#i know that mcs shirt is not long sleeved
zephyrchama · 20 days
(A bit of OM! Mammon comforting MC. TW: Lots of crying? Depressive episode? No specific cause is mentioned, the reader is free to use their own scenario, but anyone who is uncomfortable with scenes of crying and being really upset might not like this one.)
The loud rustling of a plastic bag falling to the floor, its contents shifting noisily as they dropped, drew your attention. Mammon stood there dumbfounded.
He knew you were probably upset that he ate your ramen. He expected some harsh words, maybe a light berating and a slap on the wrist. That’s why he preemptively went and bought replacements. The spicy kind that he liked, some fancy new steak flavor that seemed cool, and a bunch of the tried and true classics. That way you’d have nothing to complain about.
He expected a cold shoulder. Playful teasing. A punishment, like having to eat one bowl with ten ultra spicy flavor packets. He never expected to find you curled up in tears. Eyes red and swollen. Your face looked pale with visible streaks trailing from your eyes and nose. Your expression remained a quivering frown when you weakly looked up, and it didn’t change as you buried it back into your knees.
How long had you been at this? he wondered. Was all this over a cheap pack of noodles?
Deep down somewhere, Mammon knew this wasn’t about the ramen. But he didn’t know what this was about, and it scared him.
You needed a tissue, or a glass of water, or a big hug. Mammon had no idea which to get first. He hadn’t even shrugged off his outdoor jacket yet. It slid down his shoulder as he scampered towards the kitchen for a glass, then stopped. He couldn’t leave you alone like this. His hands rooted around in his pockets which held only receipts and some loose change. No tissues or anything suitable for nose-blowing.
Up close, your shoulders shook. Your back heaved with every fresh sob. It tore his heart to little pieces. Your sleeves and the front of your top were soaking wet, no doubt from attempts to curb the crying. Mammon had a difficult time approaching you, unsure what to do or if he could even take being rejected when you obviously needed him.
Overthinking things was not his strong suit. Mammon didn't like the feeling of being stuck, of not having a plan. He was the kind of man with a goal in mind who always gets results. The goal right now was to see you smile, to eat some ramen and joke around. Most importantly, it was to get your mind off of whatever was currently happening. He wasn't going to change that by standing around like a fool.
"Hey." This wasn't his usual boisterous voice. It was a hushed tone filled with concern. You hardly acknowledged him, you had enough going on inside your head already and anything outside just felt like an afterthought. Mammon lowered himself next to you and fidgeted awkwardly with his jacket zipper. "What can I do?"
You weren't in a state to respond, that much was clear. Your answer was to shudder and hug your legs tight against your face.
Your knees were as soaked as your top. Seeing that was Mammon's last straw. He didn't want to be rough, but he was a man of action. He tried to coil an arm around your shaking shoulders, resolution only growing stronger when it caused you to cry harder.
"Knock that off, c'mere." Tough words never sounded gentler. You had no energy to move, but luckily, Mammon had plenty to spare as he brought you in to lean against his side and draped the edge of his jacket over you. You blindly cried against the first surface you could press your face against - his shirt. It smelled of deodorant.
"Don't forget, you're my responsibility, aight? When stuff like this happens, ya gotta come straight to me."
The silence wasn't as awful with Mammon around. It didn't feel suffocating. It took time, but the heartache began to fade. Your sobs became more infrequent. Mammon patiently waited the entire time, occasionally tugging you closer. Occasionally murmuring things like, "you're gonna have to use me as a tissue. I don't have any." Or, "just say the word, I'm gonna beat that sadness into a pulp. Gonna show it I'm the boss around here."
He may not be most eloquent of speakers, but he's got the right spirit.
Even after calming down, Mammon didn't budge and you remained locked against his side. Perhaps you still didn't have the strength to move yet, but you could manage to whisper out a grateful "thanks." A word that finally eased the pain tugging at Mammon's conscience.
He ruffled your hair and leaned down, placing his head against the top of yours. "I always tell ya, I'm the best. Call for me if this happens, ok?"
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acescavern · 1 year
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Navi - M.list
EDITED NOTE: I just want to thank you all so so much for the love you've shown this fic! to celebrate, check out the early release of End To Start!
Pairing: Na Jaemin x fem!reader (Ft. Yangyang, Haechan, Johnny, Jeno, and mentions of other nct members, nct dream are the friend group, the Jeno and his girlfriend mentioned are the same pairings from Quiet and Game over!)
Genre: Fluff, angst, humor, college au nct,
Synopsis: In an attempt to teach Donghyuck how to get a girlfriend, Jaemin helps him make a list only... that list seems awfully familiar.
wc: 7.8k ( my longest fic yet, I have perished.)
warnings: reference to the sexual activity that happened in Game Over between Jeno and his girlfriend, Mentions of smoking a joint at a frat party but no detailed usage and not by the two mc, Alcohol, Drunk reader, swearing, cringe pick up lines, reader, and Jaemin play the horror game 'the quarry' but no spoilers, timeline jumps a bit but I'm certain it's still understandable, mentions of harsh pranks being pulled by readers previous roommates, hints at previous roommates being bullies to the reader.
A/N: Hi, my lovelies. This fic was a wild ride, I'm telling you. I'm still not satisfied with the header but we move ig. This took me five-ish days I think, mainly cause I left it for at least three of those. I honestly hope you love this as much as I do. If I have missed any warnings please let me know! @sexygrass you asked me to tag you in the finished product! here you are,
Feel free to send me asks to talk about the fic, I love talking about fic characters.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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It was a funny thing to watch Donghyuck fail miserably. It was even funnier to watch the brightly colored cocktail drip from the ends of his hair, soaking into his pristine white t-shirt. To Jaemin, it was the best entertainment in the world to watch his friend flirt terribly. There was a reason Jisung called him bitchless. Not to doom any potential girl Donghyuck could end up with, but the guy was just a walking beacon of cringe pickup lines.
Like tonight. Jaemin had watched from his spot perched on a barstool a few seats away as his friend confidently walked up to the bar. He’d internally winced as Donghyuck had added his own drink to the girl’s tab and he’d tried so hard to still his facial features when the said drink was promptly tipped over his head following the line he gave. “You owe me a drink, I dropped mine when I looked at you.”
It was safe to say that the man crashed, burned, and disintegrated. Jaemin couldn’t hold his laughter for long, barely able to set his drink down on the bar without spilling it before the howls of laughter racked through his body. He felt a hand slap down on his shoulder, the sounds of Yangyang’s own hysterical laughter hitting his ears.
“It’s not funny! Look at my shirt!” Donghyuck growled in annoyance, fingers plucking the wet material away from his skin. “I’m going to clean up...”
The man moved to brush past his two friends, Yangyang stilling his laughter long enough to reach out and grasp his sleeve. “I wouldn’t, Restrooms occupied.” He straightened from his hunched-over position, his voice strained from holding in further laughter. “Think Jeno’s trying to one-up over Jaehyun, dragged his girl in there and locked the door about twenty minutes or so ago.”
“For fuck sake!” He whined, foot kicking at a leg of Jaemin’s bar stool.
Jaemin stood, finally able to keep his laughter at bay. “What did you expect? He literally dragged us here in a fit of jealous rage.” He scoffed light-heartedly, slinging an arm over Donghyuck’s shoulder. “Come on, let’s just go home - Yang, you crashing at Hyuck’s too?” Jaemin craned his neck to catch his fellow 00’ liner’s answer.
Yangyang shrugged in acceptance of the offer, slinging his own arm over Hyuck’s other shoulder.
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“So,” Hyuck began, pausing to slurp some of his McDonald’s strawberry milkshake through the disintegrating paper straw. “You’re telling me that my lines don’t work at all?”
Yangyang and Jaemin gave a pointed look to each other, almost as if trying to decide who should be the bearer of bad news. Jaemin gave a slight sigh, his mouth poised ready to talk but his brain still trying to come up with an answer.
“It’s just … You’ve got no rizz” He let the statement hang in the air, chewing into his cheek as Donghyuck blanched at the blunt statement.
“And you have?” He jeered in defense, chuckling in amusement.
“Dude, he’s the rizzler.” Yangyang piped in, the amused grin on his face broadening. “Jaemin’s got effortless rizz and he doesn’t even try.”
Jaemin was startled when his friend threw himself over his lap with a drawn-out dramatic cry. “Then help me!” He pleaded, loosely gripping Jaemin’s collar to shake him.
“Christ! Okay, Okay!” He gave in pretty quickly, shoving Donghyuck off of him with a little effort.
Jaemin shook his head at Hyuck’s antics, Yangyang laughing along with him. No words were spoken for a few moments until the latter made an announcement.
“Let Operation Rizz commence.”
Over the course of the next ten minutes, the two made Donghyuck write down his own step-by-step guide how to get a date.
Jaemin plucked the notepad from his friends' fingers, reading through them with a grimace of distaste.
"Step one is wink?" He read off in disbelief, nearly choking on air when he read step two. "Flirt with her best friend. Are you insane?"
He snatched the pen from Hyuck, ripping the list out of the book and scrunching it Into a ball.”We’ll rewrite it.”
"That's what the Buzzfeed article said to do!" That comment alone earned him a paper ball to the head.
"You need to practice and observe." Yangyang was right, it would be handy to have an actual female to be a 'test subject' as it were.
"But who? The only girls Hyuck know hate him and the only girl I kno–" Jaemin's words stopped dead as he caught onto what his friend was hinting at. "Absolutely not. ____, would never agree to this."
At least Jaemin hoped his roommate would be repulsed enough by the idea to call him crazy and move on.
The thing is, Jaemin had been a little selfish when it came to you. He had very rarely invited you to hang with any of his friends, not that he had to — you were purely roommates who had the same computer science class. That was how you met him. Jaemin had rocked up to class, late and unbothered. It was you who caught onto his small tales of anxiety when he struggled to catch up, wordlessly sliding your notes on the previous few slides onto his desk.
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After the lesson had ended and various students began to pile out of the door, you slowly started to pack up your things. A throat being cleared gained your attention, Jaemin looking at you sheepishly, a hand rubbing the back of his neck.
"Thanks for that." A smile of chagrin directed toward you. “I thought I could catch up but Mr. Kim just goes so fast.”
You chuckled, pinching your notes from the table to put them in your bag, zipping it up, and turning toward your classmate. “Next time, don’t be late.” Jaemin was drawn to the way your eyes crinkled at the corners when you granted him a grin. “It’s my turn to be late next class.”
True to your word, at 8:45 am the following Thursday, you snuck into the back of the class. You looked disheveled and half-dead to your fellow classmates. You didn’t want the unwanted attention that was sure to be drawn to you if you scrambled down to a vacant seat at the front, instead, you slipped into the closest empty seat on the back row.
You tried to make as minimal noise as possible when taking your things out of your backpack and you were so preoccupied with the action that you almost jumped when a few sheets of paper were slipped wordlessly onto your desk from the seat next to you.
The two of you fell into an unspoken routine this way. Jaemin would take notes for you to copy if you were late and vice versa, an unspoken rule being you took turns being late. For you, this wasn’t a problem. You were rarely late, something Jaemin noticed when he was hurriedly yanking on his jeans in an attempt to leave on time. He had secretly cursed you at that moment. Jaemin couldn’t be late, it wasn’t his turn and the rule was unspoken.
The next time you were late, you were very late. Jaemin had honestly thought you weren’t coming, his eyeline drifted to the door on multiple occasions. An odd feeling of disappointment settled in his chest. You had become the highlight of his day, Jaemin found himself looking forward to his computer science classes for once.
When you did finally turn up and slip into the seat next to him, he noticed you didn’t even make a move to remove your things from your backpack. You just stared straight ahead, hair drenched from the horrible weather outside and unshed tears pooling at your waterline.
One look at you and Jaemin’s teasing expression faded. He set his pen down, angling his body toward your seat. “Are you okay?” Jaemin almost slapped himself, it was obvious you weren’t.
You raised the damp sleeve of your sweater to wipe at your face, “Sorry I’m late, Jaemin.” Your voice was raw and croaky, he was sure you were going to get sick. “I slept in my car.”
The male blanched, eyebrows shooting to his hairline. Jaemin was sensitive enough to keep his voice low and careful, trying to coax the answers to his many questions from you. “Why, What happened?”
You sniffled quietly, fighting the urge to curl into yourself and hide. “My housemates locked me out again.” Jaemin’s expression softened, his hand reaching over to tuck your wet hair behind your ear. “Then my car broke down on the way to campus.”
Jaemin had heard about how your housemates were. You’d ranted to him in many lessons about what they were like. The only reason you were all housed together was through the private landlord student accommodation scheme set up for students who didn’t want the dormitory life.
He knew full well that it was a popular-eat-nerd food chain out there and he was grateful his grandma paid his rent for him - Always grandma’s favorite boy. It only took a few more of those incidents for Jaemin to offer his precious games room. He proposed a very convincing argument.
“Look, It’s a steal!” He exclaimed, “No rent and we just split the rest of the utilities and grocery costs, your own room, closer to campus, and me!” Jaemin flashed you his pearly whites at his winning argument.
“I can’t just take up your space like that, Jaemin.” You sighed, as much of an amazing offer it was… You didn’t want it out of pity.
“We’ll probably barely see each other! We can split the chores and work something out.”
It was safe to say you ended up caving into the offer. Any college student would snatch up the deal of accommodation with no rental costs.
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Jaemin sat open-mouthed as you bobbed your head in agreement with the idea. “Hm, Yang’s right. I’m the only girl you know that won’t get violent when Hyuck acts like a douche.” You sat back in your chair, swiping Jaemin’s iced coffee from the table and taking a sip through the straw.
“I’m sorry, what?” He spluttered, “Hyuck gets attached, clingy. What if he likes you?” Jaemin’s worries were irrelevant to everyone else but him.
Jaemin didn’t like the idea of Donghyuck catching feelings but he supposed he may be acting on possessive instinct. He shook his head, avoiding the look Yangyang was giving him. It was like the guy was trying to analyze his expressions and read his mind. He felt momentarily exposed.
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” You snickered, “Donghyuck, sit.”
Hyuck brushed off his barista apron, shoving his order pad into one of the large pockets in the front as he sat at the vacant chair at the table. You sat up from your slouched position in your chair, sliding Jaemin’s coffee back over to him - the cup being halfway empty by now.
“Show me what you got.” You tapped the table with your hand.
You, Jaemin, and Yangyang watched as Hyuck ran a hand through his hair, his left eye dropping into a wink that could only be described as cringe when he leaned forward toward you. “Are you a transformer?” He paused a moment, long enough to give an over-exaggerated lip bite, his flirty gaze running up and down your torso. “ ‘Cause you’re Optimus fin-” His confidence was harshly broken as you mocked the sound of a loud buzzer.
“Pickup lines don’t work anymore, Dude.” You crossed your arms over your chest. “That was- …. I don’t actually have words for how bad that truly was.” Donghyuck’s face fell.
“Technically, we’re skipping step one because you already kind of know ____. So, step one is ‘befriend’. If she was a stranger you’d have just failed miserably.” Jaemin said to his friend, lifting his coffee to inspect the cup of the missing liquid.
“Alright, What’s step two?” Hyuck shrugged, looking expectantly at his friends.
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Back when you had first moved in with Jaemin, the two of you were more than awkward. It felt odd for each of you to see each other in your most vulnerable states. At home. In class things were different, that was a side of you that prepared to go out and face the day, a social mask slipping in place.
It took just one instance to get over the hurdle of timidness between you both. One Saturday, Jaemin had just gotten back with the groceries, the list crumpled in one of the bags he was hefting. You were leaning against the breakfast bar in the kitchen, a mug of coffee - specifically a Chocolate Mocha from a sachet - cupped in your hands.
Once all of the bags were strewn over the kitchen counter and the floor surrounding the fridge, you set your mug in the sink and began helping.
“Oh, no way!” You gasped, holding up the box of frozen desserts. “Two-ball-screwballs?” Jaemin looked up from shoving frozen food into the freezer drawers, a surprised smile on his face.
“Yeah! My mom used to get them for me every Friday after school.” He shut the drawer he was working on.
“I thought they were discontinued!” You gushed, tearing open the box and removing the cone-shaped cup. “I love these.”
Jaemin’s shoulders perked, his eyes brightening. “You’re kidding! My friends think they’re low tier.” He took the box from you, removing one of the plastic cones for himself and putting the rest into the freezer to save them from melting.
“Low tier? Your friends are low tier.” You scoffed jokingly, peeling off the top.
Jaemin rose to his feet, accepting the teaspoon you offered to him. “I’ll pay you ten to say that to Chenle’s face.” He chuckled, diving his spoon into the red cherry slush.
“What other gems are you hiding?” You questioned, spoon hanging from your mouth as you began to finish off the groceries with your free hand.
“Depends, do you like video games?” Jaemin lifted himself to perch on the breakfast bar.
“I like watching people play them,” You cast a glance back at your roommate. “I don’t have the hand-eye coordination for them.”
Jaemin hummed in thought, his gaze locked onto the dessert in his hand. “If I set up in the living room, do you wanna, maybe, watch me play?” He offered, discreetly peering up at you without lifting his head.
He watched you ponder over the idea a moment before nodding, “Sure.”
That night, you and Jaemin settled onto the couch with the controller firmly in his hand. You stared at the opening game screen ‘The Quarry’ glitching back at you. Jaemin had promised you that this wasn’t so much of a fast-paced game and more of a multiple choice.
“It’s a horror game-” He caught the look of unease on your face. “But it’s not that bad! It’s like a movie but you choose what happens and each option you choose alters the game path. It’s really cool!” The look on his face, as he describes one of his favorite games, will forever be your favorite expression on him.
His eyes light with excitement, and the controller drops to his lap as he uses elaborate hand gestures to explain the concept to you. There’s a feeling deep down that you want him to look like that whilst talking about you. But, that’s stupid, right? You’d only known him a few months at that point.
“Can you turn the subtitles on? I can’t hear a thing without them.” You nudged him with your elbow, prompting Jaemin to stare at you in amusement.
“If I wanted to read a book, I would.” He quipped, still navigating the settings to turn them on for you regardless.
You were only on the first chapter of the game and somehow you’d ended up scrunched up into Jaemin’s side, all awkwardness from before long gone. “No no! Don’t go down there, That’s just stupid!” You shouted, peeking up from his shoulder.
“____,” Jaemin laughed, “We have to, it’s the gameplay. We gotta follow Max into the cellar.” A hand left his controller to pat the top of your head.
You were both late for class the next day.
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“Get to know them? How long will this take?” Donghyuck complained, a pout playing at his lips.
He wasn’t a patient man and quite honestly, this was taking longer than he had thought. You cast him a sharp look. “Hyuck, you said you wanted a girlfriend. A lot of work goes into the buildup.”
“Can’t you just date me and then I don’t have to get to know anyone?” He huffed, letting his forehead drop to the table.
His question earned him two abrupt shouts of “No!” Both Yangyang and you exchanged slightly shocked looks at how quickly Jaemin said it along with you.
“Ugh! Fine, so, I get to know them.” Donghyuck lifted his head. “Do I have to ask questions?”
A mumbled ‘He’s hopeless’ under your breath had you receiving two kicks under the table as Jaemin responded to the question. “Yeah, Ask about her hobbies, and family, know the basics, and find a niche to get into deeper conversation.”
“Noted. So, find things in common, then?” Hyuck voiced the question with slight uncertainty.
You grinned, tapping his arm to reward him. “Yeah, exactly!” You studied him a moment, face scrunched in thought. “Say… Hyuck, is there someone in specific you’ve got your eye on?” You questioned.
Hyuck laughed nervously, the three sets of eyes staring at him intently making him slightly nervous. See, Donghyuck always had an obvious tell when he was hiding something. First, eye contact became nonexistent. Then, he would over-blink, his friends joked that he’d take off if he blinked too fast. Lastly, the incoherent defense. Hyuck was doing all of those things.
“Do we need to teach you to lie as well?” Yangyang teased, jabbing his friend in the side.
“Speak for yourself, I don’t lie.” You spoke, pretending to inspect your nails until Jaemin’s snort of laughter cut across the table to you.
“Yeah, right. ____, who ate the last two-ball screwball?” He quipped, an eyebrow raised in challenge at you.
“Uhm, Luna.” It wasn’t Jaemin’s cat.
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It was rare for you to go out with your friends. It was rare for you to get drunk, too. You had declined an invitation to the neo-frat party for months, much to the disappointment of your friend. It was after four months of living with Jaemin that you found out he was going, only then did you finally accept the next invitation you received.
You’d spent all afternoon following your friends around the shopping plaza to find the right outfit. Your outfit was at your friends' house, you didn’t see the need to overdress for drinking in a stuffy frat house full of sweaty college kids.
The first glimpse of you Jaemin had caught that day was an hour into the party, the frat house in full swing. He’d been roped in to help set up, his friend Mark being a part of it and Hyuck being heavily involved. Jaemin had been looking for you all night and when he finally caught you, you were talking to Johnny.
Jaemin felt unsettled, though he had no choice who you spoke to. He kept glancing at you, hand gripping the solo cup tighter in his hand the more you laughed at Johnny’s jokes. You’d been drinking, that much was clear. Your cheeks a rosy red and your eyes slightly glazed with intoxication, Jaemin had caught onto how you swayed subtly on the spot, your hand gestures over-exaggerated, and your giggles that seemed to happen at everything Johnny said.
Jaemin’s gaze tore away from you when a hand waved in front of his face, his mind catching up with reality when he saw his best friend. “Jeno, sorry, didn’t hear you.”
Jeno gave his friend a knowing look, shaking his head. “You were staring, if you like her then tell her.” He shrugged, lifting his beer bottle to his lips to take a swig.
Jaemin frowned, his eyeline drawn to you once more as he shook his head. “It’s a bad idea, we live together.” As much as he hated to admit it, Jaemin wondered if inviting you to live with him was a mistake for this reason. “It’d be awkward if it didn’t work out, Jen.”
It’d taken Jaemin only one month of living with you to come to the conclusion that he was slowly becoming head over heels infatuated with you. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was love yet, but Jaemin knew you made him feel things that were an entirely new experience.
“If you’re so headstrong on it, make me a bet.” Jaemin’s attention was stolen away from you once more, his eyebrows scrunched in an expression that told Jeno that he wasn’t really listening at all. “If you end up dating by… let's say, the end of the academic year, then you have to get a tattoo.”
Jaemin gulped slightly, he wasn’t a fan of needles. But he was so sure he would be able to resist you. “Fine, if we don’t, you’ve got to get one. In a place of my choosing.” Jaemin mastered a grin, shaking Jeno’s hand to seal the deal.
When Jaemin turned back around, you or Johnny were nowhere to be seen. His mind’s implication of what it meant had his heart dropping into his stomach. He bitterly shook his head, downing the rest of the ‘special punch’ in his cup.
Jaemin went on with the party, utterly miserable at the thought of you holed up in one of the various upstairs bedrooms with Johnny. Of all people. You had to choose the biggest player out there. It was almost like Jaemin was walking around with his own cloud of self-loathing thundering over his head.
He’d thrown himself onto one of the lawn chairs that surrounded the outdoor pool, running a hand over his face. However, he soon froze when he spotted Johnny. The frat member was with Jaehyun and the frat leader, Taeyong. Jaemin noticed the absence of you immediately and it had him springing up from his seat with a slight stumble. Jaemin wasn’t drunk, he was just bordering the line between tipsy and lightly mellow.
Jaemin tapped urgently on Johnny’s shoulder, the older male turning to him with a doped-up smile. Johnny removed the joint from his mouth, offering it out to Jaemin with a hazed blink. “Where’s ____?” Was his immediate response.
Confusion clouded the elder's face for a moment before he laughed loudly. “Man, she’s wasted!” Jaemin gritted his teeth as a bout of smoke wafted in front of his face.
“Yeah, good to know.” He rushed out in exasperation. “Where?” Johnny’s smile dropped as he shrugged.
“Last I knew, she was asleep on the stairs.” Jaemin didn’t wait for any further explanation, bolting it back inside the house and to the sweeping staircase near the front door.
Sure enough, that’s where he found you. Your lips set into an adorable pout from where your head had hung in your slumber. Jaemin was certain that your neck would hurt in the morning if he didn’t take you home. Though, looking at you… Jaemin couldn’t fight the fond chuckle escaping him.
He knelt down at the bottom step, lifting his hand to gently sweep your hair back. His lips pursed as he took in the state of you, fingers tugging your t-shirt dress down your thighs from where it had risen in an attempt to shield your modesty. He squeezed your knee.
“____,” He called to you gently, a hand on your shoulder to lightly shake you awake. “____, c’mon. I’m taking you home.”
A groan left your closed lips, your body attempting to twist to the side as if you were casually rolling over in the comfort of your bed. Jaemin wouldn’t let you, firmly shaking your shoulder again. He sighed in relief when your eyes finally opened, squinting at the light.
“There she is.” He grinned, both hands moving to your cheeks to steady your lolling head.
Jaemin honestly couldn't help but grin in return for the drunk smile you gave him. It was like you were suddenly sprung with energy. “Jaemin!” You launched forward, both arms wrapping tight around his neck.
His hands had to settle on your back to stop you both from toppling over. Your roommate coaxed you to stand, brushing down the crumbs and dirt from your dress. Jaemin made you lean on the wall as he unzipped his hoodie and tied it around your waist.
“Okay, I need you to hold onto my neck… but not strangle me. You got that, ____?” He spoke slowly as if talking to a child because Jaemin had come to realize that’s exactly how drunk you were.
