#i need to talk to you pete
"The road infurls before us. Everything is possible. I feel sick to my stomach." -Gray by Pete Wentz
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hum--hallelujah · 6 months
the Rammys of Takeover (wouldn't you rather be a widow than a divorcee?) -> Run Dry (one more shot then I'm quitting forever) -> I've Got All This Ringing (tell the boys where to find my body) -> Wilson (I'm gonna run away and never see any of you again) is making me feel achy inside though.
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wulka303 · 2 years
As a Polish person I LOVE Iceman being Polish or at least having some Polish family members so I will share with you 100% accurate headcanons I've created (some additional Icemav too)
● When something goes wrong or Ice is mad he will curse in Polish
● Ice mastered the art of making pierogi and bigos
● In his household the trash can is ALWAYS under the sink and he keeps cleaning cloth on the oven handle - don't ask why it's the rules
● One day the whole 86' class came over and Maverick got confused because he couldn't find the trash can
● Ice is more likely to speak Polish when drunk or sleep talking
● Ice is very difficult to get drunk
● Ice is most likely a Catholic so when he was younger he got really torn apart after realizing he was gay and will go to hell
● Later after meeting Maverick he knew it was a very good reason to go to hell
● For some reason Ice loves disco polo but will never admit it - 86' class doesn't even know the meaning behind all of the songs but will vibe nonetheless
● On Ice and Maverick's wedding reception there was a disco polo band and when Ice got absolutely hammered he sang along and danced - Slider got it all recorded and it's a fantastic blackmail material
● Ice visited Poland a few times - few during communist times and few after
● Ice hates Warsaw and loves Kraków
● When he took Maverick to Poland he lost him for a while and later found his husband befriending babcia
● As a Polish person Ice is very hospitable so he didn't mind Dagger Squad at his home all the time
● Ice learned the lyrics to Biały węgorz aka. The polish cow song
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liyazaki · 11 months
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this Saturgay! 🚨 let’s go lesbians, LET’S GO 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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kazanskys-mitchell · 10 months
hey guys come get some mav angst with a side of slimav!
been feeling kinda out of place and weird the last couple of days and this was a result of that. i proofread it twice so hopefully there’s no mistakes.
i hope you like it :)
Maverick was never a people person. He liked to be alone, tinkering with some sort of machinery to pass the time. He didn’t make friends easily, people seemed to hear his callsign and look the other way. But he didn’t care.
Or maybe, he cared a little bit.
Growing up, he liked his time alone, but when other people who pretended to befriend him made plans that excluded him, he distanced himself. He didn’t want to be a nuisance, after all. That’s what he saw himself as.
A nuisance. Someone that nobody wanted to be around.
Until he met Goose.
Nick Bradshaw was a character, he was very different from Maverick in a lot of ways, but they also were all too similar. Their personalities worked so well together, and Goose declared himself Maverick’s best friend.
Goose always made sure that Maverick was included in anything they did, whether it be getting drinks with other aviators or hanging out with Carole and Bradley. Goose always made sure that Maverick felt included and welcome, and if he didn’t, they would leave to do their own thing.
The night out at the O Club with Goose was fun, even if Iceman and Slider were being jerks about the MiG and “who’s the best pilot?”
Abused children was what Goose had called them.
Maverick just had to laugh it off.
Top Gun was a little isolating for Maverick. He knew how everyone there felt about him, but he put on a brave face and kept flying like he knew how to do. He knew he was good at it, and it took his mind off everything.
Until Goose died.
The events of that day replayed in Maverick’s head so many times, he lost count. Nothing had ever felt more isolating than losing the one person who made him feel like he wasn’t a burden. Now that Goose wasn’t there to include him, he knew he’d end up alone again.
He thought he wanted that.
After the Layton rescue, he gained a friendship with Iceman and even Slider. He felt less alone when they were around.
They didn’t quite pick up on the fact that Maverick would silently excuse himself if he felt like he wasn’t wanted. It happened many times, the Top Gun class reuniting and getting drinks, and Maverick leaving early because he felt like he annoyed everyone just by being there.
Slider eventually noticed.
He would run after Maverick, asking why he was leaving, to which Maverick would respond “Oh, I’m just tired.”
Slider knew it was a lie.
So he started doing what Goose did. He made sure that Maverick felt included in everything, and it worked. Maverick liked that Slider seemed to care for him.
A year after Goose died, Maverick realized he had feelings for Slider.
