#i might not be able to impress with the rest but i'll try
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I just played the demo, and I'm very intrigued!! I'm especially curious about Dahlia — a lot of players will be (quite rightfully) miffed at her after that banger of a prologue, so it'll be interesting to see how the interactions between Dahlia and the Knight play out. There's a lot of complicated threads to yank on there.
I don't think it'll be easy to act naturally friendly around her, not after that betrayal. Even if it was in a dream, the pain from that betrayal had to cut bone deep. The OC I'm using for my Knight values trust and loyalty above all, and never holds back on loving those he calls friends — so it's safe to say that Dahlia's betrayal essentially shattered a piece of his heart.
Personally, I think my Knight will be civil to her but will go out of his way to keep his distance. At first, anyway. Things may change if something like having to choose between helping Dahlia or ignoring her pops up, thus forcing him to break out of the distant neutrality he'd been keeping up with her. Of course, this is all hypothetical. Very very excited to see how the Dahlia situation unfolds!!
That aside, I!! The prologue!!! I have so many things to say?! The prologue was short, but so much emotion was packed in. The Knight's internal monologue, the way you describe the ROs' reactions, the setting, everything — my chest was twinging from the very first page, and by the end of it all, my heart was full on hurting.
I rarely get attached to a story so quickly. I want to see how this all plays out. I want to see my Knight lead this story to a happy ending (Assuming there is one, and if there is, my Knight will grab hold of it, because he's stubborn as steel and wants All his friends to be happy).
And I have to make a special mention of Oscar's scene. Because damn. So much raw pain. That fury, that heartbreak, that helplessness. The Knight's internal commentary, both pained and resigned.
I actually found myself connecting with Oscar the most out of all the characters present in the prologue. I think I'd react the same way, if I ever had to watch my beloved friend be executed for crimes that they may or may not have committed (I would refuse to believe it till the end, probably). I'd probably be furious — I'd go feral. Get complete tunnel vision. Do something stupid like try to attack a king. To hell with duties and titles and pretenses such as the crown and the king, for what's the use of those if I can't even save a loved one? And I'd rage at myself for being so helpless.
Then break down and cry, because I'm angry and filled with so much hatred that I wish I could burn them all to ashes with the heat of my fury — but I can't. I'm not some powerful magical being who can make everything right if I'm angry enough, if I'm stubborn enough. I'm a helpless bastard who can only bend and buckle under the weight of their duties and helplessness and watch as their beloved friend is sent to die an unjust death.
So the raging fury turns into a roaring tide and floods out of my eyes in fiery streams.
So, anyways. Yeah. I love Oscar. If that wasn't already clear <3
I just!! I'm currently the epitome of that one meme where some crazed looking skrunkly is grabbing you very very tightly by the shoulders. Your prologue made me feel so much! It made me feel so angry and so so sad!! It made me love and adore a completely new character with just one scene!!!
Logically, I know that was a (possibly definitely prophetic) dream. My Knight knows as well. Normally, I'd play an MC who's skeptical of anything that comes from dreams. But the emotions and heartbreak felt so, so real. It's hard to rationalize away all that raw emotion. It's hard to believe that none of that was real. My Knight can't summon an ounce of skepticism right now. You could say that the level of your writing made me change my play style from the get go :D I imagine that the weight of it all is going to leave the Knight more than a little out of sorts... and they'll probably have a hell of a time figuring out how they want to react to it.
Is the Knight even friends with half of the RO's in the Present Time, the time after they wake up from their dream? There's a possibility they don't even know each other yet, or aren't very familiar with each other yet. I only thought about that possibility just now :o
I feel like my Knight's thought process would be something like this...
Knight: Alright, so that was a dream. I think it was. Should I really trust a dream?
Knight: But damn did that hurt though *still feeling the echoes of the utter heartbreak wrought by the betrayal of dream!Dahlia, who was supposedly a friend*
Knight: You know what. Maybe I should just be a Mysterious Stoic Loner from now on. Avoid everyone. What's human connection? Who needs love and friendship anywa—
Ahem. What I'm saying is, I'm hopelessly enamored with your story and world and characters, and I'm very much looking forward to going on this journey with you :D
Good luck with your writing!! The prologue is incredible, if you didn't get that from all the ramblings I've done in this monstrosity of an ask! I love Oscar! Thank you for sharing this amazing world with us. Take all the time you need for your next update. We'll be here :D I hope you have a very very good day! And week! And if you managed to read this till the very end, you're a real trooper! 😌✨
Thank you for your kinds words! It's very interesting to hear people's opinions in such strong detail. I agree that most people will be miffed with Dahlia and that was the reaction I was intentionally looking for (at the time). Despite me changing my plan on what I want to do with her, I wouldn't change the prologue at all. As for interactions...well, I plan to leave that as a surprise for now.
I agree that it'd be hard to trust someone who you knew would end being responsible for your death in the future, but I'd like to add that the MC has been having these dreams forever, but they aren't all negative. They also don't all connect to the same future, i.e a dream with a friendly Dahlia is not (necessarily) in the same timeline as one with an antagonistic Dahlia. So depending on the MC, that makes it either more heartbreaking or confusing (cause remember, the MC doesn't even know who Dahlia is).
"Things may change if something like having to choose between helping Dahlia or ignoring her pops up, thus forcing him to break out of the distant neutrality he'd been keeping up with her." Funny how I have such a scenario planned out >:) of course, there will be times where it's necessary to interact with her...because it's your job. I won't spoil anything, but there is a section of the game where you'll have to protect her...or not. When people aren't looking, anything can happen.
I wanted to leave it as a surprise, but for the next update, I've added another reaction the prologue, along with some...little additions.
Oscar's scene was the one I think I wrote the best. I think I wrote it a bit too well because it's leaving me unhappy with how I wrote Oran's. I can't wait to write out the entire prologue again when we reach that point in game. Of course, things will be very different depending on your choices and relationships.
I'm not too sure how I'd react in a situation like the prologue. I feel like I'd be a mix of Oscar and Oran; being so emotional, yet driven to such despair. No one wants to see someone they love be put to death, whether it be justified or not. It's hard to think about until you're put in such a situation. Everyone in that dream (even Dahlia) held some kind of love for the MC.
The weight of the dreams definitely leaves the MC a lot confused! I plan to have the events of them mentioned from time to time, especially in regards to Dahlia. It'd be difficult for the MC...just as it was for a certain someone...
The only people the MC knows when they wake up from the dream is Oscar, obviously, and Oran, although they aren't close at all. Adrean is non existent until the summoning, Dahlia isn't even on Hollas and Rionna has never been to Vol and as such, never met the MC. MC has had a very isolated childhood and has only really interacted with royalty and such.
I relate to your MC's thought process! But I shall disturb that by introducing likeable characters that will in no way affect your ending 😈 You come in with the mindset of distancing yourself and go away with lifelong friends and memories.
Once again, thank you for your kind words! Your ask was very nice to read and has really lifted my spirits with your enthusiasm! I hope to hear from you again in the future! I hope you have a lovely week and a very good day.
#a knights heart#knights heart if#i'm in this stage where i both dislike my writing but also proud of the prologue#i felt like i hit my peek there#but still#i might not be able to impress with the rest but i'll try
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Flight of Fancy reached 330+ notes!
ive never seen a request of mine blow up!!!!
You have good ideas! And because the first part reached the reblog threshold, here's:
Flight of Fancy, pt. 2
Damian x Winged!Reader
Masterlist is Here!
"This is deep, and was made with a plain-edge blade. Whoever did this to you was trying to hurt you much worse than this."
Damian looks your wound over meticulously as you sit on a chair in the cave's medical bay. "What happened?"
You shrug your good shoulder, examining the space around you with clear intrigue. The Bat Cave was incredibly interesting, with all its different sections and complicated layout. You itched to explore it in its entirety. Maybe Damian would let you when he finished patching you up.
"I wanted to be free. The men who captured me did not approve."
Damian hums. He uses a pair of surgical scissors to cut off the sleeve of your robe to further expose the injury in your shoulder, and you let him do it without fuss. He grabs a wet cloth to clean the blood away and see it all better.
"Why did they capture you in the first place?"
You frown. Your wings, which are currently tucked against your back, flex and flutter briefly. You resist the urge to pluck at your feathers.
"They hunted me down," you explain, "and took me from my home. Said they needed me for what I can do."
Damian picks up a needle and thread to begin sewing the cut closed. You don't object when he warns you of what he's about to do or flinch when he starts.
"And what can you do?" He asks.
You don't respond. Damian sees your jaw clench, eyes darting towards where you know one of the exits to be.
"Alright," he says, "that's fair. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."
"You are not angry with me?" You ask.
"No. We're practically strangers," he says, tying off the stitchwork and snipping off the excess thread. He grabs a roll of bandages to cover it, and you hold your arm out to give him better access. "Telling me what abilities you possess might lead to exploitation on your part. The safest move is to keep sensitive information close to your chest. I don't even know your name. I'm not angry, I'm impressed."
"Impressed indeed."
Both you and Damian look in the direction of the medical bay's entrance and find Bruce at the door, geared up in his Batman suit. To his credit, he doesn't look as mad as the boy expected.
"I'll need a word with you when you're finished, Robin."
"Of course," Damian replies. He secures your bandage and pulls away. You drop your arm. "Will you be alright alone for a few minutes?"
"I will."
Damian excuses himself, closing the door to the bay and facing his father.
"You're going to tell me off for compromising the cave, and potentially our identities," he says immediately, "and that's fair. However, I informed Red Robin ahead of time so he could hide any documentation, and the Batmobile took a scrambled route here, so they have no way of being able to track the location of the cave once they leave it. They know nothing, and they've seen nothing that can implicate any of us."
"That's not what I'm concerned about," Bruce says. "I'm wondering why you've brought them to begin with. The victims we help in the field don't come back to the cave, ever. That's the part of the protocol I need to know why you broke."
"They're a metahuman, father," Damian says, "and all of Gotham knows your rule. Where else was I supposed to bring a wounded trafficking victim if a human hospital would've turned them away the second they spotted huge wings and golden blood?"
"To the metahuman outpost on the edge of the city limits—"
"— which was being scouted and surrounded by Luthor's henchmen at the time of retrieval."
Bruce purses his lips. "You could have radioed a Leaguer to take them somewhere else."
"It's three-thirty in the morning. Half of them are asleep and won't wake up for a non-emergency summons, and the rest are either off-world, can't get here for immediate extraction, or they're busy protecting their own sectors." Damian crosses his arms and scowls at his dad. "I'm not one of your brainless coworkers incapable of any critical thought. I'm your Robin, and I know what I'm doing. This was the safest and most logical action to take for now."