He left you on the second step, crouching down and patting his shoulder. It was embarrassing how many attempts it took to get you securely on Jaemin’s back but eventually, you succeeded in the climb.
The man carried you all the way across the campus and into the blocks of student housing like this. The whole way you were singing at the top of your lungs, Jaemin even joined in when you started singing Twice’s Fancy. He noted you got quieter at the end of your street and when your light snore hit his ear, he knew the reason why.
There was a struggle for him to unlock the front door with you still on Jaemin’s back. Trying not to let the three cats escape was an even bigger feat that Jaemin managed. He also managed to get you off his back, setting you down on your bed. Your shoelaces were already half undone in a loose tangle, Jaemin not having to work very hard to get your shoes and socks off your feet.
The brown-eyed man looked frantically around your room, spotting the cotton pads and micellar water on your desk. Gentle strokes of the cotton pad across your skin removed the smeared makeup on your face. Jaemin was amazed you didn’t wake up, especially when he got to your eyes.
His fingers lingered on your face, a sad smile gracing his lips. “I wish things were different, ____.” Jaemin shook his head with a sigh, dropping the used cotton pads into your trash can and setting them next to your bed.
With a glass of water and some Advil at your bedside, Jaemin gave into temptation and pressed a light, lingering kiss to the top of your head before tucking you in and parting from your bedroom.
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“Acts of kindness?” Donghyuck echoed. “If I help her out at the library, does that count?”
“She works at the library?” Your mouth was covered by Donghyuck's palm.
“Don’t announce it to the whole coffee shop, ____!” He hissed, yanking his hand away and shaking it out when he felt something slimy brush across his palm. “Okay, ew.”
“Hm, that’d work, try something a little more meaningful though, Hyuck” Yangyang suggested as he stood, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “I gotta go, botany class starts soon.”
The three of you echoed your goodbyes, turning back to the list on the table once your retreating friend was out of sight.
“So, your crush is one of the librarians?” Jaemin questioned, his face shriveling at his next thought. “Do not sit here and tell me that it’s Mrs. Choi...”
“Gross! No, she has warts on warts.” Hyuck shivered at the very thought of it. “She’s our age.”
Donghyuck could practically see the wheels turning in both of your brains as the two of you tried to work it out. He could also guess when yours and Jaemin’s thought waves seemed to of aligned. He found it slightly freaky how you seemed to have a full conversation with just a look.
“Oh, her.” You nodded your head in approval. “Good choice, Hyuck. She’s a friend of mine, really shy.” You hummed.
“You’re not gonna put in a good word for me, even if I ask… are you?” The man’s shoulders deflated as you shook your head.
“Alright then… What’s after the acts of kindness?”
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Jaemin remembers clearly the day he thought his heart jumped out of his throat and threw itself into the lake.
It was one of the rare occasions that he had invited you to hang out where his friends were - He wouldn’t admit but the only reason he did was that Jeno’s girlfriend was begging at his feet not to be the only girl. So, Jaemin invited you.
His eyes widened at the arctic sleeping bag you pulled from the trunk of your car. “Where did you get that?”
You gave a nonchalant shrug, “What do you think I used when I used to sleep in my car? Takeout wrappers?” His mouth snapped shut as you unzipped the door to your one-person tent, flinging the sleeping bag inside to deal with later. It was only when you had zipped your tent back up did you turn to him again. “Thanks for building the tent for me.” You beamed at him, your hand patting his shoulder in thanks.
“Thanks for driving all our stuff down here. I didn’t realize we had so much.” He glanced around at the half-set-up camp circle. “I should go and help Jisung-ie.”
The two of you went around separately, helping the group set things up, and come nightfall, the nine of you were crowded around the campfire. Jaemin wasn’t listening too much, the brunette was too preoccupied with the way your eyes shone in the moonlight and how the flame from the fire gave your skin a breath-taking glow. He nudged your side with his elbow subtly.
Jaemin was going to compliment you, he was going to tell you how beautiful you looked out there with nature but the words died on his tongue when you looked at him with your showstopping smile. All he could do was nudge the bag of marshmallows toward you.
There was a multitude of reasons why Jaemin couldn't tell you and reason number one was sat across from you both, staring at him with a pointed look across the dancing heat of the fire. Lee Jeno. Jaemin’s best friend nodded his head firmly in your direction, rolling his eyes when Jaemin just shook his head and broke eye contact.
The whole of the three days camping, Jaemin hadn’t had a minute alone with you. Not even on the drive back, with the other car full - Chenle had borrowed his mom’s six-seater - that left three people, including yourself, in your car. So, you, Jaemin, Renjun, and the luggage were in your little two-door car.
The both of you were relieved when you finally arrived home. As much as Renjun was the best company for a two-hour drive, all he did was complain about how little Donghyuck and Chenle helped pack away. It was nice to just have silence.
You had time for a shower and a nap and Jaemin had time to go through the plethora of photographs he took on the trip. He hadn’t realized he took so many, mostly of you. Jaemin stopped on one he took of you by the lake. You were posed beautifully, unaware of the camera pointed toward you. Your smile beaming, the way the sun encased you made you look almost ethereal. Your arm was lifted, eyes locked in fascination on a baby blue butterfly that landed on your index finger.
That was Jaemin’s favorite by far. He had no idea how long he had been staring at the image on his camera, nearly jumping out of his skin when your voice sounded close to his ear. You’d leaned over the back of the couch to take a look.
“Oh, I didn’t know you even took that.” You marveled.
“Hm, It’s one of my favorites.” He murmured quietly, glancing up to watch as you climbed over the back of the piece of furniture to sit next to him.
“The sun makes me look so cool!” You leaned further over, looking at the image in more detail.
Jaemin shook his head, handing the camera over to you. “Nah, You always look that pretty.” He’d said the sentence without thinking.
A light blush coated the apples of your cheeks. Jaemin hadn’t complimented you like this before, no matter how many times you’d longed to hear something like this from your roommate. Your heart was doing somersaults in your chest. You wondered for a moment if he meant it but when Jaemin didn’t comment any further on the matter you decided not to ask.
“Oh.” You had no idea what to say in response and Jaemin thought your newfound shyness at his compliment was well worth the slip-up.
From then on, Jaemin made sure to give you subtle compliments every so often. Taking personal satisfaction in the color of your cheeks and the shy smiles that would occur.
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“And remember, Hyuck. No pickup lines.” Jaemin spoke slowly, hoping that it would get through his friend's head.
Donghyuck hummed in thought before eventually nodding in defeat. “No pickup lines. Not even one.”
Jaemin looked almost proud, giving his friend a light fist bump. “Go through the steps, I need to know you aren’t going to mess this up.”
Hyuck sighed, lifting the list to read out the steps so far. Both you and Jaemin sitting opposite him in anticipation. “Alright, Step one is befriending.” He thought a moment. “So, like, make a connection so we aren’t strangers?” He trailed off on a question, looking to your faces for confirmation.
If your grins were anything to go by, he was doing fine. “Step two is Get to Know.” He took a sip of his coffee, writing a few notes next to the bullet point. “Like, find out her hobbies, places she likes, TV shows, music, food, and maybe things about her family. That sort of thing.” He sounded confident enough with step two that you or Jaemin didn’t make a single comment.
Donghyuck cleared his throat, pausing on step three. “Gestures of kindness?” His confidence wavered. “Can’t we skip any steps?”
“No, No skipping, You got this, Hyuck. Think about it.” Jaemin was awed at the way you gently encouraged his friend. Jaemin and the rest of his friend group usually took the harsher approach, teasing him to no end.
“Alright,” Donghyuck looked visibly in thought for a moment. “Like offering her a ride home or… or staying behind to help her organize the shelves at the library?”
Jaemin hummed, nodding. “Yeah, if you can work out something more solid that would mean more to her then try that. Otherwise, I think that would work. Or bringing her lunch, If you know what she likes.”
“Got it,” Donghyuck scribbled down more notes. “Step four is Compliment Tastefully.” He looked back and forth between you two. “No pickup lines. But, natural?” He tilted his head at the question.
“Yep, Girls love to hear small compliments. About anything.” You offered, “How we’ve painted our nails? Our hair?” You listed off things for him to jot down on the paper, ending with; “Little and often.”
“Thanks, is that it?” Hyuck glanced down at his notepad again, a frown on his face. “None of this includes actually getting the title of boyfriend.”
“No, there are two more steps. The next thing is..”
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Jaemin fought tooth and nail for these tickets. He had no idea how much they were going to cost nor how many people were biting to attend the event. He remembers when you scrolled through a TikTok of the exact same event but in Paris, beneath the Eiffel Tower.
The way your face lit up when you shoved the phone in his face, rambling about how cool it was. So, when Jaemin caught wind of there being an outdoor cinema on the hill hosted at your very own University campus over the break, he just had to get you there.
But, how would Jaemin get you there without you thinking that he went through so much trouble just to get you a ticket? He thought of telling you that he found them on the ground but that would be ridiculous. There was no way you’d believe that.
Jaemin thought about it the upcoming week of the event, until the day before. You’d entered the apartment, slamming the door behind you much harsher than Jaemin was used to. His head peeked up from over the back of the couch.
“____?” He was met with angry grumbling, and the thudding of your shoes being dropped onto the floor after taking them off. “You okay?”
“Why do people have to be the way that they are?” Your sudden question stunned him for a moment, Jaemin meekly shrugged.
“Good afternoon to you, as well.” He chuckled softly, rising from the couch and rounding the half wall to the kitchen. Already on autopilot to make you a drink.
“I tried to get tickets for Grease In The Park.” Jaemin froze with his hand mid-way in grabbing a glass from the shelf.
“Oh? Really? How did that go?” He cleared his throat to try and curb the nervous waver in his voice.
He glanced over into the living room, seeing you throw yourself onto the couch with a defeated frown on your face. “Someone said they were selling theirs, so I paid way more than I should have for them and they were fake!” You had every right to be pissed, you wasted money that you could be using for gas and next month's car insurance.
Jaemin visibly relaxed out of your eyeline, filling the glass with soda and walking back to set it on the coffee table in front of you. You peered up at his bright, toothy smile, your frown deepening when he laughed softly.
“I don’t see how this is funny, Jaemin.” You grumbled, your foot jutting out to hit the back of his knee. Jaemin only nudged your legs back to perch on the edge of the couch, fingers tugging open one of the drawers in the wooden coffee table.
He produced to you an envelope, raising an eyebrow as he waved it in front of you. “Just go with me.” He stated simply, “Jeno’s now going with his girlfriend. I got a spare ticket.”
He’d never seen you move so fast, snatching the envelope from his hands to peer inside. “Holy shit! You’re not joking? These are real?” You gasped, catching the holographic authenticity sticker on the tickets. “Jaemin, Oh my god!”
Jaemin let out a grunt as he was tackled by you, his back bracing his fall against the cushions. Jaemin stilled for only a moment until he relaxed, his arms winding around your back to gently pat along your spine. “Is that a yes?”
It was and the very next day you were flattening out a picnic blanket under a blossom tree on the hill. The perfect spot to get the best view. If anybody stood up, it wouldn't obstruct your view and it was perfect. You’d insisted that you and Jaemin pack a cooler of snacks and some sandwiches, and much to his surprise you’d packed a Two-ball Screwball each.
Jaemin honestly couldn’t recall the plot of the movie, you were amazed he had never seen Grease before. Even after watching it underneath the blossom tree in the greenery behind the University's main building, Jaemin couldn’t recite the storyline. All Jaemin could remember was watching you with stars in your eyes as you belted out the lyrics to nearly every song.
As the fading notes to You’re The One That I Want got quieter, you turned to him. Jaemin loved you like this, unapologetically you. Cheeks red from the excitement and singing, eyes wide and wondrous in the nature's air. And then you floored him, leaning over to press a meaningful kiss to his cheek.
His lips parted in surprise, his own giddy smile widening as you pulled back an inch to look at him. “Thanks, Jaemin.” You whispered between you. “This has been the best movie theatre experience ever.” and with that, you tugged the spare blanket around the both of you, naturally hugging into Jaemin’s side.
Jaemin complained before about the effort to get the tickets but in that moment he vowed that he would do it again ten times over just to relive this moment.
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“You’ve got to make it sentimental. Somewhere she’s always wanted to go but don’t overdo it.” Jaemin pointed at Hyuck in a warning.
“Don’t overdo it? How much do you think this place pays me?” He snorted, gesturing to the coffee shop the three of them had been sitting in since Hyuck’s shift ended two hours ago.
“They’d probably pay you more if you did your job and stopped giving us free coffee.” You shrugged, poking at Donghyuck’s shoulder.
“I’m not even on shift right now!” Donghyuck protested, slapping his hand down on the table. “Do you really want me to start charging you for coffee?”
Jaemin’s lips tugged into a fond smile, letting his friends argue as he slid the paper and pen back toward himself to write the final two steps. He stared at it for a few moments, glancing up at you only once before nodding his head and flipping the paper face down.
Your playful stint with Donghyuck ended as Jaemin stood from his seat, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “I’ve written the last two steps down.” He began, avoiding your eyes. “I got class in fifteen.”
Jaemin swiftly left you both sitting there, Hyuck already scrolling on his phone when you nudged him. “Aren’t you going to look at step six and seven?” You nudged the paper toward him.
“Eh, read ‘em to me.” Donghyuck shrugged, glancing up at you from his game.
You rolled your eyes, reaching over for the paper. You flipped it over, skimming over the last two steps. Your heart stilled, your body seizing in shock as your brain caught up.
“Oh my god, I’m an idiot.” You whispered, Donghyuck finally glancing over to you.
“I could have told you that, but why?” His head shoved into your eyeline to look at the paper.
“So? Why are you an idiot?” He looked puzzled, eyeing your frozen form carefully.
“Look at this list,” You wave it almost frantically. “Jaemin has done every single one of these things for me.”
“Oh, Yeah. That’s cause he’s in love with you.” Your friend said casually, your head snapping in his direction.
“What?” You choked in disbelief, dropping the list to the table once more.
“I’m surprised you haven’t caught on yet,” Hyuck laughed, “Kinda tragic if you ask me, unrequited love and all.” He yelped when he received a smack to the forearm.
“It’s not unrequited!” It was almost comical how his eyes widened at your exclamation.
“Then go and find him, look at step seven.”
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You left the coffee shop in a clumsy mess, nearly headbutting the door on your way out. Honestly, you were beating yourself up over this. Just how long had you been tiptoeing around each other like this? How long had Jaemin been waiting for you to notice?
Of course, there were some intrusive thoughts shoved into the chaos of your mind. Like; What if you were overlooking this? What if Hyuck was lying? What if Jaemin had gotten bored of waiting for you and moved on already?
You skidded to a stop at your front door, suddenly remembering he wasn’t home. Jaemin was in class for at least two hours and you’d just run all the way back to the apartment to confess to him. However, with one whiff of your body, whilst taking your shoes off, you were glad he wasn’t home yet. It allowed you to shower, do your hair, and spritz some of your favorite perfume over yourself.
When Jaemin arrived home, he found you pacing the length of the living room. He wondered if you’d wear the carpet out at this rate. “Did Hyuck understand the last two points okay?” The question hung in the air as he straightened from removing his shoes.
Jaemin knew that this was make or break. You either caught on to his subliminal message or it went right over your head and he would have to revoke the entire list. Though, the look you gave him at that moment said you understood very well.
“How long?” Your voice was a mere whisper, fingers tangling amongst themselves as your feet came to a stop at the end of the couch.
Silence. Jaemin said nothing, his backpack falling from his shoulder to make a dull sound on the carpet. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, Jaemin was having trouble reading your expression. He wasn’t sure if the tears that were overspilling your eyes were a good thing or not. His teeth bit into his cheek.
“Jaemin, how long?” You moved in closer, your voice was desperate.
“A… a while.” He mumbled. “Too long,” He shook his head, suddenly finding the stain on the carpet much more interesting than the tears that spelled the pain on your face.
You sniffled, closing the gap between you to gently cup his cheeks with your palms and lift his gaze back onto yours. Jaemin caved, leaning into your loving touch with eyes fluttering closed. Warm hands cupped over your own.
“Please,” You’d never heard such vulnerability in Jaemin’s voice. “Let me down gently, ____.”
Jaemin’s eyes opened slowly, already feeling the numbness of rejection seep into his bones. But, you just shook your head with a watery smile. It made him hurt more, his first thought wondering if you were intentionally going to make him suffer for this.
“Oh, Jaem, I don’t plan to let you down at all.” Your whispered words were like a wash of color in skies of grey.
Jaemin’s breath of relief relaxed his shoulders and he wasted no time in connecting your lips. His kiss was gentle, surprisingly so for how long he had been waiting for you. Your lips were soft and he could taste the remanence of the drink you’d had earlier. Your lips slotted over Jaemin’s like they were made to be there, like a missing puzzle piece. It felt right.
It was you who pulled away first, slowly opening your eyes to smile shyly at him. “I love you, Jaemin.”
“I love you, ____”
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©acescavern, Please do not copy, repost, or translate my works. Reblogging is allowed.
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when-i-wake-if · 5 months
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It has been 18 years since humanity was brought to the truth that monsters, creatures and deities they were all too sure were myths are in fact real well most of them anyway with these new realizations comes new mysteries, problems and hope but dawn (MC 1) never paid too much attention to it but after the death of their father they have been sent reeling the perfect life they had crumbling slowly forcing them into positions they never would have dreamed of. their life colliding and slowly meshing into the unknown creature's deeper darker world. Across the city in a dingy alley badly hurt dusk (MC 2) awakes to no memories other than their name and something they were told that stung like a dagger in their heart for some reason. As Dusk tries to make sense of what is happening they somehow fall into a rabbit hole of crime, mysteries and dark truths all because they are trying to find out who they are and how they ended up in that alley
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~Customize your MCs looks, gender identity, clothing style and name
~ Choose your legal job! (Dawn starts the game with a certain job but that job doesn't stay long)
~ Make deals that will change the course of your life
~Customize your room and apartment aesthetic style
~As Dawn manage the relationship with your mother, your ex your, past relationship and current feelings about your dead dad. As Dusk unravels your past try to figure out what happened to you or set It all aside and attempt to make a new life for yourself
~Romance 4 different characters for both MCs and hey if you want to romance a god as one or both MCs!
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Dawns ROs
Xeno || Xe/Xem || 21 || Human
"Hellooo how is my favourite co-worker! I brought you your favourite drink, I'm amazing! I know~"
Description ~ Short coily dark brown hair, lean build with a Bronze complexion, dark green eyes, Nubian nose, Xyr height is 5’11, Xe has a full tattoo sleeve on Xes right arm and a tattoo on the side of Xyr neck when outside of work Xeno tends to wear ripped black jeans, no sleeve neck length shirt, runners and a bunch of rings, necklaces and one stud earring.
Selena || She/Her || ?? || Ghost
"Please! Don't be scared i mean you no harm le-let me explain"
Description ~ Shoulder-length ginger hair that is curled at the tips, She has a chubby build and pale skin, greyish blue eyes, a button nose, height if she could stand on the floor would be 5’3, freckles kiss her face and shoulders, she forever dressed in a light blue tea length swing dress and stockings with a pair of black flats, adorned in pearl earrings and necklace, to most she appears slightly translucent
Brier || He/Him or She/Her || Gender selectable|| 228 || Vampire
"Oh, sweetheart are you okay? please don't cry how about a rose? will that give you back your pretty little smile"
Description ~ Chin length afro-textured dark brown hair, Slim build and ebony complexion, Dark red eyes, button nose, height 5’7, outside of work they typically wear wide cuff pants, cropped blouse with a sweetheart collar, 4-inch heels or black dress shoes, round glasses, realistic heart shaped earrings, ruby necklace, silver rings
Míng || They/He || 30 || Dragon
"Well maybe if you watched or read the news more you would know how shitty it is, for people who aren't human like you."
Description ~ bleached white shoulder-length hair, lean build light brown complexion, black sclera and piercing yellow iris, flat nose height being 5'7, scales litter their body colours mainly being yellow and orange with some red ones sprinkled in, typically wears graphic tees , with a worn-out black bomber jacket, cargo pants and platform boots
Both MCs
Is || she/her, he/him or they/them || Gender selectable || ??? || Minor God of death {and dreams}
"Is it truly a lie or is it just not the truth you want to hear. darling, you have so much to learn"
Description~ Long straight black hair that reaches past their ass typically in some kind of intricate hairstyle with silver jewellery woven in, curvy build with a tanned complexion, pale white eyes, roman nose, height 8,5 when not forced to dress modestly they are always wearing a short dress with a marabou robe or a satin robe and six-inch heels, adorned in many silver bracelets, necklaces, rings and flower earrings and they have belly button piercing
Dusks ROs
Sire || He/Him || 26 || Kelpie
"you should watch where you going around here kid someone will end up killing you if you are not careful"
Description ~ Shoulder length wavy dark green hair so dark it almost appears black Sire's hair always seems to look wet/damp, he has a dad bod and Ivory complexion, black eyes, Greek nose, His height is on the slightly shorter side standing at 5’4, usually wearing black leather pants, dress shoes and a button up shirt that never fully buttoned up
Loralie || They/Them || 24 || Siren
"you are so adorable I could eat you up~ how about I buy you a drink gorgeous"
Description ~ Mid back length black goddess braids, Athletic Swimmer build and Dark brown complexion with dark blueish grey scales scattered about, piercing grey eyes, Flat nose, height 6’2, a large scar down the middle of their chest, gills most noticeable upon their neck, outside of work they typically wear cargo pants, muscle shirt, converse shoes, a gold locket, dangle earrings, spectrum piercing
Joshua || He/They || 20 || Werewolf
"Plan?? I never said I had a plan did I? ...oh well I didn't but don't worry I can get us out of this"
Description ~ Short messy dirty blonde hair, muscular build and tan complexion, amber eyes, Greek nose though it has obviously been broken in the past, scar along the right of their jaw, freckles speckled over his face, height 6’0, typically wears work boots, jeans and a muscle shirt with a flannel jacket
Z || She/He/They || ?? || Undead
"pay me back? how about you let me eat you and I'll take that as your repayment I'm quite hungry and you're starting to irritate me"
Description ~ Messy straight chin length black hair with strands of grey hairs throughout, skinny build and pale olive and appears slightly greeny yellowish, black eyes, hawk nose, the height of 5'6 the left corner of her mouth is carved away revealing most of their teeth and flesh and their left hands pinky and ring finger are just bone the surrounding area seems to have a hideous burn scar though he typically covers it up by wearing white gloves, black turtle neck, beige torn pants and two different pairs of dirty runners
How do you climb up from rock bottom what are you willing to do. to sacrifice. to find out the truth what will you do when you get those truths what if they aren't what you expected or wanted will you help others or push the world aside? how far is too far to achieve your goals
Demo: TBA || My other IF || Charater Portaits: coming soon
164 notes · View notes
soobrat · 5 months
fuck up my life; hjs
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milestone celebration masterlist
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˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ pairing; han jisung x afab!reader (+ lee know)
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ words; 12.3k
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ genre; smut, angst!!!
˗ˏˋ🎧´ˎ˗ warnings; very toxic relationship, two deplorable dirty cheaters, public sex, mutual masturbation, choking, very rough sex, bondage, ball gag, unprotected sex, slut shaming, large cock, dubcon(? just to be safe), slapping, squirting, spanking, biting, casual sex, you're going to hate mc and Jisung they're horrible people and just when you think it can't get worse hooooo boy
↻ ◁ || ▷ : If you can't set aside your morals for a story centered around two cheaters, I don't blame you, but this fic ain't for you lol. This is the first part of the second story! I'm so late to 1.5k that we're close to 2k, so I can't wait to start writing that one. Right now I'll just focus on the other two parts of this :*)
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act i ➻ yeah right
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Your blue eyeshadow was too flashy. Your cut crease and eyeliner too sharp and intense. Your overlined nude lipstick was downright gaudy. Feeling pleased, you stand from your vanity and inspect your outfit in the full-body mirror to your left. 
The thin silk fabric cinched in slightly at your waist, accentuating your breasts and hips. You’re basically telling men to look at them. Oh, and that slit. You turn to get a better look at it, tsking when you catch a glimpse of the swell of your ass. With how high the slit runs up and how short the dress is to begin with, you might as well just go out in your underwear. You looked like a cheap, tacky whore.
It was perfect.
With one last look in the mirror, you adjust the collar of your dress. With there being no sleeves on your dress or anything covering your shoulders, the thick piece of fabric was the only thing keeping you from flashing the entire club. Long strips of silk cascade down your back after you tie it securely around your neck. 
You flounce past your drunken boyfriend on the couch, the loud click and clack of your D’orsay heels taunting him to take a look. He scrambles to sit up and doesn’t bother turning off the TV. He’s annoyed but not that bothered by you leaving the house in this state.
“What, are you going out to find someone to fuck?” He slurs. You spare him by not even glancing once. You’re sure he doesn’t want to be seen when he’s being a belligerent fool. “Huh? Is that what you’re doing? You look like a prostitute!” He yells more frantically when he realizes he’s not deterring you. You snicker before finally looking back at the poor man. His shirt is more stain than polyester and his blue-striped boxers sit crooked on his hips. His hair is a mess and he can barely keep his eyes open.