He didn’t know what to do about it. He didn’t know who he could tell, and he was sure that Slider wouldn’t feel the same.
He felt more comfortable about it after Wolfman had one too many drinks and confessed to Maverick that he and Hollywood had been together for a while. Wolfman didn’t seem to remember that he had told Maverick, but Maverick remembered it for a long time.
Eventually, Maverick figured his shit out and confessed to Slider.
He was sure he’d be rejected, like he had been many times in the past, but Slider surprised him by asking Maverick on a date.
The rest was history.
Slider eventually took Maverick to his hometown to meet his family. They seemed pretty accepting of Maverick, but he still felt isolated from them. They didn’t include him in conversations, and hardly acknowledged him when he tried to join the conversation.
It took Slider a while to notice it was happening. Maverick figured that he was trying to spending time with his family, and that little ol’ Maverick was just a burden that he dragged along.
Slider found Maverick on the front porch, staring out into the road at nothing in particular.
“Hey. Sorry, I figured you wanted more time alone with your family.”
“I brought you here to spend time with you.”
“I feel like I’m intruding.”
Slider had heard enough. He spent an hour on the porch with Maverick, the smaller man tangled in his arms, and told Maverick just how much he was loved.
They went inside eventually, after Slider’s mom had questioned where they went. Slider made sure from that point on that Maverick was included in their conversations, all while keeping a strong arm wrapped around his waist and pressing small kisses to the top of Maverick’s head whenever he had the opportunity.
To Slider, Maverick was everything he ever wanted and more, and Maverick no longer felt alone.
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name-doggo · 3 months
One thing I really wish the FF Community would Stop doing is Removing All Nuance from the Parents in Those Stories in order to Make Them Abusive Supervillains who Never Loved their Kid.
Like... In the Four Years I've been here, and for how Small the Community really is, you'd be surprised how many Times I've seen it-
#The Most Prominent (and Worst) Example I can Give is with Alec’s Mother#Like... Yeah- She listens to Fucking Books and is a Karen basically- She's not a Good Mother#But making her into an Abusive Mother who Never Loved Alec and just wants to Control Him?? I think we read the Wrong Book Guys-#That Removes alot of the Tragedy in Lonely Freddy- The Fact that Things could've Gotten Better if they just Talked#But they can't anymore since Alec is Trapped in a Dumpster...#There's also plenty of More Examples I can Give#Devon's Mother isn’t Abusive or Homophobic- She’s a Struggling Woman who was Abused herself (Devon’s Father threw things at her)#Which in turn from that Struggle- Has made her Neglectful of Him#I can't really say much for Pete's Mom since I forgot alot of Step Closer- but making her a Comical Abusive Mother probably isn’t accurate.#I even once saw Oswald's Dad get Villainized and Like... We definitely must've read the wrong story cause the worst thing I remember him#doing is getting upset at Oswald for going Into the Pit#It's usually always the Mothers who get Villainized tho- Like... If we're going to look at their Kids with Nuance and-#- believe they could get better if their stories didn't end with Tragedy#Why can't we do the same for their Parents??#Also if you REALLY want like... an Abusive Parent to Hate- Greg's Dad is right There.#Angel's Step Dad is Pretty Abusive too from what I heard (I never read the Story)#I'm just saying- There’s no need to villainize the Parents with Actual Nuance to Comical Degrees#fazbear frights#<- Tagging it because it's something I've really grown tired of...#Oh Yeah in Case I wasn't Clear#I don't think the Ones I mentioned above are good Parents necessarily (Besides maybe Oswald's Dad)#I just Don't like when people make every single one of them Super Mega Abusive cause that like... Kinda removes the fact that you can be a-#- Bad Parent WITHOUT being Abusive or Hating their Kids?? Like... You're kinda removing alot of Gray and making things very Black and White#Ok sorry for Writing an Essay in the Tags- I just had alot to Explain
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compacflt · 2 years
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the only thing i ever wanna write anymore is icemav just being old and married and happy in retirement (so many thousands of words just dedicated to that & i have no idea where to post it)
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gremlin-pattie · 1 year
fob was insane for writing a song about missing a relationship you can never return to, and then having the music video end with patrick and pete killing each other.
this is a half baked thought, but it’s something about the person you trusted most turning on you. it’s about wishing you could get back the love you used to share with them, but you can’t because you’re both too far gone.