Bruce sighs. He rests a palm on his hip and nods begrudgingly.
"I understand your reasoning," he says. "In the future, I'm going to update our metahuman contingencies to account for lack of recovery points. For now, you're in charge of keeping an eye on them until morning. Is that understood?"
"Good." Bruce turns away and heads for a different section of the cave. "I'll contact Superman and try to coordinate a retrieval. If he's indisposed, someone will take your place and keep watch until we can safely get them to the outpost."
Damian doesn't reply. He watches him disappear down the corridor, then reenters the medbay to find you missing from your chair.
"...hello?" He frowns, glancing around. There's only one way in and out of there, so he's not sure how you vanished. "Are you hiding?"
"No," you say. Damian looks up to find you perched on the edge of the fluorescent lighting. He has to squint to see you properly.
Your wings are out, flexing and adjusting to help you keep your balance on the light fixture. You look down at Damian with a small smile.
"I can hear many winged creatures in the adjacent rooms. There are none in here, though. I looked."
"Bats," Damian clarifies for you. "They're not allowed in this section because it has to stay well-sanitized. Bats have a tendency to carry disease."
"Is that why the bat-man could not speak with you in here?" You ask. Damian almost snorts.
"No, he's a human. He just dresses like...it's...it makes sense," Damian says, somehow embarrassed by your innocent curiosity. "His moniker is Batman. He's not a real bat. Just like my moniker is Robin, but I'm not a real bird."
You tip your body over until you fall from the light. Damian instinctively extends his arms to catch you, alarmed, but your wings flare out to their full length and help you coast gently to the floor again.
"May I go see them?" You ask. "The real bats?"
"If you promise not to touch them, yes."
You pout, bottom lip jutting out slightly, but don't argue. Damian automatically thinks back on how plush your lips felt against his and looks away.
"Do you have any other injuries that need treated before we leave this room?" He asks.
"I do not," you reply, reaching for the buttons on the front of your robe, popping them open one by one. "If you must examine me..."
Damian physically turns his whole body away from you, wishing his domino mask covered more than just his eyes so he could hide the redness of his cheeks. "No I don't! That's fine, you can keep your clothes on!"
You tilt your head, but don't ask about his flustered behavior. Instead, you reach past him for the door and turn the knob, stepping into the corridor.
"Don't leave the cave," Damian says, walking after you. "It's imperative that you stay here. You're not a prisoner, but this is the safest move for you right now."
"I will not leave," you promise. You look upward as you go, scanning for signs of any bats hanging out on the ceiling. When you find a cluster of them, you spread your wings again.
Hesitating, you glance at Damian over your shoulder.
"Project Angel," you tell him. "That is what they called me, in the laboratory. It's not my real name. You may use the... moniker of Angel."
Damian watches you push off of the ground, soaring into the air with a dizzying speed to admire the animals up above.
"Angel," he whispers, watching your graceful movements with unabashed awe. "Fitting."
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69'ing with Boss Form Arle with a size/height difference. You're small compared to her, and she isn't able to put her face in between your legs without dragging you up her body, but since her tongue is so damn long now, it can easily reach and stuff you while you eat her out/deepthroat her yourself.

dom!boss form arlecchino x sub!fem reader
warnings: smut (mdni), wlw content, 69ing with arlecchino so [cunnilingus + deepthroating (strap)], kinda monsterfucking [claws + long tongue], size difference
you might wonder how it's possible that she could manage to have a strap-on custom-designed for her boss form.
you may question how much money it cost, or, rather, who in the world would actually complete that commission?
well, maybe it's not in your best interest to reject a harbinger's direct, personal request.
though, none of those thoughts seem to survive in your mind once you feel her tongue prodding at your clothed clit.
usually, it's awkward for you two with your height difference. she'd often have you suck her strap, yet soon enough, she'd be yanking you right up and off towards her face. she'd just be too transfixed on sliding her tongue into you that she can't help it. that would leave poor little you to lay on her thigh, trying to get back to her strap while you moan into her skin.
her clawed hands delicately slide your lace panties to the side, baring your pretty pussy for her, prompting her to gently kiss your clit.
"what's the problem?" she suddenly asks, words vibrating into you.
"huh?" your voice sounds dazed, and her hips thrust up slightly, the tip of her impressive strap touching your lips.
"suck." she orders. "i'll handle the rest."
she lets you ease down onto the strap, whining in discomfort at the larger-than-usual size. she already enjoyed stretching you out more than you could take, but this was practically impossible!
you're even smaller compared to her now, leaving you to wonder how she'll manage to-
you feel it; her tongue. it slides over your pussy with ease despite the distance away from her mouth you are. before you can even move to take a look, her hand shoves you back down, like she expected your curiosity.
her hands spread your lips apart for her to wrap her tongue around your clit, coaxing desperate moans from you, muffled by the strap deep in your throat.
her hips shallowly thrust into your mouth, enjoying your little garbled whines and choking noises while she teasingly slides her tongue into your cunt.
it feels different than normal, hotter than usual, causing sweat to build up on your forehead and under the edges of your cute lingerie top. it fills you up even better than her fingers sometimes would normally, worming its way to your g-spot.
your head bobs up and down, blunt nails digging into her thighs while you struggle to ground yourself from the overwhelming sensations.
you can feel her claws pricking your skin, surely leaving marks, perhaps even drawing blood to bead up beneath them. none of that matters now; not with the way she bounces your hips on her tongue.
your head moves up for air, instead exerting yourself with more desperate moans as she fucks you with only her mouth. "please- please, feels so good!" you wail for her, head falling onto her abdomen as she grunts into you.
her tongue retracts and she brings her palm up to spank your cunt, ensuring it makes perfect contact with your clit as you sob for her. she repeats the action, mumbling about you being a little slut for her, relishing in how you eagerly confirm that for her.
"yours! yours- your slut- yes-" comes your excited reply, head nodding rapidly against her thigh.
"unless you want to be punished, i suggest you get back to sucking, doll." she snaps, almost shocked at how quickly you slide your mouth back on her, trying to take more of her.
it's painfully obvious how desperately you want her praise. it's rather cute, actually, how much of an eager little slut you are for her. she loves it. she loves you.
she slides her tongue impossibly deeper into you while your eyes roll back into your head. she bounces your hips faster and faster until you're practically sobbing on the faux cock, moans substituting your usual begging for release.
she allows it, this time, fucking you right through your orgasm, feeling you tighten up so perfectly around her tongue. she can feel how you flutter around her, your choked moaning on her cock, how your own hips bounce sporadically on her mouth.
when you finally relax on her body, nice and limp, she moves your hips again, ignoring your confused whines. "we're not done. if you're planning to take my cock, then you'll need to be thoroughly prepared, pet."
#genshin smut#genshin impact x reader#genshin x reader#genshin impact smut#genshin impact#genshin impact x reader smut#fem reader#genshin wlw#arlecchino smut#arlecchino x reader#genshin arlecchino#arlecchino genshin#arlecchino x y/n#arlecchino x you#arlecchino#💌─𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘪𝘭! ༊*·˚#💐─𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘬𝘴#✎─𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 ❛ ༉‧₊˚
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boy next door | ln

the one where you come home to a sticky note under your peephole.
lando norris x gender-neutral!reader
word count: ~1.3k
warnings: none!
notes: just a little blurb that has been sitting on my drafts for a while. i also have a rough draft for a part two because i feel like this didn't have enough lando, so let me know if you'd like me to go through it! not proofread
it was the beginning of july. the warm sun of monte-carlo kissed your skin as you walked your way back to your apartment, grocery bags in both your hands.
you had moved into your new house only a few weeks ago, finally being able to rent your own place and not depend on your parents' money anymore after two years of saving all your job's worth. it felt good, having your own place, even if sometimes it felt a little lonely. but you kept telling yourself that you just had to get used to it, give yourself some time to adapt to your new life.
however, you sighed contently as you stepped into the elevator; in the matter of a few minutes you would be finally resting in the comfort of your new couch for the first time that day. it had been a long day at work, and unfortunately, it was only tuesday. which meant you still had the whole week ahead of you.
while making your way to your apartment through the long corridor, you thought about what you'd make for dinner that night, but your eyebrows furrowed in confusion the second your eyes caught a glimpse of something unfamiliar on your door. you walked towards it and left the bags you were carrying on the floor, one of your hands reaching for the sticky note right under the peephole.
"beautiful singing. bit old-fashioned, tho" the note read, a smiley face accompanied the message.
you read the words carefully, the confusion that you had first felt when you saw the piece of paper fading away with a chuckle. you took the bags from the floor and finally opened your door, the note still between your fingers when you made your way back to the couch after having put your groceries down in the kitchen.
you read it again and again as your head rested on one of the fluffy pillows of your couch. you had been singing your lungs out that very morning, right before leaving for work. but you thought nobody lived in the apartment next door. at least, you hadn't seen —or heard —anyone during the few weeks that you had been living there. but to be fair, you hadn't encountered that many neighbors during your little time in your new home.
for a few minutes, you thought about if you should answer with another silly note. it was a lighthearted joke, whoever had written those words couldn't mean any harm. and maybe that could be your opportunity make some friends around the neighborhood.
after a few minutes of considering wether it was a good idea, you sighed and got up from the comfort of your couch and walked to your room, lazily sitting in front of the little desk. a sticky note right under your nose and a pen between your fingers.
a long sigh of defeat left your lips as you leaned back against the chair. you had wasted a good fifteen minutes and way too many sticky notes to count at that point, and you still hadn't come up with a decent answer.
nothing sounded good enough to you. too rude. too dumb. too immature.
why was it that hard to just write down some stupid words? you wanted to make a good impression, to whoever that was.
"britney spears will never be old-fashioned. but i'll try to sing something that might be more to your liking next time."
you read it once again. you weren't completely satisfied by your choice of words, but you knew you wouldn't come up with anything better, and you had already wasted half of your sticky notes.
you decided not to give the matter any more thought and left your bedroom again, ready to end your night with a shower and something nice for dinner, feeling the exhaustion from the day starting to kick in, your body feeling heavy already.
your smile lit up when you walked to your front door after another tiring day at the office, noticing how there was a new sticky note placed to the same spot where you found the first one the previous evening.
that morning, you had decided to stick your own note under the peephole of the apartment next door. and truth was, you weren't really expecting an answer. but there it was: the same handwriting thar made you chuckle once again, trapping your lower lip between your teeth as you read what it said.
