.
(Disclaimer: All readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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