*(more in the tags)
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andoutofharm · 1 year
they say quitters never win/but we walk the plank on a sinking ship but the ship isn’t sinking anymore. no one is walking a plank to escape it anymore.
they HAVE umbrellas on the inside now and they are working.
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crunchycrystals · 7 months
bang the doldrums bridge. you agree. reblog.
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phantastragoria · 1 year
I don't think I ever shared this clip on Tumblr so here, my fellow Guardianauts.
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chickenstrangers · 1 year
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Gaipa is a character I cannot think about too much or it hurts but also I have been living in this scene for the last 3 months so I'm going to try.
It means so much to me to see Gaipa and Mrs Hong have such an honest and explicit discussion about Gaipa's queerness. It really shows how comfortable they are with each other, and how much they love each other, and that this isn't the first time they've discussed it. Moments like this one are part of what makes this show feel so queer, and it's something that I don't feel I've seen much of in queer media.
A lot of queer stories are coming of age narratives or stories of discovering queer identity. And that's important! Vital! We also have that in Moonlight Chicken with Li Ming and Heart's budding relationship. It's wonderful to see characters coming into their own with their queer identity, and all of the other things that come along with these stories, including coming out. But it's also so important to see what happens years or even decades after the initial "coming out".
Conversations about identity don't necessarily stop, especially in such a close relationship like the one between Gaipa and his mother. This isn't about questioning his identity or devaluing it, but stating support and love explicitly. Mrs Hong says she always knew that Gaipa was gay, since he was a child. We don't know what his story was growing up, if he sat down with his parents and came out, or if it happened more casually if they already knew. It was an unspoken understanding, but that doesn’t prevent him from wanting to speak it.
Queer coming of age does not stop once you've come out once. Adult queer narratives do not need to avoid explicit discussions of identity just because the characters are more settled and comfortable with their sexuality. This scene really resonated with me for me by showing the continuation of that queer experience.
There's such clear comfort in this conversation and how it shows that Gaipa and his mom truly know each other, how open and loving they are with each other, how they can joke around about it and be playful with each other, but they are still not taking the unspoken words for granted. Gaipa still wants and needs it to be said aloud. Their conversation in this scene is not a revelation that Gaipa is gay, and it's not new information that Mrs Hong loves and accepts him for it. But I can completely understand wanting to hear it said aloud, "Do you regret it…that I'm gay?" And she says unequivocally that no, she has no regrets, she just wants him to be happy, and find the love that he wants.
I talked about this a little bit before but this question of regret is really powerful. Gaipa isn't necessarily very happy at this moment; he's lonely, he clearly wants to find a reciprocated love and hasn't yet. His mother can see that he is sad about this. But does that mean she regrets that he's gay, or wishes he were different than he is? Even if it were easier for him in general to be straight? But as Jim and Wen discuss, being straight is no guarantee of happiness either. Mrs Hong has no regrets about this, and loves Gaipa wholeheartedly.
The relationship between parents and their queer children, whether biological or not, plays a large role in Moonlight Chicken. We see that Jam accepts that her brother is gay but has a much harder time accepting that her son is. We see Jim being upset to learn that Li Ming is gay, for much of the same reason that Gaipa is asking his mom about, his worry that life will be harder for Li Ming because of his sexuality. We see this scene echoed in Wen's conversation with his stepfather, who also fully supports Wen, asking about who he's seeing, and they clearly have a solid relationship, though much of this support is a bit more implicit than in Gaipa's conversation. All these moments together highlight the complexities of these relationships and highlight different queer experiences.
Queerness isn't Gaipa's whole identity, but it's an important part, and it's understandable for him to want to be open about it with his mom. And it is so powerful for me to see him at this stage in his journey and see this sort of conversation on screen.
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pisshandkerchief · 1 year
allow me to indulge my gay theatre nerd side for a moment. now if i'm being perfectly honest, i normally don't like jukebox musicals. they usually feel too forced to me and i prefer a musical that actually has songs, y'know, written specifically for it and isn't just trying to fit songs into a story they weren't made for. it just feels more creative to me. if i wanted to listen to preexisting songs, i'd just listen to them at home without the extra story. i don't need a musical for that. HOWEVER. if anyone wanted to write a jukebox musical using fall out boy or mcr songs i would eat that shit UP no questions asked. in fact if i had any talent i'd write one myself 
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deathbypufferfish · 1 year
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Does anyone want a hamster
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Star Trek: New Frontier is so cool. I wish it was good
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compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: a couple quick fem!mav updates, dw about it
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