"already doing a good job, loved today's setlist."
and with that, a few days passed as you kept exchanging silly notes with your mysterious neighbor.
until one night, you came home to a sticky note in your door with only a few numbers written on it. you were quick to add the number to your contact list.
"was communicating through notes too old-fashioned for you?" you sent the text without thinking too much about your words and patiently waited for a reply that didn't take long to arrive.
that was the first text of the many that followed, the note exchange that at first seemed dumb, quickly turning into long sleepless nights in which your smile only grew wider with each reply you got from lando.
of course, the second a few facts about himself slipped through his texts, you immediately knew who he was. it was only natural, your dad always had been a big racing fanatic, so you knew a thing or two about it. but you never expected him to be as nice.
despite of texting back and forth, often using your phone on the sly at work just for your face to bright up the second his notification popped up, you two never saw each other. with your tight schedule and him being away for work a lot of the time, it wasn't easy.
not that any of you had mentioned actually meeting up, of course, but you found yourself thinking about the scenario a few times before going to sleep.
and all of the sudden you found yourself laying on your couch on a saturday night, having canceled on all your friends just to stay in and talk to the boy who hadn't left your mind ever since you saw that stupid note on your front door.
"i'd rather have some rest," you told them. “this week has been exhausting anyway." but you weren't as tired as you made it seem. not even close.
and so, after putting on some comfy clothes, you lied on the couch and turned your tv on, ready to put some movie as background noise while you texted with lando.
"any plans for tonight?" he suddenly asked. the question didn't catch you by surprise, he often asked what were you up to.
"movie and food delivery." you almost immediately answered, and while you waited for a reply, you scrolled through netflix looking for something that would catch your eye.
after a few minutes, you checked your phone. nothing yet. in fact, he had left your message on read. that wasn't quite like him.
you frowned and before you could send another text, your doorbell rang. you sighed and got up, lazily walking to the door and expecting your friends behind it, ready to force you to go out with them.
your eyes widened when, instead, you saw the brit standing in front of you with messy, curly hair and a hoodie over his head despite of being the middle of summer. he had some snacks in his hands and he was smiling down at you.
you were speechless, not having expecting him just to show up at your door like that.
"what movie are we watching?" he asked with a bright smile, inviting himself inside.
click here for part 2 :)
#lando norris#lando norris x reader#lando norris x you#lando norris drabble#lando norris blurb#lando norris fanfic#lando norris fluff#lando norris smut#f1 x reader#ln4 x reader#lando norris imagine#ln4 imagine
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chapter one
Summary: You and Yoongi are having an affair. No, you are not being his lover. But the world is not ready to know that an idol is dating someone. So you two were doing your best to make sure no one found out. Until he breaks up with you. His mistake.
Author's note: This fanfic will contain inappropriate language and intimate moments between some characters. Be warned. I will let you know if anything becomes inappropriate. Please enjoy this Yoongi fanfic.
"You're in denial, you could just say you didn't want me anymore. But you prefer to pretend that..." You throw his favorite book out the window like it means nothing. 'Cause now it doesn't mean.
"You can't blame me, our romance should have ended a long time ago. But you and I..." Yoongi seems almost too serious saying this. Do you mean nothing to him?
"You and me what?" You respond from the balcony of your apartment. Luckily your neighbors aren't too curious to know why you're yelling at your ex-lover.
"You know I can't shout that here, some fans might be here." Poor little thing, at that moment you wonder where the brave man is who asked you to embark on this relationship even though you knew your worlds would never be the same.
"I thought the whole point of paying a lot of money to live in an apartment far from the big city and known for its discretion would be being able to yell at you at two in the morning." You don't care if he thinks he's going to leave you without anything more or less, and that you're going to come out of this situation smiling, he should have found someone else to have sex with.
"If you would let me come up, we could talk like adults." He speaks subtly with an impressive poker face. If he stops being a musician, perhaps he could try a career as an actor or a gambler.
"Like adults? I'll be waiting for the other adult to arrive." You say throwing some clothes that are in your apartment that belong to him.
"Like you're being mature about all this. Damn!" One of his belongings ends up breaking near his feet. In fright he lets out several swear words, you luckily end up laughing.
"You break up with me over the phone and I have to be mature. I gave up part of my freedom to be yours. And look what I get in return." Anger took over you initially but now all you can do is try to keep from crying.
"Y/N. Let me in, so we can talk. I can see you almost crying from here." You smile lightly as you feel tears fall down your cheek. What a humiliation.
"If you cared about me you would have had the decency to say that you wanted to finish it the last time you were here." His cowardice can only be explained by his fear of having to do this in person.
"I couldn't. I didn't..." That was exactly what was left of the two of you. An awkward silence and resentment.
"Do you know how frustrating it is not being able to curse your name or tell someone you broke my heart?" You say that sobbing. What a tragedy it is that has made you sentimental now.
"Just because we don't work anymore doesn't mean I don't love you." You look at him and for a moment you feel more sorry for him than for yourself.
"If this is how you love someone. I'm sorry to inform you that you don't know love." Ironically it makes you smile. Maybe this is all his fault, not yours.
"Love..." It's very painful to see the man you've been involved with for the last year, call you that and not be able to respond.
"I'll send the rest of your things to the company. Don't worry, I won't expose you any more than I already have. Now get out of here, you and your fake love." Using one of his songs as the grand finale was a majestic act. Crying yourself to sleep, unfortunately, is not so majestic.
Two Months Later...
"You were the only person I thought would understand my situation. Try not to judge me but I need an opinion." You say looking Namjoon in the eyes. You got really close to him during your secret relationship with Yoongi.
"Is it too big a secret?" He asks entering his new home. A home where you swore you would start over.
"You tell me..." You say, opening your coat and revealing your stomach.
"Did you call me here because you gained weight after the breakup or do you have worms?" Namjoon asks and you smile nervously. Until you shake your head denying.
"Let's say the weight gain is due to something prior to the breakup..." You try not to say the word. Maybe the situation will go away if you don't name it.
"You are pregnant?" He named his current situation. Now it means it's really happening.
"Surprise!" You say trying to liven up the situation but you know you're fucked. Namjoon seems really surprised. As soon as he assimilates the information, he hugs you. You knew you could lean on the friendship you two have.
#min yoongi#yoongi x reader#min yoongi x reader#reader insert#spotify#bts fanfic#yoongi fanfic#bts angst#bts smut#min yoongi x you#yoongi fic#yoongi angst#ex to enemies to lovers#namjoon#seokjin#taehyung#jungkook#jhope#jimin
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Then, Can You make a fluff oneshot between Beidou and Make Reader with kuudere Personality and Cryo vision?
Beidou with a cold reader
characters: Beidou x gn!reader
warnings: none, just fluff
a/n: I haven't written for Beidou in… a while. So if I got some aspects of her character wrong I’m really sorry! If it shouldn't be to your liking, tell me and I'll try again once I have the time/motivation!
Anyway, hope you enjoy!

While you had your moments, your general attitude matched your vision to a tee. All in all, it was rare to see you wearing anything but a pokerface on your face, no matter if at a celebratory meal with the rest of the crew or while fighting monsters and storms on the sea, you remained unfazed, always looking disinterested and yet never refusing to participate in anything Beidou suggested.
Even if some outside observers might have found it difficult to imagine any reasons for two personalities as clashing as yours and your captain’s to get along as well as you did, Beidou herself could think of at least a dozen. From a professional standpoint having a number two as collected as you helped to balance out her… more enthusiastic personality. But there were also more than enough reasons for the two of you to get along well in private. Including but not limited to:
No matter how uninterested you looked, you were still a great listener, letting Beidou talk your ear off whether she was sober or not while somehow managing to remember more from your one-sided conversations than she did herself. You were good at making sure she didn’t overdo it during her more reckless moments and most importantly: the way you managed to tell any story from your adventures in a completely deadpan and unimpressed manner proved some of the most unexpected comedic entertainment either she or the rest of the crew could ask for.
“Come onnnnn, pleaseeeee", your drunk Crewmate begged you, slurring while holding on to your arm as if his life depended on it, only for you to briefly close your eyes in slight annoyance, grabbing your vision with your free hand before pressing it against his until the cold became too much for him to bear and he was forced to pull away.
“You were there as well. Tell them the story yourself”, you refuted, only to almost immediately make out the sound of several other of your drunk companions to start whining to you.
“I’m too drunk”, he retorted, and while he was obviously telling the truth, his argument was still far from convincing you in the slightest.
Just as you were about to tell him he should have told the story before drinking then however, a sudden weight on your shoulder caused your attention to shift towards it, only to be greeted with the sight of Beidou standing next to you, one hand on your shoulder and the other on her hip, the blush on her cheeks making it obvious she herself wasn’t sober in the slightest. And yet she was still a thousand times better off than any of the others.
“That and you’re just the best at telling stories”, she added with a smile.
If it was anyone else, you would have brushed off the compliment as flattery and nothing else before quickly turning them down, and yet whenever it was Beidou that asked you, you found yourself considering it.
You had never really understood why they always wanted you to be the one to relay their adventures. When you had asked her however, she told you that while everyone else tried to embellish their stories and make it sound even more impressive than it already was, the way you did the exact opposite and made even the most epic fight sound like it was just another tuesday was more entertaining than anything the others had to offer. And while you still found it difficult to understand just why exactly that was the case, you had the sneaking suspicion you wouldn’t be able to get a more satisfying answer no matter who you asked.
“Alright”, came your brief answer, only for everyone to huddle up in earshot almost immediately, and yet all your mind paid attention to was the small cheer coming out of Beidou’s mouth as she removed her hand from your shoulder, placed it on your head, and ruffled your hair for a moment before sitting down next to you.
Thankfully everyone was too drunk to remember the small smile that broke across your face.
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Drv3 girls struggling to open a soda can for you only for himiko to open it easily
A/n:this is very much inspired by a scenario i saw in a wattpad story with some sdra2 characters that I thought was really funny
Kaede akamatsu

She was actually the one who suggested helping you when she saw you struggling to open the can
"Are you sure kaede? It's really tough"
"Don't worry, I got it. Playing piano really strengthens your fingers, you know?
She tries her best but eventually gives you the can back when she understands she can't open it
"Sorry y/n, you were right i think the can might be broken or something"
"Oh it's fine I'll just ask himiko"
She had her mouth wide open when himiko managed to open without any problem and needed a bit of time to let the shock go away
"Wow, himiko, I had no idea you were this strong you seem so lazy and short.......n-no offense, sorry"
Kirumi tojo

"Sorry kirumi do you mind opening this can for me?"