“‘Twas the goal, my love.” You smile with a wink before leaving him to drink himself to sleep.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You hadn’t been to The Eve in years, since before you were cleansed. You enter and become engulfed by the pulsing music and dancing bodies. Looking around you can’t help but smile. This is where you belong. Across the room is a man who doesn’t share this sentiment. He feels out of place. He glances around nervously at the shameless PDA and lousy dancing. He should be at home with his loving girlfriend. 
Jiwoo is breathtaking. Her expressive eyes and radiant smile keep his lungs in constant lockdown. It’s true that she and Jisung are extremely different. She’s an early bird while he’s a night owl. Her active lifestyle makes Jisung seem sedentary. Also, she doesn’t want to have sex much at all. And when they do have sex, it’s vanilla missionary. At the beginning of their relationship, Jisung was convinced her lifestyle just needed some getting used to. Three years later and he's only gotten less strong-willed. He’s suffocating.
He needs to breathe.
Jisung has been off the market for quite a while now. After moving in with Jiwoo, his priorities shifted. He’s not a kid anymore. It’s time for him to get serious and settle down. So, no, Jisung hasn’t been to a club in a minute. It was all stressing him out, but he was dressed up and he was already here. He should at least get a drink.
One drink becomes two and two become four. Jiwoo would be pissed. He already feels guilty about keeping how he’s feeling a secret, and now he’s drunk and alone. He can already hear her lecturing him. He laughs to himself, forehead thudding on the surface of the bar. 
Everyone around him looks so carefree as they dance and shove their tongues down each other’s throats. How do they do it? Maybe he should get up and try. The dancing part, of course. Maybe he was drunk. Pushing through the sea of bodies was a blur. He was just determined to get somewhere in the middle. The more he’s completely surrounded, the more immersed he feels in the atmosphere. He gets it now, he sways his body to the music.
The people surrounding him brush against him, sometimes even knocking into him. It only helps him levitate higher. With an extended exhale he floats until he’s hovering in the atmosphere. A body brushes against his front, pulling him back down to Earth. His eyes travel down to an ass against his crotch. Electricity crawls up his legs, prickling at his skin. He doesn’t realize his hands are resting on your waist until the fabric of your short dress rides up.
“At least tell me your name before you take my clothes off.” Your voice is sweet, seductive, it makes his head swim. He yanks his hands away and tries to back up only to bump into someone behind him. His body is propelled back into you, and your behind is back against his groin. He groans, hands gripping your upper arms to keep you at a distance. “What’s wrong babe?” His hands slip from your soft skin as you flip around to face him.
The face put to the seductive voice was a near perfect match. There was a look of intrigue behind your alluring gaze as you examined Jisung. He couldn’t help feeling a hint of danger as you looked him over. The way you hold yourself indicates explicitly how confident you are. As your eyes travel back to his face he nearly flinches from the sharpness of your eyes. Did you think he was pathetic? 
Jisung clears his throat and squares his shoulders. Your smirk and snort make him shrivel up again. You lean in with an earnest look on your face.
“You seem like a sweet guy.” You smile before sauntering elsewhere. Jisung looks down, alarmed by his hand reaching out for you. He physically pulls it back with his other hand. His encounter with you sobers him up immediately and he rushes out of the club. What he should be doing is being there for his girlfriend and being upfront with how he feels.
On the way home he chews on his lip, regarding the bulge in his pants nervously. He takes a shower before even thinking of crawling into bed with Jiwoo. He sighs deeply as he joins her under the covers. It’s warm and comforting, despite how his thoughts prod at him. He should wait until the morning instead of waking her. He extends his arm to hold Jiwoo but hesitates. His mouth falls open slightly as he stares at the back of her head.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
“Jisung. Jisung!” His girlfriend’s annoyed voice jolts him awake. She throws a hand through her messy hair that just falls back around her face. He squints as the sun intrudes his eyesight, it was definitely way too early to be awake. He looks up and smiles groggily.
“Good morning.”
“Don’t good morning me, you made a mess!” She gestures agitatedly at the bed. Jisung pauses before ripping the covers away. The moist feeling against his hip and upper thigh becomes more apparent when he sees his soiled boxers and sheets. He looks up at Jiwoo as she makes a frustrated noise. She pulls the fabric of her nightgown, looking nauseated by the semen coating it. The throb Jisung feels in his groin is downright reprehensible. Whenever they have sex, Jiwoo makes him pull out and cum into his hand. The sight of his semen on her makes him aware that not only did he cum in his sleep, but he’s hard again. 
“Don’t just sit there, clean it up!” Jisung scrambles up from the bed, wrapping the comforter around him when he hears the increasing urgency in her voice. Jiwoo was repulsed by bodily fluids. Saliva, semen, sweat, all of it. She gagged once when he accidentally came in her mouth. The incident made both of them swear off blowjobs. Jisung was completely willing after the look on her face. He felt horrible. Yet here he is, getting turned on while she’s freaking out.
“I’m so, so sorry.” He laments as he rips the sheets off the bed. He watches with remorse as she rushes to the bathroom. His uncomfortable hard-on made him wonder what got him all worked up in the first place. He’s had many dreams where Jiwoo was a nymphomaniac and did unspeakable things to him. Even then, he only woke up with a boner, he never came in his sleep.
Dread fills his body as flashes of his dream enter his mind. That residual heat lingered the entire time he was awake, only now is he realizing where it came from. Images of you with your breasts exposed while bouncing on his cock fill his brain. 
“Such a sweet boy.” You moan lewdly.
Jisung shakes the dream away and clenches his eyes shut. It was because he was drunk. That was all. He loves Jiwoo.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You brace yourself as your hand wraps firmly around the doorknob. With a sharp inhale you push the door open and are immediately greeted with your boyfriend still on the couch. He had cleaned up, it was the afternoon after all, and he fixes you with a disappointed scowl. He takes the time to realize that you’re wearing another man’s shirt again.
“What the fuck-”
He rushes over to you and you raise your arms into the air expectantly. He grits his teeth before pulling the souvenir sweatshirt over your torso and head. This time he doesn’t toss it in the garbage, he angrily throws it to the ground. 
“I thought that would piss you off.” You grin, eyes tracking him as he fumes.
“Aren’t you tired?” He asks exasperatedly. A grimace flickers through your smile but you force it back. “Aren’t you?” You quip back, angling your face closer to his. Your heartbeat accelerates when he doesn’t move away.
“You want me to fuck you? Is that why you’re doing all of this?”
You bite your lip, not shying away from his aggression. “So why don’t you fucking ask like a normal person?” He shoves you backward and you hit the door. A moan is pulled from you involuntarily. He growls, unbuckling his belt before shoving his pants down. His hands are rough as he grips you, spinning you around and pushing you into the door. Anticipation rips through you until you’re close to trembling. He makes quick work of hiking your dress up and moving the shamefully thin fabric to the side. 
“This what you want?” He wraps his arm around your chest before shoving his cock inside you. You moan out, still not answering him. He squeezes your jaw hard with his other hand. “Fucking answer me!” His voice is piercing right next to your ear and you jump, pussy clenching around him. You whimper but your resolve stays intact. He grunts as he continues to fuck you in a position that curves your back uncomfortably. 
“You’re not answering because you know you’re a whore.” His voice wavers under the power of his thrusts. “Did you let him cum inside you?”
“You think I’m disgusting don’t you?” You moan. He doesn’t answer, giving you the same treatment you gave him. He instead wraps his hand around your throat and squeezes until your eyes roll back. He doesn’t speak anymore. The living room fills with grunts, heavy breathing, and the sound of his skin impacting yours. 
He shoots his load inside you with jerky thrusts, tightening his hand around your throat until your hearing and sight get cloudy. He lets you breathe before shoving you away. You gasp in air a little too quickly, losing balance from the shove and falling into a coughing fit. Your knees burn from scraping the floor after the impact. As dread starts to spread, you count in your head; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-
“Stand up.” His voice sounds uncaring but his hands are gentle as he lifts you off the ground. A genuine smile almost creeps through as you clear your throat. “Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up.” You can hear his bite start to wane. 
He took longer than last time but he still did it. He always comes around. 
Despite what he said, he ends up being the one kneeling between your legs while you sit on the toilet. You wince as he wipes between your folds. The cloth is damp and cold. He doesn’t speak the entire time. His jaw is tight and his thick, dark brows are drawn together. “I could do this myself.” You stare down at him before sighing.
He doesn’t answer.
“Do you remember that shirt I wore in high school?” Minho’s hand hovers in the air as he hesitates. You puff air through your nose as you smirk. “Because I’ll never forget how you scolded me. You were so nerdy with your glasses.” You giggle.
Minho continues wiping away at your mound. “You came stomping up to me and said “those words are inappropriate for school!” and told me to put on the proper uniform.”
Still nothing. Is he doing it because he knows what his silence does to you or because he genuinely doesn’t want to speak to you? The former is better, you can grapple with spite. But you can see his face softening. He’s reflecting on your fond memories, but he still says nothing.
“You never stopped. You’re still that nerd in the glasses trying to get me to behave and probably always will be.”
Minho finally looks at you. He scowls at you and you brace for him to blow up. But he just drops the rag with a gross splat before leaving the bathroom. You shoot up from the toilet.
“Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t like the sound of that.” You chase after him. “You want to give up don’t you?-” He slams the bathroom door in your face and you listen as his heavy shoes thud away.
Your nostrils burn with each inhale. The air is dry, you said that to him when you bought this apartment together. He didn’t listen to you.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Jisung was dozing off at work. It was his fault for jizzing in his sheets. He guesses Jiwoo could’ve just cleaned herself up and waited for Jisung to wake up to wash the sheets and scrub the mattress. But she didn’t and there’s no point in thinking about what if’s.
Still, he was probably gonna be here for a while. Probably gonna have to work overtime. He already planned to put his right hand to good use in the bathroom, making sure to stay quiet. Jiwoo would surely ask why he didn’t ask to have sex. She doesn’t know he watches porn or the type he watches. She’d probably faint, thinking the man she’d been with for three years was some debauched pervert.
Turns out he didn’t have to work overtime. He takes the extra hours at his disposal to take a walk through the city. He told himself he was just walking around aimlessly, but his feet were walking a specific route. Taking him to a place he should be swearing off. He can see the neon sign in the corner of his eyes, bright green and screaming at him. Walk past, you should be home by now.
He hesitantly peeks at the sign. If he were to walk in right now, would you be there again? Jisung curses under his breath, shaking the thought from his head. He shouldn’t be thinking such a thing right now. 
She was strange anyway, he thought. Calling him a sweet guy from such a brief exchange. What did she know?
Jisung eventually gives up on his walk, ignoring his brain screaming at him to take a peek inside. When he walks through the door Jiwoo is sitting on the couch, frantically nipping at her nails. She shoots up when she sees him.
“There you are.” She breathes, as if she’d been holding it. She bounds toward him and wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest before he can even hang his coat up. “I was worried you’d be working overtime tonight.” She chuckles, failing to disguise how nervous she seems. With his features wound tight, he flicks his sleeve away to look at his watch. It’s 9 pm, she should be in her pajamas already and reading a book in bed.
“You waited for me?” He asks, puzzled. Though, he was more fretful than anything. 
“Yeah, I wanted to apologize.” She slowly pulls away, guilt weighing down her cute mousey features. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.” Her eyes flit up at him before she shuts them with a sigh. “Or woken you up.”
Jisung blinks, realizing she probably saw his dark circles. His fretting got stronger the more she spoke and suddenly he found himself in total panic mode. "Y-you don’t have to worry about that! I’m the asshole. I knew very well you don’t like body fluids.”
“You were asleep, Jisung. How could you have known?” She implores. She was right, it’s not like he forced himself to cum. But that part was only a cover for what he was truly guilty about. If anyone should be apologizing, it should be him. Right as he takes a breath, Jiwoo is sighing and stepping away.
“I’m gonna go get ready for bed now. Oh, and–” Jiwoo spins back around and gives Jisung an emphatic look. “You’re not an asshole, Jisung. You’re sweet. The sweetest guy I’ve met.”
After Jiwoo is closed within the bathroom Jisung feels multiple emotions tugging at his stomach. He should tell her. About everything. How he still isn’t used to their different preferences. His browser history. Going to the club. The dream.
He rushes after Jiwoo, pushing the bathroom door open to see her naked body. She squeaks and covers herself up. “J-Jisung? What…”
When he feels himself start to get hard he immediately shuts the door. He could just relieve himself and try again later. But where? She was in the bathroom. She’d be pissed if he came anywhere else. 
He kneels on his bed with uncertainty before collapsing on his face. He definitely shouldn’t do it here, but he still starts jutting into the mattress. The comforter is wiped clean of her scent so his fantasizing was dulled. But he still humps with fervor, finding something inside him egging him on. He clenches the comforter and lets out a squeezed grunt once the shower comes on. 
Jisung has been a no-good boyfriend. Apparently her friends keep banking on her to be the first to get hitched in her friend group. If only they knew what he was thinking about right now. They’d beg her to break up with him, plead her to stop shopping for rings. Maybe one of them would even speak up about the sneaking suspicions they’ve been harboring this entire time.
“I knew he would do something like that. He looks like the type to have wandering eyes.”
He whimpers, hiking a knee higher to really press his groin against the mattress. “He definitely checks out other women, he probably does it shamelessly too.”
It would be Haseul, he can feel it in the way she looks at him. She knows, she can sense that he’s no good. Jisung unbuttons his jeans to let the tip of his cock peek out from under his underwear. It feels so hot and soft against his stomach that he’s able to ignore his concerns about making Jiwoo upset. He even spits into his hand, a thick glob like he fantasizes about, before smoothing it over his cock head. 
He moves to his knees, gripping his shaft with two hands and fucking into them. With puffs of airy moans, he lets his eyes flutter shut and fantasizes about spraying his cum all over the bed. Oh, Jiwoo would get so upset. She’d call him disgusting and probably kick him out. She’d break up with him because of how bad he is.
He’s so close he can feel the heat swirling in his groin but then the shower shuts off and he hurriedly stuffs himself back in his pants. As he zips and buttons himself back up he can feel that euphoria slipping away, leaving him cold and unsatisfied.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You linger outside your door a little longer today. You can hear the tv blaring behind it. Maybe if you come in later than usual you can conjure up some more of his passion. He’s been colder. You’re pushing it.
It was unlike you to be so antsy but the possibility of you getting to him made you open the door. Minho glances up at you, only to look back at the tv like it was nothing.
For the first time in years you felt wary about the shirt you borrowed from your escapades. You stand in the living room, waiting for anything. He could even break up with you and it’d be better than this. Feeling suffocated, you leave to your room. You barely got any sleep at your one night stand’s house. You couldn’t stop thinking about how you’ve entered a new phase. The one where they realize you’re not worth it. That you’re easy with no thrill.
You strip your clothes off and lift your covers, slipping beneath them. You angrily wipe away the tear that slips free as you lay your head on your pillow. This is what you wanted. You were asking for him to stop pretending to care about you. He’s finally done it.
When you wake up it’s dark out. Minho is nowhere to be found. Not in the bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen, or the spot he’s carved out for himself on the couch. 
You wish you could track him down and force him to face you. What would you do then? You’ve tried pissing him off and pushing him until he has no choice but to blow up at you. What if he doesn’t do that anymore.
Your eyes scan the faces of each mid-height male dancing under the dim lights. They’re desperate to find those pouty lips. That annoyed stare that didn’t change the fact that he resembled a rabbit.
Him being here is past wishful thinking. Him being here means he’s decided to meet you at your level. It took a lot of letting him down to get him to even fuck you the way he does now. The day he becomes a degenerate to understand you is decades ahead, if you two make it that far.
You see a pair of glasses that feel familiar. Thinking of the Minho from when you started dating used to be sweet. But seeing those thick rimmed, square glasses make you sick right now. You clench your fists. Being in this atmosphere this long without a drink feels strange, but it doesn’t stop you from making your way over to the guy with the glasses. You shove at his shoulder, forcing his attention on you. 
Jisung stares at you like a deer in the headlights. He wonders if you somehow know about the naughty dreams he had about you, or that he’s happy to see you for the worst reasons. His thoughts won’t shut up. They indulge in the nasty fantasies while simultaneously telling him he’s a monster because of them. 
Jisung wipes his sweaty palms off on his t-shirt, only then do you recognize him. It’s hard to forget someone who wears a t-shirt to a club. The same person you saw nudging their way onto the dance floor seemingly in a trance. You’re still unclear why someone like him stumbled in here, or why he’s back.
“I-I’m sorry, you probably mistook me for someone else.” Jisung distances himself discreetly with a nervous smile.
“I didn’t.” You flash him the same smile you’re sure scared him off last time. You expected him to chase after you, but when you looked back, he was rushing out of the club. You should stay away from people like him. He’s practically trembling. Your eyes drag slowly up and down his frame. “You’re a sweet boy, you shouldn’t get involved with someone like me.” You say as if he told you he was interested. You’re being insanely presumptuous, but you have your reasons.
“I would never. I have… I have a girlfriend.” Jisung announces proudly. At that moment, the both of you come to an understanding. He got a boner when you guys danced together and now he’s unabashedly staring at your cleavage.
And Jisung? He’s aware of how obvious he’s being. The lust is as pleasing as it is painful. He’s drunk on it, eating up the black, strapless bustier hoisting up your tits and miniskirt tempting him to imagine your panties. His current behavior isn’t very sweet of him, you both think.
And it’s exciting all the same.
The lights bathe both of you in shifting hues as you swirl your hips against his groin. Your hand reaches to rest on the back of his neck, pulling him closer until his breath ghosts on your neck. Time is stuck in slow motion as you both relish in the teasing. It’s exhilarating, sending shockwaves through both your veins. 
Jisung’s breath labors more and more the further he gets into his fantasy. He’s already decided that your panties are red and lacy. The straps are thin and sit high on your hips. You have on a matching strapless bra and the cups cut so low that your nipples accidentally pop out when he yanks your top down. His burlish hands grope harshly at them while he bites your neck.
Your filthy moan makes his eyes snap open. His lips are actually on your neck and his hands have moved up from your hips to your breasts. Thankfully he didn’t expose you to the rest of the club, but that’s the least of his concerns. This is it. He can’t go back now. His erection is pressed firmly against you, riding up your skirt, and his hands are squeezing your tits. Jiwoo would be absolutely devastated. Fuck, fuck, fuck, desperation pleads and claws at him. Crippling shame and guilt wrack throughout his body.
This time a filthy noise leaves his mouth as his hips jerk against you. His cock is throbbing and his head is swirling with need. The fantasy has escalated. You’re gagged and bound, writhing underneath him. He grabs a handful of your pussy. He’s ripped from his fantasy once again once he feels lace on his fingers. Your face turns against his, your mouth grazing his cheek as you buck uncontrollably in his grip. Jisung grunts and presses you hard against him. Hot seed spurts up from his tip, soiling his underwear.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Jisung rushes home and slams the door behind him. He rests against it, steadying himself. His heart feels like it’ll give out. He can’t stop replaying what happened. It makes his knees weak and triggers a deep ache in his pants. It feels so fucking good to think about. It feels so incredibly bad to think about. Jisung collapses to his knees with an anguished sob. 
“I’m so sorry.” He sputters out.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Your routine was interrupted. You return later that same night to see Minho asleep on the couch. You wonder if he’d feel relieved if he saw you returning home early. 
He shouldn’t.
You’re still thinking about him. You don’t know his name and you’ve never seen anything but an imprint of his dick, but he’s running through your mind. You want fuck him bad. Bad enough that you’re touching yourself in bed. You let out a whine when the memory gets to the part where he runs away. He ran away from you again.
Now you know it’s because of guilt rather than being intimidated. There’s a chance you'll never see him again. It makes you more upset than you care to admit. You know what it feels like when you like someone. You avoid them like the plague and feel like throwing up at the thought of them. They make you imagine a bright future way too early. This is not that, but it’s not like your other one night stands either.
Thinking of him makes you think about the state of you and Minho. You sprawl out in your empty bed after climaxing. The cool parts of the sheets sizzle against your hot skin. You stare blankly out the window, hoping sleep will take pity on you and save you from your thoughts.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You sit at the edge of your bed for what feels like hours. Today you wish you could get to The Eve early. You’re disgusted with yourself. You want to plan your outfit and pick out something extra special. What the fuck is wrong with you. The door opening almost breaks you free from being locked in place. 
“Were you here all night?” 
You look up at Minho, who’s taken aback by the fear in your eyes.
“Are you okay? Did something happen?” His concern is strong enough to show on his face, but not to come further into the room. You bite your lip and focus back on nothing. 
“Why are you worried about me?” You ask in disappointment. It’s easy to understand why someone on the outside would think it was disappointment in him. It wasn't. 
He leaves after that. Either he asked himself that question and came to his senses, or–
You sigh, shakily standing from the bed. It doesn’t matter.
Later that night, Minho is gone again. Not there to see you dressed up with more intent than usual.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
“What have you been up to lately?”
The question was like a metal pipe crashing into Jisung’s skull. He whips his head around to gape at her. The fear in his eyes catches Jiwoo off guard but she laughs it off.
“I’ve been washing more of your favorite t-shirts lately. I thought you only saved those for special occasions?” She wiggles her eyebrows at him. She’s being cheeky, but the bile climbing up Jisung’s throat doesn’t care about that. He should tell her now before it gets worse. She’s such a wonderful woman that she’d probably forgive him. She’s so perfect, she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.
Jisung’s cock twitches.
“I’m just trying to do more things that make me happy.” The words fly out of him, not a stutter, wobble, or voice crack in sight.
“D’aw,” Jiwoo pouts, touched as she sets down the dish she was drying to come sit next to him. She wraps her arm around his shoulder and pulls him in before placing a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I’m really happy to hear that!” Her smile slowly fades as worry takes over. “You know, I was worried that you seemed really down lately. I was thinking of canceling on the girls next month…”
“No!” A strange authoritative tone crops up. Jisung gives Jiwoo a firm look. “You’ve been excited about this trip for so long! You should absolutely go. The only reason I may have been down lately is because I’ve been feeling a little suffocated. I decided to try new things around town and it’s been helping.” Jisung turns his body toward her, grabbing both her hands. “Don’t you worry about me, okay?” One could say ‘trying new things around town’ wasn’t a complete lie, but it still worries him that he’s lying to his future wife so easily.  
“Okay… but if you need me to cancel-” Jiwoo attempts to rush out, but Jisung hits her with an even firmer look. 
“Go.” He says simply. With that, Jiwoo is back to beaming. She throws her arms around him and gives him a tight squeeze. Over her shoulder, Jisung’s smile fades.
Later that night, Jisung plants his dirty lips on a sleeping Jiwoo’s cheek before leaving.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Jisung is anxious as he searches through the club. He doesn’t see you anywhere at the edges of the club. The last place to look is in the middle. Jisung pushes his way through, feeling his body buzz the further in he gets.
In the middle he spots a woman with a low waisted, flowy skirt and bandeau top. When you twirl around, the skirt’s front is revealed to be asymmetrical, almost tattered in appearance with its two high slits. You move closer to him, the hunger in your eyes matching his. You breathe hotly and grab his face. All the pent up passion built up overnight culminates in a sloppy kiss. A kiss that you can barely call a kiss with your tongues laving at each other’s mouths and chins.
Another boundary has been broken. Jisung grunts, grabbing you by the throat and yanking you away from him. The shock in your eyes would give him pause before the kiss. Right now, Jisung’s lust has taken over. You might slap him or tell him off now, and he’ll respect your wishes. But you don’t do anything, other than flashing pleading eyes at him. His nostrils flare as his breathing gets heavier. He leans in and draws your bottom lip back with his teeth. After he releases it he’s leaning by your ear. 
“Open your fucking mouth.” He growls. 
Your mouth lolls open, your eyes begging even more. Jisung spits into your mouth, some of the saliva landing on your chin. You close your mouth, putting on a show of cleaning up your mess with your tongue. Jisung balls the back of your skirt within his fist and pulls you closer. Your tongues are exploring each other’s mouths as Jisung reaches under the front of your skirt. He gasps against your lips when his fingers dip straight into your wet heat. You chuckle before licking a stripe up his cheek. The skirt you’re wearing isn’t short, but the slits in the front are high enough that one bold dance move could show the entire club your cunt. 
Jisung nearly whimpers, steeling himself before plunging two fingers in immediately. You moan loudly, the loud music drowning it out. Jisung keeps you pressed close enough that only someone paying close attention could see you getting your hole fingered. Your head lulls, resting against his chest as you shut your thighs around his hand. Jisung lets go of your skirt to tug at your hair. He yanks your head back. 
“Open them back up. Now.” He spits next to your ear.
You bitch and whine, but you still do it. An intense heat overwhelms his cock. He should fuck you right now. He should tear your skirt off and use the tattered fabric to bind your wrists together while he fucks you right in the middle of all these people. The club goers bump into both of you at all sides. One stumbles backward, propelling you forward and plunging Jisung deeper. Jisung licks his tongue into your open mouth. 
Your tongues tangle together while a droplet of your juices trails down Jisung’s forearm. 
“I’m gonna cum! Choke me!” You plead pathetically. Jisung doesn’t hesitate to oblige, squeezing until your eyes roll back. Jisung finds himself mimicking your pained expression as your cunt spasms around his fingers. He grinds pitifully into nothing, reverting back to his fantasy. Your bandeau is made into a makeshift gag as he fucks you so hard your tits spasm in different directions. Your entire body jiggles from the force. 
The feeling of your hand cupped around his bulge lights up his synapses. He groans, it’s guttural as sperm shoots into his underwear for the second night in a row.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Jisung watches Jiwoo carefully, who just thanked him for doing laundry more often. Things are better than before, the two of them are more affectionate. She even has sex with him a little more. He doesn’t cum, which she was initially concerned about. He reminded her that this was ideal in their situation, and she felt better instantly.
Jisung realized long ago that missionary did nothing for him. He started to fantasize about you during it, but decided that was somehow crossing the line. Not the countless times now you’ve made him cum in his pants. Not the fact that you and Jisung have your hands down each other’s pants every night now. Not the fact that he now knows a list of what turns you on and has it memorized.
Jiwoo leaves tomorrow.
That fact replays in his mind as he watches Jiwoo maneuver around the kitchen. She catches him staring and smiles. He smiles back. 
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You chuck the bag over the high rim of the dumpster. You feel lighter, and it’s not just because you’re no longer lugging a heavy trash bag of large t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies. 
When you walk back in the house Minho is familiarly pushing you back against the door. His eyes are wild, and you can’t recall a time he’s looked this crazed.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He grits before grinding his jaw. He’s fuming. That in itself scares you a bit, but it’s also that he’s been getting more and more antsy for the past month. 
“I-I don’t…”
“Bullshit.” He spits, making you flinch. He releases his tight grip on your shoulders, sharp eyes still trained on you. “You’re fucking disgusting.” His voice cracks a little. 
You’re not scared he’ll do something to you. Well, not anything abusive anyway. You’re scared because he knows you’re up to no good. You don’t know if he’s narrowed it down exactly, but you know he’s onto you. 
Seeing Jisung is the highlight of your day. Your body ignites in goosebumps as soon as you see him. Something about him, the horrible thing he’s doing, makes you feel even better about yourself than all the years Minho dedicated to fixing you. 
“Fuck you.” He spits before retreating into the bedroom. He’s been spending so much time in there that you took his place on the couch. You sleep there in your day clothes, crying yourself to sleep. 
When you see Jisung that night, you’re more exhausted than usual. He pulls your hair like he usually does, smashing his lips against yours. You don’t love it as much as you usually do. You just want to climb into bed with Minho and hold him. A part of you knows he even wants you to. But you can’t. You don’t deserve it. So you cry as you kiss someone else’s boyfriend.
He laps up the tears and you’re slowly soothed. You’re not sure to what extent, but you’ve come to understand that Jisung is a monster. He frequently brings up how wrong it is that he’s treating his girlfriend like this. His cock throbs when he talks about how he knows she’s planning to propose. He cums after imagining her face if she saw the two of you. 
“So, do you want to come over tomorrow?” He asks with a twinkle in his eye. You were both stood outside of the club. The same day he described in detail his fantasy of his girlfriend forgetting something and coming back only to see her boyfriend balls deep in you, he revealed that she actually is going away. And now he’s making another part of that fantasy a reality. You take a long drag of your cigarette, mascara smudged all around your eyes. You blow, realizing you’re not the least bit repulsed. You feel good.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You linger outside of the bedroom door, hand repeatedly reaching for the knob but deciding against it. Your eyes flutter shut, remembering how warm his embrace used to be. 
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
When Jisung opens the door, something feels off. Maybe it’s the lack of loud music and dancing bodies bumping into the both of you, but the hunger isn’t there yet. 
You shuffle inside, annoyed when he whistles and rocks on his feet. 
“D’you want something to drink?” He says, not meeting your eyes. 
“No. Is that the bedroom?”
“Yeah…” He hesitates before he answers and swallows hard after. “Yeah, let’s uh… let’s head inside.” Jisung offers to hang your purse up on the hook by the door, right next to a wooden bat. You do it yourself.
The bedroom is pleasantly designed, it’s clean and organized, and there’s a picture of Jisung and his girlfriend on the nightstand. A part of you was scared he was lying about it, this cements it. He hurries over to lay it down after seeing you stare at it. 
“So um, I have a few things in mind, but we could of course do whatever you want to do.”
So far this is a complete let down. You’ve confirmed that he’s an actual monster, but now you’re not so sure about his dominance. Was it just a fluke while you were at the club? You didn’t come here to be asked how you want be fucked. You sigh, considering going home and crying yourself to sleep again. While looking at the floor you see two feet plant themselves in front of you. 
When you look up at Jisung, you don’t intend for your eyes to be as glassy and pitiful as they are. It’s Jisung’s turn to sigh. 
“You’re just hopeless, aren’t you?” Jisung runs his knuckles down your cheek. The gesture confuses you, but then you notice his eyes. Before you can get excited, his hand is wrapped around your throat. Your eyes flutter shut. “Gonna make me do all the work? Hm? Can’t even fucking talk?”
You’re too busy relishing in the wave of relief crashing over you to realize you’re being disobedient. A slap across your face brings you back to reality. 
“Fucking. Speak.” He demands lowly. 
“N-no, I won’t make you do all the work–”
“Then get your ass on the bed. Hike it in the air.” 
You rush over, kneeling on the bed and pulling your dress off. Jisung comes over and yanks it the rest of the way, impatiently. He grabs your head and shoves it into the mattress before grabbing the rope from the nightstand. He told Jiwoo he wanted to learn sailor knots when she found it. He wasn’t completely lying, which is why he was able to demonstrate some for her.
Even a simple one was enough to convince her, that same knot is enough to restrain you and fulfill one of his biggest fantasies. Jisung unbuckles his belt not only to relieve some of the building pressure, but also to bend it in half. He raises the belt before swinging it down. The leather laps painfully against your ass. Your body jolts and you gasp. The sting doesn’t go away before the next lash. Another and another, Jisung is completely relentless. He stops only to haphazardly free his bottom half. 
You feel the bed dip again behind you, whimpering like a puppy. Then you feel his hard cock against your ass. You chant pleas under your breath, cunt clenching desperately to feel him inside.
“Don’t know how to shut up, huh? That’s okay,” Jisung leans over, grabbing the ball gag from on top of his nightstand. One of the many things he picked up this morning in preparation. He fastens it securely around your head, pulling the ball further into your mouth until you can’t coherently beg anymore. 
“If I were you I would stop that begging. It’ll only take longer for me to fuck you, okay?” Jisung’s voice was laced with sympathy undercut by a sinister undertone. You nod against the bed, trying to quiet your whimpering. 
You yelp as the belt lashes against you again. 
“What the fuck did I say?” He warns in a growl. You panic, silencing yourself immediately.
Swing after swing after swing after swing. Jisung punishes your ass until it’s red hot and tears have thoroughly soaked your cheeks. You gargle softly against the gag. 
“Good girl. Good fucking girl.”
You pant excitedly as he grabs your hips and pulls you closer. 
“If I do this for you, give you what you want, you have to keep it up. No noises while I fuck you open.”
You nod frantically, trembling from the sheer anticipation. His tip prods against your entrance. You knew he’d be the biggest you ever had from the times you jerked him off, but feeling him attempt to push into your hole made your eyes blow wide. You panic again, worried you’re not going to stay quiet. 
Then he shoves his way in. Luckily the force makes you choke on your scream. Your legs shake, fists balling tight. You’re pleased when you hear Jisung’s euphoric moan. He stays submerged inside you, but he’s moaning uncontrollably. 
“F-fuck, I can see your asshole fluttering, baby girl.” Jisung sounds like he might cry. He slaps your ass, this time with his own hand, testing your silence. With that, he starts moving. The pace is already brutal. His rhythmic, chesty moans show just how much this is getting to him. Does his girlfriend fuck him at all? Whatever. She doesn’t deserve this anyway. This is all for you. 
Your feet jerk up from the bed with each punishing thrust. It’s like he can’t help himself, he has to go balls deep every time. Each thrust with your cunt stroking him pulls a different string of moans. You’ve never heard him so vocal, and it’s never been so hard to shut up. He’s milking your pussy so good it’s making you cry. Silent sobs squeeze from your body as his body drapes over yours. He grabs your throat, making it even worse. Your sobs become audible, but he doesn’t even care. You’re both too far gone to care about how loud you’re both being.
His bottom lip drags from your shoulder up to the apex of your neck. He’s croaking out moans right next to your ear and you know he’s gone. You tug at your restraints, wishing you could touch and claw him right now. 
His seed is hot as it spurts into you. The sensation sends your body down, flat to the bed. His hips follow, continuing to buck into you as your orgasm rockets through you. You essence squelches around him until it forces him out, continuing to spray and soil the both of you.
The two of you lie there with loud, hoarse pants for what feels like hours. You expect to turn and see the sun rising. It doesn’t matter because it’s sunny inside your body. The minute Jisung unties you, you’re reaching to hold him close. Your hands travel down his back and over his shoulders like you’d been craving. Somehow the come down is still so euphoric. You both buzz long after you’ve cum.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
It was two years ago that Minho put a code on his phone. He doesn’t use it for anything but checking emails and making calls, so he didn’t worry about most of the traditional phone activities. You never understood why putting a code on his phone was included in that, and you warned him multiple times that he would get his phone stolen. You knew that a code wouldn’t keep someone from getting in if they really wanted to, but you weren’t saying it to help him out. Besides, he’d just shrug anyway. 
So you went through his phone. 
You guys had a fight, back when they used to be coherent, and then he put a lock on his phone. All that to say, you couldn’t have prepared for Minho’s spotty appearances lately if you wanted to. You were serious about tracking him. The unknown was sure to kill you. Death was the only thing that could come from pain like this. You didn’t actually do it this time, did you?
Was he at someone’s house? Someone who’s been begging him to ditch you and enter a healthier relationship? Who could it be? He doesn’t go to church, his family either lives far away or are constantly going on trips, his friends have essentially rage quit their friendship… who else does that leave?
You wish that meant there was no other way he could’ve connected with someone, but it’s not true. He’s handsome and a great guy. There’s no way no one has approached him in all these years.
Your vision has long blurred, the show on the television becoming blobs of color. You haven’t showered since you’ve been with Jisung. You feel gross but have no desire to move. Whenever you hurt him, it’s intentional. Sometimes you even spend the night alone at a hotel and buy a shirt from the men’s section the next morning, pulling it onto your frame right before you get to the door. Right now, it’s completely subconscious. You’re going to Jisung’s in an hour and it’s the only thing that makes you feel like anything other than death. The warm feeling you get at the idea of being with Jisung doesn’t come from wanting a reaction out of Minho. That brings a dark, gnarling fear out of the depths of your soul.
You don’t like Jisung. You love Minho. That much is apparent when you see Jisung. He doesn’t give you butterflies. You just feel comfort in the way he can still fuck you with traces of his girlfriend everywhere.
Jisung freezes mid-greeting to look at your old clothes. You’re definitely different from your encounters at the club. He noticed you go from dominant and intimidating to submissive very gradually. It hit its peak when you had your arms crossed in his bedroom yesterday, refusing to initiate anything. He chuckles at you which earns him a scowl. He tugs you inside and kicks the door closed, leading you all the way to the shower. He’s back to taking complete control, pulling your dirty clothes off one by one. 
He steps behind you once his clothes are off, smoothing his hands over your now moistened skin. The hot water aids in raising the temperature between the two of you. Jisung finally feels you relax against him. He moves his hand down between your legs. He parts your thighs, letting the water trickle over your mound. His cock gets hard fast when he’s with you. You feel his shaft rest rigidly in between your cheeks as he lathers soap all over your body.
To your disappointment, he doesn’t fuck you in the shower. He simply rubs your body everywhere but where you need him. He steps out the minute all the suds have been rinsed off your skin. He tepidly dries himself off, tossing the towel over his shoulder. You watch him clean his glasses before putting them back on, only for them to fog right back up. He looks over at you questioningly. 
For a moment, with his eyes obscured, you can transplant the image of a younger Minho onto him. Your mind starts to wander to an alternate reality where Minho knew you were a lost cause right off the bat. How different would your dynamic be? Would there be one at all?
“You should’ve been on the bed by now. Hurry up and dry off.” Jisung’s voice and expression ooze with disappointment that makes your core hum. You dumbly turn off the water while keeping your eyes trained on his naked figure. This is your first time seeing him completely bare. You almost saw it yesterday, as he took a shower right after you chickened out of staying any longer.
When you climb onto the bed you hike your ass in the air again. His hand thundering down on your ass makes you jolt. “Not today.” He grunts as he lies down on his back. He rests his hands behind his head. 
“You were a fucking brat yesterday. Immediately putting me to work and then not staying quiet. Did you think I missed that at the end?” Jisung raises his eyebrows, scolding you both with his words and his eyes. You wish you could put the Jisung you first met and this one side by side. He is totally relaxed while easily maintaining control.
“Straddle me, and hold your arms together behind your back. You’re putting in work today.”
You bit your lip to stifle the whine threatening to get you punished. This is a pillow princess’ worst nightmare. Your eyes unwittingly move to his cock which is so hard gravity is failing to lay it flat on his stomach. Your fleeting thought to disobey just to get more effort and attention from him disappears. 
So you clasp both your wrists and slip onto his cock. You didn’t realize how wet you were until his head slid past your entrance. His cock feels so hot and so does his skin when your calves graze his thighs. It’s electrifying yet inviting. You get the urge to lean against his chest but he’d probably pull out, and that would annoy you enough to make you cry. 
And so you bounce, letting him see the front of you fully nude in all its glory. How your tits bounce and hips swing. He grabs your hips but not to guide you, to dig his fingers into flesh. 
This, you figure, is one of his favorite positions. You figure because it’s the first time he’s cum twice for you. That, and it’s the only position he repeated. For the next two weeks, he has bounced you on his cock while standing up with your legs tightly secured around him, had you flat on your back with your legs in the air on his dining room table, had you halfway off the couch while straddling him again, and so on. He always shows you a picture or a video once you get to the area of his choice. His calm dominance melts away just for a moment as he excitedly presents it to you. Him baring his deep passion to fuck you strangely doesn’t push you away. You find yourself squeezing your thighs, wide eyes matching his as he shows you the position.
The two of you have gone from barely speaking outside of sex to making out as soon as he opens the door. You both giggle like schoolkids in anticipation. You both joke through a blur of lips and teeth.
But that excitement and glee fades as soon as you’re back in your dreary apartment. The escalation of childlike joy when you’re at Jisung’s directly translates to escalated sorrow when you’re back at yours. 
You only catch glimpses of the back of Minho these days, either retreating to the bedroom or out of the apartment. You have the urge to sleep over Jisung’s for the rest of the time Jiwoo is gone. That somehow feels like crossing a line that’s comically insignificant at this point. You know Jisung would understand what you mean. That night you took a shower at his place, he washed your clothes for you.
“You could stay until they’re done.” Jisung suggests after some tense silence.
“No, I should go.” You shoot it down immediately. The option has always been unspoken but ever present. To stay a little longer, watch a movie, drink some water, maybe actually cuddle. Not like what you did the first night, where you ran out of there as soon as you realized you were caressing someone else.
“In what clothes?” Jisung chuckles. You glare at him again. You hate when he does that. Well, you did, until you realized you’re both horrible enough to have fun while being unfaithful. 
“Can’t I just borrow some of hers? I’ll wash those and-”
Just then, the Jisung from the first time you met him was back. He wouldn’t meet your eyes, but you could see the raging conflict behind them. So you left with some of his clothes instead.
You told him you were in a relationship, but not much else about it. Since then there was a mutual understanding of each other. It made your tension trickle away wrapped in his arms. You were able to at least disassociate so the depth of the pain became less apparent.
Then Jiwoo would call.
Jisung was sickeningly sweet over the phone. You laughed to yourself while listening to his overexaggerated joy when speaking with her. The humor rotted away when catching glimpses of her voice. She's elated to speak with her boyfriend. She can't sleep without him. There's no way they're not getting married soon.
In the corner of his bedroom the space grows vast, Jisung suddenly on the other side of a treacherous fissure.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You enter the apartment as soon as Minho leaves his room. He stares at you, clearly shocked. He probably expected to be gone before you came home, so you wouldn’t see him dressed up with his hair styled and your favorite cologne on. It’s been a long two weeks, so the stinging in your eyes turns into tears fast. He pushes past you and leaves the apartment, leaving you to collapse to the ground. The pain is immediate because the denial has shriveled up. You’re being forced to accept that it’s happening. Anger swiftly takes hold as you’re reminded of one hard to swallow truth. 
You stand up and grab the lamp beside the entrance. You shove it to the ground, the delicate glass covering shattering before the bulb does the same. You send the potted plant into the tv, throw a stack of plates onto the floor. Once your energy is spent, the fact is still there.
You have no right to be upset.
You throw a tantrum and break things because you made your own bed, but you have no right to do that either.
You deserve this.
You deserve him bringing a new girl home and fucking her loudly in the bed you used to share. You deserve him coming home every day and telling you what a worthless piece of shit you are. You deserve him introducing you to the girlfriend he’s been hiding from you and shoving his tongue down her throat right in front of you.
You deserve him giving up on you and admitting you were never fixable to begin with.
Your stomach caves from the sheer force of your sobs. Your body contorts, tangling within your bed sheets and kicking the cover off. You force yourself to imagine all these things he deserves to do to you even though it feels like it’s setting you on fire. You cry and cry until your body feels hollow and you stare numbly at the wall.
The sun rises.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Your ears pick up each sound but it’s muffled. The sound of the door opening. The sound of his boots crunching against glass. The sound of him crying. The sound of him leaving. 
The sun sets. It’s time to see Jisung. 
Your body wobbles as you sit up. Your body feels like a ton of bricks. You rush to the bathroom, finally emptying your bladder. You’re going to his house with the same clothes from the day prior again.
He opens the door, chuckling just like the last time you did this. “No work today?”
You’re not in a laughing mood, though. You thought things would be like they had been. You’d be depressed while you were home and cheerful at Jisung’s place. But no, the tears break free and stream down your face. Jisung pulls you into the house, asks if you’re okay. He shouldn’t. People like you don’t deserve sympathy. You grit your teeth, grabbing his jaw and pulling him forward. He stiffly places his hands on your waist, hesitantly accepting the kiss.
You cup his cock, making him moan and grant your tongue entrance to his mouth. You push him toward the couch until he flops down onto it, looking at you in bewilderment. 
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” He asks just before you devour him again. You guide his hands to your breasts, whimpering when he pinches your nipples. 
“Fuck me.” You plead, voice weak and eyes glassy. Your eyes don’t plead him like they usually do. You’re deeply hurt, your lip trembling and shattering his heart. 
“Babe c’mon, let’s stop–” Jisung reaches up to caress your face, laughing awkwardly.
“Don’t call me that.” Your tone is venomous as you swat his hands away. Jisung is taken aback. Not because of your tone, but because he hadn’t realized he called you that.
Exasperated, you huff and reach for his dick. Once it’s free, you’re awkwardly shimmying off Jisung’s basketball shorts. Jisung is finding it difficult to find the words he’s looking for. It’s too late anyway, you’re sinking down onto his cock. Sex with you is like a defibrillator. It jolts life back into him, no matter how much the guilt is getting to him. It lets him set aside his worries for now to just focus on how wet and tight you are around him. The constant access to you is dizzying. Just when he’s coming down from his high, you’re back with another dose.
Without Jisung’s strict rules or constant orders you’re able to think. It’s horrible.
“Fucking choke me– ngh! Yell at me!” You grit out.
With this Jisung is back to reality with you. He stammers, your eyes and your words conflict each other.  He considers it, playing along while his heart’s not in it. The sex is going to be subpar today clearly, so it doesn’t matter what he does next.
“Jiwoo called me earlier today.”
You’re chugging along, hoping this transitions to him hissing demands at you. 
“Well, she calls me every day. I used to think it was because she was worried about me. I thought that was the same reason she hugged me so long before she left,” Jisung’s voice is conversational despite the strain your cunt squeezing him is giving it. His eyes are fussing with a conflict again. You stop, in exasperated shock that he’s opening up about this right now.
“She even gave me this look before she went out the door. So I kept telling her every time she called that I was okay and that she should have fun. That she didn’t have to call me every day. But today…” Jisung feels his heart clench as he recalls her words.
“Things are going really great recently, aren’t they?” She laughed, it sounded so sweet. Jisung could hear the commotion of activities more fun than being on the phone in the background. “Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I think about you so much that it's hard to have fun while I’m here. I miss you so, so much… and I realize now that I don’t like being without you.” She laughed again, but this time Jisung could tell she was crying. “I kinda wanna come home?” 
She was asking him.
“W-what did you say?” You swallow hard, trying to hide the horror in your eyes. Would he really tell her to come home? Is she about to walk through the door and fulfill his fantasy? Your stomach drops as you glance over your shoulder.
“I said no.” Jisung says quietly. You turn back to see his bitter smile. “I stayed on the phone with her for hours to soothe her and convince her to stay.” Jisung huffs, attempting to blink away his tears and failing. His head droops, hiding from you. He hiccups, “She was so happy with me after I did that. She-”
You cradle his face, slowly lifting it to face you. Jisung looks upset at this, shoulders bouncing as he begins to cry harder. You try to wipe away his tears with your thumbs, shaking your head when they quickly get replaced.
“It’s better this way.” You say weakly. 
“What?” The frustration leaks through Jisung’s anguish. He tries to shake away your hands but you grab him more securely and force him to look in your eyes.
“You don’t want her to know how awful you truly are.” 
Seeing the pain intensify in your eyes, Jisung stills. Knowing he understands now, your hands drop from his face. Suddenly, you feel more alone than you have in weeks. You start to get up but Jisung’s hands caress your face now. A tear hangs on your eyelash as you gaze wearily at him. You wish he’d just let you go. At least rotting in your bed, you’d be faced with one facet of pain. Staying here with him is like watching the last bit of color drain from the world.
He's not sure exactly what happens when you walk out that door. What he does know is you come back weaker than before. He sees the dread in your eyes at going back.
“Stay here.”
You stare at him, wondering if he’s just saying this because you’re the only one he can engage in this kink with. Then he kisses you. He inhales deeply as he threads his fingers through your hair. He captures your lips, detaches to breathe and captures them again. The lack of tongue or teeth feels foreign. You can’t remember the last time Minho kissed you like this. It’s only been drunk and sloppy, rough out of anger, or awkward in pursuit of keeping your trash-fire relationship a secret. 
The only thing close to Jisung’s trembling lips against yours was when Minho first found out you fucked someone else. He pleaded with you to tell him it didn’t mean anything, to tell him that you still loved him. His lips then were frantic, refusing to let you slip away with his hands caging you in. If only you did slip away back then. His life would be better now.
But Jisung is steady. The underlying shame and regret don’t dull the passion flowing from his lips. His hands feel like they're caging you. Begging you to just stay.
Another boundary has been crossed. The final one. There was no redemption to be desperately dug up to salvage your souls as you kiss each other like the world might tip off its axis if you stop. The two of you only break apart to moan as you ride him. Your hips grind against his lap, his dick as far in as it can go. You moan into each other’s mouth as Jisung’s climax brings you closer to yours.
And yours comes and goes. Your freshly showered bodies lay as close as you can get in his bed, arms wrapped tightly around each other.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
You jolt awake multiple times during the night, jolting Jisung awake with you. He just soothes you back to sleep, not asking about your nightmares detailing each scenario you forced yourself to imagine two nights ago.
Jisung leaves early in the morning, whispering to you to lock the door if you leave.
“You can stay, though.”
To your horror, Jisung kisses your cheek. Him falling for you hadn’t crossed your mind. He had always been so sex focused that romance seemed like a distant afterthought. He could have rubbed circles into your back each time you awoke because he was being nice. Your rationalizing is cut short as an even more horrifying thought rears its ugly head.
You wished he had kissed you on the lips.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Judging by the mess you left behind, Minho must think you’re on a rage fueled bender right now. He never did check if you were in the room that morning, so maybe he thinks you trashed the apartment, left, and never came back. You know for a fact he’s worried. Very little could stop Minho from worrying about your safety. That’s why even someone like you never played that card to get his attention, and why you’re worried sick. You pace around Jisung’s apartment. Your phone is still at the apartment, shattered from your temper tantrum. He would probably report the incident to the police before he contacted you, but the sight of your phone broken on the floor with you nowhere to be found doesn’t encourage confidence.
The thing is, you can’t go back and face him. Walking in, completely unharmed and freshly showered, with some other man’s clothes on and guilt evident on your face would just cement it for him. All you would do at that point is apologize, and what’s left of his soul would shatter right in front of you. You clamp your hand over your mouth, unable to bear the image of Minho realizing there’s actually someone else. You’re horrible to him, but the only thing he could be sure of is that you only love him. You imagine it’s the only thing keeping him around.
Minho putting together that all these years of pain and suffering and praying you’ll change has culminated in someone else getting the appreciation he deserves could change him forever.
So you lower your hand from the door knob.
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
That night with Jisung was different. You were both so overwrought with guilt that you spent the evening taking turns soothing each other. When you finally had sex, it was more tender than it ever should be. He was hovering over you, looking straight into your eyes and he smoothed his hand over your hair. He peppered soft kisses all over your face. You loved every second of it. You showered together again and cuddled in bed. 
“Minho? Is that his name?” The sound of his name makes you flinch. You move away from Jisung who looks at you in confusion. 
“Don’t say his name!” You shout, stumbling out of bed. He blinks at you as you start to gather your clothes. He follows after you, stammering an apology. 
“Y-you said his name in your sleep yesterday. I’m sorry– I–”
“Just stop!” You’re more panicked than angry, which comes through in your voice. Your voice is loud, so it could be heard through the door. Pounding against the door makes you gasp, you stumble backwards. Jisung catches you, pulling you close.