"Of course dear, I'd do anything for you"
Her whole ultimate is doing tasks for others, opening a can should be the easiest thing ever to her........except for this one it seems
She really doesn't want to disappoint you, so she tries for a while politely declining anyone who wants to help her.
She also tries other methods like using a towel or even taking off her gloves to open the lid but dejectedly gives up when she sees nothing works
"I am truly sorry y/n, I apologize for not being able to satisfy your request. Shall I call gonta?"
"Oh no Don't worry kirumi, I'll call himiko"
She's surprised by you choosing himiko, but even more when she actually opens it, she puts her gloved hand over her mouth to try to hide her shock
"Are you alright rumi?"
"......y-yes, pardon my surprise I just......didn't expect that"
Angie yonaga

She does a weird prayer before trying to open the can
"Oh great, atua. I ask that you give me the strength to open this can for my beloved"
She proceeds to try to open it for a few seconds before giving up and trying to blast it with divine power
"Oh, I'm sorry y/n but it seems atua is resting, and he can't open the can now"
"T-that's fine I'll just ask himiko"
Initially she doesn't have too much of a reaction when himiko opens the can but she then clasps her hands together and smiles brightly
"Oh himiko it seems atua has chosen to bestow his power upon you. You must be a chosen one. You have to join me and y/n in his worship"
Tenko has to grab her and lead her away from your girlfriend
Tenko chabashira

"You asked the right person y/n, I got it"
She, in fact, did not get it
She genuinely tried her best though, she's pretty strong, so she just tried to pull the lid off , before trying again with all her strength and finally using some weird neo aikido move on it.
She'd rather die than ask a male for help and she really wants to impress you so she does anything she can to open it until she's sweating and breathing heavily
"A-are you ok tenko? If you can't do it, I can ask-"
"N-no don't worry, it's just a little....tight....I-I can do it"
We she finally gives up, she slams her head on the table in disappointment
"It's fine tenko, don't be like this himiko can do it"
The moment himiko opens the can, she gets up and smiles in happiness. It's like a switch was flipped on her
"Wow you're so amazing himiko, did you use some of your magic?"
Miu iruma

"A soda can? really? You can't open a fucking soda can?"
"You try if you're so confident"
"Of course, I'm confident for a good reason"
The words die in her mouth as she struggles to open it, she cusses for a bit before throwing the can on the ground while blushing intensely
When even that doesn't work she puts her goggles on and tries to see if there's something wrong with it, when she concludes it's just a normal soda can she throws it again and swears at it one last time for good measure
"Soooo it's just a soda can isn't it?"
"S-Shut up, I should invent something for that"
"Don't worry I'll just ask himiko to open it"
She blushes even more and her jaw drops when she sees himiko has, in fact, managed to open the soda can
"W-what the fuck? How did that flat chested shortstack did it? OK that's it, I'm definitely inventing something for that"
"A can opener already exists you know?"
"Well mine will be all robotic and better"
Maki harukawa

"You can't open it?"
She sighs before taking the can from your hand, closing her eyes and pulling the lid.
This girl has the training of an assassin, she could choke an adult with her bare hands. she can open a soda can.......
not this time, apparently
When she feels that it didn't open, she opens her eyes and makes a surprised "Hm?" Before trying again repeatedly
She's this close to pulling out a knife and just slicing the lid when kokichi starts to tease her
"Geez you can't even open a soda can? And I thought you were supposed to be-"
"Shut up. Do you wanna die?"
When she gives up, you give her a kiss on the cheek to cheer her up and call himiko.
When the magician opens the can she has the most shocked expression you have ever seen on her face
"...........what? How did she........*sighs* whatever"
#danganronpa x reader#danganronpa#danganronpa v3 x reader#danganronpa v3#drv3#drv3 x reader#danganronpa v3 killing harmony#danganronpa v3 killing harmony x reader#kaede akamatsu x reader#kaede akamatsu#kirumi tojo x reader#kirumi tojo#angie yonaga x reader#angie yonaga#tenko chabashira x reader#tenko chabashira#miu iruma x reader#miu iruma#maki harukawa x reader#maki harukawa#x reader#gn reader
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Hello there 👋
It's a bit chilly out, and a warm medium rooibos tea would be great if its still in the menu. I'll also take that to go please 🥺
Thank you!
A Night In
word count: 700 || avg. reading time: 3 mins.
pairing: sort of post-time skip Daichi x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff, a tiny smidgen of suggestiveness
warnings: spoilers
request: fluffy night in with boyfriend Daichi

Daichi sighed when he rebuttoned his shirt once again, trying his best to focus on fastening the buttons in the right hole this time.
When he brought a weary hand to his face he felt some stubble he apparently missed with this morning‘s shave. But as he checked the time he could only mutter a curse. He was already late.
About a year ago when you first met, Daichi had proudly proclaimed that he wanted to become a police officer and had bathed in the impressed look in your eyes. That look on your first proper date was possibly the thing he pictured the most as he was cramming over the mountains of work books preparing him for the exam. He had even kissed you for the first time when one night, as you helped him study, you had suggested to role-play scenarios he had to be ready for during training. You had pretended to be a moody youth resisting arrest, a seedy drug dealer who wouldn‘t give up his supplier and lastly a pretty lady who thought her looks would get her out of a ticket. Having obviously missed your calling by not becoming an actress, you had played them all to perfection. Daichi had a hard time even focusing on his course of action, when you batted your eyelashes at him and even - which had him swallow a lump in his throat - subtly pushed up your breasts to make the last scenario more convincing.
You had called him “officer Daichi“ and made one innuendo after another, until he finally broke and kissed you. You had teased him at first, saying that if he was going to solve all his problems on patrol this way, you might have to get into a lot more trouble.
Back then, it was already clear to him that he was either going to marry you or stay single for the rest of his life. He had sworn to himself that you would never come second. But now training had him in such tight grips that he hadn‘t been able to see you for two weeks already. Of course, you didn‘t complain about it - you knew how important this was and assured him whenever he apologized for not doing better as your boyfriend.
But if he was honest, he wanted nothing more than sleep next to you. He didn‘t have the energy to go out for dinner and a romantic stroll afterward like he promised. But. He promised. So of course he would stick to it.
As soon as you opened the door, Daichi began to apologize for being half an hour late. He winced inwardly when he saw you wearing pyjama shorts and a t-shirt with the word “police“ across the chest you had bought as a joke a while ago. You must have thought he was standing you up and changed back into something more comfortable. “I don‘t have a good excuse. I‘m so sorry, darling.“
You reached up to cup his cheek and got on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. He melted into your touch, wrapping his arms around your soft form, hugging you closely.
“I didn‘t get dressed up.“, you said once you parted, and Daichi looked confused.
“I thought you‘d maybe like to stay in instead. Pizza is on the way, your favorite soda is chilling in the fridge, and I made a list of all the movies we talked about seeing recently so you can take your pick.“
He didn‘t know what to say, so he pulled you in for another tight hug, murmuring “I love you“ when he pressed a kiss to your temple.
He changed into comfortable sweats he kept in your apartment, and together you snuggled up on the couch under a blanket, enjoying the hot cheesy pizza and ice-cold sodas, laughing at the romantic comedy you ended up choosing. About halfway through the movie, you felt his head rest on your shoulder and soon giggled at your boyfriend‘s quiet snores. Making sure he was covered with the blanket, you raised your pizza-free hand to play with his hair as you continued to watch the movie, just happy to be with him.
a/n: this was so soft to write, thank you for the request! I hope you enjoyed it ✨
#sunnys cozy cafe#daichi x chubby reader#haikyuu x chubby reader#chubby reader#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu x reader#daichi comfort#hq daichi#daichi fluff#daichi sawamura x reader#daichi x reader#haikyuu daichi#sawamura daichi#haikyuu x curvy reader
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AITA for not getting along with one of my coworkers?
So I (16M) work with a few others (16F, 17F, 37F, 51M) in crisis management and, for the most part, I get along with my coworkers as much as I have to. They're decent enough people, and while I don't intend to be working this job forever, it's good experience for the field I intend to be going into in the future, I'm good at the job, and I don't have to deal with a lot of people aside from my coworkers which is honestly an ideal for myself.
There is, however, this one guy (17M) who just… he's infuriating, for lack of a better description. He seems to get everything just handed to him, because the boss (49M, 16F is his daughter) thinks he's the best at everything and he does too. He is not the best at everything, and he hasn't been working anywhere near as hard as I have for this… basically, my entire life. And yet he's the one who everyone likes, he's the one who is likely to get a promotion the next time there is one available…
I just don't get it! I used to be able to commiserate with 16F about this, given how often she was shadowed by 17M, but lately even she's started to like him, and says that I'm being unfair to him. That I should try talking to him, when he just… he's weirdly quiet. I honestly don't know if he talks to anyone except when he has to, but he definitely doesn't talk to me. Why would he, when he thinks he's so much better than me?
Still, 16F is a good friend, and upon asking around to the rest of our mutual coworkers (49M excluded; I don't particularly like him for a number of reasons including his treatment of his own daughter, but that's a matter for a separate AITA post) I discovered that everyone else was on 17M's side instead of mine. Yet again.
Just today, I did try to talk to him. I showed him one of the most impressive things I could do and didn't even get a reaction. So I snapped. Yelled at him quite a bit, and then left to cool off.
Am I being the asshole? I'd be willing to dismiss this if it was just one or two of my coworkers who really liked 17M, but for it to be literally everyone… I'm starting to think I might be the problem. Advice on how to fix it would, honestly, be much appreciated—I'll be the first to admit I'm not much of a people person, and I doubt sarcastically wishing him luck sealing the darkness helped matters.
What are these acronyms?
#aita#am i the asshole#fandom aita#unreality#legend of zelda#breath of the wild#good enough to post on purpose
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Heyyy, i saw your ficmas post and i was wondering if you would write about gn reader helping monica geller wrap presents
absolutely I can! thanks so much for the ficmas request <3
Ficmas Day 3: gn reader helping Monica Geller wrap presents
Warnings: Monica's a bit of a control freak but we stil love her, lots of fluff
The holidays were known as one of the most stressful times of the year, and that was certainly the case when you had Monica as your girlfriend. Everything always had to be done just so, and that included wrapping the presents.
"You're not doing it properly," she lightly scolded as she took the package and wrapping paper from you. "See, you want to keep everything lined up properly so that it's even when you go to wrap it."