“Who’s there!” Jisung shouts.
“Open the door!” Minho shrieks, his throat sounds like it’s tearing from the sheer force. Jisung grabs the bat, readying it before swinging the door open. Before he can even threaten him, Minho is pushing past him, eyes frantic as they search for you. When he finds you, you see it. You’re clean, unharmed, wearing nothing but Jisung’s shirt as you hug your body. 
He’s putting the pieces together.
Your mouth feels dry, your tongue feels like it’s swelling. The way Minho’s shoulders slouch makes your chest ache. He shakes his head at you in disbelief. 
“Your purse.” He gestures weakly at the bag sitting on the couch from when you entertained the idea of going home. “The tag is connected to my phone because I knew you’d do this.” Despite being so quiet, his words slash you open. 
“Minho…” Your trembling hands cover your mouth. This is it. This is it.
“Minho I didn’t mean to scare you I swear–”
��You can have the apartment.” The words fight their way from Minho’s mouth, but he’s not able to look at you. 
“Minho?” You try pitifully. Minho just drops his head, lingering for just one more moment before leaving. Jisung is quick to hold you, caress the back of your neck as if to cushion the incoming sobs. But they don’t come. 
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
“For some ungodly reason, he’s going to keep paying your lease.” You gape at the woman. She doesn’t introduce herself, but you know it’s her. The one he wore your favorite cologne for. 
“He told me not to but fuck it– don’t contact him.” She shoves a finger into your face. “Don’t go looking for him, don’t make this any worse than you already have for the past twelve years.” She pauses, waiting for your reaction, seemingly expecting you to explode on her. You nod, finally closing your mouth that had been hung open this entire time. 
She looks confused before she shakes her head and walks off of Jisung’s porch. 
0:00 ───|────── 0:00
Jisung comes home with Chinese takeout. 
“I’m going to set it on the table.” He says breathlessly as he takes off his coat and hangs it on the coat hanger that his girlfriend undoubtedly picked out. She’ll be back in five days. He’ll erase any signs of you and go back to normal. 
“Are you hungry?” He asks.
“What the fuck are we doing?” You say before you can stop yourself. It’s quiet for a moment, and you refuse to turn around and see his face. 
“Why would I sit at that table and eat with you?” You stand up, finally turning around once the emotions stirring inside you are potent enough. You interrupt him before he can answer.
“Your loving girlfriend is going to come home soon.”
“That doesn’t change anything. I mean, we can still meet at your place–”
“She’s going to propose to you, Jisung.” He freezes for a moment, but you can tell by his face that he still doesn’t get it. 
“Do you seriously think she’ll never be suspicious? That she won’t wake up one night and realize you’re not there? Then she’ll pretend she’s asleep and hear you walk out. Then she’ll be more aware of the clues. You smell like perfume that’s not hers, there was a small amount of lipstick smudged on your collar, you’re sexually satisfied all of a sudden,”
Jisung swallows, “Then we’ll be careful.”
“Are you seriously willing to risk your relationship?” You ask, a nasty hint of amusement in the way you raise one brow at him. He closes his mouth.
You laugh loudly, the laughter spiraling out of control before you finally catch your breath.
“I fucking knew it.” Your expression sours, settling into a bitter one as you yank your purse off the hook.
“Don’t leave…”
“I don’t give a fuck about you. Don’t waste your time on someone who wouldn’t care if you died. Focus on your fucking fiancée.” You look back slightly before slamming the door behind you. 
Jisung wasn’t sure why he felt a bit panicked. His heartbeat accelerated as he stabilized himself against the counter. The slam of the door echoed in his head over and over until Jiwoo was kneeling in front of him, surrounded by all their friends and family. Everyone swooned, there were tears in Jiwoo’s eyes and all her friends' eyes. 
“Han Jisung, will you marry me?”
Jisung looked around frantically, feeling like the world was spinning. Only then did he realize why he was immediately panicked by you leaving. It was solidified by the fact that he couldn’t get in contact with you. He never did get your address, and you either never got another phone or changed your number.
Jisung’s breaths felt like they couldn’t break free. 
He was suffocating.
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-> end of act i
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skz masterlist
milestone celebration masterlist
185 notes · View notes
reyadawn · 1 month
My Protector - Part 2
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*image not mine, credit goes to Bryan 😆
Summary: Noah Sebastian is the President of Bad Omens MC in Los Angeles, California and a woman running from her past crosses his path. Noah instantly wants to save her. Make her his. However, her past needs to be dealt with first...
Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: 🔞+, language, slight violence, kissing, choking, slight Mean!Noah if you squint, unprotected sex (WRAP IT), creampie
Word Count: 🤷‍♀️😆
Enjoy! ❤️✌️
I had never really given much thought to living on the West Coast but the Universe had other plans. It's funny how your life can change...how people can change. That's why when my friend Kay called me and offered me a job at Third Base, I took it as a sign I was meant to leave this old life behind. Just like she did. Although, I was a little surprised to find out it was a bar.
"Believe it or not, it's a fanastic place. Always busy, plenty of tips, good food, hot biker guys...including my old man, Jolly", Kay had explained.
"Kay...", I started.
"You need to get out. You have to. It's not mentally safe or healthy for you there with Larry. The emotional abuse he's putting you through is destroying you. Bad Omens will protect you. Misty and I will, too. They have a club house you can stay at until you get an apartment or you can crash with me", Kay replied.
I smoothed out the front of my Bad Omens tank top that I wore over my black leggings. I hated the way they fit, like I was trying to pour myself into the material. Too much skin in places I didnt want but never really could get rid of. I looked pregnant from the side, despite the fact I wasnt. I grabbed a black and white checkered flannel from my closet and threw it on, rolling the sleeves up my forearms. I threw my hair up in a bun and threw on my socks and black ankle boots.
Walking out of the bathroom, I suddenly stopped in the bedroom and looked around. It was masculine in the sense the bedding was all black and blue, nightstand and dresser were dark stained wood, even the sheer curtains were navy. The walls remained a neutral taupe. I hated being at the Bad Omens clubhouse and not having my own place. I still didnt know who's room I got set up with but I made sure to keep it clean and neat, making it a point to only touch my things.
As I was grabbing my purse from the black Lazy-Boy in the corner, the door to the bedroom opened and the man who stepped inside had me quite literally salivating and I almost lost the grip on my purse. This man was an Adonis if I ever saw one. Tall, at least 6'3, short dark hair falling into dark brown eyes, a small but perfectly shaped nose and full lips that had me wanting to get down on all fours and crawl to him.
This man wore dark camo pants and a solid black t-shirt, arms and neck displaying the most beautiful tattoos; even his large hands and long fingers were tattood. He reached up, running a hand through his hair and the muscles in his arms buldged. I must have been staring because he smirked and took a step closer to me. I all but had to crane my head back to look up at him. Short people problems, gotta' love it.
"How are your accomodations, pretty girl?", he asked, his deep voice caressing over my senses like a lovers hand. I swallowed. It was all I could muster, I was rendered so speechless. He must get this a lot though, poor guy. He chuckled, reaching out to tuck a small lock of hair behind my ear. "I'm Noah. Club President and this is my room".
That snapped me out of my trance completely, taking a small step back from him which garnered me a dark scowl of distaste. Evidently, he didn't like that.
"I'm so sorry, Sir. I'll have Misty get me a different room. I don't want to intrude", I rambled, turning back to the chair to grab my keys. A tattooed hand suddenly shot out to lock around my wrist and stilling my movements.
"First of all, pretty girl, lose the 'Sir'. I'm not that old. Noah is fine. Second of all, you're not changing rooms. You're staying here where you can be looked after", Noah replied. I yanked my wrist from his grip, glaring defiantly at him.
"Let's get something straight, President..."
Noah's eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"I'm not a child, therefore, I don't need a babysitter. I can hold my own. Don't make the mistake of thinking you own me, I belong to no one. I'm nothing to no one. Mean nothing. Never have, never will so save your protection detail for a real damsel in destress", I stated, hands on my hips. Noah stepped closer once again, fingertips gently tracing my jaw and down my neck. I shivered, goosebumps dancing along my skin and my panties growing damp. He lifted my chin, raising my gaze to his.
"Who hurt you, pretty girl?", he whispered. I lowered my eyes to his chin, unable to answer. "Tell me. Now". I shook my head.
Noah sighed before eveloping me in his arms, his solid body providing whatever comfort he could. I wasn't aware I needed the contact as I reluctantly wrapped my arms around his midrift. He was solid...and warm. I closed my eyes at the feeling of his strong body in my arms.
"I've got you", Noah added, voice vibrating in his chest against my cheek. "I won't let anyone hurt you". Regaining my senses, I pulled away and sniffled, turning to straighten my clothes and threw my purse over my shoulder.
"You don't know what he's like", I replied, wiping a stray tear from my cheek.
"Did he touch you?", Noah asked darkly. I blinked at his change in demeanor before shaking my head. "Verbal?", he added. I nodded curtly. Noah's lips drew into a thin line before he reached into his pants pocket, pulling a cell phone from it and handing it to me. I knew what he wanted as I typed my number in and saved it to his contacts before handing it back. Noah's fingers momentarily flew over the keys and my own phone dinged. "I expect to be on speed dial".
"I need to get to work or Misty will have my ass", I said, moving towards the door.
"Me first", Noah said, causing me to whirl at him in shock. He grinned fully, perfect white teeth flashing before motioning to lead the way. I walked through the main living area of the clubhouse, waving at Jolly, Nicholas and Davis before stepping through the double doors and into the warm L.A sun. I stopped to breathe in the fresh air before letting out a moan of renoun pleasure at the open space.
"You do that again around me and I'll fuck you over this goddamn bike", Noah said from behind me. I spun around, Noah's hand grabbing my forearm firmly but gently. I stared up at him in shock as he looked down at me from behind Neo-like sunglasses. "Keys. Now". I silently handed him my keys before turning and heading to my car. This was going to be a long ten minutes...
Walking into Third Base, Noah hot on my heels, I was met with the smell of bar food, cigar smoke and bouts of laughter from crowded tables. Kay walked by, auburn hair thrown in a messy ponytail, and shot me a wink as she carefully balanced a large tray of drinks to a table in the back corner of the bar. There were a series of pool tables, a jukebox and overhead cieling fans that barely did anything to mask the heat.
Misty appeared around the corner, clipboard in hand and approached us.
"Thanks for bringing her by, Prez. I'll see she's looked after", she said, grabbing my hand to pull me after her but before I could take a step, Noah turned me to face him, lips descending upon my own in a short but heated kiss that left my lips tingling and my clit throbbing as he pulled away. Giving my ass a playful slap, Noah sauntered off to a nearby pool table where he met up with a few other chapter members. Misty and I suddenly looked at each other, facial expressions of mirrored shock clearly readable.
"The hell just happened, Misty?", I whispered harshly, a few other patrons watching me, all smirking.
"From the looks of it, I'd say the President of Bad Omens just claimed you as his old lady...publicly, I might add", she replied and turned towards the bar. I followed her without a word, bitting my bottom lip to hide my smile.
Most of the night was uneventful as Kay and I ran kitchen orders and served at the bar. I was in the process of cleaning off one of the tables when a voice behind me had my grip slipping on the beer glass and it clattered to the floor sending shards of glass scattering.
"Hello, angel". I spun around so hard I damn near fell over a chair as I stared at Larry in shock and fear. "Thought I might find you here. Seems like your kinda rundown place but playtime is over. It's time to go. Now".
He hadn't changed much in the months since I last saw him. His icy gaze pinned me where I stood yet I still managed to shake my head.
"Over my dead body", I said, gritting my teeth. Larry tipped his head back and laughed, his dark spiky hair glistening from the overhead lamps. The guy really did use too much hair gel.
"That can be arranged. Now, get your shit and let's go", he said, his hand latching around my arm to haul me to his chest. I tried fighting out of his hold, tried kicking him but all he did was laugh. "Damn, you're a fucking hellcat. Stop fighting me so we can--", but his words suddenly died. Following his line of sight I gasped at seeing Noah, Jolly, Nicholas, Nick and Davis standing in front of the entrance to the bar. Surprisingly, it was Jolly who stepped forward.
"You know...you fuck with a chapter members' old lady and you fuck with the chapter member himself. Especially when that old lady belongs to the clubs' President", he said, running his tongue over his teeth. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Kay and Misty behind the bar, arms looped together, fear marring thier features.
"Club President? Of what? The Mickey Mouse Club? Get the fuck outta my way", Larry said moving to step forward but Jolly held up a hand. Larry stopped, irritation etching his fingers.
"Last chance, bro. Don't do this. Just walk away", Jolly warned.
"I don't have time for this shit. Move or I'll move you myself", Larry said, glaring at Jolly. Jolly simply shrugged and smiled as Noah steppd forward, hands behind his back. Larry looked up at him and the color drained from his face. Noah smiled.
"President", Larry said. Noah nodded once before his right fist shot out, connecting with the side of Larry's head. Noah caught me as Larry's body hit the floor and he gave me a quick peck before turning back to him.
"President of Bad Omens, to clarify, and if you ever come near my old lady again or even breathe in her direction then a right hook wont be the only thing you'll get served", Noah said, looming over Larry as he rubbed his jaw. Before I could say or do anything, Noah was pulling me after him around the bar and down a hallway. I barely had time to register the doors we passed as Noah led me into the 'OFFICE' and slammed the door.
"Noah, what--", I started but he cut me off with his lips. His hands pulled at my clothes to get them off and a wave of fear suddenly came to the surface at him seeing me naked but as he backed me up to the desk, lips kissing and biting thier way down my neck, I realized Noah didn't really give a fuck. My flannel shirt was tossed over his shoulder somewhere on the floor, my tank top was yanked down to expose my breasts and one of my boots joined the pile of clothes just for him to get one of my legs out of my leggings and hoist it up over his hip.
Noah's lips were like fire on my skin as I felt him pull my panties to the side to swipe his fingers through my drenched folds and graze my clit. My hips jerked in response and he chuckled against my skin before sinking two long fingers inside me to the knuckle. I threw my head back, letting out a pornographic moan I didn't care to hide as my walls clamped down on his fingers.
Noah's other hand was tearing at the zipper of his pants, freeing his painfully hard cock. He suddenly pulled his fingers free from my dripping cunt to push them into my mouth and I could taste myself on his tongue. Before I could say or do anything, he pulled his fingers from my mouth to wrap around my throat and haul my chest to his, lips crashing together. It was messy, all teeth and tongues.
I could feel the head of Noah's cock prod my dripping core and I gripped his muscular shoulders for purchase. A simple thrust had me stretching to accomodate and it burned oh so good.
I whimpered into Noah's kiss, his fingers squeezing ever so slighty around my throat as he thrust again, giving me a few more inches. My brain shut down, unable to process anything but the feeling of my pussy stretching around the thick rod between my thighs, feeling every ridge and vein caress my walls.
There were no words...there didn't need to be. I raked my nails down his arms, red streaks appearing in thier wake but Noah took no notice. Another thrust. A nother inch. It was agonizingly slow and I writhed beneath him, trying to pushing him deeper with my heel but he was much more powerful. More kisses to my chest and shoulder. Another thrust. Bite marks came next. I'd walk away looking like a leper but I didn't want him to stop. Noah's grunts and groans mixed with my own whimpers and cries as one last thrust had him seated inside me to the hilt. I had never been so deliciously full.
I pulled away from him only to sink my teeth into his shoulder as I screamed, my orgasm hitting me like a 2 x 4. Noah wasted no time, shuttling his cock almost ruthlessly inside my overstimulated pussy. I was so sensitive I was getting ready to come again, my nails digging into his flesh. Thrust after thrust had my body turning into putty, my brain remaining in a black out state and I let lose a scream, teeth sinking deeper. No doubt there'd be a bruise there for weeks.
Noah's pace increased, his hands griiping my hips like a vice. My thighs burned, legs were shaking as he gave a thrust so deep it sent me spiraling into another orgasm. Noah threw his head back, releasing a series of expletives as his cock twitched, rope after thick rope of come unloading inside me.
Noah held himself inside me as we struggled to catch our breath. I looked up at him through my lashes then, the euphoric look on his face causing my pussy to clench around him.
"Old lady, huh?", I asked between breaths. Noah nodded. "Well, so much for holding my own". We shared as smile as our lips met in a gentle kiss.
@amourtoken @artificialstardust @bloodylullaby @bluestdai @collidewiththesavannah @concreteangel92 @concreteemo @dsireland86 @dreamstyles @dontcallme-angel @english-fucker @exitwoundsx @flowery-mess @fadingintothegrey @iamamatus @iluvmewwwww75 @kaliforniahigh @lilhobgobbler @lovexsleepyhead @lolitasangel @philomenie @sacredthefran @starsomens @sorrowsofsilence @millie-aubs @xcllnt @xmads-omensx @yarasdead
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anikasheep · 11 months
Things turn different in Nightbringer.
Solomon heard MC's sobbing and moaning when he try to find the reasons why Nightbringer send MC back and stop by their room one night.
He was hesitant, but still opened the door quietly. Solomon walked in silence step and shuffled down the edge of the bed.
The sobbing and sniffing stoped. MC shifted and looked at him with their puffy red eyes.
"Nightmare?" They shook their head.
"Miss home." They nodded.
Solomon stared down at their hands which under the cover.
"Can I touch you?" They nodded after several seconds.
Solomon palmed their right hand between his and kissed the back of their right hand.
"I am here with you, MC. You can still miss the brothers but I AM HERE AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE."
His eyelashes brushed thee right hand of MC, the moonlight sneaked into the room and shone on Solomon. His silver hair is glowing.
It's hard to describe the feeling swelling in MC's chest, it's warm and fragile, like a butterfly flops it's wings.
The first night, MC fall asleep while Solomon holding their hands.
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Living with Solomon is a new experience to MC.
Basically, the cooking duty is all on MC right now. Solomon tried to help but he got banned after the first time MC let him help in the kitchen.
The whole dishes were ruined and can't bearble, it's also the first time MC pushed Solomon out of the kitchen.
"I'll doing this, please helping me set the table and prepare some Demonus, Okay?"
"You sure you don't need my help?"
"I could handle it, and it's the first time I cook for us, right?"
Solomon's face turn to red and you could see Solomon.exe was shut down for 5 seconds.
"...Heheh, all right. Then I'll leave it to you, MC."
The sorcerer smiled fondly and smugly, you don't really know what makes him so happy suddenly.
But if he doesn't get in the kitchen and try to kil you with his cook, you are happy too.
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You can't sleep again.
Whenever you close your eyes, the brothers will pop out of your mind and take your sleepiness away.
Tossing and turning, you take out your DDD.
Are you still wake?
Good question, MC. If he answer you, then the answer is yes. And if not, it's obviously not.
You mocked yourself, but still waiting for the sorcerer's replying.
Just ready to sleep, what's wrong MC?
Hum...Solomon still wake until now?
I... can't sleep.
Can I drop by your room please? I don't want to stay in my room alone. :(
The typing bubble stay for a while, then Solomon replies.
Sure. The door is open.
And I am glad you ask me, MC.;)
You sigh in relief and beam without notice.
Knocking twice before you open Solomon's room door, you greet him when you somehow feel nervous.
It's strange, you've came to the brother's rooms so many times, but why feel shy right now? The only exception is when you enter Lucifer's bedroom or study. Hell you can't get rid of nervous when you try to enter the Avatar of Pride's territory. But it has a reason that your human instinct knows Lucifer has his boundary even around you and he's kind of different in his den or be outside.
Does that make sense if the nervous bubble up right now cause Solomon is also that kind?
"Don't need to be so tense up, MC. We're not in a spell lesson or an official meeting. Or you'll make me question myself that am I really that scary to you?" Solomon chuckles.
"No no, you're a great person and kind enough to let me disturb you in this late night. But...I guess my brain just can't go easy on me." You laugh bitterly.
Solomon wears a loose silk white long sleeve shirt, the top two buttons are opened, showing his delicate skin. The dark purple coat cover his shoulders, and that pair of black sleep pants fits his long legs.
Suddenly, this room is getting warmer.
"Well, since you can't sleep, and I do need some time to prepare for sleep. Why don't I read some books for you?" Solomon said while he gesters you to lay down beside him.
You moved slowly, and you can't think straight.
The feeling of Solomon's soft touch, the way he put the covers on you, make sure you won't get cold. The warm feeling spread through the covers, your clothes and to your skin.
The blushing heated your face and heart.
"All right, now let me read one of my lately collections for you."
Solomon's voice is soothing and gentle. You fell asleep when you drowned into his rich comfortable voice.
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Solomon closed the book.
The special fragrance candle with relax and help sleep easier worked.
The sorcerer grinned at himself.
He put the book on the table beside the bed, turned off the light and laid down.
A warm and soft body caught him.
His face turned to left slightly, your head rest against his arms, your hands around his waist and his left hand.
Your breathe even, like there's nothing could pull you out of your sweet dreams.
It's been a long time since someone sleep next to Solomon.
Solomon chuckles and try to control his shudder breath.
His lips brushed the little lamb's forehead, only a feather kiss lingered on MC's forehead for a while.
"Good Night, MC."
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burning-academia-if · 4 months
Hello!! I don't know if someone has already asked BUT how would the Ro's react to Mc giving them their jacket on a cold day??
Imagining this with a short MC is really funny lol
Rook: He'd refuse because you're going to be cold, and he tends to run warm anyway (he's the type of guy you see in a t shirt when it's like 32F/0C outside). He appreciates the offer, though, but he knows you probably need it more.
Beck: He'd take it without much resistance, and he doesn't do too well with the cold. He's pretty comfortable with it, and he's probably offered you some of his own clothes before when needed so it's just a normal affair. He kinda just wraps it up around him like you would a cardigan or blanket instead of zipping it up
Rhea: Is a bit hesitant at first, "...Are you sure? Won't you be cold?" But will take it when you insist. Wouldn't make a big deal of it, but internally she's thinking of the way you smell, and where the jacket fabric is worn down, and she has to keep herself from getting too distracted
Zoe: They look at you with wide eyes, but shrug it on once you place it in their hands. It's still warm from your body heat, and it makes it so easy to burrow themselves in to. All the chill is chased away in seconds, and they murmur thanks as they try to figure out what to do with their fidgeting hands beyond shoving them in the jacket's pockets
Lars: "You look colder then me." He takes off his old scarf and throws it around you instead before you can protest. Now that you think of it, it's not like you've ever seen him in anything not long sleeved, so he probably isn't cold. The proof is just how warm his scarf is
???: They find it sweet, but pull you close, "Won't you be cold then, little moon? If you wish to keep me warm, then could you hold me? Just for a little while?" It's both an excuse to touch you, but also because they don't want you getting cold because you gave them your jacket. Their ice to the touch, and you can feel the way they curl into your arms, trying to escape the cold, when you reach out.
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Kinktober Day 2
Dry Humping - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
1.1k words
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Ominis was nothing if not a good student. He took pride in making sure he studied hard and did his best. He had started dating the new fifth year after coming back to school for their sixth year, communicating all summer through owl post. But now, in 7th year, his frustration lied in the fact that his girlfriend’s way of dealing with the stress of the upcoming N.E.W.T. was to seek pleasure from him in between study sessions.
If they weren't in the library cramming for the exam or in a class she was begging him to take her to the dorms or the undercroft and ease her stresses away. He often wondered how she wasn't constantly exhausted from falling apart under him or staying up even later than he did to get some more studying in after to make up for their antics.
Today they’d hidden in the Undercroft late into the night and finished brushing up on potions notes, making sure they each knew what ingredients were needed for some more advanced potions. Ominous could tell as soon as she’d shut her book and laid her hand on his thigh that she was going to ask him to touch her, causing him to smirk.
She looked up at him with a pleading whine and her cutest puppy dog eyes. “Ominis, we’ve been studying for so long…I think we could use a break, don't you agree?”
His smirk widened as he scooted his chair back, taking her hand and pulling her to straddle his lap. She smirked, wrapping her arms around his neck, peppering kisses over his lips and down his jaw. He groaned softly, his hands coming up to pull the hem of her shirt from the waistband of her skirt. “Such a needy little thing aren’t you, always making time to take your pleasure even when we’re so busy with our very important studies.”
She whimpered and began to move her hips, grinding over his swelling erection even through so many layers he still felt incredible to her. He bunched her skirt up around her thighs allowing her to move easier before sinking his fingers into the skin of her waist urgently, helping her rock her hips in his lap.
He pressed his lips to hers and she moaned as his tongue darted out to ask for entry. She immediately opened and their tongues met in a heated battle for dominance. She whimpered as his hands pushed her down to grind against his erection, eliciting gasps of pleasure from her that he swallowed greedily.
He moved his hands from her waist to her ass so he could pick her up, mouths still connected in a heated kiss while he carried her to the couch they had conjured sometime last year for exactly this purpose. He carefully laid her down, mindful to place her in a comfortable spot with a pillow under her head.
He broke the kiss, grinning up at her mischievously as he moved lower, pushing her skirt up and out of the way, kissing her sensitive thighs. Once he was satisfied with her skirt he moved up toward her, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up around his elbows. Her heart fluttered at seeing him like this. “I don’t know if you deserve all of me today love, since you seemed pretty content with just grinding against me like a needy slut.”
His word sent shivers through her and her hips needly canted upward. He took notice, leaning down to crowd around her as he slid his clothed erection against her wet panties. “Gonna make such a mess on the front of my trousers aren’t you naughty girl. Might have to make you clean up your mess…what do you think, my love?”