"No, Mon, you want to keep everything lined up properly. I want to do this," you replied while taking a bow and sticking it to her forehead. It was definitely worth it despite the look she gave you afterwards.
"Every year," she muttered with a slight eye roll as she took the bow off and stuck it on the freshly wrapped gift. "See, doesn't it look so much better when it's perfect?"
"Maybe, but I kind of like it when some gifts are wrapped funny. It gives them character," you commented while moving on to the next present, not missing the second look she shot your way that was even worse than the one before it. "What?"
"I want everything to be perfect. If it's not perfect, then it has to be done again until it is perfect," she stated firmly, talking less to you at this point and more to herself.
"Who cares about it being perfect? The whole point of wrapping gifts together is that it's an activity that's supposed to be fun, not stress inducing," you reminded while watching her sort through the different colored ribbons.
"This isn't stress inducing!" She protested with a slight scoff, seeming almost offended by your words. "Last year it was stress inducing because Joey got tangled up in the tinsel and I wasn't able to get everything wrapped until the last minute."
You certainly remembered that happening all too well. While you, Monica, and Phoebe had been trying to get gift wrapping done, Joey had been left unattended with the Christmas decorations, which resulted in several boxes of tinsel getting somehow wrapped around him until he could barely move.
"Why don't we come up with a system, then? That might make this a bit more easier to get through," you suggested, fully aware of just how much she loved it when things were organized.
Just like you'd expected, she perked up at your words immediately, seeming intrigued by them. "I'm listening," she said, which prompted you to continue.
"You wrap the gifts, and I'll hand the stuff to you when you need it. That way everything gets done exactly the way you want it to be, but I'll still be helping and you won't have to do it all by yourself."
She thought it over for a moment or so before responding. "Sweetie, have I told you recently just how much I love you?"
The corners of your lips turned upwards into a bashful smile at her words. "Maybe, but tell me again anyway," you replied in a teasing manner, to which she cupped your face and pulled you in for a loving kiss.
"So, so much," she murmured softly, kissing you again before letting go of your face and turning her attention back to the stack of gifts that still needed to be wrapped. "Hand me that one at the top," she ordered while pointing at it, having gone from sweet and loving to authoritative and bossy in an instant. The sight was almost impressive to see.
You spent the rest of the afternoon working in perfect harmony with each other as you finished getting the rest of the gifts wrapped, thankfully not having a repeat of last year with Joey and the tinsel as him and Chandler were at a Knicks game.
"Now all we need to do is find a place to hide them so nobody can peek," you mused as Monica stood back to marvel at her completed work.
"I know what we should do," she suddenly blurted out in excitement. "We should organize them. The question is, should it be in the order of biggest to smallest, or the order that we got them wrapped?"
"Why don't we take a break from the presents for a moment and have some hot chocolate first?" You gently offered instead, knowing if you didn't stop her now she was going to be up for the rest of the night.
She sighed in disappointment. "Aw, man. I was really looking forward to it, though," she whined like a petulant child.
"I know you were, but you can't organize them properly if you aren't well rested," you countered while taking her by the hand and guiding her out of the living room and into the kitchen.
"Yeah, I guess you've got a point there," she reluctantly agreed as she began to pull out the stuff to make hot chocolate. "But now I get a chance to use my new pot for melting the chocolate! I got it on sale," she gleefully added while you simply shook your head in amusement. It was endearing how excited she got at something as small as that.
Maybe the holidays wouldn't be nearly as stressful this year as you initially thought.
End notes: I hope this is good but idk if it is lmao
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#ficmas day 3#ficmas#ficmas 2024#friends#friends imagine#friends x reader#friends fic#monica geller#monica geller imagine#monica geller x reader#monica geller fic#gn reader#x gn reader#friends x gn reader#monica geller x gn reader#fem reader#x fem reader#friends x fem reader#monica geller x fem reader#male reader#x male reader#friends x male reader#monica geller x male reader
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What’s sleeping with the Touchstarved LIs like? Nothing sexual. Just. Sleeping lol eepy pals
I like imagining Ais moving in his sleep BUT you only get to notice that once you wake up lol (he’s curled up in the corner of your bed fast asleep with the blanket at his feet) ALSO BIG BUT!!!!! That’s only if he’s not cuddling you to sleep (smth he does often). Only then will he sleep sound and motionless. He doesn’t give a shit if his arm falls asleep. GIVE HIM CUDDLES.
Sleeping with Leander is just with him standing in the corner of the room. Unblinking. Covered in the shadows. He Does Not Sleep. He’s normal though, I swear :-) :-) jk I love to have this man.
Hope you’re good! I love this request… I don’t know if Ais sleeps actually… But if he does I’m sure he’s a light sleeper. For Leander that guy might as well be dying from lack of sleep LMAO
For the other LIs… Kuras definitely doesn’t sleep, I think Mhin is pretty paranoid so I’m imagining they have a lot of nightmares, or insomnia… For Vere, idk why but he gives off the vibe of the heavy sleeper: he’s 100% taking all the place in the bed and is impossible to wake up against his will… Well, basically a cat.
BUT I did write a little something about Ais (and a small part about Leander) because your ideas were funny to write, I had to…
After blood, sweat and tears it's finally here... And I can't not thank @aiscapades for helping me edit the text (most of the prettiest sentences are their...) if you ever write something I'll definitely devour it because you sublimed this headcanon...
Enjoy!! 🫶
Ais and Leander centered
The ambiance at the Wet Wick that night was quite festive, as it almost always was, but it was particularly noisy this time. The barman didn’t have a second to rest; every minute, someone went to the bar to order another drink. You were seated with Leander and Ais in a corner of the tavern, the three of you sharing a drink or several... The mood between you was light. Leander and Ais were lightheartedly sharing some death threats as usual, while you were listening to them, a grin on your face. You were pretty wasted because of all the drinks Leander suggested you try, while Ais was giving you a disapproving glance. It felt kind of awkward to be the only drunk one around the table you thought while partially listening to whatever they were saying. You didn’t like being treated like an idiot, so you stopped the boys in one of their quarrels by slamming your hand in the center of the table. “Why am I the only one who can’t hold my drink here? I find it pretty unfair. Why did you make me drink so much?” Ais raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think it’s about how badly you hold your drink, but much more because of how many of those weird drinks you got from Leander.” That remark made you pretty upset, and Leander’s laughter turned your cheeks more red than they already were. “I can’t refuse a challenge!” “Yeah, that’s the problem,” Ais added. Leander leaned over the table to get his face closer to yours. “You know, I’m pretty impressed you’re still alive with all that you drank.” You didn’t know if he was serious or not. The smile on his face could be a hint of sarcasm or genuine amazement… You were too drunk to guess which one it was anyway, so you started joking. “Oh babe… You know it’s hard to get rid of me.” “Really…?” Leander answered with a smirk on his face. The tension between the two of you started getting heavier… Did he want to make out with you or kill you? You had no idea, and you would never be able to know as Ais pulled Leander back on his chair by the collar of his jacket. “If you want to mate so badly, the room’s upstairs.” “We’re not animals,” you simply said. “Are you, Sparrow?” He grinned widely, proud of his teasing. “Har har. Very funny. I already told you to stop calling me that!” “Make me.” His lips were pulled back in a wide grin, his amusement giving a clear view of his fangs.
A sudden thought that you couldn’t restrain, popped in your head. Your alcoholised mind was making it hard for you to process any coherent thought, so you simply stood up and looked straight in Ais’ eyes. “Come.” You turned your head toward Leander, and stared at him in a weird way for a few seconds as if you wanted to tell him something by telepathy. But you didn't add any further clarification. Instead, you stood up from the table and made your way up the tavern stairs. “What the fuck…" Ais breathed, dumbfounded. The two boys sat in silence for a while, gazes locked across the table, before Ais got up and joined you upstairs. The place was barely lit by a single candle in the corner of the room. Ais closed the door behind him before asking: “What’s wrong with you?” You took him by the shoulders to make him sit on your bed… But as strong as he was, there wasn't much you could do to actually make him do that. “Please, sit.” He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t receive orders.” Though, when you tried to push him on your bed once again, he did sit. You were now face to face. His towering height usually made it hard for you to make eye contact, but you could do it effortlessly now. You climbed on the bed yourself, placing your knees at both extremities of his body, now placing yourself over him. You took his face between your hands and looked at it in detail from beneath you. He had a captivating red gaze, surrounded by pretty, long eyelashes. Long, dark strands of hair cut across his face, bisecting it just along his nose, but you still knew the angles of his features well. From the scar on his left eyebrow to his defined jawline, you looked at everything there was to see on his face. “Getting an eyeful, Sparrow?” You reddened. Sitting here next to him, you only now realized just how heavy your body felt from all those drinks. You swayed forward some, accidentally nudging Ais, which just sent him further down to the bed. Your face found a spot against his neck, and you inhaled a breath. He smelled good: his scent was a mix of cigarette, what seems to be some cologne and a bit of all the alcohol he drank earlier. Your heart started beating faster and you prayed for him not to notice. He couldn’t know you had feelings for him. It’s at this moment that his hands tensed on your shoulders, in an attempt to pull you back.
“Hey, get off. You’re clearly drunk.” But you didn't answer, nor did you move. He held firm, raising his voice a bit as he said once more, "Sparrow." What should've been an inquisitive prompt was instead flattened into a curt demand for a response. He started to maneuver you onto your back, intending to just let you fall gently into the mattress, but he froze mid-action. "You can't be serious..." he muttered, eyes wide. You were sound asleep, still clinging to his arm. Ais sighed out of frustration one more time, asking himself what to do. But he didn’t think about it much longer. “Well… Let’s just stay here for tonight.” He put himself under the sheets, covering you with them at the same time.