She tipped her head back, moaning as his length rubbed against her, creating delicious friction against her swollen clit. His words mixing with his methodic movements was pushing her higher and higher in her pleasure. Small, needy whines leaving her puffy parted lips as he pressed harder against her and continued the slow grinding of his hips against her covered sex.
She watched as he pulled back and undid his trousers, shoving them down his thighs just enough to expose his covered length that pulsed needily for her. The sight of the wet spot from his precum was enough to have her head tilting back again while he placed a hand next to her head to hold himself up, dragging his length against her soaked panties.
She moaned at the friction once again assaulting her swollen clit. They had never dry humped like this and it was intoxicating. She clenched around nothing as she imagined cumming from just the friction alone. He leaned down to his elbows and moaned into her neck, heated breath assaulting her sensitive skin before he sunk his teeth into her skin.
A moan erupted from her and she wrapped her legs around his hips, pushing him harder against her core. Heat flooded through her and tingled off like electricity through her veins at all the sensations he caused her to experience. “Merlin, you feel like heaven even like this. I can’t take much more, Princess.”
She moaned loud as she felt him grind harder against her, he was nipping and sucking at her neck now, sure to leave evidence of their heated session. She paid no mind to that, canting her hips again and allowing his length to drag perfectly against her clit. He sped up his thrusts which left broken moans falling from her lips.
She was teetering right on the edge as he grunted into her ear, the telltale sounds of his approaching orgasm rang through her as she clenched around nothing, letting out a frustrated moan. “Princess, I know you can cum without being full of my cock. Show me what a good girl you are for me. That’s an order.”
That was all the encouragement she needed, allowing herself to reach that peak of pleasure, moaning loudly for Ominis as she came, clenching frustratedly around nothing. He chuckled darkly as he quickly sat up and pulled his cock out. She watched in fascination as he stroked himself til he finished on the wet center of her panties, a breathy moan falling from his lips as he came down from his high.
She laid beneath him, cheeks flaming at the feeling of her sticky wet underwear clinging to her heat as Ominis tucked himself away carefully. He sat back and pushed his sweaty hair back from his face. “Now you have to walk back to your dorm and the showers covered in my cum…just as it should be.” He helped her right her skirt and sit up before planting a sweet kiss on her reddened cheek.
Kinktober Prompt List
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itsdrawingmen · 3 months
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I saw a dunmeshi art where they lined up the characters in their underwear, and got brainworms from it. I'm not really good at painted studies, it turns out, or maybe it just didn't work right now, but I like how the drawing came out. It was an excercise in different bodies, and I think they’re all neat.
Some headcanons and musings:
Zen has boobs, tits even, but that's canon, and all the time I was drawing him I was thinking about that selfie from his album where he's wearing a half-buttoned white shirt and his cleavage is visible. I am looking at him respectfully (not really, I am looking at him like this:
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He's shaved everywhere, and he wears very plain, neutral-coloured underwear. His normal state is being pretty meaty, but he doesn’t like himself that way. He’s often dried out for his roles.
Yoosung is narrow-chested, thin, covered in moles, and comparatively kinda hairy — not by my European standards, but compared to the others here. He doesn't care about shaving, for himself or anyone else. He often wears funky boxers, and has sort of got a collection. Even when it's not funky-printed, his underwear is usually bright-coloured. He's cringe, but he's free. Also, not pictured, but he’s often covered in hickeys, normally from the chest up. Not gonna say who leaves them, but anyone who knows me even a little can take a wild guess 👀
Jaehee is wide in the hips and big-breasted. Her underwear is normally mismatched, because she doesn't care. The only thing she cares about is that it doesn't show through her clothes. In the canon timeline, she usually wears those thick stiff heavily padded bras that smooth everything out, and then over the course of the postcanon she gradually switches to softer cups. She's sedentary, often stressed, and doesn't eat well, so she's not really thin. She has acne on her face, neck, back, chest, and shoulders. She shaves because she’s too used to it, but she gradually gets more relaxed about it.
Next up is Joori Nam, the MC. She's a big, tall young woman, quite heavy and strong. She likes to show off her edgy and feisty personality in clothes and underwear, and she's also pretty expressive and energetic in gestures. She's depressed and a self-harmer. She barely shaves, only where is absolutely necessary to look ‘presentable’ for work. Otherwise, she can’t be assed.
The Chois are emaciated and scarred. They've both got some mild pectus excavatum. The Mother Choi used to stub cigarettes on them, and Saeran has got it worse.
Saeyoung is slightly more muscular and slightly less scarred. He has knobby square fingers, and nails bitten to almost nothing. He's also an active self-harmer. He's missing several toenails. All of his underwear is a little baggy on him.
Saeran is even thinner and less muscular. He has a lot of piercings, and his tattoo is blacked out into a full sleeve. He has barely any body hair at all. He is pretty much covered in cigarette burn scars, as well as scars from being whipped with cables, and several deep and crooked scars from gashes made with glass bottles.
Jumin, without his PR team, can't pose for shit. He is good at doing what they tell him, and he looks fine when photographed candidly, but as soon as he starts posing on his own, he just looks awkward and stiff. He has a weird case of CEO-body, where he's fit, but also weirdly soft in unexpected places (namely, his chest and arms). He shaves because it's 'hygienic'. He also wears briefs. Sorry, to me he looks like someone who wears briefs.
Jihyun is normally pretty toned, but after the whole ordeal with Rika and having to cover for her he has gained some weight and gotten soft. He has a long torso and wider hips and a bit of a belly. He hunches his back a lot, and picks at the skin of his fingers.
Rika is slender and dancerly, and very traditionally feminine. She’s small and graceful, not muscular, but soft, with smooth porcelain skin. She wears lingerie, always matching, always beautiful, and pretty much only owns thongs and tanga. Somehow, despite always looking up at people, she can easily make you feel like she’s looking down at you.
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blueraineshadows · 1 year
Three Lions On A Bed
You asked, I listened, and now I give you...😁
Garreth Weasley x F!MC x Leander Prewett
Absolutely NSFW 🔞 🌶🔥 Go, Go, Gryffindor!
In a few days she was off to America. The country with big skies, frontier towns and miles of potential for exploring Ancient Magic deposits. The adventurous spirit in her couldn't wait. The loyal, soft heart of her was aching at the thought that she would be leaving people she cared about behind.
She was in London, staying with Garreth for a few days before setting off, saying her goodbyes to old friends. She sat on the floor of his apartment, a glass of firewhiskey in her hand, the hour late. The few friends who had come round for dinner and drinks had left, except for Leander.
The pair of them, Garreth and Leander, were sitting on his settee, laughing, reminiscing about some funny incident or other. The bottle of firewhiskey on the coffee table was getting rather low, and she expected they would be calling it a night real soon.
A pang went through her as she looked at those two men. Her two favourites. They had been as thick as thieves at Hogwarts, three mischievous Gryffindors, sticking together through everything. She loved them both.
There had been moments with both of them over the years when the possibility of becoming more than friends had presented itself. But nothing had ever come of it, none of them wanting to hurt the others. Nobody wanted anyone to be left out, so they had stuck as friends.
It had always been the three of them. Even this evening, everyone else had gone, but it was them three that were left. She would never be able to choose a favourite, they both were very dear to her, and now she was leaving them.
"I hope you realise that the hardest part about going to America, is leaving the two of you," she said. They both looked at her. "I'm going to really fucking miss you both."
Garreth slid the whiskey bottle along the table away from her. "No more for you, MC," he smirked. "You're getting all sentimental on us."
She sat up straight. "Aren't you going to miss me?"
Garreth's eyes immediately turned soft. "Of course."
He was beautiful. From his unruly red hair, to his cheeky green eyes, she loved every freckle on his handsome face. He was daft, chaotic, but his heart was made of gold. He would do anything for her, she knew that.
"We will both miss you, MC," Leander said. "It won't be the same without you around, but we understand why you have to go."
Leander. Tall, handsome, smart, a bit sensitive and over compensates sometimes to try and prove himself, but his loyalty, and his generous spirit made for a most trustworthy companion. He knew her deepest secrets and kept every one of them.
Nope. She would never be able to choose one.
She got up from the floor and moved to sit on the settee between them, squeezing herself into the gap and holding an arm out to each of them. Knowing she wouldn't see them for a long time was making her ache for closeness. "Bring it in, I need a ginger sandwich hug," she said.
"A what?" Leander laughed.
Garreth laughed too but wrapped his arms around her, he waved Leander to come closer. "Come on, mate."
MC closed her eyes and savoured the feel of them both as Leander wrapped his arms around her and Garreth. She was safely snug between the two of them. It felt perfect. She felt safe. Loved.
As Leander began to pull back, she grabbed his sleeve to stop him. "No, don't," she said. "Don't let go."
The words tumbled from her lips. Leander paused, eyes locking on hers. She swallowed and licked her lips, heat gathering at a rather alarming rate between her thighs. One of her hands fisted into the front of Garreth's shirt lest he try to pull back as well, and she gripped Leander's sleeve just as tight. She wasn't ready to let go.
Her eyes dropped to Leander's mouth. Gods, she wanted to kiss him. Her eyes moved back to meet his, and his pupils dilated, realisation making him suck in his breath swiftly.
The temptation was burning her up, her chest rising and falling rapidly at the positively sinful idea forming in her mind. She'd heard of it, one of her acquaintances was a whore, and she had heard many a lewd tale of group activities.
The both of them, both of her favourites, at the same time...
The very idea of both them touching her sent her mind spiralling down an intriguing hole of depravity. She throbbed at the thought, her thighs clenching as she imagined it. Unbidden, a moan slipped from her mouth and she writhed, her hips brushing up against the both of them because of the close proximity.
Leander's gaze flew to Garreth, redness blooming across his cheeks. As if in a trance she released Leander's sleeve and her thumb dragged slowly at his bottom lip, rolling it seductively. His breaths quickened, his throat working.
"Bloody hell," Garreth whispered.
The sound of his words, soft and amazed near her ear, made her look up at him. His green eyes were wide, unbelieving. "I can't choose," she confessed. "But I want you, both of you..."
Her words hung in the air in the tense, tight space between them. She had shocked them both, obviously, their eyes meeting over her head.
The hand she had fisted in Garreth's shirt moved up to grasp the back of his neck. "Please?" She begged. She turned her gaze on Leander, eyes pleading. "I want this."
Garreth spoke first, his voice slightly husky. "I...I guess we could...Lee?"
Leander was flustered. He ran his hand through his hair, looking between Garreth and MC. "Fuck..." He breathed. MC was still touching his face, she bit her lip and slid the tip of her thumb into his mouth and he immediately brushed his tongue against it. MC moaned and writhed again, arching her back a little at the throbbing ache between her thighs.
Leander's eyes darkened, his arousal a fire in his gaze. "Gods, alright," Leander groaned. "I'm in."
MC's sigh of relief was almost a whine and she grabbed Leander, her mouth hot and wet as she sucked his bottom lip, her tongue sliding eagerly over it and into his mouth for a hungry kiss.
She heard Garreth swear behind her, her heart already thumping hard at the thought of getting her hands on him next. Leander kissed her back, deeply, moaning into her mouth. She savoured the feel of his tongue, allowing the sweep of her desire to wash away any tiny lingering doubt.
When Leander's kiss moved to her jaw and then down to her throat, she moaned and let her head fall back, her eyes opening to look at Garreth. He was staring, mouth open, eyes dark. She grabbed his shirt, tugging him closer. "Kiss me," she begged.
His soft lips brushed hers, a tease, his tongue licking along her bottom lip. She panted and parted her lips, aching for a proper taste. As Garreth swirled his tongue into her mouth, Leander used his to suck hungrily at her neck.
MC thought she might melt into a puddle, arousal so sweet, so overwhelming scorched through her core. She moaned into Garreth's mouth and he kissed her harder. A hand cupped her breast, she had no idea who's, didn't care, she welcomed it.
And then Garreth moved to kiss and suck at the other side of her neck. She had one on each side. She squeezed her eyes closed, her voice a breathy moan. "Oh, gods, yes...more, more."
Fingers were tugging at the fastening on her trousers. A quick glance told her it was Leander, his long, slim fingers swift as he undid them and pulled them loose, his mouth still busy at her neck. He slid a hand in and down and she immediately widened her thighs for him.
He groaned as his finger tips delved through her very wet folds. "Bloody hell," he said. He slid his hand back out and took hold of Garreth's. "Mate, you have got to feel this..."
MC was breathless, eyes wide as she watched Leander guide Garreth's hand into her trousers. Both of their fingers a mixture of absolute obscenity as they dragged over her folds, exploring her arousal together.
Their eyes met, and Garreth smirked at his best friend, both of them appreciating the utter filth of this moment. Then they both turned their gaze on her. The intensity of their expressions, the feel of their fingers between her legs, had her face flushed, her breaths desperate. She wanted to tell them how good it felt, but words failed her.
One of them slid fingers into her entrance, sliding deep, while the tips of other fingers swirled over her clit. Her eyes rolled. Oh, fuuuuuck!
"I think she likes that Lee," Garreth murmured. "Look at her."
Leander hummed in agreement and the fingers buried inside her worked a little harder. She felt a teasing clench in her abdomen, heat gathering at an alarming rate. Her hands clutched at whatever she could grasp hold of, a desperate whine escaping her throat. "So good..."
"I wouldn't mind taking a closer look," Leander said.
His murmured words sent tingles of fire up her thighs, she was sliding precariously towards an edge and she was determined to take both of them with her. "Do it," she said. "Please..."
They tugged off her boots and yanked her trousers free of her legs, working as a team. Garreth's fingers curled under the waistband of her underwear, his eyes wicked as he slipped them over her hips. Leander watched as the damp cotton slid away to reveal her most intimate parts. Garreth tossed the garment over his shoulder and they gripped a thigh each, spreading her open.
Her lungs were screaming for more air but she seemed incapable of drawing enough oxygen inwards. It kept leaving her at an alarming rate. Especially when she saw the way their eyes burned at the sight of her soaked cunt.
She had been titilated at the thought of experiencing something like this with the both of them, but the reality was something else. It was erotic, it was outrageous, it was fucking everything.
"I don't know about you, mate, but I'm going to need a taste of that," Garreth said. Leander licked his lips, unable to tear his gaze away from the temptation spread out before him. He nodded. "You and me both. You can go first."
MC whined, her fingers flexing eagerly, eyes staring as Garreth settled between her thighs. He parted her gently with his fingers and then licked slowly, flatly, upwards in one long stroke. MC's hand flung out, grasping Leander's arm in a vice like grip, as Garreth swirled his tongue.
"Oh my...shit, that's..." Her words guttered out into a long moan, her thighs twitching, her toes curling. Her desire coiled tightly and her hips rolled against his mouth.
She tugged on Leander's arm unwittingly, but he answered the demand, shifting to take her face in his hand and he kissed her. She opened her mouth for him, welcoming his tongue, moaning against it.
"Does he feel good, MC?" Leander asked against her lips. She whimpered, trying to string together a response, and then Garreth slid a finger into her, sucking at her with his mouth. The wet, slurping sound of it intoxicating. She writhed, her hips needing to buck, but Leander clamped one hip down to the edge of the sofa. "Uh-uh," he scolded, playfully. "Be a good girl and keep still, MC."
She gasped, her eyes widening as she looked up at him. She had urged them both into this and now they were taking utter control. She realised she was powerless to stop it. She didn't want to stop it.
Leander undid her blouse buttons, his fingers swift and eager. The fabric fell open to expose her chemise. She panted, trying to flex her hips, but both Leander and Garreth pinned her down. She was utterly at the mercy of their tongues and hands.
Leander's fingers danced lightly up over the chemise, seeking out a nipple. He pinched, a sharp sting, and she gave a breathy cry. He smirked and rolled it under the palm of his hand, bending his head he playfully used his mouth against the thin cotton to tease the hardened peak.
"Lee..." She panted, arching her back.
He slid the fabric upwards, exposing the smooth flesh of her stomach. He kissed the soft skin under her breasts, moving upwards with tongue and lips until his hot mouth sucked at a nipple. This combined with Garreth's mouth fucking had her climax rushing forward at a dizzying rate. Her thighs began to tremble, her hips straining against Garreth's firm hands.
As her cries became louder, Garreth lifted his head, cutting off the wave as it was about to hit. MC gasped, a strangled cry of frustration bursting from her. "Garreth!"
She looked down at him, her pussy throbbing desperately, as he sat back, grinning and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. "That was fucking close," he said. He nodded at Leander. "You'd best get down here and finish the job, don't want you to miss out."
"How about we move this somewhere more comfortable?" Leander suggested.
MC looked between the two of then, the ache between her thighs screaming for release as they calmly discussed the next move. She almost growled in frustration. "Fuck sake, hurry up!"
It was meant to sound like a demand, an attempt to gain back some control, but it came out as a needy whine, and it only heightened the lust on their faces.
Garreth stood and leant over her, her heart pounding, hips writhing. He bent to kiss her on the mouth, slow, teasing. She could taste herself on his lips, she moaned, tongue seeking him out, but he pulled back. His smile was sinful, it made her ache. "Please..." She whispered.
"Let's get you in the bedroom," Garreth said. He looked up at Leander. "Ready?"
"Let's go." Leander stood and scooped MC up easily into his arms. She looped her arms around his neck and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.
Garreth opened the bedroom door and used his wand to light the lamp, casting the room in a warm low light. Leander placed her gently onto the bed. He tucked her hair behind her ear. "Are you alright?"
She nodded. Her hand tugged at his collar. "You're a little overdressed, though," she said. She moved up onto her knees and began to unbutton his shirt, his hands pushing her blouse from her shoulders. She felt the mattress dip behind her, and then Garreth's hands slid under her chemise, sliding up to cup her breasts. He kissed her shoulder.
"How do you want to do this?" He asked.
Leander smirked and reached to slide his fingers between her thighs. "I need to finish what Garreth started," he said. MC trembled at his touch, anticipation tingling through her blood.
She reached a hand up to slide her fingers into Garreth's hair as he kissed her neck. "Then Garreth can have my mouth," she said, softly.
MC was on her back, her thighs spread for Leander and Garreth straddled her torso. She slid her hands up his thick thighs, the hair there rough under her palms, and his cock twitched eagerly in front of her face. Pink and swollen, the tip glistening, the hair at the base as thick and red as that on his head, she eyed him greedily.
Years she had known him, thought they were as close anyone could be, but seeing him like this made her pulse race maddeningly. The intimacy of it made her breathless.
Garreth used his own hand on himself for a few pumps, looking down at her with his mouth slightly parted. She licked her lips and then arched, a moan spilling out as Leander swirled and sucked hard on her clit.
Garreth nudged the tip of his cock against her parted lips and she pushed out her tongue to lick at him before taking the girth of him in to her mouth.
"Yes, oh gods..." His breathy moans filled her ears as his hips flexed, fucking her mouth. His hand tangled into her hair, gripping it, holding her head right where he wanted her.
"Fuck, MC, that...that feels so good..." He stared down at her as she sucked, shuddering as she teased and wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft. She moaned around him, flexing her own hips to meet Leander's mouth, his long fingers biting into the soft flesh of her thighs.
She could feel her release building again, the heat gathering swiftly after being cut off so wickedly before. Her moans mingled with Garreth's, both of them chasing that much needed relief.
Garreth was becoming undone, his hips moving faster. Her fingers dug into the flesh of his thighs as his cock slid deeper towards the back of her throat, she gagged a little, her throat restricting around his tip and drawing groans from his mouth.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned. His hand was braced against the headboard, the other gripping her hair. She hollowed her cheeks and slid her hands around to squeeze his delicious, peachy bum.
Leander slid two fingers into her, curling them up just perfectly, and swirled hotly with his tongue at her clit. His pace quickened and she felt him moan against her. Her two favourite boys were being so good to her, giving her what she wanted. The heat inside her flared, white hot and sharp. She arched, clenching around Leander's fingers, the wave of her release strong and deeply satisfying.
Her head fell back, Garreth's cock exiting her mouth with a wet pop, and a cry tore from her throat as she clenched, baring down with trembling thighs.
"Fuck, that's hot," Garreth muttered.
She squeezed her hand around him and he grunted. She brought her mouth back to him, desperately trying to catch her breath through her nose as she sucked hard, desperate to feel him fall apart at her touch.
She felt Leander dip his fingers into her again, swirling them deep, then he pulled them out, coating them with her release.
Then, Garreth hissed a breath through his teeth, his hips bucked. A cry burst from his lips. "Oh, fuck...Lee!"
Garreth bent forward, his knees sliding out a little wider, his cock sliding deeper, and MC gagged, tears streaming from her eyes. Leander had rubbed her release around Garreth's hole, working him gently until he could gently slid a finger into him.
Garreth squeezed his eyes shut tight, his fingers gripping MC's hair so tightly she winced, but she kept sucking, swirling her tongue over his tip a few times before she felt the hot throbbing pulse under her hand. His guttural moan sent shivers up her spine as he shot his release into her mouth.
She gulped, swallowing what she could, but a trickle escaped and leaked from the corner of her mouth. Garreth pulled back, panting, releasing her hair. She rubbed at her scalp to ease where he had pulled it, before leaning up onto her elbows, staring up at Garreth's flushed face and fucked out eyes, in awe of his beauty.
Leander was behind him, looking at her over Garreth's shoulder. He reached around to wipe his thumb from her jaw up to her mouth, collecting the dribble of Garreth's cum that she hadn't cleared up yet.
"Let me clean that up for you," Leander murmured. "You've got such a pretty mouth."
MC gaped as Leander sucked his thumb clean. Garreth looked over his shoulder at Leander. "Nice work with the finger, by the way," he said.
Leander gave Garreth a wink and MC clenched her thighs together, already pining for more, not expecting to be aroused by them like this.
Then, Leander chuckled and clapped Garreth on the shoulder. "Always got your back, mate."
Garreth climbed off MC and bent to press a kiss to her mouth. "Such a good girl for me," he said. "Now, you need to be good for Leander."
MC settled back into the mattress, hands reaching for Leander as he positioned himself between her legs. Running her hands up his arms, she glanced down and whimpered. Fuck, he was big!
She widened her thighs in anticipation and then yelped as he gripped her hips and yanked her down the mattress towards him. Then Garreth was behind her, grabbing her wrists and pulling her arms up above her head.
"What...what the fuck?" She cried. She twisted her head up to look at Garreth. His eyes were dancing with mischief.
"Now, what did I say about being a good girl, MC," he said. He bent to kiss her nose. "I want to watch as you take him."
Their dominance over her took her completely off guard, she had not expected it, but she would be lying if she said it didn't excite her. Garreth was usually softer, and this more dominant side of him was making her heart pound.
Her breaths quickened as Garreth pinned her hands to the mattress. She was stretched out on the bed, Leander lining himself up at her entrance with his dripping cock, his gaze was hungry, eyes blazing as he pressed the tip inwards.
MC parted her lips and writhed at the feel of him. His hand tightened on her hip, he pulled back a touch and then sank a little deeper, his eyes rolling at the tightness of her. He pushed in a little more, stretching her. "Fucking hell, that's tight," he groaned.
She whimpered, feeling the stretch. "More..."
"She wants it, Lee," Garreth said. He bent to whisper into her ear, his breath hot, torturing her, as her hair tickled her neck. "Tell him, MC. Tell him how much you want it."
"I do," she whined. She rolled her hips, her walls sliding deliciously over his girth. "Fuck me, please...fuck me," she begged.
He slowly pulled out until just the tip was inside, edging ever so carefully with it. His eyes locked with hers and he smirked, teasing her.
She literally growled at him. "Fucking tease!"
Garreth chuckled and looked up at Leander. "Best let her have it, mate."
Leander plunged in deeply and MC arched off the bed, her moan low and utterly feral as he filled her to her limit. She panted at the utter full feeling of him, and then he started to fuck.
She was losing her mind. He was relentless, his thrusts hard and deep, slamming into her, hitting her so deep she was practically wincing. Her arms wanted to flail, her fingers needed to grip, but Garreth was pinning her down. She was completely at their mercy and the fire of her need was twisting savagely in her gut. He felt amazing.
She surrendered herself to them, closing her eyes as her cries of pleasure spilled from her lips. Her body met with Leander's in a fleshy, wet slap, his fingers biting into her hip. She could hear his harsh breaths, his grunts, and the soft words that whispered from his mouth. "Feels so good...fuck...she's such a good girl."
MC glanced up at Garreth, he was watching intently, mouth slightly parted. His lips so soft and inviting. "Kiss me," she breathed. "Garreth..."
He released her hands, and his mouth claimed hers, the kiss surprisingly gentle, a comparison to the complete railing she was receiving at the other end. His hand smoothed to cup her breast, moulding her gently, thumb brushing over her sensitive peak.
Now that her hands were free, she fisted them in Garreth's hair, needing something to cling on because she was hurtling towards the edge, her body an inferno.
Leander groaned, his thrusts becoming loose, leaning forward as he buried himself deep, cock throbbing tightly as he found his release. He stilled, breathing hard for a moment before he pulled out and shifted her leg, hot cum spilling on to her thigh as he collapsed onto the bed beside her. Garreth broke their kiss and looked up.
"Fucking amazing," Leander sighed.
Garreth moved to look down at MC's dripping slit. He stroked a finger over her entrance and she moaned. Garreth was holding his hardening cock, stroking it as he slid his finger into her. "Mmm, so wet and full," he said.