You were cold. Goosebumps lined the flesh of your body. You slowly woke up, searching for your blanket. When you finally felt its fabric under your fingers, you grabbed it to cover yourself, but a stronger pull on the other edge of it almost tore your arm apart (once again…). You sat up on your bed with a start and gasped when you saw who was at the other edge. “What the… Ais?” What was he doing in your bed? Your first move was to look at how you were dressed, and when you noticed that you still had on the clothes you wore yesterday, you let out a relieved sigh. Ais got immediately woken up when you spoke and looked at you with annoyance. “Keep it down, would you?” “Hey! You’re the one in my room, stealing my blanket. What are you doing here?” But instead of answering, his head snapped toward something in the middle of the room. It was still dark outside, so it was hard for you to see what got his attention. “What is it?!” you asked, panicked. When your eyes finally adapted to the bit of light the moon was offering, a scream escaped from your mouth. “What the fuck?!” Leander was there, sat on a chair, feet laid on the low table of your bedroom. His arms were crossed and he was simply looking at the two of you from where he was, unblinking. “Is he… sleeping with his eyes open?” you asked Ais. But he didn’t answer. Leander did. “No, I’m awake.” He surprised you once more, and you let out another brief, startled scream. “Since when are you here?!” “Oh. Four hours maybe?” Your jaw dropped. How could he answer that with such casualness? “What… When do you sleep?” Leander got up from his chair and opened the door with a smile. “I don’t.” He left you completely agape. It wasn’t the first time Leander was giving off such strange vibes, but the more you got to know him, the weirder he was to you. When you turned toward Ais to ask him if what happened was a normal thing from Leander, you noticed he disappeared too. “Well…” You couldn’t find it in you to get back to sleep after what happened, and you stayed awake until you could see the sun rise. You told yourself that maybe you should talk to Kuras about what just happened; he was the most ‘normal’ one of this weird group, and you were going to need something for your hangover anyway… You’ll remember to lock your door next time.
#touchstarved game#touchstarved leander#touchstarved mhin#touchstarved kuras#touchstarved ais#touchstarved mc#touchstarved vere#touchstarved headcanons#ts vere#ts ais#ts kuras#ts mhin#ts leander#ais#leander#touchstarved#leander touchstarved#ais touchstarved#mysilaan touchstarved headcanons#mysilaan headcanons#writing#my writing#headcanons#ik this is random#don't take it seriously#or do idc#:33333#touchstarved fanfic
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Your latest HC post got me thinking. Do you think the bros ever tried to give MC some food or drink that had their “essence” in it? Maybe they’d also kick back and watch as MC slowly becomes addicted to it, wanting more as the days go by and probably begging to know what’s in it so they can recreate that delectable treat they gave.
Oh my god wudhydsjhf I didn't even think about that but yeah, each demon in the devildom is probably well-aware of the properties of their semen so they can in fact use it as "enhancement" on food. Pretty evil. Okay really REALLY quick and short headcanons on that idea, based on my earlier headcanons of course:
Has definitely thought about it but he feels like doing this would be "stooping too low" and it's not "classy" to use such a tactic to win you over, because yes the avatar of pride has SOME standards. But I can definitely imagine that once you're in a relationship with him he would let you taste some of his "essence" in food. THOUGH TO BE CLEAR he makes you aware of it, like, he warns you so you know beforehand what's in the food.
Also has definitely thought about it but he feels too guilty to do that to you. Even if he does end up putting some of it into your food of drinks he always chickens out at the last moment with a dumb excuse like "oh the choco milk is probably too cold already, I'll bring you another cup NO- t-this cup's no good forget it, don't even take a sip of it-"
Similar to Mammon (as in, he feels guilty) but his inherent possessiveness over you wins over and he swallows back his guilt and shame (also, if you find out you'll definitely mock him for it which he looks forward to.) Not like you will though since his semen has hypnotic side-effects, he'll ask for things from you like flashing your panties at him or hugging him or whatever then he'll make you forget any of it happened because he's a coward haha.
Hmm he's a difficult one to grasp for me- But I suppose the idea would cross his mind though he'll never act upon it. He'll imagine it for sure but even if demon seeds taste good and aren't all that "dangerous" to consume, making you drink something that came from him without your knowledge doesn't sit well with him. If you ever do it, he wants you to drink it because you want to while exactly knowning what's inside the cup.
Zero shame, zero guilt. Tries to do it at every occasion he gets but you (and the brothers) are already well aware of his intentions so you're not allowed to drink anything that Asmo has supposedly "prepared". Of course the reason why they're so protective is because he has already succeeded a couple of times in the past and your face looks way too cute under his seed's influence. The aphrodisiac aspect of it being way too strong and overkill it gets everyone too hot and bothered while looking at you, it's almost painful for them to see you in that state without being able to act upon their desires in front of the rest of their brothers.
To be completely honest I don't even think the thought would cross his mind djshdjz. It probably only would once you guys are deep in a relationshio and having sex, since he has tasted you and liked it he suddenly realizes he can "feed" you as well. "Oh- did I ever tell you that demons' semen have special tastes and side-effects? Would you like to try?" He's pretty genuine about it, no ulterior motives. Just wants to "feed" you.
This little fucker is the most devious little shit ever. EVERYTIME he's on cooking duty he does it. Since I headcanon that his have hallucinogen effects, at first no one exactly knows what's wrong with the food. With Asmo it was obvious since his aphrodisiac effect is 100% straightforward: pure pleasure. But Belphie? Might as well be slipping drugs in there dryjghfhd ANYWAY, he loves seeing you confused or impressed, a bit lost in your magical "daydreams". You start to like it and even praise his cooking not knowing how the hell he does that (you assume he just applies some sort of spell on the food.) But once the brothers find out/understand what he does to you, they're furious, and Belphie is banned from cooking duty which was probably about 30% of the reason why he started putting his juices there in the first place djhehdhz
#obey me#obey me nightbringer#obey me headcanons#does this count as smut???#obey me smut#just in case#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmo#obey me beel#obey me belphie#hanaruri answers#hanaruri writes
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Liveblogging the Aubreyad: Post Captain Part Two
More book, less background, all spoilers.
I will here put in a plug for listening to the Simon Vance audiobooks of this series on 1.25x speed, can't recommend highly enough. Except his foreign accents are terrible, I won't lie about that. Anyhow. Get a library card and check these out if you would rather not read my summaries, which despite their thoroughness are not entire. The books are a challenging read but I did manage it at 12 but I did that through the power of being a socially isolated undiagnosed neurodivergent child so I don't necessarily recommend that either.
A NEE HOO, the book:
In part 1 we got female characters (sweet innocent Sophia? or her worldly, dashing cousin Diana?), sweet bachelor pad, social lives, horse farts, and *jazz hands* financial ruinnnnnn, and our intrepid heroes have fled to France where a Frenchman ruined Jack's composure by kissing him. But now, war has broken out, and they must flee without being arrested, which will be very difficult because Jack is approximately the most ostentatiously English person ever to have existed on this planet, in this universe.
And so now we pay off on my earlier bullet-point about Jack's fursona.
I had genuinely forgotten about this when I first relistened to the books. I listened to this long expounded-upon scenario, where a convoy of English prisoners of the French is resting and there's a man with a tame bear passing by and the prisoners, especially a sea officer trying to impress a lady in company with him, want him to make the bear dance even though it is hot and the bear is obviously tired, and the gendarmes finally come over and insist that the bear must dance to prove it really is a tame bear, and I was just expecting this to be some background descriptive passage included in the book for the atmosphere as so many are until, as they are finally left alone and the bear-leader is sitting counting up the coins people tossed at them, unaccountably reciting them to the bear as if the bear is going to care, the bear out of nowhere answers him.
“When one sea-officer is to be roasted, there is always another at hand to turn the spit,' said the bear. 'It is an old service proverb. I hope to God I have that fornicating young sod under my command one day. i'll make him dance a hornpipe - oh, such a hornpipe. Stephen, prop my jaws open a little more, will you? I think I shall die in five minutes if you don't. Could we not creep into a field and take it off?' 'No,' said Stephen. 'But I shall lead you to an inn as soon as the market has cleared, and lodge you in a cool damp cellar for the afternoon. I will also get you a collar, to enable you to breathe. We must reach Couiza by dawn.'
Stephen for his own inscrutable reasons names the bear Flora and tells everyone it is a female bear whose female troubles make it bad at dancing. Meanwhile Jack is being slowly murdered by the suit, his bare bloody feet glued to the costume's paws, insects eating him, never able to eat or drink enough, always overheated. By the time they make it to the Spanish border, Jack is nearly dead. It's a good character study: he is still thinking tactically at some times, still has the capacity to wonder whether Stephen might yet betray him, to notice that he has heretofore in their acquaintance underestimated Stephen severely, but his innate and natural response to this kind of hopeless privation and suffering is to simply submit to it and endure, doing whatever Stephen tells him to, understanding that there is no useful resistance he can make; he resents Stephen but also recognizes that Stephen too is suffering, this is simply what must be done and he must endure it, beyond any concept of limits. As they finally reach Spain he sits on a rock and dreamily tells Stephen he is glad Stephen seems so happy, and just sort of echoes whatever Stephen says, clearly well beyond comprehending what's going on anymore. (He does revive once the bear suit comes off.)
He spends some time very ill in Stephen's house just across the border. Stephen owns a castle there, though it's mostly in ruins. Once Jack can move, they make their way, this time both as humans, down to Gibraltar, and book passage home in an Indiaman* that has happened to put in there for repairs.
[* for the record the word Indiaman refers to a merchant ship plying the rich trade route to India, and would have female pronouns, like any ship. Actual human Indian men, if sailors or soldiers, are referred to as Lascars, with normal human pronouns as applicable, and as far as I can tell this is just a neutral descriptor and even though racial attitudes of the time were what they were, was not ever particularly used as a slur. Now You Know. Listen I'm trying to look things up as I go, since there's Period-Typical-Everything in here, but I might miss some, do be advised; I don't intend to condone any anythings in any of this nor do I wish to carelessly use loaded terms but it can be difficult to suss out what's what in the modern context.]
Aboard that Indiaman is another of my earlier bullet points: yes it's TOM PULLINGS. Jack recognizes him by his huge grin from across the ship, he's so delighted to see them, human sunbeam that he is.
Never confirmed as a lieutenant after the acting commission Jack had given him in the Sophie, quite without any political influence or hope of help in that quarter (though Jack had written letters of introduction for him to every single captain he knew who he thought might have a spot for him), TOM PULLINGS has given up on the Navy and taken a job with the East India Company, which pays better but is entirely without glory or hope of promotion.
“Why, sir, I could not get a ship and they would not confirm me in my rank. No white lapels for you, Pullings, old cock, they said. We got too many coves like you, by half." ''What a damned shame," cried Jack, who had seen Pullings in action and who knew that the Navy did not and indeed could not possibly have too many coves like him.
Another fun bit of fuzzy timekeeping which I should tally somewhere here is that while we know Jack and Stephen's adventure in France was of some considerable duration, every so often for the next few books Pullings will point out yet another Indiaman and say delightedly "I made two voyages in her", and I should start a running tally of How Many Indiamen Has Tom Pullings Been In somewhere because each voyage is a minimum of six months, and we have seen Pullings earlier in this book, he attended the St Vincent Battle Ball in February of-- whatever year that was. (Side note: Mowett mentions having served previously in the Namur, which was at the Battle of St Vincent, and it was only three years before, so it's perfectly possible he was there, but it's never brought up. Thinks to think upon!)
(I am sure some fan at some point has already done this work. But all the discussion boards are from 2003ish and it is hard to search them. Better than modern fandoms, where it all vanishes into private Discords, but it is... sort of sad, to look through the moribund message boards and remember being in spaces like that and how great they were. RIP to the golden days of the Internet.)
I've already explained how promotion works, so I don't need to elaborate on how very slim Pullings's career prospects are. He shows Jack all around his ship, and Jack tries very hard to be polite, but merchantmen, after the Navy, are a sort of sorry, squalid state of things, and there's not a lot to be polite about. Pullings clearly does the best he can but he has only a thin crew, a poor-sailing sluggish fat ship, and a timid captain to work with. What's worse, many of the crew are Lascars-- fine seamen, but they seem poorly; the initial assumption that they are simply not used to the cold proves wrong, it turns out that they're all succumbing to the flu, which is affecting the Europeans too but is hitting the Lascars that much harder. So the ship is now critically short-handed, with many of the crew incapacitated by the flu.
And then a French privateer heaves into sight, the Bellone. The captain doesn't know what to do and is terrified. Pullings beats the ship approximately into shape by sheer dint of competence and strong feeling, but there's not a lot of hope, he quite simply has very little to work with. Jack steps up and volunteers to take charge of one of the divisions of guns. It is so long since they have been used that he has to fire one to blow the port lid off, it having been painted into place long ago.
A brisk action ensues, but the Indiaman, despite all the heroics Jack and Pullings can manage, is overwhelmed and taken. Jack and Pullings are both moderately-to-severely injured in the fight, Jack left briefly in a coma after falling down a hatchway and Pullings being both shot and stabbed. The French steal everything aboard the ship including the passengers' personal property and Stephen's surgical implements that he was in the middle of using, impose a heavy prize-crew, and undertake to sail the Indiaman to a Spanish harbor. Jack will certainly spend the war a French prisoner, with no hope of getting home, getting a command, advancing his career, staying relevant.
But then an English brig, recognized as the Seagull by Pullings because his uncle used to be the sailing master in her, shows up and fights the French prize-crew to a standstill. Our heroes spend the action locked up below, but the French captain lets them out when the action grinds to a pause, the Seagull heavily damaged trying to repair itself enough to continue. Things look bad; the Frenchman is annoyed and might just sink the Seagull out of spite, but then a squadron of homeward-bound Royal Navy ships of the line round the headland-- the HMS Colossus, a 74, the Tonnant of eighty guns, more behind them-- and Jack puts his hand down over the touch-hole of the gun the Frenchman was about to fire at the Seagull and coldly tells him he must surrender to the brig.
Which he does.
So now Jack is home to England, and back in the running to get himself a ship so he can participate in this war and stay alive in his career-- but where he also is still at constant risk of being arrested for debt.
The new First Lord of the Admiralty is Lord Melville, whose family name is Dundas-- the older brother, in fact, of Heneage Dundas, who was a midshipman and then a lieutenant alongside Jack, one of his best friends. Melville thinks his younger brother is a bit of an idiot, but has some small fondness for Jack anyway. So there's hope. But Jack is arriving so late that all the best posts have already been snapped up. Melville promises to do his best to find him something, but tells him not to hold out much hope of something actually good. Jack does explain his specific problem, however-- the debt thing-- and Melville is understanding of it at least.
Jack has taken lodgings in a tiny shack outside of town with Stephen, giving rise to this charming description, please to look out for a particularly excellent 19th-century word usage:
At present they were lodging in an idyllic cottage near the heath with green shutters and a honeysuckle over the door - idyllic in summer, that is to say. They were looking after themselves, living with rigid economy; and there was no greater proof of their friendship than the way their harmony withstood their very grave differences in domestic behaviour. In Jack's opinion Stephen was little better than a slut: his papers, odd bits of dry, garlic'd bread, his razors and small-clothes lay on and about his private table in a miserable squalor; and from the appearance of the grizzled wig that was now acting as a tea-cosy for his milk-saucepan, it was clear that he had breakfasted on marmalade.
Stephen you slut indeed.
They go to a party-- a risky proposition, with Jack a wanted man, but Everyone who is Everyone will be there, and he quite simply needs to remind his various powerful acquaintances that he is here and in need. So they go. Diana is there, and also a well-connected, very wealthy merchant named Canning. Canning's merchant ships are very much preyed-upon by privateers-- especially the Bellone-- and he has been commissioning privateers of his own to defend them. He very politely, indirectly goes as far as is decent toward offering Jack the command of the latest of these, which is to be very large and powerful indeed. It is deeply, deeply tempting, and Jack considers it at length, but his ambition above all else lies with the Navy, and Lord Melville is also at the party and tells him he should come the very next day to a meeting, Melville thinks he might have something for him.
Diana also offers to Jack that he might come see her the next day. He points out, sensibly, that he is at risk of arrest, and so it would be deeply irresponsible of him to go jaunting about the city. She scorns him for this, saying he is being a coward to even consider such things as his own personal ruin. She quite openly only wants him if he's willing to ruin himself for her.
Jack goes out for a walk late that night, out in a deserted area, to think. A man tries to mug him and his immediate reflex, honed by kind of a lot of hand-to-hand combat experience, is to just absolutely beat the shit out of the guy in about two blows. He lays him out cold and then, standing over the body, realizes he can't leave the man lying here as it's coming on to freeze and the fellow will die of exposure. So, cursing how complicated everything always has to be on land, he carries the man home, as you do, and ties him to a chair, and promptly falls asleep in the other chair waiting for Stephen, who went to visit other friends after the party.
(Several times in the series it is made plain that Jack has been at sea since he was an actual child, and his understanding of how laws work by land is very extremely fuzzy at best; his education in general is shockingly lacking. He knows the Articles of War cold, could recite them back to front, can cite them by number unfailingly, but only has a vague notion of any other kind of law, and no idea at all how the land-based justice system actually works. And how could he?)
Stephen comes home near dawn to find them thus, Jack asleep in one chair, and the would-be mugger wide awake, terrified, and extremely-competently tied to their only other chair.
The would-be mugger is an excellent plot device: he succinctly and intelligently explains to Stephen and the reader exactly how English debt law works, he himself being extremely experienced in it. (Stephen is gently spooning food into the man's mouth even as he is still tied to the chair, he having admitted he only took up trying to mug people because he had not eaten in several days.) Jack also forces the man to eat some of Jack's own breakfast, under peril of being headed up in a cask and tossed overboard, which makes plain to everyone involved a) how serious he is and b) where he's more normally accustomed to being.
Jack makes his way to the meeting with Melville, who finally offers him a ship. It is not a good ship. Melville actually feels guilty to even offer it. It is called HMS Polychrest, it is a misguided experiment gone wrong, built by a corrupt dockyard to the specifications of an ill-informed landlubber with ideas. But, it has cannons and it technically floats, so Jack takes it.
He's aware that Melville feels like shit about it, though, so he figures he has one, and only one, big concession he can ask for. And he shoots that shot on one, very dear, very precious thing that he very badly wants:
TOM PULLINGS, to be made lieutenant at last, and to serve with him in this misbegotten floating disaster.
I will break off again here because this is too long. Stay tuned for PART THREE, in which I promise I'll tell you how Barret Bonden punches out a cop.
#liveblogging the aubreyad#jack aubrey#post captain#stephen maturin#tom pullings#book reports#such as they are
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I'm writing this shit on Christmas Eve night, speedrun mode activate
Thanks to everyone who submitted and supported this rushed thing here. Hopefully next year if we last that long I'll be able to give you all something better. And hopefully none of this comes off as too half-baked.
Fun fact: Blazblue was not a two way, not a three way, but a FOUR WAY TIE, EVERYONE WANTED A DIFFERENT CHARCTER
To settle this dispute, I did it in the only appropriate way I knew how:
We will be revealing the winners for each fandom as voted for by the submissions and the prompts that have been chosen as we go along here.
Without further ado, enjoy the first ever seasonal event on the NKN0va blog. Hope you all have a jolly Christmas day.
(Spoilers mentioned for Persona 5 Tactica in that section, proceed with caution)
Helltaker: Judgment's S/O getting her to ice skate with them on Christmas
-You bring this idea up to Judgment on Christmas Day after breakfast, much to the fallen angel's confusion.
-She has heard of skating before, and knew that there was a kind of skating specifically for doing it on ice, but that sounded extremely dumb and quite dangerous, especially to regular ol' fragile mortals like yourself.
-It takes a while, but she eventually gives in, she doesn't have the heart to shut you down entirely. Of course it's under the guise of protecting you and making sure you don't get hurt.
-It's best that you don't go to a public skating rink with her lest you get unwelcome stares from everyone and scare the children, so you manage to find a frozen lake somewhere with ice thick enough. Despite being alone, Judgment is still very much tense.
-Judgment for her part when she does get on the ice falls over a few times. Balance isn't her thing, but she does get it eventually, watching anxiously as she keeps an eye on you as you start getting on the ice.
-If you cannot skate she'll have a few words for you, but since you're already here you might as well do it together. She'll put your arm around you shoulders as she tries to keep you both upright until she is certain you can go on your own. Depending on your own balance this will have varying results.
-Consider her pleasantly surprised if you know how to skate without falling over, she thought you'd be struggling a lot more. Expect her to make some kind of competition out of the ordeal and taking it way too seriously. By the end you're aching all over and she has to carry you home. 10/10 would do again.
Under Night In Birth: Surprising Wagner with a Christmas Gift
(Thank you Vivian for breaking the tie this was way easier than if I got the alternative on a coin flip and had to do the other option instead)
-Wagner is no stranger to gifts. Especially super extravagant ones around the holidays thanks to her family background. This put you in quite the conundrum.
-As long as you've known the Crimson Knight, she's always been very hard to please. That fact that you're a normal person with a normal income also does not help matters. Trying to go extravagant enough to impress her would only break your bank in the process so you had to had to get more creative.
-You'd have to appeal more to her sentiment, and eventually an idea came. The only thing you knew of that appealed to her sentimentally enough was, well, you.
-Your gift searching soon turned into a craft session, taking photos from your phone of you two, printing them out, and putting them in a memories book of sorts and decorating it to what you felt was her liking.
-When the big moment came and it was finally in Wagner's hands, she sits there holding it like she doesn't know what the hell it is. It's only when it's opened that it clicks.