"I can take more," she said.
Garreth nodded. He tapped the outside of her thigh. "Up you get then, sweetheart," he said. "I want to see you sitting on my cock."
With Garreth beneath her, and Leander behind her, MC slid on to Garreth's cock, rolling her hips. Garreth groaned, his hands on her, guiding her as she moved. His fit was a little more gentle, filling her nice and snug, his cock rubbing deliciously in all the right places.
Leander slid his arms around her, hands cupping her bare breasts, his mouth on her neck. Again, MC was overwhelmed at the feel of the both of them, heat gathering quickly as she fucked Garreth. Her pace was slower than Leander's urgent thrusts, her body was beginning to tire, but she had wanted them both, she was determined to take them both.
Pleasure tightened Garreth's face, and for once she had some control, she was doing this to him. She reached up to hold Leander's head, her fingers diving into his hair, ruffling his normally neat style. He slid a hand down over her stomach, a finger seeking out her clit, she bucked, groaning.
He began to circle his finger tightly against her, dipping lower to run it over Garreth's cock and scoop up the slick to ease his strokes. Garreth moaned at his touch and MC felt a tight flare of lust. She began to rut harder, her fingers gripping Leander's hair tighter as he worked her and teased Garreth.
She looked down, Leander's hand pleasuring her, Garreth's cock sliding in and out, coated in all three of their fluids. The erotic feel of it sent her over the edge. MC cried out as a second orgasm rocked her, her walls clenching and sucking around Garreth.
"Fuck, you're so sexy," Leander moaned, into her ear. "Such a good girl, cumming on his cock like that."
Garreth groaned and sat up, one hand holding her hip, urging her to keep fucking, her walls clenching with aftershocks. He pressed hot kisses along her collar bone and up towards her neck, before he reached for Leander.
MC gasped, aroused beyond belief as Leander leant over her shoulder, pinning her between their bodies and pressed his mouth to Garreth's. MC's hips stuttered, seriously distracted at the sound of their wet, sloppy kiss.
Garreth rutted his hips upwards, and she ground against him, his grip tightened and then he broke his kiss with Leander, burying his face into her neck with a loud groan as his cock throbbed and pulsed with his climax.
They stilled, all three of them, breathing hard, wrapped in each other's limbs. Looks were shared between the three of them, she shifted to put a hand on each of their faces, and they both leant in to press kisses to her face. They leant their heads together, smiling.
"We should have done this years ago," Leander sighed. "That was brilliant."
Garreth shifted his eyes up to his best friend. "I agree."
MC felt warmth in her chest, love for the both of them. She had no regrets, none at all. What's more, she wouldn't say no to more. She grinned and pressed a kiss to each of their noses. "Well, I don't leave for another two days..."
Garreth and Leander exchanged a look. "Maybe we ought to get some sleep," Garreth said. "It's going to be a busy two days."
MC lay in the middle of the bed, Garreth and Leander on each side of her, pressed close. Her two favourites. She felt her eyes drifting closed and she couldn't remember a time when she had ever felt this happy. Or satisfied.
She snuggled down in between her two lions, enveloped in their combined scent and warmth, welcoming sleep, and very much looking forward to tomorrow.
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blosssombunnny · 2 years
𝓞𝓫𝓮𝔂 𝓜𝓮! 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓗𝓒𝓼
Warning: Mostly fluff (a little angst in mammons kinda? Nothing too sad) but there is nsfw in very small amounts!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lucifer definitely loves acts of service. Both giving and receiving (hehe). He’s a subtle man when out with others. He will do little things for you. Opens the car door, holds your hand delicately when you walk on stairs. He will give you his coat.
“MC stop it. I’m not cold. Put it on right now.”
The only time he will ever beg you to put more clothes on ;) Of course he will love some service in return. Whether you choose to do that by straightening his collar when it’s uneven or letting him face fuck you after a really stressful day ;3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Mammon is very fond of physical touch. Sure he also loves gifts and spending time with you… but nothing beats your gentle and kind touch. Sometimes he winced just ever so slightly when you reach up to touch his face. This poor (literally lol) baby is head shy.
“Tch. Of course I didn’t flinch. Just… keep t-touching me…”
He deserves someone that will be there to give him a hug and let all of his stress melt off. Sometimes when he has his head on your shoulders, you’ll find little wet spots from his eyes. He will say it’s just allergies, but, he never feels safe enough to cry anywhere else. Sometimes it just slips out. When you notice you tell him
“Mammon. Please let it out. I will hold you until you are ready for me to let go.”
Here come the waterworks. He wont be able to hold back. Your shirt is soaked. Your sleeve is a tissue. But it’s all worth it to see him smile and know he is ready to do the same for you when you need him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Leviathan loooooooves quality time. There’s nothing he’d rather do than just curl up with you, his tv, and a stack of games. In between games, levels, etc. you will likely end up talking for an hour. He loves hearing about your experiences in the human world. If you have any cool anime or game related stories please tell him.
“Y-YOU MET THE VOICE ACTOR FROM I fell from heaven and became a shut-in, and now I’m in love with a human who is my master?!?!?!!!!?”
He’s so jealous. If you don’t like video games he might whine a little and try to find a game you would like. Saying “you just haven’t found the right game for you”. If you still don’t find anything he would be happy to watch DevilTube with you or watch a show!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Satan is another quality time lover. Ideally he would love to sit in front of a cozy fire with his love, both reading the same book. With a cat curled up on his lap if possible. If you aren’t a fan of reading he would welcome you to lay in his lap as he reads.
“MC? Would you like to do a puzzle with me?”
I don’t know he seems like a puzzle man. He likes the challenge and the methodical nature. If you don’t want to do that he would definitely have a long list of other activities to do. And if all else fails he will suggest going outside to try and capture a new pet cat.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Asmodeus of course mainly deals in physical touch. He just loves feeling your soft skin, your delicate hands. Tracing your curves and just generally needing to have some contact at all times.
“MCCCC can I style your hair? Can I paint your nails? Can I dress you up??” If you refuse, “Ohhhh you’re just being stubborn. How could I not dress up a perfect doll like you~” (not like you’d refuse anyway)
He will brush your hair and give your shoulders and neck some love too. If it tickles that’s even better. He loves to see you squirm and blush ;)
He will always hold your hand, link your arms, or have an arm around you in public. He wants everyone to see the cutest couple in the universe room :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Beelzebub loves gift giving. Whether it’s a dainty necklace he saw that “would look so perfect on you” or a bite of his burger, this man loves showing you his love with little gifts. In his mind, he sees sharing his food as the ultimate signal of “I love you”. He doesn’t do this for anyone. Just for you. You tell him you don’t need gifts to know he loves you.
“I know… I just think about your smile and eyes… and I know it’ll look good on you… so I buy it.”
He’s a big goofy boy. A bit of a himbo in the best way possible. He looks rock hard on the outside (heh) but you can’t see how he melts inside when you smile and light up at certain things. And he gets to see that every time he offers your a bite. (Of his food of course)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Belphegor loves to give and receive endless amounts of affirmation! He needs to be reminded he is worthy of love and happiness. Most of the time the compliments he gives are in a sleepy haze. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. He truly means every word of it.
“Mmm-MC… You are just the most… yawn perfect pillow everrrr. Your body is perfect…”
He’ll definitely have his face buried in either your chest, shoulder, or hair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Diavolo is definitely a close tie between quality time and affirmations. But in my humble opinion, quality time wins. Because what happens during quality time? Compliments, sweet talk, and affirmations. Hehe. He has it all planned out. He’s genuinely a very lonely character. He desperately wants to have fun with friends. Be carefree and not worry about strict schedules. But that’s not the life that was given to him.
“MC… this week was so tiring. Please, will you come to the castle tonight? I want to… see you…”
He’s always a little embarrassed to act so needy. But he loves when you indulge him a bit. Once you arrive he will immediately pull you into a hug that will last at least 30 seconds. He just takes in your scent. He will quickly pull you away to his room or office for some privacy. He will have his hands all over you once you’re alone. He just missed you so much. Once he calms down it will be a nice night of love and relaxation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Barbatos = Acts of Service king. He always seems to know exactly what you need. If you are thinking ‘hmm. I’m a little thirsty’ he will likely ask if you need anything to drink in the next five minutes. It’s amazing.
“You must stay hydrated. I did not read your mind. I just know what’s your body needs. Sometimes even more than you do.”
Did that sound a little… weird? Ehh probably not. That’s only one of the many ways he surprises you. He loves to massage you and make you feel good. In return he loves to be babied a bit. He would absolutely never admit this. But. When you let him relax and get off his feet. He begins to relax instantly. Just hold him, let him lay on top of you. Pet his hair, tug on it gently, rub his shoulders and back. Small things like that really mean so much to him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Simeon is the affirmation master. He knows exactly how to make you blush and smile. He can always find the right words to calm you, pick you up, or just make you smile a little more.
“Are you sure you aren’t an Angel in disguise… it’s uncanny how much you resemble our kind. You even feel like one… So beautiful.”
He will always make you feel like a million dollars. In return tell him how well he’s doing. After all he is in a land that’s not his home, dealing with stressful entities all day. He needs reassured that he’s doing ok.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Solomon will always give you the most thoughtful gifts. He will take the time to find out what you like and dislikes and begin to give you the most wonderful gifts. He is conservative with how often he gives you something. Mostly because if two reasons. 1. He wants it to be more special and exciting. And 2. He’d go broke otherwise. Some of the stuff he gets you is not cheap.
“Anything for you. It’s your birthday. That only happens once a year. Of course I had to go big!”
He will wink and hold you tight against his side as your birthday party (that he organized) goes on. He just loves to spoil his cute apprentice.
Thank you for reading!!
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devildomsoup · 1 year
I’ve got a request! (If it’s possible for you to write it of course hehe)
What if everybody has a mark that unites them with their other half? Everybody has found their other half except the brothers, that’s until they notice the MC has the same mark as them after they’ve been living in the HoL for a while.
I think it could be really cute lol
When The Stars Align.
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Genre: Fluff
Characters: The demon brothers
Type: Scenario
MC: gender neutral they/them
A/N: Hope you like it. Also why does tumblr move my text around >:(
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Everyone has a so-called “other half.” Everyone is supposed to have one. 
But when days turn into years and years turn into millennials you lose hope.
The brothers lost hope ages ago. Their other half never appeared. All they had was a mark on their skin to remind them of what could have been but never would be. As much as it pained the seven demons, they eventually came to live with it. They could not keep dreaming of something that did not exist. Eventually, the pain in their hearts became nothing but a dull ache.
That was until MC arrived. 
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He had yet again dragged MC with him for a nap. Belphegor was currently snuggled tightly around MC. Letting out a satisfied yawn he nuzzled his face into the crook of MC’s neck, in response let out a quiet laugh. This was not anything out of the ordinary. MC was just mindlessly stroking Belphegor's hair as they stared at the ceiling above them. It was like a giant weighted blanket was wrapped around them. They could barely move with the way Belphegor had wrapped his limbs around them.
“Belphie I need to get up my feet are sleeping.” 
Belphegor only groaned repose but did not try to stop MC from wiggling their way out of his grip. Cracking one eye open he watched as MC stretched their arms over their head. That was when he noticed something. There, right above their hip was a tiny star.
“I did not know you had a tattoo above your hip,” Belphegor mumbled.
It looked a lot like the mark that was supposed to unite him with his other half. But surely it was just a coincidence, right? There was no way he would not have noticed it sooner if MC truly was his other half, right?
“Oh, that’s not a tattoo. I’ve had it since birth,” MC said casually.
Belphegor’s entire body was buzzing. He was wide awake now. Abruptly sitting up. Belphegor barely managed to prevent himself from falling out of bed.
“Can you repeat that?” Belphegor asked.
“It’s not a tattoo. I’ve had it since birth,” MC repeated with a confused tone.
It was them. Belphegor found them. After all these years he finally found his other half. He almost tackled them to the ground with the force he hugged them.
“I finally found you.”
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Mc was quietly watching Beelzebub rummage through the fridge. It was late at night, and they had been awoken by the sound of someone raiding the fridge. 
“Beel, it's super late.”
Beelzebub turned his head in MC’s direction, swallowing whatever food he had in his mouth.
“Sorry, I got hungry.”
“I know. But could you keep it down a bit? Lucifer will hear you if you are too loud, you know,” MC said with a yawn.
Beelzebub gave a small nod and continued his fridge raid. MC shuffled over to the kitchen counter and leaned against it. They were watching Beelzebub with sleepy eyes. It did not take long before MC sat down on the floor tiredly leaning their head against the kitchen counter. They decided to close their eyes just for a bit. 
MC dozed off in mere seconds sleeping with their face squeezed against the kitchen counter. Beelzebub let out a quiet hum as he brushed the crumbs off his hands. It did not look very comfortable to sleep like that. Beelzebub decided that it was probably best to get MC to bed so they could get some proper rest.   
Beelzebub picked MC up and made his way to MC’s bedroom. The sleeve of MC’s T-shirt moved upwards revealing a star. Beelzebub stopped in his tracks. Was that what he thought it was?
Beelzebub gently shook MC awake who responded with a confused grumble.
“MC what’s that on your arm?” Beelzebub asked as he gestured to the star.
"Huh? Oh, that’s like a birthmark or something. It’s been there since forever,” MC responded tiredly.
Beelzebub blinked a few times and moved his gauze from the star to MC’s face and then back to the star. An enormous smile spread across Beelzebub’s face. It was truly them. It was not just something he imagined.
MC was the person he had been searching for all along.
“Hey MC, would it be okay if I slept in your bed tonight?”
“Sure did you have another nightmare?” MC asked.
Beelzebub only shook his head in response; he just wanted to stay close to MC. stay close to his other half.   
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It was a peaceful Saturday in the House of Lamentation. Asmodeus and MC were hanging out in Asmodeus' room talking about this and that. 
“You should have seen him, Asmo. Never in my life did I expect to see Simeon in a R.A.D uniform,” MC said, kicking their feet around.
 “Aww I wish I could have seen it,” Asmodeus responded.
The two of them were currently sprawled across Asmodeus’ large bed. Their conversion had included many different topics, but they were currently talking about the exchange students from the Celestial Realm. 
“That reminds me, I got this new eyeshadow palette with celestial gold in it. Would you mind if I tried it on you?” Asmodeus asked.
MC got up from where they had been sitting and moved over to the vanity table in Asmodeus' room. One thing was for sure MC’s makeup was going to look amazing if it was Asmodeus doing it. Taking a seat at the matching stool Mc spun around on it so they were facing Asmodeus.
“You are going to look amazing with these colours. You already look amazing but this is going to be the cherry on top,” Asmodeus said in a singsong voice getting the makeup brushes he needed. 
After gathering what he needed Asmodeus immediately got to work. Working with pressure and eagerness it was quite a pleasant experience to have Asmodeus do your makeup.  
“I love how you draw a little star under your left eye, it’s so cute.”
“It’s something I was born with,” MC hummed.
The movement of the makeup brush came to a halt. ASmodes could not believe his ears. Was MC his other half? Was he actually able to find them? for so long he had thought that finding his other half would never happen yet here they were.
MC wondered why Asmodeus had stopped but before they could ask a pair of arms wrapped around them.
“I thought I was going to be alone forever,” Asmodeus whispered.
“Don’t be silly you have me you know,” MC said gently embracing him
“I know,” Asmodeus responded, hugging MC tighter. 
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This had to be one of the best ways to spend your time at least if you ask Satan. He was currently playing with cats alongside MC. About 12 cats were fooling around in a big patch of grass. Satan had brought a few cat toys with him which he and MC were currently throwing around for the cats to catch.
“Look Satan, this one has small socks,” Mc said pointing at a black and white cat.
Satan gave a firm nod observing the cat like it was a piece of art. It was always fun to go cat-watching with Satan. The facial expressions he made were something MC rarely got to see. He truly did relax when surrounded by those small soft creatures.
There was something very special about watching The Avatar of Wrath hold a living creature so gently. The tender smile he wore made the long walk worth it. Satan had awoken MC early in the morning to drag them along on his journey to pet the cats in the Devildom. When MC asked Satan why they had to leave so early he explained that he had made a map of all the best places to pet cats. So fat they had been out and about for a good 5 hours.       
“This is one of my favourite spots. There are at least 6 or 7 cats each time I visit. We’ve really been lucky today. It's rare for there to be so many cats,” Satan said with joy as he watched the cats.
An orange cat walked over to Satan and started rubbing its head against Satan.
“That cat almost has the same mark as me!” Mc exclaimed.
“It does?”
“Yeah, the star-like shape on its chest matches the one on my finger.”
MC held their pointer finger beside the cat and sure enough, there was a star-shaped mark just like on the cat. Satan grabbed MC by the hand and moved it closer to his face staring intensely at the star shape on MC’s finger. He looked MC in the eye and then held out his own pointer finger. Just like MC Satan also had a little star on his pointer finger.
“We match,” MC said with a smile.
“Yes, we match,” Satan repeated with a gentle voice.
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“Okay, so Ruri is taller in the movies, right?”
"Yes, exactly."
Leviathan and MC were in the middle of a Ruri-chan marathon and MC was trying to remember all the information Levithan had told them before they started. 
“Do you remember why she is taller?” Leviathan asked.
“Wasn’t it because of a fight scene or something like that?”
Leviathan beamed with joy when he heard MC answer the question. It was rare for him to talk with someone who actually listened to his long rants let alone remembered the things he said. MC was clearly trying their very best to remember the thing he had told him and it made him feel all warm and fuzzy. 
MC stretched their arms over their head and let out a quiet huff.
“Can we hold a tiny break before continuing Levi? I need to use the bathroom.”
“Sure I will restock on snacks in the meantime.”
With that, both MC and Leviathan got up from where they had been sitting and left the room. MC went to the bathroom and Leviathan headed for the kitchen. Leviathan was the first one back and he patiently waited for MC’s return so they could continue their Ruru-chan marathon. When MC returned they sat down beside Leviathan and grabbed a bag of chips to munch on and so the marathon continued. 
The movie came to an end and MC flopped onto their stomach. Leviathan noticed there was a small mark on MC’s nape. 
“When did you get that tattoo?” Leviathan asked.
“The one on your nape.”
“I was born with that one,” MC answered.
��Oh okay… WAIT WHAT?!” 
Leviathan almost landed on MC when he scrambled to his feet. Was this really happening? Leviathan had given up on finding his other half almost immediately; he held no hope that he would meet someone like that. Yet here they were.
A joyous laugh could be heard from Leviathan’s room that was the sound of someone who had finally been united with their other half.  
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MC and Mammon were both very focused. They were on a mission to build a card house. So far they have not had any luck. The cards kept toppling over but they did not stop the pair from trying again. The two of them were not going to stop until they had successfully built a complete card house.
“Dammit,” Mammon cursed under his breath as the card house crumbled.
“Guess we'll just have to try again, Mammon,” MC hummed, gathering the cards from the table.
“Why is it so hard?” 
MC just shrugged in response. They had been trying to build a card house for at least an hour now. Mammon began to build a new one yet again his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth while he focused on placing the cards. Card after card was carefully placed as MC and Mammon continued to build.
They were only missing the top part now. Both Mammon and MC were holding their breath in suspense as Mammon tried to build the final floor of the card house. Just as he was about to let go of the cards the entire structure fell apart.
“Urgh and we were so close,” Mammon groaned in annoyance watching the cards on the table.
MC gave Mammon a reassuring clap on the shoulder as they started together the cards yet again. As MC handed Mammon the stack of cards he noticed a little star on their wrist which caused him to freeze up. He gently took MC by the arm and held his wrist against theirs. 
Mammon’s eyes widened in surprise when he realized that the star on his wrist matched MC’s. Before he even noticed it himself Mammon had thrown his arms around MC card house long forgotten.
“It’s really you.”
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It was late at night Lucifer was scribbling away filling out different paperwork at his desk. He let out a tired sigh as he read through the next piece of paper in the big paper pile. Lucifer was so consumed by his work that he did not even hear the quiet knock on the door or the footsteps that followed.
“You need to go to bed.”
Hearing the voice of MC, he looked up and sure enough there they stood with a less than pleased facial expression. Their hands were planted frilly on his desk preventing him from reading the papers in front of him.
“I will go to bed in just a moment. I just need to finish some paperwork,” Lucifer said hoping MC would move their hands.
“No, you need to go to bed now. Knowing you, just a moment will be 4 hours.”
“Please MC need to finish this and then I promise I will go to bed.”
“Doing that while tired will only result in poorly done paperwork and you know it,” MC huffed, not moving their hands away from Lucifer’s desk.
Lucifer ran his gloveless hands through his hair in frustration. He knew MC was right, but he could not let himself fall behind even if his body was begging him to go to bed. MC raised a brow and walked over to Lucifer's side. They grabbed him by the arm not giving the demon a chance to respond and proceeded to drag him towards his giant bed.
“Like it or not you are going to bed,” MC said firmly as they made Lucifer sit on the edge of the bed.
This was not the first time MC had forced Lucifer to go to bed, so it was no issue for them to find his pyjamas either. Handing Lucifer his pyjamas, MC turned around so he had a bit of privacy to change.
“You need to stop overworking yourself,” Mc said as they tucked Lucifer in.
It was such a strange sight. Lucifer The Avatar of Pride was being tucked in by a human who was now sitting at the edge of his bed. MC was gently stroking his hair in a calming motion and Lucifer had to admit that it was quite calming. His eyes softened as he watched MC Their nightshirt was falling off their right shoulder. He reached his hand up to fix it but stopped when he saw the star right under MC’s collarbone.
“Has that star always been there?” He asked  
MC gave him a small nod in response. Suddenly Lucifer's stomach was filled with fluttering butterflies. Had he found them? Was MC his other half? He hoped he was not just dreaming. Lucifer slowly moved his hand up to the collar of his shirt and moved it down a bit to reveal a matching star. MC blinked their eyes in surprise when they saw the star on Lucifer’s skin; it looked identical to the one they had.
“That’s strange, who would have thought we both had this?” MC said.
 “Who would have thought?” Lucifer said slowly sitting up.
MC looked at Lucifer who was giving them the gentlest smile like they were the most precious thing in the world. Lucifer gently ran his hand across MC’s cheek, a very sweet sign of affection. 
How he had lineage for the day he would finally be untied with his other half. He could not have been happier to find out that it was MC.
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2chopsticks2eyes · 1 year
Hi hi, just a little Misung x reader time, imagine Minho x mc who are already a couple and live with roommate Jisung.. who they had caught fucking himself on a dildo and using a fleshligh at the same while moaning their names 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ when he thought they were out in a date 👋👋
Of Course You've Got to Help Him Out!
You don't barge in on him, afraid he would panic, but you and Minho took a mental note of it. (And of course, you two fucked like rabbits later that night to the thought of Jisung)
It started when Jisung and Minho were at home while you were out shopping (all according to plan) and Minho was extra cuddly with Jisung, making the younger sweat. He would do things like grip the man's bicep and compliment him on his physique or started a tickle fight that had them wrestling around on the couch.
You happened to walk in when Minho had Jisung between his legs on the couch and was massaging his shoulders. You bit your lip when you heard his hums of appreciation. You then composed your facial expression and walked the rest of the way in. Jisung's eyes were shut and his head was lolled to the side, but his brows were turned in and he held his lower lip between his teeth.
Minho smiled at you mischievously and you returned the look. To bring Jisung back to Earth, you plopped your keys down on the entryway table with a loud *chink*! His eyes flew open and he stood up at the speed of lightning from in between his hyung's legs.
"K-kitten! I didn't hear you walk in!" You couldn't hold back your crooked smile at seeing the man so flustered. However, before he could escape, Minho grabbed him by the waist and forced him back down in front of him to continue. "Hyuuung!" Jisung whined while trying to escape.
"It's okay, Hannie. I want Min to help you feel good." You said as you walked over to them. Jisung looked apprehensive but suddenly moaned when Minho began his ministrations again. He sucked his lips in and blushed furiously, but couldn't compose himself from his hyung's expert hands.
You pinched your mouth tight to keep from smiling as you placed your shopping bag down on the coffee table. "Hanji?" He hummed in response as his eyes fluttered close from a particularly pleasurable spot on his neck that Minho found. You used the opportunity to pull out the one item of clothing you went shopping for. "Do you think you could try this on for me?"
He slowly opened his eyes to see you holding up a completely sheer/see-through shirt that was long-sleeved and black. His eyes widened.
"I saw this and instantly thought it would look good on you."
"But you can see through it!" He said, taking the silky material from your hands.
"Wear it with that sexy black vest you showed me." Minho said in his ear and the younger man's eyes fluttered.
"Pleeease Sungie!" You said as you got on your knees in front of him and pouted your lip up at him, your hands finding purchase on the top of his thighs.
He exhaled a shaky breath as he gazed down at you. "...Yeah. Yeah, okay..." He said in almost a whisper. Again, before he could move, Minho started pulling up his shirt. "H-hyung!" He said, trying to reach Minho's hands to stop him. You eagerly also pulled on the front of his shirt to rid him of it, scooting closer so that you were in between his legs now. "Wha-? Wait!" He said as he involuntarily laughed at the unexpected interaction.
"What's the big deal? I've already seen you shirtless Hannie." You said as you accidentally ran your hands over his abs and pecs as you rid him of his shirt. (And my word, the man is made of satin)
"Oh, you know what, kitten?" You hummed in response after the shirt was finally discarded. You already knew what he was going to say, but you tilted your head in question anyway, not retreating from in between your roommate's legs. Minho propped his chin up on Jisung's shoulder to look down at you. "Before he tries that on, can I massage him a bit more? There are some trickier places I couldn't quite get before because of his top."