-She'll smirk and call it quaint in a half condescending, half endearing way. Some people might be offended by it, but you know better. This is her way of hiding her true emotions. Deep down this will be treasured for the rest of her life, anyone that dares touch it other than you will be turned to roast beef.
Persona 5: Erina ending up under the mistletoe with her S/O
(AU where Erina doesn't disappear after the events of the story)
-It had been quite a while since any holiday was able to be celebrated, thanks to Marie. There was a special feeling about Christmas this year around, being able to finally celebrate it peacefully.
-Erina for one seemed to be the most excited. Due to her...origins she'd never celebrated it properly before, and was learning the ins and outs of the festivities and traditions for the first time, her eyes lighting up at every new thing she saw.
-The two of you were walking around the town plaza taking in all the sights, watching as the citizens put up decorations. Out of nowhere, right in front of a bakery in the plaza, she stopped you and pointed up towards a strange looking plant hung on up one of the support pillars.
-While you were already dating Erina, it hasn't been all that long into the relationship, thus you were still taking to intimacy. With a slight bit of nervousness, you filled her in on what this mistletoe thing was.
-Erina takes in what you say with a thoughtful look. Then, as straightforward as ever, pulls you by your collar and gives you a longer than normal peck on the lips, pulling away with a slight redness on her face but a satisfied smile. She mentions how this might end up becoming a favorite holiday tradition of hers before dragging you through the city once more as if nothing happened.
-In all fairness, you probably should've seen that one coming.
AND TO BREAK THE STAGGERING (but probably not unexpected in retrospect) FOUR WAY TIE, THE WHEEL HAS DECIDED ON...
I see the audience has a particular type...
Blazblue: Nine's Christmas Day Celebration with S/O (post Dark War)
-While Nine is typically a very busy woman, she is extremely family oriented above all else. She will take holiday time off, regardless of what anyone says. Not like they can stop her anyway.
-Definitely the type to go all out to spoil the people important to her. Over the top decorations, forcing the weather control system to make a light but not overbearing snowfall, and as many presents as she can humanly think of.
-This is probably the happiest you've ever seen her. With all the tragedy in her and everyone else's lives over the past decade there's so rarely been a time to truly let her guard down and celebrate a holiday like a normal, happy, healthy person.
-She wants to do every traditional (and perhaps cliche) tradition she can think of. Between having largely no parents growing up and spending most of her life during war time she's never had the chance to do any of it. Decorating a tree, giving out deliberately wrapped presents to you and everyone else important to her, going out to see the magical and technological lights hung up around Ishana, having a fireplace lit up and watching old movies.
-This is her way of healing from the long lasting trauma inflicted on her by circumstances outside her control. If the holiday season is about the people important to you, then she wants to take that time to cherish those people while she still has the chance, even if she can have a hard time expressing that.
-Also you're probably gonna have to stop her from bullying Terumi even now. If left to her own devices she is dressing him up in the most stupid holiday themed shit imaginable for her own amusement. I'm talking reindeer antler headbands and a Rudolph nose.
#christmas event#helltaker#helltaker x reader#judgment#persona 5#persona 5 x reader#erina#under night in birth#under night in birth x reader#erika wagner#blazblue x reader#nine the phantom
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UTB (Up to Boy) Magazine, February 2024 Issue (Vol.334) ft. Hirakawa Yuzuki Interview and Photo Shoot (translation below)
Publication: December 22, 2023
Immovable Upside
Currently appearing in "Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger," the currently airing Super Sentai series, actor Hirakawa Yuzuki-san makes her second appearance in our magazine. She's changed her hair, having it cut into a shorter style, as she presents her pure and mature duality, which has become even more transparent.
-We've been rushing through the year-
"You've cut your hair short, and your look is totally different from the last time we saw you. Personally, how do you feel about your current short hairstyle?"
Hirakawa: Before I started acting, I always kept it short, so it somehow feels nostalgic. I cut it because of my role, but I thought it was abit of a waste since it's been that long for about 5 years (laughs). Still, I think it'll be fine since it grows quickly.
"Starting from episode 27, the second chapter of King-Ohger is set two years later. We think the change in hairstyle made it easier for you to make changes in your performance."
Hirakawa: That's true. I think I'm able to show more strength. I think that after two years, they're more aware and prepared as a king, and that they have a greater sense of responsibility.
"Now that the story has progressed considerably, are there any memorable moments from the episodes that have been broadcast so far?"
Hirakawa: In episode 25, the sense of distance between Rita and their retainer Morfonia, or rather, the values of their relationship have become much closer. It was a time where Rita gathered the courage to take another step forward on their own, so that episode left quite an impression on me. From there, the way they interacted with Morfonia changed completely, so I think it was a turning point for them. Also, in episode 38, they reveal the face they've been hiding up until that point, and showed all kinds of facial expressions as an "idol," so I hope you enjoyed it.
"It's already aired, so if you haven't seen it yet, please catch up and watch it…..! By the time this magazine comes out, filming for the final episode will be underway, right?"
Hirakawa: In about another month or so……"We've got such a long time before it starts!," is what I thought, but only for a moment. I think it was more instantaneous after the Summer film ended. Until then, we weren't used to filming, and everyone was in a state of just trying to figure things out. The cast members have been good friends since the beginning, but since we spent alot of time together, including during the regional promotional campaigns for the Summer film, we became even closer, and that time really flew by.
"For those who view things similarly, the "loss" seems to be intense."
Hirakawa: It might be because me and the rest of the cast are starting to become aware of the end, or maybe it's because some fans are also like, "It's coming to an end….?" I still go out to dinner with all the cast members after filming, so I think we'll still probably see each other again ever when it's over. We've been together for a year and we've gotten to know each other very well, so when I imagine the end of filming, I feel incredibly sad.
"As a fan, I'm going to miss seeing everyone's friendly conversations on Toei Channel very much……Now, 2023 will soon come to an end, looking back, what kind of year was it?"
Hirakawa: We've really been rushing through the year. I've been working hard during the filming of King-Ohger in order to make it better and to help myself grow. I was able to experience many things this year, as there were quite a few jobs that came about as a result of King-Ohger, and it was the most thrilling year for me as a performer. Of course, there were many things I worried about, but I think it was also an extravagant year, filled with many happy and frustrating experiences.
"What kind of year do you want 2024 to be?"
Hirakawa: I think I'll be apart of King-Ohger until the first half of the year, when we perform at G-Rosso, but after that, I'll have to move forward on my own. I'd like to "polish" my inner self and become a more appealing person. As for my work, I'll do my best to continue to appear in productions without taking any breaks inbetween.
#yuzuyan...#ohsama sentai kingohger#kingohger#super sentai#my scans#my translation#rita kaniska#rita kanisuka#hirakawa yuzuki#yuzuki hirakawa#toku cast#kingohger cast#tokusatsu#ohsama sentai king ohger#king ohger#up to boy#magazine#interview#fashion#the first outfit is cute#but I love her in the black dress#we're really at the end huh...
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(sorry for horrible grammar - it's 2 am, and I don't know why I am even adding this lol)
"...So the greatest vampire of the millennial is granting us a visit... quite the honor I say...?"
The grim look on his face was replaced with a fake mocking smile - very intentionally showing of the gleaming pair of fangs.
"Get out of my way, Hoshina. You know I am not dealing with second-hand scum like your kind. I have matters to settle with your master. So stay down on your rug and don't waste my time.."
Hoshina giggled, as his guest took a few steps forward, eyes locked on the gateway behind him. The candles in the floor shimmered lightly, shifting their colours to a cold blue for a blink of an eye, unnaturally bright for their size.
Narumi Gen was a more than capable vampire. An exceptional talent in his ranks. Many praising him to be the best of his kind. To his suprise even he hadn't been able to recognize the other presence around.
Only when the "rug" started moving ever so slightly, slowly revealing more and more teeth on a light gray skull, his attention was drawn back again.
"Impressive, right?" Hoshina emptied the rest of his glass and kept his eyes locked on their intruder while a beast of remarkable size seemed to unfold behind him.
"...debatable. But...interesting, I'll admit..." Narumi frowned. "Well at least that explains the rumors about most your... recent "activities" in the regions villages.....former villages that is... Apparently your pet cannot only be discreet but also... very effective.."
Meanwhile two bright blue eyes glared at the intruder, fixing his every move, seemingly ready to strike on command.
Hoshina let out a light-hearted little laugh. "Nah come on, that's unfair Narumi." He gently scratched the skull of the monsterous creature next to him, as if to emphasize the comment about his pet. "Actually he's a very gentle soul, you know?"
Blue eyes still glaring.
"U-huh...friendly like a puppy... One might as well adopt him..." Narumi deadpanned.
"Of course he's friendly, silly!" Another giggle. "I'll take good care of him, there's no need for your concern."
Hoshina's way of sweet chattering was regularly getting on his nerves. Just as always Narumi began to lose his patience. "A pity." Narumi groaned as he stroke back his bangs to reveal his as well, brightly glowing pair of eyes now piercing back at them. "I was hoping we could get to know each other properly, you know?"
With noticable echo over the halls the gate behind them opened.
"I suggest we postpone that offer of yours for now. It is not our intention to disturb your appointment."
With the empty wine glass Hoshina made a last inviting gesture.
"After you, Narumi."
Halloween is one our toes, guys!! 👻💀
*running after my dogs with white sheets* Let's play ghost dogs, guys! Let the trend never die!!!
Time to revive the Vamp AU! <3
No text version, description + "warm candle-light" version below

I came up with several outline ideas.. and while I was drawing I was very eager to record all my work with the timelaps feature in CSP.. except for when I didn't anymore...... I am very shhhmmmart!!! (���౪థ)... so now sorry no WIP timelaps...

<- it was basically just a lightning/shading try-out...and then I ended up keeping it, cause *mad scientist laughing* THAT IS WHAT I DO, I DO MADNESS HERE!!! ( ◣∀◢)ψ But I am sucha simp for magenta/blue colour palettes... and it was more comfortable to look at. But the warmer look has its own appeal to it aswell..... I can't decide...
#kn8#kaiju no. 8#kaiju no 8#finally some fanart again!!#icy's art#having some lows now and then#also RL is aöklfdsajkbflgh rn..#still racking my brain around some stuff#sometimes we need that tho#it was nice to get out of my own head with this again#kafhoshi#save me once again#also I spontaniously wrote the story here... sorry for no beta or grammar checking.#hoshina soshiro#but as a villain vamp#kafka hibino#but as a beasty boi#slightly changed 8's design for this - so fur it is#plus some ears but you don't really see them
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