"Of course! Actually, I know he's been working his chest and abs a lot too. How about you massage the back and I'll massage the front?"
"You have a beautiful brain, babe." You smiled up at your boyfriend and used Jisung's knees to pull yourself up and against him to give your boyfriend a chaste kiss over his shoulder. When you stood up, Jisung had the widest eyes and looked completely flustered.
"I'll go get some lotion, be right back!" You ran into your room and grabbed some massage oil before returning to your spot on the ground between his legs, even if he did seem a bit shy about it.
"Just relax Hannie." Minho purred as he manually rolled the younger one's shoulders back. You and Minho rubbed some oil into your hands and Minho went straight to work oiling the boy up.
You, however, looked up into his eyes from hooded lashes and then slowly glided your hands up from the hem of his pants (which did a horrible job at hiding his bulge) and traveled all the way up to meet where Minho had oiled up his shoulders.
Han let out a shaky breath when you ran your hands back down to his waistband. "You're so tense, Hannie..." You said in a velvety tone.
"Y-yeah..."You watched in hunger as you saw his Adam's apple bob from his dry swallow.
Your hands kneaded into his abs and Minho did the same to his arms. "Let me help you out, kitten." Minho's hands suddenly circled under the boy's arms and around to grope and squeeze the boy's pecs, making the younger gasp.
"Mmm, thank you, jagi. I think we need to focus on the front right now anyway..." You said to Minho, staring straight into Jisung's eyes all the while.
You continued your ministrations and watched as your boyfriend pulled the other back against his chest and started mapping out Jisung's pecs thoroughly. It was when Minho focused on the nipples that Jisung started squirming. "Guys..." Jisung breathed.
"Shhh... relax, jagi..." Minho whispered in Han's ear, feeling the younger's nipples quickly hardening.
"Jisungie?" The man's attention was brought back to your sickly sweet voice. Your hands began massaging lower. "Why are you feeling more tense, baby?"
His breath shuttered. "I.... I... I--"
"Can I help you out, handsome?" You've crossed that threshold and you were going to do it with flair. Your hand drifted down to his obvious boner in his jeans and added pressure. "Both of us?"
Jisung involuntarily threw his head back on Minho's shoulder with a groan. "We've been dying to get our hands on you, jagi. Let us do this for you." Minho growled in his ear, followed by a wet kiss on the boy's jaw.
Jisung's eyes were turned inward in pleasure as you continued to palm him when he looked down at you again. You took a risk and pulled yourself closer so you could lick a strip up his abs, damn the massage oil.
"Oh, god..." He breathed. You continued to palm him as Minho kissed along his neck in waiting. He waited for any trace of reluctance, and then ultimately nodded his head. "Y-yes. Yes, please..."
My bitches:
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nyxronomicon · 10 months
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chapter iii: fushiguro
toji x reader (she/her. tits & vagina)
cw: child neglect, fuckboy Toji, gambling, alcohol, no curses au, found family, DILF Toji, Toji is motivated by sex, anger issues, Shiu is a little shit (affectionate), a LOT of swearing in this chapter
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Toji watched the smoke billow up from his cigarette, swirling in the air, echoing his swirling emotions. His thoughts were on you. How shitty his whole situation already was and now you were a part of it.
No. He reminded himself that you were nothing more than a neighbor. Nothing more than a babysitter. He took a drag of the cigarette and stared into the night sky. Things always got messy when Megumi was involved, but it was too late. He fucked up. He shouldn't have opened his big mouth and told you so much.
Granted, he was pretty convinced you wanted to have sex with him. Maybe not so much anymore, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it. That hazy expression you had after drinking a little whiskey was stuck in his head as he took another drag of his cigarette. "Fuck," he mumbled, trying to push the memory out of his mind.
Toji's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and picked up. "Yeah?" He spoke with disinterest.
"I've got a job for you." The voice said. "It'll take a few days."
Toji closed his eyes briefly, shaking off his emotions. "Timing couldn't be better."
"Oh?" the man responded. "Something happen with that neighbor girl?"
"Shut up." Toji hissed before adding, "Shouldn't have told you about her."
"So I take it you need a babysitter." There was a pause while Toji finished his cigarette, tossing it on the ground and stepping on it.
"If you're offering." Toji was dreading the thought of facing you again. As much as he wanted to fuck you, he'd be just as happy if you decided you didn't want to see him again. It'd be easier for everyone.
"I don't mind." Toji could hear the faint chuckle from the other line. "Maybe she'll stop by."
"Don't get any ideas," Toji scowled. A strange possessiveness came over him, not that he had any claim over you. He hadn't felt this way in a long time.
"Interesting." The man on the other line mused.
"You're getting ideas, Shiu." Toji muttered. "Are you really gonna piss me off to talk to the neighbor chick? You, of all people, should know how bad that could end for you."
Shiu just laughed. "You'd never."
"Try me." Toji snarled into the phone before hanging up with a sigh.
You texted Toji. He was acting weird when you parted ways last night, so you wanted to make amends. Not necessarily for Toji, but the thought of leaving Megumi like that made you feel guilty. Although, you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel bad for upsetting Toji, too.
You went the entire day without hearing from him, so when you got home from work, you considered stopping by. If he wasn't around, Megumi would be there and he'd probably want company, anyway. So, you changed out of your work clothes and knocked on his door.
It was only minutes before the door creaked open, a stranger behind it. He had a thin mustache, short hair, and wore a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He smirked, eyeing you up and down before he spoke.
"You must be the neighbor girl."
"And you are...?" You looked confused, glancing in the apartment behind him for Megumi.
"Shiu Kong." He stuck his hand out. "A friend of Toji's."
"Are you in security, too?" You asked.
He chuckled. "Yeah." There was a short pause, then he added, "He's got a job in another town for a few days. I watch the kid sometimes when he's gone."
At the sound of your voice, Megumi rushed to the door. "Miss MC!" He had a bright smile. "I finished another puzzle. Come look!" He grabbed your hand as Shiu stepped out of the way to let you through. Megumi led you to his spot on the living room carpet, flipping through the newly completed puzzles as you complimented his work.
Shiu simply observed, wondering what it was about you that had captured Toji's interest. Megumi had clearly grown attached to you already. He was more animated than Shiu had ever seen. The kid had been telling him about you earlier, about how you brought him to the store and tucked him in. Clearly, the missing piece in Megumi's life was some kind of mother figure.
Shiu knew Toji better than that, though. He knew it was unlikely he'd talked to Megumi about you, and even less likely that he talked to you about Megumi. Regardless, Toji never really cared about what Megumi wanted, and that alone wouldn't have Toji acting the way he was. Something else must have happened between the two of you.
He pulled out his phone, taking a picture of you on the floor with Megumi. He immediately texted it to Toji, with the caption: look who decided to visit.
Toji: tell her to leave.
The response was almost immediate, making Shiu chuckle. Toji rarely got possessive like this. Of course, he had no intention of backing down. This was just far too interesting.
"MC," Shiu called your name, walking closer as both you and Megumi looked at him. "Care to chat? I was hoping to ask you something." Megumi frowned, eyeing him.
"Sure." You stood, following the man to the kitchen. Megumi snuck behind, hiding just out of sight so he could eavesdrop.
"Toji's going to be gone a few days, and I'm not much of a chef." Shiu stated. "Would you mind making us dinner tomorrow? I've already ordered delivery for tonight."
"Oh," you smiled brightly at the idea of making another friend. "Of course. Megumi would like that, too."
"He would," Shiu smiled back. There was a short pause. "I have another question. You know how Toji is, he won't tell me anything. Are you together?"
You laughed, thinking it was a joke for a moment before you realized he was being serious. "Sorry, uh, no. We're not... anything. Just friends."
"Is it that ridiculous that I asked?" He chuckled. "Sorry, just wanted to make sure."
"Why? Did he say something about me?" You tilted your head. The nature of the conversation was still lighthearted, and you could feel your heart beat a little faster at Shiu's boy-next-door charm.
"Nothing, really. But he doesn't normally mention the women he sleeps with."
The phrase echoed in your head. The women he sleeps with. You figured Toji probably slept around with how flirty he was, but you never thought about it. Still, the confirmation had you feeling a little shattered. A little inadequate.
"Toji and I haven't slept together, if that's what he told you." The smile left your face as you leaned against the countertop.
"No, no." Shiu smiled nervously. "I meant to say, he doesn't really mention women at all. Not since his wife left him."
"Do you know her? What is she like?" You pried, thinking maybe if you can get a little of information from Shiu, you wouldn't have to bring it up with Toji again.
"She was good for him. Made him a better man." He sighed. "But she's better off." There was a long pause as you contemplated whether you really wanted to know the answer to your next question.
"Did he love her?" You asked quietly. Shiu studied your expression. Some shyness. Almost like you didn't want to know. Toji certainly wouldn't want you to know. And yet, the man couldn't resist.
"I think so. In his own fucked up way." He replied. He couldn't lie to you, not for this. And he knew that eventually, it would all catch up to Toji, regardless. "But she's long gone. Seriously."
You took in a deep breath. The ramifications weighed heavy on your mind. One of them was lying to you. Shiu stepped closer, gently holding your cheek as your eyes met his gaze.
"Hey. He's going through something that has nothing to do with you. You can be there for Megumi with or without his blessing." Shiu's brown eyes shimmered as you looked at him, your heart racing. Even though he was practically a stranger, you felt so close to him at this moment. Maybe it had just been too long since you'd felt affection, but it was nice. 
Your thoughts felt so foggy. You needed to leave and clear your head. You felt drawn to Shiu, and you weren't sure how much of that was his smooth-talking and how much of it was real. You pictured Toji finding out and in your mind he just shrugged, his apathy like a knife in your heart. But, if he didn't care, why did you?
"I should go." You mumbled, shuffling out of the kitchen. "See you tomorrow, Megumi." You waved, not even sparing a glance at the living room before leaving the apartment. Megumi was relieved- you would have caught him listening in.
Shiu followed behind you, instantly noticing Megumi's poor hiding spot. "Eavesdropping again?" He laughed.
"You're not allowed to flirt with her." Megumi pouted.
"She's a little old for you." Shiu ruffled Megumi's hair with a grin.
"No, for dad." He pulled away, pink dusting his cheeks. "She's nice. I want her to keep hanging out with dad. He likes her."
Shiu looked at the kid, shocked he'd say something so on the nose. He had just been thinking the same thing. Maybe you were the one who could force Toji to move on.
Your emotions swirled in your head. You felt even worse now. Toji only reopened those wounds last night because of you. And you didn't even give him anything in return. No truths, no dares. You stared at the text conversation between you, wondering what you might say to apologize.
It would be better in person, of course. But you had no idea when he'd be back and you were afraid he hated you.
You: I'm sorry about last night... please let me make it up to you.
There it was- the familiar silence of waiting for a message from Toji. He was traveling for work. You had to keep reminding yourself like a mantra while you cooked dinner. Still nothing after you finished eating. It was hours before you finally got a response.
Toji: i told you i'm saving that dare for later You: I mean as an apology. I feel bad. Toji: for what? she means nothing to me. i don't care that you asked.
That wasn't what Shiu said. You wanted to believe Toji, but your gut told you something wasn't right. He took her name. That's especially weird with an arranged marriage. You suddenly had a sinking feeling that you couldn't trust him. That Shiu was the one telling the truth.
You: ok then. Toji: did something happen?
You didn't know how to talk to him at this point. What else was he lying about? You could feel yourself spiraling in negative thoughts. You needed to stop talking to him, but your fingers compelled you to type one more message.
You: I talked to Shiu. It just feels like you're lying to me. Maybe we should just be friends. I still want to be there for Megumi.
Toji didn't respond to that text message. Not that you were expecting it.
Long after he and Megumi finished dinner, Shiu's phone rang. He didn't bother looking at the caller ID; he knew who would be on the other line.
"Hey." Shiu excused himself to smoke a cigarette outside, leaving Megumi to his nature documentary. The kid didn't need to overhear this.
"What'd you fuckin' say to her?" Toji barked.
"Not even a hello? I thought we were friends, Fushiguro." He mused.
"Just tell me what you said, you fuckin' prick." He sounded furious, which just made Shiu smirk.
"Keep talking like that and I'll start to think you have a little crush." Shiu wore an easy smile as he stepped outside. It was getting late. The sun had just dipped below the horizon. He pulled out a cigarette, placing it loosely between his lips.
"Fucking christ. Why is talking to you like pulling teeth?" Toji sighed.
"Calm down. I told her the truth, man." He lit the cigarette.
"The truth?" Toji hissed.
"What," He sighed, taking a drag, "was I supposed to baby her or something? Tell her you never loved your wife? That you're just a wellspring of affection waiting for the right cute neighbor girl to shower with adoration?"
"My ex-wife." Toji corrected him.
"You never signed the papers, dude. You're still married, whether or not those feelings still exist."
"Fuck off." Toji growled.
"You know I'm right, man." Shiu took another drag, watching the sky slowly darken behind his clouds of smoke.
"Yeah? If you're so perfect, where's your girl, Casanova?" Though his tone was still short, he seemed calmer now. Shiu was a seasoned expert at de-escalating Toji's fury.
"Dunno." Toji knew Shiu well enough to picture the shit-eating grin on his face as he spoke. "Maybe she's across the hall. Maybe she's making dinner for me and Megumi tomorrow."
"You didn't." It was a rare treat for Shiu to ruffle Toji's feathers like this.
"You're really down bad, eh?" He chuckled. "Consider it my payment for taking care of the kid."
"I'm gonna wring your fucking neck, Kong." Toji growled into the receiver. "She isn't a payment. Christ."
"You're right. She's a free woman. And she's right to be cautious of you. You know that." Shiu puffed the cigarette before adding, "and I'm not giving up my cut of this job, so don't even think about it."
There was a deafening silence. "Shiu." Toji's voice had softened. Almost like he was feeling reasonable now. "Seriously. What's your game?"
"I was thinking about asking her out. She's cute." He smiled, wishing there was a little less light pollution so he could see the stars. Not that the parking lot of this dingy apartment building would be very picturesque.
"No." Toji shot back. "Cancel."
"Why should I?" He took a long drag.
"Are you gonna make me say it?" Toji's voice was tired. Shiu knew that this wasn't the only thing on his plate now, but Toji was resistant to change unless he was pushed to his breaking point.
A humorless chuckle escaped Shiu's lips, smoke trailing out with it. "Why don't you tell me the real reason you never signed those papers instead?"
Toji huffed. After a long pause, he relented. "Megumi deserves a better father. He deserves an out, and I can't give that to him."
"You think she can?" Shiu asked. He figured it was something like this. There was another long pause.
"Dunno anymore." He sighed.
"You want my opinion?" Shiu finished his cigarette. "She's not the escape you think she is. She'd be stupid to come back just to clean up the mess you made. This is on you, man. You can't keep putting off happiness like some fucking edgelord. Megumi's miserable, you're miserable, just let this neighbor girl in a little. Let her make you happy. Fuck."
"You think she wants that? To get involved with... all this?" Toji was quiet, almost pensive.
"Why don't you ask?" Shiu walked over to the trash, putting out his cig before tossing it.
"And tell her everything? Fuck off, dude." Toji hung up without another word.
Shiu looked at his phone with a smirk. "Here I thought we were making progress," he mused to himself as he returned to the apartment.
The next morning, Shiu poured himself a cup of coffee as Megumi ate his cereal at a barstool. "Hey, uncle Shiu?" The nickname always made Shiu smile.
"What is it?" He looked at the kid. It wasn't very often that he started a conversation.
"Why did you say my mom is better off without my dad?" Megumi looked at his cereal.
"You heard that, huh?" He set the coffee down on the counter, now directly across from Megumi. "Listen, your dad isn't emotionally intelligent. Do you know what that means?" Megumi shook his head. He did not. "It means that he's not good at recognizing and expressing his feelings."
Shiu sighed, wondering how to put this without giving Megumi too much information. "Your dad loved your mom, but I don't think it was for the right reasons. He loved what she could offer him. It was an arranged marriage to her, but to him, it was an escape."
"An escape? From what?" Megumi tilted his head.
"From his family." Shiu smiled softly.
"Dad has family?" The kid asked, a shocked look on his face.
"Yeah, but they were mean to him, so he doesn't want them to meet you." Shiu sipped his coffee. "He's protecting you, I think."
"I don't want him to protect me." Megumi pouted.
"Oh?" Shiu chuckled. "You want his family to be mean to you, too?"
"Maybe they won't be mean to me." He shoveled another bite of cereal in his mouth.
"His family is mean to everyone." Shiu set his mug down. "You'll understand when you're older." 
Megumi was quiet. This wasn't the first time he'd been told this. He frowned, wanting to know more but not knowing how to get it. "What does that mean?"
"Your father is in a dangerous line of work. You're putting yourself in danger if you ask too many questions." Shiu dismissed him again, this time much more seriously.
"What about Miss MC?" Megumi asked.
"She knows even less than you do." Shiu took another sip of coffee. "Are you worried about her?" He leaned on the counter behind him, facing Megumi with the mug in hand.
"She asks a lot of questions." He simply responded. "Does that mean I should protect her?"
Shiu chuckled, "I think you're a little small to be protecting anybody."
"Then dad should protect her." Megumi finished his bowl of cereal and brought it to the sink. He wasn't tall enough to rinse it out, so he just set it down and returned to his barstool.
"What makes you say that?"
"He likes her. I can tell. He's way nicer to her than he is to you." Megumi sat back down.
"Hey," Shiu laughed. "He doesn't even know her. I'm his best friend."
Megumi looked at Shiu with disbelief, "really? He's not very nice to you." Shiu couldn't really tell if the kid was joking or not- he was one of Toji's only friends that had even met him.
"That's his shitty emotional intelligence." He stepped away from the counter. "Even when he likes people, he won't show it. I don't think he's ever told me we're friends, but we are."
"How do you know?" Megumi looked at him with those piercing blue eyes.
"We've shared too many beers and stories to be anything else." He shrugged.
"Does Miss MC know he likes her?"
Shiu paused at Megumi's question. The answer was undoubtedly no. But it's not like they could really do anything about it. Toji was a stubborn fool. He'd push her away completely before even considering the thought of taking her on a date. If Shiu or Megumi talked to him about it, he'd be even more resistant to the idea. God forbid she asks him out- Toji was way too old-fashioned about his views of masculinity to accept that.
"I don't think she does." He responded.
"We gotta tell her. So she knows about his emotional intelligence." Megumi earned another chuckle from Shiu.
"I'm not sure we should interfere." Shiu finished his coffee, returning to the kitchen. Megumi followed. "At least, not so directly."
"Why not?" Megumi pouted.
"Your dad needs to think it's his idea. Otherwise, he won't do anything." Shiu thought for a minute. "But he needs a little push. You're right about that. Let's think about it. Maybe we can come up with a plan." He smiled at the kid, not realizing his words would plant a seed into the little guy's head.
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ban-styles · 4 months
PLS PLS do you have any athf hcs?? would love to hear about those !!! ^^ (for the show itself or for your gijinkas' designs)
I HAVE SO MANY HCS RAAHAHHH THNAK YOU SO MUCH!!! I’ll try and order them for you
• i feel like he would realllllyyy enjoy mortal kombat
• shake likes to get a reaction because it entertains him, hence why he does what he do
• shake has a lot of scars like.. everywhere, and maybe other recent lacerations
• shake can interchange his straw colour
• i feel like if he was around at the time, he would enjoy dubstep
• he needs glasses but doesn’t wear them, frylock bothers him to wear them 24/7
• shake wears rubber gloves / likes to shave his hair short due to sensory issues
• is one of the metalheads that will insist you listen to this band and hate this other band
• goes over to Carl’s house often to listen to metal cds, really one of the only way they’d bond
• loves collecting plushies, sometimes frylock will buy him one every once in a while as a treat
• meatwad likes to fall sleep to lullabies
• meatwad has auditory sensory issues/hyperfixations!!! i specifically noticed this because he seemed to fixate on the mc pee pants music, and i noticed in other episodes he covers his ears to loud noises
• meatwad is very co-dependant, and maybe even has abandonment issues
• meatwad likes to draw pictures for the other two, frylock will either put them on the fridge and 1/5 times shake will rip them up
• meatwad enjoys wearing baggier clothes, if not, he will resort to a tight fitting long sleeve shirt
• he begs frylock to print out colouring sheets 24/7
• meatwad will trust people very easily because he wants to make friends
• he also collects little trinkets he finds around the house or outside, like bottle caps or parts of toys or cars etc
• he likes to make daisy chains :] he will ask shake, frylock and sometimes even carl to help him make a super long one
• he’s afraid of dogs, this is more recent as he’s picked up on the fact that they literally like eating him
• frylock likes to dress formally in a very casual matter
• he likes to stay organised
• knows a thing or two about plumbing, will fix pipes around the house and also helps Carl with his pool issues
• he deeply cares for his two brothers and has put up with them because of his sense of trust
• he likes to ask meatwad for his opinions on his gadgets, simply because he know he’ll jsut go “this is super awesome frylock and you are amazing”
• he became religious to help with stress, and also to find a different pov when researching for his experiments
• additionally, he likes to wear cross necklaces
• carries meatwad around on his hip
• he’ll occasionally carry the other two to bed and tuck them in / lay a blanket on them if they’re already asleep and he’s still awake
• he lets meatwad paint his nails, so he’s kinda walking around with messily painted nails 24/7 lol
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monster-match-if · 1 month
Can I ask what the ROs are like? As people I mean, like personalities, hobbies, if their different in a private setting rather than a public one, etc
And maybe if it's not too much, if they have possible preferences for a partner? Personality or otherwise
OH family is probably important too so I'd like to know that as well please, thank you
These are a lot of questions😅I'm actually making a little RO Character Profile in game where you'll be able to read more about the ROs and some of the other cast members. I'm copying some of the stuff I've written so far, thought not all of them are hobbies. sneak peek and answers below the cut cause it got long
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Morgan  At best: charming, confident, perceptive, intelligent, funny At worst: egocentric, unreliable Likes: expensive champagne, classy luxury, old vampire movies
Eli At best: loyal, honest, friendly, kind, dependable  At worst: anxious, envious Likes: woodcarving, procrastinating, pedantic books about nature and history
Ragnar At best: protective, warm, empathetic, passionate, faithful, At worst: possessive, overprotective. Likes: BBQs, the great outdoors, working on his vintage Harley-Davidson motorcycle, working on his cottage 
Blake At best: sensual, curious, adventurous, charming, spontaneous, funny At worst: distrustful, impatient Likes: parties, reality TV shows, music
Kitai At best: supportive, kind, empathetic, generous, loving At worst: nihilistic, insecure Likes: painting, origami, video games, sci-fi
Fion At best: brave, focused, loving, practical, energetic At worst: trouble-seeking, belligerent Likes: gardening seaweed and kelp, cleaning plastic from the ocean, getting high on puffer fish
Sei At best: assertive, loyal, reliable, mysterious, passionate  At worst: arrogant, possessive, judging Likes: being prepared, human documentaries and biographies, reading anything with a good plot
Sei is probably the only one that acts differently in front of the camera than in private - bringing out more of that inner alure and his Host voice, but is rather calm and stoic in private. Morgan and Blake might be a bit less extravagant, less flirty all the time in private, but it's not a big difference. Fion is a firecraker all round. will express their feeling easier in private. One might not see it on their face is something ever offended them. Eli, Kitai, Ragnar all basically wear their hears on their sleeves.
Preference in partners… Well Ragnar obviously wants a family oriented, loyal woman. For the others, they don’t have super specific things, love is blind and all that.  Morgan I imagine would not particularly want a complete slob as a partner, at least for more fancy events. Doesn't have to be full formal attire, but at least not a mustard covered shirt.  Blake just wants someone who will not criticise them for their lifestyle and would potentially want a partner that would want to join them at least on occasion on their escapades. Eli and Kitai just want to be loved and respected by their respective partners😅everything else is a bonus. Fion - someone who’s into tentacle stuff, lol. Would prefer someone who doesn't fear the ocean, at least when they’re together, and who would join them for various underwater activities. Sei - someone who is just his.
Family... Morgan - their Maker and a few vampiric siblings.  Great (times 15) grand-niece they kept track of. Eli - parents - gets along well enough with them, even if they're a little overbearing. Ragnar - parents and an older sister. Blake - none, but they consider all incubi siblings in a way. Kitai - a loving grandmother. Fion - 17 younger half siblings between their separated parents. Gets along with absolutely none of them. Sei - he’s got family out there somewhere, but I imagine nagas being pretty solitary creatures outside their couples. He’ll expect any future children to move out quite soon (with help ofc if needed) and will never be one of those implicated parents. Will adjust a bit after MC for some stuff, visits, calls, holidays spent together, but will never coddle or be a helicopter parent.
I just realised you might have meant if they want a family, not if they had any 😅 Morgan - not particularly, but wouldn’t be opposed to it with the right person Eli - yes, at least one heir Ragnar - yes! Blake - would prefer not to, doesn't think they’ll be a good parent And they’re probably right Kitai - would like one or two, but not a dealbreaker if MC doesn’t want any Fion - a bit traumatised by their family, would require a lot of convincing, but secretly wants a loving family not like the one they grew up with Sei - eventually, maybe, but not a priority and only if MC really wants one
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